Update 20160807 Going Serverless with AWS Lambda and API Gateway.md

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@ -1,72 +1,70 @@
###################Translating by messon007###################
Going Serverless with AWS Lambda and API Gateway
通过AWS的Lambda和API Gateway走向Serverless
Lately, there's been a lot of buzz in the computing world about "serverless". Serverless is a concept wherein you don't manage any servers yourself but instead provide your code or executables to a service that executes them for you. This is execution-as-a-service. It introduces many opportunities and also presents its own unique set of challenges.
近来, 计算领域出现了很多关于"serverless"的讨论。Serverless是一个概念它允许你提供代码或可执行程序给某个服务由服务来为你执行它们而你无需自己管理服务器。这就是所谓的执行即服务它带来了很多机会同时也出现有它独特的挑战。
A brief digression on computing
In the beginning, there was... well. It's a little complicated. At the very beginning, we had mechanical computers. Then along came ENIAC. Things really don't start to get "mass production", however, until the advent of mainframes.
很早的时候出现了机械计算机后来又有了ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer很早的电子计算机),但是都没有规模生产。直到大型机出现后,计算领域才快速发展。
1950s - Mainframes
1960s - Minicomputers
1994 - Rack servers
2001 - Blade servers
2000s - Virtual servers
2006 - Cloud servers
2013 - Containers
2014 - Serverless
1950s - 大型机
1960s - 微型机
1994 - 机架服务器
2001 - 刀片服务器
2000s - 虚拟服务器
2006 - 服务器云化
2013 - 容器化
2014 - Serverless(计算资源服务化)
>These are rough release/popularity dates. Argue amongst yourselves about the timeline.
The progression here seems to be a trend toward executing smaller and smaller units of functionality. Each step down generally represents a decrease in the operational overhead and an increase in the operational flexibility.
### The possibilities
### 发展前景
Yay! Serverless! But. What advantages do we gain by going serverless? And what challenges do we face?
Serverlss! 但是, serverless能给我们带来什么好处? 我们将面临什么挑战呢?
No billing when there is no execution. In my mind, this is a huge selling point. When no one is using your site or your API, you aren't paying for. No ongoing infrastructure costs. Pay only for what you need. In some ways, this is the fulfillment of the cloud computing promise "pay only for what you use".
未执行代码时无需付费。我以为这是个巨大的卖点。当无人访问你的站点或用你的API时, 你无需付钱,无基础设施成本,仅仅支付你需要的部分。换句话说,这履行了云计算的承诺:"仅仅支付你真正用的资源"。
No servers to maintain or secure. Server maintenance and security is handled by your vendor (you could, of course, host serverless yourself, but in some ways this seems like a step in the wrong direction). Since your execution times are also limited, the patching of security issues is also simplified since there is nothing to restart. This should all be handled seamlessly by your vendor.
Unlimited scalability. This is another big one. Let's say you write the next Pokémon Go. Instead of your site being down every couple of days, serverless lets you just keep growing and growing. A double-edged sword, for sure (with great scalability comes great... bills), but if your service's profitability depends on being up, then serverless can help enable that.
无限的可扩展性。这是又一个大的好处。假设你又开发了一个Pokemon Go, 与其频繁地把站点下线维护升级不如用serverless来不断地扩展。当然这也是个双刃剑大量的账单也会随之而来。如果你的业务的利润强依赖于站点上线率的话serverless确实能帮上忙。
Forced microservices architecture. This one really goes both ways. Microservices seem to be a good way to build flexible, scalable, and fault-tolerant architectures. On the other hand, if your business' services aren't designed this way, you're going to have difficulty adding serverless into your existing architecture.
### But now your stuck on their platform
### 但是现在你被限制在他们的平台上
Limited range of environments. You get what the vendor gives. You want to go serverless in Rust? You're probably out of luck.
Limited preinstalled packages. You get what the vendor pre-installs. But you may be able to supply your own.
Limited execution time. Your function can only run for so long. If you have to process a 1TB file you will likely need to 1) use a work around or 2) use something else.
Forced microservices architecture. See above.
Limited insight and ability to instrument. Just what is your code doing? With serverless, it is basically impossible to drop in a debugger and ride along. You still have the ability to log and emit metrics the usual way but these generally can only take you so far. Some of the most difficult problems may be out of reach when the occur in a serverless environment.
受限的监视和诊断能力。例如,你的代码在干什么? 在serverless中, 基本不可能在调试器中设置断点和跟踪流程。你仍然可以像往常一样记录日志并发出统计度量但是这带来的帮助很有限无法定位在serverless环境中发生的难点问题。
### The playing field
### 竞争领域
Since the introduction of AWS Lambda in 2014, the number of offerings has expanded quite a bit. Here are a few popular ones:
自从2014年出现AWS Lambda以后serverless提供商已经增加了一些。下面是一些主流的serverless服务提供商:
- AWS Lambda - The Original
- OpenWhisk - Available on IBM's Bluemix cloud
- AWS Lambda - 起步最早的
- OpenWhisk - 在IBM的Bluemix云上可用
- Google Cloud Functions
- Azure Functions
While all of these have their relative strengths and weaknesses (like, C# support on Azure or tight integration on any vendor's platform) the biggest player here is AWS.
这些平台都有他们的相对优势和劣势(例如Azure支持C#, 在其他提供商的平台上是深度集成)。这里面最大的玩家是AWS.
### Building your first API with AWS Lambda and API Gateway
### 通过AWS Lambda和API Gateway构建你的第一个API
Let's give serverless a whirl, shall we? We'll be using AWS Lambda and API Gateway offerings to build an API that returns "Guru Meditations" as spoken by Jimmy.
我们来试一试serverless。我们将用AWS Lambda和API Gateway来构建一个能返回Jimmy所说的"Guru Meditations"的API.
All of the code is available on [GitHub][1].
API Documentation:
@ -76,9 +74,9 @@ POST /
### How we'll structure things
### 怎样组织工程文件
The layout:
@ -100,19 +98,18 @@ The layout:
└── zip.sh
Things in AWS (for a more detailed view as to what is happening here, consult the source of tools/deploy.py):
- API. 真正构建的对象。它在AWS中表示为一个单独的对象。
- 执行角色。在AWS中,每个function作为一个单独的角色执行。这里就是meditations.
- 角色策略。每个function作为一个角色执行每个角色需要权限来干活。Lambda function不干太多活故我们只添加一些日志记录权限。
- Lambda 函数。运行我们的代码的函数。
- Swagger. Swagger是API的规范。API Gateway支持解析swagger的定义来为API配置大部分资源。
- 部署。API Gateway提供部署的标记。我们只需要为我们的API用一个(例如所有的都用生产或者yolo等) 但是得知道他们是存在的,并且为了真正的能够启动生产的服务,你可能想用开发和分期环境。
- 监控。在我们的业务崩溃的情况下(或者开始从利用率累积出大额账单时), 我们想为错误和费用以云告警查看方式添加一些监控。注意你应该修改tools/deploy.py来正确地设置你的email.
- API. The thing that were actually building. It is represented as a separate object in AWS.
- Execution Role. Every function executes as a particular role in AWS. Ours will be meditations.
- Role Policy. Every function executes as a role, and every role needs permission to do things. Our lambda function doesn't do much, so we'll just add some logging permissions.
- Lambda Function. The thing that runs our code.
- Swagger. Swagger is a specification of an API. API Gateway supports consuming a swagger definition to configure most resources for that API.
- Deployments. API Gateway provides for the notion of deployments. We won't be using more than one of these for our API here (i.e., everything is production, yolo, etc.), but know that they exist and for a real production-ready service you will probably want to use development and staging environments.
- Monitoring. In case our service crashes (or begins to accumulate a hefty bill from usage) we'll want to add some monitoring in the form of cloudwatch alarms for errors and billing. Note that you should modify tools/deploy.py to set your email correctly.
### 代码
### the codes
The lambda function itself will be returning guru meditations at random from a hardcoded list and is very simple:
Lambda函数将从硬编码列表中随机选择一个并返回guru meditations, 非常简单:
import logging
@ -145,26 +142,26 @@ def handler(event, context):
### The deploy.py script
### deploy.py 脚本
This one is rather long (sadly) and I won't be including it here. It basically goes through each of the items under "Things in AWS" and ensures each item exists.
这个脚本相当长,我没法贴在这里。它基本只是浏览"Things in AWS"下的项目,确保每项都存在。
Let's deploy this shit
Just run `./tools/deploy.py`.
只需运行 './tools/deploy.py'
Well. Almost. There seems to be some issue applying privileges that I can't seem to figure out. Your lambda function will fail to execute because API Gateway does not have permissions to execute your function. The specific error should be "Execution failed due to configuration error: Invalid permissions on Lambda function". I am not sure how to add these using botocore. You can work around this issue by going to the AWS console (sadness), locating your API, going to the / POST endpoint, going to integration request, clicking the pencil icon next to "Lambda Function" to edit it, and then saving it. You'll get a popup stating "You are about to give API Gateway permission to invoke your Lambda function". Click "OK".
几乎完成了。不过似乎在权限申请上有些问题由于API Gateway没有权限去执行你的函数,Lambda函数将不能执行报错应该是"Execution failed due to configuration error: Invalid permissions on Lambda function"。 我不知道怎么用botocore添加权限。你可以通过AWS console来解决这个问题找到你的API, 进到/POST端点进到集成请求, 点击"Lambda Function"旁边的编辑图标,修改它,然后保存。此时将弹出一个窗口提示"You are about to give API Gateway permission to invoke your Lambda function" 点击"OK"。
When you're finished with that, take the URL that ./tools/deploy.py printed and call it like so to see your new API in action:
$ curl -X POST https://a1b2c3d4.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod/
{"status": "success", "meditation": "the count of machines abides"}
### Running Locally
### 本地运行
One unfortunate thing about AWS Lambda is that there isn't really a good way to run your code locally. In our case, we will use a simple flask server to host the appropriate endpoint locally and handle calling our handler function:
不幸的是AWS Lambda没有好的方法能在本地运行你的代码。在这个例子里我们将用一个简单的flask服务器来在本地托管合适的端点并调用handler函数。
from __future__ import absolute_import
@ -187,7 +184,7 @@ def index():
You can run this in the repo with ./tools/serve.sh. Invoke like:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/
@ -197,9 +194,9 @@ $ curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/
### Testing
### 测试
You should always test your code. The way we'll be doing this is importing and running our handler function. This is really just plain vanilla python testing:
from __future__ import absolute_import
@ -223,22 +220,22 @@ class SubmitTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue("meditation" in response)
You can run the tests in the repo with nose2.
### Other possibilities
### 更多前景
Seamless integration with AWS services. Using boto, you can pretty simply connect to any of AWS other services. You simply allow your execution role access to these services using IAM and you're on your way. You can get/put files from S3, connect to Dynamo DB, invoke other lambda functions, etc. etc. The list goes on.
和AWS服务的无缝集成。通过boto, 你可以完美地轻易连接到任何其他的AWS服务。你可以轻易地让你的执行角色用IAM访问这些服务。你可以从S3取文件或放文件到S3连接到Dynamo DB, 调用其他lambda函数等等。
Accessing a database. You can easily access remote databases as well. Connect to the database at the top of your lambda handler's module. Execute queries on the connection from within the handler function itself. You will (very likely) have to upload the associated package contents from where it is installed locally for this to work. You may also need to statically compile certain libraries.
访问数据库你也可以轻易地访问远程数据库。在你的lambda handler模块的最上面连接数据库并在handler函数中执行查询。你很可能必须从它的安装位置上传相关的包内容才能使它正常工作。可能你也需要静态编译某些库。
Calling other webservices. API Gateway is also a way to translate the output from one web service into a different form. You can take advantage of this to proxy calls through to a different webservice or provide backwards compatibility when a service changes.
调用其他web服务。API Gateway也是一种把web服务的输出从一个格式转换成另一个格式的方法。你可以充分利用这个特点通过不同的web服务来代理调用或者当业务变更时提供后向兼容能力。
via: http://blog.ryankelly.us/2016/08/07/going-serverless-with-aws-lambda-and-api-gateway.html?utm_source=webopsweekly&utm_medium=email
作者:[Ryan Kelly][a]
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