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runningwater 2014-05-14 07:06:50 +08:00
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31 changed files with 1126 additions and 333 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
这种方法不需要依赖于第三方的源仓库。你只需要从 Oracle 的官方下载页直接下载,然后安装就行。
JDK 8 是一个重要的发行版本,也加入了最新的叫做 Lambda 表达式的新语言功能,此功能可以“把一个功能函数当作一个方法参数或者代码块当作日期类型”。
JDK 8 是一个重要的发行版本,也加入了最新的叫做 Lambda 表达式的新语言功能,此功能可以“把函数用作方法参数,或者代码块当作日期数据使用”。
这一个版本也发布了一个新的 包类集合,提供了基于流的 API用来支持函数式操作的功能。
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ JDK 8 是一个重要的发行版本,也加入了最新的叫做 Lambda 表达
java version

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
### GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) ###
GPG是GNU Privacy Guard的缩写。它是一种基于密钥的加密方式使用了一对密钥对消息进行加密和解密来保证消息的安全传输。一开始用户从数字证书认证机构获取一对公钥和私钥。任何其他想给该用户发送加密消息的用户,需要先从证书机构的公共目录获取接收者的公钥,然后用公钥加密信息,再发送给接收者。当接收者收到加密消息后,他可以用自己的私钥来解密,而私钥是不应该被其他人拿到的。
GPG是GNU Privacy Guard的缩写。它是一种基于密钥的加密方式使用了一对密钥对消息进行加密和解密来保证消息的安全传输。一开始用户通过数字证书认证软件生成一对公钥和私钥。任何其他想给该用户发送加密消息的用户,需要先从证书机构的公共目录获取接收者的公钥,然后用公钥加密信息,再发送给接收者。当接收者收到加密消息后,他可以用自己的私钥来解密,而私钥是不应该被其他人拿到的。
### GPG gives you the public key and the private key. ###
### GPG 使用公钥和私钥 ###
### 在终端里使用GPG ###
@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ GPG是GNU Privacy Guard的缩写。它是一种基于密钥的加密方式使
### 密钥服务器 ###
$ gpg --send-keys --keyserver [] [yourpublicid]
$ gpg --send-keys --keyserver hkp:// 083C39A4
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ GPG是GNU Privacy Guard的缩写。它是一种基于密钥的加密方式使
$ gpg --list-keys
@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ GPG是GNU Privacy Guard的缩写。它是一种基于密钥的加密方式使
\* * * * *
### 关于Richard White ###
Richard是一位技术爱好者在不止一个场合他被称为极客。他还是三本书的作者最近的一本《数字时代的隐私》即将在2014年5月份出版精装本。他还是数字时代网站的主编和驱动者数字时代的目的是提供资源和工具来实现和维护匿名安全和隐私。Ricard经常写一些和隐私相关的文章最近忙着写《CLI艺术》收集开源的命令行软件。关于GNU Privacy Guard的[更多信息][1]以及如何使用GPG软件的图形界面工具你可以访问White的数字时代网站。
Richard是一位技术爱好者在不止一个场合他被称为极客。他还是三本书的作者最近的一本《数字时代的隐私》即将在2014年5月份出版精装本。他还是数字时代网站的主编和驱动者数字时代的目的是提供资源和工具来实现和维护匿名安全和隐私。Ricard经常写一些和隐私相关的文章最近忙着写《CLI艺术》收集开源的命令行软件。关于GNU Privacy Guard的[更多信息][1]以及如何使用GPG软件的图形界面工具你可以访问White的数字时代网站。
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Linux 桌面的发展之路
Ken Starks 在 网站上问 [你们是如何优化 Linux 的?][1]我很高兴他问了这个问题因为我有话要说对我来说Linux 桌面就是一连串的承诺但是这些承诺却总是无法兑现。它在每个版本发布后都会说“下个版本会非常牛X”=.=凸。它会一次性定下50个目标然后又完成不了几个。至于 Linux 桌面,我想我们是时候好好聊聊这玩意儿了。
计算机有着无穷的魅力,在计算机的世界里我们几乎能做所有事情。在这个容易迷失的世界里,我们深信自己所着迷的事情对其他人也有着相同的吸引力。我们沉迷于钻研细节,争论 GPL 和 LGPL 的区别讨论为什么我们称“Linux”为“GNU/Linux”而不是简单的“Linux”诸如此类我们总想说服别人推销自己喜欢的 Linux 桌面风格。我们总是说“这关乎自由,瞧瞧苹果是怎么限制你的选择的!”却从来没意识到那些选择了不同计算机系统的用户仅仅是把计算机当作工作所需的工具而已。对于我们来说,计算机有点儿像变戏法,当第一次动手修改一些重要配置,改变计算机的工作方式时,我们会非常激动,非常有成就感。在开源界,你是这个世界的主宰,你沉迷于控制一切。然而,对于那些没有准备好掌握这种控制一切的力量的人来说,开源社区并不是他们的菜。
大多数工程师并不是设计师,但开源社区能让这些开发者成为一些图形交互界面的设计者。于是,我们的 Unity 不再显示主菜单,我们的 Gnome 3 窗口可以満屏幕乱飞,而 KDE 桌面,我一直觉得它完全无法理解,所以我已经好多年没关注它了(在这里向 KDE 开发团队和其支持者表示道歉,我无法理解 KDE 是好几年前的事了,我相信现在的 KDE 肯定能用 awesome 来形容)。前面提到的在 网站上的那篇文章提了一个很好的问题:为什么 Linux 桌面总是不能像人们所希望的那样普及出来。而文章下面的评论则是一堆社区成员的抱怨和建议,比如:让窗口更好地整合在一起;让添加磁盘变得更简单些。很多评论都是很好的、可行的建议,但他们大多数都忽略了一个核心事实:是什么让 Linux 成为一个既精彩但又前途暗淡的、只属于狂热爱好者的系统Linux 发行版是由非常多的软件包组成的,每个软件包都有不同的维护者,不同的价值和不同的开发过程。当每个开发团队将他们的产品通过开源社区贡献出来时,每个开发团队会变得只有一点点不一样,而仅仅是这一点点的不一样,让我们对细枝末节的探索有了发挥的余地。有些人不喜欢 Ubuntu 桌面,于是他们克隆 Ubuntu在上面作一些细微的改变然后重新发布一个衍生版。这种方式挺不错的因为它能带来新点子向人们展示一个事物能够变成什么样子 —— 即使是很小的改变。但是每当新产生一个衍生版,就会将开源社区变得更碎片化一些。这到底是好事还是坏事?看你是站在什么角度来看。
Linux 桌面是建立在成千上万的软件基础之上的,每个软件由不同团队维护。有时候我们会想这样的东西究竟能不能工作?!事实是,它能,并且工作得非常好,这真是一个奇迹。然而有时候它又不工作了,它会崩溃,在这种时候我们就会列出一连串的计划来改进 Linux并将我们最不能忍受的缺陷放在计划的最前面。
经过上面的讨论,我的建议出来了。第一点:继续做你正在做的事。技术总是能反映创造者的价值,而 Linux 桌面更是一个多国家多文化集合的体现。Linux 充满缺陷,充满伤痕,但也是因为这些,令它变得美好。世界需要现在的 Linux 桌面,同时世界需要更好的 Linux 桌面。
第二点:选一个发行版,比如 Ubuntu弄烂它。然后拾起一些碎片在这些碎片上创造一些全新的东西。不要从社区获取软件或者产品只需要获取想法。从内核开始一个团队一个房间一种设计理念和设计哲学从头创建一整个操作系统。将注意力集中在那些最好的已经实现的想法上以及那些最新的还没实现的想法上。丢掉所有糟糕的东西创造全新的东西。
到目前为止,我见过的最接近这种观念的是 Aral Balkan 开发的 [Indie][2] 项目,但他最近貌似专注于移动市场。我希望 Linux 桌面朝着这种观念靠近。这有可能么?当然,一切皆有可能。但确定会发生么?谁知道呢?整个 Linux 生态系统都充满不确定性。唯一确定的是,我们的创造性是无限的。
译者:[bazz2]( 校对:[Mr小眼儿](
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@ -1,36 +1,35 @@
英佩数码宣布下一款虚幻竞技场系列游戏将会支持Linux, Windows,以及Mac OS X三个系统平台并且可以免费获得。
Epic Games宣布下一款虚幻竞技场系列游戏将会支持Linux, Windows,以及Mac OS X三个系统平台并且可以免费获得。
Epic Games的开发者遵守他们的承诺[新的4代虚拟引擎支持了Linux][1]并且他们已经确认下一款虚幻竞技场系列游戏将会登陆Linux平台。
首先,虚幻竞技场这款游戏将会是免费的。当用户听到免费这个词时,通常他们认为仅仅是免费获取到游戏,意味着他们不得不为了额外的内容以及优于其他玩家的有利条件来掏腰包。不过虚幻竞技场这款游戏不是这样,Epic Games正在尝试一种不同的商业模式。
当这款游戏开发出来并且免费向公众提供后,开发者将会围绕这款游戏建立一个市场,在这个市场中相关组织团体可以销售他们对于该款游戏的内容。游戏收益就会分为游戏相关内容开发者以及Epic Games两个部分。
理论上来讲对于玩这款游戏来说这样就足够了。这并不是一个全新的观念因为这个已经在Team Fortress 2这款游戏中得到了应用尽管它听起来更加先进一些。英佩数码公司也已经声称该款游戏的开发是由虚幻竞技场团队的一部分有经验的技术人员负责,并且他们已经开始着手开发。但就是在这,发生了一些有趣的事情。
理论上来讲对于玩这款游戏来说这样就足够了。这并不是一个全新的观念因为这个已经在Team Fortress 2这款游戏中得到了应用尽管它听起来更加先进一些。Epic Games也已经声称该款游戏的开发是由虚幻竞技场团队的一部分有经验的技术人员负责,并且他们已经开始着手开发。但还有一些有趣的事情。
“从代码编写的第一行,从该创意产生那一时,从这个游戏设计决定下来那一刻,该游戏的开发工作就会向大众公开。这是在Epic Games、虚幻竞技场游戏粉丝以及游戏开发者之间的合作。我们会使用论坛来讨论游戏相关的问题用twitch平台来使用户获得定期更新。”
“如果你是一个粉丝并且你想参与游戏的开发和设计那么你可以免费创建一个账户来加入论坛和我们一起讨论。所有的游戏代码和内容可以在UT开发者的github上获得” [官方声明][2]如此说道。
虽然还需要一段时间该款游戏才可以在所有平台上运行,但是用户们可以实时地获取开发进度。如果Epic Games的想法成为现实的话,我们就可以在今年年底获得该游戏的测试版本。
译者:[JonathanKang]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Ubuntu 14.10 —— 来自乌托邦的独角兽
**Mark ShuttleworthCanonical 的创始人,已经为 Ubuntu 的下一个版本 (14.10) 起好了名字,新版本的名字将是乌托邦的独角兽。**
Ubuntu 的开发者们并不经常在两个开发周期之间停顿太久,也就是说 Ubuntu 14.10 的工作将可能在最近的某一天开始,并经过六个月的时间,在 2014 年十月份放出一个新的版本。
当然,她不会是一个 LTS 版本,但是 Mark Shuttleworth 希望其开发团队尽可能的试水新的尝试,以为将来的迈进做准备。
“拿出你的最佳表现给大家,展现给论坛,展现给邮件列表,我们要做些出色的事情。一些和谐而大气的事情,一些我们可以一直引以为傲的事情。由于我们正处于两年一次的崭新开始,可以不受拘束的展望下未来的情景,我们同样可以给她一个梦幻的名字。让我们骑上来自乌托邦的独角兽。刺向未来,” Mark Shuttleworth 在他的例行[发布会][1]上说道。
乌托邦的独角兽这个名字的确有些出人意料。先前的名字从来没带有如此的神秘色彩,也就造就了 Ubuntu 14.10 这一独特的版本。或许他本人没法找到一个有趣而有真正存在的动物来命名,或者他仅仅是无法抗拒独角兽的魅力。
Canonical 并没有像 Fedora 那样将命名权交给社区。如此一来也就有可能会产生这样奇怪的名字,或许有天 Ubuntu 将会得到些没人喜欢的奇怪开发代号译注Fedora的开发代号好像更奇怪那个xx家的猫居然还用个四字节的unicode字符译者从来没有见到过的有木有
从 Mark Shuttleworth 的帖子中所描述的来看,就像是给开发者做出的变动打了张空头支票。
这并不代表下一代 Ubuntu 将会截然不同,但单单从系统将被支持九个月时间上来看,他们或许会很了劲儿的折腾一票。
“LTS 版本将会约束我们的创造力 —— 我们的用户虽然更乐意于巩固性能、稳定和可维护性,但我们更倾向于技术累赘的清扫。这个清扫的目的是为新的创意与设计腾出空间,并为下个版本添砖加瓦。这将是个多么壮观释放创造力的时刻啊,” Mark Shuttleworth 也这么提到。
同时 Ubuntu 的开发者们也十分可能会尝试向多平台整合的目标靠拢直至所有平台使用同一代码库。
译者:[VizV]( 校对:[wxy](
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Git 1.9.3 Version Control System Officially Released
**Git 1.9.3, a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency, is now available for download.**
The new Git 1.9.x branch continues the trend of large releases, integrating a big number of changes and fixes. This latest build in the branch is a little bit smaller than what we were expecting, but it does feature some interesting changes. If you are using Git, you might consider to update to the new version.
