wol d
+The processor that responds to the MagicPacket may be part of the network interface or it may be the [Baseboard Management Controller][4] (BMC).
+#### Intel Management Engine, Platform Controller Hub, and Minix
+The BMC is not the only microcontroller (MCU) that may be listening when the system is nominally off. x86_64 systems also include the Intel Management Engine (IME) software suite for remote management of systems. A wide variety of devices, from servers to laptops, includes this technology, [which enables functionality][5] such as KVM Remote Control and Intel Capability Licensing Service. The [IME has unpatched vulnerabilities][6], according to [Intel's own detection tool][7]. The bad news is, it's difficult to disable the IME. Trammell Hudson has created an [me_cleaner project][8] that wipes some of the more egregious IME components, like the embedded web server, but could also brick the system on which it is run.
+The IME firmware and the System Management Mode (SMM) software that follows it at boot are [based on the Minix operating system][9] and run on the separate Platform Controller Hub processor, not the main system CPU. The SMM then launches the Universal Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) software, about which much has [already been written][10], on the main processor. The Coreboot group at Google has started a breathtakingly ambitious [Non-Extensible Reduced Firmware][11] (NERF) project that aims to replace not only UEFI but early Linux userspace components such as systemd. While we await the outcome of these new efforts, Linux users may now purchase laptops from Purism, System76, or Dell [with IME disabled][12], plus we can hope for laptops [with ARM 64-bit processors][13].
+#### Bootloaders
+Besides starting buggy spyware, what function does early boot firmware serve? The job of a bootloader is to make available to a newly powered processor the resources it needs to run a general-purpose operating system like Linux. At power-on, there not only is no virtual memory, but no DRAM until its controller is brought up. A bootloader then turns on power supplies and scans buses and interfaces in order to locate the kernel image and the root filesystem. Popular bootloaders like U-Boot and GRUB have support for familiar interfaces like USB, PCI, and NFS, as well as more embedded-specific devices like NOR- and NAND-flash. Bootloaders also interact with hardware security devices like [Trusted Platform Modules][14] (TPMs) to establish a chain of trust from earliest boot.
+![Running the U-boot bootloader][16]
+Running the U-boot bootloader in the sandbox on the build host.
+The open source, widely used [U-Boot ][17]bootloader is supported on systems ranging from Raspberry Pi to Nintendo devices to automotive boards to Chromebooks. There is no syslog, and when things go sideways, often not even any console output. To facilitate debugging, the U-Boot team offers a sandbox in which patches can be tested on the build-host, or even in a nightly Continuous Integration system. Playing with U-Boot's sandbox is relatively simple on a system where common development tools like Git and the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) are installed:
+$# git clone git://git.denx.de/u-boot; cd u-boot
+$# make ARCH=sandbox defconfig
+$# make; ./u-boot
+=> printenv
+=> help
+That's it: you're running U-Boot on x86_64 and can test tricky features like [mock storage device][2] repartitioning, TPM-based secret-key manipulation, and hotplug of USB devices. The U-Boot sandbox can even be single-stepped under the GDB debugger. Development using the sandbox is 10x faster than testing by reflashing the bootloader onto a board, and a "bricked" sandbox can be recovered with Ctrl+C.
+### Starting up the kernel
+#### Provisioning a booting kernel
+Upon completion of its tasks, the bootloader will execute a jump to kernel code that it has loaded into main memory and begin execution, passing along any command-line options that the user has specified. What kind of program is the kernel? `file /boot/vmlinuz` indicates that it is a bzImage, meaning a big compressed one. The Linux source tree contains an [extract-vmlinux tool][18] that can be used to uncompress the file:
+$# scripts/extract-vmlinux /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) > vmlinux
+$# file vmlinux
+vmlinux: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically
+linked, stripped
+The kernel is an [Executable and Linking Format][19] (ELF) binary, like Linux userspace programs. That means we can use commands from the `binutils` package like `readelf` to inspect it. Compare the output of, for example:
+$# readelf -S /bin/date
+$# readelf -S vmlinux
+The list of sections in the binaries is largely the same.
+So the kernel must start up something like other Linux ELF binaries ... but how do userspace programs actually start? In the `main()` function, right? Not precisely.
+Before the `main()` function can run, programs need an execution context that includes heap and stack memory plus file descriptors for `stdio`, `stdout`, and `stderr`. Userspace programs obtain these resources from the standard library, which is `glibc` on most Linux systems. Consider the following:
+$# file /bin/date
+/bin/date: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically
+linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
+ELF binaries have an interpreter, just as Bash and Python scripts do, but the interpreter need not be specified with `#!` as in scripts, as ELF is Linux's native format. The ELF interpreter [provisions a binary][20] with the needed resources by calling `_start()`, a function available from the `glibc` source package that can be [inspected via GDB][21]. The kernel obviously has no interpreter and must provision itself, but how?
+Inspecting the kernel's startup with GDB gives the answer. First install the debug package for the kernel that contains an unstripped version of `vmlinux`, for example `apt-get install linux-image-amd64-dbg`, or compile and install your own kernel from source, for example, by following instructions in the excellent [Debian Kernel Handbook][22]. `gdb vmlinux` followed by `info files` shows the ELF section `init.text`. List the start of program execution in `init.text` with `l *(address)`, where `address` is the hexadecimal start of `init.text`. GDB will indicate that the x86_64 kernel starts up in the kernel's file [arch/x86/kernel/head_64.S][23], where we find the assembly function `start_cpu0()` and code that explicitly creates a stack and decompresses the zImage before calling the `x86_64 start_kernel()` function. ARM 32-bit kernels have the similar [arch/arm/kernel/head.S][24]. `start_kernel()` is not architecture-specific, so the function lives in the kernel's [init/main.c][25]. `start_kernel()` is arguably Linux's true `main()` function.
