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Getting started with Docker by Dockerizing this Blog
>This article covers the basic concepts of Docker and how to Dockerize an application by creating a custom Dockerfile
>Written by Benjamin Cane on 2015-12-01 10:00:00
Docker is an interesting technology that over the past 2 years has gone from an idea, to being used by organizations all over the world to deploy applications. In today's article I am going to cover how to get started with Docker by "Dockerizing" an existing application. The application in question is actually this very blog!
## What is Docker
Before we dive into learning the basics of Docker let's first understand what Docker is and why it is so popular. Docker, is an operating system container management tool that allows you to easily manage and deploy applications by making it easy to package them within operating system containers.
### Containers vs. Virtual Machines
Containers may not be as familiar as virtual machines but they are another method to provide **Operating System Virtualization**. However, they differ quite a bit from standard virtual machines.
Standard virtual machines generally include a full Operating System, OS Packages and eventually an Application or two. This is made possible by a Hypervisor which provides hardware virtualization to the virtual machine. This allows for a single server to run many standalone operating systems as virtual guests.
Containers are similar to virtual machines in that they allow a single server to run multiple operating environments, these environments however, are not full operating systems. Containers generally only include the necessary OS Packages and Applications. They do not generally contain a full operating system or hardware virtualization. This also means that containers have a smaller overhead than traditional virtual machines.
Containers and Virtual Machines are often seen as conflicting technology, however, this is often a misunderstanding. Virtual Machines are a way to take a physical server and provide a fully functional operating environment that shares those physical resources with other virtual machines. A Container is generally used to isolate a running process within a single host to ensure that the isolated processes cannot interact with other processes within that same system. In fact containers are closer to **BSD Jails** and `chroot`'ed processes than full virtual machines.
### What Docker provides on top of containers
Docker itself is not a container runtime environment; in fact Docker is actually container technology agnostic with efforts planned for Docker to support [Solaris Zones](https://blog.docker.com/2015/08/docker-oracle-solaris-zones/) and [BSD Jails](https://wiki.freebsd.org/Docker). What Docker provides is a method of managing, packaging, and deploying containers. While these types of functions may exist to some degree for virtual machines they traditionally have not existed for most container solutions and the ones that existed, were not as easy to use or fully featured as Docker.
Now that we know what Docker is, let's start learning how Docker works by first installing Docker and deploying a public pre-built container.
## Starting with Installation
As Docker is not installed by default step 1 will be to install the Docker package; since our example system is running Ubuntu 14.0.4 we will do this using the Apt package manager.
# apt-get install docker.io
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
aufs-tools cgroup-lite git git-man liberror-perl
Suggested packages:
btrfs-tools debootstrap lxc rinse git-daemon-run git-daemon-sysvinit git-doc
git-el git-email git-gui gitk gitweb git-arch git-bzr git-cvs git-mediawiki
The following NEW packages will be installed:
aufs-tools cgroup-lite docker.io git git-man liberror-perl
0 upgraded, 6 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 7,553 kB of archives.
After this operation, 46.6 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
To check if any containers are running we can execute the `docker` command using the `ps` option.
# docker ps
The `ps` function of the `docker` command works similar to the Linux `ps `command. It will show available Docker containers and their current status. Since we have not started any Docker containers yet, the command shows no running containers.
## Deploying a pre-built nginx Docker container
One of my favorite features of Docker is the ability to deploy a pre-built container in the same way you would deploy a package with `yum` or `apt-get`. To explain this better let's deploy a pre-built container running the nginx web server. We can do this by executing the `docker` command again, however, this time with the `run` option.
# docker run -d nginx
Unable to find image 'nginx' locally
Pulling repository nginx
5c82215b03d1: Download complete
e2a4fb18da48: Download complete
58016a5acc80: Download complete
657abfa43d82: Download complete
dcb2fe003d16: Download complete
c79a417d7c6f: Download complete
abb90243122c: Download complete
d6137c9e2964: Download complete
85e566ddc7ef: Download complete
69f100eb42b5: Download complete
cd720b803060: Download complete
7cc81e9a118a: Download complete
The `run` function of the `docker` command tells Docker to find a specified Docker image and start a container running that image. By default, Docker containers run in the foreground, meaning when you execute `docker run` your shell will be bound to the container's console and the process running within the container. In order to launch this Docker container in the background I included the `-d` (**detach**) flag.
By executing `docker ps` again we can see the nginx container running.
# docker ps
f6d31ab01fc9 nginx:latest nginx -g 'daemon off 4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds 443/tcp, 80/tcp desperate_lalande
In the above output we can see the running container `desperate_lalande` and that this container has been built from the `nginx:latest image`.
