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Translating by qhwdw
[Streams: a new general purpose data structure in Redis.][1]
Until a few months ago, for me streams were no more than an interesting and relatively straightforward concept in the context of messaging. After Kafka popularized the concept, I mostly investigated their usefulness in the case of Disque, a message queue that is now headed to be translated into a Redis 4.2 module. Later I decided that Disque was all about AP messaging, which is, fault tolerance and guarantees of delivery without much efforts from the client, so I decided that the concept of streams was not a good match in that case.
However, at the same time, there was a problem in Redis, that was not taking me relaxed about the data structures exported by default. There is some kind of gap between Redis lists, sorted sets, and Pub/Sub capabilities. You can kindly use all these tools in order to model a sequence of messages or events, but with different tradeoffs. Sorted sets are memory hungry, can’t model naturally the same message delivered again and again, clients can’t block for new messages. Because a sorted set is not a sequential data structure, it’s a set where elements can be moved around changing their scores: no wonder if it was not a good match for things like time series. Lists have different problems creating similar applicability issues in certain use cases: you cannot explore what is in the middle of a list because the access time in that case is linear. Moreover no fan-out is possible, blocking operations on list serve a single element to a single client. Nor there was a fixed element identifier in lists, in order to say: given me things starting from that element. For one-to-many workloads there is Pub/Sub, which is great in many cases, but for certain things you do not want fire-and-forget: to retain a history is important, not just to refetch messages after a disconnection, also because certain list of messages, like time series, are very important to explore with range queries: what were my temperature readings in this 10 seconds range?
The way I tried to address the above problems, was planning a generalization of sorted sets and lists into a unique more flexible data structure, however my design attempts ended almost always in making the resulting data structure ways more artificial than the current ones. One good thing about Redis is that the data structures exported resemble more the natural computer science data structures, than, “this API that Salvatore invented”. So in the end, I stopped my attempts, and said, ok that’s what we can provide so far, maybe I’ll add some history to Pub/Sub, or some more flexibility to lists access patterns in the future. However every time an user approached me during a conference saying “how would you model time series in Redis?” or similar related questions, my face turned green.
After the introduction of modules in Redis 4.0, users started to see how to fix this problem themselves. One of them, Timothy Downs, wrote me the following over IRC:
<forkfork> the module I'm planning on doing is to add a transaction log style data type - meaning that a very large number of subscribers can do something like pub sub without a lot of redis memory growth
<forkfork> subscribers keeping their position in a message queue rather than having redis maintain where each consumer is up to and duplicating messages per subscriber
This captured my imagination. I thought about it a few days, and realized that this could be the moment when we could solve all the above problems at once. What I needed was to re-imagine the concept of “log”. It is a basic programming element, everybody is used to it, because it’s just as simple as opening a file in append mode and writing data to it in some format. However Redis data structures must be abstract. They are in memory, and we use RAM not just because we are lazy, but because using a few pointers, we can conceptualize data structures and make them abstract, to allow them to break free from the obvious limits. For instance normally a log has several problems: the offset is not logical, but is an actual bytes offset, what if we want logical offsets that are related to the time an entry was inserted? We have range queries for free. Similarly, a log is often hard to garbage collect: how to remove old elements in an append only data structure? Well, in our idealized log, we just say we want at max this number of entries, and the old ones will go away, and so forth.
While I was trying to write a specification starting from the seed idea of Timothy, I was working to a radix tree implementation that I was using for Redis Cluster, to optimize certain parts of its internals. This provided the ground in order to implement a very space efficient log, that was still accessible in logarithmic time to get ranges. At the same time I started reading about Kafka streams to get other interesting ideas that could fit well into my design, and this resulted into getting the concept of Kafka consumer groups, and idealizing it again for Redis and the in-memory use case. However the specification remained just a specification for months, at the point that after some time I rewrote it almost from scratch in order to upgrade it with many hints that I accumulated talking with people about this upcoming addition to Redis. I wanted Redis streams to be a very good use case for time series especially, not just for other kind of events and messaging applications.
Let’s write some code
Back from Redis Conf, during the summertime, I was implementing a library called “listpack”. This library is just the successor of ziplist.c, that is, a data structure that can represent a list of string elements inside a single allocation. It’s just a very specialized serialization format, with the peculiarity of being parsable also in reverse order, from right to left: something needed in order to substitute ziplists in all the use cases.
