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geekpi 2023-10-31 08:50:07 +08:00
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@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
[#]: subject: "Some notes on using nix"
[#]: via: ""
[#]: author: "Julia Evans"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: "ChatGPT"
[#]: reviewer: "wxy"
[#]: publisher: "wxy"
[#]: url: ""
我的一些 nix 学习经验:安装和打包
最近,我首次尝试了 Mac。直至现在我注意到的最大缺点是其软件包管理比 Linux 差很多。一段时间以来,我对于 homebrew 感到相当不满,因为每次我安装新的软件包时,它大部分时间都花在了升级上。于是,我萌生了试试 [nix][1] 包管理器的想法!
公认的nix 的使用存在一定困惑性(甚至它有自己单独的编程语言!),因此,我一直在努力以最简洁的方式掌握使用 nix避开复杂的配置文件管理和新编程语言学习。以下是我至今为止学习到的内容, 敬请期待如何进行:
- 使用 nix 安装软件包
- 为一个名为 [paperjam][2] 的 C++ 程序构建一个自定义的 nix 包
- 用 nix 安装五年前的 [hugo][3] 版本
如同以往,由于我对 nix 的了解还停留在入门阶段,本篇文章可能存在一些表述不准确的地方。甚至我自己也对于我是否真的喜欢上 nix 感到模棱两可 —— 它的使用真的让人相当困惑!但是,它帮我成功编译了一些以前总是难以编译的软件,并且通常来说,它比 homebrew 的安装速度要快。
### nix 为何引人关注?
通常,人们把 nix 定义为一种“声明式的包管理”。尽管我对此并不太感兴趣,但以下是我对 nix 的两个主要欣赏之处:
- 它提供了二进制包(托管在 [][4] 上),你可以迅速下载并安装
- 对于那些没有二进制包的软件nix 使编译它们变得更容易
我认为 nix 之所以擅长于编译软件,主要有以下两个原因:
- 在你的系统中,可以安装同一库或程序的多个版本(例如,你可能有两个不同版本的 libc。举个例子我当前的计算机上就存在两个版本的 node一个位于 `/nix/store/4ykq0lpvmskdlhrvz1j3kwslgc6c7pnv-nodejs-16.17.1`,另一个位于 `/nix/store/5y4bd2r99zhdbir95w5pf51bwfg37bwa-nodejs-18.9.1`
- 除此之外nix 在构建包时是在隔离的环境下进行的,只使用你明确声明的依赖项的特定版本。因此,你无需担心这个包可能依赖于你的系统里的其它你并不了解的包,再也不用与 `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` 战斗了!许多人投入了大量工作,来列出所有包的依赖项。
在本文后面,我将给出两个例子,展示 nix 如何使我在编译软件时遇到了更小的困难。
#### 我是如何开始使用 nix 的
下面是我开始使用 nix 的步骤:
- 安装 nix。我忘记了我当时是如何做到这一点但看起来有一个[官方安装程序][5] 和一个来自 的 [非官方安装程序][6]。在 MacOS 上使用标准的多用户安装卸载 nix 的 [教程][7] 有点复杂,所以选择一个卸载教程更为简单的安装方法可能值得。
- 把 `~/.nix-profile/bin` 添加到我的 `PATH`
- 用 `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.NAME` 命令安装包
- 就是这样。
基本上,是把 `nix-env -iA` 当作 `brew install` 或者 `apt-get install`
例如,如果我想安装 `fish`,我可以这样做:
nix-env -iA
这看起来就像是从 [][8] 下载一些二进制文件 - 非常简单。
有些人使用 nix 来安装他们的 Node 和 Python 和 Ruby 包,但我并没有那样做 —— 我仍然像我以前一样使用 `npm install``pip install`
#### 一些我没有使用的 nix 功能
有一些 nix 功能/工具我并没有使用,但我要提及一下。我最初认为你必须使用这些功能才能使用 nix因为我读过的大部分 nix 教程都讨论了它们。但事实证明,你并不一定要使用它们。
- NixOS一个 Linux 发行版)
- [nix-shell][9]
- [nix flakes][10]
- [home-manager][11]
- [][12]