+### From start_kernel() to PID 1
+#### The kernel's hardware manifest: the device-tree and ACPI tables
+At boot, the kernel needs information about the hardware beyond the processor type for which it has been compiled. The instructions in the code are augmented by configuration data that is stored separately. There are two main methods of storing this data: [device-trees][26] and [ACPI tables][27]. The kernel learns what hardware it must run at each boot by reading these files.
+For embedded devices, the device-tree is a manifest of installed hardware. The device-tree is simply a file that is compiled at the same time as kernel source and is typically located in `/boot` alongside `vmlinux`. To see what's in the binary device-tree on an ARM device, just use the `strings` command from the `binutils` package on a file whose name matches `/boot/*.dtb`, as `dtb` refers to a device-tree binary. Clearly the device-tree can be modified simply by editing the JSON-like files that compose it and rerunning the special `dtc` compiler that is provided with the kernel source. While the device-tree is a static file whose file path is typically passed to the kernel by the bootloader on the command line, a [device-tree overlay][28] facility has been added in recent years, where the kernel can dynamically load additional fragments in response to hotplug events after boot.
+x86-family and many enterprise-grade ARM64 devices make use of the alternative Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ([ACPI][27]) mechanism. In contrast to the device-tree, the ACPI information is stored in the `/sys/firmware/acpi/tables` virtual filesystem that is created by the kernel at boot by accessing onboard ROM. The easy way to read the ACPI tables is with the `acpidump` command from the `acpica-tools` package. Here's an example:
+![ACPI tables on Lenovo laptops][30]
+ACPI tables on Lenovo laptops are all set for Windows 2001.
+Yes, your Linux system is ready for Windows 2001, should you care to install it. ACPI has both methods and data, unlike the device-tree, which is more of a hardware-description language. ACPI methods continue to be active post-boot. For example, starting the command `acpi_listen` (from package `apcid`) and opening and closing the laptop lid will show that ACPI functionality is running all the time. While temporarily and dynamically [overwriting the ACPI tables][31] is possible, permanently changing them involves interacting with the BIOS menu at boot or reflashing the ROM. If you're going to that much trouble, perhaps you should just [install coreboot][32], the open source firmware replacement.
+#### From start_kernel() to userspace
+The code in [init/main.c][25] is surprisingly readable and, amusingly, still carries Linus Torvalds' original copyright from 1991-1992. The lines found in `dmesg | head` on a newly booted system originate mostly from this source file. The first CPU is registered with the system, global data structures are initialized, and the scheduler, interrupt handlers (IRQs), timers, and console are brought one-by-one, in strict order, online. Until the function `timekeeping_init()` runs, all timestamps are zero. This part of the kernel initialization is synchronous, meaning that execution occurs in precisely one thread, and no function is executed until the last one completes and returns. As a result, the `dmesg` output will be completely reproducible, even between two systems, as long as they have the same device-tree or ACPI tables. Linux is behaving like one of the RTOS (real-time operating systems) that runs on MCUs, for example QNX or VxWorks. The situation persists into the function `rest_init()`, which is called by `start_kernel()` at its termination.
+![Summary of early kernel boot process.][34]
+Summary of early kernel boot process.
+The rather humbly named `rest_init()` spawns a new thread that runs `kernel_init()`, which invokes `do_initcalls()`. Users can spy on `initcalls` in action by appending `initcall_debug` to the kernel command line, resulting in `dmesg` entries every time an `initcall` function runs. `initcalls` pass through seven sequential levels: early, core, postcore, arch, subsys, fs, device, and late. The most user-visible part of the `initcalls` is the probing and setup of all the processors' peripherals: buses, network, storage, displays, etc., accompanied by the loading of their kernel modules. `rest_init()` also spawns a second thread on the boot processor that begins by running `cpu_idle()` while it waits for the scheduler to assign it work.
+`kernel_init()` also [sets up symmetric multiprocessing][35] (SMP). With more recent kernels, find this point in `dmesg` output by looking for "Bringing up secondary CPUs..." SMP proceeds by "hotplugging" CPUs, meaning that it manages their lifecycle with a state machine that is notionally similar to that of devices like hotplugged USB sticks. The kernel's power-management system frequently takes individual cores offline, then wakes them as needed, so that the same CPU hotplug code is called over and over on a machine that is not busy. Observe the power-management system's invocation of CPU hotplug with the [BCC tool][36] called `offcputime.py`.
+Note that the code in `init/main.c` is nearly finished executing when `smp_init()` runs: The boot processor has completed most of the one-time initialization that the other cores need not repeat. Nonetheless, the per-CPU threads must be spawned for each core to manage interrupts (IRQs), workqueues, timers, and power events on each. For example, see the per-CPU threads that service softirqs and workqueues in action via the `ps -o psr` command.
+$\# ps -o pid,psr,comm $(pgrep ksoftirqd)
+ 7 0 ksoftirqd/0
+ 16 1 ksoftirqd/1
+ 22 2 ksoftirqd/2
+ 28 3 ksoftirqd/3
+$\# ps -o pid,psr,comm $(pgrep kworker)
+ 4 0 kworker/0:0H
+ 18 1 kworker/1:0H
+ 24 2 kworker/2:0H
+ 30 3 kworker/3:0H
+[ . . . ]
+where the PSR field stands for "processor." Each core must also host its own timers and `cpuhp` hotplug handlers.
+How is it, finally, that userspace starts? Near its end, `kernel_init()` looks for an `initrd` that can execute the `init` process on its behalf. If it finds none, the kernel directly executes `init` itself. Why then might one want an `initrd`?
+#### Early userspace: who ordered the initrd?
