From aaebfffb520ed18c53c62fc69ee68de64fe2e70f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yyyfor Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 14:42:24 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Create 20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For --- ...6 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For | 292 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 292 insertions(+) create mode 100644 translated/tech/20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For diff --git a/translated/tech/20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For b/translated/tech/20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5bdf056669 --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/tech/20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +25本免费学习linux的书 +====== +简介: 在这篇文章中,我将与你分享**免费学习Linux**的最佳资源。这是一个网站,在线视频课程和免费电子书的集合。 + +**如何学习linux?** + +这可能是 Facebook Linux 用户群组中最常见的问题。 + +'如何学习linux'这个看起来简单的问题的答案并不简单。 + +问题在于不同的人对于学习 linux 有不同的意义。 +* 比如有人从来没有使用过 Linux,无论是命令行还是桌面版本,那个人可能只是想知道更多关于它的信息。 +* 比如有人使用 Windows 作为桌面,但必须在工作中使用 Linux 命令行,那个人可能对学习 Linux 命令感兴趣。 +* 比如有人已经使用过一段时间的 Linux,而且懂得一些基础,但他/她可能想要更上一层楼。 +* 比如有人只是对 Linux 特定的发行版本感兴趣。 +* 比如有人想要改进或学习几乎与 Linux 命令行差不多的Bash脚本。 +* 比如有人想要从事一个 Linux 系统管理员的职业,或者想提高他/她的系统管理技能。 + +你看,'我如何学习Linux'的答案取决于你追求什么样的 linux 知识。为此,我收集了大量能用来学习Linux的资源 + +这些免费的资源包括电子书,视频课程,网站等。这些资源分成几个子类别,以便当你试图学习 Linux 时可以很容易地找到你想要的东西。 + +再者,这里没有**最好的方式来学习Linux**。这完全取决于你如何去学习 Linux,通过在线门户网站,下载电子书,视频课程或者其他。 + +让我们看看你能如何学习 Linux。 + +**免责声明** : 这里列举的所有书都可以合法的下载。 据我所知,这里提到的资源都是官方的资源。但是,如果你发现它不是,请让我知道以便我可以采取适当的措施。 + +![Best Free eBooks to learn Linux for Free][1] + +## 1. 对于完全新手的免费资料 + +也许你刚刚从朋友那里或者从网上的讨论中听到了 Linux。关于 Linux 的炒作让你对Linux很感兴趣,你被互联网上的大量信息所淹没,不知道在哪里寻找更多的关于Linux的知识。 + +不用担心, 我们中的大多数, 即使不是全部, 已经来到你的身边 + +### Linux基金会关于Linux的介绍 [Video Course] + +如果你对于什么是Linux和如何开始学习Linux完全没有概念的话,我建议你从学习Linux基金会[Linux Foundation][2]在[edX][3]提供的免费的视频课程开始。 +把它当做一个'维护'Linux组织的官方的课程。是的,它是由Linux之父[Linus Torvalds][4]赞同的 + +[Introduction To Linux][5] + +### Linux 旅程 [Online Portal] + +不是官方的,也许不是很受欢迎。但是这个小网站对于初学者来说是一个Linux学习的完美场所。 + +该网站设计精美,并根据主题组织得很好。它给你提供了能够在阅读完一个片段或章节后的进行的互动式测验。我的建议,收藏这个网站: +[Linux Journey][6] + +### 5天学习Linux [eBook] + +这本出色的书对于它专门的 FOSS 读者 来说完全的免费,这完全得感谢[Linux Training Academy][7]。 + +为了完全的新手而写,这本免费的 Linux 电子书给你一个关于 Linux的概述,常用的 Linux指令和你开始学习 Linux 所需要的其他东西 + +你能够从下面的网页下载书: + +[Learn Linux In 5 Days][8] + +### 终极的Linux新手指南 [eBook] + +这是一本Linux初学者可以免费下载的电子书。电子书从解释什么是 Linux 开始,然后继续提供了更多Linux作为桌面的实际的使用。 + +您可以从下面的链接下载最新版本的电子书: + +[The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide][9] + +## 2. 初学者进阶的免费书籍 + +本节列出了那些已经"完成"的 Linux 电子书。 + +我的意思是,这些之中的大部分就像是专注于 Linux 的每个方面的学术教科书。你可以作为一个绝对的新手阅读这些书或者你可以作为一个中级的 Linux 用户来深入学习。即使你已经是专家级,你也可以把它们作为参考 + +### Introduction to Linux [eBook] + +Linux 简介是[The Linux Documentation Project][10]的免费电子书,而且它是最热门的 Linux 免费电子书之一。即使我认为其中的部分段落需要更新,它仍然是一本非常好的电子书来教你 Linux,Linux 的文件系统,命令行,网络和其他相关的东西。 + +[Introduction To Linux][11] + +### Linux 基础 [eBook] + +这本由 Paul Cobbaut 编写的免费的电子书教你关于 Linux 的历史,安装和你需要知道的基本的 Linux 命令。你能够从下列链接上得到这本书: + +[Linux Fundamentals][12] + +### 高级的 Linux 编程[eBook] + +顾名思义,这是一本对于想要或者正在开发 Linux 软件的高级用户的书。它解决了负责的功能比如多进程,多线程,进程间通信以及和硬件设备的交互。 + +跟着这本书学习会帮你开发一个更快速,更可靠,更安全的使用 GNU/Linux 系统全部功能的项目 + +[Advanced Linux Programming][13] + +### Linux From Scratch(就是一种从网上直接下载源码,从头编译LINUX的安装方式) [eBook] + +如果你认为自己对Linux有足够的了解,并且你是一个专业人士,那么为什么不创建自己的Linux版本呢? Linux From Scratch(LFS)是一个完全基于源代码,为你构建你自定义的 Linux 系统提供手把手的指导。 + +把它叫做 DIY Linux 但是它是一个把你的 Linux 专业知识提高到新的高度的方法。 + +这里有许多的关于这个项目的子项目,你能够在这个网站上查看和下载。 + +[Linux From Scratch][14] + +## 3.