diff --git a/translated/tech/20180228 Why Python devs should use Pipenv.md b/published/20180228 Why Python devs should use Pipenv.md similarity index 54% rename from translated/tech/20180228 Why Python devs should use Pipenv.md rename to published/20180228 Why Python devs should use Pipenv.md index 1e5d3dcd79..57a305f4b4 100644 --- a/translated/tech/20180228 Why Python devs should use Pipenv.md +++ b/published/20180228 Why Python devs should use Pipenv.md @@ -1,101 +1,101 @@ 为什么 Python 开发人员应该使用 Pipenv ===== +> 只用了一年, Pipenv 就变成了管理软件包依赖关系的 Python 官方推荐资源。 + ![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-full-size/public/lead-images/python-programming-code-keyboard.png?itok=fxiSpmnd) -这篇文章是与 [Jeff Triplett][1] 共同撰写的。 - -Pipenv 是由 Kenneth Reitz 在一年多前创建的“面向人类(to校正者:这里为人类感觉翻译为为开发者更好一点)而生的 Python 开发工作流”,它已经成为管理软件包依赖关系的[ Python 官方推荐资源][2]。但是对于它解决了什么问题,以及它如何比使用 `pip` 和 `requirements.txt` 文件的标准工作流更有用处,这两点仍然存在困惑。在本月的 Python 专栏中,我们将填补这些空白。 +Pipenv 是由 Kenneth Reitz 在一年多前创建的“面向开发者而生的 Python 开发工作流”,它已经成为管理软件包依赖关系的[ Python 官方推荐资源][2]。但是对于它解决了什么问题,以及它如何比使用 `pip` 和 `requirements.txt` 文件的标准工作流更有用处,这两点仍然存在困惑。在本月的 Python 专栏中,我们将填补这些空白。 ### Python 包安装简史 为了理解 Pipenv 所解决的问题,看一看 Python 包管理如何发展十分有用的。 -让我们回到第一个 Python 版本,我们有 Python,但是没有干净的方法来安装软件包。 +让我们回到第一个 Python 版本,这时我们有了 Python,但是没有干净的方法来安装软件包。 然后有了 [Easy Install][3],这是一个可以相对容易地安装其他 Python 包的软件包,但它也带来了一个问题:卸载不需要的包并不容易。 [pip][4] 登场,绝大多数 Python 用户都熟悉它。`pip` 可以让我们安装和卸载包。我们可以指定版本,运行 `pip freeze > requirements.txt` 来输出一个已安装包列表到一个文本文件,还可以用相同的文本文件配合 `pip install -r requirements.txt` 来安装一个应用程序需要的所有包。 -但是 `pip` 并没有包含将包彼此隔离的方法。我们可能会开发使用相同库的不同版本的应用程序,因此我们需要一种方法来实现这一点。随之而来的是[虚拟环境][5],它使我们能够为我们开发的每个应用程序创建一个小型的,隔离的环境。我们已经看到了许多管理虚拟环境的工具:[virtualenv][6], [venv][7], [virtualenvwrapper][8], [pyenv][9], [pyenv-virtualenv][10], [pyenv-virtualenvwrapper][11] 等等。它们都可以很好地使用 `pip` 和 `requirements.txt` 文件。 +但是 `pip` 并没有包含将软件包彼此隔离的方法。我们可能会开发使用相同库的不同版本的应用程序,因此我们需要一种方法来实现这一点。随之而来的是[虚拟环境][5],它使我们能够为我们开发的每个应用程序创建一个小型的、隔离的环境。我们已经看到了许多管理虚拟环境的工具:[virtualenv][6]、 [venv][7]、 [virtualenvwrapper][8]、 [pyenv][9]、 [pyenv-virtualenv][10]、 [pyenv-virtualenvwrapper][11] 等等。它们都可以很好地使用 `pip` 和 `requirements.txt` 文件。 ### 新方法:Pipenv Pipenv 旨在解决几个问题: -首先,问题是需要 `pip` 库来安装包,外加一个用于创建虚拟环境的库,以及用于管理虚拟环境的库,以及与这些库相关的所有命令。这些都需要管理。Pipenv 附带包管理和虚拟环境支持,因此你可以使用一个工具来安装、卸载、跟踪和记录依赖性,并创建、使用和组织你的虚拟环境。当你使用它启动一个项目时,如果你还没有使用它的话,Pipenv 将自动为该项目创建一个虚拟环境。 +首先,需要 `pip` 库来安装包,外加一个用于创建虚拟环境的库,以及用于管理虚拟环境的库,再有与这些库相关的所有命令。这些都需要管理。Pipenv 附带包管理和虚拟环境支持,因此你可以使用一个工具来安装、卸载、跟踪和记录依赖性,并创建、使用和组织你的虚拟环境。当你使用它启动一个项目时,如果你还没有使用虚拟环境的话,Pipenv 将自动为该项目创建一个虚拟环境。 -Pipenv 通过放弃 `requirements.txt` 规范转而将其移动到一个名为 [Pipfile][12] 的新文档中来完成这种依赖管理。当你使用 Pipenv 安装一个库时,项目的 `Pipfile` 会自动更新安装细节,包括版本信息,还有可能的 Git 仓库位置,文件路径和其他信息。 +Pipenv 通过放弃 `requirements.txt` 规范转而将其移动到一个名为 [Pipfile][12] 的新文档中来完成这种依赖管理。当你使用 Pipenv 安装一个库时,项目的 `Pipfile` 会自动更新安装细节,包括版本信息,还有可能的 Git 仓库位置、文件路径和其他信息。 -其次,Pipenv 希望能更容易地管理复杂的相互依赖关系。你的应用程序可能依赖于某个特定版本的库,而那个库可能依赖于另一个特定版本的库,而它只是依赖关系(to 校正者:这句话不太理解)。当你的应用程序使用的两个库有冲突的依赖关系时,你的情况会变得很艰难。Pipenv 希望通过在一个名为 `Pipfile.lock` 的文件中跟踪应用程序相互依赖关系树来减轻这种痛苦。`Pipfile.lock` 还会验证生产中是否使用了正确版本的依赖关系。 +其次,Pipenv 希望能更容易地管理复杂的相互依赖关系。你的应用程序可能依赖于某个特定版本的库,而那个库可能依赖于另一个特定版本的库,这些依赖关系如海龟般堆叠起来。当你的应用程序使用的两个库有冲突的依赖关系时,你的情况会变得很艰难。Pipenv 希望通过在一个名为 `Pipfile.lock` 的文件中跟踪应用程序相互依赖关系树来减轻这种痛苦。`Pipfile.lock` 还会验证生产中是否使用了正确版本的依赖关系。 -另外,当多个开发人员在开发一个项目时,Pipenv 很方便。通过 `pip` 工作流,Casey 可能会安装一个库,并花两天时间使用该库实现一个新功能。当 Casey 提交更改时,他可能会忘记运行 `pip freeze` 来更新 requirements 文件。第二天,Jamie 拉取 Casey 的变化,突然测试失败。这样会花费好一会儿才能意识到问题是在 requirements 文件中缺少相关库,而 Jamie 尚未在虚拟环境中安装这些文件。 +另外,当多个开发人员在开发一个项目时,Pipenv 很方便。通过 `pip` 工作流,凯西可能会安装一个库,并花两天时间使用该库实现一个新功能。当凯西提交更改时,他可能会忘记运行 `pip freeze` 来更新 `requirements.txt` 文件。第二天,杰米拉取凯西的改变,测试就突然失败了。这样会花费好一会儿才能意识到问题是在 `requirements.txt` 文件中缺少相关库,而杰米尚未在虚拟环境中安装这些文件。 -因为 Pipenv 会在安装时自动记录依赖性,如果 Jamie 和 Casey 使用了 Pipenv,`Pipfile` 会自动更新并包含在 Casey 的提交中。这样 Jamie 和 Casey 就可以节省时间并更快地运送他们的产品。 +因为 Pipenv 会在安装时自动记录依赖性,如果杰米和凯西使用了 Pipenv,`Pipfile` 会自动更新并包含在凯西的提交中。这样杰米和凯西就可以节省时间并更快地运送他们的产品。 -最后,将 Pipenv 推荐给在你项目上工作的其他人,因为它使用标准化的方式来安装项目依赖项,开发和测试需求。使用 `pip` 工作流和 requirements 文件意味着你可能只有一个 `requirements.txt` 文件,或针对不同环境的多个 requirements 文件。例如,你的同事可能不清楚他们是否应该在他们的笔记本电脑上运行项目时运行 `dev.txt` 还是 `local.txt`。当两个相似的 requirements 文件彼此不同步时它也会造成混淆:`local.txt` 是否过时了,还是真的应该与 `dev.txt` 不同?多个 requirements 文件需要更多的上下文和文档,以使其他人能够按照预期正确安装依赖关系。这个工作流程有可能会混淆同时并增加你的维护负担。 +最后,将 Pipenv 推荐给在你项目上工作的其他人,因为它使用标准化的方式来安装项目依赖项和开发和测试的需求。使用 `pip` 工作流和 `requirements.txt` 文件意味着你可能只有一个 `requirements.txt` 文件,或针对不同环境的多个 `requirements.txt` 文件。例如,你的同事可能不清楚他们是否应该在他们的笔记本电脑上运行项目时是运行 `dev.txt` 还是 `local.txt`。当两个相似的 `requirements.txt` 文件彼此不同步时它也会造成混淆:`local.txt` 是否过时了,还是真的应该与 `dev.txt` 不同?多个 `requirements.txt` 文件需要更多的上下文和文档,以使其他人能够按照预期正确安装依赖关系。这个工作流程有可能会混淆同时并增加你的维护负担。 使用 Pipenv,它会生成 `Pipfile`,通过为你管理对不同环境的依赖关系,可以避免这些问题。该命令将安装主项目依赖项: + ``` pipenv install - ``` -添加 `--dev` 标志将安装 dev/testing requirements: +添加 `--dev` 标志将安装开发/测试的 `requirements.txt`: + ``` pipenv install --dev - ``` 使用 Pipenv 还有其他好处:它具有更好的安全特性,以易于理解的格式绘制你的依赖关系,无缝处理 `.env` 文件,并且可以在一个文件中自动处理开发与生产环境的不同依赖关系。你可以在[文档][13]中阅读更多内容。 -### Pipenv 行动 +### 使用 Pipenv 使用 Pipenv 的基础知识在官方 Python 包管理教程[管理应用程序依赖关系][14]部分中详细介绍。要安装 Pipenv,使用 `pip`: + ``` pip install pipenv - ``` 要安装在项目中使用的包,请更改为项目的目录。然后安装一个包(我们将使用 Django 作为例子),运行: + ``` pipenv install django - ``` 你会看到一些输出,表明 Pipenv 正在为你的项目创建一个 `Pipfile`。 如果你还没有使用虚拟环境,你还会看到 Pipenv 的一些输出,说明它正在为你创建一个虚拟环境。 -然后,你将看到你在安装包时习惯看到的输出。 +然后,你将看到你在安装包时常看到的输出。 为了生成 `Pipfile.lock` 文件,运行: + ``` pipenv lock - ``` -你也可以使用 Pipenv 运行 Python 脚本。运行名为 `hello.py` 的(to 校正者:这里 top-level该怎么翻译)Python 脚本: +你也可以使用 Pipenv 运行 Python 脚本。运行名为 `hello.py` 的上层 Python 脚本: + ``` pipenv run python hello.py - ``` 你将在控制台中看到预期结果。 启动一个 shell,运行: + ``` pipenv shell - ``` 如果你想将当前使用 `requirements.txt` 文件的项目转换为使用 Pipenv,请安装 Pipenv 并运行: + ``` pipenv install requirements.txt - ``` -这将创建一个 Pipfile 并安装指定的 requirements。考虑一下升级你的项目! +这将创建一个 Pipfile 并安装指定的 `requirements.txt`。考虑一下升级你的项目! ### 了解更多 @@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ pipenv install requirements.txt via: https://opensource.com/article/18/2/why-python-devs-should-use-pipenv -作者:[Lacey Williams Henschel][a] +作者:[Lacey Williams Henschel][a], [Jeff Triplett][1] 译者:[MjSeven](https://github.com/MjSeven) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 diff --git a/sources/tech/20180425 JavaScript Router.md b/published/20180425 JavaScript Router.md similarity index 51% rename from sources/tech/20180425 JavaScript Router.md rename to published/20180425 JavaScript Router.md index feb543fba8..34bf9cff3d 100644 --- a/sources/tech/20180425 JavaScript Router.md +++ b/published/20180425 JavaScript Router.md @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ -Translating by qhwdw -JavaScript Router +JavaScript 路由器 ====== -There are a lot of frameworks/libraries to build single page applications, but I wanted something more minimal. I’ve come with a solution and I just wanted to share it 🙂 + +构建单页面应用(SPA)有许多的框架/库,但是我希望它们能少一些。我有一个解决方案,我想共享给大家。 + ``` class Router { constructor() { @@ -49,16 +50,16 @@ function notFoundPage() { console.log(router.exec('/')) // home page console.log(router.exec('/users/john')) // john's page console.log(router.exec('/foo')) // not found page - ``` -To use it you add handlers for a URL pattern. This pattern can be a simple string or a regular expression. Using a string will match exactly that, but a regular expression allows you to do fancy things like capture parts from the URL as seen with the user page or match any URL as seen with the not found page. +使用它你可以为一个 URL 模式添加处理程序。这个模式可能是一个简单的字符串或一个正则表达式。使用一个字符串将精确匹配它,但是如果使用一个正则表达式将允许你做一些更复杂的事情,比如,从用户页面上看到的 URL 中获取其中的一部分,或者匹配任何没有找到页面的 URL。 -I’ll explain what does that `exec` method… As I said, the URL pattern can be a string or a regular expression, so it first checks for a string. In case the pattern is equal to the given pathname, it returns the execution of the handler. If it is a regular expression, we do a match with the given pathname. In case it matches, it returns the execution of the handler passing to it the captured parameters. +我将详细解释这个 `exec` 方法 … 正如我前面说的,URL 模式既有可能是一个字符串,也有可能是一个正则表达式,因此,我首先来检查它是否是一个字符串。如果模式与给定的路径名相同,它返回运行处理程序。如果是一个正则表达式,我们与给定的路径名进行匹配。如果匹配成功,它将获取的参数传递给处理程序,并返回运行这个处理程序。 -### Working Example +### 工作示例 + +那个例子正好记录到了控制台。我们尝试将它整合到一个页面,看看它是什么样的。 -That example just logs to the console. Let’s try to integrate it to a page and see something. ``` @@ -77,40 +78,41 @@ That example just logs to the console. Let’s try to integrate it to a page and
- ``` -This is the `index.html`. For single page applications, you must do special work on the server side because all unknown paths should return this `index.html`. For development, I’m using an npm tool called [serve][1]. This tool is to serve static content. With the flag `-s`/`--single` you can serve single page applications. +这是 `index.html`。对于单页面应用程序来说,你必须在服务器侧做一个特别的工作,因为所有未知的路径都将返回这个 `index.html`。在开发时,我们使用了一个 npm 工具调用了 [serve][1]。这个工具去提供静态内容。使用标志 `-s`/`--single`,你可以提供单页面应用程序。 + +使用 [Node.js][2] 和安装的 npm(它与 Node 一起安装),运行: -With [Node.js][2] and npm (comes with Node) installed, run: ``` npm i -g serve serve -s - ``` -That HTML file loads the script `main.js` as a module. It has a simple `
` and a `
` element in which we’ll render the corresponding page. +那个 HTML 文件将脚本 `main.js` 加载为一个模块。在我们渲染的相关页面中,它有一个简单的 `
` 和一个 `
` 元素。 + +在 `main.js` 文件中: -Inside the `main.js` file: ``` const main = document.querySelector('main') const result = router.exec(location.pathname) main.innerHTML = result - ``` -We call `router.exec()` passing the current pathname and setting the result as HTML in the main element. +我们调用传递了当前路径名为参数的 `router.exec()`,然后将 `result` 设置为 `main` 元素的 HTML。 -If you go to localhost and play with it you’ll see that it works, but not as you expect from a SPA. Single page applications shouldn’t refresh when you click on links. +如果你访问 `localhost` 并运行它,你将看到它能够正常工作,但不是预期中的来自一个单页面应用程序。当你点击链接时,单页面应用程序将不会被刷新。 -We’ll have to attach event listeners to each anchor link click, prevent the default behavior and do the correct rendering. Because a single page application is something dynamic, you expect creating anchor links on the fly so to add the event listeners I’ll use a technique called [event delegation][3]. +我们将在每个点击的链接的锚点上附加事件监听器,防止出现缺省行为,并做出正确的渲染。因为一个单页面应用程序是一个动态的东西,你预期要创建的锚点链接是动态的,因此要添加事件监听器,我使用的是一个叫 [事件委托][3] 的方法。 -I’ll attach a click event listener to the whole document and check if that click was on an anchor link (or inside one). +我给整个文档附加一个点击事件监听器,然后去检查在锚点上(或内部)是否有点击事件。 -In the `Router` class I’ll have a method that will register a callback that will run for every time we click on a link or a “popstate” event occurs. The popstate event is dispatched every time you use the browser back or forward buttons. +在 `Router` 类中,我有一个注册回调的方法,在我们每次点击一个链接或者一个 `popstate` 事件发生时,这个方法将被运行。