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-translating by dianbanjiu
-How to use Pandoc to produce a research paper
-Learn how to manage section references, figures, tables, and more in Markdown.
-This article takes a deep dive into how to produce a research paper using (mostly) [Markdown][1] syntax. We'll cover how to create and reference sections, figures (in Markdown and [LaTeX][2]) and bibliographies. We'll also discuss troublesome cases and why writing them in LaTeX is the right approach.
-### Research
-Research papers usually contain references to sections, figures, tables, and a bibliography. [Pandoc][3] by itself cannot easily cross-reference these, but it can leverage the [pandoc-crossref][4] filter to do the automatic numbering and cross-referencing of sections, figures, and tables.
-Let’s start by rewriting [an example of an educational research paper][5] originally written in LaTeX and rewrites it in Markdown (and some LaTeX) with Pandoc and pandoc-crossref.
-#### Adding and referencing sections
-Sections are automatically numbered and must be written using the Markdown heading H1. Subsections are written with subheadings H2-H4 (it is uncommon to need more than that). For example, to write a section titled “Implementation”, write `# Implementation {#sec:implementation}`, and Pandoc produces `3. Implementation` (or the corresponding numbered section). The title “Implementation” uses heading H1 and declares a label `{#sec:implementation}` that authors can use to refer to that section. To reference a section, type the `@` symbol followed by the label of the section and enclose it in square brackets: `[@sec:implementation]`.
-[In this paper][5], we find the following example:
-we lack experience (consistency between TAs, [@sec:implementation]).
-Pandoc produces:
-we lack experience (consistency between TAs, Section 4).
-Sections are numbered automatically (this is covered in the `Makefile` at the end of the article). To create unnumbered sections, type the title of the section, followed by `{-}`. For example, `### Designing a game for maintainability {-}` creates an unnumbered subsection with the title “Designing a game for maintainability”.
-#### Adding and referencing figures
-Adding and referencing a figure is similar to referencing a section and adding a Markdown image:
-The line above tells Pandoc that there is a figure with the caption Scatterplot matrix and the path to the image is `data/scatterplots/RScatterplotMatrix2.png`. `{#fig:scatter-matrix}` declares the name that should be used to reference the figure.
-Here is an example of a figure reference from the example paper:
-The boxes "Enjoy", "Grade" and "Motivation" ([@fig:scatter-matrix]) ...
-Pandoc produces the following output:
-The boxes "Enjoy", "Grade" and "Motivation" (Fig. 1) ...
-#### Adding and referencing a bibliography
-Most research papers keep references in a BibTeX database file. In this example, this file is named [biblio.bib][6] and it contains all the references of the paper. Here is what this file looks like:
- Author = {Wrigstad, Tobias and Castegren, Elias},
- Booktitle = {SPLASH-E},
- Title = {Mastery Learning-Like Teaching with Achievements},
- Year = 2017
- Author = {A. Mora and D. Riera and C. Gonzalez and J. Arnedo-Moreno},
- Publisher = {IEEE},
- Booktitle = {2015 7th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds
- for Serious Applications (VS-Games)},
- Doi = {10.1109/VS-GAMES.2015.7295760},
- Keywords = {formal specification;serious games (computing);design
- framework;formal design process;game components;game design
- elements;gamification design frameworks;gamification-based
- solutions;Bibliographies;Context;Design
- methodology;Ethics;Games;Proposals},
- Month = {Sept},
- Pages = {1-8},
- Title = {A Literature Review of Gamification Design Frameworks},
- Year = 2015,
- Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VS-GAMES.2015.7295760}
-The first line, `@inproceedings{wrigstad2017mastery,`, declares the type of publication (`inproceedings`) and the label used to refer to that paper (`wrigstad2017mastery`).
-To cite the paper with its title, Mastery Learning-Like Teaching with Achievements, type:
-the achievement-driven learning methodology [@wrigstad2017mastery]
-Pandoc will output:
-the achievement- driven learning methodology [30]
-The paper we will produce includes a bibliography section with numbered references like these:
-Citing a collection of articles is easy: Simply cite each article, separating the labeled references using a semi-colon: `;`. If there are two labeled references—i.e., `SEABORN201514` and `gamification-leaderboard-benefits`—cite them together, like this:
-Thus, the most important benefit is its potential to increase students' motivation
-and engagement [@SEABORN201514;@gamification-leaderboard-benefits].
