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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Linus Torvalds 十句精彩语录 —— 来自 LinuxCon Europe 大会上的主旨发言
*Linus Torvalds 和 Dirk Hohndel 在 Edinburgh举行的 LinuxCon Europe 大会主席台上*
Linux创始人 Linus Torvalds 坐在了在Edinburgh举办的[LinuxCon Europe][1]大会主席台上陪同他的是来自Intel公司linux主管和开源技术专家 Dirk Hohndel二人一起探讨linux的现在和未来并且回答了来自社区的问题。讨论的话题很广泛包括即将发布的3.12版内核, 内核维护者的理想性格,还有能让 Linus 熬夜去解决的一些问题linux桌面游戏等等。
以下是linus的十句精彩语录 来自大会上的主旨演讲, 按大会上发言时的顺序排列。
1、Linus 很满意当前内核版本三个月时间的发布周期,因为这样的话,开发者可以充分利用该时间段构建新的特性。即使他们错过了合并的窗口期, 等到下一次机会的到来,三个月的等待时间也不算很长, 他们也就不必急于提交代码了。
2、快速变更的步调还允许开发人员快速合并他们的代码 然后继续下一步。
3、**“对于一个维护者来说,最重要的不在于你是不是一个优秀的工程师, 而在于你得负责任, 别人可以指望你, 7天的每一个24小时 一年52个星期都是如此”。**
年轻的开发者想成为一名维护人员是比较困难的。要经过数年时间的观察期,让社区信任你, 注意到你确实坚守在这里。那即是说,只要你能证明自己是可信赖的,想成为一名维护者还是容易的,毕竟这是一份棘手的工作,必须时刻保持关注。
**“有时候情绪来了,可能好几天都比较有压力。 我也有脾气, 这对我来说没什么…… 但是其他人倾向于陷入到问题里边。结果浪费好几周时间,而且这些问题都挺让人纠结的。”**
6、当提到说服大公司继续贡献内核代码并且使用开源软件 linus持进化论观点。他们要么从开源获益要么就得承受经济上的损失。
**“我从事开源,因为有乐趣而且开源行得通…… 跟内核社区合作的公司会花费更少的时间并且使工作更有成效。”**
*Linux 创始人 Linux Torvalds 回答现场观众的提问2013 LinuxCon Europe大会。*
**“我开始设计 Linux 时候就是想看到它在桌面上运行。我希望大家能更好的合作,一起设计一个真正漂亮的登录界面。”**
9、Linus认为 Valves Steam有助于linux桌面版的开发这是个极好的机会。他们打算为运行游戏的Linux发行版制定一个标准。。
10、针对多样性 linus说他希望看到内核社区的发展壮大 有来自不同地区的更多的女性和开发者参与到其中。
译者:[l3b2w1]( 校对:[Caroline](
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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Ubuntu 14.04 LTS服务器版和桌面版计划于2014年4月份发布。
via: via:
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
讨厌长篇大论?直接跳到最后的部分 “**所有内容的整理**”。
### 为什么我离不开Linux ###
### 先想象一些场景:###
1. 你的机器经常崩溃。
2. 它慢的令人发指。
3. 未经你允许,文件文件夹就自动建立/删除。
4. 机器莫名其妙的关闭。
### 为什么/那又如何? ###
**1994年3月14日Linux 1.0.0发布那时它只有176250行代码。**
**到了2013年Linux 3.10发布时它已经拥有15803499行代码。**
另外一件事是Linux的设计方式。不像其它一些操作系统在Linux上几乎所有的复杂任务都需要root权限。例如在windows上你进入某些系统文件夹删除了一些东西为什么你会这么做呢也可能是病毒干的 —— 它们确实会这么干。另外,我见过有些人为了释放内存也会这么做)。虽然当时什么都没发生,但是在你下一次启动时...这里我不敢再往下描述了。而在Linux上任何时候当你试图对系统干点什么它都会提示你需要root密码。那如果我就是root用户而我又把系统搞砸了怎么办这是最坏的情况但是仍然会有很多人指导你如何修复它。
**稳定性** - Linux机器可以无休止地运行下去。而通过一个简单的“uptime”命令就可以让你知道机器已经运行了多久。你永远不需要关机设备基本上都是热插拔的。当然其它有的操作系统也可以报告运行时间但是正如之前所说Linux机器很少崩溃、蓝屏、死机:D除非你有意要搞砸它。
老话说得好 “**Linux是很坚强的除非面对的是熊孩子**”
为了使机器远离病毒、木马你需要做很多工作。一项研究表明在没有任何防护措施的情况下连接到网络之后windows被入侵的平均时间是40分钟而在Linux上 - 你就像老板一样什么都不用做,也就是说,在操作系统之外不需要安装任何东西(,黑客也无法入侵)。
**安全性增强** - Iptables。这个命令行工具用来设置防火墙是极好的。同样还有许多其它创新工具比如*端口试探(port knocking)chroot监狱译者注chroot是在unix系统的一个操作用于改变当前程序及其子进程真实的磁盘根目录。改变根目录后的程序无法访问或命名正常路径下的文件。这样的根目录就叫做"chroot监狱chroot jail,chroot prison)"——来自维基百科 )。
**SELinux** - 如果设置执行了SELinux即使你赋予某个文件完全访问权限其他人也无法访问。
如果假设操作系统公司不修复bug呢之后会怎么样恭喜你只能与bug为伴了。然而在linux下有许多人修复bug或者如果你是一个很好的程序员也许你应该自己修复它并且将其贡献到开源社区。 **予人玫瑰,手留余香!**
**没有crapware**(译者注: 附赠软件,是一个贬义的俚语) - 操作系统是开源的,那其它工具呢?没错,有非常多的工具也是开源的,可以供用户使用。而在其它操作统统中,大部分软件可能会要求你订购服务、升级/购买。更糟糕的是在用了几天之后你可能会发现这个玩意儿竟然只是30天的试用版。在这方面Linux永远不会让你经历这样的沮丧。
如果你仅仅是一个普通的桌面用户,没有多少事情要用命令行(CLI)来做 - Linux拥有各种桌面环境供你选择比如Gnome、KDE没错你可以称呼它为 "**新一代桌面环境**"
**没有后门(backdoor)** - 当你不了解一个操作系统的源代码时你怎么能确保它没有后门呢如果制造商公司留了一个隐秘的后门当你连接到网络的时候这会让你的隐私无所遁形。而在Linux上任何东西都是开放的因此没有后门可以隐藏在操作系统里。
**让老机器品味重生** - Linux甚至可以在很老的硬件上完美运行。不像其它的操作系统需要升级硬件才能使用。
### 所有内容的整理..###
- 赋予老机器第二春
- 开机很快
- 随时更新
- 没有垃圾软件
- 没有后门
- 没有病毒
- 稳定性
- 兼容性
- 安全性能增强
- 运行快,反应灵敏
- Linux不需要碎片整理
- 额选择Linux确实对环境有影响. (Google it)
- 自由无限的支持 - 论坛、邮件列表、IRC频道
- 工作区特性 - 下一代桌面
- 没有大麻烦
- 报告bug并得到修复
- 你不会感到孤单
- 我贡献,我快乐,予人玫瑰,手留余香
- 其它操作系统归公司所有微软拥有Windows苹果拥有Mac-OS。Linux我们拥有
总之,不仅仅是阅读这篇文章,你一定要亲自试试看,品味这种感觉 - 自由无价。
对我来说, **linuxing 是沉思**。 你呢? :)
Google 一下"linuxing urban dictionary”译者注urban dictionary是一个专供网友发表一些特殊单词或短语解释的平台这上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟解释。网友们还可以对每一个词条进行投票)。
感谢阅读。来,笑一个 :D Cheers
译者:[flsf]( 校对:[Caroline]( [Mr小眼儿](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
3 Ways to Access And Use Cloud Storage (SkyDrive etc.) In Linux
Personal cloud storage has become so useful as you never have to worry where your stuff is: its easily accessible, and its always up-to-date. On Linux you can access your personal cloud storage in multiple ways. This is great, because you can use whatever method works the best even if youre a terminal junkie!
