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# Getting Started with Webpack 2

Webpack 2 will be out of beta [once the documentation has been finished][26]. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start using version 2 now if you know how to configure it.
### What is Webpack?
At its simplest, Webpack is a module bundler for your JavaScript. However, since its release it’s evolved into a manager of all your front-end code (either intentionally or by the community’s will).

A task runner such as _Gulp _can handle many different preprocessers and transpilers, but in all cases, it will take a source _input_ and crunch it into a compiled _output. _However, it does this on a case-by-case basis with no concern for the system at large. That is the burden of the developer: to pick up where the task runner left off and find the proper way for all these moving parts to mesh together in production.
Webpack attempts to lighten the developer load a bit by asking a bold question: _what if there were a part of the development process that handled dependencies on its own? What if we could simply write code in such a way that the build process managed itself, based on only what was necessary in the end?_

If you’ve been a part of the web community for the past few years, you already know the preferred method of solving a problem: _build this with JavaScript._And so Webpack attempts to make the build process easier by passing dependencies through JavaScript. But the true power of its design isn’t simply the code _management_ part; it’s that this management layer is 100% valid JavaScript (with Node features). Webpack gives you the ability to write valid JavaScript that has a better sense of the system at large.
In other words: _you don’t write code for Webpack. You write code for your projec_t. And Webpack keeps up (with some config, of course).
In a nutshell, if you’ve ever struggled with any of the following:
* Accidentally including stylesheets and JS libraries you don’t need into production, bloating the size
* Encountering scoping issues—both from CSS and JavaScript
* Finding a good system for using Node/Bower modules in your JavaScript, or relying on a crazy backend configuration to properly utilize those modules
* Needing to optimize asset delivery better but fearing you’ll break something
…then you could benefit from Webpack. It handles all the above effortlessly by letting JavaScript worry about your dependencies and load order instead of your developer brain. The best part? Webpack can even run purely on the server side, meaning you can still build [progressively-enhanced][25] websites using Webpack.
### First Steps
We’ll use [Yarn][24] (`brew install yarn`) in this tutorial instead of `npm`, but it’s totally up to you; they do the same thing. From our project folder, we’ll run the following in a terminal window to add Webpack 2 to both our global packages and our local project:
yarn global add webpack@2.1.0-beta.25 webpack-dev-server@2.1.0-beta.9
yarn add --dev webpack@2.1.0-beta.25 webpack-dev-server@2.1.0-beta.9
We’ll then declare a webpack configuration with a `webpack.config.js` file in the root of our project directory:
`'use strict';
const webpack = require("webpack");
module.exports = {
context: __dirname + "/src",
entry: {
app: "./app.js",
output: {
path: __dirname + "/dist",
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
_Note: _`___dirname_`_ refers to the root of your project._
Remember that Webpack “knows” what’s going in your project? It _knows_ by reading your code (don’t worry; it signed an NDA). Webpack basically does the following:
1. Starting from the `context` folder, …
2. … it looks for `entry` filenames …
3. … and reads the content. Every `import` ([ES6][7]) or `require()` (Node) dependency it finds as it parses the code, it bundles for the final build. It then searches _those_ dependencies, and those dependencies’ dependencies, until it reaches the very end of the “tree”—only bundling what it needed to, and nothing else.
4. From there, Webpack bundles everything to the `output.path` folder, naming it using the `output.filename` naming template (`[name]` gets replaced with the object key from `entry`)
So if our `src/app.js` file looked something like this (assuming we ran `yarn add --dev moment` beforehand):
'use strict';
import moment from 'moment';
var rightNow = moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');
console.log( rightNow );
// "October 23rd 2016, 9:30:24 pm"
We’d run
webpack -p
_Note: The _`_p_`_ flag is “production” mode and uglifies/minifies output._
And it would output a `dist/app.bundle.js` that logged the current date & time to the console. Note that Webpack automatically knew what `'moment'`referred to (although if you had a `moment.js` file in your directory, by default Webpack would have prioritized this over your `moment` Node module).
