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Update 20180125 Linux whereis Command Explained for Beginners (5 Examples).md
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Linux whereis Command Explained for Beginners (5 Examples)
为初学者介绍 Linux whereis 命令 (5个例子)
Sometimes, while working on the command line, we just need to quickly find out the location of the binary file for a command. Yes, the [find][1] command is an option in this case, but it's a bit time consuming and will likely produce some non-desired results as well. There's a specific command that's designed for this purpose: **whereis**.
In this article, we will discuss the basics of this command using some easy to understand examples. But before we do that, it's worth mentioning that all examples in this tutorial have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04LTS.
### Linux whereis command
在这篇文章里,我们会通过一些便于理解的例子来解释这一命令的基础内容。但在这之前,值得说明的一点是,下面出现的所有例子都在 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 下测试过。
The whereis command lets users locate binary, source, and manual page files for a command. Following is its syntax:
### Linux whereis 命令
whereis 命令可以帮助用户寻找某一命令的二进制文件,源码以及帮助页面。下面是它的格式:
whereis [options] [-BMS directory... -f] name...
And here's how the tool's man page explains it:
whereis locates the binary, source and manual files for the specified command names. The supplied
names are first stripped of leading pathname components and any (single) trailing extension of the
form .ext (for example: .c) Prefixes of s. resulting from use of source code control are also dealt
with. whereis then attempts to locate the desired program in the standard Linux places, and in the
places specified by $PATH and $MANPATH.
这是这一命令的man 页面给出的解释:
The following Q&A-styled examples should give you a good idea on how the whereis command works.
whereis可以查找指定命令的二进制文件,源文件和帮助文件。 被找到的文件在显示时,会去掉主路径名,然后再去掉文件的扩展名 (如: .c),来源于源代码控制的.s前缀也会被去掉。接下来,whereis会尝试在Linux存储命令的位置里,寻找具体程序,也会在由$ PATH和$ MANPATH指定的路径中寻找。
### Q1. How to find location of binary file using whereis?
下面这些以Q&A 形式出现的例子,可以给你一个关于如何使用whereis命令的直观感受。
### Q1.如何用whereis 命令寻找二进制文件所在位置?
Suppose you want to find the location for, let's say, the whereis command itself. Then here's how you can do that:
whereis whereis
@ -35,11 +38,14 @@ whereis whereis
[![How to find location of binary file using whereis][2]][3]
Note that the first path in the output is what you are looking for. The whereis command also produces paths for manual pages and source code (if available, which isn't in this case). So the second path you see in the output above is the path to the whereis manual file(s).
需要注意的是,输出的第一个路径才是你想要的结果。使用whereis 命令,同时也会显示帮助页面和源码所在路径。(如果能找到的情况下会显示,但是在这一例中没有找到)所以你在输出中看见的第二个路径就是帮助页面文件所在位置。
### Q2. How to specifically search for binaries, manuals, or source code?
If you want to search specifically for, say binary, then you can use the **-b** command line option. For example:
### Q2.怎么在搜索时规定只搜索二进制文件,帮助页面,还是源代码呢?
如果你想只搜索,假设说,二进制文件,你可以使用 **-b** 这一命令行选项。例如:
whereis -b cp
@ -47,45 +53,54 @@ whereis -b cp
[![How to specifically search for binaries, manuals, or source code][4]][5]
Similarly, the **-m** and **-s** options are used in case you want to find manuals and sources.
类似的, **-m** and **-s** 这两个 选项分别对应 帮助页面和源码。
### Q3. How to limit whereis search as per requirement?
By default whereis tries to find files from hard-coded paths, which are defined with glob patterns. However, if you want, you can limit the search using specific command line options. For example, if you want whereis to only search for binary files in /usr/bin, then you can do this using the **-B** command line option.
### Q3.如何限制whereis 命令的输出结果条数?
默认情况下,whereis 是从系统的硬编码路径来寻找文件的,它会输出所有符合条件的结果。但如果你想的话,你可以用命令行选项来限制输出内容。例如,如果你只想在 /usr/bin 寻找二进制文件,你可以用 **-B** 这一选项来实现。
whereis -B /usr/bin/ -f cp
**Note** : Since you can pass multiple paths this way, the **-f** command line option terminates the directory list and signals the start of file names.
**注意**:使用这种方式时可以给出多个路径。使用**-f** 这一选项是指在给出的路径中没有找到这些文件,
Similarly, if you want to limit manual or source searches, you can use the **-M** and **-S** command line options.
### Q4. How to see paths that whereis uses for search?
类似的,如果你想只搜索 帮助文件或源码,你可以对应使用 **-M** and **-S** 这两个选项。
### Q4. 如何查看 whereis 的搜索路径?
与次相对应的也有一个选项。只要在whereis 后加上 **-l**。
There's an option for this as well. Just run the command with **-l**.
whereis -l
Here is the list (partial) it produced for us:
[![How to see paths that whereis uses for search][6]][7]
### Q5. How to find command names with unusual entries?
### Q5. How to find command names with unusual entries? 如何找到一个有异常条目的命令?
For whereis, a command becomes unusual if it does not have just one entry of each explicitly requested type. For example, commands with no documentation available, or those with documentation in multiple places are considered unusual. The **-u** command line option, when used, makes whereis show the command names that have unusual entries.
对于whereis 命令来说,如果一个命令对每个显式请求类型都没有条目,则该命令异常。例如,没有可用文档的命令,或者对应文档分散在各处的命令都可以算作异常命令。 当使用 **-u** 这一选项,whereis就会显示那些有异常条目的命令。
For example, the following command should display files in the current directory which have no documentation file, or more than one.
whereis -m -u *
### Conclusion
### 总结
我同意,whereis 不是那种你需要经常使用的命令行工具。但在遇到某些特殊情况时,它绝对会让你的生活变得轻松。我们已经涉及了这一工具提供的一些重要命令行选项,所以要注意练习。想了解更多信息,直接去看它的[man][8]页面吧。
Agreed, whereis is not the kind of command line tool that you'll require very frequently. But when the situation arises, it definitely makes your life easy. We've covered some of the important command line options the tool offers, so do practice them. For more info, head to its [man page][8].
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