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@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
Shell 点文件可以为你做点什么
> 了解如何使用配置文件来改善你的工作环境。
不要问你可以为你的 shell <ruby>点文件<rt>dotfile</rt></ruby>做什么,而是要问一个 shell 点文件可以为你做什么!
我一直在操作系统领域里面打转,但是在过去的几年中,我的日常使用的一直是 Mac。很长一段时间我都在使用 Bash但是当几个朋友开始把 [zsh][1] 当成宗教信仰时,我也试试了它。我没用太长时间就喜欢上了它,几年后,我越发喜欢它做的许多小事情。
我一直在使用 zsh通过 [Homebrew][2] 提供,而不是由操作系统安装的)和 [Oh My Zsh 增强功能][3]。
本文中的示例是我的个人 `.zshrc`。大多数都可以直接用在 Bash 中,我觉得不是每个人都依赖于 Oh My Zsh但是如果不用的话你的工作量可能会有所不同。曾经有一段时间我同时为 zsh 和 Bash 维护一个 shell 点文件,但是最终我还是放弃了我的 `.bashrc`
### 不偏执不行
### Mac 专用
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
        # Mac 专用内容在此
例如,我希望 `Alt + 箭头键` 将光标按单词移动而不是单个空格。为了在 [iTerm2][4](我的首选终端)中实现这一目标,我将此代码段添加到了 `.zshrc` 的 Mac 专用部分:
### Mac 专用
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
        ### Mac 用于 iTerm2 的光标命令;映射 ctrl+arrows 或 alt+arrows 来快速移动
        bindkey -e
        bindkey '^[[1;9C' forward-word
        bindkey '^[[1;9D' backward-word
        bindkey '\e\e[D' backward-word
        bindkey '\e\e[C' forward-word
LCTT 译注:标题 “We're all mad here” 是电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中,微笑猫对爱丽丝讲的一句话:“我们这儿全都是疯的”。)
### 在家不工作
虽然我开始喜欢我的 Shell 点文件了,但我并不总是想要家用计算机上的东西与工作的计算机上的东西一样。解决此问题的一种方法是让补充的点文件在家中使用,而不是在工作中使用。以下是我的实现方式:
if [[ `egrep 'dnssuffix1|dnssuffix2' /etc/resolv.conf` ]]; then
        if [ -e $HOME/.work ]
                source $HOME/.work
                echo "This looks like a work machine, but I can't find the ~/.work file"
在这种情况下,我根据我的工作 dns 后缀(或多个后缀,具体取决于你的情况)来提供(`source`)一个可以使我的工作环境更好的单独文件。
LCTT 译注:标题 “What about Bob?” 是 1991 年的美国电影《天才也疯狂》。)
### 你该这么做
现在可能是放弃使用波浪号(`~`)表示编写脚本时的主目录的好时机。你会发现在某些上下文中无法识别它。养成使用环境变量 `$HOME` 的习惯,这将为你节省大量的故障排除时间和以后的工作。
LCTT 译注:标题 “That thing you do” 是 1996 年由汤姆·汉克斯执导的喜剧片《挡不住的奇迹》。)
### 别指望记忆
我写了那么多 shell 脚本,我真的再也不想写脚本了。并不是说 shell 脚本不能满足我大部分时间的需求,而是我发现写 shell 脚本,可能只是拼凑了一个胶带式解决方案,而不是永久地解决问题。
同样,我讨厌记住事情,在我的整个职业生涯中,我经常不得不在一天之中就彻彻底底地改换环境。实际的结果是这些年来,我不得不一再重新学习很多东西。(“等等……这种语言使用哪种 for 循环结构?”)
