diff --git a/translated/tech/20161216 The truth about traditional JavaScript benchmarks.md b/translated/tech/20161216 The truth about traditional JavaScript benchmarks.md index afe1882c98..3d616d8fa7 100644 --- a/translated/tech/20161216 The truth about traditional JavaScript benchmarks.md +++ b/translated/tech/20161216 The truth about traditional JavaScript benchmarks.md @@ -1,61 +1,43 @@ -OneNewLife translating - -The truth about traditional JavaScript benchmarks +探索传统 JavaScript 基准测试 ============================================================ +可以很公平地说,[JavaScript][22] 是当下软件工程最为重要的技术。由于在语言设计者看来,JavaScript 不是十分优雅;在编译器工程师看来,它的性能没有多卓越;并且它还没有一个足够庞大的标准库,所以对于深入接触过编程语言、编译器和虚拟机的人来说,这依然是一个惊喜。取决于你和谁吐槽,JavaScript 的缺点花上数周都列举不完,不过你总会找到一些你从所未知的神奇的东西。尽管这看起来明显困难重重,不过 JavaScript 今天还是成为了 web 的核心,并且还成为服务器/云端的主要技术(通过 [Node.js][23]),甚至还开辟了进入物联网领域的道路。 -It is probably fair to say that [JavaScript][22] is _the most important technology_ these days when it comes to software engineering. To many of us who have been into programming languages, compilers and virtual machines for some time, this still comes a bit as a surprise, as JavaScript is neither very elegant from the language designers point of view, nor very optimizable from the compiler engineers point of view, nor does it have a great standard library. Depending on who you talk to, you can enumerate shortcomings of JavaScript for weeks and still find another odd thing you didn’t know about. Despite what seem to be obvious obstacles, JavaScript is at the core of not only the web today, but it’s also becoming the dominant technology on the server-/cloud-side (via [Node.js][23]), and even finding its way into the IoT space. +问题来了,为什么 JavaScript 如此受欢迎/成功?我从未得到一个很好的答案。如今我们有很多理由使用 JavaScript,或许最重要的是围绕其构建的庞大的生态系统以及今天大量可用的资源。但所有这一切实际上是发展到一定程度的结果。为什么 JavaScript 变得流行起来了?嗯,你或许会说,这是 web 多年来的通用语了。但是在很长一段时间里,人们极其讨厌 JavaScript。回顾过去,似乎第一次 JavaScript 浪潮爆发在上个年代的后半段。不出所料,那个时候 JavaScript 引擎在不同的负载下实现了巨大的加速,这可能刷新了很多人对 JavaScript 的看法。 -That raises the question, why is JavaScript so popular/successful? There is no one great answer to this I’d be aware of. There are many good reasons to use JavaScript today, probably most importantly the great ecosystem that was built around it, and the huge amount of resources available today. But all of this is actually a consequence to some extent. Why did JavaScript became popular in the first place? Well, it was the lingua franca of the web for ages, you might say. But that was the case for a long time, and people hated JavaScript with passion. Looking back in time, it seems the first JavaScript popularity boosts happened in the second half of the last decade. Unsurprisingly this was the time when JavaScript engines accomplished huge speed-ups on various different workloads, which probably changed the way that many people looked at JavaScript. +回到过去那些日子,这些加速测试使用了今天所谓的传统 JavaScript 基准,从苹果的 [SunSpider 基准][24](所有 JavaScript 微基准之母)到 Mozilla 的 [Kraken 基准][25] 和谷歌的 V8 基准。后来,V8 基准被 [Octane 基准][26] 取代,而苹果发布了自家新的 [JetStream 基准][27]。这些传统的 JavaScript 基准测试驱动了令人惊叹的努力,使 JavaScript 的性能达到一个在本世纪初没人能预料到的水平。据报道加速达到了 1000 倍,一夜之间在网站使用 `