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The Strangest, Most Unique Linux Distros
From the most consumer focused distros like Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint or elementary OS to the more obscure, minimal and enterprise focused ones such as Slackware, Arch Linux or RHEL, I thought I've seen them all. Couldn't have been any further from the truth. Linux eco-system is very diverse. There's one for everyone. Let's discuss the weird and wacky world of niche Linux distros that represents the true diversity of open platforms.
![strangest linux distros](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--cSL2-6rIgA/VcwNc5hFebI/AAAAAAAAJzk/AgB55mVtJVQ/s1600/Puppy-Linux.png)
**Puppy Linux**: An operating system which is about 1/10th the size of an average DVD quality movie rip, that's Puppy Linux for you. The OS is just 100 MB in size! And it can run from RAM making it unusually fast even in older PCs. You can even remove the boot medium after the operating system has started! Can it get any better than that? System requirements are bare minimum, most hardware are automatically detected, and it comes loaded with software catering to your basic needs. [Experience Puppy Linux][1].
![suicide linux](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dfeehRIQKpo/VdMgRVQqIJI/AAAAAAAAJz0/TmBs-n2K9J8/s1600/suicide-linux.jpg)
**Suicide Linux**: Did the name scare you? Well it should. 'Any time - any time - you type any remotely incorrect command, the interpreter creatively resolves it into rm -rf / and wipes your hard drive'. Simple as that. I really want to know the ones who are confident enough to risk their production machines with [Suicide Linux][2]. **Warning: DO NOT try this on production machines!** The whole thing is available in a neat [DEB package][3] if you're interested.
![top 10 strangest linux distros](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Q0hlEMCD9-o/VdMieAiXY1I/AAAAAAAAJ0M/iS_ZjVaZAk8/s1600/papyros.png)
**PapyrOS**: "Strange" in a good way. PapyrOS is trying to adapt the material design language of Android into their brand new Linux distribution. Though the project is in early stages, it already looks very promising. The project page says the OS is 80% complete and one can expect the first Alpha release anytime soon. We did a small write up on [PapyrOS][4] when it was announced and by the looks of it, PapyrOS might even become a trend-setter of sorts. Follow the project on [Google+][5] and contribute via [BountySource][6] if you're interested.
![10 most unique linux distros](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8aOtnTp3Yxk/VdMo_KWs4sI/AAAAAAAAJ0o/3NTqhaw60jM/s1600/qubes-linux.png)
**Qubes OS**: Qubes is an open-source operating system designed to provide strong security using a Security by Compartmentalization approach. The assumption is that there can be no perfect, bug-free desktop environment. And by implementing a 'Security by Isolation' approach, [Qubes Linux][7] intends to remedy that. Qubes is based on Xen, the X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and supports most Linux drivers. Qubes was selected as a finalist of Access Innovation Prize 2014 for Endpoint Security Solution.
![top10 linux distros](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2Sqvb_lilC0/VdMq_ceoXnI/AAAAAAAAJ00/kot20ugVJFk/s1600/ubuntu-satanic.jpg)
**Ubuntu Satanic Edition**: Ubuntu SE is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. "It brings together the best of free software and free metal music" in one comprehensive package consisting of themes, wallpapers, and even some heavy-metal music sourced from talented new artists. Though the project doesn't look actively developed anymore, Ubuntu Satanic Edition is strange in every sense of that word. [Ubuntu SE (Slightly NSFW)][8].
![10 strange linux distros](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZtIVjGMqdx0/VdMv136Pz1I/AAAAAAAAJ1E/-q34j-TXyUY/s1600/tiny-core-linux.png)
**Tiny Core Linux**: Puppy Linux not small enough? Try this. Tiny Core Linux is a 12 MB graphical Linux desktop! Yep, you read it right. One major caveat: It is not a complete desktop nor is all hardware completely supported. It represents only the core needed to boot into a very minimal X desktop typically with wired internet access. There is even a version without the GUI called Micro Core Linux which is just 9MB in size. [Tiny Core Linux][9] folks.
![top 10 unique and special linux distros](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-idmCvIxtxeo/VdcqcggBk1I/AAAAAAAAJ1U/DTQCkiLqlLk/s1600/nixos.png)
**NixOS**: A very experienced-user focused Linux distribution with a unique approach to package and configuration management. In other distributions, actions such as upgrades can be dangerous. Upgrading a package can cause other packages to break, upgrading an entire system is much less reliable than reinstalling from scratch. And top of all that you can't safely test what the results of a configuration change will be, there's no "Undo" so to speak. In NixOS, the entire operating system is built by the Nix package manager from a description in a purely functional build language. This means that building a new configuration cannot overwrite previous configurations. Most of the other features follow this pattern. Nix stores all packages in isolation from each other. [More about NixOS][10].