According to the developers, "git p4" dealing with changes in binary files was broken by a change in 1.9 release, but it has been fixed. The shell prompt script (in contrib/), when using the PROMPT_COMMAND interface, no longer uses an unsafe construct when showing the branch name in $PS, and "git rebase" no longer uses a POSIX shell construct.
Also, some more Unicode codepoints defined in Unicode 6.3 as having zero width have been fixed, and some tests used shell constructs that did not work well on FreeBSD, but they have been fixed.
For a complete list of changes, check out the [changelog][1].
### download Git 1.9.3 ###
- [tar.gz][2][sources] [4.60 MB]
- [Debian/Ubuntu DEB ALL][3][ubuntu_deb] [0 KB]
- [Red Hat/Fedora/Mandriva/openSUSE RPM noarch][4][rh_rpm] [0 KB]
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Limit Theory Developer Switches to Linux Because Windows Is Annoying
Limit Theory, an infinite, procedural space sim developed by only one man, will launch on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. The developer announced that he switched from the Windows platform to Linux mostly because he was annoyed.
Limit Theory sounds like an impossible project, especially for one man. The developer of the game, Josh Parnell, has managed to build a beautiful universe by himself and to provide support for three different platforms.
He was able to do that because the game is written in C++ and OpenGL, which makes it quite easy to port the work on any platform. In one of his latest updates about Limit Theory, he explained that he was no longer using the Windows platform because it was "annoying," without going into any specific details.
Even The Linux Foundation has taken notice of him and decided to promote the work that he's been doing, especially because he is a one-man show that does everything from core programming to the ambient music.
"Game developer Josh Parnell has released the latest development update on his open-world space simulation and strategy game, Limit Theory. While the graphics are beautiful, this release is particularly notable because Parnell has switched to developing on the native Linux client version from Windows (which he called 'just annoying')"
"Limit Theory is Kickstarter-funded as of December 2012 and has a planned release date for early 2014. When it's finished, players will be able to explore space, prospect for and mine asteroids, command a fleet of star ships, and more," notes The Linux Foundation on its [website][1].
The most interesting aspect of Limit Theory is the infinite universe, which might sound strange at first or like just another marketing ploy. In fact, Josh Parnell made a very smart engine that generates systems, planets, NPCs, and almost anything else as the player progresses through the universe.
None of these elements is present when the game starts and they are produced at the player moves. This also means that no two playthroughs will be the same.
Limit Theory managed to get all the funding it needs on Kickstarter and the developer is working full steam on it, but this is a huge undertaking and it will take some time to finish. Even if the proposed launch of January 2014 has come and gone, the fans are willing to wait, especially after seeing what the game will be capable of doing.
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
OpenVPN Import Broken in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
**Ubuntu 14.04 LTS was released a few weeks ago and the reception for the new operating system from Canonical has been great, but there are still some problems that need to be solved, like an issue with the OpenVPN import feature.**
If you ever used a VPN connection in Ubuntu, you know that you need to download a package from the official repository called network-manager-openvpn that allows users to import an openVPN file with all the setting and certificates in place.
This particular feature used to work in the early versions of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, but right before the launch something broke in the network-manager-openvpn packages, which crashes the entire network manager during the import.
The problem has been reported on [Launchpad][1] by numerous users, but so far it hasn't been fixed. The first bug report was submitted back in March, which means that the distribution shipped with the problem in place.
With the exception of the fact that the problem has been confirmed, it seems that no one is working on it, or at least its not yet listed on Launchpad.
As it turns out, if we judge by the sheer number of the people that left comments on that first bug report, this is something used extensively and its annoying that a fix hasn't been released yet.
Well keep you apprised if something changes and the bug gets fixed.
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
The New Open Source StuntRally 2.3 Racing Game Looks Great
StuntRally, a free racing game that features over 150 tracks and lots of cars, has just reached version 2.3 and it's sporting a new look.
The game is built with the help of several technologies, such as Vdrift, bullet, OGRE, PagedGeometry, and MyGUI, just to name a few, but this is more than just a simple project. StuntRally is probably the most ambitious open source arcade racing game on the Linux platform and it shows from the number of features.
Players have access to 153 tracks with a total of 24 levels, spanning over 4 hours of gameplay. StuntRally features ghost drive (chase your best time car on track), track's ghost (best drive for track, a green ghost car ES on all tracks), and replays (save your drive and watch it from other cameras later). There are also tutorials, championships, challenges, split screen, and multiplayer. And these features are just scratching the surface.
The graphics for the StuntRally are also quite decent, if we keep in mind that this is a free game, done by people in their free time. Players will find eight graphics presets, terrain parallax, triplanar mapping, car and water reflections, water refraction, bloom, motion blur, SSAO, depth of field, god rays, and HDR. Some of these latest features will require a newer video card.
To top it all off, the developers also implemented a Track Editor that should allow users to edit road points and their parameters in real time, to change all of the track parameters, to tweak the terrain generator, and even to modify elements of the cars while driving.
