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Xingyu Wang 2020-07-27 19:01:22 +08:00
commit 7ed97bbc88
7 changed files with 427 additions and 188 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
你应该立刻使用的 50 个绝佳 Ubuntu 应用
50 个绝佳的必备 Ubuntu 应用
**摘要:这是一份详尽的给所有用户的优秀 Ubuntu 应用清单。这些应用将帮助你在你的 Linux 桌面操作系统获得更好的使用体验。**
> 摘要:这是一份详尽清单,给所有用户的优秀的 Ubuntu 应用。这些应用将帮助你获得更好的 Linux 桌面使用体验。
过去,我已经多次写过关于 [安装 Ubuntu 之后该做什么][1]。每次我都建议在 Ubuntu 上安装某些关键的应用程序。
那么问题来了,什么是关键的 Ubuntu 应用程序?没有绝对的答案。这取决于你的需要和你在 Ubuntu 上要做的工作。
然而还是有很多读者请我推荐一些优秀的 Ubuntu 应用。这就是为什么我开出这份你会常用的 Ubuntu 应用的清单
然而还是有很多读者请我推荐一些优秀的 Ubuntu 应用。这就是为什么我创建了这个全面的Ubuntu应用程序列表你可以经常使用
@ -14,31 +15,31 @@
![优秀 Ubuntu 应用][2]
当然,你不必使用以下全部应用。只须浏览这份 Ubuntu 关键应用清单,阅读描述并安装你需要或想要的应用。保存在你的浏览器收藏夹以备将来参考或者简略 Google 一下「best ubuntu apps itsfoss」
当然,你不必使用以下全部应用。只须浏览这份 Ubuntu 关键应用清单,阅读描述并安装你需要或想要的应用。将这篇文章保存在你的浏览器收藏夹以备将来参考或者通过搜索引擎搜索即可
这份 Ubuntu 优秀应用清单是准备给普通 Ubuntu 用户的,因此这些应用不全是开源的。我也标记了某些可能不适合新手的稍微复杂的应用。清单适用于 Ubuntu 16.04、18.04 和其他版本。
除非特别声明,所有列出的软件都可以在 Ubuntu 软件中心获得。
话不多说!让我们看看有哪些优秀 Ubuntu 应用。
#### 浏览器
Ubuntu 以 Firefox 为默认浏览。自从 Quantum 版本发布以来Firefox 已有显著提升。就个人而言,我经常使用多个浏览器来应对不同的工作。
Ubuntu 以 Firefox 为默认浏览。自从 Quantum 版本发布以来Firefox 已有显著提升。就个人而言,我经常使用多个浏览器来应对不同的工作。
##### Google Chrome
![Google Chrome Logo][3]
由于某种原因Google Chrome 是最为广泛使用的浏览器。使用 Google 账号,你可以在不同设备无缝同步。大量拓展和应用进一步增强 Chrome 的能力。你可以 [点击此处下载 Chrome 到 Ubuntu][4]。
由于某种原因Google Chrome 是最为广泛使用的浏览器。使用 Google 账号,你可以在不同设备无缝同步。大量拓展和应用进一步增强 Chrome 的能力。你可以 [点击此处在 Ubuntu 上安装 Chrome][4]。
##### Brave
![brave browser][5]
Google Chrome 可能是最广泛使用的浏览器,但也是隐私窥探者。能够默认拦截广告和追踪脚本的 [Brave][7] 是一个 [替代浏览器][6]。它为你提供了更快和安全的浏览体验。
Google Chrome 可能是最广泛使用的浏览器,但也是隐私窥探者。一个 [替代浏览器][6] 是 [Brave][7],它可以默认拦截广告和追踪脚本。它为你提供了更快、更安全的浏览体验。
#### 音乐应用
@ -48,43 +49,43 @@ Ubuntu 将 Rhythmbox 作为默认音乐播放器,这是个相当不坏的选
##### Sayonara
[Sayonara][9] 是一个小型、轻量并具备美观夜览界面的音乐播放器。它拥有所有你期望的标准音乐播放器应有的关键功能。它与 Ubuntu 桌面环境整合良好并且不会大量消耗你的内存。
[Sayonara][9] 是一个小型、轻量并具备漂亮的深色用户界面的音乐播放器。它拥有所有你期望的标准音乐播放器应有的关键功能。它与 Ubuntu 桌面环境整合良好并且不会大量消耗你的内存。
##### Audacity
与其说音频播放器,[Audacity][10]更是一个音频编辑器。你可以使用这款免费且开源的工具录制和编辑音频。它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。你可以从软件中心安装它。
[Audacity][10] 与其说是音频播放器,不如说是音频编辑器。你可以使用这款自由且开源的工具录制和编辑音频。它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。你可以从软件中心安装它。
##### MusicBrainz Picard
[Picard][11] 不是一个音乐播放器而是个音乐标签软件。如果你有大量本地音乐文件Picard 可以帮助你自动更新音乐文件的正确序号、专辑、艺人资料和专辑封面。
[Picard][11] 不是一个音乐播放器而是个音乐标签软件。如果你有大量本地音乐文件Picard 可以帮助你自动更新音乐文件的正确的曲目、专辑、艺人资料和专辑封面。
#### 流媒体音乐应用
![Streaming Music app Ubuntu][12]
##### Spotify
[Spotify][13] 是流媒体音乐之王。好消息是它具有官方 Linux 版本。[Spotify app on Ubuntu][14] 与媒体按键和声音菜单以及桌面通知中心整合良好。请注意Spotify 不一定支持你所在的国家
[Spotify][13] 是流媒体音乐之王。好消息是它具有官方 Linux 版本。[Ubuntu 上的 Spotify 应用][14] 与媒体键和声音菜单以及桌面通知中心整合良好。请注意Spotify 服务可能在你的国家有,也可能没有
##### Nuvola music player
##### Nuvola 音乐播放器
[Nuvola][15] 不是类似 Spotify 的一款流媒体播放器。它是一款在单一应用内支持多个流媒体音乐服务的桌面音乐播放器。你可以使用 Spotify、Deezer、Google Play Music、Amazon Cloud Player 和更多类似服务。
[Nuvola][15] 不是像 Spotify 那样的流媒体音乐服务。它是一款在单一应用内支持多个流媒体音乐服务的桌面音乐播放器。你可以使用 Spotify、Deezer、Google Play Music、Amazon Cloud Player 和更多类似服务。
#### 视频播放器
![Linux 视频播放器][16]
Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem表现尚可但不支持多种视频编码。当然有很多播放器比 GNOME 视频播放器更优秀。
Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem表现尚可但不支持多种视频编码。当然有很多播放器比 GNOME 视频播放器更优秀。
##### VLC
免费开源的 [VLC][17] 摘得视频播放器桂冠。它支持近乎全部视频编码。它允许你将音量增至最高 200%。它也支持从最后一个已知位置继续播放。有很多 [VLC 使用技巧][18] 供你参考以尽兴使用。
自由开源的 [VLC][17] 摘得视频播放器桂冠。它几乎支持全部视频编码。它允许你将音量增至最高 200%。它也支持从最后一个已知位置继续播放。有很多 [VLC 使用技巧][18] 供你参考以尽兴使用。
##### MPV
[MPV][19] 是款值得更多关注的视频播放器。别致轻量的界面和丰富的功能MPV 拥有一切你所期待的优秀播放器该有的。你甚至可以在命令行使用它。如果你对 VLC 不够满意,你完全可以尝试 MPV。
[MPV][19] 是款值得更多关注的视频播放器。别致轻量的界面和丰富的功能MPV 拥有你对一个好的视频播放器的一切期望。你甚至可以在命令行使用它。如果你对 VLC 不够满意,你完全可以尝试 MPV。
#### 云端存储服务
@ -94,29 +95,29 @@ Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem表现尚可但不
![Dropbox logo][20]
[Dropbox][21] 是最流行的云存储提供商之一。你会获得 2GB 免费存储空间并通过推介给他人得到更多存储空间。Dropbox 提供官方 Linux 客户端,你可以从官网下载获得。它会在你的系统创建本地文件夹和云端服务器同步。
[Dropbox][21] 是最流行的云存储提供商之一。你会获得 2GB 免费存储空间并通过推介给他人得到更多存储空间。Dropbox 提供了一个原生的 Linux 客户端,你可以从官网下载获得。它会在你的系统创建一个本地文件夹,以和云端服务器同步。
##### pCloud
![pCloud icon][22]
[pCloud][23] 是另一个优秀的 Linux 云存储提供商。它也拥有官方 Linux 客户端让你从官网下载。你可以获得高达 20GB 的免费存储空间,如果你需要更多,价格也比 Dropbox 实惠。pCloud 来自瑞士,一个数据隐私法严苛的闻名的国家
[pCloud][23] 是另一个优秀的 Linux 云存储提供商。它也拥有原生的 Linux 客户端,你可以从官网下载。你可以获得高达 20GB 的免费存储空间,如果你需要更多,价格也比 Dropbox 实惠。pCloud 总部位于瑞士,这个国家以严格的数据隐私法而闻名
#### 图片编辑器
不确定你是否偶尔某些情况下需要图片编辑器。这里有些优秀的 Ubuntu 图片编辑应用。
相信你一定会在某个时间点上需要一个照片编辑器。这里有些优秀的 Ubuntu 图片编辑应用。
##### GIMP
![gimp icon][24]
[GIMP][25] 是一个免费开源的图片编辑器,它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。它是 Adobe Photoshop 在 Linux 端最优秀的替代软件。你可以使用它执行任何图片编辑。网上有许多资源帮助你使用 Gimp
[GIMP][25] 是一个自由开源的图片编辑器,它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。它是 Adobe Photoshop 在 Linux 上最优秀的替代软件。你可以使用它执行任何图片编辑。网上有许多资源帮助你使用 GIMP
##### Inkscape
![inkscape icon][26]
[Inkscape][27] 也是一个免费开源的图片编辑器,专用于矢量图编辑。你可以在 Inkscape 上设计矢量图和 logo。你可以把它比做 Adobe Illustrator。与 Gimp 一样,网上也有诸多 Inkscape 教程。
[Inkscape][27] 也是一个自由开源的图片编辑器,专用于矢量图形编辑。你可以在 Inkscape 上设计矢量图形和徽标。你可以把它比做 Adobe Illustrator。与 GIMP 一样,网上也有诸多 Inkscape 教程。
#### 绘图应用
@ -126,11 +127,11 @@ Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem表现尚可但不
##### Krita
[Krita][29] 是一款免费开源的数字绘图应用。你可以用它创建数字绘画、涂鸦和动画。这是款专家级软件,甚至是某些艺术院校的基础课程
[Krita][29] 是一款自由开源的数字绘图应用。你可以用它创建数字绘画、漫画和动画。这是款专业软件,甚至被美术学校作为主要软件使用
##### Pinta
[Pinta][30] 虽然不像 Krita 功能强大,但也可圈可点。你可以把它视为 Linux 端的微软画图。你可以草稿、作画、添加文字和执行绘图应用可行的其他诸如此类的小任务。
[Pinta][30] 虽然不像 Krita 功能强大,但也可圈可点。你可以把它视为 Linux 端的微软画图软件。你可以绘制、画图、添加文字和执行绘图应用可行的其他诸如此类的小任务。
#### 摄影应用
@ -140,23 +141,23 @@ Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem表现尚可但不
使用开源软件 [digKam][33]你可以专业地处理你的高品质摄影作品。digKam 提供用于看图、管理、编辑、增强、组织、标签和分享照片的所有工具集
使用开源软件 [digKam][33]你可以专业地处理你的高品质摄影作品。digKam 提供用于查看、管理、编辑、增强、组织、标记和分享照片所需的所有工具
##### Darktable
![Darktable icon][34]
[darktable][35] 是一款开源的摄影工作流应用程序,特别是专注于原始图像的开发。这会是你取代 Adobe Lightroom 的最佳替代品。它同样支持 Windows 和 macOS。
[darktable][35] 是一款开源的摄影工作流应用程序,特别是专注于 raw 图像的开发。这会是你取代 Adobe Lightroom 的最佳替代品。它同样支持 Windows 和 macOS。
#### 视频编辑器
![Video editors Ubuntu][36]
[Linux 视频编辑器][37] 并不匮乏,毋庸赘述。看看 Ubuntu 中一些功能丰富但相对简单的视频编辑器。
[Linux 上的视频编辑器][37] 并不匮乏,毋庸赘述。看看 Ubuntu 中一些功能丰富但相对简单的视频编辑器。
##### Kdenlive
[Kdenlive][38] 是 Linux 端最好的全能视频编辑器。它与 iMovie 或 Movie Maker 相比功能毫不逊色。
[Kdenlive][38] 是 Linux 端最好的全能视频编辑器。它与 iMovie 或 Movie Maker 相比功能毫不逊色。
##### Shotcut
@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem表现尚可但不
![xnconvert logo][41]
[Xnconvert][42] 是一款优秀的批量图像转换工具。你可以批量调整图片大小、转换文件类型并重命名。