-Pandoc will produce:
-Thus, the most important benefit is its potential to increase students’ motivation
-and engagement [26, 28]
-### Problematic cases
-A common problem involves objects that do not fit in the page. They then float to wherever they fit best, even if that position is not where the reader expects to see it. Since papers are easier to read when figures or tables appear close to where they are mentioned, we need to have some control over where these elements are placed. For this reason, I recommend the use of the `figure` LaTeX environment, which enables users to control the positioning of figures.
-Let’s take the figure example shown above:
-And rewrite it in LaTeX:
-\caption{\label{fig:matrix}Scatterplot matrix}
-In LaTeX, the `[t]` option in the `figure` environment declares that the image should be placed at the top of the page. For more options, refer to the Wikibooks article [LaTex/Floats, Figures, and Captions][7].
-### Producing the paper
-So far, we've covered how to add and reference (sub-)sections and figures and cite the bibliography—now let's review how to produce the research paper in PDF format. To generate the PDF, we will use Pandoc to generate a LaTeX file that can be compiled to the final PDF. We will also discuss how to generate the research paper in LaTeX using a customized template and a meta-information file, and how to compile the LaTeX document into its final PDF form.
-Most conferences provide a **.cls** file or a template that specifies how papers should look; for example, whether they should use a two-column format and other design treatments. In our example, the conference provided a file named **acmart.cls**.
-Authors are generally expected to include the institution to which they belong in their papers. However, this option was not included in the default Pandoc’s LaTeX template (note that the Pandoc template can be inspected by typing `pandoc -D latex`). To include the affiliation, take the default Pandoc’s LaTeX template and add a new field. The Pandoc template was copied into a file named `mytemplate.tex` as follows:
-pandoc -D latex > mytemplate.tex
-The default template contains the following code:
-\author{$for(author)$$author$$sep$ \and $endfor$}
-\institute{$for(institute)$$institute$$sep$ \and $endfor$}
-Because the template should include the author’s affiliation and email address, among other things, we updated it to include these fields (we made other changes as well but did not include them here due to the file length):
- $if(author.name)$
- \author{$author.name$}
- $if(author.affiliation)$
- \affiliation{\institution{$author.affiliation$}}
- $endif$
- $if(author.email)$
- \email{$author.email$}
- $endif$
- $else$
- $author$
- $endif$
-With these changes in place, we should have the following files:
- * `main.md` contains the research paper
- * `biblio.bib` contains the bibliographic database
- * `acmart.cls` is the class of the document that we should use
- * `mytemplate.tex` is the template file to use (instead of the default)
-Let’s add the meta-information of the paper in a `meta.yaml`file:
-template: 'mytemplate.tex'
-documentclass: acmart
-classoption: sigconf
-title: The impact of opt-in gamification on `\\`{=latex} students' grades in a software design course
-- name: Kiko Fernandez-Reyes
- affiliation: Uppsala University
- email: kiko.fernandez@it.uu.se
-- name: Dave Clarke
- affiliation: Uppsala University
- email: dave.clarke@it.uu.se
-- name: Janina Hornbach
- affiliation: Uppsala University
- email: janina.hornbach@fek.uu.se
-bibliography: biblio.bib
-abstract: |
- An achievement-driven methodology strives to give students more control over their learning with enough flexibility to engage them in deeper learning. (more stuff continues)
-include-before: |
- \```{=latex}
- \copyrightyear{2018}
- \acmYear{2018}
- \setcopyright{acmlicensed}
- \acmConference[MODELS '18 Companion]{ACM/IEEE 21th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems}{October 14--19, 2018}{Copenhagen, Denmark}
- \acmBooktitle{ACM/IEEE 21th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '18 Companion), October 14--19, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark}
- \acmPrice{XX.XX}
- \acmDOI{10.1145/3270112.3270118}
- \acmISBN{978-1-4503-5965-8/18/10}
- \begin{CCSXML}
- 10010405.10010489
- Applied computing~Education
- 500
- \end{CCSXML}
- \ccsdesc[500]{Applied computing~Education}
- \keywords{gamification, education, software design, UML}
- \```
- - "Fig."
- - "Figs."
- - "Section"
- - "Sections"
-This meta-information file sets the following variables in LaTeX:
- * `template` refers to the template to use (‘mytemplate.tex’)
- * `documentclass` refers to the LaTeX document class to use (`acmart`)
- * `classoption` refers to the options of the class, in this case `sigconf`
- * `title` specifies the title of the paper
- * `author` is an object that contains other fields, such as `name`, `affiliation`, and `email`.