According to the changelog, all the tracks have been renewed, all the textures for the terrain have been upgraded to 1K, blendmap noise with many parameters has been implemented, emissive light has been added on a few tracks, the grass density is now RenderToTexture, parallax has been disabled for now, dynamic camera bouncing has been added, and fuel now depends on the track length.
Also, users can now pick the window for terrain textures, grasses, and vegetation models, the terrain editing is now a lot faster, the layer buttons have been swapped, the start position for the Track Editor has been changed, the button on Layers, Grasses, and Vegetation have been updated, a surface tab for terrain and road surface parameters has been added, and much more.
More details about this new release of StuntRally can be found in the [announcement][1]. You can download StuntRally 2.3 right now from the official [website][2].
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# Viz 再占领一篇!
Ubuntu 14.10 to Be Called Utopic Unicorn
**Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Canonical, has chosen the name of the next Ubuntu, 14.10, and it will be called Utopic Unicorn.**
The Ubuntu developers don't usually take a lot of rest between development cycles, which means that work on Ubuntu 14.10 will start any day now and, in six months time, in October 2014, we'll have a new release. Granted, it won't be an LTS version, but Mark Shuttleworth wants the development team to test the waters on what's possible and make some big leaps forward.
“So bring your upstanding best to the table or the forum or the mailing list and lets make something amazing. Something unified and upright, something about which we can be universally proud. And since were getting that once-every-two-years chance to make fresh starts and dream unconstrained dreams about what the future should look like, we may as well go all out and give it a dreamlike name. Lets get going on the utopic unicorn. Give it stick,” said Mark Shuttleworth in his regular [announcement][1].
The name of Utopic Unicorn is a little different from what wed usually expect. None of the names chosen so far has been mythical, which makes Ubuntu 14.10 a peculiar version. Either he couldn't find a real and interesting animal to use for the name, or he just couldn't resist to the use of Unicorn.
Canonical doesn't leave the name choosing process to the community, like Fedora does. It would generate the most bizarre names and it's likely Ubuntu would end up with some funky codename that no one really likes.
From what Mark Shuttleworth has been describing in his post, it seems that Ubuntu developers have been given a blank check to make something different. This doesn't mean that the next Ubuntu will be radically different, but if we keep in mind that it's a system with only a nine-month support period, it's very likely that they will experiment a great deal.
“The discipline of an LTS constrains our creativity our users appreciate the results of a focused effort on performance and stability and maintainability, and we appreciate the spring cleaning that comes with a focus on technical debt. But the point of spring cleaning is to make room for fresh ideas and new art, and our next release has to raise the roof in that regard. And what a spectacular time to be unleashing creativity in Ubuntu,” also noted Mark Shuttleworth.
It's also very likely that Ubuntu developers will try to get a little bit closer to their convergence goal of having a single codebase running on all the platforms. It won't be ready in this cycle, but we will probably see some major improvements.
All hail Utopic Unicorn!
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Coverity scan report finds open source software quality outpaces proprietary code for first time
@ -44,4 +45,4 @@ via:
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Linux Pros' Top Command Line Secrets
> "Command-line secrets? There aren't any such things," said blogger Robert Pogson. "Desperate newbie? Type 'help.' Still need a hint? Type 'man whatever.' Want more diversity? Type 'ls /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin | less,' pick out a few gems and type 'man whatever' all night long. I've been at it more than a decade. Still having fun." Of course, "one can be addicted to the point of destruction."
**W**ell it was a relatively quiet week here in the Linux blogosphere, giving residents a long-overdue opportunity to catch their collective breath, enjoy a few Tequila Tux cocktails and take stock of all the FOSS-related happenings that have taken place over the past few weeks.
Among the highlights, for those who missed them, were [the awarding][1] of the [IEEE][2] Computer Society's 2014 Computer Pioneer Award to none other than Linus Torvalds; [the arrival][3] of Tails OS 1.0; and, perhaps most exciting of all, [the release][4] of Seattle-based band [netcat's][5] debut album as a Linux kernel module.
"Are you ever listening to an album, and thinking 'man, this sounds good, but I wish it crossed from user-space to kernel-space more often!'" netcat wrote on its Facebook page. "We got you covered. Our album is now fully playable as a loadable Linux kernel module."
Linux Girl thought she had seen it all here in the Linux world, but now she realizes she was wrong. Thank you, netcat, for keeping life interesting!
### 'Command Line Secrets' ###
Speaking of interesting, there's nothing like a little shop talk around the bar to pass the time during a quiet week, and last week afforded a dose of that as well. Life is good here in the Linux blogosphere!
The forum was Linux Voice -- that shiny, new magazine alert readers may remember [launched late last year][6] -- and the topic was none other than [command line secrets][7].
Linux Girl couldn't resist.
### 'It Manages to Render Most Web Pages' ###
"There are loads of really good reasons to use the command line," wrote the masterminds at Linux Voice. "It's the most powerful and concise method of interacting with your computer.
"However, we decided to take a moment to look at some of its more obscure (and some would say pointless) uses," they added.
Top of the magazine's list is the elinks Web browser: "It might not be as colorful as its more famous rivals, but it manages to render most Web pages," they explained. "As well has having geek-chic, it can come in handy when you just need to quickly check if a Web page is accessible from a computer you only have SSH access to."
The list goes on from there to include looking up definitions on Wikipedia, among other tips.
Down at the Broken Windows Lounge, patrons had plenty of suggestions of their own.
### 'Great for Maintenance' ###
"Very nice tips on CL commands, very nice," enthused Google+ blogger Alessandro Ebersol, for example. "But they forgot [cowsay][8], which is great for having some laughs in the darkness of a terminal."
The command line "is great for maintenance," he added. "One can automate with bash scripts and make complex tasks with few (or just one) keystrokes."
Other command line secrets Ebersol would add to the original list are sl (steam locomotive), along with [these nuggets][9]:
* % cat "food in cans"
cat: can't open food in cans
* % nice man woman
No manual entry for woman.
* % [Where is Jimmy Hoffa?
Missing ].
* % make love
Make: Don't know how to make love. Stop.
* % man: why did you get a divorce?
man:: Too many arguments.
### 'The Most Precious Gem' ###
"Command-line secrets? There aren't any such things," blogger [Robert Pogson][10] told Linux Girl. "Desperate newbie? Type 'help.' Still need a hint? Type 'man whatever.' Want more diversity? Type 'ls /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin | less,' pick out a few gems and type 'man whatever' all night long. I've been at it more than a decade. Still having fun."
Pogson doesn't remember how long ago he discovered 'ssh,' but "it's the most precious gem of the FLOSS world," he said.
"The awesome power of ssh is that the joy you have with typing commands on one computer can allow you a hundred times the joy on 100 computers," he added. "Of course, it's not fun to type passwords 100 times, so learn to use secure passwordless logins with ssh to make logging in remotely transparent."
### 'Use It With Respect' ###
Of course, "just as with any pleasurable activity, one can be addicted to the point of destruction," Pogson warned. "As root, you can type commands to delete everything or otherwise mess things up.
"This is the nuclear option, and just as world leaders should sit on their hands and think carefully before pushing the button, value this power and use it with respect and higher motivations," he added.
"I once deleted a file system because my thumb dragged the space bar into a command," Pogson concluded. "I only did that once. Honest."
### 'Very Powerful' ###
Google+ blogger Gonzalo Velasco C. was no less enthusiastic.
"Even though the [GUI][11] tools are easier, in the *nix universe, the command line remains very powerful," he told Linux Girl. "Even some power MacOS users use them."
As for Gonzalo Velasco C. himself, "the only commands I would like to master are the process control and killing, to use with ctrl+alt+backspace, so I can handle the one process that is giving me trouble, and the tar.gz files management -- that to this very day remains a pain for me," he said.
#### 'Ur Doing It Wrong' ####
Last but not least, SoylentNews blogger hairyfeet had a different perspective altogether.
"The only thing I would add to a story about CLI is this: If you aren't working in IT and performing repetitive tasks where having an extremely simplistic, primitive way to script something is useful, and yet you are still using CLI, then 'ur doing it wrong,'" hairyfeet told Linux Girl. "A CLI isn't magic -- it's a GUI from the 1970s!"
Today there are "useful GUIs thanks to actually having more CPU and RAM than a dollar-store watch -- we even have IDEs and scripting languages that can run rings around that 70s throwback, work across the WAN or LAN and interact with the deepest levels of the OS, all while being easier to use thanks to technologies like intellisense and autocomplete," he explained. "So why in God's name, if you aren't one of the 3 percent who are administering systems where every single byte counts, would you be dragging that old pile of junk out of mothballs?"
Hairyfeet's best CLI advice? "Don't -- join the rest of the planet in the 21st century and learn how to use real languages and tools," he concluded. "Let CLI join bubble memory and floppies on the dustbin of history."
> atherine Noyes is always on duty in her role as Linux Girl, whose cape she has worn since 2007. A mild-mannered journalist by day, she spends her evenings haunting the seedy bars and watering holes of the Linux blogosphere in search of the latest gossip. You can also find her on [Twitter][12] and [Google+][13].