### Use The Official Client ###
Getting the obvious out of the way, you can access your various personal cloud storage via their respective official applications. Currently, services such as [SpiderOak][1], [Dropbox][2], [Ubuntu One][3], which is an [unknown but worthy cloud storage contender][4], and [Copy][5], a [Dropbox alternative with more storage][6], offer official Linux clients which can facilitate communications between your computer and their servers, as well as set up special features such as selective synchronization.
For any regular ol desktop user, using the official clients is the best way to go as they offer the most functionality and the highest level of compatibility. Getting these to work is as simple as downloading the respective package for your distribution, installing it, and running it for the first time. The client should guide you through the easy setup process.
### Dropbox: Use A Command Line Script ###
If youre a Dropbox user, you can also access your cloud storage via the terminal command line. This method is especially useful for power user terminal junkies, as they can their own scripts that can make use of the commands offered by the Dropbox script in order to perform automated tasks. To install it, youll need to run these commands (for Debian, Ubuntu, or their derivatives other distributions should use equivalent commands instead):
sudo apt-get install curl
curl "" -o /tmp/
sudo install /tmp/ /usr/local/bin/dropbox_uploader
When you run that last command, the script will notice that its your first time running the script. Itll tell you to visit a certain Dropbox website to allow the script access to your account. Itll also give you all the information you need to put into the website, which will allow Dropbox to return an App Key, App Secret, and Access Level that you give to the script. Now the script will have the correct authorization to your Dropbox account.
Once that is completed, you can use the script to perform various tasks such as upload, download, delete, move, copy, mkdir, list, share, info, and unlink. For full syntax explanations, you can check out this page.
### [Storage Made Easy][7] Brings SkyDrive To Linux ###
Microsoft, unsurprisingly, does not offer an official SkyDrive client for Linux. That doesnt mean you cant access that cloud service, however: the web version works fine.
But if you want to consolidate multiple personal clouds, or you would like easy (and sane) access to your SkyDrive account from Linux, you can also try out Storage Made Easy. This third party service consolidates its own storage offerings with up to three other personal cloud services. Even better: it offers an official client for Linux, and SkyDrive is one of the supported external cloud services!
In order to get Storage Made Simple to work, youll first need to create an account with them. Once you do, you have to go into the Dashboard and choose “Add a Cloud Provider”. Here you can choose the SkyDrive API and log in with those credentials. When youve added the credentials, youll need to hit the authorize button to create the authorization necessary. Then, download the client for Linux and install it.
Upon first launch, itll ask you to log in, as well as where youd like to mount the cloud to. After youve done all this, you should be able to navigate to the folder youve chosen and you should be able to access your Storage Made Easy space as well as your SkyDrive space! While this method is great for getting SkyDrive to work on Linux, its also great for all other services to simply combine them into a single location. The downside to this method is that you wont be able to use the special features found in the official clients for each service.
Since its now possible to access SkyDrive from your Linux desktop, you may want to read my [comparison between SkyDrive and Google Drive][8] to figure out what works best for you.
### Conclusion ###
As you can see, there is more than one way to access your personal cloud storage. Of course, if you feel like your current setup is best for you, then theres no reason to change. However, as an example, if youve always been a lover of the terminal and have wanted a way to interact with your Dropbox account using the terminal, you can do so! The beauty is that you can choose what works best for you. Also, keep your mind open while Ive highlighted certain tools and examples, there may be other tools for other cloud services in the future which can make you more flexible.
Whats your favorite way of accessing your personal cloud storage? What would be your most ideal solution? Let us know in the comments!
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
CISCO Announce New Open Source H.264 Codec
*YouTube Is One of Many Sites Using H.264*
**American networking company Cisco [has announced plans to offer an open-source H.264 codec][1] - a move it says will “remove barriers” to its use in WebRTC.**
H.264 is widely used in HTML5 video streaming, though not all browsers and operating systems are able to make use of it.
This is because use of the codec for encoding or decoding requires royalty payments to be made to the MPEG LA, an organisation who license the tangle of patents related to it (which, perhaps not so coincidentally, [includes some patents owned by Cisco][2]).
Furthermore, the codec is prohibited from being distributed with open-source products like web browsers.
This is why some of YouTubes HTML5 videos dont play in Firefox but do in Google Chrome. The latter is able to pay licensing costs on behalf of its users.
But Cisco are aiming to reset this inequality by offering an open-source implementation of the H.264 codec called OpenH264, developed by them that **can be used by any project**, including open-source ones, **for free**. No license fees and no restrictions will apply to the use of its binary modules.
The company say that by open-sourcing their H.264 codec, and offering a pre-compiled binary file for free download, it can be used to power newer technologies like WebRTC a HTML5 API that allows for real time communication between browsers.
> Cisco arent the first to create an open-source implementation of H.264…’
Indeed, Mozilla [has already announced][3] that it plans to support Ciscos H.264 binary modules in Firefox.
Cisco arent the first to create an open-source implementation of this code. The GNU libavcodec library includes both a decoder and an encoder, the latter based on [x264][4]. But what Cisco are offering is a legal foothold something other open-source efforts have lacked. This makes the decoder far more useful to companies like Mozilla, who can use it without fear or legal redress.
The nitty-gritty of how this this new offering from Cisco will be offered is a little less straightforward, however.
Cisco will open-source their H.264 stack. This, along with pre-compiled binary modules, will be available to download, for free, from their website. Applications such as Firefox will be able to load the binary (even auto-download it where needed) to make use of it.
While Cisco will pay patent license costs to the MPEG LA they wont pass this on to users of their module. Its less clear what protection those compiling directly from its source will have, though with the code due to hit Github in the coming weeks more information will be available.
### Summary ###
The tl;dr is that Cisco are helping to move the web forward. High-quality video streaming based on a widely used standard will, with OpenH264, be available to more people on more platforms thanks to some goodwill and open-source effort on behalf of Cisco.
Whether youre a fan of H.264, or favour the adoption of truly free codecs like VP8, the levelling of the playing field this move offers can only be seen as a good move.
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Daily Ubuntu TipsChange The Language You Use In Ubuntu
Ubuntu, a modern and powerful operating system also allows you to use your desktop in dozens of other languages. By default, there are few language packs installed when you first setup Ubuntu. If you want Ubuntu to support more languages, you must install additional language packs. Not all languages are support, but most languages that are in used and written are supported. This brief tutorial is going to show you how to make this happen.
After installing a language pack, you can also rename standard folders like music, pictures and documents according to your language. You must log off and log back in for the changes to apply. When you log back in, youll prompted and asked if you want to rename these standard folders to match the names for your selected language.
To change which language you use in Ubuntu, click the top right **gear** of the menu bar and select **System Settings**. When the System Settings opens, select **Language Support**.
If prompted to install additional language support, do it. If not, click Install / Remove to install new language packs, then select the language you which to install and install it. Finally, drag the language at the top of the list and save. This change will only apply to your profile. If you which to apply the language settings system-wide, click **Apply System-Wide**.
Drag the new language at the top of the list. When done, click Close.
Close out and log out. Then log back in and enjoy!
Again, changing the language pack will only apply to your profile. If you want it globally, you must click Apply System-Wide.
If you choose to rename standard folders to your native language, youll see folders name changed after you sign on.
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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
Disable Amazon & Remote Content Fetching In Ubuntu 13.10
Now that Ubuntu 13.10 has been released, its now time to sit back and configure some settings that will suit your needs. Ubuntu 13.10 comes with many things and some of those may not be what you want when you install or upgrade Ubuntu.
For example, when you install or upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10, youll automatically get Amazon and other commercial shopping scopes enabled. These lenses show up when you open Unity Dash. When you perform searches from Dash, content that matches your search terms will also be delivered from remote sources like Amazon as well.
These added features provided by Canonical may be good for some, but for few users, this may be something they dont want.
Because fetching content from remote sources requires bandwidth, this may have a negative impact on your Internet bill especially if you live in areas that charges based on usages.
For other users who may have security and privacy concerns, automatically searching remote sources from your local machine maybe not be the best idea. Some just dont want commercial companies showing their products to them when performing basic searches from their local machines.
This brief tutorial is going to show you how to quick disable Amazon and all remote content fetching when using Ubuntu 13.10.
To get started, press **Ctrl Alt T** on your keyboard to show the terminal or console. When it opens, run the commands below to disable the feature.
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses remote-content-search 'none'
If you want to re-enable it, run the commands below.
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses remote-content-search 'all'
Youll have to re-logon or restart your machine for the changes to take effect. After doing that, no remote sources will be use in your searches when using Ubuntu.
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
How To Install Sublime Text 3 in Ubuntu 13.04, 13.10
[Sublime Text][1] is a popular text and source code editor. Thanks to [Webupd8][2] teams PPA repository, we can now install Sublime Text 3 via PPA which is now available to both unregistered and registered users.