### Working with Multiple Files
You can specify any number of entry/output points you wish by modifying only the `entry` object.
#### Multiple files, bundled together
`'use strict';
const webpack = require("webpack");
module.exports = {
context: __dirname + "/src",
entry: {
app: ["./home.js", "./events.js", "./vendor.js"],
output: {
path: __dirname + "/dist",
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
Will all be bundled together as one `dist/app.bundle.js` file, in array order.
#### Multiple files, multiple outputs
`const webpack = require("webpack");
module.exports = {
context: __dirname + "/src",
entry: {
home: "./home.js",
events: "./events.js",
contact: "./contact.js",
output: {
path: __dirname + "/dist",
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
Alternately, you may choose to bundle multiple JS files to break up parts of your app. This will be bundled as 3 files: `dist/home.bundle.js`, `dist/events.bundle.js`, and `dist/contact.bundle.js`.
#### Advanced auto-bundling
If you’re breaking up your application into multiple `output` bundles (useful if one part of your app has a ton of JS you don’t need to load up front), there’s a likelihood you may be duplicating code across those files, because it will resolve each dependency separately from one another. Fortunately, Webpack has a built-in _CommonsChunk_ plugin to handle this:
module.exports = {
// …
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "commons",
filename: "commons.js",
minChunks: 2,
// …
Now, across your `output` files, if you have any modules that get loaded `2` or more times (set by `minChunks`), it will bundle that into a `commons.js` file which you can then cache on the client side. This will result in an additional header request, sure, but you prevent the client from downloading the same libraries more than once. So there are many scenarios where this is a net gain for speed.
### Developing
Webpack actually has its own development server, so whether you’re developing a static site or are just prototyping your front-end, it’s perfect for either. To get that running, just add a `devServer` object to `webpack.config.js`:
module.exports = {
context: __dirname + "/src",
entry: {
app: "./app.js",
output: {
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
path: __dirname + "/dist/assets",
publicPath: "/assets", // New
devServer: {
contentBase: __dirname + "/src", // New
Now make a `src/index.html` file that has:
<script src="/assets/app.bundle.js"></script>
… and from your terminal, run:
Your server is now running at `localhost:8080`. _Note how _`_/assets_`_ in the script tag matches _`_output.publicPath_`_—you can name this whatever you want (useful if you need a CDN)._
Webpack will hotload any JavaScript changes as you make them without the need to refresh your browser. However, any changes to the`webpack.config.js` file will require a server restart to take effect.
### Globally-accessible methods
Need to use some of your functions from a global namespace? Simply set `output.library` within `webpack.config.js`:
module.exports = {
output: {
library: 'myClassName',
… and it will attach your bundle to a `window.myClassName` instance. So using that name scope, you could call methods available to that entry point (you can read more about this setting [on the documentation][23]).
### Loaders
Up until now, we’ve only covered working with JavaScript. It’s important to start with JavaScript because _that’s the only language Webpack speaks_. We can work with virtually any file type, as long as we pass it into JavaScript. We do that with _Loaders_.
A loader can refer to a preprocessor such as Sass, or a transpiler such as Babel. On NPM, they’re usually named `*-loader` such as `sass-loader` or `babel-loader`.
#### Babel + ES6
If we wanted to use ES6 via [Babel][22] in our project, we’d first install the appropriate loaders locally:
yarn add --dev babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015
… and then add it to `webpack.config.js` so Webpack knows where to use it.
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
use: [{
loader: "babel-loader",
options: { presets: ["es2015"] }
// Loaders for other file types can go here
// …
_A note for Webpack 1 users: the core concept for Loaders remains the same, but the syntax has improved. Until they finish the docs this may/may not be the exact preferred syntax._
This looks for the `/\.js$/` RegEx search for any files that end in `.js` to be loaded via Babel. Webpack relies on RegEx tests to give you complete control—it doesn’t limit you to file extensions or assume your code must be organized in a certain way. For example: maybe your `/my_legacy_code/` folder isn’t written in ES6\. So you could modify the `test` above to be `/^((?!my_legacy_folder).)*\.js$/` which would exclude that specific folder, but process the rest with Babel.
