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Update 20180730 50 Best Ubuntu Apps You Should Be Using Right Now.md
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50 Best Ubuntu Apps You Should Be Using Right Now
你应该立刻使用的 50 个绝佳 Ubuntu 应用
**Brief: A comprehensive list of best Ubuntu apps for all kind of users. These software will help you in getting a better experience with your Linux desktop.**
**摘要:这是一份详尽的给所有用户的优秀 Ubuntu 应用清单。这些应用将帮助你在你的 Linux 桌面操作系统获得更好的使用体验。**
I have written about [things to do after installing Ubuntu][1] several times in the past. Each time I suggest installing the essential applications in Ubuntu.
过去,我已经多次写过关于 [安装 Ubuntu 之后该做什么][1]。每次我都建议在 Ubuntu 上安装某些关键的应用程序。
But the question arises, what are the essential Ubuntu applications? There is no set answer here. It depends on your need and the kind of work you do on your Ubuntu desktop.
那么问题来了,什么是关键的 Ubuntu 应用程序?没有绝对的答案。这取决于你的需要和你在 Ubuntu 上要做的工作。
Still, I have been asked to suggest some good Ubuntu apps by a number of readers. This is the reason I have created this comprehensive list of Ubuntu applications you can use regularly.
然而还是有很多读者请我推荐一些优秀的 Ubuntu 应用。这就是为什么我开出这份你会常用的 Ubuntu 应用的清单。
The list has been divided into respective categories for ease of reading and ease of comprehension.
### Best Ubuntu apps for a better Ubuntu experience
### 提供更好使用体验的优秀 Ubuntu 应用
![Best Ubuntu Apps][2]
![优秀 Ubuntu 应用][2]
Of course, you don’t have to use all of these applications. Just go through this list of essential Ubuntu software, read the description and then install the ones you need or are inclined to use. Just keep this page bookmarked for future reference or simply search on Google with term ‘best ubuntu apps itsfoss’.
当然,你不必使用以下全部应用。只须浏览这份 Ubuntu 关键应用清单,阅读描述并安装你需要或想要的应用。保存在你的浏览器收藏夹以备将来参考或者简略 Google 一下「best ubuntu apps itsfoss」。
The best Ubuntu application list is intended for average Ubuntu user. Therefore not all the applications here are open source. I have also marked the slightly complicated applications that might not be suitable for a beginner. The list should be valid for Ubuntu 16.04,18.04 and other versions.
这份 Ubuntu 优秀应用清单是准备给普通 Ubuntu 用户的,因此这些应用不全是开源的。我也标记了某些可能不适合新手的稍微复杂的应用。清单适用于 Ubuntu 16.04、18.04 和其他版本。
Unless exclusively mentioned, the software listed here are available in Ubuntu Software Center.
除非特别声明,所有列出的软件都可以在 Ubuntu 软件中心获得。
If you don’t find any application in the software center or if it is missing installation instruction, let me know and I’ll add the installation procedure.
Enough talk! Let’s see what are the best apps for Ubuntu.
话不多说!让我们看看有哪些优秀 Ubuntu 应用。
#### Web Browser
#### 浏览器
Ubuntu comes with Firefox as the default web browser. Since the Quantum release, Firefox has improved drastically. Personally, I always use more than one web browser for the sake of distinguishing between different type of works.
Ubuntu 以 Firefox 为默认浏览。自从 Quantum 版本发布以来,Firefox 已有显著提升。就个人而言,我经常使用多个浏览器来应对不同的工作。
##### Google Chrome
![Google Chrome Logo][3]
Google Chrome is the most used web browser on the internet for a reason. With your Google account, it allows you seamless syncing across devices. Plenty of extensions and apps further enhance its capabilities. You can [download Chrome in Ubuntu from its website][4].
由于某种原因,Google Chrome 是最为广泛使用的浏览器。使用 Google 账号,你可以在不同设备无缝同步。大量拓展和应用进一步增强 Chrome 的能力。你可以 [点击此处下载 Chrome 到 Ubuntu][4]。
##### Brave
![brave browser][5]
Google Chrome might be the most used web browser but it’s a privacy invader. An [alternative browser][6] is [Brave][7] that blocks ads and tracking scripts by default. This provides you with a faster and secure web browsing experience.
Google Chrome 可能是最广泛使用的浏览器,但也是隐私窥探者。能够默认拦截广告和追踪脚本的 [Brave][7] 是一个 [替代浏览器][6]。它为你提供了更快和安全的浏览体验。
#### Music applications
#### 音乐应用
![best music apps ubuntu][8]
![Ubuntu 优秀音乐应用][8]
Ubuntu has Rhythmbox as the default music player which is not at all a bad choice for the default music player. However, you can definitely install a better music player.
Ubuntu 将 Rhythmbox 作为默认音乐播放器,这是个相当不坏的选择。不过,你当然可以安装更好的音乐播放器。
##### Sayonara
[Sayonara][9] is a small, lightweight music player with a nice dark user interface. It comes with all the essential features you would expect in a standard music player. It integrates well with the Ubuntu desktop environment and doesn’t eat up your RAM.
[Sayonara][9] 是一个小型、轻量并具备美观夜览界面的音乐播放器。它拥有所有你期望的标准音乐播放器应有的关键功能。它与 Ubuntu 桌面环境整合良好并且不会大量消耗你的内存。
##### Audacity
[Audacity][10] is more of an audio editor than an audio player. You can record and edit audio with this free and open source tool. It is available for Linux, Windows and macOS. You can install it from the Software Center.
与其说音频播放器,[Audacity][10]更是一个音频编辑器。你可以使用这款免费且开源的工具录制和编辑音频。它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。你可以从软件中心安装它。
##### MusicBrainz Picard
[Picard][11] is not a music player, it is a music tagger. If you have tons of local music files, Picard allows you to automatically update the music files with correct tracks, album, artist info and album cover art.
[Picard][11] 不是一个音乐播放器,而是个音乐标签软件。如果你有大量本地音乐文件,Picard 可以帮助你自动更新音乐文件的正确序号、专辑、艺人资料和专辑封面。
#### Streaming Music Applications
#### 流媒体音乐应用
![Streaming Music app Ubuntu][12]
In this age of the internet, music listening habit has surely changed. People these days rely more on streaming music players rather than storing hundreds of local music files. Let’s see some apps you can use for streaming music.
##### Spotify
[Spotify][13] is the king of streaming music. And the good thing is that it has a native Linux app. The [Spotify app on Ubuntu][14] integrates well with the media key and sound menu along with the desktop notification. Do note that Spotify may or may not be available in your country.
[Spotify][13] 是流媒体音乐之王。好消息是它具有官方 Linux 版本。[Spotify app on Ubuntu][14] 与媒体按键和声音菜单以及桌面通知中心整合良好。请注意,Spotify 不一定支持你所在的国家。
##### Nuvola music player
[Nuvola][15] is not a streaming music service like Spotify. It is a desktop music player that allows you to use several streaming music services in one application. You can use Spotify, Deezer, Google Play Music, Amazon Cloud Player and many more such services.
[Nuvola][15] 不是类似 Spotify 的一款流媒体播放器。它是一款在单一应用内支持多个流媒体音乐服务的桌面音乐播放器。你可以使用 Spotify、Deezer、Google Play Music、Amazon Cloud Player 和更多类似服务。
#### Video Players
#### 视频播放器
![Video players for Linux][16]
![Linux 视频播放器][16]
Ubuntu has the default GNOME video player (previously known as Totem) which is okay but it doesn’t support various media codecs. There are certainly other video players better than the GNOME video player.
Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem)表现尚可但不支持多种视频编码。当然有很多播放器比 GNOME 视频播放器更优秀。
##### VLC
The free and open source software [VLC][17] is the king of video players. It supports almost all possible media codecs. It also allows you to increase the volume up to 200%. It can also resume playing from the last known position. There are so many [VLC tricks][18] you can use to get the most of it.
免费开源的 [VLC][17] 摘得视频播放器桂冠。它支持近乎全部视频编码。它允许你将音量增至最高 200%。它也支持从最后一个已知位置继续播放。有很多 [VLC 使用技巧][18] 供你参考以尽兴使用。
##### MPV
[MPV][19] is a video player that deserves more attention. A sleek minimalist GUI and plenty of features, MPV has everything you would expect from a good video player. You can even use it in the command line. If you are not happy with VLC, you should surely give MPV a try.
[MPV][19] 是款值得更多关注的视频播放器。别致轻量的界面和丰富的功能,MPV 拥有一切你所期待的优秀播放器该有的。你甚至可以在命令行使用它。如果你对 VLC 不够满意,你完全可以尝试 MPV。
#### Cloud Storage Service
#### 云端存储服务
Local backups are fine but cloud storage gives an additional degree of freedom. You don’t have to carry a USB key with you all the time or worry about a hard disk crash with cloud services.
本地备份很好,但云端存储给你更多维度的自由。使用云存储,你再也不必总是随身携带 U 盘或担心硬盘故障。
##### Dropbox
![Dropbox logo][20]
[Dropbox][21] is one of the most popular Cloud service providers. You get 2GB of free storage with the option to get more by referring others. Dropbox provides a native Linux client and you can download it from its website. It creates a local folder on your system that is synced with the cloud servers.
[Dropbox][21] 是最流行的云存储提供商之一。你会获得 2GB 免费存储空间,并通过推介给他人得到更多存储空间。Dropbox 提供官方 Linux 客户端,你可以从官网下载获得。它会在你的系统创建本地文件夹和云端服务器同步。
##### pCloud
![pCloud icon][22]
[pCloud][23] is another good cloud storage service for Linux. It also has a native Linux client that you can download from its website. You get up to 20GB of free storage and if you need more, the pricing is better than Dropbox. pCloud is based in Switzerland, a country renowned for strict data privacy laws.
[pCloud][23] 是另一个优秀的 Linux 云存储提供商。它也拥有官方 Linux 客户端让你从官网下载。你可以获得高达 20GB 的免费存储空间,如果你需要更多,价格也比 Dropbox 实惠。pCloud 来自瑞士,一个数据隐私法严苛的闻名的国家。
#### Image Editors
#### 图片编辑器
I am sure that you would need a photo editor at some point in time. Here are some of the best Ubuntu apps for editing images.
我不确定你是否偶尔某些情况下需要图片编辑器。这里有些优秀的 Ubuntu 图片编辑应用。
##### GIMP
![gimp icon][24]
[GIMP][25] is a free and open source image editor available for Linux, Windows and macOS. It’s the best alternative for Adobe Photoshop in Linux. You can use it for all kind of image editing. There are plenty of resources available on the internet to help you with Gimp.
[GIMP][25] 是一个免费开源的图片编辑器,它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。它是 Adobe Photoshop 在 Linux 端最优秀的替代软件。你可以使用它执行任何图片编辑。网上有许多资源帮助你使用 Gimp。
##### Inkscape
![inkscape icon][26]
[Inkscape][27] is also a free and open source image editor specifically focusing on vector graphics. You can design vector arts and logo on it. You can compare it to Adobe Illustrator. Like Gimp, Inkscape too has plenty of tutorials available online.
[Inkscape][27] 也是一个免费开源的图片编辑器,专用于矢量图编辑。你可以在 Inkscape 上设计矢量图和 logo。你可以把它比做 Adobe Illustrator。与 Gimp 一样,网上也有诸多 Inkscape 教程。
#### Paint applications
#### 绘图应用
Painting applications are not the same as image editors though their functionalities overlap at times. Here are some paint apps you can use in Ubuntu.
![Painting apps for Ubuntu Linux][28]
绘图应用和图片编辑器不完全等同,尽管它们有时功能重叠。以下是你能在 Ubuntu 使用的一些绘图应用。
##### Krita
[Krita][29] is a free and open source digital painting application. You can create digital art, comics and animation with it. It’s a professional grade software and is even used as the primary software in art schools.
[Krita][29] 是一款免费开源的数字绘图应用。你可以用它创建数字绘画、涂鸦和动画。这是款专家级软件,甚至是某些艺术院校的基础课程。
##### Pinta
[Pinta][30] might not be as feature rich as Krita but that’s deliberate. You can think of Pinta as Microsoft Paint for Linux. You can draw, paint, add text and do other such small tasks you do in a paint application.
[Pinta][30] 虽然不像 Krita 功能强大,但也可圈可点。你可以把它视为 Linux 端的微软画图。你可以草稿、作画、添加文字和执行绘图应用可行的其他诸如此类的小任务。
#### Photography applications
#### 摄影应用
Amateur photographer or a professional? You have plenty of [photography tools][31] at your disposal. Here are some recommended applications.
