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Make Container Management Easy With Cockpit

If you’re looking for an easy way to manage a Linux server that includes containers, you should check out Cockpit.[Creative Commons Zero][6]
If you administer a Linux server, you’ve probably been in search of a solid administration tool. That quest has probably taken you to such software as [Webmin][14] and [cPanel][15]. But if you’re looking for an easy way to manage a Linux server that also includes Docker, one tool stands above the rest for that particular purpose: [Cockpit][16].
Why Cockpit? Because it includes the ability to handle administrative tasks such as:
* Connect and Manage multiple machines
* Manage containers via Docker
* Interact with a Kubernetes or Openshift clusters
* Modify network settings
* Manage user accounts
* Access a web-based shell
* View system performance information by way of helpful graphs
* View system services and log files
Cockpit can be installed on [Debian][17], [Red Hat][18], [CentOS][19], [Arch Linux][20], and [Ubuntu][21]. Here, I will focus on installing the system on a Ubuntu 16.04 server that already includes Docker.
Out of the list of features, the one that stands out is the container management. Why? Because it make installing and managing containers incredibly simple. In fact, you might be hard-pressed to find a better container management solution.
With that said, let’s install this solution and see just how easy it is to use.
### Installation
As I mentioned earlier, I will be installing Cockpit on an instance of Ubuntu 16.04, with Docker already running. The steps for installation are quite simple. The first thing you must do is log into your Ubuntu server. Next you must add the necessary repository with the command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cockpit-project/cockpit
When prompted, hit the Enter key on your keyboard and wait for the prompt to return. Once you are back at your bash prompt, update apt with the command:
sudo apt-get get update
Install Cockpit by issuing the command:
sudo apt-get -y install cockpit cockpit-docker
After the installation completes, it is necessary to start the Cockpit service and then enable it so it auto-starts at boot. To do this, issue the following two commands:
sudo systemctl start cockpit
sudo systemctl enable cockpit
That’s all there is to the installation.
### Logging into Cockpit
To gain access to the Cockpit web interface, point a browser (that happens to be on the same network as the Cockpit server) to http://IP_OF_SERVER:9090, and you will be presented with a login screen (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The Cockpit login screen.[Used with permission][1]
A word of warning with using Cockpit and Ubuntu. Many of the tasks that can be undertaken with Cockpit require administrative access. If you log in with a standard user, you won’t be able to work with some of the tools like Docker. To get around that, you can enable the root user on Ubuntu. This isn’t always a good idea. By enabling the root account, you are bypassing the security system that has been in place for years. However, for the purpose of this article, I will enable the root user with the following two commands:
sudo passwd root
sudo passwd -u root
NOTE: Make sure you give the root account a very challenging password.
Should you want to revert this change, you only need issue the command:
sudo passwd -l root
With other distributions, such as CentOS and Red Hat, you will be able to log into Cockpit with the username _root_ and the root password, without having to go through the extra hopes as described above.
If you’re hesitant to enable the root user, you can always pull down the images, from the server terminal (using the command _docker pull IMAGE_NAME w_ here _IMAGE_NAME_ is the image you want to pull). That would add the image to your docker server, which can then be managed via a regular user. The only caveat to this is that the regular user must be added to the Docker group with the command:
sudo usermod -aG docker USER
Where USER is the actual username to be added to the group. Once you’ve done that, log out, log back in, and then restart Docker with the command:
sudo service docker restart
Now the regular user can start and stop the added Docker images/containers without having to enable the root user. The only caveat is that user will not be able to add new images via the Cockpit interface.
Using Cockpit
Once you’ve logged in, you will be treated to the Cockpit main window (Figure 2).

Figure 2: The Cockpit main window.[Used with permission][2]
You can go through each of the sections to check on the status of the server, work with users, etc., but we want to go right to the containers. Click on the Containers section to display the current running contains as well as the available images (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Managing containers is incredibly simple with Cockpit.[Used with permission][3]
To start an image, simply locate the image and click the associated start button. From the resulting popup window (Figure 4), you can check all the information about the image (and adjust as needed), before clicking the Run button.

Figure 4: Running a Docker image with the help of Cockpit.[Used with permission][4]
Once the image is running, you can check its status by clicking on the entry under the Containers section and then Stop, Restart, or Delete the instance. You can also click Change resource limits and then adjust either the Memory limit and/or CPU priority.
### Adding new images
Say you have logged on as the root user. If so, you can add new images with the help of the Cockpit GUI. From the Containers section, click the Get new image button and then, in the resulting window, search for the image you want to add. Say you want to add the latest official build of Centos. Type centos in the search field and then, once the search results populate, select the official listing and click Download (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Adding the latest build of the official Centos images to Docker, via Cockpit.[Used with permission][5]
Once the image has downloaded, it will be available to Docker and can be run via Cockpit.
### As simple as it gets
Managing Docker doesn’t get any easier. Yes, there is a caveat when working with Cockpit on Ubuntu, but if it’s your only option, there are ways to make it work. With the help of Cockpit, you can not only easily manage Docker images, you can do so from any web browser that has access to your Linux server. Enjoy your newfound Docker ease.
_Learn more about Linux through the free ["Introduction to Linux" ][13]course from The Linux Foundation and edX._
via: https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2017/3/make-container-management-easy-cockpit
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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使用 Cockpit 方便地管理容器

如果你正在寻找一种简单的方法来管理包含容器的 Linux 服务器,那么你应该看看 Cockpit。[Creative Commons Zero][6]
如果你管理着一台 Linux 服务器,那么你可能正在寻找一个可靠的管理工具。为了这个你可能已经看了 [Webmin][14] 和 [cPanel][15] 这类软件。但是,如果你正在寻找一种简单的方法来管理还包括 Docker 的 Linux 服务器,那么有一个工具可以用于这个需求:[Cockpit][16]。
为什么使用 Cockpit?因为它可以处理管理任务,例如:
* 连接并管理多台机器
* 通过 Docker 管理容器
* 与 Kubernetes 或 Openshift 集群进行交互
* 修改网络设置
* 管理用户帐号
* 访问基于 Web 的 shell
* 通过图表查看系统性能信息
* 查看系统服务和日志文件
Cockpit 可以安装在 [Debian][17]、[Red Hat][18]、[CentOS] [19]、[Arch Linux][20] 和 [Ubuntu][21] 之上。在这里,我将使用一台已经安装了 Docker 的 Ubuntu 16.04 服务器来安装系统。
### 安装
正如我前面提到的,我将在一台运行着 Docker 的 Ubuntu 16.04 实例上安装 Cockpit。安装步骤很简单。你要做的第一件事是登录你的 Ubuntu 服务器。接下来,你必须使用下面的命令添加必要的仓库:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cockpit-project/cockpit
出现提示时,按下键盘上的 Enter 键,等待提示返回。一旦返回到 bash 提示符,使用下面的命令来更新 apt:
sudo apt-get get update
使用下面的命令安装 Cockpit:
sudo apt-get -y install cockpit cockpit-docker
安装完成后,需要启动 Cockpit 服务并使它开机自动启动。要做到这个,使用下面的两个命令:
sudo systemctl start cockpit
sudo systemctl enable cockpit
### 登录到 Cockpit
要访问 Cockpit 的 web 界面,打开浏览器(与 Cockpit 服务器在同一个网络内),输入 http://IP_OF_SERVER:9090,你就会看到登录页面(图 1)。

图 1:Cockpit 登录页面。[授权使用][1]
在 Ubuntu 中使用 Cockpit 有个警告。Cockpit 中的很多任务需要管理员权限。如果你使用标准用户登录,则无法使用 Docker 等一些工具。 要解决这个问题,你可以在 Ubuntu 上启用 root 用户。但这并不总是一个好主意。通过启用 root 帐户,你将绕过多年来一直存在的安全系统。但是,为了本文,我将使用以下两个命令启用 root 用户:
sudo passwd root
sudo passwd -u root
注意,请确保你给 root 帐户一个强壮的密码。
sudo passwd -l root
在其他发行版(如 CentOS 和 Red Hat)中,你可以使用用户名 _root_ 和 root 密码登录 Cockpit,而无需像上面那样需要额外的步骤。
如果你还在犹豫启用 root 用户,则可以始终在服务终端拉取镜像(使用命令 _docker pull IMAGE_NAME _, 这里的 _IMAGE_NAME_ 是你要拉取的镜像)。这会将镜像添加到你的 docker 服务器中,然后可以通过普通用户进行管理。唯一需要注意的是,普通用户必须使用以下命令将自己添加到 Docker 组:
sudo usermod -aG docker USER
USER 是实际添加到组的用户名。在你完成后,重新登出并登入,接着使用下面的命令重启 Docker:
sudo service docker restart
现在常规用户可以启动并停止 Docker 镜像/容器而无需启用 root 用户了。唯一一点是用户不能通过 Cockpit 界面添加新的镜像。
使用 Cockpit
一旦你登录后,你可以看到 Cockpit 的主界面(图 2)。

图 2:Cockpit 主界面。[授权使用][2]
你可以通过每个栏目来检查服务器的状态,与用户合作等,但是我们想要直接进入容器。单击 “Containers” 那栏以显示当前运行的以及可用的镜像(图3)。

图 3:使用 Cockpit 管理容器难以置信地简单。[授权使用][3]
要启动一个镜像,只要找到镜像并点击关联的启动按钮。在弹出的窗口中(图 4),你可以在点击运行之前查看所有镜像的信息(并根据需要调整)。

图 4: 使用 Cockpit 运行 Docker 镜像。[授权使用][4]
镜像运行后,你可以点击它查看状态,并可以停止、重启、删除示例。你也可以点击修改资源限制并接着调整内存限制还有(或者)CPU 优先级。
### 添加新的镜像
假设你以 root 用户身份登录。如果是这样,那么你可以在 Cockpit GUI 的帮助下添加新的镜像。在“ Container” 栏目下,点击获取新的镜像按钮,然后在新的窗口中搜索要添加的镜像。假设你要添加 CentOS 的最新官方版本。在搜索栏中输入 centos,在得到搜索结果后,选择官方列表,然后单击下载(图5)。

图 5:使用 Cockpit 添加最新的官方构建 CentOS 镜像到 Docker 中。[Used with permission][5]
镜像下载完后,那它就在 Docker 中可用了,并可以通过 Cockpit 运行。
### 如它获取那样简单
管理 Docker 并不容易。是的,在 Ubuntu 上运行 Cockpit 会有一个警告,但如果这是你唯一的选择,那么还有办法让它工作。在 Cockpit 的帮助下,你不仅可以轻松管理 Docker 镜像,也可以在任何可以访问 Linux 服务器的 web 浏览器上进行。请享受这个新发现的容易使用 Docker 的方法。
_在 Linux Foundation 以及 edX 中通过免费的 ["Introduction to Linux"][13] 课程学习 Linux。_
via: https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2017/3/make-container-management-easy-cockpit
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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