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11 pointless but awesome Linux terminal tricks
Here are some great Linux terminal tips and tricks, each one as pointless as it is awesome.

### All work and no play... ###
Linux is one of the most astoundingly functional and utilitarian Operating Systems around when it comes to working from the command line. Need to perform a particular task? Odds are there is an application or script you can use to get it done. Right from the terminal. But, as they say in the good book, "All work and no play make Jack really bored or something." So here is a collection of my favorite pointless, stupid, annoying or amusing things that you can do right in your Linux Terminal.

### Give the terminal an attitude ###
Step 1) Type "sudo visudo".
Step 2) At the bottom of the "Defaults" (near the top of the file) add, on a new line, "Defaults insults".
Step 3) Save the file.
"What did I just do to my computer?" you may be asking yourself. Something wonderful. Now, whenever you issue a sudo command and misstype your password, your computer will call you names. My favorite: "Listen, burrito brains, I don't have time to listen to this trash."

### apt-get moo ###
That screenshot you see? That's what typing "apt-get moo" (on a Debian-based system) does. That's it. Don't go looking for this to do something fancy. It won't. That, I kid you not, is it. But it's one of the most commonly known little Easter eggs on Linux. So I include it here, right near the beginning, so I won't get 5,000 emails telling me I missed it in this list.

### aptitude moo ###
A bit more entertaining is aptitude's take on "moo." Type "aptitude moo" (on Ubuntu and the like) and you'll be corrected about thinking "moo" would do anything. But you know better. Try the same command again, this time with an optional "-v" attribute. Don't stop there. Add v's, one at a time, until aptitude gives you what you want.

### Arch: Put Pac-Man in pacman ###
This is one just for the Arch-lovers out there. The de facto package manager, pacman, is pretty fantastic already. Let's make it even better.
Step 1) Open "/etc/pacman.conf".
Step 2) In the "# Misc options", remove the "#" from in front of "Color".
Step 3) Add "ILoveCandy".
Now the progress for installing new packages, in pacman, will include a little tiny Pac-Man. Which should really just be the default anyway.

### Cowsay! ###
Making aptitude moo is neat, I guess, but you really can't use it for much. Enter "cowsay." It does what you think. You make a cow say things. Anything you like. And it's not even limited to cows. Calvin, Beavis, and the Ghostbusters logo are all available in full ASCII art glory – type "cowsay -l" for a full list of what's available in this, Linux's most powerful tool. Remember that, like most great terminal applications, you can pipe the output from other applications straight into cowsay (ala "fortune | cowsay").

### Become an 3l33t h@x0r ###
Typing "nmap" isn't something one typically needs to do on a day-to-day basis. But when one does need to "whip out the nmap," one wants to look as l33t as humanly possible. Add a "-oS" to any nmap command (such as "nmap -oS - google.com"). Bam. You're now in what is officially known as "[Script Kiddie Mode][1]." Angelina Jolie and Keanu Reeves would be proud.

### Getting all Discordian ddate ###
If you've ever been sitting around thinking, "Hey! I want today's date to be written in an essentially useless, but whimsical, way"…try typing "ddate". Results like "Today is Setting Orange, the 72nd day of Discord in the YOLD 3181," can really spice up your server logs.
Note: Technically, this is a real thing called the [Discordian Calendar][2], used (in theory) by the followers of [Discordianism][3]. Which means I probably offended somebody. Or maybe not. I'm not really sure. Either way, ddate is a handy tool in any office.

### I See Colors Everywhere! ###
Tired of boring old text? Looking to spruce things up and show the world your true style? lolcat. Install it. Use it. Everywhere. It takes any text input and turns it into a rainbow of wonder and enchantment. Piping text into lolcat (ala "fortune | lolcat") is sure to liven up any party.

### The Steam Locomotive ###
Animated ASCII art steam locomotive in your terminal. You want this. You need this. Install and run "sl". Use "sl -l" for a tiny version. Or, if you want to really spend some time on this, "sl-h". This is the full train, including passenger cars.

### Reverse any text ###
Pipe the output of any text into "rev" and it will reverse the text. "fortune | rev" gives you a fortune. In reverse. Which is, as odd as it may seem, not a misfortune.

