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@ -35,11 +35,10 @@ Golang 是可能是最近几年里你经常听人说起的编程语言。尽管
* 反射Reflection
* 专制独裁的 Go
* Opinionatedness专制独裁的 Go
* 文化
Please, note that the list doesnt follow any particular order. It is also opinionated as hell.
### GoDoc
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ GoDoc 是 Go 的唯一文档引擎,供整个社区使用。这意味着用 Go
Go 严重依赖于静态代码分析。例子包括 godoc 文档gofmt 代码格式化golint 代码风格统一,等等。
There are so many of them that theres even an everything-included-kind-of project called [gometalinter][10] to compose them all into a single utility.
其中有很多甚至全部包含在类似 [gometalinter][10] 的项目中,这些将它们全部组合成一个实用程序。
@ -80,101 +79,101 @@ Go 附带内置测试工具,旨在简化和提高效率。它为您提供了
它可以开箱即用地生成持续集成友好的输出,而且它的用法很简单,只需运行 `go test`。当然,它还支持高级功能,如并行运行测试,跳过标记代码,以及其他更多功能。
### Race condition detection
### 竞争条件检测
You might already know about Goroutines, which are used in Go to achieve concurrent code execution. If you dont, [heres][12] a really brief explanation.
您可能已经了解了 Goroutines它们在 Go 中用于实现并发代码执行。如果你未曾了解过,[这里][12]有一个非常简短的解释。
Concurrent programming in complex applications is never easy regardless of the specific technique, partly due to the possibility of race conditions.
Simply put, race conditions happen when several concurrent operations finish in an unpredicted order. It might lead to a huge number of bugs, which are particularly hard to chase down. Ever spent a day debugging an integration test which only worked in about 80% of executions? It probably was a race condition.
简单地说,当几个并发操作以不可预测的顺序完成时,竞争条件就会发生。它可能会导致大量的错误,特别难以追查。如果你曾经花了一天时间调试集成测试,该测试仅在大约 80 的执行中起作用?这可能是竞争条件引起的。
All that said, concurrent programming is taken very seriously in Go and, luckily, we have quite a powerful tool to hunt those race conditions down. It is fully integrated into Gos toolchain.
总而言之,在 Go 中非常重视并发编程,幸运的是,我们有一个强大的工具来捕捉这些竞争条件。它完全集成到 Go 的工具链中。
You can read more about it and learn how to use it here: [Introducing the Go Race DetectorThe Go Blog][13].
您可以在这里阅读更多相关信息并了解如何使用它:[介绍 Go 中的竞争条件检测 - Go Blog][13]。
### Learning curve
### 学习曲线
You can learn ALL Gos language features in one evening. I mean it. Of course, there are also the standard library, and the best practices in different, more specific areas. But two hours would totally be enough time to get you confidently writing a simple HTTP server, or a command-line app.
您可以在一个晚上学习所有 Go 的语言功能。我是认真的。当然,还有标准库,以及不同,更具体领域的最佳实践。但是两个小时就足以让你自信地编写一个简单的 HTTP 服务器或命令行应用程序。
The project has [marvelous documentation][14], and most of the advanced topics have already been covered on their blog: [The Go Programming Language Blog][15].
Golang 拥有[出色的文档][14],大部分高级主题已经在博客上进行了介绍:[The Go Programming Language Blog][15]。
Go is much easier to bring to your team than Java (and the family), Javascript, Ruby, Python, or even PHP. The environment is easy to setup, and the investment your team needs to make is much smaller before they can complete your first production code.
比起 Java以及 Java 家族的语言JavascriptRubyPython 甚至 PHP你可以更轻松地把 Go 语言带到你的团队中。由于环境易于设置,您的团队在完成第一个生产代码之前需要进行的投资要小得多。
### Reflection
### 反射(Reflection
Code reflection is essentially an ability to sneak under the hood and access different kinds of meta-information about your language constructs, such as variables or functions.
Given that Go is a statically typed language, its exposed to a number of various limitations when it comes to more loosely typed abstract programming. Especially compared to languages like Javascript or Python.