[Xnconvert][42] 是一款优秀的批量图像转换工具。你可以批量调整图片尺寸、转换文件类型并重命名。
##### Handbrake
@ -186,11 +187,11 @@ Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem表现尚可但不
##### Shutter
[Shutter][46] 是我截图的常用工具。你也可以对这些截图进行一些快速编辑,比如添加箭头、文字或调整图片大小。你在 It's FOSS 上看到的截图都是用 Shutter 编辑的。绝对是 Ubuntu 上最好的应用程序之一。
[Shutter][46] 是我截图的常用工具。你也可以对这些截图进行一些快速编辑,比如添加箭头、文字或调整图片尺寸。你在我们网站看到的截图都是用 Shutter 编辑的。绝对是 Ubuntu 上最好的应用程序之一。
##### Kazam
[Kazam][47] 是我最喜欢的 [Linux 录屏工具][48]。这个是小巧的工具,可以让你录制全屏、某个应用程序窗口或选定区域。你也可以使用快捷键暂停或继续录屏。[It's FOSS YouTube 频道][49] 上的教程都是用 Kazam 录制的。
[Kazam][47] 是我最喜欢的 [Linux 上的录屏工具][48]。这个是小巧的工具,可以让你录制全屏、某个应用程序窗口或选定区域。你也可以使用快捷键暂停或恢复录屏。[我们的 YouTube 频道][49] 上的教程都是用 Kazam 录制的。
#### 办公套件
@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem表现尚可但不
![LibreOffice logo][50]
Ubuntu 预装了 [LibreOffice][51]一款无疑是 [最佳的开源办公软件][52]。它是个组件完整的办公软件,包括文档编辑器、电子表格工具、演示软件、数学工具和作图工具。你甚至可以用它编辑部分 PDF 文件。
Ubuntu 预装了 [LibreOffice][51]无疑是 [最佳的开源办公软件][52]。它是个组件完整的办公软件,包括文档编辑器、电子表格工具、演示软件、数学工具和作图工具。你甚至可以用它编辑部分 PDF 文件。
##### WPS Office
@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ Ubuntu 预装了 [LibreOffice][51],一款无疑是 [最佳的开源办公软
##### uGet
[uGet][57] 是一款功能丰富的 [Linux 下载管理器][58]。它允许你暂停和恢复下载、定时下载、监控剪贴板上的可下载内容。如果你的网络速度很慢、不稳定,或者每天的流量有限,这是一个完美的应对工具。
[uGet][57] 是一款功能丰富的 [Linux 下载管理器][58]。它允许你暂停和恢复下载、定时下载、监控剪贴板上的可下载内容。如果你的网络速度很慢、不稳定,或者每天的流量有限,这是一个完美的应对工具。
#### 代码编辑器
@ -230,17 +231,17 @@ Ubuntu 预装了 [LibreOffice][51],一款无疑是 [最佳的开源办公软
##### Atom
[Atom][60] 是一款由 GitHub 推出的免费 [开源代码编辑器][61]。早在它推出第一个稳定版之前,它就因其用户界面、功能和海量插件而成为程序员的至宠。
[Atom][60] 是一款由 GitHub 推出的 [自由开源代码编辑器][61]。早在它推出第一个稳定版之前,它就因其用户界面、功能和海量插件而成为程序员的至宠。
##### Visual Studio Code
[VS Code][62] 是一款微软出品的开源代码编辑器。别忌惮微软之名VS Code 是款很棒的网络开发编辑器,它还支持许多其他编程语言。
[VS Code][62] 是一款微软出品的开源代码编辑器。别忌惮微软之名VS Code 是款很棒的 Web 开发编辑器,它还支持许多其他编程语言。
#### PDF 和电子书相关应用
![eBook Management tools in Ubuntu][63]
在这个数字时代,你很难只依靠真正的纸质书籍,特别是当有大量的免费电子书唾手可得。这里有一些 Ubuntu 应用以供管理 PDF 和电子书。
在这个数字时代,你不能只依靠真正的纸质书籍,特别是当有大量的免费电子书唾手可得。这里有一些 Ubuntu 应用以供管理 PDF 和电子书。
##### Calibre
@ -248,13 +249,13 @@ Ubuntu 预装了 [LibreOffice][51],一款无疑是 [最佳的开源办公软
##### Okular
Okular 主要是一个 PDF 查看器,有编辑 PDF 文件的选项。你可以用 Okular 做一些基本的 [Linux 端的 PDF 编辑][66],如添加弹出式备注、内联式备注、随手记、高亮标记、印章等。
Okular 主要是一个 PDF 查看器,有编辑 PDF 文件的选项。你可以用 Okular 在 Linux 上做一些基本的 [PDF 编辑][66],如添加弹出式备注、内联式备注、手绘、荧光笔、印章等。
#### 通讯应用
![Messaging apps for Ubuntu][67]
我相信你使用至少一款 [Linux 通讯应用][68]。以下是我的推荐。
我相信你在 Linux 上使用至少一款 [通讯应用][68]。以下是我的推荐。
##### Skype
@ -272,13 +273,13 @@ Okular 主要是一个 PDF 查看器,有编辑 PDF 文件的选项。你可以
![Simplenote logo][71]
[Simplenote][72] 是 WordPress 创建者 [Automattic][73] 推出的一款免费开源的笔记应用。它适用于 Windows、Linux、macOS、iOS 和 Android。你的笔记会同步到云服务器上你可以在任何设备上访问它们。你可以从官网下载 DEB 文件。
[Simplenote][72] 是 WordPress 创建者 [Automattic][73] 推出的一款自由开源的笔记应用。它适用于 Windows、Linux、macOS、iOS 和 Android。你的笔记会同步到云服务器上你可以在任何设备上访问它们。你可以从官网下载 DEB 文件。
##### Remember The Milk
![Remember The Milk logo][74]
[Remember The Milk][75] 是一款流行的待办事项应用。它适用于 Windows、Linux、macOS、iOS 和 Android。你可以在拥有的所有设备上访问你的待办事项。你也可以从浏览器访问它。它还有一个官方的 Linux 版本,你可以从官网下载。
[Remember The Milk][75] 是一款流行的待办事项应用。它适用于 Windows、Linux、macOS、iOS 和 Android。你可以在拥有的所有设备上访问你的待办事项。你也可以从浏览器访问它。它还有一个官方的 Linux 原生版本,你可以从官网下载。
#### 密码保护和加密
@ -292,23 +293,23 @@ Okular 主要是一个 PDF 查看器,有编辑 PDF 文件的选项。你可以
##### Gnome Encfs Manager
Gnome Encfs Manager 允许你 [在 Linux 中用密码锁定文件夹][78]。你可以将任何想要的文件保存在一个加密文件夹中,然后用密码锁定它。
Gnome Encfs Manager 允许你 [在 Linux 中用密码锁定文件夹][78]。你可以将任何想要的文件保存在一个加密文件夹中,然后用密码锁定它。
#### 游戏
![Gaming on Ubuntu][79]
[Linux 的游戏][80] 体验比几年前改进很多。你可以在 Linux 上畅玩大量游戏,而不用回到 Windows 了。
[Linux 的游戏][80] 体验比几年前改进很多。你可以在 Linux 上畅玩大量游戏,而不用回到 Windows 了。
##### Steam
[Steam][81] 是一个数字发行平台,允许你购买游戏(如果必要。Steam 拥有超过 1500 款 [Linux 游戏][82]。你可以从软件中心下载 Steam 客户端。
[Steam][81] 是一个数字发行平台,允许你购买游戏(如果需要的话。Steam 拥有超过 1500 款 [Linux 游戏][82]。你可以从软件中心下载 Steam 客户端。
##### PlayOnLinux
[PlayOnLinux][83] 允许你在 Linux 上通过 WINE 兼容层运行 Windows 游戏。不要对它抱有太高的期望,因为并不是每个游戏都能在 PlayOnLinux 下完美运行。
#### 软件包管理工具 [中级到高级用户]
#### 软件包管理工具 [中高级用户]
![Package Management tools Ubuntu][84]
@ -326,11 +327,11 @@ Gedbi 是一款小巧的软件包管理器,你可以用它来安装 DEB 文件
![Backup and data recovery tools for Ubuntu][86]
任何操作系统都应该有备份和恢复工具。让我们看看 Ubuntu 上有哪些软件。
任何操作系统都应该有备份和恢复工具。让我们看看 Ubuntu 上有哪些软件是你必须拥有的
##### Timeshift
Timeshift 是一个帮助你 [对系统进行快照][87] 的工具。这可以让你在系统配置混乱的情况下,在发生麻烦事件时将系统恢复到以前的状态。不过要注意的是它并不是你个人数据备份的最佳工具。对此你可以使用Ubuntu 默认的 Deja Dup也叫做「备份」)。
Timeshift 是一个帮助你 [对系统进行快照][87] 的工具。这可以让你在系统配置混乱的情况下,在发生不幸的事时将系统恢复到以前的状态。不过要注意的是它并不是你个人数据备份的最佳工具。对此你可以使用U buntu 默认的 Deja Dup也叫做“备份”)。
##### TestDisk [中级用户]
@ -342,11 +343,11 @@ Timeshift 是一个帮助你 [对系统进行快照][87] 的工具。这可以
##### GNOME/Unity Tweak Tool
这些 Tweak 工具是每个 Ubuntu 用户必备的。它们允许你访问一些高级系统设置。最重要的是,你可以使用这些调整工具 [改变 Ubuntu 的主题][91]。
这些调整工具是每个 Ubuntu 用户必备的。它们允许你访问一些高级系统设置。最重要的是,你可以使用这些调整工具 [改变 Ubuntu 的主题][91]。
##### UFW Firewall
[UFW][92] 意指「不复杂的防火墙」这一点是贴切的。UFW 为家庭、工作和公共网络预先定义了防火墙设置。
[UFW][92] 意指“不复杂的防火墙”这一点是贴切的。UFW 为家庭、工作和公共网络预先定义了防火墙设置。
##### Stacer
@ -360,21 +361,21 @@ Timeshift 是一个帮助你 [对系统进行快照][87] 的工具。这可以
##### Neofetch
又一个命令行工具Neofetch 显示你的系统信息,如 [Ubuntu 版本][96]、桌面环境、主题、图标、内存和其他信息,并附有 [发行版的 ASCII logo][97]。使用以下命令安装 Neofetch。
又多了一个命令行工具Neofetch 可以显示你的系统信息,如 [Ubuntu 版本][96]、桌面环境、主题、图标、内存和其他信息,并附有 [发行版的 ASCII 徽标][97]。使用以下命令安装 Neofetch。
sudo apt install neofetch
##### Etcher
Ubuntu 已经带有一个 live USB 创建工具,但 Etcher 能更好地完成这项任务。它同样支持 Windows 和 macOS。你可以 [点击这里][98] 下载Etcher。
Ubuntu 已经带有一个即用 USB 创建工具,但 Etcher 能更好地完成这项任务。它同样支持 Windows 和 macOS。你可以 [点击这里][98] 下载 Etcher。
##### gscan2pdf
我使用这个小工具的唯一目的是 [将图片转换为 PDF][99]。你也可以用它将多张图片合并成一个 PDF 文件。
##### Audio Recorder
##### 音频记录器
另一个小巧而又必不可少的 Ubuntu 应用,用于 [在 Ubuntu 上录制音频][100]。你可以用它来录制来自系统麦克风、音乐播放器或任何其他来源的声音。
@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ Ubuntu 已经带有一个 live USB 创建工具,但 Etcher 能更好地完成
你是否找到几款以前从未知道的应用呢?如果要你推荐最爱的 Ubuntu 应用,你会选择哪个呢?
最后,如果你觉得这篇文章有用,请把它分享到社交媒体、Reddit、Hacker News 或其他你常访问的社区或论坛。这样,你也帮助了我们的成长 :)
最后,如果你觉得这篇文章有用,请把它分享到社交媒体或其他你常访问的社区或论坛。这样,你也帮助了我们的成长 :)
@ -393,106 +394,106 @@ via:
作者:[Abhishek Prakash][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
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[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )
[#]: subject: (Globalization: A history of openness)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Ron McFarland
Globalization: A history of openness
The history of our interconnected world is also a history of our
willingness to open up.
![India on the globe][1]
In my career conducting international business, I traveled to more than 80 countries worldwide. I was always struck by how strongly regions of the world are connected, and I began studying the forces of globalization as a result.