#### CSS + Style Loader
If we wanted to only load CSS as our application needed, we could do that as well. Let’s say we have an `index.js` file. We’ll import it from there:
import styles from './assets/stylesheets/application.css';
We’ll get the following error: `You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type`. Remember that Webpack can only understand JavaScript, so we’ll have to install the appropriate loader:
yarn add --dev css-loader style-loader
… and then add a rule to `webpack.config.js`:
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"],
// …
_Loaders are processed in __reverse array order__. That means _`_css-loader_`_ will run before _`_style-loader_`_._
You may notice that even in production builds, this actually bundles your CSS in with your bundled JavaScript, and `style-loader` manually writes your styles to the `<head>`. At first glance it may seem a little kooky, but slowly starts to make more sense the more you think about it. You’ve saved a header request—saving valuable time on some connections—and if you’re loading your DOM with JavaScript anyway, this essentially eliminates [FOUC][21] on its own.
You’ll also notice that—out of the box—Webpack has automatically resolved all of your `@import` queries by packaging those files together as one (rather than relying on CSS’s default import which can result in gratuitious header requests and slow-loading assets).
Loading CSS from your JS is pretty amazing, because you now can modularize your CSS in powerful new ways. Say you loaded `button.css`only through `button.js`. This would mean if `button.js` is never actually used_, _its CSS wouldn’t bloat out our production build. If you adhere to component-oriented CSS practices such as SMACSS or BEM, you see the value in pairing your CSS more closely with your markup + JavaScript.
#### CSS + Node modules
We can use Webpack to take advantage of importing Node modules using Node’s `~` prefix. If we ran `yarn add normalize.css`, we could use:
@import "~normalize.css";
… and take full advantage of NPM managing our third party styles for us—versioning and all—without any copy + pasting on our part. Further, getting Webpack to bundle CSS for us has obvious advantages over using CSS’s default import, saving the client from gratuitous header requests and slow load times.
_Update: this and the following section have been updated for accuracy, no longer confusing using CSS Modules to simply import Node modules. Thanks to _[_Albert Fernández_][20]_ for the help!_
#### CSS Modules
You may have heard of [CSS Modules][19], which takes the _C_ out of _CSS_. It typically works best only if you’re building the DOM with JavaScript, but in essence, it magically scopes your CSS classes to the JavaScript file that loaded it ([learn more about it here][18]). If you plan on using it, CSS Modules comes packaged with `css-loader` (`yarn add --dev css-loader`):
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: [
{ loader: "css-loader", options: { modules: true } }
// …
_Note: for _`_css-loader_`_ we’re now using the __expanded object syntax__ to pass an option to it. You can use a string instead as shorthand to use the default options, as we’re still doing with _`_style-loader_`_._
* * *
It’s worth noting that you can actually drop the `~` when importing Node Modules with CSS Modules enabled (e.g.: `@import "normalize.css";`). However, you may encounter build errors now when you `@import` your own CSS. If you’re getting “can’t find ___” errors, try adding a `resolve` object to `webpack.config.js` to give Webpack a better understanding of your intended module order.
const path = require("path");
module.exports = {
resolve: {
modules: [path.resolve(__dirname, "src"), "node_modules"]
We specified our source directory first, and then `node_modules`. So Webpack will handle resolution a little better, first looking through our source directory and then the installed Node modules, in that order (replace `"src"` and `"node_modules"` with your source and Node module directories, respectively).
#### Sass
Need to use Sass? No problem. Install:
yarn add --dev sass-loader node-sass
And add another rule:
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(sass|scss)$/,
use: [
// …
Then when your Javascript calls for an `import` on a `.scss` or `.sass` file, Webpack will do its thing.
