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ZhouJ-sh 2015-01-15 11:54:12 +08:00
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83 changed files with 5873 additions and 2427 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
Apple Watch之后下一个智能手表会是Ubuntu吗
**苹果借助Apple Watch的发布证实了其进军穿戴式电子设备市场的长期传言**
![Ubuntu Smartwatch good idea?](
Ubuntu智能手表 - 好主意?
### 大的方面还是成功的 ###
苹果在正确的时间加入了快速发展的智能手表行列。手腕穿戴设备功能的界限并不是一成不变。失败的设计、简陋的用户界面以及主流用户使用穿戴技术功能的弱定制化,这些都见证了硬件类产品仍然很脆弱 这一因素使得Cupertino把时间花费在Apple Watch上。
> 分析师说超过2200万的智能手表将在今年销售
去年全球范围内可穿戴设备的销售数量包括健身追踪器仅仅1000万。今年分析师希望设备的销量可以超过2200万 不包括苹果手表因为其直到2015年初才开始零售。
其实我们很容易就可以看出增长的来源。今年九月初柏林举办的IFA 2014展览会展示了一系列来自主要制造商们的可穿戴设备包括索尼和华硕。大多数搭载着Google最新发布的安卓穿戴平台。
#### 目前还没有Ubuntu智能手表的计划 ####
今年年初Canonical社区负责人Jono Bacon被问到是否有制作Ubuntu智能手表的打算。Bacon提供了他对这个问题的看法“为[Ubuntu触摸设备]路线增加额外的形式因素只会减缓现有的进度”。
但是并不是没有希望的。在[几个月之后的一次电话采访][1]中Ubuntu创始人Mark Shuttleworth提到可穿戴技术和智能电视、平板电脑、智能手机一样都在公司计划当中。
> “Ubuntu因其在电话中的完美设计变得独一无二但同时它的设计也能够满足其他生态系统从穿戴设备到PC机。”
#### 不大可能 — 但这就是原因所在 ####
Canonical并不反对利用牢固的专利进军市场。事实上它恰恰是公司DNA基因的一部分 — 犹如服务器端的RHEL,桌面端的Windows,智能手机上的安卓...
但是我之所以不认为它会从Canonical发生至少目前还没有是基于今年早些时候Jono Bacon的个人思想得出的结论时间和努力。
Tim Cook在他的主题演讲中说道“*我们并没有追随iPhone也没有缩水用户界面将其强硬捆绑在你的手腕上。*”这是一个很明显的陈述。为如此小的屏幕设计UI和UX模型、通过交互原则工作、对硬件和输入模式的推崇这些都不是容易的事。
想更进一步了解什么是Ubuntu智能手表点击下面的[视频][2]里面展示了一个交互的Unity主题皮肤Tizen(它已经支持Samsung Galaxy Gear智能手表)。
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由[LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
IPv6IPv4犯的,为什么要我来弥补 IPv6IPv4犯的,为什么要我来弥补
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在过去的十年间IPv6 本来应该得到很大的发展,但事实上这种好事并没有降临。由此导致了一个结果,那就是大部分人都不了解 IPv6 的一些知识:它是什么,怎么使用,以及,为什么它会存在?LCTT这是要回答蒙田的“我是谁”哲学思考题吗 在过去的十年间IPv6 本来应该得到很大的发展,但事实上这种好事并没有降临。由此导致了一个结果,那就是大部分人都不了解 IPv6 的一些知识:它是什么,怎么使用,以及,为什么它会存在?
![IPv4 and IPv6 Comparison]( ![IPv4 and IPv6 Comparison](
@ -12,15 +11,15 @@ IPv4 和 IPv6 的区别
自从1981年发布了 RFC 791 标准以来我们就一直在使用 **IPv4**。在那个时候,电脑又大又贵还不多见,而 IPv4 号称能提供**40亿条 IP 地址**,在当时看来,这个数字好大好大。不幸的是,这么多的 IP 地址并没有被充分利用起来,地址与地址之间存在间隙。举个例子,一家公司可能有**254(2^8-2)**条地址但只使用其中的25条剩下的229条被空占着以备将来之需。于是这些空闲着的地址不能服务于真正需要它们的用户原因就是网络路由规则的限制。最终的结果是在1981年看起来那个好大好大的数字在2014年看起来变得好小好小。 自从1981年发布了 RFC 791 标准以来我们就一直在使用 **IPv4**。在那个时候,电脑又大又贵还不多见,而 IPv4 号称能提供**40亿条 IP 地址**,在当时看来,这个数字好大好大。不幸的是,这么多的 IP 地址并没有被充分利用起来,地址与地址之间存在间隙。举个例子,一家公司可能有**254(2^8-2)**条地址但只使用其中的25条剩下的229条被空占着以备将来之需。于是这些空闲着的地址不能服务于真正需要它们的用户原因就是网络路由规则的限制。最终的结果是在1981年看起来那个好大好大的数字在2014年看起来变得好小好小。
互联网工程任务组(**IETF**在90年代指出了这个问题并提供了两套解决方案无类型域间选路**CIDR**)以及私有地址。在 CIDR 出现之前,你只能选择三种网络地址长度:**24 位** (共可用16,777,214个地址), **20位** (共可用1,048,574个地址)以及**16位** (共可用65,534个地址)。CIDR 出现之后,你可以将一个网络再划分成多个子网。 互联网工程任务组(**IETF**在90年代指出了这个问题,并提供了两套解决方案:无类型域间选路(**CIDR**)以及私有IP地址。在 CIDR 出现之前,你只能选择三种网络地址长度:**24 位** (共16,777,214个可用地址), **20位** (共1,048,574个可用地址)以及**16位** (共65,534个可用地址)。CIDR 出现之后,你可以将一个网络再划分成多个子网。
举个例子,如果你需要**5个 IP 地址**,你的 ISP 会为你提供一个子网里面的主机地址长度为3位也就是说你最多能得到**6个地址**LCTT抛开子网的网络号3位主机地址长度可以表示07共8个地址但第0个和第7个有特殊用途不能被用户使用所以你最多能得到6个地址。这种方法让 ISP 能尽最大效率分配 IP 地址。“私有地址”这套解决方案的效果是你可以自己创建一个网络里面的主机可以访问外网的主机但外网的主机很难访问到你创建的那个网络上的主机因为你的网络是私有的、别人不可见的。你可以创建一个非常大的网络因为你可以使用16,777,214个主机地址并且你可以将这个网络分割成更小的子网方便自己管理。 举个例子,如果你需要**5个 IP 地址**,你的 ISP 会为你提供一个子网里面的主机地址长度为3位也就是说你最多能得到**6个地址**LCTT抛开子网的网络号3位主机地址长度可以表示07共8个地址但第0个和第7个有特殊用途不能被用户使用所以你最多能得到6个地址。这种方法让 ISP 能尽最大效率分配 IP 地址。“私有地址”这套解决方案的效果是你可以自己创建一个网络里面的主机可以访问外网的主机但外网的主机很难访问到你创建的那个网络上的主机因为你的网络是私有的、别人不可见的。你可以创建一个非常大的网络因为你可以使用16,777,214个主机地址并且你可以将这个网络分割成更小的子网方便自己管理。
也许你现在正在使用私有地址。看看你自己的 IP 地址,如果这个地址在这些范围内:****、****或****就说明你在使用私有地址。这两套方案有效地将“IP 地址用尽”这个灾难延迟了好长时间,但这毕竟只是权宜之计,现在我们正面临最终的审判。 也许你现在正在使用私有地址。看看你自己的 IP 地址,如果这个地址在这些范围内:****、****或****就说明你在使用私有地址。这两套方案有效地将“IP 地址用尽”这个灾难延迟了好长时间,但这毕竟只是权宜之计,现在我们正面临最终的审判。
**IPv4** 还有另外一个问题,那就是这个协议的消息头长度可变。如果数据通过软件来路由,这个问题还好说。但现在路由器功能都是由硬件提供的,处理变长消息头对硬件来说是一件困难的事情。一个大的路由器需要处理来自世界各地的大量数据包,这个时候路由器的负载是非常大的。所以很明显,我们需要固定消息头的长度。 **IPv4** 还有另外一个问题,那就是这个协议的消息头长度可变。如果数据的路由通过软件来实现,这个问题还好说。但现在路由器功能都是由硬件提供的,处理变长消息头对硬件来说是一件困难的事情。一个大的路由器需要处理来自世界各地的大量数据包,这个时候路由器的负载是非常大的。所以很明显,我们需要固定消息头的长度。
还有一个问题,在分配 IP 地址的时候,美国人发了因特网LCTT这个万恶的资本主义国家占用了大量 IP 地址)。其他国家只得到了 IP 地址的碎片。我们需要重新定制一个架构,让连续的 IP 地址能在地理位置上集中分布这样一来路由表可以做的更小LCTT想想吧网速肯定更快 在分配 IP 地址的同时,还有一个问题,因特网是美国人发明的LCTT这个万恶的资本主义国家占用了大量 IP 地址)。其他国家只得到了 IP 地址的碎片。我们需要重新定制一个架构,让连续的 IP 地址能在地理位置上集中分布这样一来路由表可以做的更小LCTT想想吧网速肯定更快
还有一个问题,这个问题你听起来可能还不大相信,就是 IPv4 配置起来比较困难,而且还不好改变。你可能不会碰到这个问题,因为你的路由器为你做了这些事情,不用你去操心。但是你的 ISP 对此一直是很头疼的。 还有一个问题,这个问题你听起来可能还不大相信,就是 IPv4 配置起来比较困难,而且还不好改变。你可能不会碰到这个问题,因为你的路由器为你做了这些事情,不用你去操心。但是你的 ISP 对此一直是很头疼的。
@ -28,10 +27,10 @@ IPv4 和 IPv6 的区别
### IPv6 和它的优点 ### ### IPv6 和它的优点 ###
**IETF** 在1995年12月公布了下一代 IP 地址标准,名字叫 IPv6为什么不是 IPv5因为某个错误原因“版本5”这个编号被其他项目用去了。IPv6 的优点如下: **IETF** 在1995年12月公布了下一代 IP 地址标准,名字叫 IPv6为什么不是 IPv5→_→ 因为某个错误原因“版本5”这个编号被其他项目用去了。IPv6 的优点如下:
- 128位地址长度共有3.402823669×10³⁸个地址 - 128位地址长度共有3.402823669×10³⁸个地址
- 这个架构下的地址在逻辑上聚合 - 架构下的地址在逻辑上聚合
- 消息头长度固定 - 消息头长度固定
- 支持自动配置和修改你的网络。 - 支持自动配置和修改你的网络。
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ IPv4 和 IPv6 的区别
#### 聚合 #### #### 聚合 ####
有这么多的地址,这地址可以被稀稀拉拉地分配给主机,从而更高效地路由数据包。算一笔帐啊,你的 ISP 拿到一个**80位**地址长度的网络空间其中16位是 ISP 的子网地址剩下64位分给你作为主机地址。这样一来你的 ISP 可以分配65,534个子网。 有这么多的地址,这地址可以被稀稀拉拉地分配给主机,从而更高效地路由数据包。算一笔帐啊,你的 ISP 拿到一个**80位**地址长度的网络空间其中16位是 ISP 的子网地址剩下64位分给你作为主机地址。这样一来你的 ISP 可以分配65,534个子网。
然而,这些地址分配不是一成不变地,如果 ISP 想拥有更多的小子网,完全可以做到(当然,土豪 ISP 可能会要求再来一个80位网络空间。最高的48位地址是相互独立地也就是说 ISP 与 ISP 之间虽然可能分到相同地80位网络空间但是这两个空间是相互隔离的好处就是一个网络空间里面的地址会聚合在一起。 然而,这些地址分配不是一成不变地,如果 ISP 想拥有更多的小子网,完全可以做到(当然,土豪 ISP 可能会要求再来一个80位网络空间。最高的48位地址是相互独立地也就是说 ISP 与 ISP 之间虽然可能分到相同地80位网络空间但是这两个空间是相互隔离的好处就是一个网络空间里面的地址会聚合在一起。
@ -51,25 +50,25 @@ IPv4 和 IPv6 的区别
**IPv4** 消息头长度可变,但 **IPv6** 消息头长度被固定为40字节。IPv4 会由于额外的参数导致消息头变长IPv6 中,如果有额外参数,这些信息会被放到一个紧挨着消息头的地方,不会被路由器处理,当消息到达目的地时,这些额外参数会被软件提取出来。 **IPv4** 消息头长度可变,但 **IPv6** 消息头长度被固定为40字节。IPv4 会由于额外的参数导致消息头变长IPv6 中,如果有额外参数,这些信息会被放到一个紧挨着消息头的地方,不会被路由器处理,当消息到达目的地时,这些额外参数会被软件提取出来。
IPv6 消息头有一个部分叫“flow”是一个20位伪随机数用于简化路由器对数据包路由过程。如果一个数据包存在“flow”路由器就可以根据这个值作为索引查找路由表不必慢吞吞地遍历整张路由表来查询路由路径。这个优点使 **IPv6** 更容易被路由。 IPv6 消息头有一个部分叫“flow”是一个20位伪随机数用于简化路由器对数据包路由过程。如果一个数据包存在“flow”路由器就可以根据这个值作为索引查找路由表不必慢吞吞地遍历整张路由表来查询路由路径。这个优点使 **IPv6** 更容易被路由。
#### 自动配置 #### #### 自动配置 ####
**IPv6** 中,当主机开机时,会检查本地网络,看看有没有其他主机使用了自己的 IP 地址。如果地址没有被使用,就接着查询本地的 IPv6 路由器,找到后就向它请求一个 IPv6 地址。然后这台主机就可以连上互联网了 —— 它有自己的 IP 地址,和自己的默认路由器。 **IPv6** 中,当主机开机时,会检查本地网络,看看有没有其他主机使用了自己的 IP 地址。如果地址没有被使用,就接着查询本地的 IPv6 路由器,找到后就向它请求一个 IPv6 地址。然后这台主机就可以连上互联网了 —— 它有自己的 IP 地址,和自己的默认路由器。
如果这台默认路由器机,主机就会接着找其他路由器,作为备用路由器。这个功能在 IPv4 协议里实现起来非常困难。同样地,假如路由器想改变自己的地址,自己改掉就好了。主机会自动搜索路由器,并自动更新路由器地址。路由器会同时保存新老地址,直到所有主机都把自己地路由器地址更新成新地址。 如果这台默认路由器机,主机就会接着找其他路由器,作为备用路由器。这个功能在 IPv4 协议里实现起来非常困难。同样地,假如路由器想改变自己的地址,自己改掉就好了。主机会自动搜索路由器,并自动更新路由器地址。路由器会同时保存新老地址,直到所有主机都把自己地路由器地址更新成新地址。
IPv6 自动配置还不是一个完整地解决方案。想要有效地使用互联网,一台主机还需要另外的东西:域名服务器、时间同步服务器、或者还需要一台文件服务器。于是 **dhcp6** 出现了,提供与 dhcp 一样的服务,唯一的区别是 dhcp6 的机器可以在可路由的状态下启动,一个 dhcp 进程可以为大量网络提供服务。 IPv6 自动配置还不是一个完整地解决方案。想要有效地使用互联网,一台主机还需要另外的东西:域名服务器、时间同步服务器、或者还需要一台文件服务器。于是 **dhcp6** 出现了,提供与 dhcp 一样的服务,唯一的区别是 dhcp6 的机器可以在可路由的状态下启动,一个 dhcp 进程可以为大量网络提供服务。
#### 唯一的大问题 #### #### 唯一的大问题 ####
如果 IPv6 真的比 IPv4 好那么多为什么它还没有被广泛使用起来Google 在**2014年5月份**估计 IPv6 的市场占有率为**4%**)?一个最基本的原因是“先有鸡还是先有蛋”问题,用户需要让自己的服务器能为尽可能多的客户提供服务,这就意味着他们必须部署一个 **IPv4** 地址。 如果 IPv6 真的比 IPv4 好那么多为什么它还没有被广泛使用起来Google 在**2014年5月份**估计 IPv6 的市场占有率为**4%**)?一个最基本的原因是“先有鸡还是先有蛋”。服务商想让自己的服务器为尽可能多的客户提供服务,这就意味着他们必须部署一个 **IPv4** 地址。
当然,他们可以同时使用 IPv4 和 IPv6 两套地址,但很少有客户会用到 IPv6并且你还需要对你的软件做一些小修改来适应 IPv6。另外比较头疼的一点是很多家庭的路由器压根不支持 IPv6。还有就是 ISP 也不愿意支持 IPv6我问过我的 ISP 这个问题,得到的回答是:只有客户明确指出要部署这个时,他们才会用 IPv6。然后我问了现在有多少人有这个需求答案是包括我在内共有1个。 当然,他们可以同时使用 IPv4 和 IPv6 两套地址,但很少有客户会用到 IPv6并且你还需要对你的软件做一些小修改来适应 IPv6。另外比较头疼的一点是很多家庭的路由器压根不支持 IPv6。还有就是 ISP 也不愿意支持 IPv6我问过我的 ISP 这个问题,得到的回答是:只有客户明确指出要部署这个时,他们才会用 IPv6。然后我问了现在有多少人有这个需求答案是包括我在内共有1个。
与这种现实状况呈明显对比的是所有主流操作系统Windows、OS X、Linux 都默认支持 IPv6 好多年了。这些操作系统甚至提供软件让 IPv6 的数据包披上 IPv4 的皮来骗过那些会丢弃 IPv6 数据包的主机,从而达到传输数据的目的LCTT这是高科技偷渡 与这种现实状况呈明显对比的是所有主流操作系统Windows、OS X、Linux 都默认支持 IPv6 好多年了。这些操作系统甚至提供软件让 IPv6 的数据包披上 IPv4 的皮来骗过那些会丢弃 IPv6 数据包的主机,从而达到传输数据的目的。
#### 总结 #### ### 总结 ###
IPv4 已经为我们服务了好长时间。但是它的缺陷会在不远的将来遭遇不可克服的困难。IPv6 通过改变地址分配规则、简化数据包路由过程、简化首次加入网络时的配置过程等策略,可以完美解决这个问题。 IPv4 已经为我们服务了好长时间。但是它的缺陷会在不远的将来遭遇不可克服的困难。IPv6 通过改变地址分配规则、简化数据包路由过程、简化首次加入网络时的配置过程等策略,可以完美解决这个问题。
@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ via:
作者:[Jeff Silverman][a] 作者:[Jeff Silverman][a]
译者:[bazz2]( 译者:[bazz2](
校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID) 校对:[Mr小眼儿](
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ChromeOS 对战 Linux : 孰优孰劣,仁者见仁,智者见智
> 在 ChromeOS 和 Linux 的斗争过程中,两个桌面环境都有强有弱,这两者到底怎样呢?
只要稍加留意任何人都会相信Google 在桌面领域绝不是“玩玩而已”。在近几年,我们见到的 [ChromeOS][1] 制造的 [Google Chromebook][2] 相当的轰动。和同期人气火爆的 Amazon 一样ChromeOS 似乎势不可挡。
在本文中,我们要了解的是 ChromeOS 的概念市场ChromeOS 怎么影响着Linux 的份额,整个 ChromeOS 对于Linux 社区来说,是好事还是坏事。另外,我将会谈到一些重大问题,以及为什么没人针对这些问题做点什么。
### ChromeOS 并非真正的Linux ###
每当有朋友问我说 ChromeOS 是否是 Linux 的一个发行版时我都会这样回答ChromeOS 之于 Linux 就如同 OS X 之于 BSD。换句话说我认为ChromeOS 是 Linux 的一个派生操作系统,运行于 Linux 内核的引擎之下。而这个操作系统的大部分由 Google 的专利代码及软件组成。
尽管 ChromeOS 是利用了 Linux 的内核引擎,但是和现在流行的 Linux 分支版本相比,它仍然有很大的不同。
其实ChromeOS 的差异化越来越明显的原因,是在于它给终端用户提供的包括 Web 应用在内的 app。因为ChromeOS 的每一个操作都是开始于浏览器窗口,这对于 Linux 用户来说,可能会有很多不一样的感受,但是,对于没有 Linux 经验的用户来说,这与他们使用的旧电脑并没有什么不同。
比方说,每一个以“依赖 Google 产品”为生活方式的人来说,在 ChromeOS 上的感觉将会非常良好,就好像是回家一样,特别是这个人已经接受了 Chrome 浏览器、Google Drive 云存储和Gmail 的话。久而久之他们使用ChromeOS 也就是很自然的事情了,因为他们很容易接受使用早已习惯的 Chrome 浏览器。
然而,对于 Linux 爱好者来说,这样的约束就立即带来了不适应。因为软件的选择是被限制、被禁锢的,再加上要想玩游戏和 VoIP 是完全不可能的。对不起,因为 [GooglePlus Hangouts][3] 是代替不了VoIP 软件的。甚至这种情况将持续很长一段时间。
### ChromeOS 还是 Linux 桌面 ###
有人断言ChromeOS 要是想在桌面系统的浪潮中对 Linux 产生影响,只有在 Linux 停下来浮出水面喘气的时候,或者是满足某个非技术用户的时候。
是的,桌面 Linux 对于大多数休闲型的用户来说绝对是一个好东西。然而,它必须有专人帮助你安装操作系统,并且提供“维修”服务,就如同我们在 Windows 和 OS X 阵营看到的一样。但是,令人失望的是,在美国, Linux 恰恰在这个方面很缺乏。所以我们看到ChromeOS 正慢慢的走入我们的视线。
我发现 Linux 桌面系统最适合那些能够提供在线技术支持的环境中。比如说:可以在家里操作和处理更新的高级用户、政府和学校的 IT 部门等等。这些环境中Linux 桌面系统可以被配置给任何技能水平和背景的人使用。
相比之下ChromeOS 是建立在完全免维护的初衷之下的,因此,不需要第三者的帮忙,你只需要允许更新,然后让他静默完成即可。这在一定程度上可能是由于 ChromeOS 是为某些特定的硬件结构设计的这与苹果开发自己的PC 电脑也有异曲同工之妙。因为 Google 的 ChromeOS 伴随着其硬件一起提供,大部分情况下都无需担心错误的驱动、适配什么的问题。对于某些人来说,这太好了。
然而有些人则认为这是一个很严重的问题,不过滑稽的是,对 ChomeOS 来说,这些人压根就不在它的目标市场里。简言之,这只是一些狂热的 Linux 爱好者在对 ChomeOS 鸡蛋里挑骨头罢了。要我说,还是停止这些没必要的批评吧。
问题的关键在于ChromeOS 的市场份额和 Linux 桌面系统在很长的一段时间内是不同的。这个局面可能会在将来被打破,然而在现在,仍然会是两军对峙的局面。
### ChromeOS 的使用率正在增长 ###
不管你对ChromeOS 有怎么样的看法事实是ChromeOS 的使用率正在增长。专门针对 ChromeOS 的电脑也一直有发布。最近戴尔Dell也发布了一款针对 ChromeOS 的电脑。命名为 [Dell Chromebox][5],这款 ChromeOS 设备将会是对传统设备的又一次冲击。它没有软件光驱没有反病毒软件能够提供无缝的幕后自动更新。对于一般的用户Chromebox 和 Chromebook 正逐渐成为那些工作在 Web 浏览器上的人们的一个可靠选择。
尽管增长速度很快ChromeOS 设备仍然面临着一个很严峻的问题 - 存储。受限于有限的硬盘大小和严重依赖于云存储ChromeOS 对于那些需要使用基本的浏览器功能之外的人们来说还不够用。
### ChromeOS 和 Linux 的异同点 ###
以前,我注意到 ChromeOS 和 Linux 桌面系统分别占有着两个完全不同的市场。出现这样的情况是源于 Linux 社区在线下的桌面支持上一直都有着极其糟糕的表现。
是的偶然的有些人可能会第一时间发现这个“Linux特点”。但是并没有一个人接着跟进这些问题确保得到问题的答案以让他们得到 Linux 方面更多的帮助。
- 有些用户偶然的在当地的 Linux 活动中发现了 Linux。
- 他们带回了 DVD/USB 设备,并尝试安装这个操作系统。
- 当然,有些人很幸运的成功完成了安装过程,但是,据我所知大多数的人并没有那么幸运。
- 令人失望的是,这些人只能寄希望于在网上论坛里搜索帮助。他们很难通过主流的计算机网络经验或视频教程解决这些问题。
-于是这些人受够了。后来有很多失望的用户拿着他们的电脑到 Windows 商店来“维修”。除了重装一个 Windows 操作系统他们很多时候都会听到一句话“Linux 并不适合你们”,应该尽量避免。
有些人肯定会说上面的举例肯定夸大其词了。让我来告诉你这是发生在我身边的真事而且是经常发生。醒醒吧Linux 社区的人们,我们的推广模式早已过期无力了。
### 伟大的平台,糟糕的营销和最终结论 ###
如果非要找一个 ChromeOS 和 Linux 桌面系统的共同点,除了它们都使用了 Linux 内核那就是它们都是伟大的产品却拥有极其差劲的市场营销。对此Google 认为自己的优势是,它能投入大量的资金在网上构建大面积存储空间。
Google 相信他们拥有“网上的优势”而线下的问题不是很重要。这真是一个让人难以置信的目光短浅这也成了Google 最严重的失误之一。而当地的 Linux 零售商则坚信,对于不怎么上网的人,自然不必担心他们会受到 Google巨大的在线存储的诱惑。
我的建议是Linux 可以通过线下的努力,提供桌面系统,渗透 ChromeOS 市场。这就意味着 Linux 社区需要在节假日筹集资金来出席博览会、商场展览,并且在社区中进行免费的教学课程。这会立即使 Linux 桌面系统走入人们的视线,否则,最终将会是一个 ChromeOS 设备出现在人们的面前。
如果说本地的线下市场并没有像我说的这样别担心。Linux 桌面系统的市场仍然会像 ChromeOS 一样增长。最坏也能保持现在这种两军对峙的市场局面。
作者:[Matt Hartley][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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如果你经常看国外的大片你应该会喜欢带字幕版本而不是有国语配音的版本。我在法国长大童年的记忆里充满了迪斯尼电影。但是这些电影因为有了法语的配音而听起来很怪。如果现在有机会能看原始的版本我想对于大多数的人来说字幕还是必须的。我很高兴能为家人制作字幕。给我带来希望的是Linux 也不乏有很多花哨、开源的字幕编辑器。总之一句话文中Linux上字幕编辑器的列表并不详尽你可以告诉我哪一款是你认为最好的字幕编辑器。
### 1. Gnome Subtitles ###
当有现有字幕需要快速编辑时,[Gnome Subtitles][1] 是我的一个选择。你可以载入视频,载入字幕文本,然后就可以即刻开始了。我很欣赏其对于易用性和高级特性之间的平衡。它带有一个同步工具以及一个拼写检查工具。最后但同样重要的的一点,这么好用最主要的是因为它的快捷键:当你编辑很多的台词的时候,你最好把你的手放在键盘上,使用其内置的快捷键来移动。
### 2. Aegisub ###
[Aegisub][2] 已经是一款高级别的复杂字幕编辑器。仅仅是界面就反映出了一定的学习曲线。但是除了它吓人的样子以外Aegisub 是一个非常完整的软件提供的工具远远超出你能想象的。和Gnome Subtitles 一样Aegisub也采用了所见即所得WYSIWYG:what you see is what you get的处理方式。但是是一个全新的高度可以再屏幕上任意拖动字幕也可以在另一边查看音频的频谱并且可以利用快捷键做任何的事情。除此以外它还带有一个汉字工具有一个kalaok模式并且你可以导入lua 脚本让它自动完成一些任务。我希望你在用之前,先去阅读下它的[指南][3]。
### 3. Gaupol ###
另一个操作复杂的软件是[Gaupol][4],不像Aegisub Gaupol 很容易上手而且采用了一个和Gnome Subtitles 很像的界面。但是在这些相对简单背后,它拥有很多很必要的工具:快捷键、第三方扩展、拼写检查,甚至是语音识别(由[CMU Sphinx][5]提供。这里也提一个缺点我注意到有时候在测试的时候也软件会有消极怠工的表现不是很严重但是也足以让我更有理由喜欢Gnome Subtitles了。
### 4. Subtitle Editor ###
[Subtitle Editor][6]和 Gaupol 很像但是它的界面有点不太直观特性也只是稍微的高级一点点。我很欣赏的一点是它可以定义“关键帧”而且提供所有的同步选项。然而多一点的图标或者是少一点的文字都能提供界面的特性。作为一个值得称赞的字幕编辑器Subtitle Editor 可以模仿“作家”打字的效果,虽然我不确定它是否特别有用。最后但同样重要的一点,重定义快捷键的功能很实用。
### 5. Jubler ###
[Jubler][7]是一个用Java编写并有多平台支持的字幕编辑器。我对它的界面印象特别深刻。在上面我确实看出了Java特点的东西但是它仍然是经过精心的构造和构思的。像Aegisub 一样你可以再屏幕上任意的拖动字幕让你有愉快的体验而不单单是打字。它也可以为字幕自定义一个风格在另外的一个轨道播放音频翻译字幕或者是是做拼写检查。不过要注意的是你需要事先安装好媒体播放器并且正确的配置如果你想完整的使用Jubler。我把这些归功于在[官方页面][8]下载了脚本以后其简便的安装方式。
### 6. Subtitle Composer ###
[Subtitle Composer][9]被视为“KDE里的字幕作曲家”它能够唤起对很多传统功能的回忆。伴随着KDE界面我们充满了期待。我们自然会说到快捷键我特别喜欢这个功能。除此之外Subtitle Composer 与上面提到的编辑器最大的不同地方就在于它可以执行用JavaScriptPython甚至是Ruby写成的脚本。软件带有几个例子肯定能够帮助你很好的学习使用这些特性的语法。
最后不管你是否喜欢都来为你的家庭编辑几个字幕吧重新同步整个轨道或者是一切从头开始那么Linux 有很好的工具给你。对我来说,快捷键和易用性使得各个工具有差异,想要更高级别的使用体验,脚本和语音识别就成了很便利的一个功能。
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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Linux用户应该了解一下开源硬件 Linux用户,你们真的了解开源硬件吗?
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> Linux用户不了解一点开源硬件制造相关的事情他们将会很失望 > Linux用户不了解一点开源硬件制造相关的事情他们就会经常陷入失望的情绪中
商业软件和免费软件已经互相纠缠很多年了,但是这俩经常误解对方。这并不奇怪 -- 对一方来说是生意,而另一方只是一种生活方式。但是,这种误解会给人带来痛苦,这也是为什么值得花精力去揭露这里面的内幕。 商业软件和免费软件已经互相纠缠很多年了,但是这俩经常误解对方。这并不奇怪 -- 对一方来说是生意,而另一方只是一种生活方式。但是,这种误解会给人带来痛苦,这也是为什么值得花精力去揭露这里面的内幕。
一个逐渐普遍的现象对开源硬件的不断尝试不管是CanonicalJollaMakePlayLive或者其他几个。不管是评论员或终端用户,一般的免费软件用户会为新的硬件平台发布表现出过分的狂热,然后因为不断延期有所醒悟,最终放弃整个产品。 一个逐渐普遍的现象对开源硬件的不断尝试不管是CanonicalJollaMakePlayLive或者其他公司。无论是评论员或是终端用户,通常免费软件用户都会为新的硬件平台发布表现出过分的狂热,然后因为不断延期有所醒悟,直到最终放弃整个产品。
这是一个没有人获益的怪圈,而且滋生出不信任 - 都是因为一般的Linux用户根本不知道这些新闻背后发生的事情。 这是一个没有人获益的怪圈,而且常常滋生出不信任 - 都是因为一般的Linux用户根本不知道这些新闻背后发生的事情。
我个人对于把产品推向市场的经验很有限。但是,我还不知道谁能有所突破。推出一个开源硬件或其他产品到市场仍然不仅仅是个残酷的生意,而且严重不利于新加入的厂商。 我个人对于把产品推向市场的经验很有限。但是,我还没听说谁能有所突破。推出一个开源硬件或其他产品到市场仍然不仅仅是个残酷的生意,而且严重不利于新厂商。
### 寻找合作伙伴 ### ### 寻找合作伙伴 ###
不管是数码产品的生产还是分销都被相对较少的一些公司控制着,有时需要数月的预订。利润率也会很低,所以就像那些购买古老情景喜剧的电影工作室一样,生商一般也希望复制当前热销产品的成功。像Aaron Seigo在谈到他花精力开发Vivaldi平板时告诉我的生产商更希望能由其他人去承担开发新产品的风险。 不管是数码产品的生产还是分销都被相对较少的一些公司控制着,有时需要数月的预订。利润率也会很低,所以就像那些购买古老情景喜剧的电影工作室一样,生商一般也希望复制当前热销产品的成功。像Aaron Seigo在谈到他花精力开发Vivaldi平板时告诉我的生产商更希望能由其他人去承担开发新产品的风险。
不仅如此,他们更希望和那些有现成销售记录的有可能带来可复制生意的人合作。 不仅如此,他们更希望和那些有现成销售记录的有可能带来长期客户生意的人合作。
而且,一般新加入的厂商所关心的产品只有几千的量。芯片制造商更愿意和苹果或三星合作因为它们的订单很可能是几百K 而且,一般新加入的厂商所关心的产品只有几千的量。芯片制造商更愿意和苹果或三星这样的公司合作,因为它们的订单很可能是几十上百万的量
面对这种情形,开源硬件制造者们可能会发现他们在工厂的列表中被淹没了,除非能找到二线或三线厂愿意尝试一下小批量生产新产品。 面对这种情形,开源硬件制造者们可能会发现他们在工厂的列表中被淹没了,除非能找到二线或三线厂愿意尝试一下小批量生产新产品。
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ Linux用户应该了解一下开源硬件
这样必然会引起潜在用户的批评,但是开源硬件制造者没得选,只能折中他们的愿景。寻找其他生产商也不能解决问题,有一个原因是这样做意味着更多延迟,但是更多的是因为完全免授权费的硬件是不存在的。像三星这样的业内巨头对免费硬件没有任何兴趣,而作为新人,开源硬件制造者也没有影响力去要求什么。 这样必然会引起潜在用户的批评,但是开源硬件制造者没得选,只能折中他们的愿景。寻找其他生产商也不能解决问题,有一个原因是这样做意味着更多延迟,但是更多的是因为完全免授权费的硬件是不存在的。像三星这样的业内巨头对免费硬件没有任何兴趣,而作为新人,开源硬件制造者也没有影响力去要求什么。
更何况,就算有免费硬件,生产商也不能保证会用在下一批生产中。制造者们会轻易地发现他们每次需要生产的时候都要重打一样的仗。 更何况,就算有免费硬件,生产商也不能保证会用在下一批生产中。制造者们会轻易地发现他们每次需要生产的时候都要重打一次一模一样的仗。
这些都还不够这个时候开源硬件制造者们也许已经花了6-12个月时间来讨价还价。机会来了,产业标准已经变更,他们也许为了升级产品规格又要从头来过。 这些都还不够这个时候开源硬件制造者们也许已经花了6-12个月时间来讨价还价。等机会终于来了,产业标准却已经变更,于是他们可能为了升级产品规格又要从头来过。
### 短暂而且残忍的货架期 ### ### 短暂而且残忍的货架期 ###
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### 衡量整件怪事 ### ### 衡量整件怪事 ###
在这里我只是粗略地概括了一下,但是任何涉足过制造的人会认出我形容成标准的东西。而更糟糕的是,开源硬件制造者们通常在这个过程中才会有所觉悟。不可避免,他们也会犯错,从而带来更多的延迟。 在这里我只是粗略地概括了一下,但是任何涉足过制造的人会认同我形容为行业标准的东西。而更糟糕的是,开源硬件制造者们通常只有在亲身经历过后才会有所觉悟。不可避免,他们也会犯错,从而带来更多的延迟。
但重点是,一旦你对整个过程有所了解,你对另一个开源硬件进行尝试的消息的反应就会改变。这个过程意味着除非哪家公司处于严格的保密模式对于产品将于六个月内发布的声明会很快会被证实是过期的推测。很可能是12-18个月而且面对之前提过的那些困难很可能意味着这个产品永远不会真正发布。 但重点是,一旦你对整个过程有所了解,你对另一个开源硬件进行尝试的新闻的反应就会改变。这个过程意味着除非哪家公司处于严格的保密模式对于产品将于六个月内发布的声明会很快会被证实是过期的推测。很可能是12-18个月而且面对之前提过的那些困难很可能意味着这个产品永远不会真正发布。
举个例子就像我写的人们等待第一代Steam Machines面世它是一台基于Linux的游戏主机。他们相信Steam Machines能彻底改变Linux和游戏。 举个例子就像我写的人们等待第一代Steam Machines面世它是一台基于Linux的游戏主机。他们相信Steam Machines能彻底改变Linux和游戏。
作为一个市场分类Steam Machines也许比其他新产品更有优势因为参与开发的人员至少有开发软件产品的经验。然而整整一年过去了Steam Machines的开发成果都还只有原型机而且直到2015年中都不一定能买到。面对硬件生产的实际情况就算有一半能见到阳光都是很幸运了。而实际上能发布2-4台也许更实际。 作为一个市场分类Steam Machines也许比其他新产品更有优势因为参与开发的人员至少有开发软件产品的经验。然而整整一年过去了Steam Machines的开发成果都还只有原型机而且直到2015年中都不一定能买到。面对硬件生产的实际情况就算有一半能见到阳光都是很幸运了。而实际上能发布2-4台也许更实际。
我做出这个预测并没有考虑个体努力。但是对硬件生产的理解比起那些Linux和游戏的黄金年代之类的预言我估计这个更靠谱。如果我错了也会很开心但是事实不会改变让人吃惊的不是如此多的Linux相关硬件产品失败了而是那些即使是短暂的成功的产品。 我做出这个预测并没有考虑个体努力。但是对硬件生产的理解比起那些Linux和游戏的黄金年代之类的预言我估计这个更靠谱。如果我错了也会很开心但是事实不会改变让人吃惊的不是如此多的Linux相关硬件产品失败了而是那些虽然短暂但却成功的产品。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ via:
作者:[Bruce Byfield][a] 作者:[Bruce Byfield][a]
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作者:[Dan Nanni][a] 作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
译者:[felixonmars]( 译者:[felixonmars](
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@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
使用 Quagga 将你的 CentOS 系统变成一个 BGP 路由器
在我们进入细节之前一些BGP的背景知识还是必要的。边界网关协议即BGP是互联网的域间路由协议的实际标准。在BGP术语中全球互联网是由成千上万相关联的自治系统(AS)组成其中每一个AS代表每一个特定运营商提供的一个网络管理域[据说][2],美国前总统乔治.布什都有自己的 AS 编号)。
### 测试方案 ###
- **运营商 A**: ASN (100) IP地址空间 ( 分配给BGP路由器eth1网卡的IP地址(
- **运营商 B**: ASN (200) IP地址空间 ( 分配给BGP路由器eth1网卡的IP地址(
### 在 CentOS中安装Quagga ###
# yum install quagga
# setsebool -P zebra_write_config 1
- **Zebra**:一个核心守护进程用于内核接口和静态路由.
- **BGPd**:一个BGP守护进程.
### 配置日志记录 ###
# cp /usr/share/doc/quagga-XXXXX/zebra.conf.sample /etc/quagga/zebra.conf
# service zebra start
# chkconfig zebra on
# systemctl start zebra
# systemctl enable zebra
Quagga提供了一个叫做vtysh特有的命令行工具你可以输入与路由器厂商(例如Cisco和Juniper)兼容和支持的命令。我们将使用vtysh shell来配置BGP路由在教程的其余部分。
启动vtysh shell 命令,输入:
# vtysh
提示将被改成该主机名这表明你是在vtysh shell中。
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# log file /var/log/quagga/quagga.log
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
### 配置对等的IP地址 ###
Router-A# show interface #显示接口信息
Interface eth0 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
. . . . .
Interface eth1 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
. . . . .
site-A-RTR# configure terminal
site-A-RTR(config)# interface eth0
site-A-RTR(config-if)# ip address
site-A-RTR(config-if)# description "to Router-B"
site-A-RTR(config-if)# no shutdown
site-A-RTR(config-if)# exit
site-A-RTR(config)# interface eth1
site-A-RTR(config-if)# ip address
site-A-RTR(config-if)# description "test ip from provider A network"
site-A-RTR(config-if)# no shutdown
site-A-RTR(config-if)# exit
Router-A# show interface
Interface eth0 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
Description: "to Router-B"
inet broadcast
Interface eth1 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
Description: "test ip from provider A network"
inet broadcast
Router-A# show interface description #显示接口描述
Interface Status Protocol Description
eth0 up unknown "to Router-B"
eth1 up unknown "test ip from provider A network"
Router-A# write
Router-A# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.616 ms
### 配置BGP对等 ###
# cp /usr/share/doc/quagga-XXXXXXX/bgpd.conf.sample /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf
# service bgpd start
# chkconfig bgpd on
# systemctl start bgpd
# systemctl enable bgpd
现在让我们来进入Quagga 的shell。
# vtysh
Router-A# show running-config
... ... ...
router bgp 7675
bgp router-id
... ... ...
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# no router bgp 7675
Router-A(config)# router bgp 100
Router-A(config)# no auto-summary
Router-A(config)# no synchronizaiton
Router-A(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 200
Router-A(config-router)# neighbor description "provider B"
Router-A(config-router)# exit
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
Router-B# configure terminal
Router-B(config)# no router bgp 7675
Router-B(config)# router bgp 200
Router-B(config)# no auto-summary
Router-B(config)# no synchronizaiton
Router-B(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 100
Router-B(config-router)# neighbor description "provider A"
Router-B(config-router)# exit
Router-B(config)# exit
Router-B# write
Router-A# show ip bgp summary
### 配置前缀通告 ###
正如一开始提到AS 100将以100.100.0.0/22作为通告在我们的例子中AS 200将同样以200.200.0.0/22作为通告。这些前缀需要被添加到BGP配置如下。
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# router bgp 100
Router-A(config)# network
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
Router-B# configure terminal
Router-B(config)# router bgp 200
Router-B(config)# network
Router-B(config)# exit
Router-B# write
### 测试前缀通告 ###
Router-A# show ip bgp summary
Router-A# show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
Router-A# show ip bgp neighbors routes
Router-A# show ip bgp
Router-A# show ip route
代码: K - 内核路由, C - 已链接 , S - 静态 , R - 路由信息协议 , O - 开放式最短路径优先协议,
I - 中间系统到中间系统的路由选择协议, B - 边界网关协议, > - 选择路由, * - FIB 路由
C>* is directly connected, eth0
C>* is directly connected, eth1
B>* [20/0] via, eth0, 00:06:45
Router-A# show ip route bgp
B>* [20/0] via, eth0, 00:08:13
[root@Router-A~]# ip route
---------- dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth0 proto zebra
[root@Router-A~]# ping -c 2
作者:[Sarmed Rahman][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
网络时间的那些事情及 ntpq 详解
[Gentoo][1](也许其他发行版也是?)中 ["ntpq -p" 的 man page][2] 只有简短的描述:“*打印出该服务器已知的节点列表和它们的状态概要信息。*”
我还没见到关于这个命令的说明文档,因此这里对此作一个总结,可以补充进 "[man ntpq][3]" man page 中。更多的细节见这里 “[ntpq 标准 NTP 请求程序][4]”(原作者),和 [其他关于 man ntpq 的例子][5].
[NTP][6] 是一个设计用于通过 [udp][9] 网络 ([WAN][7] 或者 [LAN][8]) 来同步计算机时钟的协议。引用 [Wikipedia NTP][10]
> 网络时间协议英语Network Time ProtocolNTP一种协议和软件实现用于通过使用有网络延迟的报文交换网络同步计算机系统间的时钟。最初由美国特拉华大学的 David L. Mills 设计,现在仍然由他和志愿者小组维护,它于 1985 年之前开始使用,是因特网中最老的协议之一。
想了解更多有关时间和 NTP 协议的知识,可以参考 “[The NTP FAQ, Time, what Time?][11]”和 [RFCs for NTP][12]。早期的“Network Time Protocol (Version 3) RFC” ([txt][13], or [pdf][14], Appendix E, The NTP Timescale and its Chronometry, p70) 包含了对过去 5000 年我们的计时系统的变化和关系的有趣解释。维基百科的文章 [Time][15] 和 [Calendar][16] 提供了更宏观的视角。
命令 "ntpq -q" 输出下面这样的一个表:
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
LOCAL(0) .LOCL. 10 l 96h 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
* 2 u 936 1024 377 31.234 3.353 3.096
### 更多细节 ###
#### 表头 ####
- **remote** 用于同步的远程节点或服务器。“LOCAL”表示本机 (当没有远程服务器可用时会出现)
- **refid** 远程的服务器进行同步的更高一级服务器
- **st** 远程节点或服务器的 [Stratum][17]级别NTP 时间同步是分层的)
- **t** 类型 (u: [unicast单播][18] 或 [manycast选播][19] 客户端, b: [broadcast广播][20] 或 [multicast多播][21] 客户端, l: 本地时钟, s: 对称节点(用于备份), A: 选播服务器, B: 广播服务器, M: 多播服务器, 参见“[Automatic Server Discovery][22]“)
- **when** 最后一次同步到现在的时间 (默认单位为秒, “h”表示小时“d”表示天)
- **poll** 同步的频率:[rfc5905][23]建议在 NTPv4 中这个值的范围在 4 (16秒) 至 17 (36小时) 之间即2的指数次秒然而观察发现这个值的实际大小在一个小的多的范围内 64 (2^6 )秒 至 1024 (2^10 )秒
- **reach** 一个8位的左移移位寄存器值用来测试能否和服务器连接每成功连接一次它的值就会增加以 [8 进制][24]显示
- **delay** 从本地到远程节点或服务器通信的往返时间(毫秒)
- **offset** 主机与远程节点或服务器时间源的时间偏移量offset 越接近于0主机和 NTP 服务器的时间越接近(以[方均根][25]表示,单位为毫秒)
- **jitter** 与远程节点同步的时间源的平均偏差(多个时间样本中的 offset 的偏差,单位是毫秒),这个数值的绝对值越小,主机的时间就越精确
#### 字段的统计代码 ####
表中第一个字符(统计代码)是状态标识(参见 [Peer Status Word][26]),包含 " ""x""-""#""+""*""o"
- " " 无状态,表示:
- 没有远程通信的主机
- "LOCAL" 即本机
- (未被使用的)高层级服务器
- 远程主机使用的这台机器作为同步服务器
- “**x**” 已不再使用
- “**-**” 已不再使用
- “**#**” 良好的远程节点或服务器但是未被使用 (不在按同步距离排序的前六个节点中,作为备用节点使用)
- “**+**” 良好的且优先使用的远程节点或服务器(包含在组合算法中)
- “*” 当前作为优先主同步对象的远程节点或服务器
- “**o**” PPS 节点 (当优先节点是有效时)。实际的系统同步是源于秒脉冲信号pulse-per-secondPPS可能通过PPS 时钟驱动或者通过内核接口。
参考 [Clock Select Algorithm][27].
