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@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
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Part 7 - LFCS: Managing System Startup Process and Services (SysVinit, Systemd and Upstart)
A couple of months ago, the Linux Foundation announced the LFCS (Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin) certification, an exciting new program whose aim is allowing individuals from all ends of the world to get certified in performing basic to intermediate system administration tasks on Linux systems. This includes supporting already running systems and services, along with first-hand problem-finding and analysis, plus the ability to decide when to raise issues to engineering teams.
![Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin Part 7](
Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin Part 7
The following video describes an brief introduction to The Linux Foundation Certification Program.
youtube 视频
<iframe width="720" height="405" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src="//"></iframe>
This post is Part 7 of a 10-tutorial series, here in this part, we will explain how to Manage Linux System Startup Process and Services, that are required for the LFCS certification exam.
### Managing the Linux Startup Process ###
The boot process of a Linux system consists of several phases, each represented by a different component. The following diagram briefly summarizes the boot process and shows all the main components involved.
![Linux Boot Process](
Linux Boot Process
When you press the Power button on your machine, the firmware that is stored in a EEPROM chip in the motherboard initializes the POST (Power-On Self Test) to check on the state of the systems hardware resources. When the POST is finished, the firmware then searches and loads the 1st stage boot loader, located in the MBR or in the EFI partition of the first available disk, and gives control to it.
#### MBR Method ####
The MBR is located in the first sector of the disk marked as bootable in the BIOS settings and is 512 bytes in size.
- First 446 bytes: The bootloader contains both executable code and error message text.
- Next 64 bytes: The Partition table contains a record for each of four partitions (primary or extended). Among other things, each record indicates the status (active / not active), size, and start / end sectors of each partition.
- Last 2 bytes: The magic number serves as a validation check of the MBR.
The following command performs a backup of the MBR (in this example, /dev/sda is the first hard disk). The resulting file, mbr.bkp can come in handy should the partition table become corrupt, for example, rendering the system unbootable.
Of course, in order to use it later if the need arises, we will need to save it and store it somewhere else (like a USB drive, for example). That file will help us restore the MBR and will get us going once again if and only if we do not change the hard drive layout in the meanwhile.
**Backup MBR**
# dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.bkp bs=512 count=1
![Backup MBR in Linux](
Backup MBR in Linux
**Restoring MBR**
# dd if=mbr.bkp of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
![Restore MBR in Linux](
Restore MBR in Linux
#### EFI/UEFI Method ####
For systems using the EFI/UEFI method, the UEFI firmware reads its settings to determine which UEFI application is to be launched and from where (i.e., in which disk and partition the EFI partition is located).
Next, the 2nd stage boot loader (aka boot manager) is loaded and run. GRUB [GRand Unified Boot] is the most frequently used boot manager in Linux. One of two distinct versions can be found on most systems used today.
- GRUB legacy configuration file: /boot/grub/menu.lst (older distributions, not supported by EFI/UEFI firmwares).
- GRUB2 configuration file: most likely, /etc/default/grub.
Although the objectives of the LFCS exam do not explicitly request knowledge about GRUB internals, if youre brave and can afford to mess up your system (you may want to try it first on a virtual machine, just in case), you need to run.
# update-grub
As root after modifying GRUBs configuration in order to apply the changes.
Basically, GRUB loads the default kernel and the initrd or initramfs image. In few words, initrd or initramfs help to perform the hardware detection, the kernel module loading and the device discovery necessary to get the real root filesystem mounted.
Once the real root filesystem is up, the kernel executes the system and service manager (init or systemd, whose process identification or PID is always 1) to begin the normal user-space boot process in order to present a user interface.
Both init and systemd are daemons (background processes) that manage other daemons, as the first service to start (during boot) and the last service to terminate (during shutdown).
![Systemd and Init](
Systemd and Init
### Starting Services (SysVinit) ###
The concept of runlevels in Linux specifies different ways to use a system by controlling which services are running. In other words, a runlevel controls what tasks can be accomplished in the current execution state = runlevel (and which ones cannot).
Traditionally, this startup process was performed based on conventions that originated with System V UNIX, with the system passing executing collections of scripts that start and stop services as the machine entered a specific runlevel (which, in other words, is a different mode of running the system).
