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 * 2014/10/08 提升bazz2为Core Translators成员。
 * 2014/11/04 提升zpl1025为Core Translators成员。
 * 2014/12/25 提升runningwater为Core Translators成员。
+* 2015/04/19 发起 LFS-BOOK-7.7-systemd 项目。
-- CORE [wxy](https://github.com/wxy),
-- CORE [carolinewuyan](https://github.com/carolinewuyan),
-- CORE [DeadFire](https://github.com/DeadFire),
-- CORE [geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi),
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-- CORE [zpl1025](https://github.com/zpl1025),
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-- Senior [vito-L](https://github.com/vito-L),
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-- [jiajia9linuxer](https://github.com/jiajia9linuxer),
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-- [shipsw](https://github.com/shipsw),
-- [boredivan](https://github.com/boredivan),
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-- [JonathanKang](https://github.com/JonathanKang),
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-- [ggaaooppeenngg](https://github.com/ggaaooppeenngg),
-- [CNprober](https://github.com/CNprober),
-- [coloka](https://github.com/coloka),
-- [213edu](https://github.com/213edu),
-- [guodongxiaren](https://github.com/guodongxiaren),
-- [Tanete](https://github.com/Tanete),
-- [zzlyzq](https://github.com/zzlyzq),
-- [yujianxuechuan](https://github.com/yujianxuechuan),
-- [ailurus1991](https://github.com/ailurus1991),
-- [FineFan](https://github.com/FineFan),
-- [shaohaolin](https://github.com/shaohaolin),
-- [tomatoKiller](https://github.com/tomatoKiller),
-- [CHINAANSHE](https://github.com/CHINAANSHE),
-- [stduolc](https://github.com/stduolc),
-- [Maclauring](https://github.com/Maclauring),
-- [Hao-Ding](https://github.com/Hao-Ding),
-- [zsJacky](https://github.com/zsJacky),
-- [small-Wood](https://github.com/small-Wood),
-- [cereuz](https://github.com/cereuz),
-- [lijhg](https://github.com/lijhg),
-- [fbigun](https://github.com/fbigun),
+目前 TP 活跃成员有:
+- CORE @wxy,
+- CORE @carolinewuyan,
+- CORE @DeadFire,
+- CORE @geekpi,
+- CORE @GOLinux,
+- CORE @reinoir,
+- CORE @bazz2,
+- CORE @zpl1025,
+- Senior @tinyeyeser,
+- Senior @vito-L,
+- Senior @jasminepeng,
+- Senior @willqian,
+- Senior @vizv,
+- @ZTinoZ,
+- @Vic020,
+- @runningwater,
+- @KayGuoWhu,
+- @luoxcat,
+- @alim0x,
+- @2q1w2007,
+- @theo-l,
+- @ictlyh,
+- @FSSlc,
+- @su-kaiyao,
+- @blueabysm,
+- @flsf,
+- @martin2011qi,
+- @SPccman,
+- @wi-cuckoo,
+- @Linchenguang,
+- @linuhap,
+- @crowner,
+- @Linux-pdz,
+- @H-mudcup,
+- @yechunxiao19,
+- @woodboow,
+- @Stevearzh,
+- @disylee,
+- @cvsher,
+- @wwy-hust,
+- @johnhoow,
+- @felixonmars,
+- @TxmszLou,
+- @shipsw,
+- @scusjs,
+- @wangjiezhe,
+- @hyaocuk,
+- @MikeCoder,
+- @ZhouJ-sh,
+- @boredivan,
+- @goreliu,
+- @l3b2w1,
+- @JonathanKang,
+- @NearTan,
+- @jiajia9linuxer,
+- @Love-xuan,
+- @coloka,
+- @owen-carter,
+- @luoyutiantang,
+- @JeffDing,
+- @icybreaker,
+- @tenght,
+- @liuaiping,
+- @mtunique,
+- @rogetfan,
+- @nd0104,
+- @mr-ping,
+- @szrlee,
+- @lfzark,
+- @CNprober,
+- @DongShuaike,
+- @ggaaooppeenngg,
+- @haimingfg,
+- @213edu,
+- @Tanete,
+- @guodongxiaren,
+- @zzlyzq,
+- @FineFan,
+- @yujianxuechuan,
+- @Medusar,
+- @shaohaolin,
+- @ailurus1991,
+- @liaoishere,
+- @stduolc,
+- @yupmoon,
+- @tomatoKiller,
+- @zhangboyue,
+- @kingname,
+- @KevinSJ,
+- @zsJacky,
+- @willqian,
+- @Hao-Ding,
+- @JygjHappy,
+- @Maclauring,
+- @small-Wood,
+- @cereuz,
+- @fbigun,
+- @lijhg,
+- @soooogreen,
-(更新于2014/12/02,以Github contributors列表排名)
+LFS 项目活跃成员有:
+- @ictlyh
+- @dongfengweixiao
+- @wxy
+- @H-mudcup
+- @zpl1025
+- @KevinSJ
+- @Yuking-net
+(更新于2015/05/31,以Github contributors列表排名)
diff --git a/published/20150225 Install Google's Material Design Inspired GTK And Icon Theme Paper in Linux.md b/published/20150225 Install Google's Material Design Inspired GTK And Icon Theme Paper in Linux.md
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+在 Linux 下体验谷歌 Material风格的GTK和图标主题Paper
+[Paper][1]是一款即将与广大朋友们见面的一个图形工具包和图标主题,它的设计灵感来自于谷歌的设计语言[Material风格][2]。Paper由Sam Hewitt发起,Sam是[Moka项目][3]的一员,Moka总会设计出[让人满意的Ubuntu主题][4]。对于Paper,我敢说只要它一经推出,它必将是[最好的GTK主题开发包][5]之一。
+### 通过PPA在Ubuntu及其衍生版本上安装Paper主题 ###
+Sam为Ubuntu和它的衍生版本设置了一个专用的PPA(Presonal Package Archives,个人软件包档案)。我推荐你通过PPA安装而不是下载Paper主题,因为你将会定期更新主题。这个PPA可供使用的系统有Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Elementary OS Freya, Elementary OS Luna, Linux Mint 17, Linux Mint 16 和其它的Ubuntu衍生版本。
+    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snwh/pulp
+    sudo apt-get update
+    sudo apt-get install paper-gtk-theme paper-icon-theme
+### 下载Paper GTK和图标主题 ###
+- [下载Paper图标主题][6]
+- [下载Paper的GTK主题][7]
+#### 把它们用起来吧 ####
+- [如何在标准Ubuntu中更改主题][8]
+- [如何在GNOME Shell中更改主题][9]
+- [如何在Ubuntu Mint中更改主题][10]
+- [如何在Elementary OS Freya中更改主题][11]
+#### 就是这样! ####
+因为我用过[Elementary OS Freya][12]一段时间,这里有一些看起来像Elementary OS Freya的Paper主题和图标的截图。我使用了一张Material Design风格的墙纸,这样可以更好的匹配主题和图标。
+How do you find this Material design inspired theme? If you did use it, do share the screenshot of your desktop with rest of us here.