![strangest linux distros](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rOYfBXg-UiU/VddCF7w_xuI/AAAAAAAAJ1w/Nf11bOheOwM/s1600/gobolinux.jpg)
**GoboLinux**: This is another very unique Linux distro. What makes GoboLinux so different from the rest is its unique re-arrangement of the filesystem. It has its own subdirectory tree, where all of its files and programs are stored. GoboLinux does not have a package database because the filesystem is its database. In some ways, this sort of arrangement is similar to that seen in OS X. [Get GoboLinux][11].
![strangest linux distros](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3P22pYfih6Y/VdcucPOv4LI/AAAAAAAAJ1g/PszZDbe83sQ/s1600/hannah-montana-linux.jpg)
**Hannah Montana Linux**: Here is a Linux distro based on Kubuntu with a Hannah Montana themed boot screen, KDM, icon set, ksplash, plasma, color scheme, and wallpapers (I'm so sorry). [Link][12]. Project not active anymore.
**RLSD Linux**: An extremely minimalistic, small, lightweight and security-hardened, text-based operating system built on Linux. "It's a unique distribution that provides a selection of console applications and home-grown security features which might appeal to hackers," developers claim. [RLSD Linux][13].
Did we miss anything even stranger? Let us know.
via: http://www.techdrivein.com/2015/08/the-strangest-most-unique-linux-distros.html
作者:Manuel Jose
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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那些奇特的 Linux 发行版本
从大多数消费者所关注的诸如 Ubuntu,Fedora,Mint 或 elementary OS 到更加晦涩、轻量级和企业级的诸如 Slackware,Arch Linux 或 RHEL,这些发行版本我都已经见识过了。除了这些,难道没有其他别的了吗?其实 Linux 的生态系统是非常多样化的,对每个人来说,总有一款适合你。下面就让我们讨论一些稀奇古怪的小众 Linux 发行版本吧,它们代表着开源平台真正的多样性。
![strangest linux distros](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--cSL2-6rIgA/VcwNc5hFebI/AAAAAAAAJzk/AgB55mVtJVQ/s1600/Puppy-Linux.png)
**Puppy Linux**: 它是一个仅有一个普通 DVD 光盘容纳十分之一大小的操作系统,这就是 Puppy Linux。整个操作系统仅有 100MB 大小!并且它还可以在内存中运行,这使得它运行极快,甚至是在老式的 PC 机上。 在操作系统启动后,你甚至可以移除安装介质!还有什么比这个更好的吗? 系统所需的资源极小,大多数的硬件都会被自动检测到,并且它预装了能够满足你基本需求的软件。[在这里体验 Puppy Linux 吧][1].
![suicide linux](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dfeehRIQKpo/VdMgRVQqIJI/AAAAAAAAJz0/TmBs-n2K9J8/s1600/suicide-linux.jpg)
**Suicide Linux(自杀 Linux)**: 这个名字吓到你了吗?我想应该是。 ‘任何时候 -注意是任何时候-一旦你输入不正确的命令,解释器都会创造性地将它重定向为 `rm -rf /` 命令,然后擦除你的硬盘’。它就是这么简单。我真的很想知道那些自信到将[Suicide Linux][2] 安装到生产机上的家伙。 **警告:不要在生产机上尝试这个!** 假如你感兴趣的话,现在可以通过一个简洁的[DEB 包][3]来获取到它。
![top 10 strangest linux distros](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Q0hlEMCD9-o/VdMieAiXY1I/AAAAAAAAJ0M/iS_ZjVaZAk8/s1600/papyros.png)
