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[Translated] 20171113 The big break in computer languages
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The big break in computer languages
My last post ([The long goodbye to C][3]) elicited a comment from a C++ expert I was friends with long ago, recommending C++ as the language to replace C. Which ain’t gonna happen; if that were a viable future, Go and Rust would never have been conceived.
But my readers deserve more than a bald assertion. So here, for the record, is the story of why I don’t touch C++ any more. This is a launch point for a disquisition on the economics of computer-language design, why some truly unfortunate choices got made and baked into our infrastructure, and how we’re probably going to fix them.
Along the way I will draw aside the veil from a rather basic mistake that people trying to see into the future of programming languages (including me) have been making since the 1980s. Only very recently do we have the field evidence to notice where we went wrong.
I think I first picked up C++ because I needed GNU eqn to be able to output MathXML, and eqn was written in C++. That project succeeded. Then I was a senior dev on Battle For Wesnoth for a number of years in the 2000s and got comfortable with the language.
Then came the day we discovered that a person we incautiously gave commit privileges to had fucked up the games’s AI core. It became apparent that I was the only dev on the team not too frightened of that code to go in. And I fixed it all right – took me two weeks of struggle. After which I swore a mighty oath never to go near C++ again.
My problem with the language, starkly revealed by that adventure, is that it piles complexity on complexity upon chrome upon gingerbread in an attempt to address problems that cannot actually be solved because the foundational abstractions are leaky. It’s all very well to say “well, don’t do that” about things like bare pointers, and for small-scale single-developer projects (like my eqn upgrade) it is realistic to expect the discipline can be enforced.
Not so on projects with larger scale or multiple devs at varying skill levels (the case I normally deal with). With probability asymptotically approaching one over time and increasing LOC, someone is inadvertently going to poke through one of the leaks. At which point you have a bug which, because of over-layers of gnarly complexity such as STL, is much more difficult to characterize and fix than the equivalent defect in C. My Battle For Wesnoth experience rubbed my nose in this problem pretty hard.
What works for a Steve Heller (my old friend and C++ advocate) doesn’t scale up when I’m dealing with multiple non-Steve-Hellers and might end up having to clean up their mess. So I just don’t go there any more. Not worth the aggravation. C is flawed, but it does have one immensely valuable property that C++ didn’t keep – if you can mentally model the hardware it’s running on, you can easily see all the way down. If C++ had actually eliminated C’s flaws (that it, been type-safe and memory-safe) giving away that transparency might be a trade worth making. As it is, nope.
One way we can tell that C++ is not sufficient is to imagine an alternate world in which it is. In that world, older C projects would routinely up-migrate to C++. Major OS kernels would be written in C++, and existing kernel implementations like Linux would be upgrading to it. In the real world, this ain’t happening. Not only has C++ failed to present enough of a value proposition to keep language designers uninterested in imagining languages like D, Go, and Rust, it has failed to displace its own ancestor. There’s no path forward from C++ without breaching its core assumptions; thus, the abstraction leaks won’t go away.
Since I’ve mentioned D, I suppose this is also the point at which I should explain why I don’t see it as a serious contender to replace C. Yes, it was spun up eight years before Rust and nine years before Go – props to Walter Bright for having the vision. But in 2001 the example of Perl and Python had already been set – the window when a proprietary language could compete seriously with open source was already closing. The wrestling match between the official D library/runtime and Tango hurt it, too. It has never recovered from those mistakes.
So now there’s Go (I’d say “…and Rust”, but for reasons I’ve discussed before I think it will be years before Rust is fully competitive). It _is_ type-safe and memory-safe (well, almost; you can partway escape using interfaces, but it’s not normal to have to go to the unsafe places). One of my regulars, Mark Atwood, has correctly pointed out that Go is a language made of grumpy-old-man rage, specifically rage by _one of the designers of C_ (Ken Thompson) at the bloated mess that C++ became.
I can relate to Ken’s grumpiness; I’ve been muttering for decades that C++ attacked the wrong problem. There were two directions a successor language to C might have gone. One was to do what C++ did – accept C’s leaky abstractions, bare pointers and all, for backward compatibility, than try to build a state-of-the-art language on top of them. The other would have been to attack C’s problems at their root – _fix_ the leaky abstractions. That would break backward compatibility, but it would foreclose the class of problems that dominate C/C++ defects.
