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@ -3,38 +3,36 @@ Linux企业级桌面版:Ubuntu Vs Windows
过去的10年中,Linux的众多支持者几乎每年都预言当年会是“linux桌面版之年”。对微软主导的企业来说,这曾经是一个崇高的目标,但时代在变。在智能手机和云计算市场领域,Linux已经发展壮大成为一个顽强的竞争对手,打了微软一个措手不及。更重要的是,Google,IBM,Red Hat,Facebook, 还有Netflix等公司正在对linux的研发创新投入巨资。
现在, 随着技术预算缩水,微软授权费上涨,IT界是时候应该认真考虑一下了,部署桌面版Linux,替代Windows。这是个最佳时机,Windows 8.1刚发布,Ubuntu 13.10也同时发布。对Windows XP的支持也只剩下5个月时间。IT公司需要切换到新的环境。Ubuntu利用公司的需求来支持他们桌面版操作系统的需求。
现在, 随着技术预算缩水,微软授权费上涨,IT界是时候应该认真考虑一下了,部署桌面版Linux,替代Windows。这是个最佳时机,Windows 8.1刚发布,Ubuntu 13.10也同时发布。对Windows XP的支持也只剩下5个月时间。IT公司需要切换到新的环境。Ubuntu利用企业的需求来支持他们桌面版操作系统的需求。我研究了几个促成向桌面版linux转换的因素,包括培训和支持,还有一些潜在的复杂性问题。
我知道Ubuntu已经失去了它曾经在开源社区享有的青睐。Canonical,Ubuntu的开创者,做出了几个不受欢迎的决策,包括改变屏幕管理器 -- linux图形界面的基本组件 -- 用内部开发的Mir替换掉Wayland。然而,Ubuntu的仍然是完全开源的,并提供任何Linux发行版甚至Windows版本的软件,安装起来最为省事。
一直存在这样的争论,如果切换到一个新的桌面的话,最终用户需要再培训。微软做出了争议性决策,针对Windows 8.1,对熟悉的界面全面整改,这种举措造成的影响就是,转向linux需要更多的培训。 Ubuntu Unity 桌面已经演变为用户友好的界面,比之Windows 8.1,更易于被终端用户所理解。
一直存在这样的争论,如果切换到一个新的桌面的话,最终用户需要再培训。微软做出了争议性决策,针对Windows 8.1,对熟悉的界面全面整改,这种举措造成的影响就是,比转向linux需要更多的培训。 Ubuntu Unity 桌面已经演变为用户友好的界面,比之Windows 8.1,更易于被终端用户所理解。
例如,比较一下用户在各个操作系统中关闭系统的方式。所有最近的Ubuntu版本,关闭系统只需点击一下屏幕右上角打开-关闭的图标。Windows 8.1则需要右击开始按钮,然后出现一个下拉菜单,从中找到关闭电源的选项。相较于Windows 8,这是个巨大的进步。Windows 8还得费劲去找相关的入口。总不如屏幕上只需一个图标来得直接。
多亏了许多流行的开源应用的Windows版本,对使用这些应用软件的终端用户的培训过也不是什么复杂的任务。用户已经熟悉了Windows上的Firefox, LibreOffice, Pidgin, 以及VLC媒体播放器。用于商业的应用,比如Skype和Adobe Acrobat,功能实现跟Windows上的基本相同。基于云的应用,比如Google Drive 和 Microsoft Office 365,在Ubuntu上都可以正常使用。
On the support front, many technicians will remember the earlier days of Linux when hardware support was extremely limited. That simply is not the case anymore.
