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[#]: via: (https://opensource.com/article/19/4/write-git)
[#]: author: (Seth Kenlon https://opensource.com/users/sethhttps://opensource.com/users/noreplyhttps://opensource.com/users/seth)
How writers can get work done better with Git
用 Git 帮助写作者更好地完成工作
If you're a writer, you could probably benefit from using Git. Learn how
in our series about little-known uses of Git.
> 如果你是一名写作者,你也能从使用 Git 中受益。在我们的系列文章中了解有关 Git 鲜为人知的用法。
![Writing Hand][1]
[Git][2] is one of those rare applications that has managed to encapsulate so much of modern computing into one program that it ends up serving as the computational engine for many other applications. While it's best-known for tracking source code changes in software development, it has many other uses that can make your life easier and more organized. In this series leading up to Git's 14th anniversary on April 7, we'll share seven little-known ways to use Git. Today, we'll look at ways writers can use Git to get work done.
[Git][2] 是一个少有的能将如此多的现代计算封装到一个程序之中的应用程序,它可以用作许多其他应用程序的计算引擎。虽然它以跟踪软件开发中的源代码更改而闻名,但它还有许多其他用途,可以让你的生活更轻松、更有条理。在这个 Git 系列中,我们将分享七种鲜为人知的使用 Git 的方法。
### Git for writers
今天我们来看看写作者如何使用 Git 更好的地完成工作。
Some people write fiction; others write academic papers, poetry, screenplays, technical manuals, or articles about open source. Many do a little of each. The common thread is that if you're a writer, you could probably benefit from using Git. While Git is famously a highly technical tool used by computer programmers, it's ideal for the modern author, and this article will demonstrate how it can change the way you write—and why you'd want it to.
### 写作者的 Git
Before talking about Git, though, it's important to talk about what _copy_ (or _content_ , for the digital age) really is, and why it's different from your delivery _medium_. It's the 21 st century, and the tool of choice for most writers is a computer. While computers are deceptively good at combining processes like copy editing and layout, writers are (re)discovering that separating content from style is a good idea, after all. That means you should be writing on a computer like it's a typewriter, not a word processor. In computer lingo, that means writing in _plaintext_.
有些人写小说,也有人撰写学术论文、诗歌、剧本、技术手册或有关开源的文章。许多人都在做一点各种写作。相同的是,如果你是一名写作者,则或许能从使用 Git 中受益。尽管 Git 是著名的计算机程序员所使用的高度技术性工具,但它也是现代写作者的理想之选,本文将向你演示如何改变你的书写方式以及为什么要这么做的原因。
### Writing in plaintext
但是,在谈论 Git 之前,重要的是先谈谈“副本”(或者叫“内容”,对于数字时代而言)到底是什么,以及为什么它与你的交付*媒介*不同。这是 21 世纪,大多数写作者选择的工具是计算机。尽管计算机看似擅长将副本的编辑和布局等过程结合在一起,但写作者还是(重新)发现将内容与样式分开是一个好主意。这意味着你应该在计算机上像在打字机上而不是在文字处理器中进行书写。以计算机术语而言,这意味着以*纯文本*形式写作。
It used to be a safe assumption that you knew what market you were writing for. You wrote content for a book, or a website, or a software manual. These days, though, the market's flattened: you might decide to use content you write for a website in a printed book project, and the printed book might release an EPUB version later. And in the case of digital editions of your content, the person reading your content is in ultimate control: they may read your words on the website where you published them, or they might click on Firefox's excellent [Reader View][3], or they might print to physical paper, or they could dump the web page to a text file with Lynx, or they may not see your content at all because they use a screen reader.
### 以纯文本写作
It makes sense to write your words as words, leaving the delivery to the publishers. Even if you are also your own publisher, treating your words as a kind of source code for your writing is a smarter and more efficient way to work, because when it comes time to publish, you can use the same source (your plaintext) to generate output appropriate to your target (PDF for print, EPUB for e-books, HTML for websites, and so on).
这个假设曾经是毫无疑问的:你知道自己的写作所要针对的市场,你可以为书籍、网站或软件手册等不同市场编写内容。但是,近来各种市场趋于扁平化:你可能决定在纸质书中使用为网站编写的内容,并且纸质书可能会在以后发布 EPUB 版本。对于你的内容的数字版本,读者才是最终控制者:他们可以在你发布内容的网站上阅读你的文字,也可以点击 Firefox 出色的[阅读视图][3],还可能会打印到纸张上,或者可能会使用 Lynx 将网页转储到文本文件中,甚至可能因为使用屏幕阅读器而根本看不到你的内容。
Writing in plaintext not only means you don't have to worry about layout or how your text is styled, but you also no longer require specialized tools. Anything that can produce text becomes a valid "word processor" for you, whether it's a basic notepad app on your mobile or tablet, the text editor that came bundled with your computer, or a free editor you download from the internet. You can write on practically any device, no matter where you are or what you're doing, and the text you produce integrates perfectly with your project, no modification required.
你只需要逐字写下你的内容,而将交付工作留给发布者。即使你是自己发布,将字词作为写作作品的一种源代码也是一种更聪明、更有效的工作方式,因为在发布时,你可以使用相同的源(你的纯文本)生成适合你的目标输出(用于打印的 PDF、用于电子书的 EPUB、用于网站的 HTML 等)。
And, conveniently, Git specializes in managing plaintext.
### The Atom editor
而且,Git 专门用来管理纯文本。
When you write in plaintext, a word processor is overkill. Using a text editor is easier because text editors don't try to "helpfully" restructure your input. It lets you type the words in your head onto the screen, no interference. Better still, text editors are often designed around a plugin architecture, such that the application itself is woefully basic (it edits text), but you can build an environment around it to meet your every need.
### Atom 编辑器
A great example of this design philosophy is the [Atom][4] editor. It's a cross-platform text editor with built-in Git integration. If you're new to working in plaintext and new to Git, Atom is the easiest way to get started.
#### Install Git and Atom
[Atom][4] 编辑器就是这种设计理念的一个很好的例子。这是一个具有内置 Git 集成的跨平台文本编辑器。如果你不熟悉纯文本格式,也不熟悉 Git,那么 Atom 是最简单的入门方法。
First, make sure you have Git installed on your system. If you run Linux or BSD, Git is available in your software repository or ports tree. The command you use will vary depending on your distribution; on Fedora, for instance:
#### 安装 Git 和 Atom
首先,请确保你的系统上已安装 Git。如果运行 Linux 或 BSD,则 Git 在软件存储库或 ports 树中可用。你使用的命令将根据你的发行版而有所不同。例如在 Fedora 上:
`$ sudo dnf install git`
$ sudo dnf install git
You can also download and install Git for [Mac][5] and [Windows][6].
你也可以下载并安装适用于 [Mac][5] 和 [Windows][6] 的 Git。
You won't need to use Git directly, because Atom serves as your Git interface. Installing Atom is the next step.
If you're on Linux, install Atom from your software repository through your software installer or the appropriate command, such as:
你不需要直接使用 Git,因为 Atom 会充当你的 Git 界面。下一步是安装 Atom。
如果你使用的是 Linux,请通过软件安装程序或适当的命令从软件存储库中安装 Atom,例如:
`$ sudo dnf install atom`
$ sudo dnf install atom
Atom does not currently build on BSD. However, there are very good alternatives available, such as [GNU Emacs][7]. For Mac and Windows users, you can find installers on the [Atom website][4].
Atom 当前没有在 BSD 上构建。但是,有很好的替代方法,例如 [GNU Emacs][7]。对于 Mac 和 Windows 用户,可以在 [Atom 网站][4]上找到安装程序。
Once your installs are done, launch the Atom editor.
安装完成后,启动 Atom 编辑器。
#### A quick tour
#### 快速指导
If you're going to live in plaintext and Git, you need to get comfortable with your editor. Atom's user interface may be more dynamic than what you are used to. You can think of it more like Firefox or Chrome than as a word processor, in fact, because it has tabs and panels that can be opened and closed as they are needed, and it even has add-ons that you can install and configure. It's not practical to try to cover all of Atom's many features, but you can at least get familiar with what's possible.
