diff --git a/sources/talk/20221112.0 ⭐️ Learn Python 7 of my favorite resources.md b/sources/talk/20221112.0 ⭐️ Learn Python 7 of my favorite resources.md index 275e9c9527..e72764c99b 100644 --- a/sources/talk/20221112.0 ⭐️ Learn Python 7 of my favorite resources.md +++ b/sources/talk/20221112.0 ⭐️ Learn Python 7 of my favorite resources.md @@ -7,48 +7,48 @@ [#]: publisher: " " [#]: url: " " -Learn Python: 7 of my favorite resources +学习 Python:我最喜欢的 7 个资源 ====== -Over the years, I've honed my Python skills thanks to these open source resources. +这些年来,我通过这些开源资源提高了我的 Python 技能。 -I made a decision recently that I wanted to learn more Python so I could improve my instructional skills and broaden the horizons of my students. In the process, I have discovered these excellent resources that have me learning new code and improving my understanding of Python in general. +我最近决定进一步学习 Python,以便提高我的教学技能,拓宽我的学生的视野。在这个过程中,我发现了这些优秀的资源,让我学习新的代码,并提高了对 Python 的整体理解。 -### 1. Teach your kids to code +### 1. 教你的孩子编程 -I began the Python journey about seven years ago when I discovered connections between Apple LOGO and the [Turtle module][1] in Python. The Linux computer I was using at the time defaulted to Python 2.7, and I soon discovered that I wanted to use Python 3. I managed to get it installed and began writing some simple programs using the Turtle module. After reading Dr. Bryson Payne’s [Teach Your Kids to Code][2], I realized there was a lot more to Python than just Turtle. That’s when I installed [IDLE][3]. +我的 Python 之旅大约是 7 年前开始的,当时我发现了 Apple LOGO 和 Python 中的 [Turtle 模块][1] 之间的联系。当时使用的 Linux 计算机的默认 Python 版本为 Python 2.7,我很快发现我想使用 Python 3。我成功地安装了它,并开始使用 Turtle 模块编写一些简单的程序。在阅读 Dr. Bryson Payne 的 [教你的孩子编程][2] 之后,我意识到 Python 不仅仅是 Turtle。那时我安装了 [IDLE][3]。 ### 2. IDLE -Working with IDLE, the interactive interface improved my experience and made me confident enough to consider teaching Python to students. I volunteered to help a group of home-schooled children in my community and soon found myself teaching a class of sixteen! I’m glad their parents stayed and agreed to be my assistants, otherwise I think I’d have been overwhelmed. The experience whetted my appetite to learn more so I could teach more. +在使用 IDLE 工作的过程中,交互式界面优化了我的体验,并让我有足够的信心来考虑向学生教授 Python。我志愿帮助我社区中的一群在家学习的孩子,很快我发现自己在教授一个有十六个孩子的班级!我很高兴他们的父母同意帮助我,否则我想我会被压垮。这个经历激发了我学习更多的欲望,以便我可以教授更多。 -### 3. Mu Editor +### 3. Mu 编辑器 -The following spring in 2018 I attended PyConUS. I listened to a talk by [Nicholas Tollervey][4], a middle school teacher, who had written a Python development environment for school-age children. The [Mu editor][5] has a linter built into it, which helped me to see where my errors in programming were. Mu helped me improve my coding skills, and I was able to share that with students, who benefitted as well. +2018 年春天,我参加了 PyConUS。我听了一场由中学老师 [Nicholas Tollervey][4] 主讲的演讲,他为学龄前儿童编写了一个 Python 开发环境。[Mu 编辑器][5] 内置了一个可以帮助我找到代码中的错误的 linter。Mu 帮助我提高了我的编码技能,我也能够与学生分享这些技能,他们也从中受益。 -As my confidence and experience grew, I became eager to share the Python journey with still more students. I co-wrote a grant the following year to teach a class that used Raspberry Pi 4 computers and Python. The pandemic interrupted that experience. In the interim, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released the Pi 400. In the spring of 2021, I used the materials I had developed the previous year and a generous grant from a local library to [teach two groups][6] of students how to program. That event was so successful that it was repeated this year. +我的自信和经验增长后,我希望与更多的学生分享 Python 之旅。我与其他人合作撰写了一个申请书,以教授一个使用树莓派 4 和 Python 的课程。疫情打断了这个计划。在此期间,树莓派基金会发布了 Pi 400。2021 年春天,我使用了前一年开发的材料和一个来自当地图书馆的慷慨的资助,来 [教授两组][6] 学生如何编程。这个活动非常成功并在今年再次举办。 ### 4. Codium -Several years ago, I learned that Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code is an open source code editor that can be used on Linux. One of the aspects of my Python learning journey that had eluded me until recently was how to set up and use a virtual environment for Python programming, which had been suggested when using VS Code. My questions were answered here on Opensource.com in an [article about venv][7], and that opened the door to learning how to set up and configure Python virtual environments on my Linux computer. Around the same time, I found [Codium][8], a community project built around VS Code. +几年前,我了解到微软的 Visual Studio Code 是一个可以在 Linux 上使用的开源代码编辑器。我最近才了解到,如何在 VS Code 中配置和使用 Python 虚拟环境。我的问题在 Opensource.com 上一篇 [关于虚拟环境的文章][7] 中得到了解答,这让我可以知道如何在 Linux 计算机上设置和配置 Python 虚拟环境。大约在同一时间,我发现了 [Codium][8],一个围绕 VS Code 构建的社区项目。 -Now I want to share the VS Codium experience with my students and open their understanding of Python beyond the Turtle module. This zest for learning has me looking for training resources that are open source and freely available on the internet. +现在我希望与我的学生分享 VS Codium 的体验,并让他们对 Python 的理解不再局限于 Turtle 模块。这种学习的热情让我寻找开源且可以在互联网上随意获得的教学资源。 -### 5. Python gently explained +### 5. 简单解释 Python -The book [Automate the Boring Stuff with Python][9] by Al Sweigart has long been a favorite of mine. Now, the author has released [Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained][10]. Both books are available online for free and are openly licensed with Creative Commons license. +[使用 Python 自动化繁琐的事情][9] 这本书是我最喜欢的一本书。现在,作者已经发布了 [Python 编程练习,简单解释][10]。这两本书都可以免费在线阅读,并且都采用了知识共享许可证。 -### 6. Python for everyone +### 6. Python for Everyone -Dr. Charles Severance released [Python for Everyone][11] in 2017, which I highly recommend. He provides "bite size" lessons for aspiring programmers like me. The code for the course is available on [GitHub][12], so you can download it and install it on your own computer or school network. +Dr. Charles Severance 在 2017 年发布了 [Python for Everyone][11],我非常推荐这本书。他为像我这样的有抱负的程序员提供了简短的课程。课程的代码可以在 [GitHub][12] 上找到,所以你可以下载它并在自己的计算机或学校网络上安装它。 -### 7. Python videos +### 7. Python 视频 -Recently I learned that Opensource.com alumnus [Jay LaCroix][13] has an excellent series of twenty-eight videos available for free on YouTube that begin with Python basics and span the gamut of a solid introduction to [Python programming][14]. Best of all, he uses a Linux computer, so his lessons are especially appropriate for a Linux programming environment. One of the takeaways from these videos is learning to use [nano][15] as a programming environment, and it’s included by default in most Linux distributions. +最近,我了解到 Opensource.com 的成员 [Jay LaCroix][13] 在 YouTube 上有一系列精彩的视频,其中包括 28 个免费视频,从 Python 基础开始,涵盖了 [Python 编程][14] 的全面介绍。最重要的是,他使用的是 Linux 计算机,因此他的课程特别适合 Linux 编程环境。这些视频的其中一个收获是学习如何使用 [nano][15] 作为编程环境,它默认情况下包含在大多数 Linux 发行版中。 -### Your learning path +### 你的学习之路 -These seven resources have helped me grow as a programmer, and it’s all open source and available to share with others. How have you been honing your programming skills? What would you like to share? Let us know in the comments. +此处提到的这七个资源帮助我成长为一名程序员,它们都是开源的并可以与其他人分享。你是如何提高编程技能的?你有什么要分享的吗?在评论中告诉我们。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------