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ATRP:published/20230914 In a git repository, where do your files
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Xingyu.Wang 2023-09-16 23:09:16 +08:00 committed by GitHub
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[#]: subject: "In a git repository, where do your files live?"
[#]: via: ""
[#]: author: "Julia Evans"
[#]: collector: "lujun9972/lctt-scripts-1693450080"
[#]: translator: "ChatGPT"
[#]: reviewer: "wxy"
[#]: publisher: "wxy"
[#]: url: ""
在 Git 仓库中,文件究竟被存储在哪里?
大家好!今天我和一个朋友讨论 Git 的工作原理我们感到奇怪Git 是如何存储你的文件的?我们知道它存储在 `.git` 目录中,但具体到 `.git` 中的哪个位置,各个版本的历史文件又被存储在哪里呢?
以这个博客为例,其文件存储在一个 Git 仓库中,其中有一个文件名为 `content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown`。这个文件在我的 `.git` 文件夹中具体的位置在哪里?过去的文件版本又被存储在哪里?那么,就让我们通过编写一些简短的 Python 代码来探寻答案吧。
### Git 把文件存储在 .git/objects 之中
你的仓库中,每一个文件的历史版本都被储存在 `.git/objects` 中。比如,对于这个博客,`.git/objects` 包含了 2700 多个文件。
$ find .git/objects/ -type f | wc -l
> 注意:`.git/objects` 包含的信息,不仅仅是 “仓库中每一个文件的所有先前版本”,但我们暂不详细讨论这一内容。
这里是一个简短的 Python 程序([][1]),它可以帮助我们定位在 `.git/objects` 中的特定文件的具体位置。
import hashlib
import sys
def object_path(content):
header = f"blob {len(content)}\0"
data = header.encode() + content
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
digest = sha1.hexdigest()
return f".git/objects/{digest[:2]}/{digest[2:]}"
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
* 读取文件内容
* 计算一个头部(`blob 16673\0`),并将其与文件内容合并
* 计算出文件的 sha1 校验和(此处为 `e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54`
* 将这个 sha1 校验和转换为路径(如 `.git/objects/e3/3121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54`
$ python3 content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown
### 术语解释:“内容寻址存储”
这种存储策略的术语为“<ruby>内容寻址存储<rt>content addressed storage</rt></ruby>”,它指的是对象在数据库中的文件名与文件内容的哈希值相同。
内容寻址存储的有趣之处就是,假设我有两份或许多份内容完全相同的文件,在 Git 的数据库中,并不会因此占用额外空间。如果内容的哈希值是 `aabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb`,它们都会被存储在 `.git/objects/aa/bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb` 中。
### 这些对象是如何进行编码的?
如果我尝试在 `.git/objects` 目录下查看这个文件,显示的内容似乎有一些奇怪:
$ cat .git/objects/8a/e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54
这是怎么回事呢?让我们来运行 `file` 命令检查一下:
$ file .git/objects/8a/e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54
.git/objects/8a/e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54: zlib compressed data
原来,它是压缩的!我们可以编写一个小巧的 Python 程序—— ``,然后用 `zlib` 模块去解压这些数据:
import zlib
import sys
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
content =
$ python3 .git/objects/8a/e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54
blob 16673---
title: "Get your work recognized: write a brag document"
date: 2019-06-28T18:46:02Z
url: /blog/brag-documents/
categories: []
... the entire blog post ...
结果显示,这些数据的编码方式非常简单:首先有 `blob 16673\0` 标识,其后就是文件的全部内容。
### 这里并没有差异性数据diff
这里有一件我第一次知道时让我感到惊讶的事:这里并没有任何差异性数据!那个文件是该篇博客文章的第 9 个版本,但 Git 在 `.git/objects` 目录中存储的版本是完整文件内容,而并非与前一版本的差异。
尽管 Git 实际上有时候会以差异性数据存储文件(例如,当你运行 `git gc` 时,为了提升效率,它可能会将多个不同的文件封装成 “打包文件”但在我个人经验中我从未需要关注这个细节所以我们不在此深入讨论。然而关于这种格式如何工作Aditya Mukerjee 有篇优秀的文章 《[拆解 Git 的打包文件][2]》。
### 博客文章的旧版本在哪?
你可能会好奇:如果在我修复了一些错别字之前,这篇博文已经存在了 8 个版本,那它们在 `.git/objects` 目录中的位置是哪里?我们如何找到它们呢?