在决定全面迁移之前,企业需要了解他们的规则要求,并制定一个计划,培训IT人员。但总体而言,相比于企业级私有操作系统,作为一个切实可行的选择,Ubuntu Linux已然成熟。考虑到版权费用的花销,公司在Linux桌面替换项目中的投入是值得的。下一年或许就是“linux桌面版之年”。
> Joseph Granneman拥有超过20年的技术经验,主要专注于医疗信息技术。他是罗克福德,伊利诺伊州罗克福德骨科协会的CIO,医疗保健信息技术和信息安全领域一个活跃的独立作家,主持人和教授。Granneman一直活跃在许多的组织群体,包括发展健康信息交换的早期框架,该框架是卫生伊利诺斯州的保健信息安全和隐私安全工作组的一部分。他也是健康信息技术认证委员会(CCHIT)安全工作组的一名志愿者,该工作组负责制定ARRA认证的电子病历信息安全标准。
> 本文作者Joseph Granneman拥有超过20年的技术经验,主要专注于医疗信息技术。他伊利诺伊州罗克福德骨科协会的CIO,医疗保健信息技术和信息安全领域一个活跃的独立作家、主持人和教授。Granneman一直活跃在许多的组织群体,包括发展健康信息交换的早期框架,该框架是伊利诺斯州的保健信息安全和隐私安全工作组的一部分。他也是健康信息技术认证委员会(CCHIT)安全工作组的一名志愿者,该工作组负责制定ARRA认证的电子病历信息安全标准。
via: http://www.networkcomputing.com/data-networking-management/linux-desktop-in-the-enterprise-ubuntu-v/240163564
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译者:[l3b2w1](https://github.com/l3b2w1) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
快来尝尝肉桂新口味儿,Mint 16现已加入肯德基豪华午餐~
经过6个月艰苦卓绝的开发工作,Linux Mint开发组终于发布了更加稳定可靠的[Linux Mint 16,版本代号Petra 肉桂版(Cinnamon Edition)][1]。此次发布的Linux Mint包括了软件升级、新增功能以及多个bug修复。
根据官方发布的声明,下面列出了Linux Mint 16 Petra Cinnamon版本的新功能:
- Cinnamon升级至2.0版
- 全新的登录界面
- 支持USB记忆棒
- 系统性能提升
- 全新的软件管理器
- 系统更加完善
- UI美工更加漂亮
- 主要组件得到优化
### Cinnamon 2.0 ###
“快”!这是用来描述新版Linux Mint软件管理器最合适的字眼。每个人都欣喜地看到,如今的软件管理器不但比以前占用更少的内存,而且支持多个截图预览, **搜索**更加迅捷,**启动**更加快速。
你会在你的Linux Mint上使用“终端”来完成日常工作吗?当然!作为**程序猿(媛)**,这样才显得很高端大气上档次。这次的Linux Mint 16 Petra 肉桂版,将为你带来比以往更好的终端体验。举个栗子,新的终端使用“ll”命令作为“ls -al”的别名命令,如此一来,有了省时又省力的“ll”,谁还会去敲“ls -al”?(译注:难道ll还不是业界标准么?)
除了程序猿(媛),Linux Mint 16 Petra 肉桂版同样还惦记着我们广大亲爱的**游戏玩家**!肉桂君现在能够更好的支持Steam,不仅如此,肉桂君还默认将steam加入了软件容器和软件管理器的特色板块!
**宅男** 们可能比较关心,**隐私策略**做的怎么样呢?Linux Mint 16为广大宅男同胞们提供了额外的隐私/安全搜索引擎,机油再也不用担心我找不到苍老师~
更好的帮助支持、更安全的内核更新、更快的启动速度和登录速度…… 哎对了,果粉们怎么办?果粉?是的,这里说的就是各位**苹果**的忠(Nao)实(Can)粉丝们。虽然我们是Linuxer,但是分享与关爱是我们Linuxer与生俱来的传统美德。因此,Linux Mint 16现已加入对iOS设备的支持,众位果粉这下高兴了吧。不客气~
via: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-mint-16-petra-cinnamon-rc-released/
译者:[Mr小眼儿](http://blog.csdn.net/tinyeyeser) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
用这个**漂亮的集成启动程序工具**保存,访问和快速粘贴文本片段Save, Access And Quickly Paste Text Snippets With This Nifty Unity Launcher Tool
**反复键入特定的信息 - 如电子邮件地址或家庭地址,详细的终端命令,及时发送用户喜爱的电视节目的资讯 - 可是件苦差事。**
*Snippets – 方便的访问存储的文本的方法*
*‘Snippets’* 是Unity中这样的组件之一。 这是一个简单的启动程序小工具,它让你在一个文件中保存和存储摘下来的内容,然后当你需要的时候从Unity的一个快速列表里复制到剪贴板。
*‘Snippets’* 就是Unity中这种组件之一。 这是一个简单的启动程序小工具,它让你在一个文件中保存和存储摘下来的内容,然后当你需要的时候从Unity的一个快速列表里复制到剪贴板。
在有人因为厌恶而想我扔内衣之前,我深知Snippets不是唯一的 – 甚至不是第一个 – 提供这一系列功能的。但是它独特的是通过Unity启动器项目来提供这一系列功能。
- 添加,访问存储在txt文件中的文本段
- 添加、访问存储在txt文件中的文本段
- 在快速列表里查看保存的文本段
- 点击文本段就可以复制到剪贴板
- 提供了把剪贴板中的内容保存到txt文件的选项
尽管它不是一个“活(智能)”的剪贴板管理工具 – 它只是列出了你特别添加的项目;它不会列出你最近的剪贴板项目历史,它仍然是一个非常方便的小工具。
尽管它不是一个“智能”的剪贴板管理工具 – 它只是列出了你特别添加的项目;它不会列出你最近的剪贴板项目历史,但仍然是一个非常方便的小工具。
- [点击以在Ubuntu里安装XClip][1]
- [Download ‘Snippets’ Unity Launcher Script][2]
- [下载‘Snippets’Unity启动器][2]
@ -37,7 +38,6 @@
cd .snippets-launcher/ && chmod +x snippets.sh
就是这样;Snippets应该已经整装待发了。打开Unity Dash搜索Snippets然后把它拖到启动器上去:
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
- 左键点击文本段以添加到剪贴板
- 左键点击“日期”可以复制当前日期
- 点击“添加剪贴板内容”可以把当前剪贴板中的内容加入到txt文件中
- 点击“添加剪贴板内容”可以把当前剪贴板中的内容加入到.txt文件中(译注:实际上保存的文本是存储在一个文本文件中)
- 在添加一个项目到.txt文件后点击“更新启动器”
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/10/unity-launcher-clipboard-snippets-item
译者:[crowner](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[crowner](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Daily Ubuntu Tips – Get Geary, A Lightweight Email Reader In Ubuntu