### Install Sublime Text 3 ###
Open Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T), Type and Run the commands below:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer
Enjoy ;-)
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
^O^ Luox翻译了
Linux's First Space Opera Game "The Mandate" Gets a Fabulous Trailer Linux's First Space Opera Game "The Mandate" Gets a Fabulous Trailer
================================================================================ ================================================================================
Perihelion Interactive has announced the release of the first gameplay trailer for one of the most promising space-related games on Kickstater, The Mandate. Perihelion Interactive has announced the release of the first gameplay trailer for one of the most promising space-related games on Kickstater, The Mandate.
@ -31,4 +32,4 @@ via:
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[1]: [1]:
[2]: [2]:

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@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
05 The Linux Kernel: Configuring the Kernel Part 1
Now that we understand the Linux kernel, we can move on to the main event - configuring and compiling the code. Configuring code for the kernel does take a lot of time. The configuration tool asks many questions and allows developers to configure every aspect of the kernel. If unsure about any question or feature, it is best to pick the default value provided by the configuration tool. This tutorial series will walk readers through the whole process of configuring the kernel.
To configure the code, open a terminal in the main source code folder. Once a terminal is up, there are a few ways to configure the code based on the preferred configuration interface.
make config - Plain text interface (most commonly used choice)
make menuconfig - Text-based with colored menus and radiolists. This options allows developers to save their progress. - ncurses (ncurses-devel) must be installed
make nconfig - Text-based colored menus - curses (libcdk5-dev) must be installed
make xconfig - QT/X-windows interface QT is required
make gconfig - Gtk/X-windows interface GTK is required
make oldconfig - Plain text interface that defaults questions based on the local config file
make silentoldconfig - This is the same as oldconfig except the questions answered by the config file will not be shown
make olddefconfig - This is like silentoldconfig except some questions are answered by their defaults
make defconfig - This option creates a config file that uses default settings based on the current system's architecture.
make ${PLATFORM}_defconfig - Creates a config file using values from arch/$ARCH/configs/${PLATFORM}_defconfig.
make allyesconfig - This option creates a config file that will answer yes to as many questions as possible.
make allmodconfig - This option creates a config file that will make as many parts of the kernel a module as possible
NOTE: Code in the Linux kernel can be put in the kernel itself or made as a module. For instance, users can add Bluetooth drivers as a module (separate from the kernel), add to the kernel itself, or not add at all. When code is added to the kernel itself, the kernel requires more RAM space and boot-up time may take longer. However, the kernel will perform better. If code is added as modules, the code will remain on the hard-drive until the code is needed. Then, the module is loaded to RAM. This will reduce the kernel's RAM usage and decrease boot time. However, the kernel's performance may suffer because the kernel and the modules will be spread throughout the RAM. The other choice is to not add some code. For illustration, a kernel developer may know that a system will never use Bluetooth devices. As a result, the drivers are not added to the kernel. This improves the kernel's performance. However, if users later need Bluetooth devices, they will need to install Bluetooth modules or update the whole kernel.
make allnoconfig - This option creates a config file that will only add essential code to the kernel; this answers no to as many questions as possible. This can sometimes make a kernel that does not work on the hardware it was compiled on.
make randconfig - This option makes random choices for the kernel
make localmodconfig - This option creates a config file based on the current list of loaded modules and system configuration.
make localyesconfig - This will set all module options to yes - most (or all) of the kernel will not be in modules
TIP: It is best to use “make menuconfig” because users can save their progress. “make config” does not offer this luxury. Because the configuration process takes a lot of time,
### Configuration: ###
Most developers choose "make menuconfig" or one of the other graphical menus. After typing the desired command, the first question asks whether the kernel to be built is going to be a 64-bit kernel or not. The choices are "Y", "n", and "?". The question mark explains the question, "n" answers no to the question, and "Y" answers yes to the question. For this tutorial, I will choose yes. To do this I type "Y" (this is case-insensitive) and hit enter.
NOTE: If the kernel is compiled on a 32-bit system, then the configuration tool would ask if the kernel should be 32-bit. The first question is different on other processors.
The next line shows "Cross-compiler tool prefix (CROSS_COMPILE) []". If you are not cross-compiling, hit enter. If you are cross-compiling, type something like "arm-unknown-linux-gnu-" for ARM systems or "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-" for 64-bit PC systems. There are many other possible commands for other processor types, but the list can be quite large. Once a developer knows what processor they want to support, it is easy to research the command needed for that processor.
NOTE: Cross-compiling is compiling code to be used on other processors. For illustration, an Intel system that is cross-compiling code is making applications for processors other than Intel. So, this system may be compiling code for ARM or AMD processors.
NOTE: Each choice will change which questions come up and when they are displayed. I will include my choices so readers can follow the configuration process on their own system.
Next, users will see "Local version - append to kernel release (LOCALVERSION) []". This is where developers can give a special version number or name to their customized kernel. I will type "LinuxDotOrg". The kernel version is now “3.9.4-LinuxDotOrg”. Next, the configuration tool asks "Automatically append version information to the version string (LOCALVERSION_AUTO) [N/y/?]". If a git tree is found, the revision number will be appended. This example is not using git, so I will answer no. Other wise the git revision number will be appended to the version. Remember vmlinuz and similar files? Well, the next question asks which compression format should be used. The developer can choose one through five. The choices are
2. Bzip2 (KERNEL_BZIP2)
Gzip is the default, so I will press “1” and hit enter. Each compression format has greater or less compression ratios compared to the other formats. A better compression ratio means a smaller file, but more time is needed to uncompress the file while the opposite applies to lower compression ratios.