免费的电子书来学习 Linux 命令和 Shell脚本 + +Linux 的真正强大在于命令行,如果你想要征服 Linux,你必须学习命令行和shell + +事实上,如果你必须在你的工作中使用Linux终端,那么熟悉Linux命令行实际上会帮助你完成任务,也有可能帮助你提高你的职业生涯(因为你会更有效率)。 + +在本节中,我们将看到各种Linux命令的免费电子书。 + +### GNU/Linux Command−Line Tools Summary [eBook] + +这本Linux文档项目中的电子书是接触Linux命令行并开始熟悉Shell脚本的好地方 + +[GNU/Linux Command−Line Tools Summary][15] + +### 来自 GNU 的 Bash 参考指南[eBook] + +这是一本从[GNU][16]下载的免费电子书。 就像名字暗示的那样, 它涉及 Bash Shell (如果我能这么叫的话). 这本书有超过175页而且它包括了许多在 Bash里和 Linux有关的主题。 + +你能够从下面的链接中获取: + +[Bash Reference Manual][17] + +### Linux 命令行 [eBook] + +这本500多页的由William Shotts编写的免费电子书,对于那些认真学习Linux命令行的人来说,是一本必须拥有的书。 + +即使你认为你知道关于Linux的东西,你还是会惊讶于这本书能教你很多东西。 + +它涵盖了从初学者到高级的东西。我敢打赌读完这本书之后你会成为一个更好的Linux用户。请下载这本书并且随时携带它。 + +[The Linux Command Line][18] + +### Bash 入门指南 [eBook] + +如果你是想从 Bash 脚本开始,这可能对于你来说是一个很好的助手。 Linux 文档项目又是这本电子书的基础,它是编写 Linux 介绍的电子书的作者(本文前面讨论过)。 + +[Bash Guide for Beginners][19] + +### 高级的 Bash 脚本指南[eBook] + +如果你认为你已经知道了基本的Bash脚本的知识,并且你想把你的技能提高到一个新的水平,这本书就是你所需要的。这本书有超过900页的各种高级命令和举例。 + +[Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide][20] + +### AWK 编程语言 [eBook] + +这不是最漂亮的书,但是如果你真的想要通过脚本研究的更深,这本旧的但是依然发光的书会很有帮助。 + +[The AWK Programming Language][21] + +### Linux 101 黑客 [eBook] + +这本来自 "The Geek Stuf" 的书通过易于跟踪学习的例子教你基本的 Linux 命令行。你能够从下列的链接获取: + +[Linux 101 Hacks][22] + +## 4. 特定版本的免费学习资料 + +这个章节专注于特定 Linux 版本的材料。到目前为止,我们看到的都是常规的 Linux,更多的关注文件系统,命令和其他的核心内容。 + +这些书,在另一方面,可以被认为是用户手册或者开始学习各种各样的 Linux 版本的指南。所以如果你正在使用一个特定的 Linux 版本或者你准备使用它,你可以参考这些资源。是的,这些书更加关注 Linux 桌面。 + +我还想补充的是大部分的 Linux 版本有它们自己的大量的 wiki 或者文档。你能够从网上随时找到它们。 + +### Ubuntu 用户指南 + +不用说这本书是针对 Ubuntu 用户的。这是一个独立的项目在免费的电子书中提供 Ubuntun 的用户指南。它对于每个版本的 Ubuntu 都有更新。 + +这本书被叫做用户指南因为它是由一步步的指导组成而且受众目标是对于 Ubuntu 绝对的新手。所以,你会去了解 Unity 桌面,怎样慢慢走近而且查找应用等等。 + +如果你从来没有使用过 Ubuntu Unity 那么这是一本你必须拥有的书因为它帮助你理解怎样在日常中使用 Ubuntu。 + +[Ubuntu Manual][23] + +### 对于 Linux Mint: 只要告诉我 Damnit! [eBook] + +一本非常基本的关于 Linux Mint 的电子书。它告诉你怎么样在虚拟机中安装 Linux Mint,怎么样去查找软件,安装更新和自定义 Linux Mint 桌面。 + +你能够在下面的链接下载电子书: + +[Just Tell Me Damnit!][24] + +### Solus Linux 用户指南 [eBook] + +注意!这本书过去是 Solus Linux 的官方用户指南但是我找不到 Solux 项目的网站上在哪里有提到它。我不知道它是不是已经过时了。尽管如此,学习一点Solu Linux 并不是受到伤害,不是吗? + +[Solus Linux User Guide][25] + +## 5. 对于系统管理者的免费电子书 + +这个章节主要关注与系统管理者,开发者的超级英雄。我已经列了一部分会真正帮助那些已经是系统管理者或者想要成为系统管理者的免费的电子书。我必须补充你必须要关注基本的 Linux 命令行因为它会使你的工作更加简单 + +### The Debian 管理者的手册 [eBook] + +如果你使用 Debian Linux 作为你的服务器,这本书就是你的圣经。这本书从 Debian 的历史,安装,包管理等等开始,接着覆盖一些主题,比如说[LAMP][26],虚拟机,存储管理和其他核心系统管理。 + +[The Debian Administration's Handbook][27] + +### 高级的 Linux 系统管理者[eBook] + +如果在准备[LPI certification][28],那么这本书是一本理想的书。这本书的涉及系统管理员必要的主题。所以了解 Linux 命令行在这个条件下是一个前置条件。 + +[Advanced Linux System Administration][29] + +### Linux 系统管理者 [eBook] + +Paul Cobbaut 编写的另一本免费的电子书。370页长的的书包括了网络,磁盘管理,用户管理,内核管理,库管理等等。 + +[Linux System Administration][30] + +### Linux 服务器 [eBook] + +又一本 Paul Cobbaut 编写的[][31]. 这本书包括了网页服务器,mysql,DHCP,DNS,Samba和其他文件服务器。 + +[Linux Servers][32] + +### Linux 网络 [eBook] + +网络是系统管理者的面包和黄油,这本由 Paul Cobbaut 编写的书是一本好的参考资料。 + +[Linux Networking][33] + +### Linux 存储 [eBook] + +这本由 Paul Cobbaut(对,还是他) 编写的书解释了 Linux 的详细的磁盘管理而且介绍了许多其他的和存储相关的技术 + +[Linux Storage][34] + +### Linux 安全 [eBook] + +这是最后一本在这个书单里由 Paul Cobbaut 编写的书。 安全是系统管理员最重要的工作之一。这本书关注文件权限,acls,SELinux,用户和密码等等。 + +[Linux Security][35] + +## 你最喜爱的 Linux 资料? + +我知道这是一个免费 Linux 电子书的集合。但是它可以做的更好。 + +如果你有其他的在学习 Linux 有更大帮助的资料,请务必和我们共享。请注意只共享合法的下载资料以便我可以根据你的建议更新这篇文章而不会有任何问题。 + +我希望你觉得这篇文章在学习 Linux 时有帮助,欢迎你的反馈。