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How to Make a Minecraft Server ThisHosting.Rocks
Well show you how to make a Minecraft server with beginner-friendly step-by-step instructions. It will be a persistent multiplayer server that you can play on with your friends from all around the world. You dont have to be in a LAN.
### How to Make a Minecraft Server Quick Guide
This is our “Table of contents” if youre in a hurry and want to go straight to the point. We recommend reading everything though.
* [Learn stuff][1] (optional)
* [Learn more stuff][2] (optional)
* [Requirements][3] (required)
* [Install and start the Minecraft server][4] (required)
* [Run the server even after you log out of your VPS][5] (optional)
* [Make the server automatically start at boot][6] (optional)
* [Configure your Minecraft server][7] (required)
* [FAQs][8] (optional)
Before going into the actual instructions, a few things you should know:
#### Reasons why you would NOT use a specialized Minecraft server hosting provider
Since youre here, youre obviously interested in hosting your own Minecraft server. There are more reasons why you would not use a specialized Minecraft hosting provider, but here are a few:
* Theyre slow most of the time. This is because you actually share the resources with multiple users. It becomes overloaded at some point. Most of them oversell their servers too.
* You dont have full control over the Minecraft server or the actual server. You cannot customize anything you want to.
* Youre limited. Those kinds of hosting plans are always limited in one way or another.
Of course, there are positives to using a Minecraft hosting provider. The best upside is that you dont actually have to do all the stuff well write about below. But wheres the fun in that?
#### Why you should NOT use your personal computer to make a Minecraft server
We noticed lots of tutorials showing you how to host a server on your own computer. There are downsides to doing that, like:
* Your home internet is not secured enough to handle DDoS attacks. Game servers are often prone to DDoS attacks, and your home network setup is most probably not secured enough to handle them. Its most likely not powerful enough to handle a small attack.
* Youll need to handle port forwarding. If youve tried making a Minecraft server on your home network, youve surely stumbled upon port forwarding and had issues with it.
* Youll need to keep your computer on at all times. Your electricity bill will sky-rocket and youll add unnecessary load to your hardware. The hardware most servers use is enterprise-grade and designed to handle loads, with improved stability and longevity.
* Your home internet is not fast enough. Home networks are not designed to handle multiplayer games. Youll need a much larger internet plan to even consider making a small server. Luckily, data centers have multiple high-speed, enterprise-grade internet connections making sure they have (or strive to have) 100% uptime.
* Your hardware is most likely not good enough. Again, servers use enterprise-grade hardware, latest and fastest CPUs, SSDs, and much more. Your personal computer most likely does not.
* You probably use Windows/MacOS on your personal computer. Though this is debatable, we believe that Linux is much better for game hosting. Dont worry, you dont really need to know everything about Linux to make a Minecraft server (though its recommended). Well show you everything you need to know.
Our tip is not to use your personal computer, though technically you can. Its not expensive to buy a cloud server. Well show you how to make a Minecraft server on cloud hosting below. Its easy if you carefully follow the steps.
### Making a Minecraft Server Requirements
There are a few requirements. You should have and know all of this before continuing to the tutorial:
* Youll need a [Linux cloud server][9]. We recommend [Vultr][10]. Their prices are cheap, services are high-quality, customer support is great, all server hardware is high-end. Check the [Minecraft server requirements][11] to find out what kind of server you should get (resources like RAM and Disk space). We recommend getting the $20 per month server. They support hourly pricing so if you only need the server temporary for playing with friends, youll pay less. Choose the Ubuntu 16.04 distro during signup. Choose the closest server location to where your players live during the signup process. Keep in mind that youll be responsible for your server. So youll have to secure it and manage it. If you dont want to do that, you can get a [managed server][12], in which case the hosting provider will likely make a Minecraft server for you.
* Youll need an SSH client to connect to the Linux cloud server. [PuTTy][13] is often recommended for beginners, but we also recommend [MobaXTerm][14]. There are many other SSH clients to choose from, so pick your favorite.
* Youll need to setup your server (basic security setup at least). Google it and youll find many tutorials. You can use [Linodes Security Guide][15] and follow the exact steps on your [Vultr][16] server.
* Well handle the software requirements like Java below.
And finally, onto our actual tutorial:
### How to Make a Minecraft Server on Ubuntu (Linux)
These instructions are written for and tested on an Ubuntu 16.04 server from [Vultr][17]. Though theyll also work on Ubuntu 14.04, [Ubuntu 18.04][18], and any other Ubuntu-based distro, and any other server provider.
