翻译完成: Best Windows Like Linux Distributions For New Linux Users (#5237)

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# rusking translating
# [Best Windows Like Linux Distributions For New Linux Users][12]
![Best Windows Like Linux Distributions](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/best-windows-like-linux-distributions_1_orig.jpg)
][5]Hey new Linux users, you may be wondering that which Linux distro to choose after seeing so many distros based on Linux. Most of you might be switching from windows to Linux and want those distros which are easy and simple, resemble like windows. So today I will cover those Linux distros whose Desktop Environment is much similar to windows, so lets start.
### Linux Mint
![linux mint for new linux users](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/published/linux-mint-for-new-linux-users.jpg?1487173522)
][6]The first distro on my list is the famous Linux distro i.e. “[Linux Mint”][14]. You might have heard about Linux mint somewhere when you decided to move from windows to Linux. It is considered as one of the best Linux distros alongside Ubuntu as it is very simple, powerful and easier to operate due to its famous Desktop environment cinnamon. [Cinnamon][15] is very easy to use and there are even [themes][16], icon pack, desklets, applets are available that you can use to make it fully look like any windows rather XP, 7, 8, or 10. [Cinnamon][17] is one of the famous DE in Linux world. You will surely find it easy, powerful and lovable.Also read -
[Linux Mint 18.1 "Serena" Is One Of The Finest Linux Distro
][1][Cinnamon The Best Linux Desktop Environment For New Users][2]
### Zorin OS
![zorin os for windows users](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/editor/zorin-os-for-windows-users.jpg?1487174149)
][7][Zorin OS][18] is also the famous Linux distro replacement for windows 7\. Beautiful start menu, taskbar, animation while no compromise on speed and stability. Zorin OS will be the best choice for you if you love windows 7 and not windows 10\. It also comes with preloaded software, so you won't be troubled while looking for software. I was really fell in love with the animations and look. Go grab it.Also read - [Zorin OS 12 Review | LinuxAndUbuntu Distro Review Of The Week][3]
### Robolinux
![robolinux for new users](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/editor/robolinux-for-new-users.jpg?1487174455)
][8][Robolinux][9] is the Linux distribution that comes with built-in wine. Yeah! It has built-in support for windows applications so you won't miss your favorite applications from Windows. They call it “[Stealth VM][10]”. I was really impressed by this feature as it is unique. Also, there are a lot of DE, so can choose any DE that will suit your needs and love. They also have a tool to copy your whole C drive, so no file misses out. Unique. Isnt it?
### ChaletOS
![chalet os for new users](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/editor/chalet-os-for-new-users.jpg?1487174713)
][11]Did someone say [ChaletOS][19]? It is one of those [Linux distros][20] that feature the closest look and feel to windows. The above pic is after I used windows 10 icons and theme, so you get the idea that it can be easily themed. Pre Handy apps also help to make distro better. You will really feel at home while using it. It's screenshot even fooled my friends. Go ahead and try it, you will love it.Also read - [ChaletOS A New Beautiful Linux Distribution][4]
### Conclusion
I wanted to keep this list as short as possible as I didnt want to confuse a new user to find it difficult to choose among so many options. Still many users have got a distro that isnt mentioned here. I would invite you to comment below your distro and help new Linux user to choose his best distro for the first time.
Well, these four were the most used **Linux distros** to switch from windows to Linux, however Kubuntu, Elementary OS also put a competition. It overall depends upon users. Most of time [Linux Mint][21] always comes as a winner. I will really recommend it to you if this is your first time to Linux. Go ahead and grab your Linux today and be the part of change. |
via: http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/best-windows-like-linux-distributions-for-new-linux-users
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出

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# [Best Windows Like Linux Distributions For New Linux Users][12]
[给新手的最佳类 Windows 界面的 Linux 发行版][12]
![Best Windows Like Linux Distributions](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/best-windows-like-linux-distributions_1_orig.jpg)
Linux 世界的新同学们,大家好,当你看到这么多基于 Linux 内核的发行版后,是不是在选择的过程中无从下手呢。很多同学都是刚刚从熟悉的 Windows 系统来到陌生的 Linux 世界里,都希望使用一款即简单易用,又跟 Windows 长得很像的 Linux 发行版,因此我今天将给大家介绍几款这样的 Linux 发行版,它们的桌面环境跟 Windows 系统界面十分相似,咱们开始吧!
