diff --git a/sources/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md b/sources/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md index 566b1fe42c..5580b560af 100644 --- a/sources/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md +++ b/sources/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md @@ -1,100 +1,100 @@ -Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns -================================================================================ -The interns who worked with The Linux Foundation as part of the [FOSS Outreach Program for Women][1] this summer come from diverse backgrounds and levels of experience, but they now have at least one thing in common (besides their gender). They can all add “Linux kernel hacker” to their resume. +延伸项目为Linux内核寻找新的女性实习生 +=== +作为[FOSS针对女性的延伸项目][1],这个夏季工作在Linux基金会的实习生们有着多样的背景和水平也高低不等,但是她们至少有一件事情是相同的(除去她们的性别之外)。她们可以在自己的履历中添加一项“Linux内核工作者”。 ![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/OPW-kernel-contributions-9.jpg) -*Outreach Program for Women ranked among the top contributors to Linux kernel 3.12. Source: LWN.net.* +*针对女性的延伸项目在对Linux内核3.12的贡献已经名列前茅。来源:LWN.net* -Lisa Nguyen, Xenia Ragiadakou, Elena Ufimtseva, Laura Vasilescu and Tulin Izer were among the seven women out of 41 applicants who received $5,000 stipends each as part of the first group of OPW interns sponsored by the Linux Foundation. They worked full time with kernel developers at Intel, Oracle, and Citrix for three months and tackled projects that included the x86 boot process and vNUMA topolgy. They were also able to take advantage of a $500 travel scholarship to attend and speak at LinuxCon in New Orleans or Edinburgh. +在Linux基金会资助的第一批每人5000美元薪水的申请人中,Lisa Nguyen, Xenia Ragiadakou, Elena Ufimtseva, Laura Vasilescu 和Tulin Izer是41获得者中的7名女性女性获得者。她们与Intel、Oracle和Citrix的内核开发者一起工作了三个月,解决了包括X86启动协议和XNUMA拓扑在内的项目。她们拿出了奖金中的500美元出席了并在在新奥尔良或者爱丁堡举行的LinuxCon会议上演讲。 -“It's not often that I'd get to say, 'I volunteered at LinuxCon North America, spoke at LinuxCon North America, and met Linus Torvalds in three days!" said Nguyen, whose internship focused on Xen block drivers with Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk at Oracle. +“我并不是总有机会去说,我在LinuxCon北美会议上做志愿者,在LinuxCon北美会议上发表演讲,而且与Linux Torvalds交流了三天!”Nguyen说,她是一个Linux内核实习生,与Orcale的Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk一起解决Xen虚拟机的时钟驱动问题。 -In addition to learning how to build and submit kernel patches, making new friends and colleagues and generally conquering their fears, the interns made significant contributions to the Linux kernel. +除了学习如何创建和提交内核补丁,这些实习生们通过结交新朋友和同事,克服了她们的恐惧心理,为Linux内核的发展作出了明显的贡献。 -“I'm not scared touching kernel code anymore,” said Izer, who worked with Peter P. Waskiewicz Jr. at Intel on parallelizing the x86 boot process. “This was my first contribution to an open source project and I'm really proud of it. I intend to keep doing this for a long time.” +“我不再害怕碰内核代码了”Izer这样说道,她和来自Intel的Peter P. Waskiewicz Jr.一起工作去解决X86的启动进程并行化问题。“这是我第一次对开源项目作出贡献,我以此为自豪。在我的余生,我将接着做下去”。 -### Top Kernel Contributors ### +###内核贡献着排行榜 -As a group, OPW was listed as a top contributor to the 3.11 kernel, coming in No. 13 with 230 changesets submitted, according to the [August kernel report on LWN][2]. And intern Xenia Ragiadakou was among the top 10 most active developers contributing 100 changesets to 3.11. +最为一个组织,OPW列出了一个针对Linux3.11内核的贡献排行榜,可参看[在LWN上的权威内核报告][2]。实习生Xenia Ragiadakou给3.11内核贡献了100个补丁,在最活跃的开发者中位列前10。 -“My main project was to add trace events and write a trace-cmd plugin for parsing the traces in human readable format to facilitate xhci (driver) debugging,” said Ragiadakou, who worked with Intel kernel developer Sarah Sharp on the project. “I learned how to use git, how to use static code analysis tools, how to send patches, how to tune my debug logs, how the usb subsystem is assembled, how xhci driver is implemented.” +“我的主要工作就是添加追踪事件,然后写了一个trace-cmd插件以便于把追踪事件写成利于人们阅读的格式以方便于xhci(驱动)的debug,”Ragiadakou说,她和Intel的内核开发者Sarah Sharp一起做这项工作。