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24 Must Have Essential Linux Applications In 2017
2017 年必备的 24 个 Linux 应用程序
Brief: What are the must have applications for Linux? The answer is subjective and it depends on for what purpose do you use your desktop Linux. But there are still some essentials Linux apps that are more likely to be used by most Linux user. We have listed such best Linux applications that you should have installed in every Linux distribution you use.
前情提要:Linux 上必备的应用程序是什么呢?这个答案具有主观性并取决于你使用 Linux 桌面的目的是什么。但确实存在一些必备的并且大部分 Linux 用户都会安装的应用程序。接下来我们会列举出那些在所有 Linux 发行版上你都会安装的最优秀的 Linux 应用程序。
The world of Linux, everything is full of alternatives. You have to choose a distro? You have got several dozens of them. Are you trying to find a decent music player? Alternatives are there too.
在 Linux 的世界中,所有东西都由你选择。听说你要选择一个发行版?你能找到一大把。你想要找到一个称心的音乐播放器?同样会有许多选择。
But not all of them are built with the same thing in mind – some of them might target minimalism while others might offer tons of features. Finding the right application for your needs can be quite confusing and a tiresome task. Let’s make that a bit easier.
### Best free applications for Linux users
### 对于 Linux 用户来说最优秀的自由软件
I’m putting together a list of essential free Linux applications I prefer to use in different categories. I’m not saying that they are the best, but I have tried lots of applications in each category and finally liked the listed ones better. So, you are more than welcome to mention your favorite applications in the comment section.
接下来我将罗列一系列在不同应用场景下我偏爱的必备 Linux 自由软件。当然此处我并非在说它们是最好的,但确实是在特定类别下我尝试的一系列软件中最喜欢的。也同样欢迎你在评论区介绍你最喜欢的应用程序。
We have also compiled a nice video of this list. Do subscribe to our YouTube channel for more such educational Linux videos:
同时我们也制作了关于此次应用清单的视频。在油管(译者注:YouTube)上订阅我们的频道获取更多的 Linux 视频。
### Web Browser
### 网页浏览器

[Save][1]Web Browsers
#### [Google Chrome][12]
Google Chrome is a powerful and complete solution for a web browser. It comes with excellent syncing capabilities and offers a vast collection of extensions. If you are accustomed to Google eco-system Google Chrome is for you without any doubt. If you prefer a more open source solution, you may want to try out [Chromium][13], which is the project Google Chrome is based on.
Google Chrome 是一个强大并且功能完善的浏览器解决方案,它拥有完美的同步功能以及丰富的扩展。如果你喜欢 Google 的生态系统那么 Google Chrome 毫无疑问会是你的菜。如果你想要更加开源的解决方案,你可以尝试 [Chromium][13],它是 Google Chrome 的上游项目。
#### [Firefox][14]
If you are not a fan of Google Chrome, you can try out Firefox. It’s been around for a long time and is a very stable and robust web browser.
如果你不是 Google Chrome 的粉丝,你可以尝试 Firefox。它一直以来都是一个非常稳定并且健壮的网页浏览器。
#### [Vivaldi][15]
However, if you want something new and different, you can check out Vivaldi. Vivaldi takes a completely fresh approach towards web browser. It’s from former team members of Opera and built on top of the Chromium project. It’s lightweight and customizable. Though it is still quite new and still missing out some features, it feels amazingly refreshing and does a really decent job.
当然,如果你想要尝试点不同的新东西,你可以尝试 Vivaldi。Vivaldi 是一个完全重新设计的网页浏览器,它由 Opera 浏览器项目的前成员基于 Chromium 项目创建。Vivaldi 轻量并且可定制,虽然它还非常年轻并且在某些特性上仍不完善,但它仍能让你眼前一亮并且优雅地工作。
[Suggested read[Review] Otter Browser Brings Hope To Opera Lovers][40]
[推荐阅读[回顾] Otter 浏览器为 Opera 爱好者带来了希望][40]
### Download Manager
### 下载管理器

[Save][2]Download Managers

#### [uGet][16]
uGet is the best download manager I have come across. It is open source and offers everything you can expect from a download manager. uGet offers advanced settings for managing downloads. It can queue and resume downloads, use multiple connections for downloading large files, download files to different directories according to categories and so on.
uGet 是我遇到过最棒的下载管理器,它是开源的并且能满足所有你对于一款下载管理器的期许。uGet 提供一系列高级设置便于管理下载。你能够管理下载队列并且断点续传,针对大文件使用多连接下载,根据不同列表将文件下载至不同路径,等等。
#### [XDM][17]
Xtreme Download Manager (XDM) is a powerful and open source tool developed with Java. It has all the basic features of a download manager, including – video grabber, smart scheduler and browser integration.
Xtreme 下载管理器(XDM)是一个 Java 开发的强大并且开源的下载工具。它拥有下载管理器的所有基本特性,包括视频抓取、智能计划任务以及浏览器集成。
[Suggested read4 Best Download Managers For Linux][41]
[推荐阅读 Linux 下最好的 4 个下载管理器][41]
### BitTorrent Client
### BitTorrent 客户端