### Linux Mint
![linux mint for new linux users](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/published/linux-mint-for-new-linux-users.jpg?1487173522)
我给大家介绍的第一款非常流行的 Linux 发行版就是 “[Linux Mint 操作系统”][14] 。当你决定使用 Linux 系统来代替 Windows 系统时,你应该在某些地方听说过 Linux Mint 这个发行版吧。 Linux Mint 和 Ubuntu 系统一样被公认为是最好用的 Linux 发行版之一 Linux Mint 系统因其简洁易用、功能强大的 Cinnamon 桌面环境而出名。 [Cinnamon][15] 使用起来非常简单,而且你还可以使用各种[桌面主题][16]、图标库、桌面小工具和应用组件来把 Linux Mint 系统配置得跟 Windows XP 、 Windows 7 、 Winows 8 或者 Windows 10 系统的界面一样。 [Cinnamon][17] 也是 Linux 系统中非常流行的桌面环境之一。你一定会对这个简单易用、功能强大的桌面环境爱不释手。同时你也可以阅读这两篇文章 [Linux Mint 18.1 "Serena" —— 最幽雅的 Linux 发行版之一​][1] 以及 [Cinnamon ——给新手的最佳 Linux 桌面环境][2] 来进一步了解 Linux Mint 操作系统和 Cinnamon 桌面环境。
### Zorin OS
![zorin os for windows users](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/editor/zorin-os-for-windows-users.jpg?1487174149)
[Zorin OS 操作系统][18] 也是可以用来替代 Windows 7\ 系统的一款非常流行的 Linux 发行版。其开始菜单和任务栏非常漂亮,整体界面美观充满活力,而且在速度和稳定性方面也相当出色。如果你喜欢的是 Windows 7 而不是 Windows 10\ 系统,那么 Zorin OS 将会是你最好的选择。 Zorin OS 同样预安装了很多软件,因此你再也不用费尽周折的去找软件来安装了。其华丽的仿 Windows 7 系统的界面风格更是让人一见如故。大胆去尝试吧。你还可以阅读[Zorin OS 12 评测 | 本周 Linux 和 Ubuntu 发行版评测][3]这篇文章来进一步了解 Zorin OS 系统。
### Robolinux
![robolinux for new users](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/editor/robolinux-for-new-users.jpg?1487174455)
[Robolinux 操作系统][9] 是一个内嵌了 Windows 运行环境的 Linux 发行版。它支持用户在 Linux 系统中运行 Windows 应用程序,因此,你再也不用担心自己喜欢的 Windows 应用程序在 Linux 系统中无法使用的问题了。在 Robolinux 系统中,这个特性被称为“[隐形虚拟机][10]”。我对这个新颖独特的功能非常感兴趣。同时, Rololinux 系统还包括其它几个桌面环境,你可以根据自己的喜好选择某一个桌面环境。这个系统中还有一个用于完全备份 C 盘的工具,不会让你丢失任何文件。很独特吧,对不对?
### ChaletOS
![chalet os for new users](http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/uploads/2/1/1/5/21152474/editor/chalet-os-for-new-users.jpg?1487174713)
大家有谁用过 [ChaletOS 操作系统][19] 吗?这是一款在界面外观和使用感觉上最接近于 Windows 的 [Linux 发行版][20] 之一。上面的截图是在我使用了 Windows 10 图标和主题包后的效果,使用这个主题包后,可以让 ChaletOS 的桌面变得和 Windows 10 界面一样。一些预安装的应用程序也可以帮助你更好的使用 ChaletOS 系统。在使用的过程中你仿佛又回到了熟悉的 Windows 世界里。上面的截图竟然让我的朋友们信以为真了。去试一试吧,你肯定会喜欢这个发行版。你还可以通过 [ChaletOS —— Linux 发行版中的新秀][4] 这篇文章来进一步了解 ChaletOS 系统。
### 总结
这篇文章中列出的发行版我尽量写得简短一些,否则会给新手们在选择的过程中造成太多的困惑,无从下手。还有一些大家正在使用的 Linux 发行版在本文中并未提及。希望你们在下面的评论中提出来,以帮助我们的新朋友们在选择 Linux 发行版的过程中作出正确的选择。
好吧,到此为止吧,这 4 款操作系统都是从 Windows 转向 Linux 的新用户在学习过程中使用最广泛的 **Linux 发行版** ,当然 Kubuntu 和 Elementary OS 系统也不甘示弱。想安装哪个版本,完全由你自己决定。大多数情况下 [Linux Mint 操作系统][21] 一直独占鳌头。如果你刚踏入 Linux 的世界,我建议你从 Linux Mint 系统开始。行动起来吧,现在就安装一个自己喜欢的 Linux 系统,勇往直前,成为改变 Linux 开源世界的一员。|
via: http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/best-windows-like-linux-distributions-for-new-linux-users
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出