From 686e22f348b50e9980919edf4b02636a71f7300d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wxy Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2016 10:26:03 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] PUB:Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning project MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit @oska874 @kokialoves @zky001 @vim-kakali @cposture @ideas4u 终于大致校对完了,辛苦大家了!这篇不但长,而且涉及一些大数据和房地产方面的专业知识,确实比较难。已经发布了,大家看有什么错误,及时提出来。htt ps:// --- ...ce portfolio - Machine learning | 849 ++++++++++++++++++ {sources => published}/team_test/ | 0 ...ce portfolio - Machine learning | 0 ...ce portfolio - Machine learning | 0 ...ce portfolio - Machine learning | 0 ...ce portfolio - Machine learning | 0 ...ce portfolio - Machine learning | 0 ...ce portfolio - Machine learning | 0 ...ce portfolio - Machine learning | 837 ----------------- ...ce portfolio - Machine learning | 845 ----------------- 10 files changed, 849 insertions(+), 1682 deletions(-) create mode 100644 published/team_test/Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning rename {sources => published}/team_test/ (100%) rename {sources => published}/team_test/part 1 - Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning (100%) rename {sources => published}/team_test/part 2 - Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning (100%) rename sources/team_test/part 3Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning => published/team_test/part 3 - Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning (100%) rename {sources => published}/team_test/part 4 - Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning (100%) rename {sources => published}/team_test/part 5 - Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning (100%) rename {sources => published}/team_test/part 6 - Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning (100%) delete mode 100644 sources/team_test/ Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning delete mode 100644 sources/tech/20160705 Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning diff --git a/published/team_test/Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning b/published/team_test/Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..406013a776 --- /dev/null +++ b/published/team_test/Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning @@ -0,0 +1,849 @@ +构建你的数据科学作品集:机器学习项目 +=========================================================== + +> 这是[这个系列][3]发布的第三篇关于如何构建数据科学作品集(Data Science Portfolio)的文章。如果你喜欢这个系列并且想继续关注,你可以在订阅页面的底部找到[链接][1]。 + +数据科学公司在决定雇佣时越来越关注你在数据科学方面的作品集(Portfolio)。这其中的一个原因是,这样的作品集是判断某人的实际技能的最好的方法。好消息是构建这样的作品集完全要看你自己。只要你在这方面付出了努力,你一定可以取得让这些公司钦佩的作品集。 + +构建高质量的作品集的第一步就是知道需要什么技能。公司想要在数据科学方面拥有的、他们希望你能够运用的主要技能有: + +- 沟通能力 +- 协作能力 +- 技术能力 +- 数据推理能力 +- 动机和主动性 + +任何好的作品集都由多个项目表现出来,其中每个都能够表现出以上一到两点。这是本系列的第三篇,本系列我们主要讲包括如何打造面面俱到的数据科学作品集。在这一篇中,我们主要涵盖了如何构建组成你的作品集的第二个项目,以及如何创建一个端对端的机器学习项目。在最后,我们将拥有一个展示你的数据推理能力和技术能力的项目。如果你想看一下的话,[这里][2]有一个完整的例子。 + +### 一个端到端的项目 + +作为一个数据科学家,有时候你会拿到一个数据集并被问如何[用它来讲故事][3]。在这个时候,沟通就是非常重要的,你需要用它来完成这个事情。像我们在前一篇文章中用过的,类似 Jupyter notebook 这样的工具,将对你非常有帮助。在这里你能找到一些可以用的报告或者总结文档。 + +不管怎样,有时候你会被要求创建一个具有操作价值的项目。具有操作价值的项目将直接影响到公司的日常业务,它会使用不止一次,经常是许多人使用。这个任务可能像这样 “创建一个算法来预测周转率”或者“创建一个模型来自动对我们的文章打标签”。在这种情况下,技术能力比讲故事更重要。你必须能够得到一个数据集,并且理解它,然后创建脚本处理该数据。这个脚本要运行的很快,占用系统资源很小。通常它可能要运行很多次,脚本的可使用性也很重要,并不仅仅是一个演示版。可使用性是指整合进操作流程,并且甚至是是面向用户的。 + +端对端项目的主要组成部分: + +- 理解背景 +- 浏览数据并找出细微差别 +- 创建结构化项目,那样比较容易整合进操作流程 +- 运行速度快、占用系统资源小的高性能代码 +- 写好安装和使用文档以便其他人用 + +为了有效的创建这种类型的项目,我们可能需要处理多个文件。强烈推荐使用 [Atom][4] 这样的文本编辑器或者 [PyCharm][5] 这样的 IDE。这些工具允许你在文件间跳转,编辑不同类型的文件,例如 markdown 文件,Python 文件,和 csv 文件等等。结构化你的项目还利于版本控制,并上传一个类似 [Github][6] 这样的协作开发工具上也很有用。 + +![]( + +*Github 上的这个项目* + +在这一节中我们将使用 [Pandas][7] 和 [scikit-learn][8] 这样的库,我们还将大量用到 Pandas [DataFrames][9],它使得 python 读取和处理表格数据更加方便。 + +### 找到好的数据集 + +为一个端到端的作品集项目的找到好的数据集很难。在内存和性能的限制下,数据集需要尽量的大。它还需要是实际有用的。例如,[这个数据集][10],它包含有美国院校的录取标准、毕业率以及毕业以后的收入,是个很好的可以讲故事的数据集。但是,不管你如何看待这个数据,很显然它不适合创建端到端的项目。比如,你能告诉人们他们去了这些大学以后的未来收入,但是这个快速检索却并不足够呈现出你的技术能力。你还能找出院校的招生标准和更高的收入相关,但是这更像是常理而不是你的技术结论。 + +这里还有内存和性能约束的问题,比如你有几千兆的数据,而且当你需要找到一些差异时,就需要对数据集一遍遍运行算法。 + +一个好的可操作的数据集可以让你构建一系列脚本来转换数据、动态地回答问题。一个很好的例子是股票价格数据集,当股市关闭时,就会给算法提供新的数据。这可以让你预测明天的股价,甚至预测收益。这不是讲故事,它带来的是真金白银。 + +一些找到数据集的好地方: + +- [/r/datasets][11] – 有上百的有趣数据的 subreddit(Reddit 是国外一个社交新闻站点,subreddit 指该论坛下的各不同版块)。 +- [Google Public Datasets][12] – 通过 Google BigQuery 使用的公开数据集。 +- [Awesome datasets][13] – 一个数据集列表,放在 Github 上。 + +当你查看这些数据集时,想一下人们想要在这些数据集中得到什么答案,哪怕这些问题只想过一次(“房价是如何与标准普尔 500 指数关联的?”),或者更进一步(“你能预测股市吗?”)。这里的关键是更进一步地找出问题,并且用相同的代码在不同输入(不同的数据)上运行多次。 + +对于本文的目标,我们来看一下 [房利美(Fannie Mae)贷款数据][14]。房利美是一家在美国的政府赞助的企业抵押贷款公司,它从其他银行购买按揭贷款,然后捆绑这些贷款为贷款证券来转卖它们。这使得贷款机构可以提供更多的抵押贷款,在市场上创造更多的流动性。这在理论上会带来更多的住房和更好的贷款期限。从借款人的角度来说,它们大体上差不多,话虽这样说。 + +房利美发布了两种类型的数据 – 它获得的贷款的数据,和贷款偿还情况的数据。在理想的情况下,有人向贷款人借钱,然后还款直到还清。不管怎样,有些人多次不还,从而丧失了抵押品赎回权。抵押品赎回权是指没钱还了被银行把房子给收走了。房利美会追踪谁没还钱,并且哪个贷款需要收回抵押的房屋(取消赎回权)。每个季度会发布此数据,发布的是滞后一年的数据。当前可用是 2015 年第一季度数据。 + +“贷款数据”是由房利美发布的贷款发放的数据,它包含借款人的信息、信用评分,和他们的家庭贷款信息。“执行数据”,贷款发放后的每一个季度公布,包含借贷人的还款信息和是否丧失抵押品赎回权的状态,一个“贷款数据”的“执行数据”可能有十几行。可以这样理解,“贷款数据”告诉你房利美所控制的贷款,“执行数据”包含该贷款一系列的状态更新。其中一个状态更新可以告诉我们一笔贷款在某个季度被取消赎回权了。 + +![]( + +*一个没有及时还贷的房子就这样的被卖了* + +### 选择一个角度 + +这里有几个我们可以去分析房利美数据集的方向。我们可以: + +- 预测房屋的销售价格。 +- 预测借款人还款历史。 +- 在获得贷款时为每一笔贷款打分。 + +最重要的事情是坚持单一的角度。同时关注太多的事情很难做出效果。选择一个有着足够细节的角度也很重要。下面的角度就没有太多细节: + +- 找出哪些银行将贷款出售给房利美的多数被取消赎回权。 +- 计算贷款人的信用评分趋势。 +- 找到哪些类型的家庭没有偿还贷款的能力。 +- 找到贷款金额和抵押品价格之间的关系。 + +上面的想法非常有趣,如果我们关注于讲故事,那是一个不错的角度,但是不是很适合一个操作性项目。 + +在房利美数据集中,我们将仅使用申请贷款时有的那些信息来预测贷款是否将来会被取消赎回权。实际上, 我们将为每一笔贷款建立“分数”来告诉房利美买还是不买。这将给我们打下良好的基础,并将组成这个漂亮的作品集的一部分。 + +### 理解数据 + +我们来简单看一下原始数据文件。下面是 2012 年 1 季度前几行的贷款数据: + +``` +100000853384|R|OTHER|4.625|280000|360|02/2012|04/2012|31|31|1|23|801|N|C|SF|1|I|CA|945||FRM| +100003735682|R|SUNTRUST MORTGAGE INC.|3.99|466000|360|01/2012|03/2012|80|80|2|30|794|N|P|SF|1|P|MD|208||FRM|788 +100006367485|C|PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION|4|229000|360|02/2012|04/2012|67|67|2|36|802|N|R|SF|1|P|CA|959||FRM|794 +``` + +下面是 2012 年 1 季度的前几行执行数据: + +``` +100000853384|03/01/2012|OTHER|4.625||0|360|359|03/2042|41860|0|N|||||||||||||||| +100000853384|04/01/2012||4.625||1|359|358|03/2042|41860|0|N|||||||||||||||| +100000853384|05/01/2012||4.625||2|358|357|03/2042|41860|0|N|||||||||||||||| +``` + +在开始编码之前,花些时间真正理解数据是值得的。这对于操作性项目优为重要,因为我们没有交互式探索数据,将很难察觉到细微的差别,除非我们在前期发现他们。在这种情况下,第一个步骤是阅读房利美站点的资料: + +- [概述][15] +- [有用的术语表][16] +- [常见问答][17] +- [贷款和执行文件中的列][18] +- [贷款数据文件样本][19] +- [执行数据文件样本][20] + +在看完这些文件后后,我们了解到一些能帮助我们的关键点: + +- 从 2000 年到现在,每季度都有一个贷款和执行文件,因数据是滞后一年的,所以到目前为止最新数据是 2015 年的。 +- 这些文件是文本格式的,采用管道符号`|`进行分割。 +- 这些文件是没有表头的,但我们有个文件列明了各列的名称。 +- 所有一起,文件包含 2200 万个贷款的数据。 +- 由于执行数据的文件包含过去几年获得的贷款的信息,在早些年获得的贷款将有更多的执行数据(即在 2014 获得的贷款没有多少历史执行数据)。 + +这些小小的信息将会为我们节省很多时间,因为这样我们就知道如何构造我们的项目和利用这些数据了。 + +### 构造项目 + +在我们开始下载和探索数据之前,先想一想将如何构造项目是很重要的。当建立端到端项目时,我们的主要目标是: + +- 创建一个可行解决方案 +- 有一个快速运行且占用最小资源的解决方案 +- 容易可扩展 +- 写容易理解的代码 +- 写尽量少的代码 + +为了实现这些目标,需要对我们的项目进行良好的构造。一个结构良好的项目遵循几个原则: + +- 分离数据文件和代码文件 +- 从原始数据中分离生成的数据。 +- 有一个 `` 文件帮助人们安装和使用该项目。 +- 有一个 `requirements.txt` 文件列明项目运行所需的所有包。 +- 有一个单独的 `` 文件列明其它文件中使用的所有的设置 + - 例如,如果从多个 `Python` 脚本读取同一个文件,让它们全部 `import` 设置并从一个集中的地方获得文件名是有用的。 +- 有一个 `.gitignore` 文件,防止大的或密码文件被提交。 +- 分解任务中每一步可以单独执行的步骤到单独的文件中。 + - 例如,我们将有一个文件用于读取数据,一个用于创建特征,一个用于做出预测。 +- 保存中间结果,例如,一个脚本可以输出下一个脚本可读取的文件。 + - 这使我们无需重新计算就可以在数据处理流程中进行更改。 + + +我们的文件结构大体如下: + +``` +loan-prediction +├── data +├── processed +├── .gitignore +├── +├── requirements.txt +├── +``` + +### 创建初始文件 + +首先,我们需要创建一个 `loan-prediction` 文件夹,在此文件夹下面,再创建一个 `data` 文件夹和一个 `processed` 文件夹。`data` 文件夹存放原始数据,`processed` 文件夹存放所有的中间计算结果。 + +其次,创建 `.gitignore` 文件,`.gitignore` 文件将保证某些文件被 git 忽略而不会被推送至 GitHub。关于这个文件的一个好的例子是由 OSX 在每一个文件夹都会创建的 `.DS_Store` 文件,`.gitignore` 文件一个很好的范本在[这里](。我们还想忽略数据文件,因为它们实在是太大了,同时房利美的条文禁止我们重新分发该数据文件,所以我们应该在我们的文件后面添加以下 2 行: + +``` +data +processed +``` + +[这里](是该项目的一个关于 .gitignore 文件的例子。 + +再次,我们需要创建 `` 文件,它将帮助人们理解该项目。后缀 .md 表示这个文件采用 markdown 格式。Markdown 使你能够写纯文本文件,同时还可以添加你想要的神奇的格式。[这里](是关于 markdown 的导引。如果你上传一个叫 `` 的文件至 Github,Github 会自动处理该 markdown,同时展示给浏览该项目的人。例子在[这里](。 + +至此,我们仅需在 `` 文件中添加简单的描述: + +``` +Loan Prediction +----------------------- + +Predict whether or not loans acquired by Fannie Mae will go into foreclosure. Fannie Mae acquires loans from other lenders as a way of inducing them to lend more. Fannie Mae releases data on the loans it has acquired and their performance afterwards [here]( +``` + +现在,我们可以创建 `requirements.txt` 文件了。这会帮助其它人可以很方便地安装我们的项目。我们还不知道我们将会具体用到哪些库,但是以下几个库是需要的: + +``` +pandas +matplotlib +scikit-learn +numpy +ipython +scipy +``` + +以上几个是在 python 数据分析任务中最常用到的库。可以认为我们将会用到大部分这些库。[这里][24]是该项目 `requirements.txt` 文件的一个例子。 + +创建 `requirements.txt` 文件之后,你应该安装这些包了。我们将会使用 python3。如果你没有安装 python,你应该考虑使用 [Anaconda][25],它是一个 python 安装程序,同时安装了上面列出的所有包。 + +最后,我们可以建立一个空白的 `` 文件,因为我们的项目还没有任何设置。 + +### 获取数据 + +一旦我们有了项目的基本架构,我们就可以去获得原始数据。 + +房利美对获取数据有一些限制,所以你需要去注册一个账户。在创建完账户之后,你可以找到[在这里][26]的下载页面,你可以按照你所需要的下载或多或少的贷款数据文件。文件格式是 zip,在解压后当然是非常大的。 + +为了达到我们这个文章的目的,我们将要下载从 2012 年 1 季度到 2015 年 1 季度的所有数据。接着我们需要解压所有的文件。解压过后,删掉原来的 .zip 格式的文件。最后,loan-prediction 文件夹看起来应该像下面的一样: + +``` +loan-prediction +├── data +│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt +│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt +│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt +│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt +│ └── ... +├── processed +├── .gitignore +├── +├── requirements.txt +├── +``` + +在下载完数据后,你可以在 shell 命令行中使用 `head` 和 `tail` 命令去查看文件中的行数据,你看到任何的不需要的数据列了吗?在做这件事的同时查阅[列名称的 pdf 文件][27]可能有帮助。 + +### 读入数据 + +有两个问题让我们的数据难以现在就使用: + +- 贷款数据和执行数据被分割在多个文件中 +- 每个文件都缺少列名标题 + +在我们开始使用数据之前,我们需要首先明白我们要在哪里去存一个贷款数据的文件,同时到哪里去存储一个执行数据的文件。每个文件仅仅需要包括我们关注的那些数据列,同时拥有正确的列名标题。这里有一个小问题是执行数据非常大,因此我们需要尝试去修剪一些数据列。 + +第一步是向 `` 文件中增加一些变量,这个文件中同时也包括了我们原始数据的存放路径和处理出的数据存放路径。我们同时也将添加其他一些可能在接下来会用到的设置数据: + +``` +DATA_DIR = "data" +PROCESSED_DIR = "processed" +MINIMUM_TRACKING_QUARTERS = 4 +TARGET = "foreclosure_status" +NON_PREDICTORS = [TARGET, "id"] +CV_FOLDS = 3 +``` + +把路径设置在 `` 中使它们放在一个集中的地方,同时使其修改更加的容易。当在多个文件中用到相同的变量时,你想改变它的话,把他们放在一个地方比分散放在每一个文件时更加容易。[这里的][28]是一个这个工程的示例 `` 文件 + +第二步是创建一个文件名为 ``,它将所有的数据分为 2 个文件。当我们运行 `Python`,我们在处理数据文件的目录会获得 2 个数据文件。 + +接下来我们开始写 `` 文件中的代码。首先我们需要为每个文件定义相应的列名标题,因此我们需要查看[列名称的 pdf 文件][29],同时创建在每一个贷款数据和执行数据的文件的数据列的列表: + +``` +HEADERS = { + "Acquisition": [ + "id", + "channel", + "seller", + "interest_rate", + "balance", + "loan_term", + "origination_date", + "first_payment_date", + "ltv", + "cltv", + "borrower_count", + "dti", + "borrower_credit_score", + "first_time_homebuyer", + "loan_purpose", + "property_type", + "unit_count", + "occupancy_status", + "property_state", + "zip", + "insurance_percentage", + "product_type", + "co_borrower_credit_score" + ], + "Performance": [ + "id", + "reporting_period", + "servicer_name", + "interest_rate", + "balance", + "loan_age", + "months_to_maturity", + "maturity_date", + "msa", + "delinquency_status", + "modification_flag", + "zero_balance_code", + "zero_balance_date", + "last_paid_installment_date", + "foreclosure_date", + "disposition_date", + "foreclosure_costs", + "property_repair_costs", + "recovery_costs", + "misc_costs", + "tax_costs", + "sale_proceeds", + "credit_enhancement_proceeds", + "repurchase_proceeds", + "other_foreclosure_proceeds", + "non_interest_bearing_balance", + "principal_forgiveness_balance" + ] +} +``` + +接下来一步是定义我们想要保留的数据列。因为我们要预测一个贷款是否会被撤回,我们可以丢弃执行数据中的许多列。我们将需要保留贷款数据中的所有数据列,因为我们需要尽量多的了解贷款发放时的信息(毕竟我们是在预测贷款发放时这笔贷款将来是否会被撤回)。丢弃数据列将会使我们节省下内存和硬盘空间,同时也会加速我们的代码。 + +``` +SELECT = { + "Acquisition": HEADERS["Acquisition"], + "Performance": [ + "id", + "foreclosure_date" + ] +} +``` + +下一步,我们将编写一个函数来连接数据集。下面的代码将: + +- 引用一些需要的库,包括 `settings`。 +- 定义一个函数 `concatenate`,目的是: + - 获取到所有 `data` 目录中的文件名。 + - 遍历每个文件。 + - 如果文件不是正确的格式 (不是以我们需要的格式作为开头),我们将忽略它。 + - 通过使用 Pandas 的 [read_csv][31]函数及正确的设置把文件读入一个[数据帧][30]。 + - 设置分隔符为`|`,以便所有的字段能被正确读出。 + - 数据没有标题行,因此设置 `header` 为 `None` 来进行标示。 + - 从 `HEADERS` 字典中设置正确的标题名称 – 这将会是我们的数据帧中的数据列名称。 + - 仅选择我们加在 `SELECT` 中的数据帧的列。 +- 把所有的数据帧共同连接在一起。 +- 把已经连接好的数据帧写回一个文件。 + +``` +import os +import settings +import pandas as pd + +def concatenate(prefix="Acquisition"): + files = os.listdir(settings.DATA_DIR) + full = [] + for f in files: + if not f.startswith(prefix): + continue + + data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, f), sep="|", header=None, names=HEADERS[prefix], index_col=False) + data = data[SELECT[prefix]] + full.append(data) + + full = pd.concat(full, axis=0) + + full.to_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "{}.txt".format(prefix)), sep="|", header=SELECT[prefix], index=False) +``` + +我们可以通过调用上面的函数,通过传递的参数 `Acquisition` 和 `Performance` 两次以将所有的贷款和执行文件连接在一起。下面的代码将: + +- 仅在命令行中运行 `python` 时执行。 +- 将所有的数据连接在一起,并且产生 2 个文件: + - `processed/Acquisition.txt` + - `processed/Performance.txt` + +``` +if __name__ == "__main__": + concatenate("Acquisition") + concatenate("Performance") +``` + +我们现在拥有了一个漂亮的,划分过的 `` 文件,它很容易执行,也容易建立。通过像这样把问题分解为一块一块的,我们构建工程就会变的容易许多。不用一个可以做所有工作的凌乱脚本,我们定义的数据将会在多个脚本间传递,同时使脚本间完全的彼此隔离。当你正在一个大的项目中工作时,这样做是一个好的想法,因为这样可以更加容易修改其中的某一部分而不会引起其他项目中不关联部分产生预料之外的结果。 + +一旦我们完成 `` 脚本文件,我们可以运行 `python` 命令。你可以[在这里][32]查看完整的 `` 文件。 + +这将会在 `processed` 目录下产生 2 个文件: + +``` +loan-prediction +├── data +│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt +│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt +│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt +│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt +│ └── ... +├── processed +│ ├── Acquisition.txt +│ ├── Performance.txt +├── .gitignore +├── +├── +├── requirements.txt +├── +``` + + +### 计算来自执行数据的值 + +接下来我们会计算来自 `processed/Performance.txt` 中的值。我们要做的就是推测这些资产是否被取消赎回权。如果能够计算出来,我们只要看一下关联到贷款的执行数据的参数 `foreclosure_date` 就可以了。如果这个参数的值是 `None`,那么这些资产肯定没有收回。为了避免我们的样例中只有少量的执行数据,我们会为每个贷款计算出执行数据文件中的行数。这样我们就能够从我们的训练数据中筛选出贷款数据,排除了一些执行数据。 + +下面是我认为贷款数据和执行数据的关系: + +![]( + +在上面的表格中,贷款数据中的每一行数据都关联到执行数据中的多行数据。在执行数据中,在取消赎回权的时候 `foreclosure_date` 就会出现在该季度,而之前它是空的。一些贷款还没有被取消赎回权,所以与执行数据中的贷款数据有关的行在 `foreclosure_date` 列都是空格。 + +我们需要计算 `foreclosure_status` 的值,它的值是布尔类型,可以表示一个特殊的贷款数据 `id` 是否被取消赎回权过,还有一个参数 `performance_count` ,它记录了执行数据中每个贷款 `id` 出现的行数。  + +计算这些行数有多种不同的方法: + +- 我们能够读取所有的执行数据,然后我们用 Pandas 的 [groupby]( 方法在 DataFrame 中计算出与每个贷款 `id` 有关的行的行数,然后就可以查看贷款 `id` 的 `foreclosure_date` 值是否为 `None` 。 + - 这种方法的优点是从语法上来说容易执行。 + - 它的缺点需要读取所有的 129236094 行数据,这样就会占用大量内存,并且运行起来极慢。 +- 我们可以读取所有的执行数据,然后在贷款 DataFrame 上使用 [apply]( 去计算每个贷款 `id` 出现的次数。 + - 这种方法的优点是容易理解。 + - 缺点是需要读取所有的 129236094 行数据。这样会占用大量内存,并且运行起来极慢。 +- 我们可以在迭代访问执行数据中的每一行数据,而且会建立一个单独的计数字典。 + - 这种方法的优点是数据不需要被加载到内存中,所以运行起来会很快且不需要占用内存。 + - 缺点是这样的话理解和执行上可能有点耗费时间,我们需要对每一行数据进行语法分析。 + +加载所有的数据会非常耗费内存,所以我们采用第三种方法。我们要做的就是迭代执行数据中的每一行数据,然后为每一个贷款 `id` 在字典中保留一个计数。在这个字典中,我们会计算出贷款 `id` 在执行数据中出现的次数,而且看看 `foreclosure_date` 是否是 `None` 。我们可以查看 `foreclosure_status` 和 `performance_count` 的值 。 + +我们会新建一个 `` 文件,文件中的代码可以计算这些值。我们会使用下面的代码: + +- 导入需要的库 +- 定义一个函数 `count_performance_rows` 。 + - 打开 `processed/Performance.txt` 文件。这不是在内存中读取文件而是打开了一个文件标识符,这个标识符可以用来以行为单位读取文件。  + - 迭代文件的每一行数据。 + - 使用分隔符`|`分开每行的不同数据。 + - 检查 `loan_id` 是否在计数字典中。 + - 如果不存在,把它加进去。 + - `loan_id` 的 `performance_count` 参数自增 1 次,因为我们这次迭代也包含其中。 + - 如果 `date` 不是 `None ,我们就会知道贷款被取消赎回权了,然后为 `foreclosure_status` 设置合适的值。 + +``` +import os +import settings +import pandas as pd + +def count_performance_rows(): + counts = {} + with open(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "Performance.txt"), 'r') as f: + for i, line in enumerate(f): + if i == 0: + # Skip header row + continue + loan_id, date = line.split("|") + loan_id = int(loan_id) + if loan_id not in counts: + counts[loan_id] = { + "foreclosure_status": False, + "performance_count": 0 + } + counts[loan_id]["performance_count"] += 1 + if len(date.strip()) > 0: + counts[loan_id]["foreclosure_status"] = True + return counts +``` + +### 获取值 + +只要我们创建了计数字典,我们就可以使用一个函数通过一个 `loan_id` 和一个 `key` 从字典中提取到需要的参数的值: + +``` +def get_performance_summary_value(loan_id, key, counts): + value = counts.get(loan_id, { + "foreclosure_status": False, + "performance_count": 0 + }) + return value[key] +``` + +上面的函数会从 `counts` 字典中返回合适的值,我们也能够为贷款数据中的每一行赋一个 `foreclosure_status` 值和一个 `performance_count` 值。如果键不存在,字典的 [get][33] 方法会返回一个默认值,所以在字典中不存在键的时候我们就可以得到一个可知的默认值。 + +### 转换数据 + +我们已经在 `` 中添加了一些功能,现在我们来看一看数据文件。我们需要将贷款到的数据转换到训练数据集来进行机器学习算法的训练。这涉及到以下几件事情: + +- 转换所有列为数字。 +- 填充缺失值。 +- 为每一行分配 `performance_count` 和 `foreclosure_status`。 +- 移除出现执行数据很少的行(`performance_count` 计数低)。 + +我们有几个列是文本类型的,看起来对于机器学习算法来说并不是很有用。然而,它们实际上是分类变量,其中有很多不同的类别代码,例如 `R`,`S` 等等. 我们可以把这些类别标签转换为数值: + +![]( + +通过这种方法转换的列我们可以应用到机器学习算法中。 + +还有一些包含日期的列 (`first_payment_date` 和 `origination_date`)。我们可以将这些日期放到两个列中: + +![]( + +在下面的代码中,我们将转换贷款数据。我们将定义一个函数如下: + +- 在 `acquisition` 中创建 `foreclosure_status` 列,并从 `counts` 字典中得到值。 +- 在 `acquisition` 中创建 `performance_count` 列,并从 `counts` 字典中得到值。 +- 将下面的列从字符串转换为整数: + - `channel` + - `seller` + - `first_time_homebuyer` + - `loan_purpose` + - `property_type` + - `occupancy_status` + - `property_state` + - `product_type` +- 将 `first_payment_date` 和 `origination_date` 分别转换为两列: + - 通过斜杠分离列。 + - 将第一部分分离成 `month` 列。 + - 将第二部分分离成 `year` 列。 + - 删除该列。 + - 最后,我们得到 `first_payment_month`、`first_payment_year`、`rigination_month` 和 `origination_year`。 +- 所有缺失值填充为 `-1`。 + +``` +def annotate(acquisition, counts): + acquisition["foreclosure_status"] = acquisition["id"].apply(lambda x: get_performance_summary_value(x, "foreclosure_status", counts)) + acquisition["performance_count"] = acquisition["id"].apply(lambda x: get_performance_summary_value(x, "performance_count", counts)) + for column in [ + "channel", + "seller", + "first_time_homebuyer", + "loan_purpose", + "property_type", + "occupancy_status", + "property_state", + "product_type" + ]: + acquisition[column] = acquisition[column].astype('category') + + for start in ["first_payment", "origination"]: + column = "{}_date".format(start) + acquisition["{}_year".format(start)] = pd.to_numeric(acquisition[column].str.split('/').str.get(1)) + acquisition["{}_month".format(start)] = pd.to_numeric(acquisition[column].str.split('/').str.get(0)) + del acquisition[column] + + acquisition = acquisition.fillna(-1) + acquisition = acquisition[acquisition["performance_count"] > settings.MINIMUM_TRACKING_QUARTERS] + return acquisition +``` + +### 聚合到一起 + +我们差不多准备就绪了,我们只需要再在 `` 添加一点点代码。在下面代码中,我们将: + +- 定义一个函数来读取贷款的数据。 +- 定义一个函数来写入处理过的数据到 `processed/train.csv`。 +- 如果该文件在命令行以 `python` 的方式运行: + - 读取贷款数据。 + - 计算执行数据的计数,并将其赋予 `counts`。 + - 转换 `acquisition` DataFrame。 + - 将` acquisition` DataFrame 写入到 `train.csv`。 + +``` +def read(): + acquisition = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "Acquisition.txt"), sep="|") + return acquisition + +def write(acquisition): + acquisition.to_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "train.csv"), index=False) + +if __name__ == "__main__": + acquisition = read() + counts = count_performance_rows() + acquisition = annotate(acquisition, counts) + write(acquisition) +``` + +修改完成以后,确保运行 `python` 来生成 `train.csv` 文件。 你可以在[这里][34]找到完整的 `` 文件。 + +现在文件夹看起来应该像这样: + +``` +loan-prediction +├── data +│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt +│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt +│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt +│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt +│ └── ... +├── processed +│ ├── Acquisition.txt +│ ├── Performance.txt +│ ├── train.csv +├── .gitignore +├── +├── +├── +├── requirements.txt +├── +``` + +### 找到误差标准 + +我们已经完成了训练数据表的生成,现在我们需要最后一步,生成预测。我们需要找到误差的标准,以及该如何评估我们的数据。在这种情况下,因为有很多的贷款没有被取消赎回权,所以根本不可能做到精确的计算。 + +我们需要读取训练数据,并且计算 `foreclosure_status` 列的计数,我们将得到如下信息: + +``` +import pandas as pd +import settings + +train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "train.csv")) +train["foreclosure_status"].value_counts() +``` + +``` +False 4635982 +True 1585 +Name: foreclosure_status, dtype: int64 +``` + +因为只有很少的贷款被取消赎回权,只需要检查正确预测的标签的百分比就意味着我们可以创建一个机器学习模型,来为每一行预测 `False`,并能取得很高的精确度。相反,我们想要使用一个度量来考虑分类的不平衡,确保我们可以准确预测。我们要避免太多的误报率(预测贷款被取消赎回权,但是实际没有),也要避免太多的漏报率(预测贷款没有别取消赎回权,但是实际被取消了)。对于这两个来说,漏报率对于房利美来说成本更高,因为他们买的贷款可能是他们无法收回投资的贷款。 + +所以我们将定义一个漏报率,就是模型预测没有取消赎回权但是实际上取消了,这个数除以总的取消赎回权数。这是“缺失的”实际取消赎回权百分比的模型。下面看这个图表: + +![]( + +通过上面的图表,有 1 个贷款预测不会取消赎回权,但是实际上取消了。如果我们将这个数除以实际取消赎回权的总数 2,我们将得到漏报率 50%。 我们将使用这个误差标准,因此我们可以评估一下模型的行为。 + +### 设置机器学习分类器 + +我们使用交叉验证预测。通过交叉验证法,我们将数据分为3组。按照下面的方法来做: + +- 用组 1 和组 2 训练模型,然后用该模型来预测组 3 +- 用组 1 和组 3 训练模型,然后用该模型来预测组 2 +- 用组 2 和组 3 训练模型,然后用该模型来预测组 1 + +将它们分割到不同的组,这意味着我们永远不会用相同的数据来为其预测训练模型。这样就避免了过拟合。如果过拟合,我们将错误地拉低了漏报率,这使得我们难以改进算法或者应用到现实生活中。 + +[Scikit-learn][35] 有一个叫做 [cross_val_predict][36] ,它可以帮助我们理解交叉算法. + +我们还需要一种算法来帮我们预测。我们还需要一个分类器来做[二元分类][37]。目标变量 `foreclosure_status` 只有两个值, `True` 和 `False`。 + +这里我们用 [逻辑回归算法][38],因为它能很好的进行二元分类,并且运行很快,占用内存很小。我们来说一下它是如何工作的:不使用像随机森林一样多树结构,也不像支持向量机一样做复杂的转换,逻辑回归算法涉及更少的步骤和更少的矩阵。 + +我们可以使用 scikit-learn 实现的[逻辑回归分类器][39]算法。我们唯一需要注意的是每个类的权重。如果我们使用等权重的类,算法将会预测每行都为 `false`,因为它总是试图最小化误差。不管怎样,我们重视有多少贷款要被取消赎回权而不是有多少不能被取消。因此,我们给[逻辑回归][40]类的 `class_weight` 关键字传递 `balanced` 参数,让算法可以为不同 counts 的每个类考虑不同的取消赎回权的权重。这将使我们的算法不会为每一行都预测 `false`,而是两个类的误差水平一致。 + +### 做出预测 + +既然完成了前期准备,我们可以开始准备做出预测了。我将创建一个名为 `` 的新文件,它会使用我们在最后一步创建的 `train.csv` 文件。下面的代码: + +- 导入所需的库 +- 创建一个名为 `cross_validate` 的函数: + - 使用正确的关键词参数创建逻辑回归分类器 + - 创建用于训练模型的数据列的列表,移除 `id` 和 `foreclosure_status` 列 + - 交叉验证 `train` DataFrame + - 返回预测结果 + +```python +import os +import settings +import pandas as pd +from sklearn import cross_validation +from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression +from sklearn import metrics + +def cross_validate(train): + clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=1, class_weight="balanced") + + predictors = train.columns.tolist() + predictors = [p for p in predictors if p not in settings.NON_PREDICTORS] + + predictions = cross_validation.cross_val_predict(clf, train[predictors], train[settings.TARGET], cv=settings.CV_FOLDS) + return predictions +``` + +### 预测误差 + +现在,我们仅仅需要写一些函数来计算误差。下面的代码: + +- 创建函数 `compute_error`: + - 使用 scikit-learn 计算一个简单的精确分数(与实际 `foreclosure_status` 值匹配的预测百分比) +- 创建函数 `compute_false_negatives`: + - 为了方便,将目标和预测结果合并到一个 DataFrame + - 查找漏报率 + - 找到原本应被预测模型取消赎回权,但实际没有取消的贷款数目 + - 除以没被取消赎回权的贷款总数目 + +```python +def compute_error(target, predictions): + return metrics.accuracy_score(target, predictions) + +def compute_false_negatives(target, predictions): + df = pd.DataFrame({"target": target, "predictions": predictions}) + return df[(df["target"] == 1) & (df["predictions"] == 0)].shape[0] / (df[(df["target"] == 1)].shape[0] + 1) + +def compute_false_positives(target, predictions): + df = pd.DataFrame({"target": target, "predictions": predictions}) + return df[(df["target"] == 0) & (df["predictions"] == 1)].shape[0] / (df[(df["target"] == 0)].shape[0] + 1) +``` + +### 聚合到一起 + +现在,我们可以把函数都放在 ``。下面的代码: + +- 读取数据集 +- 计算交叉验证预测 +- 计算上面的 3 个误差 +- 打印误差 + +```python +def read(): + train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "train.csv")) + return train + +if __name__ == "__main__": + train = read() + predictions = cross_validate(train) + error = compute_error(train[settings.TARGET], predictions) + fn = compute_false_negatives(train[settings.TARGET], predictions) + fp = compute_false_positives(train[settings.TARGET], predictions) + print("Accuracy Score: {}".format(error)) + print("False Negatives: {}".format(fn)) + print("False Positives: {}".format(fp)) +``` + +一旦你添加完代码,你可以运行 `python` 来产生预测结果。