diff --git a/sources/tech/20150515 How to Install Percona Server on CentOS 7.md b/sources/tech/20150515 How to Install Percona Server on CentOS 7.md index 9bfd676f92..141649b4fa 100644 --- a/sources/tech/20150515 How to Install Percona Server on CentOS 7.md +++ b/sources/tech/20150515 How to Install Percona Server on CentOS 7.md @@ -1,13 +1,23 @@ translating by FatJoe123 - +如何在CentOS 7上安装Percona Server How to Install Percona Server on CentOS 7 ================================================================================ +在这篇文章中我们将了解关于Percona Server,一个开源简易的MySQL,MariaDB的替代。InnoDB的数据库引擎使得Percona Server非常有吸引力,如果你需要的高性能,高可靠性和高性价比的解决方案,它将是一个很好的选择。 In this article we are going to learn about percona server, an opensource drop-in replacement for MySQL and also for MariaDB. The InnoDB database engine make it very attractive and a good alternative if you need performance, reliability and a cost efficient solution - +在接下来的文节中将涵盖在CentOS的7 Percona的服务器的安装,以及备份当前数据,配置的步骤和如何恢复备份。 In the following sections I am going to cover the installation of the percona server on the CentOS 7, I will also cover the steps needed to make backup of your current data, configuration and how to restore your backup. +###目录### ### Table of contents ### +1.什么是Percona,为什么使用它 +2.备份你的数据库 +3.删除之前的SQL服务器 +4.使用二进制包安装Percona +5.配置Percona +6. +7.恢复你的备份 + 1. What is and why use percona 1. Backup your databases 1. Remove previous SQL server @@ -16,52 +26,74 @@ In the following sections I am going to cover the installation of the percona se 1. Securing your environment 1. Restore your backup +### 1.什么是Percona,为什么使用它 ### 1. What is and why use Percona ### +Percona是一个开源简易的MySQL,MariaDB数据库的替代,它是MYSQL的一个分支,相当多的改进和独特的功能使得它比MYSQL更可靠,性能更强,速度更快,它与MYSQL完全兼容,在Oracle的MYSQL与Percona之间你甚至都可以使用复制命令。 Percona is an opensource alternative to the MySQL and MariaDB databases, it's a fork of the MySQL with many improvements and unique features that makes it more reliable, powerful and faster than MySQL, and yet is fully compatible with it, you can even use replication between Oracle's MySQL and Percona. - +#### 在Percona中独特的功能 #### #### Features exclusive to Percona #### +-分段自适应哈希搜索 +-快速校验算法 +-缓冲池预加载 +-支持FlashCache - Partitioned Adaptive Hash Search - Fast Checksum Algorithm - Buffer Pool Pre-Load - Support for FlashCache +#### MySQL企业版和Percona的特定功能 #### #### MySQL Enterprise and Percona specific features #### +-从不同的服务器导入表 +-PAM认证 +-审计日志 +-线程池 + - Import Tables From Different Servers - PAM authentication - Audit Log - Threadpool +现在,你肯定很兴奋地看到这些好的东西整理在一起,我们将告诉你如何安装和做些的Percona Server的基本配置。 Now that you are pretty excited to see all these good things together, we are going show you how to install and do basic configuration of Percona Server. +### 2. 备份你的数据库 ### ### 2. Backup your databases ### +接下来,在命令行下使用SQL命令创建一个mydatabases.sql文件来重建/恢复salesdb和employeedb数据库,重命名数据库以便反映你的设置,如果没有安装MYSQL跳过此步 The following, command creates a mydatabases.sql file with the SQL commands to recreate/restore salesdb and employeedb databases, replace the databases names to reflect your setup, skip if this is a brand new setup mysqldump -u root -p --databases employeedb salesdb > mydatabases.sql +复制当前的配置文件,如果你没有安装MYSQL也可跳过 Copy the current configuration file, you can also skip this in fresh setups cp my.cnf my.cnf.bkp +### 3.删除之前的SQL服务器 ### ### 3. Remove your previous SQL Server ### +停止MYSQL/MariaDB如果它们还在运行 Stop the MySQL/MariaDB if it's running. systemctl stop mysql.service - + +卸载MariaDB和MYSQL Uninstall MariaDB and MySQL yum remove MariaDB-server MariaDB-client MariaDB-shared mysql mysql-server +移动重命名在/var/lib/mysql当中的MariaDB文件,这比仅仅只是移除更为安全快速,这就像2级即时备份。:) Move / Rename the MariaDB files in **/var/lib/mysql**, it's a safer and faster than just removing, it's like a 2nd level instant backup. :) mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql_mariadb - + +### 4.使用二进制包安装Percona ### ### 4. Installing Percona binaries ### +你可以在众多Percona安装方法中选择,在CentOS中使用Yum或者RPM包安装通常是更好的选择 You can choose from a number of options on how to install Percona, in a CentOS system it's generally a better idea to use yum or RPM, so these are the way that are covered by this article, compiling and install from sources are not covered by this article. Installing from Yum repository: