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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
如何分析 Linux 日志
### 用 Grep 搜索 ###
搜索文本是查找信息最基本的方式。搜索文本最常用的工具是 [grep][1]。这个命令行工具在大部分 Linux 发行版中都有,它允许你用正则表达式搜索日志。正则表达式是一种用特殊的语言写的、能识别匹配文本的模式。最简单的模式就是用引号把你想要查找的字符串括起来。
#### 正则表达式 ####
这是一个在 Ubuntu 系统的认证日志中查找 “user hoover” 的例子:
$ grep "user hoover" /var/log/auth.log
Accepted password for hoover from port 4792 ssh2
pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user hoover by (uid=0)
pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user hoover
构建精确的正则表达式可能很难。例如,如果我们想要搜索一个类似端口 “4792” 的数字它可能也会匹配时间戳、URL 以及其它不需要的数据。Ubuntu 中下面的例子,它匹配了一个我们不想要的 Apache 日志。
$ grep "4792" /var/log/auth.log
Accepted password for hoover from port 4792 ssh2 - - [31/Mar/2015:19:44:32 +0000] "GET /scripts/samples/search?q=4972 HTTP/1.0" 404 545 "-" "-”
#### 环绕搜索 ####
另一个有用的小技巧是你可以用 grep 做环绕搜索。这会向你展示一个匹配前面或后面几行是什么。它能帮助你调试导致错误或问题的东西。`B` 选项展示前面几行,`A` 选项展示后面几行。举个例子,我们知道当一个人以管理员员身份登录失败时,同时他们的 IP 也没有反向解析,也就意味着他们可能没有有效的域名。这非常可疑!
$ grep -B 3 -A 2 'Invalid user' /var/log/auth.log
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12545]: reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for [] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12545]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12547]: Invalid user admin from
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12547]: input_userauth_request: invalid user admin [preauth]
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12547]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye [preauth]
#### Tail ####
你也可以把 grep 和 [tail][2] 结合使用来获取一个文件的最后几行,或者跟踪日志并实时打印。这在你做交互式更改的时候非常有用,例如启动服务器或者测试代码更改。
$ tail -f /var/log/auth.log | grep 'Invalid user'
Apr 30 19:49:48 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[6512]: Invalid user ubnt from
Apr 30 19:49:49 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[6514]: Invalid user admin from
关于 grep 和正则表达式的详细介绍并不在本指南的范围,但 [Ryans Tutorials][3] 有更深入的介绍。
日志管理系统有更高的性能和更强大的搜索能力。它们通常会索引数据并进行并行查询,因此你可以很快的在几秒内就能搜索 GB 或 TB 的日志。相比之下grep 就需要几分钟,在极端情况下可能甚至几小时。日志管理系统也使用类似 [Lucene][4] 的查询语言,它提供更简单的语法来检索数字、域以及其它。
### 用 Cut、 AWK、 和 Grok 解析 ###
#### 命令行工具 ####
Linux 提供了多个命令行工具用于文本解析和分析。当你想要快速解析少量数据时非常有用,但处理大量数据时可能需要很长时间。
#### Cut ####
[cut][5] 命令允许你从有分隔符的日志解析字段。分隔符是指能分开字段或键值对的等号或逗号等。
pam_unix(su:auth): authentication failure; logname=hoover uid=1000 euid=0 tty=/dev/pts/0 ruser=hoover rhost= user=root
我们可以像下面这样用 cut 命令获取用等号分割后的第八个字段的文本。这是一个 Ubuntu 系统上的例子:
$ grep "authentication failure" /var/log/auth.log | cut -d '=' -f 8
#### AWK ####
另外,你也可以使用 [awk][6],它能提供更强大的解析字段功能。它提供了一个脚本语言,你可以过滤出几乎任何不相干的东西。
例如,假设在 Ubuntu 系统中我们有下面的一行日志,我们想要提取登录失败的用户名称:
Mar 24 08:28:18 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[32701]: input_userauth_request: invalid user guest [preauth]
你可以像下面这样使用 awk 命令。首先,用一个正则表达式 /sshd.*invalid user/ 来匹配 sshd invalid user 行。然后用 { print $9 } 根据默认的分隔符空格打印第九个字段。这样就输出了用户名。
$ awk '/sshd.*invalid user/ { print $9 }' /var/log/auth.log
你可以在 [Awk 用户指南][7] 中阅读更多关于如何使用正则表达式和输出字段的信息。
#### 日志管理系统 ####
日志管理系统使得解析变得更加简单,使用户能快速的分析很多的日志文件。他们能自动解析标准的日志格式,比如常见的 Linux 日志和 Web 服务器日志。这能节省很多时间,因为当处理系统问题的时候你不需要考虑自己写解析逻辑。
下面是一个 sshd 日志消息的例子,解析出了每个 remoteHost 和 user。这是 Loggly 中的一张截图,它是一个基于云的日志管理服务。
你也可以对非标准格式自定义解析。一个常用的工具是 [Grok][8],它用一个常见正则表达式库,可以解析原始文本为结构化 JSON。下面是一个 Grok 在 Logstash 中解析内核日志文件的事例配置:
grok {
match => {"message" => "%{CISCOTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{HOST:host} %{WORD:program}%{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE}%{NUMBER:duration}%{NOTSPACE} %{GREEDYDATA:kernel_logs}"
下图是 Grok 解析后输出的结果:
### 用 Rsyslog 和 AWK 过滤 ###
#### 如何对应用进行过滤 ####
1. 用 rsyslog 守护进程解析和过滤日志。下面的例子将 sshd 应用的日志写入一个名为 sshd-message 的文件,然后丢弃事件以便它不会在其它地方重复出现。你可以将它添加到你的 rsyslog.conf 文件中测试这个例子。
:programname, isequal, “sshd” /var/log/sshd-messages
2. 用类似 awk 的命令行工具提取特定字段的值,例如 sshd 用户名。下面是 Ubuntu 系统中的一个例子。
$ awk '/sshd.*invalid user/ { print $9 }' /var/log/auth.log
3. 用日志管理系统自动解析日志,然后在需要的应用名称上点击过滤。下面是在 Loggly 日志管理服务中提取 syslog 域的截图。我们对应用名称 “sshd” 进行过滤,如维恩图图标所示。
#### 如何过滤错误 ####
一个人最希望看到日志中的错误。不幸的是,默认的 syslog 配置不直接输出错误的严重性,也就使得难以过滤它们。
这里有两个解决该问题的方法。首先,你可以修改你的 rsyslog 配置,在日志文件中输出错误的严重性,使得便于查看和检索。在你的 rsyslog 配置中你可以用 pri-text 添加一个 [模板][9],像下面这样:
"<%pri-text%> : %timegenerated%,%HOSTNAME%,%syslogtag%,%msg%n"
这个例子会按照下面的格式输出。你可以看到该信息中指示错误的 err。
<authpriv.err> : Mar 11 18:18:00,hoover-VirtualBox,su[5026]:, pam_authenticate: Authentication failure
你可以用 awk 或者 grep 检索错误信息。在 Ubuntu 中,对这个例子,我们可以用一些语法特征,例如 . 和 >,它们只会匹配这个域。
$ grep '.err>' /var/log/auth.log
<authpriv.err> : Mar 11 18:18:00,hoover-VirtualBox,su[5026]:, pam_authenticate: Authentication failure
你的第二个选择是使用日志管理系统。好的日志管理系统能自动解析 syslog 消息并抽取错误域。它们也允许你用简单的点击过滤日志消息中的特定错误。
下面是 Loggly 中一个截图,显示了高亮错误严重性的 syslog 域,表示我们正在过滤错误:
作者:[Jason Skowronski][a],[Amy Echeverri][b],[ Sadequl Hussain][c]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
Ubuntu 15.04上配置OpenVPN服务器-客户端
在 Ubuntu 15.04 上配置 OpenVPN 服务器和客户端
### 服务器端配置 ###
首先我们必须安装OpenVPN。在Ubuntu 15.04和其它带有apt管理器的Unix系统中可以通过如下命令安装
首先我们必须安装OpenVPN软件。在Ubuntu 15.04和其它带有apt管理器的Unix系统中可以通过如下命令安装
sudo apt-get install openvpn
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
sudo apt-get unstall easy-rsa
**注意** 所有接下来的命令要以超级用户权限执行,如在“sudo -i”命令后此外你可以使用“sudo -E”作为接下来所有命令的前缀。
**注意** 所有接下来的命令要以超级用户权限执行,如在使用`sudo -i`命令后执行,或者你可以使用`sudo -E`作为接下来所有命令的前缀。
@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0
export KEY_CITY="SanFrancisco"
export KEY_ORG="Fort-Funston"
export KEY_EMAIL="my@myhost.mydomain"
export KEY_CITY="Beijing"
export KEY_ORG="Linux.CN"
export KEY_EMAIL=""
export KEY_OU=server
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [US]:
State or Province Name (full name) [CA]:
Locality Name (eg, city) [SanFrancisco]:
Organization Name (eg, company) [Fort-Funston]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [MyOrganizationalUnit]:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) [Fort-Funston CA]:
Country Name (2 letter code) [CN]:
State or Province Name (full name) [BJ]:
Locality Name (eg, city) [Beijing]:
Organization Name (eg, company) [Linux.CN]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [Tech]:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) [Linux.CN CA]:
Name [EasyRSA]:
Email Address [me@myhost.mydomain]:
Email Address []:
@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [US]:
State or Province Name (full name) [CA]:
Locality Name (eg, city) [SanFrancisco]:
Organization Name (eg, company) [Fort-Funston]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [MyOrganizationalUnit]:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) [server]:
Country Name (2 letter code) [CN]:
State or Province Name (full name) [BJ]:
Locality Name (eg, city) [Beijing]:
Organization Name (eg, company) [Linux.CN]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [Tech]:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) [Linux.CN server]:
Name [EasyRSA]:
Email Address [me@myhost.mydomain]:
Email Address []:
Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
countryName :PRINTABLE:'US'
stateOrProvinceName :PRINTABLE:'CA'
localityName :PRINTABLE:'SanFrancisco'
organizationName :PRINTABLE:'Fort-Funston'
commonName :PRINTABLE:'server'
countryName :PRINTABLE:'CN'
stateOrProvinceName :PRINTABLE:'BJ'
localityName :PRINTABLE:'Beijing'
organizationName :PRINTABLE:'Linux.CN'
commonName :PRINTABLE:'Linux.CN server'
emailAddress :IA5STRING:'me@myhost.mydomain'
emailAddress :IA5STRING:''
Certificate is to be certified until May 22 19:00:25 2025 GMT (3650 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y
1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit long safe prime, generator 2
This is going to take a long time
................................+................<and many many dots>
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
### Unix的客户端配置 ###
假定我们有一台装有类Unix操作系统的设备比如Ubuntu 15.04并安装有OpenVPN。我们想要从先前的部分连接到OpenVPN服务器。首先我们需要为客户端生成密钥。为了生成该密钥请转到服务器上的目录中
假定我们有一台装有类Unix操作系统的设备比如Ubuntu 15.04并安装有OpenVPN。我们想要连接到前面建立的OpenVPN服务器。首先我们需要为客户端生成密钥。为了生成该密钥请转到服务器上的对应目录中:
cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
dev tun
proto udp
# IP and Port of remote host with OpenVPN server
# 远程 OpenVPN 服务器的 IP 和 端口号
remote 111.222.333.444 1194
resolv-retry infinite
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
- configuration file (.ovpn),
- 配置文件 (扩展名 .ovpn),
- ca.crt,
- dh2048.pem,
- client.crt,
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
dev tun
proto udp
# IP and Port of remote host with OpenVPN server
# 远程 OpenVPN 服务器的 IP 和 端口号
remote 111.222.333.444 1194
resolv-retry infinite
@ -274,21 +274,21 @@ OpenSSL提供了两种加密方法对称和非对称。下面我们展示
然后,我们需要安装一个[OpenVPN Connect][2] 应用
open setting of OpenVPN and select Import options
select Import Profile from SD card option
in opened window go to folder with prepared files and select .ovpn file
application offered us to create a new profile
tap on the Connect button and wait a second
- 打开 OpenVPN 并选择“Import”选项
- 选择“Import Profile from SD card”
- 在打开的窗口中导航到我们放置好文件的目录,并选择那个 .ovpn 文件
- 应用会要求我们创建一个新的配置文件
- 点击“Connect”按钮并稍等一下
### 尾声 ###
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ via:
作者:[Ivan Zabrovskiy][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
FreeBSD 和 Linux 有什么不同?
### 简介 ###
BSD最初从UNIX继承而来目前有许多的类Unix操作系统是基于BSD的。FreeBSD是使用最广泛的开源的伯克利软件发行版即 BSD 发行版。就像它隐含的意思一样它是一个自由开源的类Unix操作系统并且是公共服务器平台。FreeBSD源代码通常以宽松的BSD许可证发布。它与Linux有很多相似的地方但我们得承认它们在很多方面仍有不同。
### FreeBSD描述 ###
#### 历史 ####
- FreeBSD的第一个版本发布于1993年它的第一张CD-ROM是FreeBSD1.0发行于1993年12月。接下来FreeBSD 2.1.0在1995年发布并且获得了所有用户的青睐。实际上许多IT公司都使用FreeBSD并且很满意我们可以列出其中的一些IBM、Nokia、NetApp和Juniper Network。
