diff --git a/translated/German City Starts Distributing Free Ubuntu 12.04 CDs to Windows XP Users.md b/translated/German City Starts Distributing Free Ubuntu 12.04 CDs to Windows XP Users.md index e13db093f7..74cc0dfc17 100644 --- a/translated/German City Starts Distributing Free Ubuntu 12.04 CDs to Windows XP Users.md +++ b/translated/German City Starts Distributing Free Ubuntu 12.04 CDs to Windows XP Users.md @@ -1,76 +1,52 @@ -German City Starts Distributing Free Ubuntu 12.04 CDs to Windows XP Users -德国城市开始免费向WinXP用户分发Ubuntu12.04 CD光盘 +德国城市开始免费向WinXP用户分发Ubuntu12.04光盘 ================================================================================ -Ahead of the severing of official support for Microsoft Windows XP next year, the German city of Munich have begun offering free Ubuntu 12.04 LTS CDs in select local libraries. + 眼瞅着明年微软即将终止对WindowsXP的官方支持,德国城市慕尼黑已经开始向当地选出的一些图书馆免费提供Ubuntu12.04 LTS CD光盘。 ![The Linux CD Distributed by Munich](http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/linuxcd-800_kl.jpg) -Around 2,000 discs, [to be given away](http://www.muenchen.de/rathaus/Stadtverwaltung/Direktorium/IT-Beauftragte/Aktuelles/linux_cd.html) between now and April 2014, have been produced. 当地政府已经准备好2000张左右的光盘,预计到2014年4月[分发完毕](http://www.muenchen.de/rathaus/Stadtverwaltung/Direktorium/IT-Beauftragte/Aktuelles/linux_cd.html)。 -The initiative is aimed at preventing electronic waste from discarded computers that, though unable to upgrade to a ‘supported’ version of Windows, would continue to function fine with an alternative OS. 此举的初衷是为了避免因废弃电脑导致的电子垃圾问题。既然这些废旧电脑即使升级也跑不动新版的Windows系统,倒不如换一个操作系统,好让它们在岗位上继续“尽职尽责”。 -And with some 20 million German PC users said to still use Windows XP the waste problem Munich hope to avert with this effort could be huge. -大约2000万德国PC用户仍在使用WinXP,慕尼黑政府想要通过此举避免的电子垃圾总数将是惊人的。 +大约2000万德国PC用户仍在使用WinXP,慕尼黑政府需要处理的的电子垃圾总数将是惊人的。 -**Familiar News, Right?** **这篇新闻是不是有点眼熟?** -> “Hold on,’ some of you might be thinking. ‘This news sounds familiar. I thought the plan was to give away Lubuntu CDs?’. > 等等!有的同学可能注意到了,“矮油~这篇新闻听起来有点耳熟啊。我记得他们不是说要分发Lubuntu来着吗~?” -Well done on remembering. Lubuntu was, indeed, the original flavour of choice for this effort, as we first reported on back in June. -同学,你记性真好!没错,六月份的时候,我们的确报道过,他们要分发的是Lubuntu。 +恭喜这位同学,你记性真好!没错,六月份的时候,我们的确报道过,他们要分发的是Lubuntu。 -At the time of the decision Munich council some solid reasons for choosing Lubuntu over regular Ubuntu: 当时慕尼黑议会决定选择Lubuntu而不是Ubuntu确实有他们的理由: -- It has lower system requirements - Lubuntu对系统配置的要求更低 -- The layout is similar to that of Windows XP - Lubuntu的界面看起来和WinXP很相似 -But since our original report and the commencement of the programme this week something changed: Lubuntu was dropped in favour of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. 但是从我们上一篇报道到本周该项目举办发布会,短短一段时间,他们确实改变了决定:放弃Lubuntu,选择Ubuntu 12.04LTS。 -> ‘This change was brought about at the request of Canonical’ > ‘他们是被Canonical的人给忽悠了’ -(译者注:Canonical公司是Ubuntu的发行商) +> (译者注:Canonical公司是Ubuntu的发行商) -According to Lubuntu member Nio Wiklund Munich this change was brought about at the request of Canonical. -上面这句话出自Lubuntu成员Nio Wiklund之口,他说是因为应Canonical公司要求,慕尼黑政府才改变了决定。 +上面这句话出自Lubuntu成员Nio Wiklund之口,他说正是因为应Canonical公司的要求,慕尼黑政府才最终改变了决定。 -While it’s hard to find fault with the choice of an OS that is [backed by 5 years of support](http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/ubuntu-12-04-lts-desktop-to-be-supported-for-five-years) - something Lubuntu lacks - is this Unity-toting release really the best option for those switching from a decaying OS on aged hardware? Ubuntu有长达[5年的社区支持经验](http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/ubuntu-12-04-lts-desktop-to-be-supported-for-five-years),这恰恰是Lubuntu所欠缺的,而Ubuntu发布的Unity环境更是老旧机器更换操作系统的最佳选择,很难说慕尼黑政府做出这样的决定有何不妥。 -[Lubuntu is listed as needing](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#System_Requirements) a CPU clocked at 700Mhz and 256MB of RAM. Ubuntu [developers say](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements) that a 700Mhz PC with 512MB should handle the modern Ubuntu desktop. Lubuntu[至少需要](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#System_Requirements)700MhzCPU和256MB内存。Ubuntu[开发者说](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements)700MhzCPU和512MB内存应该就能运行现代Ubuntu桌面系统。 -My first-hand experience with Unity on an Intel Atom and 1GB RAM says that ‘running’ and ‘useable’ are two different things. -我亲自使用过Unity环境,使用的电脑Intel Atom处理器,1G内存,的确,“运行”和“能用”完全是两码事。 +我亲自使用过Unity环境,电脑搭载Intel Atom处理器,1G内存,的确,“运行”和“能用”完全是两码事。 -But one voice isn’t fact, so I put the question to our Twitter followers. Here’s a selection of responses: -但是我一个人说了不算,所以我把这个问题放到了传说中的twitter上,下面这些是我挑选的一些粉丝回复: +但我一个人说了不算,所以我把这个问题放到了传说中的twitter上,下面这些是我挑选的一些粉丝回复: -> **@omgubuntu** I have a Samsung netbook with 2GB RAM and single core Atom processor. 12.04 ran fairly okay on it, much better than 12.10. -> — Ashutosh Mishra (@twitosh) September 14, 2013 -> 欧巴**@omgubuntu** 我有一台“韩国桑心”笔记本哦,单核Atom处理器,2G内存呢。12.04跑的挺好的呀,比12.10强多了呢思密达~ +> **@omgubuntu**欧巴~ 我有一台“韩国桑心”笔记本哦,单核Atom处理器,2G内存呢。12.04跑的挺好的呀,比12.10强多了呢思密达~ > —— 来自Ashutosh Mishra (@twitosh) 2013年9月14日 -> **@omgubuntu** I had infinitely better performance with Lubuntu in an old netbook. It runs incredibly smooth. I have an Acer Aspire 1 from 2009. > **@omgubuntu**大哥你好 俺2009年买了一台宏基Aspire1,这台老本跑Lubuntu那叫一个爽,极顺滑超流畅! -> — Dimitri Augusto (@DimitriAugusto) September 14, 2013 > —— 来自Dimitri Augusto (@DimitriAugusto) 2013年9月14日 -> **@omgubuntu** An old acer pc with an mono-core amd sempron and 1 gig ram. Despite of the integrated graphics unity performed mostly well. > 亲爱的**@omgubuntu** 我的老宏基PC配的是单核AMD闪龙处理器和1G内存。尽管人家是集成显卡,但是Unity环境表现依然给力哦~ -> — Raphael Leroux (@IndriApollo) September 14, 2013 > ——来自Raphael Leroux (@IndriApollo) 2013年9月14日 -Which do you think would have made the better offer? Let us know in the comments. 到底哪种选择更好呢?请在评论中告诉我!元芳,你怎么看? via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/09/ubuntu-12-04-lts-cds-munich-windows-xp