如果要使用纯文本和 Git,则需要适应你的编辑器。Atom 的用户界面可能比你习惯的更加动态。实际上,你可以将它视为 Firefox 或 Chrome,而不是文字处理程序,因为它具有可以根据需要打开和关闭的选项卡和面板,甚至还可以安装和配置附件。尝试全部掌握 Atom 如许之多的功能是不切实际的,但是你至少可以知道有什么功能。
When Atom opens, it displays a welcome screen. If nothing else, this screen is a good introduction to Atom's tabbed interface. You can close the welcome screens by clicking the "close" icons on the tabs at the top of the Atom window and create a new file using **File > New File**.
当 Atom 打开时,它将显示一个欢迎屏幕。如果不出意外,此屏幕很好地介绍了 Atom 的选项卡式界面。你可以通过单击 Atom 窗口顶部选项卡上的“关闭”图标来关闭欢迎屏幕,并使用“文件 > 新建文件”创建一个新文件。
Working in plaintext is a little different than working in a word processor, so here are some tips for writing content in a way that a human can connect with and that Git and computers can parse, track, and convert.
使用纯文本格式与使用文字处理程序有点不同,因此这里有一些技巧,以人可以连接的方式编写内容,并且 Git 和计算机可以解析,跟踪和转换。
#### Write in Markdown
These days, when people talk about plaintext, mostly they mean Markdown. Markdown is more of a style than a format, meaning that it intends to provide a predictable structure to your text so computers can detect natural patterns and convert the text intelligently. Markdown has many definitions, but the best technical definition and cheatsheet is on [CommonMark's website][8].
#### 用 Markdown 书写
如今,当人们谈论纯文本时,大多是指 Markdown。Markdown 与其说是格式,不如说是样式,这意味着它旨在为文本提供可预测的结构,以便计算机可以检测自然的模式并智能地转换文本。Markdown 有很多定义,但是最好的技术定义和备忘单在 [CommonMark 的网站][8]上。
# Chapter 1
@ -83,41 +83,41 @@ And it can even reference an image.

As you can tell from the example, Markdown isn't meant to read or feel like code, but it can be treated as code. If you follow the expectations of Markdown defined by CommonMark, then you can reliably convert, with just one click of a button, your writing from Markdown to .docx, .epub, .html, MediaWiki, .odt, .pdf, .rtf, and a dozen other formats _without_ loss of formatting.
从示例中可以看出,Markdown 读起来感觉不像代码,但可以将其视为代码。如果你遵循 CommonMark 定义的 Markdown 规范,那么一键就可以可靠地将 Markdown 的文字转换为 .docx、.epub、.html、MediaWiki、.odt、.pdf、.rtf 和各种其他的格式,而*不会*失去格式。
You can think of Markdown a little like a word processor's styles. If you've ever written for a publisher with a set of styles that govern what chapter titles and section headings look like, this is basically the same thing, except that instead of selecting a style from a drop-down menu, you're adding little notations to your text. These notations look natural to any modern reader who's used to "txt speak," but are swapped out with fancy text stylings when the text is rendered. It is, in fact, what word processors secretly do behind the scenes. The word processor shows bold text, but if you could see the code generated to make your text bold, it would be a lot like Markdown (actually it's the far more complex XML). With Markdown, that barrier is removed, which looks scarier on the one hand, but on the other hand, you can write Markdown on literally anything that generates text without losing any formatting information.
你可以认为 Markdown 有点像文字处理程序的样式。如果你曾经为出版社撰写过一套样式来控制章节标题和章节标题的样式,那基本上就是一回事,除了不是从下拉菜单中选择样式以外,你要给你的文字添加一些小记号。对于任何习惯“以文字交谈”的现代阅读者来说,这些表示法都是很自然的,但是在呈现文本时,它们会被精美的文本样式替换掉。实际上,这是文字处理程序在后台秘密进行的操作。文字处理器显示粗体文本,但是如果你可以看到使文本变为粗体的生成代码,则它与 Markdown 很像(实际上,它是更复杂的 XML)。使用 Markdown 可以消除这种代码和样式之间的阻隔,一方面看起来更可怕,但另一方面,你可以在几乎所有可以生成文本的东西上书写 Markdown 而不会丢失任何格式信息。
The popular file extension for Markdown files is .md. If you're on a platform that doesn't know what a .md file is, you can associate the extension to Atom manually or else just use the universal .txt extension. The file extension doesn't change the nature of the file; it just changes how your computer decides what to do with it. Atom and some platforms are smart enough to know that a file is plaintext no matter what extension you give it.