#### 许可证 ####
- 关于它的许可证FreeBSD以多种开源许可证进行发布它的名为Kernel的最新代码以两句版BSD许可证进行了发布给予使用和重新发布FreeBSD的绝对自由。其它的代码则以三句版或四句版BSD许可证进行发布有些是以GPL和CDDL的许可证发布的。
LCTT 译注BSD 许可证与 GPL 许可证相比相当简短最初只有四句规则1999年应 RMS 请求,删除了第三句,新的许可证称作“新 BSD”或三句版BSD原来的 BSD 许可证称作“旧 BSD”、“修订的 BSD”或四句版BSD也有一种删除了第三、第四两句的版本称之为两句版 BSD等价于 MIT 许可证。)
#### 用户 ####
- FreeBSD的重要特点之一就是它的用户多样性。实际上FreeBSD可以作为邮件服务器、Web 服务器、FTP 服务器以及路由器等您只需要在它上运行服务相关的软件即可。而且FreeBSD还支持ARM、PowerPC、MIPS、x86、x86-64架构。
### FreeBSD和Linux的相似处 ###
FreeBSD和Linux是两个自由开源的软件。实际上它们的用户可以很容易的检查并修改源代码用户拥有绝对的自由。而且FreeBSD和Linux都是类Unix系统它们的内核、内部组件、库程序都使用从历史上的AT&T Unix继承来的算法。FreeBSD从根基上更像Unix系统而Linux是作为自由的类Unix系统发布的。许多工具应用都可以在FreeBSD和Linux中找到实际上他们几乎有同样的功能。
此外FreeBSD能够运行大量的Linux应用。它可以安装一个Linux的兼容层这个兼容层可以在编译FreeBSD时加入AAC Compact Linux得到或通过下载已编译了Linux兼容层的FreeBSD系统其中会包括兼容程序aac_linux.ko。不同于FreeBSD的是Linux无法运行FreeBSD的软件。
### FreeBSD和Linux的区别 ###
#### 许可证 ####
- 两个系统的区别首先在于它们的许可证。Linux以GPL许可证发行它为用户提供阅读、发行和修改源代码的自由GPL许可证帮助用户避免仅仅发行二进制。而FreeBSD以BSD许可证发布BSD许可证比GPL更宽容因为其衍生著作不需要仍以该许可证发布。这意味着任何用户能够使用、发布、修改代码并且不需要维持之前的许可证。
- 您可以依据您的需求在两种许可证中选择一种。首先是BSD许可证由于其特殊的条款它更受用户青睐。实际上这个许可证使用户在保证源代码的封闭性的同时可以售卖以该许可证发布的软件。再说说GPL它需要每个使用以该许可证发布的软件的用户多加注意。
- 如果想在以不同许可证发布的两种软件中做出选择,您需要了解他们各自的许可证,以及他们开发中的方法论,从而能了解他们特性的区别,来选择更适合自己需求的。
#### 控制 ####
- 由于FreeBSD和Linux是以不同的许可证发布的Linus Torvalds控制着Linux的内核而FreeBSD却与Linux不同它并未被控制。我个人更倾向于使用FreeBSD而不是Linux这是因为FreeBSD才是绝对自由的软件没有任何控制许可证的存在。Linux和FreeBSD还有其他的不同之处我建议您先不急着做出选择等读完本文后再做出您的选择。
#### 操作系统 ####
- Linux主要指内核系统这与FreeBSD不同FreeBSD的整个系统都被维护着。FreeBSD的内核和一组由FreeBSD团队开发的软件被作为一个整体进行维护。实际上FreeBSD开发人员能够远程且高效的管理核心操作系统。
- 而Linux方面在管理系统方面有一些困难。由于不同的组件由不同的源维护Linux开发者需要将它们汇集起来才能达到同样的功能。
- FreeBSD和Linux都给了用户大量的可选软件和发行版但他们管理的方式不同。FreeBSD是统一的管理方式而Linux需要被分别维护。
#### 硬件支持 ####
- 说到硬件支持Linux比FreeBSD做的更好。但这不意味着FreeBSD没有像Linux那样支持硬件的能力。他们只是在管理的方式不同这通常还依赖于您的需求。因此如果您在寻找最新的解决方案FreeBSD更适应您但如果您在寻找更多的普适性那最好使用Linux。
#### 原生FreeBSD Vs 原生Linux ####
- 两者的原生系统的区别又有不同。就像我之前说的Linux是一个Unix的替代系统由Linux Torvalds编写并由网络上的许多极客一起协助实现的。Linux有一个现代系统所需要的全部功能诸如虚拟内存、共享库、动态加载、优秀的内存管理等。它以GPL许可证发布。
- FreeBSD也继承了Unix的许多重要的特性。FreeBSD作为在加州大学开发的BSD的一种发行版。开发BSD的最重要的原因是用一个开源的系统来替代AT&T操作系统从而给用户无需AT&T许可证便可使用的能力。
- 许可证的问题是开发者们最关心的问题。他们试图提供一个最大化克隆Unix的开源系统。这影响了用户的选择由于FreeBSD使用BSD许可证进行发布因而相比Linux更加自由。
#### 支持的软件包 ####
- 从用户的角度来看另一个二者不同的地方便是软件包以及从源码安装的软件的可用性和支持。Linux只提供了预编译的二进制包这与FreeBSD不同它不但提供预编译的包而且还提供从源码编译和安装的构建系统。使用它的 ports 工具FreeBSD给了您选择使用预编译的软件包默认和在编译时定制您软件的能力。LCTT 译注此处说明有误。Linux 也提供了源代码方式的包,并支持自己构建。)
- 这些 ports 允许您构建所有支持FreeBSD的软件。而且它们的管理还是层次化的您可以在/usr/ports下找到源文件的地址以及一些正确使用FreeBSD的文档。
- 这些提到的 ports给予你产生不同软件包版本的可能性。FreeBSD给了您通过源代码构建以及预编译的两种软件而不是像Linux一样只有预编译的软件包。您可以使用两种安装方式管理您的系统。
#### FreeBSD 和 Linux 常用工具比较 ####
- 有大量的常用工具在FreeBSD上可用并且有趣的是他们由FreeBSD的团队所拥有。相反的Linux工具来自GNU这就是为什么在使用中有一些限制。LCTT 译注:这也是 Linux 正式的名称被称作“GNU/Linux”的原因因为本质上 Linux 其实只是指内核。)
- 实际上FreeBSD采用的BSD许可证非常有益且有用。因此您有能力维护核心操作系统控制这些应用程序的开发。有一些工具类似于它们的祖先 - BSD和Unix的工具但不同于GNU的套件GNU套件只想做到最小的向后兼容。
#### 标准 Shell ####
- FreeBSD默认使用tcsh。它是csh的评估版由于FreeBSD以BSD许可证发行因此不建议您在其中使用GNU的组件 bash shell。bash和tcsh的区别仅仅在于tcsh的脚本功能。实际上我们更推荐在FreeBSD中使用sh shell因为它更加可靠可以避免一些使用tcsh和csh时出现的脚本问题。
#### 一个更加层次化的文件系统 ####
- 像之前提到的一样使用FreeBSD时基础操作系统以及可选组件可以被很容易的区别开来。这导致了一些管理它们的标准。在Linux下/bin/sbin/usr/bin或者/usr/sbin都是存放可执行文件的目录。FreeBSD不同它有一些附加的对其进行组织的规范。基础操作系统被放在/usr/local/bin或者/usr/local/sbin目录下。这种方法可以帮助管理和区分基础操作系统和可选组件。
### 结论 ###
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
如何在 Ubuntu/CentOS7.1/Fedora22 上安装 Plex Media Server
如何在 Ubuntu/CentOS7.1/Fedora22 上安装 Plex Media Server
在本文中我们将会向你展示如何容易地在主流的最新发布的Linux发行版上安装Plex Home Media Server。在Plex安装成功后你将可以使用你的中式家庭媒体播放系统该系统能让多个Plex播放器App共享它的媒体资源并且该系统允许你设置你的环境通过增加你的设备以及设置一个可以一起使用Plex的用户组。让我们首先在Ubuntu15.04上开始Plex的安装。
在本文中我们将会向你展示如何容易地在主流的最新Linux发行版上安装Plex Media Server。在Plex安装成功后你将可以使用你的中式家庭媒体播放系统该系统能让多个Plex播放器App共享它的媒体资源并且该系统允许你设置你的环境增加你的设备以及设置一个可以一起使用Plex的用户组。让我们首先在Ubuntu15.04上开始Plex的安装。
### 基本的系统资源 ###
系统资源主要取决于你打算用来连接服务的设备类型和数量, 所以根据我们的需求我们将会在一个单独的服务器上使用以下系统资源。
<table width="666" style="height: 181px;">
<td width="670" colspan="2"><b>Plex Home Media Server</b></td>
<td width="670" colspan="2"><b>Plex Media Server</b></td>
<td width="236"><b>Base Operating System</b></td>
<td width="236"><b>基础操作系统</b></td>
<td width="425">Ubuntu 15.04 / CentOS 7.1 / Fedora 22 Work Station</td>
@ -22,11 +20,11 @@
<td width="425">Version</td>
<td width="236"><b>RAM and CPU</b></td>
<td width="236"><b>RAM CPU</b></td>
<td width="425">1 GB&nbsp; , 2.0 GHZ</td>
<td width="236"><b>Hard Disk</b></td>
<td width="236"><b>硬盘</b></td>
<td width="425">30 GB</td>
@ -38,13 +36,13 @@
#### 步骤 1: 系统更新 ####
root@ubuntu-15:~#apt-get update
#### 步骤 2: 下载最新的Plex Media Server包 ####
root@ubuntu-15:~# cd /plex/
@ -52,7 +50,7 @@
#### 步骤 3: 安装Plex Media Server的Debian包 ####
现在在相同的目录下执行下面的命令来开始debian包的安装 然后检查plexmediaserver(译者注: 原文plekmediaserver 明显笔误)的状态。
现在在相同的目录下执行下面的命令来开始debian包的安装 然后检查plexmediaserver服务的状态。
root@ubuntu-15:/plex# dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0.