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: + +作者:[Abhishek Prakash][a] +译者:[yyyfor]( +校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 + +[a]: +[1]: +[2]: +[3]: +[4]: +[5]: +[6]: +[7]: +[8]: +[9]: +[10]: +[11]: +[12]: +[13]: +[14]: +[15]: +[16]: +[17]: +[18]: +[19]: +[20]: +[21]: +[22]: +[23]: +[24]: +[25]: +[26]: +[27]: +[28]: +[29]: +[30]: +[31]: +[32]: +[33]: +[34]: +[35]: From 655752207e04463dac51f21651d704fcecaafc25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yyyfor Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 14:43:31 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Delete 20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For --- ...6 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For | 297 ------------------ 1 file changed, 297 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 sources/tech/20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For diff --git a/sources/tech/20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For b/sources/tech/20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For deleted file mode 100644 index 0540be4d67..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For +++ /dev/null @@ -1,297 +0,0 @@ -Translating by yyyfor - -25 Free Books To Learn Linux For Free -====== -Brief: In this article, I'll share with you the best resource to **learn Linux for free**. This is a collection of websites, online video courses and free eBooks. - -**How to learn Linux?** - -This is perhaps the most commonly asked question in our Facebook group for Linux users. - -The answer to this simple looking question 'how to learn Linux' is not at all simple. - -Problem is that different people have different meanings of learning Linux. - - * If someone has never used Linux, be it command line or desktop version, that person might be just wondering to know more about it. - * If someone uses Windows as the desktop but have to use Linux command line at work, that person might be interested in learning Linux commands. - * If someone has been using Linux for sometimes and is aware of the basics but he/she might want to go to the next level. - * If someone is just interested in getting your way around a specific Linux distribution. - * If someone is trying to improve or learn Bash scripting which is almost synonymous with Linux command line. - * If someone is willing to make a career as a Linux SysAdmin or trying to improve his/her sysadmin skills. - - - -You see, the answer to "how do I learn Linux" depends on what kind of Linux knowledge you are seeking. And for this purpose, I have collected a bunch of resources that you could use for learning Linux. - -These free resources include eBooks, video courses, websites etc. And these are divided into sub-categories so that you can easily find what you are looking for when you seek to learn Linux. - -Again, there is no **best way to learn Linux**. It totally up to you how you go about learning Linux, by online web portals, downloaded eBooks, video courses or something else. - -Let's see how you can learn Linux. - -**Disclaimer** : All the books listed here are legal to download. The sources mentioned here are the official sources, as per my knowledge. However, if you find it otherwise, please let me know so that I can take appropriate action. - -![Best Free eBooks to learn Linux for Free][1] - -## 1. Free materials to learn Linux for absolute beginners - -So perhaps you have just heard of Linux from your friends or from a discussion online. You are intrigued about the hype around Linux and you are overwhelmed by the vast information available on the internet but just cannot figure out exactly where to look for to know more about Linux. - -Worry not. Most of us, if not all, have been to your stage. - -### Introduction to Linux by Linux Foundation [Video Course] - -If you have no idea about what is Linux and you want to get started with it, I suggest you to go ahead with the free