[Save][3]BitTorrent Clients

[Save][3]BitTorrent 客户端
#### [Deluge][18]
Deluge is a open source BitTorrent client. It has a beautiful user interface. If you are used to using uTorrent for Windows, Deluge interface will feel familiar. It has various configuration options as well as plugins support for various tasks.
Deluge 是一个拥有漂亮用户界面的开源 BitTorrent 客户端。如果你习惯在 Windows 上使用 uTorrent,那么 Deluge 的界面会让你倍感亲切。它拥有丰富的设置项和针对不同任务的插件支持。
#### [Transmission][19]
Transmission takes the minimal approach. It is an open source BitTorrent client with a minimal user interface. Transmission comes pre-installed with many Linux distributions.
Transmission 力求精简,它是用户界面最精简的 BitTorrent 客户端之一。Transmission 是许多 Linux 发行版的预装软件。
[Suggested readTop 5 Torrent Clients For Ubuntu Linux][42]
[推荐阅读 Ubuntu Linux 上前 5 名的 Torrent 客户端][42]
### Cloud Storage
### 云存储

[Save][4]Cloud Storages

#### [Dropbox][20]
Dropbox is one of the most popular cloud storage service available out there. It gives you 2GB free storage to start with. Dropbox has a robust and straight-forward Linux client.
Dropbox 是目前最流行的云存储服务之一,它为新用户提供了 2GB 的免费存储空间,以及一个健壮并且易于使用的 Linux 客户端。
#### [MEGA][21]
MEGA offers 50GB of free storage. But that is not the best thing about it. The best thing about MEGA is that it has end-to-end encryption support for your files. MEGA has a solid Linux client named MEGAsync.
MEGA 提供了 50GB 的免费存储,但这还并不是它最大的优点,MEGA 还为你的文件提供了端到端的加密支持。MEGA 提供一个名为 MEGAsync 的 Linux 客户端。
[Suggested readBest Free Cloud Services For Linux in 2017][43]
[推荐阅读 2017 年 Linux 上最优秀的免费云服务][43]
### Communication
### 通讯工具

[Save][5]Communication Apps

#### [Pidgin][22]
Pidgin is an open source instant messenger client. It supports many chatting platforms including – Google Talk, Yahoo and even IRC. Pidgin is extensible through third-party plugins, that can provide a lot of additional functionalities to Pidgin.
Pidgin 是一款开源的即时通讯工具,它支持许多聊天平台,包括 Google Talk、Yahoo 甚至 IRC。Pidgin 可通过第三方插件进行扩展,能提供许多附加功能。
You can also use [Franz][23] or [Rambox][24] to use several messaging services in one application.
你也可以使用 [Franz][23] 或 [Rambox][24] 来在一个应用中使用多个通讯服务。
#### [Skype][25]
We all know Skype, it is one of the most popular video chatting platforms. Recently it has [released a brand new desktop client][26] for Linux.
我们都知道 Skype 是最流行的视频聊天平台之一,最近它[发布了全新的 Linux 桌面客户端][26]。
[Suggested read6 Best Messaging Apps Available For Linux In 2017][44]
[推荐阅读 2017 年 Linux 平台上最优秀的 6 款消息应用][44]
### Office Suite
### 办公套件

[Save][6]Office Suites

#### [LibreOffice][27]
LibreOffice is the most actively developed open source office suite for Linux. It has mainly six modules – Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. And every one of them supports a wide range of file formats. LibreOffice also supports third-party extensions. It is the default office suite for many of the Linux distributions.
LibreOffice 是 Linux 平台上开发最为活跃的开源办公套件,主要包括 Writer、Calc、Impress、Draw、Math、Base 六个主要模块,并且每个模块都提供广泛的文件格式支持。同时 LibreOffice 也支持第三方的扩展,以上优势使它成为许多 Linux 发行版的默认办公套件。
#### [WPS Office][28]
If you want to try out something other than LibreOffice, WPS Office might be your go-to. WPS Office suite includes writer, presentation and spreadsheets support.
如果你想要尝试除 LibreOffice 以外的办公套件,WPS Office 值得一试。WPS Office 套件包括了写作、演示和数据表格支持。
[Suggested read6 Best Open Source Alternatives to Microsoft Office for Linux][45]
[推荐阅读 Linux 平台 6 款最优秀的 Microsoft Office 替代品][45]
### Music Player
### 音乐播放器