+via: http://itsfoss.com/install-paper-theme-linux/
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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+使用 ARChon 运行时环境在 Ubuntu 上运行 Android 应用
-在此之前,我们尝试过在多款安卓应用模拟器工具上运行安卓应用,比如Genymotion、VirtualBox和Android SDK等。但是,有了这套全新的Chrome安卓运行环境,就可以在Chrome浏览器中运行安卓应用了。所以,下面是一些步骤来指导如何使用ARChon运行环境在Ubuntu上安装安卓应用。
-谷歌已经公布了[首批支持原生运行在Chrome OS的安卓应用][1],而使用一个全新的“**安卓运行环境**”扩展程序使其成为可能。如今,一位名为Vlad Filippov的开发者已经找到了一种把安卓应用移植到桌面端Chrome浏览器的方法。他把chromeos-apk脚本和ARChon安卓运行环境扩展程序两者紧密结合在一起,使得安卓应用可以运行在Windows、Max和Linux系统的桌面端Chrome浏览器中。
+在此之前,我们尝试过在多款安卓应用模拟器工具上运行安卓应用,比如Genymotion、VirtualBox和Android SDK等。但是,有了这套全新的Chrome安卓运行环境,就可以在Chrome浏览器中运行安卓应用了。所以,下面是一些步骤来指导你如何使用ARChon运行时环境在Ubuntu上安装安卓应用。
-应用借助这种运行环境时的性能并不是很好。同样,由于它是官方运行环境的非官方二次开发包,而且运行在Google的Chrome OS之外,因此一些如webcam和speaker等系统集成工具可能需要通过打补丁获得或者根本就没有。
+谷歌已经公布了[首批支持原生运行在Chrome OS的安卓应用][1],而这个全新的“**安卓运行时环境**”扩展程序使其成为可能。如今,一位名为Vlad Filippov的开发者已经找到了一种把安卓应用移植到桌面端Chrome浏览器的方法。他把chromeos-apk脚本和ARChon安卓运行环境扩展程序两者紧密结合在一起,使得安卓应用可以运行在Windows、Max和Linux系统的桌面端Chrome浏览器中。
+应用借助这种运行环境时的性能并不是很好。同样,由于它是官方运行环境的非官方二次开发包,而且运行在Google的Chrome OS之外,因此一些如摄像头和喇叭等系统内置设备可能需要通过打补丁获得或者根本不支持。
 ### 安装Chrome ###
 首先,需要在机器上安装Chrome,版本要求是Chrome 37或者更高。可以从[Chrome浏览器的下载页面][2]下载。
-如果打算安装Dev Channel版本,按照如下操作。
-首先,使用这个命令为Google Chrome添加软件源列表:
+使用这个命令为Google Chrome添加软件源列表:
     $ wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add -
     $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list'
@@ -23,7 +24,8 @@
     $ sudo apt-get update
-现在,就可以安装非稳定版的google chrome,即开发版。
+现在,就可以安装非稳定版的google chrome,即开发版:
     $ sudo apt-get install google-chrome-unstable
 ![Installing Google chrome unstable](http://blog.linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/installing-google-chrome-unstable.png)
@@ -34,11 +36,11 @@
 **32位** Ubntu发行版:
-- [Download Archron for 32-bit Ubuntu][3]
+- [下载 32 位版 Ubuntu 上的 Archron][3]
 **64位** Ubntu发行版:
-- [Download Archron for 64-bit Ubuntu][4]
+- [下载 64 位版 Ubuntu 上的  Archron][4]
@@ -48,11 +50,11 @@
     $ unzip ARChon-v1.1-x86_32.zip ~/
-接下来是安装运行时环境,首先打开Google Chrome浏览器,在地址栏键入**chrome://extensions**。然后,选中“**开发者模式**”。最后,点击“**载入未打包扩展程序**”,选择刚才放置在**~/Home**下面的文件夹。
+接下来是安装运行时环境,首先打开Google Chrome浏览器,在地址栏键入**chrome://extensions**。然后,选中“**开发者模式**”。最后,点击“**载入未打包扩展程序**”,选择刚才放置在**~/Home**下面的文件夹。
 ### 安装 ChromeOS-APK ###
-如果要用到上面提到的应用,那么手动转换这些APKs无需复杂的操作——只需要安装“[chromeos-apk][5]”命令行JavaScript工具。可以在Node Package Modules(npm)管理器中安装它。为了安装npm和chromeos-apk,在shell或终端中运行下面命令:
+如果要用到上面提到的那些应用,那么手动转换这些APK无需复杂的操作——只需要安装“[chromeos-apk][5]”命令行JavaScript工具。可以在Node Package Modules(npm)管理器中安装它。为了安装npm和chromeos-apk,在shell或终端中运行下面命令:
     $ sudo apt-get install npm nodejs nodejs-legacy
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@
 ### 运行安卓Apk ###
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/android-apps-ubuntu-archon-runtime/
 作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/published/20150227 How To Fix--Failed to fetch cdrom apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs.md b/published/201505/20150227 How To Fix--Failed to fetch cdrom apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs.md
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+### 步骤1:在Fedora和CentOS上安装Samba ###
+    $ rpm -q samba samba-common samba-client 
+    $ sudo yum install samba samba-common samba-client 
+    $ sudo mkdir /shared 
+    $ sudo chmod o+rw /shared 
+    $ sudo chmod o+r /shared 
+    $ sudo touch /shared/file1 
+### 步骤2:为Samba配置SELinux ###
+    $ sudo semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t "<directory>(/.*)?" 
+    $ sudo semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t "/shared(/.*)?" 
+    $ sudo restorecon -R -v /shared 
+    $ sudo setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs 1 
+### 步骤3:为Samba配置防火墙 ###
+    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=samba 
+    $ sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables 
+    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT
+    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT
+    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 137 -j ACCEPT
+    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT
+    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT
+    $ sudo service iptables restart 
+### 步骤4:更改Samba配置 ###
+    $ sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf 
+    [myshare]
+    comment=my shared files
+    path=/shared
+    public=yes
+    writeable=yes
+    $ sudo useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin sambaguest
+    $ sudo passwd sambaguest 
+    $ sudo smbpasswd -a sambaguest
+    $ sudo systemctl enable smb.service
+    $ sudo systemctl start smb.service
+    $ sudo systemctl is-active smb 
+    $ smbclient -U sambaguest -L localhost 
+接下来是在Thunar文件管理器中访问Samba共享文件夹以及对file1进行拷贝复制的截图。注意,Samba的共享内容可以通过在Thunar中通过 `smb://<samba-server-IP-address>/myshare` 这个地址来访问。
+via: http://xmodulo.com/share-directory-samba-fedora-centos.html
+作者:[Kristophorus Hadiono][a]
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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-Sleuth Kit -- 一个用来分析磁盘映像和恢复文件的开源取证工具
+Sleuth Kit:一个用来分析磁盘映像和恢复文件的开源取证工具
-SIFT 是一个由 SANS 公司提供的基于 Ubuntu 的取证发行版本。它包含许多取证工具,如 Sleuth kit/Autopsy 。但 Sleuth kit / Autopsy 可以直接在 Ubuntu 或 Fedora 发行版本上直接安装,而不必下载 SIFT 的整个发行版本。
+SIFT 是一个由 SANS 公司提供的基于 Ubuntu 的取证发行版。它包含许多取证工具,如 Sleuth kit/Autopsy 。但 Sleuth kit/Autopsy 可以直接在 Ubuntu 或 Fedora 发行版本上直接安装,而不必下载 SIFT 的整个发行版本。
-Sleuth Kit/Autopsy 是一个开源的电子取证调查工具,它被用于从磁盘映像中恢复丢失的文件,基于事件响应的磁盘映像的分析。 Autopsy 工具是 sleuth kit 的一个网页接口,支持 sleuth kit 的所有功能。这个工具在 Windows 和 Linux 平台下都可获取到。
+Sleuth Kit/Autopsy 是一个开源的电子取证调查工具,它可以用于从磁盘映像中恢复丢失的文件,以及为了特殊事件进行磁盘映像分析。 Autopsy 工具是 sleuth kit 的一个网页接口,支持 sleuth kit 的所有功能。这个工具在 Windows 和 Linux 平台下都可获取到。
 ### 安装 Sleuth kit ###
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Sleuth Kit/Autopsy 是一个开源的电子取证调查工具,它被用于从
 ### 安装 Autopsy 工具 ###
-Sleuth kit 已经安装完毕,现在我们将为它安装 autopsy 界面。从 [sleuthkit 的 autopsy 页面][2] 下载 Autopsy 软件。使用下面的命令在虚拟终端下使用 wget 命令来下载它,下图展示了这个过程。
+Sleuth kit 已经安装完毕,现在我们将为它安装 autopsy 界面。从 [sleuthkit 的 autopsy 页面][2]下载 Autopsy 软件。使用下面的命令在虚拟终端下使用 wget 命令来下载它,下图展示了这个过程。
     # wget http://kaz.dl.sourceforge.net/project/autopsy/autopsy/2.24/autopsy-2.24.tar.gz
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ autopsy 的配置脚本将询问 NSRL (National Software Reference Library) 和
-在浏览器中键入下面的地址来获取 autopsy 的界面:
+在浏览器中键入下面的地址来访问 autopsy 的界面:
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ autopsy 的配置脚本将询问 NSRL (National Software Reference Library) 和
-点击 **增加映像** 按钮来为取证分析添加映像文件。
+添加主机后,点击 **增加映像** 按钮来为取证分析添加映像文件。
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ autopsy 的配置脚本将询问 NSRL (National Software Reference Library) 和