### The Matrix is still cool, right? ###
Want your terminal to do that scrolling text, l33t, Matrix-y thing? "cmatrix" is your friend. You can even have it output different colors, which is snazzy. Learn how by typing "man cmatrix". Or, better yet, "man cmatrix | lolcat". Which, really, is the most pointless (but wonderful) thing you can do in the Linux Terminal. So that's where I leave you.
via: http://www.networkworld.com/article/2926630/linux/11-pointless-but-awesome-linux-terminal-tricks.html
作者:[Bryan Lunduke][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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### 只工作不玩耍…… ###
### 给终端一个态度 ###
* 第一步)敲入`sudo visudo`
* 第二步)在“Defaults”末尾(文件的前半部分)添加一行“Defaults insults”。
* 第三步)保存文件。

### apt-get moo ###
你看过这张截图?那就是运行`apt-get moo`(在基于Debian的系统)的结果。对,就是它了。不要对它抱太多幻想,你会失望的,我不骗你。但是这是Linux世界最被人熟知的彩蛋之一。所以我把它包含进来,并且放在前排,然后我也就不会收到5千封邮件,指责我把它遗漏了。

### aptitude moo ###
更有趣的是将moo应用到aptitude上。敲入`aptitude moo`(在Ubuntu及其衍生版),你对`moo`可以做什么事情的看法会有所变化。你还还会知道更多事情,尝试重新输入这条命令,但这次添加一个`-v`参数。这还没有结束,试着添加更多`v`,一次添加一个,直到aptitude给了你想要的东西。

### Arch: 将吃豆人放入pacman ###
* 第一步)打开“/etc/pacman.conf”文件。
* 第二步)在“# Misc options”部分,去掉“Color”前的“#”。
* 第三步)添加“ILoveCandy”。

### Cowsay! ###
`aptitude moo`的输出格式很漂亮,但我想你苦于不能自由自在地使用。输入`cowsay`,它会做到你想做的事情。你可以让牛说任何你喜欢的东西。而且不只可以用牛,还可以用Calvin、Beavis和Ghostbusters的ASCII logo——输入`cowsay -l`可以得到所有可用的logo。它是Linux世界的强大工具。像很多其他命令一样,你可以使用管道把其他程序的输出输送给它,比如`fortune | cowsay`。

### 变成3l33t h@x0r ###
`nmap`并不是我们平时经常使用的基本命令。但如果你想蹂躏`nmap`的话,可能想在它的输出中看到l33t。在任何`nmap`命令(比如`nmap -oS - google.com`)后添加`-oS`。现在你的`nmap`已经处于官方名称是“[Script Kiddie Mode][1]”的模式了。Angelina Jolie和Keanu Reeves会为此骄傲的。

### 获得所有的Discordian日期 ###
如果你们曾经坐在一起思考,“嗨!我想使用无用但异想天开的方式来书写今天的日期……”试试运行`ddate`。结果类似于“Today is Setting Orange, the 72nd day of Discord in the YOLD 3181”,这会让你的服务树日志平添不少香料。
注意:在技术层面,确实有一个[Discordian Calendar][2],理论上被[Discordianism][3]追随者所使用。这意味着我可能得罪某些人。或者不会,我不确定。不管怎样,`ddate`是一个方便的工具。

### 我可以在任何地方看到颜色!###
厌倦了老旧的文本?想向世界展示出自己的个性?使用`lolcat`。安装它,然后在任何地方使用。它可以接收任何文本,然后将其转换成美轮美奂的彩虹效果。可以使用`fortune | lolcat`体验。

### 蒸汽机车 ###
在你的终端显示蒸汽机车的ASCII图形。如果你需要它,安装并运行`sl`命令。`sl -l`可以看到一个袖珍版本的。或者,如果你真想在上边花费更多时间,运行`sl -h`。这会显示一个完整的或者,还包括乘客车厢。

### 将任何文本逆序输出 ###
将任何文本使用管道输送给`rev`命令,它就会将文本内容逆序输出。`fortune | rev`会给你好运。当然,这不意味着rev会将幸运转换成不幸。

### Matrix依然很酷,不是吗? ###
想让你的终端显示滚动的文字、l33t和Matrix电影中的坠落数码?`cmatrix`是你的朋友。你甚至可以用它输出不同的颜色,非常华丽。使用`man cmatrix`学习使用方法。或者使用更好的方法,“man cmatrix | lolcat”。这确实是你在Linux终端可以做的最没实际用途却又精彩的事情了。

via: http://www.networkworld.com/article/2926630/linux/11-pointless-but-awesome-linux-terminal-tricks.html
作者:[Bryan Lunduke][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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