As you may already know, Ubuntu comes with its own email client called Thunderbird that allows you to setup email accounts to send and receive emails. It also support IMAP protocol which services like Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Microsoft Outlook support.
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Daily Ubuntu Tips–Make The Mouse Left-handed For Left Hand Users
The computer mouse was designed to be operated mostly using your index finger (the finger next to your thumb). By default, the mouse is configured for right-handed users. When you turn on your machine the first time, in most cases you will have to use your right index finger to click on things.
In fact, most left-handed users use the mouse to the left side of the keyboard and use their middle finger to click on things. This is not the best way for left handed users to use the mouse.
This brief tutorial is going those who need to use the mouse using their left hand properly. It will show left handed users how to setup the mouse so that the most commonly used button is operated using the left index finger.
This can also applied to right handed users. If the mouse is configured to be used using the left index finger, right handed users may use this guide to change the button from left to right.
To get started, click the gear button at the top right panel and select **System Settings**…
Then select **Mouse & Touchpad** group from System Settings.. When it opens, choose ‘**Right**’ to switch the commonly used click button to suite left handed users.
Switch back to Left to suite right handed users. The change will immediately take effect after selecting your choice.
That it. Now left handed users can move the mouse to the left of the keyboard and use their index finger on the left hand to operate the mouse properly.
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tipsmake-the-mouse-left-handed-for-left-hand-users/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Deepen your creative knowledge with explanatory user-friendly icon-creation design story
Along with quality, stability and agility, Ubuntu comes paired with a team of experienced designers, designers covering more and more corners of Ubuntu and thus imprinting into the polished OS beautiful areas, optimized behaviors, carefully-implemented interactions, etc.
The **Ubuntu designer Matthieu "Tiheum" James**,--the creator of Faenza and Faience--, published an interesting article, centering the creation of several icons, insightful article allowing interested users and third-party developers to directly observe how a professional designer creates icons.
The mentioned icons have been created for Juju as presented in the recent OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong, icons adopting an entertaining nature, meant at meeting the visitors of Ubuntu's stand at the Hong Kong summit, "**we wanted** to replace the normal Juju icons for something a little bit more special in order to explain to people that visited the Ubuntu stand what kind of things Juju can do. We decided to use the idea of an ice-cream with toppings and sauce which you can build in the same way that you can build services in Juju".
The article exposes the psychological ground on which the actual icon-creation process stood, immersing the reader into an explanatory yet easily-graspable journey through finding good concepts, initial sketching, adding perspectives to icons, using different design approaches, choosing icon backgrounds, refining the icons, etc, essentially, a reader-friendly design story.