Within each runlevel, individual services can be set to run, or to be shut down if running. Latest versions of some major distributions are moving away from the System V standard in favour of a rather new service and system manager called systemd (which stands for system daemon), but usually support sysv commands for compatibility purposes. This means that you can run most of the well-known sysv init tools in a systemd-based distribution.
- Read Also: [Why systemd replaces init in Linux][1]
Besides starting the system process, init looks to the /etc/inittab file to decide what runlevel must be entered.
<table cellspacing="0" border="0">
<colgroup width="85">
<colgroup width="1514">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;"><b>Runlevel</b></td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;"><b> Description</b></td>
<tr class="alt">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">0</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;Halt the system. Runlevel 0 is a special transitional state used to shutdown the system quickly.</td>
<td align="CENTER" height="20" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">1</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;Also aliased to s, or S, this runlevel is sometimes called maintenance mode. What services, if any, are started at this runlevel varies by distribution. Its typically used for low-level system maintenance that may be impaired by normal system operation.</td>
<tr class="alt">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">2</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;Multiuser. On Debian systems and derivatives, this is the default runlevel, and includes -if available- a graphical login. On Red-Hat based systems, this is multiuser mode without networking.</td>
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">3</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;On Red-Hat based systems, this is the default multiuser mode, which runs everything except the graphical environment. This runlevel and levels 4 and 5 usually are not used on Debian-based systems.</td>
<tr class="alt">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">4</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;Typically unused by default and therefore available for customization.</td>
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">5</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;On Red-Hat based systems, full multiuser mode with GUI login. This runlevel is like level 3, but with a GUI login available.</td>
<tr class="alt">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">6</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;Reboot the system.</td>
To switch between runlevels, we can simply issue a runlevel change using the init command: init N (where N is one of the runlevels listed above). Please note that this is not the recommended way of taking a running system to a different runlevel because it gives no warning to existing logged-in users (thus causing them to lose work and processes to terminate abnormally).
Instead, the shutdown command should be used to restart the system (which first sends a warning message to all logged-in users and blocks any further logins; it then signals init to switch runlevels); however, the default runlevel (the one the system will boot to) must be edited in the /etc/inittab file first.
For that reason, follow these steps to properly switch between runlevels, As root, look for the following line in /etc/inittab.
and change the number 2 for the desired runlevel with your preferred text editor, such as vim (described in [How to use vi/vim editor in Linux Part 2][2] of this series).
Next, run as root.
# shutdown -r now
That last command will restart the system, causing it to start in the specified runlevel during next boot, and will run the scripts located in the /etc/rc[runlevel].d directory in order to decide which services should be started and which ones should not. For example, for runlevel 2 in the following system.
![Change Runlevels in Linux](
Change Runlevels in Linux
#### Manage Services using chkconfig ####
To enable or disable system services on boot, we will use [chkconfig command][3] in CentOS / openSUSE and sysv-rc-conf in Debian and derivatives. This tool can also show us what is the preconfigured state of a service for a particular runlevel.
- Read Also: [How to Stop and Disable Unwanted Services in Linux][4]
Listing the runlevel configuration for a service.
# chkconfig --list [service name]
# chkconfig --list postfix
# chkconfig --list mysqld
![Listing Runlevel Configuration](
Listing Runlevel Configuration
In the above image we can see that postfix is set to start when the system enters runlevels 2 through 5, whereas mysqld will be running by default for runlevels 2 through 4. Now suppose that this is not the expected behaviour.
For example, we need to turn on mysqld for runlevel 5 as well, and turn off postfix for runlevels 4 and 5. Heres what we would do in each case (run the following commands as root).
**Enabling a service for a particular runlevel**
# chkconfig --level [level(s)] service on
# chkconfig --level 5 mysqld on
**Disabling a service for particular runlevels**
# chkconfig --level [level(s)] service off
# chkconfig --level 45 postfix off
![Enable Disable Services in Linux](
Enable Disable Services
We will now perform similar tasks in a Debian-based system using sysv-rc-conf.
#### Manage Services using sysv-rc-conf ####
Configuring a service to start automatically on a specific runlevel and prevent it from starting on all others.