鉴于 Go 是一种静态类型语言,当涉及更松散类型的抽象编程时,它会受到许多各种限制。特别是与 Javascript 或 Python 等语言相比。
Moreover, Go [doesnt implement a concept called Generics][16] which makes it even more challenging to work with multiple types in an abstract way. Nevertheless, many people think its actually beneficial for the language because of the amount of complexity Generics bring along. And I totally agree.
此外Go [没有实现一个名为泛型的概念][16],这使得以抽象方式处理多种类型更具挑战性。然而,由于泛型带来的复杂程度,许多人认为不实现泛型对语言实际上是有益的。我完全同意。
According to Gos philosophy (which is a separate topic itself), you should try hard to not over-engineer your solutions. And this also applies to dynamically-typed programming. Stick to static types as much as possible, and use interfaces when you know exactly what sort of types youre dealing with. Interfaces are very powerful and ubiquitous in Go.
根据 Go 的理念这是一个单独的主题您应该努力不要过度设计您的解决方案。这也适用于动态类型编程。尽可能坚持使用静态类型并在确切知道要处理的类型时使用接口interfaces。接口在 Go 中非常强大且无处不在。
However, there are still cases in which you cant possibly know what sort of data you are facing. A great example is JSON. You convert all the kinds of data back and forth in your applications. Strings, buffers, all sorts of numbers, nested structs and more.
但是,仍然存在一些情况,你无法知道你处理的数据类型。一个很好的例子是 JSON。您可以在应用程序中来回转换所有类型的数据。字符串缓冲区各种数字嵌套结构等。
In order to pull that off, you need a tool to examine all the data in runtime that acts differently depending on its type and structure. Reflection to rescue! Go has a first-class [reflect][17] package to enable your code to be as dynamic as it would be in a language like Javascript.
为了解决这个问题您需要一个工具来检查运行时的数据并根据其类型和结构采取不同行为。反射Reflect可以帮到你。Go 拥有一流的反射包,使您的代码能够像 Javascript 这样的语言一样动态。
An important caveat is to know what price you pay for using itand only use it when there is no simpler way.
一个重要的警告是知道你使用它所带来的代价 - 并且只有知道在没有更简单的方法时才使用它。
You can read more about it here: [The Laws of ReflectionThe Go Blog][18].
你可以在这里阅读更多相关信息: [反射的法则Go 博客][18].
You can also read some real code from the JSON package sources here: [src/encoding/json/encode.goSource Code][19]
您还可以在此处阅读 JSON 包源码中的一些实际代码: [src/encoding/json/encode.goSource Code][19]
### Opinionatedness
Is there such a word, by the way?
Coming from the Javascript world, one of the most daunting processes I faced was deciding which conventions and tools I needed to use. How should I style my code? What testing library should I use? How should I go about structure? What programming paradigms and approaches should I rely on?
来自 Javascript 世界,我面临的最艰巨的困难之一是决定我需要使用哪些约定和工具。我应该如何设计代码?我应该使用什么测试库?我该怎么设计结构?我应该依赖哪些编程范例和方法?
Which sometimes basically got me stuck. I was doing this instead of writing the code and satisfying the users.
To begin with, I should note that I totally get where those conventions should come from. Its always you and your team. Anyway, even a group of experienced Javascript developers can easily find themselves having most of the experience with entirely different tools and paradigms to achieve kind of the same results.
首先,我应该注意到我完全可以得到这些惯例的来源,它总是来源于你或者你的团队。无论如何,即使是一群经验丰富的 Javascript 开发人员也可以轻松地发现自己拥有完全不同的工具和范例的大部分经验,以实现相同的结果。
This makes the analysis paralysis cloud explode over the whole team, and also makes it harder for the individuals to integrate with each other.
Well, Go is different. You have only one style guide that everyone follows. You have only one testing framework which is built into the basic toolchain. You have a lot of strong opinions on how to structure and maintain your code. How to pick names. What structuring patterns to follow. How to do concurrency better.
