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Best Linux Distributions for New Users

Jack Wallen considers which Linux distributions are best designed for new users coming from different environments.[Creative Commons Zero][5]Pixabay
Ah, the age-old question...one that holds far more importance than simply pointing out which Linux distribution is a fan-favorite. Why is that?
Let me set the stage: You have a user—one who has, most likely, spent the majority of their time in front of either a Windows or Mac machine—and they’ve come to you for an alternative. You want to point them in a direction that will bring about the least amount of hiccups along the way and highlight the power and flexibility of Linux.
But, remember, the single most important aspect is that they must _get it_, out of the box.
That’s why we often take the time to point out which distributions are best designed for new users -- because bringing new users into the mix is the best way to spread the word and grow the base.
With that said, what are the best distributions for new users? I’m going to take a bit of a different approach this time and point out which distributions would be best for users coming from different environments. You can also check out my list of [best distros for 2017][11].

### From Windows 7 to Linux: ZorinOS
When Windows 8 rolled out, there was a reason so many wanted to stick with Windows 7—familiarity. Users had been working with the same desktop metaphor for decades and they had no desire to migrate to the more touchscreen-centric platform of Windows 8\. So, what distribution do you turn to for that? You first must consider desktop environment. Why? Because that is where you immediately hook those Windows 7 users. And what better distribution for such a task than [ZorinOS][13]?
ZorinOS was designed specifically as a replacement for Windows (and Mac) computers, so it goes a very long way to replicate the look and feel of those desktops. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a Linux distribution that does as good a job of making the transition from Windows 7 to Linux—while still retaining that which makes Linux such a powerful, flexible platform.
Beyond the desktop environment (Figure 1), ZorinOS is based on Ubuntu, so under the hood, everything is going to just work (so there’s little need to worry their hardware won’t be detected). Couple that with the readily available software and you have the perfect distribution for new users coming from Windows 7.
### [zorinos.jpg][6]

Figure 1: The ZorinOS Windows 7-like desktop ready to serve.[Used with permission][1]
Do note, however, there are two versions of ZorinOS: Zorin Ultimate and Zorin Core. While Core is free, it doesn’t include nearly the amount of software that you’ll find in Ultimate. If you want an out of the box distribution that will please anyone coming from Windows 7, I highly recommend purchasing [Zorin Ultimate][14] (for approximately $20.00 USD). Of course, if you don’t want to splurge for the Ultimate edition, you can always install nearly everything you need from the included Software package management tool.

### From Windows 8 to Linux: Ubuntu GNOME
The shift to Windows 8, brought about a very touchscreen-centric environment that changed the way users interact with their machines. The old metaphor of Star Menu/Panel/System tray was replaced with an interface that shined in a touchscreen environment. If you’re looking for the best environment to give a new-to-Linux user something different, yet still function as a best-in-breed should, look no further than [Ubuntu GNOME][16].
Ubuntu GNOME is a best of two worlds amalgamation between Ubuntu and GNOME (Figure 2). Replacing the Unity interface with a desktop that is equal parts modern elegance and user-friendly simplicity, Ubuntu GNOME shouldn’t cause much in the way of issues for any user coming from Windows 8\. Not only does this distribution lay its foundation on the latest LTS release of Ubuntu (so support will last), it makes use of the latest stable release of the GNOME desktop—which means the user will enjoy an incredibly solid experience.
### [ubuntugnome.jpg][7]

Figure 2: Simplicity at its elegant best can be found in Ubuntu GNOME.[Used with permission][2]
### From Mac to Linux: Elementary OS
Without a doubt, the hands-down winner for this category is [Elementary OS][17]. Although Elementary does an incredible job of looking and feeling like an OS X desktop, it is much more than that. Elementary OS is, at its very heart, Linux—it just happens to have taken a cue from OS X for many of the design elements.
Any Mac user would feel immediately at home on the desktop environment (Figure 3). With an all-too familiar doc and the inclusion of an applications menu, Elementary OS always stands at the top of my best-of distribution list. And, if we’re talking about Mac users, there is no better drop-in replacement than Elementary OS.
### [elementaryos.jpg][8]

Figure 3: The glory that is the Elementary OS desktop.[Used with permission][3]
One thing that Mac users will greatly appreciate is how great a job the Elementary OS developers have done keeping design consistency throughout the desktop. From the dock, panel, menus, and included applications, you will not find a single element that doesn’t look and feel like it belongs.
There is one caveat that I would add to Elementary OS. You’ll need to install a sufficient browser (as it “ships” with Epiphany—a browser not widely supported by many necessary sites) and you’ll want to install LibreOffice from the downloadable package from the official [LibreOffice site][18] (as the package found in the Elementary OS AppCenter is a bit out of date).
### From Android to Linux: Ubuntu
This may seem like a bit of a stretch, but considering how dominant Android is within the global market, you will come across users who might need a Linux desktop that would make them feel instantly at home, after coming from a more mobile-centric interface. For me, there is no clearer winner than [Ubuntu][19]. Why? Ubuntu Unity does an outstanding job of making the desktop feel more like an all-encompassing interface than any other. If you want, you can include online search results (now disabled by default), which is something found in nearly every mobile environment. Also, the Unity HUD menu system (Figure 4) is one of the most unique menu systems found in any interface. With this, users can depend less on the mouse (as they would on a mobile device powered by Android).
### [ubuntu.jpg][9]

Figure 4: The Unity Heads Up Display in action.[Used with permission][4]
Of course, Ubuntu also offers one of the most stable desktop platforms on the market, so the user experience will be nearly flawless.
### There’s a distribution for everyone
One of the important things to remember is that there is a distribution of Linux that is sure to please everyone. But for those coming from specific environments, I highly recommend finding a flavor of Linux that will help make the transition seamless. Give one of these a try and see if you find yourself humming along smoothly with the power of Linux and open source at your fingertips.
via: https://www.linux.com/news/best-linux-distributions-new-users
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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针对不同新手最好的 Linux 版本

Jack Wallen 在考虑对于来自不同环境的新手们来说哪种 Linux 版本是专门为他们设计的。[CC0][5]社区。
一个很古老的问题,哪种 Linux 版本更适合比简单的指出哪种 Linux 版本受欢迎更重要。为什么是这样?
让我们设置一个情景:你有一位用户,最有可能地,他过去大多数时候都是在 Windows 或者 Mac 系统上工作,它们二者都是可供选择的。现在,你想要在很短的时间里直截了当的说明 Linux 系统的工作方式并突出它的强大性和灵活性。
但是,请记住,最重要的一个方面是他们必须能够 _get it_(得到它),即开箱即用。
这就是为什么我们经常需要花费时间来找出哪种版本是最适合新手的 -- 因为把新手们带入 Linux 系统是传播 Linux 并增加 Linux 用户的最好方式。
对于新手来说最好的版本是什么?这次,我将要花费一定时间来说明对于来自不同环境的用户哪种版本才是最适合的。你也可以查看我的列表:[2017 最好的 OS 版本][11]

### 从 Windows 7 到 Linux:ZorinOS
当 Windows 8 发布以后,有一个理由让如此多的用户依然坚持使用 Windows 7, 那就是相似度。用户们已经在相同的桌面环境上工作了数十年,他们不想转移到 Windows 8 类似触摸屏的平台上。所以,你会去选择哪种版本呢?你首先必须要考虑的是桌面环境。为什么?因为这是你能够立刻吸引上这些 Windows 7 用户的地方。对于这个任务,还有什么版本会比 [ZorinOS][13] 更好呢?
ZorinOS 就是专门设计为 Windows 和 Mac 系统的替代品的,所以需要走很长一段路来模仿 Windows 和 Mac 桌面的外观和感觉。事实上,除了 ZorinOS 以外,你很难找到一个别的 Linux 版本,能够完美的从 Windows 7 转移到 Linux 系统上,同时保留 Linux 系统如此强大、灵活的平台。
除了桌面环境(图片 1)以外, ZorinOS 完全基于 Ubuntu 系统,所以在“外表”下面, ZorinOS 和 Ubuntu 一样的工作(所以基本不用去担心硬件不能够被检测到)。同时伴有已准备好的可用软件,你便有了针对来自 Windows 7 用户的最完美的 Linux 版本。
### [zorinos.jpg][6]

图片 1:类 Windows 7 的 ZorinOS 桌面,准备开始服务。[使用许可][1]
请注意:然而, ZorinOS 有两个版本: Zorin Ultimate 和 Zorin Core 。 Zorin Core 是免费的,但它不包含几乎所有你能够在 Zorin Ultimate 中找到的软件。如果你想要一个适合所有来自 Windows 7 用户的开箱即用的版本,那么我强烈推荐购买 [Zorin Ultimate][14](大约需要花费 20 美元)。当然,如果你不想花钱购买 Ultimate 版本,你也可以从 Core 版本包含的软件包管理工具中安装几乎所有你需要的东西。