#### refid ####
**refid** 有下面这些状态值
- 一个IP地址 远程节点或服务器的 [IP 地址][28]
- **.LOCL.** 本机 (当没有远程节点或服务器可用时)
- **.PPS.** 时间标准中的“[Pulse Per Second][29]”(秒脉冲)
- **.IRIG.** [Inter-Range Instrumentation Group][30] 时间码
- **.ACTS.** 美国 [NIST 标准时间][31] 电话调制器
- **.NIST.** –美国 NIST 标准时间电话调制器
- **.PTB.** 德国 [PTB][32] 时间标准电话调制器
- **.USNO.** 美国 [USNO 标准时间][33] 电话调制器
- **.CHU.** [CHU][34] ([HF][35], Ottawa, ON, Canada) 标准时间无线电接收器
- **.DCFa.** [DCF77][36] ([LF][37], Mainflingen, Germany) 标准时间无线电接收器
- **.HBG.** [HBG][38] (LF Prangins, Switzerland) 标准时间无线电接收器
- **.JJY.** [JJY][39] (LF Fukushima, Japan) 标准时间无线电接收器
- **.LORC.** [LORAN][40]-C station ([MF][41]) 标准时间无线电接收器,注: [不再可用][42] (被 [eLORAN][43] 废弃)
- **.MSF.** [MSF][44] (LF, Anthorn, Great Britain) 标准时间无线电接收器
- **.TDF.** [TDF][45] (MF, Allouis, France)标准时间无线电接收器
- **.WWV.** [WWV][46] (HF, Ft. Collins, CO, America) 标准时间无线电接收器
- **.WWVB.** [WWVB][47] (LF, Ft. Collins, CO, America) 标准时间无线电接收器
- **.WWVH.** [WWVH][48] (HF, Kauai, HI, America) 标准时间无线电接收器
- **.GOES.** 美国[静止环境观测卫星][49];
- **.GPS.** 美国 [GPS][50];
- **.GAL.** [伽利略定位系统][51]欧洲 [GNSS][52];
- **.ACST.** 选播服务器
- **.AUTH.** 认证错误
- **.AUTO.** Autokey NTP 的一种认证机制)顺序错误
- **.BCST.** 广播服务器
- **.CRYPT.** Autokey 协议错误
- **.DENY.** 服务器拒绝访问;
- **.INIT.** 关联初始化
- **.MCST.** 多播服务器
- **.RATE.** (轮询) 速率超出限定
- **.TIME.** 关联超时
- **.STEP.** 间隔时长改变,偏移量比危险阈值小(1000ms) 比间隔时间 (125ms)大
#### 操作要点 ####
> 除非使用 iburst 选项,客户端通常需要花几分钟来和服务器同步。如果客户端在启动时时间与 NTP 服务器的时间差大于 1000 秒,守护进程会退出并在系统日志中记录,让操作者手动设置时间差小于 1000 秒后再重新启动。如果时间差小于 1000 秒,但是大于 128 秒,会自动矫正间隔,并自动重启守护进程。
> 当第一次启动时,时间频率文件(通常是 ntp.drift 文件,记录时间偏移)不存在,守护进程进入一个特殊模式来矫正频率。当时钟不符合[规范][54]时这会需要 900 秒。当校正完成后,守护进程创建时间频率文件进入普通模式,并分步校正剩余的偏差。
NTP 0 层Stratum 0 的设备如原子钟GPS 时钟或者其他标准时间的无线电时钟为 1 层Stratum 1的时间服务器提供时间信号。NTP 只报告[UTC][55] 时间统一协调时Coordinated Universal Time。客户端程序使用[时区][56]从 UTC 导出本地时间。
NTP 协议是高精度的使用的精度小于纳秒2的 -32 次方)。主机的时间精度和其他参数(受硬件和操作系统限制)使用命令 “ntpq -c rl” 查看(参见 [rfc1305][57] 通用变量和 [rfc5905][58])。
#### “ntpq -c rl”输出参数 ####
- **precision** 为四舍五入值,且为 2 的幂数。因此精度为 2^precision (秒)
- **rootdelay** 与同步网络中主同步服务器的总往返延时。注意这个值可以是正数或者负数,取决于时钟的精度。
- **rootdisp** 相对于同步网络中主同步服务器的偏差(秒)
- **tc** NTP 算法 [PLL][59] phase locked loop锁相环路 或 [FLL][60] (frequency locked loop锁频回路) 时间常量
- **mintc** NTP 算法 PLL/FLL 最小时间常亮或“最快响应
- **offset** 由结合算法得出的系统时钟偏移量(毫秒)
- **frequency** 系统时钟频率
- **sys_jitter** 由结合算法得出的系统时钟平均偏差(毫秒)
- **clk_jitter** 硬件时钟平均偏差(毫秒)
- **clk_wander** 硬件时钟偏移([PPM][61] 百分之一)
Jitter (也叫 timing jitter) 表示短期变化大于10HZ 的频率, wander 表示长期变化大于10HZ 的频率 Stability 表示系统的频率随时间的变化,和 aging, drift, trends 等是同义词)
#### 操作要点(续) ####
NTP 软件维护一系列连续更新的频率变化的校正值。对于设置正确的稳定系统,在非拥塞的网络中,现代硬件的 NTP 时钟同步通常与 UTC 标准时间相差在毫秒内。(在千兆 LAN 网络中可以达到何种精度?)
对于 UTC 时间,[闰秒 leap second ][62] 可以每两年插入一次用于同步地球自传的变化。注意本地时间为[夏令时][63]时时间会有一小时的变化。在重同步之前客户端设备会使用独立的 UTC 时间,除非客户端使用了偏移校准。
#### [闰秒发生时会怎样][64] ####
> 闰秒发生时,会对当天时间增加或减少一秒。闰秒的调整在 UTC 时间当天的最后一秒。如果增加一秒UTC 时间会出现 23:59:60。即 23:59:59 到 0:00:00 之间实际上需要 2 秒钟。如果减少一秒,时间会从 23:59:58 跳至 0:00:00 。另见 [The Kernel Discipline][65].
那么… 间隔阈值step threshold的真实值是多少: 125ms 还是 128ms PLL/FLL tc 的单位是什么 (log2 s? ms?)?在非拥塞的千兆 LAN 中时间节点间的精度能达到多少?
感谢 Camilo M 和 Chris B的评论。 欢迎校正错误和更多细节的探讨。
### 附录 ###
- [NTP 的纪元][66] 从 1900 开始而 UNIX 的从 1970开始.
- [时间校正][67] 是逐渐进行的,因此时间的完全同步可能会画上几个小时。
- [节点状态][68] 可以被记录到 [summarise/plot time offsets and errors][69]
- [RMS][70] 均方根
- [PLL][71] 锁相环路
- [FLL][72] 锁频回路
- [PPM][73] 百万分之一,用于描述频率的变化
- [man ntpq (Gentoo 简明版本)][74]
- [man ntpq (长期维护版本)][75]
- [man ntpq (Gentoo 长期维护版本)][76]
### 另见 ###
- [ntpq 标准 NTP 查询程序][77]
- [The Network Time Protocol (NTP) 分布][78]
- NTP 的简明[历史][79]
- 一个更多细节的简明历史 “Mills, D.L., A brief history of NTP time: confessions of an Internet timekeeper. Submitted for publication; please do not cite or redistribute” ([pdf][80])
- [NTP RFC][81] 标准文档
- Network Time Protocol (Version 3) RFC [txt][82], or [pdf][83]. Appendix E, The NTP Timescale and its Chronometry, p70, 包含了对过去 5000 年我们的计时系统的变化和关系的有趣解释。
- 维基百科: [Time][84] 和 [Calendar][85]
- [John Harrison and the Longitude problem][86]
- [Clock of the Long Now][87] The 10,000 Year Clock
- John C Taylor [Chronophage][88]
- [Orders of magnitude of time][89]
- [Greenwich Time Signal][90]
### 其他 ###
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol, [RFC 4330][91]简单网络协议基本上也是NTP但是少了一些基于 [RFC 1305][92] 实现的 NTP 的一些不再需要的内部算法。
Win32 时间 [Windows Time Service][93] 是 SNTP 的非标准实现,没有精度的保证,并假设精度几乎有 1-2 秒的范围。(因为没有系统时间变化校正)
还有一个[PTP (IEEE 1588)][95] Precision Time Protocol精准时间协议。见维基百科[Precision Time Protocol][96]。软件程序为 [PTPd][97]。虫咬的功能是这是一个 [LAN][98] 高精度主从同步系统,精度在毫秒级,使用 [International Atomic Time][99] (TAI [monotonic][100],无闰秒)。数据报时间戳需要在网卡中启用。支持 PTP 的网络会对数据报记录时间戳以减少交换机路由器的影响。也可以在不记录时间戳的网络中使用 PTP 但可能应为时间偏差太大而无法同步。因此使用这个需要对网络进行设置。
### 更老的时间同步协议 ###
- DTSS DEC公司的数字时间同步服务 被 NTP 所取代。例子: [DTSS VMS C code c2000][101]。 (哪里有关于 DTSS 的文章或文档吗?)
- [DAYTIME protocol][102],使用 [TCP][103] 或 [UDP][104] 13 端口同步
- [ICMP Timestamp][105] 和 [ICMP Timestamp Reply][106],使用 [ICMP][107] 协议同步
- [Time Protocol][108],使用 TCP 或 UDP 37 号端口同步
作者Martin L
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Linux 和类Unix 系统上5个极品的开源软件备份工具 Linux 和类 Unix 系统上5个最佳开源备份工具
================================================================================ ================================================================================
一个好的备份最基本的就是为了能够从一些错误中恢复 一个好的备份最基本的目的就是为了能够从一些错误中恢复
- 人为的失误 - 人为的失误
- 磁盘阵列或是硬盘故障 - 磁盘阵列或是硬盘故障
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Linux 和类Unix 系统上5个极品的开源软件备份工具
确定你正在部署的软件具有下面的特性 确定你正在部署的软件具有下面的特性
1. **开源软件** - 你务必要选择那些源码可以免费获得,并且可以修改的软件。确信可以恢复你的数据,即使是软件供应商或者/或是项目停止继续维护这个软件或者是拒绝继续为这个软件提供补丁。 1. **开源软件** - 你务必要选择那些源码可以免费获得,并且可以修改的软件。确信可以恢复你的数据,即使是软件供应商/项目停止继续维护这个软件或者是拒绝继续为这个软件提供补丁。
2. **跨平台支持** - 确定备份软件可以很好的运行各种需要部署的桌面操作系统和服务器系统。 2. **跨平台支持** - 确定备份软件可以很好的运行各种需要部署的桌面操作系统和服务器系统。
@ -21,21 +21,21 @@ Linux 和类Unix 系统上5个极品的开源软件备份工具
4. **自动转换** - 自动转换本来是没什么,除了对于各种备份设备,包括图书馆,近线存储和自动加载,自动转换可以自动完成一些任务,包括加载,挂载和标签备份像磁带这些媒体设备。 4. **自动转换** - 自动转换本来是没什么,除了对于各种备份设备,包括图书馆,近线存储和自动加载,自动转换可以自动完成一些任务,包括加载,挂载和标签备份像磁带这些媒体设备。
5. **备份介质** - 确定你可以备份到磁带硬盘DVD 和云存储像AWS。 5. **备份介质** - 确定你可以备份到磁带硬盘DVD 和像 AWS 这样的云存储
6. **加密数据流** - 确定所有客户端到服务器的传输都被加密保证在LAN/WAN/Internet 中传输的安全性。 6. **加密数据流** - 确定所有客户端到服务器的传输都被加密,保证在 LAN/WAN/Internet 中传输的安全性。
7. **数据库支持** - 确定备份软件可以备份到数据库像MySQL 或是 Oracle。 7. **数据库支持** - 确定备份软件可以备份到数据库像MySQL 或是 Oracle。
8. **备份可以跨越多个卷** - 备份软件(转存文件)可以把每个备份文件分成几个部分,允许将每个部分存在于不同的卷。这样可以保证一些数据量很大的备份(像100TB的文件)可以被存储在一些比单个部分大的设备中,比如说像硬盘和磁盘卷。 8. **备份可以跨越多个卷** - 备份软件(转储文件时)可以把每个备份文件分成几个部分,允许将每个部分存在于不同的卷。这样可以保证一些数据量很大的备份(像100TB的文件)可以被存储在一些单个容量较小的设备中,比如说像硬盘和磁盘卷。
9. **VSS (卷影复制)** - 这是[微软的卷影复制服务VSS][1]通过创建数据的快照来备份。确定备份软件支持VSS的MS-Windows 客户端/服务器。 9. **VSS (卷影复制)** - 这是[微软的卷影复制服务VSS][1]通过创建数据的快照来备份。确定备份软件支持VSS的MS-Windows 客户端/服务器。
10. **重复数据删除** - 这是一种数据压缩技术,用来消除重复数据的副本(比如,图片)。 10. **重复数据删除** - 这是一种数据压缩技术,用来消除重复数据的副本(比如,图片)。
11. **许可证和成本** - 确定你[理解和使用的开源许可证][3]下的软件源码你可以得到 11. **许可证和成本** - 确定你对备份软件所用的[许可证了解和明白其使用方式][3]
12. **商业支持** - 开源软件可以提供社区支持(像邮件列表和论坛)和专业的支持(像发行版提供额外的付费支持)。你可以使用付费的专业支持以培训和咨询为目的 12. **商业支持** - 开源软件可以提供社区支持(像邮件列表和论坛)和专业的支持(如发行版提供额外的付费支持)。你可以使用付费的专业支持为你提供培训和咨询
13. **报告和警告** - 最后,你必须能够看到备份的报告,当前的工作状态,也能够在备份出错的时候提供警告。 13. **报告和警告** - 最后,你必须能够看到备份的报告,当前的工作状态,也能够在备份出错的时候提供警告。
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Linux 和类Unix 系统上5个极品的开源软件备份工具
### Amanda - 又一个客户端服务器备份工具 ### ### Amanda - 又一个客户端服务器备份工具 ###
AMANDA 是 Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver 的缩写。它允许系统管理员创建一个单独的服务器来备份网络上的其他主机到磁带驱动器或硬盘或者是自动转换器。 AMANDA 是 Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver 的缩写。它允许系统管理员创建一个单独的备份服务器来将网络上的其他主机的数据备份到磁带驱动器、硬盘或者是自动换盘器。
- 操作系统:支持跨平台运行。 - 操作系统:支持跨平台运行。
- 备份级别:完全,差异,增量,合并。 - 备份级别:完全,差异,增量,合并。
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ AMANDA 是 Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver 的缩写。它允
### Backupninja - 轻量级备份系统 ### ### Backupninja - 轻量级备份系统 ###
Backupninja 是一个简单易用的备份系统。你可以简单的拖放配置文件到 /etc/backup.d/ 目录来备份多个主机。 Backupninja 是一个简单易用的备份系统。你可以简单的拖放一个配置文件到 /etc/backup.d/ 目录来备份多个主机。
![]( ![](
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Backupninja 是一个简单易用的备份系统。你可以简单的拖放配
### Backuppc - 高效的客户端服务器备份工具### ### Backuppc - 高效的客户端服务器备份工具###
Backuppc 可以用来备份基于LInux 和Windows 系统的主服务器硬盘。它配备了一个巧妙的池计划来最大限度的减少磁盘储存,磁盘I/O 和网络I/O。 Backuppc 可以用来备份基于Linux 和Windows 系统的主服务器硬盘。它配备了一个巧妙的池计划来最大限度的减少磁盘储存、磁盘 I/O 和网络I/O。
![]( ![](
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Backuppc 可以用来备份基于LInux 和Windows 系统的主服务器硬盘。
### UrBackup - 最容易配置的客户端服务器系统 ### ### UrBackup - 最容易配置的客户端服务器系统 ###
UrBackup 是一个非常容易配置的开源客户端服务器备份系统,通过图像和文件备份的组合完成了数据安全性和快速的恢复。你的文件可以通过Web界面或者是在Windows资源管理器中恢复而驱动卷的备份用引导CD或者是USB 棒来恢复(逻辑恢复)。一个Web 界面使得配置你自己的备份服务变得非常简单。 UrBackup 是一个非常容易配置的开源客户端服务器备份系统,通过镜像 方式和文件备份的组合完成了数据安全性和快速的恢复。磁盘卷备份可以使用可引导 CD 或U盘通过Web界面或Windows资源管理器来恢复你的文件硬恢复。一个 Web 界面使得配置你自己的备份服务变得非常简单。
![]( ![](
@ -129,19 +129,19 @@ UrBackup 是一个非常容易配置的开源客户端服务器备份系统,
### 其他供你考虑的一些极好用的开源备份软件 ### ### 其他供你考虑的一些极好用的开源备份软件 ###
AmandaBacula 和上面所提到的软件都是功能丰富,但是配置比较复杂对于一些小的网络或者是单独的服务器。我建议你学习和使用一下的备份软件: AmandaBacula 和上面所提到的这些软件功能都很丰富,但是对于一些小的网络或者是单独的服务器来说配置比较复杂。我建议你学习和使用一下的下面这些备份软件:
1. [Rsnapshot][10] - 我建议用这个作为对本地和远程的文件系统快照工具。查看[怎么设置和使用这个工具在Debian 和Ubuntu linux][11]和[基于CentOSRHEL 的操作系统][12]。 1. [Rsnapshot][10] - 我建议用这个作为对本地和远程的文件系统快照工具。看看[在Debian 和Ubuntu linux][11]和[基于CentOSRHEL 的操作系统][12]怎么设置和使用这个工具
2. [rdiff-backup][13] - 另一个好用的类Unix 远程增量备份工具。 2. [rdiff-backup][13] - 另一个好用的类Unix 远程增量备份工具。
3. [Burp][14] - Burp 是一个网络备份和恢复程序。它使用了librsync来节省网络流量和节省每个备份占用的空间。它也使用了VSS卷影复制服务在备份Windows计算机时进行快照。 3. [Burp][14] - Burp 是一个网络备份和恢复程序。它使用了librsync来节省网络流量和节省每个备份占用的空间。它也使用了VSS卷影复制服务在备份Windows计算机时进行快照。
4. [Duplicity][15] - 伟大的加密和高效的备份类Unix操作系统。查看如何[安装Duplicity来加密云备份][16]来获取更多的信息。 4. [Duplicity][15] - 伟大的加密和高效的备份类Unix操作系统。查看如何[安装Duplicity来加密云备份][16]来获取更多的信息。
5. [SafeKeep][17] - SafeKeep是一个集中和易于使用的备份应用程序,结合了镜像和增量备份最佳功能的备份应用程序。 5. [SafeKeep][17] - SafeKeep是一个中心化的、易于使用的备份应用程序,结合了镜像和增量备份最佳功能的备份应用程序。
6. [DREBS][18] - DREBS 是EBS定期快照的工具。它被设计成在EBS快照所连接的EC2主机上运行。 6. [DREBS][18] - DREBS 是EBS定期快照的工具。它被设计成在EBS快照所连接的EC2主机上运行。
7. 古老的unix 程序像rsync tar cpio mt 和dump。 7. 古老的unix 程序像rsync tar cpio mt 和dump。
###结论### ###结论###
我希望你会发现这篇有用的文章来备份你的数据。不要忘了验证你的备份和创建多个数据备份。然而,对于磁盘阵列并不是一个备份解决方案。使用任何一个上面提到的程序来备份你的服务器,桌面和笔记本电脑和私人的移动设备。如果你知道其他任何开源的备份软件我没有提到的,请分享在评论里。 我希望你会发现这篇有用的文章来备份你的数据。不要忘了验证你的备份和创建多个数据备份。注意,磁盘阵列并不是一个备份解决方案!使用任何一个上面提到的程序来备份你的服务器、桌面和笔记本电脑和私人的移动设备。如果你知道其他任何开源的备份软件我没有提到的,请分享在评论里。
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@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ via:
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
怎么让某些人进入 21 世纪就这么难呢?真是的...
我快 56 岁了,也就是大部分年轻人会以为的我将时不时朝他们发出诸如“滚出我的草坪”之类歇斯底里咆哮的年龄。但事实并非如此 —— 我发现,尤其是在技术背景之下,我变得与我的年龄非常不相称。
在我这个年龄的大部分人确实变成了爱发牢骚、墨守成规的老顽固。并且,尴尬的是,偶尔我会成为那个打断谈话的人,我会指出他们某个在 1995 年或者在某些特殊情况下1985 年)时很适合的方法... 几十年后的今天就不再是好方法了。
那么,现在我们来讨论下 GNU 更新日志文件ChangeLog这件事。在 1985 年的时候,这是一个不错的主意,甚至可以说是必须的。当时的想法是用单独的更新日志条目来记录多个相关文件的变更情况。用这种方式来对那些存在版本缺失或者非常原始的版本进行版本控制确实不错。当时我也*在场*,所以我知道这些。
不过即使到了 1995 年,甚至 21 世纪早期许多版本控制系统仍然没有太大改进。也就是说这些版本控制系统并非对批量文件的变化进行分组再保存到一条记录上而是对每个变化的文件分别进行记录并保存到不同的地方。CVS当时被广泛使用的版本控制系统仅仅是模拟日志变更 —— 并且在这方面表现得很糟糕,导致大多数人不再依赖这个功能。即便如此,更新日志文件的出现依然是必要的。
但随后,版本控制系统 Subversion 于 2003 年发布 beta 版,并于 2004 年发布 1.0 正式版Subversion 真正实现了更新日志记录功能得到了人们的广泛认可。它与一年后兴起的分布式版本控制系统Distributed Version Control SystemDVCS共同引发了主流世界的激烈争论。因为如果你在项目上同时使用了分布式版本控制与更新日志文件记录的功能它们将会因为争夺相同元数据的控制权而产生不可预料的冲突。
第三种办法是尝试同时使用以上两种方法 —— 在更新日志条目中以稍微变化后的的格式复制一份评论数据将其作为评论提交的一部分。这会导致各种你意想不到的问题最具代表性的就是它不符合“真理的单点性single point of truth”原理只要其中有拷贝文件损坏或者日志文件条目被修改这就不再是同步时数据匹配的问题它将导致在其后参与进来的人试图搞清人们是怎么想的时候变得非常困惑。LCTT 译注:《[程序员修炼之道][1]》The Pragmatic Programmer任何一个知识点在系统内都应当有一个唯一、明确、权威的表述。根据Brian Kernighan的建议把这个原则称为“真理的单点性Single Point of Truth”或者SPOT原则。
当时我读到邮件的时候都要吐了。什么样的傻瓜才会意识不到这是自找麻烦 —— 事实上,在 DVCS 中针对可靠的提交日志有很好的浏览工具,围绕更新日志文件的整个定制措施只会成为负担和拖累。
唉,这是比较特殊的笨蛋:变老的并且思维僵化了的黑客。所有的合理化改革他都会极力反对。他所遵循的行事方法在几十年前是有效的,但现在只能适得其反。如果你试图向他解释这些不仅仅和 git 的摘要信息有关,同时还为了正确适应当前的工具集,以便实现更新日志的去条目化... 呵呵,那你就准备好迎接无法忍受、无法想象的疯狂对话吧。
的确,它成功激怒了我。这样那样的胡言乱语使这个项目变成了很难完成的工作。而且,同样的糟糕还体现在他们吸引年轻开发者的过程中,我认为这是真正的问题。相关 Google+ 社区的人员数量已经达到了 4 位数,他们大部分都是孩子,还没有成长起来。显然外界已经接受了这样的信息:这个项目的开发者都是部落中地位根深蒂固的崇高首领,最好的崇拜方式就是远远的景仰着他们。
这件事给我的最大触动就是每当我要和这些部落首领较量时,我都会想:有一天我也会这样吗?或者更糟的是,我看到的只是如同镜子一般对我自己的真实写照,而我自己却浑然不觉?我的意思是,我所得到的印象来自于他的网站,这个特殊的笨蛋要比我年轻。年轻至少 15 岁呢。
我总是认为自己的思路很清晰。当我和那些比我聪明的人打交道时我不会受挫我只会因为那些思路跟不上我、看不清事实的人而沮丧。但这种自信也许只是邓宁·克鲁格效应Dunning-Krueger effect在我身上的消极影响我并不确定这意味着什么。很少有什么事情会让我感到害怕而这件事在让我害怕的事情名单上是名列前茅的。
我不确定我的职业生涯会不会完美收场。假如我最后成功避免了思维僵化(注意我说的是假如),我想我一定知道其中的部分原因,但我不确定这种模式是否可以被复制 —— 为了达成目的也许得在你的头脑中发生一些复杂的化学反应。尽管如此,无论对错,请听听我给年轻黑客以及其他有志青年的建议。
有种说法是中年人锻炼身体的最佳时机是 30 岁以前。我以为同样的方法,坚持我以上所说的习惯能让你在 56 岁,甚至 65 岁的时候仍然保持灵活的头脑。挑战你的极限,使不断地挑战自己成为一种习惯。立刻离开安乐窝,由此当你以后真正需要它的时候你可以建立起自己的安乐窝。
你必须要清楚的了解这点;还有一个可选择的挑战是你选择一个可以实现的目标并且为了这个目标不断努力。这个月我要学习 Go 语言。不是指游戏,我早就玩儿过了(虽然玩儿的不是太好)。并不是因为工作需要,而是因为我觉得是时候来扩展下我自己了。
作者:[Eric Raymond][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
================================================================================ ================================================================================
你能快速定位CPU性能回退的问题么 如果你的工作环境非常复杂且变化快速,那么使用现有的工具是来定位这类问题是很具有挑战性的。当你花掉数周时间把根因找到时,代码已经又变更了好几轮,新的性能问题又冒了出来。 你能快速定位CPU性能回退的问题么 如果你的工作环境非常复杂且变化快速,那么使用现有的工具是来定位这类问题是很具有挑战性的。当你花掉数周时间把根因找到时,代码已经又变更了好几轮,新的性能问题又冒了出来。
辛亏有了[CPU火焰图][1]flame graphs,CPU使用率的问题一般都比较好定位。但要处理性能回退问题就要在修改前后的火焰图间不断切换对比来找出问题所在这感觉就是像在太阳系中搜寻冥王星。虽然这种方法可以解决问题但我觉得应该会有更好的办法。 幸亏有了[CPU火焰图][1]flame graphsCPU使用率的问题一般都比较好定位。但要处理性能回退问题就要在修改前后的火焰图间,不断切换对比,来找出问题所在,这感觉就是像在太阳系中搜寻冥王星。虽然,这种方法可以解决问题,但我觉得应该会有更好的办法。
所以,下面就隆重介绍**红/蓝差分火焰图red/blue differential flame graphs** 所以,下面就隆重介绍**红/蓝差分火焰图red/blue differential flame graphs**
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
这张火焰图中各火焰的形状和大小都是和第二次抓取的profile文件对应的CPU火焰图是相同的。其中y轴表示栈的深度x轴表示样本的总数栈帧的宽度表示了profile文件中该函数出现的比例最顶层表示正在运行的函数再往下就是调用它的栈 这张火焰图中各火焰的形状和大小都是和第二次抓取的profile文件对应的CPU火焰图是相同的。其中y轴表示栈的深度x轴表示样本的总数栈帧的宽度表示了profile文件中该函数出现的比例最顶层表示正在运行的函数再往下就是调用它的栈
在下面这个案例展示了,在系统升级后,一个工作载的CPU使用率上升了。 下面是对应的CPU火焰图[SVG格式][4] 在下面这个案例展示了,在系统升级后,一个工作载的CPU使用率上升了。 下面是对应的CPU火焰图[SVG格式][4]
<p><object data="" type="image/svg+xml" width=720 height=296> <p><object data="" type="image/svg+xml" width=720 height=296>
<img src="" width=720 /> <img src="" width=720 />
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
通常,在标准的火焰图中栈帧和栈塔的颜色是随机选择的。 而在红/蓝差分火焰图中使用不同的颜色来表示两个profile文件中的差异部分。 通常,在标准的火焰图中栈帧和栈塔的颜色是随机选择的。 而在红/蓝差分火焰图中使用不同的颜色来表示两个profile文件中的差异部分。
在第二个profile中deflate_slow()函数以及它后续调用的函数运行的次数要比前一次更多所以在上图中这个栈帧被标为了红色。可以看出问题的原因是ZFS的压缩功能被使能了,而在系统升级前这项功能是关闭的。 在第二个profile中deflate_slow()函数以及它后续调用的函数运行的次数要比前一次更多所以在上图中这个栈帧被标为了红色。可以看出问题的原因是ZFS的压缩功能被启用了,而在系统升级前这项功能是关闭的。
这个例子过于简单我甚至可以不用差分火焰图也能分析出来。但想象一下如果是在分析一个微小的性能下降比如说小于5%,而且代码也更加复杂的时候,问题就为那么好处理了。 这个例子过于简单我甚至可以不用差分火焰图也能分析出来。但想象一下如果是在分析一个微小的性能下降比如说小于5%,而且代码也更加复杂的时候,问题就为那么好处理了。
@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ difffolded.p只能对“折叠”过的堆栈profile文件进行操作折叠
在上面的例子中"func_a()->func_b()->func_c()" 代表调用栈这个调用栈在profile1文件中共出现了31次在profile2文件中共出现了33次。然后使用flamegraph.pl脚本处理这3列数据会自动生成一张红/蓝差分火焰图。 在上面的例子中"func_a()->func_b()->func_c()" 代表调用栈这个调用栈在profile1文件中共出现了31次在profile2文件中共出现了33次。然后使用flamegraph.pl脚本处理这3列数据会自动生成一张红/蓝差分火焰图。
### 其他选项 ### ### 其他选项 ###
再介绍一些有用的选项: 再介绍一些有用的选项:
** -n**这个选项会把两个profile文件中的数据规范化使其能相互匹配上。如果你不这样做抓取到所有栈的统计值肯定会不相同因为抓取的时间和CPU负载都不同。这样的话看上去要么就是一片红负载增加要么就是一片蓝负载下降。-n选项对第一个profile文件进行了平衡这样你就可以得到完整红/蓝图谱。 ** -n**这个选项会把两个profile文件中的数据规范化使其能相互匹配上。如果你不这样做抓取到所有栈的统计值肯定会不相同因为抓取的时间和CPU负载都不同。这样的话看上去要么就是一片红负载增加要么就是一片蓝负载下降。-n选项对第一个profile文件进行了平衡这样你就可以得到完整红/蓝图谱。
** -x**: 这个选项会把16进制的地址删掉。 profiler时常会无法将地址转换为符号这样的话栈里就会有16进制地址。如果这个地址在两个profile文件中不同这两个栈就会认为是不同的栈而实际上它们是相同的。遇到这样的问题就用-x选项搞定。 ** -x**: 这个选项会把16进制的地址删掉。 profiler时常会无法将地址转换为符号这样的话栈里就会有16进制地址。如果这个地址在两个profile文件中不同这两个栈就会认为是不同的栈而实际上它们是相同的。遇到这样的问题就用-x选项搞定。
@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ difffolded.p只能对“折叠”过的堆栈profile文件进行操作折叠
** --negate**: 用于颠倒红/蓝配色。 在下面的章节中,会用到这个功能。 ** --negate**: 用于颠倒红/蓝配色。 在下面的章节中,会用到这个功能。
### 不足之处 ### ### 不足之处 ###
虽然我的红/蓝差分火焰图很有用但实际上还是有一个问题如果一个代码执行路径完全消失了那么在火焰图中就找不到地方来标注蓝色。你只能看到当前的CPU使用情况而不知道为什么会变成这样。 虽然我的红/蓝差分火焰图很有用但实际上还是有一个问题如果一个代码执行路径完全消失了那么在火焰图中就找不到地方来标注蓝色。你只能看到当前的CPU使用情况而不知道为什么会变成这样。
一个办法是,将对比顺序颠倒,画一个相反的差分火焰图。例如: 一个办法是,将对比顺序颠倒,画一个相反的差分火焰图。例如:
@ -95,12 +98,13 @@ difffolded.p只能对“折叠”过的堆栈profile文件进行操作折叠
这样把前面生成diff2.svg一并使用我们就能得到 这样把前面生成diff2.svg一并使用我们就能得到
- **diff1.svg**: 宽度是以修改前profile文件为基准, 颜色表明将要发生的情况 - **diff1.svg**: 宽度是以修改前profile文件为基准颜色表明将要发生的情况
- **diff2.svg**: 宽度以修改后profile文件为基准颜色表明已经发生的情况 - **diff2.svg**: 宽度以修改后profile文件为基准颜色表明已经发生的情况
如果是在做功能验证测试,我会同时生成这两张图。 如果是在做功能验证测试,我会同时生成这两张图。
### CPI 火焰图 ### ### CPI 火焰图 ###
这些脚本开始是被使用在[CPI火焰图][8]的分析上。与比较修改前后的profile文件不同在分析CPI火焰图时可以分析CPU工作周期与停顿周期的差异变化这样可以凸显出CPU的工作状态来。 这些脚本开始是被使用在[CPI火焰图][8]的分析上。与比较修改前后的profile文件不同在分析CPI火焰图时可以分析CPU工作周期与停顿周期的差异变化这样可以凸显出CPU的工作状态来。
### 其他的差分火焰图 ### ### 其他的差分火焰图 ###
@ -110,6 +114,7 @@ difffolded.p只能对“折叠”过的堆栈profile文件进行操作折叠
也有其他人做过类似的工作。[Robert Mustacchi][10]在不久前也做了一些尝试他使用的方法类似于代码检视时的标色风格只显示了差异的部分红色表示新增上升的代码路径蓝色表示删除下降的代码路径。一个关键的差别是栈帧的宽度只体现了差异的样本数。右边是一个例子。这个是个很好的主意但在实际使用中会感觉有点奇怪因为缺失了完整profile文件的上下文作为背景这张图显得有些难以理解。 也有其他人做过类似的工作。[Robert Mustacchi][10]在不久前也做了一些尝试他使用的方法类似于代码检视时的标色风格只显示了差异的部分红色表示新增上升的代码路径蓝色表示删除下降的代码路径。一个关键的差别是栈帧的宽度只体现了差异的样本数。右边是一个例子。这个是个很好的主意但在实际使用中会感觉有点奇怪因为缺失了完整profile文件的上下文作为背景这张图显得有些难以理解。
[![](][12] [![](][12]
Cor-Paul Bezemer也制作了一种差分显示方法[flamegraphdiff][13]他同时将3张火焰图放在同一张图中修改前后的标准火焰图各一张下面再补充了一张差分火焰图但栈帧宽度也是差异的样本数。 上图是一个[例子][14]。在差分图中将鼠标移到栈帧上3张图中同一栈帧都会被高亮显示。这种方法中补充了两张标准的火焰图因此解决了上下文的问题。 Cor-Paul Bezemer也制作了一种差分显示方法[flamegraphdiff][13]他同时将3张火焰图放在同一张图中修改前后的标准火焰图各一张下面再补充了一张差分火焰图但栈帧宽度也是差异的样本数。 上图是一个[例子][14]。在差分图中将鼠标移到栈帧上3张图中同一栈帧都会被高亮显示。这种方法中补充了两张标准的火焰图因此解决了上下文的问题。
我们3人的差分火焰图都各有所长。三者可以结合起来使用Cor-Paul方法中上方的两张图可以用我的diff1.svg 和 diff2.svg。下方的火焰图可以用Robert的方式。为保持一致性下方的火焰图可以用我的着色方式蓝->白->红。 我们3人的差分火焰图都各有所长。三者可以结合起来使用Cor-Paul方法中上方的两张图可以用我的diff1.svg 和 diff2.svg。下方的火焰图可以用Robert的方式。为保持一致性下方的火焰图可以用我的着色方式蓝->白->红。
@ -128,7 +133,7 @@ via:
作者:[Brendan Gregg][a] 作者:[Brendan Gregg][a]
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@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
![]( ![](
然后 4 会被插入到文件中。 然后计算结果“4 ”会被插入到文件中。
### 查找重复的连续的单词 ### ### 查找重复的连续的单词 ###
当你很快地打字时,很有可能会连续输入同一个单词两次,就像 this this。这种错误可能骗过任何一个人即使是你自己重新阅读一也不可避免。幸运的是,有一个简单的正则表达式可以用来预防这个错误。使用搜索命令(默认时 `/`)然后输入: 当你很快地打字时,很有可能会连续输入同一个单词两次,就像 this this。这种错误可能骗过任何一个人即使是你自己重新阅读一也不可避免。幸运的是,有一个简单的正则表达式可以用来预防这个错误。使用搜索命令(默认时 `/`)然后输入:
\(\<\w\+\>\)\_s*\1 \(\<\w\+\>\)\_s*\1
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
`gg` 把光标移动到 Vim 缓冲区的第一行,`V` 进入可视模式,`G` 把光标移动到缓冲区的最后一行。因此,`ggVG` 使可视模式覆盖这个当前缓冲区。最后 `g?` 使用 ROT13 对整个区域进行编码。 `gg` 把光标移动到 Vim 缓冲区的第一行,`V` 进入可视模式,`G` 把光标移动到缓冲区的最后一行。因此,`ggVG` 使可视模式覆盖这个当前缓冲区。最后 `g?` 使用 ROT13 对整个区域进行编码。
注意它应该被映射到一个最长使用的键。它对字母符号也可以很好地工作。要对它进行撤销,最好的方法就是使用撤销命令:`u`。 注意它可以被映射到一个最常使用的键。它对字母符号也可以很好地工作。要对它进行撤销,最好的方法就是使用撤销命令:`u`。
###自动补全 ### ###自动补全 ###
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
### 按时间回退文件 ### ### 按时间回退文件 ###
Vim 会记录文件的更改,你很容易可以回退到之前某个时间。该命令相当直观的。比如: Vim 会记录文件的更改,你很容易可以回退到之前某个时间。该命令相当直观的。比如:
:earlier 1m :earlier 1m
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Vim 会记录文件的更改,你很容易可以回退到之前某个时间。
### 删除标记内部的文字 ### ### 删除标记内部的文字 ###
当我开始使用 Vim 时一件我总是想很方便做的事情是如何轻松的删除方括号或圆括号里的内容。转到开始的标记,然后使用下面的语法: 当我开始使用 Vim 时一件我总是想很方便做的事情是如何轻松的删除方括号或圆括号里的内容。转到开始的标记,然后使用下面的语法:
di[标记] di[标记]
@ -164,11 +164,11 @@ Vim 会记录文件的更改,你很容易可以回退到之前某个时间。
### 把光标下的文字置于屏幕中央 ### ### 把光标下的文字置于屏幕中央 ###
所有要做的事情都包含在标题中。如果你想强制滚动屏幕来把光标下的文字置于屏幕的中央,在可视模式中使用命令(译者注:在普通模式中也可以): 我们所要做的事情如标题所示。如果你想强制滚动屏幕来把光标下的文字置于屏幕的中央,在可视模式中使用命令(译者注:在普通模式中也可以):
zz zz
### 跳到上一个/下一个 位置 ### ### 跳到上一个/下一个位置 ###
当你编辑一个很大的文件时,经常要做的事是在某处进行修改,然后跳到另外一处。如果你想跳回之前修改的地方,使用命令: 当你编辑一个很大的文件时,经常要做的事是在某处进行修改,然后跳到另外一处。如果你想跳回之前修改的地方,使用命令:
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ Vim 会记录文件的更改,你很容易可以回退到之前某个时间。
总的来说,这一系列命令是在我读了许多论坛主题和 [Vim Tips wiki][3](如果你想学习更多关于编辑器的知识,我非常推荐这篇文章) 之后收集起来的。 总的来说,这一系列命令是在我读了许多论坛主题和 [Vim Tips wiki][3](如果你想学习更多关于编辑器的知识,我非常推荐这篇文章) 之后收集起来的。
如果你还知道哪些非常有用但你认为大多数人并不知道的命令,可以随意在评论中分享出来。就像引言中所说的,一个“鲜为人知但很有用的”命令是很主观的,但分享出来总是好的。 如果你还知道哪些非常有用但你认为大多数人并不知道的命令,可以随意在评论中分享出来。就像引言中所说的,一个“鲜为人知但很有用的”命令也许只是你自己的看法,但分享出来总是好的。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ via:
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a] 作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
译者:[wangjiezhe]( 译者:[wangjiezhe](
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@ -1,37 +1,40 @@
四招搞定Linux内核热补丁 不重启不当机Linux内核热补丁的四种技术
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![Credit: Shutterstock]( ![Credit: Shutterstock](
Credit: Shutterstock
多种技术在竞争成为实现inux内核热补丁的最优方案。 供图: Shutterstock
没人喜欢重启机器,尤其是涉及到一个内核问题的最新补丁程序。 没人喜欢重启机器,尤其是涉及到一个内核问题的最新补丁程序。
### Ksplice项目 ### ### Ksplice项目 ###
首先要介绍的项目是Ksplice它是热补丁技术的创始者并于2008年建立了与项目同名的公司。Ksplice在替换新内核时不需要预先修改只需要一个diff文件将内核的修改点列全即可。Ksplice公司免费提供软件但技术支持是需要收费的目前能够支持大部分常用的Linux发行版本。 首先要介绍的项目是Ksplice它是热补丁技术的创始者并于2008年建立了与项目同名的公司。Ksplice在替换新内核时不需要预先修改只需要一个diff文件列出内核即将接受的修改即可。Ksplice公司免费提供软件但技术支持是需要收费的目前能够支持大部分常用的Linux发行版本。
但在2011年[Oracle收购了这家公司][1]后,情况发生了变化。 这项功能被合入到Oracle的Linux发行版本中且只对Oralcle的版本提供技术更新。 这就导致其他内核hacker们开始寻找替代Ksplice的方法以避免缴纳Oracle税。 但在2011年[Oracle收购了这家公司][1]后,情况发生了变化。 这项功能被合入到Oracle自己的Linux发行版本中只对Oralcle自己提供技术更新。 这就导致其他内核hacker们开始寻找替代Ksplice的方法以避免缴纳Oracle税。
### Kgraft项目 ### ### Kgraft项目 ###
2014年2月Suse提供了一个很好的解决方案[Kgraft][2]该技术以GPLv2/GPLv3混合许可证发布且Suse不会将其作为一个专有的实现。Kgraft被[提交][3]到Linux内核主线很有可能被内核主线采用。目前Suse已经把此技术集成到[Suse Linux Enterprise Server 12][4]。 2014年2月Suse提供了一个很好的解决方案[Kgraft][2],该内核更新技术以GPLv2/GPLv3混合许可证发布且Suse不会将其作为一个专有发明封闭起来。Kgraft被[提交][3]到Linux内核主线很有可能被内核主线采用。目前Suse已经把此技术集成到[Suse Linux Enterprise Server 12][4]。
Kgraft和Ksplice在工作原理上很相似都是使用一组diff文件来计算内核中需要修改的部分。但与Ksplice不同的是Kgraft在做替换时不需要完全停止内核。 在打补丁时,正在运行的函数可以先使用老版本中对应的部分,当补丁打完后就可以切换新的版本。 Kgraft和Ksplice在工作原理上很相似都是使用一组diff文件来计算内核中需要修改的部分。但与Ksplice不同的是Kgraft在做替换时不需要完全停止内核。 在打补丁时,正在运行的函数可以先使用老版本或新内核中对应的部分,当补丁打完后就可以完全切换新的版本。
### Kpatch项目 ### ### Kpatch项目 ###
Red Hat也提出了他们的内核热补丁技术。同样是在今年年初 -- 与Suse在这方面的工作差不多 -- [Kpatch][5]的工作原理也和Kgraft相似。 Red Hat也提出了他们的内核热补丁技术。同样是在2014年初 -- 与Suse在这方面的工作差不多 -- [Kpatch][5]的工作原理也和Kgraft相似。
主要的区别点在于正如Red Hat的Josh Poimboeuf[总结][6]的那样Kpatch不将内核调用重定向到老版本。相反它会等待所有函数调用都停止时再切换到新内核。Red Hat的工程师认为这种方法更为安全且更容易维护缺点就是在打补丁的过程中会带来更大的延迟。 主要的区别点在于正如Red Hat的Josh Poimboeuf[总结][6]的那样Kpatch不将内核调用重定向到老版本。相反它会等待所有函数调用都停止时再切换到新内核。Red Hat的工程师认为这种方法更为安全且更容易维护缺点就是在打补丁的过程中会带来更大的延迟。
和Kgraft一样Kpatch不仅仅能在Red Hat的发行版本上可以使用,同时也被提交到了内核主线,作为一个可能的候选。 坏消息是Red Hat还未将此技术集成到产品中。 它只是被合入到了Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7的技术预览版中。 和Kgraft一样Kpatch不仅仅可以在Red Hat的发行版本上使用,同时也被提交到了内核主线,作为一个可能的候选。 坏消息是Red Hat还未将此技术集成到产品中。 它只是被合入到了Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7的技术预览版中。
### ...也许 Kgraft + Kpatch更合适? ### ### ...也许 Kgraft + Kpatch更合适? ###
Red Hat的工程师Seth Jennings在2014年11月初提出了[第四种解决方案][7]。将Kgraft和Kpatch结合起来, 补丁包用这两种方式都可以。在新的方法中Jennings提出“热补丁核心为其他内核模块提供了热补丁的注册机制”, 通过这种方法,打补丁的过程 -- 更准确的说,如何处理运行时内核调用 --可以被更加有序的进行 Red Hat的工程师Seth Jennings在2014年11月初提出了[第四种解决方案][7]。将Kgraft和Kpatch结合起来, 补丁包用这两种方式都可以。在新的方法中Jennings提出“热补丁核心为其他内核模块提供了一个热补丁的注册接口”, 通过这种方法,打补丁的过程 -- 更准确的说,如何处理运行时内核调用 --可以被更加有序的组织起来
这项新建议也意味着两个方案都还需要更长的时间才能被linux内核正式采纳。尽管Suse步子迈得更快并把Kgraft应用到了最新的enterprise版本中。让我们也关注一下Red Hat和Linux官方近期的动态 这项新建议也意味着两个方案都还需要更长的时间才能被linux内核正式采纳。尽管Suse步子迈得更快并把Kgraft应用到了最新的enterprise版本中。让我们也关注一下Red Hat和Canonical近期是否会跟进
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@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ via:
作者:[Serdar Yegulalp][a] 作者:[Serdar Yegulalp][a]
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@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to disable Apport internal error reporting on Ubuntu Linux有问必答如何禁止Ubuntu的Apport内部错误报告程序
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> **问题**在桌面版Ubuntu中我经常遇到一些弹窗窗口警告我Ubuntu发生了内部错误问我要不要发送错误报告。每次软件崩溃都要烦扰我我如何才能关掉这个错误报告功能呢 > **问题**在桌面版Ubuntu中我经常遇到一些弹窗窗口警告我Ubuntu发生了内部错误问我要不要发送错误报告。每次软件崩溃都要烦扰我我如何才能关掉这个错误报告功能呢
Ubuntu桌面版预装了Apport它是一个错误收集系统会收集软件崩溃、未处理异常和其他包括程序bug并为调试目的生成崩溃报告。当一个应用程序崩溃或者出现Bug时候Apport就会通过弹窗警告用户并且询问用户是否提交崩溃报告。你也许也看到过下面的消息。 Ubuntu桌面版预装了Apport它是一个错误收集系统会收集软件崩溃、未处理异常和其他包括程序bug并为调试目的生成崩溃报告。当一个应用程序崩溃或者出现Bug时候Apport就会通过弹窗警告用户并且询问用户是否提交崩溃报告。你也许也看到过下面的消息。
- "Sorry, the application XXXX has closed unexpectedly." - "Sorry, the application XXXX has closed unexpectedly."