- * `bibliography`refers to the file that contains the bibliography (biblio.bib)
- * `abstract` contains the abstract of the paper
- * `include-before`is information that should be included before the actual content of the paper; this is known as the [preamble][8] in LaTeX. I have included it here to show how to generate a computer science paper, but you may choose to skip it
- * `figPrefix` specifies how to refer to figures in the document, i.e., what should be displayed when one refers to the figure `[@fig:scatter-matrix]`. For example, the current `figPrefix` produces in the example `The boxes "Enjoy", "Grade" and "Motivation" ([@fig:scatter-matrix])` this output: `The boxes "Enjoy", "Grade" and "Motivation" (Fig. 3)`. If there are multiple figures, the current setup declares that it should instead display `Figs.` next to the figure numbers.
- * `secPrefix` specifies how to refer to sections mentioned elsewhere in the document (similar to figures, described above)
-Now that the meta-information is set, let’s create a `Makefile` that produces the desired output. This `Makefile` uses Pandoc to produce the LaTeX file, `pandoc-crossref` to produce the cross-references, `pdflatex` to compile the LaTeX to PDF, and `bibtex `to process the references.
-The `Makefile` is shown below:
-all: paper
- @pandoc -s -F pandoc-crossref --natbib meta.yaml --template=mytemplate.tex -N \
- -f markdown -t latex+raw_tex+tex_math_dollars+citations -o main.tex main.md
- @pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
- @bibtex main &> /dev/null
- @pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
- @pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
- rm main.aux main.tex main.log main.bbl main.blg main.out
-.PHONY: all clean paper
-Pandoc uses the following flags:
- * `-s` to create a standalone LaTeX document
- * `-F pandoc-crossref` to make use of the filter `pandoc-crossref`
- * `--natbib` to render the bibliography with `natbib` (you can also choose `--biblatex`)
- * `--template` sets the template file to use
- * `-N` to number the section headings
- * `-f` and `-t` specify the conversion from and to which format. `-t` usually contains the format and is followed by the Pandoc extensions used. In the example, we declared `raw_tex+tex_math_dollars+citations` to allow use of `raw_tex` LaTeX in the middle of the Markdown file. `tex_math_dollars` enables us to type math formulas as in LaTeX, and `citations` enables us to use [this extension][9].
-To generate a PDF from LaTeX, follow the guidelines [from bibtex][10] to process the bibliography:
-@pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
-@bibtex main &> /dev/null
-@pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
-@pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
-The script contains `@` to ignore the output, and we redirect the file handle of the standard output and error to `/dev/null`so that we don’t see the output generated from the execution of these commands.
-The final result is shown below. The repository for the article can be found [on GitHub][11]:
-### Conclusion
-In my opinion, research is all about collaboration, dissemination of ideas, and improving the state of the art in whatever field one happens to be in. Most computer scientists and engineers write papers using the LaTeX document system, which provides excellent support for math. Researchers from the social sciences seem to stick to DOCX documents.
-When researchers from different communities write papers together, they should first discuss which format they will use. While DOCX may not be convenient for engineers if there is math involved, LaTeX may be troublesome for researchers who lack a programming background. As this article shows, Markdown is an easy-to-use language that can be used by both engineers and social scientists.
-via: https://opensource.com/article/18/9/pandoc-research-paper
-作者:[Kiko Fernandez-Reyes][a]
-本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
-[a]: https://opensource.com/users/kikofernandez
-[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972
-[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown
-[2]: https://www.latex-project.org/
-[3]: https://pandoc.org/
-[4]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/
-[5]: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3270118
-[6]: https://github.com/kikofernandez/pandoc-examples/blob/master/research-paper/biblio.bib
-[7]: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Floats,_Figures_and_Captions#Figures
-[8]: https://www.sharelatex.com/learn/latex/Creating_a_document_in_LaTeX#The_preamble_of_a_document
-[9]: http://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#citations
-[10]: http://www.bibtex.org/Using/
-[11]: https://github.com/kikofernandez/pandoc-examples/tree/master/research-paper
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+用 Pandoc 做一篇调研论文
+学习如何用 Markdown 管理引用、图像、表格、以及更多。
+这篇文章对于使用 [Markdown][1] 语法做一篇调研论文进行了一个深度体验。覆盖了如何创建和引用、图像(用 Markdown 和 [LaTeX][2])和参考书目。我们也讨论了一些棘手的案例和为什么使用 LaTex 是一个正确的做法。
+### 调查
+调研论文一般包括引用、图像、表格和参考书目。[Pandoc][3] 本身并不能交叉引用这些,但是但是它能够利用 [pandoc-crossref][4] 过滤来完成自动编号和章节、图像、表格的交叉引用。
+让我们开始正常的使用 LaTax 重写 [一个教育调研报告的例子][5],然后用 Markdown(和一些 LaTax)、Pandoc 和 Pandoc-crossref 再重写。
+#### 添加并引用章节
+要想章节被自动编号,必须使用 Markdown 标题 H1 编写。子章节使用子标题 H2-H4 编写(通常不需要更多的东西)。例如一个章节的标题是 “履行”,写作 `# 履行 {#sec: 履行}`,然后 Pandoc 会把它转化为 `3. 履行`(或者转换为相应的章节标号)。`履行` 这个标题使用了 H1 并且声明了一个 `{#sec: 履行}` 的标签,这是作者引用了该章节的标签。要想引用一个章节,在对应章节后面输入 `@` 符号并使用方括号括起来即可: `[@sec:履行]`
+[在这篇论文中][5], 我们发现了下面这个例子:
+we lack experience (consistency between TAs, [@sec:implementation]).
