diff --git a/sources/talk/20190612 When to use 5G, when to use Wi-Fi 6.md b/sources/talk/20190612 When to use 5G, when to use Wi-Fi 6.md index b37528167f..f6f1a2a31a 100644 --- a/sources/talk/20190612 When to use 5G, when to use Wi-Fi 6.md +++ b/sources/talk/20190612 When to use 5G, when to use Wi-Fi 6.md @@ -12,75 +12,54 @@ 5G 是一种蜂窝服务, Wi-Fi 6 则是短程无线接入技术,这两种技术都有使其在特定企业角色中发挥作用的特性。 ![Thinkstock][1] -We have seen hype about whether [5G][2] cellular or [Wi-Fi 6][3] will win in the enterprise, but the reality is that the two are largely complementary with an overlap for some use cases, which will make for an interesting competitive environment through the early 2020s. -我们已经看到了关于5G蜂窝还是 Wi-Fi 6 将在企业使用中胜出的大肆宣传,但事实却是这两者在很大程度上互补,这将在20世纪20年代初形成一个有趣的竞争环境。 +我们已经看到了关于 [5G][2] 蜂窝还是 [Wi-Fi 6][3] 将在企业使用中胜出的大肆宣传,但事实却是这两者在很大程度上互补,这将在 20 世纪 20 年代初形成一个有趣的竞争环境 -### The potential for 5G in enterprises -5G 在企业中的潜力 +### 5G 在企业中的潜力 -The promise of 5G for enterprise users is higher speed connectivity with lower latency. Cellular technology uses licensed spectrum which largely eliminates potential interference that may occur with unlicensed Wi-Fi spectrum. Like current 4G LTE technologies, 5G can be supplied by cellular wireless carriers or built as a private network . -5G对企业用户的承诺是在更低的延迟下提供更高的连接速度。蜂窝技术使用授权频段,可在很大程度上消除非授权WiFi 频段可能会发生的潜在干涉。像当前的 4G LTE 技术一样,5G 可以由蜂窝无线运营商提供或者构建专用网络。 +5G 对企业用户的承诺是在更低的延迟下提供更高的连接速度。蜂窝技术使用授权频段,可在很大程度上消除非授权 WiFi 频段可能会发生的潜在干涉。像当前的 4G LTE 技术一样,5G 可以由蜂窝无线运营商提供或者构建专用网络。 -The architecture for 5G requires many more radio access points and can suffer from poor or no connectivity indoors. So, the typical organization needs to assess its [current 4G and potential 5G service][4] for its PCs, routers and other devices. Deploying indoor microcells, repeaters and distributed antennas can help solve indoor 5G service issues. As with 4G, the best enterprise 5G use case is for truly mobile connectivity such as public safety vehicles and in non-carpeted environments like mining, oil and gas extraction, transportation, farming and some manufacturing. -5G的架构需要更多的无线接入点,并且在室内可能会出现连接质量较差或没有连接。因此,典型的组织需要为连接它的PC、路由器和其他设备评估其[当前4G和潜在5G服务配置。部署室内微蜂窝、中继器以及分布式天线可以帮助解决室内5G服务问题。与4G一样,5G 最佳的企业应用案例应该是用于真正的移动连接,例如公共安全车,以及未覆盖区域(如采矿,石油与天然气开采、运输,农业和一些制造业)。 +5G的架构需要更多的无线接入点,并且在室内可能会出现连接质量较差或没有连接。因此,典型的组织需要为连接它的PC、路由器和其他设备评估其 [当前 4G 和潜在 5G 服务配置][4]。部署室内微蜂窝、中继器以及分布式天线可以帮助解决室内 5G 服务问题。与 4G 一样,5G 最佳的企业应用案例应该是用于真正的移动连接,例如,公共安全车和未覆盖区域(如采矿,石油与天然气开采、运输,农业和一些制造业)。 -In addition to broad mobility, 5G offers advantages in terms of authentication while roaming and speed of deployment as might be needed to provide WAN connectivity to a pop-up office or retail site. 5G will have the capacity to offload traffic in cases of data congestion such as live video. As 5G standards mature, the technology will improve its options for low-power IoT connectivity. -除了广泛的移动能力,5G在漫游时的身份验证和部署速度方面也具有优势,这正好满足弹出式办公室或零售站点的广域网连接需求。在数据拥塞的情况下,5G将拥有分流的能力,例如,视频直播。随着5G标准的成熟,该技术将改善其低功耗IoT连接的选择。 +除了广泛的移动能力,5G 在漫游时的身份验证和部署速度方面也具有优势,这正好满足弹出式办公室或零售站点的广域网连接需求。在数据拥塞的情况下,5G 将拥有分流的能力,例如,视频直播。随着 5G 标准的成熟,该技术将提高其低功耗 IoT 连接的选择。 -5G will gradually roll out over the next four to five years starting in large cities and specific geographies; 4G technology will remain prevalent for a number of years. Enterprise users will need new devices, dongles and routers to connect to 5G services. For example, Apple iPhones are not expected to support 5G until 2020, and IoT devices will need specific cellular compatibility to connect to 5G. -未来四到五年内,5G将从大城市和特定地区开始逐步推出;4G技术将在未来数年内继续流行。企业用户将需要新的设备、加密狗和路由器来连接5G服务。例如,苹果的iPhone预计要到2020年才能支持5G,而物联网设备需要特定的蜂窝网络兼容性才能连接到5G。 +未来四到五年内,5G 将从大城市和特定地区开始逐步推出;4G 技术将在未来数年内继续流行。企业用户将需要新的设备、加密狗和路由器来连接 5G 服务。例如,苹果的 iPhone 预计要到 2020 年才能支持 5G,而物联网设备需要特定的蜂窝网络兼容性才能连接到 5G。 -Doyle Research expects the 1Gbps and higher bandwidth promised by 5G will have a significant impact on the SD-WAN market. 4G LTE already enables cellular services to become a primary WAN link. 5G is likely to be cost competitive or cheaper than many wired WAN options such as MPLS or the internet. 5G gives enterprise WAN managers more options to provide increased bandwidth to their branch sites and remote users – potentially displacing MPLS over time. -Doyle Research 预计 5G承诺的1Gbps和更高的带宽将对SD-WAN市场上产生重大影响。4G LTE已经使蜂窝服务成为主要的WAN连接。5G可能比许多有线WAN选项(例如MPLS或Internet)更具成本竞争力或更便宜。5G为企业WAN管理员提供了更多选择,为他们的分支站点和远程用户提供更多的带宽——随着时间的推移,或将取代MPLS。 +Doyle Research 预计 5G 承诺的 1Gbps 和更高的带宽将对 SD-WAN 市场产生重大影响。4G LTE 已经使蜂窝服务成为主要的 WAN 连接。5G 可能比许多有线 WAN 选项(例如 MPLS 或 Internet)更具成本竞争力或更便宜。5G 为企业 WAN 管理员提供了更多选择,为他们的分支站点和远程用户提供更多的带宽——随着时间的推移,或将取代 MPLS。 -### The potential for Wi-Fi 6 in enterprises -Wi-Fi 6 在企业中的潜力 +### Wi-Fi 6 在企业中的潜力 -Wi-Fi is nearly ubiquitous for connecting mobile laptops, tablets and other devices to enterprise networks. Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) is the latest version of Wi-Fi and brings the promise of increased speed, low latency, improved aggregate bandwidth and advanced traffic management. While it has some similarities with 5G (both are based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access), Wi-Fi 6 is less prone to interference, requires less power (which prolongs device battery life) and has improved spectral efficiency. -Wi-Fi几乎无处不在,它可以将便携式笔记本电脑,平板电脑和其他设备连接到企业网络中。 Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)是Wi-Fi的最新版本,并有望提高速度,降低延迟,改善聚合带宽并提供高级流量管理。 虽然Wi-Fi 6与5G有一些相似之处(两者均基于正交频分多址),但Wi-Fi 6不太容易受到干扰,能耗更低(延长设备电池的寿命),并提高了频谱效率。 +Wi-Fi 几乎无处不在,它可以将便携式笔记本电脑,平板电脑和其他设备连接到企业网络中。 Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)是 Wi-Fi 的最新版本,并有望提高速度,降低延迟,改善聚合带宽并提供高级流量管理。 虽然 Wi-Fi 6 与 5G 有一些相似之处(两者均基于正交频分多址),但 Wi-Fi 6 不太容易受到干扰,能耗更低(延长设备电池的寿命),并提高了频谱效率。 **[[Take this mobile device management course from PluralSight and learn how to secure devices in your company without degrading the user experience.][5] ]** -As is typical for Wi-Fi, early [vendor-specific versions of Wi-Fi 6][6] are currently available from many manufacturers. The Wi-Fi alliance plans for certification of Wi-Fi 6-standard gear in 2020. Most enterprises will upgrade to Wi-Fi 6 along standard access-point life cycles of three years or so unless they have specific performance/latency requirements that prompt an upgrade sooner. -与典型的Wi-Fi相同,早期[Wi-Fi 6厂商特供版] [6] 目前可从许多制造商处获得。 Wi-Fi联盟计划在2020年获得Wi-Fi 6标准设备的认证。大多数企业将按照标准接入点生命周期(三年左右)升级到Wi-Fi 6,除非他们有特定的性能/延迟要求,这将促使它们更快地升级。 +与典型的Wi-Fi相同,早期 [Wi-Fi 6 厂商特供版][6] 目前可从许多制造商处获得。 Wi-Fi 联盟计划在 2020 年获得 Wi-Fi 6 标准设备的认证。大多数企业将按照标准接入点生命周期(三年左右)升级到 Wi-Fi 6,除非他们有特定的性能/延迟要求,这将促使它们更快地升级。 -Wi-Fi access points continue to be subject to interference, and it can be challenging to design and site APs to provide appropriate coverage. Enterprise LAN managers will continue to need vendor-supplied tools and partners to configure optimal Wi-Fi coverage for their organizations. Wi-Fi 6 solutions must be integrated with wired campus infrastructure. Wi-Fi suppliers need to do a better job at providing unified network management across wireless and wired solutions in the enterprise. -Wi-Fi 接入点仍然受干涉的影响。设计和配置接入点以提供适当的覆盖范围将会是一项挑战。企业 LAN 管理者将继续需要供应商提供的工具和合作人来为组织配置最理想的 Wi-Fi 覆盖。Wi-Fi 6 解决方案必须与有线区域基础建设集成。Wi-Fi供应商需要更好地为企业提供无线和有线解决方案的统一网络管理。 +Wi-Fi 接入点仍然受干涉的影响。设计和配置接入点以提供适当的覆盖范围将会是一项挑战。企业 LAN 管理者将继续需要供应商提供的工具和合作人来为组织配置最理想的 Wi-Fi 覆盖。Wi-Fi 6 解决方案必须与有线区域基础建设集成。Wi-Fi 供应商需要更好地为企业提供无线和有线解决方案的统一网络管理。 -### Need for wired backhaul -有限回传的需求 +### 有限回传的需求 -For both technologies, wireless is combined with wired-network infrastructure to deliver high-speed communications end-to-end. In the enterprise, Wi-Fi is typically paired with wired Ethernet switches for campus and larger branches. Some devices are connected via cable to the switch, others via Wi-Fi – and laptops may use both methods. Wi-Fi access points are connected via Ethernet inside the enterprise and to the WAN or internet by fiber connections. -对于这两种技术,通过无线与有线网络基础设施相结合,可以提供端到端的高速通信。在企业中,Wi-Fi通常与区域和一些较大分支机构的有线以太网交换机搭配使用。一些设备通过电缆连接到交换机,其他设备则通过Wi-Fi连接,而笔记本电脑可能会同时采用这两种方法。Wi-Fi接入点通过企业内部的以太网连接,并通过光纤连接连接到WAN或Internet。 +对于这两种技术,通过无线与有线网络基础设施相结合,可以提供端到端的高速通信。在企业中,Wi-Fi 通常与区域和一些较大分支机构的有线以太网交换机搭配使用。一些设备通过电缆连接到交换机,其他设备则通过 Wi-Fi 连接,而笔记本电脑可能会同时采用这两种方法。Wi-Fi 接入点通过企业内部的以太网连接,并通过光纤连接连接到 WAN 或 Internet。 -The architecture for 5G makes extensive use of fiber optics to connect the distributed radio access network back to the core of the 5G network. Fiber is typically required to provide the high bandwidth needed to connect 5G endpoints to SaaS-based applications, and to provide live video and high-speed internet access. Private 5G networks will also have to meet high-speed wired-connectivity requirements. -5G架构广泛使用光纤,将分布式无线接入网络连接回5G网络的核心。光纤通常需要提供将5G端点连接到基于SaaS的应用程序所需的高带宽,并提供实时视频和高速Internet访问。专用5G网络也必须满足高速有线连接要求。 +5G 架构广泛使用光纤,将分布式无线接入网络连接回 5G 网络的核心。光纤通常需要提供将 5G 端点连接到基于 SaaS 的应用程序所需的高带宽,并提供实时视频和高速 Internet 访问。专用 5G 网络也必须满足高速有线连接要求。 -### Handoff issues -切换问题 +### 切换问题 -Enterprise IT managers need to be concerned with handoff challenges as phones switch between 5G and Wi-Fi 6. These issues can affect performance and user satisfaction. Several groups are working towards standards to promote better interoperability between Wi-Fi 6 and 5G. As the architectures of Wi-Fi 6 align with 5G, the experience of moving between cellular and Wi-Fi networks should become more seamless. -随着手机在5G和Wi-Fi 6之间切换,企业IT经理要注意到切换挑战。这些问题会影响到性能和用户满意度。一些组织正在努力制定标准,以促进Wi-Fi 6和5G间更好的互操作性。 -由于Wi-Fi 6的架构与5G一致,蜂窝网络与Wi-Fi网络间的体验应该更加天衣无缝。 +随着手机在 5G 和 Wi-Fi 6 之间切换,企业 IT 管理者要注意到切换挑战。这些问题会影响到性能和用户满意度。一些组织正在努力制定标准,以促进 Wi-Fi 6 和 5G 间更好的互操作性。 +由于 Wi-Fi 6 的架构与 5G 一致,蜂窝网络与 Wi-Fi 网络间的体验应该更加天衣无缝。 -### 5G vs Wi-Fi 6 depends on locations, applications and devices -5G vs Wi-Fi 6取决于位置,应用和设备 +### 5G vs Wi-Fi 6 取决于位置,应用和设备 -Wi-Fi 6 and 5G are competitive with each other for specific situations in the enterprise environment that depend on location, application and device type. IT managers should carefully evaluate their current and emerging connectivity requirements. Wi-Fi will continue to dominate indoor environments and cellular wins for broad outdoor coverage. -Wi-Fi 6和5G在企业环境中的特定情况下(这取决于位置、应用程序和设备类型)相互竞争。IT管理者应该仔细评估他们当前和正在出现的连接性需求。Wi-Fi将继续占领室内环境优势,而移动蜂窝网络将赢得更为广泛的室外覆盖。 +Wi-Fi 6 和 5G 在企业环境中的特定情况下(这取决于位置、应用程序和设备类型)相互竞争。IT 管理者应该仔细评估他们当前和正在出现的连接性需求。Wi-Fi 将继续占领室内环境优势,而移动蜂窝网络将赢得更为广泛的室外覆盖。 Some of the overlap cases occur in stadiums, hospitality and other large event spaces with many users competing for bandwidth. Government applications, including aspect of smart cities, can be applicable to both Wi-Fi and cellular. Health care facilities have many distributed medical devices and users that need connectivity. Large distributed manufacturing environments share similar characteristics. The emerging IoT deployments are perhaps the most interesting “competitive” environment with many overlapping use cases. 一些重叠的情况发生在体育场馆、酒店和其他大型活动场所,许多用户将争夺带宽。政府应用(包括智能城市方面)可适用于Wi-Fi和蜂窝。医疗保健设施中有许多分布式医疗设备和需要连接的用户。大型分布式制造环境具有相似的特点。新兴的物联网应用环境可能是最有趣的“重叠使用案例”。 -### Recommendations for IT Leaders -对于IT 领导者的建议 +### 对于IT 领导者的建议 -While the wireless technologies enabling them are converging, Wi-Fi 6 and 5G are fundamentally distinct networks – both of which have their role in enterprise connectivity. Enterprise IT leaders should focus on how Wi-Fi and cellular can complement each other, with Wi-Fi continuing as the in-building technology to connect PCs and laptops, offload phone and tablet data, and for some IoT connectivity. -虽然支持它们的无线技术正在融合,但Wi-Fi 6和5G是根本不同的网络,在企业连接中都有各自的作用。企业IT领导者应关注Wi-Fi和蜂窝网络如何相互补足,Wi-Fi将继续作为内置技术,连接pc和笔记本电脑,卸载手机和平板电脑数据,并实现一些物联网连接。 +虽然支持它们的无线技术正在融合,但 Wi-Fi 6 和 5G 是根本不同的网络,在企业连接中都有各自的作用。企业IT领导者应关注 Wi-Fi 和蜂窝网络如何相互补足,Wi-Fi 将继续作为内置技术,连接 pc 和笔记本电脑,卸载手机和平板电脑数据,并实现一些物联网连接。 -4G LTE moving to 5G will remain the truly mobile technology for phone and tablet connectivity, an option (via dongle) for PC connections, and increasingly popular for connecting some IoT devices. 5G WAN links will increasingly become standard as a backup for improved SD-WAN reliability and as primary links for remote offices. -4G LTE升级到5G仍将是手机和平板电脑连接的真正移动技术,也是PC连接的一种选择(通过加密狗),并在连接一些物联网设备方面越来越受欢迎。5G WAN链路将日益成为标准,作为提高SD-WAN可靠性的备份和远程办公室的主要链路。 +4G LTE 升级到 5G 仍将是手机和平板电脑连接的真正移动技术,也是 PC 连接的一种选择(通过加密狗),并在连接一些物联网设备方面越来越受欢迎。5G WAN 链路将日益成为标准,作为提高 SD-WAN 可靠性的备份和远程办公室的主要链路。 Join the Network World communities on [Facebook][7] and [LinkedIn][8] to comment on topics that are top of mind.