运行结果向我们展示漏报率为 `.26`,这意味着我们没能预测 `26%` 的取消贷款。这是一个好的开始,但仍有很多改善的地方! + +你可以在[这里][41]找到完整的 `` 文件。 + +你的文件树现在看起来像下面这样: + +``` +loan-prediction +├── data +│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt +│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt +│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt +│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt +│ └── ... +├── processed +│ ├── Acquisition.txt +│ ├── Performance.txt +│ ├── train.csv +├── .gitignore +├── +├── +├── +├── +├── requirements.txt +├── +``` + +### 撰写 README + +既然我们完成了端到端的项目,那么我们可以撰写 `` 文件了,这样其他人便可以知道我们做的事,以及如何复制它。一个项目典型的 `` 应该包括这些部分: + +- 一个高水准的项目概览,并介绍项目目的 +- 任何必需的数据和材料的下载地址 +- 安装命令 + - 如何安装要求依赖 +- 使用命令 + - 如何运行项目 + - 每一步之后会看到的结果 +- 如何为这个项目作贡献 + - 扩展项目的下一步计划 + +[这里][42] 是这个项目的一个 `` 样例。 + +### 下一步 + +恭喜你完成了端到端的机器学习项目!你可以在[这里][43]找到一个完整的示例项目。一旦你完成了项目,把它上传到 [Github][44] 是一个不错的主意,这样其他人也可以看到你的文件夹的部分项目。 + +这里仍有一些留待探索数据的角度。总的来说,我们可以把它们分割为 3 类: 扩展这个项目并使它更加精确,发现其他可以预测的列,并探索数据。这是其中一些想法: + +- 在 `` 中生成更多的特性 +- 切换 `` 中的算法 +- 尝试使用比我们发表在这里的更多的房利美数据 +- 添加对未来数据进行预测的方法。如果我们添加更多数据,我们所写的代码仍然可以起作用,这样我们可以添加更多过去和未来的数据。 +- 尝试看看是否你能预测一个银行原本是否应该发放贷款(相对地,房利美是否应该获得贷款) + - 移除 `train` 中银行在发放贷款时间的不知道的任何列 + - 当房利美购买贷款时,一些列是已知的,但之前是不知道的 + - 做出预测 +- 探索是否你可以预测除了 `foreclosure_status` 的其他列 + - 你可以预测在销售时资产值是多少? +- 探索探索执行数据更新之间的细微差别 + - 你能否预测借款人会逾期还款多少次? + - 你能否标出的典型贷款周期? +- 将数据按州或邮政编码标出 + - 你看到一些有趣的模式了吗? + +如果你建立了任何有趣的东西,请在评论中让我们知道! + +如果你喜欢这篇文章,或许你也会喜欢阅读“构建你的数据科学作品集”系列的其他文章: + +- [用数据讲故事][45] +- [如何搭建一个数据科学博客][46] +- [构建一个可以帮你找到工作的数据科学作品集的关键][47] +- [找到数据科学用的数据集的 17 个地方][48] + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: + +作者:[Vik Paruchuri][a] +译者:[kokialoves](, [zky001](, [vim-kakali](, [cposture](, [ideas4u]( +校对:[wxy]( + +本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 + +[a]: +[1]: +[2]: +[3]: +[4]: +[5]: +[6]: +[7]: +[8]: +[9]: +[10]: +[11]: +[12]: +[13]: +[14]: +[15]: +[16]: +[17]: +[18]: +[19]: +[20]: +[21]: +[22]: +[23]: +[24]: +[25]: +[26]: +[27]: +[28]: +[29]: +[30]: +[31]: +[32]: +[33]: +[34]: +[35]: +[36]: +[37]: +[38]: +[39]: +[40]: +[41]: +[42]: +[43]: +[44]: +[45]: +[46]: +[47]: +[48]: \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/team_test/ b/published/team_test/ similarity index 100% rename from sources/team_test/ rename to published/team_test/ diff --git a/sources/team_test/part 1 - 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Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning rename to published/team_test/part 6 - Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning diff --git a/sources/team_test/ Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning b/sources/team_test/ Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning deleted file mode 100644 index 5db37fd994..0000000000 --- a/sources/team_test/ Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning +++ /dev/null @@ -1,837 +0,0 @@ -增强你的数据科学方面的综合能力:机器学习项目 -=========================================================== - -> 这是[这个系列][3]发布的第三篇关于如何取得数据科学方面的综合能力(Data Science Portfolio)的文章。如果你喜欢这个系列并且想继续关注,你可以在订阅页面的底部找到[链接][1]。 - -数据科学公司在决定雇佣时越来越关注你在数据科学方面的综合能力(Portfolio)。这其中的一个原因是,这样的综合能力是最好的判断某人的实际技能的方法。好消息是取得这样的综合能力完全要看你自己。只要你在这方面付出了努力,你一定可以取得让这些公司钦佩的综合能力。 - -取得高质量的综合能力的第一步就是知道需要什么技能。公司想要在数据科学方面拥有的、他们希望你能够运用的主要技能有: - -- 沟通能力 -- 协作能力 -- 技术能力 -- 数据推理能力 -- 动机和主动性 - -任何好的综合能力都由多个项目表现出来,其中每个都能够表现出以上一到两点。这是本系列的第三篇,我们主要讲包括如何打造面面俱到的数据科学方面的综合能力。在这一篇中,我们主要包括如何构建组成你的综合能力的第二个项目,以及如何创建一个端对端的机器学习项目。在最后,我们将拥有一个展示你的数据推理能力和技术能力的项目。如果你想看一下的话,[这里][2]有一个完整的例子。 - -### 一个端到端的项目 - -作为一个数据科学家,有时候你会拿到一个数据集并被问到是 [如何产生的][3]. 在这个时候, 交流是非常重要的, 走一遍流程. 用用Jupyter notebook, 看一看以前的例子,这对你非常有帮助. 在这里你能找到一些可以用的报告或者文档. - -不管怎样, 有时候你会被要求创建一个具有操作价值的项目. 一个直接影响公司业务的项目, 不止一次的, 许多人用的项目. 这个任务可能像这样 “创建一个算法来预测波动率”或者 “创建一个模型来自动标签我们的文章”. 在这种情况下, 技术能力比说评书更重要. 你必须能够创建一个数据集, 并且理解它, 然后创建脚本处理该数据. 还有很重要的脚本要运行的很快, 占用系统资源很小. 它可能要运行很多次, 脚本的可使用性也很重要,并不仅仅是一个演示版. 可使用性是指整合操作流程, 因为他很有可能是面向用户的. - -端对端项目的主要组成部分: - -- 理解背景 -- 浏览数据并找出细微差别 -- 创建结构化项目, 那样比较容易整合操作流程 -- 运行速度快占用系统资源小的代码 -- 写好文档以便其他人用 - -为类有效的创建这种类型的项目, 我们可能需要处理多个文件. 强烈推荐使用 [Atom][4]或者[PyCharm][5] . 这些工具允许你在文件间跳转, 编辑不同类型的文件, 例如 markdown 文件, Python 文件, 和csv 文件. 结构化你的项目还利于版本控制 [Github][6] 也很有用. - -![]( ->Github上的这个项目. - -在这一节中我们将使用 [Pandas][7] 和 [scikit-learn][8]扩展包 . 我们还将用到Pandas [DataFrames][9], 它使得python读取和处理表格数据更加方便. - -### 找到好的数据集 - -找到一个好的端到端投资项目数据集很难. [The dataset][10]数据集需要足够大但是内存和性能限制了它. 它还需要实际有用的. 例如, 这个数据集, 它包含有美国院校的录取标准, 毕业率以及毕业以后的收入是个很好的数据集了. 不管怎样, 不管你如何想这个数据, 很显然它不适合创建端到端的项目. 比如, 你能告诉人们他们去了这些大学以后的未来收益, 但是却没有足够的细微差别. 你还能找出院校招生标准收入更高, 但是却没有告诉你如何实际操作. - -这里还有内存和性能约束的问题比如你有几千兆的数据或者有一些细微差别需要你去预测或者运行什么样的算法数据集等. - -一个好的数据集包括你可以动态的转换数组, 并且回答动态的问题. 一个很好的例子是股票价格数据集. 你可以预测明天的价格, 持续的添加数据在算法中. 它将有助于你预测利润. 这不是讲故事这是真实的. - -一些找到数据集的好地方: - -- [/r/datasets][11] – subreddit(Reddit是国外一个社交新闻站点,subreddit指该论坛下的各不同板块). -- [Google Public Datasets][12] – 通过Google BigQuery发布的可用数据集. -- [Awesome datasets][13] – Github上的数据集. - -当你查看这些数据集, 想一下人们想要在这些数据集中得到什么答案, 哪怕这些问题只想过一次 (“放假是如何S&P 500关联的?”), 或者更进一步(“你能预测股市吗?”). 这里的关键是更进一步找出问题, 并且多次运行不同的数据相同的代码. - -为了这个目标, 我们来看一下[Fannie Mae 贷款数据][14]. Fannie Mae 是一家政府赞助的企业抵押贷款公司它从其他银行购买按揭贷款. 然后捆绑这些贷款为抵押贷款来倒卖证券. 这使得贷款机构可以提供更多的抵押贷款, 在市场上创造更多的流动性. 这在理论上会导致更多的住房和更好的贷款条件. 从借款人的角度来说,他们大体上差不多, 话虽这样说. - -Fannie Mae 发布了两种类型的数据 – 它获得的贷款, 随着时间的推移这些贷款是否被偿还.在理想的情况下, 有人向贷款人借钱, 然后还清贷款. 不管怎样, 有些人没还的起钱, 丧失了抵押品赎回权. Foreclosure 是说没钱还了被银行把房子给回收了. Fannie Mae 追踪谁没还钱, 并且需要收回房屋抵押权. 每个季度会发布此数据, 并滞后一年. 当前可用是2015年第一季度数据. - -采集数据是由Fannie Mae发布的贷款数据, 它包含借款人的信息, 信用评分, 和他们的家庭贷款信息. 性能数据, 贷款回收后的每一个季度公布, 包含借贷人所支付款项信息和丧失抵押品赎回状态, 收回贷款的性能数据可能有十几行.一个很好的思路是这样的采集数据告诉你Fannie Mae所控制的贷款, 性能数据包含几个属性来更新贷款. 其中一个属性告诉我们每个季度的贷款赎回权. - -![]( ->一个没有及时还贷的房子就这样的被卖了. - -### 选择一个角度 - -这里有几个方向我们可以去分析 Fannie Mae 数据集. 我们可以: - -- 预测房屋的销售价格. -- 预测借款人还款历史. -- 在收购时为每一笔贷款打分. - -最重要的事情是坚持单一的角度. 关注太多的事情很难做出效果. 选择一个有着足够细节的角度也很重要. 下面的理解就没有太多差别: - -- 找出哪些银行将贷款出售给Fannie Mae. -- 计算贷款人的信用评分趋势. -- 搜索哪些类型的家庭没有偿还贷款的能力. -- 搜索贷款金额和抵押品价格之间的关系 - -上面的想法非常有趣, 它会告诉我们很多有意思的事情, 但是不是一个很适合操作的项目。 - -在Fannie Mae数据集中, 我们将预测贷款是否能被偿还. 实际上, 我们将建立一个抵押贷款的分数来告诉 Fannie Mae买还是不买. 这将给我提供很好的基础. - ------------- - -### 理解数据 -我们来简单看一下原始数据文件。下面是2012年1季度前几行的采集数据。 -``` -100000853384|R|OTHER|4.625|280000|360|02/2012|04/2012|31|31|1|23|801|N|C|SF|1|I|CA|945||FRM| -100003735682|R|SUNTRUST MORTGAGE INC.|3.99|466000|360|01/2012|03/2012|80|80|2|30|794|N|P|SF|1|P|MD|208||FRM|788 -100006367485|C|PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION|4|229000|360|02/2012|04/2012|67|67|2|36|802|N|R|SF|1|P|CA|959||FRM|794 -``` - -下面是2012年1季度的前几行执行数据 -``` -100000853384|03/01/2012|OTHER|4.625||0|360|359|03/2042|41860|0|N|||||||||||||||| -100000853384|04/01/2012||4.625||1|359|358|03/2042|41860|0|N|||||||||||||||| -100000853384|05/01/2012||4.625||2|358|357|03/2042|41860|0|N|||||||||||||||| -``` -在开始编码之前,花些时间真正理解数据是值得的。这对于操作项目优为重要,因为我们没有交互式探索数据,将很难察觉到细微的差别除非我们在前期发现他们。在这种情况下,第一个步骤是阅读房利美站点的资料: -- [概述][15] -- [有用的术语表][16] -- [问答][17] -- [采集和执行文件中的列][18] -- [采集数据文件样本][19] -- [执行数据文件样本][20] - -在看完这些文件后后,我们了解到一些能帮助我们的关键点: -- 从2000年到现在,每季度都有一个采集和执行文件,因数据是滞后一年的,所以到目前为止最新数据是2015年的。 -- 这些文件是文本格式的,采用管道符号“|”进行分割。 -- 这些文件是没有表头的,但我们有文件列明各列的名称。 -- 所有一起,文件包含2200万个贷款的数据。 -由于执行文件包含过去几年获得的贷款的信息,在早些年获得的贷款将有更多的执行数据(即在2014获得的贷款没有多少历史执行数据)。 -这些小小的信息将会为我们节省很多时间,因为我们知道如何构造我们的项目和利用这些数据。 - -### 构造项目 -在我们开始下载和探索数据之前,先想一想将如何构造项目是很重要的。当建立端到端项目时,我们的主要目标是: -- 创建一个可行解决方案 -- 有一个快速运行且占用最小资源的解决方案 -- 容易可扩展 -- 写容易理解的代码 -- 写尽量少的代码 - -为了实现这些目标,需要对我们的项目进行良好的构造。一个结构良好的项目遵循几个原则: -- 分离数据文件和代码文件 -- 从原始数据中分离生成的数据。 -- 有一个README.md文件帮助人们安装和使用该项目。 -- 有一个requirements.txt文件列明项目运行所需的所有包。 -- 有一个单独的 文件列明其它文件中使用的所有的设置 - - 例如,如果从多个Python脚本读取相同的文件,把它们全部import设置和从一个集中的地方获得文件名是有用的。 -- 有一个.gitignore文件,防止大的或秘密文件被提交。 -- 分解任务中每一步可以单独执行的步骤到单独的文件中。 - - 例如,我们将有一个文件用于读取数据,一个用于创建特征,一个用于做出预测。 -- 保存中间结果,例如,一个脚本可输出下一个脚本可读取的文件。 - - - 这使我们无需重新计算就可以在数据处理流程中进行更改。 - - -我们的文件结构大体如下: - -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -├── processed -├── .gitignore -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - -### 创建初始文件 -首先,我们需要创建一个loan-prediction文件夹,在此文件夹下面,再创建一个data文件夹和一个processed文件夹。data文件夹存放原始数据,processed文件夹存放所有的中间计算结果。 -其次,创建.gitignore文件,.gitignore文件将保证某些文件被git忽略而不会被推送至github。关于这个文件的一个好的例子是由OSX在每一个文件夹都会创建的.DS_Store文件,.gitignore文件一个很好的起点就是在这了。我们还想忽略数据文件因为他们实在是太大了,同时房利美的条文禁止我们重新分发该数据文件,所以我们应该在我们的文件后面添加以下2行: -``` -data -processed -``` - -这是该项目的一个关于.gitignore文件的例子。 -再次,我们需要创建README.md文件,它将帮助人们理解该项目。后缀.md表示这个文件采用markdown格式。Markdown使你能够写纯文本文件,同时还可以添加你想要的梦幻格式。这是关于markdown的导引。如果你上传一个叫README.md的文件至Github,Github会自动处理该markdown,同时展示给浏览该项目的人。 -至此,我们仅需在README.md文件中添加简单的描述: -``` -Loan Prediction ------------------------ - -Predict whether or not loans acquired by Fannie Mae will go into foreclosure. Fannie Mae acquires loans from other lenders as a way of inducing them to lend more. Fannie Mae releases data on the loans it has acquired and their performance afterwards [here]( -``` - -现在,我们可以创建requirements.txt文件了。这会唯其它人可以很方便地安装我们的项目。我们还不知道我们将会具体用到哪些库,但是以下几个库是一个很好的开始: -``` -pandas -matplotlib -scikit-learn -numpy -ipython -scipy -``` - -以上几个是在python数据分析任务中最常用到的库。可以认为我们将会用到大部分这些库。这里是【24】该项目requirements文件的一个例子。 - 创建requirements.txt文件之后,你应该安装包了。我们将会使用python3.如果你没有安装python,你应该考虑使用 [Anaconda][25],一个python安装程序,同时安装了上面列出的所有包。 -最后,我们可以建立一个空白的settings.py文件,因为我们的项目还没有任何设置。 - - ----------------- - -### 获取数据 - -一旦我们拥有项目的基本架构,我们就可以去获得原始数据 - -Fannie Mae 对获取数据有一些限制,所有你需要去注册一个账户。在创建完账户之后,你可以找到下载页面[在这里][26],你可以按照你所需要的下载非常少量或者很多的借款数据文件。文件格式是zip,在解压后当然是非常大的。 - -为了达到我们这个博客文章的目的,我们将要下载从2012年1季度到2015 -年1季度的所有数据。接着我们需要解压所有的文件。解压过后,删掉原来的.zip格式的文件。最后,借款预测文件夹看起来应该像下面的一样: -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt -│ └── ... -├── processed -├── .gitignore -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - -在下载完数据后,你可以在shell命令行中使用head和tail命令去查看文件中的行数据,你看到任何的不需要的列数据了吗?在做这件事的同时查阅[列名称的pdf文件][27]可能是有用的事情。 -### 读入数据 - -有两个问题让我们的数据难以现在就使用: -- 收购数据和业绩数据被分割在多个文件中 -- 每个文件都缺少标题 - -在我们开始使用数据之前,我们需要首先明白我们要在哪里去存一个收购数据的文件,同时到哪里去存储一个业绩数据的文件。每个文件仅仅需要包括我们关注的那些数据列,同时拥有正确的标题。这里有一个小问题是业绩数据非常大,因此我们需要尝试去修剪一些数据列。 - -第一步是向settings.py文件中增加一些变量,这个文件中同时也包括了我们原始数据的存放路径和处理出的数据存放路径。我们同时也将添加其他一些可能在接下来会用到的设置数据: -``` -DATA_DIR = "data" -PROCESSED_DIR = "processed" -MINIMUM_TRACKING_QUARTERS = 4 -TARGET = "foreclosure_status" -NON_PREDICTORS = [TARGET, "id"] -CV_FOLDS = 3 -``` - -把路径设置在settings.py中将使它们放在一个集中的地方,同时使其修改更加的容易。当提到在多个文件中的相同的变量时,你想改变它的话,把他们放在一个地方比分散放在每一个文件时更加容易。[这里的][28]是一个这个工程的示例settings.py文件 - -第二步是创建一个文件名为,它将所有的数据分为2个文件。当我们运行Python,我们在处理数据文件的目录会获得2个数据文件。 - -接下来我们开始写assemble.py文件中的代码。首先我们需要为每个文件定义相应的标题,因此我们需要查看[列名称的pdf文件][29]同时创建在每一个收购数据和业绩数据的文件的列数据的列表: -``` -HEADERS = { - "Acquisition": [ - "id", - "channel", - "seller", - "interest_rate", - "balance", - "loan_term", - "origination_date", - "first_payment_date", - "ltv", - "cltv", - "borrower_count", - "dti", - "borrower_credit_score", - "first_time_homebuyer", - "loan_purpose", - "property_type", - "unit_count", - "occupancy_status", - "property_state", - "zip", - "insurance_percentage", - "product_type", - "co_borrower_credit_score" - ], - "Performance": [ - "id", - "reporting_period", - "servicer_name", - "interest_rate", - "balance", - "loan_age", - "months_to_maturity", - "maturity_date", - "msa", - "delinquency_status", - "modification_flag", - "zero_balance_code", - "zero_balance_date", - "last_paid_installment_date", - "foreclosure_date", - "disposition_date", - "foreclosure_costs", - "property_repair_costs", - "recovery_costs", - "misc_costs", - "tax_costs", - "sale_proceeds", - "credit_enhancement_proceeds", - "repurchase_proceeds", - "other_foreclosure_proceeds", - "non_interest_bearing_balance", - "principal_forgiveness_balance" - ] -} -``` - - -接下来一步是定义我们想要保持的数据列。