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published/20 Amazing Linux Blogs For Beginners.md
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published/20 Amazing Linux Blogs For Beginners.md
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
初学者福利 —— 20 个超赞的 Linux 博客
你是刚刚开启 Linux 开源世界奇幻旅程的新人还是寻求灵感的老鸟?不论你是谁,博客都能给你提供一站式服务,满足你的所有需要。博客是一种言辞简洁格式清晰的信息来源,这些信息都源于现实世界里像你我一样乐于帮助他人掌握知识的人。
2.[Mark shuttleworth's Official Blog][2]
3.[Ubuntu Living][3]
4.[Planet Gnome][4]
5.[Planet KDE][5]
6.[Linux Tracker][6]
7.[Linux Watch][7]
8.[Mandriva Blog][8]
9.[Linux Security][9]
10.[Linux on Desktop][10]
12.[All for Linux][12]
13.[Linux from Scratch][13]
15.[Linux Home Networking][15]
18.[Linux Journal][18]
19.[Linux Street][19]
20.[Linux Hub][20]
via: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=144715
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
CoreOS Linux结束升级周期
CoreOS Linux终结升级周期
> CoreOS发布了他的Linux发行版的商用支持版,并且宣称将废除手动更新。
@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ CoreOS提供其同名的Linux发行版做为商业服务,开始为一个月100
商业Linux订阅并不是什么新鲜事:[Red Hat][2]和[Suse][3]都在为他们各自的发行版提供商业订阅。
@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ CoreOS周一还宣布他们收到了来自Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers风
Joab Jackson负责IDG新闻服务机构中企业软件和通用技术的新闻。Twitter上关注Joab[@Joab_Jackson][6]。Joab的电子邮箱地址是[Joab_Jackson@idg.com][7]
作者Joab Jackson负责IDG新闻服务机构中企业软件和通用技术的新闻。Twitter上关注Joab[@Joab_Jackson][6]。Joab的电子邮箱地址是[Joab_Jackson@idg.com][7]
via: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9249460/CoreOS_Linux_ending_the_upgrade_cycle?taxonomyId=122
译者:[linuhap](https://github.com/linuhap) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[linuhap](https://github.com/linuhap) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
published/20140723 110 Fun Open Source Games and Apps.md
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published/20140723 110 Fun Open Source Games and Apps.md
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@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
translating by disylee 20140701
110 Fun Open Source Games and Apps
### 街机游戏 ###
#### 1. [安迪的超级大公园][2] ####
#### 2. [Armagetron Advanced][3] ####
一个3D复刻电影《创(Tron)》的游戏,这个游戏的挑战是让你操控你的轻型摩托,让对手们比你自己更早地撞上墙。它支持单机模式和最多可16人参与的网络模式。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux,OS X或者安卓。
#### 3. [BZFlag][4] ####
也就是众所周知的“战场夺旗”,BZflag是一个热门的在线坦克游戏。它自1992年开始开发,现在具备了3D画面、多种游戏模式和多人竞争比赛等特性。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux,OS X或者安卓。
#### 4. [Chromium B.S.U.] [5] ####
#### 5. [埃德加的传说][6] ####
埃德加的传说是一个老式平台的游戏,主角必须通过克服障碍、打倒敌人来完成他的任务。它包含了许多不同的武器和大量的关卡。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 6. [JVGS][7] ####
比起非常精细的画面,JVGS选择了采用最抽象的方式,用简笔画风格贯穿全部画面,看起来就像使用铅笔手工绘制而成。在这个不寻常的游戏中,主角是一个失去记忆的诗人。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 7. [失重][8] ####
这个以太空为背景的街机射击游戏,带领玩家前往8002年的未来,在未来世界中他们必须完成各种各样的任务。可以一提的是,这个游戏也可以在安卓和IOS中使用,但并不是免费的。适用操作系统有:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 8. [开源索尼克][9] ####
在刺猬索尼克游戏的基础上,开源索尼克新增了协作的玩法,即玩家用户可以同时控制3个角色。原始的游戏版本只有两个关卡,但是很多游戏粉丝们已经创建了不少可玩的额外模组。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 9. [Powermanga][10] ####
#### 10. [焦土战争3D][11] ####
焦土战争3D是DOS游戏《焦土战争》的一个现代重制版,最引人瞩目的是它出色的画面。你可以玩单机模式,或者连接到它的许多网络服务器之一,来进行多玩家联机模式。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 11. [索尼克机器大战 2][12] ####
#### 12. [超级Tux][13] ####
超级Tux很像经典的马里奥兄弟游戏,不过是以Linux的小企鹅Tux作为主人公。这是一个2D横向卷轴的平台游戏,其中有9种不同的敌人和26个关卡可以玩。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 13. [Those Funny Funguloids][14] ####
#### 14. [Teeworlds][15] ####
这个在线游戏将自己描述成一个“怀旧多人射击游戏”。它是一个横向卷轴的2D游戏,可支持多达16名玩家和许多不同的游戏模式。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 15. [X摩托][16] ####
在这个游戏中,你要骑着一辆摩托车闯过一个横向卷轴地图,同时收集草莓并躲开凶残的“肇事者”。它玩起来比看起来要难!适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 16. [鼯鼠弗兰基!][17] ####
使用Blender开源3D动画工具开发,鼯鼠弗兰基的特色是角色来源于开源电影Peach。玩家必须操控弗兰基——一只蜜袋鼯鼠,或者Momo——一只猴子,在非常精美的3D环境中跳过、绕过或者穿过各种障碍物。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 棋盘游戏 ###
#### 17. [统治][18] ####
基于Java的《统治》为你的PC或安卓设备带来了棋盘游戏《Risk》。最新版本中通过谷歌游戏服务的支持,让你能与你的Google+好友们进行实时的多人游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux, OS X和 Android.
#### 18. [GNU 西洋双陆棋][19] ####
这个“世界级”的西洋双陆棋引擎,当你每次挑战它的时候,它都会变得更强,并且它能够分析你的战术来帮助你玩得更好。它的界面很棒,并且还支持个性化定制。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 19. [3D 拼字游戏][20] ####
在这个拼字游戏的变体版本中,你可以选择自己的图板——经典版、超级拼字版、3D拼字版或者你自定义的图板。玩家可以与AI对战,或者连接到在线服务器上进行多人游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 20. [PokerTH][21] ####
这个高品质的德州扑克应用程序拥有优秀的、可定制的界面。想要在线玩并看看你相对于其他玩家的排名,可以前往[Poker-Heroes.com][112]在线注册。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X,Android系统。
#### 21. [PySolFC][22] ####
你知道单人纸牌游戏有超过1000种玩法吗?这个大合辑包含“使用52张纸牌的国际标准纸牌游戏、使用78张纸牌的塔罗纸牌游戏、8张或10张一套的印度双骰游戏、花札游戏、矩阵游戏、麻将游戏和一种原创的基于十六进制的纸牌游戏”。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 休闲解谜游戏 ###
#### 22. [2048][23] ####
#### 23. [台球][24] ####
#### 24. [立方体列车][25] ####
铺设铁轨来连接隧道和桥梁,同时采取各种策略绕过障碍物。你可以挑战其中大量的内置关卡,或者自己创建一个。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux或者OS X。
#### 25. [Enigma][26] ####
类似于以前《Oxyd and Rock'n'Roll》系列游戏,《Enigma》让玩家挑战从迷宫、陷阱、激光束和其它障碍之间找出配对的石头。这个游戏拥有1000多个关卡,这是一款能让你沉迷很长很长时间的解密游戏。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 26. [Fish Fillets NG][27] ####
在这个解谜游戏中,玩家必须尝试在70个关卡中分别找到一条安全的通关路径。一路上,鱼类和其它水下居民会对玩家的操作提出幽默的解说。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 27. [冰冻泡泡][28] ####
#### 28. [GnomeGames][29] ####
#### 29. [番茄炸弹超人][30] ####
10分钟内,你能够粉碎多少个西红柿?这个“特别闲的时候玩的东西”和《Those Funny Funguloids》由同一个的团队打造。适用操作系统: Windows和 Linux.
#### 30. [KDE 游戏][31] ####
#### 31. [Neverball][32] ####
在这个游戏中,玩家必须倾斜地板去引导球通过障碍场地。这个游戏包括许多关卡,并且你可以设计自己的关卡。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X。
#### 32. [疯狂小企鹅][33] ####
在90年代时,你是否曾经花费数个小时去玩《疯狂小旅鼠》?如果是这样的话,《疯狂小企鹅》就是为你而设计的。它是《疯狂小旅鼠》的一个复刻版(使用企鹅替代了旅鼠),有77个关卡。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 33. [推倒][34] ####
#### 34. [Zaz][35] ####
### 益智游戏 ###
#### 35. [ChildsPlay][36] ####
《ChildsPlay》专为5岁及以下的儿童设计,能够帮助指导他们发音、字母、数字和基础的键盘技巧。它也包括了一些游戏,例如记忆游戏、打砖块和吃豆豆。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 36. [GBrainy][37] ####
通过《GBrainy》中的逻辑、词汇、数学和记忆游戏,来锻炼你的思维。它对于所有年龄段的玩家来说,都会十分有趣并且有益头脑。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 37. [GCompris][38] ####
#### 38. [TuxMath][39] ####
在即将到来的彗星杀死企鹅之前迅速地解决数学问题。这个简单的游戏能够强化小学年龄段学生们的数学能力。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 第一人称射击游戏 ###
#### 39. [外星人竞技场][40] ####
被设计为“以弹药对抗弹药”的《外星人竞技场》是有着复古科幻主题的一场紧张的死亡竞争射击枪战。许多不同的网站为联机游戏提供了托管服务器,也有很多记录了各种游戏技巧等等的粉丝网站。适用操作系统:Linux, Windows和 OS X.
#### 40. [AssaultCube][41] ####
因其轻量级,即使拥有非常不错的真实感画面,AssaultCube仍然能在更旧的硬件设备上运行。它支持单人和多人游戏,包括了26张不同的地图和12种不同的游戏模式。适用操作系统:Linux,Wwindows和OS X。
#### 41. [经典 Nexuiz][42] ####
下载量超过600万次,《Nexuiz》是最热门的开源射击游戏之一。几年前,该游戏发布了一个新的闭源版本,不过你仍然可以通过上面的链接从SourceForge下载经典版本。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 42. [OpenArena][43] ####
这个多人游戏是雷神之锤3竞技场的复刻,特色是拥有13种不同的武器、51个竞技场、18个玩家角色和12种游戏类型。该项目的拥有者发出警告,“由于暴力和偶尔的不健康内容,它不适合17岁以下的孩子玩”。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 43. [红食][44] ####
这个休闲的第一人称射击游戏获得了极高的评价。其特色是包含跑酷、冲撞、冲刺要素,拥有多种游戏模式和一个内置的关卡编辑器。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 44. [Tremulous][45] ####
这个屡获殊荣的游戏是将即时战略游戏元素和第一视角射击游戏混合而成。玩家可以选择扮演外星人或者人类,目标则始终是消灭其它队的对手。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux, OS X和 XBox.
#### 45. [TrueCombat][46] ####
《TrueCombat》宣称要成为“也许永远是最好的免费写实系战术射击游戏”。这是一个敌对双方进行对抗战的现代背景战斗模拟器。请注意,为了使用它,你还需要安装《重返德军总部:深入敌后(见下)》。操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X。
#### 46. [Unvanquished][47] ####
从《Tremulous》分支出来,《Unvanquished》专注于“科技高度发展的人类对抗适应能力超强的外星人群体”。它正处于积极开发中,每个月都会发布新版本。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X。
#### 47. [Warsow][48] ####
这款自称在“Web上节奏最快的运动游戏”,Warsow是一个卡通风格的射击游戏,它的特色是”手持火箭炮的猪和扛着激光器赛博朋克风人物”。于大多数射击游戏的不同之处是,它并未充斥着血和内脏,并将游戏重心放在了移动上。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS x.
#### 48. [重返德军总部:深入敌后][49]
虽然已经有不少专攻德军总部的游戏,不过这一个是开源的。这是一个背景为第二次世界大战时代的游戏,当时轴心国正与盟军对抗。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux,OS X。
#### 49. [扁蝠侠的世界][50] ####
#### 50. [Xonotic][51] ####
Xonotic是源于经典版《Nexuiz》的分支。它拥有超过22种不同的地图,16种武器和大量不同的游戏模式。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 51. [零弹道][52] ####
一部分是第一人称射击,一部分是坦克大战,零弹道的游戏背景设计在一个风景如画的山区环境中,并已经拥有超过81个坦克体系可用。可以进行死亡竞赛、团队死亡竞赛或独特的beaconstrike模式。适用操作系统:Windows、Linux 和 OS X。
### 音乐游戏 ###
#### 52. [Frets on Fire][53] ####
Frets on Fire这个游戏很像《吉它英雄》,它甚至能够使用《吉它英雄》的歌曲来玩(当然其它歌曲也同样可用)。不必为自己没有一个吉它控制器而担心——你也可以用键盘来玩。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 53. [StepMania][54] ####
这是一个免费版的《Dance Dance Revolution》,它让玩家尝试挑战跟上乐曲的节拍。你既可以使用跳舞毯(如果你有的话)来跳,也可以只用键盘来玩。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux/Unix, OS X或者 XBox.
#### 54. [Ultrastar Deluxe][55] ####
如果卡拉OK是你的菜,那么你也应该会喜欢《Ultrastar Deluxe》。在这个游戏中,你必须以准确的调子和正确的节拍独立去唱歌。它包含了超过10000歌曲。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和OS X.
### 竞速游戏 ###
#### 55. [Extreme Tux Racer][56] ####
《[Tux Racer][113]》是一款早年广受欢迎的游戏,其特色是Linux的小企鹅Tux用肚皮从山坡上滑下。《Extreme Tux Racer》为如今的游戏玩家升级了这款经典游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 56. [竞速梦想][57] ####
这个自动赛车游戏《TORCS》(见下文)分支版本的特色,是拥有更好的UI界面以及许多新车和赛道。与《TORCS》同样,其视觉效果非常出色。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 57. [SuperTuxKart][58] ####
这款卡通风格赛车游戏的特点是让Linux小企鹅Tux与它的小伙伴们来驾驶卡丁车。引导它们沿着赛道前进,同时避开一堆障碍物的撞击吧。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 58. [TORCS][59] ####
TROCS是"The Open Racing Care Simulator”的缩写,它是一款已有大量粉丝基础的杰出的写实系赛车游戏。单独赛车或与众多赛道之一上的朋友们竞赛都是可选的。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 59. [无限特技飞车][60] ####
由经典DOS游戏《特技飞车》启发,《无限特技飞车》要求玩家超控车辆越过毁坏的桥梁、跳台、圆环、螺旋及其它障碍。它提供了设计你独有赛道的选项,允许你来创造需要更加疯狂特技的赛道。操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 60. [VDrift][61] ####
作为一款竞速赛车的模拟所能做到的极致,VDrift以一个真实的物理引擎带领玩家们来到了漂移赛车的世界。它包含了超过45种车辆,超过45条赛道,并且对大量种类的游戏控制器提供了支持。适用操作系统Windows,Linux,OS X。
### 角色扮演和冒险游戏 ###
#### 61. [穿越火线][62] ####
有时被形容为《NetHack》和《Gauntlet》的结合,《穿越火线》是一款画面十分旧派的街机冒险游戏。它拥有超过3000张不同的地图和超过150种不同的怪物。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 62. [Epic Inventor][63] ####
Epic Inventor将自己描述为一款"横向卷轴动作RPG"。它在简约、像素风格的画面和开放性上类似于Minecraft。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 63[Excalibur: Morganna's Revenge] [64] ####
这部穿越时空的史诗级大作,让你扮演一位未来世界的太空陆战队员,必须穿越回到亚瑟王和卡梅洛特城的年代。它的画面表现并没什么特别出彩之处(想想 Minecraft),但是故事情节和游戏性都很赞。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 64. [Flare][65] ####
灵感来源于《暗黑破坏神》,这个角色扮演游戏将重心放在了战斗上。它目前还只发布了alpha版本,不过已经可以玩。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 65. [Lips of Suna][66] ####
仅供成年人玩的这款"半开玩笑的动作RPG"充满了“暴力、黄段子、裸体以及其它你大概再也不会在别的游戏中看到的主题”。它提供了大量的操作和不断变化的场景。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 66. [The Mana World][67] ####
这是一款大型的多人网络角色扮演游戏(MMORPG),但其实没有想象中那么大规模。(在我写下这段文字的时候有31个人正在玩这个游戏。)不过,它仍然是一个很好的尝试,去创造了一个充满怪物、任务和小游戏并不断扩大的世界。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 67. [NetHack][68] ####
游戏史上经典之一,NetHack是一款画面十分简约的复杂地图探索游戏。它被称为有史以来最好的100个视频游戏之一。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux, 和经典Mac.
#### 68. [PlaneShift][69] ####
游戏背景设在一个名为Yliakum的奇幻世界,这个独特的在线角色扮演游戏的特色,是有10个不同的种族和一个拥有自己经济、政府、宗教和法律的发达世界。虽然已经可玩,不过这款游戏还处在开发早期阶段。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 69. [Ryzom][70] ####
作为较好的开源MMORPG之一,已获赞誉的《Ryzom》将世界观设在名为Atys的树状星球上,其上有许多不同种族生存交流,并且有时会发生冲突。你可以免费来玩,不过那些选择了捐赠款项的玩家会得到一些额外的特别福利。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 70. [Stendhal][71] ####
解决难题,或只是简单地伸出援手"。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 71. [Summoning Wars][72] ####
可允许最多8人一起玩的奇幻角色扮演游戏。在Youtube上有一个该作的[预告片][114],让你能够看到它的运行效果。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 模拟游戏 ###
#### 72. [FlightGear][73] ####
极其写实的《FlightGear》,是一款顶尖的飞行模拟器,甚至能匹敌专业软件。它包含了整个世界的精确地形,以及20,000多个机场和众多飞机的逼真模型。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux, OS X和其它。
#### 73. [Golems][74] ####
有了这个物理模拟器,你可以创建任何你想创建的东西,并观察它在真实世界中将会有何表现。它在帮助学习基础机械、制造机器人、以及发明各种玩意上真是太棒了。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 74. [LinCity NG][75] ####
在原本的《模拟城市》基础上,《LinCity NG》让玩家挑战去建造一个拥有繁荣经济的可持续发展大都市。需要注意的是,由于这个游戏是基于早年的代码,他的画面更接近早期的DOS游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 75. [Micropolis/OLPC SimCity][76] ####
另一款《模拟城市》的模仿作,Micropolis是一个基于Java开发的城市模拟器。它同样也是以相当老派的画面为特性,而不是像较新的城市模拟游戏那样采用3D画面。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 76. [Minetest][77] ####
与《Minecraft》极其相似,《Minetest》的游戏背景被设置一个拥有各种基础搭建模块的无垠世界中。玩家可以探索、挖掘或加工一些自己需要的新物件。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 77. [Pioneer][78] ####
《Pioneer》将自己描述为“一个孤独的太空冒险游戏”。它将玩家传送到一个开放的世界中,在这个世界里他们可以决定他们想做什么以及去哪里。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 78. [Oolite][79] ####
基于《Elite》的《Oolite》是一个太空模拟器,在其中你可以与其他航天员进行进行交易或卷入一场战斗。这个游戏已经存在了相当长的时间,有许多扩展包可以使用。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 79. [OpenCity][80] ####
这款3D城市模拟游戏并不打算成为《模拟城市》的复刻版,不过还是提供了一种类似的玩法。它还相当基础,不过已经可玩。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 80. [OpenTTD][81] ####
基于《运输大亨Deluxe》,OpenTTD邀请玩家去建立一个运输帝国。它可同时支持多达255个玩家,并且在原本的TTD基础上以许多方式进行了改善。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 81. [Rigs of Rods][82] ####
这款拥有独有的“软体”物理引擎的交通工具模拟游戏,享有十分活跃而热情的粉丝基础。使用它来创造海陆空的交通工具,并驾驶他们前往或飞往全国各地吧。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 82. [模拟交通][83] ####
这款交通模拟游戏支持连接到遍布世界的游戏服务器进行联网游戏。使用大巴、卡车、火车、电车、船只、飞机、单轨铁车、磁悬浮列车或者其它交通工具将人们或者货物运送到他们想抵达的地方去。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 83. [Vega Strike][84] ####
这是另一款可以让你在跨越星系进行交易或战斗的太空模拟游戏。你既可以选择沿贸易路线飞行、接受赏金猎人任务、转行当海盗,也可以仅仅只是探索浩瀚的太空。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 战略游戏 ###
#### 84. [0 A.D.][85] ####
在当前的第16个alpha发布版中,0 A.D.是一个优秀的致力于还原历史的文明建设类游戏。玩家可以选择迦太基人、凯尔特人、希腊人、伊比利亚人、孔雀王朝时代的古印度人、波斯人或罗马人进行游戏。适用操作系统:Linux, Windows 和 OS X.
#### 85. [Advanced Strategic Command][86] ####
这款回合制战略游戏基于《战岛》系列游戏。玩家们在格子型的地图上战斗,可选单机游戏模式或者多人游戏模式。适用操作系统:Windows 和 Linux.
#### 86. [韦诺之战][87] ####
这款回合制战术策略游戏让玩家置身于神话世界,并在其中为争夺王位而战。兽人、精灵、巫师以及上百种其他类似的奇幻角色共同居住于这一巨大的环境之中。支持单人游戏和多人游戏。适用操作系统:Linux,Windows,OS X,IOS。
#### 87. [BosWars][88] ####
这款未来风的实时战略游戏需要玩家去建设能源存储设施和经济体系,来支持其军事战斗。玩家可以与电脑对战,或通过局域网来进行多人游戏。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux,BSD,OS X。
#### 88. [CommanderStalin][89] ####
#### 89. [FreeCol][90] ####
受到《Colonization》和《文明》这两款游戏的启发,《FreeCol》是一款回合制文明建设战略游戏。你将从1492年的新大陆开始游戏,最终依靠自由宣言建立一个独立的国家获得胜利。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 90. [FreeCiv][91] ####
同样也是受到《文明》的启发,这款回合制战略游戏将从石器时代开始,并结束于太空时代。它包含50种可操控单位和541个国家,并附带了许多各种可玩的剧本。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 91. [FreeOrion][92] ####
虽然它并不是复刻或重制,《FreeOrion》大体上还是基于《银河霸主》系列游戏的。它是一款以太空为背景的回合制战略游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 92. [Glest][93] ####
这款实时战略游戏中,科技的力量与魔法的力量进行着大战。虽然它仍然提供下载,但是现在大多数的Linux发行版本包含的是它的分支版本《Megaglest》(见下文),而不是这个更旧点儿的项目。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 93. [Globulation 2][94] ####
这个实时文明建设战略游戏旨在减少微观管理、允许玩家将精力集中于战略上。支持单机或多人游戏,并且还有关卡编辑器。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 94. [刺猬大作战][95] ####
比较轻松的战略游戏之一,《刺猬大作战》的特色是以“模样滑稽的粉色刺猬们拥有着能从地狱一路战斗至太空般的气势”,支持31种环境,48套既有地图,可无限随机生成的地图,55种武器,280种服装,并且能支持多达8个玩家。适用操作系统:Linux, OS X和iOS.
#### 95. [Kernel Panic][96] ####
以数码空间为背景的《Kernel Panic》是一款有着与《创》相似画面风格的实时战略游戏。所有资源都是免费的,因此玩家不必在经济建设上耗费心思——只需专注与其他骇客在网络中战斗。适用操作系统:Linux和 Windows。
#### 96. [Liquid War][97] ####
追溯至2002年时,《Liquid War》被评为最“最新颖的Linux游戏”,并且如今仍然值得一玩。为了吞噬敌人而操控一支你的液体大军吧。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 97. [MegaGlest][98] ####
这个《Glest》的分支版本在原来的科技与魔法之外增加了5个新的队伍:埃及,印度,挪威,波斯和罗马。它提供了17种不同的地图类型,有单机和多人游戏模式,并为新手提供了教程。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 98. [不列颠治下和平][99] ####
这款潜艇战略游戏最多可支持4名玩家适用同一块键盘同时战斗。操作非常简单易学(你只需使用一个按钮),不过游戏过程可以玩得非常激烈。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 99. [Spring: 1944][100] ####
#### 100. [不明飞行物:异形入侵][101] ####
在未来的70年中,一个秘密组织为了从凶恶外星人的侵略之中保护地球而战。玩家可在单机或多人战斗中扮演人类或者外星人。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 101. [Unknown Horizons][102] ####
在这个文明建设战略游戏中,核心是建立一个强大的经济体制。刚开始游戏时,你身在一个孤岛之上,只有屈指可数的移民和资源,需要去努力建造一个欣欣向荣的城市。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 102. [战争地带2100][103] ####
你能在核破坏后重建地球吗?这个游戏提供了一棵非常庞大的科技树,并支持单人模式或者多人模式。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux,和OS X.
#### 103. [Widelands][104] ####
受《工人物语2》启发,《Widelands》又是一款让玩家挑战去建立文明的实时战略游戏。它的特色是具有3种部落——野蛮人、帝国人和亚特兰蒂斯人,并且与大多数文明游戏不同,玩家不需要告知每个单位去做什么,而是下达命令、指派代表,更接近一个现实中的统治者。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 104. [Zero-K][105] ####
在这个快速移动的实时战略游戏中,机器人军队进行着一场永无休止的战斗。主要特性是包含超过100种不同的单位、现代化的经济体系、逼真的物理引擎、地球化等等。适用操作系统: Windows和 Linux.
#### 105. [Zombies][106] ####
你能够在在僵尸杀了你之前杀死所有僵尸吗?这款回合制的游戏拥有令人上瘾的游戏过程,以及允许玩家决定血腥程度的设置。适用操作系统:OS X、
### 有趣的非游戏类 ###
#### 106. [Celestia][107] ####
对于天文学爱好者和以宇航员为目标的人来说,这款软件无疑是至臻完美的,《Celestia》能够让你看到在已知的宇宙中任何时间、任何地点上看到的星空。用它进行一场前往木星的快速旅行,或为你夜晚的观测画出星图吧。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 107. [Electric Sheep][108] ####
受到Philip K. Dick的小说《机器人会梦见电子羊吗?》的启发,这个屏保将你的系统与数以千计的其它系统连接,来创建抽象的图案和花纹。投票支持你喜欢的图案,它们便会出现得更频繁一些。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux, OS X, 安卓和 iOS.
#### 108. [LCARS 24][109] ####
如果你家里有一台旧的PC(谁没有呢),何不把它变成一个《星际迷航》主题的交互工具。有了这个应用,你就能得到一个看起来就像是从进取号上拆下来的闹钟和文件管理器。适用操作系统:Windows和 DOS.
#### 109. [Stellarium][110] ####
把你的PC变成一个天文馆。《Stellarium》能够展示地球上任何时间任何地点看到的夜空,并且它也被许多天文馆采用来增强他们的展示。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 110. [Tux Paint][111] ####
《Tux Paint》让学龄前儿童在电脑上创作自己的“图画”变得更加容易。它的特色是拥有一个有大按钮、有趣音效和友好角色的用户界面。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
via: http://www.datamation.com/open-source/110-fun-open-source-games-and-apps-1.html
译者:[disylee](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[ReiNoir](https://github.com/reinoir)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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> 本文讨论Linux桌面一些最优秀浏览器的优缺点,讨论对象包括Firefox,Chrome和其它浏览器。
### **Firefox** ###
– [Firefox][1]成为一款Linux用户友好的浏览器已经很长时间了。 它在32位和64位的Linux上都可用,同时Firefox提供丰富的扩展程序可供选择。它是一款装载快速,易于使用的浏览器,在Linux用户中很流行。
**优点**: 如果Firefox没有被预装在某个Linux发行版的话,它也能很方便地从大多数常见Linux软件仓库中安装。上千种供选择的扩展程序可以让你的firefox极富个性化。几乎能够合适地渲染所有的 网页(包括政府网站和银行网站)。
**缺点**: 不久之前,我发现Firefox的频繁更新会破坏我的扩展程序。这就意味着每次在我更新Firefox前得检查我最喜欢的一些扩展程序是否与新的Firefox兼容。
### **Chrome/Chromium** ###
– Google升级它的浏览器为[Chrome][2],然而自从[Chromium][3]被作为Chrome的开发基础后我就倾向于把Chromium和Chrome视为一类。不像Firefox,Chrome/Chromium进入Linux比较晚,直到Chrome被大多数人意识到是最快的浏览器后Linux使用者才觉得它值得一试。
**优点**: 即使是在今天,Chrome也是超快的。虽然最近很多浏览器的升级使它有了竞争对手,但在速度方面Chrome/Chrommium还从未输过。Chrome/Chromium支持的扩展程序数量丰富甚至质量更好,而且升级Chrome/Chromium对它的扩展程序并没有影响。这就意味着,不像Firefox,我不需要去处理扩展程序的不兼容性。和Firefox一样,Chrome/Chromium也有内嵌入浏览器的元素检查工具。和其它浏览器一起试验同步功能后,只有Chrome/Chromium 证明了它是安全可靠的。在我看来,Chrome/Chromium的同步功能毫无疑问是众多浏览器中最好的。
**缺点**: Chrome/Chromium有时候不能正确地渲染网页。有这样一些很少见的情形,一些网站比如Ebay不能被正确地渲染。举个例子,假如我在新建一个Ebay提交,有时候会缺少某些网页按钮。我还发现有时候当一个打开的标签页正在执行大型脚本时Chrome/Chromium会完全卡住。比如Google Plus 和 Facebook这样的网站就是最常见的例子。
### **Qupzilla** ###
– 说到轻量级浏览器时,我认为[Qupzilla][4]是最棒的。基于webkit,它能在很小的资源占用下提供相当好的网页渲染支持。
**优点**: 如果你需要一款现代化的能正确渲染网页,并大体上能提供可靠的网络浏览体验的浏览器,那么对于轻量的桌面环境来说,Qupzilla是你的理想选择。它相当轻巧,能够在老计算机上非常稳定地运行。Qupzilla预装了Access keys 和 [GreaseMonkey][5]插件(但没有被启用)。
**缺点**: HTML5 “视频”标签在Qupzilla上好像无法可靠地运行。而且,为了观看Flash视频,你得进入首选项并且在Webkit插件区域的扩展程序中钩去Click to Flash选项, 在HTML5 “视频”标签还是完全损坏的情况下,这个未经深思熟虑的设计实质上使得Flash无法直接播放。
### **Midori** ###
– 我喜欢把[Midori][7]叫做轻量级的Chrome。和Goolge的浏览器一样,Midori通过它的“汉堡式”菜单给用户提供极简风格的体验,汉堡式菜单相当棒因为它占用的浏览器空间更少。在没有其它浏览器信条的情况下你不仅能获得稳定的上网体验,而且Midori也是相当快速。
**优点**: Midori快速,轻量,接近于开箱即用。它能够正确地渲染网页而且能够很好地浏览像YOUTUBE一样的网站。我认为Midori最棒的地方就是内嵌入浏览器的浏览器设置功能和网页应用快捷方式。举个例子,你可以很简单地在你的桌面上建立一个Gmail或Facebook的快捷方式。你也可以创建另外的浏览器设置,而不用新建立一个Linux用户帐号。
**缺点**: 虽然也提到过Midori的用户扩展程序,但可用的扩展程序并不出色。另外,用户得费些许功夫来习惯Midora的布局。 比如它给浏览过的网站还弄个垃圾桶-有没有搞错?
### **Opera** ###
– [Opera][8]长时间是被误解的浏览器之一。很早以前,Opera浏览器在所有Linux社区的反对下提供了Linux平台下的支持。不过后来还好,Opera成为了服务Linux用户的一个快速,和谐的浏览器,它也有很丰富的设置选项。
**优点**: 快速,用户自定性选项丰富。你可以在浏览器中发送和接收从RSS 订阅到电子邮件等等,Opera 可以让你很方便得获取炫丽的浏览器主题。Opera提供一个丰富的拓展仓库来供你选择扩展程序。我们不仅能从Opera阅读RSS 订阅和电子邮件,我们还能使用Opera的扩展套件功来能重温使用Mozilla Suite的日子。也许最重要的是,Opera Turbo -能极大提高你的上网速度,它通过对浏览内容的选择性压缩来给用户提供一个更快的上网体验。
**缺点**: 首次运行配置很多服务会很麻烦。Opera Turbo对你的上网体验有些许影响——比如YouTube,可能无法显示视频的缩略图。Opera提供如此之多的设置选项可能令业余使用者手足无措。。最后一点,Opera是闭源软件,作为桌面浏览器它不是很好地被认可。大多数爱好者仅把它当作一款手机浏览器。
### 哪款浏览器适合你? ###
via: http://www.datamation.com/open-source/best-linux-browsers-1.html
原文作者:[Matt Hartley][a]
译者:[Love-xuan](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Tor项目有它自己的[Tor浏览器][3],该浏览器基于Firefox并开启了用户隐私保护配置,并通过捆绑Tor和[Vidalia][4]工具进行匿名访问。虽然你可以[下载Tor浏览器并使用源码安装][5],但是我们将介绍一种更为便捷的方式,来将它安装到Ubuntu 14.04和Linux Mint 17中。
Tor项目有它自己的[Tor浏览器][3],该浏览器基于Firefox并开启了用户隐私保护配置,并通过捆绑Tor和[Vidalia][4]工具进行匿名访问。。虽然你可以[下载Tor浏览器并使用源码安装][5],但是我们将介绍一种更为便捷的方式,来将它安装到Ubuntu 14.04和Linux Mint 17中。
### 如何在Ubuntu 14.04和Linux Mint 17中安装Tor浏览器 ###
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Tor项目有它自己的[Tor浏览器][3],该浏览器基于Firefox并开启
sudo apt-get remove tor-browser
rm -r ~/.tor-browser-en
我希望这个快速测试对你**在Ubuntu 14.04和Linux Mint 17中便捷安装Tor浏览器**有所帮助。欢迎您在提问或者提供建议。
我希望这个快速测试对你**在Ubuntu 14.04和Linux Mint 17中便捷安装Tor浏览器**有所帮助。如有任何问题或者建议欢迎随时提出。
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ via: http://itsfoss.com/install-tar-browser-ubuntu-linux-mint-17/
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@