### 从 Windows 8 到 Linux : Ubuntu GNOME
转向 Windows 8, 它带来了一个以触摸屏为中心的环境,从而改变了用户与电脑互动的方式。老式的星菜单/面板/系统托盘桌面已经被触摸屏环境界面所取代。如果你正在找一个能给 Linux 新手们带来不同体验的最好环境,同时功能也要是最好的,那么没有比 [Ubuntu GNOME][16] 更合适的了。
Ubuntu GNOME 是 Ubuntu 和 GNOME(图 2)这两个世界之间最好的融合。
用一个现代、优雅、简洁并且用户友好性的桌面代替了 Unity 界面, 因此 Ubuntu GNOME 不会给任何来自 Windows 8 的用户造成太多的麻烦。这个版本不仅基于 LFS 最新的 Ubuntu 发行版(支持将持续),同时使用了最新的 GNOME 桌面的稳定发行版 - 这意味着用户将能够享受到难以置信的稳定体验。
### [ubuntugnome.jpg][7]

图片 2 :在 Ubuntu GNOME 中可以发现,在最大化保证优雅性的情况下提高简洁性。 [使用许可][2]
### 从 Mac 到 Linux : Elementary OS
毫无疑问,这一环节的绝对赢家是 [Elementary OS][17] 。尽管 Elementary OS 在外观和感觉上所达到的效果和 OS X 桌面非常相似,但实际还有更多优秀的地方。 Elementary OS 同样是基于 Linux 系统的,只不过是它采取了很多 Mac X 桌面的设计元素。
任何的 Mac 用户使用 Elementary OS 的桌面环境(图片 3)都会感觉就像是“在家一样”(使用 Mac 一样)。伴有如此熟悉的文档,同时包含一个熟悉的应用菜单, Elementary OS 总是位于我的‘最好的版本列表’的顶部。如果我们正在和 Mac 用户交谈,那么没有比 Elementary OS 更好的 Mac 替代品了。
### [elementaryos.jpg][8]

图片 3 :值得骄傲的 Elementary OS 桌面。[使用许可][3]
有一件事情 Mac 用户们将会非常感激,那就是 Elementary OS 的开发者们很好的保持了桌面的一致性。从 dock, 到面板、菜单,包括应用,你找不到任何一个单一的应用看起来或感觉没有归属。
我将在这儿说一个关于 Elementary OS 的警告。你需要安装一个好的浏览器(因为它自带安装的 Epiphany-a 浏览器没有得到许多必要站点的支持),同时,你需要从官方的 [LibreOffice 网站][18]下载安装包安装 LibreOffice (因为在 Elementary OS 的软件中心找到的安装包已经有些过时了)。
### 从 Android 到 Linux:Ubuntu
这似乎有点像是一个延伸,但考虑到 Android 在全球市场中占主导地位,所以你可能遇到一个来自以移动为中心的用户,他可能需要一个 Linux 桌面,从而让他一直感觉像是‘在家’一样。对于我来说, [Ubuntu][19] 是最清晰的赢家。为什么?和其他系统相比, Ubuntu Unity 在桌面上做出了很杰出的工作,它使得桌面感觉像是一个包罗万象的界面。如果你愿意,那么可以包含在线搜索结果(默认情况下禁用),这是在几乎每一移动环境中均可找到的东西。同样, Unity HUD 菜单系统(图片 4)是在任何界面中所能找到的最独一无二的菜单系统之一。伴随有 Unity HUD 菜单系统,用户可以更少的依赖鼠标(因为他们将在 Android 支持的移动设备上工作)。
### [ubuntu.jpg][9]

图片 4: Unity 桌面显示运转中。[使用许可][4]
当然, Ubuntu 也提供了市场上最稳定的桌面平台,所以用户体验近乎完美。
### 有一个适合每一个人的版本
有一件很重要的事情需要记住,那就是存在一个 Linux 版本适合每一个人。但是对于那些来自特殊环境的人,我强烈推荐找到一个最喜爱的 Linux 版本,从而能够帮助他们无缝过渡。给自己一个机会尝试一下,看一看在‘位于指尖’的开源和 Linux 的强大力量之下,你是否感到更加游刃有余。
via: https://www.linux.com/news/best-linux-distributions-new-users
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