[Save][7]Music Players

#### [Lollypop][29]
This is a relatively new music player. Lollypop is open source and has a beautiful yet simple user interface. It offers a nice music organizer, scrobbling support, online radio and a party mode. Though it is a simple music player without so many advanced features, it is worth giving it a try.
Lollypop 是一款相对较新的开源音乐播放器,拥有漂亮又不失简洁的用户界面。它提供优秀的音乐管理、歌曲推荐、在线广播和派对模式支持。虽然它是一款不具有太多特性的简洁音乐播放器,但仍值得我们去尝试。
#### [Rhythmbox][30]
Rhythmbox is the music player mainly developed for GNOME desktop environment but it works on other desktop environments as well. It does all the basic tasks of a music player, including – CD Ripping & Burning, scribbling etc. It also has support for iPod.
Rhythmbox 是一款主要为 GNOME 桌面环境开发的音乐播放器,当然它也可以在其他桌面环境运行。它能完成所有作为一款音乐播放器的基础功能,包括 CD 抓取和烧制、乱序播放,等等。它也提供了 iPod 支持。
#### [cmus][31]
If you want minimalism and love your terminal window, cmus is for you. Personally, I’m a fan and user of this one. cmus is a small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems. It has all the basic music player features. And you can also extend its functionalities with additional extensions and scripts.
如果你想要最轻量,并且喜欢命令行的话,cmus 适合你。个人来讲,我是它的粉丝用户。cmus 是一款类 Unix 平台上,小巧、快速并且强大的命令音乐播放器。它包含所有基础的音乐播放器特性,并且你能够通过扩展和脚本来增强它的功能。
[Suggested readHow To Install Tomahawk Player In Ubuntu 14.04 And Linux Mint 17][46]
[推荐阅读 如何在 Ubuntu 14.04 和 Linux Mint 17 上安装 Tomahawk 播放器][46]
### Video Player
### 视频播放器

[Save][8]Video Players

#### [VLC][32]
VLC is an open source media player. It is simple, fast, lightweight and really powerful. VLC can play almost any media formats you can throw at it out-of-the-box. It can also stream online medias. It also have some nifty extensions for various tasks like downloading subtitles right from the player.
VLC is an open source media player. It is simple, fast, lightweight and really powerful. VLC can play almost any media formats you can throw at it out-of-the-box. It can also stream online medias. It also have some nifty extensions for various tasks like downloading subtitles right from the player.
VLC 是一款
#### [Kodi][33]
@ -191,63 +192,63 @@ Synapse has been around for years. It’s a simple launcher that can search and
As Abhishek advised, we will keep this list of best Linux software updated with our readers’ (i.e. yours) feedback. So, what are your favorite must have Linux applications? Share with us and do suggest more categories of software to add to this list.
via: https://itsfoss.com/essential-linux-applications/
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[12]: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser
[13]: https://www.chromium.org/Home
[14]: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox
[15]: https://vivaldi.com
[16]: http://ugetdm.com/
[17]: http://xdman.sourceforge.net/
[18]: http://deluge-torrent.org/
[19]: https://transmissionbt.com/
[20]: https://www.dropbox.com
[21]: https://mega.nz/
[22]: https://www.pidgin.im/
[23]: https://itsfoss.com/franz-messaging-app/
[24]: http://rambox.pro/
[25]: https://www.skype.com
[26]: https://itsfoss.com/skpe-alpha-linux/
[27]: https://www.libreoffice.org
[28]: https://www.wps.com
[29]: http://gnumdk.github.io/lollypop-web/
[30]: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Rhythmbox
[31]: https://cmus.github.io/
[32]: http://www.videolan.org
[33]: https://kodi.tv
[34]: https://www.gimp.org/
[35]: https://krita.org/en/
[36]: https://atom.io/
[37]: http://www.sublimetext.com/
[38]: https://github.com/ManuelSchneid3r/albert
[39]: https://launchpad.net/synapse-project
[40]: https://itsfoss.com/otter-browser-review/
[41]: https://itsfoss.com/4-best-download-managers-for-linux/
[42]: https://itsfoss.com/best-torrent-ubuntu/
[43]: https://itsfoss.com/cloud-services-linux/
[44]: https://itsfoss.com/best-messaging-apps-linux/
[45]: https://itsfoss.com/best-free-open-source-alternatives-microsoft-office/
[46]: https://itsfoss.com/install-tomahawk-ubuntu-1404-linux-mint-17/
[47]: https://itsfoss.com/format-factory-alternative-linux/
[48]: https://itsfoss.com/image-applications-ubuntu-linux/
[49]: https://itsfoss.com/best-modern-open-source-code-editors-for-linux/
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