diff --git a/sources/tech/20151119 Going Beyond Hello World Containers is Hard Stuff.md b/sources/tech/20151119 Going Beyond Hello World Containers is Hard Stuff.md index 877e2e7d21..35465b1dec 100644 --- a/sources/tech/20151119 Going Beyond Hello World Containers is Hard Stuff.md +++ b/sources/tech/20151119 Going Beyond Hello World Containers is Hard Stuff.md @@ -64,56 +64,75 @@ Docker 快速启动终端就运行在你使用的普通终端里,就像这样 ### 第一个小问题和第一个大问题### So I fiddled around with NodeJS and ImageMagick and I got the service to work on my local machine. +所以我用NodeJS 和ImageMagick 瞎搞了一通然后让我的服务在本地运行起来了。 Then, I created the Dockerfile, which is the configuration script Docker uses to build your container. (I’ll go more into builds and Dockerfile more later on.) +然后我创建了Dockerfile,这是Docker 用来构建容器的配置脚本。(我会在后面深入介绍构建和Dockerfile) Here’s the build command I ran on the Docker Quickstart Terminal: +这是我运行Docker 快速启动终端的命令: $ docker build -t thumbnailer:0.1 I got this response: +获得如下回应: docker: "build" requires 1 argument. Huh. +呃。 After 15 minutes I realized: I forgot to put a period . as the last argument! - +我估摸着过了15分钟:我忘记了在末尾参数输入一个点`.`。 It needs to be: +正确的指令应该是这样的: $ docker build -t thumbnailer:0.1 . But this wasn’t the end of my problems. +但是这不是我最后一个问题。 I got the image to build and then I typed [the the `run` command][4] on the Docker Quickstart Terminal to fire up a container based on the image, called `thumbnailer:0.1`: +我让这个镜像构建好了,然后我Docker 快速启动终端输入了[`run` 命令][4]来启动容器,名字叫`thumbnailer:0.1`: $ docker run -d -p 3001:3000 thumbnailer:0.1 The `-p 3001:3000` argument makes it so the NodeJS microservice running on port 3000 within the container binds to port 3001 on the host virtual machine. +参数`-p 3001:3000` 让NodeJS 微服务在Docker 内运行在端口3000,而在主机上则是3001。 Looks so good so far, right? +到目前卡起来都很好,对吧? Wrong. Things are about to get pretty bad. +错了。事情要马上变糟了。 I determined the IP address of the virtual machine created by Docker Quickstart Terminal by running the `docker-machine` command: +我指定了在Docker 快速启动中端里用命令`docker-machine` 运行的Docker 虚拟机的ip地址: $ docker-machine ip default This returns the IP address of the default virtual machine, the one that is run under the Docker Quickstart Terminal. For me, this IP address was +这句话返回了默认虚拟机的IP地址,即运行docker 的虚拟机。对于我来说,这个ip 地址是192.168.99.100。 I browsed to and got the file upload page I built: +我浏览网页http:// ,然后找到了我创建的上传图片的网页: ![container-diagram-3](https://deis.com/images/blog-images/containers-hard-3.png) I selected a file and clicked the Upload Image button. +我选择了一个文件,然后点击上传图片的按钮。 But it didn’t work. +但是它并没有工作。 The terminal is telling me it can’t find the `/upload` directory my microservice requires. +终端告诉我他无法找到我的微服务需要的`/upload` 目录。 Now, keep in mind, I had been at this for about a day—between the fiddling and research. I’m feeling a little frustrated by this point. +现在开始记住,我已经在此耗费了将近一天的时间-从浪费时间到研究问题。我此时感到了一些挫折感。 Then, a brain spark flew. Somewhere along the line remembered reading a microservice should not do any data persistence on its own! Saving data should be the job of another service. +然后灵光一闪。某人记起来微服务不应该自己做任何数据持久化的工作!保存数据应该是另一个服务的工作。 So what if the container can’t find the `/upload` directory? The real issue is: my microservice has a fundamentally flawed design.