This commit is contained in:
theo-l 2013-09-22 21:27:02 +08:00
commit 412cca7e48
28 changed files with 728 additions and 536 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
2013年的Ubuntu云调查已经有来自六大洲超过5800名的Ubuntu用户参加。用户们谈论自己有关Ubuntu服务器和云计算的使用经验Ubuntu的Sally Radwan分享了一篇文章对将近6000用户的测试结果做出有趣的总结他把这些用户的讨论、观点和评判进行了提炼并使其友好化
2013年的Ubuntu云调查已经有来自六大洲超过5800名的Ubuntu用户参加。用户们谈论自己有关Ubuntu服务器和云计算的使用经验Ubuntu的Sally Radwan分享了一篇文章对将近六千名用户的测试结果做出的有趣的总结他把这些用户的讨论、观点和评判进行了提炼并使其易读。
@ -21,6 +22,6 @@ via:

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Libreoffice 4.1.1已发布及在Ubuntu和Linux Mint平台安装方法
[LibreOffice 4.1.1][1] 已经发布这个版本有了很多的改进功能和错误修正。LibreOffice 4.1.1不再兼容老式的StarOffice(sun的office)的二进制文件及不再输出老式的Word和Excel文件。并解决了一个有趣的BUG —— fdo#67388 —— .deb包的文件属主不再是 root:root 了。
- 关闭'首页相同内容'的选项不再显示在界面上
- 不能在Writer中选择其它填充色 -> Drawing 功能
- REPORTBUILDER报告生成器一些选项列表中的标签显示与功能不匹配
- 当检查扩展更新时出现4.1段错误
- FILESAVE: 保存为XLS文件格式遗漏保存cell表达式的公式的结果错误
- 字体样式没有储存在ODG和ODP文件: 编辑一个样式之后,关闭再打开,样式会改变
- 不能保存新的自动更正词条
- MAILMERGE: 在LO中预先定义的标签不包含格式信息
- EDTING: BUG: calc 拼写检查崩溃.
- 在libvclplug_gtklo.so中被信号11(SIGSEGV)killed的soffice.bin发生段错误
- GCJ Java Variant数据已知与LibreOffice有影响我们建议使用OpenJDK来代替
- LibreOffice 4.x 丢掉了一些长期弃用的功能其中包括对老式的StarOffice二进制文件的支持、导出老式的Word和Excel6.0/95版本以及老式的ODMA文档管理
- 已更改或添加了一些菜单项。如果你丢失了一些东西可能是由于你使用了以前的LibreOffice安装中的定制菜单设置.
那LibreOffice 4.1.1怎样安装呢打开终端并复制以下命令这样就可以把LibreOffice安装到Ubuntu或Linux Mint。
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-1
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libreoffice
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译者:[flsf01][] 校对:[Caroline][]

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Linux Kernel 3.4.62 LTS 现已经提供下载
**著名的Greg Kroah-Hartman 宣布LTS(长期支持) Linux 3.4 内核的全新维护版本已发布,并已提供下载。**
Linux 内核的3.4.62 LTS版本是一个小版本更替, 它带来了x86构架和M32R构架32位的RISC CPU下一些错误的修正一些网络相关的驱动文件的更新以及大量网络方面特别是IPv6和IPv4的提升。
"这次更新的git资源在这里git:// linux-3.4.y ,也可以在 kernel.org的git web 网站看到:;a=summary," Greg Kroah-Hartman 在他的 [官方版本说明]( 中提到。
现在就可从softpedia [下载 Linux内核 3.4.62 LTS](
友情提示Softpedia上还有Linux 内核 3.11.1, 3.10.12 LTS 和 3.0.96 LTS 可供下载。
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译者:[Chilledheart][] 校对:[jasminepeng][]

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Red Hat正与Intel紧密协作力争在Fedora 21中默认加入Wayland
**为了使Wayland支持GNOMERed Hat与Intel的开发者紧密合作希望能为Wayland加入Fedora21做好及时准备。**
Ubuntu曾企图征服FOSSFree and Open Source Software自由和开源软件世界的秘密计划被Intel的一纸声明挫败至少到现在为止Ubuntu仍未能翻身。但如今Intel开发者的真正计划也被揭露了。
抛开那些戏剧化的剧情实际上Intel为Wayland的未来投入巨资已不是秘密Intel的开发者们正加紧与Red Hat的合作争取将GNOME Shell变为一个"码农"译注意指GNOME Shell只完成表层的外围工作
来自Red Hat的Christian Schaller在他的个人博客中写道“我们在Red Hat的团队一直在和我们的同行Intel紧密协作合并并稳固相关的补丁包保证Wayland能够支持GNOME同时查看堆栈中还有哪些地方需要进一步改进。”
看起来这个小组当前的目标是为Fedora 20准备一个足够的技术预览版本至少目前是这样。这不是一个正式项目但至少应该会给人们一个值得期待的idea。
Schaller在他的博客中还写道“因此一旦确信用户不会感到负面影响我们才会最终用Wayland替代X服务器。所以在Fedora 21中默认采用Wayland还是X服务器这仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。”
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译者:[Mr小眼儿] 校对:[Caroline][]

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
为何Marten Mickos 是开源领域中最受尊敬的领导者之一,本文将告诉你原因。
@ -7,13 +7,11 @@
![Technology Trumps Dogma, And Other Open Source Insights](
几周前我访问了Eucalyptus System的CEO Marten Mickos想请他[就开源领域中的人员构成变化问题发表一些看法](。他也确实这么做了而且是用明显的Mickos风格。