video course provided by the [Linux Foundation][2] on [edX][3]. Consider it an official course by the organization that 'maintains' Linux. And yes, it is endorsed by [Linus Torvalds][4], the father of Linux himself. - -[Introduction To Linux][5] - -### Linux Journey [Online Portal] - -Not official and perhaps not very popular. But this little website is the perfect place for a no non-sense Linux learning for beginners. - -The website is designed beautifully and is well organized based on the topics. It also has interactive quizzes that you can take after reading a section or chapter. My advice, bookmark this website: - -[Linux Journey][6] - -### Learn Linux in 5 Days [eBook] - -This brilliant eBook is available for free exclusively to It's FOSS readers all thanks to [Linux Training Academy][7]. - -Written for absolute beginners in mind, this free Linux eBook gives you a quick overview of Linux, common Linux commands and other things that you need to learn to get started with Linux. - -You can download the book from the page below: - -[Learn Linux In 5 Days][8] - -### The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide [eBook] - -This is a free to download eBook for Linux beginners. The eBook starts with explaining what is Linux and then go on to provide more practical usage of Linux as a desktop. - -You can download the latest version of this eBook from the link below: - -[The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide][9] - -## 2. Free Linux eBooks for Beginners to Advanced - -This section lists out those Linux eBooks that are 'complete' in nature. - -What I mean is that these are like academic textbooks that focus on each and every aspects of Linux, well most of it. You can read those as an absolute beginner or you can read those for deeper understanding as an intermediate Linux user. You can also use them for reference even if you are at expert level. - -### Introduction to Linux [eBook] - -Introduction to Linux is a free eBook from [The Linux Documentation Project][10] and it is one of the most popular free Linux books out there. Though I think some parts of this book needs to be updated, it is still a very good book to teach you about Linux, its file system, command line, networking and other related stuff. - -[Introduction To Linux][11] - -### Linux Fundamentals [eBook] - -This free eBook by Paul Cobbaut teaches you about Linux history, installation and focuses on the basic Linux commands you should know. You can get the book from the link below: - -[Linux Fundamentals][12] - -### Advanced Linux Programming [eBook] - -As the name suggests, this is for advanced users who are or want to develop software for Linux. It deals with sophisticated features such as multiprocessing, multi-threading, interprocess communication, and interaction with hardware devices. - -Following the book will help you develop a faster, reliable and secure program that uses the full capability of a GNU/Linux system. - -[Advanced Linux Programming][13] - -### Linux From Scratch [eBook] - -If you think you know enough about Linux and you are a pro, then why not create your own Linux distribution? Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own custom Linux system, entirely from source code. - -Call it DIY Linux but this is a great way to put your Linux expertise to the next level. - -There are various sub-parts of this project, you can check it out on its website and download the books from there. - -[Linux From Scratch][14] - -## 3. Free eBooks to learn Linux command line and Shell scripting - -The real power of Linux lies in the command line and if you want to conquer Linux, you must learn Linux command line and Shell scripting. - -In fact, if you have to work on Linux terminal on your job, having a good knowledge of Linux command line will actually help you in your tasks and perhaps help you in advancing your career as well (as you'll be more efficient). - -In this section, we'll see various Linux commands free eBooks. - -### GNU/Linux Command−Line Tools Summary [eBook] - -This eBook from The Linux Documentation Project is a good place to begin with Linux command line and get acquainted with Shell scripting. - -[GNU/Linux Command−Line Tools Summary][15] - -### Bash Reference Manual from GNU [eBook] - -This is a free eBook to download from [GNU][16]. As the name suggests, it deals with Bash Shell (if I can call that). This book has over 175 pages and it covers a number of topics around Linux command line in Bash. - -You can get it from the link below: - -[Bash Reference Manual][17] - -### The Linux Command Line [eBook] - -This 500+ pages of free eBook by William Shotts is the MUST HAVE for anyone who is serious about learning Linux command line. - -Even if you think you know things about Linux, you'll be amazed at how much this book still teaches you. - -It covers things from beginners to advanced level. I bet that you'll be a hell lot of better Linux user after reading this book. Download it and keep it with you always. - -[The Linux Command Line][18] - -### Bash Guide for Beginners [eBook] - -If you just want to get started with Bash scripting, this could be a good companion for you. The Linux Documentation Project is behind this eBook again and it's the same author who wrote Introduction to Linux eBook (discussed earlier in this article). - -[Bash Guide for Beginners][19] - -### Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide [eBook] - -If you think you already know basics of Bash scripting and you want to take your skills to the next level, this is what you need. This book has over 900+ pages of various advanced commands and their examples. - -[Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide][20] - -### The AWK Programming Language [eBook] - -Not the prettiest book here but if you really need to go deeper with your scripts, this old-yet-gold book could be helpful. - -[The AWK Programming Language][21] - -### Linux 101 Hacks [eBook] - -This 270 pages eBook from The Geek Stuff teaches you the essentials of Linux command lines with easy to follow practical examples. You can get the book from the link below: - -[Linux 101 Hacks][22] - -## 4. Distribution specific free learning material - -This section deals with material that are dedicated to a certain Linux distribution. What we saw so far was the Linux in general, more focused on file systems, commands and other core stuff. - -These books, on the other hand, can be termed as manual or getting started guide for various Linux distributions. So if you are using a certain Linux distribution or planning to use it, you can refer to these resources. And yes, these books are more desktop Linux focused. - -I would also like to add that most Linux distributions have their own wiki or documentation section which are often pretty vast. You can always refer to them when you are online. - -### Ubuntu Manual - -Needless to say that this eBook is for Ubuntu users. It's an independent project that provides Ubuntu manual in the form of free eBook. It is updated for each version of Ubuntu. - -The book is rightly called manual because it is basically a composition of step by step instruction and aimed at absolute beginners to Ubuntu. So, you get to know Unity desktop, how to go around it and find applications etc. - -It's a must have if