diff --git a/sources/tech/20181124 14 Best ASCII Games for Linux That are Insanely Good.md b/sources/tech/20181124 14 Best ASCII Games for Linux That are Insanely Good.md
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[#]: author: (Ankush Das https://itsfoss.com/author/ankush/)
[#]: url: ( )
-14 Best ASCII Games for Linux That are Insanely Good
+14 个依然很棒的 Linux ASCII 游戏
-Text-based or should I say [terminal-based games][1] were very popular a decade back – when you didn’t have visual masterpieces like God Of War, Red Dead Redemption 2 or Spiderman.
+基于文本的(或者我应该说是[基于终端的][1])游戏在十年前非常流行 —— 当时还没有像战神、荒野大镖客:救赎 2或蜘蛛侠这样的视觉游戏大作。
-Of course, the Linux platform has its share of good games – but not always the “latest and greatest”. But, there are some ASCII games out there – to which you can never turn your back on.
+当然,Linux 平台有很多好游戏 —— 虽然并不总是“最新和最好”。但是,有一些 ASCII 游戏,却是你永远不会玩腻的。
-I’m not sure if you’d believe me, some of the ASCII games proved to be very addictive (So, it might take a while for me to resume work on the next article, or I might just get fired? – Help me!)
+你或许不相信,有一些 ASCII 游戏被证明是非常容易上瘾的(所以,我可能需要一段时间才能继续写下一篇文章,或者我可能会被解雇? —— 帮帮我!)
-Jokes apart, let us take a look at the best ASCII games.
+哈哈,开个玩笑。让我们来看看最好的 ASCII 游戏吧。
-**Note:** Installing ASCII games could be time-consuming (some might ask you to install additional dependencies or simply won’t work). You might even encounter some ASCII games that require you build from Source. So, we’ve filtered out only the ones that are easy to install/run – without breaking a sweat.
+**注意:**安装 ASCII 游戏可能要花费不少时间(有些可能会要求你安装其他依赖项或根本不起作用)。你甚至可能会遇到一些需要你从源代码构建的 ASCII 游戏。因此,我们只筛选出那些易于安装和运行的产品 —— 不用费劲。
-### Things to do before Running or Installing an ASCII Game
+### 在运行和安装 ASCII 游戏之前需要做的事情
-Some of the ASCII games might require you to install [Simple DirectMedia Layer][2] unless you already have it installed. So, in case, you should install them first before trying to run any of the games mentioned in this article.
+如果你没有安装的话,某些 ASCII 游戏可能需要你安装 [Simple DirectMedia Layer][2]。因此,以防万一,你应该先尝试安装它,然后再尝试运行本文中提到的任何游戏。
-For that, you just need to type in these commands:
sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0
sudo apt install libsdl2_mixer-2.0
-### Best ASCII Games for Linux
+### Linux 上最好的 ASCII 游戏
![Best Ascii games for Linux][3]
-The games listed are in no particular order of ranking.
-#### 1 . [Curse of War][4]
+#### 1、战争诅咒
![Curse of War ascii games][5]
-Curse of War is an interesting strategy game. You might find it a bit confusing at first but once you get to know it – you’ll love it. I’ll recommend you to take a look at the rules of the game on their [homepage][4] before launching the game.
+[战争诅咒][4]是一个有趣的策略游戏。一开始你可能会发现它有点令人困惑,但一旦你掌握了,就会喜欢上它。在启动游戏之前,我建议你在其 [主页][4] 上查看该游戏规则。
-You will be building infrastructure, secure resources and directing your army to fight. All you have to do is place your flag in a good position to let your army take care of the rest. It’s not just about attacking – you need to manage and secure the resources to help win the fight.
-If you’ve never played any ASCII game before, be patient and spend some time learning it – to experience it to its fullest potential.
+如果你之前从未玩过任何 ASCII 游戏,请耐心花一些时间来学习它、体验它的全部潜力。
-##### How to install Curse of War?
+##### 如何安装?
-You will find it in the official repository. So, type in the following command to install it:
sudo apt install curseofwar
-#### 2. ASCII Sector
+#### 2、ASCII 领域
![ascii sector][6]
-Hate strategy games? Fret not, ASCII sector is a game that has a space-setting and lets you explore a lot.
+讨厌策略游戏?不用担心,ASCII 领域是一款具有空间环境的游戏,可让你进行大量探索。
-Also, the game isn’t just limited to exploration, you need some action? You got that here as well. Of course, not the best combat experience- but it is fun. It gets even more exciting when you see a variety of bases, missions, and quests. You’ll encounter a leveling system in this tiny game where you have to earn enough money or trade in order upgrade your spaceship.
-The best part about this game is – you can create your own quests or play other’s.
-###### How to install ASCII Sector?
+##### 如何安装?
-You need to first download and unpack the archived package from the [official site][7]. After it’s done, open up your terminal and type these commands (replace the **Downloads** folder with your location where the unpacked folder exists, ignore it if the unpacked folder resides inside your home directory):
+你需要先从其 [官方网站][7] 下载并解压缩归档包。完成后,打开终端并输入这些命令(将 “Downloads” 文件夹替换为你解压缩文件夹所在的位置,如果解压缩文件夹位于你的主目录中,则忽略它):
cd Downloads
@@ -79,42 +76,40 @@ chmod +x asciisec
-#### 3. DoomRL
+#### 3、DoomRL
![doom ascii game][8]
-You must be knowing the classic game “Doom”. So, if you want the scaled down experience of it as a rogue-like, DoomRL is for you. It is an ASCII-based game, in case you don’t feel like it to be.
+你肯定知道经典游戏“毁灭战士”,所以,如果你想把它像 Rogue 类游戏一样略微体验一下,DoomRL 就是适合你的游戏。它是一个基于 ASCII 的游戏,这或许让你想不到。
-It’s a very tiny game with a lot of gameplay hours to have fun with.
-###### How to install DoomRL?
+##### 如何安装?
-Similar to what you did for ASCII Sector, you need to download the official archive from their [download page][9] and then extract it to a folder.
+与你对 “ASCII 领域”所做的类似,你需要从其 [下载页面][9] 下载官方归档文件,然后将其解压缩到一个文件夹。
-After extracting it, type in these commands:
cd Downloads // navigating to the location where the unpacked folder exists
cd doomrl-linux-x64-0997
chmod +x doomrl
-#### 4. Pyramid Builder
+#### 4、金字塔建造者
![Pyramid Builder ascii game for Linux][10]
-Pyramid Builder is an innovative take as an ASCII game where get to improve your civilization by helping build pyramids.
+金字塔建造者 是一款创新的 ASCII 游戏,你可以通过帮助建造金字塔来提升你的文明。
-You need to direct the workers to farm, unload the cargo, and move the gigantic stones to successfully build the pyramid.
-It is indeed a beautiful ASCII game to download.
+这确实是一个值得下载的 ASCII 游戏。
-###### How to install Pyramid Builder?
+##### 如何安装?
-Simply head to its official site and download the package to unpack it. After extraction, navigate to the folder and run the executable file.
cd Downloads
@@ -122,178 +117,180 @@ cd pyramid_builder_linux
chmod +x pyramid_builder_linux.x86_64
-#### 5. DiabloRL
+#### 5、DiabloRL
![Diablo ascii RPG game][11]
-If you’re an avid gamer, you must have heard about Blizzard’s Diablo 1. It is undoubtedly a good game.
+如果你是一位狂热的游戏玩家,你一定听说过暴雪的暗黑破坏神 1 代,毫无疑问这是一个精彩的游戏。
-You get the chance to play a unique rendition of the game – which is an ASCII game. DiabloRL is a turn-based rogue-like game that is insanely good. You get to choose from a variety of classes (Warrior, Sorcerer, or Rogue). Every class would result in a different gameplay experience with a set of different stats.
+现在你有机会玩一个该游戏的独特演绎版本 —— 一个 ASCII 游戏。DiabloRL 是一款非常棒的基于回合制的 Rogue 类的游戏。你可以从各种职业(战士、巫师或盗贼)中进行选择。每个职业都具有一套不同的属性,可以带来不同游戏体验。
-Of course, personal preference will differ – but it’s a decent “unmake” of Diablo. What do you think?
-#### 6. Ninvaders
+#### 6、Ninvaders
![Ninvaders terminal game for Linux][12]
-Ninvaders is one of the best ASCII game just because it’s so simple and an arcade game to kill time.
+Ninvaders 是最好的 ASCII 游戏之一,因为它是如此简单,且可以消磨时间的街机游戏。
-You have to defend against a hord of invaders – just finish them off before they get to you. It sounds very simple – but it is a challenging game.
-##### How to install Ninvaders?
+##### 如何安装?
-Similar to Curse of War, you can find this in the official repository. So, just type in this command to install it:
sudo apt install ninvaders
-#### 7. Empire
+#### 7、帝国
![Empire terminal game][13]
-A real-time strategy game for which you will need an active Internet connection. I’m personally not a fan of Real-Time strategy games, but if you are a fan of such games – you should really check out their [guide][14] to play this game – because it can be very challenging to learn.
+帝国这是一款即时战略游戏,你需要互联网连接。我个人不是实时战略游戏的粉丝,但如果你是这类游戏的粉丝,你可以看看他们的 [指南][14] 来玩这个游戏,因为学习起来非常具有挑战性。
-The rectangle contains cities, land, and water. You need to expand your city with an army, ships, planes and other resources. By expanding quickly, you will be able to capture other cities by destroying them before they make a move.
-##### How to install Empire?
+##### 如何安装?
-Install this is very simple, just type in the following command:
sudo apt install empire
-#### 8. Nudoku
+#### 8、Nudoku
![Nudoku is a terminal version game of Sudoku][15]
-Love Sudoku? Well, you have Nudoku – a clone for it. A perfect time-killing ASCII game while you relax.
+喜欢数独游戏?好吧,你也有个 Nudoku 游戏,这是它的克隆。这是当你想放松时的一个完美的消磨时间的 ASCII 游戏。
-It presents you with three difficulty levels – Easy, normal, and hard. If you want to put up a challenge with the computer, the hard difficulty will be perfect! If you just want to chill, go for the easy one.
-##### How to install Nudoku?
+##### 如何安装?
-It’s very easy to get it installed, just type in the following command in the terminal:
sudo apt install nudoku
-#### 9\. Nethack
+#### 9、Nethack
-A dungeons and dragon-style ASCII game which is one of the best out there. I believe it’s one of your favorites if you already knew about ASCII games for Linux – in general.
+最好的地下城式 ASCII 游戏之一。如果你已经知道一些 Linux 的 ASCII 游戏,我相信这是你的最爱之一。
-It features a lot of different levels (about 45) and comes packed in with a bunch of weapons, scrolls, potions, armor, rings, and gems. You can also choose permadeath as your mode to play it.
+它具有许多不同的层(约 45 个),并且包含一堆武器、卷轴、药水、盔甲、戒指和宝石。你也可以选择“永久死亡”模式来玩试试。
-It’s not just about killing here – you got a lot to explore.
-##### How to install Nethack?
+##### 如何安装?
-Simply follow the command below to install it:
sudo apt install nethack
-#### 10. ASCII Jump
+#### 10、ASCII 滑雪
![ascii jump game][16]
-ASCII Jump is a dead simple game where you have to slide along a varierty of tracks – while jumping, changing position, and moving as long as you can to cover maximum distance.
+ASCII 滑雪 是一款简单易玩的游戏,你必须沿着各种轨道滑动,同时跳跃、改变位置,并尽可能长时间地移动以达到最大距离。
-It’s really amazing to see how this ASCII game looks like (visually) even it seems so simple. You can start with the training mode and then proceed to the world cup. You also get to choose your competitors and the hills on which you want to start the game.
+即使看起来很简单,但是看看这个 ASCII 游戏视觉上的表现也是很神奇的。你可以从训练模式开始,然后进入世界杯比赛。你还可以选择你的竞争对手以及你想要开始游戏的山丘。
-##### How to install Ascii Jump?
+##### 如何安装?
-To install the game, just type the following command:
sudo apt install asciijump
-#### 11. Bastet
+#### 11、Bastet
![Bastet is tetris game in ascii form][17]
-Let’s just not pay any attention to the name – it’s actually a fun clone of Tetris game.
-You shouldn’t expect it to be just another ordinary tetris game – but it will present you the worst possible bricks to play with. Have fun!
-##### How to install Bastet?
+##### 如何安装?
-Open the terminal and type in the following command:
sudo apt install bastet
-#### 12\. Bombardier
+#### 12、Bombardier
![Bomabrdier game in ascii form][18]
-Bombardier is yet another simple ASCII game which will keep you hooked on to it.
+Bombardier 是另一个简单的 ASCII 游戏,它会让你迷上它。
-Here, you have a helicopter (or whatever you’d like to call your aircraft) which lowers down every cycle and you need to throw bombs in order to destroy the blocks/buildings under you. The game also puts a pinch of humor for the messages it displays when you destroy a block. It is fun.
-##### How to install Bombardier?
+##### 如何安装?
-Bombardier is available in the official repository, so just type in the following in the terminal to install it:
+Bombardier 可以在官方软件库中找到,所以只需在终端中键入以下内容即可安装它:
sudo apt install bombardier
-#### 13\. Angband
+#### 13、Angband
![Angband ascii game][19]
-A cool dungeon exploration game with a neat interface. You can see all the vital information in a single screen while you explore the game.
-It contains different kinds of race to pick a character. You can either be an Elf, Hobbit, Dwarf or something else – there’s nearly a dozen to choose from. Remember, that you need to defeat the lord of darkness at the end – so make every upgrade possible to your weapon and get ready.
-How to install Angband?
+##### 如何安装?
-Simply type in the following command:
sudo apt install angband
-#### 14\. GNU Chess
+#### 14、GNU 国际象棋
![GNU Chess is a chess game that you can play in Linux terminal][20]
-How can you not play chess? It is my favorite strategy game!
-But, GNU Chess can be tough to play with unless you know the Algebraic notation to describe the next move. Of course, being an ASCII game – it isn’t quite possible to interact – so it asks you the notation to detect your move and displays the output (while it waits for the computer to think its next move).
+但是,除非你知道如何使用代表的符号来描述下一步行动,否则 GNU 国际象棋可能很难玩。当然,作为一个 ASCII 游戏,它不太好交互,所以它会要求你记录你的移动并显示输出(当它等待计算机思考它的下一步行动时)。
-##### How to install GNU Chess?
+##### 如何安装?
-If you’re aware of the algebraic notations of Chess, enter the following command to install it from the terminal:
sudo apt install gnuchess
-#### Some Honorable Mentions
+#### 一些荣誉奖
-As I mentioned earlier, we’ve tried to recommend you the best (but also the ones that are the easiest to install on your Linux machine).
+正如我之前提到的,我们试图向你推荐最好的(也是最容易在 Linux 机器上安装的那些) ASCII 游戏。
-However, there are some iconic ASCII games which deserve the attention and requires a tad more effort to install (You will get the source code and you need to build it / install it).
+然而,有一些标志性的 ASCII 游戏值得关注,它们需要更多的安装工作(你可以获得源代码,但需要构建它/安装它)。
-Some of those games are:
+ [Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead][22]
+ [Brogue][23]
+ [Dwarf Fortress][24]
-You should follow our [guide to install software from source code][21].
+你可以按照我们的 [从源代码安装软件的完全指南][21] 来进行。
-### Wrapping Up
+### 总结
-Which of the ASCII games mentioned seem perfect for you? Did we miss any of your favorites?
+我们提到的哪些 ASCII 游戏适合你?我们错过了你最喜欢的吗?
-Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
@@ -301,7 +298,7 @@ via: https://itsfoss.com/best-ascii-games/
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@@ -328,7 +325,7 @@ via: https://itsfoss.com/best-ascii-games/
[18]: https://i1.wp.com/itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/bombardier.jpg?fit=800%2C571&ssl=1
[19]: https://i0.wp.com/itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/angband-ascii-game.jpg?ssl=1
[20]: https://i2.wp.com/itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/gnuchess-ascii-game.jpg?ssl=1
-[21]: https://itsfoss.com/install-software-from-source-code/
+[21]: https://linux.cn/article-9172-1.html
[22]: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA
[23]: https://sites.google.com/site/broguegame/
[24]: http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/index.html
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