### Docker Images
Images are one of Docker's key features and is similar to a virtual machine image. Like virtual machine images, a Docker image is a container that has been saved and packaged. Docker however, doesn't just stop with the ability to create images. Docker also includes the ability to distribute those images via Docker repositories which are a similar concept to package repositories. This is what gives Docker the ability to deploy an image like you would deploy a package with `yum`. To get a better understanding of how this works let's look back at the output of the `docker run` execution.
# docker run -d nginx
Unable to find image 'nginx' locally
The first message we see is that `docker` could not find an image named nginx locally. The reason we see this message is that when we executed `docker run` we told Docker to startup a container, a container based on an image named **nginx**. Since Docker is starting a container based on a specified image it needs to first find that image. Before checking any remote repository Docker first checks locally to see if there is a local image with the specified name.
Since this system is brand new there is no Docker image with the name nginx, which means Docker will need to download it from a Docker repository.
Pulling repository nginx
5c82215b03d1: Download complete
e2a4fb18da48: Download complete
58016a5acc80: Download complete
657abfa43d82: Download complete
dcb2fe003d16: Download complete
c79a417d7c6f: Download complete
abb90243122c: Download complete
d6137c9e2964: Download complete
85e566ddc7ef: Download complete
69f100eb42b5: Download complete
cd720b803060: Download complete
7cc81e9a118a: Download complete
This is exactly what the second part of the output is showing us. By default, Docker uses the [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/) repository, which is a repository service that Docker (the company) runs.
Like GitHub, Docker Hub is free for public repositories but requires a subscription for private repositories. It is possible however, to deploy your own Docker repository, in fact it is as easy as `docker run registry`. For this article we will not be deploying a custom registry service.
### Stopping and Removing the Container
Before moving on to building a custom Docker container let's first clean up our Docker environment. We will do this by stopping the container from earlier and removing it.
To start a container we executed `docker` with the `run` option, in order to stop this same container we simply need to execute the `docker` with the `kill` option specifying the container name.
# docker kill desperate_lalande
If we execute `docker ps` again we will see that the container is no longer running.
# docker ps
However, at this point we have only stopped the container; while it may no longer be running it still exists. By default, `docker ps` will only show running containers, if we add the `-a` (all) flag it will show all containers running or not.
# docker ps -a
f6d31ab01fc9 5c82215b03d1 nginx -g 'daemon off 4 weeks ago Exited (-1) About a minute ago desperate_lalande
In order to fully remove the container we can use the `docker` command with the `rm` option.
# docker rm desperate_lalande
While this container has been removed; we still have a **nginx** image available. If we were to re-run `docker run -d nginx` again the container would be started without having to fetch the nginx image again. This is because Docker already has a saved copy on our local system.
To see a full list of local images we can simply run the `docker` command with the `images` option.
# docker images
nginx latest 9fab4090484a 5 days ago 132.8 MB
## Building our own custom image
At this point we have used a few basic Docker commands to start, stop and remove a common pre-built image. In order to "Dockerize" this blog however, we are going to have to build our own Docker image and that means creating a **Dockerfile**.
With most virtual machine environments if you wish to create an image of a machine you need to first create a new virtual machine, install the OS, install the application and then finally convert it to a template or image. With Docker however, these steps are automated via a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a way of providing build instructions to Docker for the creation of a custom image. In this section we are going to build a custom Dockerfile that can be used to deploy this blog.
### Understanding the Application
Before we can jump into creating a Dockerfile we first need to understand what is required to deploy this blog.
The blog itself is actually static HTML pages generated by a custom static site generator that I wrote named; **hamerkop**. The generator is very simple and more about getting the job done for this blog specifically. All the code and source files for this blog are available via a public [GitHub](https://github.com/madflojo/blog) repository. In order to deploy this blog we simply need to grab the contents of the GitHub repository, install **Python** along with some **Python** modules and execute the `hamerkop` application. To serve the generated content we will use **nginx**; which means we will also need **nginx** to be installed.
So far this should be a pretty simple Dockerfile, but it will show us quite a bit of the [Dockerfile Syntax](https://docs.docker.com/v1.8/reference/builder/). To get started we can clone the GitHub repository and creating a Dockerfile with our favorite editor; `vi` in my case.
# git clone https://github.com/madflojo/blog.git
Cloning into 'blog'...
remote: Counting objects: 622, done.
remote: Total 622 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 622
Receiving objects: 100% (622/622), 14.80 MiB | 1.06 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (242/242), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
# cd blog/
# vi Dockerfile
### FROM - Inheriting a Docker image
The first instruction of a Dockerfile is the `FROM` instruction. This is used to specify an existing Docker image to use as our base image. This basically provides us with a way to inherit another Docker image. In this case we will be starting with the same **nginx** image we were using before, if we wanted to start with a blank slate we could use the **Ubuntu** Docker image by specifying `ubuntu:latest`.