Now, this line is displayed - “Default hostname (DEFAULT_HOSTNAME) [(none)]”. The default hostname can be configured. Usually, developers leave this blank (I left it blank) so that Linux users can set up their own hostname.
Next, developers can enable or disable the use of swap space. Linux uses a separate partition called “swap space” to use as virtual memory. This is equivalent to Windows' paging file. Typically, developers answer yes for the line “Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap) (SWAP) [Y/n/?]”.
The next line (System V IPC (SYSVIPC) [Y/n/?]) asks if the kernel should support IPC. Inter Process Communication allows processes to communicate and sync. It is best to enable IPC, otherwise, many applications will not work. Answering yes to this question will cause the configuration tool to ask “POSIX Message Queues (POSIX_MQUEUE) [Y/n/?]”. This question will only be seen if IPC is enabled. POSIX message queues is a messaging queue (a form of interprocess communication) where each message is given a priority. The default choice is yes. Hit enter to choose the default choice (indicated by the capitalized choice).
The next question (open by fhandle syscalls (FHANDLE) [Y/n/?]) is asking if programs will be permitted to use file handles instead of filenames when performing filesystem operations if needed. By default, the answer is yes.
Sometimes, when a developer has made certain choices, some questions will automatically be answered. For instance, the next question (Auditing support (AUDIT) [Y/?]) is answered yes without prompting because previous choices require this feature. Auditing-support logs the accesses and modifications of all files. The next question relates to auditing (Enable system-call auditing support (AUDITSYSCALL) [Y/n/?]). If enabled, all system calls are logged. If the developer wants performance, then as much auditing features as possible should be disabled and not added to the kernel. Some developers may enable auditing for security monitoring. I will select “no” for this question. The next audit question (Make audit loginuid immutable (AUDIT_LOGINUID_IMMUTABLE) [N/y/?]) is asking if processes can change their loginuid (LOGIN User ID). If enabled, processes in userspace will not be able to change their own loginuids. For better performance, we will disable this feature.
NOTE: When configuring via “make config”, the questions that are answered by the configuration tool are displayed, but the user does not have a way to change the answer. When configuring via “make menuconfig”, the user cannot change the option no matter what button is pressed. Developers should not want to change options like that anyway because a previous choice requires another question to be answered a certain way.
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06 The Linux Kernel: Configuring the Kernel Part 2 06 The Linux Kernel: Configuring the Kernel Part 2
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ttyrec & ttyplay Record And Play Terminal Sessions In Linux
Sometimes you might want to record a terminal session in order to save a complex command line operation for your future reference or for knowledge sharing purpose. Then you might also want the recorded file size to be as small as possible and finally a player that would play the recorded file at a playback speed of your desire. In this article we will discuss two command line utilities (**ttyrec and ttyplay**) that let you record, save and play terminal sessions.
### ttyrec & ttyplay ###
As the names suggest, the ttyrec command is used for recording terminal sessions while the ttyplay command is used for playing the sessions recorded by ttyrec.
Here are the snapshots of the man pages of these utilities :
**> ttyrec**
** > ttyplay **
### Testing Environment ###
- OS Ubuntu 13.04
- Shell Bash 4.2.45
- Application ttyrec 1.0.8-5 & ttyplay 1.0.8-5
### A Brief Tutorial ###
Here is how you can use these commands to record and play terminal sessions.
To start recording the terminal session, just run the following command :
$ ttyrec [File-name]
The argument [**File-name**] (in the command shown above) is optional but if used, should be replaced by the a name of your choice. The recorded file will be saved with this name. If you do not specify any file name, ttyrec will use **ttyrecord** as the default file name.
The session is now being recorded, yo can run the commands that you want to be recorded. The ttyrec command can even record sessions related to command line utilities like vi, nano, emacs, lynx etc.
Once you are done with the terminal session, just execute the **exit** command and the recording session will end. The recorded file will be saved in the current directory.
You can play this file by running the following command :
$ ttyplay [File-name]
The argument [**File-name**] is the name of the recorded file which is the same name that was passed as argument to **ttyrec** command. If no file name was used with ttyrec command then the default file name is **ttyrecord**.
Once you run ttyplay command, the playback of recorded session will start. Here are some of the hot-keys that you can use while the playback session is ON :
- Press + or f key to speed up the playback session to twice the normal playback speed.
- Press - or s key to slow down the playback session to half the normal playback speed.
- Press 0 to pause the playback.
- Press 1 to bring back the playback to normal speed.
Here are some of the other options supported by the ttyrec and ttyplay commands :
**> ttyrec**
> ttyplay
There is another small utility **ttytime** that can be used to display the time of the session recorded by the ttyrec utility. Its easy to use and requires only the recorded file name as the command line argument.
Here is an example :
$ ttytime record_file
29 record_file
So you can see that the ttytime command displayed the time of session recorded in the file record_file.
Here is a useful video that describes the usage of ttyrec and ttyplay commands :
- [youtube video][1]
### Download/Install/Configure ###
Here are some of the important links related to these utilities :
- [Home Page][2]
- [Download Link][3]
You can download ttyrec, ttyplay and ttytime in one go by just installing ttyrec with any command line download manager like apt-get or yum. Ubuntu users can download and install these utilities through Ubuntu Software Centre also.
### Pros ###
- Lightweight and easy to use
- Can record sessions of various popular command line utilities like vi, nano, lynx etc.
- Almost no learning curve.
### Cons ###
- Doesnt work on IRIX 6.4
- Depends on terminal size
- Doesnt come pre-installed in most of the Linux distributions.