### 安装软件包
#### nix 包在哪里定义的?
我认为 nix 包主仓库中的包是定义在 [][13]。
你可以在 [][14] 查找包。似乎有两种官方推荐的查找包的方式:
- `nix-env -qaP NAME`,但这非常缓慢,并且我并没有得到期望的结果
- `nix --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' search nixpkgs NAME`,这倒是管用,但显得有点儿冗长。并且,无论何种原因,它输出的所有包都以 `legacyPackages` 开头
我找到了一种我更喜欢的从命令行搜索 nix 包的方式:
- 运行 `nix-env -qa '*' > nix-packages.txt` 获取 Nix 仓库中所有包的列表
- 编写一个简洁的 `nix-search` 脚本,仅在 `packages.txt` 中进行 grep 操作(`cat ~/bin/nix-packages.txt | awk '{print $1}' | rg "$1"`
#### 所有的东西都是通过符号链接来安装的
nix 的一个主要设计是,没有一个单一的 `bin` 文件夹来存放所有的包,而是使用了符号链接。有许多层的符号链接。比如,以下就是一些符号链接的例子:
- 我机器上的 `~/.nix-profile` 最终是一个到 `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/bork/profile-111-link/` 的链接
- `~/.nix-profile/bin/fish` 是到 `/nix/store/afkwn6k8p8g97jiqgx9nd26503s35mgi-fish-3.5.1/bin/fish` 的链接
当我安装某样东西的时候,它会创建一个新的 `profile-112-link` 目录并建立新的链接,并且更新我的 `~/.nix-profile` 使其指向那个目录。
我认为,这意味着如果我安装了新版本的 `fish` 但我并不满意,我可以很容易地退回先前的版本,只需运行 `nix-env --rollback`,这样就可以让我回到之前的配置文件目录了。
#### 卸载包并不意味着删除它们
如果我像这样卸载 nix 包,实际上并不会释放任何硬盘空间,而仅仅是移除了符号链接:
$ nix-env --uninstall oil
我尚不清楚如何彻底删除包 - 我试着运行了如下的垃圾收集命令,这似乎删除了一些项目:
$ nix-collect-garbage
85 store paths deleted, 74.90 MiB freed
然而,我系统上仍然存在 `oil` 包,在 `/nix/store/8pjnk6jr54z77jiq5g2dbx8887dnxbda-oil-0.14.0`
`nix-collect-garbage` 有一个更具攻击性的版本,它也会删除你配置文件的旧版本(这样你就不能回滚了)。
$ nix-collect-garbage -d --delete-old
尽管如此,上述命令仍无法删除 `/nix/store/8pjnk6jr54z77jiq5g2dbx8887dnxbda-oil-0.14.0`,我不明白原因。
#### 升级过程
你可以通过以下的方式升级 nix 包:
nix-channel --update
nix-env --upgrade
(这与 `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade` 类似。)
我还没真正尝试升级任何东西。我推测,如果升级过程中出现任何问题,我可以通过以下方式轻松地回滚(因为在 nix 中,所有事物都是不可变的!):
nix-env --rollback
有人向我推荐了 Ian Henry 的 [这篇文章][15],该文章讨论了 `nix-env --upgrade` 的一些令人困惑的问题 - 也许它并不总是如我们所料?因此,我会对升级保持警惕。
### 下一个目标:创建名为 paperjam 的自定义包
经过几个月使用现有的 nix 包后,我开始考虑制作自定义包,对象是一个名为 [paperjam][2] 的程序,它还没有被打包封装。
实际上,因为我系统上的 `libiconv` 版本不正确,我甚至在没有 nix 的情况下也遇到了编译 `paperjam` 的困难。我认为,尽管我还不懂如何制作 nix 包,但使用 nix 来编译它可能会更为简单。结果证明我的想法是对的!