1. Lets use the following command to see what are the runlevels where mdadm is configured to start.
# ls -l /etc/rc[0-6].d | grep -E 'rc[0-6]|mdadm'
![Check Runlevel of Service Running](
Check Runlevel of Service Running
2. We will use sysv-rc-conf to prevent mdadm from starting on all runlevels except 2. Just check or uncheck (with the space bar) as desired (you can move up, down, left, and right with the arrow keys).
# sysv-rc-conf
![SysV Runlevel Config](
SysV Runlevel Config
Then press q to quit.
3. We will restart the system and run again the command from STEP 1.
# ls -l /etc/rc[0-6].d | grep -E 'rc[0-6]|mdadm'
![Verify Service Runlevel](
Verify Service Runlevel
In the above image we can see that mdadm is configured to start only on runlevel 2.
### What About systemd? ###
systemd is another service and system manager that is being adopted by several major Linux distributions. It aims to allow more processing to be done in parallel during system startup (unlike sysvinit, which always tends to be slower because it starts processes one at a time, checks whether one depends on another, and waits for daemons to launch so more services can start), and to serve as a dynamic resource management to a running system.
Thus, services are started when needed (to avoid consuming system resources) instead of being launched without a solid reason during boot.
Viewing the status of all the processes running on your system, both systemd native and SysV services, run the following command.
# systemctl
![Check All Running Processes in Linux](
Check All Running Processes
The LOAD column shows whether the unit definition (refer to the UNIT column, which shows the service or anything maintained by systemd) was properly loaded, while the ACTIVE and SUB columns show the current status of such unit.
Displaying information about the current status of a service
When the ACTIVE column indicates that an units status is other than active, we can check what happened using.
# systemctl status [unit]
For example, in the image above, media-samba.mount is in failed state. Lets run.
# systemctl status media-samba.mount
![Check Linux Service Status](
Check Service Status
We can see that media-samba.mount failed because the mount process on host dev1 was unable to find the network share at //
### Starting or Stopping Services ###
Once the network share // becomes available, lets try to start, then stop, and finally restart the unit media-samba.mount. After performing each action, lets run systemctl status media-samba.mount to check on its status.
# systemctl start media-samba.mount
# systemctl status media-samba.mount
# systemctl stop media-samba.mount
# systemctl restart media-samba.mount
# systemctl status media-samba.mount
![Starting Stoping Services](
Starting Stoping Services
**Enabling or disabling a service to start during boot**
Under systemd you can enable or disable a service when it boots.
# systemctl enable [service] # enable a service
# systemctl disable [service] # prevent a service from starting at boot
The process of enabling or disabling a service to start automatically on boot consists in adding or removing symbolic links in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory.
![Enabling Disabling Services](
Enabling Disabling Services
Alternatively, you can find out a services current status (enabled or disabled) with the command.
# systemctl is-enabled [service]
For example,
# systemctl is-enabled postfix.service
In addition, you can reboot or shutdown the system with.
# systemctl reboot
# systemctl shutdown
### Upstart ###
Upstart is an event-based replacement for the /sbin/init daemon and was born out of the need for starting services only, when they are needed (also supervising them while they are running), and handling events as they occur, thus surpassing the classic, dependency-based sysvinit system.
It was originally developed for the Ubuntu distribution, but is used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0. Though it was intended to be suitable for deployment in all Linux distributions as a replacement for sysvinit, in time it was overshadowed by systemd. On February 14, 2014, Mark Shuttleworth (founder of Canonical Ltd.) announced that future releases of Ubuntu would use systemd as the default init daemon.
Because the SysV startup script for system has been so common for so long, a large number of software packages include SysV startup scripts. To accommodate such packages, Upstart provides a compatibility mode: It runs SysV startup scripts in the usual locations (/etc/rc.d/rc?.d, /etc/init.d/rc?.d, /etc/rc?.d, or a similar location). Thus, if we install a package that doesnt yet include an Upstart configuration script, it should still launch in the usual way.
Furthermore, if we have installed utilities such as [chkconfig][5], you should be able to use them to manage your SysV-based services just as we would on sysvinit based systems.