每次你使用浏览器的返回或者前进按钮时,`popstate` 事件将被发送。 -To the callback we’ll pass that same `router.exec(location.pathname)` for convenience. -```class Router { +为了方便其见,我们给回调传递与 `router.exec(location.pathname)` 相同的参数。 + +``` +class Router { // ... install(callback) { const execCallback = () => { @@ -149,19 +151,20 @@ To the callback we’ll pass that same `router.exec(location.pathname)` for conv } ``` -For link clicks, besides calling the callback, we update the URL with `history.pushState()`. +对于链接的点击事件,除调用了回调之外,我们还使用 `history.pushState()` 去更新 URL。 + +我们将前面的 `main` 元素中的渲染移动到 `install` 回调中。 -We’ll move that previous render we did in the main element into the install callback. ``` router.install(result => { main.innerHTML = result }) - ``` #### DOM -Those handlers you pass to the router doesn’t need to return a `string`. If you need more power you can return actual DOM. Ex: +你传递给路由器的这些处理程序并不需要返回一个字符串。如果你需要更多的东西,你可以返回实际的 DOM。如: + ``` const homeTmpl = document.createElement('template') homeTmpl.innerHTML = ` @@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ function homePage() { ``` -And now in the install callback you can check if the result is a `string` or a `Node`. +现在,在 `install` 回调中,你可以去检查 `result` 是一个 `string` 还是一个 `Node`。 ``` router.install(result => { if (typeof result === 'string') { @@ -190,9 +193,9 @@ router.install(result => { }) ``` -That will cover the basic features. I wanted to share this because I’ll use this router in next blog posts. +这些就是基本的功能。我希望将它共享出来,因为我将在下篇文章中使用到这个路由器。 -I’ve published it as an [npm package][4]. +我已经以一个 [npm 包][4] 的形式将它发布了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -200,8 +203,8 @@ via: https://nicolasparada.netlify.com/posts/js-router/ 作者:[Nicolás Parada][a] 选题:[lujun9972](https://github.com/lujun9972) -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) +译者:[qhwdw](https://github.com/qhwdw) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 diff --git a/translated/tech/20180622 Automatically Change Wallpapers in Linux with Little Simple Wallpaper Changer.md b/published/20180622 Automatically Change Wallpapers in Linux with Little Simple Wallpaper Changer.md similarity index 71% rename from translated/tech/20180622 Automatically Change Wallpapers in Linux with Little Simple Wallpaper Changer.md rename to published/20180622 Automatically Change Wallpapers in Linux with Little Simple Wallpaper Changer.md index 983719867b..69408c1ab1 100644 --- a/translated/tech/20180622 Automatically Change Wallpapers in Linux with Little Simple Wallpaper Changer.md +++ b/published/20180622 Automatically Change Wallpapers in Linux with Little Simple Wallpaper Changer.md @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -使用 LSWC(Little Simple Wallpaper Changer) 在 Linux 中自动更改壁纸 +使用 LSWC 在 Linux 中自动更改壁纸 ====== -**简介:这是一个小脚本,可以在 Linux 桌面上定期自动更改壁纸。** +> 简介:这是一个小脚本,可以在 Linux 桌面上定期自动更改壁纸。 -顾名思义,LittleSimpleWallpaperChanger 是一个小脚本,可以定期地随机更改壁纸。 +顾名思义,LittleSimpleWallpaperChanger (LSWC)是一个小脚本,可以定期地随机更改壁纸。 -我知道在“外观”或“更改桌面背景”设置中有一个随机壁纸选项。但那是随机更改预置壁纸而不是你添加的壁纸。 +我知道在“外观”或“更改桌面背景”设置中有一个随机壁纸选项。但那是随机更改预置的壁纸而不是你添加的壁纸。 因此,在本文中,我们将看到如何使用 LittleSimpleWallpaperChanger 设置包含照片的随机桌面壁纸。 ### Little Simple Wallpaper Changer (LSWC) -[LittleSimpleWallpaperChanger][1] 或 LSWC 是一个非常轻量级的脚本,它在后台运行,从用户指定的文件夹中更改壁纸。壁纸以 1 至 5 分钟的随机间隔变化。该软件设置起来相当简单,设置完后,用户就可以忘掉它。 +[LittleSimpleWallpaperChanger][1] (LSWC) 是一个非常轻量级的脚本,它在后台运行,从用户指定的文件夹中更改壁纸。壁纸以 1 至 5 分钟的随机间隔变化。该软件设置起来相当简单,设置完后,用户就可以不用再操心了。 ![Little Simple Wallpaper Changer to change wallpapers in Linux][2] @@ -22,13 +22,10 @@ * 进入下载位置。 * 右键单击下载的 .zip 文件,然后选择“在此处解压”。 * 打开解压后的文件夹,右键单击并选择“在终端中打开”。 - * 在终端中复制粘贴命令并按 Enter 键。 -`bash ./README_and_install.sh` + * 在终端中复制粘贴命令 `bash ./README_and_install.sh` 并按回车键。 * 然后会弹出一个对话框,要求你选择包含壁纸的文件夹。单击它,然后选择你存放壁纸的文件夹。 * 就是这样。然后重启计算机。 - - ![Little Simple Wallpaper Changer for Linux][4] #### 使用 LSWC @@ -36,26 +33,24 @@ 安装时,LSWC 会要求你选择包含壁纸的文件夹。因此,我建议你在安装 LSWC 之前创建一个文件夹并将你想要的壁纸全部移动到那。或者你可以使用图片文件夹中的“壁纸”文件夹。**所有壁纸都必须是 .jpg 格式。** 你可以添加更多壁纸或从所选文件夹中删除当前壁纸。要更改壁纸文件夹位置,你可以从以下文件中编辑壁纸的位置。 + ``` .config/lswc/homepath.conf - ``` #### 删除 LSWC -打开终端并运行以下命令以停止 LSWC +打开终端并运行以下命令以停止 LSWC: + ``` pkill lswc - ``` -在文件管理器中打开家目录,然后按 ctrl+H 显示隐藏文件,接着删除以下文件: - - * .local 中的 “scripts” 文件夹 - * .config 中的 “lswc” 文件夹 - * .config/autostart 中的 “lswc.desktop” 文件 - +在文件管理器中打开家目录,然后按 `Ctrl+H` 显示隐藏文件,接着删除以下文件: + * `.local` 中的 `scripts` 文件夹 + * `.config` 中的 `lswc` 文件夹 + * `.config/autostart` 中的 `lswc.desktop` 文件 这就完成了。创建自己的桌面背景幻灯片。LSWC 非常轻巧,易于使用。安装它然后忘记它。 @@ -70,7 +65,7 @@ via: https://itsfoss.com/little-simple-wallpaper-changer/ 作者:[Aquil Roshan][a] 选题:[lujun9972](https://github.com/lujun9972) 译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 diff --git a/sources/talk/20180626 How to build a professional network when you work in a bazaar.md b/sources/talk/20180626 How to build a professional network when you work in a bazaar.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0fa3323b0c..0000000000 --- a/sources/talk/20180626 How to build a professional network when you work in a bazaar.