-正如下图中展示的那样,我们已经键入了 Linux 映像文件的路径。在我们这个例子中,映像文件是磁盘的分区。
+正如下图中展示的那样,我们已经键入了 Linux 映像文件的路径。在我们这个例子中,映像文件类型是磁盘分区。
-点击 下一步 按钮并在下一页中选择 **计算散列值** 的选项,这在下图中有展示。它也将检测所给映像的文件系统类型。
+点击“下一步”按钮并在下一页中选择 **计算散列值** 的选项,这在下图中有展示。它也将检测所给映像的文件系统类型。
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ autopsy 的配置脚本将询问 NSRL (National Software Reference Library) 和
 ### 结论 ###
-希望这篇文章能够给那些进入磁盘映像的静态分析领域的新手提供帮助。Autopsy 是 sleuth kit 的网页界面,提供了在 Windows 和 Linux 磁盘映像中进行诸如字符串提取,恢复被删文件,时间线分析,网络浏览历史,关键字搜索和邮件分析等功能。
+希望这篇文章能够给那些进入磁盘映像静态分析领域的新手提供帮助。Autopsy 是 sleuth kit 的网页界面,提供了在 Windows 和 Linux 磁盘映像中进行诸如字符串提取,恢复被删文件,时间线分析,网络浏览历史,关键字搜索和邮件分析等功能。
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/autopsy-sleuth-kit-installation-ubuntu/
 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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 ### Monit是什么? ###
@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ Fedora或者CentOS/RHEL:
     # yum install monit
+Monit自带一个文档完善的配置文件,其中包含了很多例子。主配置文件在/etc/monit.conf(Fedora/CentOS/RHEL 中),或者/etc/monit/monitrc(Debian/Ubuntu/Mint 中)。Monit配置文件有两部分:“Global”(全局)和“Services”(服务)。
-### Global Configuration: Web Status Page (全局配置:Web状态页面。LCTT 译注:保留原文是因为和配置文件中的字段对应) ###
+### Global Configuration: Web Status Page (全局配置:Web状态页面) ###
 - Monit监听1966端口。
 - 对web状态页面的访问是通过SSL加密的。
 - 使用monituser/romania作为用户名/口令登录。
-- 只允许使用localhost、myhost.mydomain.ro和在局域网内部(访问。
+- 只允许通过localhost、myhost.mydomain.ro和在局域网内部(访问。
 - Monit使用pem格式的SSL证书。
 之后的步骤,我会使用一个基于Red Hat的系统。在基于Debian的系统中的步骤也是类似的。
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ Monit可以使用邮件服务来发送通知,也可以使用HTTP/HTTPS页面
     set idfile /var/monit/id
-     set eventqueue
+    set eventqueue
          basedir /var/monit
-### 测试Global Configuration(全局配置) ###
+### 测试全局配置 ###
@@ -163,11 +163,11 @@ Monit可以使用邮件服务来发送通知,也可以使用HTTP/HTTPS页面
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ Monit可以使用邮件服务来发送通知,也可以使用HTTP/HTTPS页面
        if failed port 22 protocol ssh then restart
        if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ via: http://xmodulo.com/server-monitoring-system-monit.html
 作者:[Iulian Murgulet][a]
 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ via: http://xmodulo.com/server-monitoring-system-monit.html
\ No newline at end of file
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+5 个基于Linux命令行的文件下载和网站浏览工具
-GNU/Linux最冒险迷人的部分,Linux命令行,是非常强大的工具。命令行本身功能多样,多种内建或者第三方的命令行应用使得Linux变得更加健壮和强大。Linux Shell支持多种不同类型的网络应用,无论是BT下载软件,专用下载器或者互联网冲浪。
+Linux命令行是GNU/Linux中最神奇迷人的部分,它是非常强大的工具。命令行本身功能多样,多种内建或者第三方的命令行应用使得Linux变得更加健壮和强大。Linux Shell支持多种不同类型的网络应用,无论是BT下载软件,专用下载器或者互联网冲浪。
@@ -24,7 +26,8 @@ rTorrent是基于文本,用C++编写,追求高性能的Torrent客户端。
     # rtorrent
 #### rTorrent的功能 ####
@@ -34,18 +37,18 @@ rTorrent命令行工具
 - CTRL+ s – 开始下载
 - CTRL+ d – 停止运行中的下载或者移除已完成的下载
 - CTRL+ k – 停止并关闭运行中的下载
-- CTRL+ r – 在上传/下载torrent之前进行Hash检查
-- CTRL+ q – 执行两次这个命令,rTorrent会直接退出而不发送停止信号
+- CTRL+ r – 在上传/下载种子之前进行Hash检查
+- CTRL+ q – 执行两次这个命令,rTorrent会直接退出而不发送“停止”信号
 - Left Arrow Key – 跳到上一屏幕
 - Right Arrow Key – 跳到下一屏幕
 ### 2. Wget ###
-Wget是GNU项目的一部分,名字由World Wide Web (WWW)衍生而来。Wget是用来递归下载,离线查看本地服务器HTML文件一个很好的工具,它可用于Windows, Max,以及Linux等大部分平台。Wget能通过HTTP,HTTPS和FTP下载文件。另外,能镜像整个网站,支持代理浏览以及暂停/回复下载使得它更为有用。
+Wget是GNU项目的一部分,名字由World Wide Web (WWW)衍生而来。Wget是用来递归下载、离线查看本地服务器HTML文件一个很好的工具,它可用于Windows, Mac,以及Linux等大部分平台。Wget能通过HTTP,HTTPS和FTP下载文件。另外,能镜像整个网站,支持代理浏览以及暂停/回复下载使得它更为有用。
 #### 安装Wget ####
     # apt­-get install wget        (基于 APT 的系统)
@@ -70,13 +73,14 @@ Wget是GNU项目的一部分,名字由World Wide Web (WWW)衍生而来。Wget
 ![Wget 下载文件](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Wget.jpeg)
-Wget 命令行文件下载
+*Wget 命令行文件下载*
 ### 3. cURL ###
-cURL是在多种协议上传输数据的命令行工具。cURL是支持FTP, HTTP, FTPS, TFTP, TELNET, IMAP, POP3等协议的客户端应用。和其它相对比,在支持LDAP,POP3方面,cURL是和wget不同的简单下载器。cURL也很好的支持代理下载,暂停下载以及恢复下载。
+cURL是在多种协议上传输数据的命令行工具。cURL是支持FTP, HTTP, FTPS, TFTP, TELNET, IMAP, POP3等协议的客户端应用。cURL是一个不同于wget 的简单下载器,和其它的相比,它支持LDAP,POP3。cURL也很好的支持代理下载,暂停下载以及恢复下载。
 #### 安装cURL ####
@@ -93,14 +97,16 @@ cURL的基本使用方法
     # curl www.tecmint.com
 ![Curl 下载](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Curl.jpeg)
-Curl 下载数据
+*Curl 下载*
 ![Curl 下载数据](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Curl-2.jpeg)
-Curl 下载
+*Curl 下载*
 ### 4. w3m ###
 #### 安装w3m ####
@@ -117,11 +123,12 @@ W3m在大部分Linux发行版中也是默认可用的。如果不可用的话可
     # w3m www.tecmint.com
 ### 5. Elinks ###
-Elinks是基于文本,给基于Unix和基于Unix的系统使用的免费web浏览器。Elinks支持 HTTP,HTTP Cookies以及支持浏览Pery和Ruby脚本。也很好的支持基于标签的浏览。最棒的是它支持鼠标,颜色显示以及支持一系列的协议,例如HTTP, FTP, SMB, Ipv4 和 Ipv6。
+Elinks是基于文本的免费浏览器,用于Unix及基于Unix的系统。Elinks支持 HTTP,HTTP Cookies以及支持浏览Perl和Ruby脚本(LCTT 译注:应该是指 CGI)。也很好的支持选项卡浏览。最棒的是它支持鼠标、彩色以及支持一系列的协议,例如HTTP, FTP, SMB, Ipv4 和 Ipv6。
 #### 安装Elinks ####
@@ -138,7 +145,8 @@ Elinks的基本使用方法
     # elinks www.tecmint.com
@@ -148,9 +156,9 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/linux-command-line-tools-for-downloading-files/
 作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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+距离Mark Shuttleworth表达他的目标“在4年内Ubuntu的用户达到2亿”已经过去了四年零两周。尽管Ubuntu的用户数量在过去的四年中一直在上升,但这个目标目前并未实现,并且看起来不会在今年年底实现。
+那是2011年5月在[UDS 布达佩斯][1],Shuttleworth表示Ubuntu将在4年内达到2亿用户。
+上一次我听到Ubuntu有“1千万”用户,但是并没有任何可靠的报道表明Ubuntu的用户数接近2亿。来自Valve最近的统计表明相比于Windows和OS X的用户[使用Linux的游戏用户的比重少于1%][2]。大多数基于Web计量和其他统计方式的数据倾向于表明Linux的用户总数只占很少的部分。
+撇开桌面版不谈,Ubuntu在过去的四年来至少在云和服务器部署方面得到了大量的占有率,并且被证明是Red Hat Enterprise的有力竞争者。Ubuntu还证明了它对基于ARM的硬件十分友好。当Mark在四年前提出他的目标时,他可能考虑到Ubuntu Phone/Touch会比目前的状况更好。可是Ubuntu Phone/Touch目前仅仅在欧洲和[中国][3]可用,并且[Ubuntu Touch软件依旧在成熟的路上][4],[仍需要大量的关键应用程序方面的工作][5]等。
+距离Canonical宣布[Ubuntu不久将登陆5%的PC][6]也已过去了3年。5%的目标是全球的PC装机量,但哪怕再过3年,我依旧很难相信这个目标会实现。至少在美国和欧洲,我仍难以在实体店看到Ubuntu作为预装的系统,主要的网络零售商/OEM厂商仍倾向于在特定的PC型号中提供Linux,比如Chrome OS、Android设备。
+via: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=2015-200-Million-Goal-Retro
+作者:[Michael Larabel][a]
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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-Ubuntu Devs Propose Stateless Persistent Network Interface Names for Ubuntu and Debian
-*Networks are detected in an unpredictable and unstable order*
-**Martin Pitt, a renown Ubuntu and Debian developer, came with the proposal of enabling stateless persistent network interface names in the upcoming versions of the Ubuntu Linux and Debian GNU/Linux operating systems.**
-According to Mr. Pitt, it appears that the problem lies in the automatic detection of network interfaces within the Linux kernel. As such, network interfaces are detected in an unstable and unpredictable order. However, it order to connect to a certain network interface in ifupdown or networkd users will need to identify it first using a stable name.