几周前我拜访了Eucalyptus System的CEO Marten Mickos想请他[就开源领域中的人员构成变化问题发表一些看法](。他也确实给出了他的看法而且是用明显的Mickos风格。
@ -76,15 +74,15 @@ FOSSFree Open Source Software自由及开源软件许可证及其管理模
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译者:[Mr小眼儿][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
译者:[Mr小眼儿][] 校对:[wxy][]

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
1: 使用 ** 作为下级目录的通配符:
$ ls **/*.pyc
foo.pyc bar.pyc lib/wibble.pyc
$ rm **/*.pyc
$ ls **/*.pyc
2: 在文件筛选中使用匹配模式:
$ ls *.(py|sh)
3: 在文件筛选中使用修饰符,如:(@) 限制只匹配符号链接:
$ ls -l *(@)
4: 使用制表符TAB来自动完成如man的时候
$ man zsh[TAB]
5: 也可以用制表符来自动补全命令选项:
$ python -[TAB]
6: 或者在kill的时候自动完成
$ kill Dock[TAB]
7: 在制表符自动补全时,可以使用光标键(上下左右等):
$ man zsh[TAB][DOWN][RIGHT][LEFT][UP]
8: 自动修改错误的输入:
$ pythn -V
zsh: correct 'pythn' to 'python' [nyae]? y
Python 2.7.1
9: 使用**r**来重复上一条命令,可以带替换方式!
$ touch foo.htm bar.htm
$ mv foo.htm foo.html
$ r foo=bar
mv bar.htm bar.html
10: 高可定制性的提示符使用RPROMPT居然可以设置提示符在右边
$ RPROMPT="%t"
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译者:冰雨玉洁 校对:[wxy][]

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@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
9月18日Linux Mint信息库关闭
Linux Mint信息库于9月18日关闭
**2013年9月17日今天早些时候Clement Lefebvre宣布受欢迎的Linux Mint操作系统的主要信息库将于2013年9月18日关闭维护。**
**2013年9月17日Clement Lefebvre宣布受欢迎的Linux Mint操作系统的主要信息库将于2013年9月18日关闭维护。**
维护过程将在伦敦的上午9点开始, 英国时间将持续到第二天, 2013年9月19日。
敦促所有Linux Mint用户在此维护期间保持冷静。如果你使用Linux Mint15Olivia并且想要安装或升级一些软件包,到菜单Menu ->首选项Preferences->软件源Software Sources,从“官方信息库”的“镜像”分支单击“MainOlivia”按钮并等待几分钟应用程序会找到其他镜像。
敦促所有Linux Mint用户在此维护期间保持冷静。如果你使用Linux Mint15Olivia并且想要安装或升级一些软件包,到菜单Menu ->首选项Preferences->软件源Software Sources,单击“官方信息库”的“镜像”分支下的“MainOlivia”按钮并等待几分钟应用程序会找到其他镜像。
当新的镜像添加后单击“更新缓存Update cache”按钮, 并且关闭应用程序。现在你将能够在Linux Mint 15系统上安装软件包。使用老版本的Linux Mint系统的用户[应遵循这些说明][1]。
当新的镜像添加后单击“更新缓存Update cache”按钮, 并且关闭应用程序。现在你将能够在Linux Mint 15系统上安装软件包。使用旧版本Linux Mint系统的用户[应遵循这些说明][1]。
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译者:[Vito][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
译者:[Vito][] 校对:[Caroline][]

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
GNOME 3.10有哪些值得期望?
GNOME 3.10 会在9月25号发布将会超乎它的每个用户的期待所以我们觉得应该给大家预先揭示下它的新特性。
首先我们得说一下GNOME 3.1O的新应用程序。在即将发布的GNOME 3.10的桌面环境中引入了一些新的应用程序比如GNOME地图、GNOME音乐、GNOME照片、GNOME视频和GNOME便笺等。
GNOME照片感谢Debarshi Ray将会成为查看和管理照片的默认应用程序集成了对Flickr、Fackbook的支持。GNOME视频则是搜索和查看本地或者远程视频文件的默认程序。
其次正如每个人也许吧期望的一样GNOME3的外观有了一点变化。新的系统状态菜单栏( [我们已经在最近的文章中提到过]( )拥有输入焦点跟踪、着色功能的图形化用户界面和程序切换预览功能,以便你方便地在应用程序之间切换。
另外一个很酷的事情就是GNOME软件应用程序将会成为即将到来的GNOME 3.10桌面环境的一部分它和Ubuntu的软件中心很相似但仅仅是一个预览。
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译者:[暮霭加][] 校对:[wxy][]

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
$350-$400 Solar-powered Ubuntu laptop SOL to be launched worldwide in December 2013
[SOL]( is a definitely interesting project, presenting itself as a solar-powered family of laptops rooted in low prices and exciting capabilities.
Basically, SOL is a solar-based laptop shipping with **Ubuntu**, designed in mind with multiple usage-scenarios, ranging from electrical energy unavailability to remote areas, trips in isolated forests, etc, essentially, being handy in places where energy can't be accessed or purchased.