**PapyrOS**: 它在好的方面上 “奇怪”。PapyrOS 正尝试着将 Android 的 material design 设计语言应用到新品牌的 Linux 发行版本上。尽管这个项目还处于早期阶段,看起来它已经很有前景。该项目的网页上说该系统已经完成了 80%,随后人们可以期待它的第一个 Alpha 发行版本。在该项目被宣告提出时,我们做了[PapyrOS][4]的小幅报道,从它的外观上看,它甚至可能会引领潮流。假如你感兴趣的话,可在[Google+][5]上关注该项目并可通过[BountySource][6]来贡献出你的力量。
![10 most unique linux distros](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8aOtnTp3Yxk/VdMo_KWs4sI/AAAAAAAAJ0o/3NTqhaw60jM/s1600/qubes-linux.png)
**Qubes OS**: Qubes 是一个开源的操作系统,通过使用安全划分的方法,被设计用来提供强大的安全性。其前提假设是不存在完美的没有 bug 的桌面环境。并通过实现一个‘安全隔离’ 的方法,[Qubes Linux][7]尝试去弥补那些 bug。Qubes 基于 Xen,X 视窗系统和 Linux,并可运行大多数的 Linux 应用,支持大多数的 Linux 驱动。Qubes 入选了 Access Innovation Prize 2014 for Endpoint Security Solution 决赛名单。
![top10 linux distros](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2Sqvb_lilC0/VdMq_ceoXnI/AAAAAAAAJ00/kot20ugVJFk/s1600/ubuntu-satanic.jpg)
**Ubuntu Satanic Edition**: Ubuntu SE 是一个基于 Ubuntu 的发行版本。通过一个含有主题、壁纸甚至来源于某些天才新晋艺术家的重金属音乐的综合软件包,“它同时带来了最好的自由软件和免费的金属音乐” 。尽管这个项目看起来不再被活跃地发展了, Ubuntu Satanic Edition 甚至在其名字上都显得奇异。 [Ubuntu SE (Slightly NSFW)][8]。
![10 strange linux distros](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZtIVjGMqdx0/VdMv136Pz1I/AAAAAAAAJ1E/-q34j-TXyUY/s1600/tiny-core-linux.png)
**Tiny Core Linux**: Puppy Linux 还不够小?试试这个吧。 Tiny Core Linux 是一个 12MB 大小的图形化 Linux 桌面!是的,你没有读错。一个主要的补充说明:它不是一个完整的桌面,也并不完全支持所有的硬件。它只含有能够启动进入一个非常小巧的 X 桌面,支持有线网络连接的核心部件。它甚至还有一个名为 Micro Core Linux 的没有 GUI 的版本,仅有 9MB 大小。[Tiny Core Linux][9]。
![top 10 unique and special linux distros](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-idmCvIxtxeo/VdcqcggBk1I/AAAAAAAAJ1U/DTQCkiLqlLk/s1600/nixos.png)
**NixOS**: 它是一个非常关注经验用户的 Linux 发行版本,有着独特的方式来打包和配置管理。在其他的发行版本中,诸如升级的操作可能是非常危险的。升级一个软件包可能会引起其他包无法使用,相比于从头安装一个系统,升级整个系统则显得不是那么可信。在那些你不能安全地测试由一个配置的改变所带来的结果的更改之上,它们通常没有“重来”这个选项。在 NixOS 中,整个系统由 Nix 包管理器按照一个纯功能性的构建语言的描述来构建。这意味着一个新的配置不会重写先前的配置。大多数其他的特色功能也遵循着这个模式。Nix 相互分离地存储所有的软件包。有关 NixOS 的更多内容请看[这里][10]。
![strangest linux distros](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rOYfBXg-UiU/VddCF7w_xuI/AAAAAAAAJ1w/Nf11bOheOwM/s1600/gobolinux.jpg)
**GoboLinux**: 这是另一个非常奇特的 Linux 发行版本。它与其他系统如此不同的原因是它有着独特的重管理文件系统。它有着自己独特的子目录树,其中存储着所有的文件和程序。GoboLinux 没有专门的包数据库,因为其文件系统就是它的数据库。在某些方面,这类管理有些类似于 OS X 上所看到的功能。
![strangest linux distros](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3P22pYfih6Y/VdcucPOv4LI/AAAAAAAAJ1g/PszZDbe83sQ/s1600/hannah-montana-linux.jpg)
**Hannah Montana Linux**: 它是一个基于 Kubuntu 的 Linux 发行版本,它有着 Hannah Montana 主题的开机启动界面、KDM(KDE Display Manager)、图标集、ksplash、plasma、颜色主题和壁纸(请抱歉)。[这是它的链接][12]。这个项目现在不再活跃了。
**RLSD Linux**: 它是一个极其精简、小巧、轻量和安全加固的,建立在 Linux 内核上的基于文本的操作系统。开发者称 “它是一个独特的发行版本,提供一系列的控制台应用和本地化的安全特性,对黑客或许有吸引力。” [RLSD Linux][13].
via: http://www.techdrivein.com/2015/08/the-strangest-most-unique-linux-distros.html
作者:Manuel Jose
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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