@ -62,41 +60,41 @@
![Plexmediaserver Service](
### 在Ubuntu 15.04上设置Plex Home Media Web应用 ###
### 在Ubuntu 15.04上设置Plex Media Web应用 ###
让我们在你的本地网络主机中打开web浏览器 并用你的本地主机IP以及端口32400来打开Web界面并完成以下步骤来配置Plex。
让我们在你的本地网络主机中打开web浏览器 并用你的本地主机IP以及端口32400来打开Web界面并完成以下步骤来配置Plex。
#### 步骤 1: 登前先注册 ####
#### 步骤 1: 登前先注册 ####
在你访问到Plex Media Server的Web界面之后(译者注: 原文是Plesk, 应该是笔误), 确保注册并填上你的用户名(译者注: 原文username email ID感觉怪怪:))和密码来登陆
在你访问到Plex Media Server的Web界面之后 确保注册并填上你的用户名和密码来登录
![Plex Sign In](
#### 输入你的PIN码来保护你的Plex Home Media用户(译者注: 原文Plex Media Home, 个人觉得专业称谓应该保持一致) ####
#### 输入你的PIN码来保护你的Plex Media用户####
![Plex User Pin](
现在你已经成功的在Plex Home Media下配置你的用户。
现在你已经成功的在Plex Media下配置你的用户。
![Welcome To Plex](
### 在设备上而不是本地服务器上打开Plex Web应用 ###
正如我们在Plex Media主页看到的表明"你没有权限访问这个服务"。 这是因为我们跟服务器计算机不在同个网络。
如我们在Plex Media主页看到的提示“你没有权限访问这个服务”。 这说明我们跟服务器计算机不在同个网络。
![Plex Server Permissions](
现在我们需要解决这个权限问题以便我们通过设备访问服务器而不是通过托管服务器(Plex服务器) 通过完成下面的步骤
### 设置SSH隧道使Windows系统访问到Linux服务器 ###
### 设置SSH隧道使Windows系统可以访问到Linux服务器 ###
首先我们需要建立一条SSH隧道以便我们访问远程服务器资源就好像资源在本地一样。 这仅仅是必要的初始设置。
(译注: 首先要在Putty的Session中用Plex服务器IP配置一个SSH的会话才能进行下面的隧道转发规则配置。
LCTT译注: 首先要在Putty的Session中用Plex服务器IP配置一个SSH的会话才能进行下面的隧道转发规则配置。
然后点击“Open”输入远端服务器用户名密码 来保持SSH会话连接。
![Plex SSH Tunnel](
@ -111,13 +109,13 @@
![Agree to Plex term](
现在一个功能齐全的Plex Home Media Server已经准备好添加新的媒体库、频道、播放列表等资源。
现在一个功能齐全的Plex Media Server已经准备好添加新的媒体库、频道、播放列表等资源。
![PMS Settings](
### 在CentOS 7.1上安装Plex Media Server ###
我们将会按照上述在Ubuntu15.04上安装Plex Home Media Server的步骤来将Plex安装到CentOS 7.1上。
我们将会按照上述在Ubuntu15.04上安装Plex Media Server的步骤来将Plex安装到CentOS 7.1上。
让我们从安装Plex Media Server开始。
@ -144,9 +142,9 @@
[root@linux-tutorials plex]# systemctl enable plexmediaserver.service
[root@linux-tutorials plex]# systemctl status plexmediaserver.service
### 在CentOS-7.1上设置Plex Home Media Web应用 ###
### 在CentOS-7.1上设置Plex Media Web应用 ###
现在我们只需要重复在Ubuntu上设置Plex Web应用的所有步骤就可以了。 让我们在Web浏览器上打开一个新窗口并用localhost或者Plex服务器的IP(译者注: 原文为or your Plex server, 明显的笔误)来访问Plex Home Media Web应用(译者注:称谓一致)
现在我们只需要重复在Ubuntu上设置Plex Web应用的所有步骤就可以了。 让我们在Web浏览器上打开一个新窗口并用localhost或者Plex服务器的IP来访问Plex Media Web应用。
@ -157,25 +155,25 @@
### 在Fedora 22工作站上安装Plex Media Server ###
基本的下载和安装Plex Media Server步骤跟在CentOS 7.1上安装的步骤一致。我们只需要下载对应的rpm包然后用rpm命令来安装它。
下载和安装Plex Media Server步骤基本跟在CentOS 7.1上安装的步骤一致。我们只需要下载对应的rpm包然后用rpm命令来安装它。
![PMS Installation](
### 在Fedora 22工作站上配置Plex Home Media Web应用 ###
### 在Fedora 22工作站上配置Plex Media Web应用 ###
我们在与Plex服务器相同的主机上配置Plex Media Server因此不需要设置SSH隧道。只要在你的Fedora 22工作站上用Plex Home Media Server的默认端口号32400打开Web浏览器并同意Plex的服务条款即可。
我们在与Plex服务器相同的主机上配置Plex Media Server因此不需要设置SSH隧道。只要在你的Fedora 22工作站上用Plex Media Server的默认端口号32400打开Web浏览器并同意Plex的服务条款即可。
![Plex Agreement](
**欢迎来到Fedora 22工作站上的Plex Home Media Server**
*欢迎来到Fedora 22工作站上的Plex Media Server*
![Plex Add Libraries](
### 总结 ###
我们已经成功完成Plex Media Server在主流Linux发行版上安装和配置。Plex Home Media Server永远都是媒体管理的最佳选择。 它在跨平台上的设置是如此的简单就像我们在Ubuntu,CentOS以及Fedora上的设置一样。它简化了你组织媒体内容的工作并将媒体内容“流”向其他计算机以及设备以便你跟你的朋友分享媒体内容。
我们已经成功完成Plex Media Server在主流Linux发行版上安装和配置。Plex Media Server永远都是媒体管理的最佳选择。 它在跨平台上的设置是如此的简单就像我们在Ubuntu,CentOS以及Fedora上的设置一样。它简化了你组织媒体内容的工作并将媒体内容“流”向其他计算机以及设备以便你跟你的朋友分享媒体内容。
@ -183,7 +181,7 @@ via:
作者:[Kashif Siddique][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
ictlyh Translating
How to access a Linux server behind NAT via reverse SSH tunnel
You are running a Linux server at home, which is behind a NAT router or restrictive firewall. Now you want to SSH to the home server while you are away from home. How would you set that up? SSH port forwarding will certainly be an option. However, port forwarding can become tricky if you are dealing with multiple nested NAT environment. Besides, it can be interfered with under various ISP-specific conditions, such as restrictive ISP firewalls which block forwarded ports, or carrier-grade NAT which shares IPv4 addresses among users.

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@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
ictlyh Translating
Analyzing Linux Logs
Theres a great deal of information waiting for you within your logs, although its not always as easy as youd like to extract it. In this section we will cover some examples of basic analysis you can do with your logs right away (just search whats there). Well also cover more advanced analysis that may take some upfront effort to set up properly, but will save you time on the back end. Examples of advanced analysis you can do on parsed data include generating summary counts, filtering on field values, and more.
Well show you first how to do this yourself on the command line using several different tools and then show you how a log management tool can automate much of the grunt work and make this so much more streamlined.
### Searching with Grep ###
Searching for text is the most basic way to find what youre looking for. The most common tool for searching text is [grep][1]. This command line tool, available on most Linux distributions, allows you to search your logs using regular expressions. A regular expression is a pattern written in a special language that can identify matching text. The simplest pattern is to put the string youre searching for surrounded by quotes
#### Regular Expressions ####
Heres an example to find authentication logs for “user hoover” on an Ubuntu system:
$ grep "user hoover" /var/log/auth.log
Accepted password for hoover from port 4792 ssh2
pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user hoover by (uid=0)
pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user hoover
It can be hard to construct regular expressions that are accurate. For example, if we searched for a number like the port “4792” it could also match timestamps, URLs, and other undesired data. In the below example for Ubuntu, it matched an Apache log that we didnt want.
$ grep "4792" /var/log/auth.log
Accepted password for hoover from port 4792 ssh2 - - [31/Mar/2015:19:44:32 +0000] "GET /scripts/samples/search?q=4972HTTP/1.0" 404 545 "-" "-”
#### Surround Search ####
Another useful tip is that you can do surround search with grep. This will show you what happened a few lines before or after a match. It can help you debug what lead up to a particular error or problem. The B flag gives you lines before, and A gives you lines after. For example, we can see that when someone failed to login as an admin, they also failed the reverse mapping which means they might not have a valid domain name. This is very suspicious!