The first serious attempt at the second path was Java in 1995\. It wasn’t a bad try, but the choice to build it over a j-code interpreter mode it unsuitable for systems programming. That left a huge hole in the options for systems programming that wouldn’t be properly addressed for another 15 years, until Rust and Go. In particular, it’s why software like my GPSD and NTPsec projects is still predominantly written in C in 2017 despite C’s manifest problems.
This is in many ways a bad situation. It was hard to really see this because of the lack of viable alternatives, but C/C++ has not scaled well. Most of us take for granted the escalating rate of defects and security compromises in infrastructure software without really thinking about how much of that is due to really fundamental language problems like buffer-overrun vulnerabilities.
So, why did it take so long to address that? It was 37 years from C (1972) to Go (2009); Rust only launched a year sooner. I think the underlying reasons are economic.
Ever since the very earliest computer languages it’s been understood that every language design embodies an assertion about the relative value of programmer time vs. machine resources. At one end of that spectrum you have languages like assembler and (later) C that are designed to extract maximum performance at the cost of also pessimizing developer time and costs; at the other, languages like Lisp and (later) Python that try to automate away as much housekeeping detail as possible, at the cost of pessimizing machine performance.
In broadest terms, the most important discriminator between the ends of this spectrum is the presence or absence of automatic memory management. This corresponds exactly to the empirical observation that memory-management bugs are by far the most common class of defects in machine-centric languages that require programmers to manage that resource by hand.
A language becomes economically viable where and when its relative-value assertion matches the actual cost drivers of some particular area of software development. Language designers respond to the conditions around them by inventing languages that are a better fit for present or near-future conditions than the languages they have available to use.
Over time, there’s been a gradual shift from languages that require manual memory management to languages with automatic memory management and garbage collection (GC). This shift corresponds to the Moore’s Law effect of decreasing hardware costs making programmer time relatively more expensive. But there are at least two other relevant dimensions.
One is distance from the bare metal. Inefficiency low in the software stack (kernels and service code) ripples multiplicatively up the stack. This, we see machine-centric languages down low and programmer-centric languages higher up, most often in user-facing software that only has to respond at human speed (time scale 0.1 sec).
Another is project scale. Every language also has an expected rate of induced defects per thousand lines of code due to programmers tripping over leaks and flaws in its abstractions. This rate runs higher in machine-centric languages, much lower in programmer-centric ones with GC. As project scale goes up, therefore, languages with GC become more and more important as a strategy against unacceptable defect rates.
When we view language deployments along these three dimensions, the observed pattern today – C down below, an increasing gallimaufry of languages with GC above – almost makes sense. Almost. But there is something else going on. C is stickier than it ought to be, and used way further up the stack than actually makes sense.
Why do I say this? Consider the classic Unix command-line utilities. These are generally pretty small programs that would run acceptably fast implemented in a scripting language with a full POSIX binding. Re-coded that way they would be vastly easier to debug, maintain and extend.
Why are these still in C (or, in unusual exceptions like eqn, in C++)? Transition costs. It’s difficult to translate even small, simple programs between languages and verify that you have faithfully preserved all non-error behaviors. More generally, any area of applications or systems programming can stay stuck to a language well after the tradeoff that language embodies is actually obsolete.
Here’s where I get to the big mistake I and other prognosticators made. We thought falling machine-resource costs – increasing the relative cost of programmer-hours – would be enough by themselves to displace C (and non-GC languages generally). In this we were not entirely or even mostly wrong – the rise of scripting languages, Java, and things like Node.js since the early 1990s was pretty obviously driven that way.
Not so the new wave of contending systems-programming languages, though. Rust and Go are both explicitly responses to _increasing project scale_ . Where scripting languages got started as an effective way to write small programs and gradually scaled up, Rust and Go were positioned from the start as ways to reduce defect rates in _really large_ projects. Like, Google’s search service and Facebook’s real-time-chat multiplexer.
I think this is the answer to the “why not sooner” question. Rust and Go aren’t actually late at all, they’re relatively prompt responses to a cost driver that was underweighted until recently.