摄影爱好者还是专家?你将随手获得大量 [摄影工具][31],以下是一些推荐应用。
##### digiKam
With open source software [digiKam][33], you can handle your high-end camera images in a professional manner. digiKam provides all the tools required for viewing, managing, editing, enhancing, organizing, tagging and sharing photographs.
使用开源软件 [digKam][33],你可以专业地处理你的高品质摄影作品。digKam 提供用于看图、管理、编辑、增强、组织、标签和分享照片的所有工具集。
##### Darktable
![Darktable icon][34]
[darktable][35] is an open source photography workflow application with a special focus on raw image development. This is the best alternative you can get for Adobe Lightroom. It is also available for Windows and macOS.
[darktable][35] 是一款开源的摄影工作流应用程序,特别是专注于原始图像的开发。这会是你取代 Adobe Lightroom 的最佳替代品。它同样支持 Windows 和 macOS。
#### Video editors
#### 视频编辑器
![Video editors Ubuntu][36]
There is no dearth of [video editors for Linux][37] but I won’t go in detail here. Take a look at some of the feature-rich yet relatively simple to use video editors for Ubuntu.
[Linux 端视频编辑器][37] 并不匮乏,毋庸赘述。看看 Ubuntu 中一些功能丰富但相对简单的视频编辑器。
##### Kdenlive
[Kdenlive][38] is the best all-purpose video editor for Linux. It has enough features that compare it to iMovie or Movie Maker.
[Kdenlive][38] 是 Linux 端最好的全能视频编辑器。它与 iMovie 或 Movie Maker 相比功能毫不逊色。
##### Shotcut
[Shotcut][39] is another good choice for a video editor. It is an open source software with all the features you can expect in a standard video editor.
[Shotcut][39] 是视频编辑的另一个好选择。它是一款开源软件,拥有标准视频编辑器的所有功能。
#### Image and video converter
#### 图片和视频格式转换器
If you need to [convert the file format][40] of your images and videos, here are some of my recommendations.
如果你需要为你的图片和视频 [转换文件格式][40],这些是我的推荐。
##### Xnconvert
![xnconvert logo][41]
[Xnconvert][42] is an excellent batch image conversion tool. You can bulk resize images, convert the file type and rename them.
[Xnconvert][42] 是一款优秀的批量图像转换工具。你可以批量调整图片大小、转换文件类型并重命名。
##### Handbrake
![Handbrake Logo][43]
[HandBrake][44] is an easy to use open source tool for converting videos from a number of formats to a few modern, popular formats.
[HandBrake][44] 是一款易用的开源工具,用于将多种格式的视频转换为一些现代流行的格式。
#### Screenshot and screen recording tools
#### 截图和录屏工具
![Screenshot and recorders Ubuntu][45]
Here are the best Ubuntu apps for taking screenshots and recording your screen.
以下是截图和录屏的优秀 Ubuntu 应用。
##### Shutter
[Shutter][46] is my go-to tool for taking screenshots. You can also do some quick editing to those screenshots such as adding arrows, text or resizing the images. The screenshots you see on It’s FOSS have been edited with Shutter. Definitely one of the best apps for Ubuntu.
[Shutter][46] 是我截图的常用工具。你也可以对这些截图进行一些快速编辑,比如添加箭头、文字或调整图片大小。你在 It's FOSS 上看到的截图都是用 Shutter 编辑的。绝对是 Ubuntu 上最好的应用程序之一。
##### Kazam
[Kazam][47] is my favorite [screen recorder for Linux][48]. It’s a tiny tool that allows you to record the entire window, an application window or a selected area. You can also use shortcuts to pause or resume recording. The tutorials on [It’s FOSS YouTube channel][49] have been recorded with Kazam.
[Kazam][47] 是我最喜欢的 [Linux 端录屏工具][48]。这个是小巧的工具,可以让你录制全屏、某个应用程序窗口或选定区域。你也可以使用快捷键暂停或继续录屏。[It's FOSS YouTube 频道][49] 上的教程都是用 Kazam 录制的。
#### Office suites
#### 办公套件
I cannot imagine that you could use a computer without a document editor. And why restrict yourself to just one document editor? Go for a complete office suite.
##### LibreOffice
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