一切起始于Pierre Cohen在2008年被选作卢兹市市长。Cohen是一位IT专家,他的数字化政策起始于对开源软件的特别关注。正是他和他的助手Erwane Monthubert的努力下,图卢兹市在2011年决定切换到开源软件。
切换到开源软件看起来正在成为欧洲城市的潮流。在临近的西班牙瓦伦西亚和[加那利群岛抛弃了Microsoft Office节省了几百万][3];[法国首都的警察基于Ubuntu开发了他们自己的Linux OS][4]。这个列表还在继续增长,我希望我目前的城市Cote de Azur可以不久后加入这个列表。
via: http://itsfoss.com/french-city-toulouse-saved-1-million-euro-libreoffice/
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> ‘这个软件仅仅勉强能运行在第一代Xbox上...’
“*这个软件仅仅勉强能运行在第一代Xbox上,那是因为许多聪明的开发人员仍然在那个平台上开发,它不能在Xbox 360或者Xbox One上运行。*”项目负责人**Nathan Betzen**在XBMC博客上这样解释。
### 于是乎,Kodi ###

即将发布的XBMC 14版本中,项目将正式过渡采用新名字‘Kodi’。除了听起来特别酷以外,这个名字貌似没有什么特殊含义。
- [‘Kodi 14简介′(官方声明贴)][1]
- [Launchpad上XBMC团队的PPA][2]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/08/xbmc-renamed-lodi-starting-version-14
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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French City Toulouse Saved 1 Million Euro With LibreOffice

[Toulouse][1], France’s 4th largest city located in south-west France, has saved one million Euro by migrating to Open Source office suite [LibreOffice][2].
Migrating to LibreOffice was one of the key project of city’s new digital policy. The migration started in 2012 after the political decision for the switch was taken in 2011. It took one and a half-year for the migration to complete and as of today, 90% of the desktops (used by around 10,000 people working for the city) run LibreOffice.
As per the city officials, software licenses for office suite costs around 1.8 million Euro every three years. The migration cost about 800,000 Euro. The city already saved around a million Euro.
It all started after Pierre Cohen was elected as the mayor of Toulouse in 2008. Cohen, an IT professional, started working on a digital policy with special focus on Open Source. It was his and his associate Erwane Monthubert’s efforts that city of Toulouse decided to switch to Open Source in 2011.
It’s not just LibreOffice. Most of the official web portals of Toulouse like toulouse.fr, toulouse-metropole.fr, data.grandtoulouse.fr are supported by free software. Alfresco is the choice for collaborative tools.
Switching to Open Source seems to be a trend in European cities. In neighboring Spain Valencia and [Canary Islands ditched Microsoft Office and saved in millions][3]. [French Metropolitan Police developed its own Linux OS][4] based on Ubuntu. List is endless and I hope my current city, Cote de Azur joins this list soon.
Read full report [here][5].
via: http://itsfoss.com/french-city-toulouse-saved-1-million-euro-libreoffice/
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Open-Source Media Center ‘XBMC’ Announces New Name

Beginnings: the project began life as an Xbox video player
**One of the most popular open-source media center applications that’s available on Linux (and other platforms) is getting a new name.**
XBMC is no more; as of the next major release, version 14, the project will be known as ‘Kodi’.
The community project was created back in 2002 as a means to play digital media on the original Xbox console. Since then the project has, by and large, always used a variation of its Xbox-branded roots. Early releases were titled ‘**Xbox Media Player**’, later changed to ‘**Xbox Media Center**’ to represent the growing feature set. After being ported to run on more than just Microsoft’s game console, the project settled on the acronym ‘XBMC’ in 2008.
Or ‘XMBC’ as I would repeatedly type it as during the early days of this site.
Why the change of name? Why now? And what does ‘Kodi’ mean, if anything?
> ‘The software only barely runs on the original Xbox…’
“*The software only barely runs on the original Xbox, and then only because some clever developers are still hacking on that platform. It has never run on the Xbox 360 or Xbox One,*” explains project manager **Nathan Betzen** on the XBMC blog.
And with the software now far more featured than ever before, with a diverse market of add-ons, gaming features and streaming support, it’s more encompassing than ‘*a simple Media Center.*’
For this reason, Betzen concludes, “**XB**” and “**MC**” simply don’t make a whole lot of sense any more.”
Justifiably to XBMC faithful, the name change also **nixes a number of long standing legal problems** facing the project. “*[We] never had any sort of legal control over the use of its name…*” Betzen notes, adding that the XBMC Foundation, set up in 2009 to better aid and manage development, operated under ‘potential legal threat from other companies’ owning similar trademarks.
### And so, Kodi ###

The (temporary) new logo
As of the upcoming release of XBMC 14 the project will formally transition over to the new name of ‘Kodi’. It doesn’t appear to have any specific meaning other than sounding quite cool.
Migration won’t be easy, and XMBC/Kodi developers have a lot of handwork ahead; code has to be adjusted to use the new title throughout, and this has to be tested and double-checked on every platform it supports. Websites, contracts and artwork have to be changed, as will e-mail addresses, developer accounts and more.
“But,” Betzen concludes, “we believe that with your support and the support of the whole community, Kodi, the media center or entertainment platform or whatever you choose to call it that we’ve all come to love will be even stronger than it was before.”
Quite right. For the full musings on the moniker migration you can mosey on over to the official website, linked to below.
- [‘Introducing Kodi 14′ (Official Announcement Post)][1]
To take the current stable release of the entertainment centre for a whirl you’ll need to add the official project PPA to your software sources.
- [XBMC Team PPA on Launchpad][2]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/08/xbmc-renamed-lodi-starting-version-14
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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Latest Intel Linux Graphics Drivers Now Available on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Intel Makes it Easy to Install Drivers
**A new version of the Intel [Linux Graphics Installer][1] is available to download.**
The open-source utility offers an easy way to get the latest graphics and video drivers for supported Intel hardware in Ubuntu.
In **version 1.0.6** the 2014Q2 graphics stack released [at the end of June][2] is made available to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS for the first time.
It brings better Bay Trail performance, power saving optimisations, and improves support for Intel Broadwell chips.
Running the latest available stack is the best way for Linux users to “*…stay current with the latest enhancements, optimisations, and fixes,*” say Intel.
### Download ###
The latest version of the Graphics Installer supports Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Fedora 20. Ubuntu 13.10 users can continue to use the tool, but won’t be able to grab the most recent set of drivers.
Debian installers for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS [32 bit][3] or [64 bit][4] are available from the 01.org website, link below.
- [Download Intel Graphics Installer 1.0.6 for Ubuntu][5]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/08/intel-graphics-installer-linux-updated-1-0-6
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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sources/news/20140807 This Is What' s New In Linux 3.16.md
Normal file
sources/news/20140807 This Is What' s New In Linux 3.16.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
owen-carter is translating This Is What’s New In Linux 3.16

**While the rest of us slept in, Linus Torvalds kept busy over the weekend, announcing an all new Linux kernel release.**
Linux 3.16 is now stable and out there. Wherever there really is.
Typing from [his treadmill desk][1] (or possibly not, but the mental image is too humorous to resist) the Linux founder announced the latest stable release with relief, [explaining][2]:
> “While 3.16 looked a bit iffy for a while things cleared up nicely, and there was no reason to do extra release candidates like I feared just a couple of weeks ago.”
### What’s New In Linux 3.16? ###
Codenamed ‘Shuffling Zombie Juror’, Linux 3.16 arrives on the scene with a bunch of key improvements in tow. These range from complicated and integral sounding – e.g., ‘[unified control group hierarchy][3]‘ – to the more user-accessible, like new and improved drivers.
Thanks to the diligent work by [Linux Weekly News][4] and [Phoronix][5] (plus a good ol’ google on the Linux Kernel Mailing List) we’ve put together a list of some of notable changes featuring in this release.
- Multi-platform ARM kernel image for multiple ARM SoCs (incl. Exynos)
- Various support for Nvidia Tegra K1 and Kepler GPU
- Nokia N900 modem driver included in mainline
- Initial Intel Cherryview Support
- Improvements to Sixaxis and DualShock 4 controller support
- Sony-HID driver improvements
- RMI driver for Synaptics touchpad
- Saitek RAT7 gaming mouse fix
- Dell FreeFall driver
- 80 changes and fixes to [Btrfs filesystem][6]
- New audio drivers for misc. Cirrus, Realtek and Analog devices.
- Tegra HD-audio HDMI support
### Installing Linux 3.16 ###
It’s out, which means you want it. Well, hold your horses. Linux 3.16 is likely to form the basis of the Ubuntu Linux Kernel in 14.10, which is due later this year. The 14.10 kernel will also be provided to LTS users through a point release update shortly after.
If you’re impatient and — **most importantly** — skilled enough, you can install Linux 3.16 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS using the corresponding installers for your system listed in the Mainline kernel archive maintained by Canonical.
- [Visit the Ubuntu Kernel Archive Website][7]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/08/linux-kernel-3-16-changes-drivers
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
[translating sailing]
20 Amazing Linux Blogs For Beginners!
Whether you're a newbie looking to venture into the world of Linux and open source or a pro in search for some inspiration, well, blogs are the one stop shop to all your needs. Blogs are an excellent resource of information coming in from real time users like you and me who are looking to help other fellow users grasp concepts in simple language and easy format.
@ -70,4 +71,4 @@ via: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=144715
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
Five Awesome GOG.com Linux Games Everyone Should Play Once

**Ardent Linux gamers will have seen last week as a good one, as rising game distribution service [GOG.com brought a batch of more than 50 classic PC and indie titles to the platform][1], many for the very first time.**
Against the 775 DRM-free offerings offered to Windows users, not to mention the 600 strong Linux catalog on Steam, it might not sound like much. But the company says this is only the first wave and that another 50 games are set to land later in the year.
Last week [we asked][2] our Facebook fans which five games being sold by GOG they consider ‘must have’ titles.
After pruning the titles often found warming the shelves of the Humble Bundle (*e.g., Uplink: Hacker Elite, Darwinia, Don’t Starve and Anomaly Warzone Earth*), and throwing in a free title for good measure, we came up with the following list.
It’s not comprehensive, it’s not definitive and it’s certainly not going to be the five you’d pick. But for those either too young to have experienced some of these games for the first time, or old enough to level up nostalgia, it’s a great jumping in point.
Because we know it matters to some of you, we’ve listed the ‘port’ type for each entry, so you can avoid Wine or DOSBox where needed.
Finally (though it really should go without saying) if you’re looking for full HD immersive 3D worlds with GPU melting graphics requirements, this is not the list for you.
Now to hark back to rainy days spent cooped up inside, eyes firmly fixed on a CRT monitor…
### FlatOut ###

**Year**: 2005. **Genre**: Racing. **Port**: Wine. **Price**: $5.99 (inc. extras).
Unbuckle up and prepare for one bad-ass and throughly bumpy ride.
Trying to condense why FlatOut is a classic demolition rally game into just a few short sentences is traumatic. Almost as traumatic as being a driver in it must be.
Its premise — carnage, destruction, more carnage — reads fairly standard these days. Virtually every racing game (at least those worth their tread) implements an element of off-road mayhem. But FlatOut was one of the first, and even today remains one of the best.
With 36 course littered with more than 3000 items to crash and smash, plus 16 upgradeable vehicles, each made up of 40 “deformable pieces” for ultimate on-screen obliteration, FlatOut is flat out one of the best raucous racing games available on Linux.
*Also check out Flat Out 2, released in 2011 and costing $9.99.*
- [Buy “FlatOut” on GOG][3]
### Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition ###

**Year**: 1995. **Genre**: First-Person Shooter. **Port**: DOSBox. **Price**: $5.99 (inc. extras).
Politically incorrect, full of female objectification, and featuring more cheesy one-liners than the script of a straight-to-VHS Jean-Claude Van Damme action film. Yep, it’s Duke Nukem.
But c’mon; no list of retro PC classics would be complete without a least one Duke Nukem entry, right? They are bona fide classics. Along with Doom and Quake, it kickstarted the gory corridor crawling shooter genre.
Most of its strengths are in the pastiche; it is camp, cheesy and kaleidoscopically brash, and takes itself about as seriously as a Sega MegaCD video cutscene from Night Trap.
The environments are varied and rich. The gameplay mechanics easy to get to grips with. And while the less than subtle humour laced throughout may rile the easily offended, those of a certain age won’t be able to resist smirking at the pop-culture satire.
- [Buy “Duke Nukem: Atomic Edition” on GOG][4]
### The Last Federation ###
Youtobe 视频地址:
**Year**: 2014. **Genre**: Strategy. **Port**: Native. Price: $19.99.
The Last Federation is the most expensive title on this list and also the most modern, having debuted this year.
It’s a turn-based tactical combat set in space that burdens you with the task of ‘forging a lasting federation of planets and usher in an era of peace and prosperity to the solar system.’
But to forge a lasting truce you must indulge your inner machiavellian monsters.
*“Remember, when helping civilizations evolve, sometimes they evolve faster when a large multi-headed monster is glaring menacingly at them,” reads the game’s synopsis.*
Pricey, but one of the standout strategy games of 2014.
- [Buy “The Last Federation” on GOG][5]
### StarGunner ###

**Year**: 1996. **Genre**: Arcade. **Port**: DOSBox. Price: Free.
StarGunner is one of two Linux games available for free on GOG. It’s a space-based side scrolling shoot ‘em up, similar to thousands of mid-nineties arcade games now resting in a land fill somewhere.
That’s not to say it’s not any good; it’s great fun but just a little familiar.
Gameplay is fast, battlefields switch between space, ground and water often enough to maintain interest, and with more than 75 different enemy crafts (plus over 30 super adaptive bosses) things never get visually tired, either.
Look out for weapons and other power-ups littered through levels.
- [Download “StarGunner” for free on GOG][6]
### Blocks That Matter ###

**Year**: 2011. **Price**: $2.99. **Genre**: Platformer. **Port**: Wine, 32-bit only.
Take some blocks, drop them into an isometrical world, add bit of jumping and a whole lot of puzzle solving. Finally, coat it all in a layer of cuteness. Aside from an needlessly drawn out introduction, you should end up with **Blocks That Matter**. And boy do these blocks matter.
Playing as a robot called Tetrobot, your sole aim is to waddle about each level drilling blocks of various materials (sand, ice, etc.) one by one. Blocks can be collected and inserted into the game to help you complete levels, but depending on the material this can often be a hindrance rather than a help.
An innovative 2D platform-puzzler, it offers up 40 levels in standard Adventure Mode with another 20 waiting to be unlocked. It’s cute, clever and cheap.
- [Buy “Blocks that Matter” on GOG][7]
### Honourable Mentions ###
**Year**: 1992. **Genre**: RPG. **Port**: DOSBox. **Price**: $5.99 (inc. extras).
#### Sid Meier’s Covert Action ####
**Year**: 1990. **Genre**: Action/Strategy. **Port**: DOSBox. **Price**: $5.99 (inc. extras).
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/08/five-best-linux-gog-com-games-available-now
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Lime Text: An Open Source Alternative Of Sublime Text

[Sublime Text][1] is one of the best (if not best) text editor for programmers. Packed with numerous feature and great looking interface, Sublime is available for all three major desktop OS i.e. Windows, Mac and Linux.
But it is not that Sublime Text is perfect. There are bugs, crashes and almost no support. If you have been following Sublime Text development, you know that the beta version of Sublime Text has been out for more than a year now and there is no clear communication to users about its release date. And above all, Sublime Text is neither free nor [Open Source][2].
All these issues also frustrated [Fredrik Ehnbom][3] and hence he started an Open Source project, [Lime Text][4], on [Github][5] to make a new text editor which looks and works exactly the same way as Sublime Text. On the question of why he decided to “clone” an existing text editor, Frederic mentions:
> As none of the other text editors I’ve tried come close to the love I had for Sublime Text, I decided I had to create my own.
Lime Text is built in Go for backend while the frontend is in ermbox, Qt (QML) and HTML/JavaScript. The development is in progress with clear [goals][6] in sight. You can contribute to the project on its [Github page][7].