$ grep -B 3 -A 2 'Invalid user' /var/log/auth.log
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12545]: reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for [] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12545]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12547]: Invalid user admin from
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12547]: input_userauth_request: invalid user admin [preauth]
Apr 28 17:06:20 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[12547]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye [preauth]
#### Tail ####
You can also pair grep with [tail][2] to get the last few lines of a file, or to follow the logs and print them in real time. This is useful if you are making interactive changes like starting a server or testing a code change.
$ tail -f /var/log/auth.log | grep 'Invalid user'
Apr 30 19:49:48 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[6512]: Invalid user ubnt from
Apr 30 19:49:49 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[6514]: Invalid user admin from
A full introduction on grep and regular expressions is outside the scope of this guide, but [Ryans Tutorials][3] include more in-depth information.
Log management systems have higher performance and more powerful searching abilities. They often index their data and parallelize queries so you can quickly search gigabytes or terabytes of logs in seconds. In contrast, this would take minutes or in extreme cases hours with grep. Log management systems also use query languages like [Lucene][4] which offer an easier syntax for searching on numbers, fields, and more.
### Parsing with Cut, AWK, and Grok ###
#### Command Line Tools ####
Linux offers several command line tools for text parsing and analysis. They are great if you want to quickly parse a small amount of data but can take a long time to process large volumes of data
#### Cut ####
The [cut][5] command allows you to parse fields from delimited logs. Delimiters are characters like equal signs or commas that break up fields or key value pairs.
Lets say we want to parse the user from this log:
pam_unix(su:auth): authentication failure; logname=hoover uid=1000 euid=0 tty=/dev/pts/0 ruser=hoover rhost= user=root
We can use the cut command like this to get the text after the eighth equal sign. This example is on an Ubuntu system:
$ grep "authentication failure" /var/log/auth.log | cut -d '=' -f 8
#### AWK ####
Alternately, you can use [awk][6], which offers more powerful features to parse out fields. It offers a scripting language so you can filter out nearly everything thats not relevant.
For example, lets say we have the following log line on an Ubuntu system and we want to extract the username that failed to login:
Mar 24 08:28:18 ip-172-31-11-241 sshd[32701]: input_userauth_request: invalid user guest [preauth]
Heres how you can use the awk command. First, put a regular expression /sshd.*invalid user/ to match the sshd invalid user lines. Then print the ninth field using the default delimiter of space using { print $9 }. This outputs the usernames.
$ awk '/sshd.*invalid user/ { print $9 }' /var/log/auth.log
You can read more about how to use regular expressions and print fields in the [Awk Users Guide][7].
#### Log Management Systems ####
Log management systems make parsing easier and enable users to quickly analyze large collections of log files. They can automatically parse standard log formats like common Linux logs or web server logs. This saves a lot of time because you dont have to think about writing your own parsing logic when troubleshooting a system problem.
Here you can see an example log message from sshd which has each of the fields remoteHost and user parsed out. This is a screenshot from Loggly, a cloud-based log management service.
You can also do custom parsing for non-standard formats. A common tool to use is [Grok][8] which uses a library of common regular expressions to parse raw text into structured JSON. Here is an example configuration for Grok to parse kernel log files inside Logstash:
grok {
match => {"message" => "%{CISCOTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{HOST:host} %{WORD:program}%{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE}%{NUMBER:duration}%{NOTSPACE} %{GREEDYDATA:kernel_logs}"
And here is what the parsed output looks like from Grok:
### Filtering with Rsyslog and AWK ###
Filtering allows you to search on a specific field value instead of doing a full text search. This makes your log analysis more accurate because it will ignore undesired matches from other parts of the log message. In order to search on a field value, you need to parse your logs first or at least have a way of searching based on the event structure.
#### How to Filter on One App ####
Often, you just want to see the logs from just one application. This is easy if your application always logs to a single file. Its more complicated if you need to filter one application among many in an aggregated or centralized log. Here are several ways to do this:
1. Use the rsyslog daemon to parse and filter logs. This example writes logs from the sshd application to a file named sshd-messages, then discards the event so its not repeated elsewhere. You can try this example by adding it to your rsyslog.conf file.
:programname, isequal, “sshd” /var/log/sshd-messages
2. Use command line tools like awk to extract the values of a particular field like the sshd username. This example is from an Ubuntu system.
$ awk '/sshd.*invalid user/ { print $9 }' /var/log/auth.log
3. Use a log management system that automatically parses your logs, then click to filter on the desired application name. Here is a screenshot showing the syslog fields in a log management service called Loggly. We are filtering on the appName “sshd” as indicated by the Venn diagram icon.
#### How to Filter on Errors ####
One of the most common thing people want to see in their logs is errors. Unfortunately, the default syslog configuration doesnt output the severity of errors directly, making it difficult to filter on them.
There are two ways you can solve this problem. First, you can modify your rsyslog configuration to output the severity in the log file to make it easier to read and search. In your rsyslog configuration you can add a [template][9] with pri-text such as the following:
"<%pri-text%> : %timegenerated%,%HOSTNAME%,%syslogtag%,%msg%n"
This example gives you output in the following format. You can see that the severity in this message is err.
<authpriv.err> : Mar 11 18:18:00,hoover-VirtualBox,su[5026]:, pam_authenticate: Authentication failure
You can use awk or grep to search for just the error messages. In this example for Ubuntu, were including some surrounding syntax like the . and the > which match only this field.
$ grep '.err>' /var/log/auth.log
<authpriv.err> : Mar 11 18:18:00,hoover-VirtualBox,su[5026]:, pam_authenticate: Authentication failure
Your second option is to use a log management system. Good log management systems automatically parse syslog messages and extract the severity field. They also allow you to filter on log messages of a certain severity with a single click.
Here is a screenshot from Loggly showing the syslog fields with the error severity highlighted to show we are filtering for errors:
作者:[Jason Skowronski][a] [Amy Echeverri][b] [ Sadequl Hussain][c]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
How to Update Linux Kernel for Improved System Performance
The rate of development for [the Linux kernel][1] is unprecedented, with a new major release approximately every two to three months. Each release offers several new features and improvements that a lot of people could take advantage of to make their computing experience faster, more efficient, or better in other ways.
The problem, however, is that you usually cant take advantage of these new kernel releases as soon as they come out — you have to wait until your distribution comes out with a new release that packs a newer kernel with it. Weve previously laid out [the benefits for regularly updating your kernel][2], and you dont have to wait to get your hands on them. Well show you how.
> Disclaimer: As some of our literature may have mentioned before, updating your kernel does carry a (small) risk of breaking your system. If this is the case, its usually easy to pick an older kernel at boot time that works, but something may always go wrong. Therefore, were not responsible for any damage to your system — use at your own risk!
### Prep Work ###
To update your kernel, youll first need to determine whether youre using a 32-bit or 64-bit system. Open up a terminal window and run
uname -a
Then check to see if the output says x86_64 or i686. If its x86_64, then youre running the 64-bit version; otherwise, youre running the 32-bit version. Remember this, because it will be important.
Next, visit the [official Linux kernel website][3]. This will tell you what the current stable version of the kernel is. You can try out release candidates if youd like, but they are a lot less tested than the stable releases. Stick with the stable kernel unless you are certain you need a release candidate version.
### Ubuntu Instructions ###
Its quite easy for Ubuntu and Ubuntu-derivative users to update their kernel, thanks to the Ubuntu Mainline Kernel PPA. Although its officially called a PPA, you cannot use it like other PPAs by adding them to your software sources list and expecting it to automatically update the kernel for you. Instead, its simply a webpage you navigate through to download the kernel you want.