Were using the default Vanilla server from Minecraft. You can use alternatives like CraftBukkit or Spigot that allow more customizations and plugins. Though if you use too many plugins youll essentially ruin the server. There are pros and cons to each one. Nevertheless, the instructions below are for the default Vanilla server to keep things simple and beginner-friendly. We may publish a tutorial for CraftBukkit soon if theres an interest.
#### 1. Login to your server
Well use the root user. If you use a limited-user, youll have to execute most commands with sudo. Youll get a warning if youre doing something you dont have enough permissions for.
You can login to your server via your SSH client. Use your server IP and your port (most likely 22).
After you log in, make sure you [secure your server][19].
#### 2. Update Ubuntu
You should always first update your Ubuntu before you do anything else. You can update it with the following commands:
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Hit “enter” and/or “y” when prompted.
#### 3. Install necessary tools
Youll need a few packages and tools for various things in this tutorial like text editing, making your server persistent etc. Install them with the following command:
apt-get install nano wget screen bash default-jdk ufw
Some of them may already be installed.
#### 4. Download Minecraft Server
First, create a directory where youll store your Minecraft server and all other files:
mkdir /opt/minecraft
And navigate to the new directory:
cd /opt/minecraft
Now you can download the Minecraft Server file. Go to the [download page][20] and get the link there. Download the file with wget:
#### 5. Install the Minecraft server
Once youve downloaded the server .jar file, you need to run it once and it will generate some files, including an eula.txt license file. The first time you run it, it will return an error and exit. Thats supposed to happen. Run in with the following command:
java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar nogui
“-Xms2048M” is the minimum RAM that your Minecraft server can use and “-Xmx3472M” is the maximum. [Adjust][21] this based on your servers resources. If you got the 4GB RAM server from [Vultr][22] you can leave them as-is, if you dont use the server for anything else other than Minecraft.
After that command ends and returns an error, a new eula.txt file will be generated. You need to accept the license in that file. You can do that by adding “eula=true” to the file with the following command:
sed -i.orig 's/eula=false/eula=true/g' eula.txt
You can now start the server again and access the Minecraft server console with that same java command from before:
java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar nogui
Make sure youre in the /opt/minecraft directory, or the directory where you installed your MC server.
Youre free to stop here if youre just testing this and need it for the short-term. If youre having trouble loggin into the server, youll need to [configure your firewall][23].
The first time you successfully start the server it will take a bit longer to generate
Well show you how to create a script so you can start the server with it.
#### 6. Start the Minecraft server with a script, make it persistent, and enable it at boot
To make things easier, well create a bash script that will start the server automatically.
So first, create a bash script with nano:
nano /opt/minecraft/
A new (blank) file will open. Paste the following:
cd /opt/minecraft/ && java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar nogui
If youre new to nano you can save and close the file with “CTRL + X”, then “Y”, and hitting enter. This script navigates to your Minecraft server directory you created previously and runs the java command for starting the server. You need to make it executable with the following command:
chmod +x
Then, you can start the server anytime with the following command:
But, if/when you log out of the SSH session the server will turn off. To keep the server up without being logged in all the time, you can use a screen session. A screen session basically means that it will keep running until the actual server reboots or turns off.
Start a screen session with this command:
screen -S minecraft
Once youre in the screen session (looks like you would start a new ssh session), you can use the bash script from earlier to start the server:
To get out of the screen session, you should press CTRL + A-D. Even after you get out of the screen session (detach), the server will keep running. You can safely log off your Ubuntu server now, and the Minecraft server you created will keep running.
But, if the Ubuntu server reboots or shuts off, the screen session wont work anymore. So **to do everything we did before automatically at boot** , do the following:
Open the /etc/rc.local file:
nano /etc/rc.local
and add the following line above the “exit 0” line:
screen -dm -S minecraft /opt/minecraft/
exit 0
Save and close the file.
To access the Minecraft server console, just run the following command to attach to the screen session:
screen -r minecraft
Thats it for now. Congrats and have fun! You can now connect to your Minecraft server or configure/modify it.