+Pandoc 转换:
+we lack experience (consistency between TAs, Section 4).
+章节被自动(这包含在文章最后的 `Makefile` 当中)标号。要创建无标号的章节,输入章节的标题并在最后添加 `{-}`。例如:`### 设计一个可维护的游戏 {-}` 就以标题 “设计一个可维护的游戏”,创建了一个无标号的章节。
+#### 添加并引用图像
+添加并引用一个图像,跟添加并引用一个章节和添加一个 Markdown 图片很相似:
+上面这一行是告诉 Pandoc,有一个标有 Scatterplot matrix 的图像以及这张图片路径是 `data/scatterplots/RScatterplotMatrix2.png`。`{#fig:scatter-matrix}` 表明了应该引用的图像的名字。
+The boxes "Enjoy", "Grade" and "Motivation" ([@fig:scatter-matrix]) ...
+Pandoc 产生如下输出:
+The boxes "Enjoy", "Grade" and "Motivation" (Fig. 1) ...
+#### 添加及引用参考书目
+大多数调研报告都把引用放在一个 BibTeX 的数据库文件中。在这个例子中,该文件被命名为 [biblio.bib][6],它包含了论文中所有的引用。下面是这个文件的样子:
+ Author = {Wrigstad, Tobias and Castegren, Elias},
+ Booktitle = {SPLASH-E},
+ Title = {Mastery Learning-Like Teaching with Achievements},
+ Year = 2017
+ Author = {A. Mora and D. Riera and C. Gonzalez and J. Arnedo-Moreno},
+ Publisher = {IEEE},
+ Booktitle = {2015 7th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds
+ for Serious Applications (VS-Games)},
+ Doi = {10.1109/VS-GAMES.2015.7295760},
+ Keywords = {formal specification;serious games (computing);design
+ framework;formal design process;game components;game design
+ elements;gamification design frameworks;gamification-based
+ solutions;Bibliographies;Context;Design
+ methodology;Ethics;Games;Proposals},
+ Month = {Sept},
+ Pages = {1-8},
+ Title = {A Literature Review of Gamification Design Frameworks},
+ Year = 2015,
+ Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VS-GAMES.2015.7295760}
+第一行的 `@inproceedings{wrigstad2017mastery,` 表明了出版物 (`inproceedings`) 的类型,以及用来指向那篇论文 (`wrigstad2017mastery`) 的标签。
+引用这篇题为 “Mastery Learning-Like Teaching with Achievements” 的论文, 输入:
+the achievement-driven learning methodology [@wrigstad2017mastery]
+Pandoc 将会输出:
+the achievement- driven learning methodology [30]
+引用文章的集合也很容易:只要引用使用分号 `;` 分隔开被标记的参考文献就可以了。如果一个引用有两个标签 —— 例如: `SEABORN201514` 和 `gamification-leaderboard-benefits`—— 像下面这样把它们放在一起引用:
+Thus, the most important benefit is its potential to increase students' motivation
+and engagement [@SEABORN201514;@gamification-leaderboard-benefits].
