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@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
[bazz2 咩哈哈哈哈哈]
15 Basic MySQL Interview Questions for Database Administrators
15个 MySQL 基础面试题DBA 准备好了吗?
Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux Interview][1] Section and all of them were highly appreciated by our notable readers, however we were receiving feedback to make this interactive learning process, section-wise. From idea to action, we are providing you **15 MySQL Interview Questions**.
此前我们已经有发表过[Linux 面试基础问答]共3篇文章获得读者的好评同时我们得到反馈有些读者希望这种交互式学习方法能够做得更加灵活。心动不如行动我们这就为您奉上**15道 MySQL 面试题**
### 1. How would you check if MySql service is running or not? ###
> **Answer** : Issue the command “**service mysql status**” in Debian and “**service mysqld status**” in RedHat. Check the output, and all done.
### 问题1你如何确定 MySQL 是否处于运行状态? ###
> **答案** Debian 上运行命令 **service mysql status;**RedHat 上运行命令 **service mysqld status;**。然后看看输出即可。
root@localhost:/home/avi# service mysql status
@ -26,9 +27,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
Threads: 1 Questions: 112138 Slow queries: 1 Opens: 1485 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 64 Queries per second avg: 22.567.
### 2. If the service is running/stop how would you stop/start the service? ###
### 问题2如何关闭或开启 MySQL 服务? ###
> **Answer** : To start MySql service use command as **service mysqld start** and to stop use **service mysqld stop**.
> **答案**:运行命令 **service mysqld start;** 开启服务;运行命令 **service mysqld stop** 停止服务。
root@localhost:/home/avi# service mysql stop
@ -40,9 +41,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables..
### 3. How will you login to MySQL from Linux Shell? ###
### 问题3如何通过 Shell 登入 MySQL ###
> **Answer** : To connect or login to MySQL service, use command: **mysql -u root -p**.
> **答案**:运行命令 **mysql -u root -p;**
root@localhost:/home/avi# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
@ -60,9 +61,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
### 4. How will you obtain list of all the databases? ###
### 问题4如何列出所有数据库 ###
> **Answer** : To list all currently running databases run the command on mysql shell as: **show databases**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **show databases;**
mysql> show databases;
@ -81,9 +82,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
10 rows in set (0.14 sec)
### 5. How will you switch to a database, and start working on that? ###
### 问题5 如何切换到某个数据库并在上面工作? ###
> **Answer** : To use or switch to a specific database run the command on mysql shell as: **use database_name**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **use database_name;** 进入名为 database_name 的数据库。
mysql> use cloud;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
@ -92,9 +93,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
Database changed
### 6. How will you get the list of all the tables, in a database? ###
### 问题6如何列出某个数据库内所有表 ###
> **Answer** : To list all the tables of a database use the command on mysql shell as: **show tables**;
> **答案**:在当前数据库运行命令 **show tables;**
mysql> show tables;
@ -113,9 +114,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
### 7. How will you get the Field Name and Type of a MySql table? ###
### 问题7如何获取表内所有 Field 对象的名称和类型? ###
> **Answer** : To get the Field Name and Type of a table use the command on mysql shell as: **describe table_name**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **describe table_name;** 查看名为 table_name 的表。
mysql> describe oc_users;
@ -126,25 +127,25 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
### 8. How will you delete a table? ###
### 问题8如何删除表 ###
> **Answer** : To delte a specific table use the command on mysql shell as: **drop table table_name**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **drop table table_name;**
mysql> drop table lookup;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
### 9. What about database? How will you delete a database? ###
### 问题9如何删除数据库 ###
> **Answer** : To delte a specific database use the command on mysql shell as: **drop database database-name**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **drop database database-name;**
mysql> drop database a1;
Query OK, 11 rows affected (0.07 sec)
### 10. How will you see all the contents of a table? ###
### 问题10如何查看表内所有数据 ###
> **Answer** : To view all the contents of a particular table use the command on mysql shell as: **select * from table_name**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **select * from table_name;**
mysql> select * from engines;
@ -161,9 +162,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
### 11. How will you see all the data in a field (say, uid), from table (say, oc_users)? ###
### 问题11如何从 oc_users 这个表获取一个 field 对象(比如 uid的所有数据 ###
> **Answer** : To view all the data in a field use the command on mysql shell as: **select uid from oc_users**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **select uid from oc_users;**
mysql> select uid from oc_users;
@ -173,9 +174,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
1 row in set (0.03 sec)
### 12. Say you have a table xyz, which contains several fields including create_time and engine. The field engine is populated with two types of data Memory and MyIsam. How will you get only create_time and engine from the table where engine is MyIsam? ###
### 问题12假设你有一个表名为 xyz存在多个 field如 create_time 和 engine。名为 engine 的 field 由 MemotyMyIsam 两种数值组成。如何只列出 create_time 和 engine 这两列并且 engine 的值为 MyIsam ###
> **Answer** : Use the command on mysql shell as: **select create_time, engine from xyz where engine=”MyIsam”**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **select create_time, engine from xyz where engine = ”MyIsam”;**
mysql> select create_time, engine from xyz where engine="MyIsam";
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132 rows in set (0.29 sec)
### 13. How will you show all the records from table xrt where name is tecmint and web_address is ###
### 问题13如何列出表 xrt 内 name 域值为 tecmintweb_address 域值为 的所有数据? ###
> **Answer** : Use the command on mysql shell as: **select * from xrt where name = “tecmint” and web_address = “”**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **select * from xrt where name = “tecmint” and web_address = “”;**
mysql> select * from xrt where name = "tecmint" and web_address = “”;
@ -213,9 +214,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
| 41 | tecmint | |
### 14. How will you show all the records from table xrt where name is not tecmint and web_address is ###
### 问题14如何列出表 xrt 内 name 域值_不_为 tecmintweb_address 域值为 的所有数据? ###
> **Answer** : Use the command on mysql shell as: **select * from xrt where name != “tecmint” and web_address = “”**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **select * from xrt where name != "tecmint" and web_address = "";**
mysql> select * from xrt where name != ”tecmint” and web_address = ””;
@ -225,9 +226,9 @@ Prior to This Article, three articles has already been published in [Linux In
| 1173 | tecmint | |
### 15. You need to know total number of row entry in a table. How will you achieve it? ###
### 问题15你需要知道表内行数这个该怎么做
> **Answer** : Use the command on mysql shell as: **select count(*) from table_name**;
> **答案**:运行命令 **select count(*) from table_name;**
mysql> select count(*) from Tables;
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1 row in set (0.01 sec)
Thats all for now. How you feel about this **Linux Interview Question** section. Dont forget to provide us with your valuable feedback in our comment section.
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