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Pros' Secrets and Red Hat 7 and PCLinuxOS 2014.05 Reviews
Today in Linux news Katherine Noyes scoured Linuxdom to find "Linux Pros' top command line secrets," if there's really such a thing argues one blogger. In other news, Jesse Smith reviewed new Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Release Candidate and Jamie Watson reviewed quietly released PCLinuxOS 2014.05.
Katherine Noyes writes, "there's nothing like a little shop talk around the bar to pass the time during a quiet week, and last week afforded a dose of that as well." It was a post at the Linux Voice that got the ball rolling but one Robert Pogson is quoted as saying, "Command-line secrets? There aren't any such things." See if there's anything new [for you there][1].
**In today's** Distrowatch Weekly, Jesse Smith takes RHEL 7 Workstation RC for a test drive. Of the installer he said, "Booting from the RHEL media brought up a graphical system installer. RHEL uses the same new Anaconda installer Fedora has been using in recent releases. Personally, I feel as though the new installer is a step backward." From there was little remarkable, although that's what you want in a workstation I suppose. Smith said he wished there was a graphical package manager because users only have YUM at the commandline and there's only the standard fare in the default stack. Later GNOME shell kept crashing upon KDE login... puzzling but he quite liked the new firewall configuration. See his [full report][2] here.
**Over at**, Jamie Watson reviewed recently released PCLinuxOS 2014.05. He said:
> It is an interesting concept, as you might assume from the name it includes a lot of packages, applications and drivers which are not in the standard distribution. The really interesting bit, though, is the activity-focused virtual desktop configuration. The intention is to make using PCLinuxOS easy and fun, by providing the following desktops, each with its own specific wallpaper:
> Internet — browser, email, chat, IM
> Work — Office, kile, scribus
> Play — games
> Multimedia — music, video, editing and composing
> Graphics and Images — scan, edit, draw
> Administration — System management tasks
"PCLinuxOS still uses the same installer they have had for as long as I can remember, which was originally derived from the Mandriva/Mandrake installer," observed Watson. He said it ships with a modern kernel, up-to-date software, and well behaved desktops. [He concludes][3], " this new PCLinuxOS release is very nice." Additionally, [Watson testdrove][4] Ubuntu, Debian, and LMDE last week as well.
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Daily Ubuntu Tips Identify Folders By Colors In Ubuntu
Heres a brief tip that will show you how to identify folders by colors in Ubuntu 14.04 or previous with this nifty tool. This tool which is called **Folder Color**, allows users to change the color of folders in Nautilus so they could easily indentify and distinguish them from others.
It is designed to work with Nautilus can be used with other Icon themes in Ubuntu. Its nice tool to install. Its light weight and doesnt interface with your systems performance.
Installing it is easy and this brief tutorial is going to show you how.
For example, if you want to color important files folder red, or travel documents yellow, you can change them easily with Folder Color.
Heres how to install this tool.
In Ubuntu, press **Ctrl Alt T** on your keyboard to open the terminal console. When it opens, run the commands below to add the below PPA archive.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:costales/folder-color
Next, run the commands below to update your system and install Folder Color.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install folder-color
Thats it. Now all you have to do is log out and log back in or restart Nautilus. Then go to Nautilus, right-click on the folder you wish to change and select the color. There are pre-defined colors to choose from which isnt as many as you may want, but enough for the average users.
If you wish to uninstall it, run the commands below to remove the PPA archive.
sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:costales/folder-color
Finally, run the commands below to remove Folder Color
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get remove folder-color
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Enable Username On Indicator Panel In Ubuntu 14.04
Hi Guys,
Well if you just installed Ubuntu 14.04, you should figure this out already.
You will notice that your name is not displayed on the indicator bar, in the right top corner of the desktop. If you still want enable it; this is very easy to do.
Open Terminal and run the command below:
$ gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.session show-real-name-on-panel true
To hide the name, just replace **true** with **false** in the above command:
$ gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.session show-real-name-on-panel false
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Encrypting Your Cat Photos
The truth is, I really don't have anything on my hard drive that I would be upset over someone seeing. I have some cat photos. I have a few text files with ideas for future books and/or short stories, and a couple half-written starts to NaNoWriMo novels. It would be easy to say that there's no point encrypting my hard drive, because I have nothing to hide. The problem is, we wrongly correlate a "desire for privacy" with "having something to hide". I think where I live, in America, we've taken our rights to privacy for granted. Rather than the traditional "he must be hiding porn or bombs", think about something a little more mundane.
I live in Michigan. It's cold here in the winter, and I tend to keep my thermostat set around 75 degrees. That might seem high to you, but for my family, it's just right. Thanks to the privacy of my own home, my neighbors don't know how toasty warm we keep it. Some of those neighbors would be very upset to see how "wasteful" the Powers family is in the winter. In fact, there's one local man who makes it a point to let everyone know that anything over 60 degrees is ecologically wasteful. I don't want to get into a fight with Old Man Icebritches, so we just keep our comfortable house a secret. We don't have anything to hide, but it's not something everyone needs to know about.
Obviously my example is silly, but hopefully it makes you think. Modern Linux allows us to encrypt our data easily and reliably, so why not take advantage of it?
### How Does It Work? ###
I won't go into too much detail about how encryption works, but a basic understanding is necessary for even the simplest implementation. To encrypt and decrypt a file, two "keys" are required. One is the private key, which is just that, private. I like to think of the private key as an actual key—you can make copies if you want, but it's not wise to do so. The more copies of your private keys you make, the more likely someone nefarious will get one and break into your apartment—er, I mean files.
The public key is more like a schematic for a lock that only you can open (with your private key). You make this key available for anyone. You can post it on a Web site, put it in your e-mail, tattoo it on your back, whatever. When others want to create a file that only you can see, they encrypt it using your public key.
This one-to-many scenario also has a cool side effect. If you encrypt something using your private key, anyone can decrypt it using your public key. This may sound silly, but what makes such a scenario useful is that although the encrypted file isn't protected from prying eyes, it is guaranteed to be from you. Only a file encrypted with your private key can be decrypted with your public key. In this way, encrypting something with your private key digitally "signs" the file.
#### Usually it works like this: ####
1. You have a file you want to send to Suzy, so you encrypt it with Suzy's public key. Only Suzy can open it, but there's no way for Suzy to know that you are the one who sent it, since anyone could encrypt a file with her public key.
1. Therefore, you take the file you encrypted with Suzy's public key and encrypt that file with your private key. Suzy will have to decrypt the file twice, but she'll know it came from you.
1. Suzy receives the file and decrypts the first layer with your public key, proving it came from you.
1. Suzy then decrypts the second layer of encryption with her private key, as that's the only key able to decrypt the original file. (Because you originally encrypted it with her public key.)
That scenario is when encryption is used for safely transferring files, of course. It's also quite common simply to encrypt your files (or partitions) so that no one can see them unless you decrypt them first. Let's start with file encryption, because that's what most people will want to do on their systems.
### Starting Simple ###
Before I go into more complex type setting, let's discuss simply encrypting a file. There are various programs to handle encryption. In fact, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the available options for file and system encryption. Today, let's use a basic (but very powerful) command-line tool for encrypting a file. GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard) is an open-source implementation of PGP (Pretty Good Protection). It allows encryption and signing, and manages multiple keys and so on. For this example, let's simply encrypt a file.
Let's say you have a file called secret_manifesto.txt, which contains the secrets to life, the universe and everything. Using GPG, you can encrypt the file with a passphrase. Using a passphrase is far simpler than using a public and private key pair, because it's simply encrypted using your passphrase. This does make your file more susceptible to cracking (using rainbow tables or other hacking tools), but like the label on the tin says, it's Pretty Good Protection. To encrypt your file, you can do this:
# gpg -c secret_manifesto.txt
# Enter passphrase:
# Repeat passphrase:
Once complete, you'll have a new file in the same directory. It will be named secret_manifesto.txt.gpg by default. This is a binary file, which means it's fairly small, but it can't be copy/pasted into an e-mail or IM. For portability, you can add the -a flag, which will create an encrypted file that contains only ASCII text:
# gpg -a -c secret_manifesto.txt
# Enter passphrase:
# Repeat passphrase:
# ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 spowers spowers 6 Nov 23 1:26 secret_manifesto.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 spowers spowers 174 Nov 23 1:27 secret_manifesto.txt.asc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 spowers spowers 55 Nov 23 1:26 secret_manifesto.txt.gpg
Notice there is now a file with .asc as the extension. This is text-only, but you can see in the code snippet that it's also much larger than the binary encrypted file, and much much larger than the original text file. Once you've encrypted your file, if you truly want to keep your information secret, it would be wise to delete the original text file.
To decrypt the file, you'll again use the gpg program. The same command will decrypt either file, whether it's binary or ASCII:
# gpg secret_manifesto.txt.asc
# gpg: CAST5 encrypted data
# Enter passphrase:
# gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
# File `secret_manifesto.txt' exists. Overwrite? (y/N)
Notice in the example above, I hadn't deleted the original text file, so gpg gave me the option of overwriting. Once complete, I have my original file back, unencrypted. If you just have a file or two you want to protect, the command-line gpg program might be all you need. If you'd rather have an area on your system that automatically encrypts everything you save, it's a little more complicated. It's still not terribly difficult, but let's start with a fairly simplistic model.