### Conclusion ###
If you are looking for some lightweight command line tools for recording and playing terminal sessions on Linux then ttyrec and ttyplay are ideal tools to get started. I really liked the ease with which they can be used. Try these utilities, youll not be disappointed.
**Have you ever used ttyrec, ttyplay or any other terminal recording/playing utility? Share your experience with us.**
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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
Linus Torvalds 十句精彩语录 —— 来自 LinuxCon Europe 大会上的主旨发言
*Linus Torvalds 和 Linus Torvalds 在 Edinburgh举行的 LinuxCon Europe 大会主席台上*
今天, Linux创始人 Linus Torvalds 坐在了在Edinburgh举办的[LinuxCon Europe][1]大会主席台上,
陪同他的是来自Intel公司linux主管和开源技术专家 Dirk Hohndel, 二人一起探讨linux的现在和未来并且回答了来自社区的问题。讨论的话题很广泛包括即将发布的3.12版内核, 内核维护者的理想性格,
还有能让 Linus 熬夜去解决的一些问题linux桌面游戏 等等。
以下是linus的十句精彩语录 来自周三早上的主旨演讲, 按大会上发言时的顺序排列。
1. Linus 很满意当前内核版本三个月时间的发布周期,因为这样的话,开发者可以充分利用该时间段构建新的特性。即使他们错过了合并的窗口期, 等到下一次机会的到来,三个月的等待时间也不算很长, 他们也就不必急于提交代码了。
2. 快速变更的步调还允许开发人员快速合并他们的代码, 然后继续下一步。
**3. “对于一个维护者来说,最重要的不在于你是不是一个优秀的工程师, 而在于你得负责任, 别人可以指望你, 7天的每一个24小时 一年52个星期都是如此”。**
年轻的开发者想成为一名维护人员是比较困难的。要经过数年时间的观察期,让社区信任你, 注意到你确实坚守在这里。那即是说,只要你能证明自己是可信赖的,想成为一名维护者还是容易的,毕竟这是一份棘手的工作,必须时刻保持关注。
4. Dirk:“是什么让你熬夜?”
5. 真正让Linus熬夜的是与开发进度有关的社交性问题。
**有时候情绪来了,可能好几天都比较有压力。 我也有脾气, 这对我来说没什么…… 但是其他人倾向于陷入到问题里边。结果浪费好几周时间,而且这些问题都挺让人纠结的。**
6.当提到说服大公司继续贡献内核代码并且使用开源软件, linus持进化论观点。他们要么从开源获益要么就得承受经济上的损失。
**我从事开源,因为有乐趣而且开源行得通…… 跟内核社区合作的公司会花费更少的时间并且使工作更有成效。**
**7. 如果你的公司认为内核的微小改动可以带来竞争优势,你恐怕将会面临经济问题。最好还是考虑一下生产廉价的高质量的硬件好了。**
*Linux 创始人 Linux Torvalds 回答现场观众的提问2013 LinuxCon Europe大会。*
8. 有关linux桌面版的现状linus有几点要谈。linux桌面仍然可以改善。但是各个发行版之间的内讧已然是个问题。
**我开始设计 Linux 时候就是想看到它在桌面上运行。我希望大家能更好的合作,一起设计一个真正漂亮的登录界面。**
9. Linus认为 Valves Steam有助于linux桌面版的开发这是个极好的机会。他们打算为运行游戏的Linux发行版制定一个标准。。
10. 针对多样性, linus说他希望看到内核社区的发展壮大 有来自不同地区的更多的女性和开发者参与到其中。
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
禁用Ubuntu 13.10的Amazon和远程内容获取
Ubuntu 13.10已经发布一段时间了是时候坐下来配置一下系统来满足你的要求。Ubuntu 13.10配备了很多东西,当你安装或者升级时其实有些并不是你所需要的。
举个例子当你安装或者升级到Ubuntu 13.10时会自动启用Amazon和一些其他商业购物。当你打开Unity Dash时这些Lens就会显示。当你在Dash处执行搜索时类似Amazon的远程数据源中符合你搜索内容的选项也会发送过来。
这篇简单的教程就是教你当使用Ubuntu 13.10时如何快速禁用Amazon和所有远程内容获取。
在你的键盘上按组合键 **Ctrl Alt T** 会显示终端或控制台。当它打开后运行下面的命令去禁用该功能。
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses remote-content-search 'none'
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses remote-content-search 'all'
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
05 Linux 内核: 配置内核(Part 1)
make config - 纯文本界面 (最常用的选择)。
make menuconfig - 基于文本彩色菜单和单选列表。这个选项可以加快开发者开发速度。必须安装ncurses(ncurses-devel)。
make nconfig - 基于文本的彩色菜单。必须安装curses (libcdk5-dev)。
make xconfig - QT/X-windows 界面。需要安装QT。
make gconfig - Gtk/X-windows 界面。需要安装GTK。
make oldconfig - 纯文本界面但问题基于本地配置文件。
make silentoldconfig - 和oldconfig相似但是不会显示配置文件中已有的问题。
make olddefconfig -和silentoldconfig相似但有些问题已经以它们的默认值选择。
make defconfig - 这个选项将会创建一份以当前系统架构为基础的默认设置文件。
make ${PLATFORM}_defconfig - 创建一份使用arch/$ARCH/configs/${PLATFORM}_defconfig中的值的配置文件。
make allyesconfig - 这个选项将会创建一根尽可能多的问题都为yes的配置文件。
make allmodconfig - 这个选项将会创建一份将尽可能多的内核部分配置为模块的配置文件。
make allnoconfig - 这个选项只会生成内核必要代码的配置文件。它对尽可能多的问题都回答no。这有时会导致内核无法工作在为该硬件编译的硬件上。
make randconfig - 这个选项会对内核选项随机选择。
make localmodconfig - 这个选项会根据当前已加载模块列表和系统配置来生成配置文件。
make localyesconfig - 将当前使用的模块都编译进内核(译者注:这里与原文 This will set all module options to yes - most (or all) of the kernel will not be in modules的意思不同经过网络多处验证译者认为这里可能是原作者笔误)。
贴士:最好使用“make menuconfig”因为用户可以加快进度。“make config”不会提供如此“奢侈品”。因为配置过程会耗费大量时间。
### 配置: ###
大多数开发者选择使用“make menucongfig”或者其他图形菜单。当要求的键入命令后第一个问题是受否将内核编译成64位。选项有“Y”、“n”和“?”。问号用来解释这个问题“n”代表这个问题回答否(no),"Y"代表这个问题回答是(yes).在这个教程里,我选择是。 这里我输入"Y"(这里是大小写敏感的)并输入回车。
下一行显示的是"Cross-compiler tool prefix (CROSS_COMPILE) []".如果你没有在交叉编译就按下回车。如果你正在交叉编译对ARM系统输入像"arm-unknown-linux-gnu-",对64位PC输入像"x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-"的字样。对其他处理器而言还有许多其他可能的命令,但是这个表太大了。一旦一名开发者知道他们想要支持的处理器,很容易就可研究出处理器需要的命令。
接下来,用户会看到“Local version - append to kernel release (LOCALVERSION) []”。这使开发人员可以给定一个特殊版本号或他们自定义的内核。我将输入“LinuxDotOrg”。现在的内核版本会是“3.9.4-LinuxDotOrg”。接下来,配置工具会询问“Automatically append version information to the version string (LOCALVERSION_AUTO) [N/y/?]”。如果发现一个git树,修订号将被追加。这个例子中没有使用git,所以我回答"no"。不然git修订号将会追加到版本号中。还记得vmlinuz和几个类似的文件么?好,下一个问题就是问使用哪一种格式压缩内核。开发人员可以从五个选项中选择一个。它们是
2. Bzip2 (KERNEL_BZIP2)
现在这行显示"Default hostname (DEFAULT_HOSTNAME) [(none)]".这可以配置主机名。通常地,开发者这行留空(我这里留空)为了以后Linux用户可以自己设置他们的主机名。
接下来开发者可以启用或者禁用交换空间。Linux使用独立的分区叫做"swap space"来使用虚拟内存。这相当于Windows中的页面文件。典型地开发者在这行“Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap) (SWAP) [Y/n/?]”回答是.
接下来一行(System V IPC (SYSVIPC) [Y/n/?])来询问内核是否支持IPC。进程间通信使进程间可以通信和同步。最好启用IPC不然许多程序将无法工作。这个问题回答是会是配置工具接下来问"POSIX Message Queues (POSIX_MQUEUE) [Y/n/?]".这个问题只会在IPC启用后看见。POSIX消息队列是一种给每条消息一个优先级的消息队列一种进程间通信形式。默认的选择是'是'.按回车选择默认选择(以大写选择指示).
下一个问题(open by fhandle syscalls (FHANDLE) [Y/n/?])是问当有需要进行文件系统操作的时候程序是否允许使用文件句柄而不是文件名进行。默认上,这个选择是'是'。
有时,开发这在做了一些选择后,某些问题会自动回答。比如,下一个问题(Auditing support (AUDIT) [Y/?])会在没有提示的情况下自动回答因为先前的选项需要这个特性。审计支持会记录所有文件的访问和修改。下一个关于审计的问题(Enable system-call auditing support (AUDITSYSCALL) [Y/n/?]).如果启用,所有的系统调用都会记录下来。如果开发者想要更好的性能,那么最好尽可能地禁用审计特性并不把它加入内核。一些开发者可能为了安全监控而启用审计。这个问题我选择"no".下一个审计问题(Make audit loginuid immutable (AUDIT_LOGINUID_IMMUTABLE) [N/y/?])是询问进程是否可以改变它们的loginuid(LOGIN User ID),如果启用用户空间中的进程将无法改变他们的loginuid。为了更好的性能我们这里禁用这个特性。
注意:当通过"make config"配置时,这些通过配置工具回答的问题会显示出来但是用户无法改变答案。当通过"make menuconfig"配置时,无论用户按任何键都无法改变选项。开发者不想像这样改变选项因为前一个选择取决于另外一个问题的选择。
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@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
觉得长文无聊?那直接到最后一部分 "**所有内容的整理**".
### 为什么没有Linux我活不了? ###
### 考虑几个情况: ###
1. 你的机器经常崩溃.
1. 它令人发指的慢.
1. 文件/文件夹的建立/删除没有你的干预.
1. 机器莫名其妙的关闭.
有什么收获?你的机器感染了病毒.现在,它几乎不会发生在Linux上.在这里可以说"根本没有" :)
### 为什么/怎么做? ###
** 1994年3月14日,Linux 1.0.0发布,拥有176.250行代码.
到2013年,Linux 3.10发布时,已经有了15,803,499行代码.**
**稳定性** - 永远运行的Linux机器. 一个简单的"uptime"命令可以让你知道机器已经运行了多久.你永远不需要关机.机智的热插拔.当然这在其它操作系统的机器报告了同样长的运行时间,但同样,Linux机器很少崩溃,蓝屏死机(:D),除非是你搞死了它.
老话说得好 "**Linux是用户友好,不是白痴友好**"(译者注:貌似在拉仇横?)
有许多必要的事情你应该做以保护你的机器免于病毒/木马.一项研究说,windows连接到网络之后平均40分钟的时间就会受到影响,然而Linux - 像一个老板.那就是,你除了基本操作系统本身不需要安装任何东西.