“我学习了如何使用git,如何使用静态代码分析工具,以及如何发送补丁,如何查看debug日志,usb子系统是如何组成的,xhci驱动又是如何实现的。” -On the 3.12 kernel, OPW again ranked among the top companies contributing, this time at No. 11 with 19,649 lines of code changed, [according to LWN's][3] analysis in October. That represents 2.7 percent of all changes made during this latest development cycle. +在内核3.12上,OPW再次排在了贡献最大的团队或公司之中,这次是排行第11行,有19,649行代码的改动,可参看[LWN的在10月份的分析报告][3]。那代表了在过去最新的一次开发周期中接近2.7%的改动量。 -After their internships ended in September, most of the women have continued to work on the projects they started and plan to keep it up. +在她们的实习计划在9月份结束时,她们中的大多数仍然持续对她们开始做的以及打算继续做的项目继续保持这贡献。 -“I think it's cool to be a kernel contributor and I wanted to do this for some time,” said Vasilescu, who worked with Carolyn Wyborny and Anjali Singhai at Intel on features for ethtool in the igb driver. +“我认为成为一个内核开发者是一件非常酷的事情,将来,我也要继续做这件事情,”Vasilescu说,她和Intel的Carolyn Wyborny以及 Anjali Singha一起解决igb驱动的ethtool属性。 -“I still have to learn how to stop. Sometimes, oh well, often, I cannot stop,” said Ufimtseva, who worked on vNUMA topolgy for paravirtual guests in Xen with Stefano Stabellini, Dario Fargiolli and George Dunlap at Citrix. “I keep working and later it contributes into the quality of code. But it is so engaging!” +“我甚至需要学习如何才能停下来。有时候,好吧,是常常,我无法停下来,”Ufimtseva说,她和Citrix的Stefano Stabellini、Dario Fargiolli、George Dunlap一起工作,以解决针对与工作在xen上的并行虚拟机的vNUMA拓扑问题。“我一直努力,最终我贡献的补丁被提交到了高质量代码库里,这真的是很鼓舞人心哇!” -The deadline for the next round of Linux kernel internships is Nov. 11. Applicants should have some basic knowledge of C or C++ and boolean algebra. Some experience with operating systems, Linux/Unix, and Git is nice but not required. For more information on the available projects and how to apply, visit the [OPW page on Kernel Newbies][4]. +下一轮Liux内核实习生的截止日期是11月。申请着应当了解c或者c++的基本知识,布尔代数学,对Linux/Unix操作系统有一定的经验,了解Git更好不过也不需要。想了解有关可参加的项目以及申请的更详细信息,可浏览[在内核新闻站点的OPW页面][4]。 -### Lisa Nguyen ### +###Lisa Nguyen ![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/lisa-nguyen-kernel-intern-2.jpg) -**Lisa Nguyen worked on Xen block drivers with Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk at Oracle.** +**Lisa Nguyen和Oracle的Konrad Rzeszutek一起解决Xen的时钟驱动问题** -I earned multiple college degrees in Computer Science, Digital Forensics, and Information Security before I became an OPW kernel intern. I have used Linux continuously for the past two years, and I have taken multiple roles in the Linux community including project manager, manpage author, LinuxCon session coordinator, and kernel contributor. +在我成为OPW实习生之前,我已经获得了多个大学学位,如计算机科学,数字辩论和信息安全等。我在过去的两年中持续地使用Linux,我还在Linux社区中充当多种角色,例如项目管理着,man页的作者,LinuxCon会议的协调着以及内核贡献着。 -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** +**你为什么申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** -I wanted a challenge and move out of my comfort zone. I wanted to give software development another chance, because I dealt with confidence issues in the past. One day, I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in Linux instead of becoming a digital forensics analyst. The timing couldn't have been better when I read about the OPW program through the Linux Foundation's post on Google+ and thought, "What do I have to lose if I don't try?" +我想要一个挑战,想要跳离自己的舒服区域。我要给软件开发一个机会,因为过去我一直面对这自信心问题。一天,我决定要寻求一个有关Linux的职业来代替现在的数字分析工作。当我看到OPW项目出现在Linux基金会在Google+上的博文时,我觉得这是一个在合适不过的机会咯,于是,我想“我为什么不去尝试一下呢?” -### Elena Ufimtseva ### +###Elena Ufimtseva ![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/elena-ufimtseva-kernel-intern.jpg) -**Elena Ufimtseva worked on vNUMA topolgy for paravirtual guests in Xen with Stefano Stabellini, Dario Fargiolli, George Dunlap at Citrix.** +**Elena Ufimtseva与来自Citrix的Stefano Stabellini, Dario Fargiolli, George Dunlap的一起去解决xen虚拟机中的并行虚拟客户端的vNUMAde的拓扑问题** -I worked as a Linux system admin for quite some time and there were different projects I was a part of. I graduated with a Master Degree in Computer Science at St.-Petersburg University in Russian Federation. +我作为一名Linux系统管理员已经有想当长的一段时间了,而且成为了许多项目的一分子。我从俄罗斯联邦的St.-Petersburg大学获得了我的计算机科学硕士学位。 -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** +**你为什么申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** -I felt I want to create software, system software, low-level. Not java :). I had that feeling that I can work on complex problems and solve them. I always check on latest Linux news and I think the one that truly caught my attention was Greg's presentation at Google a few years ago about Linux kernel development community organization and patches application process. I thought 'wow, that sounds great!' +我觉得我需要使用低级语言而不是java去软件,例如系统软件。