首先,我们来使用 `git log` 命令来查找改动过这个文件的每一个提交:
$ git log --oneline content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown
然后,我们选择一个之前的提交,比如 `026c0f52`。提交也被存储在 `.git/objects` 中,我们可以尝试在那里找到它。但是失败了!因为 `ls .git/objects/02/6c*` 没有显示任何内容!如果有人告诉你,“我们知道有时 Git 会打包对象来节省空间,我们并不需过多关心它”,但现在,我们需要去面对这个问题了。
### 让我们开始解包一些对象
现在我们需要从打包文件中解包出一些对象。我在 Stack Overflow 上查找了一下,看起来我们可以这样进行操作:
$ mv .git/objects/pack/pack-adeb3c14576443e593a3161e7e1b202faba73f54.pack .
$ git unpack-objects < pack-adeb3c14576443e593a3161e7e1b202faba73f54.pack
这种直接对库进行手术式的做法让人有些紧张,但如果我误操作了,我还可以从 Github 上重新克隆这个库,所以我并不太担心。
解包所有的对象文件后,我们得到了更多的对象:大约有 20000 个,而不是原来的大约 2700 个。看起来很酷。
find .git/objects/ -type f | wc -l
### 我们回头再看看提交
现在我们可以继续看看我们的提交 `026c0f52`。我们之前说过 `.git/objects` 中并不都是文件,其中一部分是提交!为了弄清楚我们的旧文章 `content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown` 是在哪里被保存的,我们需要深入查看这个提交。
首先,我们需要在 `.git/objects` 中查看这个提交。
### 查看提交的第一步:找到提交
经过解包后,我们现在可以在 `.git/objects/02/6c0f5208c5ea10608afc9252c4a56c1ac1d7e4` 中找到提交 `026c0f52`,我们可以用下面的方法去查看它:
$ python3 .git/objects/02/6c0f5208c5ea10608afc9252c4a56c1ac1d7e4
commit 211tree 01832a9109ab738dac78ee4e95024c74b9b71c27
parent 72442b67590ae1fcbfe05883a351d822454e3826
author Julia Evans <> 1561998673 -0400
committer Julia Evans <> 1561998673 -0400
brag doc
我们也可以用 `git cat-file -p 026c0f52` 命令来获取相同的信息,这个命令能起到相同的作用,但是它在格式化数据时做得更好一些。(`-p` 选项意味着它能够以更友好的方式进行格式化)
### 查看提交的第二步:找到树
这个提交包含一个**树**。树是什么呢?让我们看一下。树的 ID 是 `01832a9109ab738dac78ee4e95024c74b9b71c27`,我们可以使用先前的 `` 脚本查看这个 Git 对象,尽管我不得不移除 `.decode()` 才能避免脚本崩溃。
$ python3 .git/objects/01/832a9109ab738dac78ee4e95024c74b9b71c27
这个输出的格式有些难以阅读。主要的问题在于,该提交的哈希(`\xc3\xf7$8\x9b\x8dO\x19/\x18\xb7}|\xc7\xce\x8e…`)是原始字节,而没有进行十六进制的编码,因此我们看到 `\xc3\xf7$8\x9b\x8d` 而非 `c3f76024389b8d`。我打算切换至 `git cat-file -p` 命令,它能以更友好的方式显示数据,我不想自己编写一个解析器。
$ git cat-file -p 01832a9109ab738dac78ee4e95024c74b9b71c27
100644 blob c3f76024389b8d4f192f18b77d7cc7ce8e3a68ad .gitignore
100644 blob 7ebaecb311a05e1ca9a43f1eb90f1c6647960bc1
100644 blob 0f21dc9bf1a73afc89634bac586271384e24b2c9 Rakefile
100644 blob 00b9d54abd71119737d33ee5d29d81ebdcea5a37 config.yaml
040000 tree 61ad34108a327a163cdd66fa1a86342dcef4518e content <-- 这是我们接下来的目标
040000 tree 6d8543e9eeba67748ded7b5f88b781016200db6f layouts
100644 blob 22a321a88157293c81e4ddcfef4844c6c698c26f mystery.rb
040000 tree 8157dc84a37fca4cb13e1257f37a7dd35cfe391e scripts
040000 tree 84fe9c4cb9cef83e78e90a7fbf33a9a799d7be60 static
040000 tree 34fd3aa2625ba784bced4a95db6154806ae1d9ee themes
这是我在这次提交时库的根目录中所有的文件。看起来我曾经不小心提交了一个名为 `mystery.rb` 的文件,后来我删除了它。
我们的文件在 `content` 目录中,接下来让我们看看那个树:`61ad34108a327a163cdd66fa1a86342dcef4518e`
### 查看提交的第三步:又一棵树
$ git cat-file -p 61ad34108a327a163cdd66fa1a86342dcef4518e
040000 tree 1168078878f9d500ea4e7462a9cd29cbdf4f9a56 about
100644 blob e06d03f28d58982a5b8282a61c4d3cd5ca793005 newsletter.markdown
040000 tree 1f94b8103ca9b6714614614ed79254feb1d9676c post <-- 我们接下来的目标