### Encrypting a USB Drive ###
Like I mentioned earlier, there are many options when it comes to encryption. One of the more popular methods of encrypting partitions is the LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) system. A USB drive with a LUKS-formatted partition should be detected automatically by most systems. In fact, if you're using a desktop environment like Ubuntu Desktop, encrypting a USB drive is a simple check box during the formatting process. Although that's a perfectly acceptable way to encrypt your USB drive, I'm going to demonstrate how to do it on the command line, so you understand what's actually happening behind the scenes.
#### Step 1: identify your USB drive. ####
If you type `dmesg` after plugging in your USB drive, you should get all sorts of system information, including the device name of your freshly plugged-in USB device. Make sure you have the correct device identified, because what you're doing will destroy any data on the drive. You wouldn't want to format the wrong disk accidentally. (It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway, make sure there's nothing on your USB drive that you want to save—this is a destructive process.)
#### Step 2: partition the USB drive. ####
Assuming that your USB drive is the /dev/sdb device on your system, you need to create a single partition on the drive. Let's use fdisk. Below is the interaction with fdisk required. Basically, you create a new empty partition with the o command, then write changes with w. Then, you'll restart fdisk and use the n command to create a new primary partition, using the defaults so that the entire drive is used:
# sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
Command (m for help): o
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x1234567.
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!
# sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
Command (m for help): n
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1
Using default value 1
First sector (2048-1016522, default 2048):
Using default value 2048
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-1016522, default 1016522):
Using default value 1016522
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!
Now you have a USB drive with a single partition (/dev/sdb1), but there is no filesystem on it. That's exactly what you want, because the LUKS system creates an encryption layer on the partition before you put a filesystem on it. So before creating a filesystem, let's create the LUKS layer on the partition, using the cryptsetup program. If you don't have cryptsetup, search for it in your distribution's repository; it should be there. To create the LUKS encrypted partition layer:
# cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb1
This will overwrite data on /dev/sdb1 irrevocably.
Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Enter LUKS passphrase:
Verify passphrase:
Follow the directions, and be sure to remember your passphrase! Note, that a "passphrase" is usually more than just a word. It's most often a phrase, thus the name. The longer the phrase, the tougher to crack.
Once the process completes, you have an encrypted partition, but it's not mounted or formatted yet. The first step is to mount the partition, which again uses the cryptsetup utility:
# cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb1 my_crypto_disk
Enter passphrase for /dev/sdb1:
When you type in your passphrase, the device name you entered will be mounted like a virtual hard drive. Usually, it's mounted under /dev/mapper/devicename, so this example mounts a partition at /dev/mapper/my_crypto_disk.
This device is now being accessed as an unencrypted volume. As long as it stays mounted, it will act like any other unencrypted volume. That means you need to write a filesystem to it if you want to use it:
# mkfs.vfat /dev/mapper/my_crypto_disk -n my_crypto_disk
mkfs.vfat 3.0.9 (31 Jan 2010)
Now the drive is fully functional and can be mounted like any other disk. In fact, when you put the USB drive into your computer, if you have a modern GUI desktop, it should prompt you for a password and mount it automatically. Then you can eject it like a normal disk, and it will be encrypted until you next enter your passphrase. It's simple to unmount and, therefore, re-encrypt the drive on the command line too, using cryptsetup:
# cryptsetup luksClose my_crypto_disk
That's Only the Tip of the Iceberg
In this article, my hope is to peel back some of the mystery behind encryption. It's simple to encrypt and decrypt a file. It's not too much more difficult (especially if you use the GUI desktop tools) to encrypt an entire USB drive. With most distributions, it's possible to encrypt the entire home directory during the installation process! When encryption is set up on your entire home directory, however, there are some issues you need to address. For example, jobs that run while you're not logged in most likely will not have access to your home directory. If you have cron jobs that need access to your home directory, you should rewrite them to access data elsewhere on the system. I find a happy medium between security and convenience is to encrypt a USB drive and store my personal data on it.
Once you get the encryption bug, I must warn you, you'll want to start encrypting everything. That's not a bad thing, but like the home directory scenario, you'll run into a few snags. Cross-platform accessibility is a big one if you go between systems. For situations like that, I highly recommend [TrueCrypt][1]. I've mentioned TrueCrypt in UpFront pieces before, but it's basically an open-source, cross-platform encryption system that allows you to encrypt files, folders, partitions and more while being able to access that data on any system. Windows, Mac and Linux clients are all available, and the community has great support.
You don't have to have something to hide in order to desire encryption for your files. Just like it's wise to lock your house at night, even if you live in a good neighborhood, it's a smart move to encrypt your personal data. If you want to share your photos of Mr Whiskerton in his cute little beanie hat with everyone on the Internet, that's your right. But others don't need to see those things if they're being nosey and poking around your hard drive!
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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
Fix Adobe Flash Player Issue In Chromium In Ubuntu 14.04
One of the first few [things to do after installing Ubuntu 14.04][1] is to install Adobe Flash Player. Normally, if you install [Ubuntu Restricted Extras][2], Flash Player should be working and you should be able to watch online videos from websites like You Tube etc.
But this is not the case with Chromium and Ubuntu 14.04 combination. While you can easily play You Tube videos etc on other web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome etc, in Chromium you will see Adobe Flash player missing notice:
**Adobe Flash Player is required to display some elements on this page. Install plug-in..**
### Reason for flash player issue exclusively in Chromium: ###
The reason why this issue occurs only in Chromium is that until now Chromium used Netscape Plugin API for Flash support. Starting from Ubuntu 14.04, [Chromium will stop using Netscape Plugin API][3]. Hence, you will face issues with Adobe Flash Player with Chromium.
Now, why this issue doesnt occur with other web browsers? Answer is because they use Flash version 11.2.
### Fix Adobe Flash Player issue with Chromium: ###
To fix this issue, well be using Pepper Flash Player, a safer and more stable version of Flash Player from Google. An [Adobe Flash Player Pepper installer][4] is available in Ubuntu 14.04 repositories. This installer downloads Google Chrome, extracts Pepper Flash Player and sets it up for Chromium usage.
To install Pepper Flash Player in Ubuntu 14.04, open a terminal and use the following commands:
sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install
Restarting Chromium will do. No need of a system reboot. I hope this quick post helped you to fix Adobe Flash Player issue with Chromium. Any questions or suggestions are always welcomed.
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Guide To Install Ubuntu 14.04 In Dual Boot Mode With Windows 8 Or 8.1 UEFI
Previously I had written about [dual booting Ubuntu Linux with Windows 7][1] and 8 previously, But those tutorials did not cover systems that come with Windows 8 pre-installed. The newer systems that come with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, have UEFI instead of BIOS. This makes thing a little different from the conventional way of dual booting. In this tutorial, we shall see **how to install Ubuntu Linux in dual boot mode with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1**.
This tutorial is performed on a newly bought Dell Inspiron 7437 that has Core i7 fourth generation processor, 256 GB SSD, 8 GB RAM and built in 1 GB Intel graphics. Ill cover all the steps you need to do in order to successfully dual boot Linux with Windows 8 UEFI. If you have already done some of these steps, just skip to the next one. If you have a fresh system, even better.
The steps mentioned here are applicable to other Ubuntu based Linux distributions such as Linux Mint, Elementary OS etc. Cutting the chit-chat, lets see how to dual boot Linux on a UEFI secure boot enabled Windows 8 system.
### Dual boot Ubuntu 14.04 with Windows 8: ###
There are various prerequisites to install Ubuntu on a UEFI system. Lets see them one by one:
#### Step 1: Make a backup [optional] ####
It is always nice to make a back up, just in case if you mess up with the system. There are numerous articles on the web to show you how to backup your system. You can follow this tutorial [here][2].
#### Step 2: Create a live USB/disk of Ubuntu ####
The next thing you need to do is to create a live USB or disk. I recommend [Universal USB Installer][3] to create a live USB of Linux OS in Windows.
#### Step 3: Make a partition where Ubuntu will be installed ####
Assuming tat you have a fresh system, the first thing we need to do is to make partition to install Linux. The 256 GB in my system was already had several partitions from manufacturer but mainly for backup and other purposes. Main partition was C drive, of around 220 GB, where Windows 8.1 was installed.
If you have just one partition like this, you need to make some free space out of it for Linux. If you have several partitions of considerable size, use any of them except C drive because it may erase the data.
To make a partition in Windows 8, go to Disk Management tool. You can find disk management tool by searching for disk in Control Panel.
In the Disk Management tool, right click on the drive which you want to partition and select shrink volume. In my case, I shrank the C drive to make some free space:
You can leave the free space as it is. We shall use it while installing Ubuntu.
#### Step 4: Disable fast startup in Windows [optional] ####
Windows 8 introduced a new feature called “fast startup” for quick boot. While it is not mandatory, it would be better to have it disabled.
Go to **Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > System Settings > Choose what the power buttons do** and uncheck the **Turn on fast startup box**.
#### Step 5: Disable secureboot in Windows 8 and 8.1 ####
This is the most important step. The new secure boot feature of Windows 8, originally intended for security feature for rootkit viruses, prevents dual booting of Windows with Linux. To dual boot Windows 8 with Linux, we must disable secure boot in UEFI.
#### Step 6: Installing Ubuntu alongside Windows 8 ####
Once you have disabled secure boot, its time to install Ubuntu. I hope you already created the live USB as mentioned in step 2. Plug in the USB and boot the system from it.
To boot from USB, will have to choose boot from USB option from within Windows itself. Either with PC Setting (like for UEFI) or pressing shift key while clicking on Restart.
Once you have booted in the live USB, you will be presented with option to try or install Ubuntu. Click on install. You will be presented with few screen options to choose the language. It will then do some checks on available space, power and internet connection etc. Just click on **Continue**.
The main screen which you should pay attention to is **Installation Type**. Choose **Something else** here:
Remember we had created some free space beforehand? We shall use the free space to create Root, Swap and Home. Select the free space and click on the + sign.
It will provide you with option to create Linux partition. We are creating the Root partition. Any thing between 10-20 GB is more than sufficient for it. Choose the size, select Ext 4 as file type and / (means root) as the mount point.
Clicking on OK in previous step will bring you to the partition screen. Next we will create swap. Like previously, click on the + sign again. This time use the file type as Swap area. Suggestible swap size is double of RAM.
In similar fashion, create a Home partition. Allocate it maximum space (in fact allocate it rest of the free space) because this is where youll save music, pictures and downloaded files.
Once you are ready with Root, Swap and Home, click on **Install Now**:
Well, you have almost won the battle. You can smell victory now. Next you will be asked to set username password etc. Basically, you just need to click next now.
Once the installation is completed, restart the computer, you should be welcomed by a purple grub screen. Enjoy Ubuntu along with Windows 8 in dual boot mode.
I hope this guide helped you to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 8 UEFI. Though this article is written for Ubuntu, it should be heloful for other Linux OS as well. Any questions or suggestions are always welcomed.
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How To Disable UEFI Secure Boot In Windows 8 & 8.1
These days, if you buy a computer pre-installed with Windows, youll end up with either Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft replaced BIOS with UEFI. UEFI is not something that Microsoft invented, instead its a protocol in existence before Windows 8. Some Mac devices have been using UEFI for some time now.
With UEFI comes the feature of “secure boot” which boots only those boot loaders that are signed in to UEFI firmware. This security feature prevents rootkit malware and provides an additional layer of security. But it has a down side, if you want to dual boot Windows 8 with Linux, Secure Boot will not allow it. Therefore it is advised to **disable secure boot in Windows 8 to allow dual booting with Linux**.
### Disable UEFI secure boot in Windows 8 and 8.1 ###
There have been too many noises around secure boot. Because of these rumors, some people almost believed that dual boot to Linux is not possible with pre-installed Windows 8. While that is true for Arm PCs, secure boot can be disabled in Intel based system. Honestly, **disabling UEFI secure boot** is not at all a herculean task and same can be said for dual booting Linux with Windows 8 UEFI.
While it is fairly straight forward to access BIOS settings, you press F10 or F12 at boot time, its not the same case with UEFI. To access UEFI settings, youll have to go from within Windows. Lets see how to access UEFI settings to disable secure boot in Windows 8.
#### Step 1: Go to PC settings ####
Open the settings charms in Windows by pressing Windows+I keys. At the bottom, youll see the option of Change PC settings. Click on it.
#### Step 2: Go to Advanced startup ####
There will be a slight difference in PC settings for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Depending upon which one you are using, you can follow the respective procedure described below:
Windows 8: In Windows 8, you need to go to General PC settings and select **Advanced startup** and then click on **Restart now:**
**Window 8.1**: In Windows 8.1, go to **Update and recovery** from left sidebar:
Then click **Restart now** under **Advanced startup**:
Dont worry! It wont restart right after it, instead it will provide some option that you will see on next boot.
#### Step 4 Access UEFI settings ####
After you have clicked Restart now button, you will be presented with some options to choose from in the next screen. Select **Troubleshoot** here:
In **Troubleshoot** menu, select **Advanced options**:
In Advanced options menu, choose **UEFI Firmware settings**:
Next, click on **Restart** button to reboot your system in UEFI settings which may seem to have similar interface as BIOS.
#### Step 5: Disable secure boot in UEFI ####
By this time you must have been booted in to UEFI utility. You can change various settings here but all we want to do right now is to disable secure boot option to allow dual booting of Ubuntu or any other Linux
Move to Boot tab, there youll find **Secure Boot** option which is set to enabled. Use the arrow key to go to Secure Boot option and then press **enter** to select it. **Use + or to change its value**. Confirm it when prompted. Press **F10 to save the changes** and exit the UEFI settings.
Next youll be booted in to Windows normally. Now you should be able to dual boot Windows 8 with Ubuntu or other Linux OS. Ill be writing on how to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 8 UEFI in coming days. Stay tuned.
I hope this tutorial helps you to disable secure boot in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Any questions or suggestions are always welcomed. Feel free to drop a comment.
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translating by icybreaker
How to Upgrade to GNOME 3.12 in Ubuntu 14.04
![You can upgrade to GNOME 3.12 but its not advised](
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How to customize your Ubuntu desktop in 6 steps
Ubuntu is a great Linux distribution for users who want an easy-to-use interface and is arguably the best distribution for a user new to the Linux world. Some side effects of this is that, in terms of interface and appearance, many arbitrary choices have been made for the user by Canonical, particularly in the form of the Unity desktop environment.
These are not set in stone, however. Below are a few tips on how to feel more at home in Ubuntu. For a glimpse of some of the things you can customize in Ubuntu, you can see above what my desktop looks like using Unity in Ubuntu 14.04, compared to the default setup.
Lets break down what is needed to do this.
### 1. Install the Unity Tweak Tool ###
Before you can make any significant changes to the appearance of Ubuntu, you will have to install the [Unity Tweak Tool][1], This is a special settings manager for the Unity desktop environment, and allows you to implement things like alternate icon sets and themes. It can be downloaded from the Ubuntu software center, or if you prefer, from the terminal with the following commands:
sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
If you are using Gnome desktop environment, then you might want to try the Gnome Tweak Tool, which can also can be installed from the Ubuntu software center or with the command
sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
### 2. Install a GTK theme ###
There are many custom themes for Ubuntu, which affect the way applications and windows look. The theme I use is the Numix GTK+ theme. You can find out more about the Numix themes and icons at [][2] . You can install the the Numix theme by opening the terminal and entering:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme
o enable the theme, open the Unity Tweak Tool and select “Theme”, located under the “Appearance” header and select the theme, which should now be an option listed under “Available Themes”. This process can be repeated for any other theme, provided the repository package name is known. Many themes are available for perusal at [][3]. One very similar set of themes to Numix are available is Moka at [][4].
### 3. Install an icon set ###
The icons used in the screenshot are also from Numix, the Numix Circle icons. These icons can be installed by entering into the terminal the commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:numix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install numix-icon-theme-circle
To enable the icons, select “Icons” in the Unity Tweak Tool and highlight the icon set. Once again, this is possible for any of the multitudes of icon sets available. Moka also offers very nice icon sets that bring colorful, consistent design to your desktop.
### 4. Install Conky system monitor ###
Conky is a lightweight desktop system monitor. By itself, it is quite plain, but it is completely hackable, which opens the door to complete customization of the application, which can be used to display a variety of useful information. You can install Conky by with these commands
sudo apt-get install conky conky-all
You will also need to install Curl with the command
sudo apt-get install curl
The Conky theme shown in the screenshot is [Harmattan][5], which displays time, weather and system processes in 15 different themes. To install this theme, you can download the .zip file from [deviantART][6], then extract its contents. Move the .conky-weather folder (you may have to hit Ctrl + H to view these files) into the home folder, as well as the .conkyrc file from the folder containing the theme of your choice (the Harmattan theme is nicely organized into folders for different types of themes). There are [hundreds of themes][7] of Conky, and all you need to try them is to replace the .conkyrc file in the home folder with the .conkyrc file for that theme.
### 5. Install some indicator applets ###
There are many third-party indicator applets that you can use to monitor information on your desktop. There are applets for weather, system performance, and more. The ones I use are quite simple. Because weather and performance are already in Conky, I havent installed these, but you can install them by entering the following commands in the terminal:
sudo apt-get install indicator-weather
sudo apt-get install indicator-multiload
The two applets I use are the Keys Lock applet and the Touchpad controller, because my laptop does not have an indicator light for caps lock or the touchpad disable hotkey. You can install these with the commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tsbarnes/indicator-keylock
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-keylock
sudo apt-get install touchpad-indicator
You may have to re-login to your user in order to launch these applets.
### 6. Get advanced with CompizConfig Settings Manager ###
If Unity Tweak Tool is not powerful enough for you, you can try installing the [CompizConfig Settings Manager][8].
### Warning: ###
CompizConfig may damage your system if the wrong settings are applied. Use with caution. You can enable settings hidden in all corners of Ubuntu, and you can install in from the Ubuntu Software Center or from the terminal with these commands:
sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-plugins
Your Ubuntu desktop is now supercharged! All of these steps have thousands of other options attached to them, so customizability is endless. Now go out and try them!
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How to download webcomics from the command line on Linux
Do you never miss a new strip from xkcd? Read webcomics regularly? Or would you like to back up all the strips of your favorite website? Hopefully, the open source community has the solution: a command line program to download all your favorite webcomics from your terminal.
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How to manage passwords from the command line on Linux
With password-based authentication so prevalent online these days, you may need or already use some sort of password management tool to keep track of all the passwords you are using. There are various online or offline services or software tools for that matter, and they vary in terms of their sophistication, user interface or target environments (e.g., enterprises or end users). For example, there are a few GUI-based password managers for end users, such as [KeePass(X)][1].
For those of you who do not want any kind of GUI dependency for password management, I will describe how to manage passwords from the command line by using [pass][2], **a simple command-line utility for password management**.
The pass utility is in fact a shell script frontend which uses several other tools (e.g., gpg, pwgen, git, xsel) to manage user's password info using OpenPGP. Each password is encrypted with gpg utility, and stored in a local password store. Password info can be retrieved either via terminal or self-clearing clipboard interface.
The pass utility is quite flexible and extremely simple to use. You can store each password info in an OpenPGP-protected plain text file, and group different password files into multiple categories. It supports bash auto completion feature, so it is very convenient to fill in commands or long password names using TAB key.
### Install pass on Linux ###
To install pass on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install pass
$ echo "source /etc/bash_completion.d/password-store" >> ~/.bashrc
To install pass on Fedora:
$ sudo yum install pass
$ echo "source /etc/bash_completion.d/password-store" >> ~/.bashrc
To install pass on CentOS, first [enable EPEL repository][3] and then run:
$ sudo yum install pass
$ echo "source /etc/bash_completion.d/password-store" >> ~/.bashrc
To install pass on Archlinux:
$ sudo pac -S pass
$ echo "source /etc/bash_completion.d/password-store" >> ~/.bashrc
### Initialize Local Password Store ###
Before using pass utility, you need to do one-time initialization step which involves creating a GPG key pair (if you don't have one) and a local password store.
First, create a GPG key pair (i.e., public/private keys) as follows. If you already have your own GPG key pair, you can skip this step.
$ gpg --gen-key
It will ask you a series of questions as shown below. If you are not sure, you can accept default answers. As part of key generation, you will set a passphrase for your secret key, which is essentially the master password required to access any password info stored in local password store. A successfully generated key pair will be stored in ~/.gnupg
Next, initialize the local password store by running the following command. For <gpg-id>, enter the email address associated your GPG key created above.
$ pass init <gpg-id>
This command will create a password store under ~/.password-store directory.
### Manage Passwords from a Terminal with pass ###
#### Insert new password info ####
To insert new password info into local password store, use the following format.
$ pass insert <password-name>
<password-name> is an arbitrary name you define, and can be hierarchical (e.g., "finance/tdbank", "online/"), in which case the password info will be created in corresponding sub-directories under ~/.password-store
If you want to insert password info as multi-lines, use "-m" option as follows. Type in password info in any format as you like, and press Ctrl+D to finish.
$ pass insert <password-name> -m
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#### View a list of all password names ####
To view the list of all stored password names, simply type "pass":
$ pass
#### Retrieve password info from password store ####
To access the content of a particular password listing, simply use the command below:
$ pass <password-name>
For example:
$ pass email/
You will be asked to enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key.
If you want the password to be copied to the clipboard, instead of appearing in the terminal screen, use this command instead:
$ pass -c email/
Once copied to the clipboard, the password will automatically be cleared from the clipboard after 45 seconds.
#### Generate and store a new password in password store ####
With `pass`, you can also generate a new random password which you can use for any purpose. pass will use pwgen utility to generate a good random password. You can specify the length of a password, or generate a password with or without symbols.
For example, to generate a 10-character password with no symbol, and store it under "email/" listing:
$ pass generate email/ 10 -n
#### Remove password info ####
Removing existing password info is easy:
$ pass rm email/
To summarize, pass is extremely flexible, portable, and more importantly, easy to use. I highly recommend pass to anyone looking for a simple means to organize any kind of private info in a secure fashion, without relying on GUI dependency.
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How to take full length screenshots of websites via terminal
This is a guest post, written by **Tsamis Konstantinos**. He is an avid user of Linux and Open Source, and also a regular visitor of Unixmen. You can contact him via email: ****
Taking screenshots is something we all do to remember things instead of notes and for sending things we saw to others. But usually, if not always the webpage were taking screenshots of doesnt fit into our screen and so we need to take multiple screenshots to capture all of it.
For Linux there is a GNOME application that can take any url you give it and return a full length screenshot of it. The application is called **gnome-web-photo** and in this article you can see how to install it and use it.
To install gnome-web-photo on Ubuntu or Debian you type:
$ sudo apt-get install gnome-web-photo
If you are using Fedora:
$ sudo yum install gnome-web-photo
If you are using CentOS or RedHat user, be aware that `gnome-web-photo` depends on GTK+ 3.0. This means that `gnome-web-photo` is not compatible with GNOME 2, which is shipped with CentOS/RHEL 6.
To actually take a screenshot of a web page:
$ gnome-web-photo -t 0 --mode=photo output.png
The above command will take the full length screenshot of the Unixmen website, and save it in the current directory.
Sample output:
The **-t** parameter specifies the timeout value (in seconds) for screenshot generation. **-t 0** means that timeout is disabled.
**With** gnome-web-photo, you can also generate a small thumbnail of a webpage like this: Optionally, you can specify thumbnail size by using “**-s**” option. The default thumbnail size is **256×256**.
$ gnome-web-photo -t 0 -s 128 --mode=thumbnail output.png
Sample output:
If you want to save a screenshot of a website as a multi-page PDF, so that you can print it out later, you can type:
$ gnome-web-photo -t 0 --mode=print output.pdf
Note that the application doesnt support the **.jpg** format.
This application is quite useful for all sort of uses. Thumbnails and full length screenshots are useful to me and hopefully to you, too.
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Vic020 在被关,我就急
How to use LVM in Linux
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is a versatile disk management system that can easily be used in Linux or similar operating systems. Traditional partitions are created in fixed sizes, and resizing them is a tedious process. On the other hand, LVM creates and manages "logical" volumes off of physical hard disks, and provides administrators the flexibility to extend and shrink logical volumes easily on demand without damaging stored data. Additional hard disks can be added to LVM at will, further increasing existing logical volumes. LVM does not need reboot as long as the kernel is aware of the existence of a partition.
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Install Spotify In Ubuntu 14.04 & Linux Mint 17
Spotify is the most popular streaming music service these days. While you can listen it via its web interface, you can also install a desktop client of Spotify in Linux. This gives you some additional features such as listening to local music in Spotify, sync local music to Spotify server or sync local music to iPhone, iPod or other mobile devices.
In this quick post, we shall see how to quickly **install Spotify in Ubuntu 14.04** and other Debian based distributions such as Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Bodhi etc.
### Install Spotify in Ubuntu 14.04 & Linux Mint ###
To install desktop client of Spotufy, open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and use the following commands:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list'
This will add the above repository in software sources list. Now add the GPG key:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 94558F59
Next is simple. Update and install Spotify client.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install spotify-client
Thats all you need to do. Next you can start Spotify by searching for it Unity Dash (in Ubuntu). It integrates very well in Ubuntu environment. Here is what Spotify interface looks like in Ubuntu 14.04:
I hope this quick post helped you to install Spotify desktop client in Ubuntu and other Linux OS. I think this could be counted as one of the first [few things to do after installing Ubuntu 14.04][1]. How do you find it? Do you use any other service similar to Spotify? Do share your views.