Upstart scripts also support starting or stopping services based on a wider variety of actions than do SysV startup scripts; for example, Upstart can launch a service whenever a particular hardware device is attached.
A system that uses Upstart and its native scripts exclusively replaces the /etc/inittab file and the runlevel-specific SysV startup script directories with .conf scripts in the /etc/init directory.
These *.conf scripts (also known as job definitions) generally consists of the following:
- Description of the process.
- Runlevels where the process should run or events that should trigger it.
- Runlevels where process should be stopped or events that should stop it.
- Options.
- Command to launch the process.
For example,
# My test service - Upstart script demo description "Here goes the description of 'My test service'" author "Dave Null <>"
# Stanzas
# Stanzas define when and how a process is started and stopped
# See a list of stanzas here:
# When to start the service
start on runlevel [2345]
# When to stop the service
stop on runlevel [016]
# Automatically restart process in case of crash
# Specify working directory
chdir /home/dave/myfiles
# Specify the process/command (add arguments if needed) to run
exec bash arg1 arg2
To apply changes, you will need to tell upstart to reload its configuration.
# initctl reload-configuration
Then start your job by typing the following command.
$ sudo start yourjobname
Where yourjobname is the name of the job that was added earlier with the yourjobname.conf script.
A more complete and detailed reference guide for Upstart is available in the projects web site under the menu “[Cookbook][6]”.
### Summary ###
A knowledge of the Linux boot process is necessary to help you with troubleshooting tasks as well as with adapting the computers performance and running services to your needs.
In this article we have analyzed what happens from the moment when you press the Power switch to turn on the machine until you get a fully operational user interface. I hope you have learned reading it as much as I did while putting it together. Feel free to leave your comments or questions below. We always look forward to hearing from our readers!
作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
LFCS 系列第七讲: 通过 SysVinit、Systemd 和 Upstart 管理系统自启动进程和服务
几个月前, Linux 基金会宣布 LFCS(Linux 基金会认证系统管理员) 认证诞生了,这个令人兴奋的新计划定位于让来自全球各地的初级到中级的 Linux 系统管理员得到认证。这其中包括维护已经在运行的系统和服务能力、第一手的问题查找和分析能力、以及决定何时向开发团队提交问题的能力。
![Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin Part 7](
第七讲: Linux 基金会认证系统管理员
下面的视频简要介绍了 Linux 基金会认证计划。
youtube 视频
<iframe width="720" height="405" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src="//"></iframe>