Now, visit the [kernel PPA webpage][4] and scroll all the way to the bottom. The absolute bottom of the list will probably contain some release candidate versions (which you can see by the “rc” in the name), but just above them should be the latest stable kernel (to make this easier to explain, at the time of writing the stable version was 4.1.2). Click on that, and youll be presented with several options. Youll need to grab three files and save them in their own folder (within the Downloads folder if youd like) so that theyre isolated from all other files:
- The “generic” header file for your architecture (in my case, 64-bit or “amd64″)
- The header file in the middle that has “all” towards the end of the filename
- The “generic” kernel file for your architecture (again, I would pick “amd64″ but if you use 32-bit youll need “i686″)
Youll notice that there are also “lowlatency” files available to download, but its fine to ignore this. These files are relatively unstable and are only made available for people who need their low-latency benefits if the general files dont suffice for tasks such as audio recording. Again, the recommendation is to always use generic first and only try lowlatency if your performance isnt good enough for certain tasks. No, gaming or Internet browsing arent excuses to try lowlatency.
You put these files into their own folder, right? Now open up the Terminal, use the
command to go to your newly-created folder, such as
cd /home/user/Downloads/Kernel
and then run:
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
This command marks all .deb files within the folder as “to be installed” and then performs the installation. This is the recommended way to install these files because otherwise its easy to pick one file to install and itll complain about dependency issues. This approach avoids that problem. If youre not sure what cd or sudo are, get a quick crash course on [essential Linux commands][5].
Once the installation is complete, **Restart** your system and you should be running the just-installed kernel! You can check this by running uname -a in the Terminal and checking the output.
### Fedora Instructions ###
If you use Fedora or one of its derivatives, the process is very similar to Ubuntu. Theres just a different location to grab different files, and a different command to install them.
VIew the list of the most [recent kernel builds for Fedora][6]. Pick the latest stable version out of the list, and then scroll down to either the i686 or x86_64 section, depending on your systems architecture. In this section, youll need to grab the following files and save them in their own folder (such as “Kernel” within your Downloads folder, as an example):
- kernel
- kernel-core
- kernel-headers
- kernel-modules
- kernel-modules-extra
- kernel-tools
- perf and python-perf (optional)
If your system is i686 (32-bit) and you have 4GB of RAM or more, youll need to grab the PAE version of all of these files where available. PAE is an address extension technique used for 32-bit system to allow them to use more than 3GB of RAM.
Now, use the
command to go to that folder, such as
cd /home/user/Downloads/Kernel
and then run the following command to install all the files:
yum --nogpgcheck localinstall *.rpm
Finally **Restart** your computer and you should be running a new kernel!
### Using Rawhide ###
Alternatively, Fedora users can also simply [switch to Rawhide][7] and itll automatically update every package to the latest version, including the kernel. However, Rawhide is known to break quite often (especially early on in the development cycle) and should **not** be used on a system that you need to rely on.
### Arch Instructions ###
[Arch users][8] should always have the latest and greatest stable kernel available (or one pretty close to it). If you want to get even closer to the latest-released stable kernel, you can enable the testing repo which will give you access to major new releases roughly two to four weeks early.
To do this, open the file located at
with sudo permissions in [your favorite terminal text editor][9], and then uncomment (delete the pound symbols from the front of each line) the three lines associated with testing. If you have the multilib repository enabled, then do the same for the multilib-testing repository. See [this Arch Linux wiki page][10] if you need more information.
Upgrading your kernel isnt easy (done so intentionally), but it can give you a lot of benefits. So long as your new kernel didnt break anything, you can now enjoy improved performance, better efficiency, support for more hardware, and potential new features. Especially if youre running relatively new hardware, upgrading the kernel can really help out.
**How has upgraded the kernel helped you? Do you think your favorite distributions policy on kernel releases is what it should be?** Let us know in the comments!
作者:[Danny Stieben][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
What is Logical Volume Management and How Do You Enable It in Ubuntu?
> Logical Volume Management (LVM) is a disk management option that every major Linux distribution includes. Whether you need to set up storage pools or just need to dynamically create partitions, LVM is probably what you are looking for.
### What is LVM? ###
Logical Volume Manager allows for a layer of abstraction between your operating system and the disks/partitions it uses. In traditional disk management your operating system looks for what disks are available (/dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc.) and then looks at what partitions are available on those disks (/dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc.).
With LVM, disks and partitions can be abstracted to contain multiple disks and partitions into one device. Your operating systems will never know the difference because LVM will only show the OS the volume groups (disks) and logical volumes (partitions) that you have set up.
Because volume groups and logical volumes arent physically tied to a hard drive, it makes it easy to dynamically resize and create new disks and partitions. In addition, LVM can give you features that your file system is not capable of doing. For example, Ext3 does not have support for live snapshots, but if youre using LVM you have the ability to take a snapshot of your logical volumes without unmounting the disk.
### When Should You Use LVM? ###
The first thing your should consider before setting up LVM is what you want to accomplish with your disks and partitions. Some distributions, like Fedora, install with LVM by default.
If you are using Ubuntu on a laptop with only one internal hard drive and you dont need extended features like live snapshots, then you may not need LVM. If you need easy expansion or want to combine multiple hard drives into a single pool of storage then LVM may be what you have been looking for.
### Setting up LVM in Ubuntu ###
First thing to know about using LVM is there is no easy way to convert your existing traditional partitions to logical volumes. It is possible to move to a new partition that uses LVM, but that wont be something that we will cover in this article; instead we are going to take the approach of setting up LVM on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 10.10.
To install Ubuntu using LVM you need to use the alternate install CD. Download it from the link below and burn a CD or [use unetbootin to create a USB drive][1].
Boot your computer from the alternate install disk and select your options up until the partition disks screen and select guided use entire disk and set up LVM.
*Note: This will format your entire hard drive so if you are trying to dual boot or have another installation select manual instead.*
Select the main disk you want to use, typically your largest drive, and then go to the next step.
You will immediately need to write the changes to disk so make sure you selected the right disk and then write the changes.
Select the size you want the first logical volume to be and then continue.
Confirm your disk partitions and continue with the installation.
The final step will write the GRUB bootloader to the hard drive. It is important to note that GRUB cannot be on an LVM partition because computer BIOSes cannot directly read from a logical volume. Ubuntu will automatically create a 255 MB ext2 partition for your bootloader.
After the installation is complete, reboot the machine and boot into Ubuntu as normal. There should be no perceivable difference between using LVM or traditional disk management with this type of installation.
To use LVM to its full potential, stay tuned for our upcoming article on managing your LVM installation.
作者:[How-To Geek][a]
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@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
Translating by GOLinux!
Must-Know Linux Commands For New Users
![Manage system updates via the command line with dnf on Fedora.](
Manage system updates via the command line with dnf on Fedora.
One of the beauties of Linux-based systems is that you can manage your entire system right from the terminal using the command line. The advantage of using the command line is that you can use the same knowledge and skills to manage any Linux distribution.
This is not possible through the graphical user interface (GUI) as each distro, and desktop environment (DE), offers its own user interfaces. To be clear, there are cases in which you will need different commands to perform certain tasks on different distributions, but more or less the concept and ideas remain the same.
In this article, we are going to talk about some of the basic commands that a new Linux user should know. I will show you how to update your system, manage software, manipulate files and switch to root using the command line on three major distributions: Ubuntu (which also includes its flavors and derivatives, and Debian), openSUSE and Fedora.
*Let's get started!*
### Keep your system safe and up-to-date ###
Linux is secure by design, but the fact is that all software has bugs and there could be security holes. So it's very important to keep your system updated. Think of it this way: Running an out-of-date operating system is like being in an armored tank with the doors unlocked. Will the armor protect you? Anyone can enter through the open doors and cause harm. Similarly there can be un-patched holes in your OS which can compromise your systems. Open source communities, unlike the proprietary world, are extremely quick at patching holes, so if you keep your system updated you'll stay safe.
Keep an eye on news sites to be aware of security vulnerabilities. If there is a hole discovered, read about it and update your system as soon as a patch is out. Either way you must make it a practice to run the update commands at least once a week on production machines. If you are running a complicated server then be extra careful and go through the changelog to ensure updates won't break your customization.