OK, so much for theory. What predictions does this one generate? What does it tell us about what comes after C?
Here’s the big one. The largest trend driving development towards GC languages haven’t reversed, and there’s no reason to expect it will. Therefore: eventually we _will_ have GC techniques with low enough latency overhead to be usable in kernels and low-level firmware, and those will ship in language implementations. Those are the languages that will truly end C’s long reign.
There are broad hints in the working papers from the Go development group that they’re headed in this direction – references to academic work on concurrent garbage collectors that never have stop-the-world pauses. If Go itself doesn’t pick up this option, other language designers will. But I think they will – the business case for Google to push them there is obvious (can you say “Android development”?).
Well before we get to GC that good, I’m putting my bet on Go to replace C anywhere that the GC it has now is affordable – which means not just applications but most systems work outside of kernels and embedded. The reason is simple: there is no path out of C’s defect rates with lower transition costs.
I’ve been experimenting with moving C code to Go over the last week, and I’m noticing two things. One is that it’s easy to do – C’s idioms map over pretty well. The other is that the resulting code is much simpler. One would expect that, with GC in the language and maps as a first-class data type, but I’m seeing larger reductions in code volume than initially expected – about 2:1, similar to what I see when moving C code to Python.
Sorry, Rustaceans – you’ve got a plausible future in kernels and deep firmware, but too many strikes against you to beat Go over most of C’s range. No GC, plus Rust is a harder transition from C because of the borrow checker, plus the standardized part of the API is still seriously incomplete (where’s my select(2), again?).
The only consolation you get, if it is one, is that the C++ fans are screwed worse than you are. At least Rust has a real prospect of dramatically lowering downstream defect rates relative to C anywhere it’s not crowded out by Go; C++ doesn’t have that.