Yet, the solar Ubuntu laptop can also be used by regular users in regular places due to its affordable price and decent specs, price and hardware properly paired with Ubuntu, therefore, resulting a powerful mix purchasable for less than $400.
As specs, SOL features:
- CPU: Intel Atom D2500 1.86 GHz Duo Core, Intel 945GSE + ICH7M
- HDD: Seagate 2.5” SATA HDD 320GB
- RAM: Kingston 2-4GB DDRIII SDRAM
- graphics: 1080p HD Vide, Built-In Intel GMA3600 Graphics
- battery operating time: 8~10 hours
- weight: 5.02 lbs
- display: 13.3" LCD, WXGA, 1366 x 768
- camera: 3MP
- audio: Realtek ALC661 HD Audio, Built-in 2 Speakers | Internal mic + 1/8” input
- 3 USB2.0, Headphone jack, HDMI, LAN(10/100), Card reader (SD/MS/MMC)
- modem: 3G/4G World/multimode LTE
- GPS: gpsOne Gen8A
- WiFi: MIMO 802.11b/gn (2.4/5GHz)
- Bluetooth: Integrated Digital Core BT4.0
SOL features several flavors, differentiating itself with good-looking shapes, own identity and bold patterns, aspects filtered through multiple colors, including dark, gray, green, red; the result: an elegant mobile machine.
David Snir, a SOL developer, has just [shared]( on Google+ the imminent availability of SOL (worldwide): "we're getting closer to the **worldwide release (December 2013)**", letting users to know that December 2013 is to make the Ubuntu-powered SOL laptop available across the world.
As prices, the SOL laptops will cycle between $350 and $400 with additional amounts of dollars necessary for taxes (country dependent).
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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ via:
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@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
CLEX A Versatile Command Line File Manager With Integrated Command Prompt
Whether you are a system administrator or a normal command line user, hopping between file manager and command line can get frustrating some times. At some time or the other, you tend to look at some command line alternative to the graphical file manager that you use.
Chances are that youll find a decent command line manager but that would still require switching between file manager window and your command prompt window. So the question remains, is there a file manager that combines file explorer and command prompt in a single window? The answer is yes and the file manager is **CLEX**.
## CLEX The Command Line File Manager ##
Clex is a command line based file manager that has a nice little user interface and provides a lot of options for file management. The main advantage of this file manager is that it also provides a command prompt (in the same window) through which you can run regular commands.
**NOTE** All the examples presented here are tested on Ubuntu 13.04.
**A Brief Tutorial**
Here is the Clex UI when it was first executed on my machine:
So you can see that all the files and directories in the current working directory (**/home/himanshu/** in this case) were displayed in the upper half of the window. You can use the up and down arrow keys to select a file or a directory and press enter to get inside a directory.
In the lower half of the window, the file manager provides a command line prompt (bash prompt in my case). Any installed command line utility can be executed from here.
For example, to open an image file Ubuntu.png, the arrow keys were used to select it first :
Then, an installed image viewer (gthumb in my case) was used (with Ubuntu.png as argument) through command prompt.
The image viewer program gthumb displayed the image as soon as the complete command was executed.
Besides, Clex also provides a range of other useful options which can be accessed by pressing Alt+M.
So you can use these options to change the current working directory, add bookmarks, view command history, sort file names, compare directories etc.
Here is a snapshot when command history option was used :
Similarly you can use other options as per your requirement.
**NOTE** Use Alt+q to quit Clex.
Here are some of the useful links related to Clex file manager:
- [Home Page](
- [Download](
- [Documentation](
Ubuntu users can directly download and install this software using Ubuntu Software Centre. The version used for this review was 3.15.
- Integration of file explorer and command line prompt in the same window
- Lots of options like directory comparison, file name sorting, command line history etc
- Good online documentation
- Depends on CURSES library with wide character support. This may cause problems while building from source.
- Has some start-up problems, displays the following warning every-time it is launched :
Clex is certainly a feature rich command line file manager. The integration with command prompt is its USP. Minor hiccups apart, it is a time-saving utility that demands a bit of practice to get used to it.
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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
GNOME Shell 3.10 Beta 2 Implements New System Status Area
The first Beta release of the upcoming GNOME Shell 3.10 has been made available for download a few days ago, a version that brings numerous improvements and fixes lots of bugs.
GNOME Shell 3.10 Beta 2 improves the submenu styling, tweaks the system actions style, adds support for authentication without username, implements new power-off/end-session dialog design, and implements building of separate binaries for Wayland and X11.
This release also fixes accessibility of sliders, as well as changing slider values via keyboard. The Dash tooltips are no longer displayed for applications with open pop-ups, the padding between system status icon has been tweaked, and the calendar's keyboard navigation and accessibility has been improved.
The second Beta release of GNOME Shell 3.10 also supports the new NetworkManager APIs, the system actions section is now hidden in the lock screen, other logged users are no longer displayed at log out, and the "Session" subtitle heading has been removed from the login dialog.
Moreover, the Dash is now able to reload favorites when installed applications change, the Overview mode is no longer opened after closing the last window on workspace, the FocusApp DBus method has been added, a new app picker design has been implemented, the clickable area of page indicators has been extended, and the moving controls when displaying messages have been fixed.