#### CSS bundled separately
Maybe you’re dealing with progressive enhancement; maybe you need a separate CSS file for some other reason. We can do that easily by swapping out `style-loader` with `extract-text-webpack-plugin` in our config without having to change any code. Take our example `app.js` file:
import styles from './assets/stylesheets/application.css';
Let’s install the plugin locally (we need the beta version for this as of Oct 2016)…
yarn add --dev extract-text-webpack-plugin@2.0.0-beta.4
… and add to `webpack.config.js`:
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: [
{ loader: "css-loader", options: { modules: true } },
// …
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: "[name].bundle.css",
allChunks: true,
Now when running `webpack -p` you’ll also notice an `app.bundle.css` file in your `output` directory. Simply add a `<link>` tag to that file in your HTML as you would normally.
#### HTML
As you might have guessed, there’s also an `[html-loader][6]`[ plugin][17] for Webpack. However, when we get to loading HTML with JavaScript, this is about the point where we branch off into a myriad of differing approaches, and I can’t think of one single example that would set you up for whatever you’re planning on doing next. Typically, you’d load HTML for the purpose of using JavaScript-flavored markup such as [JSX][16] or [Mustache][15] or [Handlebars][14] to be used within a larger system such as [React][13], [Angular][12], [Vue][11], or [Ember][10].
So I’ll end the tutorial here: you _can_ load markup with Webpack, but by this point you’ll be making your own decisions about your architecture that neither I nor Webpack can make for you. But using the above examples for reference and searching for the right loaders on NPM should be enough to get you going.
### Thinking in Modules
In order to get the most out of Webpack, you’ll have to think in modules—small, reusable, self-contained processes that do one thing and one thing well. That means taking something like this:
└── js/
└── application.js // 300KB of spaghetti code
… and turning it into this:
└── js/
├── components/
│ ├── button.js
│ ├── calendar.js
│ ├── comment.js
│ ├── modal.js
│ ├── tab.js
│ ├── timer.js
│ ├── video.js
│ └── wysiwyg.js
└── application.js // ~ 1KB of code; imports from ./components/
The result is clean, reusable code. Each individual component depends on `import`-ing its own dependencies, and `export`-ing what it wants to make public to other modules. Pair this with Babel + ES6, and you can utilize [JavaScript Classes][9] for great modularity, and _don’t-think-about-it _scoping that just works.
For more on modules, see [this excellent article by Preethi Kasreddy][8].
* * *
### Further Reading
* [What’s New in Webpack 2][5]
* [Webpack Config docs][4]
* [Webpack Examples][3]
* [React + Webpack Starter Kit][2]
* [Webpack How-to][1]
via: https://blog.madewithenvy.com/getting-started-with-webpack-2-ed2b86c68783#.oozfpppao
作者:[Drew Powers][a]
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OneNewLife translated
# Webpack 2 入门

Webpack 2 即将退出测试,[一旦文档完成][26]。不过这不意味着你现在不能开始使用第 2 版,前提是你知道怎么配置它。
### Webpack 是什么
官方的说法是最简单的 —— Webpack 是一个 JavaScript 模块打包器。然而,自从它发布以来,它发展成为了你所有前端代码的管理工具(有意地或社区的意愿)。

任务运行器,例如 Gulp,可以处理许多不同的预处理器和转换器,但是在所有的情景下,它都需要一个输入源并将其压缩到一个编译好的输出文件中。然而,它是在个案基础上这样做的,不用担心整个系统。这是开发者的负担:找到任务运行器中断的地方,并找到适当的方式将所有这些模块在生产中联合在一起。
Webpack 试图通过提出一个大胆的想法来减轻开发者的负担:如果有一部分开发过程可以自动处理依赖关系会怎样?如果我们可以简单地写代码,让构建过程只基于最终需求管理自己会怎样?