This entry was posted in [Software][4] by [Eric Raymond][5]. Bookmark the [permalink][6].
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
我的上一篇博文([与 C 的长久别离][3])引来了我的老朋友,一位 C++ 专家的评论。在评论里,他推荐把 C++ 作为 C 的替代品。这是不可能发生的,如果 C ++ 代替 C 是趋势的话,那么 Go 和 Rust 也就不会出现了。
但是我不能只给我的读者一个空洞的看法。所以,在这篇文章中,我来讲述一下为什么我不再碰 C++ 的故事。这是关于计算机语言设计经济学专题文章的起始点。这篇文章会讨论为什么一些真心不好的决策会被做出来,然后进入语言的基础设计之中,以及我们该如何修正这些问题。
在这篇文章中,我会一点一点的指出人们(当然也包括我)自从 20 世纪 80 年代以来就存在的关于未来的编程语言的预见失误。直到最近我们才找到了证明我们错了的证据。
我第一次学习 C++ 是因为我需要使用 GNU eqn 输出 MathXML,而 eqn 是使用 C++ 写的。那个项目不错。在那之后,21世纪初,我在韦诺之战那边当了多年的高级开发工程师,并且与 C++ 相处甚欢。
在那之后啊,有一天我们发现一个不小心被我们授予特权的人已经把游戏的 AI 核心搞崩掉了。显然,在团队中只有我是不那么害怕查看代码的。最终,我把一切都恢复正常了 —— 我折腾了整整两周。再那之后,我就发誓我再也不靠近 C++ 了。
在那次经历过后,我发现这个语言的问题就是它在尝试使得本来就复杂的东西更加复杂,来属兔补上因为基础概念的缺失造成的漏洞。对于裸指针,他说“别这样做”,这没有问题。对于小规模的个人项目(比如我的魔改版 eqn),遵守这些规定没有问题。
但是对于大型项目,或者开发者水平不同的多人项目(这是我经常要处理的情况)就不能这样。随着时间的推移以及代码行数的增加,有的人就会捅篓子。当别人指出有 BUG 时,因为诸如 STL 之类的东西给你增加了一层复杂度,你处理这种问题所需要的精力就比处理同等规模的 C 语言的问题就要难上很多。我在韦诺之战时,我就知道了,处理这种问题真的相当棘手。
我给 Stell Heller(我的老朋友 ,C++ 的支持者)写代码时不会发生的问题在我与非 Heller 们合作时就被放大了,我和他们合作的结局可能就是我得给他们擦屁股。所以我就不用 C++ ,我觉得不值得为了其花时间。 C 是有缺陷的,但是 C 有 C++ 没有的优点 —— 如果你能在脑内模拟出硬件,那么你就能很简单的看出程序是怎么运行的。如果 C++ 真的能解决 C 的问题(也就是说,C++ 是类型安全以及内存安全的),那么失去其透明性也是值得的。但是,C++ 并没有这样。
我们判断 C++ 做的还不够的方法之一是想象一个 C++ 已经搞得不错的世界。在那个世界里,老旧的 C 语言项目会被迁移到 C++ 上来。主流的操作系统内核会是 C++ 写就,而现存的内核实现,比如 Linux 会渐渐升级成那样。在现实世界,这些都没有发生。C++ 不仅没有打消语言设计者设想像 D,Go 以及 Rust 那样的新语言的想法,他甚至都没有取代他的前辈。不改变 C++ 的核心思想,他就没有未来,也因此,C++ 的抽象泄露也不会消失。
既然我刚刚提到了 D 语言,那我就说说为什么我不把 D 视为一个够格的 C 语言竞争者的原因吧.尽管他比 Rust 早出现了八年 -- 和 Rust 相比是九年 -- Walter Bright 早在那时就有了构建那样一个语言的想法.但是在 2001 年,以 Python 和 Perl 为首的语言的出现已经确定了,专有语言能和开源语言抗衡的时代已经过去.官方 D 语言库/运行时和 Tangle 的无谓纷争也打击了其发展.它从未修正这些错误。
然后就是 Go 语言(我本来想说“以及 Rust”。但是如前文所述,我认为 Rust 还需要几年时间才能有竞争力)。它 _的确是_ 类型安全以及内存安全的(好吧,是在大多数时候是这样,但是如果你要使用接口的话就不是如此了,但是自找麻烦可不是正常人的做法)。我的一位好友,Mark Atwood,曾指出过 Go 语言是脾气暴躁的老头子因为愤怒创造出的语言,主要是 _C 语言的作者之一_(Ken Thompson) 因为 C++ 的混乱臃肿造成的愤怒,我深以为然。
我能理解 Ken 恼火的原因。这几十年来我就一直认为 C++ 搞错了需要解决的问题。C 语言的后继者有两条路可走。其一就是 C++ 那样,接受 C 的抽象泄漏,裸指针等等,以保证兼容性。然后以此为基础,构建一个最先进的语言。还有一条道路,就是从根源上解决问题 —— _修正_ C语言的抽象泄露。这一来就会破环其兼容性,但是也会杜绝 C/C++ 现有的问题。
