From 46cf1d082cb263bb04cf0919c2d3bd1800e54199 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ezio Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 10:14:10 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Update 20150728 Process of the Linux kernel MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 编译到400行 --- ...28 Process of the Linux kernel | 21 +++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/sources/tech/20150728 Process of the Linux kernel b/sources/tech/20150728 Process of the Linux kernel index e139143ccc..f4510d81b2 100644 --- a/sources/tech/20150728 Process of the Linux kernel +++ b/sources/tech/20150728 Process of the Linux kernel @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ Don't worry that we have missed many lines in Makefile that are placed after `ex The `all:` target is the default when no target is given on the command line. You can see here that we include architecture specific makefile there (in our case it will be [arch/x86/Makefile]( From this moment we will continue from this makefile. As we can see `all` target depends on the `vmlinux` target that defined a little lower in the top makefile: -目标`all:` 是在命令行里不指定目标时默认生成的目标。你可以看到这里我们包含了架构相关的makefile(默认情况下会是[arch/x86/Makefile](。从这一时刻起,我们会从这个makefile 继续进行下去。如我们所见,目标`all` 依赖于根makefile 后面一点的生命`vmlinux`: +目标`all:` 是在命令行里不指定目标时默认生成的目标。你可以看到这里我们包含了架构相关的makefile(默认情况下会是[arch/x86/Makefile](。从这一时刻起,我们会从这个makefile 继续进行下去。如我们所见,目标`all` 依赖于根makefile 后面声明的`vmlinux`: ```Makefile vmlinux: scripts/ $(vmlinux-deps) FORCE @@ -317,12 +317,17 @@ vmlinux: scripts/ $(vmlinux-deps) FORCE The `vmlinux` is is the Linux kernel in an statically linked executable file format. The [scripts/]( script links combines different compiled subsystems into vmlinux. The second target is the `vmlinux-deps` that defined as: +`vmlinux` 是linux 内核的静态链接可执行文件格式。脚本[scripts/]( 把不同的编译好的子模块链接到一起形成了vmlinux。第二个目标是`vmlinux-deps`,它的定义如下: + + ```Makefile vmlinux-deps := $(KBUILD_LDS) $(KBUILD_VMLINUX_INIT) $(KBUILD_VMLINUX_MAIN) ``` and consists from the set of the `built-in.o` from the each top directory of the Linux kernel. Later, when we will go through all directories in the Linux kernel, the `Kbuild` will compile all the `$(obj-y)` files. It then calls `$(LD) -r` to merge these files into one `built-in.o` file. For this moment we have no `vmlinux-deps`, so the `vmlinux` target will not be executed now. For me `vmlinux-deps` contains following files: +它是由内核代码下的每个顶级目录的`built-in.o` 组成的。之后我们还会检查内核所有的目录,`kbuild` 会编译各个目录下所有的对应`$obj-y` 的源文件。接着调用`$(LD) -r` 把这些文件合并到一个`build-in.o` 文件里。此时我们还没有`vmloinux-deps`, 所以目标`vmlinux` 现在还不会被构建。对我而言`vmlinux-deps` 包含下面的文件 + ``` arch/x86/kernel/ arch/x86/kernel/head_64.o arch/x86/kernel/head64.o arch/x86/kernel/head.o @@ -341,6 +346,8 @@ net/built-in.o The next target that can be executed is following: +下一个可以被执行的目标如下: + ```Makefile $(sort $(vmlinux-deps)): $(vmlinux-dirs) ; $(vmlinux-dirs): prepare scripts @@ -349,6 +356,8 @@ $(vmlinux-dirs): prepare scripts As we can see the `vmlinux-dirs` depends on the two targets: `prepare` and `scripts`. The first `prepare` defined in the top `Makefile` of the Linux kernel and executes three stages of preparations: +就像我们看到的,`vmlinux-dir` 依赖于两部分:`prepare` 和`scripts`。第一个`prepare` 定义在内核的根`makefile` ,准备工作分成三个阶段: + ```Makefile prepare: prepare0 prepare0: archprepare FORCE @@ -361,7 +370,9 @@ prepare1: prepare2 $(version_h) include/generated/utsrelease.h \ prepare2: prepare3 outputmakefile asm-generic ``` -The first `prepare0` expands to the `archprepare` that exapnds to the `archheaders` and `archscripts` that defined in the `x86_64` specific [Makefile]( Let's look on it. The `x86_64` specific makefile starts from the definition of the variables that are related to the archicteture-specific configs ([defconfig]( and etc.). After this it defines flags for the compiling of the [16-bit]( code, calculating of the `BITS` variable that can be `32` for `i386` or `64` for the `x86_64` flags for the assembly source code, flags for the linker and many many more (all definitions you can find in the [arch/x86/Makefile]( The first target is `archheaders` in the makefile generates syscall table: +The first `prepare0` expands to the `archprepare` that exapnds to the `archheaders` and `archscripts` that defined in the `x86_64` specific [Makefile]( Let's look on it. The `x86_64` specific makefile starts from the definition of the variables that are related to the archicteture-specific configs ([defconfig]( and etc.). After this it defines flags for the compiling of the [16-bit]( code,calculating of the `BITS` variable that can be `32` for `i386` or `64` for the `x86_64` flags for the assembly source code, flags for the linker and many many more (all definitions you can find in the [arch/x86/Makefile]( The first target is `archheaders` in the makefile generates syscall table: + +第一个`prepare0` 展开到`archprepare` ,后者又展开到`archheader` 和`archscripts`,这两个变量定义在`x86_64` 相关的[Makefile](。让我们看看这个文件。`x86_64` 特定的makefile从变量定义开始,这些变量都是和特定架构的配置文件 ([defconfig](,等等)有关联。变量定义之后,这个makefile 定义了编译[16-bit](代码的编译选项,根据变量`BITS` 的值,如果是`32` 汇编代码、链接器、以及其它很多东西(全部的定义都可以在[arch/x86/Makefile](找到)对应的参数就是`i386`,而`64`就对应的是`x86_84`。生成的系统调用列表(syscall table)的makefile 里第一个目标就是`archheaders` : ```Makefile archheaders: @@ -370,6 +381,8 @@ archheaders: And the second target is `archscripts` in this makefile is: +这个makefile 里第二个目标就是`archscripts`: + ```Makefile archscripts: scripts_basic $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=arch/x86/tools relocs @@ -377,6 +390,8 @@ archscripts: scripts_basic We can see that it depends on the `scripts_basic` target from the top [Makefile]( At the first we can see the `scripts_basic` target that executes make for the [scripts/basic]( makefile: + 我们可以看到`archscripts` 是依赖于根[Makefile](里的`scripts_basic` 。首先我们可以看出`scripts_basic` 是根据[scripts/basic]( 的mekefile 执行的: + ```Maklefile scripts_basic: $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=scripts/basic @@ -384,6 +399,8 @@ scripts_basic: The `scripts/basic/Makefile` contains targets for compilation of the two host programs: `fixdep` and `bin2`: +`scripts/basic/Makefile`包含了编译两个主机程序`fixdep` 和`bin2` 的目标: + ```Makefile hostprogs-y := fixdep hostprogs-$(CONFIG_BUILD_BIN2C) += bin2c