Mixing radix trees + listpacks, it is possible to easily build a log that is at the same time very space efficient, and indexed, that means, allowing for random access by IDs and time. Once this was ready, I started to write the code in order to implement the stream data structure. I’m still finishing the implementation, however at this point, inside the Redis “streams” branch at Github, there is enough to start playing and having fun. I don’t claim that the API is 100% final, but there are two interesting facts: one is that at this point, only the consumer groups are missing, plus a number of less important commands to manipulate the stream, but all the big things are implemented already. The second is the decision to backport all the stream work back into the 4.0 branch in about two months, once everything looks stable. It means that Redis users will not have to wait for Redis 4.2 in order to use streams, they will be available ASAP for production usage. This is possible because being a new data structure, almost all the code changes are self-contained into the new code. With the exception of the blocking list operations: the code was refactored so that we share the same code for streams and lists blocking operations, with a great simplification of the Redis internals.
Tutorial: welcome to Redis Streams
In some way, you can think at streams as a supercharged version of Redis lists. Streams elements are not just a single string, they are more objects composed of fields and values. Range queries are possible and fast. Each entry in a stream has an ID, which is a logical offset. Different clients can blocking-wait for elements with IDs greater than a specified one. A fundamental command of Redis streams is XADD. Yes, all the Redis stream commands are prefixed by an “X”.
> XADD mystream * sensor-id 1234 temperature 10.5
The XADD command will append the specified entry as a new element to the specified stream “mystream”. The entry, in the example above, has two fields: sensor-id and temperature, however each entry in the same stream can have different fields. Using the same field names will just lead to better memory usage. An interesting thing is also that the fields order is guaranteed to be retained. XADD returns the ID of the just inserted entry, because with the asterisk in the third argument, we asked the command to auto-generate the ID. This is almost always what you want, but it is possible also to force a specific ID, for instance in order to replicate the command to slaves and AOF files.
The ID is composed of two parts: a millisecond time and a sequence number. 1506871964177 is the millisecond time, and is just a Unix time with millisecond resolution. The number after the dot, 0, is the sequence number, and is used in order to distinguish entries added in the same millisecond. Both numbers are 64 bit unsigned integers. This means that we can add all the entries we want in a stream, even in the same millisecond. The millisecond part of the ID is obtained using the maximum between the current local time of the Redis server generating the ID, and the last entry inside the stream. So even if, for instance, the computer clock jumps backward, the IDs will continue to be incremental. In some way you can think stream entry IDs as whole 128 bit numbers. However the fact that they have a correlation with the local time of the instance where they are added, means that we have millisecond precision range queries for free.
As you can guess, adding two entries in a very fast way, will result in only the sequence number to be incremented. We can simulate the “fast insertion” simply with a MULTI/EXEC block:
> XADD mystream * foo 10
> XADD mystream * bar 20
1) 1506872463535.0
2) 1506872463535.1
The above example also shows how we can use different fields for different entries without having to specifying any schema initially. What happens however is that every first message of every block (that usually contains something in the range of 50-150 messages) is used as reference, and successive entries having the same fields are compressed with a single flag saying “same fields of the first entry in this block”. So indeed using the same fields for successive messages saves a lot of memory, even when the set of fields slowly change over time.
In order to retrieve data from the stream there are two ways: range queries, that are implemented by the XRANGE command, and streaming, implemented by the XREAD command. XRANGE just fetches a range of items from start to stop, inclusive. So for instance I can fetch a single item, if I know its ID, with:
> XRANGE mystream 1506871964177.0 1506871964177.0
1) 1) 1506871964177.0
2) 1) "sensor-id"
2) "1234"
3) "temperature"
4) "10.5"
However you can use the special start symbol of “-“ and the special stop symbol of “+” to signify the minimum and maximum ID possible. It’s also possible to use the COUNT option in order to limit the amount of entries returned. A more complex XRANGE example is the following:
> XRANGE mystream - + COUNT 2
1) 1) 1506871964177.0
2) 1) "sensor-id"
2) "1234"
3) "temperature"
4) "10.5"
2) 1) 1506872463535.0
2) 1) "foo"
2) "10"
Here we are reasoning in terms of ranges of IDs, however you can use XRANGE in order to get a specific range of elements in a given time range, because you can omit the “sequence” part of the IDs. So what you can do is to just specify times in milliseconds. The following means: “Give me 10 entries starting from the Unix time 1506872463”:
||||> XRANGE mystream 1506872463000 + COUNT 10
1) 1) 1506872463535.0
2) 1) "foo"
2) "10"
2) 1) 1506872463535.1
2) 1) "bar"
2) "20"
A final important thing to note about XRANGE is that, given that we receive the IDs in the reply, and the immediately successive ID is trivially obtained just incrementing the sequence part of the ID, it is possible to use XRANGE to incrementally iterate the whole stream, receiving for every call the specified number of elements. After the *SCAN family of commands in Redis, that allowed iteration of Redis data structures *despite* the fact they were not designed for being iterated, I avoided to make the same error again.
Streaming with XREAD: blocking for new data
XRANGE is perfect when we want to access our stream to get ranges by ID or time, or single elements by ID. However in the case of streams that different clients must consume as data arrives, this is not good enough and would require some form of pooling (that could be a good idea for *certain* applications that just connect from time to time to get data).
The XREAD command is designed in order to read, at the same time, from multiple streams just specifying the ID of the last entry in the stream we got. Moreover we can request to block if no data is available, to be unblocked when data arrives. Similarly to what happens with blocking list operations, but here data is not consumed from the stream, and multiple clients can access the same data at the same time.
This is a canonical example of XREAD call:
> XREAD BLOCK 5000 STREAMS mystream otherstream $ $
And it means: get data from “mystream” and “otherstream”. If no data is available, block the client, with a timeout of 5000 milliseconds. After the STREAMS option we specify the keys we want to listen for, and the last ID we have. However a special ID of “$” means: assume I’ve all the elements that there are in the stream right now, so give me just starting from the next element arriving.
If, from another client, I send the commnad:
> XADD otherstream * message “Hi There”
This is what happens on the XREAD side:
1) 1) "otherstream"
2) 1) 1) 1506935385635.0
2) 1) "message"
2) "Hi There"
We get the key that received data, together with the data received. In the next call, we’ll likely use the ID of the last message received:
> XREAD BLOCK 5000 STREAMS mystream otherstream $ 1506935385635.0
And so forth. However note that with this usage pattern, it is possible that the client will connect again after a very big delay (because it took time to process messages, or for any other reason). In such a case, in the meantime, a lot of messages could pile up, so it is wise to always use the COUNT option with XREAD, in order to make sure the client will not be flooded with messages and the server will not have to lose too much time just serving tons of messages to a single client.
Capped streams
So far so good… however streams at some point have to remove old messages. Fortunately this is possible with the MAXLEN option of the XADD command:
> XADD mystream MAXLEN 1000000 * field1 value1 field2 value2
This basically means, if the stream, after adding the new element is found to have more than 1 million messages, remove old messages so that the length returns back to 1 million elements. It’s just like using RPUSH + LTRIM with lists, but this time we have a built-in mechanism to do so. However note that the above means that every time we add a new message, we have also to incur in the work needed in order to remove a message from the other side of the stream. This takes some CPU, so it is possible to use the “~” symbol before the count in MAXLEN, in order to specify that we are not really demanding *exactly* 1 million messages, but if there are a few more it’s not a big problem:
> XADD mystream MAXLEN ~ 1000000 * foo bar
This way XADD will remove messages only when it can remove a whole node. This will make having the capped stream almost for free compared to vanilla XADD.
Consumer groups (work in progress)
This is the first of the features that is not already implemented in Redis, but is a work in progress. It is also the idea more clearly inspired by Kafka, even if implemented here in a pretty different way. The gist is that with XREAD, clients can also add a “GROUP <name>” option. Automatically all the clients in the same group will get *different* messages. Of course there could be multiple groups reading from the same stream, in such cases all groups will receive duplicates of the same messages arriving in the stream, but within each group, messages will not be repeated.
An extension to groups is that it will be possible to specify a “RETRY <milliseconds>” option when groups are specified: in this case, if messages are not acknowledged for processing with XACK, they will be delivered again after the specified amount of milliseconds. This provides some best effort reliability to the delivering of the messages, in case the client has no private means to mark messages as processed. This part is a work in progress as well.
Memory usage and saving loading times
Because of the design used to model Redis streams, the memory usage is remarkably low. It depends on the number of fields, values, and their lengths, but for simple messages we are at a few millions of messages for every 100 MB of used memory. Moreover, the format is conceived to need very minimal serialization: the listpack blocks that are stored as radix tree nodes, have the same representation on disk and in memory, so they are trivially stored and read. For instance Redis can read 5 million entries from the RDB file in 0.3 seconds.
This makes replication and persistence of streams very efficient.
It is planned to also allow deletion of items in the middle. This is only partially implemented, but the strategy is to mark entries as deleted in the entry flag, and when a given ratio between entries and deleted entires is reached, the block is rewritten to collect the garbage, and if needed it is glued to another adjacent block in order to avoid fragmentation.
Conclusions end ETA
Redis streams will be part of Redis stable in the 4.0 series before the end of the year. I think that this general purpose data structure is going to put a huge patch in order for Redis to cover a lot of use cases that were hard to cover: that means that you had to be creative in order to abuse the current data structures to fix certain problems. One very important use case is time series, but my feeling is that also streaming of messages for other use cases via TREAD is going to be very interesting both as replacement for Pub/Sub applications that need more reliability than fire-and-forget, and for completely new use cases. For now, if you want to start to evaluate the new capabilities in the context of your problems, just fetch the “streams” branch at Github and start playing. After all bug reports are welcome :-)
If you like videos, a real-time session showing streams is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELDzy9lCFHQ
via: http://antirez.com/news/114
作者:[antirez ][a]
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直到几个月以前,对于我来说,在消息传递的环境中,streams 只是一个有趣且相对简单的概念。在 Kafka 概念普及之后,我主要研究他们在 Disque 实例中的效能。Disque 是一个将被转化到 Redis 4.2 模块中的消息队列。后来我明白 Disque 将是关于 AP 消息的全部,它将在不需要客户端过多参与的情况下实现容错和保证送达,因此,我认为 streams 的概念在那种情况下并不适用。
但是,在 Redis 中有一个问题,那就是从缺省导出数据结构并不轻松。它在 Redis 列表、排序集和发布/订阅(Pub/Sub)能力上有某些缺陷,你可以权衡差异,友好地使用这些工具去模拟一个消息或事件的序列。排序集是大量耗费内存的,不能用相同的消息模型一次又一次的传递,客户端不能阻塞新消息。因为一个排序集并不是一个序列化的数据结构,它是一个根据他们量的变化而变化的元素集:它不是像时间系列一样很适合的东西。列表有另外的问题,它在某些用户案例中产生适用性问题:你无法浏览列表中是什么,因为在那种情况下,访问时间是线性的。此外,没有任何输出,列表上的阻塞操作仅为单个客户端提供单个元素。比如说:从那个元素开始给我提供内容,列表中也没有固定的元素标识。对于一到多的工作负载,这里有发布/订阅,它在大多数情况下是非常好的,但是,对于某些不想“即发即弃”的东西:去保留一个历史是很重要的,而不是断开之后重新获得消息,也因为某些消息列表,像时间系列,在用范围查询浏览时,是非常重要的:在这 10 秒范围内我的温度读数是多少?
这有一种方法可以尝试处理上面的问题,计划对排序集进行通用化,并列入一个唯一的更灵活的数据结构,然而,我的设计尝试最终以生成一个相对当前的人造的数据结构的结果结束,一个关于 Redis 数据结构导出的更好的想法是,让它更像天然的计算机科学的数据结构。而不是, “Salvatore 发明的 API”。因此,在最后我停止了我的尝试,并且说,“ok,这是我们目前能提供的”,或许,我将为发布/订阅增加一些历史,或者将来对列表访问增加一些更灵活的方式。然而,每次在会议上有用户对我说“你如何在 Redis 中模拟时间系列” 或者类似的问题时,我的脸变绿了。
在将 Redis 4.0 中的模块介绍完之后,用户开始去看他们自己怎么去修复这些问题。他们之一,Timothy Downs,通过 IRC 写信给我:
<forkfork> 这个模块,我计划去增加一个事务日志式的数据类型 - 这意味着大量的订阅者可以在没有大量的内存增加的情况下做一些像发布/订阅那样的事情
<forkfork> 订阅者保持他在消息队列中的位置,而不是在 Redis 上维护每个客户和复制消息的每个订阅者
这激发了我的想像力。我想了几天,并且意识到这可能是我们立刻同时解决上面的问题的契机。我需要去重新想像 “日志” 的概念是什么。它是个基本的编程元素,每个人都使用到它,因为它是非常简单地在追加模式中打开一个文件并以一定的格式写入数据,数据结构必须是抽象的。然而 Redis ,它们在内存中,并且我们使用 RAM 并不是因为我们懒,但是,因为使用一些指针,我们可以概念化数据结构并让他们抽象,并允许他们去摆脱明显的限制。对于实例,正常的日志有几个问题:偏移不是逻辑的,但是,它是一个真实的字节偏移,如果你想逻辑偏移是什么,那是与条目插入的时间相关的,我们有范围查询可用。同样的,一个日志通常很难收集:在一个只追加的数据结构中怎么去删除旧的元素?好吧,在我们理想的日志中,我们只是说,我想要最大的条目数,而旧的元素一个也不要,等等。
当我从 Timothy 的想法,去尝试着写一个规范的时候,我使用了 radix 树去实现,它是用于 Redis 集群的,去优化它内部的某些部分。这为实现一个有效的空间日志提供了基础。它在对数的时间(logarithmic time)内得到范围是仍然可访问的。同时,我开始去读关于 Kafka 流,去得到另外的创意,它也非常适合我的设计,并且产生了一个 Kafka 客户组的概念,并且,将它理想化用于 Redis 和内存中(in-memory)使用的案例。然而,该规范仅保留了几个月,在一段时间后,我积累了与别人讨论的即将增加到 Redis 中的内容,为了升级它,使用了许多提示(hint)几乎从头到尾重写了一遍。我想 Redis 流尤其对于时间系列是非常有用的,而不仅是用于事件和消息类的应用程序。
从 Redis 会议回来后,在整个夏天,我实现了一个称为 “listpack” 的库。这个库是 ziplist.c 的继承者,那是一个表示在单个分配中字符串元素的列表的数据结构。它是一个非常专业的序列化格式,有在相反的顺序中可解析的特性,从右到左: 在所有的用户案例中用于替代 ziplists 中所需的某些东西。
结合 radix 树 + listpacks,它可以很容易地去构建一个日志,它同时也是非常高效的,并且是索引化的,意味着,允许通过 IDs 和时间进行随机访问。自从实现这个方法后,为了实现流数据结构,我开始去写一些代码。我直到完成实现,不管怎样,在这个时候,在 Github 上的 Redis 内部的 “streams” 分支,去启动共同开发并接受订阅已经足够了。我并没有声称那个 API 是最终版本,但是,这有两个有趣的事实:一是,在那时,仅客户组是缺失的,加上一些不那么重要的命令去操作流,但是,所有的大的方面都已经实现了。二是,一旦各个方面比较稳定了之后 ,决定将所有的流的工作移植到 4.0 分支,它大约两个月后发布。这意味着 Redis 用户为了使用流,不用等待 Redis 4.2,它们将对生产使用的 ASAP 可用。这是可能的,因为有一个新的数据结构,几乎所有的代码改变都是独立于新代码的。除了阻塞列表操作之外 :代码都重构了,因此,我们和流共享了相同的代码,并且,列表阻塞操作在 Redis 内部进行了大量的简化。
教程:欢迎使用 Redis 流
在某种程序上,你应该感谢流作为 Redis 列表的一个增强版本。流元素不再是一个单一的字符串,它们更多是一个域(fields)和值(values)组成的对象。范围查询更适用而且更快。流中的每个条目都有一个 ID,它是一个逻辑偏移量。不同的客户端可以阻塞等待(blocking-wait)比指定的 IDs 更大的元素。Redis 流的一个基本的命令是 XADD。是的,所有的 Redis 命令都是以一个“X”为前缀的。
> XADD mystream * sensor-id 1234 temperature 10.5
这个 XADD 命令将追加指定的条目作为一个新元素到一个指定的流 “mystream” 中。在上面的示例中的这个条目有两个域:sensor-id 和 temperature,然而,每个条目在同一个流中可以有不同的域。使用相同的域名字将导致更多的内存使用。一个有趣的事情是,域的排序是保证保存的。XADD 仅返回插入的条目的 ID,因为在第三个参数中有星号(*),我们请求命令去自动生成 ID。这几乎总是你想要的,但是,它也可能去强制指定一个 ID,实例为了去复制这个命令到被动服务器和 AOF 文件。
这个 ID 是由两部分组成的:一个毫秒时间和一个序列号。1506871964177 是毫秒时间,它仅是一个使用毫秒解决方案的 UNIX 时间。圆点(.)后面的数字 0,是一个序列号,它是为了区分相同毫秒数的条目增加上去的。所有的数字都是 64 位的无符号整数。这意味着在流中,我们可以增加所有我们想要的条目,在相同毫秒数中的事件。ID 的毫秒部分使用 Redis 服务器的当前本地时间生成的 ID 和流中的最后一个条目之间的最大值来获取。因此,对实例来说,即使是计算机时间向后跳,这个 IDs 仍然是增加的。在某些情况下,你可能想流条目的 IDs 作为完整的 128 位数字。然而,现实是,它们与被添加的实例的本地时间有关,意味着我们有毫秒级的精确的范围查询。
如你想像的那样,以一个快速的方式去添加两个条目,结果是仅序列号增加。我可以使用一个 MULTI/EXEC 块去简单模拟“快速插入”,如下:
> XADD mystream * foo 10
> XADD mystream * bar 20
1) 1506872463535.0
2) 1506872463535.1
在上面的示例中,也展示了无需在开始时指定任何模式(schema)的情况下,对不同的条目,使用不同的域。会发生什么呢?每个块(它通常包含 50 - 150 个消息范围的内容)的每一个信息被用作参考。并且,有相同域的连续条目被使用一个标志进行压缩,这个标志表明“这个块中的第一个条目的相同域”。因此,对于连续消息使用相同域可以节省许多内存,即使是域的集合随着时间发生缓慢变化。
为了从流中检索数据,这里有两种方法:范围查询,它是通过 XRANGE 命令实现的,并且对于正在变化的流,通过 XREAD 命令去实现。XRANGE 命令仅取得包括从开始到停止范围内的条目。因此,对于实例,如果我知道它的 ID,我可以取得单个条目,像这样:
> XRANGE mystream 1506871964177.0 1506871964177.0
1) 1) 1506871964177.0
2) 1) "sensor-id"
2) "1234"
3) "temperature"
4) "10.5"
然而,你可以使用指定的开始符号 “-” 和停止符号 “+” 去表示可能的最小和最大 ID。为了限制返回条目的数量,它也可以使用 COUNT 选项。下面是一个更复杂的 XRANGE 示例:
> XRANGE mystream - + COUNT 2
1) 1) 1506871964177.0
2) 1) "sensor-id"
2) "1234"
3) "temperature"
4) "10.5"
2) 1) 1506872463535.0
2) 1) "foo"
2) "10"
这里我们讲的是 IDs 的范围,然后,为了在一个给定时间范围内取得特定元素的范围,你可以使用 XRANGE,因为你可以省略 IDs 的“序列” 部分。因此,你可以做的仅是指定“毫秒”时间,下面的命令的意思是: “从 UNIX 时间 1506872463 开始给我 10 个条目”:
||||> XRANGE mystream 1506872463000 + COUNT 10
1) 1) 1506872463535.0
2) 1) "foo"
2) "10"
2) 1) 1506872463535.1
2) 1) "bar"
2) "20"
关于 XRANGE 注意的最重要的事情是,由于我们在回复中收到了 IDs,并且连续 ID 是无法直接获得的,因为 ID 的序列部分是增加的,它可以使用 XRANGE 去遍历整个流,接收每个调用的元素的特定个数。在 Redis 中的*SCAN*系列命令之后,那是允许 Redis 数据结构迭代的,尽管事实上它们不是为迭代设计的,我以免再次产生相同的错误。
使用 XREAD 处理变化的流:阻塞新的数据
XRANGE 用于,当我们想通过 ID 或时间去访问流中的一个范围或者是通过 ID 去得到单个元素时,是非常完美的。然而,在当数据到达时,不同的客户端必须同时使用流的情况下,它就不是一个很好的解决方案,并且它是需要某种形式的“池”的。(对于*某些*应用程序来说,这可能是个好主意,因为它们仅是偶尔连接取数的)。
XREAD 命令是为读设计的,同时从多个流中仅指定我们得到的流中的最后条目的 ID。此外,如果没有数据可用,我们可以要求阻塞,当数据到达时,去解除阻塞。类似于阻塞列表操作产生的效果,但是,这里的数据是从流中得到的。并且多个客户端可以在同时访问相同的数据。
这里有一个关于 XREAD 调用的规范示例:
> XREAD BLOCK 5000 STREAMS mystream otherstream $ $
它的意思是:从 “mystream” 和 “otherstream” 取得数据。如果没有数据可用,阻塞客户端 5000 毫秒。之后我们用关键字 STREAMS 指定我们想要监听的流,和最后的 ID,指定的 ID “$” 意思是:假设我现在已经有了流中的所有元素,因此,从下一个到达的元素开始给我。
> XADD otherstream * message “Hi There”
在 XREAD 侧会出现什么情况呢?
1) 1) "otherstream"
2) 1) 1) 1506935385635.0
2) 1) "message"
2) "Hi There"
和到过的数据一起,我们得到了最新到达的数据的 key,在下次的调用中,我们将使用接收到的最新消息的 ID:
> XREAD BLOCK 5000 STREAMS mystream otherstream $ 1506935385635.0
依次类推。然而需要注意的是使用方式,有可能客户端在一个非常大的延迟(因为它处理消息需要时间,或者其它什么原因)之后再次连接。在这种情况下,同时会有很多消息堆积,为了确保客户端不被消息淹没,并且服务器不会丢失太多时间的提供给单个客户端的大量消息,所以,总是使用 XREAD 的 COUNT 选项是明智的。
到现在为止,一直还都不错… 然而,有些时候,流需要去删除一些旧的消息。幸运的是,这可以使用 XADD 命令的 MAXLEN 选项去做:
> XADD mystream MAXLEN 1000000 * field1 value1 field2 value2
它是基本意思是,如果流添加的新元素被发现超过 1000000 个消息,那么,删除旧的消息,以便于长度回到 1000000 个元素以内。它很像是使用 RPUSH + LTRIM 的列表,但是,这是我们使用了一个内置机制去完成的。然而,需要注意的是,上面的意思是每次我们增加一个新的消息时,我们还需要另外的工作去从流中删除旧的消息。这将使用一些 CPU 资源,所以,在计算 MAXLEN 的之前,尽可能使用 “~” 符号,为了表明我们不是要求非常*精确*的 1000000 个消息。但是,这里有很多,它还不是一个大的问题:
> XADD mystream MAXLEN ~ 1000000 * foo bar
这种方式的 XADD 删除消息,仅用于当它可以删除整个节点的时候。相比 vanilla XADD,这种方式几乎可以自由地对流进行封顶。
这是不在 Redis 中实现的第一个特性,但是,它是在进程内工作的。它也是来自 Kafka 的灵感,尽管在这里以不同的方式去实现的。重点是使用了 XREAD,客户端也可以增加一个 “GROUP <name>” 选项。 在相同组的所有客户端自动调用,以得到*不同的*消息。当然,这里不能从同一个流中被多个组读。在这种情况下,所有的组将收到流中到达的消息的相同副本。但是,在不同的组,消息是不会重复的。
当指定组时,尽可能指定一个 “RETRY <milliseconds>” 选项去扩展组:在这种情况下,如果消息没有使用 XACK 去进行确认,它将在指定的毫秒数后进行再次投递。这种情况下,客户端没有私有的方法去标记已处理的消息,这也是一项正在进行中的工作。
因为被设计用来模拟 Redis 流,所以,根据它们的域的数量、值和长度,内存使用是显著降低的。但对于简单的消息,每 100 MB 内存使用可以有几百万条消息,此外,设想中的格式去需要极少的系列化:是存储为 radix 树节点的 listpack 块,在磁盘上和内存中是用同一个来表示的,因此,它们被琐碎地存储和读取。在一个实例中,Redis 能在 0.3 秒内可以从 RDB 文件中读取 500 万个条目。这使的流的复制和持久存储是非常高效的。
Redis 流将包含在年底前推出的 Redis 4.0 系列的稳定版中。我认为这个通用的数据结构将为 Redis 提供一个巨大的补丁,为了用于解决很多现在很难去解决的情况:那意味着你需要创造性地滥用当前提供的数据结构去解决那些问题。一个非常重要的使用情况是时间系列,但是,我的感觉是,对于其它案例来说,通过 TREAD 来传递消息将是非常有趣的,因为它可以替代那些需要更高可靠性的发布/订阅的应用程序,而不是“即用即弃”,以及全新的使用案例。现在,如果你想在你的有问题的环境中,去评估新的数据结构的能力,可以在 GitHub 上去获得 “streams” 分支,开始去玩吧。欢迎向我们报告所有的 bug 。 :-)
如果你喜欢这个视频,展示这个 streams 的实时会话在这里: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELDzy9lCFHQ
via: http://antirez.com/news/114
作者:[antirez ][a]
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