Several books on this subject were critical to this research. But the one I'd like to highlight here is [World 3.0: Global Prosperity and How to Achieve It][2] by Pankaj Ghemawat. This book first taught me how _little_ the global community is connected—but also how far it has come compared to the past. During Prof. Ghemawat's research, he worked with DHL and ultimately helped develop the [DHL Global Connectedness Index][3], which tracks how well the global community is interacting in four key measurements: trade, investment, telecommunication, and travel/migration. From that work, I developed and delivered a presentation on [global connectedness][4], which stressed that the world should increase its scores on those four measurements of globalization, as they are directly linked to food supply, health, security, pollution, jobs and other global benefits.
In this article series, I'll present my research from that period, then explain how we might think about the intersection of globalization and [open organization principles][5] around the world today. When people use terms like "globalization" and "global connectedness," in most cases what they _really_ mean is "building coordinated communities to provide goods/service globally and address global issues." Open organization principles are applicable here—but in this context, on a global scale.
But before I can explain that interconnection, I'll first need to outline Prof. Ghemawat's criteria. In this article, I'll do that, with a special emphasis on the way open organization principles are critical to all of them.
### Trade
By "trade," I'm referring to the imports and exports of goods and services between countries. It's a key dimension of a globally connected world. Trading extremely simple products and services might be possible via electronic transactions, perhaps over the internet. But on the other hand, highly complex products may require a company to build a distribution network in a wide range of countries worldwide. In this case, then, connectivity, collaboration, and leveraging other open organization principles would be extremely important. In my last job, for example, I set up product distributors throughout Europe and the United States and a production operation in China. Building a strong relationship was very important, difficult and took time and effort. I had to use open organization principles to their fullest.
### Investment
Global financial investments also have an impact on global connectedness. If an investor simply purchases shares of an overseas company or deposits funds in an overseas bank account, then more complex relationships are not as critical. But if a company wants to invest in a factory (or sales office for that matter) in a foreign country, then a great deal of interpersonal interaction is required. Economists define these two types of investments differently; they call the latter "foreign direct investment" or FDI. Projects focused on FDI get people working closely with each other across traditional geographic boundaries. Here again, open organization principles will play an important role.
### Communications
When considering global communications, think of two broad categories: verbal communications and written communications. The former may involve, for example, telephone communications—simply having the ability to get on a telephone and affordably talk to someone anywhere on the globe. Even today, in many parts of the world, this is not technically possible. On top of that, language becomes a problem internationally, as many people aren't communicating in a common language. These issues are being addressed, but according to the 2019 DHL Global Connectedness Index, this has been more difficult to measure than in the past. Today, there are simply too many communication methods to make tracking this dimension as easy as it was in the past, and those methods seem to be increasing at an exponential rate.
Thanks to proliferating internet access, written forms of communication are also increasing worldwide, but measuring, again, is more difficult to do. For this reason, I'd guess that the next real technological breakthrough will involve both foreign language electronic verbal communication (interpreting) and written communication (translating) software. This software is improving all the time, and could greatly contribute to global communications and information sharing between languages. This, then, will all lead to better integration and spread of open organization principles, as communications are sure to continue to increase worldwide. (Personally, I don't think this technology will replace person-to-person interaction, but could certainly support it.)
### Travel/migration
The last factor in the DHL Global Connectedness Index is the movement of people between countries. The first question to ask here is: "Why are people leaving a country and crossing borders? Why do people go from one country to another?" Reasons may include: for better education, for tourism purposes, for economic opportunities, and for safety (e.g., escaping war). Whatever the reason, it will determine how much people will interact with others in the host country. Wanting to go to a foreign country and being forced to leave one's home country are very different situations. The DHL Global Connectedness Index tries to measure factors like this. Open organization principles can be helpful here, particularly in community-building efforts, and in efforts to promote inclusivity.
Although these factors are always shifting, people of the world will continue to communicate, collaborate, interact, and influence each other on an ever-expanding scale.
And yet, if you study the DHL Global Connectedness Index, you will find that in all four measurements of trade, investment, communications and travel, the world is far less connected than it could be. More interaction still occurs within national borders than between countries. But as I will demonstrate in future articles of this series, global connectedness has a rather short history, relatively speaking, and we're still learning how best to collaborate and govern in a globally connected world. Understanding the role of open organization principles in this work will become even more important in the years ahead.
### Think global, act local
As we consider these issues and the impact open-style thinking can have on them, we'll naturally begin to ask: Where—and on what scale—should we begin addressing these problems? Are the issues _personal_, _local, national, or global_ in their scope and impact?
As we'll see in future articles in this series, issues like these are often too complex to be confined to just one of those scales. That's why it's important to think about "[glocalization][6]" to address these issues by respecting both local concerns and global impact.
Take the coronavirus for example. It impacts all humanity and requires [an open, global discussion applying open organization principles][7]. And global organizations, like the [World Health Organization (WHO)][8], will be involved in determining and communicating guidelines for combating the spread of COVID-19. But the issue is a personal one, too, as individuals learn new ways to take responsibility both for their health and the health of those around them.
So, as we continue exploring the dimensions of the DHL Global Connectedness Index, we should remember that many issues cut across all scales of human activity—and that our responses, based on open principles, should also operate at multiple levels. They should be [_adaptive_ to their contexts][9].
In the next article, I'll examine a short history of globalization. Interestingly enough, open organization principles have been at work since the beginning. I'll discuss globalization up to the Industrial Revolution (around the 1800s). In a later installment, I will discuss the evolution of globalization from the Industrial Revolution to the present day.
Armed with insight from the past, I want to offer proposals for moving forward on issues like pandemics, [climate change][10], global pollution, and others.
作者:[Ron McFarland][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
[1]: (India on the globe)

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[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
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[#]: reviewer: ( )
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[#]: subject: (Getting started with Git: Terminology 101)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Matthew Broberg
Getting started with Git: Terminology 101
Want to learn Git? Check out this quick summary of the most important
terms and commands.
![Digital hand surrounding by objects, bike, light bulb, graphs][1]
Version control is an important tool for anyone looking to track their changes these days. It's especially helpful for programmers, sysadmins, and site reliability engineers (SREs) alike. The promise of recovering from mistakes to a known good state is a huge win and a touch friendlier than the previous strategy of adding **`.old`** to a copied file.
But learning Git is often oversimplified by well-meaning peers telling everyone to "get into open source." Before you know it, someone asks for a _pull request_ or *merge request *where you _rebase_ from _upstream_ before they can merge from your _remote_—and be sure to remove _merge commits_. Whatever well-working contribution you want to give back to an open source project feels much further from being added when you look at all these words you don't know.
![Git Cheat Sheet cover image][2]
[Download][3] our
Git cheat sheet.
If you have a month or two and enough curiosity, [Git SCM][4] is the definitive source for all the terms you need to learn. If you're looking for a summary from the trenches, keep reading.
### Reminder: What's a commit?
The toughest part of Git for me to internalize was the simplest idea of Git: _a commit is a collection of content, a message about how you got there, and the commits that came before it_. There's no inherent code release strategy or even strong opinions built in. The content doesn't even have to be code—it is _anything_ you want to add to the repository. The commit message annotates that content.
I like to think of a commit message as a gift to your future self: it may mention the files you edited, but more importantly it reminds you of your intention for changing those files. Adding more about why you have edited what you have helps anyone who uses your repository, even when that person is you.
### There's no place like 'origin/master'
Knowing where you are in a Git project starts with thinking of a tree. All Git projects have a root, similar to the idea of a filesystem's root directory. All commits branch off from that root. In this way, a branch is only a pointer to a commit. By convention, **master** is the default name for the default branch in your root directory.
Since Git is a distributed version control system, where the same codebase is distributed to multiple locations, people often use the term "repository" as a way of talking about all copies of the same project. There is the _local repository_, where you edit your code (more on that in a minute), and the _remote repository_, the place where you want to send it after you're finished. Remotes can be anywhere, even on the same computer where your local repository is located, but they are often hosted on repository services like GitLab or GitHub.