这篇博文是 10 指南系列中的第七篇,在这篇文章中,我们会介绍如何管理 Linux 系统自启动进程和服务,这是 LFCS 认证考试要求的一部分。
### 管理 Linux 自启动进程 ###
Linux 系统的启动程序包括多个阶段,每个阶段由一个不同的组件表示。下面的图示简要总结了启动过程以及所有包括的主要组件。
![Linux Boot Process](
Linux 启动过程
当你按下你机器上的电源键时, 存储在主板 EEPROM 芯片中的固件初始化 POST(通电自检) 检查系统硬件资源的状态。POST 结束后,固件会搜索并加载位于第一块可用磁盘上的 MBR 或 EFI 分区的第一阶段引导程序,并把控制权交给引导程序。
#### MBR 方式 ####
MBR 是位于 BISO 设置中标记为可启动磁盘上的第一个扇区,大小是 512 个字节。
- 前面 446 个字节:包括可执行代码和错误信息文本的引导程序
- 接下来的 64 个字节:四个分区(主分区或扩展分区)中每个分区一条记录的分区表。其中,每条记录标示了每个一个分区的状态(是否活跃)、大小以及开始和结束扇区。
- 最后 2 个字节: MBR 有效性检查的魔数。
下面的命令对 MBR 进行备份(在本例中,/dev/sda 是第一块硬盘)。结果文件 mbr.bkp 在分区表被破坏、例如系统不可引导时能排上用场。
当然,为了后面需要的时候能使用它,我们需要把它保存到别的地方(例如一个 USB 设备)。该文件能帮助我们重新恢复 MBR这只在我们操作过程中没有改变硬盘驱动布局时才有效。
**备份 MBR**
# dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.bkp bs=512 count=1
![Backup MBR in Linux](
在 Linux 中备份 MBR
**恢复 MBR**
# dd if=mbr.bkp of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
![Restore MBR in Linux](
在 Linux 中恢复 MBR
#### EFI/UEFI 方式 ####
对于使用 EFI/UEFI 方式的系统, UEFI 固件读取它的设置来决定从哪里启动哪个 UEFI 应用。(例如, EFI 分区位于哪块磁盘或分区。
接下来,加载并运行第二阶段引导程序(又名引导管理器)。GRUB[GRand Unified Boot] 是 Linux 中最常使用的引导管理器。今天大部分使用的系统中都能找到它两个中的其中一个版本。
- GRUB 有效配置文件: /boot/grub/menu.lst旧发行版 EFI/UEFI 固件不支持)。
- GRUB2 配置文件: 通常是 /etc/default/grub。
尽管 LFCS 考试目标没有明确要求了解 GRUB 内部知识,但如果你足够大胆并且不怕把你的系统搞乱(为了以防万一,你可以先在虚拟机上进行尝试)你可以运行:
# update-grub
为了使更改生效,你需要以 root 用户修改 GRUB 的配置。
首先, GRUB 加载默认的内核以及 initrd 或 initramfs 镜像。补充一句initrd 或者 initramfs 帮助完成硬件检测、内核模块加载、以及发现挂载根目录文件系统需要的设备。
一旦真正的根目录文件系统启动为了显示用户界面内核就会执行系统和服务管理器init 或 systemd进程号 PID 一般为 1开始普通用户态的引导程序。
init 和 systemd 都是管理其它守护进程的守护进程(后台进程),它们总是最先启动(系统引导时),最后结束(系统关闭时)。
![Systemd and Init](
Systemd 和 Init
### 自启动服务(SysVinit) ###
Linux 中运行等级的概念表示通过控制运行哪些服务来以不同方式使用系统。换句话说,运行等级控制着当前执行状态下可以完成什么任务(以及什么不能完成)。
传统上,这个启动过程是基于起源于 System V Unix 的形式,通过执行脚本启动或者停止服务从而使机器进入指定的运行等级(换句话说,是一个不同的系统运行模式)。
在每个运行等级中,独立服务可以设置为运行、或者在运行时关闭。一些主流发行版的最新版本中,已经移除了标准的 System V而用一个称为 systemd表示系统守护进程的新服务和系统管理器代替但为了兼容性通常也支持 sysv 命令。这意味着你可以在基于 systemd 的发行版中运行大部分有名的 sysv 初始化工具。
- 推荐阅读: [Linux 为什么用 systemd 代替 init][1]
除了启动系统进程init 还会查看 /etc/inittab 来决定进入哪个运行等级。
<table cellspacing="0" border="0">
<colgroup width="85">
<colgroup width="1514">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;"><b>Runlevel</b></td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;"><b> Description</b></td>
<tr class="alt">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">0</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;停止系统。运行等级 0 是一个用于快速关闭系统的特殊过渡状态。</td>
<td align="CENTER" height="20" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">1</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;别名为 s 或 S这个运行等级有时候也称为维护模式。在这个运行等级启动的服务由于发行版不同而不同。通常用于正常系统操作损坏时低级别的系统维护。</td>