对于第二条道路,第一次严谨的尝试就是 1995 年出现的 Java。Java 搞得不错,但是在语言解释器上构建这门语言使其不适合系统编程。这就在系统编程那留下一个巨大的漏洞,在 Go 以及 Rust 出现之前的 15 年里,都没有语言来填补这个空白。这也就是我的GPSD和NTPsec等软件在2017年仍然主要用C写成的原因,尽管C的问题也很多。
程序员的现状很差。尽管由于缺少足够多样化的选择,我们很难认识到 C/C++ 做的不够好的地方。我们都认为在软件里面出现缺陷以及基于安全方面考虑的妥协是理所当然的,而不是想想这其中多少是真的由于语言的设计问题导致的,就像缓存区溢出漏洞一样。
所以,为什么我们花了这么长时间才开始解决这个问题?从 C(1972) 面世到 Go(2009) 出现,这其中隔了 37 年;Rust也是在其仅仅一年之前出现。我想根本原因还是经济。
从最早的计算机语言开始,人们就已经知道,每种语言的设计都体现了程序员时间与机器资源的相对价值。在机器这端,就是汇编语言,以及之后的 C 语言,这些语言以牺牲开发人员的时间为代价来提高性能。 另一方面,像 Lisp 和(之后的)Python 这样的语言则试图自动处理尽可能多的细节,但这是以牺牲机器性能为代价的。
另一个维度就是项目的规模。由于程序员抽象出的问题的漏洞以及自身的疏忽,任何语言都会有预期的每千行代码的出错率。这个比率在以机器为中心的语言上很高,而在程序员为中心的带有 GC 的语言里就大大降低。随着项目规模的增大,带有 GC 语言作为一个防止出错率不堪入目的策略就显得愈发重要起来。
当我们使用这三种维度来看当今的编程语言的形势 —— C 语言在底层,蓬勃发展的带有 GC 的语言在上层,我们会发现这基本上很合理。但是还有一些看似不合理的是 —— C 语言的应用不合理地广泛。
我为什么这么说?想想那些经典的 Unix 命令行工具吧。这些通常都是可以使用带有完整的POSIX绑定的脚本语言写出的小程序。那样重新编码的程序调试维护拓展起来都会更加简单。
但是为什么还是使用 C (或者某些像 eqn 的项目,使用 C++)?因为有转型成本。就算是把相当小相当简单的语言使用新的语言重写并且确认你已经忠实地保留了所有非错误行为都是相当困难的。笼统地说,在任何一个领域的应用编程或者系统编程在语言的权衡过去之后,都可以使用一种哪怕是过时的语言。
这就是我和其他预测者犯的大错。 我们认为,降低机器资源成本(增加程序员时间的相对成本)本身就足以取代C语言(以及没有 GC 的语言)。 在这个过程中,我们有一部分或者甚至一大部分都是错误的 - 自20世纪90年代初以来,脚本语言,Java 以及像 Node.js 这样的东西的兴起显然都是这样兴起的的。
但是,竞争系统编程语言的新浪潮并非如此。 Rust和Go都明确地回应了_增加项目规模_ 这一需求。 脚本语言是先是作为编写小程序的有效途径,并逐渐扩大规模,而Rust和Go从一开始就定位为减少_大型项目_中的缺陷率。 比如 Google 的搜索服务和 Facebook 的实时聊天多服务。
我认为这就是对 "为什么不再早点儿" 这个问题的回答。Rust 和 Go 实际上并不算晚,他们相对迅速地回应了一个直到最近才被发现低估的成本问题。
好,说了这么多理论上的问题。按照这些理论我们能预言什么?它高偶素我们在 C 之后会出现什么?
推动 GC 语言发展的趋势还没有扭转,也不要期待其扭转。这是大势所趋。因此:最终我们将拥有具有足够低延迟的 GC 技术,可用于内核和底层固件,这些技术将以语言实现方式被提供。 这些才是真正结束C长期统治的语言应有的特性。
我们能从 Go 语言开发团队的工作文件中发现端倪,他们正朝着这个方向前进 - 参考关于并发GC 的学术研究,从来没有停止研究。 如果 Go 语言自己没有选择这么做,其他的语言设计师也会这样。 但我认为他们会这么做 - 谷歌推动他们的项目的能力是显而易见的(我们从 “Android 的发展”就能看出来)。
在我们拥有那么理想的 GC 之前,我把能替换 C 语言的赌注押在 Go 语言上。因为其 GC 的开销是可以接受的 —— 也就是说不只是应用,甚至是大部分内核外的服务都可以使用。原因很简单: C 的出错率无药可医,转化成本还很高。
上周我尝试将 C 语言项目转化到 Go 语言上,我发现了两件事。其一就是这话很简单, C 的语言和 Go 对应的很好。还有就是写出的代码相当简单。因为 GC 的存在以及把集合视为首要的我数据结构,人人都要注意到这一点。但是我意识到我写的代码比我期望的多了不少,比例约为 2:1 —— 和 C 转 Python 类似。
抱歉呐,Rust 粉们。你们在内核以及底层固件上有着美好的未来。但是你们在别的领域被 Go 压的很惨。没有 GC ,再加上难以从 C 语言转化过来,还有就是有一部分 API 还是不够完善。(我的 select(2) 又哪去了啊?)。
对你们来说,唯一的安慰就是,C++ 粉比你们更糟糕 —— 如果这算是安慰的话。至少 Rust 还可以在 Go 顾及不到的 C 领域内大展宏图。C++ 可不能。
本文由 [Eric Raymond][5] 发布在 [Software][4] 栏。[收藏链接][6]。
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