+Pandoc 将会产生:
+Thus, the most important benefit is its potential to increase students’ motivation
+and engagement [26, 28]
+### 问题案例
+一个常见的问题是项目与页面不匹配。不匹配的部分会自动移动到它们认为合适的地方,即便这些位置并不是读者期望看到的位置。因此在图像或者表格接近于它们被提及的地方时,我们需要调节一下它们在此处的元素组合,使得他们更加易于阅读。为了达到这个效果,我建议使用 `figure` 这个 LaTeX 环境参数,它可以让用户控制图像的位置。
+然后使用 LaTeX 重写:
+\caption{\label{fig:matrix}Scatterplot matrix}
+在 LaTeX 中,`figure` 环境参数中的 `[t]` 选项表示这张图用该位于该页的最顶部。有关更多选项,参阅 [LaTex/Floats, Figures, and Captions][7] 这篇 Wikibooks 的文章。
+### 产生一篇论文
+到目前为止,我们讲了如何添加和引用(子)章节、图像和参考书目,现在让我们重温一下如何生产一篇 PDF 格式的论文,生成 PDF,我们将使用 Pandoc 生成一篇可以被构建成最终 PDF 的 LaTeX 文件。我们还会讨论如何以 LaTeX,使用一套自定义的模板和元信息文件生成一篇调研论文,以及如何构建 LaTeX 文档为最终的 PDF 格式。
+很多会议都提供了一个 **.cls** 文件或者一套论文该有样子的模板; 例如,他们是否应该使用两列的格式以及其他的设计风格。在我们的例子中,会议提供了一个名为 **acmart.cls** 的文件。
+作者通常想要在他们的论文中包含他们所属的机构,然而,这个选项并没有包含在默认的 Pandoc 的 LaTeX 模板(注意,可以通过输入 `pandoc -D latex` 来查看 Pandoc 模板)当中。要包含这个内容,找一个 Pandoc 默认的 LaTeX 模板,并添加一些新的内容。将这个模板像下面这样复制进一个名为 `mytemplate.tex` 的文件中:
+pandoc -D latex > mytemplate.tex
+\author{$for(author)$$author$$sep$ \and $endfor$}
+\institute{$for(institute)$$institute$$sep$ \and $endfor$}
+ $if(author.name)$
+ \author{$author.name$}
+ $if(author.affiliation)$
+ \affiliation{\institution{$author.affiliation$}}
+ $endif$
+ $if(author.email)$
+ \email{$author.email$}
+ $endif$
+ $else$
+ $author$
+ $endif$
+ * `main.md` 包含调研论文
+ * `biblio.bib` 包含参考书目数据库
+ * `acmart.cls` 我们使用的文档的集合
+ * `mytemplate.tex` 是我们使用的模板文件(代替默认的)
+让我们添加论文的元信息到一个 `meta.yaml` 文件:
+template: 'mytemplate.tex'
+documentclass: acmart
+classoption: sigconf
+title: The impact of opt-in gamification on `\\`{=latex} students' grades in a software design course
+- name: Kiko Fernandez-Reyes
+ affiliation: Uppsala University
+ email: kiko.fernandez@it.uu.se
+- name: Dave Clarke
+ affiliation: Uppsala University
+ email: dave.clarke@it.uu.se
+- name: Janina Hornbach
+ affiliation: Uppsala University
+ email: janina.hornbach@fek.uu.se
+bibliography: biblio.bib
+abstract: |
+ An achievement-driven methodology strives to give students more control over their learning with enough flexibility to engage them in deeper learning. (more stuff continues)
+include-before: |
+ \```{=latex}
+ \copyrightyear{2018}
+ \acmYear{2018}
+ \setcopyright{acmlicensed}
+ \acmConference[MODELS '18 Companion]{ACM/IEEE 21th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems}{October 14--19, 2018}{Copenhagen, Denmark}
+ \acmBooktitle{ACM/IEEE 21th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '18 Companion), October 14--19, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark}
+ \acmPrice{XX.XX}
+ \acmDOI{10.1145/3270112.3270118}
+ \acmISBN{978-1-4503-5965-8/18/10}
+ \begin{CCSXML}
+ 10010405.10010489
+ Applied computing~Education
+ 500
+ \end{CCSXML}
+ \ccsdesc[500]{Applied computing~Education}
+ \keywords{gamification, education, software design, UML}
+ \```
+ - "Fig."
+ - "Figs."
