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synced 2025-03-15 01:50:08 +08:00
20171201 00:38
20171201 00:38
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,65 +18,84 @@ I’ve been (un)fortunate enough to be in this situation several times and me an
### Backup
### 备份
Before you start to do anything at all make a backup of _everything_ that might be relevant. This to make sure that no information is lost that might be of crucial importance somewhere down the line. All it takes is a silly question that you can’t answer to eat up a day or more once the change has been made. Especially configuration data is susceptible to this kind of problem, it is usually not versioned and you’re lucky if it is taken along in the periodic back-up scheme. So better safe than sorry, copy everything to a very safe place and never ever touch that unless it is in read-only mode.
### Important pre-requisite, make sure you have a build process and that it actually produces what runs in production
### 你必须确认他们能够在生产环境下构建运行并产出,这是重要的先决条件。
这一步显而易见并且已经很到位的情况下我完全错过了这一步,Hacker News 的众多评论者就会指出并且证明他们是对的:第一步是马上确保你知道在生产环境下运行着什么东西,也意味着你需要去在你的设备上构建一个跟生产环境上运行的版本每一个字节都一模一样的版本。如果你找不到实现它的办法,一旦你将它投入生产环境是,你很可能会遭遇一些很糟糕的事情。确保每一部分都尽你最大能力去测试,之后在你足够信任他能够很好的运行的时候将他弄得生产环境下。无论他运行的怎么样都要做好能够马上切换回就版本的准备,并且记录所有情况下的日志,便于接下来不可避免的 “验尸” 。
I totally missed this step on the assumption that it is obvious and likely already in place but many HN commenters pointed this out and they are absolutely right: step one is to make sure that you know what is running in production right now and that means that you need to be able to build a version of the software that is - if your platform works that way - byte-for-byte identical with the current production build. If you can’t find a way to achieve this then likely you will be in for some unpleasant surprises once you commit something to production. Make sure you test this to the best of your ability to make sure that you have all the pieces in place and then, after you’ve gained sufficient confidence that it will work move it to production. Be prepared to switch back immediately to whatever was running before and make sure that you log everything and anything that might come in handy during the - inevitable - post mortem.
### Freeze the DB
### 冻结数据库
If at all possible freeze the database schema until you are done with the first level of improvements, by the time you have a solid understanding of the codebase and the legacy code has been fully left behind you are ready to modify the database schema. Change it any earlier than that and you may have a real problem on your hand, now you’ve lost the ability to run an old and a new codebase side-by-side with the database as the steady foundation to build on. Keeping the DB totally unchanged allows you to compare the effect your new business logic code has compared to the old business logic code, if it all works as advertised there should be no differences.
### Write your tests
### 写测试
Before you make any changes at all write as many end-to-end and integration tests as you can. Make sure these tests produce the right output and test any and all assumptions that you can come up with about how you _think_ the old stuff works (be prepared for surprises here). These tests will have two important functions: they will help to clear up any misconceptions at a very early stage and they will function as guardrails once you start writing new code to replace old code.
自动化测试,如果你也有 CI 的使用经验,请使用它并且确保在你提交代码之后能够快速的完成所有测试。
Automate all your testing, if you’re already experienced with CI then use it and make sure your tests run fast enough to run the full set of tests after every commit.
### Instrumentation and logging
### 日志监控
如果线上的旧设备需要添加上监控功能。用一个完全新的数据库,为每一个你能想到事件都添加一个简单的计数器,并且根据这些事件的名字添加一个函数增加这些计数器。用一些额外的代码实现一个时间戳事件日志,这是一个好办法知道有多少事件导致了另外一些种类的事件。例如:用户打开 APP ,用户关闭 APP 。如果这两个事件导致后端调用的数量维持长时间的不同,这个数量差就是当前打开的 APP 的数量。如果你看到打开 APP 的比关闭的多的时候,你知道哪些 APP 是关闭的必须的方法(例如崩溃)。每一个事件你会发现有许多不同种类的联系跟其他的一些事件,通常你争取维持这些固定的关系,除非有一个明显的错误在系统上。你的目标是降低那些错误的事件,最大化哪些计数器在向下到初始化的水平在链条中。(例如:用户试着支付应该得到相同数量的跟支付回调)。
If the old platform is still available for development add instrumentation. Do this in a completely new database table, add a simple counter for every event that you can think of and add a single function to increment these counters based on the name of the event. That way you can implement a time-stamped event log with a few extra lines of code and you’ll get a good idea of how many events of one kind lead to events of another kind. One example: User opens app, User closes app. If two events should result in some back-end calls those two counters should over the long term remain at a constant difference, the difference is the number of apps currently open. If you see many more app opens than app closes you know there has to be a way in which apps end (for instance a crash). For each and every event you’ll find there is some kind of relationship to other events, usually you will strive for constant relationships unless there is an obvious error somewhere in the system. You’ll aim to reduce those counters that indicate errors and you’ll aim to maximize counters further down in the chain to the level indicated by the counters at the beginning. (For instance: customers attempting to pay should result in an equal number of actual payments received).
This very simple trick turns every backend application into a bookkeeping system of sorts and just like with a real bookkeeping system the numbers have to match, as long as they don’t you have a problem somewhere.