### Configure your Ubuntu Server
Youll, of course, need to set up your Ubuntu server and secure it if you havent already done so. Follow the [guide we mentioned earlier][24] and google it for more info. The configurations you need to do for your Minecraft server on your Ubuntu server are:
#### Enable and configure the firewall
First, if its not already enabled, you should enable UFW that you previously installed:
ufw enable
You should allow the default Minecraft server port:
ufw allow 25565/tcp
You should allow and deny other rules depending on how you use your server. You should deny ports like 80 and 443 if you dont use the server for hosting websites. Google a UFW/Firewall guide for Ubuntu and youll get recommendations. Be careful when setting up your firewall, you may lock yourself out of your server if you block the SSH port.
Since this is the default port, it often gets automatically scanned and attacked. You can prevent attacks by blocking access to anyone thats not of your whitelist.
First, you need to enable the whitelist mode in your [][25] file. To do that, open the file:
nano /opt/minecraft/
And change “white-list” line to “true”:
Save and close the file.
Then restart your server (either by restarting your Ubuntu server or by running the start bash script again):
Access the Minecraft server console:
screen -r minecraft
And if you want someone to be able to join your server, you need to add them to the whitelist with the following command:
whitelist add PlayerUsername
To remove them from the whitelist, use:
whitelist remove PlayerUsername
Exit the screen session (server console) with CTRL + A-D. Its worth noting that this will deny access to everyone but the whitelisted usernames.
[![how to create a minecraft server](][26]
### How to Make a Minecraft Server FAQs
Well answer some frequently asked questions about Minecraft Servers and our guide.
#### How do I restart the Minecraft server?
If you followed every step from our tutorial, including enabling the server to start on boot, you can just reboot your Ubuntu server. If you didnt set it up to start at boot, you can just run the start script again which will restart the Minecraft server:
#### How do I configure my Minecraft server?
You can configure your server using the [][27] file. Check the Minecraft Wiki for more info, though you can leave everything as-is and it will work perfectly fine.
If you want to change the game mode, difficulty and stuff like that, you can use the server console. Access the server console by running:
screen -r minecraft
And execute [commands][28] there. Commands like:
difficulty hard
gamemode survival @a
You may need to restart the server depending on what command you used. There are many more commands you can use, check the [wiki][29] for more.
#### How do I upgrade my Minecraft server?
If theres a new release, you need to do this:
Navigate to the minecraft directory:
cd /opt/minecraft
Download the latest version, example 1.12.3 with wget:
Next, run and build the new server:
java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.3.jar nogui
Finally, update your start script:
nano /opt/minecraft/
And update the version number accordingly:
cd /opt/minecraft/ && java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.3.jar nogui
Now you can restart the server and everything should go well.
#### Why is your Minecraft server tutorial so long, and yet others are only 2 lines long?!
We tried to make this beginner-friendly and be as detailed as possible. We also showed you how to make the Minecraft server persistent and start it automatically at boot, we showed you how to configure your server and everything. I mean, sure, you can start a Minecraft server with a couple of lines, but it would definitely suck, for more than one reason.
#### I dont know Linux or anything you wrote about here, how do I make a Minecraft server?
Just read all of our article and copy and paste the commands. If you really dont know how to do it all, [we can do it for you][30], or just get a [managed][31] server [provider][32] and let them do it for you.
#### How do I install mods on my server? How do I install plugins?
Our article is intended to be a starting guide. You should check the [Minecraft wiki][33] for more info, or just google it. There are plenty of tutorials online
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### 如何搭建一个“我的世界”服务器 - 快速指南
* [学点东西][1] (可选)
* [再学点东西][2] (可选)
* [需求][3] (必读)
* [安装并运行“我的世界”服务器][4] (必读)
* [在你登出 VPS 后继续运行服务端][5] (可选)
* [让服务端随系统启动][6] (可选)
* [配置你的“我的世界”服务器][7] (必读)
* [常见问题][8] (可选)
#### 为什么你不应该使用专门的“我的世界”服务器提供商
* 它们通常很慢。这是因为你是在和很多用户一起共享资源。这有的时候会超负荷,他们中很多都会超售。
* 你并不能完全控制”我的世界“服务端,或是真正的服务器。你没法按照你的意愿进行自定义。
* 你是受限制的。这种主机套餐或多或少都会有限制。
#### 为什么不应该用你的个人电脑作为”我的世界“服务器
* 你的家庭网络不够安全,无法抵挡 DDoS 攻击。游戏服务器通常容易被 DDoS 攻击,而你的家庭网络设置通常不够安全,来抵挡它们。很可能连小型攻击都无法阻挡。
* 你得处理端口转发。如果你试着在家庭网络中搭建”我的世界“服务器的话,你肯定会偶然发现端口转发的问题,并且处理时可能会有问题。
* 你得保持你的电脑一直开着。你的电费将会突破天际,并且你会增加不必要的硬件负载。大部分服务器硬件都是企业级的,提升了稳定性和持久性,专门设计用来处理负载。
* 你的家庭网络速度不够快。家庭网络并不是设计用来负载多人联机游戏的。即使你想搭建一个小型服务器你也需要一个更好的网络套餐。幸运的是数据中心有多个高速的、企业级的互联网连接来保证他们达到或尽量达到100%在线。
* 你的硬件很可能不够好。再说一次,服务器使用的都是企业级硬件,最新最快的处理器、固态硬盘,等等。你的个人电脑很可能不是的。
* 你的个人电脑很可能是 Windows/MacOS。尽管这是有争议的我们相信 Linux 更适合搭建游戏服务器。不用担心,搭建”我的世界“服务器不需要完全了解 Linux尽管推荐这样。我们会向你展示你需要了解的。
### 搭建一个”我的世界“服务器 - 需求
* 你需要一个 [Linux 云服务器][9]。我们推荐 [Vultr][10]。这家价格便宜,服务质量高,客户支持很好,并且所有的服务器硬件都很高端。检查[“我的世界”服务器需求][11]来选择你需要哪种类型的服务器(像内存和硬盘之类的资源)。我们推荐每月 20 美元的套餐。他们也支持按小时收费,所以如果你只是临时需要服务器和朋友们联机的话,你的花费会更少。注册时选择 Ubuntu 16.04 发行版。在注册时选择离你的朋友们最近的地域。这样的话你就需要保护并管理服务器。如果你不想这样的话,你可以选择[托管的服务器][],这样的话服务器提供商可能会给你搭建好一个“我的世界”服务器。
* 你需要一个 SSH 客户端来连接到你的 Linux 云服务器。新手通常建议使用 [PuTTy][13],但我们也推荐使用 [MobaXTerm][14]。也有很多 SSH 客户端,所以挑一个你喜欢的吧。
* 你需要设置你的服务器(至少做好基本的安全设置)。谷歌一下你会发现很多教程。你也可以按照 [Linode 的 安全指南][15],然后在你的 [Vultr][16] 服务器上一步步操作。
* 下面我们将会处理软件依赖,比如 Java。
### 如何在 UbuntuLinux上搭建一个“我的世界”服务器
这篇教程是为 [Vultr][17] 上的 Ubuntu 16.04 撰写并测试可行的。但是这对 Ubuntu 14.04 [Ubuntu 18.04][18],以及其他基于 Ubuntu 的发行版,其他服务器提供商也是可行的。
我们使用默认的 Vanilla 服务端。你也可以使用像 CraftBukkit 或 Spigot 这样的服务端,来支持更多的自定义和插件。虽然如果你使用过多插件的话会毁了服务端。这各有优缺点。不管怎么说,下面的教程使用默认的 Vanilla 服务端,来使事情变得简单和更新手友好。如果有兴趣的话我们可能会发表一篇 CraftBukkit 的教程。
#### 1. 登陆到你的服务器
我们将使用 root 账户。如果你使用受限的账户的话,大部分命令都需要 sudo。做你没有权限的事情时会出现警告。
你可以通过 SSH 客户端来登陆你的服务器。使用你的 IP 和端口(大部分都是 22
#### 2. 更新 Ubuntu
在你做任何事之前都要先更新你的 Ubuntu。你可以通过以下命令更新
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
在提示时敲击“回车键” 和/或 “y”。
#### 3. 安装必要的工具
apt-get install nano wget screen bash default-jdk ufw
#### 4. 下载“我的世界”服务端
mkdir /opt/minecraft
cd /opt/minecraft
#### 5. 安装”我的世界“服务端
下载好了服务端 .jar 文件之后,你就需要先运行一下,它会生成一些文件,包括一个 eula.txt 许可文件。第一次运行的时候,它会返回一个错误并退出。这是正常的。使用下面的命令运行它:
java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar nogui
”-Xms2048M“是你的服务端能使用的最小的内存”-Xmx3472M“是最大的。[调整][21]基于你服务器的硬件资源。如果你在 [Vultr][22] 服务器上有 4GB 内存,并且不用服务器来干其他事情的话可以就这样留着不动。
在这条命令结束并返回一个错误之后,将会生成一个新的 eula.txt 文件。你需要同意那个文件里的协议。你可以通过下面这条命令将”eula=true“添加到文件中
sed -i.orig 's/eula=false/eula=true/g' eula.txt
java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar nogui
确保你在 /opt/minecraft 目录,或者其他你安装你的 MC 服务端的目录下。
#### 6. 使用脚本启动“我的世界”服务端,让服务端长期运行并在启动时开启
方便起见,我们将创建一个自动启动服务端的 bash 脚本。
首先,使用 nano 创建一个 bash 脚本:
nano /opt/minecraft/
cd /opt/minecraft/ && java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar nogui
如果你不熟悉 nano 的话 - 你可以使用“CTRL + X”再敲击“Y”然后回车。这个脚本将进入你先前创建的“我的世界”服务端并运行 Java 命令来开启服务端。你需要执行下面的命令来使脚本可执行:
chmod +x
但是,如果/当你登出 SSH 会话的话,服务端就会关闭。要想让服务端不登陆也持续运行的话,你可以使用 screen 会话。一个 screen 会话会一直运行,直到实际的服务器被关闭或重启。
使用下面的命令开启一个 screen 会话:
screen -S minecraft
一旦你进入了 screen 会话(看起来就像是你新建了一个 SSH 会话),你就可以使用先前创建的 bash 脚本来启动服务端:
要退出 screen 会话的话,你应该按 CTRL +A-D。即使你离开 screen 会话(断开的),服务端也会继续运行。你现在可以安全的登出 Ubuntu 服务器了,你创建的“我的世界”服务端将会继续运行。
但是,如果 Ubuntu 服务器重启或关闭了的话screen 会话将不再起作用。所以**为了让我们之前做的这些在启动时自动运行**,做下面这些:
打开 /etc/rc.local 文件:
nano /etc/rc.local
在“exit 0”语句前添加如下内容
screen -dm -S minecraft /opt/minecraft/
exit 0
要访问“我的世界”服务端控制台,只需运行下面的命令来重新连接 screen 会话:
screen -r minecraft
### 配置你的 Ubuntu 服务器
你首先肯定要设置并确保你的 Ubuntu 服务器安全,如果你还没有这么做的话。按照[我们之前提及的指南][24]并谷歌一下来获取更多信息。你需要在服务器上配置的有这些:
#### 开启并配置防火墙
首先,如果防火墙还没有开启的话,你应该先开启先前安装的 UFW
ufw enable
ufw allow 25565/tcp
你应该根据你的使用情况开放或拒绝其他规则。如果你不用服务器负载网站的话,就应该拒绝 80 和 443 端口。谷歌一下 Ubuntu 的 UFW/防火墙指南,你会得到建议的。设置防火墙的时候小心一些,如果你屏蔽了 SSH 端口的话你会把自己锁在服务器外面。
首先,你需要在你的 [][25] 文件中开启白名单模式。要开启的话,打开文件:
nano /opt/minecraft/
screen -r minecraft
whitelist add PlayerUsername
whitelist remove PlayerUsername
使用 CTRL + A-D 来退出 screen服务器控制台。值得注意的是这会拒绝除白名单以外的所有人连接到服务端。
[![how to create a minecraft server](][26]
### 如何搭建“我的世界”服务器 - 常见问题
#### 我该如何重启“我的世界”服务器?
如果你按照我们的教程来的话,包括开启了服务端随系统启动,你可以直接重启你的 Ubuntu 服务器。如果没有设置岁系统启动的话,你可以通过重新运行启动脚本来重启“我的世界”服务端:
#### 我该如何配置我的“我的世界”服务端?
你可以使用 [][27] 文件来配置你的服务端。查看“我的世界”维基来获取更多信息,你也可以什么都不动,它会工作的很好。
screen -r minecraft
difficulty hard
gamemode survival @a
#### 我该如何升级我的“我的世界”服务端?
cd /opt/minecraft
下载最新的版本,比如使用 wget 下载 1.12.3 版本:
java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.3.jar nogui
nano /opt/minecraft/
cd /opt/minecraft/ && java -Xms2048M -Xmx3472M -jar minecraft_server.1.12.3.jar nogui
#### 为什么你们的教程这么长,而其他的只有 2 行那么长?!
#### 我不知道 Linux 或者这里说的什么东西,我该如何搭建一个“我的世界”服务器呢?
#### 我该如何在服务端上安装 mod 和插件?
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