我们将需要保留收购数据中的所有列数据,丢弃列数据将会使我们节省下内存和硬盘空间,同时也会加速我们的代码。 -``` -SELECT = { - "Acquisition": HEADERS["Acquisition"], - "Performance": [ - "id", - "foreclosure_date" - ] -} -``` - -下一步,我们将编写一个函数来连接数据集。下面的代码将: -- 引用一些需要的库,包括设置。 -- 定义一个函数concatenate, 目的是: - - 获取到所有数据目录中的文件名. - - 在每个文件中循环. - - 如果文件不是正确的格式 (不是以我们需要的格式作为开头), 我们将忽略它. - - 把文件读入一个[数据帧][30] 伴随着正确的设置通过使用Pandas [读取csv][31]函数. - - 在|处设置分隔符以便所有的字段能被正确读出. - - 数据没有标题行,因此设置标题为None来进行标示. - - 从HEADERS字典中设置正确的标题名称 – 这将会是我们数据帧中的数据列名称. - - 通过SELECT来选择我们加入数据的数据帧中的列. -- 把所有的数据帧共同连接在一起. -- 把已经连接好的数据帧写回一个文件. - -``` -import os -import settings -import pandas as pd - -def concatenate(prefix="Acquisition"): - files = os.listdir(settings.DATA_DIR) - full = [] - for f in files: - if not f.startswith(prefix): - continue - - data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, f), sep="|", header=None, names=HEADERS[prefix], index_col=False) - data = data[SELECT[prefix]] - full.append(data) - - full = pd.concat(full, axis=0) - - full.to_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "{}.txt".format(prefix)), sep="|", header=SELECT[prefix], index=False) -``` - -我们可以通过调用上面的函数,通过传递的参数收购和业绩两次以将所有收购和业绩文件连接在一起。下面的代码将: -- 仅仅在脚本被在命令行中通过python assemble.py被唤起而执行. -- 将所有的数据连接在一起,并且产生2个文件: - - `processed/Acquisition.txt` - - `processed/Performance.txt` - -``` -if __name__ == "__main__": - concatenate("Acquisition") - concatenate("Performance") -``` - -我们现在拥有了一个漂亮的,划分过的assemble.py文件,它很容易执行,也容易被建立。通过像这样把问题分解为一块一块的,我们构建工程就会变的容易许多。不用一个可以做所有的凌乱的脚本,我们定义的数据将会在多个脚本间传递,同时使脚本间完全的0耦合。当你正在一个大的项目中工作,这样做是一个好的想法,因为这样可以更佳容易的修改其中的某一部分而不会引起其他项目中不关联部分产生超出预期的结果。 - -一旦我们完成assemble.py脚本文件, 我们可以运行python assemble.py命令. 你可以查看完整的assemble.py文件[在这里][32]. - -这将会在处理结果目录下产生2个文件: - -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt -│ └── ... -├── processed -│ ├── Acquisition.txt -│ ├── Performance.txt -├── .gitignore -├── -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - - --------------- - - -### 计算运用数据中的值 - -接下来我们会计算过程数据或运用数据中的值。我们要做的就是推测这些数据代表的贷款是否被收回。如果能够计算出来,我们只要看一下包含贷款的运用数据的参数 foreclosure_date 就可以了。如果这个参数的值是 None ,那么这些贷款肯定没有收回。为了避免我们的样例中存在少量的运用数据,我们会计算出运用数据中有贷款数据的行的行数。这样我们就能够从我们的训练数据中筛选出贷款数据,排除了一些运用数据。 - -下面是一种区分贷款数据和运用数据的方法: - -![]( - - -在上面的表格中,采集数据中的每一行数据都与运用数据中的多行数据有联系。在运用数据中,在收回贷款的时候 foreclosure_date 就会以季度的的形式显示出收回时间,而且它会在该行数据的最前面显示一个空格。一些贷款没有收回,所以与运用数据中的贷款数据有关的行都会在前面出现一个表示 foreclosure_date 的空格。 - -我们需要计算 foreclosure_status 的值,它的值是布尔类型,可以表示一个特殊的贷款数据 id 是否被收回过,还有一个参数 performance_count ,它记录了运用数据中每个贷款 id 出现的行数。  - -计算这些行数有多种不同的方法: - -- 我们能够读取所有的运用数据,然后我们用 Pandas 的 groupby 方法在数据框中计算出与每个贷款 id 有关的行的行数,然后就可以查看贷款 id 的 foreclosure_date 值是否为 None 。 -    - 这种方法的优点是从语法上来说容易执行。 -    - 它的缺点需要读取所有的 129236094 行数据,这样就会占用大量内存,并且运行起来极慢。 -- 我们可以读取所有的运用数据,然后使用采集到的数据框去计算每个贷款 id 出现的次数。 -    - 这种方法的优点是容易理解。 -    - 缺点是需要读取所有的 129236094 行数据。这样会占用大量内存,并且运行起来极慢。 -- 我们可以在迭代访问运用数据中的每一行数据,而且会建立一个区分开的计数字典。 - - 这种方法的优点是数据不需要被加载到内存中,所以运行起来会很快且不需要占用内存。 -    - 缺点是这样的话理解和执行上可能有点耗费时间,我们需要对每一行数据进行语法分析。 - -加载所有的数据会非常耗费内存,所以我们采用第三种方法。我们要做的就是迭代运用数据中的每一行数据,然后为每一个贷款 id 生成一个字典值。在这个字典中,我们会计算出贷款 id 在运用数据中出现的次数,而且如果 foreclosure_date 不是 Nnoe 。我们可以查看 foreclosure_status 和 performance_count 的值 。 - -我们会新建一个 文件,文件中的代码可以计算这些值。我们会使用下面的代码: - -- 导入需要的库 -- 定义一个函数 count_performance_rows 。 - - 打开 processed/Performance.txt 文件。这不是在内存中读取文件而是打开了一个文件标识符,这个标识符可以用来以行为单位读取文件。  - - 迭代文件的每一行数据。 - - 使用分隔符(|)分开每行的不同数据。 - - 检查 loan_id 是否在计数字典中。 - - 如果不存在,进行一次计数。 - - loan_id 的 performance_count 参数自增 1 次,因为我们这次迭代也包含其中。 - - 如果日期是 None ,我们就会知道贷款被收回了,然后为foreclosure_status 设置合适的值。 - -``` -import os -import settings -import pandas as pd - -def count_performance_rows(): - counts = {} - with open(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "Performance.txt"), 'r') as f: - for i, line in enumerate(f): - if i == 0: - # Skip header row - continue - loan_id, date = line.split("|") - loan_id = int(loan_id) - if loan_id not in counts: - counts[loan_id] = { - "foreclosure_status": False, - "performance_count": 0 - } - counts[loan_id]["performance_count"] += 1 - if len(date.strip()) > 0: - counts[loan_id]["foreclosure_status"] = True - return counts -``` - -### 获取值 - -只要我们创建了计数字典,我们就可以使用一个函数通过一个 loan_id 和一个 key 从字典中提取到需要的参数的值: - -``` -def get_performance_summary_value(loan_id, key, counts): - value = counts.get(loan_id, { - "foreclosure_status": False, - "performance_count": 0 - }) - return value[key] -``` - - -上面的函数会从计数字典中返回合适的值,我们也能够为采集数据中的每一行赋一个 foreclosure_status 值和一个 performance_count 值。如果键不存在,字典的 [get][33] 方法会返回一个默认值,所以在字典中不存在键的时候我们就可以得到一个可知的默认值。 - - - ------------------- - - -### 注解数据 - -我们已经在annotate.py中添加了一些功能, 现在我们来看一看数据文件. 我们需要将采集到的数据转换到训练数据表来进行机器学习的训练. 这涉及到以下几件事情: - -- 转换所以列数字. -- 填充缺失值. -- 分配 performance_count 和 foreclosure_status. -- 移除出现次数很少的行(performance_count 计数低). - -我们有几个列是文本类型的, 看起来对于机器学习算法来说并不是很有用. 然而, 他们实际上是分类变量, 其中有很多不同的类别代码, 例如R,S等等. 我们可以把这些类别标签转换为数值: - -![]( - -通过这种方法转换的列我们可以应用到机器学习算法中. - -还有一些包含日期的列 (first_payment_date 和 origination_date). 我们可以将这些日期放到两个列中: - -![]( -在下面的代码中, 我们将转换采集到的数据. 我们将定义一个函数如下: - -- 在采集到的数据中创建foreclosure_status列 . -- 在采集到的数据中创建performance_count列. -- 将下面的string列转换为integer列: - - channel - - seller - - first_time_homebuyer - - loan_purpose - - property_type - - occupancy_status - - property_state - - product_type -- 转换first_payment_date 和 origination_date 为两列: - - 通过斜杠分离列. - - 将第一部分分离成月清单. - - 将第二部分分离成年清单. - - 删除这一列. - - 最后, 我们得到 first_payment_month, first_payment_year, origination_month, and origination_year. -- 所有缺失值填充为-1. - -``` -def annotate(acquisition, counts): - acquisition["foreclosure_status"] = acquisition["id"].apply(lambda x: get_performance_summary_value(x, "foreclosure_status", counts)) - acquisition["performance_count"] = acquisition["id"].apply(lambda x: get_performance_summary_value(x, "performance_count", counts)) - for column in [ - "channel", - "seller", - "first_time_homebuyer", - "loan_purpose", - "property_type", - "occupancy_status", - "property_state", - "product_type" - ]: - acquisition[column] = acquisition[column].astype('category') - - for start in ["first_payment", "origination"]: - column = "{}_date".format(start) - acquisition["{}_year".format(start)] = pd.to_numeric(acquisition[column].str.split('/').str.get(1)) - acquisition["{}_month".format(start)] = pd.to_numeric(acquisition[column].str.split('/').str.get(0)) - del acquisition[column] - - acquisition = acquisition.fillna(-1) - acquisition = acquisition[acquisition["performance_count"] > settings.MINIMUM_TRACKING_QUARTERS] - return acquisition -``` - -### 聚合到一起 - -我们差不多准备就绪了, 我们只需要再在annotate.py添加一点点代码. 在下面代码中, 我们将: - -- 定义一个函数来读取采集的数据. -- 定义一个函数来写入数据到/train.csv -- 如果我们在命令行运行annotate.py来读取更新过的数据文件,它将做如下事情: - - 读取采集到的数据. - - 计算数据性能. - - 注解数据. - - 将注解数据写入到train.csv. - -``` -def read(): - acquisition = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "Acquisition.txt"), sep="|") - return acquisition - -def write(acquisition): - acquisition.to_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "train.csv"), index=False) - -if __name__ == "__main__": - acquisition = read() - counts = count_performance_rows() - acquisition = annotate(acquisition, counts) - write(acquisition) -``` - -修改完成以后为了确保annotate.py能够生成train.csv文件. 你可以在这里找到完整的 file [here][34]. - -文件夹结果应该像这样: - -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt -│ └── ... -├── processed -│ ├── Acquisition.txt -│ ├── Performance.txt -│ ├── train.csv -├── .gitignore -├── -├── -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - -### 找到标准 - -我们已经完成了训练数据表的生成, 现在我们需要最后一步, 生成预测. 我们需要找到错误的标准, 以及该如何评估我们的数据. 在这种情况下, 因为有很多的贷款没有收回, 所以根本不可能做到精确的计算. - -我们需要读取数据, 并且计算foreclosure_status列, 我们将得到如下信息: - -``` -import pandas as pd -import settings - -train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "train.csv")) -train["foreclosure_status"].value_counts() -``` - -``` -False 4635982 -True 1585 -Name: foreclosure_status, dtype: int64 -``` - -因为只有一点点贷款收回, 通过百分比标签来建立的机器学习模型会把每行都设置为Fasle, 所以我们在这里要考虑每个样本的不平衡性,确保我们做出的预测是准确的. 我们不想要这么多假的false, 我们将预计贷款收回但是它并没有收回, 我们预计贷款不会回收但是却回收了. 通过以上两点, Fannie Mae的false太多了, 因此显示他们可能无法收回投资. - -所以我们将定义一个百分比,就是模型预测没有收回但是实际上收回了, 这个数除以总的负债回收总数. 这个负债回收百分比模型实际上是“没有的”. 下面看这个图表: - -![]( - -通过上面的图表, 1个负债预计不会回收, 也确实没有回收. 如果我们将这个数除以总数, 2, 我们将得到false的概率为50%. 我们将使用这个标准, 因此我们可以评估一下模型的性能. - -### 设置机器学习分类器 - -我们使用交叉验证预测. 通过交叉验证法, 我们将数据分为3组. 按照下面的方法来做: - -- Train a model on groups 1 and 2, and use the model to make predictions for group 3. -- Train a model on groups 1 and 3, and use the model to make predictions for group 2. -- Train a model on groups 2 and 3, and use the model to make predictions for group 1. - -将它们分割到不同的组 ,这意味着我们永远不会用相同的数据来为预测训练模型. 这样就避免了overfitting(过拟合). 如果我们overfit(过拟合), 我们将得到很低的false概率, 这使得我们难以改进算法或者应用到现实生活中. - -[Scikit-learn][35] 有一个叫做 [cross_val_predict][36] 他可以帮助我们理解交叉算法. - -我们还需要一种算法来帮我们预测. 我们还需要一个分类器 [binary classification][37](二元分类). 目标变量foreclosure_status 只有两个值, True 和 False. - -我们用[logistic regression][38](回归算法), 因为它能很好的进行binary classification(二元分类), 并且运行很快, 占用内存很小. 我们来说一下它是如何工作的 – 取代许多树状结构, 更像随机森林, 进行转换, 更像一个向量机, 逻辑回归涉及更少的步骤和更少的矩阵. - -我们可以使用[logistic regression classifier][39](逻辑回归分类器)算法 来实现scikit-learn. 我们唯一需要注意的是每个类的标准. 如果我们使用同样标准的类, 算法将会预测每行都为false, 因为它总是试图最小化误差.不管怎样, 我们关注有多少贷款能够回收而不是有多少不能回收. 因此, 我们通过 [LogisticRegression][40](逻辑回归)来平衡标准参数, 并计算回收贷款的标准. 这将使我们的算法不会认为每一行都为false. - - ----------------------- - -### 做出预测 - -既然完成了前期准备,我们可以开始准备做出预测了。我将创建一个名为 的新文件,它会使用我们在最后一步创建的 train.csv 文件。下面的代码: - -- 导入所需的库 -- 创建一个名为 `cross_validate` 的函数: - - 使用正确的关键词参数创建逻辑回归分类器(logistic regression classifier) - - 创建移除了 `id` 和 `foreclosure_status` 属性的用于训练模型的列 - - 跨 `train` 数据帧使用交叉验证 - - 返回预测结果 - -```python -import os -import settings -import pandas as pd -from sklearn import cross_validation -from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression -from sklearn import metrics - -def cross_validate(train): - clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=1, class_weight="balanced") - - predictors = train.columns.tolist() - predictors = [p for p in predictors if p not in settings.NON_PREDICTORS] - - predictions = cross_validation.cross_val_predict(clf, train[predictors], train[settings.TARGET], cv=settings.CV_FOLDS) - return predictions -``` - -### 预测误差 - -现在,我们仅仅需要写一些函数来计算误差。下面的代码: - -- 创建函数 `compute_error`: - - 使用 scikit-learn 计算一个简单的精确分数(与实际 `foreclosure_status` 值匹配的预测百分比) -- 创建函数 `compute_false_negatives`: - - 为了方便,将目标和预测结果合并到一个数据帧 - - 查找漏报率 - - 找到原本应被预测模型取消但没有取消的贷款数目 - - 除以没被取消的贷款总数目 - -```python -def compute_error(target, predictions): - return metrics.accuracy_score(target, predictions) - -def compute_false_negatives(target, predictions): - df = pd.DataFrame({"target": target, "predictions": predictions}) - return df[(df["target"] == 1) & (df["predictions"] == 0)].shape[0] / (df[(df["target"] == 1)].shape[0] + 1) - -def compute_false_positives(target, predictions): - df = pd.DataFrame({"target": target, "predictions": predictions}) - return df[(df["target"] == 0) & (df["predictions"] == 1)].shape[0] / (df[(df["target"] == 0)].shape[0] + 1) -``` - -### 聚合到一起 - -现在,我们可以把函数都放在 ``。下面的代码: - -- 读取数据集 -- 计算交叉验证预测 -- 计算上面的 3 个误差 -- 打印误差 - -```python -def read(): - train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "train.csv")) - return train - -if __name__ == "__main__": - train = read() - predictions = cross_validate(train) - error = compute_error(train[settings.TARGET], predictions) - fn = compute_false_negatives(train[settings.TARGET], predictions) - fp = compute_false_positives(train[settings.TARGET], predictions) - print("Accuracy Score: {}".format(error)) - print("False Negatives: {}".format(fn)) - print("False Positives: {}".format(fp)) -``` - -一旦你添加完代码,你可以运行 `python` 来产生预测结果。