+Besides the device-tree, another file path that is optionally provided to the kernel at boot is that of the `initrd`. The `initrd` often lives in `/boot` alongside the bzImage file vmlinuz on x86, or alongside the similar uImage and device-tree for ARM. List the contents of the `initrd` with the `lsinitramfs` tool that is part of the `initramfs-tools-core` package. Distro `initrd` schemes contain minimal `/bin`, `/sbin`, and `/etc` directories along with kernel modules, plus some files in `/scripts`. All of these should look pretty familiar, as the `initrd` for the most part is simply a minimal Linux root filesystem. The apparent similarity is a bit deceptive, as nearly all the executables in `/bin` and `/sbin` inside the ramdisk are symlinks to the [BusyBox binary][37], resulting in `/bin` and `/sbin` directories that are 10x smaller than glibc's.
+Why bother to create an `initrd` if all it does is load some modules and then start `init` on the regular root filesystem? Consider an encrypted root filesystem. The decryption may rely on loading a kernel module that is stored in `/lib/modules` on the root filesystem ... and, unsurprisingly, in the `initrd` as well. The crypto module could be statically compiled into the kernel instead of loaded from a file, but there are various reasons for not wanting to do so. For example, statically compiling the kernel with modules could make it too large to fit on the available storage, or static compilation may violate the terms of a software license. Unsurprisingly, storage, network, and human input device (HID) drivers may also be present in the `initrd`--basically any code that is not part of the kernel proper that is needed to mount the root filesystem. The `initrd` is also a place where users can stash their own [custom ACPI][38] table code.
+![Rescue shell and a custom initrd
+Having some fun with the rescue shell and a custom `initrd`.
+`initrd`'s are also great for testing filesystems and data-storage devices themselves. Stash these test tools in the `initrd` and run your tests from memory rather than from the object under test.
+At last, when `init` runs, the system is up! Since the secondary processors are now running, the machine has become the asynchronous, preemptible, unpredictable, high-performance creature we know and love. Indeed, `ps -o pid,psr,comm -p 1` is liable to show that userspace's `init` process is no longer running on the boot processor.
+### Summary
+The Linux boot process sounds forbidding, considering the number of different pieces of software that participate even on simple embedded devices. Looked at differently, the boot process is rather simple, since the bewildering complexity caused by features like preemption, RCU, and race conditions are absent in boot. Focusing on just the kernel and PID 1 overlooks the large amount of work that bootloaders and subsidiary processors may do in preparing the platform for the kernel to run. While the kernel is certainly unique among Linux programs, some insight into its structure can be gleaned by applying to it some of the same tools used to inspect other ELF binaries. Studying the boot process while it's working well arms system maintainers for failures when they come.
+To learn more, attend Alison Chaiken's talk, [Linux: The first second][41], at [linux.conf.au][42], which will be held January 22-26 in Sydney.
+Thanks to [Akkana Peck][43] for originally suggesting this topic and for many corrections.
+via: https://opensource.com/article/18/1/analyzing-linux-boot-process
+作者:[Alison Chaiken][a]
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
+[16]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_1.png (Running the U-boot bootloader)
+[30]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_2.png (ACPI tables on Lenovo laptops)
+[34]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_3.png (Summary of early kernel boot process.)
+[40]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_4.png (Rescue shell and a custom initrd
diff --git a/sources/tech/20180116 How to Install and Optimize Apache on Ubuntu - ThisHosting.Rocks.md b/sources/tech/20180116 How to Install and Optimize Apache on Ubuntu - ThisHosting.Rocks.md
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+How to Install and Optimize Apache on Ubuntu
+This is the beginning of our LAMP tutorial series: how to install the Apache web server on Ubuntu.
+These instructions should work on any Ubuntu-based distro, including Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, [Ubuntu 18.04][1], and even non-LTS Ubuntu releases like 17.10. They were tested and written for Ubuntu 16.04.
+Apache (aka httpd) is the most popular and most widely used web server, so this should be useful for everyone.
+### Before we begin installing Apache
+Some requirements and notes before we begin:
+ * Apache may already be installed on your server, so check if it is first. You can do so with the "apachectl -V" command that outputs the Apache version you're using and some other information.
+ * You'll need an Ubuntu server. You can buy one from [Vultr][2], they're one of the [best and cheapest cloud hosting providers][3]. Their servers start from $2.5 per month.
+ * You'll need the root user or a user with sudo access. All commands below are executed by the root user so we didn't have to append 'sudo' to each command.
+ * You'll need [SSH enabled][4] if you use Ubuntu or an SSH client like [MobaXterm][5] if you use Windows.
+That's most of it. Let's move onto the installation.
+### Install Apache on Ubuntu
+The first thing you always need to do is update Ubuntu before you do anything else. You can do so by running:
+apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
+Next, to install Apache, run the following command:
+apt-get install apache2
+If you want to, you can also install the Apache documentation and some Apache utilities. You'll need the Apache utilities for some of the modules we'll install later.
+apt-get install apache2-doc apache2-utils
+**And that 's it. You've successfully installed Apache.**
+You'll still need to configure it.
+### Configure and Optimize Apache on Ubuntu
+There are various configs you can do on Apache, but the main and most common ones are explained below.
+#### Check if Apache is running
+By default, Apache is configured to start automatically on boot, so you don't have to enable it. You can check if it's running and other relevant information with the following command:
+systemctl status apache2
+[![check if apache is running][6]][6]
+And you can check what version you're using with
+apachectl -V
+A simpler way of checking this is by visiting your server's IP address. If you get the default Apache page, then everything's working fine.
+#### Update your firewall
+If you use a firewall (which you should), you'll probably need to update your firewall rules and allow access to the default ports. The most common firewall used on Ubuntu is UFW, so the instructions below are for UFW.