-"The general schema for this is to have an udev rule which does some matches to identify a particular interface, and assings a NAME="foo" to it," says Martin Pitt in an email to the Ubuntu mailinglist. "Interfaces with an explicit NAME= get called just like this, and others just get a kernel driver default, usually ethN, wlanN, or sometimes others (some wifi drivers have their own naming schemas)."
-**Sever solutions appeared over the years: mac, biosdevname, and ifnames**
-Apparently, several solutions are available for this problem, including an installation of an udev rule in /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules that creates a MAC address at first boot and writes it to /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, which is currently used by default in Ubuntu and applies to most hardware components.
-Other solutions include biosdevname, a package that reads port or index numbers, and slot names from the BIOS and writes them to /lib/udev/rules.d/71-biosdevname.rules, and ifnames, a persistent name generator that automatically checks the BIOS and/or firmware for index numbers or slot names, similar to biosdevname.
-However, the difference between ifnames and biosdevname is that the latter falls back to slot names, such as PCI numbers, and then to the MAC address and writes to /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules. All of these solutions can be combined, and Martin Pitt proposes to replace the first solution that is now used by default with the ifnames one.
-If a new solution is implemented, a lot of networking issues will be resolved in Ubuntu, especially the cloud version. In addition, it will provide for stable network interface names for all new Ubuntu installations, and resolve many other problems related to system-image, etc.
-via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-Devs-Propose-Stateless-Persistent-Network-Interface-Names-for-Ubuntu-and-Debian-480730.shtml
-作者:[Marius Nestor][a]
-本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/sources/share/20141013 Compact Text Editors Great for Remote Editing and Much More.md b/sources/share/20141013 Compact Text Editors Great for Remote Editing and Much More.md
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 Compact Text Editors Great for Remote Editing and Much More
 A text editor is software used for editing plain text files. This type of software has many different uses including modifying configuration files, writing programming language source code, jotting down thoughts, or even making a grocery list. Given that editors can be used for such a diverse range of activities, it is worth spending the time finding an editor that best suites your preferences.
diff --git a/sources/share/20150225 Install Google's Material Design Inspired GTK And Icon Theme Paper in Linux.md b/sources/share/20150225 Install Google's Material Design Inspired GTK And Icon Theme Paper in Linux.md
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-sevenot translating
-Install Google’s Material Design Inspired GTK And Icon Theme Paper in Linux
-[Paper][1] is a new upcoming GTK and icon theme inspired by Google’s [Material design][2] guidelines. It is developed by Sam Hewitt, the man behind [Moka Project][3]. Moka has always been in the list of [best themes for Ubuntu][4] and looking at Paper, I can say that once it is developed completely, it will surely be listed as one of the [best GTK themes][5].
-Yes, you heard it right. The theme is still under development. Therefore I suggest that if you want to install Paper theme in Ubuntu or any other Linux distributions, do it only for experimentation purpose. You may see some broken icons here and there but the over all experience is nice.
-### Install Paper theme in Ubuntu based distributions via PPA ###
-Sam has a dedicated PPA for Ubuntu based distributions. I recommend that you use this PPA instead of downloading the theme because you’ll be getting the updates on the themes regularly. This PPA is available for Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Elementary OS Freya, Elementary OS Luna, Linux Mint 17, Linux Mint 16 and other Linux distributions based on Ubuntu.
-Open a terminal and use the following commands:
-    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snwh/pulp
-    sudo apt-get update
-    sudo apt-get install paper-gtk-theme paper-icon-theme
-### Download Paper GTK and icon theme ###
-If you do not want to use the PPA, you can download the themes and icons manually. As I said previously, you won’t get the updates automatically this way.
-- [Download Paper icon themes][6]
-- [Download Paper GTK themes][7]
-#### Using Paper themes and icons ####
-I hope that you know how to change or install themes in your respective Linux distributions. If you are not unaware of it, below are few tutorials that could help you to install new themes:
-- [How to change themes in Ubuntu Unity][8]
-- [How to change themes in GNOME Shell][9]
-- [How to change themes in Linux Mint][10]
-- [How to change theme in Elementary OS Freya][11]
-#### Here is what Paper theme looks like ####
-Since I am using [Elementary OS Freya][12] these days, here are some of the screenshots of how Paper theme and icons look like in Elementary OS Freya. I have used a wallpaper with Material design look so that it blends well with the icon and themes.
-How do you find this Material design inspired theme? If you did use it, do share the screenshot of your desktop with rest of us here.
-via: http://itsfoss.com/install-paper-theme-linux/
-本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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index 413d50d6d6..3ab7f47b79 100644
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-KevinSJ translating
 10 Truly Amusing Easter Eggs in Linux
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-translating by wwy-hust
-How to Develop Own Custom Linux Distribution From Scratch
-Have you ever thought of making your own Linux Distribution? Every Linux user in their journey to Linux thought of making their own Linux distribution, at-least once. Even I was not an exception as a newbie to Linux land and have given my considerable time developing my own Linux Distribution. Developing a Linux Distribution from scratch is called Linux From Scratch (LFS)
-Before starting, I concluded a few things about LFS which can be described as:
-### 1. Those who want to develop their own Linux Distribution should understand the difference between Developing a Linux distribution from scratch (by scratch means starting from the beginning) or all you want is just to tweak an already available Linux Distro. ###
-If you just want to tweak flash screen, customize login and preferably work on the look and feel of Linux OS, you can choose any fair Linux Distribution and customize it the way you want. Moreover a lots of tweaking tools there will help.
-If you want to put all the necessary files and boot-loaders and kernel and choose what to include and what not to include and then compile everything yourselves you need to develop Linux From Scratch (LFS).
-**Note**: If you just want to customize the look and feel of a Linux OS, this guide is not for you. If you really want to develop a Linux distribution from scratch and want to know where to start and other basic information, here is the guide for you.
-### 2. Pros of Developing own Linux Distribution (LFS): ###
-- You get to know the internal working of Linux OS.
-- You develop a very flexible OS as per your need.
-- Your developed OS (LFS) will be very compact as you have full control over what to include/exclude.
-- You Development (LFS) will have added security.
-### 3. Cons of Developing own Linux Distribution (LFS): ###
-Developing a Linux OS from scratch means putting all the necessary things together and compile. This requires a lot of reading, patience and time. Also you should have a working Linux System to develop LFS and fairly enough disk space.
-### 4. Interesting to know, that Gentoo/GNU Linux is closest to LFS to certain extent. Both Gentoo and LFS is the customized Linux System built entirely out from compilation of Source. ###
-### 5. You should be experienced Linux user having good knowledge of package compilation, resolving dependencies, and pro in shell scripting language. Knowledge of a programming language (Preferably C) will ease things for you. Even if you are a newbie but a good learner and grasp the things quickly, you may start as well. The most important part is you should not loose your enthusiasm throughout the process of LFS development. ###
-If you are not determined enough, I fear you may leave building your LFS in the middle.
-### 6. Now you need a step-by-step guide, So that Linux can be developed from scratch. LFS is the official guide to develop Linux From Scratch. Our partner site tradepub has made available LFS guide to our readers and that too for free. ###
-You can download the Linux From Scratch book from the below link:
-Download: [Linux From Scratch][1]
-### About: Linux From Scratch ###
-This book is created by Gerard Beekmans, who is the Project Leader of LFS and Edited by Matthew Burgess and Bruse Dubbs, both of whom are Co-leader of the Project. This book is extensive and expands over 338 pages.
-Having covered – Introduction to LFS, Preparing for the build, Build LFS from Scratch, Setting up of Boot scripts, Making LFS Bootable followed by Appendices, it has all you want to know on LFS Project.
-Also this book gives you the estimated time required for the compilation of a package. The estimated time are calculated based upon the reference of the compilation time of the first package. All the details are presented in a manner easy to understand and implement, even for newbies.
-If you have plenty of time and really interested in developing your own Linux Distribution you would never want to miss a chance to download this ebook and that too for free. All you need is, to start developing your own Linux OS using this ebook along with a working Linux OS (Any Linux Distribution with enough Disk Space), Time and Enthusiasm.