对于任何一个使用操作系统的人来说,一个常见的情况是找出占用了所有磁盘的内容。不幸的是,我从来没有记住过这个咒语,所以我做了一个 shell 别名,创造性地叫做 `bigdirs`
alias bigdirs='du --max-depth=1 2> /dev/null | sort -n -r | head -n20'
虽然我可能不那么懒惰,并实际记住了它,但是,那不太 Unix ……
LCTT 译注:标题 “Memory, all alone in the moonlight” 是一手英文老歌。)
### 输错的人们
使用 shell 别名改善我的生活的另一种方法是使我免于输入错误。我不知道为什么,但是我已经养成了这种讨厌的习惯,在序列 `ea` 之后输入 `w`,所以如果我想清除终端,我经常会输入 `cleawr`。不幸的是,这对我的 shell 没有任何意义。直到我添加了这个小东西:
alias cleawr='clear'
在 Windows 中有一个等效但更好的命令 `cls`,但我发现自己会在 Shell 也输入它。看到你的 shell 表示抗议真令人沮丧,因此我添加:
alias cls='clear'
是的,我知道 `ctrl + l`,但是我从不使用它。
LCTT 译注:标题 “Typos, and the people who love them” 可能来自某部电影。)
### 要自娱自乐
工作压力很大。有时你需要找点乐子。如果你的 shell 不知道它显然应该执行的命令,则可能你想直接让它耸耸肩!你可以使用以下功能执行此操作:
shrug() { echo "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"; }
fliptable() { echo "(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻"; } # 掀桌,用法示例: fsck -y /dev/sdb1 || fliptable
想想看,当我想掀桌子时而我不记得我给它起了个什么名字,我会有多沮丧和失望,所以我添加了更多的 shell 别名:
alias flipdesk='fliptable'
alias deskflip='fliptable'
alias tableflip='fliptable'
disco() {
        echo "(•_•)"
        echo "<)   )╯"
        echo " /    \ "
        echo ""
        echo "\(•_•)"
        echo " (   (>"
        echo " /    \ "
        echo ""
        echo " (•_•)"
        echo "<)   )>"
        echo " /    \ "
通常,我会将这些命令的输出通过管道传递到 `pbcopy`,并将其粘贴到我正在使用的相关聊天工具中。
我从一个我关注的一个叫 “Command Line Magic” [@ climagic][5] 的 Twitter 帐户得到了下面这个有趣的函数。自从我现在住在佛罗里达州以来,我很高兴看到我这一生中唯一的一次下雪:
snow() {
clear;while :;do echo $LINES $COLUMNS $(($RANDOM%$COLUMNS));sleep 0.1;done|gawk '{a[$3]=0;for(x in a) {o=a[x];a[x]=a[x]+1;printf "\033[%s;%sH ",o,x;printf "\033[%s;%sH*\033[0;0H",a[x],x;}}'
LCTT 译注:标题 “Amuse yourself” 是 1936 年的美国电影《自娱自乐》)
### 函数的乐趣
我们已经看到了一些我使用的函数示例。由于这些示例中几乎不需要参数,因此可以将它们作为别名来完成。 当比一个短句更长时,我出于个人喜好使用函数。
在我职业生涯的很多时期我都运行过 [Graphite][6],这是一个开源、可扩展的时间序列指标解决方案。 在很多的情况下,我需要将度量路径(用句点表示)转换到文件系统路径(用斜杠表示),反之亦然,拥有专用于这些任务的函数就变得很有用:
# 在 Graphite 指标和文件路径之间转换很有用
function dottoslash() {
        echo $1 | sed 's/\./\//g'
function slashtodot() {
        echo $1 | sed 's/\//\./g'
在我的另外一段职业生涯里,我运行了很多 Kubernetes。如果你对运行 Kubernetes 不熟悉,你需要编写很多 YAML。不幸的是一不小心就会编写了无效的 YAML。更糟糕的是Kubernetes 不会在尝试应用 YAML 之前对其进行验证,因此,除非你应用它,否则你不会发现它是无效的。除非你先进行验证:
function yamllint() {
        for i in $(find . -name '*.yml' -o -name '*.yaml'); do echo $i; ruby -e "require 'yaml';YAML.load_file(\"$i\")"; done
LCTT 译注:哦抱歉,我不知道这个标题的出处。)
### 手指不听话
在各种时期,我多次用过 Chef 或 Kubernetes。对我来说幸运的是我从未同时使用过这两者。
Chef 生态系统的一部分是 Test Kitchen它是加快测试的一组工具可通过命令 `kitchen test` 来调用。Kubernetes 使用 CLI 工具 `kubectl` 进行管理。这两个命令都需要几个子命令,并且这两者都不会特别顺畅地移动手指。
我没有创建一堆“输错别名”,而是将这两个命令别名为 `k`
alias k='kitchen test $@'
alias k='kubectl $@'
LCTT 译注:标题 “Oh, fingers, where art thou?” 演绎自《O Brother, Where Art Thou?》,这是 2000 年美国的一部电影《逃狱三王》。)
### 分裂与合并
我职业生涯的后半截涉及与其他人一起编写更多代码。我曾在许多环境中工作过,在这些环境中,我们在帐户中复刻了存储库副本,并将拉取请求用作审核过程的一部分。当我想确保给定存储库的复刻与父版本保持最新时,我使用 `fetchupstream`
alias fetchupstream='git fetch upstream && git checkout master && git merge upstream/master && git push'
LCTT 译注:标题 “Timesplitters” 是一款视频游戏《时空分裂者》。)
### 颜色之荣耀
我喜欢颜色。它可以使 `diff` 之类的东西更易于使用。
alias diff='colordiff'
# 彩色化手册页,来自:
man() {
        env \
                LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;36m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf "\e[0m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf "\e[0m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf "\e[1;44;33m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf "\e[0m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf "\e[1;32m") \
                man "$@"
我喜欢命令 `which`,但它只是告诉你正在运行的命令在文件系统中的位置,除非它是 Shell 函数才能告诉你更多。在多个级联的点文件之后,有时会不清楚函数的定义位置或作用。事实证明,`whence` 和 `type` 命令可以帮助解决这一问题。