如果你过去几年一直是 web 社区的一员,你已经知道解决问题的首选方法:使用 JavaScript 来构建。因此 Webpack 尝试通过 JavaScript 传递依赖关系使构建过程更加容易。不过这个设计真正的亮点不是简单的代码管理部分,而是管理层由 100% 有效的 JavaScript 实现(具有 Nodejs 特性)。Webpack 能够让你写有效的 JavaScript,更好更全面地了解系统。
换句话来说:你不需要为 Webpack 写代码。你只需要写项目代码。而且 Webpack 会持续工作(当然需要一些配置)。
* 意外引入一些你不需要在生产中用上的样式表和 JS 库,使项目膨胀
* 遇到作用域的问题 —— CSS 和 JavaScript 都会有
* 找到一个好的构建系统让你在 JavaScript 中使用 Node/Bower 模块,或者依靠一个疯狂的后端配置来正确地使用这些模块
* 需要优化资产交付,但担心你会弄坏一些东西
那么你可以从 Webpack 中收益了。它通过让 JavaScript 毫不费力地担心你的依赖关系和加载顺序,而不是开发者的大脑。最好的部分是?Webpack 甚至可以纯粹在服务器端运行,这意味着你还可以使用 Webpack 构建[渐进增强][25]的网站。
### 第一步
我们将在本教程中使用 [Yarn][24](运行命令 `brew install yarn`) 代替 `npm`,不过这完全取决于你,它们做同样的事情。在我们的项目文件夹中,我们将在终端窗口中运行以下代码,将 Webpack 2 添加到我们的全局软件包以及本地项目中:
yarn global add webpack@2.1.0-beta.25 webpack-dev-server@2.1.0-beta.9
yarn add --dev webpack@2.1.0-beta.25 webpack-dev-server@2.1.0-beta.9
我们接着会通过项目根目录的一个 `webpack.config.js` 文件来声明 webpack 的配置:
'use strict';
const webpack = require('webpack');
module.exports = {
context: __dirname + '/src',
entry: {
app: './app.js',
output: {
path: __dirname + '/dist',
filename: '[name].bundle.js',
注意:`__dirname` 是指你的项目根目录
记住,Webpack “知道”你的项目发生了什么。它通过阅读你的代码来实现(别担心,它签署了一个 NDA 协议)。Webpack 基本上执行以下操作:
1. 从 `context` 文件夹开始...
2. ...它查找 `entry` 的文件名...
3. ...并读取内容。每一个 `import`([ES6][7])或 `require()`(Nodejs)的依赖会在它解析代码的时候找到,它会在最终构建的时候打包这些依赖项。然后,它会搜索那些依赖项以及那些依赖项所依赖的依赖项,直到它到达“树”的最底端 —— 只是打包它所需要的,没有其它东西。
4. Webpack 从 `context` 文件夹打包所有东西到 `output.path` 文件夹,使用 `output.filename` 命名模板来为其命名(其中 `[name]` 被替换成来自 `entry` 的对象键)。
所以如果我们的 `src/app.js` 文件看起来像这样(假设我们事先运行了 `yarn add --dev moment`):
'use strict';
import moment from 'moment';
var rightNow = moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');
console.log( rightNow );
// "October 23rd 2016, 9:30:24 pm"
webpack -p
注意:`p` 标志表示“生产”模式,这会压缩输出文件。
它会输出一个 `dist/app.bundle.js`,这会将当前日期和时间打印到控制台。要注意 Webpack 会自动识别 `'moment'` 指代什么(虽然如果你有一个 `moment.js` 文件在你的目录,默认情况下 Webpack 会优先考虑你的 `moment` Node 模块)。
### 使用多个文件
你可以通过仅仅修改 `entry` 对象来指定任意数量的输入/输出点。
#### 打包多个文件
`'use strict';
const webpack = require("webpack");
module.exports = {
context: __dirname + "/src",
entry: {