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ - 翻译中 by ZenMoore -How to build a professional network when you work in a bazaar -====== - -![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-full-size/public/lead-images/connection_people_team_collaboration.png?itok=0_vQT8xV) - -Professional social networking—creating interpersonal connections between work colleagues or professionals—can take many forms and span organizations across industries. Establishing professional networks takes time and effort, and when someone either joins or departs an organization, that person's networks often need to be rebuilt in a new work environment. - -Professional social networks perform similar functions in different organizations—information sharing, mentorship, opportunities, work interests, and more—but the methods and reasons for making particular connections in an organization can vary between conventional and open organizations. And these differences make a difference: to the way colleagues relate, to how they build trust, to the amount and kinds of diversity within the organization, and to the forces that create collaboration. All these elements are interrelated, and they contribute to and shape the social networks people form. - -An open organization's emphasis on inclusivity can produce networks more effective at solving business problems than those that emerge in conventional, hierarchical organizations. This notion has a long history in open source thinking. For example, in [The Cathedral and the Bazaar][1], Eric Raymond writes that "Sociologists years ago discovered that the averaged opinion of a mass of equally expert (or equally ignorant) observers is quite a bit more reliable a predictor than the opinion of a single randomly-chosen one of the observers." So let's examine how the structure and purpose of social networks impact what each type of organization values. - -### Social networks in conventional organizations - -When I worked in conventional organizations and would describe what I do for work, the first thing people asked me was how I was related to someone else, usually a director-level leader. "Is that under Hira?" they'd say. "Do you work for Malcolm?" That makes sense considering conventional organizations function in a "top-down" way; when trying to situate work or an employee, people wanted to understand the structure of the network from that top-down perspective. - -In other words, in conventional organizations the social network depends upon the hierarchical structure, so they track one another. In fact, even figuring out where an employee exists within a network is a very "top-down organization" kind of concern. - -But that isn't all that the underlying hierarchy does. It also vets associates. A focus on the top-down network can determine an employee's "value" in the network because the network itself is a system of ongoing power relations that grants people placed in its different locations varying levels of value. It downplays the value of individual talents and skills. Therefore, a person's connections in the conventional organization facilitate that person's ability to be proactive, heard, influential, and supported in their careers. - -An open organization's emphasis on inclusivity can produce networks more effective at solving business problems than those that emerge in conventional, hierarchical organizations. - -The conventional organization's formal structure defines employees' social networks in particular ways—some of which might be benefits, some of which might be disadvantages, depending on one's context—such as: - - * It's easier to know "who's who" and see how people are related more quickly (often this builds trusted networks within the particular hierarchy). - * Often, this increased understanding of relationships means there's less redundancy of work (projects have a clear owner embedded in a particular network) and communication (people know who is responsible for communicating what). - * Associates can feel "stuck" in a power structure, or like they can't "break into" power structures that sometimes (too often?) don't work, diminishing meritocracy. - * Crossing silos of work and effort is difficult and collaboration suffers. - * Power transfers slowly; a person's ability to engage is determined more in alignment with network created by the hierarchical structure than by other factors (like individual abilities), reducing what is considered "community" and the benefits of its membership. - * Competition seems more clear; understanding "who is vying for what" usually occurs within a recognized and delimited hierarchical structure (and the scarcity of positions in the power network increase competition so competition can be more fierce). - * Adaptability can suffer when a more rigid network defines the limits of flexibility; what the network "wants" and the limits of collaboration can be affected this same way. - * Execution occurs much more easily in rigid networks, where direction is clear and often leaders manage by overdirecting. - * Risk is decreased when the social networks are less flexible; people know what needs to happen, how, and when (but this isn't always "bad" considering the wide range of work in an organization; some job functions require less risk, such as HR, mergers and acquisitions, legal, etc.). - * Trust within the network is greater, especially when an employee is part of the formal network (when someone is not part of the network, exclusion can be particularly difficult to