### What's the pwd of Git commands?
While it's not an official selling point, being lost is part of the fun of a Git repository. You can find your way by running through this reliable set of commands:
* `git branch`—to find which branch you're on
* `git log`—to see what commit you're on
* `git status`—to see what edits you've made since the last commit
* `git remote`—to see what remote repository you're tracking
Orienting yourself using these commands will give you a sense of direction when you're stuck.
### Have I stashed or cached my commit?
The code local to your computer is colloquially called your _workspace_. What is not immediately obvious is that you have two (yes, two!) other locations local to you when you are in a Git repository: _index_ and _stash_. When you write some content and then **add** it, you are adding it to the index, which is the cached content that is ready to commit. There are times when you have files in the index that you are not ready to commit, but you want to view another branch. That's where the stash comes in handy. You can store indexed-but-not-yet-committed files to the stash using `git stash`. When you're ready to retrieve the file, run `git stash pop` to bring changes back into the index.
Here are some commands you'll need to use your stash and cache.
* `git diff ..origin/master`—to show the difference between the most recent local commit and the remote called "origin" and its branch called "master"
* `git diff --cached`—to show any differences between the most recent local commit and what has been added to the local index
* `git stash`—to place indexed (added but not committed) files in the stash stack
* `git stash list`—to show what changes are in the stash stack
* `git stash pop`—to take the most recent change off the stash stack
### HEADless horseman
Git is a collection of all kinds of metaphors. When I think of where the HEAD is, I think of train lines. If you end up in a _detached HEAD_ mode, it means you're off the metaphorical rails.
HEAD is a pointer to your most recent commit in the currently checked-out branch. The default "checkout" is when you create a Git repository and land on the **master** branch. Every time you create or change to another branch, you are on that branch line. If you `git checkout <commit>` somewhere in your current branch, HEAD will move to that commit. If there is no commit history connecting your current commit to the commit you checked out, then you'll be in a detached HEAD state. If you ever lose your head finding where HEAD is, you can always `git reset --hard origin/master` to delete changes and get back to a known state. _Warning: this will delete any changes you have made since you last pushed to master._
### Are you upstream or downstream?
The local copy of your project is considered your local repository. It may or may not have a remote repository—the place where you have a copy of your repository for collaboration or safekeeping. There may also be an _upstream_ repository where a third copy of the project is hosted and maintained by a different set of contributors.
For instance, let's say I want to contribute to Kubernetes. I would first fork the **kubernetes/kubernetes** project to my account, **mbbroberg/kubernetes**. I would then clone my project to my local workspace. In this scenario, my local clone is my local repository, **mbbroberg/kubernetes** is my remote repository, and **kubernetes/kubernetes** is the upstream.
### Merging the metaphors
The visual of a root system merges with the train tracks image when you get deeper into Git branches. Branches are often used as ways of developing a new feature that you eventually want to _merge_ into the master branch. When doing this, Git keeps the common history of commits in order then appends the new commits for your branch to the history. There are a ton of nuances to this process—whether to rebase or not, whether to add a merge commit or not—which [Brent Laster][5] explores in greater detail in "[How to reset, revert, and return to previous states in Git][6]."
### I think I Git it now
There is a ton of terminology and a lot to explore to master the world of Git commands. I hope this first-person exploration of how I use the terms day-to-day helps you acclimate to it all. If you ever feel stuck or frustrated, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter [@mbbroberg][7].
#### To review:
* **Commit**—stores the current contents of the index in a new commit along with a log message from the user describing the changes
* **Branch**—a pointer to a commit
* **Master**—the default name for the first branch
* **HEAD**—a pointer to the most recent commit on the current branch
* **Merge**—joining two or more commit histories
* **Workspace**—the colloquial name for your local copy of a Git repository
* **Working tree**—the current branch in your workspace; you see this in `git status` output all the time
* **Cache**—a space intended to temporarily store uncommitted changes
* **Index**—the cache where changes are stored before they are committed
* **Tracked and untracked files**—files either in the index cache or not yet added to it
* **Stash**—another cache, that acts as a stack, where changes can be stored without committing them
* **Origin**—the default name for a remote repository
* **Local repository**—another term for where you keep your copy of a Git repository on your workstation
* **Remote repository**—a secondary copy of a Git repository where you push changes for collaboration or backup
* **Upstream repository**—the colloquial term for a remote repository that you track
* **Pull request**—a GitHub-specific term to let others know about changes you've pushed to a branch in a repository
* **Merge request**—a GitLab-specific term to let others know about changes you've pushed to a branch in a repository
* **'origin/master'**—the default setting for a remote repository and its primary branch
Postscript: Puns are one of the best parts of Git. Have fun with them.
作者:[Matthew Broberg][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
[1]: (Digital hand surrounding by objects, bike, light bulb, graphs)
[2]: (Git Cheat Sheet cover image)

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[#]: reviewer: ( )
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@ -7,23 +7,22 @@
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Moshe Zadka
Never forget your password with this Python encryption algorithm
有了这个 Python 加密算法,你再也不会忘记密码了
This unique algorithm using Python and Shamir's Secret Sharing protects
your master password from hackers and your own forgetfulness.
本密码保护算法使用 Python 实现,基于 Shamir 秘密共享算法,可以有效避免黑客窃取和自己忘记。
![Searching for code][1]
Many of us use password managers to securely store our many unique passwords. A critical part of a password manager is the master password. This password protects all others, and in that way, it is a risk. Anyone who has it can pretend to be you… anywhere! Naturally, you keep your master password hard to guess, commit it to memory, and do all the other things you are [supposed to do][2].