app: ["./home.js", "./events.js", "./vendor.js"],
output: {
path: __dirname + "/dist",
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
所有文件都会按照数组的顺序一起被打包成一个 `dist/app.bundle.js` 文件。
#### 输出多个文件
`const webpack = require("webpack");
module.exports = {
context: __dirname + "/src",
entry: {
home: "./home.js",
events: "./events.js",
contact: "./contact.js",
output: {
path: __dirname + "/dist",
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
或者,你可以选择打包成多个 JS 文件以便于分割应用的某些模块。这将被打包成 3 个文件:`dist/home.bundle.js`,`dist/events.bundle.js` 和 `dist/contact.bundle.js`。
#### 高级打包自动化
如果你将你的应用分割成多个 `output` 输出项(如果你的应用的一部分有大量你不需要预加载的 JS,这会很有用),你可能会重用这些文件的代码,因为它将分别解析每个依赖关系。幸运的是,Webpack 有一个内置的 `CommonsChunk` 插件来处理这个:
module.exports = {
// …
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "commons",
filename: "commons.bundle.js",
minChunks: 2,
// …
现在,在你的 `output` 文件中,如果你有任何模块被加载 2 次以上(通过 `minChunks` 设置),它会把那个模块打包到 `common.js` 文件中,然后你可以将其缓存在客户端。这将生成一个额外的请求头,但是你防止了客户端多次下载同一个库。因此,在很多情景下,这会大大提升速度。
### 开发
Webpack actually has its own development server, so whether you’re developing a static site or are just prototyping your front-end, it’s perfect for either. To get that running, just add a `devServer` object to `webpack.config.js`:
Webpack 实际上有自己的开发服务器,所以无论你是开发一个静态网站还是只是你的网站前端原型,它都是无可挑剔的。要运行那个服务器,只需要添加一个 `devServer` 对象到 `webpack.config.js`:
module.exports = {
context: __dirname + "/src",
entry: {
app: "./app.js",
output: {
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
path: __dirname + "/dist/assets",
publicPath: "/assets", // New
devServer: {
contentBase: __dirname + "/src", // New
现在创建一个包含以下代码的 `src/index.html` 文件:
<script src="/assets/app.bundle.js"></script>
... 在你的终端运行:
你的服务器现在运行在 `localhost:8080`。注意 `script` 标签里面的 `/assets` 是怎么匹配到 `output.publicPath` 的 —— 你可以随意更改它的名称(如果你需要一个 CDN 的时候这会很有用)。
Webpack 会热加载所有 JavaScript 更改,而不需要刷新你的浏览器。但是,所有 `webpack.config.js` 文件里面的更改都需要重新启动服务器才能生效。
### 全局访问方法
需要在全局空间使用你的函数?在 `webpack.config.js` 里面简单地设置 `output.library`:
module.exports = {
output: {
library: 'myClassName',
这会将你打包好的文件附加到一个 `window.myClassName` 实例。因此,使用该命名空间,你可以调用入口文件的可用方法(可以在[文档][23]中阅读有关此设置的更多信息)。