100644 blob 2d7d22581e64ef9077455d834d18c209a8f05302 profiler-project.markdown
040000 tree 06bd3cee1ed46cf403d9d5a201232af5697527bb projects
040000 tree 65e9357973f0cc60bedaa511489a9c2eeab73c29 talks
040000 tree 8a9d561d536b955209def58f5255fc7fe9523efd zines
### 查看提交的第四步:更多的树……
我们要寻找的文件位于 `post/` 目录,因此我们需要进一步探索:
$ git cat-file -p 1f94b8103ca9b6714614614ed79254feb1d9676c
.... 省略了大量行 ...
100644 blob 170da7b0e607c4fd6fb4e921d76307397ab89c1e 2019-02-17-organizing-this-blog-into-categories.markdown
100644 blob 7d4f27e9804e3dc80ab3a3912b4f1c890c4d2432 2019-03-15-new-zine--bite-size-networking-.markdown
100644 blob 0d1b9fbc7896e47da6166e9386347f9ff58856aa 2019-03-26-what-are-monoidal-categories.markdown
100644 blob d6949755c3dadbc6fcbdd20cc0d919809d754e56 2019-06-23-a-few-debugging-resources.markdown
100644 blob 3105bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046 2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown <-- 我们找到了
在此,`2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown` 之所以位于列表最后,是因为在发布时它是最新的博文。
### 查看提交的第五步:我们终于找到它!
经过努力,我们找到了博文历史版本所在的对象文件!太棒了!它的哈希值是 `3105bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046`,因此它位于 `git/objects/31/05bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046`
我们可以使用 `` 来查看它:
$ python3 .git/objects/31/05bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046 | head
blob 15924---
title: "Get your work recognized: write a brag document"
date: 2019-06-28T18:46:02Z
url: /blog/brag-documents/
categories: []
... 文件的剩余部分在此 ...
这就是博文的旧版本!如果我执行命令 `git checkout 026c0f52 content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown` 或者 `git restore --source 026c0f52 content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown`,我就会获取到这个版本。
### 这样遍历树就是 git log 的运行机制
我们刚刚经历的整个过程(找到提交、逐层遍历目录树、搜索所需文件名)看似繁琐,但实际上当我们执行 `git log content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown` 时,背后就是这样在运行。它需要逐个检查你历史记录中的每一个提交,在每个提交中核查 `content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown` 的版本(例如在这个案例中为 `3105bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046`),并查看它是否自上一提交以来有所改变。
这就是为什么有时 `git log FILENAME` 会执行的有些缓慢 —— 我的这个仓库中有 3000 个提交,它需要对每个提交做大量的工作,来判断该文件是否在该提交中发生过变化。
### 我有多少个历史版本的文件?
目前,我在我的博客仓库中跟踪了 1530 个文件:
$ git ls-files | wc -l
但历史文件有多少呢?我们可以列出 `.git/objects` 中所有的内容,看看有多少对象文件:
$ find .git/objects/ -type f | grep -v pack | awk -F/ '{print $3 $4}' | wc -l
但并不是所有这些都代表过去版本的文件 —— 正如我们之前所见,许多都是提交和目录树。不过,我们可以编写一个小小的 Python 脚本 ``,遍历所有对象并检查是否以 `blob` 开头:
import zlib
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
line = line.strip()
filename = f".git/objects/{line[0:2]}/{line[2:]}"
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
contents = zlib.decompress(
if contents.startswith(b"blob"):
$ find .git/objects/ -type f | grep -v pack | awk -F/ '{print $3 $4}' | python3 | wc -l
于是,看起来在我的 Git 仓库中存放的旧文件版本有 `6713 - 1530 = 5183`Git 会为我保存这些文件,以备我想着要恢复它们时使用。太好了!