在构建一个健康的系统的时候,这个系统是很珍贵的,而且它也是一个好伙伴,仅次于使用源码控制修改系统日志,你可以确认 BUG 出现的位置,以及对多种计数器造成的影响。
This system will over time become invaluable in establishing the health of the system and will be a great companion next to the source code control system revision log where you can determine the point in time that a bug was introduced and what the effect was on the various counters.
我通常保持技术差 5 分钟一次(一小时 12 次),如果你的应用生成了更多或者更少的事件,你应该改变这个时间间隔。所有的计数器公用一个数据表,每一个记录都只是简单的一行。
I usually keep these counters at a 5 minute resolution (so 12 buckets for an hour), but if you have an application that generates fewer or more events then you might decide to change the interval at which new buckets are created. All counters share the same database table and so each counter is simply a column in that table.
### Change only one thing at the time
### 一次只修改一处
不要完全陷入一个陷阱,在提高代码或者平台可用性的同时添加新特性或者是修复 BUG。这会让你头大,现在必须问问你自己每一步操作想要每一步的什么结果并且将会使你早前建立的测试失效。
Do not fall into the trap of improving both the maintainability of the code or the platform it runs on at the same time as adding new features or fixing bugs. This will cause you huge headaches because you now have to ask yourself every step of the way what the desired outcome is of an action and will invalidate some of the tests you made earlier.
### Platform changes
If you’ve decided to migrate the application to another platform then do this first _but keep everything else exactly the same_ . If you want you can add more documentation or tests, but no more than that, all business logic and interdependencies should remain as before.
### Architecture changes
The next thing to tackle is to change the architecture of the application (if desired). At this point in time you are free to change the higher level structure of the code, usually by reducing the number of horizontal links between modules, and thus reducing the scope of the code active during any one interaction with the end-user. If the old code was monolithic in nature now would be a good time to make it more modular, break up large functions into smaller ones but leave names of variables and data-structures as they were.
Hacker News [mannykannot][1] 指出,理所应当的,这一步不总是有必要的,如果你特别不幸的话,你可能为了改变一些架构必须付出沉重的代价。我也赞同这个,我应该加上这个,因此这里有一些更新。我非常想添加的是如果你修改高级代码的时候修改了一点点底层代码试着限制只修改一个文件或者一个不恰当的例子一个子系统,所以你尽可能的限制了修改的范围。其他方面你可能有个困难时期去排查你所做的修改。
HN user [mannykannot][1] points - rightfully - out that this is not always an option, if you’re particularly unlucky then you may have to dig in deep in order to be able to make any architecture changes. I agree with that and I should have included it here so hence this little update. What I would further like to add is if you do both do high level changes and low level changes at least try to limit them to one file or worst case one subsystem so that you limit the scope of your changes as much as possible. Otherwise you might have a very hard time debugging the change you just made.
### Low level refactoring
### 底层代码的重构
By now you should have a very good understanding of what each module does and you are ready for the real work: refactoring the code to improve maintainability and to make the code ready for new functionality. This will likely be the part of the project that consumes the most time, document as you go, do not make changes to a module until you have thoroughly documented it and feel you understand it. Feel free to rename variables and functions as well as datastructures to improve clarity and consistency, add tests (also unit tests, if the situation warrants them).
### Fix bugs
### 修改bugs
现在你准备承担真实用户看到的改变,战斗的第一步将是积累了一整年很多的bugs,像往常一样,第一步证实问题仍然存在,对这个结果做个测试然后修复这个bug,你的 CI 和写的端对端测试应该让你安全在你犯了错误由于不太熟悉或者一些额外的事情。
Now you’re ready to take on actual end-user visible changes, the first order of battle will be the long list of bugs that have accumulated over the years in the ticket queue. As usual, first confirm the problem still exists, write a test to that effect and then fix the bug, your CI and the end-to-end tests written should keep you safe from any mistakes you make due to a lack of understanding or some peripheral issue.
### Database Upgrade
### 升级数据库
If required after all this is done and you are on a solid and maintainable codebase again you have the option to change the database schema or to replace the database with a different make/model altogether if that is what you had planned to do. All the work you’ve done up to this point will help to assist you in making that change in a responsible manner without any surprises, you can completely test the new DB with the new code and all the tests in place to make sure your migration goes off without a hitch.
### Execute on the roadmap
### 按着路线图执行
Congratulations, you are out of the woods and are now ready to implement new functionality.
### Do not ever even attempt a big-bang rewrite
### 任何时候都不要企图推翻重写
A big-bang rewrite is the kind of project that is pretty much guaranteed to fail. For one, you are in uncharted territory to begin with so how would you even know what to build, for another, you are pushing _all_ the problems to the very last day, the day just before you go ‘live’ with your new system. And that’s when you’ll fail, miserably. Business logic assumptions will turn out to be faulty, suddenly you’ll gain insight into why that old system did certain things the way it did and in general you’ll end up realizing that the guys that put the old system together weren’t maybe idiots after all. If you really do want to wreck the company (and your own reputation to boot) by all means, do a big-bang rewrite, but if you’re smart about it this is not even on the table as an option.
### So, the alternative, work incrementally
Reference in New Issue
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