Thanks to Ray, Giovanni, Jasper, and Emmanuele, the following bugs have been squashed in GNOME Shell 3.10 Beta 2: #706542, #706654, #706005, #706681, #706841, #706843, #707064, #706262, #707197, and #707269. Please use the GNOME Bugzilla website to track them down (without #).
Among the updated translations, we can mention Polish, Norwegian Bokmal, Tajik, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Lithuanian, Galician, Spanish, Slovak, Slovenian, Catalan, and Belgian. For more details, please check the official raw changelog.
Download GNOME Shell 3.10 Beta 2 right now from Softpedia. Remember that this is a beta version and it should NOT be installed on production machines. It is intended for testing purposes only.
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Google Android Is Open Source: LinuxCon
**Google's top-open source exec explains at the LinuxCon conference why Android is open source and why open source is a key part of Android's success.**
NEW ORLEANS—Google Director of Open Source Chris DiBona took the keynote stage at the LinuxCon conference here on Sept. 16 with a key message: Android is open source.
DiBona plays a key role at Google in helping to make sure that his company does right by the open-source community and is compliant with open-source licensing requirements. During his keynote, DiBona explained that from the very beginning of Android's strategic development back in 2005, a core underpinning of the platform has been about being open.
The challenge for Google in 2005 was that it was difficult to get its search engine onto phones. At the time, the handset market was a closed system and Google had to go through a carrier-by-carrier process to get on phones. Android in part was an effort by Google simply to make sure that its search engine could be easily deployed on any phone.
"We wanted people to have the same experience on their phone as they did on the desktop, but no options were available in open source," DiBona said.
With Android, Google wanted to provide a new minimum level of capabilities that users should expect from a phone, DiBona said. What Google didn't want was to have to continuously cut deals with carriers in order for Google search—or, for that matter, any given Website—to run on any phone.
"Cell phone operators can't compete by restrictions anymore; there has to be a level of freedom," DiBona said.
Android has been a tremendously successful effort for Google that gets better every year, according to DiBona. Currently, 1.3 million Android devices are activated daily, he noted.
While Android leverages Linux as part of its platform, Android has had some issues with Linux in the past. In 2010, the Google Android code [was dropped][1] from the mainline Linux kernel.
It was not until March of 2012 with the [Linux 3.3 kernel][2] release that Android finally returned to the mainline Linux kernel. DiBona commented that he always thought that it was a good idea for Linux and Android to be together. The dispute was a deeply technical one and dealt with [wake locks][3], a power-saving mechanism.
Linux dispute aside, DiBona said that while some have questioned whether or not Android really is open source, there is a surefire way to prove that it is. Android can be shipped by anyone and included in any product, without Google's involvement or even permission. That fact is enabled by the permissive open-source license under which Google makes Android available.
In the final analysis, DiBona stressed that open source is what makes Android work for Google, and it's a powerful concept that is at the core of Android.
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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
How Linux defenders attack bad software patents before theyre approved
Group identifies dangerous patents and tries to cut them down to size.
@ -61,4 +62,4 @@ via:

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@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
在CentOS 6.4上安装Ampache流媒体服务
[Ampache][2] is a a web based audio/video streaming software and file manager. It allows you to access your music & videos from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device. It isnt a media organizer, it just use the existing organized media files in a useful way. So you must be aware of managing and organizing the media files.
This how-to was tested on CentOS 6.4, although it should work on almost all RHEL based systems. In this how-to, my test box hostname and IP address are **** and ****. Change these values with your own where it appropriate.
Your server should have installed and configured with Apache, MySQL and PHP(LAMP). Refer any one of the following links to setup LAMP server.
- Install LAMP (Apache, MariaDB, PHP) Server On CentOS 6.4.
- Install LAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) Server On CentOS 6.4.
And install the following PHP modules too.
# yum install php-mcrypt php-pdo php-cli php-mysql php-gd php-xml libtool-ltdl mhash mcrypt -y
**Create Database and User for Ampache**
For instance, here i am going to create a database called “**ampachedb**” and database user called “**ampache**” with password “**centos**”. You can define database and user as per your liking.
# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 3
Server version: 5.5.31-MariaDB MariaDB Server
Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> create database ampachedb;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON ampachedb.* TO ampacheuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'centos';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> exit
**Adjust Firewall/Router Settings**
Allow the apache default port “80″ through iptables/router. Edit file /etc/sysconfig/iptables,
# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
Add the following line.
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
Now restart the iptables service.
# /etc/init.d/iptables restart
**Getting Ampache**
Download the latest version of [Ampache here][3] or enter the following command to download it from your terminal.
# wget
**Note:** Here you can host your streaming media server site in two methods.
1. Directly from the web root folder, so that you can access your website by navigating to **http://domain-name/**.
2. Alternatively create a sub directory in web root folder and host website from the sub-directory i.e you can access your website using URL **http://domain-name/sub-directory-name**.
Here, for testing purpose, i am going to host my streaming site under a sub directory.
Extract the downloaded file using command:
# tar -zxvf 3.6-alpha6
Move the contents to apache web root.
# mv ampache-3.6-alpha6/ /var/www/html/ampache
Set the write permissions to ampache/config directory.
# chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/ampache/config/
**Begin Installation**
Open up browser and type **http://domain-name/ampache** or **http://ip-address/ampache** in the address bar.
The following should appear. Click **Start configuration**.
Enter the MySQL database, user and password details. Make sure that you checked the checkbox “**Overwrite existing database**” since we already created the database.
Enter the newly created MySQL database, user and password details. Click **write** to generate **ampache.config.php** file and click **Continue to step 3** button.
Now you will be asked to setup the **admin** user password. Enter the password and click **Create Account**.
Finally Ampache will ask you to update to the most recent version. Click on Update.
Thats it. Ampache has been installed now. I recommend you to read the Official Ampache Wiki page for further configurations.
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@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
Libreoffice 4.1.1 Released, Install It On Ubuntu And Linux Mint
Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. These are six feature-rich applications that LibreOffice suit offers to you for your document and data processing needs. What is LibreOffice? I know this question is very easy to answer for most of the unixmen readers, but since our fans keep growing everyday I guess there are many people that have no idea about Linux and Open Source, so l feel I have to give some information about LibreOffice.
LibreOffice is an open-source, simple and powerful office suite for Linux, Windows OS and Mac OS users. There are many volunteers working and helping the LibreOffice project. These volunteers have different roles, from engineering tasks to community support and creative work. Now it is time for some news.
[LibreOffice 4.1.1][1] is released. This release of LibreOffice 4.1.1 comes with a large number of improved features and bug fixes. LibreOffice 4.1.1 supports legacy binary StarOffice files and export to legacy Word and Excel. An interesting bug fixed is fdo#67388, in which files in .deb packages werent owned by root:root.
**New Features and Fixes**
- Turning off Same content on first page does not reflect in UI
- Cant select other fill than color in Writer > Drawing functions
- REPORTBUILDER The labels displayed in some options lists do not match the functionality
- 4.1 segfaults when checking for extension updates
- FILESAVE: Saving to XLS format omits to save formula expressions of cells where the formula result is an error
- Style font is not stored for ODG and ODP files: after editing a style, closing and reponening, it is changed
- cant save new autocorrect entries
- MAILMERGE: Pre-Defined Labels Contain No Format Info in LO
- EDITING: BUG: calc crashes on spell check
- soffice.bin segfault in killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
- the GCJ Java variant has known issues with LibreOffice, we advise to e.g. use OpenJDK instead.
- LibreOffice 4.x drops a few long-deprecated features, including support for legacy binary StarOffice files, export to legacy Word and Excel (version 6.0/95), and legacy ODMA document management.
- Some menu entries have changed or added. If you miss something, that may be due to the use of customised menu settings from your previous LibreOffice installation.
Now what about the installation of LibreOffice 4.1.1? Ok, To Install LibreOffice in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-1
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libreoffice
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Linus Torvalds Talks Linux Development at LinuxCon
![Linus Torvalds](
**Torvalds responds to a question about whether the U.S. government asked him to put a backdoor in Linux, and explains why he's a developer and how others can be.**
NEW ORLEANS—Linus Torvalds, who created the open-source Linux operating system 22 years ago, took the keynote stage at the LinuxCon conference along with fellow kernel developers to talk about the state of Linux kernel development.
Throughout the hour-long session Sept. 18, the panel was peppered with a barrage of questions on a wide variety of topics, with the outspoken Torvalds providing all manner of colorful comments.
One of the first questions that Torvalds was asked was about how easy or hard it is to actually get involved with Linux kernel development.
"We have an amazing amount of developers, and in some respects it is hard to get involved," Torvalds said. "In other respects, of all the open-source projects that are out there, it is easier to get involved in Linux because there is so much to do."
Torvalds pointed to the numbers of people currently involved in Linux. "It can't be that hard to get involved," he said.
For Torvalds, hardware innovation is part of the fun in doing kernel development He noted that when he started Linux 22 years ago, the hardware was very different than it is today. He expects that 20 years from now the
hardware will change even more.
###Hardware Innovation's Future
Yet Torvalds considered that hardware innovation might at some point slow down. He said he's interested in seeing how the industry will react when [Moore's Law][1] no longer works. In his view, it's just a matter of physics with how far silicon innovation can go.
"The reason why Linux runs well on cell phones is because cell phones grew up, and they are thousands of times more powerful than the original machine I used to build Linux," Torvalds said. "People like to pay lip service to Moore's Law, but in 10 years it will be really tough."
Virtualization is a direction that many in the hardware community are taking, but it's not an area of interest for Torvalds.
"I don't' want to have anything to do with virtualization stuff," Torvalds said. "I want to run on hardware; I'm a real man."
###NSA Backdoor
Torvalds was also asked if he had ever been approached by the U.S. government to insert a backdoor into Linux.
Torvalds responded "no" while nodding his head "yes," as the audience broke into spontaneous laughter.
###On Being a Developer
During the session, Torvalds also explained why he became a developer in the first place. He said that when he started, he didn't have money to run Unix on his own machine. He also noted that his friends were playing games on their computers that he couldn't afford, so he had to learn to program.
"Necessity made me try to do something," Torvalds said.
While Torvalds has a full life outside Linux, it is at the core of his existence, he said.