+To allow traffic through both the 80 (http) and 443 (https) ports, run the following command:
+ufw allow 'Apache Full'
+#### Install common Apache modules
+Some modules are frequently recommended and you should install them. We'll include instructions for the most common ones:
+##### Speed up your website with the PageSpeed module
+The PageSpeed module will optimize and speed up your Apache server automatically.
+First, go to the [PageSpeed download page][7] and choose the file you need. We're using a 64-bit Ubuntu server and we'll install the latest stable version. Download it using wget:
+wget https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/linux/direct/mod-pagespeed-stable_current_amd64.deb
+Then, install it with the following commands:
+dpkg -i mod-pagespeed-stable_current_amd64.deb
+apt-get -f install
+Restart Apache for the changes to take effect:
+systemctl restart apache2
+##### Enable rewrites/redirects using the mod_rewrite module
+This module is used for rewrites (redirects), as the name suggests. You'll need it if you use WordPress or any other CMS for that matter. To install it, just run:
+a2enmod rewrite
+And restart Apache again. You may need some extra configurations depending on what CMS you're using, if any. Google it for specific instructions for your setup.
+##### Secure your Apache with the ModSecurity module
+ModSecurity is a module used for security, again, as the name suggests. It basically acts as a firewall, and it monitors your traffic. To install it, run the following command:
+apt-get install libapache2-modsecurity
+And restart Apache again:
+systemctl restart apache2
+ModSecurity comes with a default setup that's enough by itself, but if you want to extend it, you can use the [OWASP rule set][8].
+##### Block DDoS attacks using the mod_evasive module
+You can use the mod_evasive module to block and prevent DDoS attacks on your server, though it's debatable how useful it is in preventing attacks. To install it, use the following command:
+apt-get install libapache2-mod-evasive
+By default, mod_evasive is disabled, to enable it, edit the following file:
+nano /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/evasive.conf
+And uncomment all the lines (remove #) and configure it per your requirements. You can leave everything as-is if you don't know what to edit.
+And create a log file:
+mkdir /var/log/mod_evasive
+chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/mod_evasive
+That's it. Now restart Apache for the changes to take effect:
+systemctl restart apache2
+There are [additional modules][10] you can install and configure, but it's all up to you and the software you're using. They're usually not required. Even the 4 modules we included are not required. If a module is required for a specific application, then they'll probably note that.
+#### Optimize Apache with the Apache2Buddy script
+Apache2Buddy is a script that will automatically fine-tune your Apache configuration. The only thing you need to do is run the following command and the script does the rest automatically:
+curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/richardforth/apache2buddy/master/apache2buddy.pl | perl
+You may need to install curl if you don't have it already installed. Use the following command to install curl:
+apt-get install curl
+#### Additional configurations
+There's some extra stuff you can do with Apache, but we'll leave them for another tutorial. Stuff like enabling http/2 support, turning off (or on) KeepAlive, tuning your Apache even more. You don't have to do any of this, but you can find tutorials online and do it if you can't wait for our tutorials.
+### Create your first website with Apache
+Now that we're done with all the tuning, let's move onto creating an actual website. Follow our instructions to create a simple HTML page and a virtual host that's going to run on Apache.
+The first thing you need to do is create a new directory for your website. Run the following command to do so:
+mkdir -p /var/www/example.com/public_html
+Of course, replace example.com with your desired domain. You can get a cheap domain name from [Namecheap][11].
+Don't forget to replace example.com in all of the commands below.
+Next, create a simple, static web page. Create the HTML file:
+nano /var/www/example.com/public_html/index.html
+And paste this:
+ Simple Page
+ If you're seeing this in your browser then everything works.
+Save and close the file.
+Configure the permissions of the directory:
+chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/example.com
+chmod -R og-r /var/www/example.com
+Create a new virtual host for your site:
+nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com.conf
+And paste the following:
+ ServerAdmin admin@example.com
+ ServerName example.com
+ ServerAlias www.example.com
+ DocumentRoot /var/www/example.com/public_html
+ ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
+ CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
+This is a basic virtual host. You may need a more advanced .conf file depending on your setup.
+Save and close the file after updating everything accordingly.
+Now, enable the virtual host with the following command:
+a2ensite example.com.conf
+And finally, restart Apache for the changes to take effect:
+systemctl restart apache2
+That's it. You're done. Now you can visit example.com and view your page.
+via: https://thishosting.rocks/how-to-install-optimize-apache-ubuntu/
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/sources/tech/20180116 How to Install and Use iostat on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.md b/sources/tech/20180116 How to Install and Use iostat on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.md
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+How to Install and Use iostat on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
+iostat also known as input/output statistics is a popular Linux system monitoring tool that can be used to collect statistics of input and output devices. It allows users to identify performance issues of local disk, remote disk and system information. The iostat create reports, the CPU Utilization report, the Device Utilization report and the Network Filesystem report.
+In this tutorial, we will learn how to install iostat on Ubuntu 16.04 and how to use it.
+### Prerequisite
+ * Ubuntu 16.04 desktop installed on your system.
+ * Non-root user with sudo privileges setup on your system
+### Install iostat
+By default, iostat is included with sysstat package in Ubuntu 16.04. You can easily install it by just running the following command:
+sudo apt-get install sysstat -y
+Once sysstat is installed, you can proceed to the next step.
+### iostat Basic Example
+Let's start by running the iostat command without any argument. This will displays information about the CPU usage, and I/O statistics of your system:
+You should see the following output:
+Linux 3.19.0-25-generic (Ubuntu-PC) Saturday 16 December 2017 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)
+avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
+ 22.67 0.52 6.99 1.88 0.00 67.94
+Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
+sda 15.15 449.15 119.01 771022 204292
+In the above output, the first line display, Linux kernel version and hostname. Next two lines displays CPU statistics like, average CPU usage, percentage of time the CPU were idle and waited for I/O response, percentage of waiting time of virtual CPU and the percentage of time the CPU is idle. Next two lines displays the device utilization report like, number of blocks read and write per second and total block reads and write per second.
