diff --git a/published/The Linux Kernel/09 The Linux Kernel--Configuring the Kernel Part 5.md b/published/The Linux Kernel/09 The Linux Kernel--Configuring the Kernel Part 5.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ac1cf89fe --- /dev/null +++ b/published/The Linux Kernel/09 The Linux Kernel--Configuring the Kernel Part 5.md @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +戴文的Linux内核专题:08 配置内核(5) +================================================================================ + +Linux内核拥有许多可以配置的特性,接下来我们还有许多要配置。 + +下一个可以配置的特性是x86的随机数生成器(x86 architectural random number generator (ARCH_RANDOM))。记住,我们现在配置的是针对AMD64系统的内核代码。这个随机数生成器使用Intel x86的RDRAND指令。这并不通用,所以为了一个更轻量的内核我禁用了它。 + +接着,我们可以启用或者禁用"Supervisor Mode Access Prevention (X86\_SMAP)"。这是Intel处理器使用的安全特性。SMAP在一些条件下只允许内核访问用户空间。这个有助于保护用户空间。如果启用,这里有一点性能和内核大小的开销,但是开销很小。由于我是用的是AMD系统,所以我禁用了这个特性。 + +开发者可以启用"EFI runtime service support (EFI)"。只有在有EFI固件的系统上启用它。拥有这个特性,内核可以使用的EFI服务。EFI是一个操作系统和硬件如何交流的规范,所以EFI固件是使用这个规范的硬件代码。因为我没有EFI固件,所以我禁用了它。 + +这是一个应该被启用的有用的安全方式(Enable seccomp to safely compute untrusted bytecode (SECCOMP))。这个安全特性在使用非可信的字节码的数值计算(执行大量计算的软件)中使用。字节码(可移植代码)是一种被解释器有效读取的代码。字节码不是源代码,但它也不是汇编或者二进制代码。非可信的代码是一种可能导致系统/数据损坏的代码。可能会破坏系统或者毁坏数据的非可信的代码通过seccomp被隔离在独立的地址空间中。这是通过文件描述符传输的方法。通常上,最好启用这个安全特性,即使会有一些性能开销,除非你在制作一个需要榨干性能的内核。 + +这里是另外一个安全特性(Enable -fstack-protector buffer overflow detection (CC\_STACKPROTECTOR))。缓冲溢出是数据被写在超出了它的内存界限而进入了邻近的内存中。这是一个安全威胁。一些恶意软件使用缓冲区溢出来破坏系统。启用这个会使用GCC选项 "-fstack-protector"。GCC是一个Linux编译器,在你配置完成后用它来编译内核。这个编译器参数会在返回地址前在栈上加入一个canary值(特殊的安全代码)。这个值会在返回前被验证。当内存溢出发生时,canary值会得到覆盖消息。这时,会导致内核崩溃。如许多人知道的那样,内核错误意味着系统将要崩溃,但是这比系统被入侵或者数据永久损害的好。发生内核错误,系统会重启,但是如果缓冲溢出则可能导致系统被入侵。一个简单的重启无法修复破坏(译注:但也不会更坏)。你必须用GCC 4.2或者更高版本支持这个参数的GCC来编译内核。 + +提示:要知道你使用的版本号,在命令行内键入"gcc --version"。 + +在这之后,我们可以配置定时器频率。配置工具建议使用250Hz,所以我们使用这个值。 + +Timer frequency + +1\. 100 HZ (HZ\_100) + +\>2\. 250 HZ (HZ\_250) + +3\. 300 HZ (HZ\_300) + +4\. 1000 HZ (HZ\_1000) + +choice[1-4?]: 2 + +使用1000Hz通常来讲对许多系统而言太快了。定时器频率决定着定时器中断被使用的频率。这有助于在时间线上的系统操作。程序并不是随机地执行一条命令,相反它们会等到定时器中断结束。这保持着有组织和结构的处理。频率为100Hz的定时器中断之间的时间是10ms,250Hz是4ms,1000Hz是1ms。现在许多开发者会马上想到1000Hz是最好的。好吧,这取决于你对开销的要求。一个更大的定时器频率意味着更多的能源消耗和更多的能源被利用(在定时器上),产生更多的热量。更多的热量意味着硬件损耗的更快。 + +注意:如果某个特定的特性对你并不重要或者你不确定该选择什么,就使用配置工具选择的默认值。比如,就我现在正在配置的内核而言,使用哪个定时器对我并不重要。总的来说,如果你没有特别的原因去选择任何一个选项时,就使用默认值。 + +下面这个有趣的系统调用可能会对一些用户有用(kexec system call (KEXEC))。kexec调用会关闭当前内核去启动另外一个或者重启当前内核。硬件并不会关闭,并且这个调用可以无需固件的帮助工作。bootloader是不执行的(bootloader是启动操作系统的软件) 。这个重启发生在操作系统级别上而不是硬件上。使用这个系统调用会快于执行一个标准的关机或者重启,这会保持硬件在加电状态。这个系统调用并不能工作在所有系统上。为了更高性能,启用这个热启动功能。 + +为了使用kexec,对重启后要使用的内核使用如下命令替换""。同样,使用之前我们讲过的内核参数替换"" (我会在以后的文章中更深入的讨论。) + + kexec -l --append="” + +特别地,我这里输入: + + kexec -l /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-27-generic –append="root=/dev/sda1" + +注意:硬件有时不需要重置,所以这不依赖于kexec。 + +下面,我们有一个适用于kexec的调试特性(kernel crash dumps (CRASH\_DUMP))。当kexec被调用时,一个崩溃信息(crash dump)会生成。除非你有必要调试kexec,否则这个并不必要。我禁用了这个特性。 + +再者,我们有另外一个kexec特性(kexec jump (KEXEC_JUMP))。kexec跳允许用户在原始内核和kexec启动的内核之间切换。 + +最好对内核启动地址使用默认值(Physical address where the kernel is loaded (PHYSICAL\_START) [0x1000000])。 + +下一个内核选项(Build a relocatable kernel (RELOCATABLE))允许内核放在内存的任何地方。内核文件会增大10%,但是超出部分会在执行时从内存移除。许多人也许想知道这为什么很重要。在2.6.20内核前,救援内核(rescue kernel)必须被配置和编译运行在不同的内存地址上。当这个特性发明后,开发者不必再编译两个内核。救援内核不会在第一个已加载的内核的地方加载,因为该块内存已被占用或者发生了错误。(如果你正在使用救援内核,那么明显第一个内核发生了错误) + +下面这个特性应该在可以增加CPU数量的系统中启用,除非你有特别的理由不去这么做(Support for hot-pluggable CPUs (HOTPLUG\_CPU))。配置工具会自动启用这个特性。在这个特性下,你可以在一个拥有很多处理器的系统上激活/停用一个CPU,这并不是说在系统中插入新的CPU,所有的CPU必须已经安装在系统中。 + +下面的选项会让我们选择设置上面的特性是否默认启用(Set default setting of cpu0_hotpluggable (BOOTPARAM\_HOTPLUG\_CPU0))。为了性能最好禁用这个特性直到需要的时候。 + +接着的这个调试特性允许开发者调试CPU热插拔特性(Debug CPU0 hotplug (DEBUG\_HOTPLUG\_CPU0))。我禁用了它。 + +为了兼容旧版本的glibc(<2.3.3),可以启用这个特性(Compat VDSO support (COMPAT\_VDSO))。这适用于通过映射32位在VDSO(虚拟动态链接共享对象)的旧式地址。Glibc是GNC C库;这是GNU工程实现的C标准库。 + +如果系统内核被用于一个缺乏完整功能的bootloader上,那么启用这个特性(Built-in kernel command line (CMDLINE_BOOL))。这允许用户在内核自身上使用一条命令行(译注:及其参数),那么管理员可以修复内核问题。如果bootloader已经有了一条命令行(像grub),那么这个特性不必启用。 + +现在我们可以配置ACPI和电源了。首先,我们被要求选择系统是否可以挂起到内存(Suspend to RAM and standby (SUSPEND))。高级配置和电源接口(ACPI)是一种对于设备配置和电源管理的开放标准。挂起系统会将数据放在内存上,同时硬件进入一种低功耗的状态。系统不会完全关机。如果用户需要计算机进入一个低功耗的状态,但是希望保留当前已打开程序时是非常有用的。关闭一个系统会完全关闭系统电源并且清理内存。 + +下面,我们可以启用睡眠(Hibernation (aka 'suspend to disk') (HIBERNATION))。睡眠就像挂起模式,但是内存中所有数据被保存到硬盘上,并且设备完全关闭。这允许用户在电源恢复后继续使用他们已打开的程序。 + +这里,我们可以设置默认的恢复分区(Default resume partition (PM\_STD\_PARTITION))。很少有开发者和管理员需要这个特性。当系统从睡眠中恢复时,他会加载默认的恢复分区。 + +在这之后,我们可以启用"Opportunistic sleep (PM\_AUTOSLEEP)"。这会让内核在没有活跃的唤醒调用被调用时进入挂起或者睡眠状态。这意味着空闲的系统将会进入挂起模式以节省电源。我启用了这个特性。 + +接下来,是询问关于"User space wakeup sources interface (PM\_WAKELOCKS)"。启用这个特性将会允许唤醒源对象被激活、停用,并通过基于sysfs接口由用户空间创建。唤醒源对象会追踪唤醒事件源。 + +sysfs是位于/sys/的虚拟文件系统。这个虚拟文件系统包含了关于设备的信息。当进入/sys/时,它似乎是硬盘的一部分,但是这个并不是一个真正的挂载点。这些文件实际存在于内存中。这与/proc/是同一个概念。 + +注意:"/sysfs/"是一个文件夹,而"/sysfs"则可以是一个根目录下名为"sysfs"的文件。许多Linux用户会混淆这两种命名约定。 + +如果启用了上面的选项,那么你可以设置"Maximum number of user space wakeup sources (0 = no limit) (PM\_WAKELOCKS\_LIMIT)"。最好选择默认,那么你就可以启用垃圾收集器(Garbage collector for user space wakeup sources (PM\_WAKELOCKS\_GC))。垃圾收集是一种内存管理方式。 + +注意: 在需要更多内存的系统中,通常最好在大多数情况下尽可能启用垃圾收集。不然内存会消耗得更快且杂乱。 + +下一个电源选项关于IO设备(Run-time PM core functionality (PM\_RUNTIME))。这个选项允许IO硬件在运行时进入低功耗状态。硬件必须支持这个才行,不是所有硬件都支持。 + +与其他许多内核组件一样,如果启用了(Power Management Debug Support),电源管理代码同样有调试支持。我禁用了这个选项。 + +注意: 注意这些我引用/显示的配置工具上的选项或问题不再显示选项代码(括号间所有的大写字母)。这是因为我没有使用基于ncurses的配置工具(make menuconfig)而是使用默认工具去得到选项、设置和问题。记住,"make config"缺乏保存当前进度的能力。 + +在这之后,配置工具会启用"ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support"。最好允许这个电源管理规范。通常配置工具会启用这个特性。 + +为了允许向后兼容,启用"Deprecated /proc/acpi files"。新的实现使用更新的在/sys下的实现。我禁用了这个选项。一个相似的问题询问关于"Deprecated power /proc/acpi directories"。通常上,如果你禁用了这些文件,你不再需要这些文件夹,所以我禁用了他们。一些旧的程序可能会使用这些文件和文件夹。如果你在给旧的的Linux系统上编译一个新的内核,最好启用这个选项。 + +下面,我们有另外一个文件接口可以启用或者禁用(EC read/write access through)。这会在/sys/kernek/debug/ec下创建一个嵌入式控制器接口。嵌入式控制器通常在笔记本中读取传感器,内核代码通过系统的BIOS表提供的ACPI代码访问嵌入式控制器。 + +这里有另外一个可以启用或者禁用的向后兼容特性 (Deprecated /proc/acpi/event support)。acpi守护进程可能会读取/proc/api/event来管理ACPI生成的驱动。不同于这个接口,守护进程使用netlink事件或者输入层来得到送给用户空间的事件,acpi守护进程管理ACPI事件。 + +下一个选项允许开发者启用一个特性,它会通知内核现在使用的是交流电源(AC Adapter)还是电池。下一个选项从/proc/acpi/battery/ (Battery)中提供电池信息。 + +为了内核在电源/睡眠按钮按下或者盖子合上时不同表现,启用这个“按钮”选项(Button)。这些事件在/proc/acpi/event/中控制。比如这样的行为,如果在用户账户的电源选项启用了挂起,当笔记本电脑的盖子关闭后系统将会挂起。 + +下一个ACPI扩展是针对显卡的(Video)。 + +ACPI风扇控制可以被启用/禁用(Fan)。最好启用ACPI风扇管理,这有助于节能。 + +我们正在进一步配置内核中,但在接下来的文章中还有更多要做。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.linux.org/threads/the-linux-kernel-configuring-the-kernel-part-5.4424/ + +译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 diff --git a/sources/10 Lesser Known Commands for Linux – Part 3.md b/sources/10 Lesser Known Commands for Linux – Part 3.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8190c8329d --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/10 Lesser Known Commands for Linux – Part 3.md @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +10 Lesser Known Commands for Linux – Part 3 +================================================================================ +![](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/10-Lesser-Known-Linux-Commands.png) + +We have come up with the third article of this series which includes few other lesser known Linux commands, worth knowing. May be you are already aware of these commands, no doubt you are an experienced Linux user and loves exploration. + +### 22. ^foo^bar Command ### + +Run the last command with modification, in a single instance. Suppose I need to run a command ‘**ls -l**‘ to long list the content of a directory say ‘**Desktop**’. Accidentally, you type ‘**lls -l**‘. So now you will have to retype the whole command or edit the previous command using navigation key. That is painful when the command is long. + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ lls -l + bash: lls: command not found + + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ ^lls^ls + + ls -l + total 7489440 + + drwxr-xr-x 2 avi avi 36864 Nov 13 2012 101MSDCF + -rw-r--r-- 1 avi avi 206833 Nov 5 15:27 1.jpg + -rw-r--r-- 1 avi avi 158951 Nov 5 15:27 2.jpg + -rw-r--r-- 1 avi avi 90624 Nov 5 12:59 Untitled 1.doc + +**Note**: In the above replacement we used “**^typo(to be replaced)^original_command**”. This command may be very dangerous if you knowingly or unknowingly replaced the typo with system command or anything risky say **rm -rf**. + +### 23. > file.txt Command ### + +This command flush the contents of a file without the need of removing and creating the same file again. This command is very useful in scripting language when we need an output or log on the same file again and again. + +I have a file say ‘**test.txt**’ on my ‘**Desktop**‘ with a lot of text. + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ cat test.txt + + Linux + GNU + Debian + Fedora + kali + ubuntu + git + Linus + Torvalds + + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ > test.txt + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ cat test.txt + +**Note**: Again, this command can be dangerous, don’t ever try to flush the contents of a system file or configuration file. If you do so, you will be in serious trouble. + +### 24. at Command ### + +The ‘**at**‘ command is similar to [cron command][1] and can be used for scheduling a task or command to run at specified time. + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ echo "ls -l > /dev/pts/0" | at 14:012 + + OR + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ echo "ls -l > /dev/pts/0" | at 2:12 PM + +**Sample Output** + + -rw-r--r-- 1 avi avi 220492 Nov 1 13:49 Screenshot-1.png + -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 358 Oct 17 10:11 sources.list + -rw-r--r-- 1 avi avi 4695982080 Oct 10 20:29 squeeze.iso + .. + .. + -rw-r--r-- 1 avi avi 90624 Nov 5 12:59 Untitled 1.doc + -rw-r--r-- 1 avi avi 96206 Nov 5 12:56 Untitled 1.odt + -rw-r--r-- 1 avi avi 9405 Nov 12 23:22 Untitled.png + +**Note**: echo “**ls -l**” : This string echo’s the command (here **ls -l**) on standard terminal. You can replace ‘**ls -l**‘ with any command of your need and choice. + + > : redirects the output + +The **/dev/pts/0** : This is the output device and/or file, where output is sought, here the output is at terminal. + +In my case, my **tty** is at **/dev/pts/0**, at that time. You can check your **tty** by running command **tty**. + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ tty + + /dev/pts/0 + +**Note**: The ‘**at**‘ command execute the task as soon as the system clock matches the specified time. + +### 25. du -h –max-depth=1 Command ### + +The below command outputs the size of sub-folders within the current directory, in human readable format. + + avi@localhost:/home/avi/Desktop# du -h --max-depth=1 + + 38M ./test + 1.1G ./shivji + 42M ./drupal + 6.9G ./101MSDCF + 16G . + +**Note**: The above command can be very much useful in [checking system disk usage][2]. + +### 26. expr Command ### + +The ‘**expr**‘ command is not that much lesser known command. This command is very much useful in carrying out simple mathematical calculation in terminal. + + avi@localhost:/home/avi/Desktop# expr 2 + 3 + 5 + + avi@localhost:/home/avi/Desktop# expr 6 – 3 + 3 + + avi@localhost:/home/avi/Desktop# expr 12 / 3 + 4 + + avi@localhost:/home/avi/Desktop# expr 2 \* 9 + 18 + +### 27. look Command ### + +Check for words from English dictionary in case of confusion, from the terminal itself. Viz., I am a bit confused if the spelling is carrier or carieer. + +avi@localhost:/home/avi/Documents# look car + + Cara + Cara's + … + ... + carps + carpus + carpus's + carrel + carrel's + carrels + carriage + carriage's + carriages + carriageway + carriageway's + carried + carrier + carrier's + carriers + carries + … + ... + caryatids + +The above command showed all the words from dictionary starting with string ‘car’. I got what I was searching for. + +### 28. yes Command ### + +Another command which is not used frequently on regular basis, normally but is very useful in scripting language and for system Administrators. + +This command continues to print a given string, till interrupt instruction is given by you. + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ yes "Tecmint is one of the best site dedicated to Linux, how to" + + Tecmint is one of the best site dedicated to Linux, how to + Tecmint is one of the best site dedicated to Linux, how to + Tecmint is one of the best site dedicated to Linux, how to + Tecmint is one of the best site dedicated to Linux, how to + … + … + ... + Tecmint is one of the best site dedicated to Linux, how to + Tecmint is one of the best site dedicated to Linux, how to + Tecmint is one of the best site dedicated to Linux, how to + +### 29. factor Command ### + +The factor command is actually a command of mathematical origin. This command outputs all the factors of a given number. + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ factor 22 + 22: 2 11 + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ factor 21 + 21: 3 7 + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ factor 11 + 11: 11 + +### 30. ping -i 60 -a IP_address ### + +All of us use ping command to check is server is live or not. And I usually ping google, to check if I am connected to internet or not. + +It is sometimes irritating, when you wait and keep watching your terminal to get reply of ping command or say, wait for server to get connected. + +How about an audible sound as soon as the server comes live. + + avi@localhost:~/Desktop$ ping -i 60 -a www.google.com + + PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. + 64 bytes from www.google.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=44 time=105 ms + 64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=44 time=281 ms + +Let me tell you one thing, before you report that the command didn’t return any audible sound. Make sure your system audio is not mute, sound theme must be enabled in ‘**sound preferences**‘ and make sure ‘**Enable window and window sound**‘ is checked. + +### 31. tac Command ### + +This command is very interesting which prints the content of a text file in **reverse order**, i.e., from last line to first line. + +I have a text file 35.txt in my Documents directory, under home folder. Checking it’s content using [cat command][3]. + + avi@localhost:~/Documents$ cat 35.txt + +**Sample Output** + +> 1. Linux is built with certain powerful tools, which are unavailable in windows. +> 2. One of such important tool is Shell Scripting. Windows however comes with such a tool but as usual it is much weak as compared to it's Linux Counterpart. +> 3. Shell scripting/programming makes it possible to execute command(s), piped to get desired output in order to automate day-to-day usages. + +Now reverse the content of file using tac command. + + avi@localhost:~/Documents$ tac 35.txt + +**Sample Output** + +> 3. Shell scripting/programming makes it possible to execute command(s), piped to get desired output in order to automate day-to-day usages. +> 2. One of such important tool is Shell Scripting. Windows however comes with such a tool but as usual it is much weak as compared to it's Linux Counterpart. +> 1. Linux is built with certain powerful tools, which are unavailable in windows. + +That’s all for now. If you are aware of other lesser known Linux commands, you can put a comment, so that we can include those in our future articles. + +Don’t forget to provide us with your value-able comment. I’ll be soon coming with another interesting article, very soon. Till then stay tuned and connected to **Tecmint**. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.tecmint.com/10-lesser-known-commands-for-linux-part-3/ + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:http://www.tecmint.com/11-cron-scheduling-task-examples-in-linux/ +[2]:http://www.tecmint.com/check-linux-disk-usage-of-files-and-directories/ +[3]:http://www.tecmint.com/13-basic-cat-command-examples-in-linux/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/11 Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers.md b/sources/11 Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..960598d79c --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/11 Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers.md @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +l3b2w1 translating + +11 Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers +================================================================================ +Theories apart, we are proud to announce a new section on Tecmint, dedicated to Linux Interview. Here we will bring to you Linux Interview Questions and all other aspects of Linux, which is must for a professional in this cut-throat competition world. + +![](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Basic-Interview-Questions.png) + +A new article in this section (**Linux Interview**) will be posted on every weekend. The initiative taken by **Tecmint** is first of it’s kind among other **Linux Dedicated** websites, along with quality and unique articles. + +We will start with **Basic Linux Interview Question** and will go advance article by article, for which your response is highly appreciated, which put us on a higher note. + +#### Q.1: What is the core of Linux Operating System? #### + +- Shell +- Kernel +- Command +- Script +- Terminal + +> **Answer** : Kernel is the core of Linux Operating System. Shell is a command Line Interpreter, Command is user Instruction to Computer, Script is collection of commands stored in a file and Terminal is a command Line Interface + +#### Q.2: What Linus Torvalds Created? #### + +- Fedora +- Slackware +- Debian +- Gentoo +- Linux + +> **Answer** : Linux Torvalds created Linux, which is the kernel (heart) of all of the above Operating System and all other Linux Operating System. + +#### Q.3: Torvalds, Wrote most of the Linux Kernel in C++ programming Language, do you agree? #### + +> **Answer** : No! Linux Kernel contains 12,020,528 Lines of codes out of which 2,151,595 Lines are comments. So remaining 9,868,933 lines are codes and out of 9,868,933 Lines of codes 7,896,318 are written in C Programming Language. + +The remaining Lines of code 1,972,615 is written in C++, Assembly, Perl, Shell Script, Python, Bash Script, HTML, awk, yacc, lex, sed, etc. + +**Note** : The Number of Lines of codes varies on daily basis and an average of more than 3,509 lines are being added to Kernel. + +#### Q.4: Linux initially was developed for intel X86 architecture but has been ported to other hardware platform than any other Operating System. Do you agree?. #### + +> **Answer** : Yes, I do agree. Linux was written for x86 machine, and has been ported to all kind of platform. Today’s more than 90% of supercomputers are using Linux. Linux made a very promising future in mobile phone, Tablets. In-fact we are surrounded by Linux in remote controls, space science, Research, Web, Desktop Computing. The list is endless. + +#### Q.5: Is it legal to edit Linux Kernel? #### + +> **Answer** : Yes, Kernel is released under General Public Licence (GPL), and anyone can edit Linux Kernel to the extent permitted under GPL. Linux Kernel comes under the category of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). + +#### Q.6: What is the basic difference between UNIX and Linux Operating System. #### + +> **Answer** : Linux Operating System is Free and Open Source Software, the kernel of which is created by Linus Torvalds and community. Well you can not say UNIX Operating System doesn’t comes under the category of Free and Open Source Software, BSD, is a variant of UNIX which comes under the category of FOSS. Moreover Big companies like Apple, IBM, Oracle, HP, etc. are contributing to UNIX Kernel. + +#### Q. 7: Choose the odd one out. #### + +- HP-UX +- AIX +- OSX +- Slackware +- Solaris + +> **Answer** : Slackware is the odd in the above list. HP-UX, AIX, OSX, Solaris are developed by HP, IBM, APPLE, Oracle respectively and all are UNIX variant. Slackware is a Linux Operating System. + +#### Q.8: Is Linux Operating system Virus free? #### + +> **Answer** : No! There doesn’t exist any Operating System on this earth that is virus free. However Linux is known to have least number of Viruses, till date, yes even less than UNIX OS. Linux has had about 60-100 viruses listed till date. None of them actively spreading nowadays. A rough estimate of UNIX viruses is between 85 -120 viruses reported till date. + +#### Q.9: Linux is which kind of Operating System? #### + +- Multi User +- Multi Tasking +- Multi Process +- All of the above +- None of the above + +> **Answer** : All of the Above. Linux is an Operating System which supports Multi User, Running a Number of Processes performing different tasks simultaneously. + +#### Q.10: Syntax of any Linux command is: #### + +- command [options] [arguments] +- command options [arguments] +- command [options] [arguments] +- command options arguments + +> **Answer** : The correct Syntax of Linux Command is Command [options] [arguments]. + +#### Q.11: Choose the odd one out. #### + +- Vi +- vim +- cd +- nano + +> **Answer** : The odd one in the above list is cd. Vi, vim and nano are editors which is useful in editing files, while cd command is used for changing directory. + +That’s all for now. How much you learned for the above questions? How it helped you in your Interview? We would like to hear all these from you in our comment section. Wait till the next weekend, for new set of questions. Till then stay healthy, tuned and connected to **Tecmint**. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.tecmint.com/basic-linux-interview-questions-and-answers/ + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/9 Linux Uname Command Examples To Get Operating System Details.md b/sources/9 Linux Uname Command Examples To Get Operating System Details.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b54a413182 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/9 Linux Uname Command Examples To Get Operating System Details.md @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +9 Linux Uname Command Examples To Get Operating System Details +================================================================================ +![](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/linux-uname-command.png) + +When you are in console mode, there is no ‘Right click > About’ to give you information about your operating system. In Linux, you can use command **uname** to help you about that. Uname is the short name for **unix name**. Just type **uname** in console. + +When you type uname without parameter, it will only show the name of your operating system. + + # uname + Linux + +It may not satisfy what you need. So you may need to use some parameters to make uname show the information you need. + +Here’s the list of uname parameters : + +### 1. Kernel name ### + +To reveal the kernel name, you can use **-s** parameter. + + # uname -s + Linux + +The output will be same with uname without parameter. + +### 2. Kernel release ### + +If you need to know what kernel release you’re using, just use **-r** parameter + + # uname -r + 2.6.18-371.1.2.el5 + +### 3. Kernel version ### + +Beside kernel information, uname can also fetch the kernel version. Use **-v** parameter for this purpose + + # uname -v + #1 SMP Tue Oct 22 12:57:43 EDT 2013 + +### 4. Nodename ### + +Parameter -n will give you the node hostname. For example, if your hostname is “dev-machine”, **-n** parameter will print dev-machine as the output of -n parameter + + # uname -n + dev-machine + +For RedHat and CentOS, you can also use **/etc/redhat_release** file : + + # cat /etc/redhat_release + CentOS release 5.10 (Final) + +For non-RedHat based distro, you may use **/etc/issue**. Here’s the example : + + # cat /etc/issue + Linux Mint Olivia \n \l + +### 5. Hardware name ### + +If you are wondering what kind of machine you’re using, you can try **-m** parameter. It will show you information about it. + + # uname -m + i686 + +i686 is indicates that your system is 32 bit operating system. While x86_64 means your system is a 64 bit system. + +### 6. Hardware platform ### + +Similar with hardware name, -i parameter will show you hardware platfrom. + + # uname -i + i386 + +i386 mean you are running a 32 bit system. If the output is x86_64 it’s mean that you are running 64 bis system. + +### 7. Processor type ### + +To see processor type, you can use **-p** parameter. If uname is not able to show you that information, it will show you ‘unknown’ in the output. + + # uname -p + i686 + +### 8. Operating system ### + +Uname can also used to reveal what operating system you are running. Use **-o** parameter to fulfill this purpose. + + # uname -o + GNU/Linux + +### 9. All information ### + +There is one parameter that can reveal all information. It’s **-a** parameter. It will show you all information **except omit -i and -p** if they are unknown. + + # uname -a + Linux dev-machine 2.6.18-371.1.2.el5 #1 SMP Tue Oct 22 12:57:43 EDT 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux + +That’s the uname command in use. Please stay tuned to see more commands. + +Thank you. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/uname-command/ + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/Apache OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice.md b/sources/Apache OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice.md index 8b9c43fa11..840fb35977 100644 --- a/sources/Apache OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice.md +++ b/sources/Apache OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice.md @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +翻译中 by小眼儿 + Apache OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice ================================================================================ > The two open source office productivity suites are similar, yet one appears to have a slight advantage. @@ -76,4 +78,4 @@ via: http://www.datamation.com/applications/apache-openoffice-vs.-libreoffice-1. [1]:http://www.openoffice.org/ [2]:http://www.libreoffice.org/ -[3]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go-oo \ No newline at end of file +[3]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go-oo diff --git a/sources/Canonical Dev Calls Linux Mint ‘Vulnerable’, Wouldn’t Use it For Online Banking.md b/sources/Canonical Dev Calls Linux Mint ‘Vulnerable’, Wouldn’t Use it For Online Banking.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72d4b695b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/Canonical Dev Calls Linux Mint ‘Vulnerable’, Wouldn’t Use it For Online Banking.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +Canonical Dev Calls Linux Mint ‘Vulnerable’, Wouldn’t Use it For Online Banking +================================================================================ +**Users of the popular Ubuntu-based operating system Linux Mint should not use it for online banking, a Canonical [engineer has advised][1].** + +Mint’s decision to prevent packages with known security issues from updating – from the kernel and browser to the boot-loader and Xorg display server – leaves its users with a “vulnerable system”, says Oliver Grawert. + +> “Instead of just integrating changes properly with the packages in the ubuntu archive they instead suppress doing (security) updates at all for them. i would say forcefully keeping a vulnerable kernel browser or xorg in place instead of allowing the provided security updates to be installer makes it a vulnerable system, (sic)”. +> +> “I personally wouldn’t do online banking with it.” + +Grawert certainly isn’t alone in considering Mint a sub-par choice for the security conscious. Mozilla contributor and former Ubuntu member **Benjamin Kerensa*** feels the same: + +> “It is unclear why Linux Mint disables all of their security updates. I can say that it took them many months to get a fixed version of Firefox packaged while Ubuntu and Debian had already had security fixes in their package. +> +> This puts Linux Mint users at risk and is one of the key reasons I never suggest Linux Mint to anyone as an alternative to Ubuntu.” + +Oliver Grawert is no fly-by-night contributor. As one of Canonical’s Ubuntu Engineering bods he’s better placed than most to know what he’s talking about. + +**‘But are Mint users in actual risk? Yes and no…’** + +But are Mint users in actual risk? + +Yes and no. The majority of security “holes” (for want of a better word) of the kind present in the packages that Mint’s developers steadfastly refuse to update are both documented and known, but rarely exploited by those of a nefarious breed. As such the “actual threat” posed to users remains, at least for now, largely a theoretical one. + +That’s to say that there are no known incidents of identify theft or worse resulting from use of Mint (or any other Ubuntu-based distribution with unpatched packages) through any of the exploits referenced by Grawert on the Ubuntu Dev Mailing List. + +But just because no-one has entered through the window left ajar thus far, isn’t to say someone won’t ever do it. + +**After seeing Ubuntu given a long and sustained kicking about its own (largely theoretical) privacy issues, it will be interesting to see if, now the boot is placed firmly on the other foot, the vehement concern for users’ wellbeing will extend to other distributions. ** + +*Notice: We reached out to Linux Mint for comment & clarification but received no reply.* + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/canonical-dev-dont-use-linux-mint-online-banking-unsecure + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2013-November/014770.html \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/Daily Ubuntu Tips – Create Virtual Network Cards In Ubuntu Linux.md b/sources/Daily Ubuntu Tips – Create Virtual Network Cards In Ubuntu Linux.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..79b5be507a --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/Daily Ubuntu Tips – Create Virtual Network Cards In Ubuntu Linux.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +Daily Ubuntu Tips – Create Virtual Network Cards In Ubuntu Linux +================================================================================ +This tutorial is for users who want to experiment a bit with Ubuntu Linux. It not for everyone, especially those with machines that are used in production. + +If you know a thing or two about networking and IP networks, then you know that in most cases, each network card will only be assigned one IP address. It’s a one to one thing and that’s what we’re used to. + +The thing with one network card and one IP address is, you can only host or run in single network service/port on a machine with one nic card and IP address. For example, if you wish to run a web server, on port 80, only one web server will listen on that one IP address and that port #. That’s how it’s designed to work. + +So, instead of the one-to-one relation with network cards and IP addresses, you can create virtual network cards that can be assigned individual IP addresses. So, a single physical network card can host unlimited sub-nic cards or virtual nic. Each can then be assigned their own IP addresses with assigned ports. + +This brief tutorial is going to show you how to do that in Ubuntu. It’s a great way to run and test multiple network services with single port # on a single computer with one network card. + +To get started, run the commands to open the network interfaces file. + + sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces + +Then add as many virtual network cards as you want by following the steps in the picture below. By default, Linux machine assigned eth0 name to the first network card. So if your machine has one network card, it will be named eth0. + +To add virtual network cards, create more static cards and name them eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3, etc. (eth0 followed by colon and a number). + +![](http://www.liberiangeek.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/virtualnetworkcardubuntu.png) + +Also, for each network card you create, make sure each network is in a separate subnet.. this is networking 101. + +When you’re done, save the file and reset the networking service by running the commands below. + + sudo service networking restart + +That’s it! + +![](http://www.liberiangeek.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/virtualnetworkcardubuntu1.png) + +Enjoy! + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tips-create-virtual-network-cards-in-ubuntu-linux/ + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/Daily Ubuntu Tips–Like GNOME Classic Menu? Get Classic Menu Indicator.md b/sources/Daily Ubuntu Tips–Like GNOME Classic Menu? Get Classic Menu Indicator.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c416a8851 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/Daily Ubuntu Tips–Like GNOME Classic Menu? Get Classic Menu Indicator.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +Daily Ubuntu Tips–Like GNOME Classic Menu? Get Classic Menu Indicator +================================================================================ +Daily Ubuntu Tips–Like GNOME Classic Menu? Get Classic Menu Indicator + +For those who have been following Ubuntu OS from the beginner, they’ve seen almost if not all the changes Ubuntu have gone through. There have been a lot of changes, especially on the desktop side. From the classic GNOME desktop environment to Unity, Ubuntu have completely been redesigned. + +For some new users, all they know is the Unity desktop environment and just a few have heard of or seen the original GNOME desktop environment that powered Ubuntu previously. Ubuntu is completely different from what it used to be and some are having hard time coping with the way things have changed. + +If you’re an old timer who wish to get back GNOME Classic Menu in Ubuntu Unity, installing Classic Menu Indicator will do the trick. This nifty package get installed in the notification area of the top panel and brings back GNOME Classic Menu experience in Ubuntu. + +Like the classic GNOME Menu, it includes all the applications and structure of the classic menu. It’s easy to navigate and access applications for those who are used to it. For new users, it’s also easy to catch on. + +This brief tutorial is going to show you how install this package in Ubuntu. + +To get started, press **Ctrl – Alt – T** on your keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below to add its PPA archive. + + sudo apt-add-repository ppa:diesch/testing + +Next, run the commands below to install it. + + sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator + +After installing it, go and launch the application from Unity Dash. It’s called Classic Menu Indicator. When you launch it, it will automatically dock at the top panel as shown below. + +![](http://www.liberiangeek.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/classic-menu-indicator.png) + +That’s it, use it and enjoy! + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tipslike-gnome-classic-menu-get-classic-menu-indicator/ + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/How to install Ghost blogging platform on Linux.md b/sources/How to install Ghost blogging platform on Linux.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1819e1d520 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/How to install Ghost blogging platform on Linux.md @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +How to install Ghost blogging platform on Linux +================================================================================ +[Ghost][1] is a relatively new blog publishing platform which started out as a [£25,000 Kickstarter project][2]. While WordPress is still the dominant blogging tool on the web, it has now evolved into a general content management platform with tons of third party developed features, and over time has become increasingly cumbersome and complex to maintain. On the other hand, now only a couple of months old, Ghost promises to remain as a pure blogging platform with slick user-centric publishing interface. + +In this tutorial, I will describe **how to set up Ghost blogging platform on Linux**. + +### Install Ghost on Linux ### + +Ghost is powered by Node.js. Therefore, first [install Node.js][3] on your Linux system. Make sure that the version of Node.js is 0.10 or higher. + +Next, log in to [http://ghost.org][1] (sign-up needed), and download the source code of Ghost. Then follow the procedure below to install Ghost. + + $ sudo mkdir -p /var/www/ghost + $ sudo unzip ghost-0.3.3.zip -d /var/www/ghost + $ cd /var/www/ghost + $ sudo npm install --production + +### Configure Ghost Before Launching ### + +Before launching Ghost, create its configuration file located at /var/www/ghost/config.js as follows. Replace "YOUR_IP" with the IP address of your host. + + $ cd /var/www/ghost + $ sudo cp config.example.js config.js + $ sudo sed -i 's/' config.js + +### Test-Run Ghost in Development Mode ### + +At this point, you are ready to launch Ghost. + +Note that Ghost can run in two different modes: "development" and "production" modes. For safety, Ghost maintains configuration info of two modes separately in its configuration file (/var/www/ghost/config.js). For example, the two different modes use different database files (i.e., ghost-dev.db and ghost.db located in /var/www/ghost/content/data). + +Use the following commands to launch Ghost. Ghost runs in development mode by default. + + $ cd /var/www/ghost + $ sudo npm start + +If Ghost is launched successfully, you should see the following output in the terminal, indicating that Ghost is running on :2368. + +[![](http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7317/10881189204_d714f11321_z.jpg)][4] + +Go to http://:2368 on your web browser, and verify that you can see the following initial Ghost page. + +[![](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3750/10881348733_f77d220de6_z.jpg)][5] + +### Launch Ghost in Production Mode ### + +After you have verified that Ghost runs okay, stop Ghost in development mode by pressing Ctrl+C. Now it is time to launch Ghost in production mode. + +When you run Ghost in production mode, you can use Node.js module called forever, which allows you to daemonize Ghost, and run it as a background process. + +To install forever module: + + $ sudo npm install forever -g + +Finally, launch Ghost in production mode as follows: + + $ cd /var/www/ghost + $ sudo NODE_ENV=production forever start index.js + +Verify that Ghost's database is successfully created in production mode (/var/www/ghost/content/data/ghost.db). + +You can also check a list of active forever processes. + + $ sudo forever list + +> info: Forever processes running +> data: uid command script forever pid logfile uptime +> data: [0] cH0O /usr/bin/nodejs index.js 15355 15357 /home/dev/.forever/cH0O.log 0:0:0:37.741 + +If you see output like the above, it means that Ghost is running in the background successfully. + +To stop Ghost daemon, run the following command. + + $ cd /var/www/ghost + $ sudo forever stop index.js + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/11/install-ghost-blogging-platform-linux.html + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:https://ghost.org/ +[2]:http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/johnonolan/ghost-just-a-blogging-platform +[3]:http://ask.xmodulo.com/install-node-js-linux.html +[4]:http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/10881189204/ +[5]:http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/10881348733/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/How to set up web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux.md b/sources/How to set up web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux.md deleted file mode 100644 index 76c8682b22..0000000000 --- a/sources/How to set up web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -翻译中 by小眼儿 - -How to set up web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux -================================================================================ -When you are tasked with monitoring network traffic on the local network, you can consider many different options to do it, depending on the scale/traffic of the local network, monitoring platforms/interface, types of backend database, etc. - -[ntopng][1] is an open-source (GPLv3) network traffic analyzer which provides a web interface for real-time network traffic monitoring. It runs on multiple platforms including Linux and MacOS X. ntopng comes with a simple RMON-like agent with built-in web server capability, and uses [Redis][2]-backed key-value server to store time series statistics. You can install ntopng network traffic analyzer on any designated monitoring server connected to your network, and use a web browser to access real-time traffic reports available on the server. - -In this tutorial, I will describe **how to set up a web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux by using ntopng.** - -### Features of ntopng ### - -- Flow-level, protocol-level real-time analysis of local network traffic. -- Domain, AS (Autonomous System), VLAN level statistics. -- Geolocation of IP addresses. -- Deep packet inspection (DPI) based service discovery (e.g., Google, Facebook). -- Historical traffic analysis (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly). -- Support for sFlow, NetFlow (v5/v9) and IPFIX through nProbe. -- Network traffic matrix (who’s talking to who?). -- IPv6 support. - -### Install ntopng on Linux ### - -The official website offers binary packages for [Ubuntu][3] and [CentOS][4]. So if you use either platform, you can install these packages. - -If you want to build the latest ntopng from [its source][5], follow the instructions below. - -To build ntopng on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint: - - $ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev libglib2.0-dev libgeoip-dev redis-server wget - $ tar xzf ntopng-1.0.tar.gz - $ cd ntopng-1.0/ - $ ./configure - $ make geoip - $ make - -In the above steps, “make geoip” will automatically download a free version of GeoIP databases with wget from maxmind.com. So make sure that your system is connected to the network. - -To build ntopng on Fedora: - - $ sudo yum install libpcap-devel glib2-devel GeoIP-devel - libxml2-devel redis wget - $ tar xzf ntopng-1.0.tar.gz - $ cd ntopng-1.0/ - $ ./configure - $ make geoip - $ make - -To install ntopng on CentOS or RHEL, first [set up EPEL repository][6], and then follow the same instructions as in [Fedora][7] above. - -### Configure ntopng on Linux ### - -After building ntopng, create a configuration directory for ntopng, and prepare default configuration files as follows. I assume that “″ is the CIDR address prefix of your local network. - - $ sudo mkir /etc/ntopng -p - - $ sudo -e /etc/ntopng/ntopng.start - -> --local-networks "" -> -> --interface 1 - - $ sudo -e /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf - -> -G=/var/run/ntopng.pid - -Before running ntopng, make sure to first start redis, which is a key-value store for ntopng. - -To start ntopng on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint: - - $ sudo /etc/init.d/redis-server restart - $ sudo ./ntopng - -To start ntopng on Fedora, CentOS or RHEL: - - $ sudo service redis restart - $ sudo ./ntopng - -By default, ntopng listens on TCP/3000 port. Verify this is the case using the command below. - - $ sudo netstat -nap|grep ntopng - -> tcp 0 0* LISTEN 29566/ntopng - -### Monitor Network Traffic in Web-Based Interface ### - -Once ntopng is successfully running, go to http://:3000 on your web browser to access the web interface of ntopng. - -You will see the login screen of ntopng. Use the default username and password: “admin/admin” to log in. - -Here are a few screenshots of ntopng in action. - -Real-time visualization of top flows. - -[![](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3830/10487165303_8bf0b25668_z.jpg)][8] - -Live statistics of top hosts, top protocols and top AS numbers. - -[![](http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2886/10486988416_7c8770e823_z.jpg)][9] - -Real time report of active flows with DPI-based automatic application/service discovery. - -Historic traffic analysis. - -[![](http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7379/10486995114_f0b58243a8_z.jpg)][10] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/10/set-web-based-network-traffic-monitoring-linux.html - -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[1]:http://www.ntop.org/products/ntop/ -[2]:http://redis.io/ -[3]:http://apt.ntop.org/ -[4]:http://rpm.ntop.org/ -[5]:http://sourceforge.net/projects/ntop/files/ntopng/ -[6]:http://xmodulo.com/2013/03/how-to-set-up-epel-repository-on-centos.html -[7]:http://xmodulo.com/go/fedora_guide -[8]:http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/10487165303/ -[9]:http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/10486988416/ -[10]:http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/10486995114/ diff --git a/sources/Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Cinnamon RC Has Been Released!.md b/sources/Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Cinnamon RC Has Been Released!.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d344f77a17 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Cinnamon RC Has Been Released!.md @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Cinnamon RC Has Been Released! +================================================================================ +After six months of incremental development on top of stable and reliable technologies the Linux Mint developer team has announced the release of [Linux Mint 16 Petra Cinnamon Edition][1]. This new release of Linux Mint includes updated software, new features and many fixes. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/linux_mint16.png) + +This release which is the fruit of hard work for six months, comes with two distinct flavors, **Cinnamon** and **MATE**. But, what are some new features in this Linux Mint edition? + +According to the official release announcement, the following are new the features in Linux Linux Mint 16 Petra Cinnamon Edition: + +- Cinnamon 2.0 +- Login Screen +- USB Stick support +- Performance improvements +- Software Manager +- System Improvements +- Artwork Improvements +- Main Components + +### Cinnamon 2.0 ### + +Cinnamon 2.0 features many improvements, a lot of bug fixes and new features. Cinnamon is now able to play sounds when you perform common events such as closing windows, switching workspaces and you can also set the volume for these sounds independently of the main sound volume. Cinnamon 2.0 introduces a new applet which makes session and account related tasks very easy. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/thumb_cinnamon_account_details.png) + +### Account Details ### + +System administrators can administrate users and groups with the “Users and Groups” configuration tool and you can change your password from the new “Account Details” configuration screen. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/thumb_cinnamon_user_applet.png) + +### Software Manager ### + +Fast! This is the best word to describe the Software Manager in this release of Linux Mint. A nice thing that everyone will like is that this Software Manager uses less memory than before and applications can now show multiple screenshots. Fast to **search**, fast to **start**. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/software_manager1.png) + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/software_manager2-e1384689990357.png) + +### System Improvements ### + +Do you use the terminal for performing your daily tasks in your Linux Mint machine? Cool, Linux Mint 16 Petra Cinnamon Edition offers a better terminal experience than before and it includes “ll” as an alias to “ls -al”. Why do “ls -al” when you can just do “ll” and be faster than ever while listing files in the working directory? + +Linux Mint 16 Petra Cinnamon Edition thinks about **gamers** too! It now offers better support to Steam and its addition in the repositories and the featured section of the Software Manager. + +What about **privacy**? Linux Mint 16 offers additional private/secure search engines for you guys that take secure browsing very seriously. + +Better help support, safer kernel updates, faster boot sequence and faster login. What about apple fans? Yes, **apple**. We are linux guys, but sharing and caring is the most important thing to us. Linux Mint 16 includes out of the box support for iOS devices, this will make apple fans very happy. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-mint-16-petra-cinnamon-rc-released/ + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=2477 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md b/sources/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md deleted file mode 100644 index 78e501c726..0000000000 --- a/sources/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -翻译中 by Linux-pdz -Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns -================================================================================ -The interns who worked with The Linux Foundation as part of the [FOSS Outreach Program for Women][1] this summer come from diverse backgrounds and levels of experience, but they now have at least one thing in common (besides their gender). They can all add “Linux kernel hacker” to their resume. - -![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/OPW-kernel-contributions-9.jpg) - -*Outreach Program for Women ranked among the top contributors to Linux kernel 3.12. Source: LWN.net.* - -Lisa Nguyen, Xenia Ragiadakou, Elena Ufimtseva, Laura Vasilescu and Tulin Izer were among the seven women out of 41 applicants who received $5,000 stipends each as part of the first group of OPW interns sponsored by the Linux Foundation. They worked full time with kernel developers at Intel, Oracle, and Citrix for three months and tackled projects that included the x86 boot process and vNUMA topolgy. They were also able to take advantage of a $500 travel scholarship to attend and speak at LinuxCon in New Orleans or Edinburgh. - -“It's not often that I'd get to say, 'I volunteered at LinuxCon North America, spoke at LinuxCon North America, and met Linus Torvalds in three days!" said Nguyen, whose internship focused on Xen block drivers with Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk at Oracle. - -In addition to learning how to build and submit kernel patches, making new friends and colleagues and generally conquering their fears, the interns made significant contributions to the Linux kernel. - -“I'm not scared touching kernel code anymore,” said Izer, who worked with Peter P. Waskiewicz Jr. at Intel on parallelizing the x86 boot process. “This was my first contribution to an open source project and I'm really proud of it. I intend to keep doing this for a long time.” - -### Top Kernel Contributors ### - -As a group, OPW was listed as a top contributor to the 3.11 kernel, coming in No. 13 with 230 changesets submitted, according to the [August kernel report on LWN][2]. And intern Xenia Ragiadakou was among the top 10 most active developers contributing 100 changesets to 3.11. - -“My main project was to add trace events and write a trace-cmd plugin for parsing the traces in human readable format to facilitate xhci (driver) debugging,” said Ragiadakou, who worked with Intel kernel developer Sarah Sharp on the project. “I learned how to use git, how to use static code analysis tools, how to send patches, how to tune my debug logs, how the usb subsystem is assembled, how xhci driver is implemented.” - -On the 3.12 kernel, OPW again ranked among the top companies contributing, this time at No. 11 with 19,649 lines of code changed, [according to LWN's][3] analysis in October. That represents 2.7 percent of all changes made during this latest development cycle. - -After their internships ended in September, most of the women have continued to work on the projects they started and plan to keep it up. - -“I think it's cool to be a kernel contributor and I wanted to do this for some time,” said Vasilescu, who worked with Carolyn Wyborny and Anjali Singhai at Intel on features for ethtool in the igb driver. - -“I still have to learn how to stop. Sometimes, oh well, often, I cannot stop,” said Ufimtseva, who worked on vNUMA topolgy for paravirtual guests in Xen with Stefano Stabellini, Dario Fargiolli and George Dunlap at Citrix. “I keep working and later it contributes into the quality of code. But it is so engaging!” - -The deadline for the next round of Linux kernel internships is Nov. 11. Applicants should have some basic knowledge of C or C++ and boolean algebra. Some experience with operating systems, Linux/Unix, and Git is nice but not required. For more information on the available projects and how to apply, visit the [OPW page on Kernel Newbies][4]. - -### Lisa Nguyen ### - -![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/lisa-nguyen-kernel-intern-2.jpg) - -**Lisa Nguyen worked on Xen block drivers with Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk at Oracle.** - -I earned multiple college degrees in Computer Science, Digital Forensics, and Information Security before I became an OPW kernel intern. I have used Linux continuously for the past two years, and I have taken multiple roles in the Linux community including project manager, manpage author, LinuxCon session coordinator, and kernel contributor. - -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** - -I wanted a challenge and move out of my comfort zone. I wanted to give software development another chance, because I dealt with confidence issues in the past. One day, I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in Linux instead of becoming a digital forensics analyst. The timing couldn't have been better when I read about the OPW program through the Linux Foundation's post on Google+ and thought, "What do I have to lose if I don't try?" - -### Elena Ufimtseva ### - -![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/elena-ufimtseva-kernel-intern.jpg) - -**Elena Ufimtseva worked on vNUMA topolgy for paravirtual guests in Xen with Stefano Stabellini, Dario Fargiolli, George Dunlap at Citrix.** - -I worked as a Linux system admin for quite some time and there were different projects I was a part of. I graduated with a Master Degree in Computer Science at St.-Petersburg University in Russian Federation. - -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** - -I felt I want to create software, system software, low-level. Not java :). I had that feeling that I can work on complex problems and solve them. I always check on latest Linux news and I think the one that truly caught my attention was Greg's presentation at Google a few years ago about Linux kernel development community organization and patches application process. I thought 'wow, that sounds great!' - -### Laura Vasilescu ### - -![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/laura-vasilescu-kernel-intern-2.jpg) - -**Laura Vasilescu worked with Carolyn Wyborny and Anjali Singhai on features for ethtool in the igb driver.** - -I consider myself a geek and I have a huge interest for improving the education system (especially in Romania). As a student, I volunteered myself as an undergraduate teaching assistant at my university and as a member of the Romanian Open Source Education Association. My technical expertise is in networking, operating systems and low-level programming. - -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** - -I think is cool to be a kernel contributor and I wanted to do this for some time. - -### Tulin Izer ### - -![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/Tulin-Izer-kernel-intern-2.jpg) - -**Tulin Izer worked with Peter Waskiewicz at Intel on parallelizing the x86 boot process. ** - -I'm from Turkey. I'm a computer engineering student at Galatasaray University in Istanbul. This is my final year. - -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** - -I was interested in operating systems and programming in C but I didn't have any experience with kernel development, I thought this would be a good place to start. - -### Xenia Ragiadakou ### - -Currently I study Computer Science at the University of Crete. I have finished some other studies in the past, on Economics and on Eastern Europe Studies. The reason that I decided to change field once again is because I got bored. I don't know how that sounds. I realized that my organism needed something more applicable, creative and dynamic. So, I decided to enter the Computer Science department. Now, my spirit rests peaceful :) I think coding suits me perfectly. It 's like a game and also I enjoy the developers' mentality. - -**Why did you apply to work on the Linux kernel with the OPW?** - -I wanted since a long time to participate in an open source project but i was thinking that I'm not competent enough to do so. There were three factors that drove me to apply. 1) The fact that OPW is aimed at women made me feel more comfortable. 2) The fact that there were projects on linux kernel because I like working on systems. 3) The fact that the introduction to Linux kernel development was smooth and took place quite early, during the application process. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/200-libby-clark/746687-outreach-program-for-women-seeks-new-linux-kernel-interns/ - -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[1]:https://wiki.gnome.org/OutreachProgramForWomen -[2]:http://lwn.net/Articles/563977/ -[3]:http://lwn.net/Articles/570483/ -[4]:http://kernelnewbies.org/OPWIntro diff --git a/sources/Play A Crossword Game With Adobe’s Leaked Passwords.md b/sources/Play A Crossword Game With Adobe’s Leaked Passwords.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..327d0e972c --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/Play A Crossword Game With Adobe’s Leaked Passwords.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +Play A Crossword Game With Adobe’s Leaked Passwords +================================================================================ +A **crossword** game with **Adobe’s** Leaked Passwords is now available for playing at [http://zed0.co.uk/crossword/][1]. The author of this game, created the crossword to highlight how insecure most common memorable passwords are and how little you should trust that corporations, such as Adobe, are following best practice when it comes to storing them. + +The crossword uses 1000 most common passwords from the Adobe’s recent password leak in order to inform you about weak password. If your password is in the crossword then you should go change it immediately if you use the same password anywhere else. You have a very bad password! Go and change it, before it is too late. + +The author of this nice helpful game, explains for the reader that he got the idea from [xkcd #1286: Encryptic][2] and also tells us that releasing these passwords is not a huge security risk as many people have already guessed them long ago. + +You still don’t know anything about the Adobe cloud security breach? + +Lately Adobe has been a target for cyber criminals. The Adobe security team has discovered a sophisticated attack on Adobe’s network which involves the illegal access of customer information as well as source code for numerous Adobe products. According to the security announcement on Adobe’s blog the attackers accessed Adobe customer IDs and encrypted passwords, but members at Adobe’s Security Team don’t believe any decrypted credit or debit card number is removed from the system. + +You can read more about this security announcement [here][3]. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.unixmen.com/play-crossword-game-adobes-leaked-passwords/ + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:http://zed0.co.uk/crossword/ +[2]:http://www.xkcd.com/1286/ +[3]:http://www.unixmen.com/illegal-access-adobe-source-code/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/Suse Linux Enterprise expands regular support to 10 years.md b/sources/Suse Linux Enterprise expands regular support to 10 years.md deleted file mode 100644 index 55a2c94358..0000000000 --- a/sources/Suse Linux Enterprise expands regular support to 10 years.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -Suse Linux Enterprise expands regular support to 10 years -================================================================================ -**Suse expands general support on customer requests** - -Suse Linux Enterprise (SLE) version 11 and up will come with 10 years of general support instead of the seven years offered up to now, in a move that matches services from competitors. - -"We will move to a new life cycle of Suse Linux Enterprise," said Nils Brauckmann, president and general manager for Suse, during his keynote at the Susecon 2013 conference in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. A [video][1] of the keynote was posted on YouTube. - -"Suse Linux Enterprise 11 is the first major version to receive 10 years of general support followed by 3 years of extended support (LTSS). We consider this the new standard Suse Linux Enterprise life cycle going forward, covering versions 12 and on as well," said Gerald Pfeifer, senior director of Suse product management and operations, in an email Wednesday. Suse sells open-source Linux software to businesses. - -Suse offers different packages for extended support. Extending the support to 13 years will cost US$60,000 for up to 100 servers and $80,000 for up to 500 servers, said Pfeifer. Support for an unlimited number of servers can be extended for $125,000 he said, adding that these are standard prices that Suse has been using for several years. - -By moving from a seven-plus-three-year support cycle to a 10-plus-three-year support cycle, customers get more time under general support, Brauckmann said during his keynote. The decision to increase the support cycle was made a couple of weeks ago and is a direct reaction to customer requests, he added. - -Suse's general support extension follows Red Hat's move in January last year to extend the life cycle of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 and 6 from seven to 10 years, in response to enterprise customer demand. - -Oracle Linux, which is based on RHEL, expanded its life cycle support from eight to 10 years in February last year. CentOS, an Enterprise Linux distribution that is based on a rebuild of RHEL, has also been offering 10-year support as a standard for a while. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://www.itworld.com/operating-systems/382610/suse-linux-enterprise-expands-regular-support-10-years - -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[1]:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0W4izFu_WM \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/VidMasta--A Desktop Application For Searching Movies And TV Shows.md b/sources/VidMasta--A Desktop Application For Searching Movies And TV Shows.