运行结果向我们展示漏报率为 `.26`,这意味着我们没能预测 `26%` 的取消贷款。这是一个好的开始,但仍有很多改善的地方! - -你可以在[这里][41]找到完整的 `` 文件 - -你的文件树现在看起来像下面这样: - -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt -│ └── ... -├── processed -│ ├── Acquisition.txt -│ ├── Performance.txt -│ ├── train.csv -├── .gitignore -├── -├── -├── -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - -### 撰写 README - -既然我们完成了端到端的项目,那么我们可以撰写 文件了,这样其他人便可以知道我们做的事,以及如何复制它。一个项目典型的 应该包括这些部分: - -- 一个高水准的项目概览,并介绍项目目的 -- 任何必需的数据和材料的下载地址 -- 安装命令 - - 如何安装要求依赖 -- 使用命令 - - 如何运行项目 - - 每一步之后会看到的结果 -- 如何为这个项目作贡献 - - 扩展项目的下一步计划 - -[这里][42] 是这个项目的一个 样例。 - -### 下一步 - -恭喜你完成了端到端的机器学习项目!你可以在[这里][43]找到一个完整的示例项目。一旦你完成了项目,把它上传到 [Github][44] 是一个不错的主意,这样其他人也可以看到你的文件夹的部分项目。 - -这里仍有一些留待探索数据的角度。总的来说,我们可以把它们分割为 3 类 - 扩展这个项目并使它更加精确,发现预测其他列并探索数据。这是其中一些想法: - -- 在 `` 中生成更多的特性 -- 切换 `` 中的算法 -- 尝试使用比我们发表在这里的更多的来自 `Fannie Mae` 的数据 -- 添加对未来数据进行预测的方法。如果我们添加更多数据,我们所写的代码仍然可以起作用,这样我们可以添加更多过去和未来的数据。 -- 尝试看看是否你能预测一个银行是否应该发放贷款(相对地,`Fannie Mae` 是否应该获得贷款) - - 移除 train 中银行不知道发放贷款的时间的任何列 - - 当 Fannie Mae 购买贷款时,一些列是已知的,但不是之前 - - 做出预测 -- 探索是否你可以预测除了 foreclosure_status 的其他列 - - 你可以预测在销售时财产值多少? -- 探索探索性能更新之间的细微差别 - - 你能否预测借款人会逾期还款多少次? - - 你能否标出的典型贷款周期? -- 标出一个州到州或邮政编码到邮政级水平的数据 - - 你看到一些有趣的模式了吗? - -如果你建立了任何有趣的东西,请在评论中让我们知道! - -如果你喜欢这个,你可能会喜欢阅读 ‘Build a Data Science Porfolio’ 系列的其他文章: - -- [Storytelling with data][45]. -- [How to setup up a data science blog][46]. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: - -作者:[Vik Paruchuri][a] -译者:[kokialoves](译者ID),[zky001](译者ID),[vim-kakali](译者ID),[cposture](译者ID),[ideas4u](译者ID) -校对:[校对ID](校对ID) - -本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 - -[a]: -[1]: -[2]: -[3]: -[4]: -[5]: -[6]: -[7]: -[8]: -[9]: -[10]: -[11]: -[12]: -[13]: -[14]: -[15]: -[16]: -[17]: -[18]: -[19]: -[20]: -[21]: -[22]: -[23]: -[24]: -[25]: -[26]: -[27]: -[28]: -[29]: -[30]: -[31]: -[32]: -[33]: -[34]: -[35]: -[36]: -[37]: -[38]: -[39]: -[40]: -[41]: -[42]: -[43]: -[44]: -[45]: -[46]: diff --git a/sources/tech/20160705 Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning b/sources/tech/20160705 Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning deleted file mode 100644 index ca57b2e83c..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20160705 Building a data science portfolio - Machine learning +++ /dev/null @@ -1,845 +0,0 @@ -Building a data science portfolio: Machine learning project -=========================================================== - ->This is the third in a series of posts on how to build a Data Science Portfolio. If you like this and want to know when the next post in the series is released, you can [subscribe at the bottom of the page][1]. - -Data science companies are increasingly looking at portfolios when making hiring decisions. One of the reasons for this is that a portfolio is the best way to judge someone’s real-world skills. The good news for you is that a portfolio is entirely within your control. If you put some work in, you can make a great portfolio that companies are impressed by. - -The first step in making a high-quality portfolio is to know what skills to demonstrate. The primary skills that companies want in data scientists, and thus the primary skills they want a portfolio to demonstrate, are: - -- Ability to communicate -- Ability to collaborate with others -- Technical competence -- Ability to reason about data -- Motivation and ability to take initiative - -Any good portfolio will be composed of multiple projects, each of which may demonstrate 1-2 of the above points. This is the third post in a series that will cover how to make a well-rounded data science portfolio. In this post, we’ll cover how to make the second project in your portfolio, and how to build an end to end machine learning project. At the end, you’ll have a project that shows your ability to reason about data, and your technical competence. [Here’s][2] the completed project if you want to take a look. - -### An end to end project - -As a data scientist, there are times when you’ll be asked to take a dataset and figure out how to [tell a story with it][3]. In times like this, it’s important to communicate very well, and walk through your process. Tools like Jupyter notebook, which we used in a previous post, are very good at helping you do this. The expectation here is that the deliverable is a presentation or document summarizing your findings. - -However, there are other times when you’ll be asked to create a project that has operational value. A project with operational value directly impacts the day-to-day operations of a company, and will be used more than once, and often by multiple people. A task like this might be “create an algorithm to forecast our churn rate”, or “create a model that can automatically tag our articles”. In cases like this, storytelling is less important than technical competence. You need to be able to take a dataset, understand it, then create a set of scripts that can process that data. It’s often important that these scripts run quickly, and use minimal system resources like memory. It’s very common that these scripts will be run several times, so the deliverable becomes the scripts themselves, not a presentation. The deliverable is often integrated into operational flows, and may even be user-facing. - -The main components of building an end to end project are: - -- Understanding the context -- Exploring the data and figuring out the nuances -- Creating a well-structured project, so its easy to integrate into operational flows -- Writing high-performance code that runs quickly and uses minimal system resources -- Documenting the installation and usage of your code well, so others can use it - -In order to effectively create a project of this kind, we’ll need to work with multiple files. Using a text editor like [Atom][4], or an IDE like [PyCharm][5] is highly recommended. These tools will allow you to jump between files, and edit files of different types, like markdown files, Python files, and csv files. Structuring your project so it’s easy to version control and upload to collaborative coding tools like [Github][6] is also useful. - -![]( ->This project on Github. - -We’ll use our editing tools along with libraries like [Pandas][7] and [scikit-learn][8] in this post. We’ll make extensive use of Pandas [DataFrames][9], which make it easy to read in and work with tabular data in Python. - -### Finding good datasets - -A good dataset for an end to end portfolio project can be hard to find. [The dataset][10] needs to be sufficiently large that memory and performance constraints come into play. It also needs to potentially be operationally useful. For instance, this dataset, which contains data on the admission criteria, graduation rates, and graduate future earnings for US colleges would be a great dataset to use to tell a story. However, as you think about the dataset, it becomes clear that there isn’t enough nuance to build a good end to end project with it. For example, you could tell someone their potential future earnings if they went to a specific college, but that would be a quick lookup without enough nuance to demonstrate technical competence. You could also figure out if colleges with higher admissions standards tend to have graduates who earn more, but that would be more storytelling than operational. - -These memory and performance constraints tend to come into play when you have more than a gigabyte of data, and when you have some nuance to what you want to predict, which involves running algorithms over the dataset. - -A good operational dataset enables you to build a set of scripts that transform the data, and answer dynamic questions. A good example would be a dataset of stock prices. You would be able to predict the prices for the next day, and keep feeding new data to the algorithm as the markets closed. This would enable you to make trades, and potentially even profit. This wouldn’t be telling a story – it would be adding direct value. - -Some good places to find datasets like this are: - -- [/r/datasets][11] – a subreddit that has hundreds of interesting datasets. -- [Google Public Datasets][12] – public datasets available through Google BigQuery. -- [Awesome datasets][13] – a list of datasets, hosted on Github. - -As you look through these datasets, think about what questions someone might want answered with the dataset, and think if those questions are one-time (“how did housing prices correlate with the S&P 500?”), or ongoing (“can you predict the stock market?”). The key here is to find questions that are ongoing, and require the same code to be run multiple times with different inputs (different data). - -For the purposes of this post, we’ll look at [Fannie Mae Loan Data][14]. Fannie Mae is a government sponsored enterprise in the US that buys mortgage loans from other lenders. It then bundles these loans up into mortgage-backed securities and resells them. This enables lenders to make more mortgage loans, and creates more liquidity in the market. This theoretically leads to more homeownership, and better loan terms. From a borrowers perspective, things stay largely the same, though. - -Fannie Mae releases two types of data – data on loans it acquires, and data on how those loans perform over time. In the ideal case, someone borrows money from a lender, then repays the loan until the balance is zero. However, some borrowers miss multiple payments, which can cause foreclosure. Foreclosure is when the house is seized by the bank because mortgage payments cannot be made. Fannie Mae tracks which loans have missed payments on them, and which loans needed to be foreclosed on. This data is published quarterly, and lags the current date by 1 year. As of this writing, the most recent dataset that’s available is from the first quarter of 2015. - -Acquisition data, which is published when the loan is acquired by Fannie Mae, contains information on the borrower, including credit score, and information on their loan and home. Performance data, which is published every quarter after the loan is acquired, contains information on the payments being made by the borrower, and the foreclosure status, if any. A loan that is acquired may have dozens of rows in the performance data. A good way to think of this is that the acquisition data tells you that Fannie Mae now controls the loan, and the performance data contains a series of status updates on the loan. One of the status updates may tell us that the loan was foreclosed on during a certain quarter. - -![]( ->A foreclosed home being sold. - -### Picking an angle - -There are a few directions we could go in with the Fannie Mae dataset. We could: - -- Try to predict the sale price of a house after it’s foreclosed on. -- Predict the payment history of a borrower. -- Figure out a score for each loan at acquisition time. - -The important thing is to stick to a single angle. Trying to focus on too many things at once will make it hard to make an effective project. It’s also important to pick an angle that has sufficient nuance. Here are examples of angles without much nuance: - -- Figuring out which banks sold loans to Fannie Mae that were foreclosed on the most. -- Figuring out trends in borrower credit scores. -- Exploring which types of homes are foreclosed on most often. -- Exploring the relationship between loan amounts and foreclosure sale prices - -All of the above angles are interesting, and would be great if we were focused on storytelling, but aren’t great fits for an operational project. - -With the Fannie Mae dataset, we’ll try to predict whether a loan will be foreclosed on in the future by only using information that was available when the loan was acquired. In effect, we’ll create a “score” for any mortgage that will tell us if Fannie Mae should buy it or not. This will give us a nice foundation to build on, and will be a great portfolio piece. - -### Understanding the data - -Let’s take a quick look at the raw data files. Here are the first few rows of the acquisition data from quarter 1 of 2012: - -``` -100000853384|R|OTHER|4.625|280000|360|02/2012|04/2012|31|31|1|23|801|N|C|SF|1|I|CA|945||FRM| -100003735682|R|SUNTRUST MORTGAGE INC.