### 就这些啦!
在 [这个 gist][1] 中附上了全部的此篇文章所用代码,其实没多少。
我以为我已经对 Git 的工作方式了如指掌,但我以前从未真正涉及过打包文件,所以这次探索很有趣。我也很少思考当我让 `git log` 跟踪一个文件的历史时,它实际上有多大的工作量,因此也很开心能深入研究这个。
作为一个有趣的后续我提交这篇博文后Git 就警告我仓库中的对象太多(我猜 20,000 太多了!),并运行 `git gc` 将它们全部压缩成打包文件。所以现在我的 `.git/objects` 目录已经被压缩得十分小了:
$ find .git/objects/ -type f | wc -l
作者:[Julia Evans][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
[#]: subject: "In a git repository, where do your files live?"
[#]: via: ""
[#]: author: "Julia Evans"
[#]: collector: "lujun9972/lctt-scripts-1693450080"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
In a git repository, where do your files live?
Hello! I was talking to a friend about how git works today, and we got onto the topic where does git store your files? We know that its in your `.git` directory, but where exactly in there are all the versions of your old files?
For example, this blog is in a git repository, and it contains a file called `content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown`. Where is that in my `.git` folder? And where are the old versions of that file? Lets investigate by writing some very short Python programs.
### git stores files in `.git/objects`
Every previous version of every file in your repository is in `.git/objects`. For example, for this blog, `.git/objects` contains 2700 files.
$ find .git/objects/ -type f | wc -l
note: `.git/objects` actually has more information than “every previous version of every file in your repository”, but were not going to get into that just yet
Heres a very short Python program ([][1]) that finds out where any given file is stored in `.git/objects`.
import hashlib
import sys
def object_path(content):
header = f"blob {len(content)}\0"
data = header.encode() + content
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
digest = sha1.hexdigest()
return f".git/objects/{digest[:2]}/{digest[2:]}"
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
What this does is:
* read the contents of the file
* calculate a header (`blob 16673\0`) and combine it with the contents
* calculate the sha1 sum (`e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54` in this case)
* translate that sha1 sum into a path (`.git/objects/e3/3121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54`)
We can run it like this:
$ python3 content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown
### jargon: “content addressed storage”
The term for this storage strategy (where the filename of an object in the database is the same as the hash of the files contents) is “content addressed storage”.
One neat thing about content addressed storage is that if I have two files (or 50 files!) with the exact same contents, that doesnt take up any extra space in Gits database if the hash of the contents is `aabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb`, theyll both be stored in `.git/objects/aa/bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb`.
### how are those objects encoded?
If I try to look at this file in `.git/objects`, it gets a bit weird:
$ cat .git/objects/8a/e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54
Whats going on? Lets run `file` on it:
$ file .git/objects/8a/e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54
.git/objects/8a/e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54: zlib compressed data
Its just compressed! We can write another little Python program called `` that uses the `zlib` module to decompress the data:
import zlib
import sys
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
content =
Now lets decompress it:
$ python3 .git/objects/8a/e33121a9af82dd99d6d706d037204251d41d54
blob 16673---
title: "Get your work recognized: write a brag document"
date: 2019-06-28T18:46:02Z
url: /blog/brag-documents/
categories: []
... the entire blog post ...
So this data is encoded in a pretty simple way: theres this `blob 16673\0` thing, and then the full contents of the file.
### there arent any diffs
One thing that surprised me here is the first time I learned it: there arent any diffs here! That file is the 9th version of that blog post, but the version git stores in the `.git/objects` is the whole file, not the diff from the previous version.
Git actually sometimes also does store files as diffs (when you run `git gc` it can combine multiple different files into a “packfile” for efficiency), but I have never needed to think about that in my life so were not going to get into it. Aditya Mukerjee has a great post called [Unpacking Git packfiles][2] about how the format works.
### what about older versions of the blog post?
Now you might be wondering if there are 8 previous versions of that blog post (before I fixed some typos), where are they in the `.git/objects` directory? How do we find them?
First, lets find every commit where that file changed with `git log`:
$ git log --oneline content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown
Now lets pick a previous commit, lets say `026c0f52`. Commits are also stored in `.git/objects`, and we can try to look at it there. But the commit isnt there! `ls .git/objects/02/6c*` doesnt have any results! You know how we mentioned “sometimes git packs objects to save space but we dont need to worry about it?“. I guess now is the time that we need to worry about it.
