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@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
# rusking translating
How to install Arch Linux on VirtualBox
在 VirtualBox 虚拟机中安装 Arch Linux 系统指南
### On this page
### 本文导航
1. [Arch Linux Repositories][8]
2. [Install Arch Linux on Virtual Box][9]
1. [Download Arch Linux][1]
2. [Initializing Installation with Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager][2]
3. [Partition the hard disk][3]
4. [Bootstrap Arch Linux][4]
5. [Setup hostname and networking][5]
6. [Install the Bootloader][6]
7. [Boot into the installed ArchLinux operating system][7]
1、[Arch Linux 软件仓库][8]
2、[在 VirtualBox 虚拟机中安装 Arch Linux 系统][9]
1、[下载 Arch Linux 系统][1]
2、[在 Oracle VirtualBox 管理界面初始化安装][2]
4、[引导 Arch Linux 启动][4]
7、[启动进入 Arch Linux 系统][7]
Arch Linux is a Linux-based operating system that is designed for i689 and 86-64 computers. Its unique package manager is responsible for providing updates to the latest software applications using “pacman” with complete tracking. Pacman is the package manager that is used to install, update, and remove the software packages. It is designed entirely for free and open-source software, along with the support from the Linux community.
Arch Linux 是专门为 i689 和 86-64 架构的计算机而设计的基于 Linux 内核的操作系统。其特有的软件包管理器使用 “pacman" 命令的完整追踪方式来将系统应用软件升级到最新版本。 Pacman 是一个用于安装、升级和卸载软件包的管理器。这是一款完全免费和开源的软件,由 Linux 开源社区提供支持。
Arch Linux is also popular for having a comprehensive documentation in form of the community wiki known as ArchWiki. This Linux operating system is based on binary packages that are targeted for i832, 64-bit, and 32-bit systems and optimized for the best performance on the modern hardware systems.
Arch Linux 也因其丰富的 Wiki 帮助文档而大受推崇。该系统基于二进制的软件包,这些软件包主要是为 i832、64 位和 32 位的系统而开发的,同时也为现代的硬件系统提供最佳的性能优化。
You can install Arch Linux directly to your home computer by following this guide but you can also install it on a virtual machine on your Windows computer by using VirtualBox.
你可以参考这篇教程直接在你的本地电脑上安装 Arch Linux 系统,或者你也可以使用你的 Windows 电脑中的 VirtualBox 虚拟机来安装。
### Arch Linux Repositories
### Arch Linux 软件仓库
To install Arch Linux on Virtual Box, you must know the basic repositories of this Linux-based operating system. A repository is a storage location from where the software packages are retrieved during the installation process. There are multiple repositories available for Arch Linux, which are accessible via pacman and maintained by package maintainers. Here is a list of some of the basic repositories used to install Arch Linux on Virtual Box:
要在 VirtualBox 中安装 Arch Linux 系统,你得知道该系统的基础软件仓库。软件仓库用于在安装的过程中获取软件包。对于 Arch Linux 系统来说,有很多可用的软件仓库,可以使用 pacman 工具来进行维护。下面列出的是在 VirtualBox 中安装 Arch Linux 系统时用到的一些基础软件仓库列表:
* The **core **repository contains all the packages that are needed to setup the base system like booting Arch Linux, and building packages.
* **core ** 软件仓库包括所有的用于对系统进行基本设置的一些软件包,比如启动 Arch Linux 系统和编译软件包。
* The **extra **repository contains extra packages that do not fit in the core involving desktop environment.
* **extra ** 软件仓库包括 core 软件仓库以外的其它软件包以及与桌面环境相关的软件包。
* The **community **repositoryhas packages that are adopted by trusted Linux community users, and most of them will transfer to the core or extra repository.
* **community ** 软件仓库包含的是受信任的 Linux 社区用户采用的软件包,其中的大多数的软件包都会被迁移到核心软件仓库或者额外软件仓库中。
* The **Multilib **repository contains 32-bit software and libraries for 32-bit application installation on 64-bit system.
* **Multilib ** 软件仓库包括 32 位的软件包以及在 64 位操作系统中安装 32 位应用程序的类库。
* The **testing **repository contains packages that are destined for core or extra repositories.
* **testing ** 软件仓库包括那些即将成为核心或额外的软件包。
* The **community-testing** repository is for the Linux community.
* **community-testing** 软件仓库主要用于 Linux 社区测试。
* The **multilib testing **repositoryis similar to the testing repository, but for multilib candidates.
* **multilib testing ** 软件仓库跟测试软件仓库类似,但是它包含多种类型的类库。
* The **gnome-unstable **repository has the latest GNOME desktop environment.
* **gnome-unstable ** 软件仓库包括最新的 GNOME 桌面环境。
* The **kde-unstable **repository contains the latest KDE software before they are been released.
* **kde-unstable ** 软件仓库包括 KDE 最新的发布前的软件包。
### Install Arch Linux on Virtual Box
### 在 VirtualBox 虚拟机中安装 Arch Linux 系统
### Download Arch Linux
### 下载 Arch Linux 系统
To install Arch Linux on Virtual Box, you must have the latest Arch Linux version that you can download from their [official website][10]. You can pick either the direct download option or torrent download, which is on a secure server. Before the installation, make sure you have 20 MB of free disk space and 1 GB of RAM in your system.
要在 VirtualBox 虚拟机中安装 Arch Linux 系统,你最好使用[官网][10]下载的新版 Arch Linux 系统。你可以选择直接下载或是种子方式下载系统文件,这是一个很安全的下载方式。在安装之前,确保你系统中有 20 MB 的剩余空间和 1 GB 的内存。