If you want to try the beta version, you can build Lime Text by following the instructions on the [wiki][8]. Meanwhile, if you are looking for other powerful text editors, give [SciTE][9] a go.
via: http://itsfoss.com/lime-text-open-source-alternative/
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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
在Ubuntu 14.04中安装Webmin

### 使用官方仓库在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS上安装Webmin ###
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge contrib
deb http://webmin.mirror.somersettechsolutions.co.uk/repository sarge contrib
sudo wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc
sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install webmin
sudo ufw allow 10000
### 访问Webmin控制台 ###


via: http://www.unixmen.com/install-webmin-ubuntu-14-04/
译者:[KayGuoWhu](https://github.com/KayGuoWhu) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
How to use variables in shell Scripting
In every **programming** language **variables** plays an important role , in Linux shell scripting we are using two types of variables : **System Defined Variables** & **User Defined Variables**.
A variable in a shell script is a means of **referencing** a **numeric** or **character value**. And unlike formal programming languages, a shell script doesn't require you to **declare a type** for your variables
In this article we will discuss variables, its types and how to set & use variables in shell scripting.
### System Defined Variables : ###
These are the variables which are created and maintained by **Operating System(Linux) itself**. Generally these variables are defined in **CAPITAL LETTERS**. We can see these variables by using the command "**$ set**". Some of the system defined variables are given below :
<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td><strong> System Defined Variables </strong></td>
<td><strong> Meaning </strong></td>
<td> BASH=/bin/bash </td>
<td> Shell Name </td>
<td> BASH_VERSION=4.1.2(1) </td>
<td> Bash Version </td>
<td> COLUMNS=80 </td>
<td> No. of columns for our screen </td>
<td> HOME=/home/linuxtechi </td>
<td> Home Directory of the User </td>
<td> LINES=25 </td>
<td> No. of columns for our screen </td>
<td> LOGNAME=LinuxTechi </td>
<td> LinuxTechi Our logging name </td>
<td> OSTYPE=Linux </td>
<td> OS type </td>
<td> PATH=/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin </td>
<td> Path Settings </td>
<td> PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$ </td>
<td> Prompt Settings </td>
<td> PWD=/home/linuxtechi </td>
<td> Current Working Directory </td>
<td> SHELL=/bin/bash </td>
<td> Shell Name </td>
<td> USERNAME=linuxtechi </td>
<td> User name who is currently login to system </td>
To Print the value of above variables, use **echo command** as shown below :
# echo $HOME
# echo $USERNAME
We can tap into these environment variables from within your scripts by using the environment variable's name preceded by a dollar sign. This is demonstrated in the following script:
$ cat myscript
# display user information from the system.
echo “User info for userid: $USER”
echo UID: $UID
echo HOME: $HOME
Notice that the **environment variables** in the echo commands are replaced by their current values when the script is run. Also notice that we were able to place the **$USER** system variable within the double quotation marks in the first string, and the shell script was still able to figure out what we meant. There is a **drawback** to using this method, however. Look at what happens in this example:
$ echo “The cost of the item is $15”
The cost of the item is 5
That is obviously not what was intended. Whenever the script sees a dollar sign within quotes, it assumes you're referencing a variable. In this example the script attempted to display the **variable $1** (which was not defined), and then the number 5. To display an actual dollar sign, you **must precede** it with a **backslash character**:
$ echo “The cost of the item is \$15”
The cost of the item is $15
That's better. The backslash allowed the shell script to interpret the **dollar sign** as an actual dollar sign, and not a variable.
### User Defined Variables: ###
These variables are defined by **users**. A shell script allows us to set and use our **own variables** within the script. Setting variables allows you to **temporarily store data** and use it throughout the script, making the shell script more like a real computer program.
**User variables** can be any text string of up to **20 letters, digits**, or **an underscore character**. User variables are case sensitive, so the variable Var1 is different from the variable var1. This little rule often gets novice script programmers in trouble.
Values are assigned to user variables using an **equal sign**. No spaces can appear between the variable, the equal sign, and the value (another trouble spot for novices). Here are a few examples of assigning values to user variables:
var4=“still more testing”
The shell script **automatically determines the data type** used for the variable value. Variables defined within the shell script maintain their values throughout the life of the shell script but are deleted when the shell script completes.
Just like system variables, user variables can be referenced using the dollar sign:
$ cat test3
# testing variables
echo "$guest checked in $days days ago"
echo "$guest checked in $days days ago"
Running the script produces the following output:
$ chmod u+x test3
$ ./test3
Katie checked in 10 days ago
Jessica checked in 5 days ago
Each time the variable is **referenced**, it produces the value currently assigned to it. It's important to remember that when referencing a variable value you use the **dollar sign**, but when referencing the variable to assign a value to it, you do not use the dollar sign. Here's an example of what I mean:
$ cat test4
# assigning a variable value to another variable
echo The resulting value is $value2
When you use the **value** of the **value1** variable in the assignment statement, you must still use the dollar sign. This code produces the following output:
$ chmod u+x test4
$ ./test4
The resulting value is 10
If you forget the dollar sign, and make the value2 assignment line look like:
you get the following output:
$ ./test4
The resulting value is value1
Without the dollar sign the **shell interprets** the variable name as a **normal text string**, which is most likely not what you wanted.
### Use of Backtick symbol (`) in shell variables : ###
The **backtick allows** you to assign the output of a shell command to a variable. While this doesn't seem like much, it is a major building block in **script programming**.You must surround the entire command line command with backtick characters:
The shell runs the command within the **backticks** and assigns the output to the variable testing. Here's an example of creating a variable using the output from a normal shell command:
$ cat test5
# using the backtick character
echo "The date and time are: " $testing
The variable testing receives the output from the date command, and it is used in the echo statement to display it. Running the shell script produces the following output:
$ chmod u+x test5
$ ./test5
The date and time are: Mon Jan 31 20:23:25 EDT 2011
**Note** : In bash you can also use the alternative $(…) syntax in place of backtick (`),which has the advantage of being re-entrant.
Example :
$ echo " Today’s date & time is :" $(date)
Today’s date & time is : Sun Jul 27 16:26:56 IST 2014
via: http://www.linuxtechi.com/variables-in-shell-scripting/
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
Translating by GOLinux ...
Easy Steps to Make GNOME 3 More Efficient
Few Linux desktops have brought about such controversy as GNOME 3. It’s been ridiculed, scorned, and hated since it was first released. Thing is, it’s actually a very good desktop. It’s solid, reliable, stable, elegant, simple... and with a few minor tweaks and additions, it can be made into one of the most efficient and user-friendly desktops on the market.
Of course, what makes for an efficient and/or user-friendly desktop? That is subject to opinion -- something everyone has. Ultimately, my goal is to help you gain faster access to the apps and the files you use. Simple. Believe it or not, stepping GNOME 3 up into the world of higher efficiency and user-friendliness is quite an easy task -- you just have to know where to look and what to do. I am here to point you in the right directions.
I decided to go about this process by first installing a clean [Ubuntu GNOME][1] distribution that included GNOME 3.12. With the GNOME-centric desktop ready to go, it’s time to start tweaking.
### Add window buttons ###
For some unknown reason, the developers of GNOME decided to shrug off the standard window buttons (Close, Minimize, Maximize) in favor of a single Close button. I get the lack of a Maximize button (since you can simply drag the window to the top of the screen to maximize) and you can also gain access to the minimize/maximize actions by right-clicking the titlebar and selecting either Minimize or Maximize. This behavior simply adds steps, so the lack of a minimize button is a bit confounding. Fortunately, there’s an easy fix for this. Here’s how:
By default, you should have the GNOME Tweak Tool installed. With this tool you can turn on either/or the Maximize or Minimize buttons (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Adding the minimize button back to the GNOME 3 windows.
Once added, you’ll see the Minimize button, to the left of the close button, ready to serve. Your windows are now more easy to manage.
From the same tweak tool, you can configure a number of other helpful aspects of GNOME:
- Set window focus mode
- Set system fonts
- Set the GNOME theme
- Add startup applications
- Add extensions.
### Add extensions ###
One of the best features of GNOME 3 are shell extensions. These extensions bring all sorts of handy features to GNOME. With shell extensions, there’s no need to install from the package manager, you either visit the [GNOME Shell Extension][2] site, search for the extension you want to add, click on the extension listing, click the On button, and then okay the installation of the extension or you add them from within the GNOME Tweak Tool (you’ll find more available extensions through the web site).
NOTE: You may have to allow the installation of extensions through your browser. If this is the case, you’ll be given a warning when you first visit the GNOME Shell Extension site. Just click Allow when prompted.
One of the more impressive (and handy extensions) is [Dash to Dock][3]. This extension moves the Dash out of the application overview and turns it into a fairly standard dock (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Dash to Dock adds a dock to GNOME 3.
As you add applications to the Dash, they will also be added to the Dash to Dock. You also get quick access to the applications overview, by clicking the 6-dotted icon at the bottom of the Dock.
There are plenty of other extensions focused on making GNOME 3 a more efficient desktop. Some of the better extensions include:
- [Recent items][4]: Add a drop-down menu of recently used items to your panel.
- [Search Firefox Bookmarks Provider][5]: Search (and launch) your bookmarks from the Overview.
- [Quicklists][6]: Add a quicklist popup menu to Dash icons (which allows you to quickly open new documents associated with the application, and more).
- [Todo List][7]: Adds a drop-down in the panel that allows you to add items lists.
- [Web Search Dialog][8]: Allows you to quickly search the web by hitting Ctrl+Space and entering a string of text (results appear in a new browser tab).
### Add a complete dock ###
If the Dash to Dock is too limiting for you (say you want a notification area and more), one of my favorite docks is [Cairo Dock][9] (Figure 3). This amazing addition to GNOME 3 will go a long way to up the efficiency of the desktop. With it, you can add/remove applications, get quick access to shortcuts (folders such as Documents, Downloads, Music, and Videos), add applets (such as RSS reader, wi-fi indicator, netspeed, drop-to-share, and more). Cairo also allows themes and OpenGL hardware acceleration support.

Figure 3: Cairo Dock ready for action.
With Cairo Dock added to GNOME 3, your experience will be made exponentially better. Install this great dock from within your distribution’s package manager.
GNOME 3 doesn’t have to be seen as an inefficient, user UN-friendly, desktop. With just a tiny bit of tweaking, GNOME 3 can be made as powerful and user-friendly as any desktop available.
via: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/781916-easy-steps-to-make-gnome-3-more-efficient
作者:[Jack Wallen][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
Cheat – An Ultimate Command Line ‘Cheat-Sheet’ for Linux Beginners and Administrators
What you do when you are not sure of the command you are running especially in case of complex commands which uses a lot of options. We use man pages to get some help in such situation. Some of the other options may include commands like ‘**help**‘, ‘**whereis**‘ and ‘**whatis**‘. But all has their Pros and Cons.
While going through **man pages** for options and help, the description in man pages are too lengthy to understand specially in short span of time.

Linux Man Pages
Similarly, ‘**help**‘ command may not give you desired output.

Help Command
A ‘**whereis**‘ command hardly tells anything other than the location of Installed Binaries (May be Important at time).

Whereis Command
A ‘**whatis**‘ command gives strict and one liner answer which is not much helpful other than acknowledging the purpose of the command, Moreover it never says a single word about the available options.

Whatis Command
We have used all these options till date to solve our issue in the dilemma but here comes an interactive cheat-sheet application ‘**cheat**‘ which is going to lead all the rest.
### What is cheat? ###
**Cheat** is an interactive cheat-sheet application released under GNU General Public License for Linux Command line users which serves the purpose of showing, use cases of a Linux command with all the options and their short yet understandable function.

Cheat: Provides Easy Command Options
### Installing ‘Cheat’ in Linux Systems ###
‘**Cheat**‘ has two major dependency – ‘**python**‘ and ‘**pip**‘. Make sure you have installed python and pip before installing ‘**cheat**‘ on the system.
#### Install Python ####
# apt-get install Python (On Debian based Systems)
# yum install python (On RedHat based Systems)
Install Pip
# apt-get install python-pip (On Debian based Systems)
# yum install python-pip (On RedHat based Systems)
**NOTE**: pip is an easy install replacement and is intended to be an improved Python package installer.
### Download and Install Cheat ###
We will be downloading ‘cheat’ from Git. Make sure you have package ‘git’ installed, if not better install this first.
# apt-get install git (On Debian based Systems)
# yum install git (On RedHat based Systems)
Next, install the required python dependencies by running following command.
# pip install docopt pygments
Now, clone the [Git repository][1] of cheat.
# git clone https://github.com/chrisallenlane/cheat.git
Move to the cheat directory and run ‘**setup.py**‘ (a python script).
# cd cheat
# python setup.py install
If installation goes smoothly, you should be able to see a cheat version installed on the system.
# cheat -v
cheat 2.0.9
### Required Configuration for Cheat ###
You must have an ‘**EDITOR**‘ environment variable set in ‘~/.bashrc’ file. Open the user ‘**.bashrc**‘ file and add the following line to it.
export EDITOR =/usr/bin/nano
You can use your favourite editor here in place of ‘**nano**‘. Save the file and logout. Again Login to make the changes taken into effect.
Next, add the cheat autocompletion feature to enable command-line autocompletion for different shells. To enable autocompletion, simply clone the ‘**cheat.bash**‘ script and copy the script to the appropriate path in your system.
# wget https://github.com/chrisallenlane/cheat/raw/master/cheat/autocompletion/cheat.bash
# mv cheat.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/
**NOTE**: The team has uploaded other shell’s auto completion scrip to Git, which may be cloned and used in case of respective Shell. Use the following link for other shell’s auto completion script.
- [Auto Completion Script for Various Shells][2]
Optionally, you can also enable syntax highlighting, if desired. To active syntax highlighting feature, add a **CHEATCOLORS** environment variable in your ‘**.bashrc**‘ file.
export CHEATCOLORS=true
The Cheat application default program only serves the basic and most used commands. The content of cheat-sheet resides at location **~/.cheat/.** Manual Cheatsheets can be added to this location to make the application rich.
# cheat -e xyz
This will open xyz cheat-sheet if available. If not it will create one. The cheat-sheet will be opened in the default **EDITOR**, we set in **.bashrc** in the configuration stage, above.
### Usage of Cheat with Some Commands ###
A tarball may be *.gz or *.bz2 or *.zip or *.xz. So, what option to be used where?

tar command options
I never run **dd** command, no matter how much sure I am about the command before consulting and cross checking it at more than one location. The things seems to be easy now.

dd command options
A ‘**uname**‘ command help.

uname command options
A short **ifconfig** command line tutorial, in action.

ifconfig command options
A ‘top‘ command, one of the most important command for Admin and Normal User.

top command options
How about Cheating the cheat command (though the other sense)? Get a list of available commands, the cheat-sheet of which is installed in the System.

List All Linux Commands
Search Cheat-sheet with specific keyword.

Search Cheat Sheet
See the location of built-in cheat-sheets for all the commands.
$ cheat -d
Copy the in-built cheat-sheet to your native directory.
# cp /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cheat/cheatsheets/* /home/avi/.cheat/
### Conclusion ###
This wonderful project is a life Saviour in many-a-situation. It just gives you information that is required, nothing extra, nothing vague and to the point. This is a must tool for everyone. Easy to build, easy to install, easy to run and easy to understand, this project seems promising.
This Git project has added a wonderful **gag** which I am not going to explain but leave on you to interpret.

Linux Gag
That’s all for now. I’ll be here again with another interesting article you people will love to read. Till then stay tuned and connected to Tecmint. Don’t forget to provide us with your valuable feedback in the comment section below.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/cheat-command-line-cheat-sheet-for-linux-users/
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
How to install and configure Nvidia Optimus driver on Ubuntu
Nvidia Optimus is a hybrid GPU system which utilises what is known as "discrete switching" and has been long associated with headaches and limitations on Linux systems. After years of wait, Ubuntu 14.04 with its shiny new kernel finally shipped with proprietary driver compatibility that can be installed easily. This article will guide you through the installation process after quick background of Nvidia Optimus for the unfamiliar readers. For the seasoned destroyer of Xorg configuration, you can quickly jump to the installation section below.
### Background ###
To those who aren't aware of Nvidia Optimus, it essentially alternates between using the onboard Intel graphics chipset and the more powerful NVIDIA card on demand using a process referred to as "GPU switching". Its purpose is to prolong battery life in notebooks, allowing the Nvidia GPU to switch off when there is no need for it. The benefits are obvious, allowing say 8 hours of battery life if simply typing in a word processor, or 3 hours if watching HD videos. That is if you are using Windows.