manage or to rectify). - - - -### Social networks in open organizations - -While open organizations can certainly have hierarchical structures, they don't operate only according to that network. Their professional networking structure is more flexible (or "all over and whenever"). - -An open organization is more associate-centric than leader-centric. - -In an open organization, when I've described what I do for work virtually no one asks "for whom?" An open organization is more associate-centric than leader-centric. Open values like inclusivity and specific governance systems like meritocracy contribute to this; it's not who you know but rather it's what you know and how you use it (e.g., "bottom-up"). In an open organization, I don't feel like I'm fighting to show my value; my ideas are inherently valuable. I sometimes have to demonstrate how using my idea is more valuable than using someone else's idea―but that means I'm vetting myself within the community of my associates (including leadership), rather than being vetted solely by top-down leadership. - -In this way, an open organization doesn't assess employees based on the network but rather on what they know of the associate as an individual. Does this person have good ideas? Does she work toward those ideas (lead them) by using the open organization values (that is, share those ideas and work across the organization to include others and work transparently, etc.)? - -Open organizations also structure social networks in particular ways (which, again, could be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on one's goals and desires), including: - - * People are more responsible for their networks, reputations, skills, and careers. - * Competition (for resources, power, promotions, etc.) decreases because these organizations are by nature more collaborative (even during a "collision," the best outcome is negotiation, not winning, and competition hones the ideas instead of creating wedges between people). - * Power is more fluid and dynamic, flowing from person to person (but this also means there can be a misunderstanding about accountability or responsibility and activities can go undone or unfinished because there is not a clear [sense of ownership][2]). - * Trust is created "one associate at a time," rather than through the reputation of the network in which the person is situated. - * Networks self-configure around a variety of work and activities, rising reactively around opportunity (this aids innovation but can add to confusion because who makes decisions, and who is in "control" is less clear). - * Rate of execution can decrease in confusing contexts because what to do and how and when to do it requires leadership skills in setting direction and creating engaged and skilled associates. - * Flexible social networks also increase innovation and risk; ideas circulate faster and are more novel, and execution is less assured. - * Trust is based on associate relationships (as it should be!), rather than on sheer deference to structure. - - - -### Making it work - -If you're thinking of transitioning from one type of organizational structure to another, consider the following when building and maintaining your professional social networks. - -#### Tips from conventional organizations - - * Structure and control around decision-making isn't a bad thing; operational frameworks need to be clear and transparent, and decision-makers need to account for their decisions. - * Excelling at execution requires managers to provide focus and the ability to provide sufficient context while filtering out anything that could distract or confuse. - * Established networks help large groups of people work in concert and manage risk. - - - -#### Tips from open organizations - - * Strong leaders are those who can provide different levels of clarity and guidance according to the various styles and preferences of associates and teams without creating inflexible networks. - * Great ideas win more, not established networks. - * People are more responsible for their reputations. - * The circulation of ideas and information is key to innovation. Loosening the networks in your organization can help these two elements occur with increased frequency and breadth. - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://opensource.com/open-organization/18/6/building-professional-social-networks-openly - -作者:[Heidi Hess;von Ludewig][a] -选题:[lujun9972](https://github.com/lujun9972) -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:https://opensource.com/users/heidi-hess-von-ludewig -[1]:http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/ar01s04.html -[2]:https://opensource.com/open-organization/18/4/rethinking-ownership-across-organization diff --git a/sources/tech/20171130 Google launches TensorFlow-based vision recognition kit for RPi Zero W.md b/sources/tech/20171130 Google launches TensorFlow-based vision recognition kit for RPi Zero W.md deleted file mode 100644 index 46967604d5..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20171130 Google launches TensorFlow-based vision recognition kit for RPi Zero W.