Markdown 文件流行d 文件扩展名是 .md。如果你使用的平台不知道 .md 文件是什么,则可以手动将扩展名与 Atom 关联,或者仅使用通用的 .txt 扩展名。文件扩展名不会更改文件的性质。它只会改变你的计算机决定如何处理它的方式。Atom 和某些平台足够聪明,可以知道该文件是纯文本格式,无论你给它以什么扩展名。
#### Live preview
#### 实时预览
Atom features the **Markdown Preview** plugin, which shows you both the plain Markdown you're writing and the way it will (commonly) render.
Atom 具有 “Markdown 预览” 插件,该插件可以向你显示正在编写的纯文本 Markdown 及其(通常)呈现的方式。
![Atom's preview screen][9]
To activate this preview pane, select **Packages > Markdown Preview > Toggle Preview** or press **Ctrl+Shift+M**.
要激活此预览窗格,请选择“包 > Markdown 预览 > 切换预览” 或按 `Ctrl + Shift + M`。
This view provides you with the best of both worlds. You get to write without the burden of styling your text, but you also get to see a common example of what your text will look like, at least in a typical digital format. Of course, the point is that you can't control how your text is ultimately rendered, so don't be tempted to adjust your Markdown to force your render preview to look a certain way.
此视图为你提供了两全其美的方法。无需承担为你的文本添加样式的负担,就可以写作,而你也可以看到一个通用的示例外观,至少是以典型的数字化格式显示了文本的外观。当然,关键是你无法控制文本的最终呈现方式,因此不要试图调整 Markdown 来强制以某种方式显示呈现的预览。
#### One sentence per line
#### 每行一句话
Your high school writing teacher doesn't ever have to see your Markdown.
你的高中写作老师不会看你的 Markdown。
It won't come naturally at first, but maintaining one sentence per line makes more sense in the digital world. Markdown ignores single line breaks (when you've pressed the Return or Enter key) and only creates a new paragraph after a single blank line.
一开始它并那么自然,但是在数字世界中,保持每行一个句子更有意义。Markdown 忽略单个换行符(当你按下 Return 或 Enter 键时),并且只在单个空行之后才会创建一个新段落。
![Writing in Atom][10]
The advantage of writing one sentence per line is that your work is easier to track. That is, if you've changed one word at the start of a paragraph, then it's easy for Atom, Git, or any application to highlight that change in a meaningful way if the change is limited to one line rather than one word in a long paragraph. In other words, a change to one sentence should only affect that sentence, not the whole paragraph.
每行写一个句子的好处是你的工作更容易跟踪。也就是说,如果你在段落的开头更改了一个单词,那么如果更改仅限于一行而不是一个长的段落中的一个单词,那么 Atom、Git 或任何应用程序很容易以有意义的方式突出显示该更改。换句话说,对一个句子的更改只会影响该句子,而不会影响整个段落。
You might be thinking, "many word processors track changes, too, and they can highlight a single word that's changed." But those revision trackers are bound to the interface of that word processor, which means you can't look through revisions without being in front of that word processor. In a plaintext workflow, you can review revisions in plaintext, which means you can make or approve edits no matter what you have on hand, as long as that device can deal with plaintext (and most of them can).
Writers admittedly don't usually think in terms of line numbers, but it's a useful tool for computers, and ultimately a great reference point in general. Atom numbers the lines of your text document by default. A _line_ is only a line once you have pressed the Enter or Return key.
诚然,写作者通常不会考虑行号,但它对于计算机有用,并且通常是一个很好的参考点。默认情况下,Atom 为文本文档的行进行编号。按下 Enter 键或 Return 键后,一*行*就是一行。
![Writing in Atom][11]
If a line has a dot instead of a number, that means it's part of the previous line wrapped for you because it couldn't fit on your screen.
#### Theme it
#### 主题
If you're a visual person, you might be very particular about the way your writing environment looks. Even if you are writing in plain Markdown, it doesn't mean you have to write in a programmer's font or in a dark window that makes you look like a coder. The simplest way to modify what Atom looks like is to use [theme packages][12]. It's conventional for theme designers to differentiate dark themes from light themes, so you can search with the keyword Dark or Light, depending on what you want.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user