**Ubuntu**: Bear one thing in mind: you must always refresh repositories (aka repos) before upgrading the system or installing any software. On Ubuntu, you can update your system with the following commands. The first command refreshes repositories:
sudo apt-get update
Once the repos are updated you can now run the system update command:
sudo apt-get upgrade
However this command doesn't update the kernel and some other packages, so you must also run this command:
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
**openSUSE**: If you are on openSUSE, you can update the system using these commands (as usual, the first command is meant to update repos)
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper up
**Fedora**: If you are on Fedora, you can use the 'dnf' command which is 'kind' of equivalent to zypper and apt-get:
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf upgrade
### Software installation and removal ###
You can install only those packages which are available in the repositories enabled on your system. Every distro comes with some official or third-party repos enabled by default.
**Ubuntu**: To install any package on Ubuntu, first update the repo and then use this syntax:
sudo apt-get install [package_name]
sudo apt-get install gimp
**openSUSE**: The commands would be:
sudo zypper install [package_name]
**Fedora**: Fedora has dropped 'yum' and now uses 'dnf' so the command would be:
sudo dnf install [package_name]
The procedure to remove the software is the same, just exchange 'install' with 'remove'.
sudo apt-get remove [package_name]
sudo zypper remove [package_name]
sudo dnf remove [package_name]
### How to manage third party software? ###
There is a huge community of developers who offer their software to users. Different distributions use different mechanisms to make third party software available to their users. It also depends on how a developer offers their software to users; some offer binaries and others offer it through repositories.
Ubuntu heavily relies on PPAs (personal package archives) but, unfortunately, there is no built-in tool which can assist a user in searching PPAs. You will need to Google the PPA and then add the repository manually before installing the software. This is how you would add any PPA to your system:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:<repository-name>
Example: Let's say I want to add LibreOffice PPA to my system. I would Google the PPA and then acquire the repo name from Launchpad, which in this case is "libreoffice/ppa". Then add the ppa using the following command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
It will ask you to hit the Enter key in order to import the keys. Once it's done, refresh the repos with the 'update' command and then install the package.
openSUSE has an elegant solution for third-party apps. You can visit, search for the package and install it with one click. It will automatically add the repo to your system. If you want to add any repo manually, use this command:.
sudo zypper ar -f url_of_the_repo name_of_repo
sudo zypper ar -f LOF
Then refresh the repo and install software:
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install libreoffice
Fedora users can simply add RPMFusion (both free and non-free repos) which contain a majority of applications. In case you do need to add a repo, this is the command:
dnf config-manager --add-repo
### Some basic commands ###
I have written a few [articles][1] on how to manage files on your system using the CLI, here are some of the basic commands which are common across all distributions.
Copy files or directories to a new location:
cp path_of_file_1 path_of_the_directory_where_you_want_to_copy/
Copy all files from a directory to a new location (notice the slash and asterisk, which implies all files within that directory):
cp path_of_files/* path_of_the_directory_where_you_want_to_copy/
Move a file from one location to another (the trailing slash means inside that directory):
mv path_of_file_1 path_of_the_directory_where_you_want_to_move/
Move all file from one location to another:
mv path_of_directory_where_files_are/* path_of_the_directory_where_you_want_to_move/
Delete a file:
rm path_of_file
Delete a directory:
rm -r path_of_directory
Remove all content from the directory, leaving the directory folder intact:
rm -r path_of_directory/*
### Create new directory ###
To create a new directory, first enter the location where you want to create a directory. Let's say you want to create a 'foundation' folder inside your Documents directory. Let's change the directory using the cd (aka change directory) command:
cd /home/swapnil/Documents
(exchange 'swapnil with the user on your system)
Then create the directory with mkdir command:
mkdir foundation
You can also create a directory from anywhere, by giving the path of the directory. For example:
mdkir /home/swapnil/Documents/foundation
If you want to create parent-child directories, which means directories within other directories then use the -p option. It will create all directories in the given path:
mdkir -p /home/swapnil/Documents/linux/foundation
### Become root ###
You either need to be root or the user should have sudo powers to perform some administrative tasks such as managing packages or making changes to the root directories or files. An example would be to edit the 'fstab' file which keeps a record of mounted hard drives. It's inside the 'etc' directory which is within the root directory. You can make changes to this file only as a super user. In most distros you can become root by 'switching user'. Let's say on openSUSE I want to become root as I am going to work inside the root directory. You can use either command:
sudo su -
su -
That will ask for the password and then you will have root privileges. Keep one point in mind: never run your system as root user unless you know what you are doing. Another important point to note is that the files or directories you modify as root also change ownership of those files from that user or specific service to root. You may have to revert the ownership of those files otherwise the services or users won't be able to to access or write to those files. To change users, this is the command:
sudo chown -R user:user /path_of_file_or_directory
You may often need this when you have partitions from other distros mounted on the system. When you try to access files on such partitions, you may come across a permission denied error. You can simply change the ownership of such partitions to access them. Just be extra careful, don't change permissions or ownership of root directories.
These are the basic commands any new Linux user needs. If you have any questions or if you want us to cover a specific topic, please mention them in the comments below.
作者:[Swapnil Bhartiya][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
### 简介 ###
### FreeBSD描述 ###
#### 历史 ####
- FreeBSD的第一个版本发布于1993年它的第一张CD-ROM是FreeBSD1.0也发行于1993年。接下来FreeBSD 2.1.0在1995年发布并且获得了所有用户的青睐。实际上许多IT公司都使用FreeBSD并且很满意我们可以列出其中的一些IBM、Nokia、NetApp和Juniper Network。
#### 许可证 ####
- 关于它的许可证FreeBSD以多种开源许可证进行发布它最新的名为Kernel的代码以两种子BSD许可证进行了发布给予使用和重新发布FreeBSD的绝对自由。其它的代码则以三、四种子BSD许可证进行发布有些是以GPL和CDDL的许可证发布的。
#### 用户 ####
- FreeBSD的重要特点之一就是它多样的用户。实际上FreeBSD可以作为邮件服务器、Web Server、FTP服务器以及路由器等您只需要在它上运行服务相关的软件即可。而且FreeBSD还支持ARM、PowerPC、MIPS、x86、x86-64架构。
### FreeBSD和Linux的相似处 ###
FreeBSD和Linux是两个免费开源的软件。实际上它们的用户可以很容易的检查并修改源代码用户拥有绝对的自由。而且FreeBSD和Linux都是类Unix系统它们的内核、内部组件、库程序都使用从历史上的AT&T Unix处继承的算法。FreeBSD从根基上更像Unix系统而Linux是作为免费的类Unix系统发布的。许多工具应用都可以在FreeBSD和Linux中找到实际上他们几乎有同样的功能。
此外FreeBSD能够运行大量的Linux应用。它可以安装一个Linux的兼容层这个兼容层可以在编译FreeBSD时加入AAC Compact Linux得到或通过下载已编译了Linux兼容层的FreeBSD系统其中会包括兼容程序aac_linux.ko。不同于FreeBSD的是Linux无法运行FreeBSD的软件。
### FreeBSD和Linux的区别 ###
#### 许可证 ####
- 两个系统的区别首先在于它们的许可证。Linux以GPL许可证发行它为用户提供阅读、发行和修改源代码的自由GPL许可证帮助用户避免仅仅发行二进制。而FreeBSD以BSD许可证发布BSD许可证比GPL更宽容因为其衍生著作不需要仍以该许可证发布。这意味着任何用户能够使用、发布、修改代码并且不需要维持之前的许可证。
- 您可以依据您的需求在两种许可证中选择一种。首先是BSD许可证由于其特殊的条款它更受用户青睐。实际上这个许可证使用户在保证源代码的封闭性的同时可以售卖以该许可证发布的软件。再说说GPL它需要每个使用以该许可证发布的软件的用户多加注意。
- 如果想在以不同许可证发布的两种软件中做出选择,您需要了解他们各自的许可证,以及他们开发中的方法论,从而能了解他们特性的区别,来选择更适合自己需求的。
#### 控制 ####
- 由于FreeBSD和Linux是以不同的许可证发布的Linus Torvalds控制着Linux的内核而FreeBSD却与Linux不同它并未被控制。我个人更倾向于使用FreeBSD而不是Linux这是因为FreeBSD才是绝对自由的软件没有任何控制许可的存在。Linux和FreeBSD还有其他的不同之处我建议您先不急着做出选择等读完本文后再做出您的选择。
#### 操作系统 ####
- Linux聚焦于内核系统这与FreeBSD不同FreeBSD的整个系统都被维护着。FreeBSD的内核和一组由FreeBSD团队开发的软件被作为一个整体进行维护。实际上FreeBSD开发人员能够远程且高效的管理核心操作系统。
- 而Linux方面在管理系统方面有一些困难。由于不同的组件由不同的源维护Linux开发者需要将它们汇集起来才能达到同样的功能。
- FreeBSD和Linux都给了用户大量的可选软件和发行版但他们管理的方式不同。FreeBSD是统一的管理方式而Linux需要被分别维护。
#### 硬件支持 ####
- 说到硬件支持Linux比FreeBSD做的更好。但这不意味着FreeBSD没有像Linux那样支持硬件的能力。他们只是在管理的方式不同这通常还依赖于您的需求。因此如果您在寻找最新的解决方案FreeBSD更适应您但如果您在寻找一幅宏大的画卷那最好使用Linux。
#### 原生FreeBSD Vs 原生Linux ####
- 两者的原生系统的区别又有不同。就像我之前说的Linux是一个Unix的替代系统由Linux Torvalds编写并由网络上的许多极客一起协助实现的。Linux有一个现代系统所需要的全部功能诸如虚拟内存、共享库、动态加载、优秀的内存管理等。它以GPL许可证发布。
- FreeBSD也继承了Unix的许多重要的特性。FreeBSD作为在加州大学开发的BSD的一种发行版。开发BSD的最重要的原因是用一个开源的系统来替代AT&T操作系统从而给用户无需AT&T证书便可使用的能力。
- 许可证的问题是开发者们最关心的问题。他们试图提供一个最大化克隆Unix的开源系统。这影响了用户的选择由于FreeBSD相比Linux使用BSD许可证进行发布因而更加自由。
#### 支持的软件包 ####
- 从用户的角度来看另一个二者不同的地方便是软件包以及对源码安装的软件的可用性和支持。Linux只提供了预编译的二进制包这与FreeBSD不同它不但提供预编译的包而且还提供从源码编译和安装的构建系统。由于这样的移植FreeBSD给了您选择使用预编译的软件包默认和在编译时定制您软件的能力。
- 这些可选组件允许您用FreeBSD构建所有的软件。而且它们的管理还是层次化的您可以在/usr/ports下找到源文件的地址以及一些正确使用FreeBSD的文档。
- 这些提到的可选组件给予了产生不同软件包版本的可能性。FreeBSD给了您通过源代码构建以及预编译的两种软件而不是像Linux一样只有预编译的软件包。您可以使用两种安装方式管理您的系统。
#### FreeBSD 和 Linux 常用工具比较 ####
- 有大量的常用工具在FreeBSD上可用并且有趣的是他们由FreeBSD的团队所拥有。相反的Linux工具来自GNU这就是为什么在使用中有一些限制。
- 实际上FreeBSD采用的BSD许可证非常有益且有用。因此您有能力维护核心操作系统控制这些应用程序的开发。有一些工具类似于它们的祖先 - BSD和Unix的工具但不同于GNU的套件GNU套件只想做到最小的向后兼容。
#### 标准 Shell ####
- FreeBSD默认使用tcsh。它是csh的评估版由于FreeBSD以BSD许可证发行因此不建议您在其中使用GNU的组件 bash shell。bash和tcsh的区别仅仅在于tcsh的脚本功能。实际上我们更推荐在FreeBSD中使用sh shell因为它更加可靠可以避免一些使用tcsh和csh时出现的脚本问题。
#### 一个更加层次化的文件系统 ####
- 像之前提到的一样使用FreeBSD时基础操作系统以及可选组件可以被很容易的区别开来。这导致了一些管理它们的标准。在Linux下/bin/sbin/usr/bin或者/usr/sbin都是存放可执行文件的目录。FreeBSD不同它有一些附加的对其进行组织的规范。基础操作系统被放在/usr/local/bin或者/usr/local/sbin目录下。这种方法可以帮助管理和区分基础操作系统和可选组件。
### 结论 ###
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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
> 免责声明: 我们先前的一些文章已经提到过,升级内核会带来(很小的)破坏你系统的风险。在这种情况下,通常可以通过旧内核来使系统工作,但是有时还是不行。因此我们对系统的任何损坏都不负责-你自己承担风险!
### 预备工作 ###
uname -a
### Ubuntu指导 ###
- 针对架构的含“generic”的头文件我这里是64位或者“amd64”
- 中间的头文件在文件名末尾有“all”
- 针对架构的含“generic”内核文件再说一次我会用“amd64”但是你如果用32位的你需要使用“i686”
cd /home/user/Downloads/Kernel
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
安装完成后,**重启**你的系统这时应该就会运行刚安装的内核了你可以在命令行中使用uname -a来检查输出。
### Fedora指导 ###
- kernel
- kernel-core
- kernel-headers
- kernel-modules
- kernel-modules-extra
- kernel-tools
- perf and python-perf (optional)
cd /home/user/Downloads/Kernel
and then run the following command to install all the files:
yum --nogpgcheck localinstall *.rpm
### 使用 Rawhide ###
### Arch指导 ###
作者:[Danny Stieben][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
> 逻辑分区管理LVM是每一个主流Linux发行版都含有的磁盘管理选项。无论你是否需要设置存储池或者只需要动态创建分区LVM就是你正在寻找的。
### 什么是 LVM? ###
### 你什么时候该使用LVM ###
### 在Ubuntu中设置LVM ###
使用LVM首先要了解的一件事是没有简单的方法将已经存在传统的分区转换成逻辑分区。可以将它移到一个使用LVM的新分区下但是这并不会在本篇中提到反之我们将全新安装一台Ubuntu 10.10来设置LVM
作者:[How-To Geek][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
![Manage system updates via the command line with dnf on Fedora.](
### 保持系统安全和最新 ###
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper up
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf upgrade
### 软件安装与移除 ###
**Ubuntu**: To install any package on Ubuntu, first update the repo and then use this syntax:
sudo apt-get install [package_name]
sudo apt-get install gimp
sudo zypper install [package_name]
sudo dnf install [package_name]
sudo apt-get remove [package_name]
sudo zypper remove [package_name]
sudo dnf remove [package_name]
### 如何管理第三方软件? ###
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:<repository-name>
样例比如说我想要添加LibreOffice PPA到我的系统中。我应该Google该PPA然后从Launchpad获得该仓库的名称在本例中它是"libreoffice/ppa"。然后使用下面的命令来添加该PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo zypper ar -f url_of_the_repo name_of_repo
sudo zypper ar -f LOF
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install libreoffice
dnf config-manager --add-repo
### 一些基本命令 ###
cp path_of_file_1 path_of_the_directory_where_you_want_to_copy/
cp path_of_files/* path_of_the_directory_where_you_want_to_copy/
mv path_of_file_1 path_of_the_directory_where_you_want_to_move/
mv path_of_directory_where_files_are/* path_of_the_directory_where_you_want_to_move/
rm path_of_file
rm -r path_of_directory
rm -r path_of_directory/*
### 创建新目录 ###
要创建一个新目录首先输入你要创建的目录的位置。比如说你想要在你的Documents目录中创建一个名为'foundation'的文件夹。让我们使用 cd 即change directory改变目录命令来改变目录
cd /home/swapnil/Documents
然后,使用 mkdir 命令来创建该目录:
mkdir foundation
mdkir /home/swapnil/Documents/foundation
如果你想要创建父-子目录,那是指目录中的目录,那么可以使用 -p 选项。它会在指定路径中创建所有目录:
mdkir -p /home/swapnil/Documents/linux/foundation
### 成为root ###
sudo su -
su -
sudo chown -R user:user /path_of_file_or_directory
作者:[Swapnil Bhartiya][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出