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -Transating by qhwdw -# [Google launches TensorFlow-based vision recognition kit for RPi Zero W][26] - - -![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit-thm.jpg) -Google’s $45 “AIY Vision Kit” for the Raspberry Pi Zero W performs TensorFlow-based vision recognition using a “VisionBonnet” board with a Movidius chip. - -Google’s AIY Vision Kit for on-device neural network acceleration follows an earlier [AIY Projects][7] voice/AI kit for the Raspberry Pi that shipped to MagPi subscribers back in May. Like the voice kit and the older Google Cardboard VR viewer, the new AIY Vision Kit has a cardboard enclosure. The kit differs from the [Cloud Vision API][8], which was demo’d in 2015 with a Raspberry Pi based GoPiGo robot, in that it runs entirely on local processing power rather than requiring a cloud connection. The AIY Vision Kit is available now for pre-order at $45, with shipments due in early December. - - - [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit-sm.jpg)][9]   [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/rpi_zerow-sm.jpg)][10] -**AIY Vision Kit, fully assembled (left) and Raspberry Pi Zero W** -(click images to enlarge) - - -The kit’s key processing element, aside from the 1GHz ARM11-based Broadcom BCM2836 SoC found on the required [Raspberry Pi Zero W][21] SBC, is Google’s new VisionBonnet RPi accessory board. The VisionBonnet pHAT board uses a Movidius MA2450, a version of the [Movidius Myriad 2 VPU][22] processor. On the VisionBonnet, the processor runs Google’s open source [TensorFlow][23]machine intelligence library for neural networking. The chip enables visual perception processing at up to 30 frames per second. - -The AIY Vision Kit requires a user-supplied RPi Zero W, a [Raspberry Pi Camera v2][11], and a 16GB micro SD card for downloading the Linux-based image. The kit includes the VisionBonnet, an RGB arcade-style button, a piezo speaker, a macro/wide lens kit, and the cardboard enclosure. You also get flex cables, standoffs, a tripod mounting nut, and connecting components. - - - [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit_pieces-sm.jpg)][12]   [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_visionbonnet-sm.jpg)][13] -**AIY Vision Kit kit components (left) and VisonBonnet accessory board** -(click images to enlarge) - - -Three neural network models are available. There’s a general-purpose model that can recognize 1,000 common objects, a facial detection model that can also score facial expression on a “joy scale” that ranges from “sad” to “laughing,” and a model that can identify whether the image contains a dog, cat, or human. The 1,000-image model derives from Google’s open source [MobileNets][24], a family of TensorFlow based computer vision models designed for the restricted resources of a mobile or embedded device. - -MobileNet models offer low latency and low power consumption, and are parameterized to meet the resource constraints of different use cases. The models can be built for classification, detection, embeddings, and segmentation, says Google. Earlier this month, Google released a developer preview of a mobile-friendly [TensorFlow Lite][14] library for Android and iOS that is compatible with MobileNets and the Android Neural Networks API. - - - [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit_assembly-sm.jpg)][15] -**AIY Vision Kit assembly views** -(click image to enlarge) - - -In addition to providing the three models, the AIY Vision Kit provides basic TensorFlow code and a compiler, so users can develop their own models. In addition, Python developers can write new software to customize RGB button colors, piezo element sounds, and 4x GPIO pins on the VisionBonnet that can add additional lights, buttons, or servos. Potential models include recognizing food items, opening a dog door based on visual input, sending a text when your car leaves the driveway, or playing particular music based on facial recognition of a person entering the camera’s viewpoint. - - - [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/movidius_myriad2vpu_block-sm.jpg)][16]   [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/movidius_myriad2_reference_board-sm.jpg)][17] -**Myriad 2 VPU block diagram (left) and reference board** -(click image to enlarge) - - -The Movidius Myriad 2 processor provides TeraFLOPS of performance within a nominal 1 Watt power envelope. The chip appeared on early Project Tango reference platforms, and is built into the Ubuntu-driven [Fathom][25] neural processing USB stick that Movidius debuted in May 2016, prior to being acquired by Intel. According to Movidius, the Myriad 2 is available “in millions of devices on the market today.” - -**Further information** - -The AIY Vision Kit is available for pre-order from Micro Center at $44.99, with shipments due in early December. More information may be found in the AIY Vision Kit [announcement][18], [Google Blog notice][19], and [Micro Center shopping page][20]. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/ - -作者:[ Eric Brown][a] -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/ -[1]:http://twitter.com/share?url=http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/&text=Google%20launches%20TensorFlow-based%20vision%20recognition%20kit%20for%20RPi%20Zero%20W%20 -[2]:https://plus.google.com/share?url=http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/ -[3]:http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/ -[4]:http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/ -[5]:http://reddit.com/submit?url=http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/&title=Google%20launches%20TensorFlow-based%20vision%20recognition%20kit%20for%20RPi%20Zero%20W -[6]:mailto:?subject=Google%20launches%20TensorFlow-based%20vision%20recognition%20kit%20for%20RPi%20Zero%20W&body=%20http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/ -[7]:http://linuxgizmos.com/free-raspberry-pi-voice-kit-taps-google-assistant-sdk/ -[8]:http://linuxgizmos.com/google-releases-cloud-vision-api-with-demo-for-pi-based-robot/ -[9]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit.jpg -[10]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/rpi_zerow.jpg -[11]:http://linuxgizmos.com/raspberry-pi-cameras-jump-to-8mp-keep-25-dollar-price/ -[12]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit_pieces.jpg -[13]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_visionbonnet.jpg -[14]:https://developers.googleblog.com/2017/11/announcing-tensorflow-lite.html -[15]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit_assembly.jpg -[16]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/movidius_myriad2vpu_block.jpg -[17]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/movidius_myriad2_reference_board.jpg -[18]:https://blog.google/topics/machine-learning/introducing-aiy-vision-kit-make-devices-see/ -[19]:https://developers.googleblog.com/2017/11/introducing-aiy-vision-kit-add-computer.html -[20]:http://www.microcenter.com/site/content/Google_AIY.aspx?ekw=aiy&rd=1 -[21]:http://linuxgizmos.com/raspberry-pi-zero-w-adds-wifi-and-bluetooth-for-only-5-more/ -[22]:https://www.movidius.com/solutions/vision-processing-unit -[23]:https://www.tensorflow.org/ -[24]:https://research.googleblog.com/2017/06/mobilenets-open-source-models-for.html -[25]:http://linuxgizmos.com/usb-stick-brings-neural-computing-functions-to-devices/ -[26]:http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/ diff --git a/translated/talk/20180626 How to build a professional network when you work in a bazaar.md b/translated/talk/20180626 How to build a professional network when you work in a bazaar.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a94dd8c2f --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/talk/20180626 How to build a professional network when you work in a bazaar.md @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +在市场工作时如何建立一个职业网络 +====== + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-full-size/public/lead-images/connection_people_team_collaboration.png?itok=0_vQT8xV) + +职业社交网络——在同事或专业人员之间建立人际联系——可以采用多种形式、在产业内跨组织进行。建立职业网络需要花费时间和精力,并且当某位成员加入或离开一个组织时,此人的网络通常需要被在一个新的工作环境中重建。 + +职业社交网络在不同组织中起相似作用——信息共享,导师制,机会,工作利益和其他作用——然而传统组织与开放组织在组织内构建特定联系的方法和原因可能不尽相同。这些差异有其影响:同事联系方式、如何建立信任、组织内多元化的程度和种类以及建立合作的能力,所有这些因素都是相互关联的,而且他们参与并塑造了人们所建立的社交网络。 + +一个开放的组织对包容性的强调可以使社交网络在解决商业问题上比传统等级制组织更加高效。这种观念在开源的思考中有很久的历史。例如,在[《教堂与市场》][1]The Cathedral and the Bazaar中,埃里克·雷蒙德写道:“许多年前社会学家发现, 相比一个随机选择的观察者的观点,许多同等专业的(或是同等无知的)观察家的普遍观点是可靠得多的预言。”所以让我们了解社交网络的结构和目的如何影响各类组织的价值观。 + +### 传统组织中的社交网络 + +当我在传统组织工作并要描述我为工作做了什么时,人们问我的第一件事就是我与其他人如何关联,通常是主任级的领导。“你在希拉手下吗?”他们会这么问。“你为马尔科姆工作吗?”这意味着以一种上下级的视角看待传统组织的作用;当试图安排工作或雇员时,人们想要从上下级的角度理解网络结构。 + +换言之,在传统组织中社交网络依赖于等级制结构,因此他们彼此追寻。事实上,甚至弄清一个雇员在关系网中处于怎样的位置也算得上是一种“上下级组织”式的担忧。 + +然而并非所有潜在等级制都是如此。它还视相关人员而定。对于上下级网络的关注会决定雇员在网络中的“价值”,因为网络本身是一个持续的权力关系的系统,它会根据人不同水平的价值给予他们不同的定位。它淡化了个人的能力和技能的重要性。因此,一个人在传统组织的联系促使其能力具有前瞻性,为人所知,有影响力并在其事业中起到支持作用。 + +相比传统等级制组织,一个开放的组织对包容性的强调能使网络解决商业问题更加高效。 + +传统组织的正式结构以特定方式决定着雇员的社交网络——有些可能是优点,有些可能是缺点,这取决于具体环境——例如: + + * 要更快速地了解“谁是谁”并看到人们如何关联是较为便捷的(通常这在特定层级内建立信任网络)。 + * 通常,这种对关系的进一步的理解意味着会有更少的过剩工作(在一个特定网络中项目有清晰的相应的归属者)和过多交流(人们知道谁对交流什么负责)。 + * 相关人员会感到在一个权力结构中感到束手无策,或好像他们不能“闯入”权力结构中,这些结构有时(或更多时候)因为裁员并不起作用。 + * 完成大量的工作和努力是困难的,并且合作会很艰难。 + * 权力转让缓慢;一个人的参与能力更多地决定于等级结构所创造的网络的结盟而非其他因素(比如个人能力),减少了被看做社区和成员利益的东西。 + * 竞争似乎更加清晰;理解“谁在竞争什么”通常发生在一个公认的、被限定了的等级结构中(权力网络中职位的缺乏增进了竞争因此竞争会更激烈)。 + * 当更严格的网络决定了灵活性的限度时,适应能力会受损。网络的“夙愿”和合作的限度也会以同样的方式受影响。 + * 在严格的网络中,方向明确,并且领导人通常靠过度指导经营,在这里,破坏更容易发生。 + * 当社交网络不那么灵活时,风险下降;人们知道什么需要发生,怎样发生,何时发生(但是考虑到在一个组织中工作的广度,这不见得总是“坏事”;一些工作的职能需要较小的风险,例如:人力资源管理H R),企业并购和法律工作等。 + * 在网络中的信任是更大的,尤其当受雇者是正式网络的一部分的时候(当某人不是网络的一份子时,被排斥的人可能特别难管理或改正)。 + + + +### 开放组织中的社交网络 + +尽管开放组织必定会有等级结构,但他们并不根据那个网络运作。他们的职业网络结构更加灵活(或者说是“随时随地”)。 + +在一个开放的组织中,当我描述我做了什么工作时,几乎没人问我“我为谁而干?”一个开放的组织更多的以伙伴为中心,而不是以领导为中心。开放的价值观比如包容和特定的治理系统比如强人治理有助于此;那并不是你了解谁而是你了解什么,你怎样使用(比如:“自底而上的设计”)。在一个开放的组织当中,我并不感觉我在为展示自己的价值而奋斗;我的想法有内在的价值。有时我必须示范说明为何使用我的观点比使用别人的更加有用——但是那意味着我正在同事的社区里面诊疗我自己(包括领导层),而不是单独被自上而下的领导层诊疗。 + +如此说来,开放的组织并不基于网络评估员工,而是基于他们对作为个人的同事的了解。这个人有想法吗?她会努力通过利用开放组织的价值实现那些想法吗(领导它们)(也就是说,在开放组织中分享那些观点并且实践以将他人囊括并透明公开的工作等等)? + +开放组织也会以特定的方式构造社交网络(这种方式同样可能会视个人的目的性和渴望程度而很有益或很有害),这包括: + + * 人们会对他们的网络、声望、技能和事业更加负责。 + * 竞争(为了资源、权力、晋升等)会因这些组织天性更具合作性而变得更少。最好的结果是协商,而不是单赢,并且竞争会磨练创意,而不会在人与人之间筑篱设笆。 + * 权力是更加流动和有活力的,在人与人之间流动(但这同时也意味着可能有对可说明性或者责任的误解,而且活动可能会因为没有明晰的[主人翁意识][2]而不被完成)。 + * 信任是“一次一同事”地被建立起来的而不会借助社交网络,在网络中,人是被定位着的。 + * 网络在多样的运转和事件中会自配置,一有机会便会反应性地自启(这帮助了更新但却会造成混乱,因为谁在决策、谁在“受控”是不那么明确的)。 + * 执行速度在混乱的环境中会下降,因为所做之事、做事方式和处事时间需要在制定目标和涵养好整以暇的员工方面上的领导力。 + * 灵活的社交网络同样会增加变革和风险;创意会流通得更快而且更神奇,并且执行会更加自信。 + * 信任建立在同事合作之上(它本该如此!),而不是在对架构的尊重之上。 + + + +### 让它有效 + +如果你正在考虑从一种组织架构转变为另一种,当你在构建并维持你的职业社交网络时思考一下如下所述内容。 + +#### 来自传统组织的小建议 + + * 对决策的架构和管控不是坏事; 运作中的框架需要明晰透明,而且决策者需要考虑他们的决定。 + * 在执行上突出需要经理提供关注,还需要有在滤出任何让人分心或混乱的事务的同时仍能提供足够的来龙去脉的能力。 + * 已经确立的网络帮助了一大批人同步工作并且能管控风险。 + +#### 来自开放组织的小建议 + * 能力强的领导人是那些可以根据多样的风格和对同事、团队的不同偏好提供不同层次的透明度和指导,同时又不会构建出不灵活的网络的人。。 + * 伟大的想法比已建立的组织会赢得更多。 + * 人们对他们得名声会更加负责任。 + * 创意和信息的流转是变革的关键。松散组织中的关系网络可以使这两种元素生发的频度更高、幅度更广。 + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://opensource.com/open-organization/18/6/building-professional-social-networks-openly + +作者:[Heidi Hess;von Ludewig][a] +选题:[lujun9972](https://github.com/lujun9972) +译者:[ZenMoore](https://github.com/ZenMoore) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:https://opensource.com/users/heidi-hess-von-ludewig +[1]:http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/ar01s04.html +[2]:https://opensource.com/open-organization/18/4/rethinking-ownership-across-organization diff --git a/translated/tech/20171130 Google launches TensorFlow-based vision recognition kit for RPi Zero W.md b/translated/tech/20171130 Google launches TensorFlow-based vision recognition kit for RPi Zero W.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d95961e949 --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/tech/20171130 Google launches TensorFlow-based vision recognition kit for RPi Zero W.md @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +# [Google 为树莓派 Zero W 发布了基于TensorFlow 的视觉识别套件][26] + + +![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit-thm.jpg) +Google 发行了一个 45 美元的 “AIY Vision Kit”,它是运行在树莓派 Zero W 上的基于 TensorFlow 的视觉识别开发套件,它使用了一个带 Movidius 芯片的 “VisionBonnet” 板。 + +为加速设备上的神经网络,Google 的 AIY 视频套件继承了早期树莓派上运行的 [AIY 项目][7] 的语音/AI 套件,这个型号的树莓派随五月份的 MagPi 杂志一起赠送。与语音套件和老的 Google 硬纸板 VR 查看器一样,这个新的 AIY 视觉套件也使用一个硬纸板包装。这个套件和 [Cloud Vision API][8] 是不一样的,它使用了一个在 2015 年演示过的基于树莓派的 GoPiGo 机器人,它完全在本地的处理能力上运行,而不需要使用一个云端连接。这个 AIY 视觉套件现在可以 45 美元的价格去预订,将在 12 月份发货。 + + + [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit-sm.jpg)][9]   [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/rpi_zerow-sm.jpg)][10] +**AIY 视觉套件,完整包装(左)和树莓派 Zero W** +(点击图片放大) + + +这个套件的主要处理部分除了所需要的 [树莓派 Zero W][21] 单片机之外 —— 一个基于 ARM11 的 1 GHz 的 Broadcom BCM2836 片上系统,另外的就是 Google 最新的 VisionBonnet RPi 附件板。这个 VisionBonnet pHAT 附件板使用了一个 Movidius MA2450,它是 [Movidius Myriad 2 VPU][22] 版的处理器。在 VisionBonnet 上,处理器为神经网络运行了 Google 的开源机器学习库 [TensorFlow][23]。因为这个芯片,便得视觉处理的速度最高达每秒 30 帧。 + +这个 AIY 视觉套件要求用户提供一个树莓派 Zero W、一个 [树莓派摄像机 v2][11]、以及一个 16GB 的 micro SD 卡,它用来下载基于 Linux 的 OS 镜像。这个套件包含了 VisionBonnet、一个 RGB 街机风格的按钮、一个压电扬声器、一个广角镜头套件、以及一个包裹它们的硬纸板。还有一些就是线缆、支架、安装螺母、以及连接部件。 + + + [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit_pieces-sm.jpg)][12]   [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_visionbonnet-sm.jpg)][13] +**AIY 视觉套件组件(左)和 VisonBonnet 附件板** +(点击图片放大) + + +有三个可用的神经网络模型。一个是通用的模型,它可以识别常见的 1,000 个东西,一个是面部检测模型,它可以对 “快乐程度” 进行评分,从 “悲伤” 到 “大笑”,还有一个模型可以用来辨别图像内容是狗、猫、还是人。这个 1,000-image 模型源自 Google 的开源 [MobileNets][24],它是基于 TensorFlow 家族的计算机视觉模型,它设计用于资源受限的移动或者嵌入式设备。 + +MobileNet 模型是低延时、低功耗,和参数化的,以满足资源受限的不同使用案例。Google 说,这个模型可以用于构建分类、检测、嵌入、以及分隔。在本月的早些时候,Google 发布了一个开发者预览版,它是一个对 Android 和 iOS 移动设备友好的 [TensorFlow Lite][14] 库,它与 MobileNets 和 Android 神经网络 API 是兼容的。 + + + [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit_assembly-sm.jpg)][15] +**AIY 视觉套件包装图** +(点击图像放大) + + +除了提供这三个模型之外,AIY 视觉套件还提供了基本的 TensorFlow 代码和一个编译器,因此用户可以去开发自己的模型。另外,Python 开发者可以写一些新软件去定制 RGB 按钮颜色、压电元素声音、以及在 VisionBonnet 上的 4x GPIO 针脚,它可以添加另外的指示灯、按钮、或者伺服机构。Potential 模型包括识别食物、基于可视化输入来打开一个狗门、当你的汽车偏离车道时发出文本信息、或者根据识别到的人的面部表情来播放特定的音乐。 + + + [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/movidius_myriad2vpu_block-sm.jpg)][16]   [![](http://linuxgizmos.com/files/movidius_myriad2_reference_board-sm.jpg)][17] +**Myriad 2 VPU 结构图(左)和参考板** +(点击图像放大) + + +Movidius Myriad 2 处理器在一个标称 1W 的功耗下提供每秒万亿次浮点运算的性能。在被 Intel 收购之前,这个芯片最早出现在 Tango 项目的参考平台上,并内置在 2016 年 5 月由 Movidius 首次亮相的、Ubuntu 驱动的 USB 的 [Fathom][25] 神经网络处理棒中。根据 Movidius 的说法,Myriad 2 目前已经在 “市场上数百万的设备上使用”。 + +**更多信息** + +AIY 视觉套件可以在 Micro Center 上预订,价格为 $44.99,预计在 12 月初发货。更多信息请参考 AIY 视觉套件的 [公告][18]、[Google 博客][19]、以及 [Micro Center 购物页面][20]。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/ + +作者:[ Eric Brown][a] +译者:[qhwdw](https://github.com/qhwdw) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 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+[14]:https://developers.googleblog.com/2017/11/announcing-tensorflow-lite.html +[15]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/google_aiyvisionkit_assembly.jpg +[16]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/movidius_myriad2vpu_block.jpg +[17]:http://linuxgizmos.com/files/movidius_myriad2_reference_board.jpg +[18]:https://blog.google/topics/machine-learning/introducing-aiy-vision-kit-make-devices-see/ +[19]:https://developers.googleblog.com/2017/11/introducing-aiy-vision-kit-add-computer.html +[20]:http://www.microcenter.com/site/content/Google_AIY.aspx?ekw=aiy&rd=1 +[21]:http://linuxgizmos.com/raspberry-pi-zero-w-adds-wifi-and-bluetooth-for-only-5-more/ +[22]:https://www.movidius.com/solutions/vision-processing-unit +[23]:https://www.tensorflow.org/ +[24]:https://research.googleblog.com/2017/06/mobilenets-open-source-models-for.html +[25]:http://linuxgizmos.com/usb-stick-brings-neural-computing-functions-to-devices/ +[26]:http://linuxgizmos.com/google-launches-tensorflow-based-vision-recognition-kit-for-rpi-zero-w/