A couple of years ago I purchased a netbook (Asus VX6), and made the stupid mistake of not checking for Linux driver compatibility because it had never really been an issue before - especially for a netbook sized device. Even if a driver didn't work straight out of the box, I could always get it working one way or another whether installing a proprietary module or using backports. This was a first for me - my device came equipped with an Nvidia ION2 graphics card.
At the time Nvidia's Optimus hybrid GPU hardware was a relatively new thing, and I did not foresee the limitations I encountered running Linux on this machine. If you're reading this, are experienced with Linux systems and have purchased a notebook in the past for years, you might be familiar with this pain also.
The [Bumblebee][1] project was until recently as good as it gets in terms of Linux support for hybrid graphics. It was actually possible if configured correctly to utilise the Nvidia card for a desired application via CLI (i.e. 'optirun vlc'), but getting things like HDMI to work was a different story.
I used the phrase 'if configured correctly' because actually getting it working more often than not just broke your Xorg configuration on first few attempts. If you hadn't used ppa-purge or run 'dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' before, then I can assure you that tinkering with Bumblebee taught them to you pretty quickly.
It's been a very long wait for Nvidia to release Linux driver support for Optimus, and we still don't have the actual support for discrete switching. However, now with Ubuntu 14.04, nvidia-prime and the nvidia-331 driver, one can choose between the Intel or Nvidia card easily. Unfortunately it is still limited further by requiring restarting X11 (achieved by logout and login) for the change to take effect.
To make this slightly less inconvenient, there is an applet for quick switching, which can I'll get to later, but installation of the driver is a breeze and HDMI works so that's enough to satisfy me.
### Install Nvidia Optimus Driver ###
To run through the process quickly, I'll be assuming you've got a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 or Mint 17 ready to go.
Working as a sysadmin, I find 90% of Linux tasks these days quicker via CLI, but this time I recommend simply using the 'Additional Drivers' application that you're probably familiar with for installing proprietary NIC or sound drivers.

**NOTE: All commands shown below preceded by ~# need to be run as root. Be sure to either 'sudo su' before running commands, or run with sudo at beginning of command.**
You can also do it via CLI by installing:
~# apt-get install nvidia-331 nvidia-settings nvidia-prime
followed by a reboot. Make sure you don't have any packages like Bumblebee or other loaded Nvidia drivers, otherwise it'll probably just break your X11. In case you aren't working with a clean install and did previously install Bumblebee etc, run the following before installing nvidia-331 and nvidia-prime:
~# apt-get purge libvdpau-va-gl1 bumblebee* nvidia*
### Switch between Nvidia non-Nvidia Cards ###
You can switch between Nvidia and non-Nvidia (e.g., Intel) cards by pressing Alt+F2 or typing from terminal:
~$ nvidia-settings
#### NOTE: ~$ means do not run as root user. ####
Chose the desired card, then log out and log back in.

You can also use CLI to set which card to use as default:
~# prime-select intel (or nvidia)
As well as switch cards using:
~# prime-switch intel (or nvidia)
Both commands require restarting X11 to take effect, which can also be achieved by simply logging out and back in. A reboot will also suffice.
For Ubuntu users:
~# service lightdm restart
For Mint users:
~# service mdm restart
To verify which card is running:
~# prime-select query
And lastly you can install the prime-indicator package from ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 which allows for a quick switch from the tool bar which restarts your Xserver session for you as well. To install it, simply run:
~# add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
~# apt-get update
~# apt-get install mesa-utils prime-indicator
### Summary ###
In conclusion, it's still not ideal, but at least it's nice and simple with proper proprietary support. Many people often still opt for Bumblebee over this setup because they find using the Nvidia driver only runs their battery dead in no time. For my personal usage this setup is the better way to go as I only use the Nvidia card for HDMI out, which implies that I will have it plugged into power. Otherwise Intel suffices for my portable usage as I don't require anything beyond LibreOffice, Chromium and Terminator on the go.
If you would prefer the idea of running Intel as default and specifying to run specific applications utilising Nvidia card, instead direct your reading to the many Bumblebee tutorials out there. I advise in the instance of Bumblebee once you finally get it working properly to document the commands and process used to configure for your device as there is nothing worse than doing a clean install 9 months later and forgetting what was done to get it working last time.
It may also be worthwhile checking out [this script][3] I stumbled across, which serves to easily switch between Bumblebee and Nvidia-Prime, but I must stress that I have not tested it myself.
Finally, I feel it is a massive shame that it's taken this long to get proprietary support for this cards on Linux and still no support for discrete switching, considering that hybrid graphics appear to be the future for portable devices. Normally AMD are associated with dropping the ball for driver support on Linux, but in my eyes Optimus is by far the worse hardware support issue I have encountered.
Regardless of whether this is ideal for your usage, it is the easiest way to go utilising that NVIDIA card. Try running the newest Unity on the Intel card alone and decide for yourself whether 2-3 hours battery life is worthy trade off.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/08/install-configure-nvidia-optimus-driver-ubuntu.html
作者:[Christopher Ward][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Linux FAQs with Answers--How to enable and configure desktop sharing on Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop
> **Question**: I was trying to enable desktop sharing via Vino VNC server (vino-server) on Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon desktop. However, I notice that vino-preferences tool which allows us to configure vino-server (e.g., sharing option, security, notification on/off) no longer exists. Also, I cannot find desktop sharing menu on Cinnamon desktop. How can I configure desktop sharing via vino-server on the latest Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon desktop?
The latest Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop comes with vino-server pre-installed for VNC desktop sharing, but it's reported that desktop sharing configuration menu is missing.
An alternative way to configure vino-server and enable desktop sharing is to use dconf-editor's graphical interface.
First install dconf-editor:
$ sudo apt-get install dconf-editor
Launch dconf-editor.
$ dconf-editor
Navigate to "org->gnome->desktop->remote-access" on the left panel of dconf-editor. Then you will see various desktop sharing options.

Most importantly, click on "enabled" to activate desktop remote access. Besides this, you can customize other options.
For example, you can enable VNC password authentication by changing the following fields:
- **authentication-methods**: set it to ['vnc']
- **vnc-password**: change it to Base64-encoded string of a preferred password.
In this example, we choose VNC password as "password", and its Base64-encoded string is "cGFzc3dvcmQ=".
Optionally, you can enable other options:
- notify-on-connect: shows a desktop notification when vino-server receives a connection request.
- prompt-enabled: a remote user is not allowed to access a desktop via VNC until the VNC request is approved by the desktop owner.
### Troubleshoot ###
1. I am getting the following error when attempting to start vino-server.
** (vino-server:4280): WARNING **: The desktop sharing service is not enabled, so it should not be run.
To enable desktop sharing service, use dconf-editor as described above. Alternatively, run the following command.
# gsettings set org.gnome.Vino enabled true
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/enable-configure-desktop-sharing-linux-mint-cinnamon-desktop.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Check Hard drive for bad sectors or bad blocks in linux
**badblocks** is the command or utility in linux like operating system which can **scan** or test our **hard disk** and **external drive** for **bad sectors**. Bad sectors or **bad blocks** is the space of the disk which can't be used due to the **permanent damage** or OS is unable to access it.
Badblocks command will detect all **bad blocks(bad sectors)** on our hard disk and save them in a text file so that we can use it with **e2fsck** to configure Operating System(OS) to not store our data on these damaged sectors.
### Step:1 Use fdisk command to identify your hard drive info ###
# sudo fdisk -l
### Step:2 Scan your hard drive for Bad Sectors or Bad Blocks ###
# sudo badblocks -v /dev/sdb > /tmp/bad-blocks.txt
Just replace “/dev/sdb” with your own hard disk / partition. When we execute above command a text file “bad-blocks” will be created under /tmp , which will contains all bad blocks.
Example :