- "对不起应用程序XXXX意外关闭了" - "对不起应用程序XXXX意外关闭了"
- "Sorry, Ubuntu XX.XX has experienced an internal error." - "Sorry, Ubuntu XX.XX has experienced an internal error."
- "对不起Ubuntu XX.XX 经历了一个内部错误" - "对不起Ubuntu XX.XX 发生了一个内部错误。"
- "System program problem detected." - "System program problem detected."
- "系统程序问题发现" - "检测到系统程序问题。"
![]( ![](
也许因为应用一直崩溃频繁的错误报告会使人心烦。也许你担心Apport会收集和上传你的Ubuntu系统的敏感信息。无论什么原因需要关掉Apport的错误报告功能。 也许因为应用一直崩溃频繁的错误报告会使人心烦。也许你担心Apport会收集和上传你的Ubuntu系统的敏感信息。无论什么原因关掉Apport的错误报告功能。
### 临时关闭Apport错误报告 ### ### 临时关闭Apport错误报告 ###
@ -41,6 +40,6 @@ Ubuntu桌面版预安装了Apport它是一个错误收集系统会收集
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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
Traslated by H-mudcup 美国海军陆战队要把雷达操作系统从Windows XP换成Linux
美国海军陆战队想把雷达操作系统从Windows XP换成Linux
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**一个新的雷达系统已经被送回去升级了** **一个新的雷达系统已经被送回去升级了**
@ -18,13 +16,13 @@ Traslated by H-mudcup
>一谈到稳定性和性能没什么能真的比得过Linux。这就是为什么美国海军陆战队的领导们已经决定让Northrop Grumman Corp. Electronic Systems把新送到的地面/空中任务导向雷达G/ATOR的操作系统从Windows XP换成Linux。 >一谈到稳定性和性能没什么能真的比得过Linux。这就是为什么美国海军陆战队的领导们已经决定让Northrop Grumman Corp. Electronic Systems把新送到的地面/空中任务导向雷达G/ATOR的操作系统从Windows XP换成Linux。
地面/空中任务导向雷达G/ATOR系统已经研制了很多年。很可能在这项工程启动的时候Windows XP被认为是合理的选择。在研制的这段时间事情发生了变化。微软已经撤销了对Windows XP的支持而且只有极少的几个组织会使用它。操作系统要么升级要么被换掉。在这种情况下Linux成了合理的选择。特别是当替换的费用很可能远远少于更新的费用。 地面/空中任务导向雷达G/ATOR系统已经研制了很多年。很可能在这项工程启动的时候Windows XP被认为是合理的选择。在研制的这段时间事情发生了变化。微软已经撤销了对Windows XP的支持而且只有极少的几个组织会使用它。操作系统要么升级要么被换掉。在这种情况下Linux成了合理的选择。特别是当替换的费用很可能远远少于更新的费用。
有个很有趣的地方值得注意一下。地面/空中任务导向雷达G/ATOR才刚刚送到美国海军陆战队但是制造它的公司却还是选择了保留这个过时的操作系统。一定有人注意到的这样一个事实。这是一个糟糕的决定并且指挥系统已经被告知了可能出现的问题了。 有个很有趣的地方值得注意一下。地面/空中任务导向雷达G/ATOR才刚刚送到美国海军陆战队但是制造它的公司却还是选择了保留这个过时的操作系统。一定有人注意到的这样一个事实。这是一个糟糕的决定并且指挥系统已经被告知了可能出现的问题了。
### G/ATOR雷达的软件将是基于Linux的 ### ### G/ATOR雷达的软件将是基于Linux的 ###
Unix类系统比如基于BSD或者基于Linux的操作系统通常会出现在条件苛刻的领域或者任何情况下都不失败的的技术中。例如这就是为什么大多数的服务器都运行着Linux。一个雷达系统配上一个几乎不可能崩溃的操作系统看起来非常相配。 Unix类系统比如基于BSD或者基于Linux的操作系统通常会出现在条件苛刻的领域或者任何情况下都不允许失败的的技术中。例如这就是为什么大多数的服务器都运行着Linux。一个雷达系统配上一个几乎不可能崩溃的操作系统看起来非常相配。
“弗吉尼亚州Quantico海军基地海军陆战队系统司令部的官员在周三宣布了一项与Northrop Grumman Corp. Electronic Systems在林西科姆高地的部分的总经理签订的价值1020万美元的修正合同。这个合同的修改将包括这样一项把G/ATOR的控制电脑从微软的Windows XP操作系统换成与国防信息局DISA兼容的Linux操作系统。” “弗吉尼亚州Quantico海军基地海军陆战队系统司令部的官员在周三宣布了一项与Northrop Grumman Corp. Electronic Systems在林西科姆高地的部分的总经理签订的价值1020万美元的修正合同。这个合同的修改将包括这样一项把G/ATOR的控制电脑从微软的Windows XP操作系统换成与国防信息局DISA兼容的Linux操作系统。”
@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ via:
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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
NetHack 也许是有史以来最好的游戏:NetHack
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## 一直以来最好的游戏? ##
**这款游戏非常容易让你上瘾。你可能需要花费一生的时间来掌握它。许多人玩了几十年也没有通关。欢迎来到 NetHack 的世界...** **这款游戏非常容易让你上瘾。你可能需要花费一生的时间来掌握它。许多人玩了几十年也没有通关。欢迎来到 NetHack 的世界...**
不管你信不信,在 NetHack 里你见到字母 D 的时候你会被吓着。但是当你看见一个 % 的时候,你将会欣喜若狂。(忘了说 ^,你看见它将会更激动)在你寻思我们的脑子是不是烧坏了并准备关闭浏览器标签之前,请给我们一点时间解释:这些符号分别代表龙、食物以及陷阱。欢迎来到 NetHack 的世界,在这里你的想象力需要发挥巨大的作用。 不管你信不信,在 NetHack 里你见到字母 **D** 的时候你会被吓着。但是当你看见一个 **%** 的时候,你将会欣喜若狂。(忘了说 **\^**,你看见它将会更激动)在你寻思我们的脑子是不是烧坏了并准备关闭浏览器标签之前,请给我们一点时间解释:这些符号分别代表龙、食物以及陷阱。欢迎来到 NetHack 的世界,在这里你的想象力需要发挥巨大的作用。
如你所见NetHack 是一款文字模式的游戏:它仅仅使用标准终端字符集来刻画玩家、敌人、物品还有环境。游戏的图形版是存在的,不过 NetHack 的骨灰级玩家们都倾向于不去使用它们,问题在于假如你使用图形界面,当你通过 SSH 登录到你的古董级的运行着 NetBSD 的 Amiga 3000 上时你还能进行游戏吗在某些方面NetHack 和 Vi 非常相似 - 几乎被移植到了现存的所有的操作系统上,并且依赖都非常少。 如你所见NetHack 是一款文字模式的游戏:它仅仅使用标准终端字符集来刻画玩家、敌人、物品还有环境。游戏的图形版是存在的,不过 NetHack 的骨灰级玩家们都倾向于不去使用它们,问题在于假如你使用图形界面,当你通过 SSH 登录到你的古董级的运行着 NetBSD 的 Amiga 3000 上时你还能进行游戏吗在某些方面NetHack 和 Vi 非常相似 - 几乎被移植到了现存的所有的操作系统上,并且依赖都非常少。
@ -16,68 +15,68 @@ NetHack
![NetHack 界面]( ![NetHack 界面](
NetHack 界面 *NetHack 界面*
### 也许是最古老的仍在开发的游戏里 ### ### 也许是最古老的仍在开发的游戏里 ###
名非其实NetHack 并不是一款网络游戏。它只不过是基于一款出现较早的名为 Hack 的地牢探险类游戏开发出来的,而这款 Hack 游戏是 1980 年的游戏 Rogue 的后代。NetHack 在 1987 年发布了第一个版本,并于 2003 年发布了 3.4.3 版本,尽管在这期间一直没有加入新的功能,但各种补丁、插件,以及衍生作品还是在网络上疯狂流传。这使得它可以说是最古老的、拥有众多对游戏乐此不疲的粉丝的游戏。当你访问 [][1] 之后,你就会了解我们的意思了 - 骨灰级的 NetHack 的玩家们仍然聚集在一起讨论新的策略、发现和技巧。偶尔你也可以发现 NetHack 的元老级玩家在历经千辛万苦终于通关之后发出的欢呼。 名非其实NetHack 并不是一款网络游戏。它只不过是基于一款出现较早的名为 Hack 的地牢探险类游戏开发出来的,而这款 Hack 游戏是 1980 年的游戏 Rogue 的后代。NetHack 在 1987 年发布了第一个版本,并于 2003 年发布了 3.4.3 版本,尽管在这期间一直没有加入新的功能,但各种补丁、插件,以及衍生作品还是在网络上疯狂流传。这使得它可以说是最古老的、拥有众多对游戏乐此不疲的粉丝的游戏。当你访问 [][1] 之后,你就会了解我们的意思了 - 骨灰级的 NetHack 的玩家们仍然聚集在一起讨论新的策略、发现和技巧。偶尔你也可以发现 NetHack 的元老级玩家在历经千辛万苦终于通关之后发出的欢呼。
但怎样才能通关呢首先NetHack 被设定在既大又深的地牢中。游戏开始时你在最顶层 - 第 1 层 - 你的目标是不断往下深入直到你找到一个非常宝贵的物品,护身符 Yendor。通常来说 Yendor 在 第 20 层或者更深的地方,但它是可以变化的。随着你在地牢的不断深入,你会遇到各种各样的怪物、陷阱以及 NPC有些会试图杀掉你有些会挡在你前进的路上还有些... 总而言之,在你靠近 TA 们之前你永远不知道 TA 们会怎样。 但怎样才能通关呢首先NetHack 被设定在既大又深的地牢中。游戏开始时你在最顶层 - 第 1 层 - 你的目标是不断往下深入直到你找到一个非常宝贵的物品,护身符 Yendor。通常来说 Yendor 在 第 20 层或者更深的地方,但它是可以变化的。随着你在地牢的不断深入,你会遇到各种各样的怪物、陷阱以及 NPC有些会试图杀掉你有些会挡在你前进的路上还有些... 总而言之,在你靠近 TA 们之前你永远不知道 TA 们会怎样。
> 要学习的有太多太多,绝大多数物品只有在和其他物品同时使用的情况下才会发挥最好的效果。 > 要学习的有太多太多,绝大多数物品只有在和其他物品同时使用的情况下才会发挥最好的效果。
NetHack 如此引人入胜的原因是游戏中所加入的大量物品。武器、盔甲、附魔书、戒指、宝石 - 要学习的有太多太多,绝大多数物品只有在和其他物品同时使用的情况下才会发挥最好的效果。怪物在死亡后经常会掉落一些有用的物品,以及某些物品如果你不正确使用的话会产生及其不良的作用。你可以在地牢找到商店,里面有许多看似平凡实则非常有用的物品不过别指望店主能给你详细的描述。你只能靠自己的经验来了解各个物品的用途。有些物品确实没有太大用处NetHack 中有很多的恶搞元素 - 比如你可以把一块奶油砸到自己的脸上。 使 NetHack 如此引人入胜的原因是游戏中所加入的大量物品。武器、盔甲、附魔书、戒指、宝石 - 要学习的有太多太多绝大多数物品只有在和其他物品同时使用的情况下才会发挥最好的效果。怪物在死亡后经常会掉落一些有用的物品以及某些物品如果你不正确使用的话会产生及其不良的作用。你可以在地牢找到商店里面有许多看似平凡实则非常有用的物品不过别指望店主能给你详细的描述。你只能靠自己的经验来了解各个物品的用途。有些物品确实没有太大用处NetHack 中有很多的恶搞元素 - 比如你可以把一块奶油砸到自己的脸上。
不过在你踏入地牢之前NetHack 会询问你要选择哪种角色进行游戏。你可以为你接下来的地牢之行选择骑士、修道士、巫师或者卑微的旅者还有许多其他的角色类型。每种角色都有其独特的优势与弱点NetHack 的重度玩家喜欢选择那些相对较弱的角色来挑战游戏。你懂的,这样可以向其他玩家炫耀自己的实力。 不过在你踏入地牢之前NetHack 会询问你要选择哪种角色进行游戏。你可以为你接下来的地牢之行选择骑士、修道士、巫师或者卑微的旅者还有许多其他的角色类型。每种角色都有其独特的优势与弱点NetHack 的重度玩家喜欢选择那些相对较弱的角色来挑战游戏。你懂的,这样可以向其他玩家炫耀自己的实力。
> ## 情报不会降低游戏的乐趣 ## > **情报不会降低游戏的乐趣**
> 用 NetHack 的说法来讲,“情报员”给指其他玩家提供关于怪物、物品、武器和盔甲信息的玩家。理论上来说,完全可以不借助任何外来信息而通关,但几乎没有几个玩家能做到,游戏实在是太难了。因此使用情报并不会被视为一件糟糕的事情 - 但是一开始由你自己来探索游戏和解决难题,这样才会获得更多的乐趣,只有当你遇到瓶颈的时候再去使用那些情报。 > 用 NetHack 的说法来讲,“情报员”给指其他玩家提供关于怪物、物品、武器和盔甲信息的玩家。理论上来说,完全可以不借助任何外来信息而通关,但几乎没有几个玩家能做到,游戏实在是太难了。因此使用情报并不会被视为一件糟糕的事情 - 但是一开始由你自己来探索游戏和解决难题,这样才会获得更多的乐趣,只有当你遇到瓶颈的时候再去使用那些情报。
> 在这里给出一个比较有名的情报站点 [][2],其中的情报被分为了不同的类别。游戏中随机发生的事,比如在喷泉旁饮水可能导致的不同结果,从这里你可以得知已确定的不同结果的发生概率。 > 在这里给出一个比较有名的情报站点 [][2],其中的情报被分为了不同的类别。游戏中随机发生的事,比如在喷泉旁饮水可能导致的不同结果,从这里你可以得知已确定的不同结果的发生概率。
> >
> ### 你的首次地牢之行 ###
NetHack 几乎可以在所有的主流操作系统以及 Linux 发行版上运行,因此你可以通过 "apt-get install nethack" 或者 "yum install nethack" 等适合你用的发行版的命令来安装游戏。安装完毕后,在一个命令行窗口中键入 "nethack" 就可以开始游戏了。游戏开始时系统会询问是否为你随机挑选一位角色 - 但作为一个新手,你最好自己从里面挑选一位比较强的角色。所以,你应该点 "n",然后点 "v" 以选取女武神Valkyrie最后点 "d" 选择成为侏儒dwarf ### 你的首次地牢之行 ###
NetHack 几乎可以在所有的主流操作系统以及 Linux 发行版上运行,因此你可以通过 "apt-get install nethack" 或者 "yum install nethack" 等适合你用的发行版的命令来安装游戏。安装完毕后,在一个命令行窗口中键入 "nethack" 就可以开始游戏了。游戏开始时系统会询问是否为你随机挑选一位角色 - 但作为一个新手,你最好自己从里面挑选一位比较强的角色。所以,你应该点 "n",然后点 "v" 以选取女武神Valkyrie而点 "d" 会选择成为侏儒dwarf
接着 NetHack 上会显示出剧情,说你的神正在寻找护身符 Yendor你的目标就是找到它并将它带给神。阅读完毕后点击空格键其他任何时候当你见到屏幕上的 "-More-" 时都可以这样)。接着就让我们出发 - 开始地牢之行吧! 接着 NetHack 上会显示出剧情,说你的神正在寻找护身符 Yendor你的目标就是找到它并将它带给神。阅读完毕后点击空格键其他任何时候当你见到屏幕上的 "-More-" 时都可以这样)。接着就让我们出发 - 开始地牢之行吧!
先前已经介绍过了,你的角色用 @ 来表示。你可以看见角色所出房间周围的墙壁房间里显示点的那些地方是你可以移动的空间。首先你得明白怎样移动角色h、j、k 以及 l。是的和 Vim 中移动光标的操作相同)这些操作分别会使角色向向左、向下、向上以及向右移动。你也可以通过 y、u、b 和 n 来使角色斜向移动。在你熟悉如何控制角色移动前你最好在房间里来回移动你的角色。 先前已经介绍过了,你的角色用 @ 来表示。你可以看见角色所出房间周围的墙壁,房间里显示的那些地方是你可以移动的空间。首先你得明白怎样移动角色h、j、k 以及 l。是的和 Vim 中移动光标的操作相同)这些操作分别会使角色向向左、向下、向上以及向右移动。你也可以通过 y、u、b 和 n 来使角色斜向移动。在你熟悉如何控制角色移动前你最好在房间里来回移动你的角色。
NetHack 采用了回合制,因此即使你不进行任何动作,游戏仍然在进行。这是你可以提前计划你的行动。你可以看见一个 "d" 字符或者 "f" 字符在房间里来回移动:这是你的宠物狗/猫,(通常情况下)它们 不会伤害你而是帮助你击杀怪物。但是宠物也会被惹怒 - 它们偶尔也会抢在你接近食物或者怪物尸体之前吃掉它们。 NetHack 采用了回合制,因此即使你不进行任何动作,游戏仍然在进行。这是你可以提前计划你的行动。你可以看见一个 "d" 字符或者 "f" 字符在房间里来回移动:这是你的宠物狗/猫,(通常情况下)它们不会伤害你而是帮助你击杀怪物。但是宠物也会被惹怒 - 它们偶尔也会抢在你接近食物或者怪物尸体之前吃掉它们。
![点击 “i” 列出你当前携带的物品清单]( ![点击 “i” 列出你当前携带的物品清单](
点击 “i” 列出你当前携带的物品清单 *点击 “i” 列出你当前携带的物品清单*
### 门后有什么? ### ### 门后有什么? ###
接下来,让我们离开房间。房间四周的墙壁某处会有缝隙,可能是 "+" 号。"+" 号表示一扇关闭的门,这时你应该靠近它然后点击 "o" 来开门。接着系统会询问你开门的方向,假如门在你的左方,就点击 "h"。(如果门被卡住了,就多试几次)然后你就可以看见门后的走廊了,它们由 "#" 号表示,沿着走廊前进直到你找到另一个房间。 接下来,让我们离开房间。房间四周的墙壁某处会有缝隙,可能是 "+" 号。"+" 号表示一扇关闭的门,这时你应该靠近它然后点击 "o" 来开门。接着系统会询问你开门的方向,假如门在你的左方,就点击 "h"。(如果门被卡住了,就多试几次)然后你就可以看见门后的走廊了,它们由 "#" 号表示,沿着走廊前进直到你找到另一个房间。
地牢之行中你会见到各种各样的物品。某些物品,比如金币(由 "$" 号表示)会被自动捡起来;至于另一些物品,你只能站在上面按下逗号键手动拾起。如果同一位置有多个物品,系统会给你显示一个列表,你只要通过合适的案件选择列表中你想要的物品最后按下 "Enter" 键即可。任何时间你都可以点击 "i" 键在屏幕上列出你当前携带的物品清单。 地牢之行中你会见到各种各样的物品。某些物品,比如金币(由 "$" 号表示)会被自动捡起来;至于另一些物品,你只能站在上面按下逗号键手动拾起。如果同一位置有多个物品,系统会给你显示一个列表,你只要通过合适的按键选择列表中你想要的物品最后按下 "Enter" 键即可。任何时间你都可以点击 "i" 键在屏幕上列出你当前携带的物品清单。
如果看见了怪物该怎么办?在游戏早期,你可能会遇到的怪物会用符号 "d"、"x" 和 ":" 表示。想要攻击的话,只要简单地朝怪物的方向移动即可。系统会在屏幕顶部通过信息显示来告诉你你的攻击是否成功 - 以及怪物做出了何种反应。早期的怪物很容易击杀,所以你可以毫不费力地打败他们,但请留意底部状态栏里显示的角色的 HP 值。 如果看见了怪物该怎么办?在游戏早期,你可能会遇到的怪物会用符号 "d"、"x" 和 ":" 表示。想要攻击的话,只要简单地朝怪物的方向移动即可。系统会在屏幕顶部通过信息显示来告诉你攻击是否成功 - 以及怪物做出了何种反应。早期的怪物很容易击杀,所以你可以毫不费力地打败他们,但请留意底部状态栏里显示的角色的 HP 值。
> 早期的怪物很容易击杀,但请留意角色的 HP 值。 > 早期的怪物很容易击杀,但请留意角色的 HP 值。
如果怪物死后掉落了一具尸体("%"),你可以点击逗号进行拾取,并点击 "e" 来食用。(在任何时候系统提示你选择一件物品,你都可以从物品列表中点击相应的按键,或者点击 "?" 来查询迷你菜单。)意!有些尸体是有毒的,这些知识你将在日后的冒险中逐渐学会掌握。 如果怪物死后掉落了一具尸体("%"),你可以点击逗号进行拾取,并点击 "e" 来食用。(在任何时候系统提示你选择一件物品,你都可以从物品列表中点击相应的按键,或者点击 "?" 来查询迷你菜单。)意!有些尸体是有毒的,这些知识你将在日后的冒险中逐渐学会掌握。
如果你在走廊里行进时遇到了死胡同,你可以点击 "s" 进行搜寻直到找到一扇门。这会花费时间,但是你由此加速了游戏进程:输入 "10" 并点击 "s" 你将一下搜索 10 次。这将花费游戏中进行 10 次动作的时间,不过如果你正在饥饿状态,你将有可能会被饿死 如果你在走廊里行进时遇到了死胡同,你可以点击 "s" 进行搜寻直到找到一扇门。这会花费时间,但是你可以这样加速游戏进程:输入 "10" 并点击 "s" 你将一下搜索 10 次。这将花费游戏中进行 10 次动作的时间,不过如果你正在饥饿状态,你将有可能会被饿死
通常你可以在地牢顶部找到 "{"(喷泉)以及 "!"(药水)。当你找到喷泉的时候,你可以站在上面并点击 "q" 键开始 “畅饮quaff” - 引用后会得到积极的到致命的多种效果。当你找到药水的时候,将其拾起并点击 "q" 来引用。如果你找到一个商店,你可以拾取其中的物品并在离开前点击 "p" 键进行支付。当你负重过大时,你可以点击 "d" 键丢掉一些东西。 通常你可以在地牢顶部找到 "{"(喷泉)以及 "!"(药水)。当你找到喷泉的时候,你可以站在上面并点击 "q" 键开始 “畅饮quaff” - 引用后会得到从振奋的到致命的多种效果。当你找到药水的时候,将其拾起并点击 "q" 来饮用。如果你找到一个商店,你可以拾取其中的物品并在离开前点击 "p" 键进行支付。当你负重过大时,你可以点击 "d" 键丢掉一些东西。
![现在已经有带音效的 3D 版 Nethack 了Falcons Eye]( ![现在已经有带音效的 3D 版 Nethack 了Falcons Eye](
现在已经有带音效的 3D 版 Nethack 了Falcons Eye *现在已经有带音效的 3D 版 Nethack 了Falcons Eye*
> ## 愚蠢的死法 ## > **愚蠢的死法**
> 在 NetHack 玩家中流行着一个缩写词 "YASD" - 又一种愚蠢的死法Yet Another Stupid Death。这个缩写词表示了玩家由于自身的的愚蠢或者粗心大意导致了角色的死亡。我们搜集了很多这类死法但我们最喜欢的是下面描述的 > 在 NetHack 玩家中流行着一个缩写词 "YASD" - 又一种愚蠢的死法Yet Another Stupid Death。这个缩写词表示了玩家由于自身的的愚蠢或者粗心大意导致了角色的死亡。我们搜集了很多这类死法但我们最喜欢的是下面这种死法
> 我们正在商店浏览商品,这时一条蛇突然从药剂后面跳了出来。在杀死蛇之后,系统弹出一条信息提醒我们角色饥饿值过低了,因此我们顺手食用了蛇的尸体。坏事了!这使得我们的角色失明,导致我们的角色再也不能看见商店里的其他角色及地上的商品了。我们试图离开商店,但在慌乱中却撞在了店主身上并攻击了他。这种做法激怒了店主:他立即向我们的角色使用了火球术。我们试图逃到商店外的走廊上,但却在逃亡的过程中被烧死。 > 我们正在商店浏览商品,这时一条蛇突然从药剂后面跳了出来。在杀死蛇之后,系统弹出一条信息提醒我们角色饥饿值过低了,因此我们顺手食用了蛇的尸体。坏事了!这使得我们的角色失明,导致我们的角色再也不能看见商店里的其他角色及地上的商品了。我们试图离开商店,但在慌乱中却撞在了店主身上并攻击了他。这种做法激怒了店主:他立即向我们的角色使用了火球术。我们试图逃到商店外的走廊上,但却在逃亡的过程中被烧死。
> 如果你有类似的死法,一定要来我们的论坛告诉我们。不要担心 - 没有人会嘲笑你。经历这样的死法也是你在 NetHack 的世界里不断成长的一部分。 > 如果你有类似的死法,一定要来我们的论坛告诉我们。不要担心 - 没有人会嘲笑你。经历这样的死法也是你在 NetHack 的世界里不断成长的一部分。哈哈。
### 武装自己 ### ### 武装自己 ###
@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ NetHack 采用了回合制,因此即使你不进行任何动作,游戏仍然
在靠近掉在地下的装备之前最好检查一下身上的东西。点击 ";"(分号)后,"Pick an object"(选择一样物品)选项将出现在屏幕顶部。选择该选项,使用移动键直到选中你想要检查的物品,然后点击 ":"(冒号)。接着屏幕顶部将出现这件物品的描述。 在靠近掉在地下的装备之前最好检查一下身上的东西。点击 ";"(分号)后,"Pick an object"(选择一样物品)选项将出现在屏幕顶部。选择该选项,使用移动键直到选中你想要检查的物品,然后点击 ":"(冒号)。接着屏幕顶部将出现这件物品的描述。
因为你的目标是不断深入地牢直到找到护身符 Yendor所以请随时留意周围的 "<" 和 ">" 符号。这两个符号分别表示向上和向下的楼梯,你可以用与之对应的按键来上楼或下楼。注意!如果你想让宠物跟随你进入下/上一层地牢,下/上楼前请确保你的宠物在你邻近的方格内。若果你想退出,点击 "S"(大写的 s)来保存进度,输入 #quit 退出游戏。当你再次运行 NetHack 时,系统将会自动读取你上次退出时的游戏进度。 因为你的目标是不断深入地牢直到找到护身符 Yendor所以请随时留意周围的 "<" 和 ">" 符号。这两个符号分别表示向上和向下的楼梯,你可以用与之对应的按键来上楼或下楼。注意!如果你想让宠物跟随你进入下/上一层地牢,下/上楼前请确保你的宠物在你邻近的方格内。若果你想退出,点击 "S"(大写的)来保存进度,输入 #quit 退出游戏。当你再次运行 NetHack 时,系统将会自动读取你上次退出时的游戏进度。
我们就不继续剧透了,地牢深处还有更多的神秘细节、陌生的 NPC 以及不为人知的秘密等着你去发掘。那么,我们再给你点建议:当你遇到了让你困惑不已的物品时,你可以尝试去 NetHack 维基 [][3] 进行搜索。你也可以在 [][4] 找到一本非常不错(尽管很长)的指导手册。最后,祝游戏愉快! 我们就不继续剧透了,地牢深处还有更多的神秘细节、陌生的 NPC 以及不为人知的秘密等着你去发掘。那么,我们再给你点建议:当你遇到了让你困惑不已的物品时,你可以尝试去 NetHack 维基 [][3] 进行搜索。你也可以在 [][4] 找到一本非常不错(尽管很长)的指导手册。最后,祝游戏愉快!
@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ via:
作者:[Mike Saunders][a] 作者:[Mike Saunders][a]
译者:[Stevearzh]( 译者:[Stevearzh](
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
![Is something watching you?](
### 一次可怕的异常事件! ###
But - 但是 - 新闻稿里常常这个时候该出现but了 - 要说恐慌正在横扫桌面Linux的粉丝那就有点断章取义、甚至不着边际了。
### 国家资助,目标政府 ###
![Is a penguin snake a Penguake or a Snaguin?](
#### 观点 与 责任 ####
**Turla 并不是那种用户关注的“我想要你的信用卡”病毒**那些病毒往往绑定在一个伪造的软件下载链接中。Turla是一种复杂的、经过巧妙处理的、具有高度适应性的威胁它时刻都具有着特定的目标因此它绝不仅仅满足于搜集一些卖萌少女的网站账户密码sorry 绿茶婊们!)。
> “Linux上的Turla模块是一个链接多个静态库的C/C++可执行文件,这大大增加了它的文件体积。但它并没有着重减小自身的文件体积,而是剥离了自身的符号信息,这样就增加了对它逆向分析的难度。它的功能主要包括隐藏网络通信、远程执行任意命令以及远程管理等等。它的大部分代码都基于公开源码。”
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Linux有问必答-- 如何在Linux上安装内核头文件 Linux有问必答如何在Linux上安装内核头文件
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> **提问**:我在安装一个设备驱动前先要安装内核头文件。怎样安装合适的内核头文件? > **提问**:我在安装一个设备驱动前先要安装内核头文件。怎样安装合适的内核头文件?
当你在编译一个设备驱动模块时你需要在系统中安装内核头文件。内核头文件同样在你编译与内核直接链接的用户空间程序时需要。当你在这些情况下安装内核头文件时你必须确保内核头文件精确地与你当前内核版本匹配比如3.13.0-24-generic 当你在编译一个设备驱动模块时你需要在系统中安装内核头文件。内核头文件同样在你编译与内核直接链接的用户空间程序时需要。当你在这些情况下安装内核头文件时你必须确保内核头文件精确地与你当前内核版本匹配比如3.13.0-24-generic
如果你的内核发行版自带的内核版本或者使用默认的包管理器的基础仓库升级的比如apt-ger、aptitude或者yum你也可以使用包管理器来安装内核头文件。另一方面如果下载的是[kernel源码][1]并且手动编译的,你可以使用[make命令][2]来安装匹配的内核头文件。 如果你的内核发行版自带的内核版本或者使用默认的包管理器的基础仓库升级的比如apt-ger、aptitude或者yum你也可以使用包管理器来安装内核头文件。另一方面如果下载的是[kernel源码][1]并且手动编译的,你可以使用[make命令][2]来安装匹配的内核头文件。
现在我们假设你的内核是发行版自带的,让我们看下该如何安装匹配的头文件。 现在我们假设你的内核是发行版自带的,让我们看下该如何安装匹配的头文件。
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Debian、Ubuntu、Linux Mint默认头文件在**/usr/src**下。
假设你没有手动编译内核你可以使用yum命令来安装匹配的内核头文件。 假设你没有手动编译内核你可以使用yum命令来安装匹配的内核头文件。
首先,用下面的命令检查系统是否已经按炸ung了头文件。如果下面的命令没有任何输出,这就意味着还没有头文件。 首先,用下面的命令检查系统是否已经安装了头文件。如果下面的命令没有任何输出,这就意味着还没有头文件。
$ rpm -qa | grep kernel-headers-$(uname -r) $ rpm -qa | grep kernel-headers-$(uname -r)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Fedora、CentOS 或者 RHEL上默认内核头文件的位置是**/usr/include/li
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译者:[geekpi]( 译者:[geekpi](
校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID) 校对:[wxy](
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@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
Translated by H-mudcup
2014年Linux界发生的好事坏事和丑事 2014年Linux界发生的好事坏事和丑事
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2014年已经接近尾声,现在正是盘点**2014年Linux大事件**的时候。整整一年我们关注了有关Linux和开源的一些好事坏事和丑事。让我们来快速回顾一下2014对于Linux是怎样的一年。 2014年已经过去,现在正是盘点**2014年Linux大事件**的时候。整整一年我们关注了有关Linux和开源的一些好事坏事和丑事。让我们来快速回顾一下2014对于Linux是怎样的一年。
### 好事 ### ### 好事 ###
@ -14,7 +12,7 @@ Translated by H-mudcup
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从使用Wine到[使用Chrome的测试功能][1]为了能让Netflix能在Linux上工作Linux用户曾尝试了各种方法。好消息是Netflix终于在2014年带来了Linux的本地支持。这让所有能使用Netflix的地区的Linux用户的脸上浮现出了微笑。想在[美国以外的地区使用Netflix][2]或其他官方授权使用Netflix的国家之外的人还是得靠其他的方法。 从使用Wine到[使用Chrome的测试功能][1]为了能让Netflix能在Linux上工作Linux用户曾尝试了各种方法。好消息是Netflix终于在2014年带来了Linux的本地支持。这让所有能使用Netflix的地区的Linux用户的脸上浮现出了微笑。不过,想在[美国以外的地区使用Netflix][2]或其他官方授权使用Netflix的国家之外的人还是得靠其他的方法。
#### 欧洲国家采用开源/Linux #### #### 欧洲国家采用开源/Linux ####
@ -30,19 +28,19 @@ Translated by H-mudcup
### 坏事 ### ### 坏事 ###
Linux在2014年并不是一帆风顺。某些事件的发生坏了Linux/开源的形象。 Linux在2014年并不是一帆风顺。某些事件的发生坏了Linux/开源的形象。
#### Heartbleed心血 #### #### Heartbleed 心血漏洞 ####
![]( ![](
在今年的四月份,检测到[OpenSSL][8]有一个缺陷。这个漏洞被命名为[Heartbleed心血][9]。他影响了包括Facebook和Google在内的50多万个“安全”网站。这项漏洞可以真正的允许任何人读取系统的内存并能因此给予用于加密数据流的密匙的访问权限。[xkcd上的漫画以更简单的方式解释了心血][10]。不必说这个漏洞在OpenSSL的更新中被修复了。 在今年的四月份,检测到[OpenSSL][8]有一个缺陷。这个漏洞被命名为[Heartbleed心血漏洞][9]。他影响了包括Facebook和Google在内的50多万个“安全”网站。这项漏洞可以真正的允许任何人读取系统的内存并能因此给予用于加密数据流的密匙的访问权限。[xkcd上的漫画以更简单的方式解释了心血漏洞][10]。自然这个漏洞在OpenSSL的更新中被修复了。
#### Shellshock #### #### Shellshock 破壳漏洞 ####
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好像有个心血还不够似的在Bash里的一个缺陷更严重的震撼了Linux世界。这个漏洞被命名为[Shellshock][11]。这个漏洞把Linux往远程攻击的危险深渊又推了一把。这项漏洞是通过黑客的DDoS攻击暴露出来的。升级一下Bash版本应该能修复这个问题。 好像有个心血漏洞还不够似的在Bash里的一个缺陷更严重的震撼了Linux世界。这个漏洞被命名为[Shellshock 破壳漏洞][11]。这个漏洞把Linux往远程攻击的危险深渊又推了一把。这项漏洞是通过黑客的DDoS攻击暴露出来的。升级一下Bash版本应该能修复这个问题。
#### Ubuntu Phone和Steam控制台 #### #### Ubuntu Phone和Steam控制台 ####
@ -52,13 +50,13 @@ Linux在2014年并不是一帆风顺。某些事件的发生损坏了Linux/开
### 丑事 ### ### 丑事 ###
systemd的归属战变得不知廉耻。 是否采用 systemd 的争论变得让人羞耻。
### systemd大论战 ### ### systemd大论战 ###
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用init还是systemd的争吵已经进行了一段时间了。但是在2014年当systemd准备在包括Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Arch Linux and Fedora几个主流Linux分布中替代init时事情变得不知廉耻了起来。它是如此的一发不可收拾以至于它已经不限于boycottsystemd.org这类网站了。Lennart Poetteringsystemd的首席开发人员及作者在一条Google Plus状态上声明说那些反对systemd的人在“收集比特币来雇杀手杀他”。Lennart还声称开源社区“是个恶心得不能待的地方”。人们吵得越来越离谱以至于把Debian分裂成了一个新的操作系统称为[Devuan][15]。 用init还是systemd的争吵已经进行了一段时间了。但是在2014年当systemd准备在包括Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Arch Linux Fedora几个主流Linux分布中替代init时事情变得不知廉耻了起来。它是如此的一发不可收拾以至于它已经不限于boycottsystemd.org这类网站了。Lennart Poetteringsystemd的首席开发人员及作者在一条Google Plus状态上声明说那些反对systemd的人在“收集比特币来雇杀手杀他”。Lennart还声称开源社区“是个恶心得不能待的地方”。人们吵得越来越离谱以至于把Debian分裂成了一个新的操作系统称为[Devuan][15]。
### 还有诡异的事 ### ### 还有诡异的事 ###
@ -81,10 +79,10 @@ via:
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@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ Windows和Ubuntu双系统修复UEFI引导的两种办法
这里有两种修复EFI启动引导的方法使Ubuntu可以正常启动 这里有两种修复EFI启动引导的方法使Ubuntu可以正常启动
![]( "将GRUB2设置为启动引导" ![](
### 1. 启用GRUB引导 ### ### 1. 启用GRUB引导 ###
@ -18,22 +20,22 @@ Windows和Ubuntu双系统修复UEFI引导的两种办法
可以按照以下几个步骤将GRUB2设置为默认的引导程序 可以按照以下几个步骤将GRUB2设置为默认的引导程序
1.登录Windows 8 1. 登录Windows 8
2.转到桌面 2. 转到桌面
3.右击开始按钮,选择管理员命令行 3. 右击开始按钮,选择管理员命令行
4.输入 mountvol g: (将你的EFI目录结构映射到G盘) 4. 输入 mountvol g: /s (将你的EFI目录结构映射到G盘)
5.输入 cd g:\EFI 5. 输入 cd g:\EFI
6.当你输入 dir 列出文件夹内容时你可以看到一个Ubuntu的文件夹 6. 当你输入 dir 列出文件夹内容时你可以看到一个Ubuntu的文件夹
7.这里的参数可以是grubx64.efi或者shimx64.efi 7. 这里的参数可以是grubx64.efi或者shimx64.efi
8.运行下列命令将grub64.efi设置为启动引导程序 8. 运行下列命令将grub64.efi设置为启动引导程序
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi
9.重启你的电脑 9. 重启你的电脑
10.你将会看到一个包含Ubuntu和Windows选项的GRUB菜单 10. 你将会看到一个包含Ubuntu和Windows选项的GRUB菜单
11.如果你的电脑仍然直接启动到Windows重复步骤1到7但是这次输入 11. 如果你的电脑仍然直接启动到Windows重复步骤1到7但是这次输入
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi
12.重启你的电脑 12. 重启你的电脑
这里你做的事情是登录Windows管理员命令行将EFI引导区映射到磁盘上来查看Ubuntu的引导程序是否安装成功然后选择grubx64.efi或者shimx64.efi作为引导程序。 这里你做的事情是登录Windows管理员命令行将EFI引导区映射到磁盘上来查看Ubuntu的引导程序是否安装成功然后选择grubx64.efi或者shimx64.efi作为引导程序。
那么[grubx64.efi和shimx64.efi有什么区别呢][4]在安全启动serureboot关闭的情况下你可以使用grubx64.efi。如果安全启动打开则需要选择shimx64.efi。 那么[grubx64.efi和shimx64.efi有什么区别呢][4]在安全启动serureboot关闭的情况下你可以使用grubx64.efi。如果安全启动打开则需要选择shimx64.efi。
@ -41,28 +43,30 @@ bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi
### 2.使用rEFInd引导Ubuntu和Windows双系统 ### ### 2.使用rEFInd引导Ubuntu和Windows双系统 ###
[rEFInd引导程序][5]会以图标的方式列出你所有的操作系统。因此你可以通过点击相应的图标来启动Windows、Ubuntu或者优盘中的操作系统。 [rEFInd引导程序][5]会以图标的方式列出你所有的操作系统。因此你可以通过点击相应的图标来启动Windows、Ubuntu或者优盘中的操作系统。
[点击这里][6]下载rEFInd for Windows 8。 [点击这里][6]下载rEFInd for Windows 8。
下载和解压以后按照以下的步骤安装rEFInd。 下载和解压以后按照以下的步骤安装rEFInd。
1.返回桌面 1. 返回桌面
2.右击开始按钮,选择管理员命令行 2. 右击开始按钮,选择管理员命令行
3.输入 mountvol g: (将你的EFI目录结构映射到G盘) 3. 输入 mountvol g: /s (将你的EFI目录结构映射到G盘)
4.进入解压的rEFInd目录。例如 4. 进入解压的rEFInd目录。例如
cd c:\users\gary\downloads\refind-bin-0.8.4\refind-bin-0.8.4 cd c:\users\gary\downloads\refind-bin-0.8.4\refind-bin-0.8.4
当你输入 dir 命令你可以看到一个refind目录 当你输入 dir 命令你可以看到一个refind目录
5.输入如下命令将refind拷贝到EFI引导区 5. 输入如下命令将refind拷贝到EFI引导区
xcopy /E refind g:\EFI\refind\ xcopy /E refind g:\EFI\refind\
6.输入如下命令进入refind文件夹 6. 输入如下命令进入refind文件夹
cd g:\EFI\refind cd g:\EFI\refind
7.重命名示例配置文件 7. 重命名示例配置文件
rename refind.conf-sample refind.conf rename refind.conf-sample refind.conf
8.运行如下命令将rEFind设置为引导程序 8. 运行如下命令将rEFind设置为引导程序
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi
9.重启你的电脑 9. 重启你的电脑
10.你将会看到一个包含Ubuntu和Windows的图形菜单 10. 你将会看到一个包含Ubuntu和Windows的图形菜单
这个过程和选择GRUB引导程序十分相似。 这个过程和选择GRUB引导程序十分相似。
@ -72,17 +76,20 @@ bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi
希望这篇文章可以解决有些人在安装Ubuntu和Windows 8.1双系统时出现的问题。如果你仍然有问题,可以通过上面的电邮和我进行交流。 希望这篇文章可以解决有些人在安装Ubuntu和Windows 8.1双系统时出现的问题。如果你仍然有问题,可以通过上面的电邮和我进行交流。
作者:[Gary Newell][a] 作者:[Gary Newell][a]
译者:[zhouj-sh]( 译者:[zhouj-sh](
校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID) 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
[a]: [a]:
[1]: [1]:
[2]: [2]:
[3]: [3]:
[4]: [4]:
[5]: [5]:
[6]: [6]:

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@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
Yes, This Trojan Infects Linux. No, Its Not The Tuxpocalypse
![Is something watching you?](
Is something watching you?
Grab a crate of canned food, start digging a deep underground bunker and prepare to settle into a world that will never be the same again: [a powerful trojan has been uncovered on Linux][1].
Yes, the hitherto impregnable fortress of computing nirvana has been compromised in a way that has left security experts a touch perturbed.
Unplug your PC, disinfect your keyboard and buy a cat (no more YouTube ). The Tuxpocalypse is upon us. Weve reached the end of days.
Right? RIGHT? Nah, not quite.
### A Terrifying Anomalous Thing! ###
Let me set off by saying that **I am not underplaying the severity of this threat (known by the nickname Turla)** nor, for the avoidance of doubt, am I suggesting that we as Linux users shouldnt be concerned by the implications.
The discovery of a silent trojan infecting Linux systems is terrifying. The fact it was tasked with sucking up and sending off all sorts of sensitive information is horrific. And to learn its been doing this for at least four years and doesnt require root privileges? My seat is wet. Im sorry.
But — and along with hyphens and typos, theres always a but on this site — the panic currently sweeping desktop Linux fans, Mexican wave style, is a little out of context.
Vulnerability may be a new feeling for some of us, yet lets keep it in check: Linux remains an inherently secure operating system for desktop users. One clever workaround does not negate that and shouldnt send you scurrying offline.
### State Sponsored, Targeting Governments ###
![Is a penguin snake a Penguake or a Snaguin?](
Is a penguin snake a Penguake or a Snaguin?
Turla is a complex APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) that has (thus far) targeted government, embassy and pharmaceutical companies systems for around four years using a method based on [14 year old code, no less][2].
On Windows, where the superhero security researchers at Symantec and Kaspersky Lab first sighted the slimy snake, Turla and components of it were found to have **infected hundreds (100s) of PCs across 45 countries**, many through unpatched zero-day exploits.
*Nice one Microsoft.*
Further diligence by Kaspersky Lab has now uncovered that parts of the same trojan have also been active on Linux for some time.
The Trojan doesnt require elevated privileges and can “intercept incoming packets and run incoming commands on the system”, but its not yet clear how deep its tentacles reach or how many Linux systems are infected, nor is the full extent of its capabilities known.
“Turla” (and its children) are presumed to be nation-state sponsored due to its choice of targets. US and UK readers shouldnt assume its “*them*“, either. Our own governments are just as happy to play in the mud, too.
#### Perspective and Responsibility ####
As terrible a breach as this discovery is emotionally, technically and ethically it remains far, far, far away from being an indication that were entering a new “free for all” era of viruses and malware aimed at the desktop.
**Turla is not a user-focused “i wantZ ur CredIt carD” virus** bundled inside a faux software download. Its a complex, finessed and adaptable threat with specific targets in mind (ergo grander ambitions than collecting a bunch of fruity tube dot com passwords, sorry ego!).
Kaspersky Lab explains:
> “The Linux Turla module is a C/C++ executable statically linked against multiple libraries, greatly increasing its file size. It was stripped of symbol information, more likely intended to increase analysis effort than to decrease file size. Its functionality includes hidden network communications, arbitrary remote command execution, and remote management. Much of its code is based on public sources.”
Regardless of impact or infection rate its precedes will still raise big, big questions that clever, clever people will now spend time addressing, analysing and (importantly) solving.
IANACSE (I am not a computer security expert) but IAFOA (I am a fan of acronyms), and AFAICT (as far as I can tell) this news should be viewed as as a cautionary PSA or FYI than the kind of OMGGTFO that some sites are painting it as.
Until more details are known none of us should panic. Lets continue to practice safe computing. Avoid downloading/running scripts, apps, or binaries from untrusted sites or PPAs, and dont venture into dodgy dark parts of the web.
If you remain super concerned you can check out the [Kaspersky blog][1] for details on how to check that youre not infected.
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
Git 2.2.1 Released To Fix Critical Security Issue
Git 2.2.1 was released this afternoon to fix a critical security vulnerability in Git clients. Fortunately, the vulnerability doesn't plague Unix/Linux users but rather OS X and Windows.
Today's Git vulnerability affects those using the Git client on case-insensitive file-systems. On case-insensitive platforms like Windows and OS X, committing to .Git/config could overwrite the user's .git/config and could lead to arbitrary code execution. Fortunately with most Phoronix readers out there running Linux, this isn't an issue thanks to case-sensitive file-systems.
Besides the attack vector from case insensitive file-systems, Windows and OS X's HFS+ would map some strings back to .git too if certain characters are present, which could lead to overwriting the Git config file. Git 2.2.1 addresses these issues.
More details via the [Git 2.2.1 release announcement][1] and [GitHub has additional details][2].
作者:[Michael Larabel][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
Easy File Comparisons With These Great Free Diff Tools
by Frazer Kline
File comparison compares the contents of computer files, finding their common contents and their differences. The result of the comparison is often known as a diff.
diff is also the name of a famous console based file comparison utility that outputs the differences between two files. The diff utility was developed in the early 1970s on the Unix operating system. diff will output the parts of the files where they are different.
Linux has many good GUI tools that enable you to clearly see the difference between two files or two versions of the same file. This roundup selects 5 of my favourite GUI diff tools, with all but one released under an open source license.
These utilities are an essential software development tool, as they visualize the differences between files or directories, merge files with differences, resolve conflicts and save output to a new file or patch, and assist file changes reviewing and comment production (e.g. approving source code changes before they get merged into a source tree). They help developers work on a file, passing it back and forth between each other. The diff tools are not only useful for showing differences in source code files; they can be used on many text-based file types as well. The visualisations make it easier to compare files.
Meld is an open source graphical diff viewer and merge application for the Gnome desktop. It supports 2 and 3-file diffs, recursive directory diffs, diffing of directories under version control (Bazaar, Codeville, CVS, Darcs, Fossil SCM, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, Subversion), as well as the ability to manually and automatically merge file differences.
Meld's focus is on helping developers compare and merge source files, and get a visual overview of changes in their favourite version control system.
Features include
- Edit files in-place, and your comparison updates on-the-fly
- Perform twoand three-way diffs and merges
- Easily navigate between differences and conflicts
- Visualise global and local differences with insertions, changes and conflicts marked
- Built-in regex text filtering to ignore uninteresting differences
- Syntax highlighting (with optional gtksourceview)
- Compare two or three directories file-by-file, showing new, missing, and altered files
- Directly open file comparisons of any conflicting or differing files
- Filter out files or directories to avoid seeing spurious differences
- Auto-merge mode and actions on change blocks help make merges easier
- Simple file management is also available
- Supports many version control systems, including Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and SVN
- Launch file comparisons to check what changes were made, before you commit
- View file versioning statuses
- Simple version control actions are also available (i.e., commit/update/add/remove/delete files)
- Automatically merge two files using a common ancestor
- Mark and display the base version of all conflicting changes in the middle pane
- Visualise and merge independent modifications of the same file
- Lock down read-only merge bases to avoid mistakes
- Command line interface for easy integration with existing tools, including git mergetool
- Internationalization support
- Visualisations make it easier to compare your files
- Website: [][1]
- Developer: Kai Willadsen
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Version Number: 1.8.5
DiffMerge is an application to visually compare and merge files on Linux, Windows, and OS X.
Features include:
- Graphically shows the changes between two files. Includes intra-line highlighting and full support for editing
- Graphically shows the changes between 3 files. Allows automatic merging (when safe to do so) and full control over editing the resulting file
- Performs a side-by-side comparison of 2 folders, showing which files are only present in one file or the other, as well as file pairs which are identical, equivalent or different
- Rulesets and options provide for customized appearance and behavior
- Unicode-based application and can import files in a wide range of character encodings
- Cross-platform tool
- Website: [][2]
- Developer: SourceGear LLC
- License: Licensed for use free of charge (not open source)
- Version Number: 4.2
xxdiff is an open source graphical file and directories comparator and merge tool.
xxdiff can be used for viewing the differences between two or three files, or two directories, and can be used to produce a merged version. The texts of the two or three files are presented side by side with their differences highlighted with colors for easy identification.
This program is an essential software development tool that can be used to visualize the differences between files or directories, merge files with differences, resolving conflicts and saving output to a new file or patch, and assist file changes reviewing and comment production (e.g. approving source code changes before they get merged into a source tree).
Features include:
- Compare two files, three files, or two directories (shallow and recursive)
- Horizontal diffs highlighting
- Files can be merged interactively and resulting output visualized and saved
- Features to assist in performing merge reviews/policing
- Unmerge CVS conflicts in automatically merged file and display them as two files, to help resolve conflicts
- Uses external diff program to compute differences: works with GNU diff, SGI diff and ClearCase's cleardiff, and any other diff whose output is similar to those
- Fully customizable with a resource file
- Look-and-feel similar to Rudy Wortel's/SGI xdiff, it is desktop agnostic
- Features and output that ease integration with scripts
- Website: [][3]
- Developer: Martin Blais
- License: GNU GPL
- Version Number: 4.0
Diffuse is an open source graphical tool for merging and comparing text files. Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of files side-by-side and offers the ability to manually adjust line-matching and directly edit files. Diffuse can also retrieve revisions of files from bazaar, CVS, darcs, git, mercurial, monotone, Subversion and GNU Revision Control System (RCS) repositories for comparison and merging.
Features include:
- Compare and merge an arbitrary number of files side-by-side (n-way merges)
- Line matching can be manually corrected by the user
- Directly edit files
- Syntax highlighting
- Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, RCS, Subversion, and SVK support
- Unicode support
- Unlimited undo
- Easy keyboard navigation
- Website: [][]
- Developer: Derrick Moser
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Version Number: 0.4.7
Kompare is an open source GUI front-end program that enables differences between source files to be viewed and merged. Kompare can be used to compare differences on files or the contents of folders. Kompare supports a variety of diff formats and provide many options to customize the information level displayed.
Whether you are a developer comparing source code, or you just want to see the difference between that research paper draft and the final document, Kompare is a useful tool.
Kompare is part of the KDE desktop environment.
Features include:
- Compare two text files
- Recursively compare directories
- View patches generated by diff
- Merge a patch into an existing directory
- Entertain you during that boring compile
- Website: [][5]
- Developer: The Kompare Team
- License: GNU GPL
- Version Number: Part of KDE
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@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
Flow N Play Movie Player Has a Stylish Interface [Ubuntu Installation]
**Flow N Play** is a new video player written in Qt which features a pretty slick and simple interface which provides only the basic features for playing movies.
[Flow N Play][1] is relatively new video player (the first release was made earlier this year in March) with a beautiful interface and a pretty simple approach, with one of the features being the possibility to slide over the list of movies by dragging the mouse. The player comes with basic functionality, a search function, support for colored themes.
Opening a new video you can also choose a custom cover in the same dialog:
The Settings dialog customize some basic options here:
Flow N Play is still in early development though, and as such it has a few downsides over more advanced players. There are few options to customize it, no support for subtitles or video and audio filters. Currently there seems to be either a bug or strange behavior upon opening a new movie, which doesnt always start automatically.
I believe a few more features could be added before it gets to being usable as a decent alternative to other players, but given the time, Flow N Play looks really promising.
### Install Flow N Play 0.922 in Ubuntu 14.04 ###
There are several different ways to install Flow N Play in Ubuntu. There are DEB packages, RUN Bash installers, and standalone binaries available on the [Qt-Apps page][2].
To install Flow N Play first get the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libqt5multimediaquick-p5 qtdeclarative5-controls-plugin qtdeclarative5 qtmultimedia-plugin qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin qtdeclarative5-quicklayouts-plugin
Then download the DEB package and either double click it or change the working directory to the one where you saved it and type the following in a terminal (for 64-bit, replace the DEB file for 32-bit):
sudo dpkg -i flow-n-play_v0.926_qt-5.3.2_x64.deb
Then type **flow-n-play** in a terminal to run it. Notice that in case you get dependency errors when trying to install the DEB file, you can run **sudo apt-get -f install**, which will fetch the missing dependencies automatically and will install Flow N Play as well.
To install Flow N Play using the RUN script, install the dependencies mentioned above and then run the script:
wget -O
sudo ./
The third method is to install it manually to a location of your choice (just download the binary provided after installing the dependencies) e.g. for 32-bit:
wget -O
作者Craciun Dan
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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
Tomahawk Music Player Returns With New Look, Features
**After a quiet year Tomahawk, the Swiss Army knife of music players, is back with a brand new release to sing about. **
Version 0.8 of the open-source and cross-platform app adds **support for more online services**, refreshes its appearance, and doubles down on making sure its innovative social features work flawlessly.
### Tomahawk — The Best of Both Worlds ###
Tomahawk marries a traditional app structure with the modernity of our “on demand” culture. It can browse and play music from local libraries as well as online services like Spotify, Grooveshark, and SoundCloud. In its latest release it adds Google Play Music and Beats Music to its roster.
That may sound cumbersome or confusing on paper but in practice it all works fantastically.
When you want to play a song, and dont care where its played back from, you just tell Tomahawk the track title and artist and it automatically finds a high-quality version from enabled sources — you dont need to do anything.
The app also sports some additional features, like EchoNest profiling, suggestions, and Jabber support so you can play friends music. Theres also a built-in messaging service so you can quickly share playlists and tracks with others.
> “This fundamentally different approach to music enables a range of new music consumption and sharing experiences previously not possible,” the project says on its website. And with little else like it, its not wrong.
![Tomahawk supports the Sound Menu](
Tomahawk supports the Sound Menu
### Tomahawk 0.8 Release Highlights ###
- New UI
- Support for Beats Music support
- Support for Google Play Music (stored and Play All Access)
- Support for drag and drop iTunes, Spotify, etc. web links
- Now Playing notifications
- Android app (beta)
- Inbox improvements
### Install Tomahawk 0.8 in Ubuntu ###
As a big music streaming user Ill be using the app over the next few days to get a fuller appreciation of the changes on offer. In the mean time, to go hands on for yourself, you can.
Tomahawk 0.8 is available for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Ubuntu 14.10 via an official PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tomahawk/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install tomahawk
Standalone installers, and more information, can be found on the official project website.
- [Visit the Official Tomahawk Website][1]
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
[Translating by Stevarzh]
How to Download Music from Grooveshark with a Linux OS
> The solution is actually much simpler than you think
**Grooveshark is a great online platform for people who want to listen to music, and there are a number of ways to download music from there. Groovesquid is just one of the applications that let users get music from Grooveshark, and it's multiplatform.**
If there is a service that streams something online, then there is a way to download the stuff that you are just watching or listening. As it turns out, it's not that difficult and there are a ton of solutions, no matter the platform. For example, there are dozens of YouTube downloaders and it stands to reason that it's not all that difficult to get stuff from Grooveshark either.
Now, there is the problem of legality. Like many other applications out there, Groovesquid is not actually illegal. It's the user's fault if they do something illegal with an application. The same reasoning can be applied to apps like utorrent or Bittorrent. As long as you don't touch copyrighted material, there are no problems in using Groovesquid.
### Groovesquid is fast and efficient ###
The only problem that you could find with Groovesquid is the fact that it's based on Java and that's never a good sign. This is a good way to ensure that an application runs on all the platforms, but it's an issue when it comes to the interface. It's not great, but it doesn't really matter all that much for users, especially since the app is doing a great job.
There is one caveat though. Groovesquid is a free application, but in order to remain free, it has to display an ad on the right side of the menu. This shouldn't be a problem for most people, but it's a good idea to mention that right from the start.
From a usability point of view, the application is pretty straightforward. Users can download a single song by entering the link in the top field, but the purpose of that field can be changed by accessing the small drop-down menu to its left. From there, it's possible to change to Song, Popular, Albums, Playlist, and Artist. Some of the options provide access to things like the most popular song on Grooveshark and other options allow you to download an entire playlist, for example.
You can download Groovesquid 0.7.0
- [jar][1] File size: 3.8 MB
- [tar.gz][2] File size: 549 KB
You will get a Jar file and all you have to do is to make it executable and let Java do the rest.
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
This App Can Write a Single ISO to 20 USB Drives Simultaneously
**If I were to ask you to burn a single Linux ISO to 17 USB thumb drives how would you go about doing it?**
Code savvy folks would write a little bash script to automate the process, and a large number would use a GUI tool like the USB Startup Disk Creator to burn the ISO to each drive in turn, one by one. But the rest of us would fast conclude that neither method is ideal.
### Problem > Solution ###
![GNOME MultiWriter in action](
GNOME MultiWriter in action
Richard Hughes, a GNOME developer, faced a similar dilemma. He wanted to create a number of USB drives pre-loaded with an OS, but wanted a tool simple enough for someone like his dad to use.
His response was to create a **brand new app** that combines both approaches into one easy to use tool.
Its called “[GNOME MultiWriter][1]” and lets you write a single ISO or IMG to multiple USB drives at the same time.
It nixes the need to customize or create a command line script and relinquishes the need to waste an afternoon performing an identical set of actions on repeat.
All you need is this app, an ISO, some thumb-drives and lots of empty USB ports.
### Use Cases and Installing ###
![The app can be installed on Ubuntu](
The app can be installed on Ubuntu
The app has a pretty defined usage scenario, that being situations where USB sticks pre-loaded with an OS or live image are being distributed.
That being said, it should work just as well for anyone wanting to create a solitary bootable USB stick, too — and since Ive never once successfully created a bootable image from Ubuntus built-in disk creator utility, working alternatives are welcome news to me!
Hughes, the developer, says it **supports up to 20 USB drives**, each being between 1GB and 32GB in size.
The drawback (for now) is that GNOME MultiWriter is not a finished, stable product. It works, but at this early blush there are no pre-built binaries to install or a PPA to add to your overstocked software sources.
If you know your way around the usual configure/make process you can get it up and running in no time. On Ubuntu 14.10 you may also need to install the following packages first:
sudo apt-get install gnome-common yelp-tools libcanberra-gtk3-dev libudisks2-dev gobject-introspection
If you get it up and running, give it a whirl and let us know what you think!
Bugs and pull requests can be longed on the GitHub page for the project, which is where youll also found tarball downloads for manual installation.
- [GNOME MultiWriter on Github][2]
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
Best GNOME Shell Themes For Ubuntu 14.04
Themes are the best way to customize your Linux desktop. If you [install GNOME on Ubuntu 14.04][1] or 14.10, you might want to change the default theme and give it a different look. To help you in this task, I have compiled here a **list of best GNOME shell themes for Ubuntu** or any other Linux OS that has GNOME shell installed on it. But before we see the list, lets first see how to change install new themes in GNOME Shell.
### Install themes in GNOME Shell ###
To install new themes in GNOME with Ubuntu, you can use Gnome Tweak Tool which is available in software repository in Ubuntu. Open a terminal and use the following command:
sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
Alternatively, you can use themes by putting them in ~/.themes directory. I have written a detailed tutorial on [how to install and use themes in GNOME Shell][2], in case you need it.
### Best GNOME Shell themes ###
The themes listed here are tested on GNOME Shell 3.10.4 but it should work for all version of GNOME 3 and higher. For the sake of mentioning, the themes are not in any kind of priority order. Lets have a look at the best GNOME themes:
#### Numix ####
No list can be completed without the mention of [Numix themes][3]. These themes got so popular that it encouraged [Numix team to work on a new Linux OS, Ozon][4]. Considering their design work with Numix theme, it wont be exaggeration to call it one of the [most beautiful Linux OS][5] releasing in near future.
To install Numix theme in Ubuntu based distributions, use the following commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:numix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install numix-icon-theme-circle
#### Elegance Colors ####
Another beautiful theme from Satyajit Sahoo, who is also a member of Numix team. [Elegance Colors][6] has its own PPA so that you can easily install it:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:satyajit-happy/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-theme-elegance-colors
#### Moka ####
[Moka][7] is another mesmerizing theme that is always included in the list of beautiful themes. Designed by the same developer who gave us Unity Tweak Tool, Moka is a must try:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:moka/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install moka-gnome-shell-theme
#### Viva ####
Based on Gnomes default Adwaita theme, Viva is a nice theme with shades of black and oranges. You can download Viva from the link below.
- [Download Viva GNOME Shell Theme][8]
#### Ciliora-Prima ####
Previously known as Zukitwo Dark, Ciliora-Prima has square icons theme. Theme is available in three versions that are slightly different from each other. You can download it from the link below.
- [Download Ciliora-Prima GNOME Shell Theme][9]
#### Faience ####
Faience has been a popular theme for quite some time and rightly so. You can install Faience using the PPA below for GNOME 3.10 and higher.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install faience-theme
#### Paper [Incomplete] ####
Ever since Google talked about Material Design, people have been going gaga over it. Paper GTK theme, by Sam Hewitt (of Moka Project), is inspired by Google Material design and currently under development. Which means you will not have the best experience with Paper at the moment. But if your a bit experimental, like me, you can definitely give it a try.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snwh/pulp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install paper-gtk-theme
That concludes my list. If you are trying to give a different look to your Ubuntu, you should also try the list of [best icon themes for Ubuntu 14.04][10].
How do you find this list of **best GNOME Shell themes**? Which one is your favorite among the one listed here? And if its not listed here, do let us know which theme you think is the best GNOME Shell theme.
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What is a good IDE for C/C++ on Linux
"A real coder doesn't use an IDE, a real coder uses [insert a text editor name here] with such and such plugins." We all heard that somewhere. Yet, as much as one can agree with that statement, an IDE remains quite useful. An IDE is easy to set up and use out of the box. Hence there is no better way to start coding a project from scratch. So for this post, let me present you with my list of good IDEs for C/C++ on Linux. Why is C/C++ specifically? Because C is my favorite language, and we need to start somewhere. Also note that there are in general a lot of ways to code in C, so in order to trim down the list, I only selected "real out-of-the-box IDE", not text editors like Gedit or Vim pumped with [plugins][1]. Not that this alternative is bad in any way, just that the list will go on forever if I include text editors.
### 1. Code::Blocks ###
Starting all out with my personal favorite, [Code::Blocks][2] is a simple and fast IDE for C/C++ exclusively. Like any respectable IDE, it integrates syntax highlighting, bookmarking, word completion, project management, and a debugger. Where it shines is via its simple plugin system which adds indispensable tools like Valgrind and CppCheck, and less indispensable like a Tetris mini-game. But my reason for liking it particularly is for its coherent set of handy shortcuts, and the large number of options that never feel too overwhelming.
### 2. Eclipse ###
I know that I said only "real out-of-the-box IDE" and not a text editor pumped with plugins, but [Eclipse][3] is a "real out-of-the-box IDE." It's just that Eclipse needs a little [plugin][4] (or a variant) to code in C. So I technically did not contradict myself. And it would have been impossible to make an IDE list without mentioning the behemoth that is Eclipse. Like it or not, Eclipse remains a great tool to code in Java. And thanks to the [CDT Project][5], it is possible to program in C/C++ too. You will benefit from all the power of Eclipse and its traditional features like word completion, code outline, code generator, and advanced refactoring. What it lacks in my opinion is the lightness of Code::Blocks. It is still very heavy and takes time to load. But if your machine can take it, or if you are a hardcore Eclipse fan, it is a very safe option.
### 3. Geany ###
With a lot less features but a lot more flexibility, [Geany][6] is at the opposite of Eclipse. But what it lacks (like a debugger for example), Geany makes it up with nice little features: a space for note taking, creation from template, code outline, customizable shortcuts, and plugins management. Geany is still closer to an extensive text editor than an IDE here. However I keep it in the list for its lightness and its well designed interface.
### 4. MonoDevelop ###
Another monster to add to the list, [MonoDevelop][7] has a very unique feel derived from its look and interface. I personally love its project management and its integrated version control system. The plugin system is also pretty amazing. But for some reason, all the options and the support for all kind of programming languages make it feel a bit overwhelming to me. It remains a great tool that I used many times in the past, but just not my number one when dealing with "simplistic" C.
### 5. Anjuta ###
With a very strong "GNOME feeling" attached to it, [Anjuta][8]'s appearance is a hit or miss. I tend to see it as an advanced version of Geany with a debugger included, but the interface is actually a lot more elaborate. I do enjoy the tab system to switch between the project, folders, and code outline view. I would have liked maybe a bit more shortcuts to move around in a file. However, it is a good tool, and offers outstanding compilation and build options, which can support the most specific needs.
### 6. Komodo Edit ###
I was not very familiar with [Komodo Edit][9], but after trying it a few days, it surprised me with many many good things. First, the tab-based navigation is always appreciable. Then the fancy looking code outline reminds me a lot of Sublime Text. Furthermore, the macro system and the file comparator make Komodo Edit very practical. Its plugin library makes it almost perfect. "Almost" because I do not find the shortcuts as nice as in other IDEs. Also, I would enjoy more specific C/C++ tools, and this is typically the flaw of general IDEs. Yet, very enjoyable software.
### 7. NetBeans ###
Just like Eclipse, impossible to avoid this beast. With navigation via tabs, project management, code outline, change history tracking, and a plethora of tools, [NetBeans][10] might be the most complete IDE out there. I could list for half a page all of its amazing features. But that will tip you off too easily about its main disadvantage, it might be too big. As great as it is, I prefer plugin based software because I doubt that anyone will need both Git and Mercurial integration for the same project. Call me crazy. But if you have the patience to master all of its options, you will be pretty much become the master of IDEs everywhere.
### 8. KDevelop ###
For all KDE fans out there, [KDevelop][11] might be the answer to your prayers. With a lot of configuration options, KDevelop is yours if you manage to seize it. Call me superficial but I never really got past the interface. But it's too bad for me as the editor itself packs quite a punch with a lot of navigation options and customizable shortcuts. The debugger is also very advanced and will take a bit of practice to master. However, this patience will be rewarded with this very flexible IDE's full power. And it gets special credits for its amazing embedded documentation.
### 9. CodeLite ###
Finally, last for not least, [CodeLite][12] shows that you can take a traditional formula and still get something with its own feeling attached to it. If the interface really reminded me of Code::Blocks and Anjuta at first, I was just blown away by the extensive plugin library. Whether you want to diff a file, insert a copyright block, define an abbreviation, or push your work on Git, there is a plugin for you. If I had to nitpick, I would say that it lacks a few navigation shortcuts for my taste, but that's really it.
To conclude, I hope that this list had you discover new IDEs for coding in your favorite language. While Code::Blocks remains my favorite, it has some serious challengers. Also we are far from covering all the ways to code in C/C++ using an IDE on Linux. So if you have another one to propose, let us know in the comments. Also if you would like me to cover IDEs for a different language next, also let us know in the comment section.
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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translating by barney-ro
2015 will be the year Linux takes over the enterprise (and other predictions) 2015 will be the year Linux takes over the enterprise (and other predictions)
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> Jack Wallen removes his rose-colored glasses and peers into the crystal ball to predict what 2015 has in store for Linux. > Jack Wallen removes his rose-colored glasses and peers into the crystal ball to predict what 2015 has in store for Linux.
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ What are your predictions for Linux and open source in 2015? Share your thoughts
via: via:
作者:[Jack Wallen][a] 作者:[Jack Wallen][a]
译者:[译者ID](译者ID) 译者:[barney-ro](
校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
[translating by KayGuoWhu]
A brief history of Linux malware A brief history of Linux malware
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A look at some of the worms and viruses and Trojans that have plagued Linux throughout the years. A look at some of the worms and viruses and Trojans that have plagued Linux throughout the years.

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Translating by ZTinoZ
20 Linux Commands Interview Questions & Answers 20 Linux Commands Interview Questions & Answers
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**Q:1 How to check current run level of a linux server ?** **Q:1 How to check current run level of a linux server ?**
@ -140,4 +141,4 @@ via:
[17]: [17]:
[18]: [18]:
[19]: [19]:
[20]: [20]:

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
(translating by runningwater)
2015: Open Source Has Won, But It Isn't Finished
> After the wins of 2014, what's next?
At the beginning of a new year, it's traditional to look back over the last 12 months. But as far as this column is concerned, it's easy to summarise what happened then: open source has won. Let's take it from the top:
**Supercomputers**. Linux is so dominant on the Top 500 Supercomputers lists it is almost embarrassing. The [November 2014 figures][1] show that 485 of the top 500 systems were running some form of Linux; Windows runs on just one. Things are even more impressive if you look at the numbers of cores involved. Here, Linux is to be found on 22,851,693 of them, while Windows is on just 30,720; what that means is that not only does Linux dominate, it is particularly strong on the bigger systems.
**Cloud computing**. The Linux Foundation produced an interesting [report][2] last year, which looked at the use of Linux in the cloud by large companies. It found that 75% of them use Linux as their primary platform there, against just 23% that use Windows. It's hard to translate that into market share, since the mix between cloud and non-cloud needs to be factored in; however, given the current popularity of cloud computing, it's safe to say that the use of Linux is high and increasing. Indeed, the same survey found Linux deployments in the cloud have increased from 65% to 79%, while those for Windows have fallen from 45% to 36%. Of course, some may not regard the Linux Foundation as totaly disinterested here, but even allowing for that, and for statistical uncertainties, it's pretty clear which direction things are moving in.
**Web servers**. Open source has dominated this sector for nearly 20 years - an astonishing record. However, more recently there's been some interesting movement in market share: at one point, Microsoft's IIS managed to overtake Apache in terms of the total number of Web servers. But as Netcraft explains in its most recent [analysis][3], there's more than meets the eye here:
> This is the second month in a row where there has been a large drop in the total number of websites, giving this month the lowest count since January. As was the case in November, the loss has been concentrated at just a small number of hosting companies, with the ten largest drops accounting for over 52 million hostnames. The active sites and web facing computers metrics were not affected by the loss, with the sites involved being mostly advertising linkfarms, having very little unique content. The majority of these sites were running on Microsoft IIS, causing it to overtake Apache in the July 2014 survey. However the recent losses have resulted in its market share dropping to 29.8%, leaving it now over 10 percentage points behind Apache.
As that indicates, Microsoft's "surge" was more apparent than real, and largely based on linkfarms with little useful content. Indeed, Netcraft's figures for active sites paints a very different picture: Apache has 50.57% market share, with nginx second on 14.73%; Microsoft IIS limps in with a rather feeble 11.72%. This means that open source has around 65% of the active Web server market - not quite at the supercomputer level, but pretty good.
**Mobile systems**. Here, the march of open source as the foundation of Android continues. Latest figures show that Android accounted for [83.6%][4] of smartphone shipments in the third quarter of 2014, up from 81.4% in the same quarter the previous year. Apple achieved 12.3%, down from 13.4%. As far as tablets are concerned, Android is following a similar trajectory: for the second quarter of 2014, Android notched up around [75% of global tablet sales][5], while Apple was on 25%.
**Embedded systems**. Although it's much harder to quantify the market share of Linux in the important embedded system market, but figures from one 2013 study indicated that around [half of planned embedded systems][6] would use it.
**Internet of Things**. In many ways this is simply another incarnation of embedded systems, with the difference that they are designed to be online, all the time. It's too early to talk of market share, but as I've [discussed][7] recently, AllSeen's open source framework is coming on apace. What's striking by their absence are any credible closed-source rivals; it therefore seems highly likely that the Internet of Things will see supercomputer-like levels of open source adoption.
Of course, this level of success always begs the question: where do we go from here? Given that open source is approaching saturation levels of success in many sectors, surely the only way is down? In answer to that question, I recommend a thought-provoking essay from 2013 written by Christopher Kelty for the Journal of Peer Production, with the intriguing title of "[There is no free software.][8]" Here's how it begins:
> Free software does not exist. This is sad for me, since I wrote a whole book about it. But it was also a point I tried to make in my book. Free software—and its doppelganger open source—is constantly becoming. Its existence is not one of stability, permanence, or persistence through time, and this is part of its power.
In other words, whatever amazing free software 2014 has already brought us, we can be sure that 2015 will be full of yet more of it, as it continues its never-ending evolution.
作者:[lyn Moody][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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Linus Tells Wired Leap Second Irrelevant
Two larger publications today featured Linux and the effect of the upcoming leap second. The Register today said that the leap second effects of the past are no longer an issue. Coincidentally, Wired talked to Linus Torvalds about the same issue today as well.
**Linus Torvalds** spoke with Wired's Robert McMillan about the approaching leap second due to be added in June. The Register said the last leap second in 2012 took out Mozilla, StumbleUpon, Yelp, FourSquare, Reddit and LinkedIn as well as several major airlines and travel reservation services that ran Linux. Torvalds told Wired today that the kernel is patched and he doesn't expect too many issues this time around. [He said][1], "Just take the leap second as an excuse to have a small nonsensical party for your closest friends. Wear silly hats, get a banner printed, and get silly drunk. Thats exactly how relevant it should be to most people."
**However**, The Register said not everyone agrees with Torvalds' sentiments. They quote Daily Mail saying, "The year 2015 will have an extra second — which could wreak havoc on the infrastructure powering the Internet," then remind us of the Y2K scare that ended up being a non-event. The Register's Gavin [Clarke concluded][2]:
> No reason the Penguins were caught sans pants.
> Now they've gone belt and braces.
The take-away is: move along, nothing to see here.
作者:[Susan Linton][a]
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diff -u: What's New in Kernel Development
**David Drysdale** wanted to add Capsicum security features to Linux after he noticed that FreeBSD already had Capsicum support. Capsicum defines fine-grained security privileges, not unlike filesystem capabilities. But as David discovered, Capsicum also has some controversy surrounding it.
Capsicum has been around for a while and was described in a USENIX paper in 2010: [][1].
Part of the controversy is just because of the similarity with capabilities. As Eric Biderman pointed out during the discussion, it would be possible to implement features approaching Capsicum's as an extension of capabilities, but implementing Capsicum directly would involve creating a whole new (and extensive) abstraction layer in the kernel. Although David argued that capabilities couldn't actually be extended far enough to match Capsicum's fine-grained security controls.
Capsicum also was controversial within its own developer community. For example, as Eric described, it lacked a specification for how to revoke privileges. And, David pointed out that this was because the community couldn't agree on how that could best be done. David quoted an e-mail sent by Ben Laurie to the cl-capsicum-discuss mailing list in 2011, where Ben said, "It would require additional book-keeping to find and revoke outstanding capabilities, which requires knowing how to reach capabilities, and then whether they are derived from the capability being revoked. It also requires an authorization model for revocation. The former two points mean additional overhead in terms of data structure operations and synchronisation."
Given the ongoing controversy within the Capsicum developer community and the corresponding lack of specification of key features, and given the existence of capabilities that already perform a similar function in the kernel and the invasiveness of Capsicum patches, Eric was opposed to David implementing Capsicum in Linux.
But, given the fact that capabilities are much coarser-grained than Capsicum's security features, to the point that capabilities can't really be extended far enough to mimic Capsicum's features, and given that FreeBSD already has Capsicum implemented in its kernel, showing that it can be done and that people might want it, it seems there will remain a lot of folks interested in getting Capsicum into the Linux kernel.
Sometimes it's unclear whether there's a bug in the code or just a bug in the written specification. Henrique de Moraes Holschuh noticed that the Intel Software Developer Manual (vol. 3A, section 9.11.6) said quite clearly that microcode updates required 16-byte alignment for the P6 family of CPUs, the Pentium 4 and the Xeon. But, the code in the kernel's microcode driver didn't enforce that alignment.
In fact, Henrique's investigation uncovered the fact that some Intel chips, like the Xeon X5550 and the second-generation i5 chips, needed only 4-byte alignment in practice, and not 16. However, to conform to the documented specification, he suggested fixing the kernel code to match the spec.
Borislav Petkov objected to this. He said Henrique was looking for problems where there weren't any. He said that Henrique simply had discovered a bug in Intel's documentation, because the alignment issue clearly wasn't a problem in the real world. He suggested alerting the Intel folks to the documentation problem and moving on. As he put it, "If the processor accepts the non-16-byte-aligned update, why do you care?"
But, as H. Peter Anvin remarked, the written spec was Intel's guarantee that certain behaviors would work. If the kernel ignored the spec, it could lead to subtle bugs later on. And, Bill Davidsen said that if the kernel ignored the alignment requirement, and "if the requirement is enforced in some future revision, and updates then fail in some insane way, the vendor is justified in claiming 'I told you so'."
The end result was that Henrique sent in some patches to make the microcode driver enforce the 16-byte alignment requirement.
作者:[Zack Brown][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
Why Mac users dont switch to Linux
Linux and Mac users share at least one common thing: they prefer not to use Windows. But after that the two groups part company and tend to go their separate ways. But why dont more Mac users switch to Linux? Is there something that prevents Mac users from making the jump?
[Datamation took a look at these questions][1] and tried to answer them. Datamations conclusion was that its really about the applications and workflow, not the operating system:
> …there are some instances where replacing existing applications with new options isnt terribly practical both in workflow and in overall functionality. This is an area where, sadly, Apple has excelled in. So while its hardly “impossible” to get around these issues, they are definitely a large enough challenge that it will give the typical Mac enthusiast pause.
> But outside of Web developers, honestly, I dont see Mac users “en masse,” seeking to disrupt their workflows for the mere idea of avoiding the upgrade to OS X Yosemite. Granted, having seen Yosemite up close Mac users who are considered power users will absolutely find this change-up to be hideous. However, despite poor OS X UI changes, the core workflow for existing Mac users will remain largely unchanged and unchallenged.
> No, I believe Linux adoption will continue to be sporadic and random. Ever-growing, but not something that is easily measured or accurately calculated.
I agree to a certain extent with Datamations take on the importance of applications and workflows, both things are important and matter in the choice of a desktop operating system. But I think theres something more going on with Mac users than just that. I believe that theres a different mentality that exists between Linux and Mac users, and I think thats the real reason why many Mac users dont switch to Linux.
### Its all about control for Linux users ###
Linux users tend to want control over their computing experience, they want to be able to change things to make them the way that they want them. One simply cannot do that in the same way with OS X or any other Apple products. With Apple you get what they give you for the most part.
For Mac (and iOS) users this is fine, they seem mostly content to stay within Apples walled garden and live according to whatever standards and options Apple gives them. But this is totally unacceptable to most Linux users. People who move to Linux usually come from Windows, and its there that they develop their loathing for someone else trying to define or control their computing experiences.
And once someone like that has tasted the freedom that Linux offers, its almost impossible for them to want to go back to living under the thumb of Apple, Microsoft or anyone else. Youd have to pry Linux from their cold, dead fingers before theyd accept the computing experience created for them Apple or Microsoft.
But you wont find that same determination to have control among most Mac users. For them its mostly about getting the most out of whatever Apple has done with OS X in its latest update. They tend to adjust fairly quickly to new versions of OS X and even when unhappy with Apples changes they seem content to continue living within Apples walled garden.
So the need for control is a huge difference between Mac and Linux users. I dont see it as a problem though since it just reflects the reality of two very different attitudes toward using computers.
### Mac users need Apples support mechanisms ###
Linux users are also different in the sense that they dont mind getting their hands dirty by getting “under the hood” of their computers. Along with control comes the personal responsibility of making sure that their Linux systems work well and efficiently, and digging into the operating system is something that many Linux users have no problem doing.
When a Linux user needs to fix something, chances are they will attempt to do so immediately themselves. If that doesnt work then theyll seek additional information online from other Linux users and work through the problem until it has been resolved.
But Mac users are most likely not going to do that to the same extent. That is probably one of the reasons why Apple stores are so popular and why so many Mac users opt to buy Apple Care when they get a new Mac. A Mac user can simply take his or her computer to the Apple store and ask someone to fix it for them. There they can belly up to the Genius Bar and have their computer looked at by someone Apple has paid to fix it.
Most Linux users would blanche at the thought of doing such a thing. Who wants some guy you dont even know to lay hands on your computer and start trying to fix it for you? Some Linux users would shudder at the very idea of such a thing happening.
So it would be hard for a Mac user to switch to Linux and suddenly be bereft of the support from Apple that he or she was used to getting in the past. Some Mac users might feel very vulnerable and uncertain if they were cut off from the Apple mothership in terms of support.
### Mac users love Apples hardware ###
The Datamation article focused on software, but I believe that hardware also matters to Mac users. Most Apple customers tend to love Apples hardware. When they buy a Mac, they arent just buying it for OS X. They are also buying Apples industrial design expertise and that can be an important differentiator for Mac users. Mac users are willing to pay more because they perceive that the overall value they are getting from Apple for a Mac is worth it.
Linux users, on the other hand, seem less concerned by such things. I think they tend to focus more on cost and less on the looks or design of their computer hardware. For them its probably about getting the most value from the hardware at the lowest cost. They arent in love with the way their computer hardware looks in the same way that some Mac users probably are, and so they dont make buying decisions based on it.
I think both points of view on hardware are equally valid. It ultimately gets down to the needs of the individual user and what matters to them when they choose to buy or, in the case of some Linux users, build their computer. Value is the key for both groups, and each has its own perceptions of what constitutes real value in a computer.
Of course it is [possible to run Linux on a Mac][2], directly or indirectly via virtual machine. So a user that really liked Apples hardware does have the option of keeping their Mac but installing Linux on it.
### Too many Linux distros to choose from? ###
Another reason that might make it hard for a Mac user to move to Linux is the sheer number of distributions to choose from in the world of Linux. While most Linux users probably welcome the huge diversity of distros available, it could also be very confusing for a Mac user who hasnt learned to navigate those choices.
Over time I think a Mac user would learn and adjust by figuring out which distribution worked best for him or her. But in the short term it might be a very daunting hurdle to overcome after being used to OS X for a long period of time. I dont think its insurmountable, but its definitely something that is worth mentioning here.
Of course we do have helpful resources like [DistroWatch][3] and even my own [Desktop Linux Reviews][4] blog that can help people find the right Linux distribution. Plus there are many articles available about “the best Linux distro” and that sort of thing that Mac users can use as resources when trying to figure out the distribution they want to use.
But one of the reasons why Apple customers buy Macs is the simplicity and all-in-one solution that they offer in terms of the hardware and software being unified by Apple. So I am not sure how many Mac users would really want to spend the time trying to find the right Linux distribution. It might be something that puts them off really considering the switch to Linux.
### Mac users are apples and Linux users are oranges ###
I see nothing wrong with Mac and Linux users going their separate ways. I think were just talking about two very different groups of people, and its a good thing that both groups can find and use the operating system and software that they prefer. Let Mac users enjoy OS X and let Linux users enjoy Linux, and hopefully both groups will be happy and content with their computers.
Every once in a while a Mac user might stray over to Linux or vice versa, but for the most part I think the two groups live in different worlds and mostly prefer to stay separate and apart from one another. I generally dont compare the two because when you get right down to it, its really just a case of apples and oranges.
作者:[Jim Lynch][a]
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How to configure HTTP load balancer with HAProxy on Linux
Increased demand on web based applications and services are putting more and more weight on the shoulders of IT administrators. When faced with unexpected traffic spikes, organic traffic growth, or internal challenges such as hardware failures and urgent maintenance, your web application must remain available, no matter what. Even modern devops and continuous delivery practices can threaten the reliability and consistent performance of your web service.
Unpredictability or inconsistent performance is not something you can afford. But how can we eliminate these downsides? In most cases a proper load balancing solution will do the job. And today I will show you how to set up HTTP load balancer using [HAProxy][1].
### What is HTTP load balancing? ###
HTTP load balancing is a networking solution responsible for distributing incoming HTTP or HTTPS traffic among servers hosting the same application content. By balancing application requests across multiple available servers, a load balancer prevents any application server from becoming a single point of failure, thus improving overall application availability and responsiveness. It also allows you to easily scale in/out an application deployment by adding or removing extra application servers with changing workloads.
### Where and when to use load balancing? ###
As load balancers improve server utilization and maximize availability, you should use it whenever your servers start to be under high loads. Or if you are just planning your architecture for a bigger project, it's a good habit to plan usage of load balancer upfront. It will prove itself useful in the future when you need to scale your environment.
### What is HAProxy? ###
HAProxy is a popular open-source load balancer and proxy for TCP/HTTP servers on GNU/Linux platforms. Designed in a single-threaded event-driven architecture, HAproxy is capable of handling [10G NIC line rate][2] easily, and is being extensively used in many production environments. Its features include automatic health checks, customizable load balancing algorithms, HTTPS/SSL support, session rate limiting, etc.
### What are we going to achieve in this tutorial? ###
In this tutorial, we will go through the process of configuring a HAProxy-based load balancer for HTTP web servers.
### Prerequisites ###
You will need at least one, or preferably two web servers to verify functionality of your load balancer. We assume that backend HTTP web servers are already [up and running][3].
### Install HAProxy on Linux ###
For most distributions, we can install HAProxy using your distribution's package manager.
#### Install HAProxy on Debian ####
In Debian we need to add backports for Wheezy. To do that, please create a new file called "backports.list" in /etc/apt/sources.list.d, with the following content:
deb wheezy­backports main
Refresh your repository data and install HAProxy.
# apt­ get update
# apt ­get install haproxy
#### Install HAProxy on Ubuntu ####
# apt ­get install haproxy
#### Install HAProxy on CentOS and RHEL ####
# yum install haproxy
### Configure HAProxy ###
In this tutorial, we assume that there are two HTTP web servers up and running with IP addresses and We also assume that the load balancer will be configured at a server with IP address
To make HAProxy functional, you need to change a number of items in /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. These changes are described in this section. In case some configuration differs for different GNU/Linux distributions, it will be noted in the paragraph.
#### 1. Configure Logging ####
One of the first things you should do is to set up proper logging for your HAProxy, which will be useful for future debugging. Log configuration can be found in the global section of /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. The following are distro-specific instructions for configuring logging for HAProxy.
**CentOS or RHEL:**
To enable logging on CentOS/RHEL, replace:
log local2
log local0
The next step is to set up separate log files for HAProxy in /var/log. For that, we need to modify our current rsyslog configuration. To make the configuration simple and clear, we will create a new file called haproxy.conf in /etc/rsyslog.d/ with the following content.
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
$template Haproxy,"%msg%\n"
local0.=info ­/var/log/haproxy.log;Haproxy
local0.notice ­/var/log/haproxy­status.log;Haproxy
local0.* ~
This configuration will separate all HAProxy messages based on the $template to log files in /var/log. Now restart rsyslog to apply the changes.
# service rsyslog restart
**Debian or Ubuntu:**
To enable logging for HAProxy on Debian or Ubuntu, replace:
log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
log local0
Next, to configure separate log files for HAProxy, edit a file called haproxy.conf (or 49-haproxy.conf in Debian) in /etc/rsyslog.d/ with the following content.
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
$template Haproxy,"%msg%\n"
local0.=info ­/var/log/haproxy.log;Haproxy
local0.notice ­/var/log/haproxy­status.log;Haproxy
local0.* ~
This configuration will separate all HAProxy messages based on the $template to log files in /var/log. Now restart rsyslog to apply the changes.
# service rsyslog restart
#### 2. Setting Defaults ####
The next step is to set default variables for HAProxy. Find the defaults section in /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg, and replace it with the following configuration.
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
retries 3
option redispatch
maxconn 20000
contimeout 5000
clitimeout 50000
srvtimeout 50000
The configuration stated above is recommended for HTTP load balancer use, but it may not be the optimal solution for your environment. In that case, feel free to explore HAProxy man pages to tweak it.
#### 3. Webfarm Configuration ####
Webfarm configuration defines the pool of available HTTP servers. Most of the settings for our load balancer will be placed here. Now we will create some basic configuration, where our nodes will be defined. Replace all of the configuration from frontend section until the end of file with the following code:
listen webfarm *:80
mode http
stats enable
stats uri /haproxy?stats
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats auth haproxy:stats
balance roundrobin
cookie LBN insert indirect nocache
option httpclose
option forwardfor
server web01 cookie node1 check
server web02 cookie node2 check
The line "listen webfarm *:80" defines on which interfaces our load balancer will listen. For the sake of the tutorial, I've set that to "*" which makes the load balancer listen on all our interfaces. In a real world scenario, this might be undesirable and should be replaced with an interface that is accessible from the internet.
stats enable
stats uri /haproxy?stats
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats auth haproxy:stats
The above settings declare that our load balancer statistics can be accessed on http://<load-balancer-IP>/haproxy?stats. The access is secured with a simple HTTP authentication with login name "haproxy" and password "stats". These settings should be replaced with your own credentials. If you don't need to have these statistics available, then completely disable them.
Here is an example of HAProxy statistics.
The line "balance roundrobin" defines the type of load balancing we will use. In this tutorial we will use simple round robin algorithm, which is fully sufficient for HTTP load balancing. HAProxy also offers other types of load balancing:
- **leastconn**:­ gives connections to the server with the lowest number of connections.
- **source**: hashes the source IP address, and divides it by the total weight of the running servers to decide which server will receive the request.
- **uri**: the left part of the URI (before the question mark) is hashed and divided by the total weight of the running servers. The result determines which server will receive the request.
- **url_param**: the URL parameter specified in the argument will be looked up in the query string of each HTTP GET request. You can basically lock the request using crafted URL to specific load balancer node.
- **hdr(name**): the HTTP header <name> will be looked up in each HTTP request and directed to specific node.
The line "cookie LBN insert indirect nocache" makes our load balancer store persistent cookies, which allows us to pinpoint which node from the pool is used for a particular session. These node cookies will be stored with a defined name. In our case, I used "LBN", but you can specify any name you like. The node will store its string as a value for this cookie.
server web01 cookie node1 check
server web02 cookie node2 check
The above part is the definition of our pool of web server nodes. Each server is represented with its internal name (e.g., web01, web02). IP address, and unique cookie string. The cookie string can be defined as anything you want. I am using simple node1, node2 ... node(n).
### Start HAProxy ###
When you are done with the configuration, it's time to start HAProxy and verify that everything is working as intended.
#### Start HAProxy on Centos/RHEL ####
Enable HAProxy to be started after boot and turn it on using:
# chkconfig haproxy on
# service haproxy start
And of course don't forget to enable port 80 in the firewall as follows.
**Firewall on CentOS/RHEL 7:**
# firewall­cmd ­­permanent ­­zone=public ­­add­port=80/tcp
# firewall­cmd ­­reload
**Firewall on CentOS/RHEL 6:**
Add following line into section ":OUTPUT ACCEPT" of /etc/sysconfig/iptables:
­A INPUT ­m state ­­state NEW ­m tcp ­p tcp ­­dport 80 ­j ACCEPT
and restart **iptables**:
# service iptables restart
#### Start HAProxy on Debian ####
#### Start HAProxy with: ####
# service haproxy start
Don't forget to enable port 80 in the firewall by adding the following line into /etc/iptables.up.rules:
­A INPUT ­p tcp ­­dport 80 ­j ACCEPT
#### Start HAProxy on Ubuntu ####
Enable HAProxy to be started after boot by setting "ENABLED" option to "1" in /etc/default/haproxy:
Start HAProxy:
# service haproxy start
and enable port 80 in the firewall:
# ufw allow 80
### Test HAProxy ###
To check whether HAproxy is working properly, we can do the following.
First, prepare test.php file with the following content:
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
echo "Server IP: ".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
echo "\nX-Forwarded-for: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
This PHP file will tell us which server (i.e., load balancer) forwarded the request, and what backend web server actually handled the request.
Place this PHP file in the root directory of both backend web servers. Now use curl command to fetch this PHP file from the load balancer (
$ curl
When we run this command multiple times, we should see the following two outputs alternate (due to the round robin algorithm).
Server IP:
Server IP:
If we stop one of the two backend web servers, the curl command should still work, directing requests to the other available web server.
### Summary ###
By now you should have a fully operational load balancer that supplies your web nodes with requests in round robin mode. As always, feel free to experiment with the configuration to make it more suitable for your infrastructure. I hope this tutorial helped you to make your web projects more resistant and available.
As most of you already noticed, this tutorial contains settings for only one load balancer. Which means that we have just replaced one single point of failure with another. In real life scenarios you should deploy at least two or three load balancers to cover for any failures that might happen, but that is out of the scope of this tutorial right now.
If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to post them in the comments and I will do my best to answer or advice.
作者:[Jaroslav Štěpánek][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
How to convert image, audio and video formats on Ubuntu
If you need to work with a variety of image, audio and video files encoded in all sorts of different formats, you are probably using more than one tools to convert among all those heterogeneous media formats. If there is a versatile all-in-one media conversion tool that is capable of dealing with all different image/audio/video formats, that will be awesome.
[Format Junkie][1] is one such all-in-one media conversion tool with an extremely user-friendly GUI. Better yet, it is free software! With Format Junkie, you can convert image, audio, video and archive files of pretty much all the popular formats simply with a few mouse clicks.
### Install Format Junkie on Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04 ###
Format Junkie is available for installation via Ubuntu PPA format-junkie-team. This PPA supports Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04. To install Format Junkie on one of those Ubuntu releases, simply run the following.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:format-junkie-team/release
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install formatjunkie
$ sudo ln -s /opt/ /usr/bin/formatjunkie
### Install Format Junkie on Ubuntu 13.10 ###
If you are running Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander), you can download and install .deb package for Ubuntu 13.04 as follows. Since the .deb package for Format Junkie requires quite a few dependent packages, install it using [gdebi deb installer][2].
On 32-bit Ubuntu 13.10:
$ wget
$ sudo gdebi formatjunkie_1.07-1~raring0.2_i386.deb
$ sudo ln -s /opt/ /usr/bin/formatjunkie
On 64-bit Ubuntu 13.10:
$ wget
$ sudo gdebi formatjunkie_1.07-1~raring0.2_amd64.deb
$ sudo ln -s /opt/ /usr/bin/formatjunkie
### Install Format Junkie on Ubuntu 14.04 or Later ###
The currently available official Format Junkie .deb file requires libavcodec-extra-53 which has become obsolete starting from Ubuntu 14.04. Thus if you want to install Format Junkie on Ubuntu 14.04 or later, you can use the following third-party PPA repositories instead.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install formatjunkie
### How to Use Format Junkie ###
To start Format Junkie after installation, simply run:
$ formatjunkie
#### Convert audio, video, image and archive formats with Format Junkie ####
The user interface of Format Junkie is pretty simple and intuitive, as shown below. To choose among audio, video, image and iso media, click on one of four tabs at the top. You can add as many files as you want for batch conversion. After you add files, and select output format, simply click on "Start Converting" button to convert.
Format Junkie supports conversion among the following media formats:
- **Audio**: mp3, wav, ogg, wma, flac, m4r, aac, m4a, mp2.
- **Video**: avi, ogv, vob, mp4, 3gp, wmv, mkv, mpg, mov, flv, webm.
- **Image**: jpg, png, ico, bmp, svg, tif, pcx, pdf, tga, pnm.
- **Archive**: iso, cso.
#### Subtitle encoding with Format Junkie ####
Besides media conversion, Format Junkie also provides GUI for subtitle encoding. Actual subtitle encoding is done by MEncoder. In order to do subtitle encoding via Format Junkie interface, first you need to install MEencoder.
$ sudo apt-get install mencoder
Then click on "Advanced" tab on Format Junkie. Choose AVI/subtitle files to use for encoding, as shown below.
Overall, Format Junkie is an extremely easy-to-use and versatile media conversion tool. One drawback, though, is that it does not allow any sort of customization during conversion (e.g., bitrate, fps, sampling frequency, image quality, size). So this tool is recommended for newbies who are looking for an easy-to-use simple media conversion tool.
Enjoyed this post? I will appreciate your like/share buttons on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
“ntpq -p” output
The [Gentoo][1] (and others?) [incomplete man pages for “ntpq -p”][2] merely give the description: “*Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary of their state.*”
I had not seen this documented, hence here is a summary that can be used in addition to the brief version of the man page “[man ntpq][3]“. More complete details are given on: “[ntpq standard NTP query program][4]” (source author), and [other examples of the man ntpq pages][5].
[NTP][6] is a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a ([WAN][7] or [LAN][8]) [udp][9] network. From [Wikipedia NTP][10]:
> The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol and software implementation for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks. Originally designed by David L. Mills of the University of Delaware and still maintained by him and a team of volunteers, it was first used before 1985 and is one of the oldest Internet protocols.
For an awful lot more than you might ever want to know about time and NTP, see “[The NTP FAQ, Time, what Time?][11]” and the current [RFCs for NTP][12]. The earlier “Network Time Protocol (Version 3) RFC” ([txt][13], or [pdf][14], Appendix E, The NTP Timescale and its Chronometry, p70) includes an interesting explanation of the changes in, and relations between, our timekeeping systems over the past 5000 years or so. Wikipedia gives a broader view in the articles [Time][15] and [Calendar][16].
The command “ntpq -p” outputs a table such as for example:
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
LOCAL(0) .LOCL. 10 l 96h 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
* 2 u 936 1024 377 31.234 3.353 3.096
### Further detail: ###
#### Table headings: ####
- **remote** The remote peer or server being synced to. “LOCAL” is this local host (included in case there are no remote peers or servers available);
- **refid** Where or what the remote peer or server is itself synchronised to;
- **st** The remote peer or server [Stratum][17]
- **t** Type (u: [unicast][18] or [manycast][19] client, b: [broadcast][20] or [multicast][21] client, l: local reference clock, s: symmetric peer, A: manycast server, B: broadcast server, M: multicast server, see “[Automatic Server Discovery][22]“);
- **when** When last polled (seconds ago, “h” hours ago, or “d” days ago);
- **poll** Polling frequency: [rfc5905][23] suggests this ranges in NTPv4 from 4 (16s) to 17 (36h) (log2 seconds), however observation suggests the actual displayed value is seconds for a much smaller range of 64 (26) to 1024 (210) seconds;
- **reach** An 8-bit left-shift shift register value recording polls (bit set = successful, bit reset = fail) displayed in [octal][24];
- **delay** Round trip communication delay to the remote peer or server (milliseconds);
- **offset** Mean offset (phase) in the times reported between this local host and the remote peer or server ([RMS][25], milliseconds);
- **jitter** Mean deviation (jitter) in the time reported for that remote peer or server (RMS of difference of multiple time samples, milliseconds);
#### Select Field tally code: ####
The first character displayed in the table (Select Field tally code) is a state flag (see [Peer Status Word][26]) that follows the sequence ” “, “x”, “-“, “#”, “+”, “*”, “o”:
- ”** ** No state indicated for:
- non-communicating remote machines,
- “LOCAL” for this local host,
- (unutilised) high stratum servers,
- remote machines that are themselves using this host as their synchronisation reference;
- “**x**” Out of tolerance, do not use (discarded by intersection algorithm);
- “**-**” Out of tolerance, do not use (discarded by the cluster algorithm);
- “**#**” Good remote peer or server but not utilised (not among the first six peers sorted by synchronization distance, ready as a backup source);
- “**+**” Good and a preferred remote peer or server (included by the combine algorithm);
- “*****” The remote peer or server presently used as the primary reference;
- “**o**” PPS peer (when the prefer peer is valid). The actual system synchronization is derived from a pulse-per-second (PPS) signal, either indirectly via the PPS reference clock driver or directly via kernel interface.
See the [Clock Select Algorithm][27].
#### “refid”: ####
The **refid** can have the status values:
- An IP address The [IP address][28] of a remote peer or server;
- **.LOCL.** This local host (a place marker at the lowest stratum included in case there are no remote peers or servers available);
- **.PPS.** “[Pulse Per Second][29]” from a time standard;
- **.IRIG.** [Inter-Range Instrumentation Group][30] time code;
- **.ACTS.** American [NIST time standard][31] telephone modem;
- **.NIST.** American NIST time standard telephone modem;
- **.PTB.** German [PTB][32] time standard telephone modem;
- **.USNO.** American [USNO time standard][33] telephone modem;
- **.CHU.** [CHU][34] ([HF][35], Ottawa, ON, Canada) time standard radio receiver;
- **.DCFa.** [DCF77][36] ([LF][37], Mainflingen, Germany) time standard radio receiver;
- **.HBG.** [HBG][38] (LF Prangins, Switzerland) time standard radio receiver;
- **.JJY.** [JJY][39] (LF Fukushima, Japan) time standard radio receiver;
- **.LORC.** [LORAN][40]-C station ([MF][41]) time standard radio receiver. Note, [no longer operational][42] (superseded by [eLORAN][43]);
- **.MSF.** [MSF][44] (LF, Anthorn, Great Britain) time standard radio receiver;
- **.TDF.** [TDF][45] (MF, Allouis, France) time standard radio receiver;
- **.WWV.** [WWV][46] (HF, Ft. Collins, CO, America) time standard radio receiver;
- **.WWVB.** [WWVB][47] (LF, Ft. Collins, CO, America) time standard radio receiver;
- **.WWVH.** [WWVH][48] (HF, Kauai, HI, America) time standard radio receiver;
- **.GOES.** American [Geosynchronous Orbit Environment Satellite][49];
- **.GPS.** American [GPS][50];
- **.GAL.** [Galileo][51] European [GNSS][52];
- **.ACST.** manycast server;
- **.AUTH.** authentication error;
- **.AUTO.** Autokey sequence error;
- **.BCST.** broadcast server;
- **.CRYPT.** Autokey protocol error;
- **.DENY.** access denied by server;
- **.INIT.** association initialized;
- **.MCST.** multicast server;
- **.RATE.** (polling) rate exceeded;
- **.TIME.** association timeout;
- **.STEP.** step time change, the offset is less than the panic threshold (1000ms) but greater than the step threshold (125ms).
#### Operation notes ####
A time server will report time information with no time updates from clients (unidirectional updates), whereas a peer can update fellow participating peers to converge upon a mutually agreed time (bidirectional updates).
During [initial startup][53]:
> Unless using the iburst option, the client normally takes a few minutes to synchronize to a server. If the client time at startup happens to be more than 1000s distant from NTP time, the daemon exits with a message to the system log directing the operator to manually set the time within 1000s and restart. If the time is less than 1000s but more than 128s distant, a step correction occurs and the daemon restarts automatically.
> When started for the first time and a frequency file is not present, the daemon enters a special mode in order to calibrate the frequency. This takes 900s during which the time is not [disciplined][54]. When calibration is complete, the daemon creates the frequency file and enters normal mode to amortize whatever residual offset remains.
Stratum 0 devices are such as atomic (caesium, rubidium) clocks, GPS clocks, or other time standard radio clocks providing a time signal to the Stratum 1 time servers. NTP reports [UTC][55] (Coordinated Universal Time) only. Client programs/utilities then use [time zone][56] data to report local time from the synchronised UTC.
The protocol is highly accurate, using a resolution of less than a nanosecond (about 2-32 seconds). The time resolution achieved and other parameters for a host (host hardware and operating system limited) is reported by the command “ntpq -c rl” (see [rfc1305][57] Common Variables and [rfc5905][58]).
#### “ntpq -c rl” output parameters: ####
- **precision** is rounded to give the next larger integer power of two. The achieved resolution is thus 2precision (seconds)
- **rootdelay** total roundtrip delay to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet. Note that this variable can take on both positive and negative values, depending on clock precision and skew (seconds)
- **rootdisp** maximum error relative to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet (seconds)
- **tc** NTP algorithm [PLL][59] (phase locked loop) or [FLL][60] (frequency locked loop) time constant (log2)
- **mintc** NTP algorithm PLL/FLL minimum time constant or fastest response (log2)
- **offset** best and final offset determined by the combine algorithm used to discipline the system clock (ms)
- **frequency** system clock period (log2 seconds)
- **sys_jitter** best and final jitter determined by the combine algorithm used to discipline the system clock (ms)
- **clk_jitter** host hardware(?) system clock jitter (ms)
- **clk_wander** host hardware(?) system clock wander ([PPM][61] parts per million)
Jitter (also called timing jitter) refers to short-term variations in frequency with components greater than 10Hz, while wander refers to long-term variations in frequency with components less than 10Hz. (Stability refers to the systematic variation of frequency with time and is synonymous with aging, drift, trends, etc.)
#### Operation notes (continued) ####
The NTP software maintains a continuously updated drift correction. For a correctly configured and stable system, a reasonable expectation for modern hardware synchronising over an uncongested internet connection is for network client devices to be synchronised to within a few milliseconds of UTC at the time of synchronising to the NTP service. (What accuracy can be expected between peers on an uncongested Gigabit LAN?)
Note that for UTC, a [leap second][62] can be inserted into the reported time up to twice a year to allow for variations in the Earths rotation. Also beware of the one hour time shifts for when local times are reported for “[daylight savings][63]” times. Also, the clock for a client device will run independently of UTC until resynchronised oncemore, unless that device is calibrated or a drift correction is applied.
#### [What happens during a Leap Second?][64] ####
> During a leap second, either one second is removed from the current day, or a second is added. In both cases this happens at the end of the UTC day. If a leap second is inserted, the time in UTC is specified as 23:59:60. In other words, it takes two seconds from 23:59:59 to 0:00:00 instead of one. If a leap second is deleted, time will jump from 23:59:58 to 0:00:00 in one second instead of two. See also [The Kernel Discipline][65].
So… What actually is the value for the step threshold: 125ms or 128ms? And what are the PLL/FLL tc units (log2 s? ms?)? And what accuracy can be expected between peers on an uncongested Gigabit LAN?
Thanks for comments from Camilo M and Chris B. Corrections and further details welcomed.
### Apocrypha: ###
- The [epoch for NTP][66] starts in year 1900 while the epoch in UNIX starts in 1970.
- [Time corrections][67] are applied gradually, so it may take up to three hours until the frequency error is compensated.
- [Peerstats and loopstats][68] can be logged to [summarise/plot time offsets and errors][69]
- [RMS][70] Root Mean Square
- [PLL][71] Phase locked loop
- [FLL][72] Frequency locked loop
- [PPM][73] Parts per million, used here to describe rate of time drift
- [man ntpq (Gentoo brief version)][74]
- [man ntpq (long version)][75]
- [man ntpq (Gentoo long version)][76]
### See: ###
- [ntpq standard NTP query program][77]
- [The Network Time Protocol (NTP) Distribution][78]
- A very brief [history][79] of NTP
- A more detailed brief history: “Mills, D.L., A brief history of NTP time: confessions of an Internet timekeeper. Submitted for publication; please do not cite or redistribute” ([pdf][80])
- [NTP RFC][81] standards documents
- Network Time Protocol (Version 3) RFC [txt][82], or [pdf][83]. Appendix E, The NTP Timescale and its Chronometry, p70, includes an interesting explanation of the changes in, and relations between, our timekeeping systems over the past 5000 years or so
- Wikipedia: [Time][84] and [Calendar][85]
- [John Harrison and the Longitude problem][86]
- [Clock of the Long Now][87] The 10,000 Year Clock
- John C Taylor [Chronophage][88]
- [Orders of magnitude of time][89]
- The [Greenwich Time Signal][90]
### Others: ###
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol, [RFC 4330][91]) is basically also NTP, but lacks some internal algorithms for servers where the ultimate performance of a full NTP implementation based on [RFC 1305][92] is neither needed nor justified.
The W32Time [Windows Time Service][93] is a non-standard implementation of SNTP, with no accuracy guarantees, and an assumed accuracy of no better than about a 1 to 2 second range. (Is that due to there being no system clock drift correction and a time update applied only once every 24 hours assumed for a [PC][94] with typical clock drift?)
There is also the [PTP (IEEE 1588)][95] Precision Time Protocol. See Wikipedia: [Precision Time Protocol][96]. A software demon is [PTPd][97]. The significant features are that it is intended as a [LAN][98] high precision master-slave synchronisation system synchronising at the microsecond scale to a master clock for [International Atomic Time][99] (TAI, [monotonic][100], no leap seconds). Data packet timestamping can be appended by hardware at the physical layer by a network interface card or switch for example. Network kit supporting PTP can timestamp data packets in and out in a way that removes the delay effect of processing within the switch/router. You can run PTP without hardware timestamping but it might not synchronise if the time errors introduced are too great. Also it will struggle to work through a router (large delays) for the same reason.
### Older time synchronization protocols: ###
- DTSS Digital Time Synchronisation Service by Digital Equipment Corporation, superseded by NTP. See an example of [DTSS VMS C code c2000][101]. (Any DTSS articles/documentation anywhere?)
- [DAYTIME protocol][102], synchronization protocol using [TCP][103] or [UDP][104] port 13
- [ICMP Timestamp][105] and [ICMP Timestamp Reply][106], synchronization protocol using [ICMP][107]
- [Time Protocol][108], synchronization protocol using TCP or UDP port 37
作者Martin L
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@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
Quick systemd-nspawn guide
I switched to using systemd-nspawn in place of chroot and wanted to give a quick guide to using it. The short version is that Id strongly recommend that anybody running systemd that uses chroot switch over - there really are no downsides as long as your kernel is properly configured.
Chroot should be no stranger to anybody who works on distros, and I suspect that the majority of Gentoo users have need for it from time to time.
### The Challenges of chroot ###
For most interactive uses it isnt sufficient to just run chroot. Usually you need to mount /proc, /sys, and bind mount /dev so that you dont have issues like missing ptys, etc. If you use tmpfs you might also want to mount the new tmp, var/tmp as tmpfs. Then you might want to make other bind mounts into the chroot. None of this is particularly difficult, but you usually end up writing a small script to manage it.
Now, I routinely do full backups, and usually that involves excluding stuff like tmp dirs, and anything resembling a bind mount. When I set up a new chroot that means updating my backup config, which I usually forget to do since most of the time the chroot mounts arent running anyway. Then when I do leave it mounted overnight I end up with backups consuming lots of extra space (bind mounts of large trees).
Finally, systemd now by default handles bind mounts a little differently when they contain other mount points (such as when using -rbind). Apparently unmounting something in the bind mount will cause systemd to unmount the corresponding directory on the other side of the bind. Imagine my surprise when I unmounted my chroot bind to /dev and discovered /dev/pts and /dev/shm no longer mounted on the host. It looks like there are ways to change that, but this isnt the point of my post (it just spurred me to find another way).
### Systemd-nspawns Advantages ###
Systemd-nspawn is a tool that launches a container, and it can operate just like chroot in its simplest form. By default it automatically sets up most of the overhead like /dev, /tmp, etc. With a few options it can also set up other bind mounts as well. When the container exits all the mounts are cleaned up.
From the outside of the container nothing appears different when the container is running. In fact, you could spawn 5 different systemd-nspawn container instances from the same chroot and they wouldnt have any interaction except via the filesystem (and that excludes /dev, /tmp, and so on - only changes in /usr, /etc will propagate across). Your backup wont see the bind mounts, or tmpfs, or anything else mounted within the container.
The container also has all those other nifty container benefits like containment - a killall inside the container wont touch anything outside, and so on. The security isnt airtight - the intent is to prevent accidental mistakes.
Then, if you use a compatible sysvinit (which includes systemd, and I think recent versions of openrc), you can actually boot the container, which drops you to a getty inside. That means you can use fstab to do additional mounts inside the container, run daemons, and so on. You get almost all the benefits of virtualization for the cost of a chroot (no need to build a kernel, and so on). It is a bit odd to be running systemctl poweroff inside what looks just like a chroot, but it works.
Note that unless you do a bit more setup you will share the same network interface with the host, so no running sshd on the container if you have it on the host, etc. I wont get into this but it shouldnt be hard to run a separate network namespace and bind the interfaces so that the new instance can run dhcp.
### How to do it ###
So, getting it actually working will likely be the shortest bit in this post.
You need support for namespaces and multiple devpts instances in your kernel:
From there launching a namespace just like a chroot is really simple:
systemd-nspawn -D .
Thats it - you can exit from it just like a chroot. From inside you can run mount and see that it has taken care of /dev and /tmp for you. The “.” is the path to the chroot, which I assume is the current directory. With nothing further it runs bash inside.
If you want to add some bind mounts it is easy:
systemd-nspawn -D . --bind /usr/portage
Now your /usr/portage is bound to your host, so no need to sync/etc. If you want to bind to a different destination add a “:dest” after the source, relative to the root of the chroot (so --bind foo is the same as --bind foo:foo).
If the container has a functional init that can handle being run inside, you can add a -b to boot it:
systemd-nspawn -D . --bind /usr/portage -b
Watch the init do its job. Shut down the container to exit.
Now, if that container is running systemd you can direct its journal to the host journal with -h:
systemd-nspawn -D . --bind /usr/portage -j -b
Now, nspawn registers the container so that it shows up in machinectl. That makes it easy to launch a new getty on it, or ssh to it (if it is running ssh - see my note above about network namespaces), or power it off from the host.
Thats it. If youre running systemd Id suggest ditching chroot almost entirely in favor of nspawn.
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@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
(translating by runningwater)
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to install 7zip on Linux
> **Question**: I need to extract files from an ISO image, and for that I want to use 7zip program. How can I install 7zip on [insert your Linux distro]?
7zip is an open-source archive program originally developed for Windows, which can pack or unpack a variety of archive formats including its native format 7z as well as XZ, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and BZIP2. 7zip is also popularly used to extract RAR, DEB, RPM and ISO files. Besides simple archiving, 7zip can support AES-256 encryption as well as self-extracting and multi-volume archiving. For POSIX systems (Linux, Unix, BSD), the original 7zip program has been ported as p7zip (short for "POSIX 7zip").
Here is how to install 7zip (or p7zip) on Linux.
### Install 7zip on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint ###
Debian-based distributions come with three packages related to 7zip.
- **p7zip**: contains 7zr (a minimal 7zip archive tool) which can handle its native 7z format only.
- **p7zip-full**: contains 7z which can support 7z, LZMA2, XZ, ZIP, CAB, GZIP, BZIP2, ARJ, TAR, CPIO, RPM, ISO and DEB.
- **p7zip-rar**: contains a plugin for extracting RAR files.
It is recommended to install p7zip-full package (not p7zip) since this is the most complete 7zip package which supports many archive formats. In addition, if you want to extract RAR files, you also need to install p7zip-rar package as well. The reason for having a separate plugin package is because RAR is a proprietary format.
$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full p7zip-rar
### Install 7zip on Fedora or CentOS/RHEL ###
Red Hat-based distributions offer two packages related to 7zip.
- **p7zip**: contains 7za command which can support 7z, ZIP, GZIP, CAB, ARJ, BZIP2, TAR, CPIO, RPM and DEB.
- **p7zip-plugins**: contains 7z command and additional plugins to extend 7za command (e.g., ISO extraction).
On CentOS/RHEL, you need to enable [EPEL repository][1] before running yum command below. On Fedora, there is not need to set up additional repository.
$ sudo yum install p7zip p7zip-plugins
Note that unlike Debian based distributions, Red Hat based distributions do not offer a RAR plugin. Therefore you will not be able to extract RAR files using 7z command.
### Create or Extract an Archive with 7z ###
Once you installed 7zip, you can use 7z command to pack or unpack various types of archives. The 7z command uses other plugins to handle the archives.
To create an archive, use "a" option. Supported archive types for creation are 7z, XZ, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and BZIP2. If the specified archive file already exists, it will "add" the files to the existing archive, instead of overwriting it.
$ 7z a <archive-filename> <list-of-files>
To extract an archive, use "e" option. It will extract the archive in the current directory. Supported archive types for extraction are a lot more than those for creation. The list includes 7z, XZ, GZIP, TAR, ZIP, BZIP2, LZMA2, CAB, ARJ, CPIO, RPM, ISO and DEB.
$ 7z e <archive-filename>
Another way to unpack an archive is to use "x" option. Unlike "e" option, it will extract the content with full paths.
$ 7z x <archive-filename>
To see a list of files in an archive, use "l" option.
$ 7z l <archive-filename>
You can update or remove file(s) in an archive with "u" and "d" options, respectively.
$ 7z u <archive-filename> <list-of-files-to-update>
$ 7z d <archive-filename> <list-of-files-to-delete>
To test the integrity of an archive:
$ 7z t <archive-filename>
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@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
Translating by ZTinoZ
How to Install Bugzilla 4.4 on Ubuntu / CentOS 6.x
Here, we are gonna show you how we can install Bugzilla in an Ubuntu 14.04 or CentOS 6.5/7. Bugzilla is a Free and Open Source Software(FOSS) which is web based bug tracking tool used to log and track defect database, its Bug-tracking systems allow individual or groups of developers effectively to keep track of outstanding problems with their product. Despite being "free", Bugzilla has many features its expensive counterparts lack. Consequently, Bugzilla has quickly become a favorite of thousands of organizations across the globe.
Bugzilla is very adaptable to various situations. They are used now a days in different IT support queues, Systems Administration deployment management, chip design and development problem tracking (both pre-and-post fabrication), and software and hardware bug tracking for luminaries such as Redhat, NASA, Linux-Mandrake, and VA Systems.
### 1. Installing dependencies ###
Setting up Bugzilla is fairly **easy**. This blog is specific to Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 6.5 ( though it might work with older versions too )
In order to get Bugzilla up and running in Ubuntu or CentOS, we are going to install Apache webserver ( SSL enabled ) , MySQL database server and also some tools that are required to install and configure Bugzilla.
To install Bugzilla in your server, you'll need to have the following components installed:
- Per l(5.8.1 or above)
- Apache2
- Bugzilla
- Perl modules
- Bugzilla using apache
As we have mentioned that this article explains installation of both Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 6.5/7, we will have 2 different sections for them.
Here are the steps you need to follow to setup Bugzilla in your Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and CentOS 7:
**Preparing the required dependency packages:**
You need to install the essential packages by running the following command:
**For Ubuntu:**
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server libapache2-mod-perl2
libapache2-mod-perl2-dev libapache2-mod-perl2-doc perl postfix make gcc g++
**For CentOS:**
$ sudo yum install httpd mod_ssl mysql-server mysql php-mysql gcc perl* mod_perl-devel
**Note: Please run all the commands in a shell or terminal and make sure you have root access (sudo) on the machine.**
### 2. Running Apache server ###
As you have already installed the apache server from the above step, we need to now configure apache server and run it. We'll need to go for sudo or root mode to get all the commands working so, we'll gonna switch to root access.
$ sudo -s
Now, we need to open port 80 in the firewall and need to save the changes.
# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
# service iptables save
Now, we need to run the service:
For CentOS:
# service httpd start
Lets make sure that Apache will restart every time you restart the machine:
# /sbin/chkconfig httpd on
For Ubuntu:
# service apache2 start
Now, as we have started our apache http server, we will be able to open apache server at IP address of by default.
### 3. Configuring MySQL Server ###
Now, we need to start our MySQL server:
For CentOS:
# chkconfig mysqld on
# service start mysqld
For Ubuntu:
# service mysql-server start
Login with root access to MySQL and create a DB for Bugzilla. Change “mypassword” to anything you want for your mysql password. You will need it later when configuring Bugzilla too.
For Both CentOS 6.5 and Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty
# mysql -u root -p
# password: (You'll need to enter your password)
# mysql > create database bugs;
# mysql > grant all on bugs.* to root@localhost identified by "mypassword";
#mysql > quit
**Note: Please remember the DB name, passwords for mysql , we'll need it later.**
### 4. Installing and configuring Bugzilla ###
Now, as we have all the required packages set and running, we'll want to configure our Bugzilla.
So, first we'll want to download the latest Bugzilla package, here I am downloading version 4.5.2 .
To download using wget in a shell or terminal:
You can also download from their official site ie. [][1]
**Extracting and renaming the downloaded bugzilla tarball:**
# tar zxvf bugzilla-4.5.2.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/
# cd /var/www/html/
# mv -v bugzilla-4.5.2 bugzilla
**Note**: Here, **/var/www/html/bugzilla/** is the directory where we're gonna **host Bugzilla**.
Now, we'll configure buzilla:
# cd /var/www/html/bugzilla/
# ./ --check-modules
After the check is done, we will see some missing modules that needs to be installed And that can be installed by the command below:
# cd /var/www/html/bugzilla
# perl --all
This will take a bit time to download and install all dependencies. Run the ** check-modules** command again to verify there are nothing left to install.
Now we'll need to run the below command which will automatically generate a file called “localconfig” in the /var/www/html/bugzilla directory.
# ./
Make sure you input the correct database name, user, and password we created earlier in the localconfig file
# nano ./localconfig
If all is well, should now successfully configure Bugzilla.
Now we need to add Bugzilla to our Apache config file. so, we'll need to open /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (For CentOS) or etc/apache2/apache2.conf (For Ubuntu) with a text editor:
For CentOS:
# nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
For Ubuntu:
# nano etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Now, we'll need to configure Apache server we'll need to add the below configuration in the config file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/bugzilla/
<Directory /var/www/html/bugzilla>
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Options +Indexes +ExecCGI
DirectoryIndex index.cgi
AllowOverride Limit FileInfo Indexes
Lastly, we need to edit .htaccess file and comment out “Options -Indexes” line at the top by adding “#”
Lets restart our apache server and test our installation.
For CentOS:
# service httpd restart
For Ubuntu:
# service apache2 restart
Finally, our Bugzilla is ready to get bug reports now in our Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and CentOS 6.5 and you can browse to bugzilla by going to the localhost page ie or to your IP address in your web browser .
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
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Auditd - Tool for Security Auditing on Linux Server
First of all , we wish all our readers **Happy & Prosperous New YEAR 2015** from our Linoxide team. So lets start this new year explaining about Auditd tool.
Security is one of the main factor that we need to consider. We must maintain it because we don't want someone steal our data. Security includes many things. Audit, is one of it.
On Linux system, we know that we have a tool named **auditd**. This tool is by default exist in most of Linux operating system. What is auditd tool and how to use it? We will cover it below.
### What is auditd? ###
Auditd or audit daemon, is a userspace component to the Linux Auditing System. Its responsible for writing audit records to the disk.
### Installing auditd ###
On Ubuntu based system , we can use [wajig][1] tool or **apt-get tool** to install auditd.
Just follow the instruction to get it done. Once it finish it will install some tools related to auditd tool. Here are the tools :
- **auditctl ;** is a tool to control the behaviour of the daemon on the fly, adding rules, etc
- **/etc/audit/audit.rules ;** is the file that contains audit rules
- **aureport ;** is tool to generate and view the audit report
- **ausearch ;** is a tool to search various events
- **auditspd ;** is a tool which can be used to relay event notifications to other applications instead of writing them to disk in the audit log
- **autrace ;** is a command that can be used to trace a process
- **/etc/audit/auditd.conf ;** is the configuration file of auditd tool
- When the first time we install **auditd**, there will be no rules available yet.
We can check it using this command :
$ sudo auditctl -l
To add rules on auditd, lets continue to the section below.
### How to use it ###
#### Audit files and directories access ####
One of the basic need for us to use an audit tool are, how can we know if someone change a file(s) or directories? Using auditd tool, we can do with those commands (please remember, we will need root privileges to configure auditd tool):
**Audit files**
$ sudo auditctl -w /etc/passwd -p rwxa
**With :**
- **-w path ;** this parameter will insert a watch for the file system object at path. On the example above, auditd will wacth /etc/passwd file
- **-p ; **this parameter describes the permission access type that a file system watch will trigger on
- **rwxa ;** are the attributes which bind to -p parameter above. r is read, w is write, x is execute and a is attribute
#### Audit directories ####
To audit directories, we will use a similar command. Lets take a look at the command below :
$ sudo auditctl -w /production/
The above command will watch any access to the **/production folder**.
Now, if we run **auditctl -l** command again, we will see that new rules are added.
Now lets see the audit log says.
### Viewing the audit log ###
After rules are added, now we can see how auditd in action. To view audit log, we can use **ausearch** tool.
We already add rule to watch /etc/passwd file. Now we will try to use **ausearch** tool to view the audit log.
$ sudo ausearch -f /etc/passwd
- **-f** parameter told ausearch to investigate /etc/passwd file
- The result is shown below :
> **time**->Mon Dec 22 09:39:16 2014
> type=PATH msg=audit(1419215956.471:194): item=0 **name="/etc/passwd"** inode=142512 dev=08:01 mode=0100644 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL
> type=CWD msg=audit(1419215956.471:194): **cwd="/home/pungki"**
> type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1419215956.471:194): arch=40000003 **syscall=5** success=yes exit=3 a0=b779694b a1=80000 a2=1b6 a3=b8776aa8 items=1 ppid=2090 pid=2231 **auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000** euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=pts0 ses=4294967295 **comm="sudo" exe="/usr/bin/sudo"** key=(null)
Now lets we understand the result.
- **time ;** is when the audit is done
- **name ;** is the object name to be audited
- **cwd ;** is the current directory
- **syscall ;** is related syscall
- **auid ;** is the audit user ID
- **uid and gid ;** are User ID and Group ID of the user who access the file
- **comm ;** is the command that the user is used to access the file
- **exe ;** is the location of the command of comm parameter above
- The above audit log is the original file.
Next, we are going to add a new user, to see how the auditd record the activity to /etc/passwd file.
> **time->**Mon Dec 22 11:25:23 2014
> type=PATH msg=audit(1419222323.628:510): item=1 **name="/etc/passwd.lock"** inode=143992 dev=08:01 mode=0100600 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=DELETE
> type=PATH msg=audit(1419222323.628:510): item=0 **name="/etc/"** inode=131073 dev=08:01 mode=040755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=PARENT
> type=CWD msg=audit(1419222323.628:510): **cwd="/root"**
> type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1419222323.628:510): arch=40000003 **syscall=10** success=yes exit=0 a0=bfc0ceec a1=0 a2=bfc0ceec a3=897764c items=2 ppid=2978 pid=2994 **auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0** euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=pts0 ses=4294967295 **comm="chfn" exe="/usr/bin/chfn"** key=(null)
As we can see above, that on that particular time, **/etc/passwd was accessed** by user root (uid = 0 and gid = 0) **from** directory /root (cwd = /root). The /etc/passwd file was accessed using **chfn** command which located in **/usr/bin/chfn**
If we type **man chfn** on the console, we will see more detail about what is chfn.
Now we take a look at another example.
We already told auditd to watch directory /production/ . That is a new directory. So when we try to use ausearch tool at the first time, it found nothing.
Next, root account try to list the /production directory using ls command. The second time we use ausearch tool, it will show us some information.
> **time->**Mon Dec 22 14:18:28 2014
> type=PATH msg=audit(1419232708.344:527): item=0 **name="/production/"** inode=797104 dev=08:01 mode=040755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL
> type=CWD msg=audit(1419232708.344:527): cwd="/root"
> type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1419232708.344:527): arch=40000003 syscall=295 success=yes exit=3 a0=ffffff9c a1=95761e8 a2=98800 a3=0 items=1 ppid=3033 pid=3444 **auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0** euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=pts0 ses=4294967295 **comm="ls" exe="/bin/ls"** key=(null)
Similar with the previous one, we can determine that **/production folder was looked** by root account (uid=0 gid=0) **using ls command** (comm = ls) and the ls command is **located in /bin/ls folder**.
### Viewing the audit reports ###
Once we put the audit rules, it will run automatically. And after a period of time, we want to see how auditd can help us to track them.
Auditd comes with another tool called **aureport**. As we can guess from its name, **aureport** is a tool that produces summary reports of the audit system log.
We already told auditd to track /etc/passwd before. And a moment after the auditd parameter is developed, the audit.log file is created.
To generate the report of audit, we can use aureport tool. Without any parameters, aureport will generate a summary report of audit activity.
$ sudo aureport
As we can see, there are some information available which cover most important area.
On the picture above we see there are **3 times failed authentication**. Using aureport, we can drill down to that information.
We can use this command to look deeper on failed authentication :
$ sudo aureport -au
As we can see on the picture above, there are two users which at the particular time are failed to authenticated
If we want to see all events related to account modification, we can use -m parameter.
$ sudo aureport -m
### Auditd configuration file ###
Previously we already added :
- $ sudo auditctl -w /etc/passwd -p rwxa
- $ sudo auditctl -w /production/
- Now, if we sure the rules are OK, we can add it into
**/etc/audit/audit.rules** to make them permanently.Heres how to put them into the /etc/audit/audit.rules fileSample of audit rule file
**Then dont forget to restart auditd daemon.**
# /etc/init.d/auditd restart
# service auditd restart
### Conclusion ###
Auditd is one of the audit tool that available on Linux system. You can explore more detail about auditd and its related tools by reading its manual page. For example, just type **man auditd** to see more detail about auditd. Or type **man ausearch** to see more detail about ausearch tool.
**Please be careful before creating rules**. It will increase your log file size significantly if too much information to record.
作者:[Pungki Arianto][a]
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Docker Image Insecurity
Recently while downloading an “official” container image with Docker I saw this line:
ubuntu:14.04: The image you are pulling has been verified
I assumed this referenced Dockers [heavily promoted][1] image signing system and didnt investigate further at the time. Later, while researching the cryptographic digest system that Docker tries to secure images with, I had the opportunity to explore further. What I found was a total systemic failure of all logic related to image security.
Dockers report that a downloaded image is “verified” is based solely on the presence of a signed manifest, and Docker never verifies the image checksum from the manifest. An attacker could provide any image alongside a signed manifest. This opens the door to a number of serious vulnerabilities.
Images are downloaded from an HTTPS server and go through an insecure streaming processing pipeline in the Docker daemon:
[decompress] -> [tarsum] -> [unpack]
This pipeline is performant but completely insecure. Untrusted input should not be processed before verifying its signature. Unfortunately Docker processes images three times before checksum verification is supposed to occur.
However, despite [Dockers claims][2], image checksums are never actually checked. This is the only section[0][3] of Dockers code related to verifying image checksums, and I was unable to trigger the warning even when presenting images with mismatched checksums.
if img.Checksum != "" && img.Checksum != checksum {
log.Warnf("image layer checksum mismatch: computed %q,
expected %q", checksum, img.Checksum)
### Insecure processing pipeline ###
Docker supports three compression algorithms: gzip, bzip2, and xz. The first two use the Go standard library implementations, which are [memory-safe][4], so the exploit types Id expect to see here are denial of service attacks like crashes and excessive CPU and memory usage.
The third compression algorithm, xz, is more interesting. Since there is no native Go implementation, Docker [execs][5] the `xz` binary to do the decompression.
The xz binary comes from the [XZ Utils][6] project, and is built from approximately[1][7] twenty thousand lines of C code. C is not a memory-safe language. This means malicious input to a C program, in this case the Docker image XZ Utils is unpacking, could potentially execute arbitrary code.
Docker exacerbates this situation by *running* `xz` as root. This means that if there is a single vulnerability in `xz`, a call to `docker pull` could result in the complete compromise of your entire system.
The use of tarsum is well-meaning but completely flawed. In order to get a deterministic checksum of the contents of an arbitrarily encoded tar file, Docker decodes the tar and then hashes specific portions, while excluding others, in a [deterministic order][8].
Since this processing is done in order to generate the checksum, it is decoding untrusted data which could be designed to exploit the tarsum code[2][9]. Potential exploits here are denial of service as well as logic flaws that could cause files to be injected, skipped, processed differently, modified, appended to, etc. without the checksum changing.
Unpacking consists of decoding the tar and placing files on the disk. This is extraordinarily dangerous as there have been three other vulnerabilities reported[3][10] in the unpack stage at the time of writing.
There is no situation where data that has not been verified should be unpacked onto disk.
### libtrust ###
[libtrust][11] is a Docker package that claims to provide “authorization and access control through a distributed trust graph.” Unfortunately no specification appears to exist, however it looks like it implements some parts of the [Javascript Object Signing and Encryption][12] specifications along with other unspecified algorithms.
Downloading an image with a manifest signed and verified using libtrust is what triggers this inaccurate message (only the manifest is checked, not the actual image contents):
ubuntu:14.04: The image you are pulling has been verified
Currently only “official” image manifests published by Docker, Inc are signed using this system, but from discussions I participated in at the last Docker Governance Advisory Board meeting[4][13], my understanding is that Docker, Inc is planning on deploying this more widely in the future. The intended goal is centralization with Docker, Inc controlling a Certificate Authority that then signs images and/or client certificates.
I looked for the signing key in Dockers code but was unable to find it. As it turns out the key is not embedded in the binary as one would expect. Instead the Docker daemon fetches it [over HTTPS from a CDN][14] before each image download. This is a terrible approach as a variety of attacks could lead to trusted keys being replaced with malicious ones. These attacks include but are not limited to: compromise of the CDN vendor, compromise of the CDN origin serving the key, and man in the middle attacks on clients downloading the keys.
### Remediation ###
I [reported][15] some of the issues I found with the tarsum system before I finished this research, but so far nothing I have reported has been fixed.
Some steps I believe should be taken to improve the security of the Docker image download system:
Drop tarsum and actually verify image digests
Tarsum should not be used for security. Instead, images must be fully downloaded and their cryptographic signatures verified before any processing takes place.
**Add privilege isolation**
Image processing steps that involve decompression or unpacking should be run in isolated processes (containers?) that have only the bare minimum required privileges to operate. There is no scenario where a decompression tool like `xz` should be run as root.
**Replace libtrust**
Libtrust should be replaced with [The Update Framework][16] which is explicitly designed to solve the real problems around signing software binaries. The threat model is very comprehensive and addresses many things that have not been considered in libtrust. There is a complete specification as well as a reference implementation written in Python, and I have begun work on a [Go implementation][17] and welcome contributions.
As part of adding TUF to Docker, a local keystore should be added that maps root keys to registry URLs so that users can have their own signing keys that are not managed by Docker, Inc.
I would like to note that using non-Docker, Inc hosted registries is a very poor user experience in general. Docker, Inc seems content with relegating third party registries to second class status when there is no technical reason to do so. This is a problem both for the ecosystem in general and the security of end users. A comprehensive, decentralized security model for third party registries is both necessary and desirable. I encourage Docker, Inc to take this into consideration when redesigning their security model and image verification system.
### Conclusion ###
Docker users should be aware that the code responsible for downloading images is shockingly insecure. Users should only download images whose provenance is without question. At present, this does *not* include “trusted” images hosted by Docker, Inc including the official Ubuntu and other base images.
The best option is to block `` locally, and download and verify images manually before importing them into Docker using `docker load`. Red Hats security blog has [a good post about this][18].
Thanks to Lewis Marshall for pointing out the tarsums are never verified.
- [Checksum code context][19].
- [cloc][20] says 18,141 non-blank, non-comment lines of C and 5,900 lines of headers in v5.2.0.
- Very similar bugs been [found in Android][21], which allowed arbitrary files to be injected into signed packages, and [the Windows Authenticode][22] signature system, which allowed binary modification.
- Specifically: [CVE-2014-6407][23], [CVE-2014-9356][24], and [CVE-2014-9357][25]. There were two Docker [security releases][26] in response.
- See page 8 of the [notes from the 2014-10-28 DGAB meeting][27].
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hi ! 让我来翻译
How to debug a C/C++ program with Nemiver debugger
If you read [my post on GDB][1], you know how important and useful a debugger I think can be for a C/C++ program. However, if a command line debugger like GDB sounds more like a problem than a solution to you, you might be more interested in Nemiver. [Nemiver][2] is a GTK+-based standalone graphical debugger for C/C++ programs, using GDB as its back-end. Admirable for its speed and stability, Nemiver is a very reliable debugger filled with goodies.
### Installation of Nemiver ###
For Debian based distributions, it should be pretty straightforward:
$ sudo apt-get install nemiver
For Arch Linux:
$ sudo pacman -S nemiver
For Fedora:
$ sudo yum install nemiver
If you prefer compiling yourself, the latest sources are available from [GNOME website][3].
As a bonus, it integrates very well with the GNOME environment.
### Basic Usage of Nemiver ###
Start Nemiver with the command:
$ nemiver
You can also summon it with an executable with:
$ nemiver [path to executable to debug]
Note that Nemiver will be much more helpful if the executable is compiled in debug mode (the -g flag with GCC).
A good thing is that Nemiver is really fast to load, so you should instantly see the main screen in the default layout.
By default, a breakpoint has been placed in the first line of the main function. This gives you the time to recognize the basic debugger functions:
- Next line (mapped to F6)
- Step inside a function (F7)
- Step out of a function (Shift+F7)
But maybe my personal favorite is the option "Run to cursor" which makes the program run until a precise line under your cursor, and is by default mapped to F11.
Next, the breakpoints are also easy to use. The quick way to lay a breakpoint at a line is using F8. But Nemiver also has a more complex menu under "Debug" which allows you to set up a breakpoint at a particular function, line number, location of binary file, or even at an event like an exception, a fork, or an exec.
You can also watch a variable by tracking it. In "Debug" you can inspect an expression by giving its name and examining it. It is then possible to add it to the list of controlled variable for easy access. This is probably one of the most useful aspects as I have never been a huge fan of hovering over a variable to get its value. Note that hovering does work though. And to make it even better, Nemiver is capable of watching a struct, and giving you the values of all the member variables.
Talking about easy access to information, I also really appreciate the layout of the program. By default, the code is in the upper half and the tabs in the lower part. This grants you access to a terminal for output, a context tracker, a breakpoints list, register addresses, memory map, and variable control. But note that under "Edit" "Preferences" "Layout" you can select different layouts, including a dynamic one for you to modify.
And naturally, once you set up all your breakpoints, watch-points, and layout, you can save your session under “File” for easy retrieval in case you close Nemiver.
### Advanced Usage of Nemiver ###
So far, we talked about the basic features of Nemiver, i.e., what you need to get started and debug simple programs immediately. If you have more advanced needs, and especially more complex programs, you might be more interested in some of these features mentioned here.
#### Debugging a running process ####
Nemiver allows you to attach to a running process for debugging. Under the "File" menu, you can filter the list of running processes, and connect to a process.
#### Debugging a program remotely over a TCP connection ####
Nemiver supports remote-debugging, where you set up a lightweight debug server on a remote machine, and launch Nemiver from another machine to debug a remote target hosted by the debug server. Remote debugging can be useful if you cannot run full-fledged Nemiver or GDB on the remote machine for some reason. Under the "File" menu, specify the binary, shared library location, and the address and port.
#### Using your own GDB binary to debug ####
In case you compiled Nemiver yourself, you can specify a new location for GDB under "Edit" "Preferences" "Debug". This option can be useful if you want to use a custom version of GDB in Nemiver for some reason.
#### Follow a child or parent process ####
Nemiver is capable of following a child or parent process in case your program forks. To enable this feature, go to "Preferences" under "Debugger" tab.
To conclude, Nemiver is probably my favorite program for debugging without an IDE. It even beats GDB in my opinion, and [command line][4] programs generally have a good grip on me. So if you have never used it, I really recommend it. I can only congratulate the team behind it for giving us such a reliable and stable program.
What do you think of Nemiver? Would you consider it for standalone debugging? Or do you still stick to an IDE? Let us know in the comments.
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
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How to set up a cross-platform backup server on Linux with BackupPC
Just in case you haven't been able to tell from my earlier posts on [backupninja][1] and [backup-manager][2], I am a big backup fan. When it comes to backup, I'd rather have too much than not enough, because if the need arises, you will be grateful that you took the time and effort to generate extra copies of your important data.
In this post, I will introduce you to [BackupPC][3], a cross-platform backup server software which can perform pull backup of Linux, Windows and MacOS client hosts over network. BackupPC adds a number of features that make managing backups an almost fun thing to do.
### Features of BackupPC ###
BackupPC comes with a robust web interface that allows you to collect and manage backups of other remote client hosts in a centralized fashion. Using the web interface, you can examine logs and configuration files, start/cancel/schedule backups of other remote hosts, and visualize current status of backup tasks. You can also browse through archived files and restore individual files or entire jobs from backup archives very easily. To restore individual single files, you can download them from any previous backup directly from the web interface. As if this weren't enough, no special client-side software is needed for client hosts. On Windows clients, the native SMB protocol is used, whereas on *nix clients, you will use `rsync` or tar over SSH, RSH or NFS.
### Installing BackupPC ###
On Debian, Ubuntu and their derivatives, run the following command.
# aptitude install backuppc
On Fedora, use `yum` command. Note the case sensitive package name.
On CentOS/RHEL 6, first enable [EPEL repository][4]. On CentOS/RHEL 7, enable [Nux Dextop][5] repository instead. Then go ahead with `yum` command:
# yum install BackupPC
As usual, both package management systems will take care of dependency resolution automatically. In addition, as part of the installation process, you may be asked to configure, or reconfigure the web server that will be used for the graphical user interface. The following screenshot is from a Debian system:
Select your choice by pressing the space bar, and then move to Ok with the tab key and hit ENTER.
You will then be presented with the following screen informing you that an administrative user account 'backuppc', along with its corresponding password (which can be changed later if desired), has been created to manage BackupPC. Note that both a HTTP user account and a regular Linux account of the same name 'backuppc' will be created with an identical password. The former is needed to access BackupPC's protected web interface, while the latter is needed to perform backup using rsync over SSH.
You can change the default password for the HTTP user 'backuppc' with the following command:
# htpasswd /path/to/hash/file backuppc
As for a regular 'backuppc' [Linux][6] user account, use passwd command to change its default password.
# passwd backuppc
Note that the installation process creates the web and the program's configuration files automatically.
### Launching BackupPC and Configuring Backups ###
To start, open a browser window and point to http://<server's FQDN or IP address>/backuppc/. When prompted, enter the default HTTP user credentials that were supplied to you earlier. If the authentication succeeds, you will be taken to the main page of the web interface.
Most likely the first thing that you will want to do is add a new client host to back up. Go to "Edit Hosts" in the Task pane. We will add two client hosts:
- Host #1: CentOS 7 [IP]
- Host #2: Windows 7 [IP]
We will back up the CentOS host using rsync over SSH and the Windows host using SMB. Prior to performing the backup, we need to set up [key-based authentication][7] to our CentOS host and a shared folder in our Windows machine.
Here are the instructions for setting up key-based authentication for a remote CentOS host. We create the 'backuppc' user's RSA key pair, and transfer its public key to the root account of the CentOS host.
# usermod -s /bin/bash backuppc
# su - backuppc
# ssh-keygen -t rsa
# ssh-copy-id root@
When prompted, type yes and enter root's password for
You will need root access for a remote CentOS host to grant write access to all its file system in case of restoring a backup of files or directories owned by root.
Once the CentOS and Windows hosts are ready, add them to BackupPC using the web interface:
The next step consists of modifying each host's backup settings:
The following image shows the configuration for the backup of the Windows machine:
And the following screenshot shows the settings for the backup of the CentOS box:
### Starting a Backup ###
To start each backup, go to each host's settings, and then click "Start Full Backup":
At any time, you can view the status of the process by clicking on the host's home as shown in the image above. If it fails for some reason, a link to a page with the error message(s) will appear in the host menu as well. When a backup completes successfully, a directory with the host's name or IP address is created under /var/lib/backuppc/pc in the server:
Feel free to browse those directories for the files from the command line, but there is an easier way to look for those files and restore them.
### Restoring Backup ###
To view the files that have been saved, go to "Browse backups" under each host's main menu. You can visualize the directories and files at a glance, and select those that you want to restore. Alternatively, you can click on files to open them with the default program, or right click and choose Save link as to download it to the machine where you're working at the time:
If you want, you can download a zip or tar file containing the backup's contents:
or just restore the file(s):
### Conclusion ###
There is a saying that goes, "the simpler, the better", and that is just what BackupPC has to offer. In BackupPC, you will not only find a backup tool but also a very versatile interface to manage your backups of several operating systems without needing any client-side application. I believe that's more than reason enough for you to give it at least a try.
Feel free to leave your comments and questions, if you have any, using the form below. I am always happy to hear what readers have to say!
作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
Interface (NICs) Bonding in Linux using nmcli
Today, we'll learn how to perform Interface (NICs) bonding in our CentOS 7.x using nmcli (Network Manager Command Line Interface).
NICs (Interfaces) bonding is a method for linking **NICs** together logically to allow fail-over or higher throughput. One of the ways to increase the network availability of a server is by using multiple network interfaces. The Linux bonding driver provides a method for aggregating multiple network interfaces into a single logical bonded interface. It is a new implementation that does not affect the older bonding driver in linux kernel; it offers an alternate implementation.
**NIC bonding is done to provide two main benefits for us:**
1. **High bandwidth**
1. **Redundancy/resilience**
Now lets configure NICs bonding in CentOS 7. We'll need to decide which interfaces that we would like to configure a Team interface.
run **ip link** command to check the available interface in the system.
$ ip link
![ip link](
Here we are using **eno16777736** and **eno33554960** NICs to create a team interface in **activebackup** mode.
Use **nmcli** command to create a connection for the network team interface,with the following syntax.
# nmcli con add type team con-name CNAME ifname INAME [config JSON]
Where **CNAME** will be the name used to refer the connection ,**INAME** will be the interface name and **JSON** (JavaScript Object Notation) specifies the runner to be used.**JSON** has the following syntax:
where **METHOD** is one of the following: **broadcast, activebackup, roundrobin, loadbalance** or **lacp**.
### 1. Creating Team Interface ###
Now let us create the team interface. here is the command we used to create the team interface.
# nmcli con add type team con-name team0 ifname team0 config '{"runner":{"name":"activebackup"}}'
![nmcli con create](
run **# nmcli con show** command to verify the team configuration.
# nmcli con show
![Show Teamed Interace](
### 2. Adding Slave Devices ###
Now lets add the slave devices to the master team0. here is the syntax for adding the slave devices.
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name CNAME ifname INAME master TEAM
Here we are adding **eno16777736** and **eno33554960** as slave devices for **team0** interface.
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port1 ifname eno16777736 master team0
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port2 ifname eno33554960 master team0
![adding slave devices to team](
Verify the connection configuration using **#nmcli con show** again. now we could see the slave configuration.
#nmcli con show
![show slave config](
### 3. Assigning IP Address ###
All the above command will create the required configuration files under **/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/**.
Lets assign an IP address to this team0 interface and enable the connection now. Here is the command to perform the IP assignment.
# nmcli con mod team0 ipv4.addresses ""
# nmcli con mod team0 ipv4.method manual
# nmcli con up team0
![ip assignment](
### 4. Verifying the Bonding ###
Verify the IP address information in **#ip add show team0** command.
#ip add show team0
![verfiy ip address](
Now lets check the **activebackup** configuration functionality using the **teamdctl** command.
# teamdctl team0 state
![teamdctl active backup check](
Now lets disconnect the active port and check the state again. to confirm whether the active backup configuration is working as expected.
# nmcli dev dis eno33554960
![disconnect activeport](
disconnected the active port and now check the state again using **#teamdctl team0 state**.
# teamdctl team0 state
![teamdctl check activeport disconnect](
Yes its working cool !! we will connect the disconnected connection back to team0 using the following command.
#nmcli dev con eno33554960
![nmcli dev connect disconected](
We have one more command called **teamnl** let us show some options with **teamnl** command.
to check the ports in team0 run the following command.
# teamnl team0 ports
![teamnl check ports](
Display currently active port of **team0**.
# teamnl team0 getoption activeport
![display active port team0](
Hurray, we have successfully configured NICs bonding :-) Please share feedback if any.
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
What are useful command-line network monitors on Linux
Network monitoring is a critical IT function for businesses of all sizes. The goal of network monitoring can vary. For example, the monitoring activity can be part of long-term network provisioning, security protection, performance troubleshooting, network usage accounting, and so on. Depending on its goal, network monitoring is done in many different ways, such as performing packet-level sniffing, collecting flow-level statistics, actively injecting probes into the network, parsing server logs, etc.
While there are many dedicated network monitoring systems capable of 24/7/365 monitoring, you can also leverage command-line network monitors in certain situations, where a dedicated monitor is an overkill. If you are a system admin, you are expected to have hands-on experience with some of well known CLI network monitors. Here is a list of **popular and useful command-line network monitors on Linux**.
### Packet-Level Sniffing ###
In this category, monitoring tools capture individual packets on the wire, dissect their content, and display decoded packet content or packet-level statistics. These tools conduct network monitoring from the lowest level, and as such, can possibly do the most fine-grained monitoring at the cost of network I/O and analysis efforts.
1. **dhcpdump**: a comman-line DHCP traffic sniffer capturing DHCP request/response traffic, and displays dissected DHCP protocol messages in a human-friendly format. It is useful when you are troubleshooting DHCP related issues.
2. **[dsniff][1]**: a collection of command-line based sniffing, spoofing and hijacking tools designed for network auditing and penetration testing. They can sniff various information such as passwords, NSF traffic, email messages, website URLs, and so on.
3. **[httpry][2]**: an HTTP packet sniffer which captures and decode HTTP requests and response packets, and display them in a human-readable format.
4. **IPTraf**: a console-based network statistics viewer. It displays packet-level, connection-level, interface-level, protocol-level packet/byte counters in real-time. Packet capturing can be controlled by protocol filters, and its operation is full menu-driven.
5. **[mysql-sniffer][3]**: a packet sniffer which captures and decodes packets associated with MySQL queries. It displays the most frequent or all queries in a human-readable format.
6. **[ngrep][4]**: grep over network packets. It can capture live packets, and match (filtered) packets against regular expressions or hexadecimal expressions. It is useful for detecting and storing any anomalous traffic, or for sniffing particular patterns of information from live traffic.
7. **[p0f][5]**: a passive fingerprinting tool which, based on packet sniffing, reliably identifies operating systems, NAT or proxy settings, network link types and various other properites associated with an active TCP connection.
8. **pktstat**: a command-line tool which analyzes live packets to display connection-level bandwidth usages as well as descriptive information of protocols involved (e.g., HTTP GET/POST, FTP, X11).
9. **Snort**: an intrusion detection and prevention tool which can detect/prevent a variety of backdoor, botnets, phishing, spyware attacks from live traffic based on rule-driven protocol analysis and content matching.
10. **tcpdump**: a command-line packet sniffer which is capable of capturing nework packets on the wire based on filter expressions, dissect the packets, and dump the packet content for packet-level analysis. It is widely used for any kinds of networking related troubleshooting, network application debugging, or [security][6] monitoring.
11. **tshark**: a command-line packet sniffing tool that comes with Wireshark GUI program. It can capture and decode live packets on the wire, and show decoded packet content in a human-friendly fashion.
### Flow-/Process-/Interface-Level Monitoring ###
In this category, network monitoring is done by classifying network traffic into flows, associated processes or interfaces, and collecting per-flow, per-process or per-interface statistics. Source of information can be libpcap packet capture library or sysfs kernel virtual filesystem. Monitoring overhead of these tools is low, but packet-level inspection capabilities are missing.
12. **bmon**: a console-based bandwidth monitoring tool which shows various per-interface information, including not-only aggregate/average RX/TX statistics, but also a historical view of bandwidth usage.
13. **[iftop][7]**: a bandwidth usage monitoring tool that can shows bandwidth usage for individual network connections in real time. It comes with ncurses-based interface to visualize bandwidth usage of all connections in a sorted order. It is useful for monitoring which connections are consuming the most bandwidth.
14. **nethogs**: a process monitoring tool which offers a real-time view of upload/download bandwidth usage of individual processes or programs in an ncurses-based interface. This is useful for detecting bandwidth hogging processes.
15. **netstat**: a command-line tool that shows various statistics and properties of the networking stack, such as open TCP/UDP connections, network interface RX/TX statistics, routing tables, protocol/socket statistics. It is useful when you diagnose performance and resource usage related problems of the networking stack.
16. **[speedometer][8]**: a console-based traffic monitor which visualizes the historical trend of an interface's RX/TX bandwidth usage with ncurses-drawn bar charts.
17. **[sysdig][9]**: a comprehensive system-level debugging tool with a unified interface for investigating different Linux subsystems. Its network monitoring module is capable of monitoring, either online or offline, various per-process/per-host networking statistics such as bandwidth usage, number of connections/requests, etc.
18. **tcptrack**: a TCP connection monitoring tool which displays information of active TCP connections, including source/destination IP addresses/ports, TCP state, and bandwidth usage.
19. **vnStat**: a command-line traffic monitor which maintains a historical view of RX/TX bandwidh usage (e.g., current, daily, monthly) on a per-interface basis. Running as a background daemon, it collects and stores interface statistics on bandwidth rate and total bytes transferred.
### Active Network Monitoring ###
Unlike passive monitoring tools presented so far, tools in this category perform network monitoring by actively "injecting" probes into the network and collecting corresponding responses. Monitoring targets include routing path, available bandwidth, loss rates, delay, jitter, system settings or vulnerabilities, and so on.
20. **[dnsyo][10]**: a DNS monitoring tool which can conduct DNS lookup from open resolvers scattered across more than 1,500 different networks. It is useful when you check DNS propagation or troubleshoot DNS configuration.
21. **[iperf][11]**: a TCP/UDP bandwidth measurement utility which can measure maximum available bandwidth between two end points. It measures available bandwidth by having two hosts pump out TCP/UDP probe traffic between them either unidirectionally or bi-directionally. It is useful when you test the network capacity, or tune the parameters of network stack. A variant called [netperf][12] exists with more features and better statistics.
22. **[netcat][13]/socat**: versatile network debugging tools capable of reading from, writing to, or listen on TCP/UDP sockets. They are often used alongside with other programs or scripts for backend network transfer or port listening.
23. **nmap**: a command-line port scanning and network discovery utility. It relies on a number of TCP/UDP based scanning techniques to detect open ports, live hosts, or existing operating systems on the local network. It is useful when you audit local hosts for vulnerabilities or build a host map for maintenance purpose. [zmap][14] is an alernative scanning tool with Internet-wide scanning capability.
24. ping: a network testing tool which works by exchaning ICMP echo and reply packets with a remote host. It is useful when you measure round-trip-time (RTT) delay and loss rate of a routing path, as well as test the status or firewall rules of a remote system. Variations of ping exist with fancier interface (e.g., [noping][15]), multi-protocol support (e.g., [hping][16]) or parallel probing capability (e.g., [fping][17]).
25. **[sprobe][18]**: a command-line tool that heuristically infers the bottleneck bandwidth between a local host and any arbitrary remote IP address. It uses TCP three-way handshake tricks to estimate the bottleneck bandwidth. It is useful when troubleshooting wide-area network performance and routing related problems.
26. **traceroute**: a network discovery tool which reveals a layer-3 routing/forwarding path from a local host to a remote host. It works by sending TTL-limited probe packets and collecting ICMP responses from intermediate routers. It is useful when troubleshooting slow network connections or routing related problems. Variations of traceroute exist with better RTT statistics (e.g., [mtr][19]).
### Application Log Parsing ###
In this category, network monitoring is targeted at a specific server application (e.g., web server or database server). Network traffic generated or consumed by a server application is monitored by analyzing its log file. Unlike network-level monitors presented in earlier categories, tools in this category can analyze and monitor network traffic from application-level.
27. **[GoAccess][20]**: a console-based interactive viewer for Apache and Nginx web server traffic. Based on access log analysis, it presents a real-time statistics of a number of metrics including daily visits, top requests, client operating systems, client locations, client browsers, in a scrollable view.
28. **[mtop][21]**: a command-line MySQL/MariaDB server moniter which visualizes the most expensive queries and current database server load. It is useful when you optimize MySQL server performance and tune server configurations.
29. **[ngxtop][22]**: a traffic monitoring tool for Nginx and Apache web server, which visualizes web server traffic in a top-like interface. It works by parsing a web server's access log file and collecting traffic statistics for individual destinations or requests.
### Conclusion ###
In this article, I presented a wide variety of command-line network monitoring tools, ranging from the lowest packet-level monitors to the highest application-level network monitors. Knowing which tool does what is one thing, and choosing which tool to use is another, as any single tool cannot be a universal solution for your every need. A good system admin should be able to decide which tool is right for the circumstance at hand. Hopefully the list helps with that.
You are always welcome to improve the list with your comment!
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
How To Recover Windows 7 And Delete Ubuntu In 3 Easy Steps
### Introduction ###
This is a strange article for me to write as I am normally in a position where I would advocate installing Ubuntu and getting rid of Windows.
What makes writing this article today doubly strange is that I am choosing to write it on the day that Windows 7 mainstream support comes to an end.
So why am I writing this now?
I have been asked on so many occasions now how to remove Ubuntu from a dual booting Windows 7 or a dual booting Windows 8 system and it just makes sense to write the article.
I spent the Christmas period looking through the comments that people have left on articles and it is time to write the posts that are missing and update some of those that have become old and need attention.
I am going to spend the rest of January doing just that. This is the first step. If you have Windows 7 dual booting with Ubuntu and you want Windows 7 back without restoring to factory settings follow this guide. (Note there is a separate guide required for Windows 8)
### The Steps Required To Remove Ubuntu ###
1. Remove Grub By Fixing The Windows Boot Record
1. Delete The Ubuntu Partitions
1. Expand The Windows Partition
### Back Up Your System ###
Before you begin I recommend taking a backup of your system.
I also recommend not leaving this to chance nor Microsoft's own tools.
[Click here for a guide showing how to backup your drive using Macrium Reflect.][1]
If you have any data you wish to save within Ubuntu log into it now and back up the data to external hard drives, USB drives or DVDs.
### Step 1 - Remove The Grub Boot Menu ###
When you boot your system you will see a menu similar to the one in the image.
To remove this menu and boot straight into Windows you have to fix the master boot record.
To do this I am going to show you how to create a system recovery disk, how to boot to the recovery disk and how to fix the master boot record.
Press the "Start" button and search for "backup and restore". Click the icon that appears.
A window should open as shown in the image above.
Click on "Create a system repair disc".
You will need a [blank DVD][2].
Insert the blank DVD in the drive and select your DVD drive from the dropdown list.
Click "Create Disc".
Restart your computer leaving the disk in and when the message appears to boot from CD press "Enter" on the keyboard.
A set of "Systems Recovery Options" screens will appear.
You will be asked to choose your keyboard layout.
Choose the appropriate options from the lists provided and click "Next".
The next screen lets you choose an operating system to attempt to fix.
Alternatively you can restore your computer using a system image saved earlier.
Leave the top option checked and click "Next".
You will now see a screen with options to repair your disk and restore your system etc.
All you need to do is fix the master boot record and this can be done from the command prompt.
Click "Command Prompt".
Now simply type the following command into the command prompt:
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
A message will appear stating that the operation has completed successfully.
You can now close the command prompt window.
Click the "Restart" button and remove the DVD.
Your computer should boot straight into Windows 7.
### Step 2 - Delete The Ubuntu Partitions ###
To delete Ubuntu you need to use the "Disk Management" tool from within Windows.
Press "Start" and type "Create and format hard disk partitions" into the search box. A window will appear similar to the image above.
Now my screen above isn't going to be quite the same as yours but it won't be much different. If you look at disk 0 there is 101 MB of unallocated space and then 4 partitions.
The 101 MB of space is a mistake I made when installing Windows 7 in the first place. The C: drive is Windows 7, the next partition (46.57 GB) is Ubuntu's root partition. The 287 GB partition is the /HOME partition and the 8 GB partition is the SWAP space.
The only one we really need for Windows is the C: drive so the rest can be deleted.
**Note: Be careful. You may have recovery partitions on the disk. Do not delete the recovery partitions. They should be labelled and will have file systems set to NTFS or FAT32**
Right click on one of the partitions you wish to delete (i.e. the root, home and swap partitions) and from the menu click "Delete Volume".
**(Do not delete any partitions that have a file system of NTFS or FAT32)**
Repeat this process for the other two partitions.
After the partitions have been deleted you will have a large area of free space. Right click the free space and choose delete.
Your disk will now contain your C drive and a large amount of unallocated space.
### Step 3 - Expand The Windows Partition ###
The final step is to expand Windows so that it is one large partition again.
To do this right click on the Windows partition (C: drive) and choose "Extend Volume".
When the Window to the left appears click "Next",
The next screen shows a wizard whereby you can select the disks to expand to and change the size to expand to.
By default the wizard shows the maximum amount of disk space it can claim from unallocated space.
Accept the defaults and click "Next".
The final screen shows the settings that you chose from the previous screen.
Click "Finish" to expand the disk.
As you can see from the image above my Windows partition now takes up the entire disk (except for the 101 MB that I accidentally created before installing Windows in the first place).
### Summary ###
That is all folks. A site dedicated to Linux has just shown you how to remove Linux and replace it with Windows 7.
Any questions? Use the comments section below.
作者Gary Newell
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
How to Configure Chroot Environment in Ubuntu 14.04
There are many instances when you may wish to isolate certain applications, user, or environments within a Linux system. Different operating systems have different methods of achieving isolation, and in Linux, a classic way is through a `chroot` environment.
In this guide, we'll show you step wise on how to setup an isolated environment using chroot in order to create a barrier between your regular operating system and a contained environment. This is mainly useful for testing purposes. We will teach you the steps on an **Ubuntu 14.04** VPS instance.
Most system administrators will benefit from knowing how to accomplish a quick and easy chroot environment and it is a valuable skill to have.
### The chroot environment ###
A chroot environment is an operating system call that will change the root location temporarily to a new folder. Typically, the operating system's conception of the root directory is the actual root located at "/". However, with `chroot`, you can specify another directory to serve as the top-level directory for the duration of a chroot.
Any applications that are run from within the `chroot` will be unable to see the rest of the operating system in principle.
#### Advantages of Chroot Environment ####
> - Test applications without the risk of compromising the entire host system.
> - From the security point of view, whatever happens in the chroot environment won't affect the host system (not even under root user).
> - A different operating system running in the same hardware.
For instance, it allows you to build, install, and test software in an environment that is separated from your normal operating system. It could also be used as a method of **running 32-bit applications in a 64-bit environment**.
But while chroot environments will certainly make additional work for an unprivileged user, they should be considered a hardening feature instead of a security feature, meaning that they attempt to reduce the number of attack vectors instead of creating a full solution. If you need full isolation, consider a more complete solution, such as Linux containers, Docker, vservers, etc.
### Debootstrap and Schroot ###
The necessary packages to setup the chroot environment are **debootstrap** and **schroot**, which are available in the ubuntu repository. The schroot command is used to setup the chroot environment.
**Debootstrap** allows you to install a new fresh copy of any Debian (or debian-based) system from a repository in a directory with all the basic commands and binaries needed to run a basic instance of the operating system.
The **schroot** allows access to chroots for normal users using the same mechanism, but with permissions checking and allowing additional automated setup of the chroot environment, such as mounting additional filesystems and other configuration tasks.
These are the steps to implement this functionality in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:
### 1. Installing the Packages ###
Firstly, We're gonna install debootstrap and schroot in our host Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
$ sudo apt-get install debootstrap
$ sudo apt-get install schroot
### 2. Configuring Schroot ###
Now that we have the appropriate tools, we just need to specify a directory that we want to use as our chroot environment. We will create a directory called linoxide in our root directory to setup chroot there:
sudo mkdir /linoxide
We have to configure schroot to suit our needs in the configuration file .we will modify the schroot configuration file with the information we require to get configured.
sudo nano /etc/schroot/schroot.conf
We are on an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) system currently, but let's say that we want to test out some packages available on Ubuntu 13.10, code named "Saucy Salamander". We can do that by creating an entry that looks like this:
description=Ubuntu Saucy
Modify the values of the configuration parameters in the above example to fit your system:
### 3. Installing 32 bit Ubuntu with debootstrap ###
Debootstrap downloads and installs a minimal operating system inside your **chroot environment**. You can install any debian-based distro of your choice, as long as you have a repository available.
Above, we placed the chroot environment under the directory **/linoxide** and this is the root directory of the chroot environment. So we'll need to run debootstrap inside that directory which we have already created:
cd /linoxide
sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch amd64 saucy /linoxide/
sudo chroot /linoxide /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
You can replace amd64 in --arch as i386 or other bit OS you wanna setup available in the repository. You can replace the mirror above as the one closest, you can get the closest one from the official [Ubuntu Mirror Page][1].
**Note: You will need to add --foreign above 3rd line command if you choose to setup i386 bit OS choot in your 64 bit Host Ubuntu as:**
sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --foreign --arch i386 saucy /linoxide/
It takes some time (depending on your bandwidth) to download, install and configure the complete system. It takes about 500 MBs for a minimal installation.
### 4. Finallizing the chroot environment ###
After the system is installed, we'll need to do some final configurations to make sure the system functions correctly. First, we'll want to make sure our host `fstab` is aware of some pseudo-systems in our guest.
sudo nano /etc/fstab
Add the below lines like these to the bottom of your fstab:
proc /linoxide/proc proc defaults 0 0
sysfs /linoxide/sys sysfs defaults 0 0
Save and close the file.
Now, we're going to need to mount these filesystems within our guest:
$ sudo mount proc /linoxide/proc -t proc
$sudo mount sysfs /linoxide/sys -t sysfs
We'll also want to copy our /etc/hosts file so that we will have access to the correct network information:
$ sudo cp /etc/hosts /linoxide/etc/hosts
Finally, You can list the available chroot environments using the schroot command.
$ schroot -l
We can enter the chroot environment through a command like this:
$ sudo chroot /linoxide/ /bin/bash
You can test the chroot environment by checking the version of distributions installed.
# lsb_release -a
# uname -a
To finish this tutorial, in order to run a graphic application from the chroot, you have to export the DISPLAY environment variable.
$ DISPLAY=:0.0 ./apps
Here, we have successfully installed Chrooted Ubuntu 13.10(Saucy Salamander) in your host Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr).
You can exit chroot environment successfully by running the commands below:
# exit
Afterwards, we need to unmount our proc and sys filesystems:
$ sudo umount /test/proc
$ sudo umount /test/sys
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
How to Manage Network using nmcli Tool in RedHat / CentOS 7.x
A new feature of [**Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7**][1] and **CentOS 7** is that the default networking service is provided by **NetworkManager**, a dynamic network control and configuration daemon that attempts to keep network devices and connections up and active when they are available while still supporting the traditional ifcfg type configuration files. NetworkManager can be used with the following types of connections: Ethernet, VLANs, Bridges, Bonds, Teams, Wi-Fi, mobile broadband (such as cellular 3G), and IP-over-InfiniBand. For these connection types, NetworkManager can configure network aliases, IP addresses, static routes, DNS information, and VPN connections, as well as many connection-specific parameters.
The NetworkManager can be controlled with the command-line tool, **nmcli**.
### General nmcli usage ###
The general syntax for nmcli is:
# nmcli [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }
One cool thing is that you can use the TAB key to complete actions when you write the command so if at any time you forget the syntax you can just press TAB to see a list of available options.
![nmcli tab](
Some examples of general nmcli usage:
# nmcli general status
Will display the overall status of NetworkManager.
# nmcli connection show
Will display all connections.
# nmcli connection show -a
Will display only the active connections.
# nmcli device status
Will display a list of devices recognized by NetworkManager and their current state.
![nmcli general](
### Starting / stopping network interfaces ###
You can use the nmcli tool to start or stop network interfaces from the command line, this is the equivalent of up/down in ifconfig.
To stop an interface use the following syntax:
# nmcli device disconnect eno16777736
To start it you can use this syntax:
# nmcli device connect eno16777736
### Adding an ethernet connection with static IP ###
To add a new ethernet connection with a static IP address you can use the following command:
# nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name NAME_OF_CONNECTION ifname interface-name ip4 IP_ADDRESS gw4 GW_ADDRESS
replacing the NAME_OF_CONNECTION with the name you wish to apply to the new connection, the IP_ADDRESS with the IP address you wish to use and the GW_ADDRESS with the gateway address you use (if you don't use a gateway you can omit this last part).
# nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name NEW ifname eno16777736 ip4 gw4
To set the DNS servers for this connection you can use the following command:
# nmcli connection modify NEW ipv4.dns ""
To bring up the new Ethernet connection, issue a command as follows:
# nmcli connection up NEW ifname eno16777736
To view detailed information about the newly configured connection, issue a command as follows:
# nmcli -p connection show NEW
![nmcli add static](
### Adding a connection that will use DHCP ###
If you wish to add a new connection that will use DHCP to configure the interface IP address, gateway address and dns servers, all you have to do is omit the ip/gw address part of the command and Network Manager will use DHCP to get the configuration details.
For example, to create a DHCP configured connection profile named NEW_DHCP, on device
eno16777736 you can use the following command:
# nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name NEW_DHCP ifname eno16777736
作者:[Adrian Dinu][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
Translated By H-mudcup
作者 Frazer Kline
Meld是一个适用于Gnome桌面的开源的图形化的文件差异查看和合并的应用程序。它支持2到3个文件的同时比较递归式的目录比较版本控制(Bazaar, Codeville, CVS, Darcs, Fossil SCM, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, Subversion)之下的目录比较。还能够手动或自动合并文件差异。
- 原地编辑文件,即时更新
- 进行两到三个文件的比较及合并
- 差异和冲突之间的导航
- 可视化本地和总体间的插入、改变和冲突这几种不同之处。
- 内置正则表达式文本过滤器,可以忽略不重要的差异
- 语法高亮度显示可选择gtksourceview)
- 将两到三个目录一个文件一个文件的进行比较,显示新建,缺失和替换过的文件。
- 可直接开启任何有冲突或差异的文件的比较
- 可以过滤文件或目录以避免出现假差异
- 被改动区域的自动合并模式使合并更容易
- 简单的文件管理
- 支持多种版本控制系统包括Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and SVN
- 在提交前开启文件比较来检查改动的地方和内容
- 查看文件版本状态
- 还能进行简单的版本控制操作(例如,提交、更新、添加、移动或删除文件)
- 继承自同一文件的两个文件进行自动合并
- 标注并在中间的窗格显示所有有冲突的变更的基础版本
- 显示并合并同一文件的各自独立的修改
- 锁定只读性质的基础文件以避免出错
- 可以整合到已有的命令行界面中包括gitmergetool
- 国际化支持
- 可视化使文件比较更简单
- 网址: [][1]
- 开发人员: Kai Willadsen
- 证书: GNU GPL v2
- 版本号: 1.8.5
DiffMerge是一个可以在Linux、Windows和OS X上运行的可以可视化文件的比较和合并的应用软件。
- 图形化的显示两个文件之间的差别。包括插入行,高亮标注以及对编辑的全面支持。
- 图形化的显示三个文件之间的差别。(安全的前提下)允许自动合并还完全拥有最终文件的编辑权。
- 并排显示两个文件夹的比较,显示哪一个文件只存在于其中一个文件夹而不存在于与之相比较的那个文件夹,还能一对一的将完全相同的、等价的或不同的文件配对。
- 规则设置和选项让你可以个性化它的外观和行为
- 基于Unicode可以导入多种编码的字符
- 跨平台工具
- 网址: [][2]
- 开发人员: SourceGear LLC
- 证书: Licensed for use free of charge (not open source)
- 版本号: 4.2
- 比较两到三个文件,或是两个目录(浅层或递归)
- 水平差别高亮显示
- 文件可以被交互式的合并,可视化的输出和保存
- 可以可视化合并的评论/监管
- 保留自动合并文件中的冲突,并以两个文件显示以便于解决冲突
- 用额外的比较程序估算差异适用于GNU diff、SGI diff和ClearCase的cleardiff以及所有与这些程序输出相似的文件比较程序。
- 可以在源文件上实现完全的个性化设置
- 用起来感觉和Rudy Wortel或SGI的xdiff差不多 it is desktop agnostic
- 功能和输出可以和脚本轻松集成
- 网址: [][3]
- 开发人员: Martin Blais
- 证书: GNU GPL
- 版本号: 4.0
Diffuse是个开源的图形化工具可用于合并和比较文本文件。Diffuse能够比较任意数量的文件并排显示并提供手动行匹配调整能直接编辑文件。Diffuse还能从bazaar、CVS、darcs, git, mercurial, monotone, Subversion和GNU矫正控制系统GNU Revision Control System RCS)这些关于比较及合并的资源中对文件进行恢复和矫正。
- 比较任意数量的文件,并排显示(多方合并)
- 行匹配可以被用户人工矫正
- 直接编辑文件
- 语法高亮
- 支持Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, RCS, Subversion和SVK
- 支持Unicode
- 可无限撤销
- 简易键盘导航
- 网址: [][]
- 开发人员: Derrick Moser
- 证书: GNU GPL v2
- 版本号: 0.4.7
- 比较两个文本文件
- 递归式比较目录
- 显示diff产生的补丁
- 将补丁合并到一个已存在的目录
- 在无聊的编译时刻,逗你玩
- 网址: [][5]
- 开发者: The Kompare Team
- 证书: GNU GPL
- 版本号: Part of KDE
译者:[H-mudcup]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
Translated by H-mudcup
Flow 'N Play视频播放器有着独具风格的界面【Ubuntu上的安装】
**Flow N Play**是个用Qt编写的新视频播放器。它有着漂亮又简洁的只提供基本播放功能的界面。
[Flow N Play][1]是个比较新的有着漂亮的界面和简单操作的视频播放器(今年三月份第一次发行)。其中一个功能就是能通过拖动鼠标滑动视频列表。播放器带有基本功能,一个搜索功能,支持彩色主题。
Flow N Play仍然处在早起开发中因此相对于更高级的播放器它有一些瑕疵。可以设置的选项少不支持加载字幕或视频和声音的过滤器。目前在打开一个新的视频时偶尔会出错或是表现异常。
我相信在它变得能替代其他播放器之前会先添加几个功能。但从长远来看Flow N Play很有前途。
### 在Ubuntu 14.04上安装Flow N Play 0.922 ###
在Ubuntu上有几种不同的方法安装Flow N Play可以用DEB包或用Bash命令编写的RUN安装文件或在[Qt-Apps页面][2]上获得单独的二进制安装文件。
要安装Flow N Play得先获取依赖项:
sudo apt-get install libqt5multimediaquick-p5 qtdeclarative5-controls-plugin qtdeclarative5 qtmultimedia-plugin qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin qtdeclarative5-quicklayouts-plugin
Then download the DEB package and either double click it or change the working directory to the one where you saved it and type the following in a terminal (for 64-bit, replace the DEB file for 32-bit)然后下载DEB安装包可以双击或在终端里把正操作的目录换到你保存安装包的目录下并输入以下命令这个是64位的命令对于32位的系统请将DEB文件换成32位的:
sudo dpkg -i flow-n-play_v0.926_qt-5.3.2_x64.deb
然后在终端里输入**flow-n-play**来运行它。注意为防止产生依赖项错误当你试图安装DEB问件事你可以运行**sudo apt-get -f install**这样可以自动获取丢失的依赖项并安装Flow N Play。
wget -O
sudo ./
wget -O
作者Craciun Dan
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
**在悄无声息得过了一年之后Tomahawk——音乐播放器中的瑞士军刀——带着值得歌颂的全新发行版回归了。 **
### Tomahawk——两个世界的极品 ###
Tomahawk嫁给了一个带有我们的“即时”现代文化的传统应用结构。它可以浏览和播放本地的音乐和Spotify、Grooveshark以及SoundCloud这类的线上音乐。在最新的发行版中它把Google Play Music和Beats Music列入了它的名册。
![Tomahawk supports the Sound Menu](
### Tomahawk0.8发行版的亮点 ###
- 新的交互界面
- 对Beats Music的支持
- 对Google Play Music的支持保存的和播放全部链接
- 对拖拽iTunesSpotify这类网站的链接的支持
- 正在播放的提示
- Android应用测试版
- 收件箱的改进
### 在Ubuntu上安装Tomahawk0.8 ###
在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS和Ubuntu 14.10上可以通过官方PPA获得Tomahawk。
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tomahawk/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install tomahawk
- [Visit the Official Tomahawk Website][1]
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
开始使用Ubuntu 14.04PDF指南
- [**开始使用Ubuntu 14.04 (PDF指南)**][1]
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
如何使用 Linux 从 Grooveshark 下载音乐
> 解决办法通常没有那么难
**Grooveshark 对于喜欢音乐的人来说是一个不错的在线平台同时有多种从上面下载音乐的方法。Groovesquid 是众多允许用户从 Grooveshark 上下载音乐的应用之一,并且是支持多平台的。**
只要有在线流媒体服务,就一定有方法从获取你之前看过或听过的视频及音乐。即使下载接口关闭了,也不是什么大不了的事,因为还有很多种解决方法,无论你用的什么操作系统。比如,网络上就有许多种 YouTube 下载器,同样的道理,从 Grooveshark 上下载音乐也并非难事。
现在得考虑合法性的问题。与许多其他应用一样Groovesquid 并非是完全不合法的。如果有用户使用应用去做一些非法的事情,那责任应归咎于用户。同样的道理也适用于 utorrent 或者 Bittorrent。只要你不触及版权问题那你就可以无所顾忌的使用 Groovesquid 了。
### 快捷高效的 Groovesquid ###
你能够找到的 Groovesquid 的唯一缺点是,它是基于 Java 而编写的,这从来都不是一个好的兆头。虽然为了确保应用的可移植性这样做确实是一个好方法,但这样做的结果导致了其糟糕的界面。确实是非常糟糕的的界面,不过这一点并不会影响到用户的使用体验,特别是这款应用所完成的工作时如此的有用。
有一点需要注意的地方。Groovesquid 是一款免费的应用,但为了将免费保持下去,它会在菜单栏的右侧显示一则广告。这对大多数人来说都应该不是问题,不过最好在打开应用后注意下菜单栏右侧。
从易用性的角度来看,这款应用非常简洁。用户可以通过在顶部地址栏里输入链接直接下载单曲,地址栏的位置可以通过其左侧的下拉菜单进行修改。在下拉菜单中,也可以修改为歌曲名称、流行度、专辑名称、播放列表以及艺术家。有些选项向你提供了诸如查看 Grooveshark 上最流行的音乐,或者下载整个播放列表等。
你可以下载 Groovesquid 0.7.0
- [jar][1] 文件大小3.8 MB
- [tar.gz][2] 文件大小549 KB
下载完 Jar 文件后,你所需要做的是将其权限修改为可执行,然后让 Java 来完成剩下的工作。
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
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@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
![Ubuntu Smartwatch good idea?](
Ubuntu智能手表 - 好的主意?
### 大的方面还是成功的 ###
苹果在正确时间加入了快速发展的智能手表部门。约束手腕穿戴电脑功能的界限并不是一成不变。失败的设计,不良的用户界面以及主流用户使用穿戴技术功能的弱参数化,这些都见证了硬件种类保持着高效的影响力 一个准许Cupertino把时间花费在苹果手表上的因素。
> 分析师说超过2200万的智能手表将在今年销售
去年全球范围内可穿戴设备的销售数量包括健身追踪器仅仅1000万。今年分析师希望设备数量的改变可以超过2200万 不包括苹果手表因为其直到2015年初才开始零售。
很容易就可以看出增长的来源。今年九月初柏林举办的IFA 2014展览会展示了一系列来自主要制造商们的可穿戴设备包括索尼和华硕。大多数搭载着Google最新发布的安卓穿戴系统。
#### 目前还没有Ubuntu智能手表的计划 ####
今年年初Canonical社区负责人Jono Bacon被询问是否有制作Ubuntu智能手表的打算。Bacon提供了他对这个问题的看法“增加另一个形式因素到[Ubuntu触摸设备]路线只会减缓其余的东西”。
但是并不是没有希望的。在一个[几个月之后的电话采访][1]中Ubuntu创始人Mark Shuttleworth提及到可穿戴技术和智能电视平板电脑智能手机一样都在公司计划当中。
> “Ubuntu因其在电话中的完美设计变得独一无二但是它同时也被设计成满足其余生态系统的样子比如从穿戴设备到PC机。”
### 不可能 — 这就是原因所在 ###
Canonical并不反对利用牢固的专利进军市场。事实上它的重要性犹如公司的DHA — 犹如服务器上的RHEL,桌面上的Windows,智能手机上的安卓...
但是我之所以不认为它会从规范社区发生至少目前还没有是今年早些时候Jono Bacon个人思想的共鸣时间和努力。
Tim Cook在他的主题演讲中说道“*我们并没有追随iPhone也没有缩水用户界面将其强硬捆绑在你的手腕上。*”这是一个很明显的陈述。为如此小的屏幕设计UI和UX模型;通过交互原则工作;对硬件和输入模式的恭维,都不是一件容易的事。
想更进一步了解什么是Ubuntu智能手表点击下面的[视频][2]。它展示了一个互动的主体性皮肤Tizen(它已经支持Samsung Galaxy Gear智能手表)。
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
ChromeOS 对战 Linux : 孰优孰劣,仁者见仁,智者见智
> 在 ChromeOS 和 Linux 的斗争过程中,不管是哪一家的操作系统都是有优有劣。
任何不关注Google 的人都不会相信Google在桌面用户当中扮演着一个很重要的角色。在近几年我们见到的[ChromeOS][1]制造的[Google Chromebook][2]相当的轰动。和同期的人气火爆的Amazon 一样似乎ChromeOS 势不可挡。
在本文中我们要了解的是ChromeOS 的概念市场ChromeOS 怎么影响着Linux 的份额,和整个 ChromeOS 对于linux 社区来说,是好事还是坏事。另外,我将会谈到一些重大的事情,和为什么没人去为他做点什么事情。
### ChromeOS 并非真正的Linux ###
每当有朋友问我说是否ChromeOS 是否是Linux 的一个版本时我都会这样回答ChromeOS 对于Linux 就好像是 OS X 对于BSD 。换句话说我认为ChromeOS 是linux 的一个派生操作系统运行于Linux 内核的引擎之下。而很多操作系统就组成了Google 的专利代码和软件。
尽管ChromeOS 是利用了Linux 内核引擎但是它仍然有很大的不同和现在流行的Linux 分支版本。
尽管ChromeOS 的差异化越来越明显是在于它给终端用户提供的app包括Web 应用。因为ChromeOS 的每一个操作都是开始于浏览器窗口这对于Linux 用户来说可能会有很多不一样的感受但是对于没有Linux 经验的用户来说,这与他们使用的旧电脑并没有什么不同。
就是说每一个以Google-centric 为生活方式的人来说在ChromeOS上的感觉将会非常良好就好像是回家一样。这样的优势就是这个人已经接受了Chrome 浏览器Google 驱动器和Gmail 。久而久之他们的亲朋好友使用ChromeOs 也就是很自然的事情了就好像是他们很容易接受Chrome 浏览器,因为他们觉得早已经用过。
然而对于Linux 爱好者来说这样的约束就立即带来了不适应。因为软件的选择被限制有范围的在加上要想玩游戏和VoIP 是完全不可能的。那么对不起,因为[GooglePlus Hangouts][3]是代替不了VoIP 软件的。甚至在很长的一段时间里。
### ChromeOS 还是Linux 桌面 ###
有人断言ChromeOS 要是想在桌面系统的浪潮中对Linux 产生影响只有在Linux 停下来浮出水面栖息的时候或者是满足某个非技术用户的时候。
是的桌面Linux 对于大多数休闲型的用户来说绝对是一个好东西。然而它必须有专人帮助你安装操作系统并且提供“维修”服务从windows 和 OS X 的阵营来看。但是令人失望的是在美国Linux 正好在这个方面很缺乏。所以我们看到ChromeOS 正慢慢的走入我们的视线。
我发现Linux 桌面系统最适合做网上技术支持来管理。比如说家里的高级用户可以操作和处理更新政府和学校的IT 部门。Linux 还可以应用于这样的环境Linux桌面系统可以被配置给任何技能水平和背景的人使用。
相比之下ChromeOS 是建立在完全免维护的初衷之下的因此不需要第三者的帮忙你只需要允许更新然后让他静默完成即可。这在一定程度上可能是由于ChromeOS 是为某些特定的硬件结构设计的这与苹果开发自己的PC 电脑也有异曲同工之妙。因为Google 的ChromeOS 附带一个硬件脉冲,它允许“犯错误”。对于某些人来说,这是一个很奇妙的地方。
滑稽的是有些人却宣称ChomeOs 的远期的市场存在很多问题。简言之这只是一些Linux 激情的爱好者在找对于ChomeOS 的抱怨罢了。在我看来,停止造谣这些子虚乌有的事情才是关键。
问题是ChromeOS 的市场份额和Linux 桌面系统在很长的一段时间内是不同的。这个存在可能会在将来被打破,然而在现在,仍然会是两军对峙的局面。
### ChromeOS 的使用率正在增长 ###
不管你对ChromeOS 有怎么样的看法事实是ChromeOS 的使用率正在增长。专门针对ChromeOS 的电脑也一直有发布。最近戴尔Dell也发布了一款针对ChromeOS 的电脑。命名为[Dell Chromebox][5],这款ChromeOS 设备将会是另一些传统设备的终结者。它没有软件光驱没有反病毒软件offers 能够无缝的在屏幕后面自动更新。对于一般的用户Chromebox 和Chromebook 正逐渐成为那些工作在web 浏览器上的人的一个选择。
尽管增长速度很快ChromeOS 设备仍然面临着一个很严峻的问题 - 存储。受限于有限的硬盘的大小和严重依赖于云存储并且ChromeOS 不会为了任何使用它们电脑的人消减基本的web 浏览器的功能。
### ChromeOS 和Linux 的异同点 ###
以前我注意到ChromeOS 和Linux 桌面系统分别占有着两个完全不同的市场。出现这样的情况是源于Linux 社区的致力于提升Linux 桌面系统的脱机性能。
是的偶然的有些人可能会第一时间发现这个“Linux 的问题”。但是并没有一个人接着跟进这些问题确保得到问题的答案确保他们得到Linux 最多的帮助。
- 有些用户偶然的在Linux 本地事件发现了Linux 的问题。
- 他们带回了DVD/USB 设备,并尝试安装这个操作系统。
- 当然,有些人很幸运的成功的安装成功了这个进程,但是,据我所知大多数的人并没有那么幸运。
- 令人失望的是,这些人希望在网上论坛里搜索帮助。很难做一个主计算机,没有网络和视频的问题。
- 我真的是受够了后来有很多失望的用户拿着他们的电脑到windows 商店来“维修”。除了重装一个windows 操作系统他们很多时候都会听到一句话“Linux 并不适合你们”,应该尽量避免。
有些人肯定会说上面的举例肯定夸大其词了。让我来告诉你这是发生在我身边真实的事的而且是经常发生。醒醒吧Linux 社区的人们,我们的这种模式已经过时了。
### 伟大的平台,强大的营销和结论 ###
如果非要说ChromeOS 和Linux 桌面系统相同的地方除了它们都使用了Linux 内核就是它们都伟大的产品却拥有极其差劲的市场营销。而Google 的好处就是,他们投入大量的资金在网上构建大面积存储空间。
Google 相信他们拥有“网上的优势”而线下的影响不是很重要。这真是一个让人难以置信的目光短浅这也成了Google 历史上最大的一个失误之一。相信,如果你没有接触到他们在线的努力,你不值得困扰,仅仅就当是他们在是在选择网上存储空间上做出反击。
我的建议是通过Google 的线下影响提供Linux 桌面系统给ChromeOS 的市场。这就意味着Linux 社区的人需要筹集资金来出席县博览会、商场展览在节日季节和在社区中进行免费的教学课程。这会立即使Linux 桌面系统走入人们的视线否则最终将会是一个ChromeOS 设备出现在人们的面前。
如果说本地的线下市场并没有想我说的这样别担心。Linux 桌面系统的市场仍然会像ChromeOS 一样增长。最坏也能保持现在这种两军对峙的市场局面。
作者:[Matt Hartley][a]
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@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
Linux 上好用的几款字幕编辑器介绍
如果你经常看国外的大片你应该会喜欢带字幕版本而不是有国语配音的版本。在法国长大我的童年记忆里充满了迪斯尼电影。但是这些电影因为有了法语的配音而听起来很怪。如果现在有机会能看原始的版本我知道对于大多数的人来说字幕还是必须的。我很高兴能为家人制作字幕。最让我感到希望的是Linux 也不无花哨而且有很多开源的字幕编辑器。总之一句话这篇文章并不是一个详尽的Linux上字幕编辑器的列表。你可以告诉我那一款是你认为最好的字幕编辑器。
### 1. Gnome Subtitles ###
[Gnome Subtitles][1] 我的一个选择,当有字幕需要快速编辑时。你可以载入视频,载入字幕文本,然后就可以即刻开始了。我很欣赏其对于易用性和高级特性之间的平衡性。它带有一个同步工具以及一个拼写检查工具。最后,虽然最后,但并不是不重要,这么好用最主要的是因为它的快捷键:当你编辑很多的台词的时候,你最好把你的手放在键盘上,使用其内置的快捷键来移动。
### 2. Aegisub ###
[Aegisub][2] 有更高级别的复杂性。接口仅仅反映了学习曲线。但是除了它吓人的样子以外Aegisub 是一个非常完整的软件提供的工具远远超出你能想象的。和Gnome Subtitles 一样Aegisub也采用了所见即所得WYSIWYG:what you see is what you get的处理方式。但是是一个全新的高度可以再屏幕上任意拖动字幕也可以在另一边查看音频的频谱并且可以利用快捷键做任何的事情。除此以外它还带有一个汉字工具有一个kalaok模式并且你可以导入lua 脚本让它自动完成一些任务。我希望你在用之前,先去阅读下它的[指南][3]。
### 3. Gaupol ###
另一个操作复杂的软件是[Gaupol][4],不像Aegisub Gaupol 很容易上手而且采用了一个和Gnome Subtitles 很像的界面。但是在这些相对简单背后,它拥有很多很必要的工具:快捷键、第三方扩展、拼写检查,甚至是语音识别(由[CMU Sphinx][5]提供。这里也提一个缺点我注意到有时候在测试的时候也软件会有消极怠工的表现不是很严重但是也足以让我更有理由喜欢Gnome Subtitles了。
### 4. Subtitle Editor ###
[Subtitle Editor][6]和Gaupol 很像。但是它的界面有点不太直观特性也只是稍微的高级一点点。我很欣赏的一点是它可以定义“关键帧”而且提供所有的同步选项。然而多一点的图标或者是少一点的文字都能提供界面的特性。作为一个好人我认为Subtitle Editor 可以模仿“作家”打字的效果,虽然我不知道它是否有用。最后但并非不重要。重定义快捷键的功能很实用。
### 5. Jubler ###
用Java 写的,[Jubler][7]是一个多平台支持的字幕编辑器。我对它的界面印象特别深刻。在上面我确实看出了Java-ish 方面的东西但是它仍然是经过精心的构造和构思的。像Aegisub 一样你可以再屏幕上任意的拖动字幕让你有愉快的体验而不单单是打字。它也可以为字幕自定义一个风格在另外的一个轨道播放音频翻译字幕或者是是做拼写检查然而你必须要注意的是你必须事先安装好媒体播放器并且正确的配置如果你想完整的使用Jubler。我把这些归功于在[官方页面][8]下载了脚本以后其简便的安装方式。
### 6. Subtitle Composer ###
被视为“KDE里的字幕作曲家”[Subtitle Composer][9]能够唤起对很多传统功能的回忆。伴随着KDE界面我们很期望。很自然的我们就会说到快捷键我特别喜欢这个功能。除此之外Subtitle Composer 与上面提到的编辑器最大的不同地方就在于它可以执行用JavaScriptPython甚至是Ruby写成的脚本。软件带有几个例子肯定能够帮助你很好的学习使用这些特性的语法。
最后不管你喜不喜欢我都要为你的家庭编辑几个字幕重新同步整个轨道或者是一切从头开始那么Linux 有很好的工具给你。对我来说,快捷键和易用性使得各个工具有差异,想要更高级别的使用体验,脚本和语音识别就成了很便利的一个功能。
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
怎么让某些人进入 21 世纪就这么难呢?真是的...
我快56 岁了,也就是大部分年轻人会以为的我将时不时朝他们发出诸如“滚出我的草坪”之类歇斯底里咆哮的年龄。但事实并非如此 —— 我发现,尤其是在技术背景之下,我变得与我的年龄非常不相称。
在我这个年龄的大部分人确实变成了爱发牢骚、墨守成规的老顽固。并且,尴尬的是,偶尔我会成为那个打断谈话的人,然后提出在 1995 年或者在某些特殊情况下1985 年)时很适合的方法... 但十年后就不是个好方法了。
那么,现在我们来讨论下 GNU 更新日志文件这件事。在 1985 年的时候,这是一个不错的主意,甚至可以说是必须的。当时的想法是用单独的更新日志文件来记录相关文件的变更情况。用这种方式来对那些存在版本缺失或者非常原始的版本进行版本控制确实不错。当时我也在场,所以我知道这些。
不过即使到了 1995 年,甚至 21 世纪早期许多版本控制系统仍然没有太大改进。也就是说这些版本控制系统并非对批量文件的变化进行分组再保存到一条记录上而是对每个变化的文件分别进行记录并保存到不同的地方。CVS当时被广泛使用的版本控制系统仅仅是模拟日志变更 —— 并且在这方面表现得很糟糕,导致大多数人不再依赖这个功能。即便如此,更新日志文件的出现依然是必要的。
但随后,版本控制系统 Subversion 于 2003 年发布 beta 版,并于 2004 年发布 1.0 正式版Subversion 真正实现了更新日志记录功能得到了人们的广泛认可。它与一年后兴起的分散式版本控制系统Distributed Version Control SystemDVCS共同引发了主流世界的激烈争论。因为如果你在项目上同时使用了分散式版本控制与更新日志文件记录的功能它们将会因为争夺相同元数据的控制权而产生不可预料的冲突。
第三种办法是尝试同时使用两种方法 —— 以另一种格式再次提交评论数据,作为更新日志提交的一部分。这解决了所有你期待的有代表性的问题,并且没有任何缺陷遗留下来;只要其中有拷贝文件损坏,日志文件就会修改,因此这不再是同步时数据匹配的问题,而且导致在其后参与进来的人试图搞清人们是怎么想的时候将会变得非常困惑。
当我读到那条的时候我的眼光停在了那个地方。什么样的傻瓜才会没有意识到这是在自找麻烦 —— 事实上,针对更新日志文件采取的定制措施完全是不必要的,尤其是在分散式版本控制系统中
这是比较特殊的笨蛋变老的并且思维僵化了的黑客。所有的合理化改革他都会极力反对。他所遵循的行事方法在十年前是有效的但现在只能使得其反了。如果你试图解释不只是git的总摘要还得正确掌握当前的各种工具才能完全弃用更新日志... 呵呵,准备好迎接无法忍受、无法想象的疯狂对话吧。
幸运的是这激怒了我。因为这点还有其他相关的胡言乱语使这个项目变成了很难完成的工作。而且,这类糟糕的事时常发生在年轻的开发者身上,这才是问题所在。相关 G+ 社群的数量已经达到了 4 位数,他们大部分都是孩子,他们也没有紧张起来。显然消息已经传到了外面;这个项目的开发者都是被莫名关注者的老牌黑客,同时还有很多对他们崇拜的人。
我不确定我的职业生涯会不会完美收场。假如我最后成功避免了思维僵化(注意我说的是假如),我想我一定知道其中的部分原因,但我不确定这种模式是否可以被复制 —— 为了达成目的也许得在你的头脑中发生一些复杂的化学反应。尽管如此,无论对错,请听听我给年轻黑客以及其他有志青年的建议。
你们 —— 对的,也包括你 —— 一定无法在你中年老年的时候保持不错的心灵,除非你能很好的控制这点。你必须不断地去磨练你的内心、在你还年轻的时候完成自己的种种心愿,你必须把这些行为养成一种习惯直到你老去。
有种说法是中年人锻炼身体的最佳时机是他进入中年的 30 年前。我以为同样的方法,坚持我以上所说的习惯能让你在 56 岁,甚至 65 岁的时候仍然保持灵活的头脑。挑战你的极限,使不断地挑战自己成为一种习惯。立刻离开安乐窝,由此当你以后真正需要它的时候你可以建立起自己的安乐窝。
你必须要清楚的了解这点;还有一个可选择的挑战是你选择一个可以实现的目标并且为了这个目标不断努力。这个月我要学习 Go 语言。不是指游戏,我早就玩儿过了(虽然玩儿的不是太好)。并不是因为工作需要,而是因为我觉得是时候来扩展下我自己了。
作者:[Eric Raymond][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
当你想重装Ubuntu或者仅仅是想安装它的一个新版本的时候寻到一个便捷的方法去重新安装之前的应用并且重置其设置是很有用的。此时 *Aptik* 粉墨登场,它可以帮助你轻松实现。
Aptik自动包备份和回复是一个可以用在UbuntuLinux Mint, 和其他基于Debian以及Ubuntu的Linux发行版上的应用它允许你将已经安装过的包括软件库、下载包、安装的应用及其主题和设置在内的PPAs(个人软件包存档)备份到外部的U盘、网络存储或者类似于Dropbox的云服务上。
想要安装Aptik需要先添加其PPA。使用Ctrl + Alt + T快捷键打开一个新的终端窗口。输入以下文字并按回车执行。
sudo apt-add-repository y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install aptik
在正式运行Aptik前你需要设置好备份目录到一个U盘、网络驱动器或者类似于Dropbox和Google Drive的云帐号上。这儿的例子中我们使用的是Dropbox。
在搜索框中键入 “aptik”。结果会随着你的输入显示出来。当Aptik图标显示出来的时候点击它打开应用。
Aptik的主窗口显示出来了。从“Backup Directory”下拉列表中选择“Other…”。这个操作允许你选择你已经建立好的备份目录。
注意:在下拉列表的右侧的 “Open” 按钮会在一个文件管理窗口中打开选择目录功能。
在 “Backup Directory” 对话窗口中定位到你的备份目录然后按“Open”。
注意如果此时你尚未建立备份目录或者想在备份目录中新建个子目录你可以点“Create Folder”来新建目录。
点击“Software Sources (PPAs).”右侧的 “Backup”来备份已安装的PPAs。
然后“Backup Software Sources”对话窗口显示出来。已安装的包和对应的源PPA同时也显示出来了。选择你需要备份的源PPAs或者点“Select All”按钮选择所有源。
点击 “Backup” 开始备份。
备份完成后,一个提示你备份完成的对话窗口会蹦出来。点击 “OK” 关掉。
接下来“Downloaded Packages (APT Cache)”的项目只对重装同样版本的Ubuntu有用处。它会备份下你系统缓存(/var/cache/apt/archives)中的包。如果你是升级系统的话,可以跳过这个条目,因为针对新系统的包会比现有系统缓存中的包更加新一些。
如果你是重装相同版本的Ubuntu系统的话点击 “Downloaded Packages (APT Cache)” 右侧的 “Backup” 按钮来备份系统缓存中的包。
注意:当你备份下载过的包的时候是没有二级对话框出现。你系统缓存 (/var/cache/apt/archives) 中的包会被拷贝到备份目录下一个名叫 “archives” 的文件夹中,当整个过程完成后会出现一个对话框来告诉你备份已经完成。
像[package for the Chrome web browser][1]这种系统安装完后才安装的包或者包含 Aptik 的包会默认被选择上。这可以方便你备份这些后安装的包。
按照需要选择想要备份的包。点击 “Software Selections” 右侧的 “Backup” 按钮备份顶层包。
名为 “packages.list” and “packages-installed.list” 的两个文件出现在了备份目录中,并且一个用来通知你备份完成的对话框出现。点击 ”OK“关闭它。
注意“packages-installed.list”文件包含了所有的包而 “packages.list” 在包含了所有包的前提下还指出了那些包被选择上了。
要备份已安装软件的设置的话,点击 Aptik 主界面 “Application Settings” 右侧的 “Backup” 按钮选择你要备份的设置点击“Backup”。
注意如果你要选择所有设置点击“Select All”按钮。
被选择的配置文件统一被打包到一个名叫 “app-settings.tar.gz” 的文件中。
来自 “/usr/share/themes” 目录的主题和来自 “/usr/share/icons” 目录的图标也可以备份。点击 “Themes and Icons” 右侧的 “Backup” 来进行此操作。“Backup Themes” 对话框默认选择了所有的主题和图标。你可以安装需要取消到一些然后点击 “Backup” 进行备份。
主题被打包拷贝到备份目录下的 “themes” 文件夹中,图标被打包拷贝到备份目录下的 “icons” 文件夹中。然后成功提示对话框出现点击”OK“关闭它。
一旦你完成了需要的备份点击主界面左上角的”X“关闭 Aptik 。
当你重装Ubuntu或者安装新版本的Ubuntu后在新的系统中安装 Aptik 并且将备份好的文件置于新系统中让其可被使用。运行 Aptik并使用每个条目的 “Restore” 按钮来恢复你的软件源、应用、包、设置、主题以及图标。
作者Lori Kaufman
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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
如何在 Linux 上使用 HAProxy 配置 HTTP 负载均衡器
随着基于 Web 的应用和服务的增多IT 系统管理员肩上的责任也越来越重。当遇到不可预期的事件如流量达到高峰,流量增大或者内部的挑战比如硬件的损坏或紧急维修,无论如何,你的 Web 应用都必须要保持可用性。甚至现在流行的 devops 和持续交付也可能威胁到你的 Web 服务的可靠性和性能的一致性。
不可预测,不一直的性能表现是你无法接受的。但是我们怎样消除这些缺点呢?大多数情况下一个合适的负载均衡解决方案可以解决这个问题。今天我会给你们介绍如何使用 [HAProxy][1] 配置 HTTP 负载均衡器。
###什么是 HTTP 负载均衡? ###
HTTP 负载均衡是一个网络解决方案,它将发入的 HTTP 或 HTTPs 请求分配至一组提供相同的 Web 应用内容的服务器用于响应。通过将请求在这样的多个服务器间进行均衡,负载均衡器可以防止服务器出现单点故障,可以提升整体的可用性和响应速度。它还可以让你能够简单的通过添加或者移除服务器来进行横向扩展或收缩,对工作负载进行调整。
### 什么时候,什么情况下需要使用负载均衡? ###
### 什么是 HAProxy ###
HAProxy 是一个流行的开源的 GNU/Linux 平台下的 TCP/HTTP 服务器的负载均衡和代理软件。HAProxy 是单线程,事件驱动架构,可以轻松的处理 [10 Gbps 速率][2] 的流量在生产环境中被广泛的使用。它的功能包括自动健康状态检查自定义负载均衡算法HTTPS/SSL 支持,会话速率限制等等。
### 这个教程要实现怎样的负载均衡 ###
在这个教程中,我们会为 HTTP Web 服务器配置一个基于 HAProxy 的负载均衡。
### 准备条件 ###
你至少要有一台,或者最好是两台 Web 服务器来验证你的负载均衡的功能。我们假设后端的 HTTP Web 服务器已经配置好并[可以运行][3]。
You will need at least one, or preferably two web servers to verify functionality of your load balancer. We assume that backend HTTP web servers are already [up and running][3].
### 在 Linux 中安装 HAProxy ###
对于大多数的发行版,我们可以使用发行版的包管理器来安装 HAProxy。
#### 在 Debian 中安装 HAProxy ####
在 Debian Wheezy 中我们需要添加源,在 /etc/apt/sources.list.d 下创建一个文件 "backports.list" ,写入下面的内容
deb wheezy­backports main
刷新仓库的数据,并安装 HAProxy
# apt­ get update
# apt ­get install haproxy
#### 在 Ubuntu 中安装 HAProxy ####
# apt ­get install haproxy
#### 在 CentOS 和 RHEL 中安装 HAProxy ####
# yum install haproxy
### 配置 HAProxy ###
本教程假设有两台运行的 HTTP Web 服务器,它们的 IP 地址是 和。我们将负载均衡配置在 的这台服务器上。
为了让 HAProxy 工作正常,你需要修改 /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 中的一些选项。我们会在这一节中解释这些修改。一些配置可能因 GNU/Linux 发行版的不同而变化,这些会被标注出来。
#### 1. 配置日志功能 ####
你要做的第一件事是为 HAProxy 配置日志功能,在排错时日志将很有用。日志配置可以在 /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 的 global 段中找到他们。下面是针对不同的 Linux 发型版的 HAProxy 日志配置。
**CentOS 或 RHEL:**
在 CentOS/RHEL中启用日志将下面的
log local2
log local0
然后配置 HAProxy 在 /var/log 中的日志分割,我们需要修改当前的 rsyslog 配置。为了简洁和明了,我们在 /etc/rsyslog.d 下创建一个叫 haproxy.conf 的文件,添加下面的内容:
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
$template Haproxy,"%msg%\n"
local0.=info ­/var/log/haproxy.log;Haproxy
local0.notice ­/var/log/haproxy­status.log;Haproxy
local0.* ~
这个配置会基于 $template 在 /var/log 中分割 HAProxy 日志。现在重启 rsyslog 应用这些更改。
# service rsyslog restart
**Debian 或 Ubuntu:**
在 Debian 或 Ubuntu 中启用日志,将下面的内容
log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
log local0
然后为 HAProxy 配置日志分割,编辑 /etc/rsyslog.d/ 下的 haproxy.conf (在 Debian 中可能叫 49-haproxy.conf写入下面你的内容
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
$template Haproxy,"%msg%\n"
local0.=info ­/var/log/haproxy.log;Haproxy
local0.notice ­/var/log/haproxy­status.log;Haproxy
local0.* ~
这个配置会基于 $template 在 /var/log 中分割 HAProxy 日志。现在重启 rsyslog 应用这些更改。
# service rsyslog restart
#### 2. 设置默认选项 ####
下一步是设置 HAProxy 的默认选项。在 /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 的 default 段中,替换为下面的配置:
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
retries 3
option redispatch
maxconn 20000
contimeout 5000
clitimeout 50000
srvtimeout 50000
上面的配置是当 HAProxy 为 HTTP 负载均衡时建议使用的,但是并不一定是你的环境的最优方案。你可以自己研究 HAProxy 的手册并配置它。
#### 3. Web 集群配置 ####
Web 集群配置定义了一组可用的 HTTP 服务器。我们的负载均衡中的大多数设置都在这里。现在我们会创建一些基本配置,定义我们的节点。将配置文件中从 frontend 段开始的内容全部替换为下面的:
listen webfarm *:80
mode http
stats enable
stats uri /haproxy?stats
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats auth haproxy:stats
balance roundrobin
cookie LBN insert indirect nocache
option httpclose
option forwardfor
server web01 cookie node1 check
server web02 cookie node2 check
"listen webfarm *:80" 定义了负载均衡器监听的地址和端口。为了教程的需要,我设置为 "\*" 表示监听在所有接口上。在真实的场景汇总,这样设置可能不太合适,应该替换为可以从 internet 访问的那个网卡接口。
stats enable
stats uri /haproxy?stats
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats auth haproxy:stats
上面的设置定义了,负载均衡器的状态统计信息可以通过 http://<load-balancer-IP>/haproxy?stats 访问。访问需要简单的 HTTP 认证,用户名为 "haproxy" 密码为 "stats"。这些设置可以替换为你自己的认证方式。如果你不需要状态统计信息,可以完全禁用掉。
下面是一个 HAProxy 统计信息的例子
"balance roundrobin" 这一行表明我们使用的负载均衡类型。这个教程中,我们使用简单的轮询算法,可以完全满足 HTTP 负载均衡的需要。HAProxy 还提供其他的负载均衡类型:
- **leastconn**:将请求调度至连接数最少的服务器­
- **source**:对请求的客户端 IP 地址进行哈希计算,根据哈希值和服务器的权重将请求调度至后端服务器。
- **uri**:对 URI 的左半部分(问号之前的部分)进行哈希,根据哈希结果和服务器的权重对请求进行调度
- **url_param**:根据每个 HTTP GET 请求的 URL 查询参数进行调度,使用固定的请求参数将会被调度至指定的服务器上
- **hdr(name**):根据 HTTP 首部中的 <name> 字段来进行调度
"cookie LBN insert indirect nocache" 这一行表示我们的负载均衡器会存储 cookie 信息,可以将后端服务器池中的节点与某个特定会话绑定。节点的 cookie 存储为一个自定义的名字。这里,我们使用的是 "LBN",你可以指定其他的名称。后端节点会保存这个 cookie 的会话。
server web01 cookie node1 check
server web02 cookie node2 check
上面是我们的 Web 服务器节点的定义。服务器有由内部名称如web01web02IP 地址和唯一的 cookie 字符串表示。cookie 字符串可以自定义,我这里使用的是简单的 node1node2 ... node(n)
### 启动 HAProxy ###
如果你完成了配置,现在启动 HAProxy 并验证是否运行正常。
#### 在 Centos/RHEL 中启动 HAProxy ####
让 HAProxy 开机自启,使用下面的命令
# chkconfig haproxy on
# service haproxy start
当然,防火墙需要开放 80 端口,想下面这样
**CentOS/RHEL 7 的防火墙**
# firewall­cmd ­­permanent ­­zone=public ­­add­port=80/tcp
# firewall­cmd ­­reload
**CentOS/RHEL 6 的防火墙**
把下面内容加至 /etc/sysconfig/iptables 中的 ":OUTPUT ACCEPT" 段中
­A INPUT ­m state ­­state NEW ­m tcp ­p tcp ­­dport 80 ­j ACCEPT
# service iptables restart
#### 在 Debian 中启动 HAProxy ####
#### 启动 HAProxy ####
# service haproxy start
不要忘了防火墙开放 80 端口,在 /etc/iptables.up.rules 中加入:
­A INPUT ­p tcp ­­dport 80 ­j ACCEPT
#### 在 Ubuntu 中启动HAProxy ####
让 HAProxy 开机自动启动在 /etc/default/haproxy 中配置
启动 HAProxy
# service haproxy start
防火墙开放 80 端口:
# ufw allow 80
### 测试 HAProxy ###
检查 HAProxy 是否工作正常,我们可以这样做
首先准备一个 test.php 文件,文件内容如下
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
echo "Server IP: ".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
echo "\nX-Forwarded-for: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
这个 PHP 文件会告诉我们哪台服务器(如负载均衡)转发了请求,哪台后端 Web 服务器实际处理了请求。
将这个 PHP 文件放到两个后端 Web 服务器的 Web 根目录中。然后用 curl 命令通过负载均衡器192.168.100.4)访问这个文件
$ curl
Server IP:
Server IP:
如果我们停掉一台后端 Web 服务curl 命令仍然正常工作,请求被分发至另一台可用的 Web 服务器。
### 总结 ###
现在你有了一个完全可用的负载均衡器,以轮询的模式对你的 Web 节点进行负载均衡。还可以去实验其他的配置选项以适应你的环境。希望这个教程可以帮会组你们的 Web 项目有更好的可用性。
你可能已经发现了,这个教程只包含单台负载均衡的设置。这意味着我们仍然有单点故障的问题。在真实场景中,你应该至少部署 2 台或者 3 台负载均衡以防止意外发生,但这不是本教程的范围。
如果 你有任何问题或建议,请在评论中提出,我会尽我的努力回答。
作者:[Jaroslav Štěpánek][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
[Format Junkie][1] 就是这样一个有着极其友好的用户界面的多和一的媒介转换工具。更棒的是它是一个免费软件。你可以使用 Format Junkie 来转换几乎所有的流行格式的图像、音频、视频和归档文件(或称压缩文件),所有这些只需要简单地点击几下鼠标而已。
### 在Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 和 13.04 上安装 Format Junkie ###
Format Junkie 可以通过 Ubuntu PPA format-junkie-team 进行安装。这个PPA支持Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 和 13.04。在以上任意一种Ubuntu版本中安装Format Junkie的话简单的执行一下命令即可
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:format-junkie-team/release
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install formatjunkie
$ sudo ln -s /opt/ /usr/bin/formatjunkie
### 将 Format Junkie 安装到 Ubuntu 13.10 ###
如果你正在运行Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander),你可以按照以下步骤下载 .deb 安装包来进行安装。由于Format Junkie 的 .deb 安装包只有很少的依赖包,所以使用 [gdebi deb installer][2] 来按安装它。
在32位版Ubuntu 13.10上:
$ wget
$ sudo gdebi formatjunkie_1.07-1~raring0.2_i386.deb
$ sudo ln -s /opt/ /usr/bin/formatjunkie
在32位版Ubuntu 13.10上:
$ wget
$ sudo gdebi formatjunkie_1.07-1~raring0.2_amd64.deb
$ sudo ln -s /opt/ /usr/bin/formatjunkie
### 将 Format Junkie 安装到 Ubuntu 14.04 或 之后版本 ###
现有的可供使用的官方 Format Junkie .deb 文件 需要 libavcodec-extra-53这个东西从Ubuntu 14.04开始就已经过时了。所以如果你想在Ubuntu 14.04或之后版本上安装Format Junkie的话可以使用以下的第三方PPA来代替。
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install formatjunkie
### 如何使用 Format Junkie ###
安装完成后,只需运行以下命令即可启动 Format Junkie
$ formatjunkie
#### 使用 Format Junkie 来转换音频、视频、图像和归档格式 ####
就像下方展示的一样Format Junkie 的用户界面简单而且直观。在音频、视频、图像和iso媒介之间进行选择在顶部四个标签当中点击你需要的那个。你可以根据需要添加无限量的文件用于批量转换。添加文件后选择输出格式直接点击 "Start Converting" 按钮进行转换。
Format Junkie支持以下媒介媒介媒介格式间的转换
- **Audio**: mp3, wav, ogg, wma, flac, m4r, aac, m4a, mp2.
- **Video**: avi, ogv, vob, mp4, 3gp, wmv, mkv, mpg, mov, flv, webm.
- **Image**: jpg, png, ico, bmp, svg, tif, pcx, pdf, tga, pnm.
- **Archive**: iso, cso.
#### 用 Format Junkie 进行字幕编码 ####
除了媒介转换Format Junkie 可提供了字幕编码的图形界面。实际的字幕编码是由MEncoder来完成的。为了使用Format Junkie的字幕编码接口首先你需要安装MEencoder。
$ sudo apt-get install mencoder
然后点击Format Junkie 中的 "Advanced"标签。选择 AVI/subtitle 文件来进行编码,如下所示:
总而言之Format Junkie 是一个非常易于使用和多才多艺的媒介转换工具。但也有一个缺陷,它不允许对转换进行任何定制化(例如:比特率,帧率,采样频率,图像质量,尺寸)。所以这个工具推荐正在寻找一个简单易用的媒介转换工具的新手使用。
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
How to turn your CentOS box into a BGP router using Quagga
在[之前的教程中][1]此文原文做过文件名“20140928 How to turn your CentOS box into an OSPF router using”如果前面翻译发布了可以修改此链接,我对如何简单地使用Quagga把CentOS系统变成一个不折不扣地OSPF路由器做了一些描述,Quagga是一个开源路由软件套件.在这个教程中,我将会着重**把一个Linux系统变成一个BGP路由器,又是使用Quagga**,演示如何建立BGP与其它BGP路由器对等.
### 测试方案 ###
- **运营商 A**: ASN (100), IP地址空间 (, 分配给BGP路由器eth1网卡的IP地址(
- **运营商 B**: ASN (200), IP地址空间 (, 分配给BGP路由器eth1网卡的IP地址(
### 在 CentOS中安装Quagga ###
# yum install quagga
# setsebool -P zebra_write_config 1
- **Zebra**:一个核心守护进程用于内核接口和静态路由.
- **BGPd**:一个BGP守护进程.
### 配置日志记录 ###
# cp /usr/share/doc/quagga-XXXXX/zebra.conf.sample /etc/quagga/zebra.conf
# service zebra start
# chkconfig zebra on
# systemctl start zebra
# systemctl enable zebra
Quagga提供了一个叫做vtysh特有的命令行工具,你可以输入路由器厂商(例如Cisco和Juniper)兼容和支持的命令.我们将使用vtysh shell来配置BGP路由在教程的其余部分.
启动vtysh shell 命令,输入:
# vtysh
提示将被改成主机名,这表明你是在vtysh shell中.
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# log file /var/log/quagga/quagga.log
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
### 配置对等的IP地址 ###
Router-A# show interface #显示接口信息
Interface eth0 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
. . . . .
Interface eth1 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
. . . . .
site-A-RTR# configure terminal
site-A-RTR(config)# interface eth0
site-A-RTR(config-if)# ip address
site-A-RTR(config-if)# description "to Router-B"
site-A-RTR(config-if)# no shutdown
site-A-RTR(config-if)# exit
site-A-RTR(config)# interface eth1
site-A-RTR(config-if)# ip address
site-A-RTR(config-if)# description "test ip from provider A network"
site-A-RTR(config-if)# no shutdown
site-A-RTR(config-if)# exit
Router-A# show interface
Interface eth0 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
Description: "to Router-B"
inet broadcast
Interface eth1 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
Description: "test ip from provider A network"
inet broadcast
Router-A# show interface description #现实接口描述
Interface Status Protocol Description
eth0 up unknown "to Router-B"
eth1 up unknown "test ip from provider A network"
Router-A# write
Router-A# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.616 ms
### 配置BGP对等 ###
# cp /usr/share/doc/quagga-XXXXXXX/bgpd.conf.sample /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf
# service bgpd start
# chkconfig bgpd on
# systemctl start bgpd
# systemctl enable bgpd
现在,让我们来进入Quagga 的shell.
# vtysh
Router-A# show running-config
... ... ...
router bgp 7675
bgp router-id
... ... ...
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# no router bgp 7675
Router-A(config)# router bgp 100
Router-A(config)# no auto-summary
Router-A(config)# no synchronizaiton
Router-A(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 200
Router-A(config-router)# neighbor description "provider B"
Router-A(config-router)# exit
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
Router-B# configure terminal
Router-B(config)# no router bgp 7675
Router-B(config)# router bgp 200
Router-B(config)# no auto-summary
Router-B(config)# no synchronizaiton
Router-B(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 100
Router-B(config-router)# neighbor description "provider A"
Router-B(config-router)# exit
Router-B(config)# exit
Router-B# write
Router-A# show ip bgp summary
### 配置前缀通告 ###
正如一开始提到,AS 100将以100.100.0.0/22作为通告,在我们的例子中AS 200将同样以200.200.0.0/22作为通告.这些前缀需要被添加到BGP配置如下.
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# router bgp 100
Router-A(config)# network
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
Router-B# configure terminal
Router-B(config)# router bgp 200
Router-B(config)# network
Router-B(config)# exit
Router-B# write
### 测试前缀通告 ###
Router-A# show ip bgp summary
Router-A# show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
Router-A# show ip bgp neighbors routes
Router-A# show ip bgp
Router-A# show ip route
代码: K - 内核路由, C - 已链接 , S - 静态 , R - 路由信息协议 , O - 开放式最短路径优先协议,
I - 中间系统到中间系统的路由选择协议, B - 边界网关协议, > - 选择路由, * - FIB 路由
C>* is directly connected, eth0
C>* is directly connected, eth1
B>* [20/0] via, eth0, 00:06:45
Router-A# show ip route bgp
B>* [20/0] via, eth0, 00:08:13
[root@Router-A~]# ip route
---------- dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth0 proto zebra
[root@Router-A~]# ping -c 2
作者:[Sarmed Rahman][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
虽然对于本教程,我只会演示怎样来添加**64位**网络安装镜像但对于Ubuntu或者Debian的**32位**系统或者其它架构的镜像操作步骤也基本相同。同时就我而言我会解释添加Ubuntu 32位源的方法但不会演示配置。 虽然对于本教程,我只会演示怎样来添加**64位**网络安装镜像但对于Ubuntu或者Debian的**32位**系统或者其它架构的镜像操作步骤也基本相同。同时就我而言我会解释添加Ubuntu 32位源的方法但不会演示配置。
从PXE服务器安装 **Ubuntu**或者**Debian**要求你的客户机必须激活网络连接,最好是使用**DHCP**通过**NAT**来进行动态分配地址。以便安装器拉取需求包并完成安装进程。 从PXE服务器安装 **Ubuntu**或者**Debian**要求你的客户机必须激活网络连接,最好是使用**DHCP**通过**NAT**来进行动态分配地址。以便安装器拉取所需的包并完成安装过程。
#### 需求 #### #### 需求 ####
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
## 步骤 1 添加Ubuntu 14.10和Ubuntu 14.04服务器到PXE菜单 ## ## 步骤 1 添加Ubuntu 14.10和Ubuntu 14.04服务器到PXE菜单 ##
**1.** 为**Ubuntu 14.10****Ubuntu 14.04**添加网络安装源到PXE菜单可以通过两种方式实现其一是通过下载Ubuntu CD ISO镜像并挂载到PXE服务器机器上以便可以读取Ubuntu网络启动文件其二是通过直接下载Ubuntu网络启动归档包并将其解压缩到系统中。下面我将进一步讨论这两种方法 **1.** 为**Ubuntu 14.10****Ubuntu 14.04**添加网络安装源到PXE菜单可以通过两种方式实现其一是通过下载Ubuntu CD ISO镜像并挂载到PXE服务器机器上以便可以读取Ubuntu网络启动文件其二是通过直接下载Ubuntu网络启动归档包并将其解压缩到系统中。下面我将进一步讨论这两种方法
### 使用Ubuntu 14.10和Ubuntu 14.04 CD ISO镜像 ### ### 使用Ubuntu 14.10和Ubuntu 14.04 CD ISO镜像 ###
为了能使用此方法你的PXE服务器需要有一台可工作的CD/DVD驱动器。在一台专有计算机上转到[Ubuntu 14.10下载][2]和[Ubuntu 14.04 下载][3]页,取64位**服务器安装镜像**将它烧录到CD并将CD镜像放到PXE服务器DVD/CD驱动器然后使用以下命令挂载到系统。 为了能使用此方法你的PXE服务器需要有一台可工作的CD/DVD驱动器。在一台专有计算机上转到[Ubuntu 14.10下载][2]和[Ubuntu 14.04 下载][3]页,取64位**服务器安装镜像**将它烧录到CD并将CD镜像放到PXE服务器DVD/CD驱动器然后使用以下命令挂载到系统。
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
@ -26,28 +26,28 @@
#### 在Ubuntu 14.10上 #### #### 在Ubuntu 14.10上 ####
------------------ 32位 ------------------ ------------------ 32位 ------------------
# wget # wget
# mount -o loop /path/to/ubuntu-14.10-server-i386.iso /mnt # mount -o loop /path/to/ubuntu-14.10-server-i386.iso /mnt
---------- ----------
------------------ 64位 ------------------ ------------------ 64位 ------------------
# wget # wget
# mount -o loop /path/to/ubuntu-14.10-server-amd64.iso /mnt # mount -o loop /path/to/ubuntu-14.10-server-amd64.iso /mnt
#### 在Ubuntu 14.04上 #### #### 在Ubuntu 14.04上 ####
------------------ 32位 ------------------ ------------------ 32位 ------------------
# wget # wget
# mount -o loop /path/to/ubuntu-14.04.1-server-i386.iso /mnt # mount -o loop /path/to/ubuntu-14.04.1-server-i386.iso /mnt
---------- ----------
------------------ 64位 ------------------ ------------------ 64位 ------------------
# wget # wget
# mount -o loop /path/to/ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64.iso /mnt # mount -o loop /path/to/ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64.iso /mnt
@ -58,33 +58,33 @@
#### 在Ubuntu 14.04上 #### #### 在Ubuntu 14.04上 ####
------------------ 32位 ------------------ ------------------ 32位 ------------------
# cd # cd
# wget # wget
---------- ----------
------------------ 64位 ------------------ ------------------ 64位 ------------------
# cd # cd
# #
#### 在Ubuntu 14.04上 #### #### 在Ubuntu 14.04上 ####
------------------ 32位 ------------------ ------------------ 32位 ------------------
# cd # cd
# wget # wget
---------- ----------
------------------ 64位 ------------------ ------------------ 64位 ------------------
# cd # cd
# wget # wget
对于其它处理器架构请访问下面的Ubuntu 14.10和Ubuntu 14.04网络启动官方页面,选择你的架构类型并下载需文件。 对于其它处理器架构请访问下面的Ubuntu 14.10和Ubuntu 14.04网络启动官方页面,选择你的架构类型并下载需文件。
- [][4] - [][4]
- [][5] - [][5]
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
# tar xfz netboot.tar.gz # tar xfz netboot.tar.gz
# cp -rf ubuntu-installer/ /var/lib/tftpboot/ # cp -rf ubuntu-installer/ /var/lib/tftpboot/
如果你想要在PXE服务器上同时使用两种Ubuntu服务器架构先请下载然后根据不同的情况挂载并解压缩32位并拷贝**ubuntu-installer**目录到**/var/lib/tftpboot**然后卸载CD或删除网络启动归档以及解压缩的文件和文件夹。对于64位架构请重复上述步骤以便让最终的**tftp**路径形成以下结构。 如果你想要在PXE服务器上同时使用两种Ubuntu服务器架构先请下载然后根据不同的情况挂载或解压缩32位架构然后拷贝**ubuntu-installer**目录到**/var/lib/tftpboot**然后卸载CD或删除网络启动归档以及解压缩的文件和文件夹。对于64位架构请重复上述步骤以便让最终的**tftp**路径形成以下结构。
/var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64 /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64
/var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-installer/i386 /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-installer/i386
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ via:
作者:[Matei Cezar][a] 作者:[Matei Cezar][a]
译者:[GOLinux]( 译者:[GOLinux](
校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID) 校对:[Mr小眼儿](
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Linux 有问必答--Linux 中如何安装 7zip
> **问题**: 我需要要从 ISO 映像中获取某些文件,为此我想要使用 7zip 程序。那么我应该如何安装 7zip 软件呢,[在 Linux 发布版本上完全安装]?