## Dockerfile that generates an instance of http://bencane.com
FROM nginx:latest
MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
In addition to the `FROM` instruction, I also included a `MAINTAINER` instruction which is used to show the Author of the Dockerfile.
As Docker supports using `#` as a comment marker, I will be using this syntax quite a bit to explain the sections of this Dockerfile.
### Running a test build
Since we inherited the **nginx** Docker image our current Dockerfile also inherited all the instructions within the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/nginxinc/docker-nginx/blob/08eeb0e3f0a5ee40cbc2bc01f0004c2aa5b78c15/Dockerfile) used to build that **nginx** image. What this means is even at this point we are able to build a Docker image from this Dockerfile and run a container from that image. The resulting image will essentially be the same as the **nginx** image but we will run through a build of this Dockerfile now and a few more times as we go to help explain the Docker build process.
In order to start the build from a Dockerfile we can simply execute the `docker` command with the **build** option.
# docker build -t blog /root/blog
Sending build context to Docker daemon 23.6 MB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM nginx:latest
---> 9fab4090484a
Step 1 : MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
---> Running in c97f36450343
---> 60a44f78d194
Removing intermediate container c97f36450343
Successfully built 60a44f78d194
In the above example I used the `-t` (**tag**) flag to "tag" the image as "blog". This essentially allows us to name the image, without specifying a tag the image would only be callable via an **Image ID** that Docker assigns. In this case the **Image ID** is `60a44f78d194` which we can see from the `docker` command's build success message.
In addition to the `-t` flag, I also specified the directory `/root/blog`. This directory is the "build directory", which is the directory that contains the Dockerfile and any other files necessary to build this container.
Now that we have run through a successful build, let's start customizing this image.
### Using RUN to execute apt-get
The static site generator used to generate the HTML pages is written in **Python** and because of this the first custom task we should perform within this `Dockerfile` is to install Python. To install the Python package we will use the Apt package manager. This means we will need to specify within the Dockerfile that `apt-get update` and `apt-get install python-dev` are executed; we can do this with the `RUN` instruction.
## Dockerfile that generates an instance of http://bencane.com
FROM nginx:latest
MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
## Install python and pip
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
In the above we are simply using the `RUN` instruction to tell Docker that when it builds this image it will need to execute the specified `apt-get` commands. The interesting part of this is that these commands are only executed within the context of this container. What this means is even though `python-dev` and `python-pip` are being installed within the container, they are not being installed for the host itself. Or to put it simplier, within the container the `pip` command will execute, outside the container, the `pip` command does not exist.
It is also important to note that the Docker build process does not accept user input during the build. This means that any commands being executed by the `RUN` instruction must complete without user input. This adds a bit of complexity to the build process as many applications require user input during installation. For our example, none of the commands executed by `RUN` require user input.
### Installing Python modules
With **Python** installed we now need to install some Python modules. To do this outside of Docker, we would generally use the `pip` command and reference a file within the blog's Git repository named `requirements.txt`. In an earlier step we used the `git` command to "clone" the blog's GitHub repository to the `/root/blog` directory; this directory also happens to be the directory that we have created the `Dockerfile`. This is important as it means the contents of the Git repository are accessible to Docker during the build process.
When executing a build, Docker will set the context of the build to the specified "build directory". This means that any files within that directory and below can be used during the build process, files outside of that directory (outside of the build context), are inaccessible.
In order to install the required Python modules we will need to copy the `requirements.txt` file from the build directory into the container. We can do this using the `COPY` instruction within the `Dockerfile`.
## Dockerfile that generates an instance of http://bencane.com
FROM nginx:latest
MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
## Install python and pip
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
## Create a directory for required files
RUN mkdir -p /build/
## Add requirements file and run pip
COPY requirements.txt /build/
RUN pip install -r /build/requirements.txt
Within the `Dockerfile` we added 3 instructions. The first instruction uses `RUN` to create a `/build/` directory within the container. This directory will be used to copy any application files needed to generate the static HTML pages. The second instruction is the `COPY` instruction which copies the `requirements.txt` file from the "build directory" (`/root/blog`) into the `/build` directory within the container. The third is using the `RUN` instruction to execute the `pip` command; installing all the modules specified within the `requirements.txt` file.
`COPY` is an important instruction to understand when building custom images. Without specifically copying the file within the Dockerfile this Docker image would not contain the requirements.txt file. With Docker containers everything is isolated, unless specifically executed within a Dockerfile a container is not likely to include required dependencies.
### Re-running a build
Now that we have a few customization tasks for Docker to perform let's try another build of the blog image again.