+By default iostat displays the report with current date. If you want to display the current time, run the following command:
+iostat -t
+You should see the following output:
+Linux 3.19.0-25-generic (Ubuntu-PC) Saturday 16 December 2017 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)
+Saturday 16 December 2017 09:44:55 IST
+avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
+ 21.37 0.31 6.93 1.28 0.00 70.12
+Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
+sda 9.48 267.80 79.69 771022 229424
+To check the version of the iostat, run the following command:
+iostat -V
+sysstat version 10.2.0
+(C) Sebastien Godard (sysstat orange.fr)
+You can listout all the options available with iostat command using the following command:
+iostat --help
+Usage: iostat [ options ] [ [ ] ]
+Options are:
+[ -c ] [ -d ] [ -h ] [ -k | -m ] [ -N ] [ -t ] [ -V ] [ -x ] [ -y ] [ -z ]
+[ -j { ID | LABEL | PATH | UUID | ... } ]
+[ [ -T ] -g ] [ -p [ [,...] | ALL ] ]
+[ [...] | ALL ]
+### iostat Advance Usage Example
+If you want to view only the device report only once, run the following command:
+iostat -d
+You should see the following output:
+Linux 3.19.0-25-generic (Ubuntu-PC) Saturday 16 December 2017 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)
+Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
+sda 12.18 353.66 102.44 771022 223320
+To view the device report continuously for every 5 seconds, for 3 times:
+iostat -d 5 3
+You should see the following output:
+Linux 3.19.0-25-generic (Ubuntu-PC) Saturday 16 December 2017 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)
+Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
+sda 11.77 340.71 98.95 771022 223928
+Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
+sda 2.00 0.00 8.00 0 40
+Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
+sda 0.60 0.00 3.20 0 16
+If you want to view the statistics of specific devices, run the following command:
+iostat -p sda
+You should see the following output:
+Linux 3.19.0-25-generic (Ubuntu-PC) Saturday 16 December 2017 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)
+avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
+ 21.69 0.36 6.98 1.44 0.00 69.53
+Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
+sda 11.00 316.91 92.38 771022 224744
+sda1 0.07 0.27 0.00 664 0
+sda2 0.01 0.05 0.00 128 0
+sda3 0.07 0.27 0.00 648 0
+sda4 10.56 315.21 92.35 766877 224692
+sda5 0.12 0.48 0.02 1165 52
+sda6 0.07 0.32 0.00 776 0
+You can also view the statistics of multiple devices with the following command:
+iostat -p sda, sdb, sdc
+If you want to displays the device I/O statistics in MB/second, run the following command:
+iostat -m
+You should see the following output:
+Linux 3.19.0-25-generic (Ubuntu-PC) Saturday 16 December 2017 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)
+avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
+ 21.39 0.31 6.94 1.30 0.00 70.06
+Device: tps MB_read/s MB_wrtn/s MB_read MB_wrtn
+sda 9.67 0.27 0.08 752 223
+If you want to view the extended information for a specific partition (sda4), run the following command:
+iostat -x sda4
+You should see the following output:
+Linux 3.19.0-25-generic (Ubuntu-PC) Saturday 16 December 2017 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)
+avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
+ 21.26 0.28 6.87 1.19 0.00 70.39
+Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rkB/s wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await r_await w_await svctm %util
+sda4 0.79 4.65 5.71 2.68 242.76 73.28 75.32 0.35 41.80 43.66 37.84 4.55 3.82
+If you want to displays only the CPU usage statistics, run the following command:
+iostat -c
+You should see the following output:
+Linux 3.19.0-25-generic (Ubuntu-PC) Saturday 16 December 2017 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)
+avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
+ 21.45 0.33 6.96 1.34 0.00 69.91
+via: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-install-and-use-iostat-on-ubuntu-1604/
+作者:[Hitesh Jethva][a]
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/sources/tech/20180116 Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster.md b/sources/tech/20180116 Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster.md
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+Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster
+This article originally appeared on [Kevin Monroe's blog][1]
+Keeping an eye on logs and metrics is a necessary evil for cluster admins. The benefits are clear: metrics help you set reasonable performance goals, while log analysis can uncover issues that impact your workloads. The hard part, however, is getting a slew of applications to work together in a useful monitoring solution.
+In this post, I'll cover monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with [Graylog][2] (for logging) and [Prometheus][3] (for metrics). Of course that's not just wiring 3 things together. In fact, it'll end up looking like this:
+As you know, Kubernetes isn't just one thing -- it's a system of masters, workers, networking bits, etc(d). Similarly, Graylog comes with a supporting cast (apache2, mongodb, etc), as does Prometheus (telegraf, grafana, etc). Connecting the dots in a deployment like this may seem daunting, but the right tools can make all the difference.
+I'll walk through this using [conjure-up][5] and the [Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes][6] (CDK). I find the conjure-up interface really helpful for deploying big software, but I know some of you hate GUIs and TUIs and probably other UIs too. For those folks, I'll do the same deployment again from the command line.
+Before we jump in, note that Graylog and Prometheus will be deployed alongside Kubernetes and not in the cluster itself. Things like the Kubernetes Dashboard and Heapster are excellent sources of information from within a running cluster, but my objective is to provide a mechanism for log/metric analysis whether the cluster is running or not.
+### The Walk Through
+First things first, install conjure-up if you don't already have it. On Linux, that's simply:
+sudo snap install conjure-up --classic
+There's also a brew package for macOS users:
+brew install conjure-up
+You'll need at least version 2.5.2 to take advantage of the recent CDK spell additions, so be sure to `sudo snap refresh conjure-up` or `brew update && brew upgrade conjure-up` if you have an older version installed.