### 加载器
到目前为止,我们所做的一切只涉及 JavaScript。从一开始使用 JavaScript 是重要的,因为它是 Webpack 唯一支持的语言。事实上我们可以处理几乎所有文件类型,只要我们将其转换成 JavaScript。我们用加载器来实现这个功能。
加载器可以是 Sass 这样的预处理器,或者是 Babel 这样的转译器。在 NPM 上,它们通常被命名为 `*-loader`,例如 `sass-loader` 和 `babel-loader`。
#### Babel 和 ES6
如果我们想在项目中通过 [Babel][22] 来使用 ES6,我们首先需要在本地安装合适的加载器:
yarn add --dev babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015
然后将它添加到 `webpack.config.js`,让 Webpack 知道在哪里使用它。
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
use: [{
loader: "babel-loader",
options: { presets: ["es2015"] }
// Loaders for other file types can go here
// …
Webpack 1 的用户注意:加载器的核心概念没有任何改变,但是语法改进了。直到官方文档完成之前,这可能不是确切的首选语法。
`/\.js$/` 这个正则表达式查找所有以 `.js` 结尾的待通过 Babel 加载的文件。Webpack 依靠正则检查给予你完全的控制权 —— 它不限制你的文件扩展名或者假设你的代码必须以某种方式组织。例如:也许你的 `/my_legacy_code/` 文件夹下的内容不是用 ES6 写的。所以你可以修改上述的 `test` 为 `/^((?!my_legacy_folder).)\.js$/`,这将会排除那个特定的文件夹,不过会用 Babel 处理其余的文件。
#### CSS 和 Style 加载器
如果我们只想加载 CSS 作为我们的应用程序,我们也可以这样做。假设我们有一个 `index.js` 文件,我们将从那里引入:
import styles from './assets/stylesheets/application.css';
我们会得到以下错误:`你可能需要一个合适的加载器来处理这种类型的文件`。记住,Webpack 只能识别 JavaScript,所以我们必须安装合适的加载器:
yarn add --dev css-loader style-loader
然后添加一条规则到 `webpack.config.js`:
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"],
// …
加载器以数组的逆序处理。这意味着 `css-loader` 会比 `style-loader` 先执行。
你可能会注意到,即使在生产版本中,这实际上是将你的 CSS 和 JavaScript 打包在一起,`style-loader` 手动将你的样式写到 `<head>`。乍一看,它可能看起来有点怪异,但你仔细想想这就慢慢开始变得更加有意义了。你已经节省了一个头部请求 —— 节省了一些连接上的时间。如果你用 JavaScript 来加载你的 DOM,无论如何,这从本质上消除了 [FOUC][21]。
你还会注意到一个开箱即用的特性 —— Webpack 已经通过将这些文件打包在一起以自动解决你所有的 `@import` 查询(而不是依靠 CSS 默认的 import 方式,这会导致无谓的头部请求以及资源加载缓慢)。
从你的 JS 加载 CSS 是非常惊人的,因为你现在可以用一种新的强大的方式将你的 CSS 模块化。仅仅通过加载 `button.js` 来加载 `button.css`。这将意味着如果 `button.js` 从来没有真正使用过的话,它的 CSS 就不会膨胀我们的生产版本。如果你坚持面向组件的 CSS 实践,如 SMACSS 或 BEM,你会看到更紧密地结合你的 CSS 和你的标记 + JavaScript 的价值。
#### CSS 和 Node 模块
我们可以使用 Webpack 来利用 Node 的使用 `~` 前缀导入 Node 模块的优势。如果我们运行 `yarn add normalize.css`,我们可以使用:
@import "~normalize.css";
并且充分利用 NPM 来管理我们的第三方样式 —— 版本控制、没有任何副本和粘贴的部分。此外,让 Webpack 为我们打包 CSS 比起使用 CSS 的默认导入方式有明显的优势 —— 节省无谓的头部请求和加载时间。
更新:这一节和下面一节已经更新为准确的用法,不再使用 CSS 模块简单地导入 Node 模块。感谢 [Albert Fernández][20] 的帮助!
#### CSS 模块
你可能听说过 [CSS 模块][19],它消除了 CSS 的层叠性。通常它的最适用场景是只有当你使用 JavaScript 构建 DOM 的时候,但实质上,它神奇地将你的 CSS 类放置到加载它的 JavaScript 文件([在这里了解更多][18])。如果你打算使用它,CSS 模块已经与 `css-loader` 封装在一起(`yarn add --dev css-loader`):
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: [
{ loader: "css-loader", options: { modules: true } }
// …
注意:对于 `css-loader`,我们现在使用扩展对象语法来给它传递一个选项。你可以使用一个更为精简的字符串来取代默认选项,正如我们仍然使用了 `'style-loader'`。
* * *
值得注意的是,当允许导入 CSS 模块的时候(例如:`@import 'normalize.css';`),你完全可以删除掉 `~`。但是,当你 `@import` 你自己的 CSS 的时候,你可能会遇到构建错误。如果你遇到“无法找到 ____”的错误,尝试添加一个 `resolve` 对象到 `webpack.config.js`,让 Webpack 更好地理解你的模块加载顺序。
const path = require("path");
module.exports = {
resolve: {
modules: [path.resolve(__dirname, "src"), "node_modules"]
我们首先指定源目录,然后指定 `node_modules`。因此,Webpack 会更好地处理解析度,按照既定的顺序(分别用你的源目录和 Node 模块的目录替换 `'src'` 和 `'node_modules'`),首先查找我们的源目录,然后再查找已安装的 Node 模块。
#### Sass
需要使用 Sass?没问题。安装:
yarn add --dev sass-loader node-sass
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(sass|scss)$/,
use: [
// …
然后当你的 Javascript 对一个 `.scss` 或 `.sass` 文件调用 `import` 方法的时候,Webpack 会处理的。
#### CSS 独立打包
或许你在处理渐进增强的问题;或许你因为其它原因需要一个单独的 CSS 文件。我们可以通过在我们的配置中用 `extract-text-webpack-plugin` 替换 `style-loader` 而轻易地做到这一点,这不需要更改任何代码。以我们的 `app.js` 文件为例:
import styles from './assets/stylesheets/application.css';
让我们安装这个插件到本地(我们需要 2016 年 10 月的 测试版本):
yarn add --dev extract-text-webpack-plugin@2.0.0-beta.4
并且添加到 `webpack.config.js`:
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
// …
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: [
{ loader: "css-loader", options: { modules: true } },
// …
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: "[name].bundle.css",
allChunks: true,
现在当运行 `webpack -p` 的时候,你的 `output` 目录还会有一个 `app.bundle.css` 文件。只需要像往常一样简单地在你的 HTML 中向该文件添加一个 `<link>` 标签即可。
#### HTML
正如你可能已经猜到,Webpack 还有一个 `[html-loader][6]` 插件。但是,当我们用 JavaScript 加载 HTML 时,我们针对不同的场景分成了不同的方法,我无法想出一个单一的例子来为你计划下一步做什么。通常,你需要加载 HTML 以便于在更大的系统(如 [React][13]、[Angular][12]、[Vue][11] 或 [Ember][10])中使用 JavaScript 风格的标记,如 [JSX][16]、[Mustache][15] 或 [Handlebars][14]。
教程到此为止了:你可以用 Webpack 加载标记,但是进展到这一步的时候,关于你的架构,你将做出自己的决定,我和 Webpack 都无法左右你。不过参考以上的例子以及搜索 NPM 上适用的加载器应该足够你发展下去了。
### 从模块的角度思考
为了充分使用 Webpack,你必须从模块的角度来思考 —— 细粒度的、可复用的、用于高效处理每一件事的独立的处理程序。这意味着采取这样的方式:
└── js/
└── application.js // 300KB of spaghetti code
└── js/
├── components/
│ ├── button.js
│ ├── calendar.js
│ ├── comment.js
│ ├── modal.js
│ ├── tab.js
│ ├── timer.js
│ ├── video.js
│ └── wysiwyg.js
└── application.js // ~ 1KB of code; imports from ./components/
结果呈现了整洁的、可复用的代码。每一个独立的组件依赖于 `import` 自身的依赖,并 `export` 它想要暴露给其它模块的部分。结合 Babel 和 ES6,你可以利用 [JavaScript 类][9] 来实现更强大的模块化,而不用考虑它的工作原理。
有关模块的更多信息,请参阅 Preethi Kasreddy [这篇优秀的文章][8].
* * *
### 延伸阅读
* [Webpack 2 的新特性][5]
* [Webpack 配置文档][4]
* [Webpack 范例][3]
* [React + Webpack 入门套件][2]
* [怎么使用 Webpack][1]
via: https://blog.madewithenvy.com/getting-started-with-webpack-2-ed2b86c68783#.oozfpppao
作者:[Drew Powers][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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