"I don't see any project coming along being more interesting to me than Linux," Torvalds said. "I couldn't imagine filling the void in my life if I didn't have Linux."
via :
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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
MineSweeper Touch enriched with beautiful Suru elements
Design is a vital part of Ubuntu's next-generation components, design being progressively yet-already-visible implemented in areas, elements, widgets, etc, overall design energy taking the next-generation components of Ubuntu to a superior, modern, innovative level.
Part of the official design process is Suru, essentially, a set of visual patterns expressed through colored backgrounds, interesting shapes and chic, stylish blocks, resulting (when utilized) truly beautiful applications.
Suru is a first-class citizen in the official core applications, yet, there are also third-party applications already using various Suru variations, among which MineSweeper Touch.
[MineSweeper Touch]( is a now-fancy game incarnating the lovely classic MineSweeper game into an Ubuntu SDK interface; recently, MineSweeper Touch was enriched with a definitely interesting look & feel, incorporating the modern Suru style into its views.
The result: launching MineSweeper Touch, the user is to notice the purple background sustaining the rounded red-to-purple square blocks, white-ish when-unveiled blocks, distinct container for blocks, as well as carved areas where the game's details are exposed.
The implementation of Suru style takes the minesweeper game to a superior level in terms of perception and identity, pleasing the eye with beauty while challenging the brain with its action.
MineSweeper Touch's code is available on [](
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Red Hat Expands Virtualization Options With Open-Source Docker
**Red Hat teams up with the developers behind the open-source Docker container technology to provide an alternative to virtualization hypervisors.**
Linux vendor Red Hat is working with virtualization vendor dotCloud to bring a new type of open-source container technology, called "[Docker][1]," to the Fedora community Linux project. Fedora is a Linux project that is sponsored by Red Hat.
Virtualization technology on Linux today typically includes hypervisors such as KVM and Xen as well as container technology in the form of the [Linux LXC][2] project (LinuX Containers). Fedora Project Leader Robyn Bergeron explained to eWEEK that Red Hat has been using container technology as part of its OpenShift platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solution to provide application isolation.
Docker is not the container technology that Red Hat is currently using for OpenShift, though Bergeron noted Docker does have a similar type of container approach. Bergeron said both dotCloud, the lead commercial vendor behind Docker, and Red Hat had been receiving requests about having Docker work on Red Hat-based Linux systems. The partnership between dotCloud and Red Hat will see Docker packaged for Fedora Linux as part of a collaborative open-source development.
Solomon Hykes, founder of dotCloud and the creator of the Docker project, explained to eWEEK that Docker is not a replacement for LXC containers.
"Docker uses LXC under the hood, combined with other technologies," Hykes said. "It's a collection of low-level technologies that already existed, but organized in a way that is more than the sum of its parts."
The goal is to bring to the world of [DevOps][3] a unit of technology that both developers and operations people can understand and use, according to Hykes. A Docker container contains all the binary, library and configuration files necessary to run a particular process.
"We're orienting the use of containers toward the deployment of applications, as opposed to just treating them like miniature servers," he said.
###Containers vs. Virtual Machine Hypervisors
In the enterprise server space, many system administrators today are familiar with virtualization hypervisors such as VMware ESX, Xen and KVM. Hykes sees container technology as being complementary to hypervisors.
"What has happened with hypervisors is that it's a great technology, but the industry sees it as a big hammer and is trying to use it everywhere," he said.
Hykes sees virtual machine (VM) hypervisors as a server type that provides an alternative to a bare metal machine. In contrast, the job of the container is to deliver a unit of software.
###Red Hat and Docker
As part of the development partnership with Red Hat, Hykes said his first goal is to make sure that the usage of Docker on Red Hat-based Linux systems is a smooth one. He admitted that the current Docker 0.6 version doesn't run properly on Red Hat-based Linux systems, including the Fedora Linux system. The goal with the 0.7 release will be to change that and make Red Hat-based Linux systems a first-class citizen for Docker deployments.
To date, dotCloud has raised $10 million in venture funding for its Docker development efforts. Hykes noted that there is not yet a commercial product, as his first priority is to build the Docker community and user base.
"Phase one for us at dotCloud is to make sure Docker is ubiquitous and that larger players in IT are comfortable with it," Hykes said. "Having Red Hat working with us is a huge win."
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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
##Red Hat and Intel Working Closely to Bring Wayland as Default for Fedora 21##
**Red Hat and Intel developers are now working closely together to bring Wayland support in GNOME and they are hoping its going to be ready to ship in Fedora 21.**
The Ubuntu secret plan to conquer the FOSS world has been foiled by Intel with its announcement, at least for now, but the true plans of the Intel developers have been revealed.
If we remove the drama, its actually not a secret that Intel has invested heavily in Waylands future. Its developers are now working closely with Red Hat to make the GNOME Shell act as a compositor.
“So our team here at Red Hat have been working intensively with our counterparts at Intel to merge and stabilize the patches to enable Wayland support in GNOME and at the same time looking into what further improvements are needed in the stack,” stated Red Hats Christian Schaller on his personal blog.
It seems that the goal of the team is now to provide a tech preview ready for Fedora 20, which will have to be enough, at least for the time being. Its not going to be quite a working project, but at least it will give people an idea of what they should expect.