So lets take care of that.
### lets unpack some objects
So we need to unpack the objects from the pack files. I looked it up on Stack Overflow and apparently you can do it like this:
$ mv .git/objects/pack/pack-adeb3c14576443e593a3161e7e1b202faba73f54.pack .
$ git unpack-objects < pack-adeb3c14576443e593a3161e7e1b202faba73f54.pack
This is weird repository surgery so its a bit alarming but I can always just clone the repository from Github again if I mess it up, so I wasnt too worried.
After unpacking all the object files, we end up with way more objects: about 20000 instead of about 2700. Neat.
find .git/objects/ -type f | wc -l
### back to looking at a commit
Now we can go back to looking at our commit `026c0f52`. You know how we said that not everything in `.git/objects` is a file? Some of them are commits! And to figure out where the old version of our post `content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown` is stored, we need to dig pretty deep into this commit.
The first step is to look at the commit in `.git/objects`.
### commit step 1: look at the commit
The commit `026c0f52` is now in `.git/objects/02/6c0f5208c5ea10608afc9252c4a56c1ac1d7e4` after doing some unpacking and we can look at it like this:
$ python3 .git/objects/02/6c0f5208c5ea10608afc9252c4a56c1ac1d7e4
commit 211tree 01832a9109ab738dac78ee4e95024c74b9b71c27
parent 72442b67590ae1fcbfe05883a351d822454e3826
author Julia Evans <> 1561998673 -0400
committer Julia Evans <> 1561998673 -0400
brag doc
We can also do get same information with `git cat-file -p 026c0f52`, which does the same thing but does a better job of formatting the data. (the `-p` option means “format it nicely please”)
### commit step 2: look at the tree
This commit has a **tree**. Whats that? Well lets take a look. The trees ID is `01832a9109ab738dac78ee4e95024c74b9b71c27`, and we can use our `` script from earlier to look at that git object. (though I had to remove the `.decode()` to get the script to not crash)
$ python3 .git/objects/01/832a9109ab738dac78ee4e95024c74b9b71c27
b'tree 396\x00100644 .gitignore\x00\xc3\xf7`$8\x9b\x8dO\x19/\x18\xb7}|\xc7\xce\x8e:h\xad100644\x00~\xba\xec\xb3\x11\xa0^\x1c\xa9\xa4?\x1e\xb9\x0f\x1cfG\x96\x0b
This is formatted in kind of an unreadable way. The main display issue here is that the commit hashes (`\xc3\xf7$8\x9b\x8dO\x19/\x18\xb7}|\xc7\xce\`…) are raw bytes instead of being encoded in hexadecimal. So we see `\xc3\xf7$8\x9b\x8d` instead of `c3f76024389b8d`. Lets switch over to using `git cat-file -p` which formats the data in a friendlier way, because I dont feel like writing a parser for that.
$ git cat-file -p 01832a9109ab738dac78ee4e95024c74b9b71c27
100644 blob c3f76024389b8d4f192f18b77d7cc7ce8e3a68ad .gitignore
100644 blob 7ebaecb311a05e1ca9a43f1eb90f1c6647960bc1
100644 blob 0f21dc9bf1a73afc89634bac586271384e24b2c9 Rakefile
100644 blob 00b9d54abd71119737d33ee5d29d81ebdcea5a37 config.yaml
040000 tree 61ad34108a327a163cdd66fa1a86342dcef4518e content <-- this is where we're going next
040000 tree 6d8543e9eeba67748ded7b5f88b781016200db6f layouts
100644 blob 22a321a88157293c81e4ddcfef4844c6c698c26f mystery.rb
040000 tree 8157dc84a37fca4cb13e1257f37a7dd35cfe391e scripts
040000 tree 84fe9c4cb9cef83e78e90a7fbf33a9a799d7be60 static
040000 tree 34fd3aa2625ba784bced4a95db6154806ae1d9ee themes
This is showing us all of the files I had in the root directory of the repository as of that commit. Looks like I accidentally committed some file called `mystery.rb` at some point which I later removed.