The full article can be enjoyed on [http://design.canonical.com/2013/11/juju-ice-cream-icon-design/][1]
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/deepen-your-creative-knowledge-explanatory-user-friendly-icon-creation-design-story
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
翻译中 by Linux-pdz
>>>>>>> 8aaeae6b88050a64fdfc96886a70ee0f3224b744
How to install Ghost blogging platform on Linux
[Ghost][1] is a relatively new blog publishing platform which started out as a [£25,000 Kickstarter project][2]. While WordPress is still the dominant blogging tool on the web, it has now evolved into a general content management platform with tons of third party developed features, and over time has become increasingly cumbersome and complex to maintain. On the other hand, now only a couple of months old, Ghost promises to remain as a pure blogging platform with slick user-centric publishing interface.
sources/How to manage Linux server with GUI.md
Normal file
sources/How to manage Linux server with GUI.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
How to manage Linux server with GUI
A typical Linux server runs in a command line interface (CLI) environment, preloaded with bare essential tools needed to install and configure various headless services. Compared to a full-blown GUI desktop image, such a minimal setup is advantageous in terms of security, resource consumption and speed.
If you are used to GUI-based environment, however, you may wonder whether there is a GUI for Linux server. A typical Linux desktop environment like GNOME, KDE, etc. will probably be too resource-heavy for what it's worth, and not as secure simply because there will be more code subject to potential security vulnerabilities.
An alternative to a full-blown desktop GUI is to use a **web-based server administration tool**. There are several web-based system configuration tools, such as [Webmin][1], [ISPconfig][2], [Zentyal][3], etc.
In this tutorial, I will describe **how to manage and configure a Linux server with Webmin's web-based GUI**.
Webmin is a lightweight (~20 MB) system configuration tool written in Perl. Webmin has a built-in web server, allowing users to configure a Linux server via web interface. One of its strength is its modular architecture where you can load modules to Webmin to extend its functionality.
### Install Webmin on Linux Server ###
To install Webmin on Ubuntu or Debian server, you can use the following commands.
$ sudo apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions python
$ wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.660_all.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i webmin_1.660_all.deb
To install Webmin on CentOS or RHEL server, use these commands.
$ wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.660_all.deb
$ sudo rpm -U webmin-1.660-1.noarch.rpm
### Access Webmin Interface ###
Once you installed Webmin, you can access Webmin by going to https://<HOST_IP>:10000 on a web browser. If you have a firewall enabled, make sure that TCP 10000 port is not blocked.
Also, note that you should use HTTPS, not HTTP. Otherwise, you will get a redirection error. By default, Webmin runs in SSL mode with a default SSL certificate generated by Webmin.
Once you see Webmin's login page, you can log in as root (with the root password) or as any user who can use sudo on the Linux server. After logging in, you will see the status summary of your Linux server as follows.
### Webmin Features ###
Webmin boasts of an extremely rich set of features that allow you to configure almost every aspect of a given Linux server. In the following, let me give you a glimpse of some of its powerful features.
Enable or disable boot-time services, and show their configuration status.
Monitor the status of server and services in real time, and configure scheduled monitoring and notification emails. Here you can monitor various server daemons such as NFS, MySQL, BIND DNS, Squid proxy, Apache Web server, etc., as well as system resources such as disk storage, memory or network traffic.
Configure iptables-based firewall rules.
Configure local routing table and gateways.
Mount and configure a filesystem.
Access and modify local file system via web-based file manager interface. This requires Java plugin for web browser.
Change Webmin configurations, where you can access-control IP addresses, add/remove Webmin modules, enable two-factor authentication for secure login, set up certificate authority, etc.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/11/manage-linux-server-gui.html
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
翻译中 by小眼儿
Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Cinnamon RC Has Been Released!
After six months of incremental development on top of stable and reliable technologies the Linux Mint developer team has announced the release of [Linux Mint 16 Petra Cinnamon Edition][1]. This new release of Linux Mint includes updated software, new features and many fixes.
This release which is the fruit of hard work for six months, comes with two distinct flavors, **Cinnamon** and **MATE**. But, what are some new features in this Linux Mint edition?