|3.99|466000|360|01/2012|03/2012|80|80|2|30|794|N|P|SF|1|P|MD|208||FRM|788 -100006367485|C|PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION|4|229000|360|02/2012|04/2012|67|67|2|36|802|N|R|SF|1|P|CA|959||FRM|794 -``` - -Here are the first few rows of the performance data from quarter 1 of 2012: - -``` -100000853384|03/01/2012|OTHER|4.625||0|360|359|03/2042|41860|0|N|||||||||||||||| -100000853384|04/01/2012||4.625||1|359|358|03/2042|41860|0|N|||||||||||||||| -100000853384|05/01/2012||4.625||2|358|357|03/2042|41860|0|N|||||||||||||||| -``` - -Before proceeding too far into coding, it’s useful to take some time and really understand the data. This is more critical in operational projects – because we aren’t interactively exploring the data, it can be harder to spot certain nuances unless we find them upfront. In this case, the first step is to read the materials on the Fannie Mae site: - -- [Overview][15] -- [Glossary of useful terms][16] -- [FAQs][17] -- [Columns in the Acquisition and Performance files][18] -- [Sample Acquisition data file][19] -- [Sample Performance data file][20] - -After reading through these files, we know some key facts that will help us: - -- There’s an Acquisition file and a Performance file for each quarter, starting from the year 2000 to present. There’s a 1 year lag in the data, so the most recent data is from 2015 as of this writing. -- The files are in text format, with a pipe (|) as a delimiter. -- The files don’t have headers, but we have a list of what each column is. -- All together, the files contain data on 22 million loans. -- Because the Performance files contain information on loans acquired in previous years, there will be more performance data for loans acquired in earlier years (ie loans acquired in 2014 won’t have much performance history). - -These small bits of information will save us a ton of time as we figure out how to structure our project and work with the data. - -### Structuring the project - -Before we start downloading and exploring the data, it’s important to think about how we’ll structure the project. When building an end-to-end project, our primary goals are: - -- Creating a solution that works -- Having a solution that runs quickly and uses minimal resources -- Enabling others to easily extend our work -- Making it easy for others to understand our code -- Writing as little code as possible - -In order to achieve these goals, we’ll need to structure our project well. A well structured project follows a few principles: - -- Separates data files and code files. -- Separates raw data from generated data. -- Has a file that walks people through installing and using the project. -- Has a requirements.txt file that contains all the packages needed to run the project. -- Has a single file that contains any settings that are used in other files. - - For example, if you are reading the same file from multiple Python scripts, it’s useful to have them all import settings and get the file name from a centralized place. -- Has a .gitignore file that prevents large or secret files from being committed. -- Breaks each step in our task into a separate file that can be executed separately. - - For example, we may have one file for reading in the data, one for creating features, and one for making predictions. -- Stores intermediate values. For example, one script may output a file that the next script can read. - - This enables us to make changes in our data processing flow without recalculating everything. - -Our file structure will look something like this shortly: - -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -├── processed -├── .gitignore -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - -### Creating the initial files - -To start with, we’ll need to create a loan-prediction folder. Inside that folder, we’ll need to make a data folder and a processed folder. The first will store our raw data, and the second will store any intermediate calculated values. - -Next, we’ll make a .gitignore file. A .gitignore file will make sure certain files are ignored by git and not pushed to Github. One good example of such a file is the .DS_Store file created by OSX in every folder. A good starting point for a .gitignore file is here. We’ll also want to ignore the data files because they are very large, and the Fannie Mae terms prevent us from redistributing them, so we should add two lines to the end of our file: - -``` -data -processed -``` - -[Here’s][21] an example .gitignore file for this project. - -Next, we’ll need to create, which will help people understand the project. .md indicates that the file is in markdown format. Markdown enables you write plain text, but also add some fancy formatting if you want. [Here’s][22] a guide on markdown. If you upload a file called to Github, Github will automatically process the markdown, and show it to anyone who views the project. [Here’s][23] an example. - -For now, we just need to put a simple description in - -``` -Loan Prediction ------------------------ - -Predict whether or not loans acquired by Fannie Mae will go into foreclosure. Fannie Mae acquires loans from other lenders as a way of inducing them to lend more. Fannie Mae releases data on the loans it has acquired and their performance afterwards [here]( -``` - -Now, we can create a requirements.txt file. This will make it easy for other people to install our project. We don’t know exactly what libraries we’ll be using yet, but here’s a good starting point: - -``` -pandas -matplotlib -scikit-learn -numpy -ipython -scipy -``` - -The above libraries are the most commonly used for data analysis tasks in Python, and its fair to assume that we’ll be using most of them. [Here’s][24] an example requirements file for this project. - -After creating requirements.txt, you should install the packages. For this post, we’ll be using Python 3. If you don’t have Python installed, you should look into using [Anaconda][25], a Python installer that also installs all the packages listed above. - -Finally, we can just make a blank file, since we don’t have any settings for our project yet. - -### Acquiring the data - -Once we have the skeleton of our project, we can get the raw data. - -Fannie Mae has some restrictions around acquiring the data, so you’ll need to sign up for an account. You can find the download page [here][26]. After creating an account, you’ll be able to download as few or as many loan data files as you want. The files are in zip format, and are reasonably large after decompression. - -For the purposes of this blog post, we’ll download everything from Q1 2012 to Q1 2015, inclusive. We’ll then need to unzip all of the files. After unzipping the files, remove the original .zip files. At the end, the loan-prediction folder should look something like this: - -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt -│ └── ... -├── processed -├── .gitignore -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - -After downloading the data, you can use the head and tail shell commands to look at the lines in the files. Do you see any columns that aren’t needed? It might be useful to consult the [pdf of column names][27] while doing this. - -### Reading in the data - -There are two issues that make our data hard to work with right now: - -- The acquisition and performance datasets are segmented across multiple files. -- Each file is missing headers. - -Before we can get started on working with the data, we’ll need to get to the point where we have one file for the acquisition data, and one file for the performance data. Each of the files will need to contain only the columns we care about, and have the proper headers. One wrinkle here is that the performance data is quite large, so we should try to trim some of the columns if we can. - -The first step is to add some variables to, which will contain the paths to our raw data and our processed data. We’ll also add a few other settings that will be useful later on: - -``` -DATA_DIR = "data" -PROCESSED_DIR = "processed" -MINIMUM_TRACKING_QUARTERS = 4 -TARGET = "foreclosure_status" -NON_PREDICTORS = [TARGET, "id"] -CV_FOLDS = 3 -``` - -Putting the paths in will put them in a centralized place and make them easy to change down the line. When referring to the same variables in multiple files, it’s easier to put them in a central place than edit them in every file when you want to change them. [Here’s][28] an example file for this project. - -The second step is to create a file called that will assemble all the pieces into 2 files. When we run python, we’ll get 2 data files in the processed directory. - -We’ll then start writing code in We’ll first need to define the headers for each file, so we’ll need to look at [pdf of column names][29] and create lists of the columns in each Acquisition and Performance file: - -``` -HEADERS = { - "Acquisition": [ - "id", - "channel", - "seller", - "interest_rate", - "balance", - "loan_term", - "origination_date", - "first_payment_date", - "ltv", - "cltv", - "borrower_count", - "dti", - "borrower_credit_score", - "first_time_homebuyer", - "loan_purpose", - "property_type", - "unit_count", - "occupancy_status", - "property_state", - "zip", - "insurance_percentage", - "product_type", - "co_borrower_credit_score" - ], - "Performance": [ - "id", - "reporting_period", - "servicer_name", - "interest_rate", - "balance", - "loan_age", - "months_to_maturity", - "maturity_date", - "msa", - "delinquency_status", - "modification_flag", - "zero_balance_code", - "zero_balance_date", - "last_paid_installment_date", - "foreclosure_date", - "disposition_date", - "foreclosure_costs", - "property_repair_costs", - "recovery_costs", - "misc_costs", - "tax_costs", - "sale_proceeds", - "credit_enhancement_proceeds", - "repurchase_proceeds", - "other_foreclosure_proceeds", - "non_interest_bearing_balance", - "principal_forgiveness_balance" - ] -} -``` - -The next step is to define the columns we want to keep. Since all we’re measuring on an ongoing basis about the loan is whether or not it was ever foreclosed on, we can discard many of the columns in the performance data. We’ll need to keep all the columns in the acquisition data, though, because we want to maximize the information we have about when the loan was acquired (after all, we’re predicting if the loan will ever be foreclosed or not at the point it’s acquired). Discarding columns will enable us to save disk space and memory, while also speeding up our code. - -``` -SELECT = { - "Acquisition": HEADERS["Acquisition"], - "Performance": [ - "id", - "foreclosure_date" - ] -} -``` - -Next, we’ll write a function to concatenate the data sets. The below code will: - -- Import a few needed libraries, including settings. -- Define a function concatenate, that: - - Gets the names of all the files in the data