**安全性增强** - Iptables, 一个极好的命令行工具用来设置firewall.同样,还有许多其它创新,比如*端口试探(port knocking),chroot监狱(译者注:维基百科:chroot是在unix系统的一个操作,用于对当前的程序和它的子进程改变真实的磁盘根目录.一个被改变根目录的程序不可以访问和命名在被改变根目录外的文件,那个根目录叫做"chroot监狱chroot jail,chroot prison)").
**SELinux** - 你给一个文件所有的访问权限,其他人仍然不能访问它,如果SELinux设置执行.
所以说,如果操作系统公司不修复bug,之后会怎么样?好,你只能和bug生活在一起了.然而在linux,有许多人修复bug,或者如果逆是一个更好的程序员,或许你应该修复它并且贡献到开源社区. **分享快乐!**
**没有crapware**(译者注:附赠软件,是一个贬义的俚语) - 这个操作系统是开源的.关于其它工具?恩,有许多开源工具可以在上面使用,而在其它操作统统中,大部分软件可能会问你是否订购服务,升级/购买.更差的是,在用了几天之后,你可能会发现这个玩意儿竟然只有30天的试用期.在这方面,Linux上永远不会让你经历这样的失意.
如果你仅仅是一个正常的桌面用户,没有多少事情要用命令行(CLI)来做 - Linux带有各种桌面,比如Gnome,KDE,没错你可以称呼它为 "**下一代桌面环境**"
**没有后门(backdoor)** - 当你不了解一个操作系统开源代码时,你怎么能确保它没有后门呢.如果制造商公司留了一个和谐的后门,当你连接到网络的时候,这会让你的隐私无所遁形.在Linux上任何东西都是开放的.因此没有后门可以引入到操作系统里.
这里要谈另一个有趣的事: 大部分使用windows的用户可能会有一个沮丧的事就是当升级一些软件或者操作系统的时候需要重启机器.Linux不需要这样的重启.Linux是一个稳定的,完美运行多年也不需要重启的系统.
**让老机器品味新生** - Linux甚至可以在很老的硬件上完美运行,不像其它的操作系统,需要新的硬件,仅仅是为了使用它.
### 所有内容的整理..###
- 让老机器新生
- 开机很快
- 随时更新
- 没有crapware(垃圾软件)
- 没有后门
- 没有病毒
- 稳定性
- 兼容性
- 安全增强
- 快速响应
- Linux不需要碎片整理
- 那么选择Linux有影响力在这个环境. (Google it)
- 自由和无限的支持 -论坛邮件列表IRC频道
- 工作区的功能 - 下一代桌面
- 没有大麻烦
- 报告bug和得到修复
- 你不会感到孤单.
- 贡献东西回来,感觉争辩.给予快乐。
- 其它操作系统是一个公司的,微软拥有的Windows,苹果拥有Mac OS.
- Linux?恩,我们拥有它.
总之,你可以品味自由的感觉 - 这是无价的. 你要体验一下它,不仅仅是阅读文章.
对我来说, **linuxing 是沉思**. 对你呢? :)
Google "linuxing urban dictionary"(译者注:urban dictionary是一个专供网友来发表对一些特殊的单词或短语的解释,这上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释.里面对于每一个词条会有提供很多网友的解释,而你可以投票),来,笑一个 :D
译者:[flsf]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
ttyrec & ttyplay - Linux记录播放终端会话
有些时候你可能想要记录一个终端会话为了保存一个复杂的命令行操作为将来使用的参考或者是为了知识分享。你可能也想记录的文件尺寸尽可能的小一点并且希望当播放记录文件时可以做一个快速回放。在这个文章中我们将讨论两个命令行工具( **ttyrec 和 ttyplay** )来供你记录,保存和播放终端会话。
### ttyrec & ttyplay ###
**> ttyrec**
**> ttyplay**
### 测试环境 ###
- 系统 Ubuntu 13.04
- Shell Bash 4.2.45
- 应用 ttyrec 1.0.8-5 & ttyplay 1.0.8-5
### 简明教程 ###
$ ttyrec [文件名]
参数 **[文件名]** (上面显示的命令)是一个选项如果要使用就要用一个你想要用的名字。这个记录文件将会用这个名字保存下来。如果你没有指定一个文件名ttyrec就会用 **ttyrecord** 作为缺省文件名。
到你想要结束终端会话的时候,只需要运行 **exit** 命令,这个会话记录就会结束。记录文件将会保存在当前文件夹下。
$ ttyplay [文件名]
参数 **[文件名]** 就是记录文件名,也就是通过 **ttyrec** 命令给定参数一样的那个名字。如果没有指定文件名,那么缺省文件名就是 **ttyrecord**
- +f键可以加速到两倍正常播放速度。
- -s键可以减慢到一般正常播放速度。
- 0可以暂停。
- 1可以回到正常播放速度。
**> ttyrec**
> ttyplay
还有另一个小工具 **ttytime** 可以用来显示用ttyrec工具会话记录的时间。很容易使用并且只需要记录文件名作为命令行参数。
$ ttytime record_file
29 record_file
- [youtube video][1]
### 下载/安装/配置 ###
- [主页][2]
- [下载链接][3]
### 赞同 ###
- 轻量级并且易用
- 可以记录多种流行的命令行工具比如vinanolynx等
- 没有学习曲线。
### 反对 ###
- 不能在IRIX6.4下工作
- 依赖终端尺寸
- 大多数Linux发行版没有预案装。
### 结论 ###
**你使用过ttyrecttyplay或者其它的终端 记录/播放 工具?分享你的经历给我们吧。**
译者:[flsf]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出