Its unclear if this particular timing has anything to do with Canonicals haste to provide a fully working Mir display server in their upcoming Ubuntu 13.10, which is scheduled for release in October.
“So the final switch to Wayland over X will only happen once we are as sure as we can be that our users will not be negatively affected by the change. So if we default to Wayland or X for Fedora 21 is still an open question,” also said Schaller in his blog post.
This “war” between display servers might have a clear winner, and that is the end user. Both teams, Intel and Canonical, now have better incentives to provide a better experience and no matter who wins, we will reap the fruits of their labor.
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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
**GNOME 3.10 should be released this month, on September 25, and every Linux users who uses it expects the unexpected, so we thought it would be a very good idea to preview some of its upcoming features.**
First of all, we should mention the new apps. Yes, there are a bunch of new applications that will be introduced with the release of the GNOME 3.10 desktop environment, such as GNOME Maps, GNOME Music, GNOME Photos, GNOME Videos, and GNOME Notes.
Let's talk a little about each one of them, shall we? GNOME Maps is exactly what you think it is, a maps application, which will allow users to search locations, get directions, pin locations, as well as to find people and businesses.
On the other hand, GNOME Music is not what you think it is a replacement for Rhythmbox because it only provides a simple and elegant way for using Files (Nautilus) to display the contents of the Music directory. Oh, and Rhythmbox is still available (just reached version 3.0), and mature enough to be a good iTunes replacement.
The GNOME Notes app is similar to any other Memo or Notes application you see in today's smartphone devices, providing a nice and simple way to create, edit and view notes (text and images mostly). Some of you will be disappointed to find out that reminders and checklists functionality will not be part of this app.
GNOME Photos (thanks Debarshi Ray) will be the default application for viewing and managing your photos, with integration for Flickr and Facebook, and GNOME Videos will be the default app for searching and viewing local or remote video files.
Second of all, the looks of the GNOME 3 desktop have changed a little, as everyone (probably) expected. The new system status menu, which is [something we've already mentioned in a recent article][1], the focus-caret tracking (finally), a graphical user interface for the color tinting functionality, and app overview pagination, so you can easily navigate through your installed apps.
Another cool thing that will be part of the upcoming GNOME 3.10 desktop environment is the GNOME Software application, which is very similar to the Ubuntu Software Center app, but only as a preview.
A preview of the GNOME Software app - Image courtesy of [WolrdofGNOME][2]
Among other features, we can mention integration with the Zimbra enterprise-class email, calendar and collaboration solution, systemd will be used for the user session, Git integration, Hi-DPI display support, Wacom support, XSettings overrides, overall tweaks, and initial porting to the Wayland display server.
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
售价350-400美元的太阳能笔记本ubuntub SOL 将于2013年12月问世
[SOL]( 是一个绝对有趣的项目,它是一个价格低廉和性能强劲的太阳能笔记本电脑。
总的来说,SOL 是一个搭载**Ubuntu**的太阳能笔记本,以复杂的使用场景为设计理念,从无法使用电能到边远地区,远足于与世隔绝的森林,等等.基本上,在那些无法接通或者购买电能的地方是很方便的。
- CPU: Intel Atom D2500 1.86 GHz Duo Core, Intel 945GSE + ICH7M
- HDD: Seagate 2.5” SATA HDD 320GB
- RAM: Kingston 2-4GB DDRIII SDRAM
- graphics: 1080p HD Vide, Built-In Intel GMA3600 Graphics
- battery operating time: 8~10 hours
- weight: 5.02 lbs
- display: 13.3" LCD, WXGA, 1366 x 768
- camera: 3MP
- audio: Realtek ALC661 HD Audio, Built-in 2 Speakers | Internal mic + 1/8” input
- 3 USB2.0, Headphone jack, HDMI, LAN(10/100), Card reader (SD/MS/MMC)
- modem: 3G/4G World/multimode LTE
- GPS: gpsOne Gen8A