Our file is in the `content` directory, so lets look at that tree: `61ad34108a327a163cdd66fa1a86342dcef4518e`
### commit step 3: yet another tree
$ git cat-file -p 61ad34108a327a163cdd66fa1a86342dcef4518e
040000 tree 1168078878f9d500ea4e7462a9cd29cbdf4f9a56 about
100644 blob e06d03f28d58982a5b8282a61c4d3cd5ca793005 newsletter.markdown
040000 tree 1f94b8103ca9b6714614614ed79254feb1d9676c post <-- where we're going next!
100644 blob 2d7d22581e64ef9077455d834d18c209a8f05302 profiler-project.markdown
040000 tree 06bd3cee1ed46cf403d9d5a201232af5697527bb projects
040000 tree 65e9357973f0cc60bedaa511489a9c2eeab73c29 talks
040000 tree 8a9d561d536b955209def58f5255fc7fe9523efd zines
Still not done…
### commit step 4: one more tree….
The file were looking for is in the `post/` directory, so theres one more tree:
$ git cat-file -p 1f94b8103ca9b6714614614ed79254feb1d9676c
.... MANY MANY lines omitted ...
100644 blob 170da7b0e607c4fd6fb4e921d76307397ab89c1e 2019-02-17-organizing-this-blog-into-categories.markdown
100644 blob 7d4f27e9804e3dc80ab3a3912b4f1c890c4d2432 2019-03-15-new-zine--bite-size-networking-.markdown
100644 blob 0d1b9fbc7896e47da6166e9386347f9ff58856aa 2019-03-26-what-are-monoidal-categories.markdown
100644 blob d6949755c3dadbc6fcbdd20cc0d919809d754e56 2019-06-23-a-few-debugging-resources.markdown
100644 blob 3105bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046 2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown <-- found it!!!!!
Here the `2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown` is the last file listed because it was the most recent blog post when it was published.
### commit step 5: we made it!
Finally we have found the object file where a previous version of my blog post lives! Hooray! It has the hash `3105bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046`, so its in `git/objects/31/05bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046`.
We can look at it with ``
$ python3 .git/objects/31/05bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046 | head
blob 15924---
title: "Get your work recognized: write a brag document"
date: 2019-06-28T18:46:02Z
url: /blog/brag-documents/
categories: []
... rest of the contents of the file here ...
This is the old version of the post! If I ran `git checkout 026c0f52 content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown` or `git restore --source 026c0f52 content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown`, thats what Id get.
### this tree traversal is how `git log` works
This whole process we just went through (find the commit, go through the various directory trees, search for the filename we wanted) seems kind of long and complicated but this is actually whats happening behind the scenes when we run `git log content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown`. It needs to go through every single commit in your history, check the version (for example `3105bdd067f7db16436d2ea85463755c8a772046` in this case) of `content/post/2019-06-28-brag-doc.markdown`, and see if it changed from the previous commit.
Thats why `git log FILENAME` is a little slow sometimes I have 3000 commits in this repository and it needs to do a bunch of work for every single commit to figure out if the file changed in that commit or not.
### how many previous versions of files do I have?
Right now I have 1530 files tracked in my blog repository:
$ git ls-files | wc -l
But how many historical files are there? We can list everything in `.git/objects` to see how many object files there are:
$ find .git/objects/ -type f | grep -v pack | awk -F/ '{print $3 $4}' | wc -l
Not all of these represent previous versions of files though as we saw before, lots of them are commits and directory trees. But we can write another little Python script called `` that goes through all of the objects and checks if it starts with `blob` or not:
import zlib
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
line = line.strip()
filename = f".git/objects/{line[0:2]}/{line[2:]}"
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
contents = zlib.decompress(
if contents.startswith(b"blob"):
$ find .git/objects/ -type f | grep -v pack | awk -F/ '{print $3 $4}' | python3 | wc -l
So it looks like there are `6713 - 1530 = 5183` old versions of files lying around in my git repository that git is keeping around for me in case I ever want to get them back. How nice!
### thats all!
[Heres the gist][1] with all the code for this post. Theres not very much.
I thought I already knew how git worked, but Id never really thought about pack files before so this was a fun exploration. I also dont spend too much time thinking about how much work `git log` is actually doing when I ask it to track the history of a file, so that was fun to dig into.
As a funny postscript: as soon as I committed this blog post, git got mad about how many objects I had in my repository (I guess 20,000 is too many!) and ran `git gc` to compress them all into packfiles. So now my `.git/objects` directory is very small:
$ find .git/objects/ -type f | wc -l
作者:[Julia Evans][a]
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