#### 构建示例包的步骤
在我着手制作 `paperjam` 自定义包之前,我想先试手构建一个已存在的示例包,以便确保我已经理解了构建包的整个流程。这个任务曾令我头痛不已,但在我在 Discord 提问之后,有人向我阐述了如何从 [][13] 获取一个可执行的包并进行构建。以下是操作步骤:
**步骤 1** 从 GitHub 的 [nixpkgs][13] 下载任意一个包,以 `dash` 包为例:
wget -O dash.nix
**步骤 2** 用 `with import <nixpkgs> {};` 替换开头的声明(`{ lib , stdenv , buildPackages , autoreconfHook , pkg-config , fetchurl , fetchpatch , libedit , runCommand , dash }:`)。我不清楚为何需要这样做,但事实证明这么做是有效的。
**步骤 3** 运行 `nix-build dash.nix`
**步骤 4** 运行 `nix-env -i -f dash.nix`
这会将该包安装到我的 `~/.nix-profile` 目录下。
就这么简单!一旦我完成了这些步骤,我便感觉自己能够逐步修改 `dash` 包,进一步创建属于我自己的包了。
#### 制作自定义包的过程
因为 `paperjam` 依赖于 `libpaper`,而 `libpaper` 还没有打包,所以我首先需要构建 `libpaper` 包。
以下是 `libpaper.nix`,我基本上是从 [nixpkgs][13] 仓库中其他包的源码中复制粘贴得到的。我猜测这里的原理是nix 对如何编译 C 包有一些默认规则,例如 “运行 `make install`”,所以 `make install` 实际上是默认执行的,并且我并不需要明确地去配置它。
with import <nixpkgs> {};
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "libpaper";
version = "0.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "naota";
repo = "libpaper";
rev = "51ca11ec543f2828672d15e4e77b92619b497ccd";
hash = "sha256-S1pzVQ/ceNsx0vGmzdDWw2TjPVLiRgzR4edFblWsekY=";
buildInputs = [ ];
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "";
description = "libpaper";
platforms = platforms.unix;
license = with licenses; [ bsd3 gpl2 ];
这个脚本基本上告诉 nix 如何从 GitHub 下载源代码。
我通过运行 `nix-build libpaper.nix` 来构建它。
接下来,我需要编译 `paperjam`。我制作的 [nix 包][16] 的链接在这里。除了告诉它从哪里下载源码外,我需要做的主要事情有:
- 添加一些额外的构建依赖项(像 `asciidoc`
- 在安装过程中设置一些环境变量(`installFlags = [ "PREFIX=$(out)" ];`),这样它就会被安装在正确的目录,而不是 `/usr/local/bin`
我首先从散列值为空开始,然后运行 `nix-build` 以获取一个关于散列值不匹配的错误信息。然后我从错误信息中复制出正确的散列值。
我只是在 nixpkgs 仓库中运行 `rg PREFIX` 来找出如何设置 `installFlags` 的 —— 我认为设置 `PREFIX` 应该是很常见的操作,可能之前已经有人做过了,事实证明我的想法是对的。所以我只是从其他包中复制粘贴了那部分代码。
nix-build paperjam.nix
nix-env -i -f paperjam.nix
然后所有的东西都开始工作了,我成功地安装了 `paperjam`!耶!
### 下一个目标:安装一个五年前的 Hugo 版本
当前,我使用的是 2018 年的 Hugo 0.40 版本来构建我的博客。由于我并不需要任何的新功能,因此我并没有感到有升级的必要。对于在 Linux 上操作这个过程非常简单Hugo 的发行版本是静态二进制文件,这意味着我可以直接从 [发布页面][17] 下载五年前的二进制文件并运行。真的很方便!