我有一种感觉,我能应对复杂的问题并解决他们。我经常阅读最新的Linux新闻,我觉得最吸引我注意的是Greg在一年前在Google做的关于Linux内核开发着社区以及补丁递交程序等的报告。我觉得“哇,这好好玩哇!” ### Laura Vasilescu ### ![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/laura-vasilescu-kernel-intern-2.jpg) -**Laura Vasilescu worked with Carolyn Wyborny and Anjali Singhai on features for ethtool in the igb driver.** +**Laura Vasilescu 和 Carolyn Wyborny以及Anjali Singhai共同去解决igb驱动的ethtool属性。** -I consider myself a geek and I have a huge interest for improving the education system (especially in Romania). As a student, I volunteered myself as an undergraduate teaching assistant at my university and as a member of the Romanian Open Source Education Association. My technical expertise is in networking, operating systems and low-level programming. +我认为自己就是一个极客,我对改善教育系统(尤其是罗马尼亚的)有着非常浓厚的兴趣。作为一名学生,我成为一名我所在大学的教师助理的志愿者,我还是罗马尼亚开源教育协会的成员。我的技术专长是网络,操作系统和低级编程语言。 -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** +**你为什么申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** -I think is cool to be a kernel contributor and I wanted to do this for some time. +我觉得成为一名内核贡献着是一件非常酷的事情,我要做一下这样的事情。 ### Tulin Izer ### ![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/Tulin-Izer-kernel-intern-2.jpg) -**Tulin Izer worked with Peter Waskiewicz at Intel on parallelizing the x86 boot process. ** +**Tulin Izer和来自Intel的Peter Waskiewicz一起去解决x86系统的启动进成并行化问题。** -I'm from Turkey. I'm a computer engineering student at Galatasaray University in Istanbul. This is my final year. +我来自与土耳其。我是一名来自于伊斯坦布尔的Galatasaray大学的计算机工程专业的学生。今年我大四。 -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** +**为什么你申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** -I was interested in operating systems and programming in C but I didn't have any experience with kernel development, I thought this would be a good place to start. +我对操作系统以及使用C语言进行变成非常感兴趣,但是我对内核开发没有任何经验,但是我觉的这是一个起步的好地方。 ### Xenia Ragiadakou ### -Currently I study Computer Science at the University of Crete. I have finished some other studies in the past, on Economics and on Eastern Europe Studies. The reason that I decided to change field once again is because I got bored. I don't know how that sounds. I realized that my organism needed something more applicable, creative and dynamic. So, I decided to enter the Computer Science department. Now, my spirit rests peaceful :) I think coding suits me perfectly. It 's like a game and also I enjoy the developers' mentality. +目前,我在克利特大学学习计算机科学。过去,我已经修完了几门课程,如经济学,东欧研究史等。我决定另换一个领域的原因是我感到厌烦了。我不知道这个想法是否明智。但是我意识到我需要的是更加具有创造性、富有变化以及非常实用的东西。所以,我决定进入计算机科学学院学习。现在,我的内心重新回复平静:我觉的编程是一件更加适合我的事情。这就像玩游戏一样,我非常喜欢编程的乐趣。 -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** +**为什么你申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** -I wanted since a long time to participate in an open source project but i was thinking that I'm not competent enough to do so. There were three factors that drove me to apply. 1) The fact that OPW is aimed at women made me feel more comfortable. 2) The fact that there were projects on linux kernel because I like working on systems. 3) The fact that the introduction to Linux kernel development was smooth and took place quite early, during the application process. +想加入开源项目的想法已经在我的脑海中存在很久了,但我一直认为我还没有足够的能力加入开源项目中去。这次有三个因素促使我去申请。1)OPW针对女性这一目标是我感到更加舒坦。2)我非常喜欢在Linux系统中工作。3)被引入Linux内核的开发过程非常平顺,会在应用开发的早期加入进去。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- via: http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/200-libby-clark/746687-outreach-program-for-women-seeks-new-linux-kernel-interns/ -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) +译者:[Linux-pdz](https://github.com/Linux-pdz) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 [1]:https://wiki.gnome.org/OutreachProgramForWomen [2]:http://lwn.net/Articles/563977/ [3]:http://lwn.net/Articles/570483/ -[4]:http://kernelnewbies.org/OPWIntro \ No newline at end of file +[4]:http://kernelnewbies.org/OPWIntro