-If Linux fascinates you, if you want to understand Linux from scratch and want to develop your own Linux Distribution, then this is all you should know at this stage, for most of other things you may like to refer to the book, in the above link.
-Also let me know your experience with the book. How ease it was to get along the elaborated LFS guide? Also if you have already Developed a LFS and want to give some tips to our readers, your feedbacks are welcome.
-via: http://www.tecmint.com/create-custom-linux-distribution-from-scratch/
-作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
-本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/sources/talk/20140818 Upstream and Downstream--why packaging takes time.md b/sources/talk/20140818 Upstream and Downstream--why packaging takes time.md
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-Upstream and Downstream: why packaging takes time
-Here in the KDE office in Barcelona some people spend their time on purely upstream KDE projects and some of us are primarily interested in making distros work which mean our users can get all the stuff we make. I've been asked why we don't just automate the packaging and go and do more productive things. One view of making on a distro like Kubuntu is that its just a way to package up the hard work done by others to take all the credit. I don't deny that, but there's quite a lot to the packaging of all that hard work, for a start there's a lot of it these days.
-"KDE" used to be released once every nine months or less frequently. But yesterday I released the [first bugfix update to Plasma][1], to make that happen I spent some time on Thursday with David making the [first update to Frameworks 5][2]. But Plasma 5 is still a work in progress for us distros, let's not forget about [KDE SC 4.13.3][3] which Philip has done his usual spectacular job of updating in the 14.04 LTS archive or [KDE SC 4.14 betas][4] which Scarlett has been packaging for utopic and backporting to 14.04 LTS. KDE SC used to be 20 tars, now it's 169 and over 50 langauge packs. 
-### Patches ###
-If we were packaging it without any automation as used to be done it would take an age but of course we do automate the repetative tasks, the [KDE SC 4.13.97 status][5] page shows all the packages and highlights obvious problems. But with 169 tars even running the automated script takes a while, then you have to fix any patches that no longer apply. We have [policies][6] to disuade having patches, any patches should be upstream in KDE or on their way upstream, but sometimes it's unavoidable that we have some to maintain which often need small changes for each upstream release.
-### Symbols ###
-Much of what we package are libraries and if one small bit changes in the library, any applications which use that library will crash. This is ABI and the rules for [binary compatibility][7] in C++ are nuts. Not infrequently someone in KDE will alter a library ABI without realising. So we maintain symbol files to list all the symbols, these can often feel like more trouble than they're worth because they need updated when a new version of GCC produces different symbols or when symbols disappear and on investigation they turn out to be marked private and nobody will be using them anyway, but if you miss a change and apps start crashing as nearly happened in KDE PIM last week then people get grumpy.
-### Copyright ###
-Debian, and so Ubuntu, documents the copyright licence of every files in every package. This is a very slow and tedious job but it's important that it's done both upstream and downstream because it you don't people won't want to use your software in a commercial setting and at worst you could end up in court. So I maintain the [licensing policy][8] and not infrequently have to fix bits which are incorrectly or unclearly licenced and answer questions such as today I was reviewing whether a kcm in frameworks had to be LGPL licenced for Eike. We write a copyright file for every package and again this can feel like more trouble than its worth, there's no easy way to automate it but by some readings of the licence texts it's necessary to comply with them and it's just good practice. It also means that if someone starts making claims like requiring licencing for already distributed binary packages I'm in an informed position to correct such nonsense.
-### Descriptions ###
-When we were packaging KDE Frameworks from scratch we had to find a descirption of each Framework. Despite policies for metadata some were quite underdescribed so we had to go and search for a sensible descirption for them. Infact not infrequently we'll need to use a new library which doesn't even have a sensible paragraph describing what it does. We need to be able to make a package show something of a human face.
-### Multiarch ###
-A recent addition to the world of .deb packaging is [MultiArch][9] which allows i386 packages to be installed on amd64 computers as well as some even more obscure combinations (powerpc on ppcel64 anyone?). This lets you run Skype on your amd64 computer without messy cludges like the ia32-libs package. However it needs quite a lot of attention from packagers of libraries marking which packages are multiarch, which depend on other multiarch or arch independent packages and even after packaging KDE Frameworks I'm not entirely comfortable with doing it.
-### Splitting up Packages ###
-We spend lots of time splitting up packages. When say Calligra gets released it's all in one big tar but you don't want all of it on your system because you just want to write a letter in Calligra Words and Krita has lots of image and other data files which take up lots of space you don't care for. So for each new release we have to work out which of the installed files go into which .deb package. It takes time and even worse occationally we can get it wrong but if you don't want heaps of stuff on your computer you don't need then it needs to be done. It's also needed for library upgrades, if there's a new version of libfoo and not all the programs have been ported to it then you can install libfoo1 and libfoo2 on the same system without problems. That's not possible with distros which don't split up packages.
-One messy side effect of this is that when a file moves from one .deb to another .deb made by the same sources, maybe Debian chose to split it another way and we want to follow them, then it needs a Breaks/Replaces/Conflicts added. This is a pretty messy part of .deb packaging, you need to specify which version it Breaks/Replaces/Conflicts and depending on the type of move you need to specify some combination of these three fields but even experienced packages seem to be unclear on which. And then if a backport (with files in original places) is released which has a newer version than the version you specify in the Breaks/Replaces/Conflicts it just refuses to install and stops half way through installing until a new upload is made which updates the Breaks/Replaces/Conflicts version in the packaging. I'd be interested in how this is solved in the RPM world.
-### Debian Merges ###
-Ubuntu is forked from Debian and to piggy back on their work (and add our own bugs while taking the credit) we merge in Debian's packaging at the start of each cycle. This is fiddly work involving going through the diff (and for patches that's often a diff of a diff) and changelog to work out why each alternation was made. Then we merge them together, it takes time and it's error prone but it's what allows Ubuntu to be one of the most up to date distros around even while much of the work gone into maintaining universe packages not part of some flavour has slowed down.
-### Stable Release Updates ###
-You have Kubuntu 14.04 LTS but you want more? You want bugfixes too? Oh but you want them without the possibility of regressions? Ubuntu has quite strict definition of what's allowed in after an Ubuntu release is made, this is because once upon a time someone uploaded a fix for X which had the side effect of breaking X on half the installs out there. So for any updates to get into the archive they can only be for certain packages with a track record of making bug fix releases without sneaking in new features or breaking bits. They need to be tested, have some time passed to allow for wider testing, be tested again using the versions compiled in Launchpad and then released. KDE makes bugfix releases of KDE SC every month and we update them in the latest stable and LTS releases as [4.13.3 was this week][10]. But it's not a process you can rush and will take a couple of weeks usually. That 4.13.3 update was even later then usual because we were busy with Plasma 5 and whatnot. And it's not perfect, a bug in Baloo did get through with 4.13.2. But it would be even worse if we did rush it.
-### Backports ###
-Ah but you want new features too? We don't allow in new features into the normal updates because they will have more chance of having regressions. That's why we make backports, either in the kubuntu-ppa/backports archive or in the ubuntu backports archive. This involves running the package through another automation script to change whever needs changed for the backport then compiling it all, testing it and releasing it. Maintaining and running that backport script is quite faffy so sending your thanks is always appreciated.
-We have an allowance to upload new bugfix (micro releases) of KDE SC to the ubuntu archive because KDE SC has a good track record of fixing things and not breaking them. When we come to wanting to update Plasma we'll need to argue for another allowance. One controvertial issue in KDE Frameworks is that there's no bugfix releases, only monthly releases with new features. These are unlikely to get into the Ubuntu archive, we can try to argue the case that with automated tests and other processes the quality is high enough, but it'll be a hard sell.
-### Crack of the Day ###
-Project Neon provides packages of daily builds of parts of KDE from Git. And there's weekly ISOs that are made from this too. These guys rock. The packages are monolithic and install in /opt to be able to live alongside your normal KDE software.
-### Co-installability ###
-You should be able to run KDELibs 4 software on a Plasma 5 desktop. I spent quite a bit of time ensuring this is possible by having no overlapping files in kdelibs/kde-runtime and kde frameworks and some parts of Plasma. This wasn't done primarily for Kubuntu, many of the files could have been split out into .deb packages that could be shared between KDELibs 4 and Plasma 5, but other disros which just installs packages in a monolithic style benefitted. Some projects like Baloo didn't ensure they were co-installable, fine for Kubuntu as we can separate the libraries that need to be coinstalled from the binaries, but other distros won't be so happy.
-### Automated Testing ###
-Increasingly KDE software comes with its own test suite. Test suites are something that has been late coming to free software (and maybe software in general) but now it's here we can have higher confidence that the software is bug free. We run these test suites as part of the package compilation process and not infrequently find that the test suite doesn't run, I've been told that it's not expected for packagers to use it in the past. And of course tests fail.
-### Obscure Architectures ###
-In Ubuntu we have some obscure architectures. 64-bit Arm is likely to be a useful platform in the years to come. I'm not sure why we care about 64-bit powerpc, I can only assume someone has paid Canonical to care about it. Not infrequently we find software compiles fine on normal PCs but breaks on these obscure platforms and we need to debug why they is. This can be a slow process on ARM which takes an age to do anything, or very slow where I don't even have access to a machine to test on, but it's all part of being part of a distro with many use-cases.
-### Future Changes ###
-At Kubuntu we've never shared infrstructure with Debian despite having 99% the same packaging. This is because Ubuntu to an extent defines itself as being the technical awesomeness of Debian with smoother processes. But for some time Debian has used git while we've used the slower bzr (it was an early plan to make Ubuntu take over the world of distributed revision control with Bzr but then Git came along and turned out to be much faster even if harder to get your head around) and they've also moved to team maintainership so at last we're planning [shared repositories][11]. That'll mean many changes in our scripts but should remove much of the headache of merges each cycle.
-There's also a proposal to [move our packaging to daily builds][12] so we won't have to spend a lot of time updating packaging at every release. I'm skeptical if the hassle of the infrastructure for this plus fixing packaging problems as they occur each day will be less work than doing it for each release but it's worth a try.
-### ISO Testing ###
-Every 6 months we make an Ubuntu release (which includes all the flavours of which Ubuntu [Unity] is the flagship and Kubuntu is the most handsome) and there's alphas and betas before that which all need to be tested to ensure they actually install and run. Some of the pain of this has reduced since we've done away with the alternative (text debian-installer) images but we're nowhere near where Ubuntu [Unity] or OpenSUSE is with OpenQA where there are automated installs running all the time in various setups and some magic detects problems. I'd love to have this set up.
-I'd welcome comments on how any workflow here can be improved or how it compares to other distributions. It takes time but in Kubuntu we have a good track record of contributing fixes upstream and we all are part of KDE as well as Kubuntu. As well as the tasks I list above about checking copyright or co-installability I do Plasma releases currently, I just saw Harald do a Phonon release and Scott's just applied for a KDE account for fixes to PyKDE. And as ever we welcome more people to join us, we're in #kubuntu-devel where free hugs can be found, and we're having a whole day of Kubuntu love at Akademy.
-via: https://blogs.kde.org/2014/08/13/upstream-and-downstream-why-packaging-takes-time
-作者:[Jonathan Riddell][a]
-本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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-GHOST: Another Security Bug Hits Linux, But is it That Bad?
-> GHOST, a newly announced security vulnerability that affects Linux servers and other systems that use the open source glibc library, is not as dangerous to data privacy as the Shellshock or Heartbleed bugs.
-Heartbleed is not even a year behind us, and the open source world has been hit with another major security vulnerability in the form of [GHOST][1], which involves holes in the Linux glibc library. This time, though, the actual danger may not live up to the hype.
-The GHOST vulnerability, which was announced last week by security researchers at [Qualys][2], resides in the gethostbyname*() functions of the glibc library. glibc is one of the core building blocks of most Linux systems, and gethostbyname*(), which resolves domain names into IP addresses, is widely used in open source applications.
-Attackers can exploit the GHOST security hole to create a buffer overflow, making it possible to execute any kind of code they want and do all sorts of nasty things.
-All of the above suggests that GHOST is bad news indeed. Fortunately for the open source community, however, the actual risk appears small. As TrendMicro [points out][3], the bug that makes the exploit possible has been fixed in glibc since May 2013, meaning that any Linux servers or PCs running more recent versions of the software are safe from attack.
-In addition, gethostbyname*() has been superseded by newer glibc functions that can better handle modern networking environments. Those include ones that use the IPv6 protocol, which gethostbyname*() doesn't support. As a result, newer applications often don't use the gethostbyname*() functions, and are not at risk.
-And perhaps most importantly, there's currently no known way of executing GHOST attacks through the Web. That greatly reduces opportunities for using this vulnerability to steal the data of unsuspecting users or otherwise wreak havoc.
-All in all, then, GHOST doesn't seem like a vulnerability that will prove as serious as Heartbleed or Shellshock, two other recent security problems that affected widely used open source software.
-via: http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/020415/ghost-another-security-bug-hits-linux-it-bad
-作者:[Christopher Tozzi][a]
-本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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diff --git a/sources/talk/20150520 Is Linux Better than OS X GNU Open Source and Apple in History.md b/sources/talk/20150520 Is Linux Better than OS X GNU Open Source and Apple in History.md
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+translating wi-cuckoo
 Is Linux Better than OS X? GNU, Open Source and Apple in History
 > Tensions between the free software/open source community and Apple date back to the 1980s, Linux's founder called the core of Mac OS X "a piece of crap" and other anecdotes from software history.
@@ -54,4 +55,4 @@ via: http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/051815/linu
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-[Translating by DongShuaike]
 Installing Cisco Packet tracer in Linux 
diff --git a/sources/tech/20150126 iptraf--A TCP or UDP Network Monitoring Utility.md b/sources/tech/20150126 iptraf--A TCP or UDP Network Monitoring Utility.md
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-[Trnslating by DongShuaike]
 iptraf: A TCP/UDP Network Monitoring Utility
 [iptraf][1] is an ncurses-based IP LAN monitor that generates various network statistics including TCP info, UDP counts, ICMP and OSPF information, Ethernet load info, node stats, IP checksum errors, and others.
diff --git a/sources/tech/20150316 How to Test Your Internet Speed Bidirectionally from Command Line Using 'Speedtest-CLI' Tool.md b/sources/tech/20150316 How to Test Your Internet Speed Bidirectionally from Command Line Using 'Speedtest-CLI' Tool.md
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-translating by createyuan
 How to Test Your Internet Speed Bidirectionally from Command Line Using ‘Speedtest-CLI’ Tool
 We always need to check the speed of the Internet connection at home and office. What we do for this? Go to websites like Speedtest.net and begin test. It loads JavaScript in the web browser and then select best server based upon ping and output the result. It also uses a Flash player to produce graphical results.
diff --git a/sources/tech/20150318 How to Manage and Use LVM (Logical Volume Management) in Ubuntu.md b/sources/tech/20150318 How to Manage and Use LVM (Logical Volume Management) in Ubuntu.md
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-translating by runningwater
 How to Manage and Use LVM (Logical Volume Management) in Ubuntu
diff --git a/sources/tech/20150318 How to Use LVM on Ubuntu for Easy Partition Resizing and Snapshots.md b/sources/tech/20150318 How to Use LVM on Ubuntu for Easy Partition Resizing and Snapshots.md
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 How to Use LVM on Ubuntu for Easy Partition Resizing and Snapshots
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-translating by createyuan
 How to set up remote desktop on Linux VPS using x2go
 As everything is moved to the cloud, virtualized remote desktop becomes increasingly popular in the industry as a way to enhance employee's productivity. Especially for those who need to roam constantly across multiple locations and devices, remote desktop allows them to stay connected seamlessly to their work environment. Remote desktop is attractive for employers as well, achieving increased agility and flexibility in work environments, lower IT cost due to hardware consolidation, desktop security hardening, and so on.
diff --git a/sources/tech/20150410 7 Command Line Tools for Browsing Websites and Downloading Files in Linux.md b/sources/tech/20150410 7 Command Line Tools for Browsing Websites and Downloading Files in Linux.md
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-wangjiezhe translating...
 7 Command Line Tools for Browsing Websites and Downloading Files in Linux
 In the last article, we have covered few useful tools like ‘rTorrent‘, ‘wget‘, ‘cURL‘, ‘w3m‘, and ‘Elinks‘. We got lots of response to cover few other tools of same genre, if you’ve missed the first part you can go through it..
diff --git a/sources/tech/20150504 How to access a Linux server behind NAT via reverse SSH tunnel.md b/sources/tech/20150504 How to access a Linux server behind NAT via reverse SSH tunnel.md
index d6a1df43c5..b67f5aee26 100644
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@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-translating by createyuan
 How to access a Linux server behind NAT via reverse SSH tunnel
 You are running a Linux server at home, which is behind a NAT router or restrictive firewall. Now you want to SSH to the home server while you are away from home. How would you set that up? SSH port forwarding will certainly be an option. However, port forwarding can become tricky if you are dealing with multiple nested NAT environment. Besides, it can be interfered with under various ISP-specific conditions, such as restrictive ISP firewalls which block forwarded ports, or carrier-grade NAT which shares IPv4 addresses among users.
diff --git a/sources/tech/20150515 Install 'Tails 1.4′ Linux Operating System to Preserve Privacy and Anonymity.md b/sources/tech/20150515 Install 'Tails 1.4′ Linux Operating System to Preserve Privacy and Anonymity.md
index 8d0d5ccbdf..5731cd69f4 100644
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@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+FSSlc translating
 Install ‘Tails 1.4′ Linux Operating System to Preserve Privacy and Anonymity
 In this Internet world and the world of Internet we perform most of our task online be it Ticket booking, Money transfer, Studies, Business, Entertainment, Social Networking and what not. We spend a major part of our time online daily. It has been getting hard to remain anonymous with each passing day specially when backdoors are being planted by organizations like NSA (National Security Agency) who are putting their nose in between every thing that we come across online. We have least or no privacy online. All the searches are logged upon the basis of user Internet surfing activity and machine activity.
@@ -176,4 +178,4 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/install-tails-1-4-linux-operating-system-to-preserve
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-How To Check Laptop CPU Temperature In Ubuntu
-Overheating of laptops is a common issue one faces these days. Monitoring hardware temperature may help you to diagnose why laptop is getting overheated. In this article, we’ll see **how to check CPU temperature in Ubuntu**.
-We are going to use a GUI tool [Psensor][1] that allows you to monitor hardware temperature in Linux. With Psensor you can:
-- monitor the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors
-- monitor the temperature of the NVidia GPUs
-- monitor the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives
-- monitor the rotation speed of the fans
-- monitor the CPU usage
-Latest version of Psensor also provides applet indicator for Ubuntu and thus it makes the monitoring of hardware temperature even easier in Ubuntu. You can choose to display the temperature right in the top panel itself. It even sends a desktop notification when the temperature exceeds the limit.
-### How to install Psensor in Ubuntu 15.04 and 14.04 ###
-Before you install Psensor, you need to install and configure [lm-sensors][2], a command line utility for hardware monitoring. If you want to measure hard disk temperature, you need to install [hddtemp][3] as well. To install these tools, run the following command in a terminal:
-    sudo apt-get install lm-sensors hddtemp
-Then start the detection of your hardware sensors:
-    sudo sensors-detect
-To make sure that it works, run the command below:
-    sensors
-It will give you an output like:
-    acpitz-virtual-0
-    Adapter: Virtual device
-    temp1: +43.0°C (crit = +98.0°C)
-    coretemp-isa-0000
-    Adapter: ISA adapter
-    Physical id 0: +44.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
-    Core 0: +41.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
-    Core 1: +40.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
-If everything seems alright, proceed with the installation of Psensor by using the command below:
-    sudo apt-get install psensor
-Once installed, run the application by looking for it in Unity Dash. At first run, you should configure on what stats do you want to collect in Psensor.
-### Display temperature in the panel ###
-If you want to show the temperature in the top panel, go to **Sensor Preferences**:
-Then under the **Application Indicator** menu, select the component for which you want to display the temperature and then check the **Display sensor in the label** option.
-### Start Psensor at each start up ###
-Go to **Preferences->Startup** and the check **Launch on session startup** to start Psensor at each boot.
-That’s it. All you need to monitor the CPU temperature is here. You can keep an eye on it and it may help you find out which process is overheating your computer.
-via: http://itsfoss.com/check-laptop-cpu-temperature-ubuntu/
-本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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-How to Kill Linux Processes/Unresponsive Applications Using ‘xkill’ Command
-How do we kill a resource/process in Linux? Obviously we find the PID of the resource and then pass the PID to the kill command.
-Speaking more accurately, we can find PID of a resource (say terminal) as:
-    $ ps -A | grep -i terminal
-    6228 ?        00:00:00 gnome-terminal
-In the above output, the number ‘6228‘ is the PID of process (gnome-terminal), use the kill command to kill the process as shown below.
-    $ kill 6228
-The kill command sends a signal to a process, whose PID is passed along with the command.
-Alternatively, we can use pkill command, which kills a process based upon name and other attributes of a process. To kill a process say whose name is terminal, we need to execute:
-    $ pkill terminal
-**Note**: The process name length in pkill is limited to 15 characters.
-pkill seems more handy as you can kill a process without have to find out its PID. But if you want to have a better control on your system nothing beats ‘kill‘ command. Using kill you will have better insight of what process you are killing.
-We have already covered a detailed guide on [kill, pkill and killall commands][1].
-For those who are running X server there is another tool called xkill which can kill a process from its X window without passing process name or its PID.
-xkill utility forces X server to close communications to its client which results into killing of client by its X resource. xkill which is a part of X11 utilities is very handy in killing unnecessary windows.
-It support options like connect to specific X Server (-display displayname) using display number when multiple X Servers are running on a host simultaneously and kill all the client (-all, not recommended) with top-level windows on the screen as well as take frame (-frame) into account.
-To get a list of all the clients you may run:
-    $ xlsclients
-#### Sample Output ####
-    '  ' /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice
-    deb  gnome-shell
-    deb  Docky
-    deb  google-chrome-stable
-    deb  soffice
-    deb  gnome-settings-daemon
-    deb  gnome-terminal-server
-If no resource identifier is passed with id, xkill turns the mouse Pointer into special Symbol, similar to ‘X‘. Just click on the window you want to kill and this will kill its communication with server or say the program gets killed.
-    $ xkill
-![Xkill Command](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Xkill.png)
-Kill Process Using xkill
-It is important to notice that xkill do not guarantee that closing its communication will kill/abort it successfully. Most of the application will get killed when it’s communication to server is closed. However a few may still be running.
-Points Needed to be mentioned here:
-- This tool works only when X11 server is running, as xkill is a part of X11 utility.
-- Don’t confuse with Closing and killing a resource. While killing a resource you may expect it not to exit cleanly.
-- This is not a replacement of kill utility.
-**Do I need to go to Linux command line to invoke xkill?**
-No, you don’t need to fire xkill from Linux Command Line. You may set a keyboard shortcut and call xkill just by punching same key combination.
-Here is how to setup a keyboard shortcut on a typical gnome3 Desktop Environment.
-Go to Settings –> Select Keyboard, click on ‘+’ and add name and command. Click on the new entry and press the key you want to use as shortcut key combination. I did Ctrl+Alt+Shift+x.
-![Gnome Settings](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/22.png)
-Gnome Settings
-![Add Shortcut Key](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/31.png)
-Add Shortcut Key
-The next time you want to kill a X resource just call the key combination (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+x), and you will notice your mouse pointer changed into x. Click on x resource you want to kill and all done!
-via: http://www.tecmint.com/kill-processes-unresponsive-programs-in-ubuntu/
-作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
-本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/sources/tech/20150528 27 'DNF' Fork of Yum Commands for RPM Package Management in Linux.md b/sources/tech/20150528 27 'DNF' Fork of Yum Commands for RPM Package Management in Linux.md
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+translating by wwy-hust
 27 ‘DNF’ (Fork of Yum) Commands for RPM Package Management in Linux
 DNF aka Dandified YUM is a next generation Package Manager for RPM based Distribution. It was first introduced in Fedora 18 and it is replaced [YUM utility][1] in recent release of Fedora 22.
@@ -284,4 +286,4 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/dnf-commands-for-fedora-rpm-package-management/
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+Translating by GOLinux!
 Things To Do After Installing Fedora 22
 Fedora 22 the latest entrant in the community developed line of Red hat operating systems is released on the 26th of May 2015. A lot of speculation and anticipation has been associated with this release of the venerable fedora. Well there are some major changes that are being proposed for Fedora 22.