但在我的 Mac 电脑上我遇到了一些复杂的情况。过去五年中Mac 的硬件已经发生了一些变化,因此我下载的 Mac 版 Hugo 二进制文件并不能运行。同时,我尝试使用 `go build` 从源代码编译,但由于在过去的五年内 Go 的构建规则也有所改变,因此没有成功。
我曾试图通过在 Linux docker 容器中运行 Hugo 来解决这个问题,但我并不太喜欢这个方法:尽管可以工作,但它运行得有些慢,而且我个人感觉这样做有些多余。毕竟,编译一个 Go 程序不应该那么麻烦!
幸好Nix 来救援!接下来,我将介绍我是如何使用 nix 来安装旧版本的 Hugo。
#### 使用 nix 安装 Hugo 0.40 版本
我的目标是安装 Hugo 0.40,并将其添加到我的 PATH 中,以 `hugo-0.40` 作为命名。以下是我实现此目标的步骤。尽管我采取了一种相对特殊的方式进行操作,但是效果不错(可以参考 [搜索和安装旧版本的 Nix 包][18] 来找到可能更常规的方法)。
**步骤 1** 在 nixpkgs 仓库中搜索找到 Hugo 0.40。
我在此链接中找到了相应的 `.nix` 文件 [][19]。
**步骤 2** 下载该文件并进行构建。
我下载了带有 `.nix` 扩展名的文件(以及同一目录下的另一个名为 `deps.nix` 的文件),将文件的首行替换为 `with import <nixpkgs> {};`,然后使用 `nix-build hugo.nix` 进行构建。
- 把 `with stdenv.lib` 替换为 `with lib`
- 为避免与我已安装的其他版本的 `hugo` 冲突,我把包名改为了 `hugo040`
**步骤 3** 将 `hugo` 重命名为 `hugo-0.40`
我编写了一个简短的后安装脚本,用以重命名 Hugo 二进制文件。
postInstall = ''
mv $out/bin/hugo $out/bin/hugo-0.40
我是通过在 nixpkgs 仓库中运行 `rg 'mv '` 命令,然后复制和修改一条看似相关的代码片段来找到如何实施此步骤。
**步骤 4** 安装。
我通过运行 `nix-env -i -f hugo.nix` 命令,将 Hugo 安装到了 `~/.nix-profile/bin` 目录中。
所有的步骤都顺利运行了!我把最终的 `.nix` 文件存放到了我自己的 [nixpkgs 仓库][20] 中,这样我以后如果需要,就能再次使用它了。
### 可重复的构建过程并非神秘,其实它们极其复杂
我觉得值得一提的是,这个 `hugo.nix` 文件并不是什么魔法——我之所以能在今天轻易地编译 Hugo 0.40,完全归功于许多人长期以来的付出,他们让 Hugo 的这个版本得以以可重复的方式打包。
### 总结
安装 `paperjam` 和这个五年前的 Hugo 版本过程惊人地顺利,实际上比没有 nix 来编译它们更简单。这是因为 nix 极大地方便了我使用正确的 `libiconv` 版本来编译 `paperjam` 包,而且五年前就已经有人辛苦地列出了 Hugo 的确切依赖关系。
我并无计划详细深入地使用 nix真的我很可能对它感到困扰然后最后选择回归使用 homebrew但我们将拭目以待我发现简单入手然后按需逐步掌握更多功能远比一开始就全面接触一堆复杂功能更容易掌握。
我可能不会在 Linux 上使用 nix —— 我一直都对 Debian 基础发行版的 `apt` 和 Arch 基础发行版的 `pacman` 感到满意,它们策略明晰且少有混淆。而在 Mac 上,使用 nix 似乎会有所得。不过,谁知道呢!也许三个月后,我可能会对 nix 感到不满然后再次选择回归使用 homebrew。
作者:[Julia Evans][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -3,51 +3,50 @@
[#]: author: "Ankush Das"
[#]: collector: "lujun9972/lctt-scripts-1693450080"
[#]: translator: "geekpi"
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
[#]: reviewer: "wxy"
[#]: publisher: "wxy"
[#]: url: ""
KDE Plasma 6 将不支持较旧的桌面小部件
KDE Plasma 6 进行了一些修改,需要小部件作者进行调整。开发人员,移植时间到了!
KDE Plasma 6 是桌面环境版本中备受期待的升级版本。
> KDE Plasma 6 进行了一些修改,需要小部件作者进行调整。开发人员,移植时间到了!
KDE Plasma 6 是备受期待的桌面环境版本升级版本。
最近,其发布时间表公布,第一个 Alpha 版本将于 **2023 年 11 月 8 日**上线,最终 **Beta 版本于 2023 年 1 月 31 日**上线,稳定版计划于 **2024 年 2 月 28 日**上线。
考虑到 KDE Plasma 5.x 系列包含多项改进和功能添加,许多用户对 KDE Plasma 6 带来的功能感到兴奋。
考虑到 KDE Plasma 5.x 系列包含多项改进和功能添加,许多用户对 KDE Plasma 6 带来的功能感到期待
如果你好奇,我们已经介绍了 [KDE Plasma 6 的主要变化][1]。因此,它会发生重大变化也就不足为奇了。
然而,在进行重大修改后,可能会出现一些重大变化,例如无法在 Plasma 6 上运行任何旧版小部件。
然而,在进行重大修改后,可能会出现一些破坏体验的改动,例如无法在 Plasma 6 上运行任何旧版小部件。
### 给小部件开发者的移植通知
在 KDE 的 _Nate Graham_ 最近发表的一篇[博客文章][2]中,向 Plasma 5 小部件作者发出了正式的警告。
在 KDE 的 _Nate Graham_ 最近发表的一篇 [博客文章][2] 中,向 Plasma 5 小部件作者发出了正式的警告。
> **你需要将你的小部件移植到更新的 API以使它们与 Plasma 6 兼容!**
Plasma 小部件 API 已随着即将发布的版本进行了修改。而且,为了适应这种变化并保持运行,小部件开发人员必须将他们的创作移植到更新的 API。
如果开发人员不移植小部件以使用更新的 API它将无法与 KDE Plasma 6 一起运行。
如果开发人员不移植小部件以使用更新的 API它将无法在 KDE Plasma 6 中运行。
当然,流行的小部件开发人员很可能会进行移植。但是,如果你使用的小部件虽然还能使用,但没有积极维护,那么你将不得不在 KDE Plasma 6 中放弃它。
当然,流行的小部件开发人员很可能会进行移植。但是,如果你使用的小部件可以完成这项工作,但没有积极维护,那么你将不得不在使用 KDE Plasma 6 时放弃它
他们已提供了一份 [移植指南][4] 供开发人员遵循
你可以在 “[Plasma 6 扩展][5]”下找到 Plasma 6 兼容小部件。在撰写本文时,只能看到列出了两个第三方小部件。
你可以在 “[Plasma 6 扩展][5]” 下找到与 Plasma 6 兼容的小部件。在撰写本文时,只能看到列出了两个第三方小部件。
因此,当 KDE Plasma 6 的相应开发人员移植和上传所有你喜爱的小部件时,你将找到它们
因此,当你喜欢的小部件被移植到 KDE Plasma 6 并由相关开发者上传后,你就会发现它们的踪迹
_💬 你期待移植哪些 KDE 小部件? 你是否认为你会错过某些不再维护的小部件? 在下面的评论中分享你的想法。_
* * *
💬 你期待移植哪些 KDE 小部件? 你认为你会错过某些不再维护的小部件吗?在下面的评论中分享你的想法。
@ -56,15 +55,16 @@ via:
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
[#]: subject: "Some notes on using nix"
[#]: via: ""
[#]: author: "Julia Evans"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
Some notes on using nix
Recently I started using a Mac for the first time. The biggest downside Ive noticed so far is that the package management is much worse than on Linux. At some point I got frustrated with homebrew because I felt like it was spending too much time upgrading when I installed new packages, and so I thought maybe Ill try the [nix][1] package manager!
nix has a reputation for being confusing (it has its whole own programming language!), so Ive been trying to figure out how to use nix in a way thats as simple as possible and does not involve managing any configuration files or learning a new programming language. Heres what Ive figured out so far! Well talk about how to:
- install packages with nix
- build a custom nix package for a C++ program called [paperjam][2]
- install a 5-year-old version of [hugo][3] with nix
As usual Ive probably gotten some stuff wrong in this post since Im still pretty new to nix. Im also still not sure how much I like nix its very confusing! But its helped me compile some software that I was struggling to compile otherwise, and in general it seems to install things faster than homebrew.