7zip 是一款开源的归档应用程序,开始是为 Windows 系统而开发的。它能对多种格式的档案文件进行打包或解包处理,除了支持原生的 7z 格式的文档外,还支持包括 XZ、GZIP、TAR、ZIP 和 BZIP2 等这些格式。 一般地7zip 也常用来解压 RAR、DEB、RPM 和 ISO 等格式的文件。除了简单的归档功能7zip 还具有支持 AES-256 算法加密以及自解压和建立多卷存档功能。在以 POSIX 协议为标准的系统上Linux、Unix、BSD原生的 7zip 程序被移植过来并被命名为 p7zip“POSIX 7zip” 的简称)。
下面介绍如何在 Linux 中安装 7zip (或 p7zip
### 在 Debian、Ubuntu 或 Linux Mint 系统中安装 7zip ###
在基于的 Debian 的发布系统中存在有三种 7zip 的软件包。
- **p7zip**: 包含 7zr最小的 7zip 归档工具),仅仅只能处理原生的 7z 格式。
- **p7zip-full**: 包含 7z ,支持 7z、LZMA2、XZ、ZIP、CAB、GZIP、BZIP2、ARJ、TAR、CPIO、RPM、ISO 和 DEB 格式。
- **p7zip-rar**: 包含一个能解压 RAR 文件的插件。
建议安装 p7zip-full 包(不是 p7zip因为这是最完全的 7zip 程序包,它支持很多归档格式。此外,如果您想处理 RAR 文件话,还需要安装 p7zip-rar 包,做成一个独立的插件包的原因是因为 RAR 是一种专有格式。
$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full p7zip-rar
### 在 Fedora 或 CentOS/RHEL 系统中安装 7zip ###
基于红帽的发布系统上提供了两个 7zip 的软件包。
- **p7zip**: 包含 7za 命令,支持 7z、ZIP、GZIP、CAB、ARJ、BZIP2、TAR、CPIO、RPM 和 DEB 格式。
- **p7zip-plugins**: 包含 7z 命令,额外的插件,它扩展了 7za 命令(例如 支持 ISO 格式的抽取)。
在 CentOS/RHEL 系统中,在运行下面命令前您需要确保 [EPEL 资源库][1] 可用,但在 Fedora 系统中就不需要额外的资源库了。
$ sudo yum install p7zip p7zip-plugins
注意,跟基于 Debian 的发布系统不同的是,基于红帽的发布系统没有提供 RAR 插件,所以您不能使用 7z 命令来抽取解压 RAR 文件。
### 使用 7z 创建或提取归档文件 ###
一旦安装好 7zip 软件后,就可以使用 7z 命令来打包解包各式各样的归档文件了。7z 命令会使用不同的插件来辅助处理对应格式的归档文件。
使用 “a” 选项就可以创建一个归档文件,它可以创建 7z、XZ、GZIP、TAR、 ZIP 和 BZIP2 这几种格式的文件。如果指定的归档文件已经存在的话,它会把文件“添加”到存在的归档中,而不是覆盖原有归档文件。
$ 7z a <archive-filename> <list-of-files>
使用 “e” 选项可以抽取出一个归档文件,抽取出的文件会放在当前目录。抽取支持的格式比创建时支持的格式要多的多,包括 7z、XZ、GZIP、TAR、ZIP、BZIP2、LZMA2、CAB、ARJ、CPIO、RPM、ISO 和 DEB 这些格式。
$ 7z e <archive-filename>
解包的另外一种方式是使用 “x” 选项。和 “e” 选项不同的是,它使用的是全路径来抽取归档的内容。
$ 7z x <archive-filename>
要查看归档的文件列表,使用 “l” 选项。
$ 7z l <archive-filename>
要更新或删除归档文件,分别使用 “u” 和 “d” 选项。
$ 7z u <archive-filename> <list-of-files-to-update>
$ 7z d <archive-filename> <list-of-files-to-delete>
$ 7z t <archive-filename>
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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
如何在Ubuntu / CentOS 6.x上安装Bugzilla 4.4
这里我们将展示如何在一台Ubuntu 14.04或CentOS 6.5/7上安装Bugzilla。Bugzilla是一款基于web用来记录跟踪缺陷数据库的bug跟踪软件它同时是一款免费及开源软件(FOSS)它的bug跟踪系统允许个人和开发团体有效地记录下他们产品的一些突出问题。尽管是"免费"的Bugzilla依然有很多其它同类产品所没有的“珍贵”特性。因此Bugzilla很快就变成了全球范围内数以千计的组织最喜欢的bug管理工具。
Bugzilla对于不同状况的适应能力非常强。如今它们应用在各个不同的IT领域系统管理员部署管理、芯片设计和部署问题跟踪(制作前后),还有为那些诸如RedhatNASALinux-Mandrake和VA Systems这些名家提供软硬件bug跟踪。
### 1. 安装依赖程序 ###
安装Bugzilla相当**简单**。这篇文章特别针对Ubuntu 14.04和CentOS 6.5两个版本(不过也适用于更老的版本)。
- Perl(5.8.1 或以上)
- Apache2
- Bugzilla
- Perl模块
- 使用apache的Bugzilla
正如我们所提到的本文会阐述Ubuntu 14.04和CentOS 6.5/7两种发行版的安装过程为此我们会分成两部分来表示。
以下就是在你的Ubuntu 14.04 LTS和CentOS 7机器安装Bugzilla的步骤
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server libapache2-mod-perl2
libapache2-mod-perl2-dev libapache2-mod-perl2-doc perl postfix make gcc g++
$ sudo yum install httpd mod_ssl mysql-server mysql php-mysql gcc perl* mod_perl-devel
### 2. 启动Apache服务 ###
$ sudo -s
# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
# service iptables save
# service httpd start
# /sbin/chkconfig httpd on
# service apache2 start
### 3. 配置MySQL服务器 ###
# chkconfig mysqld on
# service start mysqld
# service mysql-server start
CentOS 6.5和Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty两个版本
# mysql -u root -p
# password: (You'll need to enter your password)
# mysql > create database bugs;
# mysql > grant all on bugs.* to root@localhost identified by "mypassword";
#mysql > quit
### 4. 安装并配置Bugzilla ###
# tar zxvf bugzilla-4.5.2.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/
# cd /var/www/html/
# mv -v bugzilla-4.5.2 bugzilla
# cd /var/www/html/bugzilla/
# ./ --check-modules
# cd /var/www/html/bugzilla
# perl --all
这一步会花掉一点时间去下载安装所有依赖程序,然后再次运行** --check-modules**命令来验证有没有漏装什么。
# ./
# nano ./localconfig
现在我们需要添加Bugzilla至我们的Apache配置文件中。那么我们需要用文本编辑器打开 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 文件(CentOS版本)或者 /etc/apache2/apache2.conf 文件(Ubuntu版本)
# nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# nano etc/apache2/apache2.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/bugzilla/
<Directory /var/www/html/bugzilla>
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Options +Indexes +ExecCGI
DirectoryIndex index.cgi
AllowOverride Limit FileInfo Indexes
接着,我们需要编辑 .htaccess 文件并用“#”注释掉顶部“Options -Indexes”这一行。
# service httpd restart
# service apache2 restart
这样我们的Bugzilla就准备好在我们的Ubuntu 14.04 LTS和CentOS 6.5上获取bug报告了你就可以通过本地回环地址或你网页浏览器上的IP地址来浏览bugzilla了。
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
ubuntu:14.04: The image you are pulling has been verified (您所拉取的镜像已经经过验证)
Docker所报告的一个已下载的镜像经过“验证”它基于的仅仅是一个标记清单signed manifest)而Docker却从未根据清单对镜像的校验和进行验证。一名攻击者以此可以提供任意所谓具有标记清单的镜像。一系列严重漏洞的大门就此敞开。
[decompress] -> [tarsum] -> [unpack]
if img.Checksum != "" && img.Checksum != checksum {
log.Warnf("image layer checksum mismatch: computed %q,
expected %q", checksum, img.Checksum)
### 不安全的处理管道 ###
第三种压缩算法xz比较有意思。因为没有现成的Go实现Docker 通过[执行(exec)][5]`xz`二进制命令来实现解压缩。
xz二进制程序来自于[XZ Utils][6]项目,由[大概][7]2万行C代码生成而来。而C语言不是一门内存安全的语言。这意味着C程序的恶意输入在这里也就是Docker镜像的XZ Utils解包程序潜在地可能会执行任意代码。
Docker以root权限*运行* `xz` 命令,更加恶化了这一潜在威胁。这意味着如果在`xz`中出现了一个漏洞,对`docker pull`命令的调用就会导致用户整个系统的完全沦陷。
### libtrust ###
ubuntu:14.04: The image you are pulling has been verified(您所拉取的镜像已经经过验证)
### 补救 ###
**替换 libtrust**
应当用[更新框架(The Update Framework)][16]替换掉libtrust这是专门设计用来解决软件二进制签名此类实际问题的。其威胁模型非常全方位能够解决libtrust中未曾考虑到的诸多问题目前已经有了完整的说明文档。除了已有的Python实现我已经开始着手用[Go语言实现][17]的工作,也欢迎大家的贡献。
### 结论 ###
最好的选择就是在本地屏蔽 ``,然后使用`docker load`命令在导入Docker之前手动下载镜像并对其进行验证。Red Hat的安全博客有一篇[很好的文章][18],大家可以看看。
感谢Lewis Marshall指出tarsum从未真正验证。
- [校验和的代码][19]
- [cloc][20]介绍了18141行没有空格没有注释的C代码以及5900行的header代码版本号为v5.2.0。
- [Android中也发现了][21]类似的bug能够感染已签名包中的任意文件。同样出现问题的还有[Windows的Authenticode][22]认证系统,二进制文件会被篡改。
- 特别的:[CVE-2014-6407][23]、 [CVE-2014-9356][24]以及 [CVE-2014-9357][25]。目前已有两个Docker[安全发布][26]有了回应。
- 参见[2014-10-28 DGAB会议记录][27]的第8页。
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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
CentOS 7中安装Websvn
### 特性 ###
- 易于使用的界面;
- 可自定义的模板系统;
- 文件列表的着色;
- 过错视图;
- 日志信息搜索;
- 支持RSS订阅
### 安装 ###
我使用以下链接来将Subversion安装到CentOS 7。
- [CentOS 7上如何安装Subversion][1]
**1 下载websvn到/var/www/html。**
cd /var/www/html
**2 解压zip包。**
mv websvn-2.3.3 websvn
**3 安装php到你的系统。**
yum install php
**4 编辑web svn配置。**
cd /var/www/html/websvn/include
cp distconfig.php config.php
vi config.php
// Configure these lines if your commands aren't on your path.
$config->setSVNCommandPath('/usr/bin'); // e.g. c:\\program files\\subversion\\bin
// For syntax colouring, if option enabled...
// For delivered tarballs, if option enabled...
// For delivered GZIP'd files and tarballs, if option enabled...
$extEnscript[".pl"] = "perl";
$extEnscript[".py"] = "python";
$extEnscript[".sql"] = "sql";
$extEnscript[".java"] = "java";
$extEnscript[".html"] = "html";
$extEnscript[".xml"] = "html";
$extEnscript[".thtml"] = "html";
$extEnscript[".tpl"] = "html";
$extEnscript[".sh"] = "bash";
**6 重新加载apache并启动websvn链接http://ip/websvn。**
作者:[M.el Khamlichi][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
### 什么是 Fail2ban 监狱 ###
让我们更深入地了解fail2ban监狱。监狱定义了具体的应用策略它会为指定的程序触发一个保护措施。fail2ban在/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf 下为一些流行程序如Apache、Dovecot、Lighttpd、MySQL、Postfix、[SSH][2]等预定义了一些监狱。每个依赖于特定的程序日志过滤器(在/etc/fail2ban/fileter.d 下面来检测通常的攻击。让我看一个例子监狱SSH监狱。
enabled = true
port = ssh
filter = sshd
logpath = /var/log/auth.log
maxretry = 6
banaction = iptables-multiport
- **[ssh]** 方括号内是监狱的名字。
- **enabled**:是否启用监狱
- **port** 端口的数字 (或者数字对应的名称).
- **filter** 检测攻击的检测规则
- **logpath** 检测的日志文件
- **maxretry** 禁止前失败的最大数字
- **banaction** 禁止操作
定义配置文件中的任意参数都会覆盖相应的默认配置`fail2ban-wide` 中的参数。相反,任意缺少的参数都会使用定义在[DEFAULT]字段的值。
### 启用预定义的apache监狱 ###
#### 在Debian 或者 Ubuntu启用Apache监狱 ####
$ sudo vi /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
# detect password authentication failures
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-auth
logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log
maxretry = 6
# detect potential search for exploits and php vulnerabilities
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-noscript
logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log
maxretry = 6
# detect Apache overflow attempts
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-overflows
logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log
maxretry = 2
# detect failures to find a home directory on a server
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-nohome
logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log
maxretry = 2
banaction = iptables-multiport
$ sudo service fail2ban restart
#### 在CentOS/RHEL 或者 Fedora中启用Apache监狱 ####
$ sudo vi /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
# detect password authentication failures
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-auth
logpath = /var/log/httpd/*error_log
maxretry = 6
# detect spammer robots crawling email addresses
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-badbots
logpath = /var/log/httpd/*access_log
bantime = 172800
maxretry = 1
# detect potential search for exploits and php <a href="" style="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" >vulnerabilities</a>
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-noscript
logpath = /var/log/httpd/*error_log
maxretry = 6
# detect Apache overflow attempts
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-overflows
logpath = /var/log/httpd/*error_log
maxretry = 2
# detect failures to find a home directory on a server
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-nohome
logpath = /var/log/httpd/*error_log
maxretry = 2
# detect failures to execute non-existing scripts that
# are associated with several popular web services
# e.g. webmail, phpMyAdmin, WordPress
port = http,https
filter = apache-botsearch
logpath = /var/log/httpd/*error_log
maxretry = 2
在 Fedora 或者 CentOS/RHEL 7中
$ sudo systemctl restart fail2ban
在 CentOS/RHEL 6中
$ sudo service fail2ban restart
### 检查和管理fail2ban禁止状态 ###
$ sudo fail2ban-client status
$ sudo fail2ban-client status [监狱名]
$ sudo fail2ban-client set [name-of-jail] banip [ip-address]
$ sudo fail2ban-client set [name-of-jail] unbanip [ip-address]
### 总结 ###
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Kodi是一个优秀的自由和开源的GPL媒体中心软件支持所有平台如Windows, Linux, Mac, Android等。此软件拥有全屏幕的媒体中心可以管理所有音乐和视频不单支持本地文件还支持网络播放如Tube[Netflix][3], Hulu, Amazon Prime和其他串流服务商。
### Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10 和 Linux Mint 17 中安装XBMC 14 Kodi Helix ###
再次感谢官方的PPA让我们可以轻松安装Kodi 14。
支持Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Linux Mint 17, Pinguy OS 14.04, Deepin 2014, LXLE 14.04, Linux Lite 2.0, Elementary OS and 其他基于Ubuntu的Linux 发行版。
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kodi
sudo apt-get install kodi-audioencoder-* kodi-pvr-*
#### 从Ubuntu中移除Kodi 14 ####
从系统中移除Kodi 14 ,使用下列命令:
sudo apt-get remove kodi
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
我希望这个简单的文章可以帮助到你在Ubuntu, Linux Mint 和其他 Linux版本中轻松安装Kodi 14。
你怎么发现Kodi 14 Helix?
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
如何在Ubuntu 14.04 中安装Winusb
[WinUSB][1]是一款简单的且有用的工具可以让你从Windows ISO镜像或者DVD中创建USB安装盘。它结合了GUI和命令行你可以根据你的喜好决定使用哪种。
在本篇中我们会展示**如何在Ubuntu 14.04、14.10 和 Linux Mint 17 中安装WinUSB**。
### 在Ubuntu 14.04、14.10 和 Linux Mint 17 中安装WinUSB ###
直到Ubuntu 13.10, WinUSBu一直都在积极开发且在官方PPA中可以找到。这个PPA还没有为Ubuntu 14.04 和14.10更新但是二进制文件仍旧可在更新版本的Ubuntu和Linux Mint中运行。基于[基于你使用的系统是32位还是64位的][2],使用下面的命令来下载二进制文件:
sudo dpkg -i winusb*
sudo apt-get -f install
之后你就可以在Unity Dash中查找WinUSB并且用它在Ubuntu 14.04 中创建Windows的live USB了。
我希望这篇文章能够帮到你**在Ubuntu 14.04、14.10 和 Linux Mint 17 中安装WinUSB**。
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@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
apt-get和apt-cache是**Ubuntu Linux**中的命令行下的**包管理**工具。 apt-get的GUI版本是Synaptic包管理器本篇中我们会讨论apt-get和apt-cache命令的不同。
### 示例1 列出所有可用包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache pkgnames
### 示例2 用关键字搜索包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache search "web server"
apache2 - Apache HTTP Server
apache2-bin - Apache HTTP Server (binary files and modules)
apache2-data - Apache HTTP Server (common files)
apache2-dbg - Apache debugging symbols
apache2-dev - Apache HTTP Server (development headers)
apache2-doc - Apache HTTP Server (on-site documentation)
apache2-utils - Apache HTTP Server (utility programs for web servers)
**注意** 如果你安装了“**apt-file**”包,我们就可以像下面那样用配置文件搜索包。
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-file search nagios.cfg
ganglia-nagios-bridge: /usr/share/doc/ganglia-nagios-bridge/nagios.cfg
nagios3-common: /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
nagios3-common: /usr/share/doc/nagios3-common/examples/nagios.cfg.gz
pnp4nagios-bin: /etc/pnp4nagios/nagios.cfg
pnp4nagios-bin: /usr/share/doc/pnp4nagios/examples/nagios.cfg
### 示例:3 显示特定包的基本信息 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache show postfix
Package: postfix
Priority: optional
Section: mail
Installed-Size: 3524
Maintainer: LaMont Jones <>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 2.11.1-1
Replaces: mail-transport-agent
Provides: default-mta, mail-transport-agent
### 示例4 列出包的依赖 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache depends postfix
Depends: libc6
Depends: libdb5.3
Depends: libsasl2-2
Depends: libsqlite3-0
Depends: libssl1.0.0
|Depends: debconf
Depends: <debconf-2.0>
Depends: netbase
Depends: adduser
Depends: dpkg
### 示例5 使用apt-cache显示缓存统计 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache stats
Total package names: 60877 (1,218 k)
Total package structures: 102824 (5,758 k)
Normal packages: 71285
Pure virtual packages: 1102
Single virtual packages: 9151
Mixed virtual packages: 1827
Missing: 19459
Total distinct versions: 74913 (5,394 k)
Total distinct descriptions: 93792 (2,251 k)
Total dependencies: 573443 (16.1 M)
Total ver/file relations: 78007 (1,872 k)
Total Desc/File relations: 93792 (2,251 k)
Total Provides mappings: 16583 (332 k)
Total globbed strings: 171 (2,263 )
Total dependency version space: 2,665 k
Total slack space: 37.3 k
Total space accounted for: 29.5 M
### 示例6 使用 “apt-get update” 更新仓库 ###
使用命令“apt-get update”, 我们可以重新从源仓库中同步文件索引。包的索引从“/etc/apt/sources.list”中检索
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get update
Ign utopic InRelease
Hit utopic Release.gpg
Hit utopic Release
Hit utopic/main Sources
Hit utopic/main amd64 Packages
Hit utopic/main i386 Packages
Ign utopic InRelease
Ign utopic-updates InRelease
Ign utopic-backports InRelease
### 示例:7 使用apt-get安装包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get install icinga
### 示例8 升级所有已安装的包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade
### 示例9 更新特定的包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get install filezilla --only-upgrade
### 示例10 使用apt-get卸载包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get remove skype
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get purge skype
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get remove --purge skype
### 示例11 在当前的目录中下载包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get download icinga
Get:1 utopic/universe icinga amd64 1.11.6-1build1 [1,474 B]
Fetched 1,474 B in 1s (1,363 B/s)
### 示例12 清理本地包占用的磁盘空间 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get clean
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get autoclean
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
### 示例13 使用“autoremove”删除包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get autoremove icinga
### 示例14 显示包的更新日志 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get changelog apache2
Get:1 Changelog for apache2 ( [195 kB]
Fetched 195 kB in 3s (60.9 kB/s)
### 示例15 使用 “check” 选项显示损坏的依赖 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get check
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
如何在Ubuntu 14.04 和14.10 上安装新的字体
Ubuntu默认自带了很多字体。但你或许对这些字体还不满意。因此你可以做的是在**Ubuntu 14.04、 14.10或者像Linux Mint其他的系统中安装额外的字体**。
### 第一步: 获取字体 ###
第一步也是最重要的下载你选择的字体。现在你或许在考虑从哪里下载字体。不要担心Google搜索可以给你提供几个免费的字体网站。你可以先去看看[ Lost Type 的字体][1]。[Squirrel的字体][2]同样也是一个下载字体的好地方。
### 第二步在Ubuntu中安装新字体 ###
Font Viewer. In here, you can see the option to install the font in top right corner:
下载的字体文件可能是一个压缩包。先解压它。大多数字体文件的格式是[TTF][3] (TrueType Fonts) 或者[OTF][4] (OpenType Fonts)。无论是哪种,只要双击字体文件。它会自动用字体查看器打开。这里你可以在右上角看到安装安装选项。
### 第二步在Linux上一次安装几个字体 ###
在文件管理器中进入家目录。按下Ctrl+H [显示Ubuntu中的隐藏文件][5]。 右键创建一个文件夹并命名为.fonts。 这里的点很重要。在Linux中在文件的前面加上点意味在普通的视图中都会隐藏。
#### 备选方案: ####
sudo apt-get install font-manager
Open the Font Manager from Unity Dash. You can see installed fonts and option to install new fonts, remove existing fonts etc here.
从Unity Dash中打开字体管理器。你可以看到已安装的字体和安装新字体、删除字体等选项。
sudo apt-get remove font-manager
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
### dupeGuru的安装 ###
在Ubuntu上 你可以加入Hardcoded的软件PPA
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:hsoft/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install dupeguru-se
### dupeGuru的基本使用 ###
$ dupeguru_se
注意的是默认上dupeGuru基于文件的内容匹配而不是他们的名字。为了防止意外地删除了重要的文件匹配那列列出了使用的匹配算法。在这里你可以选择你想要删除的匹配文件并按下“Action” 按钮来看到可用的操作。
要了解更多的信息,我建议你到[official website][4]官方网站看下,这里有很多文档、论坛支持和其他好东西。
总结一下dupeGuru是我无论何时准备备份或者释放空间时想到的软件。我发现这对高级用户而言也足够强大了对新人而言也很直观。锦上添花的是dupeGuru是跨平台的额这意味着你可以在Mac或者在Windows PC上都可以使用。如果你有特定的需求想要清理音乐或者图片。这里有两个变种[dupeguru-me][5]和 [dupeguru-pe][6] 相应地可以清理音频和图片文件。与常规版本的不同是它不仅比较文件格式还比较特定的媒体数据像质量和码率。
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
salt * pkg.upgrade
如果你是在CentOS 6/7上安装的话那么Salt可以通过EPEL仓库获取到。而对于Pi和Ubuntu Linux用户你可以从[这里][2]添加Salt仓库。Salt是基于python的所以你也可以使用pip来安装但是你得用yum-utils或是其它包管理器来自己处理它的依赖关系哦。
[root@salt-master~]# yum install salt-master
[root@salt-master ~]# vim /etc/salt/master
# 默认是warning修改如下
log_level: debug
log_level_logfile: debug
[root@salt-master ~]# systemctl start salt-master
[root@salt-minion~]#yum install salt-minion
# 添加你的Salt领主的主机名
[root@salt-minion~]#vim /etc/salt/minion
# 启动下属
[root@salt-minion~] systemctl start salt-minion
# 列出所有密钥
[root@salt-master~] salt-key -L
Accepted Keys:
Unaccepted Keys:
Rejected Keys:
# 使用id ''命令接受密钥
[root@salt-master~]salt-key -a
[root@salt-master~] salt-key -L
Accepted Keys:
Unaccepted Keys:
Rejected Keys:
# 检查下属是否启动并运行
[root@salt-master~] salt ''
# 在下属客户机上运行shell命令
[root@salt-master~]# salt '' 'ls -l'
total 2988
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1024 Jul 31 08:24 1g.img
-rw-------. 1 root root 940 Jul 14 15:04 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1024 Aug 14 17:21 test
# 安装/更新所有服务器上的软件
[root@salt-master ~]# salt '*' pkg.install git
salt命令需要一些组件来发送信息其中之一是mimion id而另一个是下属客户机上要调用的函数。
[root@vps4544 ~]# salt -G 'os:Centos'
[root@salt-master~]# vim /srv/salt/vim.sls
- source: salt://vimrc
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 644
[root@salt-master~]# salt '' state.sls vim
ID: vim-enhanced
Function: pkg.installed
Result: True
Comment: The following packages were installed/updated: vim-enhanced.
Started: 09:36:23.438571
Duration: 94045.954 ms
Succeeded: 1 (changed=1)
Failed: 0
Total states run: 1
[root@salt-master~]# vim /srv/salt/ssh.sls
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 600
- source: salt://ssh/sshd_config
- require:
- pkg: openssh-server
[root@salt-master~]# vim /srv/salt/ssh.sls
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 600
- source: salt://sshd_config
- watch:
- pkg: openssh-server
- file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[root@vps4544 ssh]# salt '' state.sls ssh
ID: openssh-server
Function: pkg.installed
Result: True
Comment: Package openssh-server is already installed.
Started: 13:01:55.824367
Duration: 1.156 ms
ID: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Function: file.managed
Result: True
Comment: File /etc/ssh/sshd_config updated
Started: 13:01:55.825731
Duration: 334.539 ms
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# SELinux about this change.
# semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp #PORTNUMBER
-Port 22
+Port 422
#AddressFamily any
#ListenAddress ::
ID: sshd
Function: service.running
Result: True
Comment: Service restarted
Started: 13:01:56.473121
Duration: 407.214 ms
Succeeded: 4 (changed=2)
Failed: 0
Total states run: 4
[root@salt-master~]# mkdir /srv/salt/ssh
[root@salt-master~]# vim /srv/salt/ssh/init.sls
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 600
- source: salt://ssh/sshd_config
- watch:
- pkg: openssh-server
- file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[root@vps4544 ssh]# cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /srv/salt/ssh/
[root@vps4544 ssh]# salt '' state.sls ssh
[root@salt-master ~]# vim /etc/salt/master
- /srv/salt
- /srv/salt/dev
[root@salt-master ~]# vim /srv/salt/top.sls
- vim
- ssh
[root@salt-master~]# salt '*' state.highstate
ID: vim-enhanced
Function: pkg.installed
Result: True
Comment: Package vim-enhanced is already installed.
Started: 13:10:55
Duration: 1678.779 ms
ID: openssh-server
Function: pkg.installed
Result: True
Comment: Package openssh-server is already installed.
Started: 13:10:55.
Duration: 2.156 ms
更新: [Foreman][3] 已经通过[插件][4]支持salt。
作者:[Leo G][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
如何在Ubuntu 14.04 上为Apache 2.4 安装SSL
今天我会站如如何为你的个人网站或者博客安装**SSL 证书**,来保护你的访问者和网站之间通信的安全。
### 生成一个证书签名请求 ###
# openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout yourdomainname.key -out yourdomainname.csr
![generate csr](
### 在Apache中安装实际的证书 ###
生成步骤完成之后,你会收到新的数字证书,本篇教程中我们使用[Comodo SSL][1]并在一个zip文件中收到了证书。要在apache中使用它你首先需要用下面的命令为收到的证书创建一个组合的证书
# cat COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt > bundle.crt
# a2enmod ssl
如果你看到了“Module ssl already enabled”这样的信息就说明你成功了如果你看到了“Enabling module ssl”那么你还需要用下面的命令重启apache
# service apache2 restart
最后像下面这样修改你的虚拟主机文件(通常在/etc/apache2/sites-enabled 下):
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/ssl/crt/yourdomainname.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/ssl/yourdomainname.key
SSLCACertificateFile /usr/local/ssl/bundle.crt
**NOTE:** All the links must now point to https, if some of the content on the website (like images or css files) still point to http links you will get a warning in the browser, to fix this you have to make sure that every link points to https.
**注意:** 现在所有的链接都必须指向https如果网站上的一些内容像图片或者css文件等仍旧指向http链接的话你会在浏览器中得到一个警告要修复这个问题请确保每个链接都指向了https。
### 在你的网站上重定向HTTP请求到HTTPS中 ###
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
作者:[Adrian Dinu][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
如何在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS安装网络爬虫工具
这是一款提取网站数据的开源工具。Scrapy框架用Python开发而成它使抓取工作又快又简单且可扩展。我们已经在virtual box中创建一台虚拟机VM并且在上面安装了Ubuntu 14.04 LTS。
### 安装 Scrapy ###
pip是作为python包索引器easy_install的替代品。用于安装和管理Python包。pip包的安装可见图 1。
sudo apt-get install python-pip
![Fig:1 Pip installation](
图:1 pip安装
sudo apt-get install python-dev
![Fig:2 Python Developer Libraries](
图:2 Python 开发库
scrapy框架即可从deb包安装也可以从源码安装。然而在图3中我们已经用pipPython 包管理器安装了deb包了。
sudo pip install scrapy
![Fig:3 Scrapy Installation](
图:3 Scrapy 安装
![Fig:4 Successful installation of Scrapy Framework](
图:4 成功安装Scrapy框架
### 使用scrapy框架提取数据 ###
我们将用scrapy从fatwallet.com上提取店名提供卡的店。首先我们使用下面的命令新建一个scrapy项目“store name” 见图5。
$sudo scrapy startproject store_name
![Fig:5 Creation of new project in Scrapy Framework](
图:5 Scrapy框架新建项目
Above command creates a directory with title “store_name” at current path. This main directory of the project contains files/folders which are shown in the following Figure 6.
$sudo ls lR store_name
![Fig:6 Contents of store_name project.](
图:6 store_name项目的内容
- scrapy.cfg 是项目配置文件
- store_name/ 主目录下的另一个文件夹。 这个目录包含了项目的python代码
- store_name/ 包含了将由蜘蛛爬取的项目
- store_name/ 是管道文件
- store_name/ 是项目的配置文件
- store_name/spiders/ 包含了用于爬取的蜘蛛
import scrapy
class StoreNameItem(scrapy.Item):
name = scrapy.Field() # extract the names of Cards store
1. 蜘蛛名 (name )
2. 爬取起点url (start_urls)
3. 包含了从响应中提取需要内容相应的正则表达式的解析方法。解析方法对爬虫而言很重要。
from scrapy.selector import Selector
from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider
from scrapy.http import Request
from scrapy.http import FormRequest
import re
class StoreNameItem(BaseSpider):
name = "storename"
allowed_domains = [""]
start_urls = [""]
def parse(self,response):
output = open('StoreName.txt','w')
resp = Selector(response)
tags = resp.xpath('//tr[@class="storeListRow"]|\
//tr[@class="storeListRow even"]|\
//tr[@class="storeListRow even last"]|\
//tr[@class="storeListRow last"]').extract()
for i in tags:
i = i.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()
store_name = ''
store_name ="class=\"storeListStoreName\">.*?<",i,re.I|re.S).group()
store_name =">.*?<",store_name,re.I|re.S).group()
store_name = re.sub(r'>',"",re.sub(r'<',"",store_name,re.I))
store_name = re.sub(r'&amp;',"&",re.sub(r'&amp;',"&",store_name,re.I))
#print store_name
![Fig:7 Output of the Spider code .](
图:7 爬虫的输出
*注意: 本教程的目的仅用于理解scrapy框架*
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
大家好今天我们会学习如何在Linux PC或者服务器上找出和删除重复文件。这里有一款工具你可以工具自己的需要使用。
### FSlint ###
[FSlint][1] 在不同的Linux发行办二进制仓库中都有包括Ubuntu、Debian、Fedora和Red Hat。只需你运行你的包管理器并安装“fslint”包就行。这个工具默认提供了一个简单的图形化界面同样也有包含各种功能的命令行版本。
$ sudo apt-get install fslint
svn checkout fslint-2.45
cd fslint-2.45
dpkg-buildpackage -I.svn -rfakeroot -tc
sudo dpkg -i ../fslint_2.45-1_all.deb
sudo yum install fslint
For OpenSuse
[ -f /etc/mandrake-release ] && pkg=rpm
[ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] && pkg=packages
sudo rpmbuild -ta fslint-2.42.tar.gz
sudo rpm -Uvh /usr/src/$pkg/RPMS/noarch/fslint-2.42-1.*.noarch.rpm
tar -xzf fslint-2.44.tar.gz
cd fslint-2.44
(cd po && make)
要在Ubuntu中运行fslint的GUI版本fslint-gui, 使用Alt+F2运行命令或者在终端输入
$ fslint-gui
![Delete Duplicate files with Fslint](
**注意** 的是命令行工具默认不在环境的路径中你不能像典型的命令那样运行它。在Ubuntu中你可以在/usr/share/fslint/fslint下找到它。因此如果你要在一个单独的目录运行fslint完整扫描下面是Ubuntu中的运行命令
cd /usr/share/fslint/fslint
./fslint /path/to/directory
$ /usr/share/fslint/fslint/findup --help
find dUPlicate files.
Usage: findup [[[-t [-m|-d]] | [--summary]] [-r] [-f] paths(s) ...]
If no path(s) specified then the current directory is assumed.
When -m is specified any found duplicates will be merged (using hardlinks).
When -d is specified any found duplicates will be deleted (leaving just 1).
When -t is specfied, only report what -m or -d would do.
When --summary is specified change output format to include file sizes.
You can also pipe this summary format to /usr/share/fslint/fslint/fstool/dupwaste
to get a total of the wastage due to duplicates.
![fslint help](
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
如何在Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS(Trusty) 上安装Ghost
今天我们将会在Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (Trusty)上安装一个博客平台Ghost。
因此有了这篇步骤明确的在Ubuntu Server上安装Ghost的教程
### 1. 升级Ubuntu ###
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo aptitude install -y build-essential zip vim wget
### 2. 下载并安装 Node.js 源码 ###
tar -xzf node-latest.tar.gz
cd node-v*
sudo make install
### 3. 下载并安装Ghost ###
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/
cd /var/www/
sudo wget
sudo unzip -d ghost
cd ghost/
sudo npm install --production
### 4. 配置Ghost ###
sudo nano config.example.js
host: '',
host: '',
### 创建Ghost用户 ###
sudo adduser --shell /bin/bash --gecos 'Ghost application' ghost
sudo chown -R ghost:ghost /var/www/ghost/
su - ghost
cd /var/www/ghost/
npm start --production
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
**Git**是一款注重速度、数据完整性、分布式支持和非线性工作流的分布式版本控制工具。Git最初由Linus Torvalds在2005年为Linux内核开发而设计如今已经成为被广泛接受的版本控制系统。
mkdir -p /opt/gitblit; cd /opt/gitblit; wget
### 列出目录: ###
root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# ls
./ docs/* LICENSE*
../ ext/*** gitblit-1.6.2.tar.gz* NOTICE* gitblit.jar**
### 启动gitlit服务 ###
### 通过service命令 ###
root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# cp /etc/init.d/gitblit
root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# chkconfig --add gitblit
root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# service gitblit start
Starting gitblit server
### 手动启动: ###
root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# java -jar gitblit.jar --baseFolder data
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] *****************************************************************
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] _____ _ _ _ _ _ _
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] | __ \(_)| | | | | |(_)| |
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] | | \/ _ | |_ | |__ | | _ | |_
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] | | __ | || __|| '_ \ | || || __|
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] | |_\ \| || |_ | |_) || || || |_
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] \____/|_| \__||_.__/ |_||_| \__|
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] Gitblit v1.6.2
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] *****************************************************************
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] Running on Linux (3.8.13-xxxx-grs-ipv6-64-vps)
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] Logging initialized @842ms
2015-01-10 09:16:54 [INFO ] Using JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files
2015-01-10 09:16:54 [INFO ] Setting up HTTPS transport on port 8443
2015-01-10 09:16:54 [INFO ] certificate alias = localhost
2015-01-10 09:16:54 [INFO ] keyStorePath = /opt/gitblit/data/serverKeyStore.jks
2015-01-10 09:16:54 [INFO ] trustStorePath = /opt/gitblit/data/serverTrustStore.jks
2015-01-10 09:16:54 [INFO ] crlPath = /opt/gitblit/data/certs/caRevocationList.crl
2015-01-10 09:16:54 [INFO ] Shutdown Monitor listening on port 8081
2015-01-10 09:16:54 [INFO ] jetty-9.2.3.v20140905
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] NO JSP Support for /, did not find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IRuntimeManager]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Basefolder : /opt/gitblit/data
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Settings : /opt/gitblit/data/
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] JVM timezone: America/Montreal (EST -0500)
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] App timezone: America/Montreal (EST -0500)
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] JVM locale : en_US
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] App locale : <client>
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] PF4J runtime mode is 'deployment'
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Enabled plugins: []
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Disabled plugins: []
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.INotificationManager]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [WARN ] Mail service disabled.
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IUserManager]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ConfigUserService(/opt/gitblit/data/users.conf)
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IAuthenticationManager]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] External authentication disabled.
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ---- [com.gitblit.transport.ssh.IPublicKeyManager]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] FileKeyManager (/opt/gitblit/data/ssh)
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IRepositoryManager]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Repositories folder : /opt/gitblit/data/git
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Identifying repositories...
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] 0 repositories identified with calculated folder sizes in 11 msecs
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Lucene will process indexed branches every 2 minutes.
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Garbage Collector (GC) is disabled.
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Mirror service is disabled.
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Alias UTF-9 & UTF-18 encodings as UTF-8 in JGit
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Preparing 14 day commit cache. please wait...
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] 0 repositories identified with calculated folder sizes in 0 msecs
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] built 14 day commit cache of 0 commits across 0 repositories in 2 msecs
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IProjectManager]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IFederationManager]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IGitblit]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Starting services manager...
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Federation passphrase is blank! This server can not be PULLED from.
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Fanout PubSub service is disabled.
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] Git Daemon is listening on
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] SSH Daemon (NIO2) is listening on
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [WARN ] No ticket service configured.
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IPluginManager]----
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] No plugins
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ]
2015-01-10 09:16:55 [INFO ] All managers started.
打开浏览器,依据你的配置进入**http://localhost:8080** 或者 **https://localhost:8443**。 输入默认的管理员授权:**admin / admin** 并点击**Login** 按钮
### 添加用户: ###
### 用命令行创建新的仓库: ###
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin ssh://admin@
git push -u origin master
### 从命令行推送已有的仓库: ###
git remote add origin ssh://admin@
git push -u origin master
作者:[M.el Khamlichi][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
在CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux 6 & 7 上安装Telnet
#### 声明: ####
- 在公网(WAN)中使用Telnet是非常不好的想法。它会以明文的格式传输登入数据。每个人都可以看到明文。
- 如果你还是需要Telnet强烈建议你只在局域网内部使用。
- 你可以使用**SSH**作为替代方法。但是确保不要用root用户登录。
### Telnet是什么 ###
[Telnet][1] 是用于通过TCP/IP网络远程登录计算机的协议。一旦与远程计算机建立了连接它就会成为一个虚拟终端且允许你与远程计算机通信。
### 安装 ###
yum install telnet telnet-server -y
vi /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
设置 **disable = no**:
# default: on
# description: The telnet server serves telnet sessions; it uses \
# unencrypted username/password pairs for authentication.
service telnet
flags = REUSE
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
log_on_failure += USERID
disable = no
保存并退出文件。记住我们不必在CentOS 7做这步。
在CentOS 6.x 系统中:
service xinetd start
在CentOS 6上
chkconfig telnet on
chkconfig xinetd on
在CentOS 7上
systemctl start telnet.socket
systemctl enable telnet.socket
让telnet的默认端口**23**可以通过防火墙和路由器。要让telnet端口可以通过防火墙在CentOS 6.x系统中编辑下面的文件
vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
# Firewall configuration written by system-config-firewall
# Manual customization of this file is not recommended.
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 23 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
-A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
service iptables restart
在CentOS 7中运行下面的命令让telnet服务可以通过防火墙。
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=23/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
#### 创建用户 ####
useradd sk
passwd sk
#### 客户端配置 ####
yum install telnet
sudo apt-get install telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Kernel 3.10.0-123.13.2.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64
server1 login: sk
[sk@server1 ~]$
如果你的系统是windows进入**开始 -> 运行 -> 命令提示符**。
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
systemd-nspawn 指南
我目前已从 chroot译者注chroot可以构建类似沙盒的环境建议各位同学先了解chroot 迁移到 systemd-nspawn同时我写了一篇快速指南。简单的说我强烈建议正在使用 systemd 的用户从 chroot 转为 systemd-nspawn因为只要你的内核配置正确的话它几乎没有什么缺点。
想必在各大发行版中的用户对 chroot 都不陌生,而且我猜想 Gentoo 用户要时不时的使用它。
###chroot 面临的挑战
大多数交互环境下仅运行chroot还不够。通常还要挂载 /proc /sys另外为了确保不会出现类似“丢失 ptys”之类的错误我们还得 bind译者注bind 是 mount 的一个选项) 挂载 /dev。如果你使用 tmpfs你可能想要以 tmpfs 类型挂载新的 tmp var/tmp。接下来你可能还想将其他的挂载点 bind 到 chroot 中。这些都不是特别难,但是一般情况下要写一个脚本来管理它。
现在我按照日常计划执行备份操作,当然有一些不必备份的数据如 tmp 目录,或任何 bind 挂载的内容。当我配置了一个新的 chroot 意味着我要更新我的备份配置了,但我经常忘记这点,因为大多数时间里 chroot 挂载点并没有运行。当这些挂载点任然存在的情况下执行备份的话,那么备份中会多出很多不需要的内容。
当 bind 挂载点包含其他挂载点时(比如挂载时使用 -rbind 选项),这种情况下 systemd 的默认处理方式略有不同。在 bind 挂载中卸载一些东西时systemd 会将处于 bind 另一边的目录也卸载掉。想像一下,如果我卸载了 chroot 中以bind 挂载 /dev 的某个目录后发现主机上的 /dev/pts 与 /dev/shm 也不见了,我肯定会很吃惊。不过好像有其他方法可以避免,但是这不是我们此次讨论的重点。
### Systemd-nspawn 优点
Systemd-nspawn 用于启动一个容器,并且它的最简模式就可以像 chroot 那样运行。默认情况下,它自动配置容器所需的开销如 /dev, /tmp 等等。通过配合一些选项它也可配置其他的 bind 挂载点。当容器退出后,所有的挂载点都会被清除。
容器运行时,从外部看上去没什么变化。事实上,可以从同一个 chroot 产生5个不同的 systemd-nspawn 容器实例,并且除了文件系统(不包括 /dev, /tmp等只有 /usr,/etc 的改变会传递)外它们之间没有任何联系。你的备份将会忽略 bind 挂载点、tmpfs 及任何挂载在容器中的内容。
它同时具有其它优秀容器的优点,比如 containment - 可以杀死容器内的所有活动但不影响外部,等等。它的安全性并不是无懈可击的-它的作用仅仅是防止意外的错误。
如果你使用的是兼容的 sysvinit它包含了 systemdopenrc你可以启动容器。这意味着你可以在容器中使用 fstab 添加挂载点,运行守护进程等。只需要一个 chroot 的开销,几乎就可以获得虚拟化的所有好处(不需要构建内核等)。在一个看起来像 chroot 的容器中运行systemctl poweroff 看起来很奇怪,但这条命令能够起作用。
注意,如果不做额外配置的话那么容器就会共享主机的网络,所以主机上的容器不要运行 sshd。运行一个分离的网络 namespace 不是太难为了新的实例可以使用DHCP分离之后记得绑定接口。
首先系统内核要支持 namespaces 与 devpts
像 chroot 那样启动 namespace 是非常简单的:
systemd-nspawn -D .
也可以像 chroot 那样退出。在内部可以运行 mount 并且可以看到默认它已将 /dev 与 /tmp 准备好了。 ”.“就是 chroot 的路径,也就是当前路径。在它内部运行的是 bash。
如果要添加一些 bind 挂载点也非常简便:
systemd-nspawn -D . --bind /usr/portage
现在,容器中的 /usr/portage 就与主机的对应目录绑定起来了,我们无需 sync /etc。如果想要绑定到指定的路径只要在原路径后添加 ”dest“相当于 chroot 的 root--bind foo 与 --bind foo:foo是一样的
如果容器具有 init 功能并且可以在内部运行,可以通过添加 -b 选项启动它:
systemd-nspawn -D . --bind /usr/portage -b
可以观察到 init 的运作。关闭容器会自动退出。
如果容器内运行了 systemd ,你可以使用 -h 选项将它的日志重定向到主机的systemd日志
systemd-nspawn -D . --bind /usr/portage -j -b
使用 nspawn 注册容器以便它能够在 machinectl 中显示。如此可以方便的在主机上对它进行操作,如启动新的 getty ssh 连接,关机等。
如果你正在使用 systemd 那么甩开 chroot 拥抱 nspawn 吧。
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出