# docker build -t blog /root/blog
Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.52 MB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM nginx:latest
---> 9fab4090484a
Step 1 : MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
---> Using cache
---> 8e0f1899d1eb
Step 2 : RUN apt-get update
---> Using cache
---> 78b36ef1a1a2
Step 3 : RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
---> Using cache
---> ef4f9382658a
Step 4 : RUN mkdir -p /build/
---> Running in bde05cf1e8fe
---> f4b66e09fa61
Removing intermediate container bde05cf1e8fe
Step 5 : COPY requirements.txt /build/
---> cef11c3fb97c
Removing intermediate container 9aa8ff43f4b0
Step 6 : RUN pip install -r /build/requirements.txt
---> Running in c50b15ddd8b1
Downloading/unpacking jinja2 (from -r /build/requirements.txt (line 1))
Downloading/unpacking PyYaml (from -r /build/requirements.txt (line 2))
<truncated to reduce noise>
Successfully installed jinja2 PyYaml mistune markdown MarkupSafe
Cleaning up...
---> abab55c20962
Removing intermediate container c50b15ddd8b1
Successfully built abab55c20962
From the above build output we can see the build was successful, but we can also see another interesting message;` ---> Using cache`. What this message is telling us is that Docker was able to use its build cache during the build of this image.
#### Docker build cache
When Docker is building an image, it doesn't just build a single image; it actually builds multiple images throughout the build processes. In fact we can see from the above output that after each "Step" Docker is creating a new image.
Step 5 : COPY requirements.txt /build/
---> cef11c3fb97c
The last line from the above snippet is actually Docker informing us of the creating of a new image, it does this by printing the **Image ID**; `cef11c3fb97c`. The useful thing about this approach is that Docker is able to use these images as cache during subsequent builds of the **blog** image. This is useful because it allows Docker to speed up the build process for new builds of the same container. If we look at the example above we can actually see that rather than installing the `python-dev` and `python-pip` packages again, Docker was able to use a cached image. However, since Docker was unable to find a build that executed the `mkdir` command, each subsequent step was executed.
The Docker build cache is a bit of a gift and a curse; the reason for this is that the decision to use cache or to rerun the instruction is made within a very narrow scope. For example, if there was a change to the `requirements.txt` file Docker would detect this change during the build and start fresh from that point forward. It does this because it can view the contents of the `requirements.txt` file. The execution of the `apt-get` commands however, are another story. If the **Apt** repository that provides the Python packages were to contain a newer version of the python-pip package; Docker would not be able to detect the change and would simply use the build cache. This means that an older package may be installed. While this may not be a major issue for the `python-pip` package it could be a problem if the installation was caching a package with a known vulnerability.
For this reason it is useful to periodically rebuild the image without using Docker's cache. To do this you can simply specify `--no-cache=True` when executing a Docker build.
## Deploying the rest of the blog
With the Python packages and modules installed this leaves us at the point of copying the required application files and running the `hamerkop` application. To do this we will simply use more `COPY` and `RUN` instructions.
## Dockerfile that generates an instance of http://bencane.com
FROM nginx:latest
MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
## Install python and pip
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
## Create a directory for required files
RUN mkdir -p /build/
## Add requirements file and run pip
COPY requirements.txt /build/
RUN pip install -r /build/requirements.txt
## Add blog code nd required files
COPY static /build/static
COPY templates /build/templates
COPY hamerkop /build/
COPY config.yml /build/
COPY articles /build/articles
## Run Generator
RUN /build/hamerkop -c /build/config.yml
Now that we have the rest of the build instructions, let's run through another build and verify that the image builds successfully.
# docker build -t blog /root/blog/
Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.52 MB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM nginx:latest
---> 9fab4090484a
Step 1 : MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
---> Using cache
---> 8e0f1899d1eb
Step 2 : RUN apt-get update
---> Using cache
---> 78b36ef1a1a2
Step 3 : RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
---> Using cache
---> ef4f9382658a
Step 4 : RUN mkdir -p /build/
---> Using cache
---> f4b66e09fa61
Step 5 : COPY requirements.txt /build/
---> Using cache
---> cef11c3fb97c
Step 6 : RUN pip install -r /build/requirements.txt
---> Using cache
---> abab55c20962
Step 7 : COPY static /build/static
---> 15cb91531038
Removing intermediate container d478b42b7906
Step 8 : COPY templates /build/templates
---> ecded5d1a52e
Removing intermediate container ac2390607e9f
Step 9 : COPY hamerkop /build/
---> 59efd1ca1771
Removing intermediate container b5fbf7e817b7
Step 10 : COPY config.yml /build/
---> bfa3db6c05b7
Removing intermediate container 1aebef300933
Step 11 : COPY articles /build/articles
---> 6b61cc9dde27
Removing intermediate container be78d0eb1213
Step 12 : RUN /build/hamerkop -c /build/config.yml
---> Running in fbc0b5e574c5
Successfully created file /usr/share/nginx/html//2011/06/25/checking-the-number-of-lwp-threads-in-linux
Successfully created file /usr/share/nginx/html//2011/06/checking-the-number-of-lwp-threads-in-linux
<truncated to reduce noise>
Successfully created file /usr/share/nginx/html//archive.html
Successfully created file /usr/share/nginx/html//sitemap.xml
---> 3b25263113e1
Removing intermediate container fbc0b5e574c5
Successfully built 3b25263113e1
### Running a custom container
With a successful build we can now start our custom container by running the `docker` command with the `run` option, similar to how we started the nginx container earlier.