According to the official release announcement, the following are new the features in Linux Linux Mint 16 Petra Cinnamon Edition:
- Cinnamon 2.0
- Login Screen
- USB Stick support
- Performance improvements
- Software Manager
- System Improvements
- Artwork Improvements
- Main Components
### Cinnamon 2.0 ###
Cinnamon 2.0 features many improvements, a lot of bug fixes and new features. Cinnamon is now able to play sounds when you perform common events such as closing windows, switching workspaces and you can also set the volume for these sounds independently of the main sound volume. Cinnamon 2.0 introduces a new applet which makes session and account related tasks very easy.
### Account Details ###
System administrators can administrate users and groups with the “Users and Groups” configuration tool and you can change your password from the new “Account Details” configuration screen.
### Software Manager ###
Fast! This is the best word to describe the Software Manager in this release of Linux Mint. A nice thing that everyone will like is that this Software Manager uses less memory than before and applications can now show multiple screenshots. Fast to **search**, fast to **start**.
### System Improvements ###
Do you use the terminal for performing your daily tasks in your Linux Mint machine? Cool, Linux Mint 16 Petra Cinnamon Edition offers a better terminal experience than before and it includes “ll” as an alias to “ls -al”. Why do “ls -al” when you can just do “ll” and be faster than ever while listing files in the working directory?
Linux Mint 16 Petra Cinnamon Edition thinks about **gamers** too! It now offers better support to Steam and its addition in the repositories and the featured section of the Software Manager.
What about **privacy**? Linux Mint 16 offers additional private/secure search engines for you guys that take secure browsing very seriously.
Better help support, safer kernel updates, faster boot sequence and faster login. What about apple fans? Yes, **apple**. We are linux guys, but sharing and caring is the most important thing to us. Linux Mint 16 includes out of the box support for iOS devices, this will make apple fans very happy.
via: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-mint-16-petra-cinnamon-rc-released/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Manage and Limit Download/Upload Bandwidth with Trickle in Linux
Have you ever encountered situations where one application dominated you all network bandwidth? If you have ever been in a situation where one application ate all your traffic, then you will value the role of the trickle bandwidth shaper application. Either you are a system admin or just a Linux user, you need to learn how to control the upload and download speeds for applications to make sure that your network bandwidth is not burned by a single application.
### What is Trickle? ###
**Trickle** is a bandwidth shaper tool which can be used to limit the bandwidth usage of programs such as **Firefox, FTP , SSH** and many other applications that make use of the network bandwidth. Do you want your **Youtube** music experience to interfere with the ftp download? If not, keep reading this article and learn how to install and use the trickle application in your machine.
### How to Install Trickle in Linux ###
The trickle tool has its own dependencies, you must have the “**libevent library**” before you can install and use trickle but since this library is installed by default in most modern Linux machines.
#### On Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint ####
Run **apt-get install** trickle will do the job in **Debian/Ubuntu/Mint** machines. Make sure the sources list is up to date, then install the application you want.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install trickle
#### On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora ####
First you need to update the system and then install trickle with the following command.
# yum update
# yum install trickle
### How Trickle Works? ###
Trickle controls and limits the **upload/download** speed of an application by controlling the amount of data written or read by a socket. It uses an alternative version of the the **BSD** socket API, but the difference is that trickle manages socket calls also.
Note that trickle uses dynamic linking and loading, so it can only work with applications that use the “Glibc library“. Since trickle is able to set up the delay of data transferred over a socket, it is clear that it can limit the network bandwidth of an application.
### What Can’t Trickle do? ###
Trickle can not be use to limit the network bandwidth of applications that work over **UDP** protocol, it can only work on **TCP** connections, but you have to know that it does not work with all **TCP** connections. If you have followed this article carefully until now, you can guess the reason why. Can you recall the fact that tickle can work with applications that use the **Glibc library**?
I have to mention that trickle will not work with statically linked executables.
### Determine Trickle to Run on a Specified Application Or Not ###
Since trickle can not limit the **upload/download** speed of every application, it is reasonable to use a method for finding out the applications that the trickle can work with.
The “**ldd**” utility will help us to find if a specific program uses the “**libc.so**” library or not. If the program uses this library, then you can use trickle to limit its network bandwidth usage.
The **ldd** command is used to print the shared libraries required by each program. If you are a curious **Linux Geek**, you can use the man command to find out more information about the **ldd** utility.