directory. - - Loops through each file. - - If the file isn’t the right type (doesn’t start with the prefix we want), we ignore it. - - Reads the file into a [DataFrame][30] with the right settings using the Pandas [read_csv][31] function. - - Sets the separator to | so the fields are read in correctly. - - The data has no header row, so sets header to None to indicate this. - - Sets names to the right value from the HEADERS dictionary – these will be the column names of our DataFrame. - - Picks only the columns from the DataFrame that we added in SELECT. -- Concatenates all the DataFrames together. -- Writes the concatenated DataFrame back to a file. - -``` -import os -import settings -import pandas as pd - -def concatenate(prefix="Acquisition"): - files = os.listdir(settings.DATA_DIR) - full = [] - for f in files: - if not f.startswith(prefix): - continue - - data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, f), sep="|", header=None, names=HEADERS[prefix], index_col=False) - data = data[SELECT[prefix]] - full.append(data) - - full = pd.concat(full, axis=0) - - full.to_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "{}.txt".format(prefix)), sep="|", header=SELECT[prefix], index=False) -``` - -We can call the above function twice with the arguments Acquisition and Performance to concatenate all the acquisition and performance files together. The below code will: - -- Only execute if the script is called from the command line with python -- Concatenate all the files, and result in two files: - - `processed/Acquisition.txt` - - `processed/Performance.txt` - -``` -if __name__ == "__main__": - concatenate("Acquisition") - concatenate("Performance") -``` - -We now have a nice, compartmentalized that’s easy to execute, and easy to build off of. By decomposing the problem into pieces like this, we make it easy to build our project. Instead of one messy script that does everything, we define the data that will pass between the scripts, and make them completely separate from each other. When you’re working on larger projects, it’s a good idea to do this, because it makes it much easier to change individual pieces without having unexpected consequences on unrelated pieces of the project. - -Once we finish the script, we can run python You can find the complete file [here][32]. - -This will result in two files in the processed directory: - -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt -│ └── ... -├── processed -│ ├── Acquisition.txt -│ ├── Performance.txt -├── .gitignore -├── -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - -### Computing values from the performance data - -The next step we’ll take is to calculate some values from processed/Performance.txt. All we want to do is to predict whether or not a property is foreclosed on. To figure this out, we just need to check if the performance data associated with a loan ever has a foreclosure_date. If foreclosure_date is None, then the property was never foreclosed on. In order to avoid including loans with little performance history in our sample, we’ll also want to count up how many rows exist in the performance file for each loan. This will let us filter loans without much performance history from our training data. - -One way to think of the loan data and the performance data is like this: - -![]( - -As you can see above, each row in the Acquisition data can be related to multiple rows in the Performance data. In the Performance data, foreclosure_date will appear in the quarter when the foreclosure happened, so it should be blank prior to that. Some loans are never foreclosed on, so all the rows related to them in the Performance data have foreclosure_date blank. - -We need to compute foreclosure_status, which is a Boolean that indicates whether a particular loan id was ever foreclosed on, and performance_count, which is the number of rows in the performance data for each loan id. - -There are a few different ways to compute the counts we want: - -- We could read in all the performance data, then use the Pandas groupby method on the DataFrame to figure out the number of rows associated with each loan id, and also if the foreclosure_date is ever not None for the id. - - The upside of this method is that it’s easy to implement from a syntax perspective. - - The downside is that reading in all 129236094 lines in the data will take a lot of memory, and be extremely slow. -- We could read in all the performance data, then use apply on the acquisition DataFrame to find the counts for each id. - - The upside is that it’s easy to conceptualize. - - The downside is that reading in all 129236094 lines in the data will take a lot of memory, and be extremely slow. -- We could iterate over each row in the performance dataset, and keep a separate dictionary of counts. - - The upside is that the dataset doesn’t need to be loaded into memory, so it’s extremely fast and memory-efficient. - - The downside is that it will take slightly longer to conceptualize and implement, and we need to parse the rows manually. - -Loading in all the data will take quite a bit of memory, so let’s go with the third option above. All we need to do is to iterate through all the rows in the Performance data, while keeping a dictionary of counts per loan id. In the dictionary, we’ll keep track of how many times the id appears in the performance data, as well as if foreclosure_date is ever not None. This will give us foreclosure_status and performance_count. - -We’ll create a new file called, and add in code that will enable us to compute these values. In the below code, we’ll: - -- Import needed libraries. -- Define a function called count_performance_rows. - - Open processed/Performance.txt. This doesn’t read the file into memory, but instead opens a file handler that can be used to read in the file line by line. - - Loop through each line in the file. - - Split the line on the delimiter (|) - - Check if the loan_id is not in the counts dictionary. - - If not, add it to counts. - - Increment performance_count for the given loan_id because we’re on a row that contains it. - - If date is not None, then we know that the loan was foreclosed on, so set foreclosure_status appropriately. - -``` -import os -import settings -import pandas as pd - -def count_performance_rows(): - counts = {} - with open(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "Performance.txt"), 'r') as f: - for i, line in enumerate(f): - if i == 0: - # Skip header row - continue - loan_id, date = line.split("|") - loan_id = int(loan_id) - if loan_id not in counts: - counts[loan_id] = { - "foreclosure_status": False, - "performance_count": 0 - } - counts[loan_id]["performance_count"] += 1 - if len(date.strip()) > 0: - counts[loan_id]["foreclosure_status"] = True - return counts -``` - -### Getting the values - -Once we create our counts dictionary, we can make a function that will extract values from the dictionary if a loan_id and a key are passed in: - -``` -def get_performance_summary_value(loan_id, key, counts): - value = counts.get(loan_id, { - "foreclosure_status": False, - "performance_count": 0 - }) - return value[key] -``` - -The above function will return the appropriate value from the counts dictionary, and will enable us to assign a foreclosure_status value and a performance_count value to each row in the Acquisition data. The [get][33] method on dictionaries returns a default value if a key isn’t found, so this enables us to return sensible default values if a key isn’t found in the counts dictionary. - -### Annotating the data - -We’ve already added a few functions to, but now we can get into the meat of the file. We’ll need to convert the acquisition data into a training dataset that can be used in a machine learning algorithm. This involves a few things: - -- Converting all columns to numeric. -- Filling in any missing values. -- Assigning a performance_count and a foreclosure_status to each row. -- Removing any rows that don’t have a lot of performance history (where performance_count is low). - -Several of our columns are strings, which aren’t useful to a machine learning algorithm. However, they are actually categorical variables, where there are a few different category codes, like R, S, and so on. We can convert these columns to numeric by assigning a number to each category label: - -![]( - -Converting the columns this way will allow us to use them in our machine learning algorithm. - -Some of the columns also contain dates (first_payment_date and origination_date). We can split these dates into 2 columns each: - -![]( -In the below code, we’ll transform the Acquisition data. We’ll define a function that: - -- Creates a foreclosure_status column in acquisition by getting the values from the counts dictionary. -- Creates a performance_count column in acquisition by getting the values from the counts dictionary. -- Converts each of the following columns from a string column to an integer column: - - channel - - seller - - first_time_homebuyer - - loan_purpose - - property_type - - occupancy_status - - property_state - - product_type -- Converts first_payment_date and origination_date to 2 columns each: - - Splits the column on the forward slash. - - Assigns the first part of the split list to a month column. - - Assigns the second part of the split list to a year column. - - Deletes the column. - - At the end, we’ll have first_payment_month, first_payment_year, origination_month, and origination_year. -- Fills any missing values in acquisition with -1. - -``` -def annotate(acquisition, counts): - acquisition["foreclosure_status"] = acquisition["id"].apply(lambda x: get_performance_summary_value(x, "foreclosure_status", counts)) - acquisition["performance_count"] = acquisition["id"].apply(lambda x: get_performance_summary_value(x, "performance_count", counts)) - for column in [ - "channel", - "seller", - "first_time_homebuyer", - "loan_purpose", - "property_type", - "occupancy_status", - "property_state", - "product_type" - ]: - acquisition[column] = acquisition[column].astype('category') - - for start in ["first_payment", "origination"]: - column = "{}_date".format(start) - acquisition["{}_year".format(start)] = pd.to_numeric(acquisition[column].str.split('/').str.get(1)) - acquisition["{}_month".format(start)] = pd.to_numeric(acquisition[column].str.split('/').str.get(0)) - del acquisition[column] - - acquisition = acquisition.fillna(-1) - acquisition = acquisition[acquisition["performance_count"] > settings.MINIMUM_TRACKING_QUARTERS] - return acquisition -``` - -### Pulling everything together - -We’re almost ready to pull everything together, we just need to add a bit more code to In the below code, we: - -- Define a function to read in the acquisition data. -- Define a function to write the processed data to processed/train.csv -- If this file is called from the command line, like python - - Read in the acquisition data. - - Compute the counts for the performance data, and assign them to counts. - - Annotate the acquisition DataFrame. - - Write the acquisition DataFrame to train.csv. - -``` -def read(): - acquisition = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "Acquisition.txt"), sep="|") - return acquisition - -def write(acquisition): - acquisition.to_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "train.csv"), index=False) - -if __name__ == "__main__": - acquisition = read() - counts = count_performance_rows() - acquisition = annotate(acquisition, counts) - write(acquisition) -``` - -Once you’re done updating the file, make sure to run