# docker run -d -p 80:80 --name=blog blog
Once again the `-d` (**detach**) flag was used to tell Docker to run the container in the background. However, there are also two new flags. The first new flag is `--name`, which is used to give the container a user specified name. In the earlier example we did not specify a name and because of that Docker randomly generated one. The second new flag is `-p`, this flag allows users to map a port from the host machine to a port within the container.
The base **nginx** image we used exposes port 80 for the HTTP service. By default, ports bound within a Docker container are not bound on the host system as a whole. In order for external systems to access ports exposed within a container the ports must be mapped from a host port to a container port using the `-p` flag. The command above maps port 80 from the host, to port 80 within the container. If we wished to map port 8080 from the host, to port 80 within the container we could do so by specifying the ports in the following syntax `-p 8080:80`.
From the above command it appears that our container was started successfully, we can verify this by executing `docker ps`.
# docker ps
d264c7ef92bd blog:latest nginx -g 'daemon off 3 seconds ago Up 3 seconds 443/tcp,>80/tcp blog
## Wrapping up
At this point we now have a running custom Docker container. While we touched on a few Dockerfile instructions within this article we have yet to discuss all the instructions. For a full list of Dockerfile instructions you can checkout [Docker's reference page](https://docs.docker.com/v1.8/reference/builder/), which explains the instructions very well.
Another good resource is their [Dockerfile Best Practices page](https://docs.docker.com/engine/articles/dockerfile_best-practices/) which contains quite a few best practices for building custom Dockerfiles. Some of these tips are very useful such as strategically ordering the commands within the Dockerfile. In the above examples our Dockerfile has the `COPY` instruction for the `articles` directory as the last `COPY` instruction. The reason for this is that the `articles` directory will change quite often. It's best to put instructions that will change oftenat the lowest point possible within the Dockerfile to optimize steps that can be cached.
In this article we covered how to start a pre-built container and how to build, then deploy a custom container. While there is quite a bit to learn about Docker this article should give you a good idea on how to get started. Of course, as always if you think there is anything that should be added drop it in the comments below.
作者:Benjamin Cane
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
>作者:Benjamin Cane,2015-12-01 10:00:00
## 什么是Docker?
### 容器 vs. 虚拟机
容器和虚拟机常被误认为是两种抵触的技术。虚拟机采用同一个物理服务器,来提供全功能的操作环境,该环境会和其余虚拟机一起共享这些物理资源。容器一般用来隔离运行中的应用进程,运行进程将在单独的主机中运行,以保证隔离后的进程之间不能相互影响。事实上,容器和**BSD Jails**以及`chroot`进程的相似度,超过了和完整虚拟机的相似度。
### Docker在容器的上层提供了什么
Docker不是一个容器运行环境,事实上,只是一个容器技术,并不包含那些帮助Docker支持[Solaris Zones](https://blog.docker.com/2015/08/docker-oracle-solaris-zones/)和[BSD Jails](https://wiki.freebsd.org/Docker)的技术。Docker提供管理,打包和部署容器的方式。虽然一定程度上,虚拟机多多少少拥有这些类似的功能,但虚拟机并没有完整拥有绝大多数的容器功能,即使拥有,这些功能用起来都并没有Docker来的方便。
## 从安装开始
默认情况下,Docker并不会自动被安装在您的计算机中,所以,第一步就是安装Docker包;我们的教学机器系统是Ubuntu 14.0.4,所以,我们将使用Apt包管理器,来执行安装操作。
# apt-get install docker.io
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
aufs-tools cgroup-lite git git-man liberror-perl
Suggested packages:
btrfs-tools debootstrap lxc rinse git-daemon-run git-daemon-sysvinit git-doc
git-el git-email git-gui gitk gitweb git-arch git-bzr git-cvs git-mediawiki
The following NEW packages will be installed:
aufs-tools cgroup-lite docker.io git git-man liberror-perl
0 upgraded, 6 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 7,553 kB of archives.
After this operation, 46.6 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
# docker ps
## 部署一个预构建好的nginx Docker容器
我比较喜欢的Docker特性之一就是Docker部署预先构建好的容器的方式,就像`yum`和`apt-get`部署包一样。为了更好地解释,我们来部署一个运行着nginx web服务器的预构建容器。我们可以继续使用`docker`命令,这次选择`run`选项。
# docker run -d nginx
Unable to find image 'nginx' locally
Pulling repository nginx
5c82215b03d1: Download complete
e2a4fb18da48: Download complete
58016a5acc80: Download complete
657abfa43d82: Download complete
dcb2fe003d16: Download complete
c79a417d7c6f: Download complete
abb90243122c: Download complete
d6137c9e2964: Download complete
85e566ddc7ef: Download complete
69f100eb42b5: Download complete
cd720b803060: Download complete
7cc81e9a118a: Download complete
`docker`命令的`run`选项,用来通知Docker去寻找一个指定的Docker镜像,然后开启运行着该镜像的容器。默认情况下,Docker容器在前台运行,这意味着当你运行`docker run`命令的时候,你的shell会被绑定到容器的控制台以及运行在容器中的进程。为了能在后台运行该Docker容器,我们可以使用`-d` (**detach**)标志。
再次运行`docker ps`命令,可以看到nginx容器正在运行。
# docker ps
f6d31ab01fc9 nginx:latest nginx -g 'daemon off 4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds 443/tcp, 80/tcp desperate_lalande
从上面的打印信息中,我们可以看到正在运行的名为`desperate_lalande`的容器,它是由`nginx:latest image`(译者注:nginx最新版本的镜像)构建而来得。
### Docker镜像
镜像是Docker的核心特征之一,类似于虚拟机镜像。和虚拟机镜像一样,Docker镜像是一个被保存并打包的容器。当然,Docker不只是创建镜像,它还可以通过Docker仓库发布这些镜像,Docker仓库和包仓库的概念差不多,它让Docker能够模仿`yum`部署包的方式来部署镜像。为了更好地理解这是怎么工作的,我们来回顾`docker run`执行后的输出。
# docker run -d nginx
Unable to find image 'nginx' locally
我们可以看到第一条信息是,Docker不能在本地找到名叫nginx的镜像。这是因为当我们执行`docker run`命令时,告诉Docker运行一个基于nginx镜像的容器。既然Docker要启动一个基于特定镜像的容器,那么Docker首先需要知道那个指定镜像。在检查远程仓库之前,Docker首先检查本地是否存在指定名称的本地镜像。
Pulling repository nginx
5c82215b03d1: Download complete
e2a4fb18da48: Download complete
58016a5acc80: Download complete
657abfa43d82: Download complete
dcb2fe003d16: Download complete
c79a417d7c6f: Download complete
abb90243122c: Download complete
d6137c9e2964: Download complete
85e566ddc7ef: Download complete
69f100eb42b5: Download complete
cd720b803060: Download complete
7cc81e9a118a: Download complete
这就是第二部分打印信息显示给我们的内容。默认,Docker会使用[Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/)仓库,该仓库由Docker公司维护。
和Github一样,在Docker Hub创建公共仓库是免费的,私人仓库就需要缴纳费用了。当然,部署你自己的Docker仓库也是可以实现的,事实上只需要简单地运行`docker run registry`命令就行了。但在这篇文章中,我们的重点将不是讲解如何部署一个定制的注册服务。
### 关闭并移除容器
# docker kill desperate_lalande
当我们再次执行`docker ps`,就不再有容器运行了
# docker ps
但是,此时,我们这是停止了容器;虽然它不再运行,但仍然存在。默认情况下,`docker ps`只会显示正在运行的容器,如果我们附加`-a` (all) 标识,它会显示所有运行和未运行的容器。
# docker ps -a
f6d31ab01fc9 5c82215b03d1 nginx -g 'daemon off 4 weeks ago Exited (-1) About a minute ago desperate_lalande
# docker rm desperate_lalande
虽然容器被移除了;但是我们仍拥有可用的**nginx**镜像(译者注:镜像缓存)。如果我们重新运行`docker run -d nginx`,Docker就无需再次拉取nginx镜像,即可启动容器。这是因为我们本地系统中已经保存了一个副本。
# docker images
nginx latest 9fab4090484a 5 days ago 132.8 MB
## 构建我们自己的镜像
### 理解应用
# git clone https://github.com/madflojo/blog.git
Cloning into 'blog'...
remote: Counting objects: 622, done.
remote: Total 622 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 622
Receiving objects: 100% (622/622), 14.80 MiB | 1.06 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (242/242), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
# cd blog/
# vi Dockerfile
### FROM - 继承一个Docker镜像
第一条Dockerfile指令是`FROM`指令。这将指定一个现存的镜像作为我们的基础镜像。这也从根本上给我们提供了继承其他Docker镜像的途径。在本例中,我们还是从刚刚我们使用的**nginx**开始,如果我们想重新开始,我们可以通过指定`ubuntu:latest`来使用**Ubuntu** Docker镜像。
## Dockerfile that generates an instance of http://bencane.com
FROM nginx:latest
MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
### 运行一次测试构建
因为我们继承了**nginx** Docker镜像,我们现在的Dockerfile也就包括了用来构建**nginx**镜像的[Dockerfile](https://github.com/nginxinc/docker-nginx/blob/08eeb0e3f0a5ee40cbc2bc01f0004c2aa5b78c15/Dockerfile)中所有指令。这意味着,此时我们可以从该Dockerfile中构建出一个Docker镜像,然后从该镜像中运行一个容器。虽然,最终的镜像和**nginx**镜像本质上是一样的,但是我们这次是通过构建Dockerfile的形式,然后我们将讲解Docker构建镜像的过程。
# docker build -t blog /root/blog
Sending build context to Docker daemon 23.6 MB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM nginx:latest
---> 9fab4090484a
Step 1 : MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
---> Running in c97f36450343
---> 60a44f78d194
Removing intermediate container c97f36450343
Successfully built 60a44f78d194
上面的例子,我们使用了`-t` (**tag**)标识给镜像添加"blog"的标签。本质上我们只是在给镜像命名,如果我们不指定标签,就只能通过Docker分配的**Image ID**来访问镜像了。本例中,从Docker构建成功的信息可以看出,**Image ID**值为`60a44f78d194`。
### 使用RUN来执行apt-get
用来生成HTML页面的静态站点生成器是用**Python**语言编写的,所以,在Dockerfile中需要做的第一件定制任务是安装Python。我们将使用Apt包管理器来安装Python包,这意味着在Dockerfile中我们要指定运行`apt-get update`和`apt-get install python-dev`;为了完成这一点,我们可以使用`RUN`指令。
## Dockerfile that generates an instance of http://bencane.com
FROM nginx:latest
MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
## Install python and pip
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
### 安装Python模块
## Dockerfile that generates an instance of http://bencane.com
FROM nginx:latest
MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
## Install python and pip
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
## Create a directory for required files
RUN mkdir -p /build/
## Add requirements file and run pip
COPY requirements.txt /build/
RUN pip install -r /build/requirements.txt
### 重新运行构建
# docker build -t blog /root/blog
Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.52 MB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM nginx:latest
---> 9fab4090484a
Step 1 : MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
---> Using cache
---> 8e0f1899d1eb
Step 2 : RUN apt-get update
---> Using cache
---> 78b36ef1a1a2
Step 3 : RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
---> Using cache
---> ef4f9382658a
Step 4 : RUN mkdir -p /build/
---> Running in bde05cf1e8fe
---> f4b66e09fa61
Removing intermediate container bde05cf1e8fe
Step 5 : COPY requirements.txt /build/
---> cef11c3fb97c
Removing intermediate container 9aa8ff43f4b0
Step 6 : RUN pip install -r /build/requirements.txt
---> Running in c50b15ddd8b1
Downloading/unpacking jinja2 (from -r /build/requirements.txt (line 1))
Downloading/unpacking PyYaml (from -r /build/requirements.txt (line 2))
<truncated to reduce noise>
Successfully installed jinja2 PyYaml mistune markdown MarkupSafe
Cleaning up...
---> abab55c20962
Removing intermediate container c50b15ddd8b1
Successfully built abab55c20962
上述输出所示,我们可以看到构建成功了,我们还可以看到另外一个有趣的信息` ---> Using cache`。这条信息告诉我们,Docker在构建该镜像时使用了它的构建缓存。
### Docker构建缓存
Step 5 : COPY requirements.txt /build/
---> cef11c3fb97c
上面片段的最后一行可以看出,Docker在告诉我们它在创建一个新镜像,因为它打印了**Image ID**;`cef11c3fb97c`。这种方式有用之处在于,Docker能在随后构建**blog**镜像时将这些镜像作为缓存使用。这很有用处,因为这样,Docker就能加速同一个容器中新构建任务的构建流程。从上面的例子中,我们可以看出,Docker没有重新安装`python-dev`和`python-pip`包,Docker则使用了缓存镜像。但是由于Docker并没有找到执行`mkdir`命令的构建缓存,随后的步骤就被一一执行了。
Docker构建缓存一定程度上是福音,但有时也是噩梦。这是因为使用缓存或者重新运行指令的决定在一个很狭窄的范围内执行。比如,如果`requirements.txt`文件发生了修改,Docker会在构建时检测到该变化,然后Docker会重新执行该执行那个点往后的所有指令。这得益于Docker能查看`requirements.txt`的文件内容。但是,`apt-get`命令的执行就是另一回事了。如果提供Python包的**Apt** 仓库包含了一个更新的python-pip包;Docker不会检测到这个变化,转而去使用构建缓存。这会导致之前旧版本的包将被安装。虽然对`python-pip`来说,这不是主要的问题,但对使用了某个致命攻击缺陷的包缓存来说,这是个大问题。
## 部署博客的剩余部分
Python包和模块安装后,接下来我们将拷贝需要用到的应用文件,然后运行`hamerkop`应用。我们只需要使用更多的`COPY` and `RUN`指令就可完成。
## Dockerfile that generates an instance of http://bencane.com
FROM nginx:latest
MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
## Install python and pip
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
## Create a directory for required files
RUN mkdir -p /build/
## Add requirements file and run pip
COPY requirements.txt /build/
RUN pip install -r /build/requirements.txt
## Add blog code nd required files
COPY static /build/static
COPY templates /build/templates
COPY hamerkop /build/
COPY config.yml /build/
COPY articles /build/articles
## Run Generator
RUN /build/hamerkop -c /build/config.yml
# docker build -t blog /root/blog/
Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.52 MB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM nginx:latest
---> 9fab4090484a
Step 1 : MAINTAINER Benjamin Cane <ben@bencane.com>
---> Using cache
---> 8e0f1899d1eb
Step 2 : RUN apt-get update
---> Using cache
---> 78b36ef1a1a2
Step 3 : RUN apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
---> Using cache
---> ef4f9382658a
Step 4 : RUN mkdir -p /build/
---> Using cache
---> f4b66e09fa61
Step 5 : COPY requirements.txt /build/
---> Using cache
---> cef11c3fb97c
Step 6 : RUN pip install -r /build/requirements.txt
---> Using cache
---> abab55c20962
Step 7 : COPY static /build/static
---> 15cb91531038
Removing intermediate container d478b42b7906
Step 8 : COPY templates /build/templates
---> ecded5d1a52e
Removing intermediate container ac2390607e9f
Step 9 : COPY hamerkop /build/
---> 59efd1ca1771
Removing intermediate container b5fbf7e817b7
Step 10 : COPY config.yml /build/
---> bfa3db6c05b7
Removing intermediate container 1aebef300933
Step 11 : COPY articles /build/articles
---> 6b61cc9dde27
Removing intermediate container be78d0eb1213
Step 12 : RUN /build/hamerkop -c /build/config.yml
---> Running in fbc0b5e574c5
Successfully created file /usr/share/nginx/html//2011/06/25/checking-the-number-of-lwp-threads-in-linux
Successfully created file /usr/share/nginx/html//2011/06/checking-the-number-of-lwp-threads-in-linux
<truncated to reduce noise>
Successfully created file /usr/share/nginx/html//archive.html
Successfully created file /usr/share/nginx/html//sitemap.xml
---> 3b25263113e1
Removing intermediate container fbc0b5e574c5
Successfully built 3b25263113e1
### 运行定制的容器
# docker run -d -p 80:80 --name=blog blog
我们这次又使用了`-d` (**detach**)标识来让Docker在后台运行。但是,我们也可以看到两个新标识。第一个新标识是`--name`,这用来给容器指定一个用户名称。之前的例子,我们没有指定名称,因为Docker随机帮我们生成了一个。第二个新标识是`-p`,这个标识允许用户从主机映射一个端口到容器中的一个端口。
之前我们使用的基础**nginx**镜像分配了80端口给HTTP服务。默认情况下,容器内的端口通道并没有绑定到主机系统。为了让外部系统能访问容器内部端口,我们必须使用`-p`标识将主机端口映射到容器内部端口。上面的命令,我们通过`-p 8080:80`语法将主机80端口映射到容器内部的80端口。
经过上面的命令,我们的容器似乎成功启动了,我们可以通过执行`docker ps`核实。
# docker ps
d264c7ef92bd blog:latest nginx -g 'daemon off 3 seconds ago Up 3 seconds 443/tcp,>80/tcp blog
## 总结
截止目前,我们拥有了正在运行的定制Docker容器。虽然在这篇文章中,我们只接触了一些Dockerfile指令用法,但是我们还是要讨论所有的指令。我们可以检查[Docker's reference page](https://docs.docker.com/v1.8/reference/builder/)来获取所有的Dockerfile指令用法,那里对指令的用法说明得很详细。
另一个比较好的资源是[Dockerfile Best Practices page](https://docs.docker.com/engine/articles/dockerfile_best-practices/),它有许多构建定制Dockerfile的最佳练习。有些技巧非常有用,比如战略性地组织好Dockerfile中的命令。上面的例子中,我们将`articles`目录的`COPY`指令作为Dockerfile中最后的`COPY`指令。这是因为`articles`目录会经常变动。所以,将那些经常变化的指令尽可能地放在最后面的位置,来最优化那些可以被缓存的步骤。
作者:Benjamin Cane
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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