### Step:3 Inform OS not to use bad blocks for storing data ###
Once the scanning is completed , if the bad sectors are reported , then use file “bad-blocks.txt” with e2fsck command and force OS not to use these bad blocks for storing data.
# sudo e2fsck -l /tmp/bad-blocks.txt /dev/sdb
Note : Before running e2fsck command , you just make sure the drive is not mounted.
For any futher help on badblocks & e2fsck command , read their man pages
# man badblocks
# man e2fsck
via: http://www.linuxtechi.com/check-hard-drive-for-bad-sector-linux/
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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How to install Puppet server and client on CentOS and RHEL
As a system administrator acquires more and more systems to manage, automation of mundane tasks gets quite important. Many administrators adopted the way of writing custom scripts, that are simulating complex orchestration software. Unfortunately, scripts get obsolete, people who developed them leave, and without an enormous level of maintenance, after some time these scripts will end up unusable. It is certainly more desirable to share a system that everyone can use, and invest in tools that can be used regardless of one's employer. For that we have several systems available, and in this howto you will learn how to use one of them - Puppet.
### What is Puppet? ###
Puppet is an automation software for IT system administrators and consultants. It allows you to automate repetitive tasks such as the installation of applications and services, patch management, and deployments. Configuration for all resources are stored in so called "manifests", that can be applied to multiple machines or just a single server. If you would like to know more information, The Puppet Labs site has a more complete description of [what Puppet is and how it works][1].
### What are we going to achieve in this tutorial? ###
We will install and configure a Puppet server, and set up some basic configuration for our client servers. You will discover how to write and manage Puppet manifests and how to push it into your servers.
### Prerequisites ###
Since Puppet is not in basic CentOS or RHEL distribution repositories, we have to add a custom repository provided by Puppet Labs. On all servers in which you want to use Puppet, install the repository by executing following command (RPM file name can change with new release):
**On CentOS/RHEL 6.5:**
# rpm -ivh https://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/6.5/products/x86_64/puppetlabs-release-6-10.noarch.rpm
**On CentOS/RHEL 7:**
# rpm -ivh https://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/7/products/x86_64/puppetlabs-release-7-10.noarch.rpm
### Server Installation ###
Install the package "puppet-server" on the server you want to use as a master.
# yum install puppet-server
When the installation is done, set the Puppet server to automatically start on boot and turn it on.
# chkconfig puppetmaster on
# service puppetmaster start
Now when we have the server working, we need to make sure that it is reachable from our network.
On CentOS/RHEL 6, where iptables is used as firewall, add following line into section ":OUTPUT ACCEPT" of /etc/sysconfig/iptables.
> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8140 -j ACCEPT
To apply this change, it's necessary to restart iptables.
# service iptables restart
On CentOS/RHEL 7, where firewalld is used, the same thing can be achieved by:
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8140/tcp
# firewall-cmd --reload
### Client Installation ###
Install the Puppet client package on your client nodes by executing the following:
# yum install puppet
When the installation finishes, make sure that Puppet will start after boot.
# chkconfig puppet on
Your Puppet client nodes have to know where the Puppet master server is located. The best practice for this is to use a DNS server, where you can configure the Puppet domain name. If you don't have a DNS server running, you can use the /etc/hosts file, by simply adding the following line:
> server.your.domain
> client-node.your.domain
|||| corresponds to the IP address of your Puppet master server, "server.your.domain" is the domain name of your master server (the default is usually the server's hostname), "client-node.your.domain" is your client node. This hosts file should be configured accordingly on all involved servers (both Puppet master and clients).
When you are done with these settings, we need to show the Puppet client what is its master. By default Puppet looks for a server called "puppet", but this setting is usually inappropriate for your network configuration, therefore we will exchange it for the proper FQDN of the Puppet master server. Open the file /etc/sysconfig/puppet and change the "PUPPET_SERVER" value to your Puppet master server domain name specified in /etc/hosts:
> PUPPET_SERVER=server.your.domain
The master server name also has to be defined in the section "[agent]" of /etc/puppet/puppet.conf:
> server=server.your.domain
Now you can start your Puppet client:
# service puppet start
We need to force our client to check in with the Puppet master by using:
# puppet agent --test
You should see something like the following output. Don't panic, this is desired as the server is still not verified on the Puppet master server.
> Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled
Go back to your puppet master server and check certificate verification requests:
# puppet cert list
You should see a list of all the servers that requested a certificate signing from your puppet master. Find the hostname of your client server and sign it using the following command (client-node is the domain name of your client node):
# puppet cert sign client-node
At this point you have a working Puppet client and server. Congratulations! However, right now there is nothing for the Puppet master to instruct the client to do. So, let's create some basic manifest and set our client node to install basic utilities.
Connect back to your Puppet server and make sure the directory /etc/puppet/manifests exists.
# mkdir -p /etc/puppet/manifests
Now create the manifest file /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp with the following content
node 'client-node' {
include custom_utils
class custom_utils {
package { ["nmap","telnet","vim-enhanced","traceroute"]:
ensure => latest,
allow_virtual => false,
and restart the puppetmaster service.
# service puppetmaster restart
The default refresh interval of the client configuration is 30 minutes, if you want to force the application of your changes manually, execute the following command on your client node:
# puppet agent -t
If you would like to change the default client refresh interval, add:
> runinterval = <yourtime>
to the "[agent]" section of /etc/puppet/puppet.conf on your client node. This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y). Note that a runinterval of 0 means "run continuously" rather than "never run".
### Tips & Tricks ###
#### 1. Debugging ####
It can happen from time to time that you will submit a wrong configuration and you have to debug where the Puppet failed. For that you will always start with either checking logs in /var/log/puppet/ or running the agent manually to see the output:
# puppet agent -t
By default "-t" activates verbose mode, so it allows you to see the output of Puppet. This command also has several parameters that might help you identify your problem a bit more. The first useful option is:
# puppet agent -t --debug
Debug shows you basically all steps that Puppet goes through during its runtime. It can be really useful during debug of really complicated rules. Another parameter you might find really useful is:
# puppet agent -t --noop
This option sets puppet in so called dry-run mode, where no changes are performed. Puppet only writes what it would do on the screen but nothing is written on the disk.
#### 2. Modules ####
After some time you find yourself in the situation where you will want to have more complicated manifests. But before you will sit down and start to program them, you should invest some time and browse [https://forge.puppetlabs.com][2]. Forge is a repository of the Puppet community modules and it's very likely that you find the solution for your problem already made there. If not, feel free to write your own and submit it, so other people can benefit from the Puppet modularity.
Now, let's assume that you have already found a module that would fix your problem. How to install it into the system? It is actually quite easy, because Puppet already contains an interface to download modules directly. Simply type the following command:
# puppet module install <module_name> --version 0.0.0
<module_name> is the name of your chosen module, the version is optional (if not specified then the latest release is taken). If you don't remember the name of the module you want to install, you can try to find it by using module search:
# puppet module search <search_string>
As a result you will get a list of all modules that contain your search string.
# puppet module search apache
Notice: Searching https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com ...
example42-apache Puppet module for apache @example42 example42, apache
puppetlabs-apache Puppet module for Apache @puppetlabs apache web httpd centos rhel ssl wsgi proxy
theforeman-apache Apache HTTP server configuration @theforeman foreman apache httpd DEPRECATED
And if you would like to see what modules you already installed, type:
# puppet module list
### Summary ###
By now, you should have a fully functional Puppet master that is delivering basic configuration to one or more client servers. At this point feel free to add more settings into your configuration to adapt it to your infrastructure. Don't worry about experimenting with Puppet and you will see that it can be a genuine lifesaver.
Puppet labs is trying to maintain a top quality documentation for their projects, so if you would like to learn more about Puppet and its configuration, I strongly recommend visiting the Puppet project page at [http://docs.puppetlabs.com][3].
If you have any questions feel free to post them in the comments and I will do my best to answer and advise.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/08/install-puppet-server-client-centos-rhel.html
作者:[Jaroslav Štěpánek][a]
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110 Fun Open Source Games and Apps
### 街机游戏 ###
#### 1. [安迪的超级大公园][2] ####
#### 2. [Armagetron Advanced][3] ####
一个3D复刻电影《创(Tron)》的游戏,这个游戏的挑战是让你操控你的轻型摩托,让对手们比你自己更早地撞上墙。它支持单机模式和最多可16人参与的网络模式。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux,OS X或者安卓。
#### 3. [BZFlag][4] ####
也就是众所周知的“战场夺旗”,BZflag是一个热门的在线坦克游戏。它自1992年开始开发,现在具备了3D画面、多种游戏模式和多人竞争比赛等特性。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux,OS X或者安卓。
#### 4. [Chromium B.S.U.] [5] ####
#### 5. [埃德加的传说][6] ####
埃德加的传说是一个老式平台的游戏,主角必须通过克服障碍、打倒敌人来完成他的任务。它包含了许多不同的武器和大量的关卡。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 6. [JVGS][7] ####
比起非常精细的画面,JVGS选择了采用最抽象的方式,用简笔画风格贯穿全部画面,看起来就像使用铅笔手工绘制而成。在这个不寻常的游戏中,主角是一个失去记忆的诗人。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 7. [失重][8] ####
这个以太空为背景的街机射击游戏,带领玩家前往8002年的未来,在未来世界中他们必须完成各种各样的任务。可以一提的是,这个游戏也可以在安卓和IOS中使用,但并不是免费的。适用操作系统有:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 8. [开源索尼克][9] ####
在刺猬索尼克游戏的基础上,开源索尼克新增了协作的玩法,即玩家用户可以同时控制3个角色。原始的游戏版本只有两个关卡,但是很多游戏粉丝们已经创建了不少可玩的额外模组。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 9. [Powermanga][10] ####
#### 10. [焦土战争3D][11] ####
焦土战争3D是DOS游戏《焦土战争》的一个现代重制版,最引人瞩目的是它出色的画面。你可以玩单机模式,或者连接到它的许多网络服务器之一,来进行多玩家联机模式。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 11. [索尼克机器大战 2][12] ####
#### 12. [超级Tux][13] ####
超级Tux很像经典的马里奥兄弟游戏,不过是以Linux的小企鹅Tux作为主人公。这是一个2D横向卷轴的平台游戏,其中有9种不同的敌人和26个关卡可以玩。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 13. [Those Funny Funguloids][14] ####
#### 14. [Teeworlds][15] ####
这个在线游戏将自己描述成一个“怀旧多人射击游戏”。它是一个横向卷轴的2D游戏,可支持多达16名玩家和许多不同的游戏模式。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 15. [X摩托][16] ####
在这个游戏中,你要骑着一辆摩托车闯过一个横向卷轴地图,同时收集草莓并躲开凶残的“肇事者”。它玩起来比看起来要难!适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 16. [鼯鼠弗兰基!][17] ####
使用Blender开源3D动画工具开发,鼯鼠弗兰基的特色是角色来源于开源电影Peach。玩家必须操控弗兰基——一只蜜袋鼯鼠,或者Momo——一只猴子,在非常精美的3D环境中跳过、绕过或者穿过各种障碍物。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 棋盘游戏 ###
#### 17. [统治][18] ####
基于Java的《统治》为你的PC或安卓设备带来了棋盘游戏《Risk》。最新版本中通过谷歌游戏服务的支持,让你能与你的Google+好友们进行实时的多人游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux, OS X和 Android.
#### 18. [GNU 西洋双陆棋][19] ####
这个“世界级”的西洋双陆棋引擎,当你每次挑战它的时候,它都会变得更强,并且它能够分析你的战术来帮助你玩得更好。它的界面很棒,并且还支持个性化定制。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 19. [3D 拼字游戏][20] ####
在这个拼字游戏的变体版本中,你可以选择自己的图板——经典版、超级拼字版、3D拼字版或者你自定义的图板。玩家可以与AI对战,或者连接到在线服务器上进行多人游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 20. [PokerTH][21] ####
这个高品质的德州扑克应用程序拥有优秀的、可定制的界面。想要在线玩并看看你相对于其他玩家的排名,可以前往[Poker-Heroes.com][112]在线注册。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X,Android系统。
#### 21. [PySolFC][22] ####
你知道单人纸牌游戏有超过1000种玩法吗?这个大合辑包含“使用52张纸牌的国际标准纸牌游戏、使用78张纸牌的塔罗纸牌游戏、8张或10张一套的印度双骰游戏、花札游戏、矩阵游戏、麻将游戏和一种原创的基于十六进制的纸牌游戏”。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 休闲益智游戏 ###
#### 22. [2048][23] ####
#### 23. [台球][24] ####
#### 24. [立方体列车][25] ####
铺设铁轨来连接隧道和桥梁,同时采取各种策略绕过障碍物。你可以挑战其中大量的内置关卡,或者自己创建一个。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux或者OS X。
#### 25. [谜语][26] ####
类似于以前《Oxyd and Rock'n'Roll》系列游戏,Enigma让玩家挑战从迷宫、陷阱、激光束和其它障碍之间找出配对的石头。这个游戏拥有1000多个关卡,这是一款能让你沉迷很长很长时间的解密游戏。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 26. [Fish Fillets NG][27] ####
在这个解谜游戏中,玩家必须尝试在70个关卡中分别找到一条安全的通关路径。一路上,鱼类和其它水下居民会对玩家的操作提出幽默的解说。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 27. [冰冻泡泡][28] ####
#### 28. [GnomeGames][29] ####
#### 29. [番茄炸弹超人][30] ####
10分钟内,你能够粉碎多少个西红柿?这个“特别闲的时候玩的东西”和《Those Funny Funguloids》由同一个的团队打造。适用操作系统: Windows和 Linux.
#### 30. [KDE 游戏][31] ####
#### 31. [Neverball][32] ####
在这个游戏中,玩家必须倾斜地板去引导球通过障碍场地。这个游戏包括许多关卡,并且你可以设计自己的关卡。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X。
#### 32. [疯狂小企鹅][33] ####
在90年代时,你是否曾经花费数个小时去玩《疯狂小旅鼠》?如果是这样的话,Pingus就是为你而设计的。它是《疯狂小旅鼠》的一个复刻版(使用企鹅替代了旅鼠),有77个关卡。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 33. [推倒][34] ####
#### 34. [Zaz][35] ####
### 益智游戏 ###
#### 35. [ChildsPlay][36] ####
ChildsPlay专为5岁及以下的儿童设计,能够帮助指导他们发音、字母、数字和基础的键盘技巧。它也包括了一些游戏,例如记忆游戏、打砖块和吃豆豆。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 36. [GBrainy][37] ####
通过GBrainy中的逻辑、词汇、数学和记忆游戏,来锻炼你的思维。它对于所有年龄段的玩家来说,都会十分有趣并且有益头脑。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 37. [GCompris][38] ####
#### 38. [TuxMath][39] ####
在即将到来的彗星杀死企鹅之前迅速地解决数学问题。这个简单的游戏能够强化小学年龄段学生们的数学能力。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 第一人称射击游戏 ###
#### 39. [外星人竞技场][40] ####
被设计为“以弹药对抗弹药”,《外星人竞技场》是有着复古科幻主题的一场紧张的死亡竞争射击枪战。许多不同的网站为联机游戏提供了托管服务器,也有很多记录了各种游戏技巧等等的粉丝网站。适用操作系统:Linux, Windows和 OS X.