- WiFi: MIMO 802.11b/gn (2.4/5GHz)
- Bluetooth: Integrated Digital Core BT4.0
David Snir, 一名SOL开发者,他已经在Google+上 [分享](了关于SQL(全球)即将发售的消息:"我们离**全球发布(2013年12月)**时间越来越近",让用户们知道2013年12月这一时间的目的是为了使Ubuntu-powered SOL笔记本在全球的销售畅通可行。
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@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
在Linux的贡献者排名中Google 2009年的时候还只排在第19位今年已经从第10位上升到第8。前三名的公司依次是红帽(Red Hat)、因特尔(Intel)和德州仪器(Texas Instruments)。
紧接着,今年年初,内核圈子又因为是否应该讲礼貌的事火了一把。事情是这样的一位来自Intel的开发者名叫莎拉·夏普Sarah Sharp这位妹纸竟然在内核圈子的邮件列表中公然[向Linux领袖Linus Torvalds叫板][2](译者注链接我点进去看了妹纸说Linus你这人说话真特么脏事后[她告诉我们说][3]Linux界有时会纵容一种文化“千万别和妹纸共事”
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译者:[Mr小眼儿] 校对:[校对者ID][]
在Linux的贡献者排名中Google 2009年的时候还只排在第19位今年已经从第10位上升到第8。前三名的公司依次是红帽(Red Hat)、因特尔(Intel)和德州仪器(Texas Instruments)。
紧接着,今年年初,内核圈子又因其沟通风格受到了攻击,有人称之为坦率,有人却认为是粗鲁。事情是这样的一位来自Intel的开发者名叫莎拉·夏普Sarah Sharp这位妹纸竟然在内核圈子的邮件列表中公然[向Linux领袖Linus Torvalds叫板][2](译者注链接我点进去看了妹纸说Linus你这人说话真特么脏事后[她告诉我们说][3]Linux界有时会纵容一种文化“千万别和妹纸共事”
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
集成命令提示符、堪称“多才多艺”的命令行文件管理器 - CLEX
## CLEX - 命令行文件管理器 ##
**注** - 下文中的所有例子均测试于Ubuntu13.04。
**注** - 退出CLEX的快捷键是Alt+q。
- [主页](
- [下载](
- [文档](
- 在同一个窗口中整合了文件浏览与命令提示符
- 提供大量快捷键。包括文件夹比较,文件名排序,查看历史命令等等。
- 出色的在线文档
- 依赖于CURSES库需要宽字符集支持。因此通过源码安装的时候可能会导致一些问题。
- 启动时不稳定,我每次启动时都会出现下图中的警告:
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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
在CentOS 6.4上安装Ampache流媒体服务
这个指南是在CentOS 6.4上测试的,虽然它几乎应该工作在所有基于RHEL的系统上。在这篇指南中, 我的测试机的主机名和IP地址是**** 和 ****.在你自己适当的地方改变这些值。
你的服务器上应该安装和配置了ApacheMySQL和PHPLAMP。 参考任何以下链接之一去安装LAMP服务。
- 在CentOS 6.4上安装LAMP(Apache, MariaDB, PHP)服务。
- 在CentOS 6.4上安装LAMP(Apache, MySQL, PHP)服务。
> 译者注:注意,两种安装方式的数据库是不同的
# yum install php-mcrypt php-pdo php-cli php-mysql php-gd php-xml libtool-ltdl mhash mcrypt -y
例如, 这里,我将要创建一个名为“**ampachedb**”的数据库用户和“**ampachedb**”用户的密码为“**centos**”的数据。你可以根据你的喜好来定义数据库。
# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 3
Server version: 5.5.31-MariaDB MariaDB Server
Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> create database ampachedb;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON ampachedb.* TO ampacheuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'centos';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> exit
允许apache的默认端口“80”通过防火墙/路由器。编辑 /etc/sysconfig/iptables 文件,
# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
# /etc/init.d/iptables restart
# wget
**注释:** 这里你可以用两种方法来访问你的流媒体服务网站。
1. 直接从网站根目录, 通过导航到**http://domain-name/**你可以成功访问你的网站。
此时, 因为测试目的,我将要在sub目录下访问我的流媒体网站。
# tar -zxvf 3.6-alpha6
# mv ampache-3.6-alpha6/ /var/www/html/ampache
# chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/ampache/config/
接下来就会出现。点击**Start configuration开始配置**。
输入MySQL数据库用户和密码等详细资料。因为我们创建了数据库所以确保你选中了“**Overwrite existing database覆盖现有的数据库**”复选框。
输入最近创建的MySQL数据库用户和密码等详细资料。点击 **write**生成**ampache.config.php**文件和点击**Continue to step 3**按钮。
现在你将被要求设置**admin**用户密码。输入密码并且点击**Create Account创建账户**。
Thats it这该肿么翻译。现在Apmache已经安装完成。为进一步配置我建议你阅读官方Ampache Wiki页。
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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ via:

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
Linux Kernel 3.4.62 LTS 现已经提供下载
**著名的Greg Kroah-Hartman 宣布LTS(长期支持) Linux 3.4 内核的全新维护版本已发布,并已提供下载。**
Linux 内核的3.4.62 LTS版本是一个小型的版本更替, 它带来了x86 构架和M32R 构架下一些错误的修正一些网络相关的驱动文件的更新以及大量网络方面特别是IPv6和IPv4的提升。
"这次更新的git资源在这里git:// linux-3.4.y ,也可以在常规的 kernel.org的git web 网站看到: [;a=summary](;a=summary)," Greg Kroah-Hartman 在他的 [官方版本说明]( 中提到。
现在就可从softpedia 下载 Linux内核 3.4.62 LTS. 友情提示Softpedia上还有Linux 内核 3.11.1, 3.10.12 LTS 和 3.0.96 LTS 可供下载。
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
MineSweeper Touch增添了漂亮的Suru元素
Suru在官方的核心应用程序中可谓是第一流的公民了但是现在也已经有第三方的应用程序正在使用各种各样的Suru的变种了其中MineSweeper Touch就是一个例子。
[MineSweeper Touch](是将经典、可爱的扫雷游戏在Ubuntu的软件开发包接口中实现的一款令人喜爱的小游戏。最近随着新式的Suru风格在其视图中的融入MineSweeper Touch又增添了相当有趣的外观和感受。
结果当运行MineSweeper Touch时用户会发现紫色的背景衬托着紫红色的圆角小方块揭开这些小方块时它们会像游戏信息暴露的已开拓区域一样变成白色的并且有不同的容器盛放着它们。
MineSweeper Touch的代码可以在这里获得 [](
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