### Initializing Installation with Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager
### 在 Oracle VirtualBox 虚拟机管理界面初始化系统安装
Open the Oracle VM VirtualBox manager, click on new, and type in the name of the new operating system you want to create; in this case, it is Arch Linux. The system will automatically pick up the type and version of the Arch Linux, based on your system’s configuration. Click on _next_ .
打开 Oracle VirtualBox 虚拟机管理界面,点击新建,输入你想创建的新系统的名称;这里输入的是 Arch Linux 。系统会自动选择 Arch Linux 的版本和类型,这取决于你的系统配置。单击_下一步_。

Allocate the desired RAM size to your new operating system, which is ideally 1024 MB. Click on _next _ and then click on _create_ , to create a virtual disk now.
为你的新系统分配内存,最好是 1024 MB 。单击_下一步_,然后点击_新建_来创建一个虚拟磁盘。

On the nextpage, you will be asked to select the type of hard disk file you want for your new operating system. Select VirtualBox Disk Image usually.
在下一步中,你将会被经询问为新系统选择磁盘类型。通常选择 VirtualBox 磁盘镜像。

Choose dynamically allocated and click _next_ .

Allocate 20 GB hard disk file location and size.
分配 20 GB 的硬盘大小及位置

Now you can see that your Arch Linux operating system is created. Now you can click _start_ .
现在你可以看到 Arch Linux 系统已创建完成了。点击_开始_。

Click on 'browser' and select the startup disk, which you downloaded from the Arch Linux official website.
单击 ‘浏览’ 然后选择你从官网下载的启动磁盘。

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Click on 'browser' and select the startup disk, which you downloaded from the Ar

Click on _start_ and then open the full-screen view.

@ -110,95 +110,95 @@ Click on _start_ and then open the full-screen view.

### **Booting to Install Arch Linux on Virtual Box**
### **在 VirtualBox 中启动并安装 Arch Linux 系统**
You will see the first opening page of Arch Linux. Click on “Boot Arch Linux (x86_64), which is for 64-bit or click on “Boot Arch Linux (i686)”, which is for 32-bit.
你将会看到 Arch Linux 系统第一个打开界面。单击 “启动 Arch Linux (x86_64)”,用于 64 位系统,或者单击”Boot Arch Linux (i686)”,用于 32 位系统。

As soon as you click on the first option, the system will start booting. While it completes the temporary boot, we are basically moving into the live version and are logged in as root user.
当你单击第一次选项后,系统将开始启动。实际上只是进入到一个临时启动状态,即进入到 Arch Linux 的自生系统,并以 root 帐号登录了。

Check the Internet connection by typing in the following command.
_ping google.com_
The word ping stands for packet internet gopher. You will soon see the response that means Arch Linux has activated the Internet connection. This is essential to perform certain installation steps.
这个单词 Ping 表示网路封包搜寻。你将会看到下面的返回信息,表明 Arch Linux 已经连接到外网了。这是执行安装过程中的很关键的一点。

Clear the command by typing
Before we start the installation, you should partition your drive. Type _# fdisk – 1 _ and you will see the current system’s disk partition. Focus on the 20 GB hard drives that you allocated to Arch in the beginning.
在开始安装之前,你得先为硬盘分区。输入 _# fdisk – 1 _ ,你将会看到当前系统的磁盘分区情况。注意一开始你给 Arch Linux 系统分配的 20 GB 存储空间。

### Partition the hard disk
### 硬盘分区
We are going to partition this 20 GB space into three partitions. The first one is the primary root partition that will be of 10 GB. The second will be the swap partition, which will be twice the initial RAM allocation that will be 2048 MB. The third will be the logical partition that will be 8 GB allocated.
我们打算把这个 20 GB 的磁盘分成三个分区。第一个主分区为 root 分区,大小为 10 GB 。第二个分区为 swap 分区,大小为内存的两倍,为 2048 MB 。第三个是逻辑分区,大小为 8 GB 。

Type the command:
You will see gpt, dos, sgi, and sun. Select the _dos _ option and press _enter_ .
你将看到 gpt , dos , sgi 和 sun 类型,选择 _dos _ 选项,然后按 _enter_ 。

Here you will see the main disk space, which is 20 GB. To change this, press <enter> on the free space and type 10G.
这里你将看到主磁盘空间,大小为 20 GB 。在剩余空间外按 <enter> 来修改分区大小,输入 10 GB 。

Press _enter _ and then click on the “primary” partition.
按 _enter _ 并单击 “主分区” 。

Now select the “bootable” type by pressing enter on bootable.
在可引导选项按 Enter 键选择 ”可引导“类型。

Go to _write _ and press enter, to write partition to disk.
在 _写入_ 选项按 Enter 键将分区信息写入磁盘。

Then type _yes_ to make the changes, successfully.
之后输入 _yes_ 来应用更改。

Now the 10 GB partition is created. Click on _free space _ and then enter the partition size of 2048 M.
现在已经创建完成 10 GB 的分区。单击 _剩余空间_ ,输入分区大小 2048 M 。

Now follow the same steps to create the logical partition. Then press enter on _quit_ and clear the command by typing
以同样的方式创建逻辑方式。在 _退出_ 选项按 Enter 键,然后输入下面的命令来清屏:
_clear_ .
@ -206,15 +206,15 @@ Now follow the same steps to create the logical partition. Then press enter on

Format the newly partitioned disk by typing:
_mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1_
Here _sda1 _ is the partition name. Repeat this for the second drive by typing:
这里的 _sda1 _ 是分区名。使用同样的命令来格式化第二个分区 sda3 :
_mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3_
and for the swap partition,
格式化 swap 分区:
_mkswap/dev/sda2_ .
@ -222,11 +222,11 @@ and for the swap partition,

Activate the swap by typing:
使用下面的命令来激活 swap 分区:
_swapon/ dev/ sda2_
and clear the command by typing:
输入 clear 命令清屏:
_clear_ .
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ and clear the command by typing:

Mount the primary partition to start the installation part by typing:
_mount /dev/ sda1 / mnt._
@ -242,25 +242,25 @@ Mount the primary partition to start the installation part by typing:

### Bootstrap Arch Linux
### 引导 Arch Linux 启动
Bootstrap the system by typing:
_pacstrap /mnt base base-devel_
You can see that it is synchronizing the data packages.

The installation will start and will take a few minutes.

After the base installation create the fstab file by tying:
系统基本软件安装完成后,输入下面的命令来创建 fstab 文件:
_genfstab /mnt>> /mnt/etc/fstab_
@ -268,13 +268,13 @@ After the base installation create the fstab file by tying:

Configure locale, time and root password
配置区域、时间和 root 帐号密码。
Change the system root to the Arch Linux installation directory by typing:
输入下面的命令来更改系统的根目录为 Arch Linux 的安装目录:
_arch-chroot /mnt /bin /bash_
Now to configure the language settings:
_nano /etc / local.gen_
@ -282,117 +282,117 @@ Change the system root to the Arch Linux installation directory by typing:

Select the following language configuration by deleting the # and pressing _control + x, _ press _y_ , and press _enter_ .
通过删除 # 以及按 _control + x ,按 _y_ ,然后再按 _enter_ 键来选择下面的语言配置:

Now activate it by typing:
and press _enter_ .
按 _enter_ 键。

Create the /etc/locale.conf file by typing:
使用下面的命令来创建 /etc/locale.conf 配置文件:
_nano /etc/locale.conf_
then press _enter_ . Now you can add your language to the system by adding this line to the file:
然后按 _enter_ 。现在你就可以在配置文件中输入下面一行内容来为系统添加语言:
Then press _control + x _ and press _y_ , and press _enter_ .
然后按 _control + x ,按 _y_ ,再按 _enter_ 。

Synchronize the zone information by typing:
ls user/share/zoneinfo_
and you will find a list of all the zones of the world.

To select your zone, type:
_ln –s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Kolkata/etc/localtime_
or you can select any name from the below list.

Set the time standard using the command.
_hwclock --systohc –utc_
And the hardware clock is synchronized.

Set the root user password by typing:
设置 root 帐号密码:
And press _enter_ . Then type your password and press enter.
按 _enter_ 。 然而输入你想设置的密码,按 enter 键确认。

### Setup hostname and networking
### 设置主机名和网络
Enter the host name of the network by typing:
_nano /etc/hostname_
and press _enter_ . Now type any name and then press _control + x _ and press _y_ , and press _enter_ .
然后按 _enter_ 。输入你想设置的主机名称,按 _control + x ,按 _y_ ,再按 _enter_ 。

Enable the dhcpcd by typing:
启用 dhcpcd :
_systemctl enable dhcpcd_
and it will be started at next boot time to fetch an IP address automatically.
这样在下一次系统启动时, dhcpcd 将会自动启动,并自动获取一个 IP 地址:

### Install the Bootloader
### 安装引导加载程序
The final step, initiate the grub installation. Type:
最后一步,输入以下命令来初始化 grub 安装。输入以下命令:
_pacman –S grub os-rober_
then press _y _ and the download part will begin.
然后按 _y _ ,将会下载相关程序。

Install the grub boot loader to the hard disk by typing:
_grub-install /dev/sd_
and configure it:
_grub-mkconfig –o/ boot/ grub/ grub.cfg_
@ -400,25 +400,25 @@ and configure it:

Finally reboot the system by typing:
and press _enter._
然后按 _enter 。_

### Boot into the installed ArchLinux operating system
### 启动进入到已安装完成的 Arch Linux 系统
Choose “Boot Existing OS” to boot Arch Linux on Virtual Box.
选择“启动已存在的操作系统”选项来启动 Virtual Box 虚拟机中的 Arch Linux 系统。

Login with your root name and password, and you will enter your new Arch Linux operating system.
使用 root 帐号和密码登录后,你将进入全新安装好的 Arch Linux 操作系统。

@ -428,8 +428,11 @@ Login with your root name and password, and you will enter your new Arch Linux o
via: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/install-arch-linux-on-virtualbox/
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