#### 40. [AssaultCube][41] ####
因其轻量级,即使拥有非常不错的真实感画面,AssaultCube仍然能在更旧的硬件设备上运行。它支持单人和多人游戏,包括了26张不同的地图和12种不同的游戏模式。适用操作系统:Linux,Wwindows和OS X。
#### 41. [经典 Nexuiz][42] ####
下载量超过600万次,Nexuiz是最流行的开源射击游戏之一。几年前,该游戏是一个非开源版本创建的,但你可以从SourceForge的链接下载经典版本。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 42. [OpenArena][43] ####
这个多玩家游戏是雷蛇之锤3的克隆,它的特征是拥有13种不同的武器,51个竞技场和12类游戏。该程序的拥有者发出警告,“由于暴力和偶尔的不健康内容,它不适合17岁一下的孩子玩”。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 43. [Red Eclipse][44] ####
这个休闲的第一人称射击游戏已经获得极高的评价。其特点包括跑酷,脉冲刺激,界面华丽,几种游戏模式和一个内置的关卡编辑。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 44. [Tremulous][45] ####
这是一个屡获殊荣的游戏,一款混合了即时战略游戏元素的第一射击游戏。用户可以选择扮演外星人或者人类来永久消灭其它队的对手。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux, OS X和 XBox.
#### 45. [TrueCombat][46] ####
TrueCombat声称自己“也许永远是最好的免费战术写实的射击游戏。”这是一个2个对抗团队比赛的现代世界实战模拟器。请注意,为了使用它,你还需要德军总部:敌对势力。操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X。
#### 46. [Unvanquished][47] ####
从Tremulous分离出来,不可征服的人陷入“高度适应能力人类群体的先进技术。”在非常活跃的开发环境下,每个月提供了新的版本。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X。
#### 47. [Warsow][48] ####
这款自称在“在Web上节奏最快的运动”,Warsow是一个卡通射击游戏具有”猪尾巴火箭炮和携带赛伯朋克”的射击游戏。不想大多数射击游戏,它没有大量的血液和仇恨,更多强调的是运动。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS x.
#### 48. [Wolfenstein: Enemy Terriorty][49]
虽然已经有好几个专有德军部队游戏,但这一个是开源的。这是一个第二次世界大战时间的游戏,其核心专门对抗盟军。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux,OS X。
#### 49. [ Padman世界][50] ####
#### 50. [Xonotic][51] ####
Xonotic是经典版Nexuiz的分支。它拥有超过22种不同的地图,16种武器和大量不同的游戏模式。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 51. [零导弹][52] ####
部分第一人称射击手,部分坦克游戏,零导弹坐落在风景如画的山区环境,并已经拥有超过81个坦克体系可用。玩死斗,团队死斗或者独特的beaconstrike模式。适用操作系统:Windows、Linux 和 OS X。
### 音乐类游戏 ###
#### 52. [Frets on Fire][53] ####
Frets on Fire这个游戏很多地方都很像“吉它英雄”这个游戏,它甚至可以起到播放“吉它英雄”里的歌曲(当然其它歌曲也同样可用)。如果你没有一个吉它控制器,别担心,你也可以适用键盘来玩。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 53. [StepMania][54] ####
这是一个免费版本的跳舞机,挑战者可以停留在某个节奏去对应音乐的节拍。你既可以适用跳舞毯(如果你拥有的话)去挑,或者也可以适用键盘操作。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux/Unix, OS X或者 XBox.
#### 54. [Ultrastar Deluxe][55] ####
如果卡拉OK是你的菜,那么你就会喜欢Ultrastar Deluxe这个游戏了。在这个游戏中,你必须单独唱完一首歌并且是对应正确的节拍。它包含了超过10000歌曲。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和OS X.
### 赛车游戏 ###
#### 55. [至尊小企鹅竞赛][56] ####
Tux Racer是一款备受宠爱的旧款游戏,其特征是Linux小企鹅展示他的腹部滑下山。至尊小企鹅为现在的游戏玩家更新了这款经典游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 56. [Speed Dreams][57] ####
这是TORCS自动赛车游戏的分支(见下文),其特征是一个更新过的UI界面和许多骑车和轨道。正如TORCS,视觉效果非常出色。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 57. [SuperTuxKart][58] ####
这个卡通赛车游戏的特点是Linux小企鹅和朋友们驾驶卡丁车。沿着轨道的指引前进,同时避开一堆障碍物的撞击。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 58. [TORCS][59] ####
TROCS是"The Open Racing Care Simulator”的缩写,TORCS是一款拥有大量粉丝为基础的杰出的逼真赛车游戏。单独驾驶或与朋友在其中一条轨道中竞赛也是可选的。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 59. [终极特技][60] ####
由经典DOS游戏Stunts的启发,终极特技要求玩家去指导整个破碎的桥梁的车辆,跳跃,环绕等避开其它障碍。它允许提供一些选项通过更加疯狂的特技来设计自己的轨道。操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 60. [VDrift][61] ####
类似一款模拟器的赛车游戏,VDrift介绍玩家们赛车漂移的世界在一个真实的物理引擎中。它包含了超过45辆车,超过45条轨道,并且对各种控制器提供了支持。适用操作系统Wwindows,Linux,OS X。
### 角色扮演和冒险游戏 ###
#### 61. [穿越火线][62] ####
有时被描述为NetHack 和 Gauntlet之间的穿越,穿越火线是一款非常旧派的图形街机冒险游戏。它拥有超过3000张不同的地图和超过150种不同的怪物。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 62. [Epic Inventor][63] ####
Epic Inventor将自己描述成一个"横向卷轴动作的RPG游戏。"它类似于Minecraft,是一款简单的,像素化图形和开放式的游戏。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 63[神剑:Morganna的复仇] [64] ####
这款时空穿梭游戏让扮演你在未来海洋空间,玩家必须穿越回到亚瑟王和克莱特的年代。这个图形界面并没有什么特别的(想想 Minecraft),但是故事情节和游戏性都很赞。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 64. [火炬][65] ####
受Diablo启发,这个角色扮演游戏的重点在于战斗。它仍然是一个开端版本但是依旧可以玩。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 65. [苏娜之吻][66] ####
仅对成年人开发,这款"舌头在脸颊上的动作RPG"充满了“暴力、粗俗、裸体等主题”,也许你在其它游戏中很少看到。它提供了大量的动作和不断变化的景观。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 66. [The Mana World][67] ####
这是一款大型的多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG),但事实没有想象中庞大。(在我写下这段文字的时候有31个人正在玩这个游戏。)尽管这样,创造一个不断扩大的世界充满了怪物、任务和迷你游戏是一个很好的尝试。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。
#### 67. [NetHack][68]注:此链接原文有错误,和上面的链接地址一样了 ####
游戏史上经典之一,NetHack是一个带及其简单图形的复杂地牢履带。它被称为有史以来最好的100个视频之一。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux, 和经典Mac.
#### 68. [PlaneShift][69] ####
设置在Yliakum的梦幻世界,这是一个独特的在线角色扮演游戏,其特征是有10个不同的种族和一个拥有自己经济、政府、宗教和法律的发达国家。虽然可以试玩,但是这款游戏还处在早期的开发阶段。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 69. [Ryzom][70] ####
其中一个较好开源MMORPGS,获得Ryzom奖是设置在一个叫Atys的树状星球,其中有几种不同种族互动,有时候树状星球会发生冲突。你可以自由发回,但是那些选择订阅会得到特别的好处。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 70. [Stendhal][71] ####
这个在线角色扮演游戏相比大多数同类游戏更友好。网站上解释,"你可能会被要求去帮助保护土地,拯救穷人,治愈病人,是别人获得快乐,解决难题,或者直接伸出援手。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 71. [Summoning Wars][72] ####
可以多达8个人一起玩的幻想角色扮演游戏。拖车这个游戏有一个拖车你可以同时在Youtube上看到它的动作。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 模拟类游戏 ###
#### 72. [FlightGear][73] ####
FlightGear是一个极其逼真、一流的飞行模拟器并且有竞争对手的专用软件。它包括了整个世界精准的地形和20,000多个机场还有众多栩栩如生的飞机模型。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux, OS X和其它。
#### 73. [Golems][74] ####
有了这个物理模拟器,你可以创建任何你想要的东西并看它在真实世界中如何表现。这是一个强大的基础学习机器,可以制造机器人,并发明各种玩意。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 74. [LinCity NG][75] ####
基于原来的SimCity游戏,LinCity NG挑战玩家去建造一个可持续发展的大都市并拥有繁华的经济状况。需要注意的是,由于这个游戏是基于旧代码,所以它的图形化更像久的DOS游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 75. [Micropolis/OLPC SimCity][76] ####
另一个SimCity的模仿者,Micropolis是一个基于Java开发的城市模拟器。它还具有相当老派的图形界面,而不是较新的3D外观模拟城市游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 76. [Minetest][77] ####
与Minecraft极其相似,Minetest被设置在基础构建的一个无垠世界中。玩家可以探索,矿山或者根据他们的需要制造一些新事物。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 77. [Pioneer][78] ####
Pioneer描述自己为“一个孤独的太空冒险游戏”。它将玩家输送到一个开放式的世界里,这个世界里他们可以决定他们想做什么和去哪里。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 78. [Oolite][79] ####
这个游戏是基于Elite,Oolite是一个太空模拟器,你可以与其它航天员进行进行交易或者参加一场战斗。这个游戏存在了相当长的一段时间,很多扩展操作系统可以使用。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 79. [OpenCity][80] ####
这个3D城市模拟器并不是要成为一个模拟城市的克隆器,但是提供类似的玩家模式。这是相当基础的,但是很耐玩。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 80. [OpenTTD][81] ####
基于豪华运输大亨,OpenTTD邀请玩家去简历一个运输帝国。它支持一次多达255个玩家并可以通过很多种方式去改善原来的TTD系统。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 81. [Rigs of Rods][82] ####
#### 81. [Rigs of Rods][82] ####
这个车辆模拟器具有一个独特的软体物理引擎拥有一批非常积极和热情的粉丝为基础。使用它来创造陆地,海洋或者空中骑车,可以带着它们驾驶或者飞往全国各地。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 82. [Simutrans][83] ####
这个交通仿真器提供了连接到互联网在线游戏主机的选项。适用公车、卡车、火车、电车、船只、飞机、单轨铁车、磁悬浮列车或者其它交通工具将人们或者货物运送到他们想抵达的地方去。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 83. [Vega Strike][84] ####
这是另一款太空模拟器可以让你星系中交易和战斗。你可以选择是否选择飞贸易路线,接受狩猎任务奖金,打海盗或者探索浩瀚的太空。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
### 战略游戏 ###
#### 84. [0 A.D.][85] ####
现在已经更新到了第16个alpha版本了。0 A.D.是一个屡获文明建设的游戏,这个游戏努力地在追溯历史的准确性。玩家可以选择迦太基人,凯尔特人,希腊人,伊比利亚人,孔雀王朝人,波斯人或者罗马人进行游戏。适用操作系统:Linux, Windows和 OS X.
#### 85. [Advanced Strategic Command][86] ####
这个回合制战略游戏是基于Battle Isle游戏系列。玩家在战斗网格景观可以适用单机游戏模式或者多人游戏模式。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 86. [Battle for Wesnoth][87] ####
这个回合制战术策略游戏将玩家置身于神话世界里,它们争取夺回王位。游戏中充斥着兽人、精灵、巫师和数以百计的其它充满梦幻的一个大环境。支持单人游戏和多人游戏。适用操作系统:Linux,Windows,OS X,IOS。
#### 87. [BosWars][88] ####
这个未来的实时战略游戏需要玩家建立能源存储和一个经济体系来支持其军事斗争。玩家可以可以通过局域网进行多人游戏来抵抗对手。适用操作系统:Windows,Linux和BSD,OS X。
#### 88. [CommanderStalin][89] ####
#### 89. [FreeCol][90] ####
受游戏Colonization and Civilization的启发,FreeCol是一款回合制文明建设的战略游戏。你可是的新世界在1492年并通过建立一个独立和言论自由的国家取胜。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和OS X.
#### 90. [FreeCiv][91] ####
这也是一个在Civilization得到启发的游戏,这个回合制战略游戏开始在石器时期,结束于太空时期。它包括了50个可玩单元和541国家并附带了各种可玩场景。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 91. [FreeOrion][92] ####
尽管这不是一个克隆或者翻拍,FreeOrion是一个松散的基于Master of Orion 的游戏。这是一个设置在太空的回合制战略游戏。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 92. [Glest][93] ####
这个实时战略游戏中科技的力量和魔法的力量都在其中。虽然它任然提供下载,但是大多数Linux发行版本现在包含了Megaglest的分支(见下文)而不是这个旧的程序。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 93. [Globulation 2][94] ####
这个实时文明建设战略游戏用意在于减少微观管理并允许玩家集中精力于战略上。单机模式或者多用户模式游戏和关卡编辑器都是可用的。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 94. [Hedgewars][95] ####
这是一个更轻快的战略游戏,Hedgewars以“粉红刺猬从地狱深处战斗到太空深处”,总共31个环境,48张已经设置好的地图,还可以无限制随机生成张地图,55种武器,280种服装,最多支持8个玩家。适用操作系统:Linux, OS X和iOS.
#### 95. [Kernel Panic][96] ####
这款游戏设置在数字地形中,Kernel Panic是一款实时战略游戏,拥有Tron-like的图形界面。所有资源都是免费的,所以玩家不必担心楼宇经济,只需要于其它骇客在网络上斗争。适用操作系统:Linux和 Windows。
#### 96. [Liquid War][97] ####
追溯回2002年,Liquid War被评委最“最原始的Linux游戏”,但是仍然是值得一玩的。玩家尝试消耗敌人的能量来控制水军。适用操作系统: Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 97. [MegaGlest][98] ####
这个游戏是Glest的衍生,在原来的Tech和Magic上增加了5个新的队伍:埃及,印度,挪威人,波斯和罗马。它提供了17中不同的地图,有单机模式和多人游戏模式,并为新手提供了教程。适用操作系统:Windows和 Linux.
#### 98. [Pax Brittanica][99] ####
这是一款。最多可以支持4个玩家在战斗中使用同意键盘的潜艇战略游戏。这些空间简单易学(你只需适用一个按钮),但是这个游戏可以玩得非常激烈。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 99. [Spring: 1944][100] ####
#### 100. [UFO: Alien Invasion][101] ####
在未来70年,一个秘密的组织正在为保卫地球不受狠毒的外星人侵略做战斗。玩家扮演人类或者外星人在单机模式或者多用户模式。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 101. [Unknown Horizons][102] ####
在这个文明建设的战略游戏中,强调的是建设一个强大的经济体制,你需要在一个孤岛上利用屈指可数的定居者和资源为开始,去建造一个欣欣向荣的城市。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 102. [Warzone 2100][103] ####
你可以在核爆炸后重建地球吗?这个游戏提供了一个非常强大科技树并支持单人模式或者多人模式。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux,和OS X.
#### 103. [Widelands][104] ####
受Settlers II启发,Widelands是另外一款实时战略游戏,挑战玩家去建立一个文明国度。它的特点是具有3个部落,分别为野蛮人、帝国和亚特兰蒂斯,而不像大多数文明游戏,玩家并没有被告知每个单元要做什么,而是把下订单并委派给代表,更像一个统治者的角色。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 104. [Zero-K][105] ####
在这个快速移动的实时战略游戏中,机器人军队进行着一场永无休止的战斗。主要功能包括超过100种不同的单元,一个精简的经济体系,逼真的物理引擎,地球化等等。适用操作系统: Windows和 Linux.
#### 105. [Zombies][106] ####
你能够在在僵尸杀了你之前杀死所有僵尸吗?这是一个回合制的游戏提供了令人上瘾的游戏和设置,允许玩家决定挑战的级别。适用操作系统:OS X、
### 有趣的非游戏类 ###
#### 106. [Celestia][107] ####
对于想成为宇航员和初露头角的天文学家,这款游戏无疑是至臻完美的, Celestia可以让你看到太空,因为它会出现在任何时间和宇宙中的任何已知点。快速地到木星旅行或者画出你夜晚的观星图。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 107. [Electric Sheep][108] ####
这个游戏的灵感来自于Philip K. Dick小说中 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep(做电绵羊机器人的梦想)?这个屏幕通过创造抽象图案和花纹来保护您的系统连接到成千上万人的系统上。投票支持你喜欢的团,它们便会出现得更经常一些。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux, OS X, 安卓和 iOS.
#### 108. [LCARS 24][109] ####
如果你家里有一台旧的电脑(睡会没有),为何不把它变成一个星际旅行为主题。有了这个应用,你可以得到一个闹钟和文件管理器,从图形界面看来,就像来到了一个正规的企业。适用操作系统:Windows和 DOS.
#### 109. [Stellarium][110] ####
把你的PC变成一个天文馆。Stellarium可以在地球上随时从任何角度随时显示夜空,而且它使用许多天象仪器来为显示器供电。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
#### 110. [Tux Paint][111] ####
Tux Paint可以让学龄前儿童很容易地在电脑上创建自己的“图画”。它的特征是有一个借口和大按钮,有趣的声音效果和友好的字符界面。适用操作系统:Windows, Linux和 OS X.
via: http://www.datamation.com/open-source/110-fun-open-source-games-and-apps-1.html
译者:[disylee](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[ReiNoir](https://github.com/reinoir)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
> 讨论Linux桌面上一些最优秀浏览器的优缺点,讨论对象包括Firefox,Chrome和其它浏览器。
### **Firefox** ###
– [Firefox][1]已经成为Linux用户的一款友好的浏览器很长时间。 它在32位和64位的Linux上都可用,同时Firefox提供丰富的扩展程序供选择。firefix是一款装载快速,易于使用的浏览器,在Linux用户中很流行。
**优点**: 如果Firefox没有被预装在某个Linux发行版的话,它也能很方便地从大多数常见Linux软件仓库中安装。上千种供选择的扩展程序可以能让你的firedox极富个性化。几乎所有的网站都能正确地被Firefox渲染(包括政府网站和银行网站)。
**缺点**: 不久之前,我发现Firefox的频繁更新会破坏我的扩展程序。这就意味着每次在我更新Firefox前我得检查我最喜欢的一些扩展程序是否与新的Firefox兼容。
### **Chrome/Chromium** ###
– Google提醒大家它的的浏览器叫[Chrome][2],然而自从[Chromium][3]被作为Chrome的开发基础后我就倾向于把Chromium和Chrome视为一类。不像Firefox,Chrome/Chromium进入Linux比较晚,直到Chrome被大多数人意识到是最快的浏览器后Linux使用者才觉得它值得一试。
**优点**: 即使是在今天,Chrome也是超快的。虽然最近很多浏览器的升级使它有了竞争对手,但在速度方面Chrome/Chrommium还从未输过。Chromr/Chromium支持的扩展程序数量丰富甚至质量更好,而且升级Chrome/Chromium对它的扩展程序并没有影响。这就意味着,不像Firefox,我不需要去处理扩展程序的不兼容性。和Firefox一样,Chrome/Chromium也有内嵌入浏览器的元素检查工具。和其它浏览器一起试验同步功能后,只有Chrome/Chromium 证明了它是安全可靠的。在我看来,Chrome/Chromium的同步功能毫无疑问是众多浏览器中最好的。
**缺点**: Chrome/Chromium有时候不能正确地渲染网页。有这样一些很少见的情形,一些网站比如Ebay不能被正确地渲染。举个例子,假如我在新建一个Ebay提交,有时候会缺少某些网页按钮。我还发现有时候当一个打开的标签页正在执行大型脚本时Chrome/Chromium会整个卡住。比如Goole Plus 和 Facebook这样的网站就是最常见的例子。
### **Qupzilla** ###
– 当说到轻量级浏览器时,我认为[Qupzilla][4]是最棒的。基于webkit,它能在很小的资源占用下提供相当好的网页渲染支持。
**优点**: 如果你需要一款现代化的能正确渲染网页,并大体上能提供可靠的网络浏览体验的浏览器,那么对于轻量的桌面环境来说,Qupzilla是你的理想选择。它相当轻巧,能够在老的计算机上非常稳定地运行。Qupzilla预装了Access keys 和 [GreaseMonkey][5]插件(但没有被启用)。
**缺点**: HTML5 “视频”标签在Qupzilla上好像无法可靠地工作。而且,为了观看Flash视频,你得进入首选项并且在Webkit插件区域的扩展程序中钩去Click to Flash选项, 在HTML5 “视频”标签还是完全损坏的情况下,这个没有经过好好考虑的设计实质上使得Flash无法直接播放。
### **Midori** ###
– 我喜欢把[Midori][7]叫做轻量级的Chrome。和Goolge的浏览器一样,Midori通过它的“汉堡式”菜单给用户提供极简风格的体验,汉堡式菜单相当棒因为它占用的浏览器空间更少。在没有其它浏览器信条的情况下你不仅能获得稳定的上网体验,而且Midori也很快速。
**优点**: Midori快速,轻量,接近于开箱即用。它能够正确地渲染网页而且能够很好的浏览像YOUTUBE一样的网站。我认为Midori最棒的地方就是内嵌入浏览器的浏览器设置功能和网页应用快捷方式。举个例子,你可以很简单地在你的桌面上建立一个Gmail或Facebook的快捷方式。你也可以创建另外的浏览器设置,而不用新建立一个Linux用户帐号。
**缺点**: 虽然也提到过Midori的用户扩展程序,但可用的扩展程序并不出色。另外,用户得费些许功夫来习惯Midora的布局。 比如它给浏览过的网站还弄个垃圾桶-有没有搞错?
### **Opera** ###
– [Opera][8]长时间是被误解的浏览器之一。很早以前,Opera浏览器在所有Linux社区的反对下提供了Linux平台下的支持。不过后来还好,Opera成为了服务Linux用户的一个快速,和谐的浏览器,它也有很丰富的设置选项。
**优点**: 快速,自定性选项丰富。你可以在浏览器中发送和接收从RSS 订阅到电子邮件等等,skin Opera 可以让你很方便得获取炫丽的浏览器主题。Opera提供一个丰富的拓展仓库来供你选择扩展程序。我们不仅能从Opera阅读RSS 订阅和电子邮件,我们还能使用Opera的扩展套件功来能重温使用Mozilla Suite的日子。但也许最重要的是,Opera Turbo -能极大提高你的上网速度,它通过对浏览内容的选择性压缩来给用户提供一个更快的上网体验。
**缺点**: 首次运行要麻烦地配置很多服务. Opera Turbo对你的上网体验有些许影响----比如YouTube,可能无法显示视频的缩略图。Opera提供的如此之多设置选项可能令业余使用者手足无措。最后,Opera是闭源软件,作为桌面浏览器它不是被很认可。大多数爱好者仅把它当作一款手机浏览器。
### 哪款浏览器适合你? ###
via: http://www.datamation.com/open-source/best-linux-browsers-1.html
原文作者:[Matt Hartley][a]
译者:[Love-xuan](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
正在经历变革的 Linux 系统管理员技能
你上次编译内核是多久以前的事儿了?新生代 Linux 管理员的答案很简单:我压根儿没编译过内核。我也从没编译过内核,当然自己弄着玩儿的不算。我实在想不到我为啥需要自定义内核,所以我就用我的“开箱即用”内核了。
Linux 老鸟们可能会笑话我们,但你不能否认:随着越来越多的企业采用 Linux,新生代的 Linux 管理员虽然生就一身相当不错的技术实力,却因缺乏编译内核这类简单却基础的技能而和一个优秀的 Linux 管理员之间存在差距。我们能用时下最前沿的技术搭建一套高性能、高可用的 Web 基础设施,但你别让我们修理一台无法启动的 Linux 机器——我们会建议你扔了它,然后换个新的虚拟机。
过去的十来年里发生了很多有意思的事儿:Linux 不但变成了商品,而且其层出不穷的发行版也越来越强大和灵活。如今,一个普通的系统管理员完全不必掌握编译内核这类底层技能了。
然后,我们又见证了虚拟机技术的商品化。使用 Amazon 云主机或者 VPS 的用户也许永远不用在裸机上部署 Linux。随着混合云和私有云的日益普及,甚至很多企业级的系统管理员都不需要在裸机上部署 Linux——登录 Web 管理界面,一次性就能搞定不止 5 台 Apache 虚拟机。
时下最新的两个趋势(一个是配置管理,另一个看起来很前沿(其实一点儿都不前沿)—— 像 docker 这样的部署工具包)隐藏了更多 Linux 底层技术细节。每当客户要求我们在 [OlinData][1] 上配置 Linux 机器时,我们的第一个动作就是安装配置 [Puppet][2]。有了功能强大值得信赖的 Puppet 模块,手工配置也更快更简单了。
例如,我可以这样使用 Puppet 在新机器上安装 Apache:
node 'web01.olindata.com' {
include apache
apache::vhost{ 'www.olindata.com':
docroot => '/var/www/olindata'
在这种环境下,我甚至都不用在机器上打日志。通过 [Jenkins][3] 这样的不间断部署工具,我可以完全自动化部署我的基础设施代码,并确保它们通过了我预置的测试。
### 系统管理员技能日益升级 ###
就算有更新的工具对我们隐藏更多的技术细节,坚持 Linux 训练对系统管理员来说仍然很有价值。了解基础知识很关键,这些抽象高级工具把管理员从旧的任务中解放了出来,那么系统管理员就应该强化自己使用这些高级工具的能力。熟悉高级工具对系统管理员提升层次来说很关键,这会迫使系统管理员不断练习编写代码一类的能力,并借此发挥这些新玩意儿更大的潜力。
底层 Linux 技能需求会完全消失么?当然不会。除了商业服务器部署之外,Linux 还有大量其他用途。同时,人们也从底层操作知识中获益颇丰。最重要的是,如果你的简历上体现出了这些技能,我(还有很多其他老板)总是会优先选择你,而不是那些尚未掌握这些技能的候选人。因为你也不知道啥时候你就用上这些技能了!

Walter Heck 是 Olindata 公司(一个 Linux 基金会授权的培训机构)的创始人兼 CEO,这里是计划中[由 OlinData 提供的 Linux 基金会官方培训课程单][4].
via: http://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/systems-management/780956-linux-system-administration-skills-are-changing
原文作者:[Walter Heck][a]
译者:[sailing](https://github.com/blueabysm) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,130 +1,131 @@
Linux slabtop command - Display Kernel Slab Cache Information
Linux slabtop命令——显示内核片缓存信息
The Linux kernel needs to allocate memory for temporary objects such as task or device structures and inodes. The caching memory allocator manages caches of these types of objects. The modern Linux kernel implements this caching memory allocator to hold the caches called the slabs. Different types of slab caches are maintained by the slab allocator. This article concentrates on the slabtop command which shows real-time kernel slab cache information.
### 1. Command Usage: ###
The command is simple to use. Default execution does not mandate any arguments to the command. But it does require root privileges to access the kernel slab information. Executing the command as normal user gives following error:
### 1. 命令用法: ###

You can run it by prepending “sudo” with slabtop. The default output looks like:

To quit from slabtop, just hit ‘q’ like you do for top command.
### 2. Slabtop options: ###
### 2. Slabtop选项: ###
#### 2.1 Display Interval: ####
#### 2.1 显示间隔: ####
By default slabtop refreshes every 3 seconds. But if you want, you can provide the refreshing interval in seconds with -d or --delay=N option:


#### 2.2 Sort criteria: ####
#### 2.2 排序标准: ####
There are many fields in slabtop output. The -s or --sort=S option sorts the output according to the mentioned sort criteria. This option will be discussed in detail in the next section.
#### 2.3 Output once: ####
#### 2.3 输出一次: ####
The -o or --once option does not refresh the output, instead it just throws the output once on STDOUT and exits.

#### 2.4 Version info: ####
#### 2.4 版本信息: ####
The -V or --version displays the version of the command and exits.

#### 2.5 Help: ####
#### 2.5 帮助: ####
The common option, -h or --help displays usage of the command.

### 3. Sort Criteria: ###
### 3. 排序标准: ###
The sort criteria determines which slab caches are displayed on top. Following are the sort criteria for slabtop:
#### 3.1 ACTIVE: ####
#### 3.1 活跃: ####
Caches can be sorted by number of active objects with “a”.


#### 3.2 OBJ/SLAB: ####
#### 3.2 对象/分片: ####
The Objects per Slab can be selected with “b”.


#### 3.3 CACHE SIZE: ####
#### 3.3 缓存大小: ####
For selecting cache size, you need to provide “c”.


#### 3.4 SLABS: ####
#### 3.4 分片: ####
The number of slabs. Select it with “l”


#### 3.5 Active Slabs: ####
#### 3.5 活跃分片: ####
The number of Active Slabs. (Note that this is different from number of Active Objects described above.) Use “v” to sort according to this criteria.


