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Update 20220221 6 Reasons to Try Nitrux OS.md
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6 Reasons to Try Nitrux OS
6大理由,让你尝试 Nitrux 系统
Nitrux OS may not be one of the mainstream Linux distributions, but it is surely one of the unique offerings.
Nitrux 系统也许算不上 Linux 的主流发行版本之一,但它绝对是一款极其独特的产品。
We have also [interviewed its creator Uri Herrera][1] in 2019 to learn how they initially aimed to go beyond the traditional Linux distributions.
2019 年,我们[采访了 Nitrux 的创始人 Uri Herrera][1],了解到 Herrera 等人开发这款系统的初衷:超越 Linux 传统的发行版本。
And, since then, we’ve come a long way to its recent [Nitrux 2.0 release][2].
自那之后,过了许久,我们终于迎来了 [Nitrux 2.0 版本][2]。
Not to forget, they also [ditched Ubuntu as its base in favor of Debian][3], last year.
不要忘了,Nitrux 在去年[放弃基于 Ubuntu 而选择 Debian][3]。
So, considering a lot has happened, and it’s been around for a few years now. Should you give it a try?
考虑到自 Nitrux 发行以来的数年间,也发生了许多大事,所以你应该尝试一下这款系统。
Here, I highlight some reasons to try [Nitrux OS][4]:
这里,我要分享一些体验 [Nitrux 系统][4]的理由:
### 1\. It Isn’t Ubuntu-based
### 1\. Nitrux 不再基于 Ubuntu
Most Linux distributions recommended for everyday use are based on Ubuntu.
人们一般都会推荐基于 Ubuntu 的 Linux 发行版本,来满足日常所需。
Of course, our [recommendations for beginners][6] also include mostly Ubuntu Linux, but don’t let that fool you.
当然,在我们[为新手推荐的 Linux 系统][6]中,也包括了许多基于 Ubuntu 的版本,但是请不要误会。
The only reason we recommend Ubuntu-based distros is it’s an easy-to-use distro with direct support for a lot of commercial software products.
我们之所以推荐基于 Ubuntu 的发行版本,唯一的理由在于它们简单易用,支持大量的商业软件。
So, if you are not entirely new to Linux, and want to try something refreshing, stable but familiar, Nitrux OS as a Debian-based distro can be a good fit.
所以,如果你不是刚开始使用 Linux 系统,同时也想尝试既能让你耳目一新,又不至于使你感到陌生,而且十分稳定的发行版,基于 Debian 的 Nirtux 是一个不错的选择。
You can work your way through the terminal without a steep learning curve, whenever needed.
If you are curious, refer to our [comparison between Debian and Ubuntu][7] to learn more.
感兴趣的话,可以参考我们的文章 [Debian vs Ubuntu][7],了解更多.
### 2\. Focus on AppImages
### 2\. 专注 AppImages
[AppImage][8] is a universal packaging system that does not depend on anything. You do not need a package manager, or any dependencies on your distro, to make it work.
[AppImage][8] 是通用的软件包系统,没有任何依赖。你不需要在 Linux 上安装任何软件包管理器或者依赖包,就可以直接运行 AppImage 应用。
It aims to be portable, efficient and does not need any setup/installation. Just like portable Windows executables.
AppImage 旨在打造便携、高效的软件包系统,省去安装的步骤,与 Windows 系统的便携版软件非常相似。
And, Nitrux OS focuses on using AppImage applications to give you a seamless app experience.
Nitrux 操作系统专注 AppImage 应用软件,为你带来流畅的用户体验。
The NX Software Center is a GUI to manage and install AppImage applications built using MauiKit (its UI framework).
NX 软件中心是一个 GUI 程序,用户可以通过使用 Mauikit(该软件中心的 UI 框架),安装、管理 AppImage 应用程序。
### 3\. A KDE-Based Distro
### 3\. 基于 KDE 桌面环境的发行版本
Nitrux OS is one of the [best Linux distributions featuring KDE.][9] If you dislike using GNOME or any other desktop environment (DE) out-of-the-box, KDE is a nice alternative to try.
Nitrux 操作系统是[搭载 KDE 桌面环境中最好的 Linux 发行版本][9]之一。 如果你不喜欢 GNOME 或者其他开箱即用的桌面环境,KDE 会是一个不错的选择。
In case you didn’t know, [KDE can be customized in many ways][10] compared to other DEs.
也许你还不知道, 相较于其他桌面环境,[KDE 支持自定义配置][10]。
So, if you want to personalize your desktop with the widest range of options, KDE lets you do that without much effort.