+Once installed, run it:
+You'll be presented with a list of various spells. Select CDK and press `Enter`.
+At this point, you'll see additional components that are available for the CDK spell. We're interested in Graylog and Prometheus, so check both of those and hit `Continue`.
+You'll be guided through various cloud choices to determine where you want your cluster to live. After that, you'll see options for post-deployment steps, followed by a review screen that lets you see what is about to be deployed:
+In addition to the typical K8s-related applications (etcd, flannel, load-balancer, master, and workers), you'll see additional applications related to our logging and metric selections.
+The Graylog stack includes the following:
+ * apache2: reverse proxy for the graylog web interface
+ * elasticsearch: document database for the logs
+ * filebeat: forwards logs from K8s master/workers to graylog
+ * graylog: provides an api for log collection and an interface for analysis
+ * mongodb: database for graylog metadata
+The Prometheus stack includes the following:
+ * grafana: web interface for metric-related dashboards
+ * prometheus: metric collector and time series database
+ * telegraf: sends host metrics to prometheus
+You can fine tune the deployment from this review screen, but the defaults will suite our needs. Click `Deploy all Remaining Applications` to get things going.
+The deployment will take a few minutes to settle as machines are brought online and applications are configured in your cloud. Once complete, conjure-up will show a summary screen that includes links to various interesting endpoints for you to browse:
+#### Exploring Logs
+Now that Graylog has been deployed and configured, let's take a look at some of the data we're gathering. By default, the filebeat application will send both syslog and container log events to graylog (that's `/var/log/*.log` and `/var/log/containers/*.log` from the kubernetes master and workers).
+Grab the apache2 address and graylog admin password as follows:
+juju status --format yaml apache2/0 | grep public-address
+ public-address:
+juju run-action --wait graylog/0 show-admin-password
+ admin-password:
+Browse to `http://` and login with admin as the username and as the password. **Note:** if the interface is not immediately available, please wait as the reverse proxy configuration may take up to 5 minutes to complete.
+Once logged in, head to the `Sources` tab to get an overview of the logs collected from our K8s master and workers:
+Drill into those logs by clicking the `System / Inputs` tab and selecting `Show received messages` for the filebeat input:
+From here, you may want to play around with various filters or setup Graylog dashboards to help identify the events that are most important to you. Check out the [Graylog Dashboard][13] docs for details on customizing your view.
+#### Exploring Metrics
+Our deployment exposes two types of metrics through our grafana dashboards: system metrics include things like cpu/memory/disk utilization for the K8s master and worker machines, and cluster metrics include container-level data scraped from the K8s cAdvisor endpoints.
+Grab the grafana address and admin password as follows:
+juju status --format yaml grafana/0 | grep public-address
+ public-address:
+juju run-action --wait grafana/0 get-admin-password
+ password:
+Browse to `http://:3000` and login with admin as the username and as the password. Once logged in, check out the cluster metric dashboard by clicking the `Home` drop-down box and selecting `Kubernetes Metrics (via Prometheus)`:
+We can also check out the system metrics of our K8s host machines by switching the drop-down box to `Node Metrics (via Telegraf) `
+### The Other Way
+As alluded to in the intro, I prefer the wizard-y feel of conjure-up to guide me through complex software deployments like Kubernetes. Now that we've seen the conjure-up way, some of you may want to see a command line approach to achieve the same results. Still others may have deployed CDK previously and want to extend it with the Graylog/Prometheus components described above. Regardless of why you've read this far, I've got you covered.
+The tool that underpins conjure-up is [Juju][16]. Everything that the CDK spell did behind the scenes can be done on the command line with Juju. Let's step through how that works.
+**Starting From Scratch**
+If you're on Linux, install Juju like this:
+sudo snap install juju --classic
+For macOS, Juju is available from brew:
+brew install juju
+Now setup a controller for your preferred cloud. You may be prompted for any required cloud credentials:
+juju bootstrap
+We then need to deploy the base CDK bundle:
+juju deploy canonical-kubernetes
+**Starting From CDK**
+With our Kubernetes cluster deployed, we need to add all the applications required for Graylog and Prometheus:
+## deploy graylog-related applications
+juju deploy xenial/apache2
+juju deploy xenial/elasticsearch
+juju deploy xenial/filebeat
+juju deploy xenial/graylog
+juju deploy xenial/mongodb
+## deploy prometheus-related applications
+juju deploy xenial/grafana
+juju deploy xenial/prometheus
+juju deploy xenial/telegraf
+Now that the software is deployed, connect them together so they can communicate:
+## relate graylog applications
+juju relate apache2:reverseproxy graylog:website
+juju relate graylog:elasticsearch elasticsearch:client
+juju relate graylog:mongodb mongodb:database
+juju relate filebeat:beats-host kubernetes-master:juju-info
+juju relate filebeat:beats-host kubernetes-worker:jujuu-info
+## relate prometheus applications
+juju relate prometheus:grafana-source grafana:grafana-source
+juju relate telegraf:prometheus-client prometheus:target
+juju relate kubernetes-master:juju-info telegraf:juju-info
+juju relate kubernetes-worker:juju-info telegraf:juju-info
+At this point, all the applications can communicate with each other, but we have a bit more configuration to do (e.g., setting up the apache2 reverse proxy, telling prometheus how to scrape k8s, importing our grafana dashboards, etc):
+## configure graylog applications
+juju config apache2 enable_modules="headers proxy_html proxy_http"
+juju config apache2 vhost_http_template="$(base64 )"
+juju config elasticsearch firewall_enabled="false"
+juju config filebeat \
+ logpath="/var/log/*.log /var/log/containers/*.log"
+juju config filebeat logstash_hosts=":5044"
+juju config graylog elasticsearch_cluster_name=""
+## configure prometheus applications
+juju config prometheus scrape-jobs=""
+juju run-action --wait grafana/0 import-dashboard \
+ dashboard="$(base64 )"
+Some of the above steps need values specific to your deployment. You can get these in the same way that conjure-up does:
+ * : fetch our sample [template][17] from github
+ * : `juju run --unit graylog/0 'unit-get private-address'`
+ * : `juju config elasticsearch cluster-name`
+ * : fetch our sample [scraper][18] from github; [substitute][19]appropriate values for `[K8S_PASSWORD][20]` and `[K8S_API_ENDPOINT][21]`
+ * : fetch our [host][22] and [k8s][23] dashboards from github
+Finally, you'll want to expose the apache2 and grafana applications to make their web interfaces accessible:
+## expose relevant endpoints
+juju expose apache2
+juju expose grafana
+Now that we have everything deployed, related, configured, and exposed, you can login and poke around using the same steps from the **Exploring Logs** and **Exploring Metrics** sections above.