Go 是不同的。即使您对如何构建和维护代码有很多强烈的意见,例如:如何命名,要遵循哪些结构模式,如何更好地实现并发。但你只有一个每个人都遵循的风格指南。你只有一个内置在基本工具链中的测试框架。
While this might seem too restrictive, it saves tons of time for you and your team. Being somewhat limited is actually a great thing when you are coding. It gives you a more straightforward way to go when architecting new code, and makes it easier to reason about the existing one.
As a result, most of the Go projects look pretty alike code-wise.
因此,大多数 Go 项目在代码方面看起来非常相似。
### Culture
### 文化
People say that every time you learn a new spoken language, you also soak in some part of the culture of the people who speak that language. Thus, the more languages you learn, more personal changes you might experience.
Its the same with programming languages. Regardless of how you are going to apply a new programming language in the future, it always gives you a new perspective on programming in general, or on some specific techniques.
Be it functional programming, pattern matching, or prototypal inheritance. Once youve learned it, you carry these approaches with you which broadens the problem-solving toolset that you have as a software developer. It also changes the way you see high-quality programming in general.
无论是函数式编程模式匹配pattern matching还是原型继承prototypal inheritance。一旦你学会了它们你就可以随身携带这些编程思想这扩展了你作为软件开发人员所拥有的问题解决工具集。它们也改变了你阅读高质量代码的方式。
And Go is a terrific investment here. The main pillar of Gos culture is keeping simple, down-to-earth code without creating many redundant abstractions and putting the maintainability at the top. Its also a part of the culture to spend the most time actually working on the codebase, instead of tinkering with the tools and the environment. Or choosing between different variations of those.
而 Go 在方面有一项了不起的财富。Go 文化的主要支柱是保持简单,脚踏实地的代码,而不会产生许多冗余的抽象概念,并将可维护性放在首位。大部分时间花费在代码的编写工作上,而不是在修补工具和环境或者选择不同的实现方式上,这也是 Go文化的一部分。
Go is also all about “there should be only one way of doing a thing.”
Go 文化也可以总结为:“应当只用一种方法去做一件事”。
A little side note. Its also partially true that Go usually gets in your way when you need to build relatively complex abstractions. Well, Id say thats the tradeoff for its simplicity.
一点注意事项。当你需要构建相对复杂的抽象代码时Go 通常会妨碍你。好吧,我会说这是简单的权衡。
If you really need to write a lot of abstract code with complex relationships, youd be better off using languages like Java or Python. However, even when its not obvious, its very rarely the case.
如果你真的需要编写大量具有复杂关系的抽象代码,那么最好使用 Java 或 Python 等语言。然而,这种情况却很少。
Always use the best tool for the job!
### Conclusion
### 总结
You might have heard of Go before. Or maybe its something that has been staying out of your radar for a while. Either way, chances are, Go can be a very decent choice for you or your team when starting a new project or improving the existing one.
你或许之前听说过 Go或者它暂时在你圈子以外的地方。但无论怎样在开始新项目或改进现有项目时Go 可能是您或您团队的一个非常不错的选择。
This is not a complete list of all the amazing things about Go. Just the undervalued ones.
这不是 Go 的所有惊人的优点的完整列表,只是一些被人低估的特性。
Please, give Go a try with [A Tour of Go][20] which is an incredible place to start.
请尝试一下从 [Go 之旅A Tour of Go][20]来开始学习 Go这将是一个令人惊叹的开始。
If you wish to learn more about Gos benefits, you can check out these links:
如果您想了解有关 Go 的优点的更多信息,可以查看以下链接:
* [Why should you learn Go?Keval PatelMedium][2]
* [你为什么要学习 Go - Keval Patel][2]
* [Farewell Node.jsTJ HolowaychukMedium][3]
* [告别Node.js - TJ Holowaychuk][3]
Share your observations down in the comments!
Even if you are not specifically looking for a new language to use, its worth it to spend an hour or two getting the feel of it. And maybe it can become quite useful for you in the future.
Always be looking for the best tools for your craft!
* * *
@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ Software Engineer and Traveler. Coding for fun. Javascript enthusiast. Tinkering
via: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/here-are-some-amazing-advantages-of-go-that-you-dont-hear-much-about-1af99de3b23a
作者:[Kirill Rogovoy][a]
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