因此,在 KED 桌面环境下,你可以毫不费力地打造自己的个性化桌面。
### 4\. Unique User Experience
### 4\. 独特的用户体验
Nitrux UX combines the best of KDE, and Qt technologies along with its tweaks to give you a refreshing user experience.
Nitrux 的用户体验设计包括了最好的 KDE 桌面环境与 Qt 技术及其调整工具,为你带来全新的用户体验。
While it does not feel completely alien, your workflow will feel a bit different when using Nitrux OX.
虽然在使用 Nitrux 操作系统时,你不会觉得十分陌生,但是还是会感到有些许的不同。
Even without any customizations from your side, the out-of-the-box experience is solid enough to count it as one of the [most beautiful distributions][12].
即使你没有对 Nitrux 系统做任何自定义的设置,开箱即用的体验也足以让它成为[最优雅的发行版][12]之一。
### 5\. Maui Shell
[Maui Shell][13] is a key highlight of Nitrux’s user experience. Recently, it has managed to put some promising work presenting a convergent interface for both desktop and mobiles/tablets.
[Maui Shell][13] 是 Nitrux 用户体验的亮点之一。近来,Maui Shell 得到了进一步的完善,将同时支持桌面端和移动端。
While it hasn’t matured enough, it already looks pretty. And, as exciting as [System76’s upcoming Rust-based desktop environment][14].
尽管 Maui Shell 目前还不成熟,但是外观看起来十分大气简约,就像 [System76 将要推出基于 Rust 的桌面环境][14]一样令人兴奋。
It can be one of the most important reasons to try Nitrux OS to see it unfold a new era of the desktop experience, who knows?
这也是我们推荐尝试 Nitrux 系统最重要的原因之一。时间会证明,Nitrux 系统是否将会开启桌面体验的全新时代。
### 6\. Xanmod Kernel
### 6\. Xanmod 内核
[Xanmod Kernel][15] is a customized version of the mainline Linux Kernel with performance tweaks and additional features. This should help you improve the desktop experience.
[Xanmod 内核][15] 是主流 Linux 内核的定制版本,对性能进行了适当的调整,附加了一些其他功能。有了它,你的桌面体验一定能得到大幅提升。
Starting with Nitrux 2.0, Xanmod Kernel will be the default Linux Kernel to provide you with an enhanced desktop experience.
自 2.0 版本起,Nitrux 操作系统选用 Xanmod 作为默认内核,为用户提供“升级版”的桌面体验。
You also get the option to choose other Linux Kernels like Liquorix and Libre, each of their benefits.
当然你也可以选择其他 Linux 内核,比如 Liquorix 和 Libre,它们都有着各自的优点。
Or, you can also choose to go with mainline LTS Linux Kernel, if you do not prefer Xanmod. So, you’ve complete freedom and the ability to seamlessly choose a different kernel if you want to ditch the default.
如果你不喜欢 Xanmod,也可以选择主流长期支持版的内核。所以说,在 Nitrux 操作系统上,你完全可以修改使用不同的内核。
[Nitrux OS][4]
### Wrapping Up
### 总结
It is important to consider all the risks when switching from a mainstream distribution to options like Nitrux OS.
诚然,从主流发行版转到像 Nitrux 这样的操作系统,需要考虑各种风险。
But, **I’d like you to give this a thought:**
Distributions like Nitrux OS passionately try to improve things as per their vision.
Nitrux 等发行版本在每一次版本升级中,都会尽全力去完善各项功能。
Even without corporate backing or massive funds to help them, they have been able to develop this amazing distribution, developed [Maui project][16], and the interesting Maui shell.
尽管背后没有强大的企业和财力支撑,他们依然可以开发出这款令人惊艳的发行版本、进阶版的 [Maui 项目][16],以及别开生面的 Maui shell.
So, I think we should try our best to support them in any way we can.
That being said, every Linux distribution comes with its share of issues. Whenever you take a leap with a new distro, you might want to give it some time before getting comfortable with it as your daily driver.
不过话说回来,每一款 Linux 发行版都会或多或少地存在一些问题。当你试用一款新的发行版本时,你需要给它点儿时间,在最终将它作为日常使用的操作系统之前,慢慢地去适应它。
So, I would suggest trying it in your spare time or setting up a virtual machine to test things out.
换言之,我推荐你在业余时间试用 Nitrux 操作系统,或者直接装个虚拟机来一探究竟。
_I_‘_d be curious if you like/hate the experience. Let me know your thoughts after trying it out in the comments below._
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