+### The Wrap Up
+My goal here was to show you how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster with rich monitoring capabilities for logs and metrics. Whether you prefer a guided approach or command line steps, I hope it's clear that monitoring complex deployments doesn't have to be a pipe dream. The trick is to figure out how all the moving parts work, make them work together repeatably, and then break/fix/repeat for a while until everyone can use it.
+This is where tools like conjure-up and Juju really shine. Leveraging the expertise of contributors to this ecosystem makes it easy to manage big software. Start with a solid set of apps, customize as needed, and get back to work!
+Give these bits a try and let me know how it goes. You can find enthusiasts like me on Freenode IRC in **#conjure-up** and **#juju**. Thanks for reading!
+### About the author
+Kevin joined Canonical in 2014 with his focus set on modeling complex software. He found his niche on the Juju Big Software team where his mission is to capture operational knowledge of Big Data and Machine Learning applications into repeatable (and reliable!) solutions.
+via: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/01/16/monitor-your-kubernetes-cluster/
+作者:[Kevin Monroe][a]
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/translated/tech/20170524 Working with Vi-Vim Editor - Advanced concepts.md b/translated/tech/20170524 Working with Vi-Vim Editor - Advanced concepts.md
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index 0000000000..d31527b055
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+++ b/translated/tech/20170524 Working with Vi-Vim Editor - Advanced concepts.md
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+使用 Vi/Vim 编辑器:高级概念
+早些时候我们已经讨论了一些关于 VI/VIM 编辑器的基础知识,但是 VI 和 VIM 都是非常强大的编辑器,还有很多其他的功能可以和编辑器一起使用。在本教程中,我们将学习 VI/VIM 编辑器的一些高级用法。
+(**推荐阅读**:[使用 VI 编辑器:基础知识] [1])
+## 使用 VI/VIM 编辑器打开多个文件
+ $ vi file1 file2 file 3
+$ :n
+$ :e filename
+## 在编辑器中运行外部命令
+我们可以在 vi 编辑器内部运行外部的 Linux/Unix 命令,也就是说不需要退出编辑器。要在编辑器中运行命令,如果在插入模式下,先返回到命令模式,我们使用 BANG 也就是 “!” 接着是需要使用的命令。运行命令的语法是:
+$ :! command
+$ :! df -H
+## 根据模板搜索
+ * 命令 “/” 代表正向搜索模板
+ * 命令 “?” 代表正向搜索模板
+ `$ :/ search pattern` (如果在文件的开头)
+ `$ :? search pattern` (如果在文件末尾)
+## 搜索并替换一个模板
+$ :s/pattern_to_be_found/New_pattern/g
+假设我们想要将单词 “alpha” 用单词 “beta” 代替,命令就是这样:
+$ :s/alpha/beta/g
+如果我们只想替换第一个出现的 “alpha”,那么命令就是:
+$ :s/alpha/beta/
+## 使用 set 命令
+我们也可以使用 set 命令自定义 vi/vim 编辑器的行为和外观。下面是一些可以使用 set 命令修改 vi/vim 编辑器行为的选项列表:
+ `$ :set ic ` 在搜索时忽略大小写
+ `$ :set smartcase ` 搜索强制区分大小写
+ `$ :set nu` 在每行开始显示行号
+ `$ :set hlsearch ` 高亮显示匹配的单词
+ `$ : set ro ` 将文件类型更改为只读
+ `$ : set term ` 打印终端类型
+ `$ : set ai ` 设置自动缩进
+ `$ :set noai ` 取消自动缩进
+其他一些修改 vi 编辑器的命令是:
+ `$ :colorscheme ` 用来改变编辑器的配色方案 。(仅适用于 VIM 编辑器)
+ `$ :syntax on ` 为 .xml、.html 等文件打开颜色方案。(仅适用于VIM编辑器)
+via: http://linuxtechlab.com/working-vivim-editor-advanced-concepts/
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/translated/tech/20171016 Using the Linux find command with caution.md b/translated/tech/20171016 Using the Linux find command with caution.md
index 552d1738f7..a72ff48c11 100644
--- a/translated/tech/20171016 Using the Linux find command with caution.md
+++ b/translated/tech/20171016 Using the Linux find command with caution.md
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谨慎使用 Linux find 命令

-最近有朋友提醒我在运行 find 命令的时候可以添加一个有用的选项来增加一些谨慎。它是 -ok,除了一个重要的区别之外,它的工作方式与 -exec 相似,它使 find 命令在执行指定的操作之前请求权限。
+最近有朋友提醒我可以添加一个有用的选项来更加谨慎地运行 find 命令,它是 -ok。除了一个重要的区别之外,它的工作方式与 -exec 相似,它使 find 命令在执行指定的操作之前请求权限。
这有一个例子。如果你使用 find 命令查找文件并删除它们,则可以运行下面的命令:
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $ find . -name runme -exec rm {} \;
-在当前目录及其子目录中中任何名为 “runme” 的文件都将被立即删除 - 当然,你要有权删除它们。改用 -ok 选项,你会看到类似这样的东西。find 命令将在删除文件之前会请求权限。回答 **y** 代表 “yes” 将允许 find 命令继续并逐个删除文件。
+在当前目录及其子目录中中任何名为 “runme” 的文件都将被立即删除 - 当然,你要有权删除它们。改用 -ok 选项,你会看到类似这样的东西,find 命令将在删除文件之前会请求权限。回答 **y** 代表 “yes” 将允许 find 命令继续并逐个删除文件。
$ find . -name runme -ok rm {} \;
< rm ... ./bin/runme > ?