<tr class="alt">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">2</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;多用户。在 Debian 系统及其衍生版中,这是默认的运行等级,还包括了一个图形化登录(如果有的话)。在基于红帽的系统中,这是没有网络的多用户模式。</td>
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">3</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;在基于红帽的系统中,这是默认的多用户模式,运行除了图形化环境以外的所有东西。基于 Debian 的系统中通常不会使用这个运行等级以及等级 4 和 5。</td>
<tr class="alt">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">4</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;通常默认情况下不使用,可用于自定制。</td>
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">5</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;基于红帽的系统中,支持 GUI 登录的完全多用户模式。这个运行等级和等级 3 类似,但是有可用的 GUI 登录。</td>
<tr class="alt">
<td align="CENTER" height="18" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">6</td>
<td align="LEFT" style="border: 1px solid #000001;">&nbsp;重启系统。</td>
要在运行等级之间切换,我们只需要使用 init 命令更改运行等级init N其中 N 是上面列出的一个运行等级)。
相反,应该用 shutdown 命令重启系统(它首先发送警告信息给所有已经登录的用户,并锁住任何新的登录;然后再给 init 发送信号切换运行等级)但是,首先要在 /etc/inittab 文件中设置好默认的运行等级(系统引导到的等级)。
因为这个原因,按照下面的步骤切当地切换运行等级。以 root 用户在 /etc/inittab 中查找下面的行。
并用你喜欢的文本编辑器,例如 vim本系列的[第二讲 如何在 Linux 中使用 vi/vim 编辑器][2]),更改数字 2 为想要的运行等级。
然后,以 root 用户执行
# shutdown -r now
最后一个命令会重启系统,并使它在下一次引导时进入指定的运行等级,并会执行保存在 /etc/rc[runlevel].d 目录中的脚本以决定应该启动什么服务、不应该启动什么服务。例如,在下面的系统中运行等级 2。
![Change Runlevels in Linux](
在 Linux 中更改运行等级
#### 使用 chkconfig 管理服务 ####
为了在启动时启动或者停用系统服务,我们可以在 CentOS / openSUSE 中使用 [chkconfig 命令][3],在 Debian 及其衍生版中使用 sysv-rc-conf 命令。这个工具还能告诉我们对于一个指定的运行等级预先配置的状态是什么。
- 推荐阅读: [如何在 Linux 中停止和停用不想要的服务][4]
# chkconfig --list [service name]
# chkconfig --list postfix
# chkconfig --list mysqld
![Listing Runlevel Configuration](
从上图中我们可以看出,当系统进入运行等级 2 到 5 的时候就会启动 postfix而默认情况下运行等级 2 到 4 时会运行 mysqld。现在假设我们并不希望如此。
例如,我们希望运行等级为 5 时也启动 mysqld运行等级为 4 或 5 时关闭 postfix。下面分别针对两种情况进行设置以 root 用户执行以下命令)。
# chkconfig --level [level(s)] service on
# chkconfig --level 5 mysqld on
# chkconfig --level [level(s)] service off
# chkconfig --level 45 postfix off
![在 Linux 中启用/停用服务Enable Disable Services in Linux](
我们在基于 Debian 的系统中使用 sysv-rc-conf 完成类似任务。
#### 使用 sysv-rc-conf 管理服务 ####
1. 我们可以用下面的命令查看启动 mdadm 时的运行等级。
# ls -l /etc/rc[0-6].d | grep -E 'rc[0-6]|mdadm'
![查看运行中服务的运行等级Check Runlevel of Service Running](
2. 我们使用 sysv-rc-conf 设置防止 mdadm 在运行等级2 之外的其它等级启动。只需根据需要(你可以使用上下左右按键)选中或取消选中(通过空格键)。
# sysv-rc-conf
![Sysv 运行等级配置SysV Runlevel Config](
Sysv 运行等级配置
然后输入 q 退出。
3. 重启系统并从步骤 1 开始再操作一遍。
# ls -l /etc/rc[0-6].d | grep -E 'rc[0-6]|mdadm'
![验证服务运行等级Verify Service Runlevel](
从上图中我们可以看出 mdadm 配置为只在运行等级 2 上启动。
### 那关于 systemd 呢? ###
systemd 是另外一个被多种主流 Linux 发行版采用的服务和系统管理器。它的目标是允许系统启动时多个任务尽可能并行(而 sysvinit 并非如此sysvinit 一般比较慢,因为它每次只启动一个进程,而且会检查彼此之间是否有依赖,在启动其它服务之前还要等待守护进程启动),充当运行中系统动态资源管理的角色。