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Linux 桌面的发展之路
Ken Starks 在 网站上问 [你们是如何优化 Linux 的?][1]我很高兴他问了这个问题因为我有话要说对我来说Linux 桌面就是一连串的承诺并且这些承诺总是无法兑现。它在每个版本发布后都会说“下个版本会非常牛X”=.=凸。它会一次性定下50个目标然后又完成不了几个。至于 Linux 桌面,我想我需要好好聊聊这玩意儿了。
计算机有着无穷的魅力,在计算机的世界里我们几乎能做所有事情。我们容易迷失在这个世界,认为我们所深深着迷的事情对其他人也有着相同的吸引力。我们沉迷于钻研细节,争论 GPL 和 LGPL 的区别讨论为什么我们称“Linux”为“GNU/Linux”而不是简单的“Linux”诸如此类说服别人用你喜欢的 Linux 桌面风格。我们总是说“这关乎自由,瞧瞧苹果是怎么限制你的选择的!”却从来没意识到那些选择了不同计算机系统的用户仅仅是把计算机当作工作所需的工具而已。对于我们来说,计算机有点儿像变戏法,当我们第一次动手改变计算机工作方式时,我们会非常激动,非常有成就感。在开源界,你是这个世界的主宰,你沉迷于控制一切。然而,对于那些没有准备好掌握这种控制一切的力量的人来说,开源社区并不是他们的菜。
大多数工程师并不是设计师,但开源社区能让这些开发者成为一些图形交互界面的设计者。于是,我们的 Unity 不再显示主菜单,我们的 Gnome 3 里面的窗口可以満屏幕乱飞,而 KDE 桌面,我一直觉得它无法理解,所以我已经好几年没关注它了(在这里向 KDE 开发团队和其支持者表示道歉,我无法理解 KDE 是好几年前的事了,我相信现在的 KDE 肯定能用 awesome 来形容)。前面提到的在 网站上的那篇文章提了一个很好的问题:为什么 Linux 桌面总是不能像人们所希望那样普及出来。而文章下面的评论则是一堆社区人员的抱怨和建议,比如:让窗口更好地整合在一起;让添加磁盘变得更简单些。很多建议都挺好的,但他们大多数都忽略了一个核心事实:是什么让 Linux 成为一个既精彩又前途暗淡的、只属于狂热爱好者的系统Linux 发行版是由非常多的软件包组成的,每个软件包都有不同的维护者,不同的价值和不同的开发过程。当每个开发团队将他们的产品通过开源社区贡献出来时,每个开发团队会变得只有一点点不一样,而仅仅是这一点点的不一样,让我们对细枝末节的探索有了发挥的余地。有些人不喜欢 Ubuntu 桌面,于是他们克隆 Ubuntu在上面作一些细微的改变然后重新发布一个衍生版。这种方式挺不错的因为它能带来新点子向人们展示了一个事物能够变成什么样子 —— 即使是很小的改变。但是每当新产生一个衍生版,就会将开源社区变得更碎片化了一点。好事还是坏事?看你是站在什么角度来看的了。
Linux 桌面是建立在成千上万的软件基础之上的,每个软件由不同团队维护。有时候我们会想这样的东西究竟能不能工作?!事实是,它能,并且工作得非常好,这真是一个奇迹。然而有时候它又不工作了,它会崩溃,在这种时候我们就会列出一连串的计划来改进 Linux并将我们最不能忍受的缺陷放在计划的最前面。
经过上面的讨论,我的建议出来了。第一点:继续做你正在做的事。技术总是能反映创造者的价值,而 Linux 桌面更是一个多国家多文化集合的体现。Linux 充满缺陷,充满伤痕,但也是因为这些,令它变得美好。世界需要现在的 Linux 桌面,同时世界需要更好的 Linux 桌面。
第二点:选一个发行版,比如 Ubuntu弄烂它。然后拾起一些碎片在这些碎片上创造一些新东西。不要从社区获取软件或者产品只要获取想法。从内核开始一个团队一个房间一种设计理念和设计哲学创建一整个操作系统。将注意力集中在那些最好的已经实现的想法上以及那些最新的还没实现的想法上。丢掉所有糟糕的东西创造全新的东西。
到目前为止,我见过的最接近这种观念的是 Aral Balkan 开发的 Indie 项目,但他最近貌似专注于移动市场。我希望 Linux 桌面朝着这种观念靠近。这有可能么?当然,一切皆有可能。但确定会发生么?谁知道呢?整个 Linux 生态系统都充满不确定性。唯一确定的是,我们的创造性是无限的。
译者:[bazz2]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
每日Ubuntu 小技巧 以色辨夹
这篇简短的文章将教会你如何在Ubuntu 14.04或者其先前版本中通过使用美化工具实现以颜色来分辨文件夹。这个工具就是**Folder Color**,它允许用户改变文件浏览器中的文件夹的颜色,这样就可以让用户很容易地识别并区分出它们来。
假如你想将重要的文件夹变成红色的或者将文档文件夹变为黄色你可以用Folder Color轻松地改变它们的颜色。
在Ubuntu 中**Ctrl - Alt - T**打开终端。添加下面的PPA源。
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:costales/folder-color
然后运行下面的命令更新你的系统并安装Folder Color。
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install folder-color
这样安装就可以了。现在你要做的就是注销登录然后再次登入系统或者重新启动Nautilus 。打开Nautilus ,在你想改变的颜色的文件夹上右键单击选择你想要的颜色。预先定义的颜色可能无法满足你的需要,但是对于大多数用户来说这足够了。
sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:costales/folder-color
最后运行下面的命令移除Folder Color 。
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get remove folder-color
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
修复Ubuntu 14.04中Chromium的Adobe Flash Player的问题
[安装Ubuntu 14.04之后,先要做的几件事情][1]中其中一项是安装Adobe Flash Player。一般来说如果安装了[Ubuntu Restricted Extras][2]Flash Player应该可以工作而且你应该能够在网上观看在线视频比如You Tube等网站上。
这不是Chromium和Ubuntu 14.04结合使用的原因。当你用其他的网页浏览器比如火狐、Chrome时你可以轻松地播放You Tube等网站视频在Chromium中你将会看到Adobe Flash player缺失插件的通知
**Adobe Flash Player is required to display some elements on this page. Install plug-in..**
### 只有在Chromium中出现flash player问题的原因 ###
只有在Chromium中发生这个问题的原因是之前Chromium使用Netscape Plugin API构架来支持Flash从Ubuntu 14.04开始,[Chromium将会停止使用Netscape Plugin API][3]。今后你将要面对Chromium中Adobe Flash Player的问题。
现在,为什么这个问题没有发生在其他浏览器上?答案是,因为它们使用 Flash Player 11.2。
### 修复Chromium上Adobe Flash Player的问题 ###
修复这个问题我们将使用Pepper Flash Player一个来自Google更安全更稳定的版本的Flash Player。在Ubuntu 14.04的源里有[Adobe Flash Player Pepper 安装器][4]。这个安装器下载Google Chrome提取出Pepper Flash Player然后建立给Chromium使用。
要在Ubuntu 14.04安装Pepper Flash Player打开一个终端使用下面的命令
sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install
之后重启Chromium。不用重启系统。我希望这个帖子能够帮助你解决Chromium上Adobe Flash Player的问题。欢迎提出任何问题和建议。
译者:[linuhap]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
如何在Windows 8 & 8.1上禁用UEFI安全验证
UEFI有“安全启动”这个特点引导程序只会启动那些得到UEFI固件签署的引导装载程序。此安全功能可以防止Rootkit类的恶意软件并提供了额外的安全层。但它有一个缺点如果你想在Linux的电脑上启动Windows8安全机制将会制止他。因此我们建议**禁用安全启动来让Windows 8支持Linux的双系统启动**。
### 在Windows 8 & 8.1上禁用UEFI安全验证 ###
现在在关于安全启动充斥着各种各样的杂音。由于这些传闻有些人几乎认为在预装Windows8的电脑上启动到Linux是不可能的虽然在ARM上这是真的。但是安全引导可以在基于Intel的系统上被禁用。老实说**禁用UEFI安全启动**不是一个艰巨的任务同样的双启动的Linux与Windows 8 也不是。
#### Step 1: 进入PC设置 ####
点击 Windows+I 按钮进入Windows设置界面。在底部你会看到更改电脑设置的选项。点击它。
#### Step 2: 进入高级启动 ####
在Windows 8和Windows8.1上PC设置有一个细微的差别。依照你使用的系统你需要分别按照下面介绍的各个步骤进行操作
Windows 8的在Windows 8中你需要进入一般的PC设置并选择**高级启动**,然后点击**立即重新启动:**
**Window 8.1**的在Windows8.1,从左侧边栏点击**更新和恢复**
#### Step 4: 进入UEFI设置 ####
在高级选项菜单中,选择** UEFI固件设置**
#### Step 5: 在 UEFI 中禁用安全启动 ####
移动到启动选项卡,在那里你会发现**安全引导**选项被设置为启用。使用箭头键进入安全引导选项,然后按**进入**来选择它。 *使用+或 - 来改变它的值。**确认提示时。按** F10键保存更改**并退出UEFI设置。
接下来您将到Windows正常开机。现在你应该可以双启动的Windows8与Ubuntu或其他Linux操作系统。我会在未来的日子里写关于如何双启动的Ubuntu与Windows 8 UEFI。敬请关注。
译者:[MikeCoder]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
这是一个名叫 **Tsamis Konstantinos** 的访客所发的帖子。他是一个 Linux 和开源软件的狂热用户,也是一个 Unixmen 的常客。你可以通过他的邮箱 **** 联系他:
对于 Linux你将会有一个更好的解决方案使用一个 GNOME 的应用来截取某个链接的整个页面。
这个应用叫做 **gnome-web-photo**,而这篇文章将介绍如何按照和使用她。
在 Ubuntu 和 Debian 的分支下:
$ sudo apt-get install gnome-web-photo
在 Fedora 下:
$ sudo yum install gnome-web-photo
但是对于 CentOS 和其他 RedHat 分支的用户,请注意 `gnome-web-photo` 依赖 GTK+ 3.0 这个软件包。
也就是说 `gnome-web-photo` 是和 CentOS/RHEL 6 自带的 GNOME 2 不相兼容的。
$ gnome-web-photo -t 0 --mode=photo output.png
上面这条命令将为 Unixmen 的主页截取一个完整长度的截图,并保存在当前工作目录下。
**-t** 这个参数可以设置生成截图的超时时间。**-t 0** 则表示禁用超时参数。
**通过** gnome-web-photo你可以用下面的命令为一个网页生成一个缩略图默认大小是 **256×256**,但是可以通过 “**-s**” 来指定缩略图的大小)
$ gnome-web-photo -t 0 -s 128 --mode=thumbnail output.png
如果你想将网页截取成一个可供打印的多页 PDF 文档,你可以输入下面的命令:
$ gnome-web-photo -t 0 --mode=print output.pdf
注意这个应用并不兼容 **.jpg** 格式。
译者:[VizV]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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