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ $ find . -name runme -ok rm {} \;
### -exedir 命令也是一个选项
-另一个可以用来修改 find 命令行为并可能使其更可控的选项是 -execdir 命令。其中 -exec 运行指定的任何命令,-execdir 从文件所在的目录运行指定的命令,而不是运行 find 命令所在的目录。这是一个它的例子:
+另一个可以用来修改 find 命令行为并可能使其更可控的选项是 -execdir 。其中 -exec 运行指定的任何命令,-execdir 从文件所在的目录运行指定的命令,而不是在运行 find 命令的目录运行。这是一个它的例子:
$ pwd
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ls rm runme
-到现在为止还挺好。但要记住的是,-execdir 也会在匹配文件的目录中执行命令。如果运行下面的命令,并且目录包含一个名为 “ls” 的文件,那么即使该文件_没有_执行权限,它也将运行该文件。使用 **-exec** 或 **-execdir** 类似于通过 source 来运行命令。
+到现在为止还挺好。但要记住的是,-execdir 也会在匹配文件的目录中执行命令。如果运行下面的命令,并且目录包含一个名为 “ls” 的文件,那么即使该文件没有_执行权限,它也将运行该文件。使用 **-exec** 或 **-execdir** 类似于通过 source 来运行命令。
$ find . -name runme -execdir ls \;
Running the /home/shs/bin/ls file
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ echo This is an imposter rm command
### -okdir 选项也会请求权限
-要更谨慎,可以使用 **-okdir** 选项。类似 **-ok**,该选项将要求权限来运行该命令。
+要更谨慎,可以使用 **-okdir** 选项。类似 **-ok**,该选项将请求权限来运行该命令。
$ find . -name runme -okdir rm {} \;
< rm ... ./bin/runme > ?
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ $ find . -name runme -execdir /bin/rm {} \;
-find 命令除了默认打印之外还有很多选项。有些可以使你的文件搜索更精确,但一点小心总是一个好主意。
+find 命令除了默认打印之外还有很多选项,有些可以使你的文件搜索更精确,但谨慎一点总是好的。
在 [Facebook][1] 和 [LinkedIn][2] 上加入网络世界社区来进行评论。
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ via: https://www.networkworld.com/article/3233305/linux/using-the-linux-find-com
作者:[Sandra Henry-Stocker][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
diff --git a/translated/tech/20171108 How To Setup Japanese Language Environment In Arch Linux.md b/translated/tech/20171108 How To Setup Japanese Language Environment In Arch Linux.md
index e924dcbf28..97bbfe6fb6 100644
--- a/translated/tech/20171108 How To Setup Japanese Language Environment In Arch Linux.md
+++ b/translated/tech/20171108 How To Setup Japanese Language Environment In Arch Linux.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
### 在Arch Linux中设置日语环境
-首先,安装必要的日语字体,以正确查看日语 ASCII 格式:
+首先,为了正确查看日语 ASCII 格式,先安装必要的日语字体:
sudo pacman -S adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts otf-ipafont
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pacaur -S ttf-monapo
sudo pacman -S ibus ibus-anthy
-在 **~/.xprofile** 中添加以下行(如果不存在,创建一个):
+在 **~/.xprofile** 中添加以下几行(如果不存在,创建一个):
# Settings for Japanese input
export GTK_IM_MODULE='ibus'
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export XMODIFIERS=@im='ibus'
ibus-daemon -drx
-~/.xprofile 允许我们在窗口管理器启动之前在 X 用户会话开始时执行命令。
+~/.xprofile 允许我们在 X 用户会话开始时且在窗口管理器启动之前执行命令。
保存并关闭文件。重启 Arch Linux 系统以使更改生效。
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ ibus-setup
-你还可以在键盘绑定中编辑默认的快捷键。完成所有更改后,单击应用并确定。就是这样。从任务栏中的 iBus 图标中选择日语,或者按下**Command/Window 键+空格键**来在日语和英语(或者系统中的其他默认语言)之间切换。你可以从 iBus 首选项窗口更改键盘快捷键。
+你还可以在键盘绑定中编辑默认的快捷键。完成所有更改后,点击应用并确定。就是这样。从任务栏中的 iBus 图标中选择日语,或者按下**SUPER 键+空格键**(LCTT译注:SUPER KEY 通常为 Command/Window KEY)来在日语和英语(或者系统中的其他默认语言)之间切换。你可以从 iBus 首选项窗口更改键盘快捷键。
-你现在知道如何在 Arch Linux 及其衍生版中使用日语了。如果你发现我们的指南很有用,那么请您在社交、专业网络上分享,并支持 OSTechNix。
+现在你知道如何在 Arch Linux 及其衍生版中使用日语了。如果你发现我们的指南很有用,那么请您在社交、专业网络上分享,并支持 OSTechNix。
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ via: https://www.ostechnix.com/setup-japanese-language-environment-arch-linux/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出