要查看你系统中运行的原生 systemd 服务和 Sysv 服务,可以用以下的命令。
# systemctl
![在 Linux 中查看运行中的进程Check All Running Processes in Linux](
LOAD 一列显示了单元UNIT 列,显示服务或者由 systemd 维护的其它进程是否正确加载ACTIVE 和 SUB 列则显示了该单元当前的状态。
当 ACTIVE 列显示某个单元状态并非活跃时,我们可以使用以下命令查看具体原因。
# systemctl status [unit]
例如,上图中 media-samba.mount 处于失败状态。我们可以运行:
# systemctl status media-samba.mount
![查看 Linux 服务状态Check Linux Service Status](
我们可以看到 media-samba.mount 失败的原因是 host dev1 上的挂载进程无法找到 // 上的共享网络。
### 启动或停止服务 ###
一旦 // 上的共享网络可用,我们可以再来尝试启动、停止以及重启 media-samba.mount 单元。执行每次操作之后,我们都执行 systemctl stats media-samba.mout 来查看它的状态。
# systemctl start media-samba.mount
# systemctl status media-samba.mount
# systemctl stop media-samba.mount
# systemctl restart media-samba.mount
# systemctl status media-samba.mount
![启动停止服务Starting Stoping Services](
使用 systemd 你可以在系统启动时启用或停用某服务
# systemctl enable [service] # 启用服务
# systemctl disable [service] # 阻止服务随系统启动
启用或停用某服务随系统启动包括在 /etc/systemd/system/ 目录添加或者删除符号链接。
# systemctl is-enabled [service]
# systemctl is-enabled postfix.service
# systemctl reboot
# systemctl shutdown
### Upstart ###
基于事件的 Upstart 是 /sbin/init 守护进程的替代品,它仅为在需要那些服务的时候启动服务而生,(或者当它们在运行时管理它们),以及处理发生的实践,因此 Upstart 优于基于依赖的 sysvinit 系统。
一开始它是为 Ubuntu 发行版开发的,但在红帽企业版 Linux 6.0 中得到使用。尽管希望它能在所有 Linux 发行版中替代 sysvinit但它已经被 systemd 超越。2014 年 2 月 14 日Mark ShuttleworthCanonical Ltd. 创建者)发布声明之后的 Ubuntu 发行版采用 systemd 作为默认初始化守护进程。
由于 Sysv 启动脚本已经流行很长时间了,很多软件包中都包括了 Sysv 启动脚本。为了兼容这些软件, Upstart 提供了兼容模式:它可以运行保存在常用位置(/etc/rc.d/rc?.d, /etc/init.d/rc?.d, /etc/rc?.d或其它类似的位置的Sysv 启动脚本。因此,如果我们安装了一个还没有 Upstart 配置脚本的软件,仍然可以用原来的方式启动它。
另外,如果我们还安装了类似 [chkconfig][5] 的工具,你还可以和在基于 sysvinit 的系统中一样用它们管理基于 Sysv 的服务。
Upstart 脚本除了支持 Sysv 启动脚本,还支持基于多种方式启动或者停用服务;例如, Upstart 可以在一个特定硬件设备连接上的时候启动一个服务。
使用 Upstart以及它原生脚本的系统替换了 /etc/inittab 文件和 /etc/init 目录下和运行等级相关的以 .conf 作为后缀的 Sysv 启动脚本目录。
这些 *.conf 脚本(也称为任务定义)通常包括以下几部分:
- 进程描述
- 进程的运行等级或者应该触发它们的事件
- 应该停止进程的运行等级或者触发停止进程的事件
- 选项
- 启动进程的命令
# My test service - Upstart script demo description "Here goes the description of 'My test service'" author "Dave Null <>"
# Stanzas
# Stanzas define when and how a process is started and stopped
# See a list of stanzas here:
# When to start the service
start on runlevel [2345]
# When to stop the service
stop on runlevel [016]
# Automatically restart process in case of crash
# Specify working directory
chdir /home/dave/myfiles
# Specify the process/command (add arguments if needed) to run
exec bash arg1 arg2
要使更改生效,你要让 upstart 重新加载它的配置文件。
# initctl reload-configuration
$ sudo start yourjobname
其中 yourjobname 是之前 yourjobname.conf 脚本中添加的任务名称。
关于 Upstart 更完整和详细的介绍可以参考该项目网站的 “[Cookbook][6]” 栏目。
### 总结 ###
了解 Linux 启动进程对于你进行错误处理、调整计算机系统以及根据需要运行服务非常有用。
作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出