@@ -111,4 +112,4 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/things-do-after-installing-fedora-22/
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+���Ƿ�����������Լ���Linux���а棿ÿ��Linux�û�������ʹ��Linux�Ĺ����ж������һ�������Լ��ķ��а棬����һ�Ρ���Ҳ�����⣬��Ϊһ��Linux������Ҳ���ǹ�����һ���Լ���Linux���а档����һ��Linux���а汻����Linux From Scratch (LFS)��
+### 1. ��Щ��Ҫ���������Լ���Linux���а����Ӧ���˽����һ��Linux���а棨������ζ�Ŵ�ͷ��ʼ��������һ�����е�Linux���а�IJ�ͬ ###
+������������б�����ļ���boot-loaders���ںˣ���ѡ��ʲô�ñ�����������Ȼ�������Լ�������һ�ж�������ô����ҪLinux From Scratch (LFS)��
+### 2. ����һ��Linux���а棨LFS���ĺô� ###
+- �����˽�Linuxϵͳ���ڲ���������
+- ��������һ��������Ӧ�������ϵͳ
+- ��������ϵͳ��LFS������dz����գ���Ϊ���Ըð���/���ð���ʲôӵ�о��Ե��ƿ�
+- ��������ϵͳ��LFS���ڰ�ȫ���ϻ����
+### 3. ����һ��Linux���а棨LFS���Ļ��� ###
+### 4. ��Ȥ���ǣ�Gentoo/GNU Linux��ij����������ӽ���LFS��Gentoo��LFS������ȫ��Դ�����Ķ��Ƶ�Linuxϵͳ ###
+### 5. ��Ӧ����һ���о����Linux�û����Ա����������������൱���˽⣬�����Ǹ�shell�ű���ר�ҡ��˽�һ�ű�����ԣ�C��ã�����ʹ����������Щ������������һ�����֣�ֻҪ����һ�������ѧϰ�ߣ����Ժܿ������֪ʶ����Ҳ���Կ�ʼ������Ҫ���Dz�Ҫ��LFS�����ж�ʧ�������顣 ###
+### 6. ��������Ҫһ��һ����ָ��������һ��Linux��LFS�Ǵ���Linux�Ĺٷ�ָ�ϡ����ǵĴ��վ��tradepubҲΪ���ǵĶ���������LFS��ָ�ϣ���ͬ������ѵġ� ###
+�����Դ��������������Linux From Scratch���鼮��
+����: [Linux From Scratch][1]
+### ���ڣ�Linux From Scratch ###
+�Ȿ������LFS����Ŀ��ͷ��Gerard Beekmans�����ģ���Matthew Burgess��Bruse Dubbs���༭�����˶���LFS��Ŀ�������쵼�ˡ��Ȿ�����ݺܹ㷺����338ҳ����
+via: http://www.tecmint.com/create-custom-linux-distribution-from-scratch/
+���ߣ�[Avishek Kumar][a]
+������ [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) ԭ�����룬[Linux�й�](https://linux.cn/) �����Ƴ�
diff --git a/translated/talk/20150521 Will Ubuntu Linux Hit 200 Million Users This Year.md b/translated/talk/20150521 Will Ubuntu Linux Hit 200 Million Users This Year.md
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-����Mark Shuttleworth��������Ŀ�ꡰ��4����Ubuntu���û��ﵽ2�ڡ��Ѿ���ȥ�����������ܡ�����Ubuntu���û������ڹ�ȥ��������һֱ�������������Ŀ��Ŀǰ��δʵ�֣����ҿ����������ڽ������ʵ�֡�
-����2011��5����[UDS ������˹][1]��Shuttleworth��ʾUbuntu����4���ڴﵽ2���û���
-��һ��������Ubuntu�С�1ǧ���û������Dz�û���κοɿ��ı�������Ubuntu���û����ӽ�2�ڡ�����Valve�����ͳ�Ʊ��������Windows��OS X���û�[ʹ��Linux����Ϸ�û��ı�������1%][2]�����������Web����������ͳ�Ʒ�ʽ�����������ڱ���Linux���û�����ֻռ���ٵIJ��֡�
-Ʋ������治̸��Ubuntu�ڹ�ȥ���������������ƺͷ�����������õ��˴�����ռ���ʣ����ұ�֤����Red Hat Enterprise�����������ߡ�Ubuntu��֤�������Ի���ARM��Ӳ��ʮ���Ѻá���Mark������ǰ�������Ŀ��ʱ�������ܿ��ǵ�Ubuntu Phone/Touch���Ŀǰ��״�����á�����Ubuntu Phone/TouchĿǰ������ŷ�޺�[�й�][3]���ã�����[Ubuntu Touch���������ڳ����·��][4]��[����Ҫ�����Ĺؼ�Ӧ�ó�����Ĺ���][5]�ȡ�
-����Canonical����[Ubuntu���ý���½5%��PC][6]Ҳ�ѹ�ȥ��3�ꡣ5%��Ŀ����ȫ���PCװ�������������ٹ�3�꣬�����ɺ����������Ŀ���ʵ�֡�������������ŷ�ޣ�����������ʵ��꿴��Ubuntu��ΪԤװ��ϵͳ����Ҫ������������/OEM���������������ض���PC�ͺ����ṩLinux������Chrome OS��Android�豸��
-via: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=2015-200-Million-Goal-Retro
-���ߣ�[Michael Larabel][a]
-������ [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) ԭ�����룬[Linux�й�](https://linux.cn/) �����Ƴ�
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-### ����1����Fedora��CentOS�ϰ�װSamba ###
-    $ rpm -q samba samba-common samba-client 
-    $ sudo yum install samba samba-common samba-client 
-    $ sudo mkdir /shared 
-    $ sudo chmod o+rw /shared 
-    $ sudo chmod o+r /shared 
-    $ sudo touch /shared/file1 
-### ����2��ΪSamba����SELinux ###
-    $ sudo semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t "<directory>(/.*)?" 
-    $ sudo semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t "/shared(/.*)?" 
-    $ sudo restorecon -R -v /shared 
-    $ sudo setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs 1 
-### ����3��ΪSamba���÷���ǽ ###
-    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=samba 
-    $ sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables 
-    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT
-    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT
-    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 137 -j ACCEPT
-    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT
-    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT
-    $ sudo service iptables restart 
-### ����4������Samba���� ###
-    $ sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf 
-    [myshare]
-    comment=my shared files
-    path=/shared
-    public=yes
-    writeable=yes
-    $ sudo useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin sambaguest
-    $ sudo passwd sambaguest 
-    $ sudo smbpasswd -a sambaguest
-4. ����Samba���񣬲����Samba�����Ƿ������С�
-    $ sudo systemctl enable smb.service
-    $ sudo systemctl start smb.service
-    $ sudo systemctl is-active smb 
-    $ smbclient -U sambaguest -L localhost 
-via: http://xmodulo.com/share-directory-samba-fedora-centos.html
-���ߣ�[Kristophorus Hadiono][a]
-������ [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) ԭ�����룬[Linux�й�](http://linux.cn/) �����Ƴ�
diff --git a/translated/tech/20150527 How To Check Laptop CPU Temperature In Ubuntu.md b/translated/tech/20150527 How To Check Laptop CPU Temperature In Ubuntu.md
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+- 监控cpu和主板的温度
+- 监控NVidia GPU的文档
+- 监控硬盘的温度
+- 监控风扇的速度
+- 监控CPU的利用率
+### 如何在Ubuntu 15.04 和 14.04中安装Psensor ###
+    sudo apt-get install lm-sensors hddtemp
+    sudo sensors-detect
+    sensors
+    acpitz-virtual-0
+    Adapter: Virtual device
+    temp1: +43.0°C (crit = +98.0°C)
+    coretemp-isa-0000
+    Adapter: ISA adapter
+    Physical id 0: +44.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
+    Core 0: +41.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
+    Core 1: +40.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
+    sudo apt-get install psensor
+安装完成后,在Unity Dash中运行程序。第一次运行时,你应该配置Psensor该监控什么状态。
+### 在面板显示温度 ###
+如果你想要在面板中显示温度,进入**Sensor Preferences**:
+在 **Application Indicator** 菜单下,选择你想要显示温度的组件并勾上 **Display sensor in the label** 选项。
+### 每次启动启动Psensor ###
+进入 **Preferences->Startup** 并选择 **Launch on session startup** 使每次启动时启动Psensor。
+via: http://itsfoss.com/check-laptop-cpu-temperature-ubuntu/
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/translated/tech/20150527 How to Kill Linux Processes or Unresponsive Applications Using 'xkill' Command.md b/translated/tech/20150527 How to Kill Linux Processes or Unresponsive Applications Using 'xkill' Command.md
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+    $ ps -A | grep -i terminal
+    6228 ?        00:00:00 gnome-terminal
+上面的输出中,‘6288’就是进程(gnome-terminal)的pid, 使用下面的命令来杀掉进程。
+    $ kill 6228
+    $ pkill terminal
+**注意**: pkill命令后面进程名的长度不大于15个字符
+对于那些运行X Server的人而言,有另外一个工具称为xkill可以将进程从X Window中杀掉而不必传递它的名字或者pid。
+xkill工具强制X server关闭于它客户端之间的联系,这可以让X resource关闭这个客户端。xkill是X11工具集中一个非常容易上手的杀掉无用窗口的工具。
+它支持的选项如在同时运行多个X Server时使用-display选项后面跟上显示号连接到指定的X server,使用-all(并不建议)杀掉所有在屏幕上的所遇顶层窗口,同时将帧(-frame)也计算在内。
+    $ xlsclients
+#### 示例输出 ####
+    '  ' /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice
+    deb  gnome-shell
+    deb  Docky
+    deb  google-chrome-stable
+    deb  soffice
+    deb  gnome-settings-daemon
+    deb  gnome-terminal-server
+    $ xkill
+![Xkill Command](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Xkill.png)
+- 这个工具只能在X11 server运行的时候才能使用,因为这是X11工具的一部分。
+- 不要在你杀掉一个资源而它没有完全退出时而困惑。
+- 这不是kill的替代品
+进入设置-> 选择键盘。点击'+'并添加一个名字和命令。点击点击新条目并按下你想要的组合键。我的是Ctrl+Alt+Shift+x。
+![Gnome Settings](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/22.png)
+Gnome 设置
+![Add Shortcut Key](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/31.png)
+via: http://www.tecmint.com/kill-processes-unresponsive-programs-in-ubuntu/
+作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出