you never used Ubuntu Unity because it helps you to figure out how to use Ubuntu for your daily usage. - -[Ubuntu Manual][23] - -### For Linux Mint: Just Tell Me Damnit! [eBook] - -A very basic eBook that focuses on Linux Mint. It shows you how to install Linux Mint in a virtual machine, how to find software, install updates and customize the Linux Mint desktop. - -You can download the eBook from the link below: - -[Just Tell Me Damnit!][24] - -### Solus Linux Manual [eBook] - -Caution! This used to be the official manual from Solus Linux but I cannot find its mentioned on Solus Project's website anymore. I don't know if it's outdated or not. But in any case, a little something about Solu Linux won't really hurt, will it? - -[Solus Linux User Guide][25] - -## 5. Free eBooks for SysAdmin - -This section is dedicated to the SysAdmins, the superheroes for developers. I have listed a few free eBooks here for SysAdmin which will surely help anyone who is already a SysAdmin or aspirs to be one. I must add that you should also focus on essential Linux command lines as it will make your job easier. - -### The Debian Administration's Handbook [eBook] - -If you use Debian Linux for your servers, this is your bible. Book starts with Debian history, installation, package management etc and then moves on to cover topics like [LAMP][26], virtual machines, storage management and other core sysadmin stuff. - -[The Debian Administration's Handbook][27] - -### Advanced Linux System Administration [eBook] - -This is an ideal book if you are preparing for [LPI certification][28]. The book deals straightway to the topics essential for sysadmins. So knowledge of Linux command line is a prerequisite in this case. - -[Advanced Linux System Administration][29] - -### Linux System Administration [eBook] - -Another free eBook by Paul Cobbaut. The 370 pages long eBook covers networking, disk management, user management, kernel management, library management etc. - -[Linux System Administration][30] - -### Linux Servers [eBook] - -One more eBook from Paul Cobbaut of [][31]. This book covers web servers, mysql, DHCP, DNS, Samba and other file servers. - -[Linux Servers][32] - -### Linux Networking [eBook] - -Networking is the bread and butter of a SysAdmin, and this book by Paul Cobbaut (again) is a good reference material. - -[Linux Networking][33] - -### Linux Storage [eBook] - -This book by Paul Cobbaut (yes, him again) explains disk management on Linux in detail and introduces a lot of other storage-related technologies. - -[Linux Storage][34] - -### Linux Security [eBook] - -This is the last eBook by Paul Cobbaut in our list here. Security is one of the most important part of a sysadmin's job. This book focuses on file permissions, acls, SELinux, users and passwords etc. - -[Linux Security][35] - -## Your favorite Linux learning material? - -I know that this is a good collection of free Linux eBooks. But this could always be made better. - -If you have some other resources that could be helpful in learning Linux, do share with us. Please note to share only the legal downloads so that I can update this article with your suggestion(s) without any problem. - -I hope you find this article helpful in learning Linux. Your feedback is welcome :) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: - -作者:[Abhishek Prakash][a] -译者:[译者ID](译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 - -[a]: -[1]: -[2]: -[3]: -[4]: -[5]: -[6]: -[7]: -[8]: -[9]: -[10]: -[11]: -[12]: -[13]: -[14]: -[15]: -[16]: -[17]: -[18]: -[19]: -[20]: -[21]: -[22]: -[23]: -[24]: -[25]: -[26]: -[27]: -[28]: -[29]: -[30]: -[31]: -[32]: -[33]: -[34]: -[35]: