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[Translated]20160815 The cost of small modules (#4534)
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Translating by Yinr
The cost of small modules
About a year ago I was refactoring a large JavaScript codebase into smaller modules, when I discovered a depressing fact about Browserify and Webpack:
> “The more I modularize my code, the bigger it gets. ”– Nolan Lawson
Later on, Sam Saccone published some excellent research on [Tumblr](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E2w0UQ4RhId5cMYsDcdcNwsgL0gP_S6SDv27yi1mCEY/edit) and [Imgur](https://github.com/perfs/audits/issues/1)‘s page load performance, in which he noted:
> “Over 400ms is being spent simply walking the Browserify tree.”– Sam Saccone
In this post, I’d like to demonstrate that small modules can have a surprisingly high performance cost depending on your choice of bundler and module system. Furthermore, I’ll explain why this applies not only to the modules in your own codebase, but also to the modules within dependencies, which is a rarely-discussed aspect of the cost of third-party code.
### Web perf 101
The more JavaScript included on a page, the slower that page tends to be. Large JavaScript bundles cause the browser to spend more time downloading, parsing, and executing the script, all of which lead to slower load times.
Even when breaking up the code into multiple bundles – Webpack [code splitting](https://webpack.github.io/docs/code-splitting.html), Browserify[factor bundles](https://github.com/substack/factor-bundle), etc. – the cost is merely delayed until later in the page lifecycle. Sooner or later, the JavaScript piper must be paid.
Furthermore, because JavaScript is a dynamic language, and because the prevailing[CommonJS](http://www.commonjs.org/) module system is also dynamic, it’s fiendishly difficult to extract unused code from the final payload that gets shipped to users. You might only need jQuery’s $.ajax, but by including jQuery, you pay the cost of the entire library.
The JavaScript community has responded to this problem by advocating the use of [small modules](http://substack.net/how_I_write_modules). Small modules have a lot of [aesthetic and practical benefits](http://dailyjs.com/2015/07/02/small-modules-complexity-over-size/) – easier to maintain, easier to comprehend, easier to plug together – but they also solve the jQuery problem by promoting the inclusion of small bits of functionality rather than big “kitchen sink” libraries.
So in the “small modules” world, instead of doing:
var _ = require('lodash')
You might do:
var uniq = require('lodash.uniq')
### Packages vs modules
It’s important to note that, when I say “modules,” I’m not talking about “packages” in the npm sense. When you install a package from npm, it might only expose a single module in its public API, but under the hood it could actually be a conglomeration of many modules.
For instance, consider a package like [is-array](https://www.npmjs.com/package/is-array). It has no dependencies and only contains[one JavaScript file](https://github.com/retrofox/is-array/blob/d79f1c90c824416b60517c04f0568b5cd3f8271d/index.js#L6-L33), so it has one module. Simple enough.
Now consider a slightly more complex package like [once](https://www.npmjs.com/package/once), which has exactly one dependency:[wrappy](https://www.npmjs.com/package/wrappy). [Both](https://github.com/isaacs/once/blob/2ad558657e17fafd24803217ba854762842e4178/once.js#L1-L21) [packages](https://github.com/npm/wrappy/blob/71d91b6dc5bdeac37e218c2cf03f9ab55b60d214/wrappy.js#L6-L33) contain one module, so the total module count is 2\. So far, so good.
Now let’s consider a more deceptive example: [qs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/qs). Since it has zero dependencies, you might assume it only has one module. But in fact, it has four!
You can confirm this by using a tool I wrote called [browserify-count-modules](https://www.npmjs.com/package/browserify-count-modules), which simply counts the total number of modules in a Browserify bundle:
$ npm install qs
$ browserify node_modules/qs | browserify-count-modules
This means that a given package can actually contain one or more modules. These modules can also depend on other packages, which might bring in their own packages and modules. The only thing you can be sure of is that each package contains at least one module.
### Module bloat
How many modules are in a typical web application? Well, I ran browserify-count-moduleson a few popular Browserify-using sites, and came up with these numbers:
* [requirebin.com](http://requirebin.com/): 91 modules
* [keybase.io](https://keybase.io/): 365 modules
* [m.reddit.com](http://m.reddit.com/): 1050 modules
* [Apple.com](http://images.apple.com/ipad-air-2/): 1060 modules (Added. [Thanks, Max!](https://twitter.com/denormalize/status/765300194078437376))
For the record, my own [Pokedex.org](https://pokedex.org/) (the largest open-source site I’ve built) contains 311 modules across four bundle files.
Ignoring for a moment the raw size of those JavaScript bundles, I think it’s interesting to explore the cost of the number of modules themselves. Sam Saccone has already blown this story wide open in [“The cost of transpiling es2015 in 2016”](https://github.com/samccone/The-cost-of-transpiling-es2015-in-2016#the-cost-of-transpiling-es2015-in-2016), but I don’t think his findings have gotten nearly enough press, so let’s dig a little deeper.
### Benchmark time!
I put together [a small benchmark](https://github.com/nolanlawson/cost-of-small-modules) that constructs a JavaScript module importing 100, 1000, and 5000 other modules, each of which merely exports a number. The parent module just sums the numbers together and logs the result:
// index.js
var total = 0
total += require('./module_0')
total += require('./module_1')
total += require('./module_2')
// etc.
// module_1.js
module.exports = 1
I tested five bundling methods: Browserify, Browserify with the [bundle-collapser](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bundle-collapser) plugin, Webpack, Rollup, and Closure Compiler. For Rollup and Closure Compiler I used ES6 modules, whereas for Browserify and Webpack I used CommonJS, so as not to unfairly disadvantage them (since they would need a transpiler like Babel, which adds its own overhead).
In order to best simulate a production environment, I used Uglify with the --mangle and--compress settings for all bundles, and served them gzipped over HTTPS using GitHub Pages. For each bundle, I downloaded and executed it 15 times and took the median, noting the (uncached) load time and execution time using performance.now().
### Bundle sizes
Before we get into the benchmark results, it’s worth taking a look at the bundle files themselves. Here are the byte sizes (minified but ungzipped) for each bundle ([chart view](https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/min.png)):
| | 100 modules | 1000 modules | 5000 modules |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| browserify | 7982 | 79987 | 419985 |
| browserify-collapsed | 5786 | 57991 | 309982 |
| webpack | 3954 | 39055 | 203052 |
| rollup | 671 | 6971 | 38968 |
| closure | 758 | 7958 | 43955 |
| | 100 modules | 1000 modules | 5000 modules |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| browserify | 1649 | 13800 | 64513 |
| browserify-collapsed | 1464 | 11903 | 56335 |
| webpack | 693 | 5027 | 26363 |
| rollup | 300 | 2145 | 11510 |
| closure | 302 | 2140 | 11789 |
The way Browserify and Webpack work is by isolating each module into its own function scope, and then declaring a top-level runtime loader that locates the proper module whenever require() is called. Here’s what our Browserify bundle looks like:
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o
Whereas the Rollup and Closure bundles look more like what you might hand-author if you were just writing one big module. Here’s Rollup:
(function () {
'use strict';
var total = 0
total += 0
total += 1
total += 2
// etc.
If you understand the inherent cost of functions-within-functions in JavaScript, and of looking up a value in an associative array, then you’ll be in a good position to understand the following benchmark results.
### Results
I ran this benchmark on a Nexus 5 with Android 5.1.1 and Chrome 52 (to represent a low- to mid-range device) as well as an iPod Touch 6th generation running iOS 9 (to represent a high-end device).
Here are the results for the Nexus 5 ([tabular results](https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/e84ad060a20f0cb7a7c32308b6b46abe)):
And here are the results for the iPod Touch ([tabular results](https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/45ed2c7fa53da035dfc1e153763b9f93)):
At 100 modules, the variance between all the bundlers is pretty negligible, but once we get up to 1000 or 5000 modules, the difference becomes severe. The iPod Touch is hurt the least by the choice of bundler, but the Nexus 5, being an aging Android phone, suffers a lot under Browserify and Webpack.
I also find it interesting that both Rollup and Closure’s execution cost is essentially free for the iPod, regardless of the number of modules. And in the case of the Nexus 5, the runtime costs aren’t free, but they’re still much cheaper for Rollup/Closure than for Browserify/Webpack, the latter of which chew up the main thread for several frames if not hundreds of milliseconds, meaning that the UI is frozen just waiting for the module loader to finish running.
Note that both of these tests were run on a fast Gigabit connection, so in terms of network costs, it’s really a best-case scenario. Using the Chrome Dev Tools, we can manually throttle that Nexus 5 down to 3G and see the impact ([tabular results](https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/6269d304c970174c21164288808392ea)):
Once we take slow networks into account, the difference between Browserify/Webpack and Rollup/Closure is even more stark. In the case of 1000 modules (which is close to Reddit’s count of 1050), Browserify takes about 400 milliseconds longer than Rollup. And that 400ms is no small potatoes, since Google and Bing have both noted that sub-second delays have an[appreciable impact on user engagement](http://radar.oreilly.com/2009/06/bing-and-google-agree-slow-pag.html).
One thing to note is that this benchmark doesn’t measure the precise execution cost of 100, 1000, or 5000 modules per se, since that will depend on your usage of require(). Inside of these bundles, I’m calling require() once per module, but if you are calling require()multiple times per module (which is the norm in most codebases) or if you are callingrequire() multiple times on-the-fly (i.e. require() within a sub-function), then you could see severe performance degradations.
Reddit’s mobile site is a good example of this. Even though they have 1050 modules, I clocked their real-world Browserify execution time as much worse than the “1000 modules” benchmark. When profiling on that same Nexus 5 running Chrome, I measured 2.14 seconds for Reddit’s Browserify require() function, and 197 milliseconds for the equivalent function in the “1000 modules” script. (In desktop Chrome on an i7 Surface Book, I also measured it at 559ms vs 37ms, which is pretty astonishing given we’re talking desktop.)
This suggests that it may be worthwhile to run the benchmark again with multiplerequire()s per module, although in my opinion it wouldn’t be a fair fight for Browserify/Webpack, since Rollup/Closure both resolve duplicate ES6 imports into a single hoisted variable declaration, and it’s also impossible to import from anywhere but the top-level scope. So in essence, the cost of a single import for Rollup/Closure is the same as the cost of n imports, whereas for Browserify/Webpack, the execution cost will increase linearly with n require()s.
For the purposes of this analysis, though, I think it’s best to just assume that the number of modules is only a lower bound for the performance hit you might feel. In reality, the “5000 modules” benchmark may be a better yardstick for “5000 require() calls.”
### Conclusions
First off, the bundle-collapser plugin seems to be a valuable addition to Browserify. If you’re not using it in production, then your bundle will be a bit larger and slower than it would be otherwise (although I must admit the difference is slight). Alternatively, you could switch to Webpack and get an even faster bundle without any extra configuration. (Note that it pains me to say this, since I’m a diehard Browserify fanboy.)
However, these results clearly show that Webpack and Browserify both underperform compared to Rollup and Closure Compiler, and that the gap widens the more modules you add. Unfortunately I’m not sure [Webpack 2](https://gist.github.com/sokra/27b24881210b56bbaff7) will solve any of these problems, because although they’ll be [borrowing some ideas from Rollup](http://www.2ality.com/2015/12/webpack-tree-shaking.html), they seem to be more focused on the[tree-shaking aspects](http://www.2ality.com/2015/12/bundling-modules-future.html) and not the scope-hoisting aspects. (Update: a better name is “inlining,” and the Webpack team is [working on it](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/2873#issuecomment-240067865).)
Given these results, I’m surprised Closure Compiler and Rollup aren’t getting much traction in the JavaScript community. I’m guessing it’s due to the fact that (in the case of the former) it has a Java dependency, and (in the case of the latter) it’s still fairly immature and doesn’t quite work out-of-the-box yet (see [Calvin’s Metcalf’s comments](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/552) for a good summary).
Even without the average JavaScript developer jumping on the Rollup/Closure bandwagon, though, I think npm package authors are already in a good position to help solve this problem. If you npm install lodash, you’ll notice that the main export is one giant JavaScript module, rather than what you might expect given Lodash’s hyper-modular nature (require('lodash/uniq'), require('lodash.uniq'), etc.). For PouchDB, we made a similar decision to [use Rollup as a prepublish step](http://pouchdb.com/2016/01/13/pouchdb-5.2.0-a-better-build-system-with-rollup.html), which produces the smallest possible bundle in a way that’s invisible to users.
I also created [rollupify](https://github.com/nolanlawson/rollupify) to try to make this pattern a bit easier to just drop-in to existing Browserify projects. The basic idea is to use imports and exports within your own project ([cjs-to-es6](https://github.com/nolanlawson/cjs-to-es6) can help migrate), and then use require() for third-party packages. That way, you still have all the benefits of modularity within your own codebase, while exposing more-or-less one big module to your users. Unfortunately, you still pay the costs for third-party modules, but I’ve found that this is a good compromise given the current state of the npm ecosystem.
So there you have it: one horse-sized JavaScript duck is faster than a hundred duck-sized JavaScript horses. Despite this fact, though, I hope that our community will eventually realize the pickle we’re in – advocating for a “small modules” philosophy that’s good for developers but bad for users – and improve our tools, so that we can have the best of both worlds.
### Bonus round! Three desktop browsers
Normally I like to run performance tests on mobile devices, since that’s where you see the clearest differences. But out of curiosity, I also ran this benchmark on Chrome 52, Edge 14, and Firefox 48 on an i7 Surface Book using Windows 10 RS1\. Here are the results:
Chrome 52 ([tabular results](https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/4f79258dc05bbd2c14b85cf2196c6ef0))
Edge 14 ([tabular results](https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/726fa47e0723b45e4ee9ecf0cf2fcddb))
Firefox 48 ([tabular results](https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/7eed17e6ffa18752bf99a9d4bff2941f))
The only interesting tidbits I’ll call out in these results are:
1. bundle-collapser is definitely not a slam-dunk in all cases.
2. The ratio of network-to-execution time is always extremely high for Rollup and Closure; their runtime costs are basically zilch. ChakraCore and SpiderMonkey eat them up for breakfast, and V8 is not far behind.
This latter point could be extremely important if your JavaScript is largely lazy-loaded, because if you can afford to wait on the network, then using Rollup and Closure will have the additional benefit of not clogging up the UI thread, i.e. they’ll introduce less jank than Browserify or Webpack.
Update: in response to this post, JDD has [opened an issue on Webpack](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/2873). There’s also [one on Browserify](https://github.com/substack/node-browserify/issues/1379).
Update 2: [Ryan Fitzer](https://github.com/nolanlawson/cost-of-small-modules/pull/5) has generously added RequireJS and RequireJS with [Almond](https://github.com/requirejs/almond) to the benchmark, both of which use AMD instead of CommonJS or ES6.
Testing shows that RequireJS has [the largest bundle sizes](https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/511e0ce09fed29fed040bb8673777ec5) but surprisingly its runtime costs are [very close to Rollup and Closure](https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/4e725df00cd1bc9673b25ef72b831c8b). Here are the results for a Nexus 5 running Chrome 52 throttled to 3G:
via: https://nolanlawson.com/2016/08/15/the-cost-of-small-modules/?utm_source=javascriptweekly&utm_medium=email
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大约一年之前,我在将一个大型 JavaScript 代码库重构为小模块时发现了 Browserify 和 Webpack 中一个令人沮丧的事实:
> “代码越模块化,代码体积就越大。”- Nolan Lawson
过了一段时间,Sam Saccone 发布了一些关于 [Tumblr][1] 和 [Imgur][2] 页面加载性能的出色的研究。其中指出:
> “超过 400 ms 的时间单纯的花费在了遍历 Browserify 树上。”- Sam Saccone
在本篇文章中,我将演示小模块可能会根据你选择的打包器(bundler)和模块系统(module system)而出现高得惊人的性能开销。此外,我还将解释为什么这种方法不但影响你自己代码的模块,也会影响依赖项中的模块,这也正是第三方代码在性能开销上很少提及的方面。
### 网页性能(Web perf 101)
一个页面中包含的 JavaScript 脚本越多,页面加载也将越慢。庞大的 JavaScript 包会导致浏览器花费更多的时间去下载、解析和执行,这些都将加长载入时间。
即使当你使用如 Webpack [code splitting][3]、Browserify [factor bundles][4] 等工具将代码分解为多个包,时间的花费也仅仅是被延迟到页面生命周期的晚些时候。JavaScript 迟早都将有一笔开销。
此外,由于 JavaScript 是一门动态语言,同时流行的 [CommonJS][5] 模块也是动态的,所以这就使得在最终分发给用户的代码中剔除无用的代码变得异常困难。譬如你可能只使用到 jQuery 中的 $.ajax,但是通过载入 jQuery 包,你将以整个包为代价。
JavaScript 社区对这个问题提出的解决办法是提倡 [小模块][6] 的使用。小模块不仅有许多 [美好且实用的好处][7] 如易于维护,易于理解,易于集成等,而且还可以通过鼓励包含小巧的功能而不是庞大的库来解决之前提到的 jQuery 的问题。
var _ = require('lodash')
var uniq = require('lodash.uniq')
### 包与模块
需要强调的是这里我提到的“模块”并不同于 npm 中的“包”的概念。当你从 npm 安装一个包时,它会将该模块通过公用 API 展现出来,但是在这之下其实是一个许多模块的聚合物。
例如,我们来看一个包 [is-array][8],它没有别的依赖,并且只包含 [一个 JavaScript 文件][9],所以它只有一个模块。这算是足够简单的。
现在来看一个稍微复杂一点的包,如 [once][10]。它有一个依赖的包 [wrappy][11]。[两][12] [个][13] 包都各自包含一个模块,所以总模块数为 2。至此,也还算好。
你可以用一个我写的工具 [browserify-count-modules][15] 来统计一个 Browserify 包的总模块数:
$ npm install qs
$ browserify node_modules/qs | browserify-count-modules
### 模块膨胀
一个典型的网页应用中会包含多少个模块呢?我在一些流行的使用 Browserify 的网站上运行 browserify-count-moduleson 并且得到了以下结果:
* [requirebin.com][16]: 91 个模块
* [keybase.io][17]: 365 个模块
* [m.reddit.com][18]: 1050 个模块
* [Apple.com][19]: 1060 个模块 (新增。 [感谢 Max!][20])
顺带一提,我写过的最大的开源站点 [Pokedex.org][21] 包含了 4 个包,共 311 个模块。
让我们先暂时忽略这些 JavaScript 包的实际大小,我认为去探索一下一定数量的模块本身开销会事一件有意思的事。虽然 Sam Saccone 的文章 [“2016 年 ES2015 转译的开销”][22] 已经广为流传,但是我认为他的结论还未到达足够深度,所以让我们挖掘的稍微再深一点吧。
### 测试环节!
我构造了一个能导入 100、1000 和 5000 个其他小模块的测试模块,其中每个小模块仅仅导出一个数字。而父模块则将这些数字求和并记录结果:
// index.js
var total = 0
total += require('./module_0')
total += require('./module_1')
total += require('./module_2')
// etc.
// module_1.js
module.exports = 1
我测试了五种打包方法:Browserify, 带 [bundle-collapser][24] 插件的 Browserify, Webpack, Rollup 和 Closure Compiler。对于 Rollup 和 Closure Compiler 我使用了 ES6 模块,而对于 Browserify 和 Webpack 则用的 CommonJS,目的是为了不涉及其各自缺点而导致测试的不公平(由于它们可能需要做一些转译工作,如 Babel 一样,而这些工作将会增加其自身的运行时间)。
为了更好地模拟一个生产环境,我将带 -mangle 和 -compress 参数的 Uglify 用于所有的包,并且使用 gzip 压缩后通过 GitHub Pages 用 HTTPS 协议进行传输。对于每个包,我一共下载并执行 15 次,然后取其平均值,并使用 performance.now() 函数来记录载入时间(未使用缓存)与执行时间。
### 包大小
在我们查看测试结果之前,我们有必要先来看一眼我们要测试的包文件。一下是每个包最小处理后但并未使用 gzip 压缩时的体积大小(单位:Byte):
| | 100 个模块 | 1000 个模块 | 5000 个模块 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| browserify | 7982 | 79987 | 419985 |
| browserify-collapsed | 5786 | 57991 | 309982 |
| webpack | 3954 | 39055 | 203052 |
| rollup | 671 | 6971 | 38968 |
| closure | 758 | 7958 | 43955 |
| | 100 个模块 | 1000 个模块 | 5000 个模块 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| browserify | 1649 | 13800 | 64513 |
| browserify-collapsed | 1464 | 11903 | 56335 |
| webpack | 693 | 5027 | 26363 |
| rollup | 300 | 2145 | 11510 |
| closure | 302 | 2140 | 11789 |
Browserify 和 Webpack 的工作方式是隔离各个模块到各自的函数空间,然后声明一个全局载入器,并在每次 require() 函数调用时定位到正确的模块处。下面是我们的 Browserify 包的样子:
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o
而 Rollup 和 Closure 包看上去则更像你亲手写的一个大模块。这是 Rollup 打包的包:
(function () {
'use strict';
var total = 0
total += 0
total += 1
total += 2
// etc.
如果你清楚在 JavaScript 中使用嵌套函数与在关联数组查找一个值的固有开销, 那么你将很容易理解出现以下测试的结果的原因。
### 测试结果
我选择在搭载 Android 5.1.1 与 Chrome 52 的 Nexus 5(代表中低端设备)和运行 iOS 9 的第 6 代 iPod Touch(代表高端设备)上进行测试。
这是 Nexus 5 下的测试结果([查看表格][26]):
[![Nexus 5 结果][27]](https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_nexus_5.png)
这是 iPod Touch 下的测试结果([查看表格][28]):
[![iPod Touch 结果][29]](https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_ipod.png)
在 100 个模块时,各包的差异是微不足道的,但是一旦模块数量达到 1000 个甚至 5000 个时,差异将会变得非常巨大。iPod Touch 在不同包上的差异并不明显,而对于具有一定年代的 Nexus 5 来说,Browserify 和 Webpack 明显耗时更多。
与此同时,我发现有意思的是 Rollup 和 Closure 的运行开销对于 iPod 而言几乎可以忽略,并且与模块的数量关系也不大。而对于 Nexus 5 来说,运行的开销并非完全可以忽略,但它们仍比 Browserify 或 Webpack 低很多。后者若未在几百毫秒内完成加载则将会占用主线程的好几帧的时间,这就意味着用户界面将冻结并且等待直到模块载入完成。
值得注意的是前面这些测试都是在千兆网速下进行的,所以在网络情况来看,这只是一个最理想的状况。借助 Chrome 开发者工具,我们可以认为地将 Nexus 5 的网速限制到 3G 水平,然后来看一眼这对测试产生的影响([查看表格][30]):
[![Nexus 5 3G 结果][31]](https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_nexus_53g.png)
一旦我们将网速考虑进来,Browserify/Webpack 和 Rollup/Closure 的差异将变得更为显著。在 1000 个模块规模(接近于 Reddit 1050 个模块的规模)时,Browserify 花费的时间比 Rollup 长大约 400 毫秒。然而 400 毫秒已经不是一个小数目了,正如 Google 和 Bing 指出的,亚秒级的延迟都会 [对用户的参与产生明显的影响][32] 。
还有一件事需要指出,那就是这个测试并非测量 100 个、1000 个或者 5000 个模块的每个模块的精确运行时间。因为这还与你对 require() 函数的使用有关。在这些包中,我采用的是对每个模块调用一次 require() 函数。但如果你每个模块调用了多次 require() 函数(这在代码库中非常常见)或者你多次动态调用 require() 函数(例如在子函数中调用 require() 函数),那么你将发现明显的性能退化。
Reddit 的移动站点就是一个很好的例子。虽然该站点有 1050 个模块,但是我测量了它们使用 Browserify 的实际执行时间后发现比“1000 个模块”的测试结果差好多。当使用那台运行 Chrome 的 Nexus 5 时,我测出 Reddit 的 Browserify require() 函数耗时 2.14 秒。而那个“1000 个模块”脚本中的等效函数只需要 197 毫秒(在搭载 i7 处理器的 Surface Book 上的桌面版 Chrome,我测出的结果分别为 559 毫秒与 37 毫秒,虽然给出桌面平台的结果有些令人惊讶)。
这结果提示我们有必要对每个模块使用多个 require() 函数的情况再进行一次测试。不过,我并不认为这对 Browserify 和 Webpack 会是一个公平的测试,因为 Rollup 和 Closure 都会将重复的 ES6 库导入处理为一个的顶级变量声明,同时也阻止了顶层空间以外的其他区域的导入。所以根本上来说,Rollup 和 Closure 中一个导入和多个导入的开销是相同的,而对于 Browserify 和 Webpack,运行开销随 require() 函数的数量线性增长。
为了我们这个分析的目的,我认为最好假设模块的数量是性能的短板。而事实上,“5000 个模块”也是一个比“5000 个 require() 函数调用”更好的度量标准。
### 结论
首先,bundle-collapser 对 Browserify 来说是一个非常有用的插件。如果你在产品中还没使用它,那么你的包将相对来说会略大且运行略慢(虽然我得承认这之间的差异非常小)。另一方面,你还可以转换到 Webpack 以获得更快的包而不需要额外的配置(其实我非常不愿意这么说,因为我是个顽固的 Browserify 粉)。
不管怎样,这些结果都明确地指出 Webpack 和 Browserify 相较 Rollup 和 Closure Compiler 而言表现都稍差,并且性能差异随着模块大小的增大而增大。不幸的是,我并不确定 [Webpack 2][33] 是否能解决这些问题,因为尽管他们将 [从 Rollup 中借鉴一些想法][34],但是看起来他们的关注点更多在于 [tree-shaking 方面][35] 而不是在于 scope-hoisting 方面。(更新:一个更好的名字称为内联(inlining),并且 Webpack 团队 [正在做这方面的工作][36]。)
给出这些结果之后,我对 Closure Compiler 和 Rollup 在 JavaScript 社区并没有得到过多关注而感到惊讶。我猜测或许是因为(前者)需要依赖 Java,而(后者)仍然相当不成熟并且未能做到开箱即用(详见 [Calvin’s Metcalf 的评论][37] 中作的不错的总结)。
即使没有足够数量的 JavaScript 开发者加入到 Rollup 或 Closure 的队伍中,我认为 npm 包作者们也已准备好了去帮助解决这些问题。如果你使用 npm 安装 lodash,你将会发其现主要的导入是一个巨大的 JavaScript 模块,而不是你期望的 Lodash 的超模块(hyper-modular)特性(require('lodash/uniq'),require('lodash.uniq') 等等)。对于 PouchDB,我们做了一个类似的声明以 [使用 Rollup 作为预发布步骤][38],这将产生对于用户而言尽可能小的包。
同时,我创建了 [rollupify][39] 来尝试将这过程变得更为简单一些,只需拖动到已存在的 Browserify 工程中即可。其基本思想是在你自己的项目中使用导入(import)和导出(export)(可以使用 [cjs-to-es6][40] 来帮助迁移),然后使用 require() 函数来载入第三方包。这样一来,你依旧可以在你自己的代码库中享受所有模块化的优点,同时能导出一个适当大小的大模块来发布给你的用户。不幸的是,你依旧得为第三方库付出一些代价,但是我发现这是对于当前 npm 生态系统的一个很好的折中方案。
所以结论如下:一个大的 JavaScript 包比一百个小 JavaScript 模块要快。尽管这是事实,我依旧希望我们社区能最终发现我们所处的困境————提倡小模块的原则对开发者有利,但是对用户不利。同时希望能优化我们的工具,使得我们可以对两方面都有利。
### 福利时间!三款桌面浏览器
通常来说我喜欢在移动设备上运行性能测试,因为在这里我们能更清楚的看到差异。但是出于好奇,我也分别在一台搭载 i7 的 Surface Book 上的 Chrome 52、Edge 14 和 Firefox 48 上运行了测试。这分别是它们的测试结果:
Chrome 52 ([查看表格][41])
[![Chrome 结果][42]](https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_chrome.png)
Edge 14 ([查看表格][43])
[![Edge 结果][44]](https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_edge.png)
Firefox 48 ([查看表格][45])
[![Firefox 结果][46]](https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_firefox.png)
1. bundle-collapser 总是与 slam-dunk 完全不同。
2. Rollup 和 Closure 的下载时间与运行时间之比总是非常高,它们的运行时间基本上微不足道。ChakraCore 和 SpiderMonkey 运行最快,V8 紧随其后。
如果你的 JavaScript 非常大并且是延迟加载,那么第二点将非常重要。因为如果你可以接受等待网络下载的时间,那么使用 Rollup 和 Closure 将会有避免界面线程冻结的优点。也就是说,它们将比 Browserify 和 Webpack 更少出现界面阻塞。
更新:在这篇文章的回应中,JDD 已经 [给 Webpack 提交了一个 issue][47]。还有 [一个是给 Browserify 的][48]。
更新 2:[Ryan Fitzer][49] 慷慨地增加了 RequireJS 和包含 [Almond][50] 的 RequireJS 的测试结果,两者都是使用 AMD 而不是 CommonJS 或者 ES6。
测试结果表明 RequireJS 具有 [最大的包大小][51] 但是令人惊讶的是它的运行开销 [与 Rollup 和 Closure 非常接近][52]。这是在运行 Chrome 52 的 Nexus 5 下限制网速为 3G 的测试结果:
[![Nexus 5 (3G) RequireJS 结果][53]](https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/2016-08-20-14_45_29-small_modules3-xlsx-excel.png)
via: https://nolanlawson.com/2016/08/15/the-cost-of-small-modules/?utm_source=javascriptweekly&utm_medium=email
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[a]: https://nolanlawson.com/
[1]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E2w0UQ4RhId5cMYsDcdcNwsgL0gP_S6SDv27yi1mCEY/edit
[2]: https://github.com/perfs/audits/issues/1
[3]: https://webpack.github.io/docs/code-splitting.html
[4]: https://github.com/substack/factor-bundle
[5]: http://www.commonjs.org/
[6]: http://substack.net/how_I_write_modules
[7]: http://dailyjs.com/2015/07/02/small-modules-complexity-over-size/
[8]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/is-array
[9]: https://github.com/retrofox/is-array/blob/d79f1c90c824416b60517c04f0568b5cd3f8271d/index.js#L6-L33
[10]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/once
[11]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/wrappy
[12]: https://github.com/isaacs/once/blob/2ad558657e17fafd24803217ba854762842e4178/once.js#L1-L21
[13]: https://github.com/npm/wrappy/blob/71d91b6dc5bdeac37e218c2cf03f9ab55b60d214/wrappy.js#L6-L33
[14]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/qs
[15]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/browserify-count-modules
[16]: http://requirebin.com/
[17]: https://keybase.io/
[18]: http://m.reddit.com/
[19]: http://images.apple.com/ipad-air-2/
[20]: https://twitter.com/denormalize/status/765300194078437376
[21]: https://pokedex.org/
[22]: https://github.com/samccone/The-cost-of-transpiling-es2015-in-2016#the-cost-of-transpiling-es2015-in-2016
[23]: https://github.com/nolanlawson/cost-of-small-modules
[24]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/bundle-collapser
[25]: https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/min.png
[26]: https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/e84ad060a20f0cb7a7c32308b6b46abe
[27]: https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_nexus_5.png?w=570&h=834
[28]: https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/45ed2c7fa53da035dfc1e153763b9f93
[29]: https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_ipod.png?w=570&h=827
[30]: https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/6269d304c970174c21164288808392ea
[31]: https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_nexus_53g.png?w=570&h=834
[32]: http://radar.oreilly.com/2009/06/bing-and-google-agree-slow-pag.html
[33]: https://gist.github.com/sokra/27b24881210b56bbaff7
[34]: http://www.2ality.com/2015/12/webpack-tree-shaking.html
[35]: http://www.2ality.com/2015/12/bundling-modules-future.html
[36]: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/2873#issuecomment-240067865
[37]: https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/552
[38]: http://pouchdb.com/2016/01/13/pouchdb-5.2.0-a-better-build-system-with-rollup.html
[39]: https://github.com/nolanlawson/rollupify
[40]: https://github.com/nolanlawson/cjs-to-es6
[41]: https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/4f79258dc05bbd2c14b85cf2196c6ef0
[42]: https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_chrome.png?w=570&h=831
[43]: https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/726fa47e0723b45e4ee9ecf0cf2fcddb
[44]: https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_edge.png?w=570&h=827
[45]: https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/7eed17e6ffa18752bf99a9d4bff2941f
[46]: https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/modules_firefox.png?w=570&h=830
[47]: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/2873
[48]: https://github.com/substack/node-browserify/issues/1379
[49]: https://github.com/nolanlawson/cost-of-small-modules/pull/5
[50]: https://github.com/requirejs/almond
[51]: https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/511e0ce09fed29fed040bb8673777ec5
[52]: https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/4e725df00cd1bc9673b25ef72b831c8b
[53]: https://nolanwlawson.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/2016-08-20-14_45_29-small_modules3-xlsx-excel.png?w=570&h=829
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