+ - "Section"
+ - "Sections"
+这个元信息文件使用 LaTeX 设置下列参数:
+ * `template` 指向使用的模板(’mytemplate.tex‘)
+ * `documentclass` 指向使用的 LaTeX 文档集合 (`acmart`)
+ * `classoption` 是在 `sigconf` 的案例中,指向这个类的选项
+ * `title` 指定论文的标题
+ * `author` 是一个包含例如 `name`, `affiliation`, 和 `email` 的地方
+ * `bibliography` 指向包含参考书目的文件 (biblio.bib)
+ * `abstract` 包含论文的摘要
+ * `include-before` 是这篇论文的真实内容之前应该被包含的信息;在 LaTeX 中被称为 [前言][8]。我在这里包含它去展示如何产生一篇计算机科学的论文,但是你可以选择跳过
+ * `figPrefix` 指向如何引用文档中的图像,例如:当引用图像的 `[@fig:scatter-matrix]` 时应该显示什么。例如,当前的 `figPrefix` 在这个例子 `The boxes "Enjoy", "Grade" and "Motivation" ([@fig:scatter-matrix])`中,产生了这样的输出:`The boxes "Enjoy", "Grade" and "Motivation" (Fig. 3)`。如果这里有很多图像,目前的设置表明它应该在图像号码旁边显示 `Figs.`。
+ * `secPrefix` 指定如何引用文档中其他地方提到的部分(类似之前的图像和概览)
+现在已经设置好了元信息,让我们来创建一个 `Makefile`,它会产生你想要的输出。`Makefile` 使用 Pandoc 产生 LaTeX 文件,`pandoc-crossref` 产生交叉引用,`pdflatex` 构建 LaTeX 为 PDF,`bibtex ` 处理引用。
+`Makefile` 已经展示如下:
+all: paper
+ @pandoc -s -F pandoc-crossref --natbib meta.yaml --template=mytemplate.tex -N \
+ -f markdown -t latex+raw_tex+tex_math_dollars+citations -o main.tex main.md
+ @pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
+ @bibtex main &> /dev/null
+ @pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
+ @pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
+ rm main.aux main.tex main.log main.bbl main.blg main.out
+.PHONY: all clean paper
+Pandoc 使用下面的标记:
+ * `-s` 创建一个独立的 LaTeX 文档
+ * `-F pandoc-crossref` 利用 `pandoc-crossref` 进行过滤
+ * `--natbib` 用 `natbib` (你也可以选择 `--biblatex`)对参考书目进行渲染
+ * `--template` 设置使用的模板文件
+ * `-N` 为章节的标题编号
+ * `-f` 和 `-t` 指定从哪个格式转换到哪个格式。`-t` 通常包含格式和 Pandoc 使用的扩展。在这个例子中,我们标明的 `raw_tex+tex_math_dollars+citations` 允许在 Markdown 中使用 `raw_tex` LaTeX。 `tex_math_dollars` 让我们能够像在 LaTeX 中一样输入数学符号,`citations` 让我们可以使用 [这个扩展][9].
+由 LaTeX 产生 PDF,接着引导行 [从 bibtex][10] 处理参考书目:
+@pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
+@bibtex main &> /dev/null
+@pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
+@pdflatex main.tex &> /dev/null
+脚本用 `@` 忽略输出,并且重定向标准输出和错误到 `/dev/null` ,因此我们在使用这些命令的可执行文件时不会看到任何的输出。
+最终的结果展示如下。这篇文章的库可以在 [GitHub][11] 找到:
+### 结论
+在我看来,研究的重点是协作,思想的传播,以及在任何一个恰好存在的领域中改进现有的技术。许多计算机科学家和工程师使用 LaTeX 文档系统来写论文,它对数学提供了完美的支持。来自社会科学的调查员似乎更喜欢 DOCX 文档。
+当身处不同社区的调查员一同写一篇论文时,他们首先应该讨论一下他们将要使用哪种格式。然而如果包含太多的数学符号,DOCX 对于工程师来说不会是最简便的选择,LaTeX 对于缺乏编程经验的调查员来说也有一些问题。就像这篇文章中展示的,Markdown 是一门工程师和社会科学家都很轻易能够使用的语言。
+via: https://opensource.com/article/18/9/pandoc-research-paper
+作者:[Kiko Fernandez-Reyes][a]
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
+[a]: https://opensource.com/users/kikofernandez
+[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972
+[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown
+[2]: https://www.latex-project.org/
+[3]: https://pandoc.org/
+[4]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/
+[5]: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3270118
+[6]: https://github.com/kikofernandez/pandoc-examples/blob/master/research-paper/biblio.bib
+[7]: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Floats,_Figures_and_Captions#Figures
+[8]: https://www.sharelatex.com/learn/latex/Creating_a_document_in_LaTeX#The_preamble_of_a_document
+[9]: http://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#citations
+[10]: http://www.bibtex.org/Using/
+[11]: https://github.com/kikofernandez/pandoc-examples/tree/master/research-paper