# man ldd
**Filezilla** is a program which is used to transfer files through the ftp protocol, can trickle be used to limit its download or upload speed? At the time you are thinking about it, I will use the following command to find out if trickle can be used with filezilla program, or not.
# ldd filezilla | grep libc.so
In my case, it produces the following output.
oltjano@oltjano-X55CR:/usr/bin$ ldd filezilla | grep libc.so
libc.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0xb6bc4000)
Since filezilla uses the “**libc.so**” library, trickle can be used to shape its network bandwidth. This method can be applied the same way for every program you are interested in.
### Learn How to Use Trickle ###
Print the **version** of the trickle tool with the following command.
root@oltjano-X55CR:~# trickle -V
trickle: version 1.07
Linux have many command-line utilities that make testing (experimenting) so fun and beautiful. The following command uses the [wget utility][1] to download the latest Pear OS image.
root@oltjano-X55CR:~# wget wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
--2013-11-20 11:56:32-- http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
Resolving sourceforge.net (sourceforge.net)...
Connecting to sourceforge.net (sourceforge.net)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pearoslinux/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso?r=&ts=1384928843&use_mirror=kaz [following]
--2013-11-20 11:56:33-- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pearoslinux/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso?r=&ts=1384928843&use_mirror=kaz
Resolving downloads.sourceforge.net (downloads.sourceforge.net)...
Connecting to downloads.sourceforge.net (downloads.sourceforge.net)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://kaz.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pearoslinux/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso [following]
--2013-11-20 11:56:33-- http://kaz.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pearoslinux/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso
Resolving kaz.dl.sourceforge.net (kaz.dl.sourceforge.net)...
Connecting to kaz.dl.sourceforge.net (kaz.dl.sourceforge.net)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1093664768 (1.0G) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘download’
0% [ ] 30,78,278 381KB/s eta 1h 50m
As you can see from above output, the download speed is about **381 KB/s**. I want to limit the download speed to **13 K/s** so I can use my bandwidth for other stuff. The following command is used to limit the speed of the Wget utility to **13 K/s**.
root@oltjano-X55CR:~# trickle -d 13 wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
ravisaive@ravisaive-OptiPlex-380:~$ trickle -d 13 wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
--2013-11-20 12:01:19-- http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
Resolving sourceforge.net (sourceforge.net)...
Connecting to sourceforge.net (sourceforge.net)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pearoslinux/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso?r=&ts=1384929129&use_mirror=kaz [following]
--2013-11-20 12:01:19-- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pearoslinux/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso?r=&ts=1384929129&use_mirror=kaz
Resolving downloads.sourceforge.net (downloads.sourceforge.net)...
Connecting to downloads.sourceforge.net (downloads.sourceforge.net)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://kaz.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pearoslinux/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso [following]
--2013-11-20 12:01:20-- http://kaz.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pearoslinux/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso
Resolving kaz.dl.sourceforge.net (kaz.dl.sourceforge.net)...
Connecting to kaz.dl.sourceforge.net (kaz.dl.sourceforge.net)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1093664768 (1.0G) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘download.1’
0% [ ] 2,01,550 13.1KB/s eta 21h 5m
As you can see from above output, the downloading speed is limited to **13K/s**. The download will take **21h** and **5m**. The “**-d**” option in the above command means download, you can also combine the “**-d**” option with the upload option (**-u**) like shown in the following command.
# trickle -u 100 -d 50 ftp
The above command is used to limit the upload speed to **100K/s** and download speed to **50K/s** of a **ftp client**. You can also limit the bandwidth for all commands running in a single shell with the following command.
trickle -d 130 -u 13 bash
Every command-line utility offers help to the user, use the “-h” option with the trickle command to find more information about the trickle tool usage.
root@oltjano-X55CR:/usr/bin# trickle -h
Usage: trickle [-hvVs] [-d <rate>] [-u <rate>] [-w <length>] [-t <seconds>]
[-l <length>] [-n <path>] command ...
