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Mesos and Kubernetes: It's Not a Competition

The roots of Mesos can be traced back to 2009 when Ben Hindman was a PhD student at the University of California, Berkeley working on parallel programming. They were doing massive parallel computations on 128-core chips, trying to solve multiple problems such as making software and libraries run more efficiently on those chips. He started talking with fellow students so see if they could borrow ideas from parallel processing and multiple threads and apply them to cluster management.
“Initially, our focus was on Big Data,” said Hindman. Back then, Big Data was really hot and Hadoop was one of the hottest technologies. “We recognized that the way people were running things like Hadoop on clusters was similar to the way that people were running multiple threaded applications and parallel applications,” said Hindman.
However, it was not very efficient, so they started thinking how it could be done better through cluster management and resource management. “We looked at many different technologies at that time,” Hindman recalled.
Hindman and his colleagues, however, decided to adopt a novel approach. “We decided to create a lower level of abstraction for resource management, and run other services on top to that to do scheduling and other things,” said Hindman, “That’s essentially the essence of Mesos -- to separate out the resource management part from the scheduling part.”
It worked, and Mesos has been going strong ever since.
### The project goes to Apache
The project was founded in 2009. In 2010 the team decided to donate the project to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). It was incubated at Apache and in 2013, it became a Top-Level Project (TLP).
There were many reasons why the Mesos community chose Apache Software Foundation, such as the permissiveness of Apache licensing, and the fact that they already had a vibrant community of other such projects.
It was also about influence. A lot of people working on Mesos were also involved with Apache, and many people were working on projects like Hadoop. At the same time, many folks from the Mesos community were working on other Big Data projects like Spark. This cross-pollination led all three projects -- Hadoop, Mesos, and Spark -- to become ASF projects.
It was also about commerce. Many companies were interested in Mesos, and the developers wanted it to be maintained by a neutral body instead of being a privately owned project.
### Who is using Mesos?
A better question would be, who isn’t? Everyone from Apple to Netflix is using Mesos. However, Mesos had its share of challenges that any technology faces in its early days. “Initially, I had to convince people that there was this new technology called ‘containers’ that could be interesting as there is no need to use virtual machines,” said Hindman.
The industry has changed a great deal since then, and now every conversation around infrastructure starts with ‘containers’ -- thanks to the work done by Docker. Today convincing is not needed, but even in the early days of Mesos, companies like Apple, Netflix, and PayPal saw the potential. They knew they could take advantage of containerization technologies in lieu of virtual machines. “These companies understood the value of containers before it became a phenomenon,” said Hindman.
These companies saw that they could have a bunch of containers, instead of virtual machines. All they needed was something to manage and run these containers, and they embraced Mesos. Some of the early users of Mesos included Apple, Netflix, PayPal, Yelp, OpenTable, and Groupon.
“Most of these organizations are using Mesos for just running arbitrary services,” said Hindman, “But there are many that are using it for doing interesting things with data processing, streaming data, analytics workloads and applications.”
One of the reasons these companies adopted Mesos was the clear separation between the resource management layers. Mesos offers the flexibility that companies need when dealing with containerization.
“One of the things we tried to do with Mesos was to create a layering so that people could take advantage of our layer, but also build whatever they wanted to on top,” said Hindman. “I think that's worked really well for the big organizations like Netflix and Apple.”
However, not every company is a tech company; not every company has or should have this expertise. To help those organizations, Hindman co-founded Mesosphere to offer services and solutions around Mesos. “We ultimately decided to build DC/OS for those organizations which didn’t have the technical expertise or didn't want to spend their time building something like that on top.”
### Mesos vs. Kubernetes?
People often think in terms of x versus y, but it’s not always a question of one technology versus another. Most technologies overlap in some areas, and they can also be complementary. “I don't tend to see all these things as competition. I think some of them actually can work in complementary ways with one another,” said Hindman.
“In fact the name Mesos stands for ‘middle’; it’s kind of a middle OS,” said Hindman, “We have the notion of a container scheduler that can be run on top of something like Mesos. When Kubernetes first came out, we actually embraced it in the Mesos ecosystem and saw it as another way of running containers in DC/OS on top of Mesos.”
Mesos also resurrected a project called [Marathon][1](a container orchestrator for Mesos and DC/OS), which they have made a first-class citizen in the Mesos ecosystem. However, Marathon does not really compare with Kubernetes. “Kubernetes does a lot more than what Marathon does, so you can’t swap them with each other,” said Hindman, “At the same time, we have done many things in Mesos that are not in Kubernetes. So, these technologies are complementary to each other.”
Instead of viewing such technologies as adversarial, they should be seen as beneficial to the industry. It’s not duplication of technologies; it’s diversity. According to Hindman, “it could be confusing for the end user in the open source space because it's hard to know which technologies are suitable for what kind of workload, but that’s the nature of the beast called Open Source.”
That just means there are more choices, and everybody wins.
via: https://www.linux.com/blog/2018/6/mesos-and-kubernetes-its-not-competition
作者:[Swapnil Bhartiya][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Mesos 和 Kubernetes:不是竞争者

Mesos 的起源可以追溯到 2009 年,当时,Ben Hindman 还是加州大学伯克利分校研究并行编程的博士生。他们在 128 核的芯片上做大规模的并行计算,并尝试去解决多个问题,比如怎么让软件和库在这些芯片上运行更高效。他与同学们讨论能否借鉴并行处理和多线程的思想,并将它们应用到集群管理上。
Hindman 说 "最初,我们专注于大数据” 。那时,大数据非常热门,并且 Hadoop 是其中一个热门技术。“我们发现,人们在集群上运行像 Hadoop 这样的程序与运行多线程应用和并行应用很相似。Hindman 说。
但是,它们的效率并不高,因此,他们开始去思考,如何通过集群管理和资源管理让它们运行的更好。”我们查看了那个时间很多的不同技术“ Hindman 回忆道。
然而,Hindman 和他的同事们,决定去采用一种全新的方法。”我们决定去对资源管理创建一个低级的抽象,然后在此之上运行调度服务和做其它的事情。“ Hindman 说,“基本上,这就是 Mesos 的本质 —— 将资源管理部分从调度部分中分离出来。”
他成功了,并且 Mesos 从那时开始强大了起来。
### 将项目呈献给 Apache
这个项目发起于 2009 年。在 2010 年时,团队决定将这个项目捐献给 Apache 软件基金会(ASF)。它在 Apache 孵化,并于 2013 年成为顶级项目(TLP)。
为什么 Mesos 社区选择 Apache 软件基金会有很多的原因,比如,Apache 许可证,以及他们已经拥有了一个充满活力的此类项目的许多其它社区。
与影响力也有关系。许多在 Mesos 上工作的人,也参与了 Apache,并且许多人也致力于像 Hadoop 这样的项目。同时,来自 Mesos 社区的许多人也致力于其它大数据项目,比如 Spark。这种交叉工作使得这三个项目 —— Hadoop、Mesos、以及 Spark —— 成为 ASF 的项目。
与商业也有关系。许多公司对 Mesos 很感兴趣,并且开发者希望它能由一个中立的机构来维护它,而不是让它成为一个私有项目。
### 谁在用 Mesos?
更好的问题应该是,谁不在用 Mesos?从 Apple 到 Netflix 每个都在用 Mesos。但是,Mesos 也面临任何技术在早期所面对的挑战。”最初,我要说服人们,这是一个很有趣的新技术。它叫做“容器”,因为它不需要使用虚拟机“ Hindman 说。
从那以后,这个行业发生了许多变化,现在,只要与别人聊到基础设施,必然是从”容器“开始的 —— 感谢 Docker 所做出的工作。今天再也不需要说服工作了,而在 Mesos 出现的早期,前面提到的像 Apple、Netflix、以及 PayPal 这样的公司。他们已经知道了容器化替代虚拟机给他们带来的技术优势。”这些公司在容器化成为一种现象之前,已经明白了容器化的价值所在“, Hindman 说。
可以在这些公司中看到,他们有大量的容器而不是虚拟机。他们所做的全部工作只是去管理和运行这些容器,并且他们欣然接受了 Mesos。在 Mesos 早期就使用它的公司有 Apple、Netflix、PayPal、Yelp、OpenTable、和 Groupon。
“大多数组织使用 Mesos 来运行任意需要的服务” Hindman 说,“但也有些公司用它做一些非常有趣的事情,比如,数据处理、数据流、分析负载和应用程序。“
这些公司采用 Mesos 的其中一个原因是,资源管理层之间有一个明晰的界线。当公司运营容器的时候,Mesos 为他们提供了很好的灵活性。
“我们尝试使用 Mesos 去做的一件事情是去创建一个层,以让使用者享受到我们的层带来的好处,当然也可以在它之上创建任何他们想要的东西,” Hindman 说。 “我认为这对一些像 Netflix 和 Apple 这样的大公司非常有用。”
但是,并不是每个公司都是技术型的公司;不是每个公司都有或者应该有这种专长。为帮助这样的组织,Hindman 联合创建了 Mesosphere 去围绕 Mesos 提供服务和解决方案。“我们最终决定,为这样的组织去构建 DC/OS,它不需要技术专长或者不想把时间花费在像构建这样的事情上。”
### Mesos vs. Kubernetes?
人们经常用 x 相对于 y 这样的术语来考虑问题,但是它并不是一个技术对另一个技术的问题。大多数的技术在一些领域总是重叠的,并且它们可以是互补的。“我不喜欢将所有的这些东西都看做是竞争者。我认为它们中的一些与另一个在工作中是互补的,” Hindman 说。
“事实上,名字 Mesos 表示它处于 ‘中间’;它是一种中间的 OS,” Hindman 说,“我们有一个容器调度器的概念,它能够运行在像 Mesos 这样的东西之上。当 Kubernetes 刚出现的时候,我们实际上在 Mesos 的生态系统中接受它的,并将它看做是运行在 Mesos 之上、DC/OS 之中的另一种方式的容器。”
Mesos 也复活了一个名为 [Marathon][1](一个用于 Mesos 和 DC/OS 的容器编排器)的项目,它在 Mesos 生态系统中是做的最好的容器编排器。但是,Marathon 确实无法与 Kubernetes 相比较。“Kubernetes 比 Marathon 做的更多,因此,你不能将它们简单地相互交换,” Hindman 说,“与此同时,我们在 Mesos 中做了许多 Kubernetes 中没有的东西。因此,这些技术之间是互补的。”
不要将这些技术视为相互之间是敌对的关系,它们应该被看做是对行业有益的技术。它们不是技术上的重复;它们是多样化的。据 Hindman 说,“对于开源领域的终端用户来说,这可能会让他们很困惑,因为他们很难去知道哪个技术适用于哪种负载,但这是被称为开源的这种东西最令人讨厌的本质所在。“
via: https://www.linux.com/blog/2018/6/mesos-and-kubernetes-its-not-competition
作者:[Swapnil Bhartiya][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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