#### whats interesting about nix?
People often describe nix as “declarative package management”. I dont care that much about declarative package management, so here are two things that I appreciate about nix:
- It provides binary packages (hosted at [][4]) that you can quickly download and install
- For packages which dont have binary packages, it makes it easier to compile them
I think that the reason nix is good at compiling software is that:
- you can have multiple versions of the same library or program installed at a time (you could have 2 different versions of libc for instance). For example I have two versions of node on my computer right now, one at `/nix/store/4ykq0lpvmskdlhrvz1j3kwslgc6c7pnv-nodejs-16.17.1` and one at `/nix/store/5y4bd2r99zhdbir95w5pf51bwfg37bwa-nodejs-18.9.1`.
- when nix builds a package, it builds it in isolation, using only the specific versions of its dependencies that you explicitly declared. So theres no risk that the package secretly depends on another package on your
system that you dont know about. No more fighting with `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`! - a lot of people have put a lot of work into writing down all of the dependencies of packages
Ill give a couple of examples later in this post of two times nix made it easier for me to compile software.
#### how I got started with nix
heres how I got started with nix:
- Install nix. I forget exactly how I did this, but it looks like theres an [official installer][5] and an [unofficial installer from][6]. The [instructions for uninstalling nix on MacOS with the standard multi-user install][7] are a bit complicated, so it might be worth choosing an installation method with simpler uninstall instructions.
- Put `~/.nix-profile/bin` on my PATH
- Install packages with `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.NAME`
- Thats it.
Basically the idea is to treat `nix-env -iA` like `brew install` or `apt-get install`.
For example, if I want to install `fish`, I can do that like this:
nix-env -iA
This seems to just download some binaries from [][8] pretty simple.
Some people use nix to install their Node and Python and Ruby packages, but I havent been doing that I just use `npm install` and `pip install` the same way I always have.
#### some nix features Im not using
There are a bunch of nix features/tools that Im not using, but that Ill mention. I originally thought that you _had_ to use these features to use nix, because most of the nix tutorials Ive read talk about them. But you dont have to use them.
- NixOS (a Linux distribution)
- [nix-shell][9]
- [nix flakes][10]
- [home-manager][11]
- [][12]
I wont go into these because I havent really used them and there are lots of explanations out there.
#### where are nix packages defined?
I think packages in the main nix package repository are defined in [][13]
It looks like you can search for packages at [][14]. The two official ways to search packages seem to be:
- `nix-env -qaP NAME`, which is very extremely slow and which I havent been able to get to actually work
- `nix --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' search nixpkgs NAME`, which does seem to work but is kind of a mouthful. Also all of the packages it prints out start with `legacyPackages` for some reason
I found a way to search nix packages from the command line that I liked better:
- Run `nix-env -qa '*' > nix-packages.txt` to get a list of every package in the Nix repository
- Write a short `nix-search` script that just greps `packages.txt` (`cat ~/bin/nix-packages.txt | awk '{print $1}' | rg "$1"`)
#### everything is installed with symlinks
One of nixs major design choices is that there isnt one single `bin` with all your packages, instead you use symlinks. There are a lot of layers of symlinks. A few examples of symlinks:
- `~/.nix-profile` on my machine is (indirectly) a symlink to `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/bork/profile-111-link/`
- `~/.nix-profile/bin/fish` is a symlink to `/nix/store/afkwn6k8p8g97jiqgx9nd26503s35mgi-fish-3.5.1/bin/fish`
When I install something, it creates a new `profile-112-link` directory with new symlinks and updates my `~/.nix-profile` to point to that directory.
I think this means that if I install a new version of `fish` and I dont like it, I can easily go back just by running `nix-env --rollback` itll move me to my previous profile directory.
#### uninstalling packages doesnt delete them
If I uninstall a nix package like this, it doesnt actually free any hard drive space, it just removes the symlinks.
$ nix-env --uninstall oil
Im still not sure how to actually delete the package I ran a garbage collection like this, which seemed to delete some things:
$ nix-collect-garbage
85 store paths deleted, 74.90 MiB freed
But I still have `oil` on my system at `/nix/store/8pjnk6jr54z77jiq5g2dbx8887dnxbda-oil-0.14.0`.
Theres a more aggressive version of `nix-collect-garbage` that also deletes old versions of your profiles (so that you cant rollback)
$ nix-collect-garbage -d --delete-old
That doesnt delete `/nix/store/8pjnk6jr54z77jiq5g2dbx8887dnxbda-oil-0.14.0` either though and Im not sure why.
#### upgrading
It looks like you can upgrade nix packages like this:
nix-channel --update
nix-env --upgrade
(similar to `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade`)
I havent really upgraded anything yet. I think that if something goes wrong with an upgrade, you can roll back (because everything is immutable in nix!) with
nix-env --rollback
Someone linked me to [this post from Ian Henry][15] that talks about some confusing problems with `nix-env --upgrade` maybe it doesnt work the way youd expect? I guess Ill be wary around upgrades.
#### next goal: make a custom package of paperjam
After a few months of installing existing packages, I wanted to make a custom package with nix for a program called [paperjam][2] that wasnt already packaged.
I was actually struggling to compile `paperjam` at all even without nix because the version I had of `libiconv` I has on my system was wrong. I thought it might be easier to compile it with nix even though I didnt know how to make nix packages yet. And it actually was!
But figuring out how to get there was VERY confusing, so here are some notes about how I did it.
#### how to build an example package
Before I started working on my `paperjam` package, I wanted to build an example existing package just to make sure I understood the process for building a package. I was really struggling to figure out how to do this, but I asked in Discord and someone explained to me how I could get a working package from [][13] and build it. So here are those instructions:
**step 1:** Download some arbitrary package from [nixpkgs][13] on github, for example the `dash` package:
wget -O dash.nix
**step 2**: Replace the first statement (`{ lib , stdenv , buildPackages , autoreconfHook , pkg-config , fetchurl , fetchpatch , libedit , runCommand , dash }:` with `with import <nixpkgs> {};` I dont know why you have to do this, but it works.
**step 3**: Run `nix-build dash.nix`
This compiles the package
**step 4**: Run `nix-env -i -f dash.nix`
This installs the package into my `~/.nix-profile`
Thats all! Once Id done that, I felt like I could modify the `dash` package and make my own package.
#### how I made my own package
`paperjam` has one dependency (`libpaper`) that also isnt packaged yet, so I needed to build `libpaper` first.
Heres `libpaper.nix`. I basically just wrote this by copying and pasting from other packages in the [nixpkgs][13] repository. My guess is whats happening here is that nix has some default rules for compiling C packages (like “run `make install`”), so the `make install` happens default and I dont need to configure it explicitly.
with import <nixpkgs> {};
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "libpaper";
version = "0.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "naota";
repo = "libpaper";
rev = "51ca11ec543f2828672d15e4e77b92619b497ccd";
hash = "sha256-S1pzVQ/ceNsx0vGmzdDWw2TjPVLiRgzR4edFblWsekY=";
buildInputs = [ ];
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "";
description = "libpaper";
platforms = platforms.unix;
license = with licenses; [ bsd3 gpl2 ];
Basically this just tells nix how to download the source from GitHub.
I built this by running `nix-build libpaper.nix`
Next, I needed to compile `paperjam`. Heres a link to the [nix package I wrote][16]. The main things I needed to do other than telling it where to download the source were:
- add some extra build dependencies (like `asciidoc`)
- set some environment variables for the install (`installFlags = [ "PREFIX=$(out)" ];`) so that it installed in the correct directory instead of `/usr/local/bin`.
I set the hashes by first leaving the hash empty, then running `nix-build` to get an error message complaining about a mismatched hash. Then I copied the correct hash out of the error message.
I figured out how to set `installFlags` just by running `rg PREFIX` in the nixpkgs repository I figured that needing to set a `PREFIX` was pretty common and someone had probably done it before, and I was right. So I just copied and pasted that line from another package.
Then I ran:
nix-build paperjam.nix
nix-env -i -f paperjam.nix
and then everything worked and I had `paperjam` installed! Hooray!
#### next goal: install a 5-year-old version of hugo
Right now I build this blog using Hugo 0.40, from 2018. I dont need any new features so I havent felt a need to upgrade. On Linux this is easy: Hugos releases are a static binary, so I can just download the 5-year-old binary from the [releases page][17] and run it. Easy!
But on this Mac I ran into some complications. Mac hardware has changed in the last 5 years, so the Mac Hugo binary I downloaded crashed. And when I tried to build it from source with `go build`, that didnt work either because Go build norms have changed in the last 5 years as well.
I was working around this by running Hugo in a Linux docker container, but I didnt love that: it was kind of slow and it felt silly. It shouldnt be that hard to compile one Go program!
Nix to the rescue! Heres what I did to install the old version of Hugo with nix.
#### installing Hugo 0.40 with nix
I wanted to install Hugo 0.40 and put it in my PATH as `hugo-0.40`. Heres how I did it. I did this in a kind of weird way, but it worked ([Searching and installing old versions of Nix packages][18] describes a probably more normal method).
**step 1**: Search through the nixpkgs repo to find Hugo 0.40
I found the `.nix` file here [][19]
**step 2**: Download that file and build it
I downloaded that file (and another file called `deps.nix` in the same directory), replaced the first line with `with import <nixpkgs> {};`, and built it with `nix-build hugo.nix`.
That almost worked without any changes, but I had to make two changes:
- replace `with stdenv.lib` to `with lib` for some reason.
- rename the package to `hugo040` so that it wouldnt conflict with the other version of `hugo` that I had installed
**step 3**: Rename `hugo` to `hugo-0.40`
I write a little post install script to rename the Hugo binary.
postInstall = ''
mv $out/bin/hugo $out/bin/hugo-0.40
I figured out how to run this by running `rg 'mv '` in the nixpkgs repository and just copying and modifying something that seemed related.
**step 4**: Install it
I installed into my `~/.nix-profile/bin` by running `nix-env -i -f hugo.nix`.
And it all works! I put the final `.nix` file into my own personal [nixpkgs repo][20] so that I can use it again later if I want.
#### reproducible builds arent magic, theyre really hard
I think its worth noting here that this `hugo.nix` file isnt magic the reason I can easily compile Hugo 0.40 today is that many people worked for a long time to make it possible to package that version of Hugo in a reproducible way.
#### thats all!
Installing `paperjam` and this 5-year-old version of Hugo were both surprisingly painless and actually much easier than compiling it without nix, because nix made it much easier for me to compile the `paperjam` package with the right version of `libiconv`, and because someone 5 years ago had already gone to the trouble of listing out the exact dependencies for Hugo.
I dont have any plans to get much more complicated with nix (and its still very possible Ill get frustrated with it and go back to homebrew!), but well see what happens! Ive found it much easier to start in a simple way and then start using more features if I feel the need instead of adopting a whole bunch of complicated stuff all at once.
I probably wont use nix on Linux Ive always been happy enough with `apt` (on Debian-based distros) and `pacman` (on Arch-based distros), and theyre much less confusing. But on a Mac it seems like it might be worth it. Well see! Its very possible in 3 months Ill get frustrated with nix and just go back to homebrew.
作者:[Julia Evans][a]
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