-h Help (this)
-v Increase verbosity level
-V Print trickle version
-s Run trickle in standalone mode independent of trickled
-d <rate> Set maximum cumulative download rate to <rate> KB/s
-u <rate> Set maximum cumulative upload rate to <rate> KB/s
-w <length> Set window length to <length> KB
-t <seconds> Set default smoothing time to <seconds> s
-l <length> Set default smoothing length to <length> KB
-n <path> Use trickled socket name <path>
-L <ms> Set latency to <ms> milliseconds
-P <path> Preload the specified .so instead of the default one
### Conclusion ###
This article taught how to install trickle tool in your Linux machine and how to do some simple things with it. It does no matter if you work for a large corporate or just for yourself, the trickle tool is a must for an advanced Linux user.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/manage-and-limit-downloadupload-bandwidth-with-trickle-in-linux/
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
NSA Asked Linus Torvalds To Give Them Backdoor Access In Linux, Says MEP
*Linus and OMG! Back in 2011*
The United States’ National Security Agency ([**NSA**][1]) are alleged to have asked the creator of Linux, Linus Torvalds, to create ‘backdoors’ into GNU/Linux through which they could access.
Far from being a rumour, word of the approach comes via Linus’ father, Nils Torvalds.
As a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Nils was present at recent committee inquiry held on the “Mass Surveillance of EU Citizens”. Here, representatives from a number of companies named in documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden were questioned about their own (alleged) involvement.
Following a question put to a Microsoft spokeswoman by Pirate Party MEP Christian Engström on whether the company willingly include “backdoors” for the NSA in their system, Nils Torvalds MEP [said][2]:
> When my oldest son [Linus Torvalds] was asked the same question: “Has he been approached by the NSA about backdoors?” he said “No”, but at the same time he nodded. Then he was sort of in the legal free. He had given the right answer …everybody understood that the NSA had approached him.
If that sounds familiar to you then you might have [seen the snippet on YouTube][3]. Linus went on to insist that he was joking, and that [the NSA had not approached him][4].
**But, speaking at November 11th’s inquiry, his father seems to think otherwise. **
Following on from allegations that Google, [Yahoo!][5], Facebook [and, indeed, Microsoft][6] are among the many companies wilfully cooperating with the agency to provide “backdoor” access to their systems, this revelation is far from earth-shattering. In fact, is makes sense in the grand scheme of things. After all, why wouldn’t the NSA ask Linus to do this?
While Nils doesn’t explain how Linus responded – I’d like to think it involved two fingers – we can be sure that it, at the very least, involved an explanation of how open source prevents something like that being possible.
If any holes were left around for the NSA’s overly-long tentacles to creep into, you can bet your bottom dollar that they’d have been found, exposed and rooted out long before now.
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/nsa-ask-linus-torvalds-include-backdoors-linux-father-says-yes
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
翻译中 by Linux-pdz
Play A Crossword Game With Adobe’s Leaked Passwords
A **crossword** game with **Adobe’s** Leaked Passwords is now available for playing at [http://zed0.co.uk/crossword/][1]. The author of this game, created the crossword to highlight how insecure most common memorable passwords are and how little you should trust that corporations, such as Adobe, are following best practice when it comes to storing them.
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
翻译中 by Linux-pdz
VidMasta: A Desktop Application For Searching Movies And TV Shows
Ever wanted to search for a Movie or a TV shows from your desktop or searching for a application to do it for you whenever you want? Here is a application to fulfil your needs.
translated/Linux diff Command Explained With Examples.md
Normal file
translated/Linux diff Command Explained With Examples.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
举例说明Linux diff 命令
### Linux diff 命令 ###
假设我们有两个文件(file1 和 file2):
$ cat file1
How are you?
I am fine,
Thank you.
$ cat file2
How are you?
I am fine.
$ diff file1 file2
< Hi, 2a2 > Hi,
< I am fine,
< Thank you.
> I am fine.
**注意** – 在下面的文本中,file1和file2将被作为旧文件和新文件。
< Hi,
> Hi,
< I am fine,
< Thank you.
> I am fine.