#### 3.6 NAME: ####
#### 3.6 名称: ####
Name of cache. Corresponding character is “n”


#### 3.7 OBJS: ####
#### 3.7 对象: ####
To sort by number of objects, use “o”


#### 3.8 Pages Per Slab: ####
#### 3.8 每分片页面数: ####
“p” will sort by pages per slab


#### 3.9 OBJ SIZE: ####
#### 3.9 对象大小: ####
The object size is sorted by “s”


#### 3.10 USE: ####
#### 3.10 使用: ####
“u” sorts by the cache utilization.

@ -134,6 +135,6 @@ The object size is sorted by “s”
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/kernel-slab-cache-information/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[GOLinux](https://github.com/GOLinux) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
在每种**编程**语言中,**变量**都扮演了一个重要的角色。在Linux shell脚本编程中,我们使用两种类型的变量:**系统定义的变量**和**用户定义的变量**。
### 系统定义的变量: ###
这些变量由**操作系统(Linux)自身**创建并维护,通常它们以**大写字母**定义,我们可以通过命令“**$ set**”来查看这些变量。下面列出了部分系统定义的变量:
<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td><strong> System Defined Variables </strong></td>
<td><strong> Meaning </strong></td>
<td> BASH=/bin/bash </td>
<td> Shell Name </td>
<td> BASH_VERSION=4.1.2(1) </td>
<td> Bash Version </td>
<td> COLUMNS=80 </td>
<td> No. of columns for our screen </td>
<td> HOME=/home/linuxtechi </td>
<td> Home Directory of the User </td>
<td> LINES=25 </td>
<td> No. of columns for our screen </td>
<td> LOGNAME=LinuxTechi </td>
<td> LinuxTechi Our logging name </td>
<td> OSTYPE=Linux </td>
<td> OS type </td>
<td> PATH=/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin </td>
<td> Path Settings </td>
<td> PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$ </td>
<td> Prompt Settings </td>
<td> PWD=/home/linuxtechi </td>
<td> Current Working Directory </td>
<td> SHELL=/bin/bash </td>
<td> Shell Name </td>
<td> USERNAME=linuxtechi </td>
<td> User name who is currently login to system </td>
要打印以上变量的值,可以使用**echo command**命令,如下:
# echo $HOME
# echo $USERNAME
$ cat myscript
# display user information from the system.
echo “User info for userid: $USER”
echo UID: $UID
echo HOME: $HOME
$ echo “The cost of the item is $15”
The cost of the item is 5
$ echo “The cost of the item is \$15”
The cost of the item is $15
### 用户定义的变量: ###
var4=“still more testing”
$ cat test3
# testing variables
echo "$guest checked in $days days ago"
echo "$guest checked in $days days ago"
$ chmod u+x test3
$ ./test3
Katie checked in 10 days ago
Jessica checked in 5 days ago
$ cat test4
# assigning a variable value to another variable
echo The resulting value is $value2
$ chmod u+x test4
$ ./test4
The resulting value is 10
$ ./test4
The resulting value is value1
### 在shell变量中使用反引号(`): ###
$ cat test5
# using the backtick character
echo "The date and time are: " $testing
$ chmod u+x test5
$ ./test5
The date and time are: Mon Jan 31 20:23:25 EDT 2011
$ echo " Today’s date & time is :" $(date)
Today’s date & time is : Sun Jul 27 16:26:56 IST 2014
via: http://www.linuxtechi.com/variables-in-shell-scripting/
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
轻而易举提升GNOME 3效率
极少Linux桌面像GNOME 3一样饱受争议。自发布以来,它被奚落,被挖苦,还被痛恨。事情是,它实际上是一个很不错的桌面。它牢固、可靠、稳定、优雅、简洁……而且带有一些小的调整和附加的东西,它可以做成市面上最高效、最友好的桌面之一。
当然,什么才是高效而又/或者是用户友好的桌面呢?那取决于观念——每个人都有的东西。归根到底,我的目标是帮助你快速访问你要用到的应用和文件。简单吧。不管你信不信,将GNOME 3一步一步变成更为高效而又用户友好的世界是一项十分容易的任务——你只需要知道哪里去查看以及做些什么即可。在这里,我会引领你去往正确的方向。
我决定从这里开始着手这个事情,首先安装一个干净的[Ubuntu GNOME][1]发行版开始,该安装包含有一个GNOME 3.12桌面。在以GNOME为中心的桌面准备好后,就该开始对它进行微调了。
### 添加窗口按钮 ###

Figure 1: 添加回最小化按钮到GNOME 3窗口
- 设置窗口聚焦模式
- 设置系统字体
- 设置GNOME主题
- 添加启动应用
- 添加扩展
### 添加扩展 ###
GNOME 3的最佳特性之一,就是shell扩展,这些扩展为GNOME带来了全部种类的有用的特性。关于shell扩展,没必要从包管理器去安装。你可以访问[GNOME Shell扩展][2]站点,搜索你想要添加的扩展,点击扩展列表,点击打开按钮,然后扩展就安装完成了;或者你也可以从GNOME优化工具中添加它们(你在网站上会找到更多可用的扩展)。
注:你可能需要在浏览器中允许扩展安装。如果出现这样的情况,你会在第一次访问GNOME Shell扩展站点时见到警告信息。当出现提示时,只要点击允许即可。
令人印象更为深刻的(而又得心应手的扩展)之一,就是[Dash to Dock][3]。

Figure 2: Dash to Dock添加一个停靠栏到GNOME 3.
当你添加应用程序到Dash后,他们也将被添加到Dash to Dock。你也可以通过点击Dock底部的6点图标访问应用程序概览。
还有大量其它扩展聚焦于讲GNOME 3打造成一个更为高效的桌面,在这些更好的扩展中,包括以下这些:
- [最近项目][4]: 添加一个最近使用项目的下拉菜单到面板。
- [搜索Firefox书签提供者][5]: 从概览搜索(并启动)书签。
- [跳转列表][6]: 添加一个跳转列表弹出菜单到Dash图标(该扩展可以让你快速打开和程序关联的新文档,甚至更多)
- [待办列表][7]: 添加一个下拉列表到面板,它允许你添加项目到该列表。
- [网页搜索对话框][8]: 允许你通过敲击Ctrl+空格来快速搜索网页并输入一个文本字符串(结果在新的浏览器标签页中显示)。
### 添加一个完整停靠栏 ###
如果Dash to dock对于而言功能还是太有限(你想要通知区域,甚至更多),那么向你推荐我最喜爱的停靠栏之一[Cairo Dock][9](图3)。

Figure 3: Cairo Dock待命
在Cairo Dock添加到GNOME 3后,你的体验将成倍地增长。从你的发行版的包管理器中安装这个优秀的停靠栏吧。
不必将GNOME 3看作是一个效率不高的,用户不友好的桌面。只要稍作调整,GNOME 3可以成为和其它可用的桌面一样强大而用户友好的桌面。
via: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/781916-easy-steps-to-make-gnome-3-more-efficient
作者:[Jack Wallen][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
Cheat - 一个给Linux初学者和管理员的终极命令行‘备忘单’
当你不确定你所运行的命令,尤其是那些使用了许多选项的复杂命令的时候,你怎么做?在这种情况下,我们使用man pages来获取帮助。还有一些其它的选择可能包括像‘**help**’,‘**whereis**’和‘**whatis**’这样的命令。但是所有的这些既有优点,也有缺点
当我们浏览**man pages**来查看选项和帮助的时候,man pages里面的描述实在太冗长了,我们无法在很短的时间里理解它的意思

Linux Man Pages

Help Command

Whereis Command
‘**whatis**’命令给出一套很严格的答案---仅仅说出了所查询命令的作用,但,它并没有什么太大帮助。而且, 它从来不提及所查询命令所拥有的选项

Whatis Command
### 什么是cheat? ###

### 在Linux系统中安装‘Cheat’ ###
‘**Cheat**’有两个主要的依赖 - ‘**python**’ 和 ‘**pip**’,在安装‘**cheat**’之前,确保你的系统安装了python和pip
### Install Python ###
# apt-get install Python (基于Debian的系统)
# yum install python (基于小红帽的系统)
Install Pip
# apt-get install python-pip (基于Debian的系统)
# yum install python-pip (基于小红帽的系统)
### 下载并安装Cheat ###
# apt-get install git (基于Debian的系统)
# yum install git (基于小红帽的系统)
# pip install docopt pygments
现在,clone cheat的[Git repository][1]
# git clone https://github.com/chrisallenlane/cheat.git
# cd cheat
# python setup.py install
# cheat -v
cheat 2.0.9
### cheat的一些必要配置 ###
export EDITOR = /usr/bin/nano
# wget https://github.com/chrisallenlane/cheat/raw/master/cheat/autocompletion/cheat.bash
# mv cheat.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/
- [Auto Completion Script for Various Shells][2]
export CHEATCOLOR=true
# cheat -xyz
### 一些Cheat命令的使用 ###
一个包可以是 *.gz , *.bz2 , *.zip , *.xz,可是什么情况下用哪些选项呢?







$ cheat -d
# cp /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cheat/cheatsheets/* /home/avi/.cheat/
### 结论 ###

Linux Gag
via: http://www.tecmint.com/cheat-command-line-cheat-sheet-for-linux-users/
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
在Ubuntu上安装和配置Nvidia Optimus驱动
Nvidia Optimus是一款利用“双显卡切换”技术的混合GPU系统,但长期以来受限于Linux系统上的诸多不便与限制。在数年的等待之后,搭载这全新内核的Ubuntu 14.04最终实现了非常容易安装的专用驱动的兼容性。这篇文章首先为不熟悉Nvidia Optimus的读者简介相关背景,然后展示整个安装过程。对于对Xorg有着丰富配置经验的老手,可以直接跳到安装部分。
### 背景知识 ###
对那些不熟悉Nvidia Optimus的读者,在板载Intel图形芯片组和使用被称为“GPU切换”、对需求有着更强大处理能力的NVIDA显卡这两者之间的进行切换是很有必要的。这么做的主要目的是延长笔记本电池的使用寿命,以便在不需要Nvidia GPU的时候将其关闭。带来的好处是显而易见的,比如说你只是想简单地打打字,笔记本电池可以撑8个小时;如果看高清视频,可能就只能撑3个小时了。使用Windows时经常如此。

几年前,我买了一台上网本(Asus VX6),犯的最蠢的一个错误就是没有检查Linux驱动兼容性。因为在以前,特别是对于一台上网本大小的设备,这根本不会是问题。即便某些驱动不是现成可用的,我也可以找到其它的办法让它正常工作,比如安装专门模块或者使用反向移植。对我来说这是第一次——我的电脑预先配备了Nvidia ION2图形显卡。
[Bumblebee][4]项目直到最近因为得到Linux系统对混合图形方面的支持才变得好起来。事实上,如果配置正确的话,通过命令行接口(如“optirun vlc”)为想要的应用程序去利用Nvidia显卡的功能是可能的,但让HDMI一类的功能运转起来就很不同了。(译者注:Bumblebee 项目是把Nvidia的Optimus技术移到Linux上来。)
我之所以使用“如果配置正确的话”这个短语,是因为实际上为了让它发挥出性能往往不只是通过几次尝试去改变Xorg的配置就能做到的。如果你以前没有使用过ppa-purge或者运行过“dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg”这类命令,那么我可以向你保证修补Bumblebee的过程会让你受益匪浅。
等待了很长一段时间,Nvidia才发布了支持Optimus的Linux驱动,但我们仍然没有获取对双显卡切换的真正支持。然而,现在有了Ubuntu 14.04、nvidia-prime和nvidia-331驱动,任何人都可以在Intel芯片和Nvidia显卡之间轻松切换。不幸的是,为了使切换生效,还是会受限于要重启X11视窗系统(通过注销登录实现)。
### 安装Nvidia Optimus驱动 ###
为了更快地描述这个过程,我假设你已经安装好Ubuntu 14.04或者Mint 17。
作为一名系统管理员,最近我发现90%的Linux通过命令行执行起来更快,但这次我推荐使用“Additional Drivers”这个应用程序,你可能使用它安装过网卡或声卡驱动。

**注意:下面的所有命令都是在~#前执行的,需要root权限执行。在运行命令前,要么使用“sudo su”(切换到root权限),要么在每条命令的开头使用速冻运行。**
~# apt-get install nvidia-331 nvidia-settings nvidia-prime
~# apt-get purge libvdpau-va-gl1 bumblebee* nvidia*
### 在Nvidia和非Nvidia显卡之间切换 ###
~$ nvidia-settings
#### 注意:~$表示不以root用户身份执行。 ####

~# prime-select intel (or nvidia)
~# prime-switch intel (or nvidia)
~# service lightdm restart
~# service mdm restart
~# prime-select query
~# add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
~# apt-get update
~# apt-get install mesa-utils prime-indicator
### 总结 ###
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/08/install-configure-nvidia-optimus-driver-ubuntu.html
作者:[Christopher Ward][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Linux常见问题及答案——如何在Linux Mint Cinnamon桌面启用并配置桌面共享
>**问题**:我试着在Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon桌面上通过Vino VNC服务器(vino-server)启用桌面共享。但是,我发现用来配置vino-server(如,共享选项,安全,通知开/关)的vino首选项工具已经不复存在了。同时,我也的Cinnamon桌面上也找不到共享菜单。我怎样才能在最新的Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon桌面上通过vino-server配置桌面共享?
最新的Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon桌面附带了预安装用于VNC桌面共享的vino-server,但是它报告说桌面共享菜单丢失了。
$ sudo apt-get install dconf-editor
$ dconf-editor

For example, you can enable VNC password authentication by changing the following fields:
- **authentication-methods**: 设置为 ['vnc']
- **vnc-password**: 将你喜欢的密码修改为Base64编码的字符串。
- notify-on-connect: 当vino-server接收到连接请求时显示桌面通知。
- prompt-enabled: 远程用户不允许通过VNC工具访问桌面,除非VNC请求被该桌面的拥有者许可。
### 排障 ###
1. 当启动vino-server时,我碰到了下面的错误。
** (vino-server:4280): WARNING **: The desktop sharing service is not enabled, so it should not be run.
# gsettings set org.gnome.Vino enabled true
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/enable-configure-desktop-sharing-linux-mint-cinnamon-desktop.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
命令行星期二 – 第七部分

### chmod ###
rwx = 111
rw- = 110
rwx = 111 —> in binary = 7
rw- = 110 —> in binary = 6
r-x = 101 —> in binary = 5
r– = 100 —> in binary = 4
chmod 770 example_file
### su 和 sudo ###
sudo zypper in goodiegoodie
### 修改文件和组所有权 ###
[enter password]
chown suse example_file
chgrp suse_group example_file
### 下一次 ###
via: https://news.opensuse.org/2014/08/05/command-line-tuesdays-part-seven/
作者:[Nenad Latinović][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
> **问题**:我想知道当我调用一个特定的可执行文件在运行时载入了哪些共享库。是否有方法可以明确Linux上可执行程序或运行进程的共享库依赖关系?
### 查看可执行程序的共享库依赖关系 ###
$ ldd /path/to/program

$ objdump -p /path/to/program | grep NEEDED

$ sudo pldd <PID>

$ sudo pmap <PID>

via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/check-library-dependency-program-process-linux.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Linux常见问题与答案——如何修复“fatal error: jsoncpp/json/json.h: No such file or directory”问题
>“fatal error: jsoncpp/json/json.h: No such file or directory”
在Debian, Ubuntu或者Linux Mint上:
$ sudo apt-get install libjsoncpp-dev
$ sudo yum install jsoncpp-devel
$ sudo yum install cmake
$ git clone https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp.git
$ cd jsoncpp
$ mkdir -p build/debug
$ cd build/debug
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug -DJSONCPP_LIB_BUILD_SHARED=OFF -G "Unix Makefiles" ../../
$ make
$ sudo make install
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/fix-fatal-error-jsoncpp.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
### 在Debian和CentOS中安装Samba ###
# aptitude show samba
# yum info samba
在下面的屏幕截图中,我们可以看到‘aptitude show samba’的输出(‘yum info samba’会产生类似的结果):

现在让我们来安装Samba吧(下面的截图来自Debian 7[Wheezy]服务器上的安装):
# aptitude install samba
# yum install samba
### 添加用户到Samba ###
# adduser <username>

# smbpassword -a <username>

path = /home/xmodulo
available = yes
valid users = xmodulo
read only = no
browseable = yes
public = yes
writeable = yes
# service samba restart
# testparm

### 在Windows 7计算机上将Samba共享映射为一个网络驱动器 ###


输入先前用‘**smbpasswd -a**’设置的用户名和密码:







### 启用磁盘配额 ###
# cat /boot/config-$(uname -r) | grep


# quotacheck -cug /home
# quotacheck -avugm

# quota -u <username>
# quota -g <groupname>

# quotatool -u xmodulo -bq 4M -l '5 Mb' /home
# quotatool -g xmodulo -bq 10M -l '15 Mb' /home

我们可以在Windows 7中看到结果(4.00MB中有3.98MB空闲):

via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/08/samba-file-server-windows-clients.html
作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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