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4922ae882 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/VidMasta--A Desktop Application For Searching Movies And TV Shows.md @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +VidMasta: A Desktop Application For Searching Movies And TV Shows +================================================================================ +Ever wanted to search for a Movie or a TV shows from your desktop or searching for a application to do it for you whenever you want? Here is a application to fulfil your needs. + +[**VidMasta**][1] is free, cross-platform, federated search desktop application to read about, preview, watch, and download any movie or television titles that are being shared online. It will run on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. + +### Features ### + +Using VidMasta, you can do the following: + +- Watch or download movie and television titles in any format. +- Supported formats are: TV, DVD, 720p, 1080i/p. +- Anonymity via automatic filtering of untrusted IPs, the use of proxies, and encryption. +- “Deep Search, Best Source” algorithm for superior video download links. +- “Popular Movies” and “Popular TV Shows” options to display recent movies/tv shows that have been downloaded the most. +- Download video subtitles. +- Set the number of results per search. +- Set the minimum and maximum size of a video file that can be downloaded. +- Set the video file extensions that can be downloaded. +- Search for movie and television titles by name, release date, genre, rating, country, and language. +- Automatic ordering of search results by popularity. +- Hear and read small summaries of titles. +- View trailers of titles. +- View release dates and ratings of titles. +- Multithreading for fast load times of search results and links. +- Detection of video box sets. +- [PeerBlock][2] integration (only available for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7). +- No additional software is needed beyond [Java][3] (version 6 or greater). +- Automatic (silent) updating of the application. + +### Install VidMasta On Linux ### + +Before installing VidMasta you should have install the latest Java in your Linux Desktop. + +Download the latest version from [**here**][4]. Go the folder where you downloaded the file and install it using the following command: + + sudo java -jar vidmasta-setup-16.7.jar + +The following screen should appear. Click Next to continue. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Installation-of-VidMasta_001.jpg) + +Select the installation path and click Next. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Installation-of-VidMasta_002.jpg) + +After completing the installation, click Next. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Installation-of-VidMasta_004.jpg) + +Setup the shortcuts. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Installation-of-VidMasta_007.jpg) + +Finally click Done to finish the installation. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Installation-of-VidMasta_008.jpg) + +After completing the installation, VidMasta will automatically open. This is how default interface of VidMasta looks. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/VidMasta_009.jpg) + +### Search Movies & TV Shows ### + +Searching Movies and TV shows are pretty easy. Enter the movie title in the Title box. Select the Movie Genre and the Movie format such as “Any”, “DVD”, “720HD” or “1080 HD” etc. Then hit Enter to start search. Also you an filter the movie results with ratings. If you don’t know the movie name, check the box “Any” Menu bar. + +For example here i am searching “Adventure” genre movies with 720 HD quality which are released between November 1st, 2012 to today. Once you hit Search button, VidMasta will fetch the results from [www.imdb.com][5] website and display the results as per your search criteria. Below is the sample output. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/VidMasta_012.jpg) + +You can watch trailer or read the movie summary before downloading it. To view the movie summary, select any movie, right click on it and click Read Summary. Also you can use the buttons below the search results to Read Summary, Watch Trailer, Download or Watch Full movie. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/VidMasta_013.jpg) + +Moreover, you can watch the Trailer before downloading the movie. Click on the Watch Trailer button. The Trailer will be opened in a new browser window as shown below. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/%E2%96%B6-Django-Unchained-Official-Trailer-HD-YouTube-Mozilla-Firefox_014.jpg) + +If you like the movie, click on the Download links(Download link 1 or Download link 2) to get the movie. + +### Popular Movies & Popular TV Shows ### + +So you don’t know which movie or TV show is being mostly watched all time. Don’t worry, VidMata has a option to watch the Popular movies or TV shows. Just click on the Popular Movies or Popular TV Shows button to find out. + +![](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/VidMasta_015.jpg) + +Cool, isn’t it? + +Please note that i couldn’t not watch or download recent movies. May be copy rights or geographical problems. Also you should install the latest Java and disable ad-block programs to play and download movies. + +What are you waiting for? Go, get it and have fun! + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.unixmen.com/vidmasta-desktop-application-searching-movies-tv-shows/ + +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:https://sites.google.com/site/algwares/vidmasta +[2]:http://www.peerblock.com/ +[3]:http://www.java.com/ +[4]:http://sourceforge.net/projects/vidmasta/ +[5]:http://www.unixmen.com/vidmasta-desktop-application-searching-movies-tv-shows/www.imdb.com \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translated/How to set up web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux.md b/translated/How to set up web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc2a53e36d --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/How to set up web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux.md @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +如何在Linux上配置基于Web的网络流量监控系统 +================================================================================ +当你在本地网络监控网络流量,根据流量大小、监控平台/接口、数据库类型等等,可以有许多不同的选择。 + +[ntopng][1]是一套开源(遵循GPLv3协议)网络流量分析解决方案,提供基于web界面的实时网络流量监控。支持跨平台,包括Linux和MacOS X。ntopng类似于RMON远端网络监控代理,具有内置的Web服务能力,使用[Redis][2]键值服务按时间序列存储统计信息。你可以在任何指定的监控服务器上安装ntopng,只需使用任一web浏览器,就能实时访问服务器上的流量报告了。 + +本教程就来介绍**如何使用ntopng在Linux上配置基于Web的网络流量监控系统** + +###ntopng的特性### + +- 从数据流级别与协议级别对本地网络流量进行实时分析 +- 支持域、AS(自制系统)与VLAN级别的统计分析 +- 支持IP地址地理定位 +- 支持基于“服务探索”(例如Google、Facebook)的深度报文检测(DPI) +- 历史流量分析(例如分别按照小时、日、周、月、年进行分析) +- 支持sFlow、NetFlow(v5/v9版)以及基于nProbe的IPFIX +- 网络流量矩阵(谁正在和谁谈话?) +- 支持IPv6 + +###在Linux上安装ntopng + +官方网页上提供了针对[Ubuntu][3]和[CentOS][4]的二进制安装包。如果你使用的恰好是以上二者其一,并且懒得用源码安装,可以直接到官网下载二进制文件包安装,并忽略这一小节下面的内容。 + +如果你想通过[源码][5]安装最新的ntopng,请继续往下看 + +如果你是Debian、Ubuntu或Linux Mint,执行以下命令: + + $ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev libglib2.0-dev libgeoip-dev redis-server wget + $ tar xzf ntopng-1.0.tar.gz + $ cd ntopng-1.0/ + $ ./configure + $ make geoip + $ make + +上面的几个步骤中,“make geoip”将会自动通过wget从maxmind.com下载一个免费版的GeoIP数据库,因此,这里最好确保你的系统能联网。 + +如果你是Fedora: + + $ sudo yum install libpcap-devel glib2-devel GeoIP-devel + libxml2-devel redis wget + $ tar xzf ntopng-1.0.tar.gz + $ cd ntopng-1.0/ + $ ./configure + $ make geoip + $ make + +如果你是CentOS或RHEL,首先[设置EPEL repository][6],然后再执行上面和[Fedora][7]一样的命令就可以。 + +###在Linux上配置ntopng### + +ntopng安装完毕之后,接下来,新建一个ntopng配置目录,然后按照下列命令准备默认的配置文件。这里我假设你的本地网络地址为C类“”。 + + $ sudo mkir /etc/ntopng -p + + $ sudo -e /etc/ntopng/ntopng.start + +> --local-networks "" +> +> --interface 1 + + $ sudo -e /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf + +> -G=/var/run/ntopng.pid + +在运行ntopng之前,要确认先启动redis,刚才不说了,redis为ntopng提供键值存储嘛~ + +在Debian、Ubuntu和Linux Mint上,这样启动: + + $ sudo /etc/init.d/redis-server restart + $ sudo ./ntopng + +在Fedora、CentOS和RHEL上,这样启动: + + $ sudo service redis restart + $ sudo ./ntopng + +ntopng默认监听TCP的3000端口,使用下列命令加以确认。 + + $ sudo netstat -nap|grep ntopng + +> tcp 0 0* LISTEN 29566/ntopng + +###基于Web界面的网络流量监控### + +一旦ntopng成功运行,就可以打开浏览器,访问地址http://<你的主机IP地址>:3000 + +这时,你会看到ntopng的登录界面。使用默认帐密:“admin/admin”。 + +下面是一些截图。 + +top流的实时可视化图像 +[![](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3830/10487165303_8bf0b25668_z.jpg)][8] + +top主机的实时统计,包括top协议和top AS数量 +[![](http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2886/10486988416_7c8770e823_z.jpg)][9] + +基于DPI的自动程序/服务探索生成的的实时数据报告 + +历史流量数据分析 +[![](http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7379/10486995114_f0b58243a8_z.jpg)][10] + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/10/set-web-based-network-traffic-monitoring-linux.html + +译者:[Mr小眼儿](http://blog.csdn.net/tinyeyeser) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:http://www.ntop.org/products/ntop/ +[2]:http://redis.io/ +[3]:http://apt.ntop.org/ +[4]:http://rpm.ntop.org/ +[5]:http://sourceforge.net/projects/ntop/files/ntopng/ +[6]:http://xmodulo.com/2013/03/how-to-set-up-epel-repository-on-centos.html +[7]:http://xmodulo.com/go/fedora_guide +[8]:http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/10487165303/ +[9]:http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/10486988416/ +[10]:http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/10486995114/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translated/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md b/translated/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5580b560af --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/Outreach Program for Women Seeks New Linux Kernel Interns.md @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +延伸项目为Linux内核寻找新的女性实习生 +=== +作为[FOSS针对女性的延伸项目][1],这个夏季工作在Linux基金会的实习生们有着多样的背景和水平也高低不等,但是她们至少有一件事情是相同的(除去她们的性别之外)。她们可以在自己的履历中添加一项“Linux内核工作者”。 + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/OPW-kernel-contributions-9.jpg) + +*针对女性的延伸项目在对Linux内核3.12的贡献已经名列前茅。来源:LWN.net* + +在Linux基金会资助的第一批每人5000美元薪水的申请人中,Lisa Nguyen, Xenia Ragiadakou, Elena Ufimtseva, Laura Vasilescu 和Tulin Izer是41获得者中的7名女性女性获得者。她们与Intel、Oracle和Citrix的内核开发者一起工作了三个月,解决了包括X86启动协议和XNUMA拓扑在内的项目。她们拿出了奖金中的500美元出席了并在在新奥尔良或者爱丁堡举行的LinuxCon会议上演讲。 + +“我并不是总有机会去说,我在LinuxCon北美会议上做志愿者,在LinuxCon北美会议上发表演讲,而且与Linux Torvalds交流了三天!”Nguyen说,她是一个Linux内核实习生,与Orcale的Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk一起解决Xen虚拟机的时钟驱动问题。 + +除了学习如何创建和提交内核补丁,这些实习生们通过结交新朋友和同事,克服了她们的恐惧心理,为Linux内核的发展作出了明显的贡献。 + +“我不再害怕碰内核代码了”Izer这样说道,她和来自Intel的Peter P. Waskiewicz Jr.一起工作去解决X86的启动进程并行化问题。“这是我第一次对开源项目作出贡献,我以此为自豪。在我的余生,我将接着做下去”。 + +###内核贡献着排行榜 + +最为一个组织,OPW列出了一个针对Linux3.11内核的贡献排行榜,可参看[在LWN上的权威内核报告][2]。实习生Xenia Ragiadakou给3.11内核贡献了100个补丁,在最活跃的开发者中位列前10。 + +“我的主要工作就是添加追踪事件,然后写了一个trace-cmd插件以便于把追踪事件写成利于人们阅读的格式以方便于xhci(驱动)的debug,”Ragiadakou说,她和Intel的内核开发者Sarah Sharp一起做这项工作。“我学习了如何使用git,如何使用静态代码分析工具,以及如何发送补丁,如何查看debug日志,usb子系统是如何组成的,xhci驱动又是如何实现的。” + +在内核3.12上,OPW再次排在了贡献最大的团队或公司之中,这次是排行第11行,有19,649行代码的改动,可参看[LWN的在10月份的分析报告][3]。那代表了在过去最新的一次开发周期中接近2.7%的改动量。 + +在她们的实习计划在9月份结束时,她们中的大多数仍然持续对她们开始做的以及打算继续做的项目继续保持这贡献。 + +“我认为成为一个内核开发者是一件非常酷的事情,将来,我也要继续做这件事情,”Vasilescu说,她和Intel的Carolyn Wyborny以及 Anjali Singha一起解决igb驱动的ethtool属性。 + +“我甚至需要学习如何才能停下来。有时候,好吧,是常常,我无法停下来,”Ufimtseva说,她和Citrix的Stefano Stabellini、Dario Fargiolli、George Dunlap一起工作,以解决针对与工作在xen上的并行虚拟机的vNUMA拓扑问题。“我一直努力,最终我贡献的补丁被提交到了高质量代码库里,这真的是很鼓舞人心哇!” + +下一轮Liux内核实习生的截止日期是11月。申请着应当了解c或者c++的基本知识,布尔代数学,对Linux/Unix操作系统有一定的经验,了解Git更好不过也不需要。想了解有关可参加的项目以及申请的更详细信息,可浏览[在内核新闻站点的OPW页面][4]。 + +###Lisa Nguyen + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/lisa-nguyen-kernel-intern-2.jpg) + +**Lisa Nguyen和Oracle的Konrad Rzeszutek一起解决Xen的时钟驱动问题** + +在我成为OPW实习生之前,我已经获得了多个大学学位,如计算机科学,数字辩论和信息安全等。我在过去的两年中持续地使用Linux,我还在Linux社区中充当多种角色,例如项目管理着,man页的作者,LinuxCon会议的协调着以及内核贡献着。 + +**你为什么申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** + +我想要一个挑战,想要跳离自己的舒服区域。我要给软件开发一个机会,因为过去我一直面对这自信心问题。一天,我决定要寻求一个有关Linux的职业来代替现在的数字分析工作。当我看到OPW项目出现在Linux基金会在Google+上的博文时,我觉得这是一个在合适不过的机会咯,于是,我想“我为什么不去尝试一下呢?” + +###Elena Ufimtseva + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/elena-ufimtseva-kernel-intern.jpg) + +**Elena Ufimtseva与来自Citrix的Stefano Stabellini, Dario Fargiolli, George Dunlap的一起去解决xen虚拟机中的并行虚拟客户端的vNUMAde的拓扑问题** + +我作为一名Linux系统管理员已经有想当长的一段时间了,而且成为了许多项目的一分子。我从俄罗斯联邦的St.-Petersburg大学获得了我的计算机科学硕士学位。 + +**你为什么申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** + +我觉得我需要使用低级语言而不是java去软件,例如系统软件。我有一种感觉,我能应对复杂的问题并解决他们。我经常阅读最新的Linux新闻,我觉得最吸引我注意的是Greg在一年前在Google做的关于Linux内核开发着社区以及补丁递交程序等的报告。我觉得“哇,这好好玩哇!” + +### Laura Vasilescu ### + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/laura-vasilescu-kernel-intern-2.jpg) + +**Laura Vasilescu 和 Carolyn Wyborny以及Anjali Singhai共同去解决igb驱动的ethtool属性。** + +我认为自己就是一个极客,我对改善教育系统(尤其是罗马尼亚的)有着非常浓厚的兴趣。作为一名学生,我成为一名我所在大学的教师助理的志愿者,我还是罗马尼亚开源教育协会的成员。我的技术专长是网络,操作系统和低级编程语言。 + +**你为什么申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** + +我觉得成为一名内核贡献着是一件非常酷的事情,我要做一下这样的事情。 + +### Tulin Izer ### + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/Tulin-Izer-kernel-intern-2.jpg) + +**Tulin Izer和来自Intel的Peter Waskiewicz一起去解决x86系统的启动进成并行化问题。** + +我来自与土耳其。我是一名来自于伊斯坦布尔的Galatasaray大学的计算机工程专业的学生。今年我大四。 + +**为什么你申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** + +我对操作系统以及使用C语言进行变成非常感兴趣,但是我对内核开发没有任何经验,但是我觉的这是一个起步的好地方。 + +### Xenia Ragiadakou ### + +目前,我在克利特大学学习计算机科学。过去,我已经修完了几门课程,如经济学,东欧研究史等。我决定另换一个领域的原因是我感到厌烦了。我不知道这个想法是否明智。但是我意识到我需要的是更加具有创造性、富有变化以及非常实用的东西。所以,我决定进入计算机科学学院学习。现在,我的内心重新回复平静:我觉的编程是一件更加适合我的事情。这就像玩游戏一样,我非常喜欢编程的乐趣。 + +**为什么你申请同OPW一起为Linux内核工作** + +想加入开源项目的想法已经在我的脑海中存在很久了,但我一直认为我还没有足够的能力加入开源项目中去。这次有三个因素促使我去申请。1)OPW针对女性这一目标是我感到更加舒坦。2)我非常喜欢在Linux系统中工作。3)被引入Linux内核的开发过程非常平顺,会在应用开发的早期加入进去。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/200-libby-clark/746687-outreach-program-for-women-seeks-new-linux-kernel-interns/ + +译者:[Linux-pdz](https://github.com/Linux-pdz) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:https://wiki.gnome.org/OutreachProgramForWomen +[2]:http://lwn.net/Articles/563977/ +[3]:http://lwn.net/Articles/570483/ +[4]:http://kernelnewbies.org/OPWIntro diff --git a/translated/Suse Linux Enterprise expands regular support to 10 years.md b/translated/Suse Linux Enterprise expands regular support to 10 years.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4633d11733 --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/Suse Linux Enterprise expands regular support to 10 years.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Suse Linux 主流支持到10年 +================================================================================ +**Suse在客户的要求下扩展了主流支持** + +Suse Linux Enterprise (SLE)(11版)及以后的版本将会迎来10年的主流支持和而不是现在的7年,此举是为了匹配竞争对手的服务。 + +尼尔.布劳克曼,Suse的总裁和总经理,在佛罗里达的维斯塔湖举办的Suse 2013会议上的发言说:"我们将进入一个新的Suse Linux Enterprise支持周期。"这个主题演讲的[视频][1]已经被放到了YouTube上。 + +杰拉尔德.普法伊费尔,Suse产品管理和操作的高级领导,在周三的一封邮件中说:"Suse Linux Enterprise 11是首个收到10年主流支持的主要版本和3年的扩展支持(LTSS)。我们也考虑向前推进这个新的Suse Linux Enterprise的支持周期,同样包含了12版。"Suse售卖开源Linux软件给企业。 + +普法伊费尔说:"Suse提供不同的包用于扩展支持。扩展支持到13年将花费$60,000用于100台服务器或者$80,000用于500台服务器。对于无限太的服务器将会扩展到$125,000."他还说这些标准价格已经用了好几年了。 + +布劳克曼在他的主题演讲中说:"从一个7加3年的支持周期到10加3年的支持周期,可以会有更多时间的主流支持。"他还说:"这个决定是在几周前在客户的反映下做出的。" + +Suse的主流支持延长是随着Red Hat的在去年1月的行动,将 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5和6的生命周期延长到10年,是响应了客户的需求。 + +基于RHEL的Oracle Linux,去年2月将支持周期从8年延长到10年。基于Enterprise Linux的重编译版本的CentOS,同样将支持周期延长到10年有一段时间了。 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.itworld.com/operating-systems/382610/suse-linux-enterprise-expands-regular-support-10-years + +译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0W4izFu_WM \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translated/The Linux Kernel/09 The Linux Kernel--Configuring the Kernel Part 5.md b/translated/The Linux Kernel/09 The Linux Kernel--Configuring the Kernel Part 5.md deleted file mode 100644 index c37c906066..0000000000 --- a/translated/The Linux Kernel/09 The Linux Kernel--Configuring the Kernel Part 5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -09 Linux内核: 配置内核 (Part 5) -================================================================================ -![](http://www.linux.org/attachments/slide-jpeg.428/) - -Linux内核拥有许多特性可以被配置。还有许多的特性要配置。 - -下一个可以配置的特性是x86的随机数生成器(x86 architectural random number generator (ARCH_RANDOM))。记住,我们现在配置的是AMD64系统的内核代码。这个随机数生成器使用Intel x86的RDRAND指令。这并不通用,所以为了一个更轻量的内核我禁用了它。 - -接着,我们可以启用或者禁用"Supervisor Mode Access Prevention (X86_SMAP)"。这是Intel处理器使用的安全特性。SWAP在一些实例中只会允许内核访问用户空间。这个有助于保护用户空间。如果启用,这里有一点性能和大小的开销,但是开销很小。由于我是用的是AMD系统,所以我禁用了这个特性。 - -开发者可以启用"EFI runtime service support (EFI)"。只有在有EFI固件的系统上启用它。拥有这个特性,内核可以使用可用的EFI服务。EFI是一个操作系统和硬件如何交流的规范,所以EFI固件是使用这个规范的硬件代码。因为我没有EFI固件,所以我禁用了它。 - -这是一个应该被启用的有用的安全方式(Enable seccomp to safely compute untrusted bytecode (SECCOMP))。这个安全特性在使用不受信任的字节码的数值计算(执行大量计算的软件)中使用。字节码(可移植代码)是一种被解释器有效读取的代码。字节码不是源代码,但它也不是汇编或者二进制代码。不受信任的代码是一种可能导致系统/数据损坏的代码。可能会破坏系统或者毁坏数据的不受信任的代码通过seccomp被隔离在独立的地址空间中。这是通过文件描述符传输的方法。通常上,最好启用这个安全特性即使会有一些性能开销,除非你在制作一个需要惊人性能的内核。 - -这里是另外一个安全特性(Enable -fstack-protector buffer overflow detection (CC_STACKPROTECTOR))。缓冲溢出是数据被写超出了它的内存界限并且进入了邻近的内存中。这是一个安全威胁。一些恶意软件使用缓冲区溢出来利用系统。启用这个会使用GCC选项 "-fstack-protector"。GCC是一个Linux编译器。这个编译器会在你配置完成后编译内核。这个编译器参数会在返回地址前在栈上加入一个canary值(特殊的安全代码)。这个值会在返回前被验证。当内存溢出发生时,canary值会得到覆盖消息。当这个发生时,会触发一个内存错误(kernel panic)。如许多人知道的那样,内核错误意味着系统将要崩溃,但是这比系统或者数据永久损害的好。发生内核错误,系统会重启,但是如果缓冲移除得到了一个损坏系统的机会,一个简单的重启无法修复破坏。你必须用GCC 4.2或者更高版本支持这个参数的GCC来编译内核。 - -注意:为了得到你使用的版本号,在命令行内键入"gcc --version"。 - -在这之后,我们可以配置定时器频率。配置工具建议使用250Hz,所以我们使用这个值。 - -Timer frequency -1. 100 HZ (HZ_100) -> 2. 250 HZ (HZ_250) -3. 300 HZ (HZ_300) -4. 1000 HZ (HZ_1000) -choice[1-4?]: 2 - -使用1000Hz通常来讲对许多系统而言太快了。定时器频率决定着定时器中断被使用的频率。这有助于在时间线上的系统操作。程序并不是随机地执行一条命令。相反它们会等到定时器中断结束。这保持着有组织和结构的处理。频率为100Hz的定时器中断之间的时间是10ms,250Hz是4ms,1000Hz是1ms。现在许多开发者会马上想到1000Hz是最好的。好吧,这取决于你对开销的要求。一个大的定时器频率意味着更多的能源消耗和更多的能源被利用(在定时器上),产生更多的热量。更多的热量意味着硬件损耗的更快。 - -注意:如果某个特定的特性对你并不重要或者你不确定该选择什么,就使用配置工具选择的默认值。比如,就我现在正在配置的内核而言,使用哪个定时器对我并不重要。总的来说,如果你没有特别的原因去选择任何一个选项时,就使用默认值。 - -这个有趣的系统调用可能会对一些用户有用(kexec system call (KEXEC))。kexec调用会关闭当前内核去启动另外一个或者重启当前内核。硬件并不会关闭并且这个调用可以无需固件的帮助工作。bootloader没有被执行。(bootloader是启动操作系统的软件) 这个重启发生在操作系统级别上而不是硬件上。使用这个系统调用会快于执行一个标准的关机或者重启。这保持硬件在开启状态。这个系统调用并不能工作在所有系统上。为了高性能,启用热插拔。 - -To use kexec, use the command below replacing “” with the kernel that will be used after reboot. Also, replace “” with some of those kernel parameters we had discussed previously. (I will go into greater depth in a later article.) -为了使用kexec,对重启后要使用的内核使用如下命令替换""。同样,使用之前我们讲过的内核参数替换"" (我会在以后的文章中更深入的讨论。) - - kexec -l --append="” - -Specifically, I would type “kexec -l /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-27-generic –append="root=/dev/sda1”” -特别地,我这里输入"kexec -l /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-27-generic –append="root=/dev/sda1"" - -注意:硬件有时不必重启,所以这不依赖于kexec。 - -下面,我们有一个适用于kexec的调试特性(kernel crash dumps (CRASH_DUMP))。当kexec被调用时,一个崩溃信息(crash dump)会生成。除非你有必要调试kexec,否则这个并不必要。我禁用了这个特性。 - -再者,我们有另外一个kexec特性(kexec jump (KEXEC_JUMP))。kexec跳允许用户在原始内核和kexec启动的内核之间切换。 - -最好对内核启动地址使用默认值(Physical address where the kernel is loaded (PHYSICAL_START) [0x1000000])。 - -下一个内核选项(Build a relocatable kernel (RELOCATABLE))允许内核可以放在内存的任何地方。内核文件会增大10%,但是超出部分会在执行时从内存移除。许多人也许想知道这为什么很重要。在2.6.20内核前,救援内核(rescue kernel)不得不被配置和编译运行在不同的内存地址上。当这个特性发明后,开发者不必再编译两个内核。救援内核不会在第一个已加载的内核地地方加载因为内存部分已被占用或者损坏。(如果你正在使用救援内核,那么明显第一个内核发生了错误) - -这个特性应该在可以增加CPU的系统中启用,除非你有特别的理由不去这么做(Support for hot-pluggable CPUs (HOTPLUG_CPU))。配置工具会自动启用这个特性。在这个特性下,你可以在一个拥有很多处理器的系统上激活/停用一个CPU。这并不意味着在系统中加入新的CPU。所有的CPU必须已经在系统中。 - -下面的选项会让我们选择设置上面的特性是否默认启用(Set default setting of cpu0_hotpluggable (BOOTPARAM_HOTPLUG_CPU0))。为了性能最好禁用这个特性直到需要的时候。 - -这个调试特性允许开发者调试CPU热插拔特性(Debug CPU0 hotplug (DEBUG_HOTPLUG_CPU0))。我禁用了它。 - -为了兼容旧版本的glibc(<2.3.3),启用这个特性(Compat VDSO support (COMPAT_VDSO))。这适用于通过映射32位在VDSO(虚拟动态链接共享对象)的旧式地址。Glibc是GNC C库;这是GNU工程实现的C标准库。 - -如果系统内核被用于一个缺乏完整功能的bootloader上,那么启用这个特性(Built-in kernel command line (CMDLINE_BOOL))。这允许用户在内核自身上使用一条命令行,那么管理员可以修复内核问题。如果bootloader已经有了一条命令行(像grub),那么这个特性不必启用。 - -现在我们可以配置ACPI和电源了。首先,我们被要求选择系统是否可以挂起内存(Suspend to RAM and standby (SUSPEND))。高级配置和电源接口(ACPI)是一种对于设备配置和电源管理的开放标准。挂起系统会将数据放在内存上同时硬件进入一种低功耗的状态。系统不会完全关机。如果用户需要计算机进入一个低功耗的状态但是希望保留当前已打开程序时是非常有用的。关闭一个系统会完全关闭系统电源并且清理内存。 - -下面,我们可以启用睡眠(Hibernation (aka 'suspend to disk') (HIBERNATION))。睡眠就像挂起模式,但是内存中所有数据被保存到硬盘上并且设备完全关闭。这允许用户在电源恢复后继续使用他们已打开的程序。 - -这里,我们可以设置默认的恢复分区(Default resume partition (PM_STD_PARTITION))。非常少的开发者和管理员需要这个特性。当系统从睡眠中恢复时,他会加载默认的恢复分区。 - -在这之后,我们可以启用"Opportunistic sleep (PM_AUTOSLEEP)"。这会让内核在没有活跃的唤醒调用被调用时进入挂起或者睡眠状态。这意味着空闲系统将会进入挂起模式以节省电源。我启用了这个特性。 - -接下来,我们被询问关于"User space wakeup sources interface (PM_WAKELOCKS)"。启用这个特性将会允许激活源对象被激活,停用,并通过基于sysfs接口由用户空间创建。激活源对象会追踪唤醒事件源。 - -sysfs是位于/sys的虚拟文件系统。这个虚拟文件系统包含了关于设备的信息。当进入/sys时,它似乎是硬盘的一部分,但是这个并不是一个真正的挂载点。这些文件实际存在于内存中。这与/proc是同一个概念。 - -注意:"/sysfs"是一个文件夹而"/sysfs"或许是一个根目录下名为"sysfs"的文件。许多Linux用户会混淆这两种命名约定。 - -如果启用了上面的选项,那么你可以设置Maximum number of user space wakeup sources (0 = no limit) (PM_WAKELOCKS_LIMIT)"。最好选择默认。那么你就可以启用垃圾收集器(Garbage collector for user space wakeup sources (PM_WAKELOCKS_GC))。垃圾收集是一种内存管理方式。 - -注意: 在需要更多内存的系统中,通常最好在大多数情况下尽可能启用垃圾收集。不然内存会消耗得更快且杂乱。 - -下一个电源选项关于IO设备(Run-time PM core functionality (PM_RUNTIME))。这个选项允许IO硬件在运行时进入低功耗状态。硬件必须支持这个才行,不是所有硬件都会这么做。 - -与其他许多内核组件一样,如果启用了(Power Management Debug Support),电源管理代码同样有调试支持。我禁用了这个选项。 - -注意: 注意这些我引用/显示的配置工具上的选项/问题不再显示选项代码(括号间所有的大写字母)。这是因为我没有使用基于ncurses的配置工具(make menuconfig)而是使用默认工具去得到选项/设置/问题。记住,"make config"缺乏保存当前进度的能力。 - -在这之后,配置工具会启用"ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support"。最好允许这个电源管理规范。通常上,配置工具会启用这个特性。 - -为了允许向后兼容,启用"Deprecated /proc/acpi files"。新的实现使用更新的在/sys下的实现。我禁用了这个选项.一个相似的问题询问关于"Deprecated power /proc/acpi directories"。通常上,如果你禁用了这些文件,你不再需要这些文件夹,所以我禁用了他们。一些旧的程序可能会使用这些文件和文件夹。如果你在给旧的的Linux系统上编译一个新的内核,最好启用这个选项。 - -下面,我们有另外一个文件接口可以启用或者禁用(EC read/write access through)。这会创建一个嵌入式控制器接口在/sys/kernek/debug/ec下。嵌入式控制器通常在笔记本中读取传感器。内核代码通过系统的BIOS表提供的ACPI代码访问嵌入式控制器。 - -这里有另外一个可以启用或者禁用的向后兼容特性 (Deprecated /proc/acpi/event support)。acpi守护进程可能会读取/proc/api/event来管理ACPI生成的驱动。不同于这个接口,守护进程使用netlink事件或者输入层来得到送给用户空间的事件。acpi守护进程管理ACPI事件。 - -下一个选项允许开发者启用一个特性,它会通知内核现在使用的是AC(AC Adapter)还是电池。下一个选项从/proc/acpi/battery/ (Battery)中提供电池信息。 - -为了内核在电源/睡眠按钮按下或者盖子合上时表现不同,启用这个选项(Button)。这些事件在/proc/acpi/event/中控制。比如,这样的行为如果在用户账户电源选项启用时,当笔记本电脑的盖子关闭后系统将会挂起。 - -下一个ACPI扩展是对视频适配器的(Video)。 - -ACPI风扇可以被启用/禁用(Fan)。最好启用ACPI风扇管理。这有助于保存能源。 - -我们正在进一步配置内核中,但在接下来的文章中还有更多要做。 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://www.linux.org/threads/the-linux-kernel-configuring-the-kernel-part-5.4424/ - -译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出