- 首先diff命令的第一个参数被视为旧文件而第二个参数被视为新文件。
- 像1d0 2a2, 4,5c4这种表达式可以用语法解码为 **[旧文件的行号或者行的范围][行为][新文件的行号或者行的范围]**。这里的'行为'可以使追加,删除或者改变替换。
- '<'代表删除的行,而'>'代表添加的行。
$ ls new_dir/
file file2 frnd frnd1.cpp log1.txt log3.txt log5.txt
file1 file name with spaces frnd1 frnd.cpp log2.txt log4.txt
这是'orig_dir'目录含有的内容:(译注:原文为and here are the contents of a directory named ‘old_dir’ ,其中'old_dir'应为笔误。)
$ ls orig_dir/
file1 file name with spaces frnd1 frnd.cpp log2.txt log4.txt test
file2 frnd frnd1.cpp log1.txt log3.txt log5.txt
$ diff new_dir/ orig_dir/
Only in new_dir/: file
Only in orig_dir/: test
### 1. 用 -i 忽略大小写 ###
$ cat file1
$ cat file2
$ diff file1 file2
< HI — > hi
$ diff -i file1 file2
### 2. 用 -s 选项报告两个文件相同 ###
$ diff -is file1 file2
Files file1 and file2 are identical
### 3. 使用 -b 忽略空格 ###
$ cat file1
Hi, how are you?
$ cat file2
Hi, how are you?
$ diff file1 file2
< Hi, how are you?
> Hi, how are you?
因此你可以看到diff命令报告了不同。但是如果你想要忽略这些空格,使用 -b 选项。
$ diff -b file1 file2
diff命令还提供了更多的命令行选项。阅读[man page][1]来获取完整的列表。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-diff-command-examples/
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- 它可以搜索任何格式的文件
- 支持通配符
- 可以搜索依据文件的作者、类型、大小和格式等条件进行搜索
- 可以依据文件的作者、类型、大小和格式等条件进行搜索
- 可以搜索存储在任何位置的文件,例如文件、归档文件、邮件附件等
- 支持桌面和网站集成
- 火狐插件可以支持索引web页的历史
- 点击一下搜索结果就可以在本地编辑器内打开或者显示预览
- 它是自由开源的,在GPL许可下发布
- 具备火狐插件,可索引web页的历史
- 点击一下搜索结果就可以在本地编辑器内打开或者显示文本预览
- 它是免费的开源的,在GPL许可下发布
###在Ubuntu/Linux Mint上安装Recoll
sudo add-apt-repository
sudo apt-get update
@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ Recoll可以从Dash或者菜单中启动。
第一次启动时,你需要索引整个家目录。依据你家目录里储存的东西的多少这将需要多少不等的时间。按下**Start indexing now**按钮开始索引。
第一次启动时,你需要索引整个home目录。依据你 home 目录里储存的东西的多少,需要的时间不等。按下**Start indexing now**按钮开始索引。
假如你想更多的自定义索引,可以调整索引配置和索引计划。要做到这一点,只需要点击一下**Indexing configuration**或者**Indexing schedule**链接。假如你要稍后再去配置,你可以在首选项菜单里配置这些选项。
假如你想更多的自定义索引,可以调整索引配置和索引计划。要做到这一点,只需要点击一下**Indexing configuration**或者**Indexing schedule**链接。假如你要稍后再去配置,你可以在Preferences(首选项)菜单里配置这些选项。
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ Recoll可以从Dash或者菜单中启动。
**index schedule**则是可以让制定一个计划以便于进行自动索引或者当你登陆如系统后就进行实时索引。
**index schedule**则是可以让制定一个计划以便于进行自动索引或者当你登陆系统后就进行实时索引。
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Recoll支持两种索引计划:
**开启实时索引** - 决定是否当你登陆入系统后进行实时索引。
**启动时实时索引** - 决定是否当你登陆入系统时进行实时索引。
@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ Recoll支持两种索引计划:
点击菜单栏中的高级搜索图标或者前往**Tools->Advanced Search**。这将打开一个新的对话窗口。在这儿你可以附加更多的限制条件来进行搜索。例如我可以搜索文件内容里含有关键字“hp”以及文件名为“storage”的文件。
点击菜单栏中的高级搜索图标或者前往**Tools->Advanced Search**。这将打开一个新的对话窗口。在这儿你可以附加更多的限制条件来进行搜索。例如我可以搜索文件内容里含有关键字“hp”以及文件名含有“storage”的文件。
@ -113,14 +113,16 @@ Recoll支持两种索引计划:
如有问题,请参考我们的Q/A论坛 : http://ask.unixmen.com/ 。
via: http://www.unixmen.com/recoll-text-searching-tool-linux-desktops/
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译者:[Linux-pdz](https://github.com/Linux-pdz) 校对:[jasminepeng](https://github.com/jasminepeng)
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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
SBackup: 在 linux 下的一个简单的备份软件
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