# 函数定义在哪里?
whichfunc() {
        whence -v $1
        type -a $1
LCTT 译注标题“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of color” 演绎自歌曲 《Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of The Lord》
### 总结
希望本文对你有所帮助,并能激发你找到改善日常使用 Shell 的方法。这些方法不必庞大、新颖或复杂。它们可能会解决一些微小但频繁的摩擦、创建捷径,甚至提供减少常见输入错误的解决方案。
欢迎你浏览我的 [dotfiles 存储库][7],但我要警示你,这样做可能会花费很多时间。请随意使用你认为有帮助的任何东西,并互相取长补短。
作者:[H.Waldo Grunenwald][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
What a shell dotfile can do for you
Ask not what you can do for your shell dotfile, but what a shell dotfile can do for you!
I've been all over the OS map, but for the past several years my daily drivers have been Macs. For a long time, I used Bash, but when a few friends started proselytizing [zsh][1], I gave it a shot. It didn't take long for me to appreciate it, and several years later, I strongly prefer it for many of the little things that it does.
I've been using zsh (provided via [Homebrew][2], not the system installed), and the [Oh My Zsh enhancement][3].
The examples in this article are for my personal `.zshrc`. Most will work directly in Bash, and I don't believe that any rely on Oh My Zsh, but your mileage may vary. There was a period when I was maintaining a shell dotfile for both zsh and Bash, but I did eventually give up on my `.bashrc`.
### We're all mad here
If you want the possibility of using the same dotfile across OS's, you'll want to give your dotfile a little smarts.
### Mac Specifics
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
        # Mac-specific stuff here.
For instance, I expect the Alt + arrow keys to move the cursor by the word rather than by a single space. To make this happen in [iTerm2][4] (my preferred shell), I add this snippet to the Mac-specific portion of my .zshrc:
### Mac Specifics
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
        ### Mac cursor commands for iTerm2; map ctrl+arrows or alt+arrows to fast-move
        bindkey -e
        bindkey '^[[1;9C' forward-word
        bindkey '^[[1;9D' backward-word
        bindkey '\e\e[D' backward-word
        bindkey '\e\e[C' forward-word
### What about Bob?
While I came to love my shell dotfile, I didn't always want the same things available on my home machines as on my work machines. One way to solve this is to have supplementary dotfiles to use at home but not at work. Here's how I accomplished this:
if [[ `egrep 'dnssuffix1|dnssuffix2' /etc/resolv.conf` ]]; then
        if [ -e $HOME/.work ]
                source $HOME/.work
                echo "This looks like a work machine, but I can't find the ~/.work file"
In this case, I key off of my work dns suffix (or multiple suffixes, depending on your situation) and source a separate file that makes my life at work a little better.
### That thing you do
Now is probably a good time to quit using the tilde (`~`) to represent your home directory when writing scripts. You'll find that there are some contexts where it's not recognized. Getting in the habit of using the environment variable `$HOME` will save you a lot of troubleshooting time and headaches later on.
The logical extension would be to have OS-specific dotfiles to include if you are so inclined.
### Memory, all alone in the moonlight
I've written embarrassing amounts of shell, and I've come to the conclusion that I really don't want to write more. It's not that shell can't do what I need most of the time, but I find that if I'm writing shell, I'm probably slapping together a duct-tape solution rather than permanently solving the problem.
Likewise, I hate memorizing things, and throughout my career, I have had to do radical context shifting during the course of a day. The practical consequence is that I've had to re-learn many things several times over the years. ("Wait... which for-loop structure does this language use?")
So, every so often I decide that I'm tired of looking up how to do something again. One way that I improve my life is by adding aliases.
A common scenario for anyone who works with systems is finding out what's taking up all of the disk. Unfortunately, I have never been able to remember this incantation, so I made a shell alias, creatively called `bigdirs`:
alias bigdirs='du --max-depth=1 2> /dev/null | sort -n -r | head -n20'
While I could be less lazy and actually memorize it, well, that's just not the Unix way...
### Typos, and the people who love them
Another way that using shell aliases improves my life is by saving me from typos. I don't know why, but I've developed this nasty habit of typing a `w` after the sequence `ea`, so if I want to clear my terminal, I'll often type `cleawr`. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean anything to my shell. Until I add this little piece of gold:
alias cleawr='clear'
In one instance of Windows having an equivalent, but better, command, I find myself typing `cls`. It's frustrating to see your shell throw up its hands, so I add:
alias cls='clear'
Yes, I'm aware of `ctrl + l`, but I never use it.
### Amuse yourself
Work can be stressful. Sometimes you just need to have a little fun. If your shell doesn't know the command that it clearly should just do, maybe you want to shrug your shoulders right back at it! You can do this with a function:
shrug() { echo "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"; }
If that doesn't work, maybe you need to flip a table:
fliptable() { echo "(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻"; } # Flip a table. Example usage: fsck -y /dev/sdb1 || fliptable
Imagine my chagrin and frustration when I needed to flip a desk and I couldn't remember what I had called it. So I added some more shell aliases:
alias flipdesk='fliptable'
alias deskflip='fliptable'
alias tableflip='fliptable'
And sometimes you need to celebrate:
disco() {
        echo "(•_•)"
        echo "<)   )╯"
        echo " /    \ "
        echo ""
        echo "\(•_•)"
        echo " (   (>"
        echo " /    \ "
        echo ""
        echo " (•_•)"
        echo "<)   )>"
        echo " /    \ "
Typically, I'll pipe the output of these commands to `pbcopy `and paste it into the relevant chat tool I'm using.
I got this fun function from a Twitter account that I follow called "Command Line Magic:" [@climagic][5]. Since I live in Florida now, I'm very happy that this is the only snow in my life:
snow() {
        clear;while :;do echo $LINES $COLUMNS $(($RANDOM%$COLUMNS));sleep 0.1;done|gawk '{a[$3]=0;for(x in a) {o=a[x];a[x]=a[x]+1;printf "\033[%s;%sH ",o,x;printf "\033[%s;%sH*\033[0;0H",a[x],x;}}'
### Fun with functions
We've seen some examples of functions that I use. Since few of these examples require an argument, they could be done as aliases. I use functions out of personal preference when it's more than a single short statement.
At various times in my career, I've run [Graphite][6], an open-source, scalable, time-series metrics solution. There have been enough instances where I needed to transpose a metric path (delineated with periods) to a filesystem path (delineated with slashes), or vice versa, that it became useful to have dedicated functions for these tasks:
# Useful for converting between Graphite metrics and file paths
function dottoslash() {
        echo $1 | sed 's/\./\//g'
function slashtodot() {
        echo $1 | sed 's/\//\./g'
During another time in my career, I was running a lot of Kubernetes. If you aren't familiar with running Kubernetes, you need to write a lot of YAML. Unfortunately, it's not hard to write invalid YAML. Worse, Kubernetes doesn't validate YAML before trying to apply it, so you won't find out it's invalid until you apply it. Unless you validate it first:
function yamllint() {
        for i in $(find . -name '*.yml' -o -name '*.yaml'); do echo $i; ruby -e "require 'yaml';YAML.load_file(\"$i\")"; done
Because I got tired of embarrassing myself and occasionally breaking a customer's setup, I wrote this little snippet and added it as a pre-commit hook to all of my relevant repos. Something similar would be very helpful as part of your continuous integration process, especially if you're working as part of a team.
### Oh, fingers, where art thou?
I was once an excellent touch-typist. Those days are long gone. I typo more than I would have believed possible.
At different times, I have used a fair amount of either Chef or Kubernetes. Fortunately for me, I never used both at the same time.
Part of the Chef ecosystem is Test Kitchen, a suite of tools that facilitate testing, which is invoked with the commands `kitchen test`. Kubernetes is managed with a CLI tool `kubectl`. Both commands require several subcommands, and neither rolls off the fingers particularly fluidly.
Rather than create a bunch of "typo aliases," I aliased those commands to `k`:
alias k='kitchen test $@'
alias k='kubectl $@'
### Timesplitters
The last half of my career has involved writing more code with other people. I've worked in many environments where we have forked copies of repos on our account and use pull requests as part of the review process. When I want to make sure that my fork of a given repo is up to date with the parent, I use `fetchupstream`:
alias fetchupstream='git fetch upstream && git checkout master && git merge upstream/master && git push'
### Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of color
I like color. It can make things like diffs easier to use.
alias diff='colordiff'
I thought that colorized man pages was a neat trick, so I incorporated this function:
# Colorized man pages, from:
man() {
        env \
                LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;36m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf "\e[0m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf "\e[0m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf "\e[1;44;33m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf "\e[0m") \
                LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf "\e[1;32m") \
                man "$@"
I love the command `which`. It simply tells you where in the filesystem the command you're running comes from—unless it's a shell function. After multiple cascading dotfiles, sometimes it's not clear where a function is defined or what it does. It turns out that the `whence` and `type` commands can help with that.
# Where is a function defined?
whichfunc() {
        whence -v $1
        type -a $1
### Conclusion
I hope this article helps and inspires you to find ways to improve your daily shell-using experience. They don't need to be huge, novel, or complex. They might solve a minor but frequent bit of friction, create a shortcut, or even offer a solution to reducing common typos.
You're welcome to look through my [dotfiles repo][7], but I warn you that it could use a lot of cleaning up. Feel free to use anything that you find helpful, and please be excellent to one another.
作者:[H.Waldo Grunenwald][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: (wxy)
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )
[#]: subject: (Move your dotfiles to version control)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Matthew Broberg
Move your dotfiles to version control
Back up or sync your custom configurations across your systems by sharing dotfiles on GitLab or GitHub.
There is something truly exciting about customizing your operating system through the collection of hidden files we call dotfiles. In [What a Shell Dotfile Can Do For You][1], H. "Waldo" Grunenwald goes into excellent detail about the why and how of setting up your dotfiles. Let's dig into the why and how of sharing them.
### What's a dotfile?
"Dotfiles" is a common term for all the configuration files we have floating around our machines. These files usually start with a **.** at the beginning of the filename, like **.gitconfig** , and operating systems often hide them by default. For example, when I use **ls -a** on MacOS, it shows all the lovely dotfiles that would otherwise not be in the output.
dotfiles on master
➜ ls  Rakefile   bin       misc    profiles   zsh-custom
dotfiles on master
➜ ls -a
.               .gitignore      .oh-my-zsh       zsh-custom
..              .gitmodules     .tmux           Rakefile
.gemrc          .global_ignore .vimrc           bin
.git            .gvimrc         .zlogin         misc
.gitconfig      .maid           .zshrc          profiles
If I take a look at one, **.gitconfig** , which I use for Git configuration, I see a ton of customization. I have account information, terminal color preferences, and tons of aliases that make my command-line interface feel like mine. Here's a snippet from the **[alias]** block:
87   # Show the diff between the latest commit and the current state
88   d = !"git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || clear; git --no-pager diff --patch-with-stat"
90   # `git di $number` shows the diff between the state `$number` revisions ago and the current state
91   di = !"d() { git diff --patch-with-stat HEAD~$1; }; git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || clear; d"
93   # Pull in remote changes for the current repository and all its submodules
94   p = !"git pull; git submodule foreach git pull origin master"
96   # Checkout a pull request from origin (of a github repository)
97   pr = !"pr() { git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr-$1; git checkout pr-$1; }; pr"
Since my **.gitconfig** has over 200 lines of customization, I have no interest in rewriting it on every new computer or system I use, and either does anyone else. This is one reason sharing dotfiles has become more and more popular, especially with the rise of the social coding site GitHub. The canonical article advocating for sharing dotfiles is Zach Holman's [Dotfiles Are Meant to Be Forked][2] from 2008. The premise is true to this day: I want to share them, with myself, with those new to dotfiles, and with those who have taught me so much by sharing their customizations.
### Sharing dotfiles
Many of us have multiple systems or know hard drives are fickle enough that we want to back up our carefully curated customizations. How do we keep these wonderful files in sync across environments?
My favorite answer is distributed version control, preferably a service that will handle the heavy lifting for me. I regularly use GitHub and continue to enjoy GitLab as I get more experienced with it. Either one is a perfect place to share your information. To set yourself up:
1. Sign into your preferred Git-based service.
2. Create a repository called "dotfiles." (Make it public! Sharing is caring.)
3. Clone it to your local environment.*
4. Copy your dotfiles into the folder.
5. Symbolically link (symlink) them back to their target folder (most often **$HOME** ).
6. Push them to the remote repository.
* You may need to set up your Git configuration commands to clone the repository. Both GitHub and GitLab will prompt you with the commands to run.
Step 4 above is the crux of this effort and can be a bit tricky. Whether you use a script or do it by hand, the workflow is to symlink from your dotfiles folder to the dotfiles destination so that any updates to your dotfiles are easily pushed to the remote repository. To do this for my **.gitconfig** file, I would enter:
$ cd dotfiles/
$ ln -nfs .gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig
The flags added to the symlinking command offer a few additional benefits:
* **-s** creates a symbolic link instead of a hard link
* **-f** continues with other symlinking when an error occurs (not needed here, but useful in loops)
* **-n** avoids symlinking a symlink (same as **-h** for other versions of **ln** )
You can review the IEEE and Open Group [specification of **ln**][3] and the version on [MacOS 10.14.3][4] if you want to dig deeper into the available parameters. I had to look up these flags since I pulled them from someone else's dotfiles.
You can also make updating simpler with a little additional code, like the [Rakefile][5] I forked from [Brad Parbs][6]. Alternatively, you can keep it incredibly simple, as Jeff Geerling does [in his dotfiles][7]. He symlinks files using [this Ansible playbook][8]. Keeping everything in sync at this point is easy: you can cron job or occasionally **git push** from your dotfiles folder.
### Quick aside: What not to share
Before we move on, it is worth noting what you should not add to a shared dotfile repository—even if it starts with a dot. Anything that is a security risk, like files in your **.ssh/** folder, is not a good choice to share using this method. Be sure to double-check your configuration files before publishing them online and triple-check that no API tokens are in your files.
### Where should I start?
If Git is new to you, my [article about the terminology][9] and [a cheat sheet][10] of my most frequently used commands should help you get going.
There are other incredible resources to help you get started with dotfiles. Years ago, I came across [][11] and continue to go back to it for a broader look at what people are doing. There is a lot of tribal knowledge hidden in other people's dotfiles. Take the time to scroll through some and don't be shy about adding them to your own.
I hope this will get you started on the joy of having consistent dotfiles across your computers.
What's your favorite dotfile trick? Add a comment or tweet me [@mbbroberg][12].
作者:[Matthew Broberg][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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[#]: subject: (Move your dotfiles to version control)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Matthew Broberg
> 通过在 GitLab 或 GitHub 上分享你的点文件,可以在整个系统上备份或同步你的自定义配置。
通过隐藏文件集(称为<ruby>点文件<rt>dotfile</rt></ruby>)来定制操作系统确实令人兴奋。在这篇 [Shell 点文件可以为你做什么][1]中H. "Waldo" Grunenwald 详细介绍了为什么以及如何设置点文件的细节。让我们深入探讨分享它们的原因和方式。
### 什么是点文件?
<ruby>点文件<rt>dotfile</rt></ruby>”是指我们计算机中四处漂泊的配置文件。这些文件通常在文件名的开头以 `.` 开头,例如 `.gitconfig`,并且操作系统通常默认情况下将其隐藏。例如,当我在 MacOS 上使用 `ls -a` 时,它才会显示所有可爱的点文件,否则这些就不会显示这些点文件。
dotfiles on master
➜ ls  Rakefile   bin       misc    profiles   zsh-custom
dotfiles on master
➜ ls -a
.               .gitignore      .oh-my-zsh       zsh-custom
..              .gitmodules     .tmux           Rakefile
.gemrc          .global_ignore .vimrc           bin
.git            .gvimrc         .zlogin         misc
.gitconfig      .maid           .zshrc          profiles
如果我看一下用于 Git 配置的 `.gitconfig`,我能看到大量的自定义配置。我设置了帐户信息、终端颜色首选项和大量别名,这些别名使我的命令行界面可以满足我自己的偏好。这是 `[alias]` 块的摘录:
87   # Show the diff between the latest commit and the current state
88   d = !"git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || clear; git --no-pager diff --patch-with-stat"
90   # `git di $number` shows the diff between the state `$number` revisions ago and the current state
91   di = !"d() { git diff --patch-with-stat HEAD~$1; }; git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || clear; d"
93   # Pull in remote changes for the current repository and all its submodules
94   p = !"git pull; git submodule foreach git pull origin master"
96   # Checkout a pull request from origin (of a github repository)
97   pr = !"pr() { git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr-$1; git checkout pr-$1; }; pr"
由于我的 `.gitconfig` 有 200 多个自定义行,因此我不想在使用的每台新计算机或系统上重写它,其他人肯定也不想这样。这是分享点文件变得越来越流行的原因之一,尤其是随着社交编码网站 GitHub 的兴起。提倡分享点文件的规范文章是 Zach Holman 在 2008 年发表的 [点文件意味着要复刻][2]。其前提到今天依然如此:我想与我自己、与点文件新手,以及那些分享了他们的自定义配置从而教会了我很多知识的人分享它们。
### 分享点文件
我最喜欢的答案是分布式版本控制,作为一个用来为我处理繁重任务的服务是极棒的。我经常使用 GitHub随着我对 GitLab 的使用经验越来越丰富,我肯定会一如既往地继续喜欢它。任何一个这样的服务都是共享你的信息的理想场所。要自己设置的话可以这样做:
1. 登录到你首选的基于 Git 的服务。
2. 创建一个名为 `dotfiles` 的存储库。(将其设置为公开!分享即关爱。)
3. 将其克隆到你的本地环境。(你可能需要设置 Git 配置命令来克隆存储库。GitHub 和 GitLab 都会提示你需要运行的命令。)
4. 将你的点文件复制到该文件夹中。
5. 将它们符号链接回到其目标文件夹(最常见的是 `$HOME`)。
6. 将它们推送到远程存储库。
上面的步骤 4 是这项工作的关键,可能有些棘手。无论是使用脚本还是手动执行,工作流程都是从 `dotfiles` 文件夹符号链接到点文件的目标位置,以便对点文件的任何更新都可以轻松地推送到远程存储库。要对我的 `.gitconfig` 文件执行此操作,请输入:
$ cd dotfiles/
$ ln -nfs .gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig
* `-s` 创建符号链接而不是硬链接。
* `-f` 在发生错误时继续做其他符号链接(此处不需要,但在循环中很有用)
* `-n` 避免符号链接到一个符号链接文件(等同于其他版本的 `ln``-h` 标志)
如果要更深入地研究可用参数,可以查看 IEEE 和开放小组的 [ln 规范][3]以及 [MacOS 10.14.3] [4] 上的版本。自从其他人的点文件中拉取出这些标志以来,我才发现了这些标志。
你还可以使用一些其他代码来简化更新,例如我从 [Brad Parbs][6] 派生的 [Rakefile][5]。另外,你也可以像 Jeff Geerling [在其点文件中][7]那样,使它保持极其简单的状态。他使用[此 Ansible 剧本][8]对文件进行符号链接。这样使所有内容保持同步很容易:你可以从点文件的文件夹中进行 cron 作业或偶尔进行 `git push`
### 快速说明:不要分享的内容
在继续之前,需要注意的是你不应该添加到共享的点文件存储库中的内容 —— 即使它以点开头。任何有安全风险的东西,例如 `.ssh/` 文件夹中的文件,都不是使用此方法分享的好选择。确保在在线发布配置文件之前仔细检查配置文件,并再三检查文件中没有 API 令牌。
### 我应该从哪里开始?
如果你不熟悉 Git那么我最常用的命令[有关术语的文章][9]和[备忘清单][10]将会帮助你继续前进。
还有其他不可思议的资源可帮助你开始使用点文件。多年前,我就遇到了 [][11],并继续使用它来更广泛地了解人们在做什么。在其他人的点文件中隐藏了许多部落知识。花时间浏览一些内容,大胆地将它们添加到自己的内容中。
您最喜欢的点文件技巧是什么? 添加评论或在 Twitter 上找我 [@mbbroberg][12]。
作者:[Matthew Broberg][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出