很多人使用密码管理器来保密存储自己再用的各种密码。密码管理器的关键环节之一是主密码。主密码保护者所有其它密码,这种情况下,主密码本身就是风险所在。任何知道你的主密码的人,都可以在你的密码保护范围内畅行无阻。自然而然的,为了保证主密码的安全性,你会选用很难猜到的密码,牢记在脑子里,还有很多其它你能想到的 [方法][2]。
But what if something happens and you forget it? Maybe you took a vacation to a lovely, far-away island with no technology for a month. After frolicking in the water daily and eating pineapples, you cannot quite remember your password. Maybe it was "long legs travel fast"? Or was it something like "sharp spoons eat quick"? It was definitely clever when you thought of it.
![XKCD comic on password strength][3]
([XKCD][4], [CC BY-NC 2.5][5])
Of course, you never told a single soul your password. Why, this is literally the first rule of password management. What could you have done differently?
Enter [Shamir's Secret Sharing][6]**,** an algorithm that allows users to divide a secret into parts that can be used only in combination with the other pieces.
试试 **[Shamir 秘密共享算法][6]**, 一种可以将保密内容进行分块保存,且只能将所有片段拼合才能恢复保密内容的算法。
Let's take a look at Shamir's Secret Sharing in action through a story of ancient times and modern times.

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[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: ( )
[#]: translator: (geekpi)
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )

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[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: (geekpi)
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )
[#]: subject: (Video Trimmer: A No-nonsense, Simple Video Trimming Application for Linux Desktop)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Ankush Das
Video Trimmer: A No-nonsense, Simple Video Trimming Application for Linux Desktop
_**Brief: A dead simple tool to trim videos quickly without re-encoding it. Here, we take a look at what it offers.**_
You probably are already aware of some of the [best free video editors][1] for Linux but not everyone needs all the features offered.
Sometimes you just want to perform a single operation quickly, for instance — trimming a video.
Would you rather choose to explore a full-fledged video editor just to perform a simple trim operation or prefer a quick tool to help you trim the video?
Of course, it would depend on your personal preferences and what youd want to do with the video. But, for the majority of the users, a tool that makes it super easy to trim a video will be the preference.
Hence, Id like to highlight a dead simple open-source tool to trim videos quickly “[Video Trimmer][2]“.
### Video Trimmer: A simple application to trim videos quickly
Video Trimmer is an open-source application that helps in trimming video clips without re-encoding them.
So, basically, youll be able to trim videos without losing the original quality.
All you have to do is just open the video file using Video Trimmer and then select the region to trim using the mouse.
You can manually set the time range to trim or just drag the region to trim using the mouse. Of course, it could take a while to manually set the timestamp if its a long video file and you dont know where to look at.
To give you an idea, take a look at the screenshot below to see the options available when using Video Trimmer:
### Installing Video Trimmer on Linux
Video Trimmer is only available as a Flatpak package on [Flathub][5]. So, you should be able to install it on any Linux distribution with Flatpak support without any issues.
In case you didnt know about Flatpak, you might want to refer our guide on [using and installing Flatpak][6].
[Video Trimmer (Flathub)][5]
### Wrapping Up
Video Trimmer uses [ffmpeg][7] underneath it. What it does can be done easily [using ffmpeg commands][8] in the terminal. But then not everyone wants to use terminal for cutting part of a video. Tools like Video Trimmer help such people (like me).
For some reason, if you want to look for an alternative to this, you may try [VidCutter][9] as well. Of course, you can always rely on [top video editors available for Linux][10] (like [OpenShot][11]) to trim videos along with the ability to perform some advanced operations.
What do you think about using “**Video Trimmer**” on Linux? Do you already have another favorite video trimming tool? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: (geekpi)
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )
[#]: subject: (Video Trimmer: A No-nonsense, Simple Video Trimming Application for Linux Desktop)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Ankush Das
Video TrimmerLinux 桌面中的简单实用视频修剪应用
你可能已经知道 Linux 的一些[最佳免费视频编辑器][1],但并不是每个人都需要它们提供的所有功能。
因此,我想重点介绍一个简单的开源工具,即 “[Video Trimmer][2]”,它可以快速修剪视频。
### Video Trimmer一个用于快速修剪视频的简单应用
Video Trimmer 是一个开源应用,它可帮助你修剪视频片段而无需重新编码。
你要做的就是使用 Video Trimmer 打开视频文件,然后使用鼠标选择要修剪的区域。
为了让你有个印象,请看下面的截图,看看在使用 Video Trimmer 时可用的选项:
### 在 Linux 上安装 Video Trimmer
Video Trimmer 仅在 [Flathub][5] 上作为 Flatpak 软件包提供。因此,你应该能够在 Flatpak 支持的任何 Linux 发行版上安装它,而不会出现任何问题。
以防你不了解 Flatpak你可能想要参考我们的[使用和安装 Flatpak][6] 指南。
[Video Trimmer (Flathub)][5]
### 总结
Video Trimmer 底层使用 [ffmpeg][7]。它所做的可以在终端中轻松[使用 ffmpeg 命令][8]完成。但是并非所有人都希望使用终端来剪辑视频的一部分。Video Trimmer 之类的工具可以帮助像我这样的人。
由于某些原因,如果你想寻找一种替代方法,也可以尝试使用 [VidCutter][9]。当然,你始终可以依靠 [Linux 中的顶级视频编辑器][10](例如 [OpenShot][11] 来修剪视频以及执行一些高级操作的能力。
你认为在 Linux 中使用 ”**Video Trimmer**“ 如何?你是否有其他喜欢的视频修剪工具?在下面的评论中让我知道你的想法!
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出