it with python, to generate the train.csv file. You can find the complete file [here][34]. - -The folder should now look like this: - -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt -│ └── ... -├── processed -│ ├── Acquisition.txt -│ ├── Performance.txt -│ ├── train.csv -├── .gitignore -├── -├── -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - -### Finding an error metric - -We’re done with generating our training dataset, and now we’ll just need to do the final step, generating predictions. We’ll need to figure out an error metric, as well as how we want to evaluate our data. In this case, there are many more loans that aren’t foreclosed on than are, so typical accuracy measures don’t make much sense. - -If we read in the training data, and check the counts in the foreclosure_status column, here’s what we get: - -``` -import pandas as pd -import settings - -train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "train.csv")) -train["foreclosure_status"].value_counts() -``` - -``` -False 4635982 -True 1585 -Name: foreclosure_status, dtype: int64 -``` - -Since so few of the loans were foreclosed on, just checking the percentage of labels that were correctly predicted will mean that we can make a machine learning model that predicts False for every row, and still gets a very high accuracy. Instead, we’ll want to use a metric that takes the class imbalance into account, and ensures that we predict foreclosures accurately. We don’t want too many false positives, where we make predict that a loan will be foreclosed on even though it won’t, or too many false negatives, where we predict that a loan won’t be foreclosed on, but it is. Of these two, false negatives are more costly for Fannie Mae, because they’re buying loans where they may not be able to recoup their investment. - -We’ll define false negative rate as the number of loans where the model predicts no foreclosure but the the loan was actually foreclosed on, divided by the number of total loans that were actually foreclosed on. This is the percentage of actual foreclosures that the model “Missed”. Here’s a diagram: - -![]( - -In the diagram above, 1 loan was predicted as not being foreclosed on, but it actually was. If we divide this by the number of loans that were actually foreclosed on, 2, we get the false negative rate, 50%. We’ll use this as our error metric, so we can evaluate our model’s performance. - -### Setting up the classifier for machine learning - -We’ll use cross validation to make predictions. With cross validation, we’ll divide our data into 3 groups. Then we’ll do the following: - -- Train a model on groups 1 and 2, and use the model to make predictions for group 3. -- Train a model on groups 1 and 3, and use the model to make predictions for group 2. -- Train a model on groups 2 and 3, and use the model to make predictions for group 1. - -Splitting it up into groups this way means that we never train a model using the same data we’re making predictions for. This avoids overfitting. If we overfit, we’ll get a falsely low false negative rate, which makes it hard to improve our algorithm or use it in the real world. - -[Scikit-learn][35] has a function called [cross_val_predict][36] which will make it easy to perform cross validation. - -We’ll also need to pick an algorithm to use to make predictions. We need a classifier that can do [binary classification][37]. The target variable, foreclosure_status only has two values, True and False. - -We’ll use [logistic regression][38], because it works well for binary classification, runs extremely quickly, and uses little memory. This is due to how the algorithm works – instead of constructing dozens of trees, like a random forest, or doing expensive transformations, like a support vector machine, logistic regression has far fewer steps involving fewer matrix operations. - -We can use the [logistic regression classifier][39] algorithm that’s implemented in scikit-learn. The only thing we need to pay attention to is the weights of each class. If we weight the classes equally, the algorithm will predict False for every row, because it is trying to minimize errors. However, we care much more about foreclosures than we do about loans that aren’t foreclosed on. Thus, we’ll pass balanced to the class_weight keyword argument of the [LogisticRegression][40] class, to get the algorithm to weight the foreclosures more to account for the difference in the counts of each class. This will ensure that the algorithm doesn’t predict False for every row, and instead is penalized equally for making errors in predicting either class. - -### Making predictions - -Now that we have the preliminaries out of the way, we’re ready to make predictions. We’ll create a new file called that will use the train.csv file we created in the last step. The below code will: - -- Import needed libraries. -- Create a function called cross_validate that: - - Creates a logistic regression classifier with the right keyword arguments. - - Creates a list of columns that we want to use to train the model, removing id and foreclosure_status. - - Run cross validation across the train DataFrame. - - Return the predictions. - - -``` -import os -import settings -import pandas as pd -from sklearn import cross_validation -from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression -from sklearn import metrics - -def cross_validate(train): - clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=1, class_weight="balanced") - - predictors = train.columns.tolist() - predictors = [p for p in predictors if p not in settings.NON_PREDICTORS] - - predictions = cross_validation.cross_val_predict(clf, train[predictors], train[settings.TARGET], cv=settings.CV_FOLDS) - return predictions -``` - -### Predicting error - -Now, we just need to write a few functions to compute error. The below code will: - -- Create a function called compute_error that: - - Uses scikit-learn to compute a simple accuracy score (the percentage of predictions that matched the actual foreclosure_status values). -- Create a function called compute_false_negatives that: - - Combines the target and the predictions into a DataFrame for convenience. - - Finds the false negative rate. -- Create a function called compute_false_positives that: - - Combines the target and the predictions into a DataFrame for convenience. - - Finds the false positive rate. - - Finds the number of loans that weren’t foreclosed on that the model predicted would be foreclosed on. - - Divide by the total number of loans that weren’t foreclosed on. - -``` -def compute_error(target, predictions): - return metrics.accuracy_score(target, predictions) - -def compute_false_negatives(target, predictions): - df = pd.DataFrame({"target": target, "predictions": predictions}) - return df[(df["target"] == 1) & (df["predictions"] == 0)].shape[0] / (df[(df["target"] == 1)].shape[0] + 1) - -def compute_false_positives(target, predictions): - df = pd.DataFrame({"target": target, "predictions": predictions}) - return df[(df["target"] == 0) & (df["predictions"] == 1)].shape[0] / (df[(df["target"] == 0)].shape[0] + 1) -``` - -### Putting it all together - -Now, we just have to put the functions together in The below code will: - -- Read in the dataset. -- Compute cross validated predictions. -- Compute the 3 error metrics above. -- Print the error metrics. - -``` -def read(): - train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(settings.PROCESSED_DIR, "train.csv")) - return train - -if __name__ == "__main__": - train = read() - predictions = cross_validate(train) - error = compute_error(train[settings.TARGET], predictions) - fn = compute_false_negatives(train[settings.TARGET], predictions) - fp = compute_false_positives(train[settings.TARGET], predictions) - print("Accuracy Score: {}".format(error)) - print("False Negatives: {}".format(fn)) - print("False Positives: {}".format(fp)) -``` - -Once you’ve added the code, you can run python to generate predictions. Running everything shows that our false negative rate is .26, which means that of the foreclosed loans, we missed predicting 26% of them. This is a good start, but can use a lot of improvement! - -You can find the complete file [here][41]. - -Your file tree should now look like this: - -``` -loan-prediction -├── data -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Acquisition_2012Q2.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q1.txt -│ ├── Performance_2012Q2.txt -│ └── ... -├── processed -│ ├── Acquisition.txt -│ ├── Performance.txt -│ ├── train.csv -├── .gitignore -├── -├── -├── -├── -├── requirements.txt -├── -``` - -### Writing up a README - -Now that we’ve finished our end to end project, we just have to write up a file so that other people know what we did, and how to replicate it. A typical for a project should include these sections: - -- A high level overview of the project, and what the goals are. -- Where to download any needed data or materials. -- Installation instructions. - - How to install the requirements. -- Usage instructions. - - How to run the project. - - What you should see after each step. -- How to contribute to the project. - - Good next steps for extending the project. - -[Here’s][42] a sample for this project. - -### Next steps - -Congratulations, you’re done making an end to end machine learning project! You can find a complete example project [here][43]. It’s a good idea to upload your project to [Github][44] once you’ve finished it, so others can see it as part of your portfolio. - -There are still quite a few angles left to explore with this data. Broadly, we can split them up into 3 categories – extending this project and making it more accurate, finding other columns to predict, and exploring the data. Here are some ideas: - -- Generate more features in -- Switch algorithms in -- Try using more data from Fannie Mae than we used in this post. -- Add in a way to make predictions on future data. The code we wrote will still work if we add more data, so we can add more past or future data. -- Try seeing if you can predict if a bank should have issued the loan originally (vs if Fannie Mae should have acquired the loan). - - Remove any columns from train that the bank wouldn’t have known at the time of issuing the loan. - - Some columns are known when Fannie Mae bought the loan, but not before. - - Make predictions. -- Explore seeing if you can predict columns other than foreclosure_status. - - Can you predict how much the property will be worth at sale time? -- Explore the nuances between performance updates. - - Can you predict how many times the borrower will be late on payments? - - Can you map out the typical loan lifecycle? -- Map out data on a state by state or zip code by zip code level. - - Do you see any interesting patterns? - -If you build anything interesting, please let us know in the comments! - -If you liked this, you might like to read the other posts in our ‘Build a Data Science Porfolio’ series: - -- [Storytelling with data][45]. -- [How to setup up a data science blog][46]. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: - -作者:[Vik Paruchuri][a] -译者:[译者ID](译者ID) -校对:[校对ID](校对ID) - -本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 - -[a]: -[1]: -[2]: -[3]: -[4]: -[5]: -[6]: -[7]: -[8]: -[9]: -[10]: -[11]: -[12]: -[13]: -[14]: -[15]: -[16]: -[17]: -[18]: -[19]: -[20]: -[21]: -[22]: -[23]: -[24]: -[25]: -[26]: -[27]: -[28]: -[29]: -[30]: -[31]: -[32]: -[33]: -[34]: -[35]: -[36]: -[37]: -[38]: -[39]: -[40]: -[41]: -[42]: -[43]: -[44]: -[45]: -[46]: